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' -ty1220111 , 4 1 -7,i i -. , -..t.....- ‘,,,, :s I;'x ,-: ..,...- . ; -:; . i.5.--I=7,,i,dienito."..'-'"'" "siiitillijt:',.. ;'--- fr tp,,,` vt+- 1 1 -,r n.,:,: ~e , . ji i i k ,v ,i-zi r vi-h4s- ,---.t.7,.--w-- '.:-‘ •:•-)• -- - t D -1 / 4 1414 4;;W0U1L0,,, my A DV1 61 . 3 9+ T. ' —• 1. '1 8 4 5 110 /1)11 ‘ 4 - , 4:sg,l 4 ifiii4ahriir ' --grtA•: , t'A - -- - -'-; , ki • Ifr-iA; g --• *4:4 111 4.t Ck'l4 Tr ' t A r tt''' ' I I a . - ••' k" 11'24004i surgiterov,irk ' '—i . : 7 4 - 0 • ;.i. , - , - 4 .414*.ta:-*Cii, .0 - - , floa •- , --,-- ,-__ , ,rt tt \Il Imon e ff r amo v io r .ol44os , -4:t. , :. , :1 ,,,, ,, ,, , , .!". l ktToli t, b s fe'r 'Cash' Otty_ AO. • " 1 11941,14',NPLAzrzr: earir onaimarr ; n" ft'n nll4 4 lll o l'l4 l.l ll - fs".."' , '"{f.tft • gAW.I4; rs:ll.lo l 4G4'- 40404 1 1 4 1 1. 4 rCieila; Aso isiimindisaily banagoiali Vidal • :4 4 4:0;05:::11Atrall,7 0 1/301:0454 - 4;;4._ • „ - " 41 40 1 ":34 11 01. 4/ P 34 Me i r41%.01 , , A 32 OX4narii*Cnillek4s7..ll7g.• : X 0 4 1 0 1 04%*f int .k tn WWI) - r ii i9#4374k4P , or 4ff.l39Aiwymmulds,u.szira 7 . !%12W::11 4 4)_ 'l4-**90:91,0 11 4 1 14 - 1401*Piii:MN Foyourx '... - Id4booYo3 'tar/ •' ,`• east = . ' vw. 4 T, W. W: 062 , , ,,t 700 0 *Tita 7 :44 1 0 6--1611WW W 44 'EI-n*444: Snilifo63loll4lAWlrniftrkeocra -44 Ait'.' 7 ll4 Thai. j , 4 6;4 I lialkirsvk,4 l ,sta'w' Y;ir - r ILIWANSeri, ..N; SIMIAISG II I I- ;•,' . Allii" , - - =t4o - 1 1 4the l re: r qieV Nor- - NO*TIV _11) , • , 1 V; 'y • .-•!•M.,,7 • • •• WareA t ioPrk ' • • .r R l 9). ^. : AAPINK I O 41 44149 A : 1 411 V t'. 1 fflotnisting _ - Daus now* , - ' • ••••_, ..noussfm 44 , PRANAPAli .. 11 isM • 4 441,1 - tit'iTrn:wpirt it. . 1: 49? Orgals7ttla - •Vnit s .r .. ' i ,‘- ' %hid* iitaedt '4 C I-9.74116 - YEA A ' ' 'scilliyklAtit - W.Eirai.altaW,3 eV) , DRAWER?! Mtrirmis; peoftraiNg and • 4 ‘I.II7tI.+I.4IVAPAS) , "*'•;%f4- -611 ta,noig. elqmplet*, aompriipictheivalm. *Mk *VI ylyin au dictoltat - telimp tee 'Nilo 9 4 4 6 OCpr - PYft.4ilu4~l4."7!lSNTQwN~ AND ltilakihefitiiiiiiticliiita:fik4 - 17from the MuLtp , and ion ' nOn%PrOM4,,,t o z B e lll 4 , 7 - ftdudnikft4 l llsitA4k:=, - , 0811AUTY404 - MA:GP/RV & P.O 1M1. 0 4 . 04 1 4 ibinike# ....easti. Rousys,steasprhaideplo; irlsrAismorithaop 22 . 4 ritt sgtorrro • 110,801141 A:10am, , B11:1101Zei "Al*Tiiliitiiiiiot - totiDs: 7.• ; - 5W 1 :11 43.- ;,:i slf '!IKS-1414.4str;lif VA:NOT 000D8; VRVIPAk on T. #V4 , ).1? AIiD , VROmPT EROIMAndog-Atrylg#3 , '041.111PBEW& 0 tAT. ,E„ , 1 ; , • C . : -- : -..-xeRJamolfOR;11(00/1184410E_DNALEIS. t• ; ' , WEEMS AMODSpC , ' - s t,jib I,OIOO4PCAND : PONZSTICt DRY GOODS • - ..ollimrlitkiqbrit.&-woffn*tirri!::" -kOlattlrovaFre" 4 ‘ ciotpf , C. 1 4.0XS rigigAkatriO At ri; 'oizar'lND NELIEf kill/30Na, ( 1 1%,;)4 AND,/gigt9IDRU . EB, - ULOTIk AND . . ; :i&ADZE#OI.OI44 I ; SILAIVAAUSTILL4B, i , -101110110therizitite i thll#*Foiterfeßiyervon!. 1 .46; , ..4:4,tkt4" 13.-p tz rkltit'Zl4Wtra P d24t)dirfaltry",DA • ' .14 { V • - zutßil sTREICT - -'l3'oW' ; OH," t#P,i,j4lll'*R 913 1611 .110tkia,.,10I1 1 3 :Pf - o The ptock s inisistp of s s , s l ' Attitfilt — SFCoos 6, bb; ‘ s-Axiiililiihi4rarisit - 11 - tk4 Jr 3• - -- A , itfiritAIPLWANDIrANOr • : • D g. Lit if, kgi 4: 2 . ? 08.-94 1, -4;4 1 /40k40013; 4 411VIS'EatAil i airfitaitildi . • ' kiatitiVa CiiMVOIII 4 • Parini law.% ALPACA , - • • , 1 BRoyIN GOODS, v.L Wlth 40xultplete - LlnB'or. ' '• • ''' T:2IIOI4OIPER/ES And other siii•i'otaoarsv*id to & • • - - , • ' AlketWbfaiiroisffetedt ' W. G: . 13/111 • 1101C & CO. 1 ;::ASVAIrOr 114433'ib1i""14r 9.ttitlvott liiutw2ot - - • ",ilExPrx:se xxonss;,' • - ;.; iimArana, ROOMY. . GLOM': YAiiOT ,, GOODS? pan , 110 e: 425 MERCLUiT I , ;%sitla s ivit. IVI4ZAVI'CONFLIT/1 OLIOODIV•90 1111 7.4444 1 6";' 4. , At.te TP • I=o . •;: their In r, '( pssDCYEAlf , ii,lniftsL , „ - G:GOODS. nry0u434.4,A, • MAN" i•••411101/,.f.:- 482.- , ' -0 3 f „, 0 117,,..,4V `4011,1117%;;,,,, 4-1311,011/e,4 siann's . 1,41.11)41 BBIAW, , •criti,,i`viiYurnishlng ' ertheykt!vit° the ant : 1858... , e , 1atiac coops 1858 ,41/o.`,e4ciitt,kni:givr - olsrzw.w.... its; 147,--goriox - moorr 1• IWO now in store their eomplete '• • • ' 9FI3ILeAVOANOY 400D1c ToSgpiribit *Stadion ofthe TAAD t iI is United.' i , ; , 09, ,,,, ,ii#DDim01w ,, :. - ' *(4lAitti If ' - ---"-- "'" 1 - ;......r .r_ ~ _..: • . ~ • 1f'•;;-i , i;V 4 k:Me l M i.4- .?: : -.l,,triorirbitioin!„ , ,4,,Nci ,004,pAtaXOPATILanigETI ,-, 'IMF DOOM IiMLOW VIZ monossmfacgollimi c' Oen tor matittitraWc oriood. is 7,31' Avtillif liititiliefoi6duthAr il , AI , i * Anittliet l l i krES7 ' ' ' iAt t 340 1 00 111 gPrliQOPUL T ** . " 371"I ' .. t ' • 1118 for mon ? 'Oman, and cdaildrre;toroprlidnd toPollittlistair4r SOlLMlldli` e'=, -- -.",•''', ' , 1 41nt1rM1111004444:14,19F411,; l'._. .AtititCoMmitnauitTg - uta.ffloniatti ..- \-, • 1 1, 14 At CAMBRIC 11,ANDIEZROELISFa ga:i8111:11 *AO':',:f•,':-_,C, ' . " 1 t AA 1 Frfti/LSTIVALTO witb pinspior entirely O* d±id4throldtb An endlera, vartotT of , If . drions, .10104641rtd0 dineoftordlim if % • ..'. b..,.... 1 ~... r., 9/ 431 ,;= 1 0 4 9 101 11 1 '''' 4-- ' - 2 , t: ,', - ',. - 1 . - 4 4 ....... . . ; • A it): R.:3VIR 14C or) ''?"-re' IgIMISIMM 1 ,42 ( 1' • 141 d .•`% , ..) . • , < 0-9- , T-1-4 ,, H,7H- ;0 - H 0 - 1i - J, , , • TREET "" !kramir -` ;PuiLIDELPHIA. jurivicac,;4opl;& • • ,3.1.11 - 001'ANI) 8110 E *AURHOTIBEI MADEIIPACTORY, _ • N 0.626 -MARKET _ 'STREET, . , AIXTH, Et EMT - 4i HARRIS, • SientipidivaniitaiOrlVßOLEB4m DB#l,llll, j3b,ots iN , WV , OprttetTiAgripuld'AßcE B.treetit'l ,il l 4 1 - • Bls4:ktg - :'*.rt7i-'s)l4),ts, Of RHILADZLPIiIkaxO EASTERN , • .""OTl4* GOODS :AND, - i:nrxit# *pi to ezamtne our &Oak. y 1_2•If•• i- A4la.**stiiiettilTit Strao. i , MAII FY#P T FAMI B . AID •••w4to i,44113A L 1-? EA . xolyes .. , ,,-.'i,';, - , ..: -. ~.. -,, , ix. , -. ,i t. _ .;•••• , • 4NP'Ii#PARAAT,: , :**PI AND sH4A4, Noe. 432 AND 43424ANKNii8kiliNZ2.''. 1 , . 4 4 ~ ~6i~im, F~IT:T.,'BTOOS. ~Oth AND_BSOEB. ask , „ • . ,TRITIPII. T 1197 0130,1 Z, .0., - 4 " LOE; i aron . , , r3r O T/TAt 4 P 6 rg 0 ! 0 1 01? OITY MANIIPACiTuItE, • , j okthezetrei feeeekon the heit : tenni( Weak or on the eel* leyit4to.eelkae,d 1400113.: AND fad 0/2 hand hi* 'and -ruled - 'Waive BOOTS sad JEGOEB, which he WIG mat at thc.laweat DAM.' - GEO. 1%1740E4 k•I n021,13c, 31:4ornht,MT.Etrici-MAERET ~ihn~.nbittgs. PATtfLri.: _ ntoz(Burripitta r eitoit STRUT, above Fourth . • LASTINGB °) 1 8 ; - "J: FRENCH , Ottani*pal! ), LiAt BLU P PRIttDPW+ isLiPPATC- poutpq, - 149E4, ho: , 8110 . . FAO 1111 LAB: • 'Ai4INDINGIitIEN:- Ws aronwiTpiepool to fal all Orders for LAFITS fer.the"SallTrade. We have in eresexi oer Waialeale the Maindiatuting,Dapartment, end with's lafgerworkliestookeY *pod , hand tha n aerotlier leautillettuat in^ this , iiity or Neer York. we ban Wash AryWood i - ird at the lowest Philadelphia pr ~-/l Modern Ryes. t,,,,-,P4'ZOWARD.tc CO olpl. ' '• - eneritit,seti loakis •' • bilfweleee NOTIOE_TO SRO& MANITPACTURERS. 4. - The undsrahtned (sio - oesecis to theitstelOOSPß T. Jintlis)"iie nir prspated to week fait Winds or the trade at the • _.;7„ • 'S - I e A,N Northeast eorner of AROff And:NOURTIX Streets.. Their &dillies fir tliPOßTltici And - Nil fiNitliflNO icrei7 iillcle Irittie MIOR 13011113 eautTRIBIKINGB !lewd ntoderste _Oleos end - nn - fororehle torraso are Thdrittentlen of BOWERS Is teSpeidhiliy, solicited. WM. PIXOII3 & SON, 06646 huh and Fourth etc. sul? - Ohio , I ' Instants &is 9740,144. & CO„ , r l.lllPoii*Alf AND NVAOLiii4.O,IDBALiItB CHINA /4.TD 44ITEENSWA* Nos. 28 and -28 601",l'prvQuitaw ,„, . „ Betwoon • PHILADELPHIA: 117" GLASSWARE; open oi bi . the protege -'•._ ...• r F/J4L STOOK ;i: OILINA AND.4ITEENSWARE. 33 d-v• 1:k ac , s Wgov a, No. 82 NORTH, FOURTH 8T.,. 'POUF DOORS BELOW THE MERCHANTS' HOTEL, Han now in 'tore So Davit assortineni at ' . pi4A,.4.IIIiciIIEENSIVAER- , , In the city, of their. °int importation, to which •they invite the attention of " • p xes .cisas nuyEami. Agents for Itteaidephtioll Pittaburili Ohm. au2/I.lm . - • O. 917 T 4 N: 441 D IirESIEIOT XER6EIPTS ! , _ . A largo Stock or 011 INA.; OLABSICABB, 'AND PANcilt , ARTICLES, - AT 1712 LOWIIBI 11181 IT 7210111, AT, MAKXB •WITT&,-ImporterD, itaBONIO cut pc,a7oa#l.s: WILLIAM A. DROWN & 00., •- •• 1- AIIIIIRRisLi - AND PiRABOL Ket!tU#4o7llJotßil, Mfl9 Ml=l -• ' l t • oonatantir on hand to whlahltla Wed- • • • •" 28-1111" UMBREILAO,4*/} ' 4,4RASOLB, . No. 335 fd.A.!XEi: o,24isVri, inylte - p0 attention of ,111,p111.8 To TWO • • 111001{. .0 . ~,.:;; '..-r:1:1.1#10.194:441410b1i;i'_ .wlitotte'sviiCtioii;"dENT v pualusanlet arose • PATENT BEA10111.1)1.T /401.114.0.:. /Athol:11d Read, No; Too oiIEhT,NUT oppo , site Us Waillilbsteil it,•IIINOIIE6T,ER will whit( aa berObrol i fill pery 41,4 14 ) 1a W= '121 ! 6 • irw i lifilteVircegfiTil 1 41 e, r eigg cottiniiinec at the shortest- riptles.-li t itoleiste, leas implied:on Must terms-- V 3 4 4 - • 341"rr,Ila!e i OP:the:grin 'or.AVTIT ; ' "iterfieti g s P its.Tfoorr,PEPT#ll 49 lo ll4 % irtrtßit 111te.13110111 WIRT: lIANTiIiIOTORT;:, 814 ORM 3 rNtirl. 1 4 14 4 ,0100.0 6 - 0010.1" ' ) 41144.41414,- - ' I . ,.W:lormiltiewpadtfully sell the attentitet 4r,Sto Winer isittoeshtst friends to We ittorecitea LTV* . pitettlo - Olt Ours; tor 131tIrtT8 at short tiothte.i Offset V suelshatisCr„ gotINTIIT Ititilltr sort' -,i)Xig•tr!" S GEBVirrsll/RtttEaliGi 100111 pliW~delpHlr;;O: tisois miou , Mal .Poslor In . Undo of - rue • - oliMog root tostrofitottrer of lion Shittivvinialted otofy foOpetri to sow Wain misitufadtbroao Mir et ;oloirorkoto, wholopie,so tattailitr ma de • • 4V.A , on'the n('S'f-•WtcAPPEBS - pR 40.11intlitOWNS:—Thelariwat•'uld baWaa. ilwmtgatihvreit): *Weal, and MO, with a fall liattittrattillelh i lbliaultiat tea, spasms., at tw. W. AMeiri JOS ittottiabove Stant, Plillatt. i.0 1 *;;;;.4.1rV:i: , :1•0 ; -*; 1.1'44" op ,thw .•AT' • ' ;400.. ales .Hiwaniaiear llabsor **dos irktdAiin, itoniun,•Yor Patel* 4.-MBRINOI : r. 414 /s 9 'ls 4 ,l l !#! g i t ::l l4l t V ! - = ;•,,,,v ;IP 4.71 t t y 4-ti m - j r7.4 , . _t t• - ‘ . f.,El_ X I ( , • rt - S. : 4•' ; 44,, 1,- .o',. '. '' '.7.; 47 .. - P' I P -- ,-- - -- -, • .•.1 , t , ',.: •-. A _... ~ - • . • - - • - - • __,,_:,„;;. _z__..,., ..-:,,,,,, , - • , -,:l• ,ro . • ~- Vitrilw•Cier;'"."?,-;e.•,, _.--" -, •.•••-• -•,',--, .‘"• .. ''-' . -,,,- ' 4 " - '' , . ''' ^ • .7. - ',., . --- ..... , `"t•ir , 7. --. .... - ..,,,, , ,,,,, ' , <• - ••14.1ii ,, ••,•;:•,••• , ---•.,• ~,,.. ---..,,,,,,,,....6.,,....„ tStlef.-4PMAi,tt,".4-:;:rs.'n't;"•?-"INA' -^-t''''',4.''''''''''‘' "--''...f:?-:.", '' , •0 4 c. - t - . ."' " g ' ..,-,' '' - --- -.---. -- - '''''-'- .''' r 0:17: 9,r -- ---:_zz; Ntf: , '-if,,4 • • . • ' ~, , A'. 4 :o r ' ~, , i ;.. ,;.," -, - ' ''' , ft ', , - Vl \ --' JA--:V -' X ' ', .. ---4 . ' i, ' ' 4 /"....."""'" " . • -'',,,,,,--. ---' • -~ 77 ' . 1--, - k1t .N.., -s. ::•••,, Nl '' l . ~fi . %" r "? :•; --; • . ' 7 .. ' . '., ~ 3 ‘ 41 .9 ~ __4--le, ~.,; . : - ...,-,-,1• ,- , f , „,,,v , , -,, I ._ i L I ~, . . . •M 1 tr ._ .._, . , ___ .a 4"„ ... 1 1 6,..` ' - ' 4 .7.', -- -. -- 4...7 Ta a:A ip.,..1.;-"I ;'• • ' -'"-'• A' !' 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J ,. - ,11 , 40 --:, .3: ~ ..i .s - ,.. s-. • ~,.- ;.:1 -- ;:s 1 ~„ ~v, .- • 5.5 , , ,,, -7- , ,--,-.;)-• ,- , ~....q 4., • '•• ," -.• ~ ', ••'-, • • T7 ., ~ ' • - „ , :1•.•0 -' ' „_„, ' .:„,_',.! • ' 4'...%' '1,,,,,:, RILADELP . r _ Q :; , 4°7 ` SAT hl SEPTEMBER, { X. ; c3/.4.u,..,; ,„ •„ •- - • PAKLADBMWIA - , Yzlsgtbilit4tiatbines.4 ,l +- 4 187 112 EW 14 *.+WITAS .11 • zrz , , : -,-.. • g.ll-,Vr I I SUPEBIOIt TO ALL °TUBBS fAipoltB; DiE39114161i8, BIIIHT=IffA~tERB,'AND ALL wovsp_pup,miti, • . - • • Every ki p d, atYlai 00,114 pattallot„ihitiluktiarliall4 Inatrumeata for *ale st my Witco at - caotory.prioas.- I give , the eitt;uoiieneibuilon iiihe 001414 ti Bich • Aginti, and Merahante paioltaalag iiziordera. : 1; e HENRY 00Y,-Ageat fr . '628 01111IBTA1IT EltraktiPlilladelplaa. §tataqraat, - Tiaatop, N. T. t an 26-40! , . ; , - - EIrARRIS IO , , ; 130:131ibIR''' St WIN 6 MA-, AA. RHINE Isoffereik to the public as the most sells me hor t prieed Bowing Machine In use. It will sow from to sixty atttches to an habit on all pods, from equrst - beggliig ^to theAnest •OemhlaS.: witiOneeiSiPtlesi, shipleet to Its iniehirdeq,,:coO l strnetion ever sende„esed can be y rsueindAsept.in order by a chlleof , tyelte you'd aim, l'hchuhenuart Ude inexidie, end' theinimsT 01 1 rtti sreytar l . Ranted to be umupsmo; by any other. „Ate speed rangei from Area hithdriddo)Atenhindred etitehes peVrain ntet,-,Tho Vloisf need Pt tptig difeotiVroml ll 9 l 4 , 4o l i, wiTtiobi azirnnina:::ln riot; ifli ip;uft the lair - piles of -, ..1011 , T1t DOLLA4B, = - e, at Whir& titer, ; acid; brings tient within the , reach of altridateariry One — SAVO, Agent, ' ' Jellidtho Ike sown= 90 South. EMI= Strati. giCtildigo.;:.*! 33 .e4l; - PV;;' CIIISSPNtIT , Street., '. • . -..• , , Have resolved; per steamers, ' • • ,„ ,Jewelry, Chatelaine Vest • tt : plendid Pans Hair. Pins. r,. - • Fraltlitends,hai Baskets'' , :; ' :Pet Goods and P r ower:Veses. • , - - Coral, Lava and Monate Sets: • Sole Agents ,ln Philadelphia. , for ` the sale of Charles frodohsVOLLONDON.TIMH-KEEPEEB • ~ del° SILVER -‘ . , 1, 7_ 2 • -WILLIAM WILSON fr, SON, • , MANUFACTURNIL - OF smr.g.ww4RB.. - . (BEITABLIE3finD '; • - • - - B. w. dostanz NINTH AND MINIUM BISBITB, • A- lame sanOrtment of BILYBP,WARB, of eaery de. Seription, constantly on hand, or ingde to order to match n 7 pattern desired.' ;- Importers. of She Meld and' Birmingham imported JARD - .Bclino. • . - " ' aP a AND SILVER-PLATED - WARE, • - • No. 1304 Cheatnut*Stanet,: above, Thid,, ( nif Oahe ' ) Philadelphia. Oonatantly on hand and for eels to the Trade, TEA SETS, commuNioN SERyxOE BETS , URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS OIIPS, WAITERS. BAP /LETS, OASTOBB,HNIVBEI, nPOOOKI, PORNO, _ LADLES, Ae., Ike ' ' • di - Ili - Ad plating en at kinds et - mold; se2-ly 131 - oittree' WITHERS &PETERSON, -.- • %BRAN -888, - No. BO Booth TBLRD Street, (East Me.) Promissory Notes,- Drafts, Acoeptsoces, ma. Wring to • or oter States, promptly collected, and parties advised Immediately on receipt of funds,--.: Drafts at sight or a few 4ya to run, cashed at Mode rate•rates. Southern, Eastern, Western, and. Pennsylvania State Noney bought at low figures. • . • - • Drafts drawn on'all the principal elites In the Union. au2l,fish , • .." (111_,S.BLES E. 81N11.., ' REAL' ESTATE BROKER AND AGENT, • No". 8145CWALNUE STEVE?. - - Beal Estate purchased and sold. houses ,rented. Rents and Ground Rents collected... Money procured on mortgages, ground rents, ite. . ssisonsois. -• Pretoria Fraley, Esq., , I Wm. D; Lewis, Morris L. Hallowell E Aß. Thos. P, Bparhawk,BlBl,, James Dunlap, ~_ Caleb Janos, En, su3o AUGUST BELa i IZT,- , ~ Te BEAVER I S e ritEET,' JIM TORE, tune. Letters of Credltorrapable, to Tremellers, _on on pieta of the world . : •,- Jeatt•eza (I,4ONISE & 00. A _ . - -.. Iv OPBOLIFAND ExOnii4l3o.BßAHCEllta,: -. No.llo South TRIAD •Otroet, ranamumni: - Zara to the BLit.. flu! Alk9pului of pailactelpkis. vac a. MAMMY. ,• V. Z. 180111. Z. ns MANLNY, -BROWN, & .BANI-NOTE, gTOOH Ablb ' IXOROG.II - 0.39. coiner of TAIRA and'ullimeTNSCT a t t ests,' runanwn• . collacycionS 'Mac - and Dail/ drawil on all &Atha CtortodAtatait AU:title China favynkbia , • Colleetionsnade, and *Sat* Mira tne Raglsod3 • - Thaituriont Baulk Notes Wright. Land Warrants bought and wad. Dealers hi Opods and Bullion. Laos and Time Paper negotiated. - - - • Blocks and Loam bought and sold on' Clommleatori at the Board or Brokers in Philedelpide and New York; iIDWARD R. PAM, RICHARD R. PARRY, &MIT Pnblia for Commissioner for - Minnesota. • Pennsylvania' and • , New ismay. VI A R ' BIL 0 T Er& , &SCUD= & GIinfiLLT,IAND AORDTEI and OONTRYANORBB,_ FRONT STRRR2, _dot's SIONORY ) , - ILAREKTOi MIIINIMOTA, Pay partienlat attention to loaning and Westing Honer for non-residents and others, • end =Denting Drafts, Doter. &a. Any letters of lIIIQUIIII' or Widnese resoWe prompt attention. Refer to Wood-. Bacon, & Co., Philadelphia. Dale, Rosa, & Withers, Philadelphia. - Ha in es, & Co., Philadelphia. •• Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. - Charles & Co., Philadalphla. Parry to Randolph. Philideir&la. mribimlS oablert anb larnzeo,erimminna. GOFF & PETERSON, IMPORTERS AND IdANIIPAOTIIRDRII BADIXBY, OARIiIiGE, and RARNRSB TRIMMINGS, No. 818 MARKET STREET, . • 'anl2-2m ' - - PIILLATTLPHiA. Sethhien. pHOSPHATIO GUANO. 2,000 BARRELS AND BAGS PROM BOMBARD° ISLAND, In Store *au for sole by, , • JOS. B. HANSON & GO., No. 105 North WATER Street; and N 0.106 NorthIMILAWILEN Avenue MO FARMER S.r-- Nitrogenized Super- Phosphate of Lime, or Prepared Blood, the most reliable article ever offered to -the puulia. Manure°• tuned and for tale by BLAKISTON & WOODWARD,. West end Market.ptreet Bridge, • seSttee - - Weat Sum &t. BUFFALO ROBES, , BY THE BALE OR ROBB, GEO. F. WOMRAIIIt'S, 416 AND 417 ARcl3 MEET nemovals. 1111)P E lr. A.L - 0 . SADLER & do: have JUL removed from No. 9 North Water Street to No. 103 Afton st r eet, second door above Front. eel . ... REM.OVA4-- - . _ . THOMAS N. DALE -& CO., -.-- ' Importers out Nonuteotureni 'of _ .. OLOTillitNa t , and -. TAILORS! TRIAIIINeB, , 'Hite Removed from No. 19.North•FOONTH Street to • : NO. 818 MARKET BTItEET. -' Erni. ADELPHIA. , WARMING AND wuntweriNG wAtuolous.v. - , • • ARNOLD •k - WILSON,' -.7 • ••- ' autisesoa9 Ter a. A.' ' We r haVe removed hob:tour old stand in Walnut street to the LABOR STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, slew doors -below,the' St, Lamm* Hotel, where our old friends and the fablio are respectfully invited to examine our extensive stook of Warm Air Pornstes, Cooking Bang - se P ; Bath Boiler*, Megisters Enameled Stone Mantels' uler Coal .Grittee, &e , We are now nuitinfaotitring••oattstnee - 011LEBILITED PAZ. INT SAW COAL GAS CONSUMING TURNACE, , the Moat powerful ant aeonomiesl • Hester ever invented, antleulbekto sUoiaspee of• buildings. • Also, new , MM. beautiful patterns of LOT BM Gsatee, is d.PertotiCoal erste. of Ogees and patterns. We hive also Oommeneed, the noutufsotUre of ritinSLßP:- STONE :MVITILS from PO* , klati4 _ Bone . These , Mental+ - wait' • ewsitled a ,at the late Asir aktllfx/ti., /forte/ Mt Pankffn Intlitios of - this city. They bl, mettkcil the faro and beautiful ANZIO/I hteleise, u are hot ered by Smoke i'Odat (144. Oil et Acids, ma lasso tl,Whelessle antritetait, at math lift pries Moe ;garble', - Call and Sse them. • - r &UNCLIP N. WILSON. BENZ. M. IBLTWELL, Superintendent., - • I.MW-ranl 4 Iv,' 25 cues fittest TuseattLyneh 011 i `Q.A.LAD OIL — • piktol4 gild for oslea n ATOL. 00 s o uth rttotim 8124 . ,Seci Slicul t _ just :reboived itnil fur mai b) , ' • 0. 0. - BAPLXR 4.00: cot - : Anti st, i 0r10p,4400r Oar* , j c. : , :•,„ - - ~ , , r ):., . .4 "-a .' • t , , ..,,,, r i ' , ' ''' ', l 4 ,l ~ 1 11 .... L 'II tot: 1 ;" . 1 -*. 7 1. ' ‘ : ',....-.4 i v f,,,, ... , c i n riia.' TAIRI;4-i;'sEirEmßEß:4:lo9.sB_.,_, - I:4lr la pr g y:e r p24 of the public,prounda; The::Citizene% of - Fhiladelphicr.:niust been sitipilaed at the announcement 'made - at b.' lafeciittgtftig4of24Mcitttrdiens of the Pock, that; there arettnyin • the -.Almshouse • mom . 427, D.,l4P,'Ariti l ßP,DrEn Ali to work sa -any meinber'of the Board of Guaidiins. -The respeCOlble,-iiintleman who made • this 'ritate, ment,,, rb.pffere'4,a resolution for the Uklointmerit of. a-ceramittee confei',With a . 'committee of pennons- to devise some means iWileiithy:the M Muscles of these ' men may be . aifielsed, = dettervits the 'thanke' of every tax= 'payer....l: The Almshousa-was not •intended to beampapptaelkfor able,hodied, laziness, but .4 reating l Ritmo for the aged ' a nd rand'in fi rtn p for ;the poor *Mien youbi , mightfindlcrether - refuge''froin permry . and " wunt;tliazl this A bli ,charity" If,h wever, - the deinft ttak histitutnin Mint be - ,thrown open tO_ all ivhe' seek,' its shelter, let our , ,ropiationtatliek - fri oOhneils see that therebnet andltiong hitve' Mffileient out-dOOr work - to )seop,,tlittlefdlgestion • good. 'lt would not,' perhaps, leasible te lead large gangs of men any greettliabince frorn the Alinahoule to grade and work -upon the 'streets, if they are still tomaltenhis place their ledging house . ; but timrols t!puhlic work of,pressing "mous* Upon tvlitch`otheir - lab* might be employed to great'',adiantage." - On the - Schuylkill_ just above 'Fairmount, lie , our 'public -grounds.' long' - been desecrated that the'visiter'Of today would find'it difficult Ito realize 111? the ruined aspect of the plac - e' theheardituncountry residence"of Mr.. Pawn, which Weir:se : , delightful a- place of resort to, 'oar, twer4-j , : years ago. But, -despite the rough treatment,: of these grounds, the, natural scenery remains, and all that is now required is the kindly hand of the landscape :gardener to' niake them - the, pride and jok,orthe city: For the hundredth time the tenants ita;re'reCeiveti notice to Vacate the premises, and the first of October has been definitely fixed upon by Coto:Mils for their re; moval, so that after that dayne,more, trees. will be felled for fire wood no more rocks blasted to, erect barracks of, an Unsightly chit ; meter - upon grerinds long se: dedicated to the people as a public park. - - . Now, on these grounds of the people there is works lie don& Old''. stone W6llB', the 're : . mains_Oestahles, coach.hoimitia, green-houses,' :and other _outbuildings, stand tottering in their,;:wietelted inviting thd. Alendly hand', Of„ #4 , ,latiorer for their removal ; Innu merable old fences' tinning -Itt.'all'ffirections, anti'llividing //pith° 'grounds ,for. the Conveni ence of the several occ upants, are to be laid low fdr the nitiammelled'lread of the people • over. their - own doinaip. Roads and walks are to, be staked out and made from the gravel on the spOt; and trees planted, along thele walks to 'afford shade to 'the-pedestrians; who will throng the park. ,In view of the great benefit this beautlful place of resort will be to our citizens—PartioularlY:te the who own no country-poets, and remain in the city the ypar,round—wiMid : lt not be the part of wise polley to set;,the able-bodied men in the Almshouse to .work,iii-elearing away the rubbish front these gioniids; ,and -'so far. as poisible, the.:foundation. for a , neat wooden eftelopire:: Fifty - ofthese able-bodied recipient i s of the public bounty, would,' in a very Short 'Olio:perform wanders for this long-heglected 4 lrahlic;property, and open up to` thonsandla place wltiati has no equal for beauty of eitpettert'atid:lit#Onery in the county !bt Philadeiiihiii;'!, - ii,hariff Could convey some of theraiirrthe 'illehbyllall:.to these grounds, and return them, again in the evening to their pahttial.lodgings. ,- The guardians could de spatch -to them their rations, and at noon,. under the branchingtreett,,or 'in the old man: sion.house upon the. place; these hearty fel lows vionld,bq able to enjoy the meal they had honestly earts'O. - We - commend this public work to the Guar dians and the Councils.' It will prove an or nament to our city, afford an agreeable place of resort to the aged, and to' thoniands of women and children it will 'open up new plea sures in the; extended . laWns and rich foliage which thesC banks of the river present at every turn. To the jaded business-man, and to' the invalid, it will bo a boon beyond price, and to .all classes of our people it will afford space for pure air, exerciso, and pleasure, free from the turmoil, confusion, and dust of our streets and reads.' _ Let, therefore, some of these able-bodied men be sot to work at once on Fairmount Park. A Tip-top Chtitacter Done in Fitting French. Tricolored for The 'mei ALEXANDER Simon was born at Gamancbe, (Somme,) of a very respectable family, and was educated by the Abbe FALAmi, the pre sent cure of Itontaigu.. Notwithstanding these favorable cireumatances, he had barely passed his first communion, when he disap peared neon the road under the conduct of the devil; and lie succeeded so well, or rather eo ill, that when only twenty years of age, the tribunal of Saint Quentin 'oendemued him to - eight Mouths' Imprisonment for theft. Sinen'seenitt to .have changed his name as often as his residence ; sometimes be is Revel de Grigny, Raoul de Chobran, or Risvel de Grantors at others be figures under the title of Marquis de Montearnet, Viscount de floury, or Baron de &polo. , Otte of hie most successful methods' of im posture wad the employment of the telegraph in his 'correspondence. He could not, have chosen a better way of impressing the people with hie importanee-4te'reust'be &greet man who employs electricity as his secretary. Jupiter used theihunder for his messenger; and to borrow the courier of the king of the gads makes - a correspondence as brilliant as the lightning, and the orders is resounding as the thunder. What hotel-keeper could harbor the slight est doubt of a guest who heralded his ap pToenh with the despatch: "Prepare your hest apartment;; I am coming," Notletelavaphl you have been ahused like paper: when will you fall into the • 'same dis credit?, The electric wire hal lost some of its solemnity in onr own eyes' since we saw it transmit despatches like" these, exchanged be tween an ex-clown of the rolies-Nonvelloe and an ex-songstress of the opera : "The singer to the clown: 'Monster! Thou West me no longer! ' " "The ;down to the singer : Ingrate 1 I adore theti!"' . . Was the telegraph invented for this 1 Is there such usgenoy in this sentimental corres pondence that= it could not be committed to the slower but, more confidential, medium of the post-office The telegraph proved to be Sfuoreti most useful acoomplioii. To-day he is a Bavarian general, orr n perhaps his,deipa t tch may bear the name of the priiate secretary, of the pollee, and to-morrow Monsieur will appear before the dazzled eyes of the hotel.keeper with his bretist a very milky way offieeerations. One is lost in'amazement at the number of men. Who have been duped by this adventurer. It is hard to understand how this Gil Bias of the c c:4113049nel police, thin paaipiOr of Theft, Lae escaped es long: But - SIIION is a mansof talent. 'A novelist- might envy him- for hie powers of, imagination, and the' rich" Variety of bis situations; and his stratagems might drive the' ablest of our artunatio carpenters to de- Spair. - , , We will give only'one incident in this man's eventful career; let, we think that that one' I will be sufficient to show his superlative im i pudenee and his readiness of invention. At one time he Wakient'in 'custody of the police from Mona to 'Angers ; while on the road, even before reaohingLs Fleche, he. contrlied to, persuade tIK two ;gendarmes, who Were ooroifictins Lim, that he Was an OfliOr of high 1•I f ! • ' :itsfiumed ;tfill' i nede 4 of ,triKfthii , iiiii -i r t,*AtP4 6 l"?f,COP/4 4) :e .A 4e6.44 1 4; 1 nimeelf. , Who ,w,ofild,have, atnepl.,ef,releog, rdsing.in this Mhlefaotor thew point de,Givrisys, inSPeotiii of obeliallor ;‘ofr the: L i egi64 nebb p ';`:. Have - it, but ' moat obstinate r.4li4edctltem letters bearing the imperial stamp f aillyrltien, by the'greatest 'mem in the e'ountryl he dtew from ltd s place Of `c.Oneealnient'hiikr,ibbon of the „Legion- of Honor, and itnelVl4 l o4l-' bited Veiore their, astonished .eyes a largOnun . of money. or; ;• .4 • - The .gendermes :were' oierwhelmed ;, they were Colivinced;litid, in an !natant' his guards were. metamorphosed into tho Moat obsthinions Weal:lentil. They ne,longer watchednpriso ner—they conducted,a great man, with:all the Marks' of , Moet 'Profoend respect, and in this way theyriresenteithinyto the director of, La Mean°. Here his lino manner's soon produned a second miracle.- 1)n, the very niglit,,of arrival, the director- hastened to. , throw.opert hie doors ; Conntle Givrisy was grieved that he must tear himself away ; the 'commandant niuet ; eacuse him ; but lie tvae iMpelled by the, !nost:pigent• peseiselty to pAy, t,i). the general of the division. It is easy to imagine the rest. The general_ that . Sruox folt com pelled weis 7 -England: TwoAii' ye later,. Siiox;pleitaantly situated in LoOdon, recollected that' his( 'abrupt' departure might have inVolved his iriond; the' coinmanderAif La rleche, in rather unpleasant eiplanatiOns, Szkort,hasteiled to relieve him, - and immedi ately wrote to; tlie,noniOnanding officer at•in:. gers hills behalf. • ' „ - . ',What is now tha'aandition of this doctor of ',lSrhat-ienntins to him of his bor rowed names . and• , his - contraband qualities 2 Ile has still his lilac s gliiyes, but they are &did; and thair. efface shockingly injured by a pair of handcuffs. Otherwise, siMOr is not at alilisconeeited. In*Mdintely,aftar damnation at Nancy; he .careitilly arranged his 'hair, while laughingly 'remarked la 'the guards that surrounded,bim: "All Is not Jost; fort can still make an—escape." .t. - • inventions and Discoveries. Prepared for ,ThOress.l .VALVE OF PATENTS —The -ritagnitude of our. inventive holiness may be ", fairly estimated byllke bulk of the annual Patent Office Reports. The'voltnes for this year will be Tour in number, two of which will be, devoted to the text, and :one to engraved illustrations of the same. The fourth will be devoted exclusively to agricultural crops, labor-saving machines, so., and the whole will bareadyfor delivery in a few weeks. The value 'of all these patents is very uncertain—some will be 'very Productive of Profit, others will never again be heard of. What, then, may be ,asked, is 'the real value of a patent? Boma excellent patents are never pushed, and, like an unworked fend, are, unproductive. ' , Many persons seem to imagine when they have obtained a patent their Work is' done, and their fortune's made. This, great, mistake.:' You may-knovi.. that gold, is-in •the' 'claim that you have staked out, but it can only be obtained by laborious digging. . • Thevinry bestinventions require to be ,brdught thoroughly,before the public, at great soot, some times, of labor and money. Even then,they fre, quentiy fail to be remunerative. Others come into general use by their own momentum: A third oltoss and least ineriterions of, all, are, very often made extremely lucrative to _their owners by thorough pushing over the country. A good thing, in the bands of a poor' manager, Ire. guiltily produces nothing; while-a poor one,' in the hands of a: persevering ewner - oragent, innoh oftener produeee high remuneration : - -The patent peddlers .abound over• the country, bee/intro the vocation Pays: Some of the smartest limn among us 'are, engaged, in this business. "! Take-Morse's telegraph,as an illustration.' Row: many hearts has it gladdened how molt anxiety has it short- sued and removed ! Now that - it is laid amid the caverns of ,the ocean, how Vast are the .bless lags 'to lintriart nature It Mu)! undoubtedly se eure!:Yet ittras Only by extraordinary interest and exertion that Congress could he induced to 'appropriate a few thousand dollars to teat its powers on a line from Baltimore to Washington. The Benito Passed the bill by only onerimjority. Thus every invention requires labor to start it. Thousands of paten ts,,now either run out or lying idle, eould - be 'made highly 'profitable by proper engineering. It very often happens, however, that an inven tion is not upon its first introduotion arranged or applied in snob a manner as to develop its full, or. even its chief utility, The inventor may have devised it to aocomplish a speolflo purpose con nected with his business, without bestowing a thought upon ifs possibly much greater usefulness in some more extended branoh of industry; and it may be perhaps years before his attention is I called to the fact. Though it is generally advise ! hie to introdioe inventions as speedily as possible after they are, secured' by patent, it yet often happens that the last two or three of the fourteen years for which the patent was granted are worth more than all the rest. The patent of Elias Howe, Jr., for it sewing machine (now nearly expired,) was not, we be. Hove, upon its first introdnotion, very largely pro. dnotive, and yet, we suppose that his receipts from it for the past year, in the way of tariffs from man nfaeturers, without selling any portion of the ter ritory, have been not less than one,hundred thou sand dollars. Tho produotiveness of welt-Managed patents ls immense. The patents of Bigelow for carpet weaving, have produced him from fifty to seventy-five' thousand dollars per annum. The patent of Manny, for a reaping machine, is paid to have netted about $90,000 per annum'. r ' , The patents of Colt have produced not less than ssoomo. And it was stated at the time of tho application for an extension, of the Woodworth potent for a planing machine, that its gross earn togs were $15,000,000 per annum. There is ,no branch of industry that is o . verstooked • with real improvement. Perhaps there is no glass of Inven tions that has received more attention, and In which more improvements have been made, than that of washing-machines, and yet it is but little more than a year ago that we were; informed by the patentee of QUO 'of these machines, that there had been sales of Ms' patent •' to ,the amount of $75,000, and that a great portion of the territory yet remained undisposed of. AUTIFICIAL HONEY—COMM—Some months ago a receipt was advertised extensively in the news papers for making honey better than bees could do it—a more stinging rebuke than, these industrious workers deseried. We never indulged in' any of the artifielej honey, being quite content with that produced in the natural way. But this impudent Invasion of modern art upon the domain of nature has been exceeded by n Gorman inventor, who has now produced an ' artificial honey-comb, thus intending, by lessening the labor of the boos in forming their combs, to compel the production of more honey ; the idea being that under any oir oumstaimes the bees Will work all the time. The proportion of we; to' nt of hont;,l, in an ordinary hive, 'is very large. Hence the bees ,expend a great deal of toil in producing their combs, which °neat° be saved them. • '. Intelligent bee,fiuMfers have 'made repeated M- I tempts to produce artificial combs, without success until now. Mr. Mchicng, of Prankenthal, has at last succeeded in casting Perfect combs of wax, which aro said to answer all praolioal purposes. A comb of ten by twelve inches weighs, only en minim and a quarter, and can be completed in less than an hoar by human hands—the bees would be make - about it. Hero is quite a new Idea fur American patent bee-hive men to take up and ani putty. Fortunes have been: made ,in this country by paddiing bee-hivesomd new patents aro con tinually granted "on' than: If vileanised, India rubber• could be substituted for wax, the comb would bores indestructible as the now door mat, and one would closely-resemble the other. .It is proba ble, however, that a bargain would, first have to be made with the bees to secure their consent !to ithe'the new contrivance. • How TO WAS? OLOTHT.B4SOt. with a 111601 . 1 . (DC but with simple refined borax. The Dutch women aro well known as models of oleanlineaffi at least in their own cOuntry. They get up linen lihiter did 'nicer than any others, , and. they do it by using refined borax as a washing powder instead of soda, in the proportion -et a large handful, to about ten gallons of boiling water. 'They thus save , one' half in soap. Cambria and re quire an extra quantity of the powder, while for stiffening crinolines a strong 'solution is necessary. ' The linen is not injured'in theelightest degree by borax, while its - afoot is to render the hardest wa , Of perfectly. soft. "Borax is, moreover, an excel lent dentifrice. Its use insures an excellent cup of tea front the hardest water. A GRISAV POTATO DIGOBR.—MT. J. B• Harden burg; of Heir 'York ,State; has reeently patented 'verreueoessfut potato 'digger. It traVele on two whejdei between widely a blade Is carried for-, ward through the row, which thus unearths the potatoes.. .Behind ,the blade 10 an apt:lolo4ft armed with four diggers. The shaft,being a little, inelined, its revolution eausee each Atop tQ ettike . , La;ke: fr taeptuigroupdifenamoopAp *a' ibptyp,o ; which . are then ‘inityaroon ta,grating.-,:etkin4 soreena them aompletely fret/14110416;MA driver rides `on the" simehinh, , and haw' rs„loodAiteisi Of 9t bill pleasure the °enrols° . OiloWei the bladerek diggeririciait4YegulatOPie- depth 746 whibh!they maY'be',l4ulted to enter 'Orel groiliidi:,! , Orielinen palm , Mg fie talotialta Tastqui ,twenty men olut pick tp.:Thls in,‘ l3 Pnieref the papers, but the Minitfaeiriak hert l i3ory neivideli t Mniged beehlthifter‘ for it pn , omission . % 0,#4, n ' nCveii.dietid 2 vantoga - oust tn. n4l maniq,iniorg.o "'" I A OfIZAP 13A310METiff.,.4-ghl Akeflppiikb!lrot . )Lei for household mein made byputting e.commOnleech Into a, phiarof.water(Whioh may be hung ap nny, Where In the 'shade, .near'a door.or window.. The, leech is pealliarly.sensitive to approaching atrium, pherio °hangs& If the weather proved serinie.anii, mild, lie ireinairi4 inetieirless at -the hettoni Of the glass, rellidnpln'a spiral 'fermi': If he id dleaov= end at the surfemeof the witeit,yettMaY he Certain that ;sin, le about 'to teceirf,' as there he will Stay; ;till it conies' n 'end' the",'Weatho,lnMeMei,iiettinil:', If 'a Windy time iite - dectir; j he ' sPorts:,ittioi'aeat t , and ino essant Mitiiiti:threngh the- rbir r ,ifirid'sel, 7 „ d e nt rests until the Al ow hasaotuailp come on: Tf tkheavy,storm ,Cf - thunder, and rain is te' succ4ix for some...lays previous it ledges, alorest,eonetanty„ outside the water, and,disooverSni unfi easiness of: movement. i In , the frolt,aa in:oloar summer weather; it lies constantly. at the bottom. of the-glean; and in snow, as in inlay weather,it 'pitojioss its dwelling= upon the very, moutliof the' phiel,.whiith - dhould Ve left, Wneorked to enable the entreat tirbreathe:s'"But 'a' linen 'rag 'atiould Stretched over if to prevent an . escape (keeinnon eighttouitetkvial laixeenough;filled abonftliree fourths With hydlint,"rinter." , Arming months the irateriehould be ahem/ell 'enee*Weidr,' and in winter Mice a fortnight. If &WO teelthekhe Pinned in On.. same phial, tha,A9,sllnl4',clf movements will be.fe.und te'be very, eigater, gut: deserving of attention by, every amateur Onturalist,,, ,This weatherglass is almost as 0 1 1eSP as ,a,pltysio almanac, and mush more reliable.. For The Prams.] -Equal Justice. A' very brutal case of assault and battery was tried a day or' trio ago: in the "Smirk, of 'Quarter Sessions, and 'the 'defeisdant, 'a &inductor 'on the Reading Raiirdad; yery , :propirly Conigated.• An appliek!ion was, Made at the, tinaeVthe counsel engaged, for defence, ' ,theas by it`veitness 'in the ease - -tf raimbefrif the biti—foriii'peitPene l - merit of ) ,the nentence, jhe ground thathiediOl testimony would,,ho..ferthoming lweintred, which would modify.therjestoyerity of ,the'Sts; tones which it was, anticipated the court lyonld impose in the ease. Medical testimony was ;pre med; and its effect may be seen - in the reduction of what should• have bon otherwise ,several months' - imprisonment, to "the nominal pun ishment of a flee' of 875.. and costa The word ` nominal is ttead',ln -- reference' to 'Abe feelings and circumstances of the defend-, ant. who would," doubtless;•' Prefer ' `paying five times, the amoun't,te spending one week ,' kiii' e prison. We heist lieniof equal ;justice to air men, and proudly compare oar code °flaws With foreign aountrjen. Let us nee how they :do, these th ll W l in England year . lBsl, and Whifigieg,i; hibition of all Nations was being heldin.,Lendeili; a certain .Captain Somerset, of. the Life Ctiiards, who WAS entitled to :,write •flonorable, before hie name—being- the ion , of. Lord.,attampted_i to drive Mabel, through a certain passage leading te the Crystal Palace, reserved for' the Queeti. but was Mapped by a polic'emnn, who told bim'he ()hula not pass, and that it was his Order° to keepthe lay 'clear 'for' her Idajesti: The Captain 'habil he eared' not4ing for 'hit orders, and'atiempted'to proceed. The policeman remonstrateoo laid hold of the captain's bridle, tvheieupon f the chi valrous captain stood up Inhin nab And violently horsewhipped thepolicieman, who still 'hell' on, to the reins until . , assistance came, and the, gentle - - manly captain was arreated. Ife.was brought before a magistrate .the. next morning; and greatly to his ,surprise and horror, no doubt, sentenced to - prison for.fourteez:days. The henotable captalnoipon hearing-thin, offered to pay any sum by way of tine—any sum; no mat ter how large, not to be tent' to prison but 'the magistrate was inexorable, and s - aid it was precise ly bromine of his ability to pay 'any sun' byway .0 line that be made his puniabuteat iinpvisenutent; and gave him some wholesome ' adviee •to:Alii duties his rank imposed - upon him . ,The 'gallant captain, ,was minted off; to prison, - ,,exeltiimlng, Wh atia deind hiwid law,,to hove ; togo'to prison among wasoally low, fellahs, by he got there had to submit to the horrible indig nity—for, a peer's, son—of having a , superb board and moustache cut off that- were the adoration of, all Belgravia. . Medical certificates in his favor were presented •to -the magiStrate through the next few days sulfloientto piper the captain's cell, oeilingend all, 'testifying to the, dangerous effects of confinement 'on' the Honorable Mr: Somerset's tender frame ; but that vulgar and ensyMpathising'gontleman only curtly replied _that'. one who 'multi horsewhip a' police man, so severely, could not bo in very delicate health ; and sl?Ould be ,get siok, there was a very excellent doctor attached to the priwin." Would it not be as well, in some instances that we hear of, to apply some of the worthy Jungle trato's common-seem views in the selection of the punishnient tatted out to snob a °Woof offenders? And although we have no honorablo" in this country, who presume upon their rank for impa, pity, yet wo have a class of men here whomlll not hesitate to gratify any brutal passion, If its accom plishment be only a iviesticon of pecuniary initia tion. LAVATKII. Coal-Burning Locomotives. for The Press.] Ma.' EDITOR : Knowing the deep _ interest witioh is taken by a largo portion of Philadel= Wane in the introduotion of "Coal-Burning to:- oomotives,r I would ask you to publish fife aoz• oolbpanying article, taken from the.ll.fineiu'lonr nal of Po ttsvillo. , - . . Mr. Jas. fdillholland, who ,so suimaisfully overcome the many difficulties in the wayof "Coal . Burning Looomotives," is well known es the mail. ter machinist of the Reading Railroad—the motive poser of which is probably greater. than. that of any other railroad in this country., The - great mareity and high price asked for the wood-re:: grdied by the Reading road hail begun-to demand the introdeotion of some enbatltute. The stockholders of this - great road can eon. gratulate themielves in having - an' officer - like their present master machinist, Mr: Millisolland: PHILADELPHIA, August 24.1.866; • Aarrnreictre. Foes, is LOCOHOTIVES.—The use of coal in place of wood as fuel for locomotives is a matter that is attracting meet attention. - TwO large classes are interested in the introduotion of perfect coal-burning engines into preotical namely, those pecuniarily:interested by saving ene-third in fuel, and the travelling public, whose persons, if not whose charaoters, ate blackened by being mode places of deposit for the surplus fool of the company Which'undertakes to trans port them. • Although coal has been used with complete sweetie, with heavy freight engine!, .moh as are used on the Reading Railroad, yet every experiment -with passenger coal-Wpm , up, to the one of-which we are about to speak, linsiseeri a sereplete failure. The !‘Taunton," a beautiful engine, °mild not keep up stolen to make the trip between Philadelphia and Pottsville, and ' was transferred frOni the main to It lateral road. -To the ingenuity of Mr. James Millholland, however, the Reading Railroad Company is indebted for, a passenger coal-burning engine, the "Were Orue," which has not only proved completely, Secoessful, but is at this time the only passenger engine in the United States burning timbre:cite 'coal with entire satisfaction. The “Fers Orin" was rebuilt at the Reading shops by Mr. Millholland, to use only anthracite coal, and ran - the market trains during Weber and November, 1857. in Decem ber else was put on the Reading road es a passen ger engine, and daring that month made 23 trips. The tripe she made during subsequent' months IMO An follows : " 1959. ' -' Trips. 1859. - Trips. January 28 April February.... 27 May • 29 Marsh ' ....28 June , 26 During the time the "Vera Cruz" . hes been on the road since her alteration into a ceat-burner, so far from being behind time, she has always bean from ten to fifteen minutes in advance,of it. She hue lestbut four triPlainei she' be been put on the passenger ,train. The engineer running lief is Benjamin Van Lew ; the fireman; Ohriati.in Stab . Thie experiment, 'which' refleota much oredit upon' Mr. Millholland, settles the question in re gard to the feasibility of running passenger trains with anthracite coal-burning engines. The great economy to .railway, companies, combined with comfort to passengers, springing from the use of tintliracilte . .eoal as a feel' for passenger engines, should Induce railway managers at a distance'te PaY attention to this matter. The adoptioriiken- Ones oonstruoted on the same principlesnri r the "Vera Cruz" will save millions 4.40.1,94 s to companies in the single item or . The second annual firemen's muster, held in 'Worcester, Slamohnsotts:l. dn , ,Thuralny,,wastin ,eirery respeot sucooselni,!-,Theday was obseryed as n. general holiday,i;;Banks, and , many stores were The various the companies assembled, fif ty-two in number, competed for prises, offered by the depatlnielif and Gitlin; Of Worcester. j ibe pinyin 4 wee peyPendionlar, The first prise, _four hundred deltaic , wsi taken by Edmund Hop kins, of Woodville; one hundred and eighty feet. .Thi second prise, two hundred' ollars, by Rome, of Grafton, ono hundred and eixty,two feet The third by regific, of Ohioopee, one hundred 'and sixty-one feet. The fifth, seventy-eye dollars, by .Quensigamohd, of Shrewsbury, one hundred and sixty feet. The sixtb,tifty dollars, by Niagara, of Lynn, op hondroti And fitly-elobt foot: NT/I* - : T"Oarias.TOg TO OOP.HP3_,Sinlpg mind tb° Ivet7 communication must be tmoompa pp, the " .name of the Tabu'. (u.,'.lleg;li 4- She tYl"rarbY, b ' 4,° ": lliii i'ACPAA*!'':;4 oll4 be - urilltten upon. We shall be greatly 'obliged to 'Okiomen renuayL. mile cud °thin' ilti t tes faz acn ili n tibne idi l 4 r tho CU " rent neva or the 'egiftu,:tAic.if'pActiee; the resources of the seal: Imildkiit;e4,4luzij.4%) of - population, or any infcvmhttcpl.l4l,t,wll.l Vierestini to the general reader,...!,,4, I ' F.: MIM=SI Thb - morrespondenos teThii EDITOR OF THE Vl'Sr•li,; apture 'of the brig " E.'atnain, qp,Tso,,gArrioans, has given a rofreshig,idea of the slave trade and ' its chapter of nondoMlfenCtigers:l4tehrelties. In the United StatesltidlAigraro,.i:4oBl-oaraiked as. piracy, tie , pepalt , Y,A , ,whieb:ia,,deeti. This .law has been in existence-Xer, manY areal's, the South as well as AM' North - going.heartlly for its endorsement. Until o:Within"a 41nve - years_ past, scarcely a voice •wee' eierlratsed-sAi its repeal.' Yet, in defiance ...of Mel settlisk 9°mo:otter's- of the Amerioan people,. a-propeeitiom.w.aslietually in troduced in the United Statesifousti;4l -Represen :tatives, BOOM two or three ?iedro ago,ttiort member :from the Soutießffoitth believe; Zook king to the repeal4P44l.'kkiiiiiie:e . aronent ! The measure reieliedVed.,'fiiv '',viitils,›fit among ;them one froni . iiit; "'la's' this been . overlooked or , forgettbill 4, '- io,,ifyieticw time that the reorean,Cbccheld iciitiktrief akirintability ;for hie shameless .oi - OM - pt'oi!, tiariiiblie wilt fag well as the inaElnpte oCiierninitY:;,The man ;who thus voted was 1119,01 , nOEppl6E—the same Thonow...ll.:.blorenee Ishii again , asks the - 'people of the Pint district.: te. , reteleot: him for another term!„q}nwtt pwribA l kAhat nrnan with !such a record has anylslow,ef,wesegis.s4 'the en ,suing election ? oainnot believrkit. 'As debasing isnbservieney to rt(handfubof Southern disuniontats i and nullifiers abtinldtbe rebilledin.suolCan em !phatie mannei-dietb bervelur r i-Vierningzin all fit trire to those " trialqolltiebitte''' ,,, Arlib'llipire to ' i no nobler distbietilin thiieltit7Of*" in " ; with a few .blustering'fite‘eaters. - wicr!soutatimes :,find theli w'ay•into!llongitisk ,,, zl), • 7 ' --Alitr4.46tdpii*lDmixaßAT. .The Ladies , Ealieitriaii• Convention in •-•-•'• • '"to-llfeisr•lrork:l, At the request of it number - of-Mi ladr.readers, ,we give this morning , desoription of the :toilets worn by the i?uestriepikef at the Union , :Race Course last Vidriaidir'''TheitiliThe found !of much use to ladies whb - are'abinitiffaltlng their ' - :fall equestrian eostaliett. , -`•• - No. I—Mrs. Ada Ttolf, of Newark:4volt a habit of black satim-,fastened,np to-the throat, tithout • bisque; coati..teal:es ;mak,: whitapunderaleevee, tight to the wrist, anatdrati-gauutlet glom. The .hat was of white straw,with a fall of , white lace, -and pendant buttons on the edge, aid white ribbon :trimmings. • No. 2—Miss Lizsie Schulte, It eftHook=wail al'O 'habited in blactlaailk..orftatini the , bodY% anon in front, exposing ahandsomely, embroidered shawl sotto, finished with 'a .amall Aellitr;, small black hat, with crimson -n,pfiAliok,thathers, . No. 4-31iie lYZeTei.r,'lreVe-Httecht.•=diabit of dark green oashiteiri," altfiatithe-mtiek'Jaatened up to the throaetilthlilV‘htitheria ; feet' gauntlet floves, and high black ibeiaiest hat4..witk- black ' eather. - No. s—Mrs. Lawienis,ofNew - lork city—wore the only dress with an A distinction for' elegance. Her - -habit a - Yery rich black velvet skirt the latter orna mented in what is called "Cadet' , fashion across . the front, and-with bands Wooed lengthwiere on the short skirt, or what is called thcalsque proper; coat sleeves with military mai trimmed to match; , - white kid gleries'efid biaolthlteifith White 'ostrich .feathers, and wide white - stritigaitripaTilth black velvet. The No 00114341 the lady's splendid dark bay horse were white also;' - and-both-horse and ri der excited great enthusiasm, LA' • No. 6—(Die Vernon,),ldrs.t:Vaseux o of New York city—wore a black,velv,et habit alsoi.and, round black hat with greenr,Vrq.bigikanChhicle veil ; straw-colored kid gloves iiinitlits and a small embroidered collar:0 ara a -cri n -cc No. 7—Mrs. Lydia:Sayre•Hasbronek,,of Middle town, N. Y.-vtvore-a,Hioetnet_nos, thme„cenaisting of a blue checkered flounced.. dreasand i frowseta to match ; blank bascine,Twid Bloomer hat trimmed with irrealt ribberia; blackye l laild drab gauntlet gloves. •-, No. 8--(Miss Danit.)Mra•Lydia Marlif,4B2 West - - Nineteenth atiebt=4Ore a handsomehabit of black - - ladies' cloth,, with _aornall,basquei - anti, vest of orimaon Botha; 'Coat sleevesslastedwithitstin also:" the vest closid in fronl , witit jet hat*, rich lama collar; small ronncT 'bonier; hat aridle n thera, and - dark gauntlet gloves. ' "' ' ' No: 9—Mrs. George Austin,' New-York- 2 --wore a dark green riding - habit-with plain bayz fastened up the front with' oval: gilt darting - viblitek bat, and crimson trimmings; , lamaolored, gauntlet gloves. No. 10—(Delia "terra,) IL:Metalloid, 92 - Spring street—habit of 'cloth' or Cashmere,' showily trimmeir:with..aoarlet.hands-:acrose the front of the body, -and scarlet shoulder knots, with very long curls; dark-bat with feathere,apd soar- - let ribbon trimmings; zfeedlework,collar s and ena melled gauntlet gloves., - Nos 11 and 12—Mrs. William's if - and Mrs. Goldilinith, - 'of 82. WeiVldeventh streetteere' dreamed very nearly alike ; shirts and deep basques of dark broWnVollf or cashmere, and - bordered wilt!, lelgoliNasiof a atilt darker shade of the sametcolor; deep fin•eolored gauntlet gloves ; brown stra.w...hat,lkrimmeellejtk, brown ribbon and blitok fetithers. `No'' 12t Pher atieet=Worti aldaelvelleef habit; black het andtvell.dan-eolored gonntlefas • Ne. , l4&Stre. 'JIM, No- 22 :Idtmenard ,street-4 - Bream k babit .witbAbarqne,trimnsed. with black. veriet;.bicien straw hat ,ornamented blue,. arid red_ribbon. aad,black. feather; - dirk eniimdlted gatintlet•g,loves and )a c es aullar. • Nd:ls--Mrs: Wlllot Kent avenaeOltdeltirl = " wore •"a betensing-habit 'of!darletuNapoledril' ' bliie; buttoned ivith steeVand mace Collar:fut. ailed with a large breastpin ;.- a , browsi' straw • hat.. tureeknp one-side _with black, feathers, wide stringS;plaited with vslvot, a04:1441.t"2.4*,PeS . . gauntlet gloves „ - No. 16—Mrs. Chiirob,llenry streett,Neir 'Yeirk was attired'in of dark - green: thif body without basques and open •in front, displaying-the white ehemisette beneath ; the eleeves4ere trite tight to the wrote, and ornamented with four gilt buttons on the bask three rows .of gilt, buttons aleo - deaora.ted theltody.from the shoulders to the Waist': richly efnbteidered_holer, and round .blaOtr . b'at. With feathers. -./ •,' - 1 . 1-ISlt A , COrtiell Yerkz—Ertiorn habit; skirt; and jaoket, Full white muslin underaleavvi tight to the wrist, ender rethei loose enat-vieeves; body:battened up to the throat; and finished, ith a collar .ofoieedlework ; dark blue, vlvet „heti with .feathers and jet ~pendants. - No - 18—Min: Ellison, No, 150 Salt Thiitkielith street—Habit - of dark_ gteen velvet, ornamented with gilt' ' battens; ettaw-eoloied gauntlets; and round bleak bat with feathers: No,l9—Miss Mount, No. 312, Twelfth 'areal— wore "a bahlt.,-of dark, cashmere, the-, basgue trimmed ,with,a Vorder of moire antique - ; drali etrAw ornamented with brown feather' and ribbon ; r lditek embividered with' jet' and atiaw-calored - - - - • - 20—Miss Wilgon; Westehosier, - N.-Y,=—liorts a habit of dark. purple. outliners:l4th lappets trimmed with velvet; small 'round bat of purple velvet, ornamented with black feathers, fastened with a gold huekle ; buff leather gloves, wife am:nailed - gatintl ets. - • No: 21.111iss E. Morey; Troy—distlignished her skilful and daring borsernanshiP .wore a . blaeli skirt and black velvet barque ;- a linenbollar and black velvet hat;with a 'rather, high - oroimpland ornamented with blaokleathers. „No. Henry ,JiiddOilitertan, Conn.- D habit of, brilliant forest- green, without - basttel beay,plain and buttoned :up t 4 this thioat, with tulip"-linitoris; with 'lt bright metal centre' '&oat sleeves,. naffs, Ortiainente4vrith - nar‘ row galdiace trimming ; ' small lionttonaollar and oameo pin, white kid gloves and Cherbourg bat, with feathers. , - • •• ,„ No: 2.3. , -Sirs. Wilson, No. 123 Christopher st.,- Dark green habit, with pompadour batakulthai is, extending only to the sldeseana 4 --trialming - ,of chenille, fringe and gilt buttons ;- brown hat, with feathers, dark gauntlets,Larid - workert collar. —"- - ;; 6VMM OF THE PRIZES, ,‘ The ladies to whoin• were "awarded the_ 'Prises mot yesterday at the office of Supervisor William M.. Tweed, No. 289 Broadway, each. accompanied by her cavalier. t. The first price, a splendid pianooras, awarded to Mrs. Lawrence , the toost,showy,s446,stricii* 9p. the'gra4nd. - : This lady is to be photorriphad the splendid riding habit Anserilbed abode 5. - She 'reaeived 'on nrder for the plano;twhieb:-L4 on exhibition at Waters' must* store. - The second prize. a massive silver pitoher.and waver, with two goblets, was taken by Miss Lizzie, Schnitz, of Iced Hook, Detchess county. . 1t whispered that the young lady is to be married Ott the 231 of °eider, ant' will, display . the firth,* at her wedding dinner. A'Thelr value ' ' Miss M. B. Smith, of No. 123 Ohristophei street, took the third prize, a splendid enamelled - Watel - ., sparkling- with diamonds.: This jady will also shortly change her name ; , —.—„ The fourth prize, an elegant' 'silver 'mounted saddle, was awarded to Miss Lizzie Morey, 61' Troy. This lady would have preferred the nui,ney to the saddle cost; 'as Me hatta good of her own; but as tho committee had eneoged the— saddle, she was compelled to take_ it.- 'There are marl who_ think this lady, justly entitled.-to the tint prize. P6LITIC3 IN NEW ' , expeotatibp, the merioan .A and litenradipTi CortVentions, which mot at yrnonsM -- IT'ilt, on ''Thnridaj•; foiled to' effeot a uniert. The - 11601 a. 'cans nominated the following ticket:l - a - . - For Governor—S,D.,Motgatv.an '; For Li en tenant-Gooornormatolierk Campltet - , For Canal. CornntieslitnAr T ..7lliivn-Go.roner..., For State .Prisqn ircrious mesogef trim passed - to and fro hetWeen the' two_ .oonventionS, relattio thefarrier:A - An ogreement,htitlt was found impossible tricoalcM and the Americans proceeded to the nominationof an independent State ticket, which was perfooted as follows : - : - ' For "Governor:—Lorenso Burrows. „ For Lieutenant. G-overnor-- 7 N."5.13c00t0n. For Canal For Slate Prison'inspirtor--W. A:Rosson. .-• A. woman, named Biuid, vves.ilitiweed it the t hrow by says the Easton (Pa ) Express s being thrown by the .tow-line on .her husband's beat, where she was, into the river. -The hisbanti,; half friintio with grief, jimiied in immediately` end eaniilit hold of her; bringing her •'lll3, twhio`,. bsit her weight being too mush-for, him,. be WU cora 'paled the seoondlime le let = go - his :hold of her, when she sank and drowned, • and to,' weakened and,exhausted by the efforts be made, to save wife,,was onli, saved .from, death himself ,by "the timely wife/alma 'of 'smite fibitinen, who threira rone,to him. whieh . he took hold of and was drawn 'freni,theviatei. - - - „ One et fthe',princifud'streeti.or Oahreston, ,Tawas, is iitied with' eholls. 1 Steek.hoge ore ab.un,lant•,itt Ohio and Ova. •• . ,• •_ „ . '• ~:ax:!t~°~r 4 4!' - ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers