4 .; '7' 1 410 t i rt4Y-4.:f " r r:fll. , c• - • .• 44$ 1 9i;hig0 54i4040 1 0.0 , 517 4 71iiie - the oeletiritedtWAelott f An4idttgpolitiodiliiiented: billfkrrlfl4,o*ei 4441:irke. , 59417.0 6 )0 .*iiikali.p.remotkf nude' ileed ' • 'gift ixte - ,4lodeinsingthillr:.l;arintif . .lre,feel.,witoteptiKut7 -p],tkja claimed.for it in, , tbit:matp# . _ dreilt poviweii.s - edirritiril4f.y.fopert ,y Nrk(Oh shOtildtatAbe2oyerlooked:, ' "'"Nvhia;4)_;4ll4€l` with tied direetle9a i tiiidnif-.;:-.1hiiiditeetlidir be not, heediCrodr':O-ti,iiiklo(OeffitiO.:,ef the ((wider be em =; se that li travagercee;i:o3mit e ;oll,i9i - loof9, 4itti 9 0, of them it, Vary: praetigikk,atiOriiii*l, no ma i d; rd.6mnitOidatleiiittlateitittele to the ecoriorebt home. .• . - -- ..13 . 100,haytadreedeptiamioreln4.;iire intended, and' inott lir:heath:dm that Mr. PieiitiseidigiOir,6l. is dailydaily more 11:kW pOjiiii(aßepliksifti, - tiviti-,tiiti"feet - that we notae the'wtodiiiii - dieeyeraiViit;,`Mit , moan intelligeht and re , liable, drnighiti..irtk.diaclerd thit theeare - piefired to fern' ah oaetomere'and ' inyalnaileseletioni - . lltery family, should i•itt;: - at4;,iiiTer the tizeftria:l, Ilkeirto " -3- "` L • ' ' Oirturizriti 9171tTAlli, and trimmings ; Oorninel;,.band:lce:; picture tassels and cords; nurtidn_gfinpii, 'and tape's; fringes, ; gllt-borderad'.witulett - shadee; with alt thi trimmings einnideterifor 76 dente.-W. Henry pitton, 680 chesinut, • - ,fr. o .3le.t:i;,cli - 180,„ainitc:.,laiD,* Wykl . n? Bltinni.77, Mies 1ani,L144, - 441,frealiAleskid . „ English, , heiresses, 106 binsairl d,to,Qidenif 141 01 .7•1.fiC 9 - , biro o f the l'aokiensugh to got zilnaktnislenhalls' 604 ' receiving one In htiOlio body." terixineak is *listed to be froai tyreotpeiti to thirty initlinta The imat . #lo,thet. o f the lianas"; bt42 ilia him, sqpnlithdthat hit . intended shall wear whole gar msals-iltdalrithililSgant'stida psenliir to - the - Brown 1111i - ' 4 gair - t Wit I6c N lO O9 lO o oo 1 son,Nos. 408 and 606 Chestnut - - thicincia.P.lLiainorlitts" retirned-io Lout lon ti3O% Ids 'fig& etes(inent; joany 'friends in this country will be gratided to leari that litsheattli has been greatly improved dUring his trip lie ex. PresOttd Mmi!eltitolliti!e4 with hie visit, and retuarked thetas of: ilie'biapt pleasing einitniseeness eon_ :tinted therevrtittiviiiillis visit to 13 :11. yadridge 7 s Frani:. lie Hall Clothing 821 Chestnut at. Bubtßrr lioranOr, teems tO d'omi'ciled hinyiOit among , thi:Getheniites and appears to be engeged-in the. laudable' - enteindse'of paying off lila:debts. and clearing up rumors regarding tits chi ratter: - - The New York paper' are beginning to al* their tunOin - iegard tolls put career } and predict that nenae:ont q t Shonld ths gallant - . . . .„. . Zottave ever . attain the eonsummetton of., hte ileitis— the luind. it rillikß:=Are'ionld adviee Mai- to barlh le ...„, . ... . .., weddukg eta it, the . .paletieretoie cit'Graollle litokie; No • 00t Oheitnut etieet.: t , ' 4 : .-. . --. •' • Aui utta wi L .s [illepOrtsid for The Preis 7 l , - 'EIXBRAI;TAW4-litzli Wet Nagle, Mietln-72 blocks marble 9 A Sartori ' - ' • - • •.• - MEW: 011IANAN ‘ l4-scbt, BtepberCTsber, l Clook+ls9 blrs..tob'soni Mert er & Antelo; _51.84e11e wirkhldeo W 00)4, 014'44 biles ben4i order... "•-• ' 'PaILADELPHIA BOA-BD OP THADI. --',4oAstra O. C1A01311,. - . - , ;ILLY o.gsz:z, a/WM - " ,;• ;--41 itsri*usse:szehatigvnarsafiPhic. Map . ' TonawandlizJillis4; ... Sept 26 .Tharquelllcirldis; Mniday . ' • Oardimas; soon Barque David Larder. Bishop ' ,Matanau, soon Borgne Hamilton. /salon; Jago - de Cuba, soon Barque Boweua . , - WHion - Lagusyra , ' tko. soon Barque Mary H Kendall, Shankland flarana;soon Damao /1:6 Dretreri; Hewitt - Barbadoes soon Wig IllifiKMßlilten Norden.. ... .Cardenas, soon . . Int# ll 2 4l c 4 . i 942.: OF ..111111 . 3EAMMA" - Sep . ! o.7, !SSP . 6 7 - . 10 12 tlerf g wasas " S etemnaldp-Keystone State; ,Mats man, from Charleston, 68 Bimini; with mdse and passengers to Alex Kemb; - - Jr.',,Piisetigers-'=o:Balsteln, .1- 8., Browning, Johrf Berns, Ibis B-Butoher, Mne" KAllietreiCaptalk J Thompson. Thos Morton,- ' . V • '• Barque Cheater; Crosby; 6 :dein front Boston; with Tadao to Twelts & -. ' • • Barque P 0 Alexander, Ortionid, 8 days from N:York, in' bsitast captain.' - - • - -, ,LBrirWir - Eagle;Kartil, 84 days from Gibraltar, with marble to y A Barton. Bept 6th' lit 30 47, long 6148, Wpoke bakite Alberti , firm It York for Buenos Ayres, Brig Glenview, 7 days From Norfolk, with ship timber to navy Void, • • • • , • - Brig Abby BBes,"Gilcittist, 6 days ftem Bath, In bat. lait io ••• • - .' • Brig -Andrew.-. - Ring, Haskell, S dip from Deer Isle, With mate to 111A-Sonder'Sc _ - •_' Solar Owing; Terry;-12 days from Hillaboro; NB, with plaster to B A Sender&Co. : Botitllery Miller; Lows, 8 dayi from Boston, in bal het to Chao hillier - tc116:.:, - - - -Behi Aditieflgall; 6 days from Plimouth, in ballast • ,Bahr Ann: 0 -Gray; Kelley, 1 day trom Smyrna, pk, with-Wheat to 3011 Barrett Pon. , • e-SetY Tenimortre;'Wooster;lo days from EssrPort,witti 'suds° to B A-Bonder - - • - • Bohr Isle. Chase, 10 days from Portland , with Oldies '-to Crowell • • Behr „Geo W - oammings Wheldsn, idaysi from New -York, with eitneet tecaptain. , • Bohr Coquette, Skinoer,-.6 davetkom Alexandria, with railroad iron to Pkteoix Iron 00.- --- - ' Bohr B B .31111er,Saudersort, Ii days front Salem, in ballast to Bogen & Luther.. - - ' Behr Charity, Barret,. 10 days from Boaton,With rase , captain: - _ - Pcbr ft E Weston; Maloy, 6 diya trim Boiton, is bal l:Ss to It Sturtevant to Co., - , Bohr Excelsior, Riley; from Boston. - Mr J B Johnson, Johnson, from Boston. " Behr W W Marcy, Buck, from Boston. • , , Ba' 10 Derinlson.Bouthwortb,froixßoston.• Bohr L Bturtevont, Corson, froMßoston. Bohn Ohaa Greiner, Nethrori from-Boston. ,_ Fehr II A Weeke, Waste; Gomlioeton. - • Behr Wm P. 06x, Bonek;frou Boston.. - Behr Epeed,Vomexei from - 1161'ton. • ' , Bohr B F Woolsey. liticksonaroni Providence. Behr -A H Seven; Endicott; trom,Prorldenoe. - 'Bohr Llule Taylor, Taylor, front Provldente. , , , -Behr W 0 Nelson,-Bithicott, from Providence. Bohr Oneida: Cooper;trom NewSork. Bohr 8 0 Willetta, Tkompsogifrons New Bedford, Behr 8 Wash born,Thiasheri,friim• Taunton., Bohr Ji J Scott, Birdsall, from Roxbury. Behr J }twiner, Kidicotcfrero Egg Harbor, Ai/1185BD. arearoahlitelariate, Oapt Copra, whleh left for New York on Wednesday at 9 80 A al, returned at 4 80 Aid: morning, to take the inane Of' the steamship Ken nabs*, arbieh left Nei York for Philadelphia an Tues day evening, but through Mafia of. weather had to an chor inside of Bandy Hook on'Wenesday at .0 A /11. , • Barque Symmetry, Burma, London, Workman Co. & • llonr AuctioWatt, Plymouth,,,tdare,,Onbeen ,Co.& Bohr IV A PbUllpi,l3palth, Ituuburrport; Corkin: Olraa A Ileckeber, Btabbs, Boston,"- do , , Bohr BB tdillir;fienderson, postai, Rogers tilatther. , Sohr 3zoels of Riley, Boston;Sinnichson k GlOver. schr jrktpeens, Vienne; Bolltou, AliPPUir & Brc'• -:Fehr B Joilsoi4,F#LipAcqqlß,c4B6l3, N. Ittartevant .6lttloy, Boa‘n, do firbr Gatartivent, Corlion,Boston,do - Bebr.Licite Tarot., Taylor; Providence ' , do Rohr N.,43.5 0 /IDotta, Thonseson,..provldenoe, Bakers Luther.. rohr.Win P Cox, tlotrek,Providence,Blakiston & Oox. Bohr Blrdiall,'Proirldenee, 0 Itilletk' Co. -Behr Mari f.aws, Ookineet Narrow'', do Behr B Woolgey,Xoplumi j lliztolk, 81Oulnkson Glover.; -, • - Bohr;Burr, Flier, Noble, Hammett ' ttolar'Veilitl 81barp, Sbnip, entibrldgeport, • , do' , „ pfbr W 0 Iteledrrißodioott,'Oambrnigepnrt; Tau Do.- Ben, Nortort'A 00' ' - • " - - - Sabi W Witarejatitek; - Weaklngtin, - r do Behr Oneida, Cooper, Waskincon4 DAM NotirJ L Redneritladloott,Gl6broood, Brio° & Co. - font 4. IT Bro!n, Badlnott, , NO* Bedl'ordilt fair 8 Wasitbantrrltraat;Or,Tanitoilißelipller &aro. - • Irchr..lf O Denuilo;Botithwoitt' s ,Olybraox, B MDmu Boar '0 A Dreenaii Weaver, Salim; " do ; - Behr Speed. 80,1311111 i Waren& n, Bananift, Lewis Co Fehr Gary An tis, burin; Benton, I, Andenrled & Co. - Iledirproda, Itenesti,ljon' - ,d o Boltr Alabama, VenelderiQUlney do Oche I o.l3ttdo;camon,_Proatdineo, - ;do ' -Behr 8 A Taylor, Youn g, Warren, RN canon & Co. .80br J Itescircitobipson, Boston, = do - ' • Steamer 11 - 1,0a , w; Iler, Beltnnorai - A Groves Jr . • (o,orreepondeuee ot The - • -HAVRE DS, 011ACIN; Sept 18,1858. . The Ilipthn lett We mornlng -vrith 5 boat, laden - L "GortordTiittliat; ,- tGur,,rreA Po' and bark to Nomptaleaßcifflit4" "n 0111-11 A-Naito 'ger, bltungnoneooal end bombe to Cooley gummy & 0o; ' John Iroin,,lqoalier to New Castle, aod light to PhDs , 'divolda;__Orilida,'and - 11444pwat, Broad Top cost to Novi Beek": . • ' • ._ (0•- ....,,,,,, t -- • ' toce of The PT Sept 25, 1856. . 0,-e--- - BEADING. 0 th Union Can" - •• - • = • orator - couti - d so The folloirteirl=o l 7=_l t t er . oria coal r to-del , behn - fiie tt . iff D 0", to 1°11 "1411 11 lumber to la 34 - taw s B Bailer , lu mber, R. IL -•-•0 . w et - do to 4369 Meet t i t °quark - ~,,„ I Itfiti i, pl,p7IPO, •-• - • ,'• .. , ~....,..4 • el WaL • .- .- han g s j ~,Rdaa Or-•14 _ ,, i,', 1 •'', eh : midladAdphis lid _ t /0, /818, ...0,-.. , -,' ''," ••''' - • dplidd9_,'"s,-,p,zploTTOs Se t weee p, with ~,,2 , ; tildttee" _ • '- -e....•C00ks fr*mlbenrtc-o-litr, eeL fstephint Taber , itched llgut , , from , T)se - - ..if. ,- to logical' ki s* , ~ state, 11,,, ototit h ig . , .• I'.' ,t6ba°64' staldllP `Keir ff.thill i/848' S. julaliSitT: -ThW ate miwitTilt 4 ' _ ~t . ,L• .614! TOVI,A ' i li ) ''''.-Z' ft .... m a n ''' " 060' ut,AID, / , ele New •,..:,-G__,,....7 ...,,CLUS i ,,, B ._ /me et% 0 , to . ...,.,.- • • ..' •"„ 04,4112•14011..eia1050h 00611100.2.1,4 NW-- ,C3-0,-„-4,.• ,:ttlferlicot I?rig'lirthu • il,,t,A_lLl,!osllA,-.!‘ •''' : • 1,- -, Xotwr , 1,,- t i mi , sent , . ..,., ....•-• ~, •••;_, • mi G IIN T „ :, fTty;.*, • , .rtaii:,--.3 - •••7,1 , _- -TwEl. -.-, • l '41tb "•• • SX 1" 640 1-r ; kA i--- : .; - -%. i.oitc; go't,t-16:18taph•ta` ••••-• 1- = - -•-•4,,,,, •-‘,,, .3.1.; '' •-'.'1.08 • from • 0111 t • ~.... : •,,,,-, - , ;1,, - " Beier =•-• -•- C • -.-' -•'• - 11-'" ' 3 1 0 4bit" , 1, 1 = 4 Howl. = '. t''•-•:::The-Nlir, °4° to whore at 4 ., •,,,•_'- 1., • • i.,9r.par.e"°°P ;innisio-Liept -AS— • :•• • • • .=:'-•,a'L'-'2644wzajaili•Ulg -" ZPOr• . - "tfillas Green, • -•_ ''''-?,,;",;3•3;,,,,,,,•=.1,i14-,'lrrititoPaii!")- - : .- ,-• --'• ' ''''''',;( 4 elitii / 4 tTek ~ ; - "'''' ' - - ' • AtT, ~„...n , L. ~:-..-.-'5•,,- • ~,,,, • • • ,•• - i- •.- from r-a.c..; Jtktr ..', olij6sim:.' -:= -‘, it New `.-----"m d, train May, ,' 1 , 1 • ,ittrivii*?.•A,t ..„-. York ytit, ,•; <=litiisil'kii,ilCf, „Lu.*:.ofesied"4,lPT ; z ' ~ , , itor s y Il ki , spetott,s, ;,-;,,,,.:•,--,4 •,•;;;;•-kiit-tipir York •='l,-•litei'm" ihutdokPulvidiftool,4oB..7?) ..=•• - order for ,1 Amepot•i= I, . •,- • A .'-', ';id 'lftwTh r-'..h..,A,,,1Ma°1°, .- 1 , 1 , •J : .--- ' w---“Y0'454-;4th' c lea tlr •• ' ' 1 7-----itp BLiek tiairart9lo4-4.61:a140 Sall f 6 1. 7 t. -B ""t•Atlit.i"' k epd Oatoilr re '01411,217k Illti,; I..Wwaigilho ht°Trrj.thfitoir 4,r114,4401415.ft,ief' 1,,i0g-all Tdeiaslg:imril,?"(„o'--,,-!-:••-•,':'---3,•,,r.--,Ii;iiii,i, et '-',re4 -961" Mi rh h&l,i.tr, , 3 7 ',-,_..l•A''.,.,.':4frii • ire'ikemV,,.k; .^ . t ' • 41c-kFis,mr“--:-.-waypi!,,!7..„, - 3:.; “,' I,Vdiiii`sictii4; - -,,sulfkigturaity,,,ll4-ediolesP.Oi 11 '9, ~,• ~_.; _ V j 4,1•5...800 , .....ird.ios", los I,„„tetaviisie "i.o,l46tirT z-,jTbAr.Zrl4etaild!,r4thi.krd.:_tr!t. ~,:. • ;-• .1.-r•=littyto et Y-BaliameW.l.)36:tteiiiil,;•- 9i l l '' '' ' from AM° di Aitisksflc ..,,,t,,,...1:-:.-- loLiii-,niggine, . -- iferitillelANß AY-tit•tar *3l-trtriatlit..- jefh•fist• .• .• ,y ttq ade ....t joy it _,) 4 4,',. 4 8,,,eT0,,0 • = -('-StiAl'iktWot-4,419'” 1 "••?k'.;-•:i...gere,t„ '',it:..gt Phtilftl4i:riii47:l`l7'4,i`,.i,--t imida. ;;;_oilzfeVot 104.91t4,iyi=„4,,,t)titx ,-'1',,,,,,,,'4,,t,c,„','" ii 14,;.. ,(-4:11*,11,44ii.: . 4'l tiaar ---''-- wi16th4.1., ,L,,illt 0 irm ulli . , II" ham• ikt 11,t?•±7•711?lkillub"14 . --1 ),,. ,I f ' iW411 4 "!1 •,='-' ! , - ' 1 :-3 ,. =3---'"*Ale., '.5'•f.,?-• -„• . . - •._3 -•, -''' ' • :3'4",..:,:"V-1•7;:iz ‘..-%. - '. ' ' - .. •.G:«:i zr.'i:r esira A D 404 Ntokman, , alotWat - Riobtworistlso 8450.310g-DOve,hsriee at Alewatt g rla 15th lost, llobv,Nplytt ot. Ibex : Tlniettilltover, for Phlleselphis„ - gai t .„ led 14411,6Pt,143,t,04Ye',1 at Neiv - York jea:, ierd~forff e Portsmouth for 1 ; 1:11444: ,at New theNord 14th,Inat, • Bohr: atarllght,lNilki . t'or`• P10,451P-bloi failed ' frol Portland 14th 1114: . - 4- Bah; thiraltßataly,Belsey, hanoC tiFlied at Ilartfoid 14th - ' • ' - Behr, 051 Bllisird, twist Delkirare'Olty, at I:Lfartfos 15t6tost., • • Bohr M B `Platte; Smith; hehea, arrived at Bangor , Belga llt Nowiil, Giveil/toin i.hisiasset, for Pbtladel. Phla, - arid Ella,yaohoird; from Portautouth for d - o,'At N BedfOrd 14th •— • ' • ' Bohr W A Newell, DeOroot, °tiered at OaVanualt 11th Inst for Wilrologton; Del:. • - Bohr Oteero,_llarrows, trout' .Ilostoa rot , PtilladeliiNte - , want.to sea from Dutch lelend Harbor lath lost Soh* A Heated, Bien; hence at Proirldeode 14th Met. Sir Beverly, Ploroe;oleared at New York yesterday for Phllidolphta. , - NVAL: The II 8 brig Bainbridge; ritai - Porte Prays, arrived at Cape Mountie q A r Jnly 6, and exiled loth,for Set tee Reoti. - • •BoidEBTIO 100111115 ' NEW PORK, gopt I.6—.PLY. ship Universe, Oave, "verpool, ,' Below, shiriLliiiriool. Kearney. ondoi;.• - • 'Old, shipJohaima Wllheimine, Thieman, Baltimore; barquel BaisaiNatlington, Bermuda;' brigs Castilian, Beverick, Portland; Bosh, Beals, Gibstar; sobs Bunny 'South. Weeks, Wilmington. . BOBTOC, 'Sept IG—Ar, barque Marais,- Blanchard, Warmarlilia; brig B W Pac ker, Lee, Cape Haytien; Behr Mary Oleaveladd, Gobdrieb, samel; steamer 'Joseph Whitney; Howes, , Beitisnore. Telegraphs ship Malabar, from Leghorn. ' Old, brigs Montioellu, Teel; Port au Prince; Celesti. na; Cleans, lacksonvilte. - - • • • • . NOREIGN POETS. -At Constantinople rut, barque Gay Head, Mayo tot Beaton.. „ _•8Id from' Finyrna' 2dth listens H Torrington, etorkom.lloston. , - . - • At Valencia 4th nit, ships John Trailer, Nerbest; Ter%Macke; lialted atates,'Dlanchard, tad Premier, gunny, disohg. 'Vessels experience great delay in dial Charging cargoes at this port. - Bld front' do let, ships J P. Whitney, Grey, Trapani, to load:foi New Orleans; 81, Qolden Oros', Nell, do. At Barcelona Aug 261 'hip Joshua Manrati, of Piny!. denceiLisoomb, for New °demi, ready for sea. , Ar at Havre Slet - alt, slap New Hampshire, Weeks, _New Orleans. - • - - At Arouailgel . 6th, tilt, Pram brig Williom, Tell, for Boston about 10th; • At Oroostadt 24th' tat, barque Edisto, Kendslok, to load for New York. • . - - - • , „ - Bid from Calle.O.lltii idt; Chip Fri A Pallier, John -son, from' Chinchs - Islands for Hampton Roads. Has - been reported for Ragland. , - -At Valparaiso July slit, ship Wild Ranger, Bears, for _Cork and United Kingdom in a few days. • • • ,Ar at.Bt , Michaels, Western lolanda. Aug 16. brigs -Lucy Atwood, Paddock, New,Bedford, and proceeded for nape de Willem 16th; Executive; Lee, Bangor, and pre : corded to Cape de Verde, " -• • - - - Ai at Halifax Ind, barque Mary Hyler,Hyler, Liverpool. - Ar at St John, NB . , ipet , cobra Alva, Greenwood, and Mary -Jane.' MoDomnand, Alexandria; 1001, brig Robert heed. Ellingden; Bolton Old 10th, ship Mary Adeline, Watts, London; ears Osprey, Theal, Saugus, Me;- 11th, Rouser, Whelpley, 'Lyo, ' , At n Havana Bth lost, ships Jones, and Lima, Cardboner; &tag; barques Anna Tuthill, for N YOrk, at $1 1N per box; Warwick, Jenkins; Ardenes, Marsh; -Linwood, Clemente, and Beindlier, Alien, &sobs; brigs W B Stewart. Weeks; for New Orleans same week,• Ro solute, Hill, from Bahia Honda, to put on deck load, for Portland; Nancy, William, w a iting decision of Spa nish tribunate; Saroh Star, Blake, for Cardenas, to load 60, 1 00 gallons m 01811484 for Portland, at $3) per hhd of /10 gaits; 001 W Goggins; Downey; Tyrant, McCormick; If Stinson. Innis; Yornii, Gardner; Melvin, Button; Hanson;- Ocean Spray, Towneley, and Balti more, Nelson, dischg; ochre 0 11 Tolley, Safford, for , Philadelphia, Mg; J A Ward, Hoff, for New York at Si per box; Enterprise, Lewis, sold; L 0 Watts,'Young, - • , • Bid from do let, brigs Henrietta, Bosons, from Ma rtel, Portlondr Sd, West Indian, Cook, New Orleane; 6th a 6th, barque Peri, /Worms, Cardenas , to toad 60,000 gallons molasses at $&3 per hhd; brig Matra, Roes, Sierra Stomas, to load 460 hhda molasses for New York at $4 per 110 gallons, ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HoTELLB, VP 10' On 0'0 . 1.001C TIM MOSNiKiI GIRAIIIYHOLI#—Ohesinnt street, below Ninth. 41.4 Wblghtmen, N,Y — . James Deena. N Y R If. Belden, N - T'Kshrs, NY W H Settle, Hy '' '-" N dander, St Louis - Idr_Thotapeon,lancuiter J E Muter, Lancaster 11 - Tiffany, Michigan 4 H Hubbell, hisahigart F Archer, Salem, NJ Wm B Thompson. N J I R Muon, Mho! J T Hungettord, N Y Walter Steele, 13 0 X P Terhuno & wile, Va Mir Remington. N Y ' Gleo W Carter, Vs • . V Green, Milwaukee . N W Robinson, Boston L MithelhaneY,"Pritto Moo I I Abrahams. Balt A /kWartord in lady, Ps E F Groves, Lynchburg A H Maendlalt Wm H Ryan, Balt R A McKinney, VS J G Jeffrers, Vs P Rtehatdson, N Y 'J n, Washington J ImMbden & lady, Hama hilu 0 Lambden, Havana T. Baker ar, la, Va .Benl Thomas, Balt 001 Taylor, Tenn " Mrs B & Taylor, Tenn' Mu M N Taylor, Tenn Miss 8 Ableman, Tenn Wm 8 Jones Mies NW Jones. Miss A J'ReesldelArk . Dr J 0 Hughes, lowa L Md Col J Tuley, Va L G Raebtick, Glee • - W. Ring, Wabash, Ind Jos al Mannsyson, Stalinist': 'A Baas, Wabash, Ind 'LI Adams, Branklin, Ohio ' aml May, Oregon J L Friend,"Californla J W Crisfield & Bchll, Md W E MeoOrd, Va W A Davis. N Y G.,„litiller.& son, N Geo D Button & Is, N Y , Mita E Lambden Havana = J L Howard, Coon Andean Gump, Layton, 0 0 F Bennett, Limbrrille D Y A. N Real, Neirmk; - 0 Mrs Read & Me, Newark, 0 8 B TUcker, Boston Dr Trowbridge, Boston Geo E Lawrence, N _Chas W Birgent,S U. John DI & la, Ind J Eckert, L - lamb & la, Springfield John 0 Winder. N Y James Broff, St Louis B B lbsesley4lath, 11l 4 0 Dugan, Balt -- Suer Nayior, Bt Louis B Darla, N Gee W Adams: Macon, Gi J H Eloyound & 11,N 0 W Woodruff, N 0 . Mrs Spear N 0 ZS Halt& lux, NY: H BtAford, N Y .W ll,Young-.Velutabas, OM Il Crawford, Balt John G Mihner & la, di 0 Miss Trotter, England Herman Hirt& ~Edw A Small. N . . , . . -Mrs L M Nudglns L N B Stanley & wife, N 0 Mrs Id Outten, N • Oen Oreen, Washington D B Stout, Beading J P W Delninger, Beading J Ohltman,,Bngland P P Masgok. nharleston .16 Mazgck, oharleaton,s.o B Moose es la, Washington John M Boyd, Boston 4 )11 A. Thurston Boston Payntor & Boston' 0 Darsey, Bait _ . .H V Neimeyer be la, Vs DePoullain, Oa Wm A. Shepard, N.Y - Mrs Merrill, Boston Miss Merrill, Bolton Miss U P Davis, N Y Brant Thayer, Balt _ HIRCHANTIP HOTlL—fourth street, below Areb. Oelwrill, Kittiuming, Pa P W Gram, Berlin, i) 0 P Miller, Hiss • GA Torrence, Pa• B Odifignire, Pa •' Mrs , Pairchild, Pa B P Martin Tepn - •‘' J H Horneby, Tenn A Gossut.Athens, Tenn B Eaton, Shirley, He B Merrill, Shirley, Me P B Morrill, Lo.ilt Hum -Ora Blanchard Pa 0 P Dull, Harrisburg JD Winchester, l 4 0 • • II J_Wolf,N 0 N S Bachelor, London, NH 3 J Lints, Brie H Kountse, Oh(o R 0 Winea &Jo, Pa D P olVeni Pa • HA Peal, Bloomfield, Pa 0 Ash, Phila - 8 !auntie, Erie, Pa M A Baker, " J HoUollum, Ind L Gibson, N 0 • ' -J %vat) s c Oind ring% 0 Walker;Oincinnati, 0 B Mullins, Albany, Xi Y Gen John Patton, Pa 0 P Reels, Wllksbarre, Pa 8 B. Reading, Wilkeeb , e; Pa 0 B Bowman. Pa - J Punier, tiolumbia - , Pa Hon it M Long, Hatnisb's J Heebner - ft is, Pottsville, •W R Otis,'M Obann. • TI. Wilson-, Harrisburg , ' J Ridgway, N 0 Ridgway, N - -Z W Tinker, St Lents Jan Silvey, Atlanta, Ga 7 Thompson. ~t.llegheny co MB Spahr, York; Pa P Wagner, Cincinnati A Brown, Waterbury , Ot W owry, Lebanon, 0 Joist Irvin., Columbus, Ind A D Thompson, Ind HellerWoodstock,H Heller, Woodstock, Va JamesE Huey, - Rowland, McKeesport J A Haydon & wife, Ga Mrs Darnell & chßd, Go Mrs Hubbell, Ga J 8 Miller N Y Wm Craig ' Ky Mina Dunning, Oa 4111,1111 °Draper - Wisconsin Daniel Snoop, Ohio AMBIUGAN xatrial-Oliestnut street, below Sixth. ir L Bays, Decatur, 11l ~. W T Stamper, Decatur, 11l T Plunpson, Pa Thos./11 Molt, N 0 Jas EI Holt,'N 0 18.1 1 Mebane, N 0 WinD trout, Mobile P Beabury, Lynchburg 'A II Bllcatt, Washington -- Hll Harris, Ala Miss in 11 Ogburn, el 0 . a a Lindsay, NO' " Miss Bat Porter, N 0 W 0 Porter, N 0 ' - J W Waikins'es is, Boston Muse 0 Watkins, Boston Ohm (Reed, Balt - John Reed, Balt - Sarni B Wolfe N Y -,- W 0 Johnson. N Y - J II Powell, N Y • It Powell, N 'Y Goo ht Minium, Md •- W P Perry, Ind SamlPerry, Ind ... Miu Baker, Va John Carpenter, N Y - The, Bites, N Y Wm Preston, Boston Semi Preston, Boston Geo Murry, Boston J 11Buckingham, Boston NI Morgan,- Phil' Mrs D II Pox, needing Mni Ikt Carroll, York, Pa ' Ono D Phillips, atlauta,Gs LE Msnowin, Port Uarbbn J P Smith, -Reading) 'B B Gittingo; Washington, Mrs Gutting,. Waehingt'n R B Griffith, Hinton -• J Richards, V. .11,Blianne; Ye B 0 Brows. Vs ;A Portean, NY• - - • A Eltd4iss, N 0 Miss Id J Abu, 11 0- • Mrs B 0 - GlWe., N 0 , UNION ROTNL—Arch Meet, below FOAL 0 W Tbomai, Attlee, Ind J N Bawer, Now Castle, Pa G Henderson, N Coale, Pa A ?owe, Ravenna, Ohio Jan K Trew,' Pa - P King, Riggtosport, 0 O H Freeman is la, Oln, 0 Wm Harmed, Summit 11111 L 0 Rummy, N - B W Refnecken, hld oAlbright, td Chunk- Alea I. Robeson, Li Beoj P Elmer, N J D W Leeds, It Y D R Goodwin, Tamaqua . J Sitliman, Pottsville One & Is, St Louis J Slliimaa, Ohio P Orist, Eld J Crampton, Chicago W Jobniion,N 0 Prank Id Johnson, N Onrnen,Jr, Tamaqua D Bowen, Dayton, Olio S Boileau; Easton, Pa H L Cake, Tamaqua D D J rnets, N Y Ber hi , odett, N 0 John 0 Sibley, Ya W Anderson, Old Point, Vs Dal Dyer, Money, Pa ELPratb, AlleguenyOlty , Wm r, Anderson, N.l U W Jordan, .N J J Pithian, Bridgton, NI W B Clawson* ls, NJ „ • Hon /oil K Alley & Is, N J Win Pepper, Iowa ; P Spatter, Canton, 0 , -A A Crampton, lowa , .11 Ohio II Palate; Pottsville : „ NATIONAL HOTEL—litos'otreet; above Thlrd. Geo W' Ramsay, Re • - Ohu Steffen, Illinois O TI Bardwell, Pa Joe Gormley, Phila Mold Gormley, Lyn M Ranke, Bellefonte M Loge, Pittabdrgh 13 Weever, Pa • W Relfenyder,'Pottiville ' Throe Berger, Allentown W Guth, Allentown - 3 . '111 IR adesty;Tamsons Ino Wadlinger, lidloeia l e • J W Ham pi W Vonte,Seh Haven G W Geiger, Radio* Geo I.Ottl, Ashland, Pa Wm Dave. Ashland, Pa Junßeira, Ashline. Ps Nieholu Glues, - Pa • Thee - O li ver, Ashland,-Pa Solomon Bauer, Mineral° fdiehll_Paihel,Mhierevls Miss ItMessinger, Reston Harmonyißanton - Jacob Han. keo, - Reading P W H Lawall, Easton ' Ang Shmlt, N Peter Bowman, Potterille Saint Garrett, Pottsville B.* 0 10 Ver Bohol' eo- • siumisoN ,4012110--Asoond Meet. above Mork4t. 11-DullVra 0 Tallman, Camden dkrani, Phil* ;' : Olare, Xs Staab', pail' J 0 Raymond Plula W H Colhni, N Y :hi White, 11 I Toonsand,'Del W Reynolds, Del - B,Anderson, T Railhead, Jetsey Shore Geo Pant, 00 Wilcox. Plula „ ' , BGAOS DRATI,INE—PIIth and Ikterchint streets, B Adgee, Wait ohester , „H .1 Punk, sprlogdeld, 0 W J *totems &son,Lebanon .1 O Powley, Btriakormlle W Whitman, Stricken r - 7 Thompson, Btriokersollle 0 B Johnson,'Delaw oo,Pa C 0-Ogden, Delawareoo,Pa Z Lamborn, - Cheater 00, Pa , W._ L E hrgood, Barksco,P o 'ff Walter, Jr,Ohester no,Pa, Joltosort, 011ebter on? Pa ,Jease Bishop , Won • Jaokifoi, g 'Thor W Setrlot, Loarenoevillo M Taylor.Delairase cs:,,Pl MOrpby, York; Pa P L Bards, Masa _, John Williams, Del ,W)LThompson&la,coatirr Barnett, Del • J• Devoe, Weer, Chester, thus Walter, Jr, Va n Wfillatosi.Pughtorrri • 15A.GX31 MOTilli—Third street, kb. Callowkill 4wsob - Beologer, Penna. • M 064 Chirryrille 41.00 Beedi.Penow Pharos' Maus, Westport K-Wamboldfabllereville BVY ambold, Millwaukee it`Wambeld,. Milwaukee •J T Berger, Quakertown ~ Mr edema atm' SLAClK,B*A39l.oTlll.—Thlri;ilbove Cellowhill. lilretniAtaivig; blesterLudwlLThinglasvPlii Jlntsel, - Pottsville W.P.Olartettesn, Allentown T Obeid, liumne7town P D gsetselli Tityltivsport - 'immirt Ask, ionlic6-4.00nd street, below sine a-Aurseher;Stnndabilny , Retie liker, Saston tdojer,ldentrevllle D D reihrborough, N J A Bakal:kb 1ad.,1 4 1 1 - • DI • 1 -A Joiner, Rblla Shoema & ker,. Penne •Thos Dyer, Doylestown Wail&MO ; Peons- Ihigrierv 3 JXliertonyDWistoina IltE=Mm=m MOUNT TURNON HUTNlg , Seoend street, above Arab. N Rudolph d:=la , Belt . G B Bias la - , , 8a1t - R B Reed, - Pbila Iffig 8ee4. , P8 114 " O P ltreflerloki;HJ - ," H B Borbeii St, Lime, MO J A Baet;'PbAla", „ • 0 Smith', Barllagton;N A GrAbamMciutg ao. Shorbi Bevil ligt , n, Zf./ . N Okenley, Nlarepoe, NJ, "; Rex. Blorenae, N JlDatio; Nakttib'S col PA U H Uratkhtetc la, Del Mies Nallrina, ' Singers new Flinn ly Sewing Machine—After a fear trial of thei,fieVeral, Machines that have yet been offered to the Public, the ,nuanimous verdict of opera tors bee been given in favor of Bingent. This As, in fact, the only machiriecapahle of performing every kind Of:sewing, and is, beyond all question, the most com plete article for family use . yet invented; biting at once ornamental, easily operated, and superior, in every ro mped, to any other machine. On this statement, we ehillengS the I. - M. SINGER CO,' selft.t,jan22 °Moe, No. 802 CIIEBTNIII43treet. Imprintlei of the Bleed.—The food and habits of civilised man induce in a great majority an impure condition of the blood, the source of a great variety of painful diseases, which disturb the happinesii of almost every family in the land.- sure, safe, and agreeable remedy is at band in the PERUVIAN EYRUP, a fact which °Rana be denied. For sale In thie city by P. BrOvrn, Fifth and Chest nut, and Ilusard & Co., Twelfth and Chestnut. _ 8616 d&w tr Jules Hanel , / Powder never fails to remove all auperfluons hair from the face or, arms, after a few applicatione ; its use is simple, entirely harmless, and certain in its effects. When used according to directions, it will form an invaluable aid to the toilet for either lea. Bold by all Draggles, and at the Laboratory of JuLas HAOHL hCo., •Perfumers and lu2portera, No. 704 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. selB-6t Liberal adranceinenta in calk made on de poaltalol Oollaterale, Watohes, Jewelry, Gone, Cloth log, &o. JONEB & 00., Brokers, THIRD and GAB KELL, below Lombard street. sell-it Professor Saunders , Classical Institute, at the WEST PHILADELPHIA INSTIYIITD, corner of MARKET Street and WILLIAM, will be reopened on the Bret MONDAY of September.' Poplin, to the num. ber of fifty, will be received WITHOUT SYMMS Or NLRB ON TER PABST/101R RAILWAYS by TON OITT. Thus, without, eapuese, by a pleasant and safe con veyanoe, pupils - can be carried into the fresh air of the country in less than half an hour from the centre of the 'city. Several saris of open ground border on the beau tiful groves of Chic Seminary, which is patronized by many of the distinguished gentlemen of the city, among whom are the Editore of The Prem, the Ledger, and Tho North American and United State', Gazette. Pu. pile are recelied by the. day, or into the family of the Principal, " We, the undersigned, have had cone or ward,' in Professor Saunders' Institute and family during the Session which has just closed. In respect to parental kindness, happy influences, attention to health, and progress in Thorough education, our expectations have been fully !waned. To our Mende, who are looking for a decidedly good school for their eons, we cordially recommend Professor Beunderel Institute. - AIAT THEW NEWKIRK, No. 1800 Arch street "JNO. W. FORNEY, office of The Prose. " CHABLES E. THOMPSON, Thompson 9c. Rood, No 413 Chestnut street. "J. 8. SILVER, 1400 Girard avenue. - "W. L. SPRINGS, 831 Market street. "GEORGE H. MARTIN, 1026 Walnut eland." Other Petrone of this Institution : ELI S. BURNETT, 909 Market street. JOHN 0. MITCHELL, 208 South Sixth street. T. B. COLOHAN, 142 South Eighth etreet. N. B. BROWNE, 113 South Fifth street. SAMUEL MOORE, Logan Square., F. WATSON, Logan Square. - W9l. WAIN, office of Ledger. MORTON MoMICHAEL, office of-North American ELLIS LEWIS, Penn Square. 11:r No SZYIIII.IIY moin 88mger, Saving Fund.—Elve Per Cents In NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Sired, S. W. corner of TEIERD, Philadelphia, Money received in any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made in Real Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Rents, and 'molt drat class securi. thus ae th charter requires. Moe house, from 9 o'clock in the m 4 .rning until 5 °Week in the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o'clock. fed ernerannwm ONLIBIATID NAHILY SEWING MACHINES, ISO CHESTNUT STREET. These Machines are now Justlyadmitted to be the beet In nse • for family sewing, making a new, strong, • rd elsatie stitch, whleh will nos rip, even it every fourth stitch be ant. Circulars sent on appiloatlon by •ner. sP 9 -7 Inoksen, - JOB PIIINTIR, - MTH AND OWRBTNCIT. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Dills Lading, Bill Hoods, Cir culars, Cards, and all other Mai of Job Printing, at prima to eon the these oel7-Ip One• Price Clothlog of the Latest Styles, and made In the beet manner, expressly for NIIPAIL SALIM We - inark our lowest selling prises In PLAIN nooses on each article. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and our ona.raioa arenas is 'tartly ad. bared to. We 'believe this to be the only fair way of dealing; as thereby all are treated alike. Thomas W. Bally, No. - 629 Market Street, Importer and Dealer in Bine Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. First-class goods constantly on hand. The subscriber, paying cash for every article, Is enabled to sell at a email advance. Those about purchasing would do well to call. All goods warranted as repro entsed. sed•Stu .Seaments Sevin Fund—.olfloe 903 Walnut street, one door west of Second street. Receives de posits in - sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all daises of the community, and allows Interest at the rata of Ore per cent. per annum. Moe open daily, from 9 until 5 Willa*, and on Mon• ilkkv and Saturday until 9 in tile evening. Preiddent, Franklin loll; Tree - surer and flearetarr, Charles M. Morrie. General Debility.— Tbli convenient term ineludee numerous ilidetined su4 supposed Incurable forme of disease, accompanied by general lassitude and exhaustion, without any ascertainable external or in ternal cause. The PERUVIAN SYRUP sends its re novating Influence to the inmost recesses of the system, and. has relieved In one community many cases of sup posed incurable dieenee._ For sale in this city byP. Brown, Fifth and Chestnut, and /lassard Oc'Clo., Twelfth and Obeetwat. antil-demrtf . On Tuesday, 14th init., by Rev. Andrew biteable, Mr. SOHN H. NOLEN to Mu MARY DEWEESS, all of Philadelphia. ah On Tnesdey evening, at the Mirth of the o,nol. Salon, by the Rev George" Bringburat, JOSEPH BYERS to ELIZABETH MILLER, all of Ma city. * Or, 14th lust., at the reeldeuce of the bridals father, by the Rev. J. U. Cuthbert, of the First Baptist Church WM. 0. WILSON; of Beaton, Pa., to BARAII 3.,youngest daughter of Joseph J. Mickley, all of thle 7• On Thursday morning, 16th inst., BELINDA 0., wife of .1 B. Lancaster, in the 61st year of her age. Her nista friends and those of the family are invited to attend her funeral, to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, 18th instant, at Et &bleat, from .the reeidence of her husband, No. 1428 Arch street, without further no. tics. Funeral service at St. John's Church, Thirteenth street. above Chestnut. ** On Wednesday morning, Sept. 15, LOUISE MATIL DA, daughter of Win and the late Elizabeth Barrett, aged 22 months and 11 days. The friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend the Amaral, from the residence of her father, Park street, fourth door below George. between Chestnut and Walnut. West Philadelphia, this (Fri day) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Philan thropic Cemetery. On Wednesday, 16th fruit., OWEN SEIM, aged 45 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 1211 Eleventh street, below Federal, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without farther no tice. To proceed to St. Mary's Cemetery. * On the 10th Inst.. FRANCIS ERWIN, aged 51 years. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited to attend his funeral, front his late residence, 1109 Milton street, below Christian, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Mount Moriah Cemetery. * On the 16th inst., 3011S1 MoSsVOY, eldest son of MIL Margaret and the late Preside MeAvoy, in the 80th year of his age. Ills friends, and those of the family, are invited to attend the funeral from the residence of his mother, N. W. corner of Sixth and Fitzwater streets, on Sunday ' afternoon, at 1 o'clock, without further notice, to On the sth YRANOIs BENOKERT aged 15 I years, The relative' and friends are respectfully invited to attend the fut oral, from the resider ce of his father, Mr. James IL Benckert, No. 431 Marshall street, be low Fifth, this (Friday) afternoon, at 8 o'clock, with out further notice. to Oa the 13th inst., WILLIE, eon of Michael and Eliza A. Blyan, aged 11 months and 21 days. * RT. St. Louts Ten Per Cent. Mortgages.— The undersigned, President of the Real Estate Savings Innttution of St. Louls, and an old resident of that city, can be seen between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock for a few days, at the Office of (Marlon B. Keen, No. al e Walnut street, by parties desiring to invent in Deeds of Trust, or Mortgages bearing ten per cent. in. tercet, (Me legal rate,) in the best city property. Any information desired will be promptly glean. OEO. K. BUDD. Refer to John B. Budd, Esq , Wm. W. Keen, Esq. sel,7-8t Mass Meeting of the . Dernoerney of the Er FIRST CONGRESSIONAL, DISTRICT IN PA VOA OF THE ELECTION OP GEORGE W. NEBIN GER, THE REGULAR DEMOORATIO NOMINEE FOR CONGRESS.—The Democrats of the 'First Con greseional District, and all other citizens favorable to the election of Dr. G. VV.' NEBINGER, the regular Democratic nominee for Congresr, will meet on SA TURDAY EVENING next, Sept 18th', at 8 o'clock P. , at the corner of EIGHTEENTH and WILLIAM Ste, Seventh ward. to reiterate their devotion to the great principles of Popular Sovereignty, about to be endorsed by the whole. AI:001101D people, except the mercenary suppor , e , s of the minority rule' to denounce the tin warrantable Interference with the rights of conscience; and theater upon the riehte of suffrage waged &plait the mechanics and laborers of this (Driblet by the Na tional office-holders; to advocate the repeal or the pre rent tari ff , and the . pieces. of • new one which will adetuately protect and loiter all branches of American indne'ry; to rebuke tho present Representative for h betrayal of the interests and principles of hie conslita eats, and Lae degrading, subserviency to the nullifiers and disurdonists of the South. Let the untrammeled Delnocracy of the dietriet tdrn out in their strength. The following distinguished gentlemen cordially and publiclyed pdreartia tcipahe te ineeting: this movement, and will be pre- sent to m Hon, JOHN 0. KNOX, Attorney General.Pennit Car JOHN W. FORNEY, , Wtd. B LEHMAN, Esq., DAVID WEBSTER, Dr.I.L.E. KA MERLY, D DOUGHERTY, Eat , T. B NIOFIOLSON, , JOHN O'BRIAN, nu , RINGWALT, E.e., PORN HOLLenD Req.. • J J. GREENFIELD, Esq., J. J Rani:IONE, Esq. - air. G. W. NEBINGEB, the Democratic nornicee for Congress, will be present and define ble'posltion on the political hones of the day. DT order of aeri4t '0134141117113 ON RVBIIO 1113.111101. At i kk : l t itggk."PititiADAlAPlllA. PRIMAL SEPIVIVIEVR: ;1858. Maid Notirta. ~ 1 0 } 01:AD. r isniA, JILIT 1,1858 JONES & CO., 604 MAREZT Street Marriages. Meath°. DT:Tho Truth — and Floral F estkralln aid of THB, PHILADELPHIA SIDS ATII SCHOOL ArSOOIATIGH. will be held In JAYNE'S HALL; com mencing on MONDAY 'EVENING, September 20th. Sabbath Schools, in a - body, will be admitted every day before a P. hi. Donations of Smits, FloWers, &I ) ; (wbich will be gratefully acknowledged.) received at the Hall Season Tickets, 25 'mute; ,Teachers' Tickets, 10 cents; Obildrenki Tickets, 6 cents. • " 'TAMES 11. lIODGEIO3, ' - CUMMINGS, WILLIAM GETTY, Oommittee. A KINGSBURY, M.D. sel7-2t MAO. BULEIICR, uourteenth Legislative District, Attest- TION --A Meeting of the Citizens of the Four teenth Legislative Dierriet, consisting of parts of the Seventeenth and Twentieth Wards, who are opposed to the nominations made by both parties of Candidates for the Legislature, and in favor of nominating a suitable person to represent the District who is at least twenty one years of age and an American. and who is ca , able of understanding and representing the views of the District, are requested to meet on THIS (Friday) NIGHT, September 17th, at 7g o'clock, at the South west, corner of ILEVNNTH Street and GHIA RD Ave nue, to take st.ps to place in nomination a person pos sessed of the above qualification as a Hepreeentative in t e Distrlet sel7-It* UrNotice. —it qua r twill' Meeting of the lIIRRENIA SOCIETY will be held on FRIDAY EVSNING, the 17th boat , et 7X o'clock, at CAMP, DEWS. on CHESTNUT Street, below Sixth street. eelS.2t A. CRAIG, Seel'. iimrhlladelphira and Darby Railroad Coin pany.—The subscribers to the Capital Stook of the Philadelphia And Ruby Railroad Company Are no tified that FOUR DOLLARS per share (being the ba lance of the first instalment) will be due, and Is hereby requested to be paid, on the 28th September 'natant, Office of the Treasurer, No. 121 WALNUT Street, be tween the bourn of 10 A. Di. and 1P.51 , DAIL a.and at the Blue Belli Tavern, Twenty-fourth Watd on SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, between Four and Five o'clock. By order of the Board of threotors. .- eel44llt THOMAS SPARKS, Treasurer ara Home for Invalids with Affections of THE OREM S. W. corner PARKE and ORESTNIPP Streets West Philadelphia. mew publicationo. 36 NEW COUNTERFEITS have appeared aim September Ist, and le since September Bth, and are only fully detcribed by IMLAY & BICKNELL'S BANE-NOTE' REPORTER, published on Wednesday last • • IMLAY & BICKNELL'S BANK-NOTE REPORTER now ready. INLAY & BICKNELL'S BANK-NOTE REPORTER now ready. IMLAY & BICKNELL'S BANK-NOTE REPORTER now ready. IMLAY & BICKNELL'S BANK-NOTE REPORTER, now ready. IMLAY & BICKNELL'S BANK-NOTE REPORTER, now ready. IMLAY & BICKNELL'S BANK-NOTE REPORTER, now ready, at $2 per annum weekly; $1.25 semi monthly; or 75 cone monthly; single copies 5 cents, not 10 cents. Office, No. 11.2 South TILLED Street. sel7-2t inettlistr2 TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT alsa.i PAIN—By Dr. J. B. FRANCIS. the inventor or tho Galvanic Process, Oftlos, No. 925 RAUB Street. Also, medicates, fills, and inserts Teeth. All work warranted to give entiro satisfaction, eel?-3t* 4 -----.4: : Dr. W. S. Mal LHE NNE Y , Dentist . , I/liiTA would Inform hia friends that he has resumed practice at No. 1343 CHESTNUT Street, second door above the U. S. Mint. sepl-3m URICISTI CLOTHS—A new article, plain 1 and rick, for Curtains, two yards wide, in store and for nalo. W. II CARRYL & Masonic Ilall, 719 Chestnut at. WIDE SATIN DAMASKS AND PLAIN SATINS for Curtains and Furniture W. IL CARRY!, & !MOTHER, 719 Obeidnut Wed. QATIN DAMASK DE LAINES and Stripes 1 1, 3 very color. Over 60 pieces in store end for stile, lellolesule end retail W. 71 OARRYL & BROTHER, Masonic Hall, 719 Chestnut at FRENCH PRINTED REPS, 6-4 wide—A now style of Curtain Goods, and for furniture coverings, in a variety of rich ann elegant colorings, in store and form lo by W. H. CARRYL & BROTHER, 710 Chestnut street. L"NGLISII VERMILLION and ULTRA MARINE BLUE. especially imported for Palnters and Printera. Put up in 1 it, psekages, and for sale by LAY & BROTHER, 241 DOCK Street, up Maim. CM= FPO CONFECTIONERS AND BAKERS.- 500 lbs. Oil Peppermint, warranted pure 1000 4, Verb. Ammonia; 200 4, Carrawsy Seed. Nor sale low, as wanted, by WILSON k MERRITT, Wholesale Druggists, 208 Alarkot street. rfIIIOAIAS CHARNOCK, FURNISHING 1 UNDERTAKER, having purchased the fight to GOOD'd PATENT CORPSE PRE3ERVER, is now propsred to furnish it in connection with his business, at No 427 South t MTH Street, above Lombard street. ael7-6t* TITST RECEIVED—An invoice of Welch, el Margoteon, & Co.'s Superior Lorion-rosde STOCKS and TI Ed, for sale by HANCOnK 4. CO, Manufacturers or the celebrated Ilabl t Nhlrte, selo-12t 712 Chestnut at , opp. Masonic Temple. PAUL'S FARINA CRACKERS, JAMES E. WEB% Wholesale Agent, 223 South EIGHTH Street. It Is evident from the increased demand for PAUL'S GENUINE FARINA CRACKERS, that they are more generally used than any others. Many advantages are derived from the continual nse of PAUL'S FARINA CRACKERS. Their delicate flavor and nutritious qualities make them partioular'y desi rable for invalids and children. Paul's Parituserackers are made of the pare Farina, and retain their fresh ness longer than any others The Genuine Farina Crackers are stamped ' , PAUL.. All persons desiring the beat Crackers made wall ask for "PAUL'S" PARMA CRACKERS. - Sold by many Grocers, and Wholesale as above. m05.81.* (1 TINS, RIFLES, AND SPORTING IM PLEMENTS. The ;Subscribers have in store THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT FOWLING-PIECES, RIFLES, &c., 'Ever offered in this city. Desirous of reducing their assortment as mush as • possible before the let Dec , they will cell AT VERY LOW PRICES THEIR ENTIRE bTOOK, comp+ tog GUNS PROM THE MOST CELEBRATED MANU FACTURERS OF ENGLAND, BELGIUM, AND FRANCE. PHILIP S. JUSTICE & CO., No. 21 North _FIFTH Street, above Market. WILLIAM. GEISSE & SONS, No. 116 South FRONT Street, below Chestnut, Importers of LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, AND BEADS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, For the INDIAN TRADE, &a , ko au2.11-1m TO CASH BUYERS. JAMES B. p ART. E & SON., MO CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE GIRARD MESH, Invite tho attention of Western and Southern Custom era to their immense and elegant assortment of LOOKING-ULASSEB, OIL PAINTINGS, PORTRAIT AND PIOTURE-BRAhIEB, Suitable for tbe. FALL TRADE , .6 g .Two yearly Ground-Rents,s9266l3 of $l7B each, well secured and promptly paid, for Rale at a liberal discount. Also, two Irredeemable Ground Rents of -$26 60 each, and one of $lB. Apply to H. 0. THOMPSON it G. M. CON CRROR, sel6.3t 933 ARCH Street. NO ONE should go to the Sea-shore with out a bottle 'of our MEDICATED BRANDY their Valise. In eases of sudden illness It would be the means in many instances of saving life. DYS PEPTIC persons, and those debilitated, have been re stored to health by its use. ZIEGLER A SMITH, Druggists, anIS-dtt Southwest enc. Second sod Green eta MAGIC SHIELD COOKING STOVE. FOR SALM ONLY BY O. GILBERT & QO., 349 North Second street. HUHU PURYES, northwest corner Second and Ship. pen. WM. A. CANNON, 817 South Second, and 937 North Second street. GLIEG AN, 249 South Second street. JOHN LYONS, northwest corner Tenth arid Callow hill. STEINMETZ & BUCK, 1323 Germantown road. FRANCIS FALLS, 639 Race street. sel6-3t* PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA -14,44,•i ie o i written ar e f e d r e e s n c oo r p i t o ! LI 1 1 0 e m, ha , r ,e a a e tv; , includtngadeA l / 4 self-improvement, 40., are made day and eve ning at BOWLER, WILLS, k C 0.43, sell.3m 922 Chestnut at., 'Philadelphia. BALE ROPE AND TWINE manufactured .11-, and for tale by WEAVER, FITLER & 00., No. 28 North Water street, and No. 22 North WHARVES STORAGE.—Storage can be obtained at a fair price in the Warehouse, No. 9 North Water street, or In the second and third etoriee of No. 103 Arch street. by applying to 0. 0. 13ADLVIt to CO., ARON Street, 241 door above Front. BONES. -100,000 Shin Bones, suitable for Umbrella and Button Makers. In store and for sale OROABDALE, BIRO & 00., lea NORTH NOVIARvO.O QBRELY AND PORT WINE.-80 qtrs. 10 Eighth' Harmony Sherry; 20 qra. Wallis Port Wine, in bond and for sale by WILLTAISI H. 1 EATON, ne3 216 South FRONT Street CHEM.-250 boxes Cheese for sale, by O. 0. SADLER Jc CO., 8811 ARM Street, 24 dnor above Front. IFAVANA LEAF-100 Bales Havana Leaf L Tobacco landing or. Mary H. Kendall. For sale by A. MERINO, seB 140 South Front street. ITALIAN HEMP.—A large dock of Ita li an .1- Romp on hand and for sato by ENVICK, BITLER, & 00., sel4 No. 23 N. Water at. and 22 N. Wharves. CHEESE.-105 boxes Herkimer county ILI Cheese now landing, and. for mile by C. C. SADLER. eo 00, , sea ARCII Street 2d door above If rent, MACKEREL —250 bbls Nos. 1,2, and 8 Mackerel, now landing, and for ede by 0. O. SADLER & CO., eel Arch et., second door above Front. - - HEREINGS-1300 bble. NO.I PICKLED Herring; 800 bble extra Newfoundland ditto 1950 bble Yotamao dry salted ditto, now in store and for see by JNO. M. KENNEDY & CO., roylle Nee Din and DM N. WHARVES. IVI ACILEREL.-883 bbla Noe. 1,2, and 8 IVA Idookorel, fa assorted wimps, for Nolo by 0. 0. BADLEB. k. 00., 101 l ABOH Ptroot, 24 door oboveyront. BAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, Their Fall.lmportation PRICES GREATLY REDUCED CARPETINGS ELLINGTON BEIII3BELI3, SUPER ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, ExTm. FINE INGRAINS, DOUBLE OOTTON OHAINB INORAINB, VENITIANS, AND LOWER GRADES, Of choice styles and approved manufacture, constantly eel° toe2l Noe. 10S and 130 CHESTNUT St CLENDENNING' 6 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE COVERS, TABLE NAPKINS and TOWELLINGEI NEW GOODS, BY THE STEAMSHIP FELTON. L. J. LEVY & 00. Are now opening from the Steamers AFRICA AND FULTON A Variety of :few and Beautiful Cloode for FALL SALES. Their assortment embraces all the Novelties which have been maratfaotared for the PARIS RETAIL TRADE. 809 AND 811 OHESTNIIT BT. ' sela4St WOLVB, WILSON, & CO., I FALL CLOAKS. 3r20-frmecwtf No. 132 CHESTNUT Street. TO THE DRY GOODS MERCHANTS: Ommsliert : As I have bestowed more than usual expecae and labor in gottmg.up this article of Damask Table Damask in this country, and have succemied in furnishhig an artiole equal, and in some respects supe rior, to the Imported one, at a much less expenee, I trust that those who have a disposition to encourage Asti:swum ENTEIMIBII and American labor will not forget.my address. JOHN CLENDENNING & CO., ARAMINCO MILL, FRANKFORD, PHILADELPHIA. P. B.—Pedlars and those who travel and supply Coun try Trade will Bnd it to their advantage to call at the Factory before purchasing elsewhere. Parties wiehing to buy., and cannot make it convenient to call at the Factory, will please send their address, and they will be waited on with samples of the above. seB.lmlf CARPETINGS. • JUST RECEIVED PROM THE MANUFACTURERS, On Cowlgautoot, a largo lot of INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPETS, To be sold at AUCTION PRICES for Cosh or City Ac ceptance's. FOR II &YANA, via CHARLES .% TON and Key West.—The splendid stesm ship 1.1.1 EL, Capt. William Rollins. will leave NEW YORK for HAVANA, on FRIDAYt Oct let, touching at Charleston and Key Went for malls and passengers. fir passage apply to liIVOYFORD, TILEBTON. & 00., No. 25 Broadway, Or JOHN WAGNER, ' eol7-tool No. 7 Walnut street FOR MOBILE—ALABAMA LINE— Guarantied first vessel. Freight taken at as low rates as any other 'weasel loading. The new e 1 regular packet schr. 'VAPOR, Mitchell, master, is now loading' r,pidly at Race-street wharf. Slaving over one-half of her cargo engaged and going on hoard, she will be despatched so above. Shippers will please hurry their engagements along side and bills of lading to the connting-house for signa ture. For balauco of freight apply on board, or to BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO., sel7-dtf 106 Arch street. above Front The Vapor fa guarantied to insure at the, lowed rates, and will go up to tbe•wharllvithout Bettering. Agents at Mobile —Messrs. Prout, Fowler & Renard, who will forward all goods to their address. 1113issolutions anti Copartners!jive DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The partnership heretofore existing under the name of BAXTER, WILSON, lb PEARSON, near Itolmesburg,maa by mutual consent dissolved - on the 21at day of August, 1868 ROBERT BAXTER, SAMUEL WILSON, JAMES 11. PEARSON. September 16, 1868. 1ie164 t* VRESSWELL & WILLIAMS, No. 206 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, Agents and Dealers in BROAD•TOP COAL ant COAL LANDS, respectfully call the attention of Dealers and Consumers to thrir celebrated Coal, known as the Lancaster Company's Titla Coal is nu:lulled in this 'Market for all mann factoring purposes, being semi-bituminous, and leaving • clear white ash. All orders, to the above address, for shipment, or local delivery, will receive prompt atten tion. selG-ti PER TON for the best WHITE $3, 2e, ASH COAL, warranted free from slate or , ILTICItS' COAL is the best and ehearieet In the city, re-screened in yard and dry under cover. HICKS sells none but the very best Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal , and warrants full weight. HICKS anperintends the delivery of all Coal personally, and therefore guarantees it to be ae represented.• HICKS' Yard and Office is at the southeast AA corner of MARSIGI +LL end 'WILLOW, where he invites all to call mud examine for themselves the above beta. au2s-ihn TO COAL DEALERS.—Parties receiving • Coal direct from the Mines, wishing Storage and the Delivery of their Coal, will please address S. PEI,. LESS & 808, CALLOWHILL Street, Brat Yard below Broad. N B.—beet qualities of LEHIGH and BOHIIYLEILL COLL.always on hand at lowest cash prices. sel3-Im* NO NIFL E FAMILY COAL DEPOT', K'NINTH and WILLOW Streets, where the HICK ORY and LEHIGH 00AL can be supplied in ita purity, at lowest OASEI prices. au2l-1m (BRING, FOX, & 00., wholesale and retail dealers in LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL GOAL. Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill yard—RAOß and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Reap constantly on hand Coal from the most approved mites, under cover, and pre. pared expressly for family use tea-, ANDSORUBS AND CLAMPS'. No. 1. 132)443. per doz 2. 75c. " 8. 870. " 4 4,1000. " CLAMPS. Row, $1.26 per dozen. 7 Row, $1.75 per dozen. 8 Row, $2.25 per dozen HENRY C. EORSTRIN, me-18 62 North THIRD Street, Phtladelph ta 0 ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stone, both of the BLUE, GRAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former of which, for softness and delicacy of color, is unrivalled For the ohmmeter of this stone please examine the following buildings : Jos. ilarrison , s, Eighteenth street and Rittenhouse Square. Ilarrison's Building, Locust street, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth. Samuel Smith's West street and Rittenhouse square. Airs. Peterson's No 1210 Walnut street. ^ A. K. Womrath's, 415 Arch street. tamuol Shines', Twelfth and Chestnut streets. T. K. J. Fassitt, Seventeenth and Locust streets, and others. ENGRA.VINCIB, ARNOLD k WILSON, Agents, PIIILADELPUTA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. eelo.3m E. M. PELTWELL, Supl. GRAND REGATTA. A GRAND REGATTA will take place from Gloucester, on FRIDAY, Sept. 17th, DES, at 11 A. M., betwen the celebrated Yachts Scud Capt. Wm. Stevenson, Ltlito Capt. G J. Richardson. Blanca Capt. Albertson, (ileum . / Capt. Chas Manalester, Flying Cloud Capt. Wm. Krona° Richard Vann Capt Wm. Oassidiy. The mild race to be from btale.boat oppoctte wharf at Gloucester, to Marcus Gook buoy, and return The fa vorite steamer ECLIPSE will accompany the Yachts. and will leave BROWNING'S Ferry at OA. M SOUTH Street at 9) A. M., and ULIRISTIAN Street at 10 A. If. No postponement on account of weather. Fare for the Recursion 26 cents selo.2t* AWNINGS 1 AWNINGS 1 CA- JOSEPH If. FOSTER, Awning Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street. above Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for Dwellings and Oillro Win dows ; Awnings for Stores, Awnings for Steamboats and Ships. All kinds of Awnings. Toots, Flags. or any thing in canvas, made to order by JOSEPHII FOSTER, Awning Maker, No, 443 North THIRD Street. Reel donee, No. 340 South Front Street. se7-Int JOSEPH 11. PORTER. OAMPBELL's DINING SALOON, Corner of THIRD St. and HARMONY COURT, Has been closed for several days past, in order to be regenerated and disenth•alled. It wilt be opened en MONDAY next. 20th lost . with improvements and al terations which will astonish the town. The host has thrown his soul Into the lack of iron seal, and we think that his efforts wilt meet with universal approbation. When reopened it wilt be a model establishment. sell-tf WARBLING AND VENTILATING WAREBOOMS The subscriber would invite the special attention of Architect Builders and the public to his NEW OWNER PATENT SELFAILICANSING AND VENTILATING WARM Alit YURNAOE, Which has been so successfully introduced during the last winter and gave such general satisfaction. It is so arranged as to consume the gases from the Goal. making it one of the most economical, safe, durable Heaters now in use. Also, all sloes and patterns of Cooking Ranges, Both Boilers, Gas Ovens, Low Down and Elevated' Grates, every variety of Registers and Ventilators, Fireplace Stoves, Collins> Patent Chimney Caps, far the cure of smoky chimneys, with a full assortment of all goods 111 my line of business. Prompt attention paid to Range and Heater ".repait , log, and prices reduced to suit the times. CHARLES WILLIAMS, (Late Baker & Williams,) anl.Bm 1181 (old 400) MARKET Street, Philsda. riIHE DELICATE, and those who are pro f nounced convalescent after a long duration of ill. new, are recommended to use slight stimulants. We can, in all confidence, commend the PURE PORT WINE of our own Importation to those who are allowed the luxury. It is a fruity, luscious Wine. ZIEGLER & EMITII, Druggists, anlA-dtr Einntbanott one &mond and flees,, sta. A DRAM SLAOK'D ENGRAVING, DIE 2 - 31. Sinking, and Embossed Printing, Envelope, and Seal Preen Manufactory, No. 1 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MONONGAHELA WHISKEY.-00 Bble, 20 halt bble Pure Rye Whiskey, to store end for sale by WILLIAM IL YEkTON, aaa No. 210 youth NAQ/iT btlool. Grp (Docrbs. WILL OPEN TIINI DAY CARPETINGS, receiving and for sale by JObEPH LEA, Oliipping HANDSORUBS No. 6. $1 12 par dos 0. 126 (( 7. 1 60 4 . 8, / 76 (4 ACADIA FREESTONE Capt. 0. R. STUART Retail 13111 '4 , Dabs. BLACK SILKS. SHARP . LESS BROTIIERff 11AVE NOW OPEN Glossy Black Gros de Brilliants; Heavy Black ros Grams; Bisehoills rich Black Bilks; Bonnets, superb Lyons Silk; • Wide rich Silks for Cloaks; Silks for Mourning without lustre; Rich Figured and Bayadere Mike; Black Armurea and Ye, etiennes ; ' Heavy Black Irieh Poplins; Patio de Chinos and India Mike; Robes, double Jupes and a Lee; Black Flounced Robes, very cheap. sell EIGHTH and CIIMITNIIT Streets 011 AS. LAING & CO. IN THE FIELD.— " The fight goes bravely on "—Fall styles Gents' DRESS HATS now ready. The attraction of gentlemen is invited to this model style for the Fall of 1868, Saving been approved and met the approbation of gentlemen of teats. We offer it to our customers with confidence, and recommend it, knowing that none but the best work manehip and first quality or material have been used in its construction Ke solicit for it the consideration of gentlemen. CHAS. LAING & 00., Hatters, sel7-2t* Ig. .E. nor. taiel3TNOT and SIXTH Ste. NEW CLOTH STORE. HENRY D. NELL, 191100858011 TO GEO. M. COATEB & CO., No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Ind received, the Newest style" of FANCY CASSIAIERES AND VESTINGS, Also, a oholoe assortment of BREECH DLAOR AND COLORED OLOTIIB, And other Goods adapted to Ifenhi wear. oelo-128 The Subccribera will exhibit ON MONDAY AND DURING THE WEEK, ELEGANT CLOAKS, (In advance of their mitt opening) to which they invite the inspection of - LADIES AND STRANGERS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., NO. 708 CHESTNUT STREET, eel 3 PIIILADELPIILL NEW FALL GOODS. _ J. I Opened from recent Auction sew— Bayadere Valencias, at 40 etc. . Rich Plaid Poil de Ohevris, 20 to 111 X cta. Neat Bayadere Mohairs, 28c. Fine black and White Loners, 26 eta., w..rth 38 els Plaid, Black, and Brown Mixed Poplins, IBX eta. Lupin's Black, Wool Debsines 35 cis. Black, Wool Delaines, 26, 33, 36, and 37X cts. Mode Wool Detains, Lupin's, 33 and 85 eta. Lupin's French Merinoes, 90 cts. • PltaNOti CHINTZES. Gay colorings and new designs, at 25 etc Hoyle's 4-4 Double Purples, at 113 X eta. Best English and Merrimac Prints. • • FALL MANTLES. Now making, Silk Duelers for Pall Wear. Also, Cloth Cloaks and Dusters. New Shawls in Shawl Room. Daily receiving Now Goode. 000 PER OONARD, sell S. B. corner NINTH and MARKET. N. IL—POSITIVELY no deviation in the prices. JIIP INJS G-4 FRENCH MERINOES AND CASHMERE DE COSH, FROM THE GREAT MERINO SALE. CHARLES ADAMS has now arranged several lots and qualities of these well-known Goode, in choice and desirable colors. Also, plain Moue. Delaines, in mode, plain, and high colors, ell-wool Plaids, thole. styles. Mons. Delaines, Valenolas, Siohaire, Foil de Chimes and Drees Goode in variety. GLOSSY BLACK SILKS, OF ALL WIDTHS. heavy corded black Pordt de Sole. New Nne.eb and Merrimac Pants. Fine stock of tlindirlnkable Flannels, Stdrting,Bl:teat ,g, and Pillow Muslin/4. 8 VELLA. SHAWLS! In many desirable styles. New Goods being daily - received and sold at the low est market pr:ces, for CASH. searnwt-tt EIGHTH and ARCH Streets.. 'LILACS SILK ROBES.—Just received, a 11-3 large aesortulentof Black Bilk Flounced Robe', which we will cell at leas than coat of Importation. BLACK BANADERB BILKS. A new assortment of Black Bayaderms, Oros de Ep som, and Figured Bilks. - - - - DEEP MOURNING RUM Black Ponlt de Boles or Mourning Bilks Black Ar mums, Royals, Venetiennes, and Ottoman Bilks. BRILLIANT BLAOK SILKS. Manny Black Ores do Shines, Oro Brilliants, Oros de Manes, &c. SEOOND•MOURNINO SILKS. A beautiful assortment of all prices and latent styles, will be opened thin morning. BEScON & SON, Mourning Store, No. 008 CUES IDIOT Street. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARM STREETS, STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS. OPENING OP FRENOII 000D8 TODAY RICH SILK ROBES A LEZ ; SILK ROBES, DOUBLE SKIRTS; SPLENDID ROBES, TWO FLOUNCES; SPLENDID ROBES, THREE FLOUNCES; NEWEST STYLES PALL SILKS; ROUND.CORNERED SHAWLS; EXTRA RICH PRINTED DE LAINES; PLAIN AND 11/LT.OEILE BLACK SILKS. EYRE & LANDELL, eepl46t 'FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. FALL GOODS FOR 18581 Over 3,000 yards of NEW PILES, just received by THORHLEV la OR/BM. N.B. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Street. Bought for CASH and to be sold only for CASH ! We can confidently assert that the above geode are so cheap that purchasers can save a large per tentage by buying of no. Our BLACK BILES cannot be excelled on this Conti nent of America! ! We challenge a comparison. Now Delalues of beautiful designs. Pole de °herrn, Valencles, and very handsome Eng lish. French, and American Chintzes. New Stella Shawls, Crape Shawls, Brecht' Shawls, Blanket Shawls, &c., dco. A very large stock of Domestic Mains, Flannels, Blankets, Quilts, Counterpanes, dco. Best Family Unarm of our own Importation. Table Cloths, Table Covers, Piano Covers, Stand Covers, Clothe, Coast mares, dco., for Mon's and Boys , wear. We have determined to keep the best Stock this Reason we have ever had and to maintain our reputa tion as one of the Best Houses in Philadelphia to Bay at. THORNLEr dr, OHIBM, N. E. Cor. EIGHTH & SPRING GARDEN Streets. "WE HAVE ONLY ONE PRICE." Jelit-tf illatrlies, ,letutirg, &T. BAILEY & CO., 7ORMIRLY BAILEY ec KITCHEN, have !MOM' to their new Biro•proof, White Marble Store, 819 CIIESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE, GIRARD ROME Now opening their fell Wok of IMPORTED .TRWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND PANOY GOODS, To which they Invite the attention of the public SILVDB.-WARE, WATOHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WROLIBALE AND RETAIL Umbrellas mar parasols. SLEEPER & FENNER, MANUFACTURERS OF UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, No. 338 MARKET STREET, INVITE TELE ATTENTION 05' BUYERS, To Their LARGE AND VARIED STOOK WILLIAM A. DROWN & CO., UMBRELLA AND PARASOL AIANUFACTURBRO, No. 248 MARKET STREET, A large assortment constantly on hand, to which the Attfuntinn of dealers le invited. an2Mm Carriapez. CARRIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT•CARRIAQE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all pasta of, the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. aelB-3mif CIEIOIILN OMARS-800,000 in store and Vit tor ludo by WILLIAM IL YBATON, sot) N 0.210 Pouth.7lß9liT West, r,ffrir gate mat to tet. • ell FOR SALE—A. handsome residence, 111.1 with all the mod•rn improvemento, large side yard, gr•pery. &o RUTH, near SPRING- Gaitomm Street Terms easy. P. sg South SIXTH. Street, (second story.) o r p t - FOR SALE' OR EXCHANGE-A MIL handsome new mansion, 19 rooms, and So scree, near Gwynedd Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad: - Site splendid, frail abundant, health unsurpassed. Any peril= really desiring a handsome Country Seat in ex change for city property will find this an unusual op portunity of accomplishing his object. Apply to P. $. LPND, kl( t S. SIXTH bt , (2d story) sel7-1m egg FOR SALE—A pretty Cottage, nine au. rooms, and one or more aeres, on Wyoming avenue, *two miles out the Second...treat Turnpike Alan. aeveral intodsome cottage lots The neighborhood is healthy, beautiful, and rapidly improving - . P. K. LYND, bJ S. SIXTH St , (2d story.) sel.74m MO SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. -IL —Thirty sores orlon; of beintlful Lend on: Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street. only two miles north of the pavereeets, for sale ft' bargain, and terms easy. Apply)o P. K LYND, b# South 2111111 Street , (second story gen. Int 11ILLTARD TABLE FOR SALE—A sups rior make lied in complete order. Inquire or 'WANDELL, Jr , 409,Uheetnut at. Bert FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—A Desira m. ble property in Rising Sun vinare. Lot sixty feet :front on Germantown road, by six hundred feet deep to a main street. The, improvements are a brick ;dwelling. with store,Uontaining fourteen rooms to all. Also, a green-house, two hot.honees, cottage on bark street, 'tables, coaeh•house, &c Including iv choice 7arlety, of fruit trace, all of which will be sold on an. uommodatlng terms, or a portion rented to a gond ten. ant. Apply to CRISIIMWSLL & WILLIAMI; seld•tit 206 WALNUT Street, it a To LET—A full-fornlshed Honig°, In CHESTNUT Street, east of Broad. Posssesion immediately. Address BOX 1866, Post Office. sel.B4lt F OR SALE- One of the moat Valuable and Dearable DOUBLE BROWN STONE RESIDENCES IN THE CITY, No. 1810 CHESTNUT STREET, RXTHNOING THROUGH TO GRORGH STAMM' Raving been built by the owner for his own Residence no expense has been spared in its construction. Apply to CHARLES BOOGS, 629 Market Street, Or to M. THOMAS & SONS, •el4-Imit 139 and 141 South Fourth St. . TO RENT—The.new iron-front Store, 'ltt No. 2.0 North THIRD street, above Raw, with - the nse of Shelving, Counter, &o, Suitable for the wholesale Clothing, Notions, or any other bnaine•a. 'Terms low.. Apply at No. 252 Aorta THIRD Sues; three doors above. Len th* iI WASHINGTON-SQUARE HOUSE Rya poit SALE—South side of Squire, No. 704; is in perfect order; suitable for a professional man. Terms accommodating. sel3-xosrfBt* CHOICE COTTAGE SITES, WITHIN V three minutes walk. of two Stations on Philadel. phis and Germantown Railroad, for sale cheap. Apply at corner of Tioga Street and Plank Road, or at,No. 23 North Sixth Street, to ee6.lin* T. L. LITTLEPIRLD. paeonal. ALL business connections between JOHN 13. WERVIER lc 00., No. 310 Market street, and the undersigned, have this day ceased. JAMES M. BILISER. seM-It* Eept. 21, 1858 1111PERSONAL.—JAMES M. BILGER was paid off and diecharged from oar employee Friday, the 10th inet. 401118 B. STRYKER & 00., 810 MARKET Street. Philadelphia, Sept. 14, 1858. sels-8t ebacational. CiLASSIOAL EDUCATION.-ROBERT lIJJ 11. LEDDERTON, Ph. D. of the University of Groningen, will hereafter have charge of the Classical department in the SCIENTIFIC and CLASSICAL IN STITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, northwest corner of Twelfth. No pains have been spared to render this School eminently worthy of patronage for boys of all ages, and m all departments—Magi ah , Classical, and Scientific. Entrance on TWELFTH St. eell-lm J. ENNIS, Principal. j J. 10 ED'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG J • LADIES, No 1623 WALNUT Street. For terms, apply at the Institute. itsranamoss.—Dr. Uonverse, (editor of the Christian Observer,) Rev. Dr. C. Wadsworth, Rev. Dr. W. B. Stevens, Col. W. Forney, 0. Lt. Leland. Esq., Pro errors Vethako, Allen, Frazer, of the University, and fther gentlemen. sel64m T J. REED has resumed. his bourse_ of in- Pi/ • struetlon in Magic and on the Plano-forte. No. 1623 WALNUT. Street. sels-In2 'WI R. THOR BE OICE thehonorlo AUL announce that be will resume Lie Instructions on the PIANO immediately after his return from ffinrope, (in the latter part of September. Phase address communications to ". Bo: N o. 1898 u Poet Office. sel4-12t* THE FRENCH LANGUAGE .and LITE NATURE, by Prof. GERARD, A. D 1 .7 No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. Students will unit new attractions in their studies by the 1180 of the " Cabinet des Fees> , he has just published. N. B.—ractieular attention to pupils intending to That 'Europe aa to conversation in French. j 17.. For particulars ; see CIRCULARS. nen ACADEMY OF THE .F R OTE S N T EPISCOPAL CHUBOII, LOCUST sad JUNIPER Streets. The autumnal Session of this Institution will open on MONDAY. September 6th, at 9 o'clock A. M. The Episcopal Academy presents peculiar advanta ges, both for the moral and intellectual training, and for the phyalcal development of the youth committed to its care. The course of Instruction Is thorough, and no paha will be spared to perfect the pupils to the va rious studies which from time to time they may pur sue Tho rooms of the Academy Building are numeroue, lofty, and well ventilated, and the Foils during re cesa enjoy the advantages of an enclosed play-ground, and an ample gymnasium. Boys able to read, and not lest than eight years of age, are received as don as they have begun to write and cipher, and are conducted through the various classes of the Academy with a rapidity proportioned to their ability. The tuition fee for those in the lowed clean la $6O per annum, for all others tab per annum ; payable half yearly, in advance. Besides this fee, there are no other charges. Drawing, the French language, and the nee of the Gymniusalma being included in the pries above mentioned. Application for admission maybe made to thoPrinoi al, at the Academy. daily, after August Mat lbetween he hours of 10 and 12 o'clock A. M JAMES W. ROBINS, Principal aulel-tn (.4w GEORGE E. BATIKER'S ENGLISH and OLABSIoAI. ,8011001., GERMANTOWN, will reopen on MONDAY, September 8, 1858. an3o-18t* R HYANT & STRATTON'S .OHAIN OF .1-1 NATIONAL IHRECANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. For information, call or send for circular. 1018•tf SVICNING SESSIONS HAVE COMMINORD. iiSoots atu) ehate WHELAN & CO., WHOLEI3ALB DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES MAW GOODS, No. 513 MARKET STREET, su27-1m PHILADELPHIA. MN EN'S FINE CALFSKIN BOOTS, GAI ILL TEES, &.o , with a general assortment for MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND OIIII.DREN'd WEAR. Boys' and Youths' sewrd hionroes of the best city manufacture, low pries', at DUTTON'S, No. 111 North SEOOND Street, above AROII, East bide. ‘' SIGN OF THE BED BOOTY Sopl3-m w & Cr * LEVICK, RASIN; & CO., )300T AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, MANUFACTORY, NO. 625 MARKET STREET, NORTH AIDS, BELOW SIXTH, HENDRY & HARRIS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, N. W. Corner THIRD - and ARCH Streets, au2s-2ln PHILADELPHIA. I L & M. SAUNDERS, WHOLEBALB DIALIBB BOOTS AND SHOES, Of PHILADIELPHIA and EASTERN Manufacture. Ate°, STRAW GOODS AND SOFT HATS. 0 SH E and prompt SIX-MONTHS BUYRRS will Sod it to their interest to examine oar Stock. au2o-1m No. 34 North FOURTH Street. BOICER & BROTHERS, DIANIIYAOTUREIia AND WHOLESALE DEALERS CITY AND EASTERN MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, NOB. 432 AND 434 MARKET STREET, Below Blfth, Booth elde r aul9•lm PHILADELPHIA FALL STOOK or BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH H. THOMPSON & 00., No. 814 MARKET STREET, AND Nos. 8 and 8 PRANELIN PLACE, HATA NOW 1X STOBX A. BARON AND WILL MOULD STOOK 07 ' BOOTS AND SHOES, O OUT AND EASTERN MANNY/ACTT:ME Which they offer for sale on the best terms for cash, or on the natal coedit. Buyers are Invited to call and examine their stook. jy£ll-tf ROOTS AND SHOES.—The eabsoriber .ILD haa on hand a large and veiled igtock of BOOT!! and SHONA, which he will sell at the lowest piano. 030. W. TAM.OII, ao2o/ man /Dan int MAANAT . . AV --A ANTED situation,* *Young Nan; - T to drive o'Carrisge understands well-the cere Bf glories, hes fire years' reference. *adios a frulketis aerantee, will loan hie employer 5160 Plume apply at O'CONNOR'S 'ofileev , llo Arcade, Orestnot i , oiSoine - Aggi WANTED TO -HlRE 7 r;A:good Monise, • with Wiodorzi itoriiwiemfmto, wahine,: now,* of Sixth and Noble stioets. Achirtoo 1428 X. 0. • % 0e17.8t - "' - • HOUSE-FURNISHING STORES.:-- A gentleman from lialtrinore t who hie bliMinalli• ing on toe mai:offal:nue of Plain Plardshed Tittnauw. and dealing in Honse-limaishing A.Velea generentle desirous of obtaining a Egination as Clerk in the nate or a 'luau. business In this city.' Views modtwater. Please address n 001tTLAti,” Prins °Moe." 11,15201' WANTED=By the advertiser, a loan of IWO on a life-policy ihrdonble the Amount - A liberal interest • ill be paid.' 'Address la &JULIAN, Blood's Despatch. - • - " ' selb4t* WANTED—By an- experienced BOOS- KEEPER, a Situation Ida Factory or Wholesale House. Would have no objection to go South, 'Address PARKER, office of The Yrs.:. 1101640 WANTED-439 a Colored Maa,.'employ- V meat an Waiter in a Hotel or private family:— Apply to WESLAY JOHNSON , pricey Plaoq. yon. bsrai above Seventh. . aele.2t!lP VVANTE D=A - person haying $BOO, to join the .adrertior In parehasing a patent Apt of great Ts no A large profit will be guaranteed Addresa I. EI:NORTON; Blood's Despatch. ' - role-eta A LAD -16 years of age, of respeotable i parentage, wishes to lawn the Dal Goode bulimia _n a Wholesale Jobbing House. Address W. - D.,- at Gits °Moe. • _ " - sale gt* WANTED - - By an industrious. middle-- - lasi Woman, a micd plain 'slier, a Slinaktoh in a private family. Good reform:lto/1m given. Addredi MAYNARD, Blood'a Despatch. * 14540 AN Experienced Bookkeeper desires 11 Situation Ina Wholeaele or Manuraornrivg Eats. blishment. The beet or refereneee given .Acerote T. ot this Ofgae. • ' eels 801 WANTED—A Man perfectly acquainted with the Predate ittudusgs; one who lc OCtiaP.' tent to go through the country, end puichige eonntly produce. Moat be a mart entire liberal gaiety will be given. address; with reference, L. 8., Press . Office. VITANTRIY4-In Forwarding- and Com v Weston House, an intelligent Man to stand 'to the out door business. A" ilbenal -eammlation wilt be paid, or, if be mite, a good salary.; -None but a temp,- tent person need apply. Address BROAD Btreet,At this Office. aus. [WANTED.—By an experienced Book= ♦ v keeper, a situation In a anit-olase Merantl4 eetablishmetg. Best of reference given. Address eell-6t* BOOK-112En% once of The Press. WANTED; FOR THE UNITED STATIS OAVALRY—Able.bodied nimarried men; 'to , whom will be givei good pay, ' board, elotlitnt, and medical attendance, _Pay from 112 to. in peg month. . No man hiring a wife or child will be abrepted. .4 1 441 (bridal:lNT= /AMOR at No. 817 KARIM above Eighth, north ilde.' R. N. Let Lient. 24 Regt. of Cavalry, . RearnitingiNgeer. - - og, NORTH .SEVENTH STREET.—Gen. A.R." tlemen can be accommodated with Dinner or MU 1304 rd. Also, large and small rooms to let, with lboitd, suitable for families and single gentlemen, sellAt* 8 OARDING.-A handsome suite of apot ,mention the second floor, WALNUT St., between Broad and Sixteenth. . Address with reference, Li M. R , Pras office ._ - nel64! BOARDING.—To let, with Board, a - very . large and floe second-story room, with gas and u• of bath ; suitable for tan Gentlemen, or Gentleman and Wife. Also, a trent room in third story. Apply at No. 302 North NINTH, second door above Vine street, went side. sell-It MUSICAL FUND HALL. O&E MOH6,OONOEM PARODI, JORANNSEN, sm., MILLARD, art- OA, &LOLL ENHAIIRR, BATTER; CARD OP THS 'HA VAGESIENT..—The, Manager of the STRAROSCH CONCERTS reepectfolly annonnoss, that in consequence of the inability of many familial of the city and vicinity - to gain admission to BI'LLS PARODI'S but Farewell Concert, it has been de termined, on the return of the whets from Washington to New York, to give ONE MORE CONCERT IN PIIILADISLPHIAi— ON TURBO aY EVSNINO, - SEPT. list. This will be pos,tively'the lut appearance et MiLLII PARODI in Philadelphia. The programme will be most carefully selected,. forming the most attractive ever offered in a Contort Mom. In addition to other selections, WILE PARODI will Ring the soul-stinhig American National Song, "THE STAR SPANGLED B - • And, by request, repeat the celebrated Trench Hymn 01 Liberty, rcTILle MARBKILLAIBB," . Both of which have produced, on each occasion, the mostlntesse enthusiasm. - 1111ILLIARDS—Having returned from 'At- Janne will open THIS hIOBNINfi- at No. 10 EXCHANGE PLAOSI, Second Story. Ihe Tables with Improved Patent Cushions. You are rospoctfully MRS. D. P. BOWERS's WALNIIT,ST. ILU MUM, corner of NINTH And WALNUT Street FRIDAY EVBNING,' September 17, 11118, - The entertainments will commence with SINGLE LINE. Mr: John Niggle. Mr _Chapman; - Mr. Charlee diner, Mr. B. F. Keogh; Miss garbling .Co), Mrs..D. P. Bowers; Mies Jesse Meadows Miss 0 , Makings. To conclude with .011.11 . . Prices of adudealon—Bsoond- Var . and Paudly Qlrely and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquet, 87if - oantc. Drew Circle, 60 cents; Private Boxes,: according to *Kg Tonle, $3 and $5; Single beats' in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. - - - - Doors open at 7 o'clock; Curtain rises at T 3 &cloak. ViTHEATLEY" , & CLARKE ARCH-ST. TLISATRE.—WiIIianx B. Feederlnks, Actin and Stage Manager. . . FRIDAY BVIINING, September IT, 1868, Collesn'e Comedy of the Lord Mohr', John Gilbert; Lorenell, Mr . Dolmans. Fanny Sterling, Mrs. W. 0. Gladstone. To conclude with ON& COAT 011 TWO SUITS. Minimlon. 25 eta. Snared Seats in Dress Circle. BTjg eta ; Orchestra Stalls, 80 crts ; Seats in Private Boxes, Ti eta; Gallery, 18 eta; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 els; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, SS eta; Whole Private Box, $B. Doors open at o'clock ; commence atljs,precisely. CONCERT HALL. BECOND WEAK 07 86NDESSOW8 COLOSSAL REPUSSINTATIONS Or WM RUSSIAN WAR. Open every livening, and on Saturday Afternoon 5 o'clock. • , . Admission 25 eontal childrin la sante. aspll-lw Doors open at 7. Performance to commenoe at of NATIONAL HALL-RAE.IIET STREET. _ NOW OPEN J. Disco WILIJAms's celebrated - - PANORAMA OP THE BIBLE- This magnificent PAINTING commences with Ohaaik, and continue - e down in historical order to the Rata*. Dish Captivity, containing more than fifty of the meet sublime and Intereatinn manes In the Bible. - Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Dome open it 1 commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be hid at Hall door. ChM* under 10 years 16 cane. Also. hxhibitions on WEDNESDAY and SAME. DAY AFTERNOONS for famines and schools. Doom open at 2; to commence at 8 precisely. Explained by Professor TIBBITTS BARRETT's GYMNASIUM; -.. BILLIARD ROOM, PISTOL AND BIPLX GALLIORY. Will open on MONDAY, September BM, at No. 504% MARKET Street. 804 m. SANFORD'S OPERA-HOUSE, - ELEVENTH Street, above CHESTNUT. Open for the Beason, with the Urged TROIIPaI OF &RUSTS IN TEM WORLD. The Entertainment, nightly offered by BANFORD'd 'Muni " comprise all the latest Songs, Glees, Duette, choral Refrains, Dances. Ballets, &0., interspersed with WIT AND ELOQUENON. ILI fact, all the Vocalism of the day is prodnoed by Amato, tONO, AND POBTItY. The whole under the management of Mr. B. S. OAS. FORD. • • •• Admicaton.26 Mal. Doors open at 7% •'elook ; per formance to aomatenoo at 8 o'clock.- snail= EDWIN W. PAYNE, IRON BUILDING, ARON STRUT, One door above Fourth LASTING)! FRENCH KID, PATENT LEATHER, OONOREBB WEBB, TOILET SLIPPERS 'UPPERS, SLIPPER. TRIBLISINGS, LACES, he. .nl9-2m PHLLADELPIttA NOTICE TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. II The underalgeed (eneoemore to the late JOUPEC T. JOHNS) are now prepared to meet the wants of the trade at the OLD STAND," Northeast corner of ARCH and FOURTH Streets. Their facilities for IMPORTING and FURNISHING every article in the SHOE STUFFS and TRIMMINGS line, at moderate prices and on favorable tenni, are unsurpassed. The attention of BUYERS is respectfully solicited. WM. JOHNS SON, N.B. corner Arch and Fourth Ma. BRIDGETON.—The Steamer EXPRESS leaves ARCR.Street 'Paw days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 834 o'clock -A. M. Returning, leaves BRIDGETON Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 8 o'clock A. M Stopping at New Cutle, Delaware City, Fort Delaware, and the usual Landings on the oohansoy Through tickets for hiilleville, Port Elizabeth, Mauricetown, Dividing Creek, Newport, Cedarville,and Parrton. aef-lzo* ripHE SCOTT'S LEGACY PREMIUM— J The Comm**. on Science andthe A rts, constituted by the Franklin Antitote of the State of Pennsylvania for the promotional! the Mechanic Arts having nom. mended the awiteilat tke Scott's Legacy Premium to Dr. J. B. Francis, for Ms process for removing teeth—by the use of Electro-Magnetism—the Board of 'garners will award the above Premium intwo months from Misdate. unless satisfactory evidence is given of the wont of coif gitudity of the improvement. WILLIAM HAMILTON, acturn! Jy27_tahiBw /L ADE LPH IA WARMING AND M. VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. ARNOLD & WILSON, 81700180010 re 8. •. HattaldOW. We have removed from our old stand in Walnut Street to the LAWN STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the St. Lawremn Hotel, where our old friends and the public are reaffectfully Invited to ... in ..., ex t en d,. stool, at Warm Air Iternso Cooking Banged, Bath Boilers, Registers, Stone Mutels, Parlor Coal Grates, &o. now OELLSON'S CELEBRATED PAT. ENT NEW COAL GAS CONSUMING YURNACE, the most powerful and economleal Heater ever Wonted, and rutted to all clines of buildings. Ab et new and beautiful patterns of Low Do Grates and Parlor Goal Grates of all elses and pattern We 'have also, commenced the manufacture o. ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn se/mania Stone. These Mantels were awarded - 11 SPECIAL PREMIUM at skslato Pair and Exhi. Mien of the Runktisa Institsm of this city, They represent allthe ran and beautiful 11thl0a Nieman., are not injured by Smok e . Coal Ow, Oil or , Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at mush less price than Marble. Cali and em than. ARNOLD & 'WILSON. BENJ. M. EILTWELL, SupUinteadellt. VEHadelSldl4 April ) lM 3i Ohmic licrarbing. cAmusements. TICKETS FIFTY CENTS CLANDESTINE MARRIAGE Ohoe Sinbiuse 13001191/1 AND DIALER IN GALLOONS, BERITINGS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers