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Bptos, , T.: -,,,,, f.x.,•••:11,4%.;,- * 00 1 90 141.;;:-i• , r ** oe • r- OP* sr. c •••> , • Oopleatrai 24' • 1•4 1 4411berafimat•r...., «i ..... •• aid in. rp . l s COW* .PittNEP t MixwasrAd- , P2*no+•prp - T• " " -'4,Ki BOW,: 4):&:ol3 l TtElrit , kl 0 0 41F 11 482 . , OMEE•Tfitrr , • Ravi reostred, per citcsameni, nowfityles • Jemcottf..oMillat% X 44,9411111 ;4'4. - 'tAnctlif Pf 6 - • • „ • L4•l2crlat-ANAlind ,•• 44 , 41•Ccitarc Liu Wil.fdaftg Seice lopiXiclaftis •13B•triauctibitiis• fcir tlibliactfichadfilf oftNi f tiati e itL ON D ON I TIMBACr.EMRO - ..', ' 40P;i• ••=i.. , 1 ,, .... <,-- u - _ , .. , -:- 17.1 V ZP AVARk4 :--- • ; --' a .- 17. ? --': '.... t : x `YON, , %,. ;1.14 imaitAlaglsOie iuszilr4 lll, •' , - 4, -.4cAlintzaptßuclul•ort. if wor , .., 77 ,. „, :, ~.: ..,.; 1:: ' ir7‘l 61 rtitifoI 4a - "... .. nti-1. ... - ... A1M. 1 ....._41..1T°. 4i rit d 6 f - sc r todi 4 t" l,64 !k 4 4 l o ,, d r , , . ' a i - n/ m V“_ . ,4_,.4 1 4. : , t ..0 I: v . i otwi ears.. ~"A_=7,). f=r,,,,,•_+...0)..tf0r1y".. • " N - & ; RO.,- ~-7f-r AlLE.iim - 'l4,i.trotiOtattouti;siti , ii&Ojiitei' ‘.1.4 lIILVER4LARRIrIVATIE;-4 - 5.J. , ; .1 4 10; Opfs: °babbitt BtriatO 464 , 4 1.11441 . y;(it . ' • h , poniktintly'onlia4litiol foetal* to ititilit.„ ISAABTKODOMIIIINI01;143ERYIONIEttl; ORM; L MOUND-8;310111.81% 01J.P&IPTAITpRo. BAB : + zAni,cußtOitB;KNlTßilitLPo9sB;lo,o4lo3'; ',;- LADLIIIr4tol••:40":' ' aildiniapiPlll44 orealilitpli 'of icijal,7 set.,tv•I s • 7 • :••••••pi`t. ~` +'- WALTHERIEAkirETERSONir';'" ' 4 rvAr lA.*l6.,,iztattittflit No ISOlith VARI/ 8,12 tettAt.,0414:) . ::A . ,,' win g th "trlithifiltB4,4l4lirirMAlTCOiliWia IMu(etititilv olaWitaptotl*C-r. T. .; -PDtifteiat t iMtOeer;,llo,,Vcir OsiVlifitiOrt4,l7o; . 4 *9i o eat.'m • • t•-• Mo4e3rbihigbtatl3ir Betria.•••.; , v- _ . • - • • s DlVirbrdt44lll Ott fill #l,ol4olila 41the lil 4 P l 'o* 1 .0S; etakZar-,-r _ s -1X , ItHELL - 38TATE:BRON.I.WiliDlittENTi 0ittN0r.481.4,4 - S,W.ALNIIrSTNENT.. Real Notate 'pureha.eed and' solift. ,, Heasettreitee Iteottof;and•Ordand Rantecellei:doep:Atekery inortiogarpts l a reolai4to, tg,ol l • , ,Irriatti B*1 7 1,11/ini*,Toreillii"2o4:7! - - Itallowelli TIROCT fiteutemk ) 3144' 4 041014otiiol — Esq? uBd lm ZAB ",",` , • ••' L "16,BRAVER. 13TREIBT - r.le - clo=itroiuct , 4, ' Aite tithe ty .. /19U11- . AND - EXONAZIGEreBROKIWVJ4 , • ..c . ,..licr.4olSonelefal.all , , . mar? To: ..4015-BpriVinklpioraFas Iplkla oetes t .pr t aiazent,,- •-,••••• erßO:ai rsMlT tialwf.' Id#ll44".C.Bffir laor9i•-'1i r -qcf•-•-•1 14421.K.N0tx,;0 • STOOK -,4lfD frs'AXollll,oll , W7i6eoriser - ioatunlitid_tizizinirtt : - ' • •-•-•',,' • liedleothottetteetritdrir A ini* l7lll tart"th• Unitedrptetl pad 1"13141141; the e l -XemetebLe totes. er• f' :7i: .4 • Coneotiout made', anieDrinr drinei:rod9lngleiad end • -,ljnomtrent Bank,-'notes. bought and sold.. Boehm inSpegototAilitoir I 4 Theo Paper nogattated, - . -Stookeend ftat - hedicht etejt . sold oiLOotnededon ' the Board of Btoketi InThlbßilphfiCatml • .R.VAIOIr, Nabity Putatellite , — COY'. • - ••lo6romitidatirtor - • • . Mbabotai. o.slTriqessirt:' 11 11 31' 1111.01111BLE -)ttlitiptuililiffr 002M9YANORREI '44 FROALts vekne-. SATOonlifflOOTAp• 7- • ; gaseo l o l bul,br.; .I:lUnsion- . .3*-10*011 Audi limiting EbbbY, ki,TiOd•oo4 o 4tl -411 4;,0tkqb. . s ad - 00 1 1 batkag Driab; blbtki:. kb: Any litters' int4mq:#okitsbffigik wltlreediArprcimiet ittehtkai 'Refer Moot ikobnillo 004 Philedelptilapl ! phuidevake • Virtiffityßrortifrokram.re -, riTill Is T ram-. v. 4 "It untersp,seirwo*TEG . p f ta. xvoxiioitiattes , ' This inantutdon Is now opciu for .the:ttasaattlon - ot bnainamt; and lathe only °bartered 811114 /and patted hr tab northenaparta - tlarolty; .1; 713. gleaCo.loll-biopenkiiilittrauti• talk - 04 1 10 4 , 1 5 , and alto' OnligtllgUlandiTllUßßDAYSilrora Cum. d'oloblrin - the Ittesdnr". , '"• , t- AtANAango 4.1, Triffircielk erPrim,ll4' _ Stephoi Smith, : 41,30 Mock, .Xottu ."70411 M. VOIFOiI, - ton. nenry Btaxmg, ' Goorgo-Woelopm Denlel Noliarm:lllll.lrmla M,•ELM: A .PtV4,,, MiaMloleStaiske, t r M , SFSTP 46fttPAirerred . .70(Mpla Elie(Mmoky.cil 41:1kiiigsviCsisoyV , O , ,,iIPVID?:;- 7 0STIZMX0,:;,ATM.TZO '7§tWri4il4'ol,o*o4l.ol4lV,rti ,• • za t7l9664MaiiitiliiMetroL _ IldateVabthisiettiMlY.Pn OBN • MB _ _M - 4,44,0,41.110t.tMitta.4141011104 1'J Za1f14.4 OWN haqrs womb numb ulkokbriAmbay, : naa. NOIMAY' tel 3 #9 o Q o ltilenkoolg,,,..",„-- warn or rite • • Prelidint=BTMENSlN ItrOMILM , MORD. -'74=217.W. i I V... 4— F ' : 4E4 OFM .M,S • ' ..-.Ntipi4inny= TROT,OOMy Pill,WAlailrgtl2l7lY3ll , __Tool3ll OVISMIIVPICIMBLPmatt , 4 , ..4 ,,,, - -, • -, IllOartriAriffrn inti. thAiti•Or. linintrAiltAl• r^ 41 , .. " 7,#% 1 4 1 4* to tTi nvhur S egOlual, Gad hi: The 3ll4er'il.l4,&474lis*fiioinviitaiiiii ii Vie - moreat#lll , do ,:ifte sibiir ilk ilt,tif : NA Thasidg Ovt lA ~al eArdic ri t e xor3'..y f:, ~ • rk ,_ - " , A Virtill ~ ,I!.l;isfrAF t • - .. . " ' . Alenlintello k4li I , ,it . 7 VA:: 3, , .'• 1 E&I• Itesu7"'C BeilaW• ~ ,, e, gerr a a., , il rOr i n g t r ;' i Ildwird L. Cirtolli.r.,--;•,a - t ill2t-f . .. 17-aii . :4 o . i V Robert &Midge ; -=,:-"":'..',- . 3 Az i e- . VW, VAitetimi.',..;.., 4.olosota i- '• • fa M ggravsl,,-- , Ti.' Niihau sw *MI6 iIIC-eoi - iriiiifiliSiftE'lli Xratidollll.4lfAbliAllartdi:latEllALCl 4 42.4l3l ALOII, "0 1 ; ,SARP'4l l 7o lo o.oint tallteitairV tiedu 1, , W flnip i t, rtif , .4 01 ,Pan,0`49 0 47. tad wet mut OH pimaaftlay fag it* briSteto;*43lllool*!.lhr.7:-Wltt.7lF'4•Vir-, PV$ 4l '..- '"'-' .4 i 11 LL'yort '' 44244ixa1 , . l ''')- - ' Vi i.a .:lo , l WrOrk - ziLer ) a*:.:•:(2 , flY , DOtllii.f....:i: 00 1 ,70+ PAT; 1. 5 4747 1 0.M1N.l1 s ti. , t NUl i kt ..T4B * a 011)4AD00K , 18TRART. , 471371 , NT. .. PrATAII*4II4O9NIVIPM4':*I4I:44. awnings., .1. 11 49Vrak0P) 1[ 4 14117A070/1/1 / 1 8 o r j 441 :-• ~',...1,-, l vAkOAßßlA)iNililaitliitr. . l, 4 • ‘' , 4 .4- aji , • is h .r.4BEi~~illSiN4 o )c+ 'N-1108iggitatirtgrilltatir' atitt.2uo4, rilt4DillsPKGCs?-i 4111PLET$0 41 VATtitt k IT,OF - EXETAVoII , re ttiiimiljrzsidamingrair *hit egar-etIV,44 .N, , ,, i; , f,:;*; ealV / 59 , *® / MPA IL L ow l arni.POVO_A l t- , • sll— midil '' - illiit - '.- im% Ottiittilr *mkt wtil,•;eg :Addrosq4 - 441 , :p i,--evitexerol! ligir t3e atinst_ ,41 t4t , 0...wi 14041,12Eappaysvgiumpryftinamitk - "4 1 , 1 4941# 1 3 4 1 111VIRMOMY 2fT.: 11 , --.., ni _ ,fiaTTFasz_& : 1 , 1144 r ti 14 , V2 Norllo South YBON . 0 Nt; bNow Chestnut, .1 .0 9 0 7t0, - AM; PIES; Altvial t "%Wilt t$D4.3l TRAM, 414 . ' -..,..- , ~,,- ~ -. ocim-45 T1 , -4, , , jA3 i-,,,sj! t /4,4,743T.,'-.7.7,:e,i,---:,- ~..:r li,v44l:l*.'l.V•i" '''' , r . , 6 tri -,,0_,,""'11,nw..r.*•-.2,A4l,V4tsatiloi ! 4:, VW! 'll e/"l' ' 4 e rrefiegiWielP44 • ''' sgs z O W '_:431104*- 4'+Lsk,o,,, , .. , , `Pr;:''.:7-4:-1-• ,-,4,,,,,:-.4.-7..7, '. 3 4. 4 --.:- _,:1,,,AV:4- -. 0 , 1 - 1 . " _ , 4,1,4tik",:aLt...i rump k '' ,',' 1041414- ' 54 i: ,- : rioZirhaif f.:-. '''' ;Atalii4l"kbPl=ollMlllit' --, -,.., ';''b'e.0,, ,, ,,,,,..14 , fr-'' , - • ' -77:4 ° - ~.1-1,-)7...= - k rik t. jib 111'1 . 1 Cr; refill Mit ,j3i;t:l) 0 EASPNABLVi t1.47,4:1C5:' - • • " 1r.4 - 11i 0 : 0:7:0 p is itoc.koc: I c4- 1 ; Af • PA:11JB MANTILLA ‘ AND 47 .4 04!trAIISTILYM. • . , • VgyArrrVßEsP7 000DS. SHARP -4 Into ralift9 - arti Opeiting 'French printed de Ininen;o l .rieli - eikitinern niyies, emeli And =odium de: itiii",:Ai,nn;linlinon: .14tuo, ecl.nise,' and 'ltoies - de, ialt= r" - ti" - OUEBTITIN and NIORTII. RES.— " 13"C.".1.1)Z1Et C4SSIME skim. of .:Iskrrtrilrf, Wry ex - patent; Oe ow,otylos of .Alar.k.Prezzati. Cloths, ,1 1 / . Alz,ualet odd Csealmeres, : , E' Off ARP BROT 5 ' MIESnitITAND .BIGHTEr. .. -- E I AttygQtYCOP"O. - 7(_1 6 .t8 • r n 0 . 1 , 0,3 3 000 YaidsitNAW SILKS; Just received ' by krOali ISIVI••:&; , OH -`• der,: - .EIGRTR and SPRING GARDEN Street: ~ .., D oightfor-OAER sad to be sold on* for OASII ! piu2bOtilidently agaert that the above good aye nil 01, 4 P. tit PlRChseeurcatreare a larger percen tage b y Oar,➢LAOKBI7 r I(S cannot be exoelledons s.:ahaliongia comparleon.••" , • v -New:Ditablei or beautiful designi. ' ' Pots niOlnivres;Valenoias, and very handsome Xng- Mehatieneh t .inn Mnarloan Chintzes; - .4tew , "43telhk tid.hawl4: Crape' Shawls, Broeha idhawle' ketehliele, dr.o.) r • ' kt i ty t iV a lrgto c ia - . o t b r Domeldie Mssllne, -Flannels, ; ,,DiSSlNMArlinere n oiler. " :% fr i e niportation. 2 , l; ,:": 7 ,Vablids),lnth,.,Tible Covers; PleaW Coireisi Stand Moths, Ossidmeritii - o, for Men , s and BOyirirear. ' We hare determined to keep the beat Stock Ibis IleaflOn,R 6 l l . ll, YO•es . iribed_, anti mideolo our Mau' You as ope 6t Beet Rousecin Philadelphia to Buy : T H . 0404 LIE as 0.11,1831, j: Mr:111011TE( SPRING 'GARDEN Streets, .L" "In! 'HAVE . 92ktr - oNEr xlitcH. o • - _ IpipipANZALosiN -‘ "Ji...,:•Oostinge;.Vestlagi,.and •Broideitothi:' (WOO apeetally,S.oolwear: •• • , , Puit id I selling eheagV. - 1 Si fhb - ift laparaxs - : kicienti ;of:iiVseir, good , make, by' the yard or giecia, alttaanzrient:int the At tit'aiitakage pries. tit:fah lintiake;Aine and heayy.: '• . Shlrtalosoms; Table Linens. • '', , ,, , ....,Tonolas,Dispeisiand•Napktne. ' " • 41* Nilkita Flannels: -,,p; • ." • - 11/.1001414L8ie •iiraidata trobi da:2s per pair nomad. .• littininar fitgraide ielllng,off ghetto. , ' - ff-Al MANTILLA. ROOM: Plea - Bingen' 76e. arena' do, $1.41,81.71. • -.,:-/ttaYikastera Cam $2.50 to $3.10: " ',ghat issytiactre:Bllh.hrantillae and Disteri;vitich yearn' isloeenat at it great redaction. - • •• - • GoOda fefilanataer,and PailTrayelling Drones; Ideitintiailt4 relit and dart, m 4,1471,111. •• - • ' • 000P08,4. 0 ,ONARD ,',..-'ll:•*,:ociinar.l,o34Tll and 114380 T- LVAII23iN,DL,7 2 as root. 116Affs sappladif t n i rfrh is, :t.*.QFP/.1 0 . AUOR Stmt.. ~: i~aots_-an~:''~hacsa; A'` >z WIIE7LANr&- 0 ILEALERS Al 0 6T 8 'AV B.S • - fiT;l#W GOODS; - sithEtT - PIULAPELPEILA, VP94; AND 8110.11 "—' , MaNtritkoTolri NO. 625 MARKET STREET, t:r.• "$ -pyrteinauniat. • - IL E t HB AND '. WROZ BA 8g • rnt , - , - BOOTS' AN,D..,t STI,OtS; : • , 4124 - A. 411 /• 1,,j3444W • • • Si • • 0411:1JADErpi - • • • . • ‘,.*uot4i l Ala minima • • • t ,B , CI 0 , 70,., A N B-H O.B'S - ,OfniII4NALPHIA Ana Essiitas lefghtitsotare.Ateb - ' - 11114.A.*,G99.4.p:111:80Y - T,HATB. and p`opft HlLMOlitTftB BtfYlll4s , wlii Ad 430 It6il4lV•Cal;iiie ear ' - • • No; 54 fIoitIZOLIATH Street. ItosEß ,&j/ROTHERSi' • -,.. • _45,-,-)4ANUT/A.OTUREBB -Ake - QiT,Y, AND 'BAiriiiti MADE - .BO6TWA.IID SHOES,, Neg.:43i.lAl D 434 bi&EKBT MIILADELPRIA 57a1m~. , : , . , 3F 4 44; 13 7, ( 5c;,*4 - n - , SHOES. . 5 1 Aosipn it';.'4IIIOI(PSON. & CO., I 814 MARKET STREET, • I"- aATi..NOW://141T0110 A:141140 , Ara With: il20111111)." • Illtilagiof , Mitt& :ttior *flit for "icon tha bedlam for oatb, or on the wog credit. - Buierr aro ; invited' to ofitY,nd 41taralito tiolf ;)ibi=te „ . - 1100 T SROES.—The subscriber f,11.1 .3 has osasitt 624 :warm • stook of BOOTS” tnoza, yhieh he win eon ht the lowest_prieet; TAYLOny " • '..e.ii01141 , ,c. - e. Z. mist MiTiLoila AttititOv TEN' GRE sIir'ONDEXCV::' • Or THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, ' ' xtoEll3.Vii;zes.k4N,..tk gairthi Donoi,a 4 ;Aelot pub., 1414 letteraTeNlod ofras "citir;ftrari elentieniati ADV MairsiVtibiOrsPdikii gldwingly - Or the 'superior Merits of his hair tonio. Bach evidence must have Its e t : i fift,ylarn„coming,freni a reliable mace: If cella. ea a- are gur e adoes of truth, the, Dr . needs no 0000,, U.o64lloitiMetes puffery fremthe press : • Baru, Name; 400. 20, 1880. ;Prefermor.o.7.-39005t.h.00.-.:Getatiemerr.r Having ray ' , attention called a few mouths knee to the highly-bents. .do!areffeciatof"yeini flair Itestoregie, was .Indueed to JAnalreippTiestion , of it't pen awnludr, which had be. emeniquitegrayi probably-one:third ray lams were.ot same character. Bathe three mohtha sina Pprocated, 9.bottle ,of.your balzreatorative, sad used 11.f1/ abob bond prpring'what'l had wished. I ,used It about twice - a - week. have since prbcured , anetherbottle,a which Shave usedaome:- Irmo now derti7lo,theworld that the gray _ oviehlte. bale has to. tsUy dillippeared; both `Mr my heal .1111 d. has and my, 'hair bait resumed-1M metatarsal dolo r , _and bellea more aftandfflossy thin I t hit boon before for twenty-Ore I.Pint rowalztyytoo4 old ; say-good wife -it-the . age of ariptyro, Ali used it with setae 6soot. 'fhtilb#Vo,oolloo deem due to pastor your ratable 41 1s1offer7 ...Ilan seared that whoever will tightly.nee, ..,110 per_ 21.tealions, will nor Imo oossiihidi toPedntree • that ray s Umtata. tam a Mita' of this city,-ando -rasidentAientfor the lest Ottani years, inil'aricknOwn 14:nopliovety onehere end' afolhing towne, , dny nee jmt mapreake Of the above, with soy note attached, is atty . ofkreervlcia, as wish tee'. -preserve the'. beiutioe of 1911,1W514±.0thera As wel/ as myper.- 4. am .tifilyi 'mire I - - - -0, RAYMOND. fr• `lffaarpiolin, Jan, 2.30.868. HAIR RNSTOHATIVN. - Proteeserioob•r-Dent SW: Haring-had the mlifor. tune to Jog ebeatgrartioh rat otthide r from the aerate of OW 1011.03 f ..ceTst, in New Orleartailnlabl, I was 1 / 1 1- .4110101 to make a trial of your prepaiatlon, and &arid it to Sumter as the _very MIPS .000404. :My hair IR DOA thick and 04 1 ,t/f .110 -areas can sig)roille my, oblipT i u 64, 'such 'a treasure. - • Irritimr.iomrspx..- ! 4Attoi n etoirtuediA44,„.7,,K. itzsgt,lig,c =wait hi sartilUn. of the vattatdPithoirclast a1:G .. 414 - 61d, Ham „He Is -,1. 1 gf"V e ß i f t eas 134ipormilly tr 1. agrk.- _ BnooirtetolJad.l2,lBsB. Profdaaor Hood`..-•Peetrsll•:: , Having MU re a •trial - or (Your Hatt Reetoralva,lt gives me pleat citesio say, that eiltiarhail beim excellent in via:C . ol4 inflammation: dandruff andA senstent tendenay to itchloglaith which 1 hive bleilfouidedito& my childhood r rand luii also rastritedusy hairothich vase behohalig pair to Its ode = italo44l`;:,l. heroine:4 bli other: article Wittranything Ate thellarno.plessure'dt Proflt - :% , - s'~~>;,;,YbnrYtroly,3:-Sr<'.-"i.~H:,BRdQO, ••, T • he lieetridative.is grntup inteettla of three Awe, vim . 4er hiedlimi and,amill: The small holdall/di * retail:apt coadollar parlatle f dhiethediera holds •• a eaalwetit -par cent-more riralleropOrlionr than the zerwallir avortwodoltamper.ldtttei,'theierie'holde ia,,gettrt, forty per sent. mot, In proportidit, and retails , - for three dollen a bottle.-' s , - m; Z. - WOOD 1b :op Prone tgre" 812 .PROkpWLY, lair.; Mitzi 14.Wite 1 /!$): eyriraii 11 rid St a. liet'll; .4 111 8, 31,61 " 11 ""*I2 - 1 1 14.gitot_HrS10 11111 !..eata. Tao* ;sr_aut ,I"6'4VBRA4 MA —'1 LAV3 3 _i iGiiV ING;DIE:1 40444thrtfl,atiV,M"a Th l filwadors ~-: rI • ' atl2lm I - nOyEIEVANWSPADRIS:c';',.. . . ... -.r. A. ,- -- irikeio n - , fixtiARRT and 'f re*ien..C#.; !ifi 'Gto: - ItAtaill'l3 Radon% 1 li a Otfiritil - . - - moi.alk,utre :stittira4atam.e: 'WORTH Sl* BELOW 6IXTII, ~bnth iattai: - DENN , INSTITITTE—LS'ontbeaet Otter of TRIRTEENTiI end Ft fittoetiG'iill be citietid-on'tdONDAT, the 6th of 'Septionher neat. Prirmtelbstruation; though favorable ‘to pid ,pro; grist -yet sends the scholar into tbo world with a keen sensitivenose; which' totally discitialitlee' him for fictive ' life; 'whilst atterition to many oftentimes forum the instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those. personal tb eaCh' ludivideal and the learner either .loses all interostier becotnee , imperiletal in hiti aeoplie menta. Fpr Sheet, -and other reasons the panther to 'limited; ' ' ' • For further, information apply pereo oally, from nine &cloak A.'IC to one o'clock L.: M., erby note, to , an27-12t* 'R. STEWART, Prinolpal. • ripmE SCINTI.FIO - AND - ".OIASSIOAL INSTITUTE, oilyArt:Pr :Streef, northwest cor .rier of- TWALFT.TI, reopMa ofi MONDAY, September 6.' TWO lea superior instal:Mon of Looming for boys and young men. The faculty eonelato of alx Profeamora In addition to the Hagfish and Chemical hionchea, there la auperodded an extensive Seielltifie department with large, colleetions of Plilleeophteal and Cheraw.' apps= rate's ,and bp'eohnene of objects 'le Motors'. Watery, Terms, $25 per quarter. For boys under twelve-years 'of 'age; ,p2O per quarter. hutreneo On TWELFTH Street. -.ENNIS, A M., . , Principal. .SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN, ANDAIOPE-Northeast corner of WWII% and BLITTONNS'OOV Stream. pall Session opens Sept. 6th'. 1858 The principles of - u Moral Entalon” lairs been succeestnily adopted at this Lodi. tntiomelime Its eltablishment, and 'parents entrusting their eons Into the - hands of the Principal, can rest no. eared of their good treatment and rapid advancement. Ptmllm received at any time and„age. Catalogues tar nished. gratnitonely. 'Parents are Invited to visit the echool. ." PONLNAVir LONG, au26-6w, Principal. 'H -AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. —KU , Thi School of the subscriber, in UMW BUILD. ING, CHESTNUT Street, above Tsrebth . will re-open on the SECONDM9NDAY, - the 18tb day of September. 'eu2titt ' - ' CHARLES sHOE.T., . RR KENDALL'S CLASSICAL' AND .• ENGLISH SOLLOOL,I23O LOCUST Street, will 're-open. MONDAY, September 0 •n 2 -Im* RS-BARTON's BOARDING and DAY AAA- • SCHOOL FOR YOUNG • LADIES No. 1029 CUEESTNIIT Street, - Philfteelptilc—The Winter Term win open on The second 'MONDAY In September. For circulars and pal-Meatus apply as above. au24-1m ' ' T I IRIENDS2AVADEMY FOR BOYS, East of Eleventh Street, below Arch, ro-opene the 80th inst. ' A.ll denominations! admitted. $l2 per term of 22 weeks. • • - au24-12t • •WP.I.WIIrf ALL. , OLASSIOAL INSTITUTE, DEAN Street, .ow LOcust.—Dtttles resumed MONDAY, August Ot. „ • - J. yr. Millipf3 .L uu,33-2us • • , VENTRAL INSTITUTE .—ENGLISH AND 'qv, WAS/MAL 8011001W111 be re•openeit MON-, DAY; Septetstios . 6th. ,TII.NTEI and GARDEN Streets. M. D.-1100131.5.E. A. M.. 'Sit23.6wlS'` • Prlnsipel. ; 'DUFF & CO:a DIERCAN• 4 _`r. MILE 'COLUMN, Southeast. comet EIGHTH and ,CIIESTSMT Street., (esiotiishert VW, and incorporated by the Legista lure VPstsneyisanta.) In this well-known Institution the . COUNT,INCV HOllBB COUBBEI of Practical, Single; and Double retry Inoindlog all the A ll otlM E 1 0 1 01 411 34 001018801.1 . (it L. 0134T1p218, and - „ DIDIDIESEI WIITING, . s taught la the moat successful and saillfactory atylo - - P. EDWASDR, -'••• 2 , 0"1 / 1 111 " su2l-ly B B. BIIBTON7, Pentim. W, G. E. AGNEW'S INSTITUTE Fos -v v • YOUNG LADIES 17.11:incn Street, will, An MONDAY, September nth, re-operi teenty-nintb ,Besslarr,..' For circulars' containing terms. &a., please apply to - ^ Principai,.. en23-Im* - ~• ' 1711 _WINS Street.' ITTENIIOI3BEAOADERY —The Eighth 'Mar Session Of this" - Institution for ,Boriwill cam. mimeo WEDNESDAY, September 1, 1858. Homes NOrtheast corner of OHESTNIIT and EIGHTEENTH Streets. Entrance on Eighteenth street. 1.15011J8 BARROWS, „ " , noipabi 6u211.42t - JOHN IL WESTCOTT, ' VOUNG- LADIES' INSTITUTE, - &NV% Corner of ARM and TENT/1 gtreete. The pupils faille institution are inatrubteci in all the biench.a of b thorough Englieh education, and every facility for the itgairement o: knowledge provided for them - . ',Dreraili, Painting, and Drawing taught at medo , rate charges.- The Pall terra Will on:enema Sept. let. atilo4oM • " HARRIET BROWN, Principal. , COMMERCIAL , AND OLASSICAL IN— wriTuTß, at 1302 FILBERT Street—TOL School will open 'MONDAY, 6th - of September. All .llngllsh branches; Mathilmstloa, the Olaulca; and Modena 'An imal*, taught bj'a method which [names aeourata . and thoroligh•knowledge. - • ' For testlnieulale of enemas, terms, and other Parton. lare, sea the Ofrenlariwllleh May b e . had at 619 1 OAHRirf NITP,-or 1802 FILBERT Street. ' ' Dr. 0. BEIDENETIOSER, late of Brooklyo, L. Iteferoneti.-4lir. A. Vaughan, Rel. William IL Furnees,..lteM.W.4-Hann Ray. J: WA.. Bomberger, leya/ti Eltork,'Prof, Joh n s:llartiHrof, , H.Nethake, Binklamln . .Herhard,' Beg:, °bailee 'Valhi, Esq., 0. P. Hagedorn, Big., hey. H. 36i.' Beadier ' Brooklyn ; Bey. G. W. Bethrtneißrix klyn ; Theodore tialgwlek, Beg., N. Y.; Prof. 0.0. Felton, Oambrldge. sul6-I.o* FA: ItratirZt ` 7 6ll3llootirloit ' CETON; lira./ JEBBET.—This Soho& is adapted to those' - who desiretheir eons to haps a careful preparation for College or fora business life.• Thorough instruotion is 010111 a English, - _Mathematios, , Atio'ent sad -Modern Language', ice. Thednetruotors aim, - nOt only to have their pupils thoroughly maaterfundamental principles, but to form thoee habits of thought which will render future and higher attainments rapid and carry. Dols. mation;Oomposition, and Debate aro practised in the iidgehdl Literary Soolekr, which embraces all' the pa- PIL otthis &horn. !Por •partieniars terms, &0., ad. &Ate JAMES I. HELM; or REV, JAMES P. HUGHES, Principale. • riArrit.NDßlps. PiIIkADELP.II/1: NJ 0011MEBOIAL 00I.LEOB; sortheaa owner of OBBLITNIIT and SEVENTH Iltroshe. Ao inetitution &saved to At young men for AC TIN% 811814/1813. , ' . , - • - The whole build( la ooeurded, and fitted uy in a ‘81.3. -ihaelug ea toy of the kind In this country. Tnotoughyrepara on fcir the conalleg.house. • •_, _. • L ..,,B0.1411) OIL TBWITUB. ,B. St..l7ozoons, .•• , - • ?mule flosldus i 'Gagne a. Inman, David Milne, . John gpulawk, .. VOW B. Brown, Imo Hooker, •' ' . A. V. Parecmui • , • D. B. liimuan, . . .. Irani* Brown, ' , Ja h n ppLocott.- • . , ay2114 . • :; ;04(P8 SPIitUG tkAiilieEkt AOADEMY; A-4-N. Sl:Corner NIGHTIE and BUTTONWOOD Ste. 001dIdSBOLSL • DEP AliTtaNT.—Book-keeping to all Its earlotm forme, preparing Students •horoughly , for situations in Any branch of Mishima; Plain and Orna mental Wrleng;_Oommeratal Oalculatins; Lay and Oor .reepondence. No institution, in the United States gives a more thoreitgli and practical course: In this depart ment no teaching is done in classes, and Is DAT and SVDNINO. , Time unlimited. zunundenom, . AND OLASSIOAD DSTA.IT. MBlNT.—(Sepuate from the *bated Ponhg Mon and Beta ,are prepared for say grade or atkßogliels and Clas siest Bducallon, and litodra fruituagis, with ' all ,the P higlier o dolleslate Studies. Sessions of months commence September DV Mar /Ornery 11C teoeived at any time be fare or after theseliatoa and charged aocardingly. Data lognestiel gratis.' milasAr • tovet, Principal. I,R - FANT •& ITAATTON'S CHAIN OF "N4TioNAVNSIWANTIItB COMAE& PM ladophis- College, - Southeast corner LiErruNra and CHESTNUT Streitte. for lniosmiUoti , 41.144. Mind lot 181641' eliespfm HOB COMENOBD. .IvirlLL HE-OPEN - ON THE ,FIRS T , MONDAY ThridEPTEISIBER, for the &Molest% Parr Miatelfling Of ton Menthe, J. J. REED'S • INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, • ' • No: 1628 WALNUT Stieet, PHILADELPHIA. The system of tuition is based on that adopted in the - heist Seminaries in Europe, and comprises thorough in iftruotion lathe Eng li sh, Prima . , and Latin languages ; epeeist attention is elm peld•to the formation - of en - ale-, gent style of comprialtion, and to the'cultivation of a taste - for 'polite literature. 'The course of study will "embrace' Ivory branch of education. ' ' •••-• A limited number of pupils admitted intro the family. .Theirroliginus and moral training Is tauter the special rare of - Mrs. Reed, who has had many years experience, tad deference will bepaid to the feelings and wishes of their parents in these matters, The health end comfort of the young ladies is also carefully attended to by her. • 4Weekly boarding pupils, from Monday till Priday, re, seared at proportionate rates. • , A week's vacation kt Chrietmea and at Seater." • (Payable belt in advance, and haltat the expiration of - • - five months.) • Toe tuition in the regular course of study 8100 00 N. D.—A luniorefass will be formed. "German, Spanish, Italian, and other language s, ale, (vocal arid Instrumental ,) Drawing and Painting, (in °Rand water, olors,) at Processors , charges,. Use Piano; per amain 11 20 00 it Harp, • " Guitar. - /or Sperling 260 00 Weithing at 60 coda peedoson.. • . Each boarding pupil le required to bring her own tow ids, ailver for end 'peon, , Pew rent at cost: - • - •, • , - affords me pleasure to,state that Mr. J. J. Reed is recommended by _oßcial teitimonieds of distinguished gentlemen in London. if rom personal aequaintance with hini, ein Mott Chneiltilly • reeomniend him as, an ae-. templitheriectiel* 'sad gentleman' to the confidence of the " A; CONVERSE. The subscriber takes great pleasure in uniting with 'Dr. ,Uonverse in tho above recommendation:i• front pet- . sorquaintarire with Mr. Heed, as, well as from his die Shod testimenialit, I • am =confident -of hie eml neat s !lilies as si gentleman and scholar, • • CHARLES WADSWORTH. We - are happy to hear that Mr. J. J. Reed; a OP. ;Heron of coneidetable literary attaininents; and who luumentributed to Ornham'i many excellent etetelies on eminent persons,haere-opened his Institute' for Young Ladies, at 1628 Walnut street, one of , the most , admire. blelooalitlea la the city Mrs. /teed is a • lady who has had merry years' experience in -tuition, and beam a high relmtation (prencoess in training hir pupile,• both mo rally and • mentsilly. Mr. Reed, from hie knowledge of European !Amasses, and from haying graduated in the first colleges hi Engand, imparts the advantages of the _boot European systems of education; and particular at.. trillion id paid tithe strayer English Composition and Polito Literature. We would lay Some Orden on this latter fact, since general literary informetion and eul- AUTO, though by far the - Moat distinguishing signs of in ,telligenee ertiverine•d• education, are, on the • whole, far were noileeted•in moat ,oehools and • colleXeti than any, • other brancilmo.—lidfror of Graham's `Matracifte for %rely, 180.1, p. 81. • REVERENCES.' 1104 iNthak, Proved of the lilnivereity of Pewasltrente:, , • -• JohA 'Primer, LL.:D.; - , Profmei of the Phlelfal: Mendes la ditto. . George ,Allen, ditto., D., professor "cif Ancient Len glop: W lllbtn tet, Meredith: •. • ~ • • • • Col; `obu W. /orally; 'editor' of The Press.' - .Charles 0. Lelarid,"Esq,jalltor of Grith a ntli maga.. Rev. William D. Stevens, D. D., Rector of St. An- Rev, Amass Converge, D. D., editor of the Christian • Rev:Charle•Warloworth, D, D., Arch-street Presby - ' Joseph L. Keen; Egg., WeatTitilerialphier-, " • • . ',Thomas B.,Taylor r ,Esq.,- West Philadelphia. • , JIANO=FORTE==-Etimentary and Bnisbing limbs by at twooinplialted forehm se*. N 0.1523, WALNUT Ot. • sulKni ,PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, ,WEU3 Vablicatbnio. BS: SOUTHWORTH'S ,NEW BOOF. `' NOW MANY. PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE ' BY PBTEBBON AND BBOT4BBS,' 14 :E ' 31 4 1 ff r,l r UT SISTERS. BY, MRS.' ylkOlf,k D. — Ir. N. SOUTHWORTH, • Author Or' , ..Lelt Heiresi," alls'airug Bride,". ,4 The Deseited Wife," 't The Disaluded Daughter,"_" The - Curse "Retribution r " .",The Wire's - Victory," ; the Secret or Powet,", t , The Three Beauties," &a., &a, , ompleta . in' TrioTrioVoVolumes. paper cover.C - ',l4ice‘ Ode Boller; or booed in One 'Volume, cloth, fOrsl.26i _The TWO SiSTSIBB is the most attractive hook We have Opened for a long time,. Vihoeveraeide the Bret page Is sure to be carried and the teat. The author is yemalrable for bet warm and , brilliant in her 'wealth of Imagery , her ready flow or ideas, her-pathos, and,her,Olear insight into the.motitis which govern the human heart; and' therein Lea the .charm other pen-paintings. She gives, you live charaotere, real men and women, so tangible that one almost - feels theclasp a of :their band, and bears the words they speak. It is the best of Mre. Southwor this hovels, containing deeper thought and embracing a deepor meaning than any of per preceding work's, besidi a being in plot more loge niouliandelaborate. It le a work which all aaki.veall with profit. It abounds with the moat beiutifil Imelda deseriptione, it Weplays an:hatimate acquaintancewith an phases or human charac'er ; and a withal, contains moral of Inestimable value. The story - 1e- absorbingly interesting, oval character being well drawn, and the incidents exciting. It le a gem that will well repay a careful perusal, • It . moat command p very large sale, as Indeed do all the works of this accomplished author, Booknellere, News Ageote. and all others will plane fiend in•their ordere once for what they,want of thin popular work - t , tbe Publishers, - . ." T..B..'PBTERSON & BILOTILBRS, , No. 806 OBRSTNUT Street, Philp. , For sale Vali Botrksellers in this city end elisewhote. .oopies wilt be cent per mail to any one free of post age. on receipt of the price. - 11:7T. 11. Peterson & Brothers have -just binned a new and oomplete catalogue, which they will be pleased to send to all persons,who may write for one. au2B.3t IyABLES . 011 ALLEN Se SON. :No. 24 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, . • _publish , TUE OPTY OP • THE, GREAT 4ING—The moss superb work on Jerusalem aims issued. am. HADZI'IN SYRIA 76 cents. - - CARPENTRY. MADE EASY. P. 211.819' JUYENZLE - LIBRARY. p. 50. • ovrE, nit MACPHELAII. SI. GOSPEL AND ITS ELEMENTS. SS cents. CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES. SU skate, •, IX PRESS. - PALESTINE, PAST AND PRESENT. $3 SO. • IN AND AROUND STAMIIOUL. $1.26. au2Sam* 'IIIIST -011 T NOW READYU UP THE "NATIONAL itECHANIO,"- . • ' THE GREAT WORKINGMEN'S PAPER! I - ,READ IT !. READ !, • READ n . !Er iteontalna a large amount, at zpattar- of vital interest to every one. that earns a living( bp honest tn dnetrl, To bo had at the Office, No. 108 X South-Third Street, (up stairs ) , AGENTS and CARRIERS -WANTED IMMEDI ATELY. . anl7 V: A:LI7 AB LE ~ IieOAIE ,ON COLONIAL LAW--onApakits , OPlNlONS.—opinions. or eminent Lawyers on , various points 01. English Juris prudence, chiefly. cOneerning the Colonle*, Fished ,es and Commerce of Greatlfritain Collected andpigested from the Orlginelajn the Board of Trade and other•De posttories. BylizoacikCsaLtnos, Seq. , i.R.8.; 1 vol. Bvo, 816 pages. Just received and for sale by —EAT & BBCTHRII, • Law Book sellers, Publishers, and Importers, . • /8 South Sixth street. "Esoirba, FALL MILLINERY QOM JOHN STONE' dc SONS, No. NS CHESTNUT STREET, ARS now, prepared to offer to their onatopiere, and tha - trade, .a large and well-oieleateti assortment of BILKS, EIBRO . Ns; FEATURES, • FLOWERS, and MILLINERY GOODS. Confintng themselves exeinsivoly to Able branch of the tridi, end Importing the larger pert at their stook, cables them to offer an nesortment" unsurpassed in extent and variety, litt.ih wlll,be sold nt the lowest prima end the most favorable terms. • au27-lm • ap T U. G. 'AL 10 1 K 8g 00., 7.25 CHESTNUT STREET, • III'ISTA I / 1 8, Him now In 'tore A complete aesortmont of BILKS, RIBBONS, VELVETS, //LOWERS, FEATHERS, And MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, :To yrbleih they invite:the iittontl94'et_thf it:a' de: 4064m* 33 SOUTH SECOND STREET. 33 Buyers of MILLINERY GOODS, Will find us prepared to exhibit a moat complete and elegant assortment of Non 8t 1i )SONNET MATERIALS, RIBBONS, in immense vatioty, YRZNOH and AdiERIOAN FLOWBREI. SIZATHEILS, fIU lIES,Ito., /to. .alod,sbsaittlial Mocha . STRAW acooDs, Comprising all the desirable styles. Oar PBlO.BB, which axe rued and uniform, are itrUittated at a MINIMUM ADVANOE UTON 008 T, Besides which we allow TX PER MT. POR CUM - Mth,LitEl from a Odium, who mai not be aware of the oxleteace of sash an astablishment, OUT, 07 MARKET STItEET,, will benefit _themosives by a visit to A. H. ROSENE(EIN . & BROOK S , No; 88 South SECOND Street, above Ohoetnut aulB•dtboil 1858 FALL STOOL " 1858 LINCIOLN,,WpOD; & ITiOHOLS; • NO. 45 SOUTH BiIOOND IMPORTERS AND MANHPAOTITTRBRO STRAW GOODS, ' FRENOII FLOWERS, VELVET AND SILK BONNETS, TRIMMED STRAW BONNETS, • ItiBBONO,- , IlilOligS, and MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY. Pattern Bonnet/ made and trimmed to,order. • , fIOIITNERN AND 'WESTERN BUYERS ' Are invited to all' and ermine Dia MOST COMPLETE fiTook DE POUND IN , THE COUNTRY. • onla.lm T HILBORN JONES, to. ' MANDBACITIMIII AND W7IOI,RIULE MUIR IR FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, 4ETIBICIAL BLOWERS, RI3OIIBS, &o. : „ ISDFT FUR AND WOOL EATS:, The attention of city and country dealers Is Invited, ton large and retied stock of the above goods, at 4B 2 MARKET STREE,T, aulB-2m - BELOW BIM. ' AII . GUST,, 1 . 858. . {ye would &rite the attention of Southern and lirestern Bayern to our Pall Styles of SILK, VELVET, and YANOP BONNETS, . ARTIVIOIAL BLOWERS, PEAPIIEFIS, and MILLINERP GOODS, sow nay for the Trade it the lowest Market prices. .STERN' P . II.IIBMAM, 746 01126TbitIT Street. • H— WARD, N as. 108 and 105 N. SECOND O Street, Manufacturer and Dealer in Fancy and Straw Bonnets, - Ohenllicand Btraw Trlaming'. •. Also, Heathers . and Blowers, all of which are. of the latest and moat fashlopable styles. , _R. 13.—Claahlitiiers will, find it to their advantage to 'ate us a call. - „ au24lm* tumbtr T . UMBER.TARD.I `HOUTZ & 00., - - (Buooeseore to liforitgemeo•& Neall,) - W. corner of, TWELFTH ead Stellate, Phila. Old !doyen:Malin* Mateo% are now reOeiving a large sad well-peleoted sesoitment 'of all desoriptione of L 111241128; such an White Pine, Yellow Pine; Norway, llemlooki Lath, paleivpieketo; Fence Boards, Flooring, Bhelvlng, mid every variety of well-seasoned Lumber.- Also, a- large- stook of Bill of every variety • and description, oonstantly on handiand sawed to o erat the shortest notice. ' Onr canneetion with Nesste. hiebaffe7,Nonts, t 00., and Duffy, Hoots; at Marietta, Fa. ,gires us um surpassed facilities, and enables us to supply orders far all descriptions,. of Lumt4r With — promptness and INB-ORNEK LIIIIBBBisoft and mellow, imitable for PATTBAN-MANIIRB, constantly on hand. PrOmpt;payingpurobasere are rerpeottully Milted to examine oqr stook before goibl'elgeivherc 'lol4f LITILBER AS • .WHOLESALE •AND , 11,14 till at Hold* Lends/Oar boinity, Pa, hifillAlPHY,' HOUTZ, to :Co.,' take. this method of inforining their onetomers and perilous desirous of pur okulag LUMBER, that they have now on hand a large and wall-sessonsdatrich of all descriptions of Lumber which - they are prepared to 0011 at eatisfaetory priceal .Their timber is all from their awn IifILLB on' IN ORIONN, They are also eonnected with Messrs. DIIPPY, 'HOUTZ, &:00., and are prepared to furniahrdi kinds 'of.Plarted Boa4a ) .Bill Stuff, Lath Pales, Plakets, and Building Timber ter Bridges, Its., of all desoriptions, on the shcirtest_notice, They would also take %Nat pleisure binning the attentlon of Bulldoze, and thee* in,wafie of, Lumber ' thd city of-Philadelphia, to the Liturbicr Yard ef? 110lITZ koo. l llofllef Of 'TWALITEI and PRIM Otraatai with whorl - Shay are also con. mated. CIAPE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY.— Tbere will be no neeeeelty for trayellere taking a 'upply Of MAIM with tbem, as s complete wort ment of.OHNUINS HAVANA; of Samuel. alnieele lin kert4Unui will be found on sale at, COMMIE HALL, Caps Laud, aw t at the LHIrOD 13TATELc,AtlantIO 001. 11.0V5T :; .,-,c).;',:'..:,..,.,f.,58. • MO A*, AIIO:UST 80,-:18513. Robert It*rkie, the Financier of the ha ' vdititicitilis Petition to the 'Judge's: rfi9,'OehieleS iendered our getin . iniiet day of tilfriiy - thi3 - 14stlicoies:ReaFtf, Min rsie.NAltiver be fergotten,hyihe ; ,Airterietin people. , %now is an affectionate reverence for hie characktrovinchranks his name secondhnly to WASIIVOTON among the. •' heroes • who achieved tiP liberty . we ikew eajoy ! When our armies 'wete Withbut ' provlslites, and on the point or dlibandliii foi'svant of means to 'con -0,,, ? tinee' the :ansfmign,' to lalni was , &Mutated the ininag, ent 'of. the flmuleits of the coun try. His xerticins in, the cause of .freedmi were .heictlean. -Upon his private credit money • was raised to furnish tO thestarving army,•and lie enterprise corantanded supplies which proitited active operations ih the field. In one 'of is letters, dated tt Finni` tbeblikt 'oh Schitylo;‘,lnly.2otb, 1716,"1te expressed the sentinicit . " that it is the duly of ()Very individual s3lact : his part in whatever station his countrYMay call bhp . io, in times tordifil-,' culty, darattrand-distress." tishifthislietiti4 moat the - *V tinincier • Hied ft* to daring!, the whOle4trThit qt r tigeltrfoi ilia lihrtiptindenen of his e'imitO: - '''' ' ''' '''. ''' "` ''.'" ''" '' The revttni, whiCh' in tiu6stiOnent ictire, swept away 1 ttf private fortune and led to his. ' imprisonmettffor debt, mark a Sad•hra in the: life of the,•patrioti Our ''incir-Ory of these events has Ittiiin Iltithiined by reading thefol-' lowing pet4tOplo„tke ;Judger of the Supreme; Court of Ptinicylvaisia, signed-by Mr: Konen i and severalotbers,which-a-Ilidndinie•placed in our hands: -Ve coliy - fronithe eilgiiiii:! , , "To the 4norabie ,the qt(dijoict.th - ja:,S . 4preine Couti of ,theiConiutonWealtit .of-pertimyivanle, or to any two of_them.: . •,•,•.• • •, • ' - • "The petliion of the subsoribers; prisoners in the Debtors' Apl i etwentrin tie prison-rofthe 'city and county of. -Philedelphits,Aiespnitfully ehistfeth : rm That Inesioh RV , tbiii pity ' is 'at' isreient efdtoted with etkinfiatioluforOoltiglime fiver; Witoh bath spread to* niorinlig,degree, and' $f it shohld i'°aelf ttii iiielo,iniitit Prore:_fatel t.i. the lives, of many ; anf ibetess,,bya law in suoh.onse made andlnovtd, d your honors ,•are :invested with Ws oro tionaryiewers to order our, ienitival from nano°, we lancet, that you may be-pleased to do so,vied your petitiinets; as in duty lOW, will ever pray. -,• - ' •Debtors' Apartment, ' 28,, 479 . 9, (Signed) - , 4inwr..Miiunie, • end by; nine others. . " I do hereby certify' that in nq opinion the in fections or cnitagem fever! with_whiolt the city of Philadeirdne • is :atLpresent raided, •rendert It proper and :nicest:an , . -Met ibe-intsonere •therign' ,should be retooled under thOtirevisioris of the set' of of the Legbflatirb , of Te . nesylinnic of the lOtilref; April, • 1794,Antitled, ari not - fior *sting 'Oertnin poweri In thilhidgeb ''of the Supreme (6l,lncd) Jews. Peenosit, On thic,,befai of ibbi,ppttttouts tbie memo 'rindavm "-This potation wai offered , for nit, signature if 'eaoh of: the 'prisoners contained in the - sheriff's list thereof! thirteen ofwhona herp petitioned not to he'rentOyett'itbd the lw,e_rogrees and all- tll'e yromen liatedeOlined 'signing, signifying that they prefer to elaY •ti,l!ere The. yellew,:filver,, had prevailed, for two months hefpfe the ! date of' this petition; but the EloanPUtHealth did net-publicliAlsilow ledge Its for.rst,enCeffil . the'.?2d laugUit; wilen consternaVokitilzed every ond.tii consequence, of the Publfeatlon of the following note frond' the CollegqpPrhyslOiffulf " The q Pij* 'ap.v ommeivnit tribe their. drityto Int , arnta.ii)avoroon4 llimed'tlie,op'sutda which Ihey - litely4equilisied Your:board ; and they feolit , incumbent on'there to repeat that malignant contagions fever, of the samenatrire.with the'disaase which raged here in the years 1793, 1797, and 1798, prevails among . meat this time to a very alarming degree. Tea Dosne•or Hsatrit, Philadelphia, Ang. 21,1799." ,The autograph of Mr. Mortars exhibits some slight evidence of age. Ho was at this time in his sixty-seventh year. Our respected fellow-citizen, Mr. Mutsu B. Woon,'at an early period of his life was somnfortunate as to render himsolVamenable to the same barbarous' Mw' (now . happily abolished) under which Mr. Mounts was im- prlioned. The debtors', prison was at' the northeast corner of Sixth and• Prune streets,. and was under the' charge of a kind-hearted keeper. In his "Personal Recollections," Kr.'Wocir. gives the following sketch of his interview with • Mr. lioaars.• • The. keeper of the prison, fe proposed that I:might walk the prison yard flem six to eight o'clock in 'the Morning, at which , hour 'the' other prisoners' were allowed the bounds, He added, that I should 'find but one gentleman there, 'and it was not necessary for me to notice him in any way. Well, on the coming morning at Six my door was opened, and I at length inh ered into the fresh air once more. 'At the first tarn I met'the gentleman, who proved no less a person than the late Honorable RossreT lleaais, a man whom this nation holds In de-' served• gratitude for his great services in the war of independence, but whose private finan cial transictions, very different from his pub lic adthinistration, had recently proved disas trous and led him to this sad place, 'where he passed months, and I believe years. Hie per son was neat,-,und bis dress, although a little old-fashioned, adjusted with much care. The Portrait of this remarkable man, "The financier of the Revolntion," engraved for the Biography or the Signers of the Declara tion of Independence, has always been estoora= ed an uncommonly correct likeness, and such regard it. One side _of the .Pruno-street debtors' prison was neatly laid out as agarden, and well kept, affording an agreeable prome nade for the luckless inhabitants of this pos. tile, during a large portion of the day. Mr. Meanie appeared oluterfuli returned my salutation In the politest manner, bet in silence, continuing his' walk, and dropping from, his hand, at a given spot, a pebble on each round, anti' a certain number which be bad in his hand was exhausted. For HOMO mornings the same silence prevailed, Until at length, ob serving my , languid deportment, he suddenly stopped, inquired whether I was ill, and added with something like severity 4 ; Sir, this is but an ill place for one so piekly, and appa rently so young." He seemed to wait , for some kind of explanation, wbich'l found my self either unable , or unwilling to give—and then passed 'mi.' From this time 'he spoke to 'spoke to me alined "daily, and always with great kindness. On 'one', occasion he unbent much more thin ' usual, and offered some re marks which, embraced much good counsel, In more than: one instance he favored me with friendly: notice. ' On another page Mr. WOOD adds: cc In after years I repeatedly met my venerable fellow-prisoner, Mr. Morinrs, on the street, and longed 'to pay to him the tri bute of my respects, but I was deterred by the fear of reviving , painful recollections." We are not, able to • say what action was ta ken by the court on the petition for removal, nor how long a period Mr. Mohan remained a prisoner. He died in May, 1800, in the 78d year of his age. His will was made, in 1804. He gave to each of his children some small token of remembrance. To Meanie he gave all that he then possessed or might there atter acquire, and adds, "Here 1 have to ex press my regret at having lost a' very large fortune acquired by honest industry, which I had long hoped and expected to enjoy with my family during my own life, and then to distri bute- it amongst those of , them that should outlive me. ' Fate has 'deterixtined otherwise, and we must submit to the. ilecreeiwhich have *done with patience and fortitude." . . • There , a re ei",twO:ramors in Paris, not very erodible, and probably having a common source; tlioYire, fiat, that' the Count 'de Chambord has determined to abdicate his somewhat ludicrous position as a pretender,had hoe reeommentlea to hie followercte•ahetah from the , ifrivolons anti vexatious" ,epposition they have been carrying en against the Emperor • second, that the other .Pre• tender, the Count de Paris has concluded, an al. withßapatillmi rump," and' thus damned fernier' the very ':Anal! ohanoe of an Orleaniet reisteratimi, - • (For T he 7 2 -I"* 3 • • , Writtits in •Consineinoingion of ika'Suecaskjui Ope• ..ration of the icAiinntic'TettetiphiCable.”" . Jfi. i. .1114! ring idond! the • ' • "AbdlatAbiibioning . calinontroarC" . On eibrg brbinie the trbitipb sandhi, " • " "And echoes back from shore toCbcire. ' , . Let notes of loy, rpm eviry ' - "f!i 4610 of 'gratethip4tee',arle o ; For 'man his eoiaqueied spice did " the leighligi or tlie In thundering anthems* renown ,Lot , land Its „ „. ' To dock with an Imirioitil crown . The Asko of Cyrus W: , ..131nd laurels on the victor's brow ' Who trioniphe with a, god-like skill; Who mikes the (demote to bow, - ' ifulnioisaton to his will. Give honor to thou apirlte brava - • Who trackii the lightning in nicotine ; .And high on Fame's fair scroll engrave" , • , ' The names of Pri*in, Phila . , and Iforeir. • , Fiom out the ocean'd strolling wares, New light and knowledge'ziow echo • For man, within lta'daikeet °area, ' • , Has chainq the lightning of the skies.- , , - Oh! may the cable arm adhere To call new trim:44lloe inte blith, That foie and fellowitdp stAiers • - 'ALIT bind Me natioths - of ther.edath: ; . • Vairigtann; toff' betTipOrr,r l F,%,„ l .., And young d aumidssow , ; 41 . , That c thirYwill dwell kokiinimort ; In bonds of pedee'edidifaiii. ' ' Thai:l7lg J•ehdvah frond dive ipi;lffdpi d;zithlaber . • idiom; of hiividthdp6tl44; - ,, , . Antelidist idogadgi laadi; " ' • „ , „ . - • ; Fifi• . ' " 'PortBTOlVit - Aug 27 1858, tioan."Sra:: '.Ravin g noticed the ecineninication by" Interlei, in The Press" of 25th bistani,hy youi permleston I w i ll 'offer 'afeW rerhar) l 4 In - • , . " Iderier" - 4rites. as 'thongis - all the oornstiy banks'wero oppeiedl&the propOseffilan of the City banks. 86 'froin this being the • oisii,,'Lmany of the 'Country banks are faviabliqe,"esur their offi cers aged = theiifinihtenee to bring abiint;tlie Pro posed plan erred:en:Olen. ' ,Twentyoif the idertor banks redeinn'their paper in Philadelphia; being oveiene•ibir,d of the' country banki of the Stale; nut , Titteburgh those twenty banks am bride niche than one -hilt of the capital of. the oountry . batiks; 'Now, if " Interior" supposes them taierity_oountrk banks will take oflonoe beeline° of the propesed action of the oily hanks die Will and himself -ninoh Mistaken. The offieers of Ave's . terentY 'country banks look foiard to the ,day, when the plan" ill to into eked with - pleasure, and they will s if I 'am not grecitlynsistaken, stand by the city hanks, and aid them ih their efforts to relieve ilio'cBininunitY in some measure, of 'alcie preelatorifinibfasomo enrreneY;and 'thereby se, orals' for =themselves - an egoist, advantage of - the ibetiatitt ciVoiroulation:''TO:fhew you' what a I ad, ivantegirthebinis that 4 , r `y rildellpslayq ever, Ithose banks that do redeem in„PlifiadelPhia, .1 will proliedin part statetnenta .. of two banks thist (redeem; and two that de not redeem 'their odesiri Phibidolphla,' from stetetnenta of July, 1858: •„• 1 • - ' • • - Capital. ' • Qlrealstiou l'armara' Beak of Ileadink.. .000,000 - 8142,9 8 5 Bank of .Montgotattrp County.. 400,000 10,276 nowriabstrg Hank ' 800,000 ' , - 401,440 York Bank 491,076 ' " 890,086, n o m you see; the Harrisburg' and York banks that do pot redeem, with 5100,000 less capital than the two former-named haulm, have a circulation 0f1500,00d more. I have taken these tiankir cause - they are Old:establithed' institutions' : It' will, no doubt, surprise many to' find-Abet bangs with their notes at it disee' shetildliave se great an. -advantage. in - supplying' th - e ;Publie with a' oironlating medium: It leaboonnted for from thp fact that bank notes'at:parln Philadelphia pose current all over our State, as well es in Some attic; adjoixdpitt States. They arelseught' after by ileesicrin !end , banks for rataittanceis and for phis ' roaster csoon lldd :their , wity4adle to the " lids td' .erb r iehlkey belongsiwhile nate Of t tgeleitill6i paratrin keg bankable with the Or bulk, of the oiroulating medium ofilithitate:'"The' People of the interior Suffer -much IncOnVenienite 'by having to use this depreefathitriaPerLf2 For instance, f Mr. A has ¬e to,pay at the Bank of Pottstown, be goes there with "notes of Farmers' Bank of Reading, Eanleet Montgomery" oounty,Marrisburg and York banks. The' ciehler or• teller informs Mr. A they. cannot receive his Harrisburg and York money, because it is not par in Philadelphia; we cannot rise it in our exchange.' So Mr. A has to go out and'-barter or exchange his Harrisburg and• York for par funds. ' To, the- business man of Philadelphia it must oertainly : be a groat ineenverilenee and heavy tax. The oily merehantmust - recolve the notes of oonn- - try banks at par (even though - they be ata - dis: count of one-half or three: eighths per eent.)in!pay.. mentof a bill. If the city - mirelitint whites' to, Make a &watt in the oily hank, he Minuet' Under present- eireumstances note the notes_ oroonntry banks for that purpose, but must go to a broker and sell his ourrenoy at three-eighths, one-half or three-fourths per cent, discount, and on his return to his counting room, enter the discount to profit and loss. What a nice condition of things there would be for the Wetness man in our State if the - banks would keep their notes at par in Philadel phia and Pittsburgh! Well; whose fault is it btfi the people that they do not 'do so? They create the banks and give them the right to issue notes—the people have a right to expect, and I am much mistaken if they will not demandof their Representatives, at the 'next Meeting of the Legislature, a law compelling the banks to redeem theirnotes in-Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The banks furnish a circulating medium, and it should be one equivalent to cola—one that would passim , ' rent and without discount in every town and pity in the State. The plan of the elty benki will an swer for the time being, but we must have our Le gislature to pass-a laW to (impel' the banks in the interior to keep their notes at par, under a penalty of one or two per cent, on their average circula tion. This is the only manner in shidh the peo ple can have a uniform ourtenoy. Snob a plan of redemption will have a good Wect upon the banks—it will prevent, over-Issue and undue ex-. P 121111011: • It will be better for all coneernett. 'The common argument against oily, redemption is, that the oclary bank, is compelled to keep a largo portion of its capital in some one of , the - pity banks. It is true the country bank h as to keep a fund in the oily to • redeem Its piper, if it undertakes to keepit,at par; but if the Cour try bank is in a good sound condition— is doing a business such as banks should do, and is not over anxious to make largo dividends—the fund such a bank will have to keep in the city will not interfere with its business operations. I know of one country bank that keeps its paper at par in Philadelphia, that has imaer been incom moded by the balance it has kept in the city, and would never have discounted to greater extent • than it has If they had nothopt their paper at par ; and I have no doubt there are other banks in a similar condition to the one I allude to. Some of our interior banks that do , not keep their notes at par -in Philadelphia have bad balanoes as high as $60,000,, and Y have heard 'that some officers of the interior banks, when asked why they did not keep their noteent par in Philadelphia, gave as a reason that they - could make more money by not doing so. There' is the great secret against redemption by many of the country banks—can make more money : that is the groat inducement fir keeping their notes at a disedunt. What do they oare how I much the people complain, or how inrush loss is suffered by the laborers, mechanics, or hotness men of Philadelphia, 'so they 'elan "make more money!" I heard of an officer of oneof our inte rior banks—an institution that bee been in . gocid credit for many years; has always, until within a year; been it par in' Philadelphia—who, on being asked why - their paper was not at par, assigned as. a reason that be could make more money by doing as he did. This bank at the time had a balance of over 4500 'in Philadelphia, out of which it re cleaned its notes that ormie into the - hands of the . brokers, receiving 4-10, of one per cent., or $4 per $l,OOO, forinoh redemption. I basis' rio doubt of its correctness. So, you will perceive, Mr. Edi tor, the oonrso this bank pursued, and-I have no doubt many 'other non-redeeming banks are doing likewise; in feet, "Interior" admits they do.-"lnte rior" is much concerned for the etookholdors of the city banks.' An ocourreriee of the kind he imagines might take place, bit His hardly probable. No city bank will take the agenoy of a country bank with out knowing Something of its condition; and 'un ion's it believed it to be sound, would not be likely tooontinue snort agency. The Philadelphia banks aro able Intake pare of themselves, ' Interior" hopes to frighten the oily ~banks from their con templated plan of redemption by throats of loss of trade to the oily merchants, and blow for blow when the plan goes into effoot. Don't fear "Inte rior," Messrs: City Banks and City Merchants. Your plan of redemption. for the presont will be approved of by nine-tenths of the citizens ,of the: State, and you will be aidedinYour efforts to give a uniform currency to the people by all the country banks inlayer of a good oirenlating medians. .1 am in hopes, Mr. Editor, that our Legislature the coming winter will entiottt,lavullpgqirtng the InV 01" J NTSI MEM -- .. bankel . ..eaeb,:of the AllegheuiPPerita_ 4 0 , *' l t ,ET their, noise akpor Aphilaffelpit , ia, and.tboSe7est,, at ,l'itteburgh. ~-Xtenob, a lair,Oarknot be passed,;' then 1. would suggest what Might: ,beOil*l. a fanning - in law—thet ist oonfine, the eirotilapin iof every bank %tit ` retßesiliV I kiiip )lA'iiche;a at pin 41thin 'Oartain 'BMW; (iia'i•nittad : the nOuntyliv whicit'thebtinff is looafed,'M - Pwithin a eimalt of ten- or twenty-milie&andlinposer tyfineTisiaal. - to .the 3 aillOnlit of- the iiotd.-offered•.dp9o4 Usti-, yidual offering .to pose a, aote, of ,any,„bany .ortMtde of ,iteciren4. 1- . §nolt...,a,la)y ; might.hovelbp, g 6 i Z. Of lt?,ol;ing,, ihe"io tee, of non-rideeMing 'ban I 'hoMe,' irbere , 'ilk"; itaivooxfpi, of' non.:rkeiao oi . ! 1 oliitn these notes, to bp' at par. A's r • Witii, c'ee ititntionsiliiy of mml24- lair; or its' pilietikal;lll4, , ' Iran notaolmitalfr:' I merely sagged:it .to'i c tlie' consideration of the non•redemption hanleotitecre.. 1 , ... . '7 • :.• :.:. ;•• -. rtitOOD. OURRE AFT. 1 „ Ctieeter <'ourity: , . . , orreeptinainde of 'Mi.) 'Preisel' `, p. . 1. '''' ' " Ficitax4itiii: l A . tig..:l i 9V. - M. •.-.'Deetr. Sin , : li:ldelegate meeting of; the' ifeconi ton bine& of thtelleineisratiovartyires held he ; this evening. A resolution forhiddizig =a,ll..who took part in the anti-Leeempton meeting of lMt •nightif .Iwite -Blipped:. thronglklmlbre - niest Id th itudisnoo.understood what'vtitiwittg en: -.31.111, a novel kind of Demograny t i,Three . °nuclide weyo,nominated 'and ~e1e0t0d,.....4,11.10511- it - e,vident . to an impartial observer : 9 Ellst anti•l/eoro teri . :4as the stronget 'party iii: the roof, as IV ObilinicitrOM ihe'nitailier of fleet, 'lietad; bat lit .Sepiantioneo tikkietty - - tdiPlied:tVitou'gh' alitieVibin II 'enineritimict,of ‘thefrecieedbagi intlEbni, toff." f 4 " ivebtnre to:lead - if' that. lure' thaii laatbiidi Nfotes present Isere anti-Issooniptonitthindfhend I tß:Hitl! , m.44i Lecomptonl is deadpandehe-fueete • Vitli. tablf plme in Ootober. ~: i ~ , s bcr53.:.: ,-,l— , = ` - ''be names of delegates elected at this meet ing Are 8.. T., .NOVOagb, .J. B. ' lilo7getl, 3 iin:(l,4'. Pilligio; ' '-:, ..: '.' .- ' ' ' '`::..:‘, ~.-; '',, ~- • , ~.I:lie.neMe °LP.; - Phillips oconre in .my-forme : :eommunication,as anti•Leeompton: delegate. tilt ihouldheircrbein r. Pllllllo2' (Hot The Priss.l• ";•, , I A ottigtdai,:plioribintiMM 4 e- wailer found 'abont - ,Otirisie; dbiooyei4 ;Jut, week .by, Prefessor;Wpn.4torpornious Wilson, 'of Dickinson Ooliege , and ale thoukhflo : be Itaidry orouibleintif ahartn)?y!dipitireiliat•latizti..' The ~ 'l'refeepor , having, prseotiied,,eolna::etaphur Water very iiiihlylnipregnited,'„enbiooted” it to an- linmenie priiiitio 'in' Itheleraii'llaidebhtiri bendephereir Until "iie-aiiirairl'air ''vatitel ;aid tithed had exuded fieni.botwein.tliortoreti delta, metal . and .whorO: the, Ripe' aro jfilitted , togothel When the cups• wore unsorewed,,the-retnatfeder bT the, water had laaleccg4lll,sl3a strong: odox ev& phur, reminding oar foroitly,oilditton'a Tartnino; and on the ProfeeeorAftplyin4.a . znotid* tla Instantaneously maniuitini§ited: to the' water and burnt, something like ether, for about four min ute!, omitting ayory aulphtnints odor wAtIo burn- It has always been the common opinion that ne water aqui& contain guar combastitile'iropeittee lain high a degree, bet ihealcore s itxPeri4ent ;by .the Prefeskoilnliy,demonstratestlie-failitoyef the ' , This experiment bas - as yet been • tried on iialy , one of the many springs ahont Caritste:, If this will possess" anything of lateisit yovii 'numerens readere, yin aro 'at liberty:to-rise FOREIGN' MISCELLANS.` • , `lt is understood that the 'Biitlitililidetere, contemplate a before,Christmas session, and,:tkat at present it is determined' Parliament shall s* , assemble early in'4,levember ; ~ 1 • The following gentlemen hive 4, by the ,Court of Disco tors :to be , :hfebtberiltthe , New Connell for India,: (Merles afilli,,-E1q:74610 Shepherd, Esq.. Sir Jamet,Weir fl+lo-e E naghten, nv, Ross Derr/Ray Iffangles,Nsq:, , Will , Hem Joseph lostwiok, alenry 'lhoiry; pl0 sop, Esq , The coeUrnMent have, tioW to • appoint: idght; members tojnoke up the, total 'Connell or: Elfteeni: whieli must ; be constituted by, the Ist of Septenw 463shenthoEsstjadis r .Compauy_Will:!oease to; Is SkohiS sagelionse,,baS Ittuivsilipted; , * plopeinj,hvieunlndlinOftial4iWisie : Si:rdiONty-Olawlispiervit,Wft. - it olsolbe aMongithaSusMieral4 l l4o 4 1 4 01. J'!;1 1 04 r is floy,ernmeht. Henry lifortley; Eig. , , l 2lOrikefo:ro-Tikilietti* .Esq., and Cherl'es Xameti Itirgtayilit:Z4!olofit commissioners of the Irish -Encumbered Este is Court, havw been sworn in as judges of the - new, Landed Eitates , oourt. ' ; . „ A giand national archery competition will take plade dt Eglinton on. the annlveniary of tie apiebratid tournament, when, the prlaaa ate tar tended to be upwards of 4100 in valuo. The con test to te . be eatended.over two days. Arnhem will be prieat from all parts ,of England add Scotland.'• •.- • , • -.. RAPID PASSAGE.—FIora, a new Stoamer,just put on by the ...Bristol Steam Navigation Compi.' ny, has made her drat passage from Briitol to Cork in sixteen hours. The distance ls,twolinndied and sixty-four miles. • A6IIIOITLTURA.L 11.111 , 011.T8.-r-The ,agriciatu rat Gazette gives uwards.iit two hundierkreporte of the Crops fiord:al 'parts , of England;; Scotland; and Ireland.. They generally declare the. wheat crop to promise elan average yield., though "like ly to fall considerably short of last year's ettraor- Monty produce. 7 Barley and oats irate% 420Sedid irgly various; the former is not likely ,to yield: a very good quality of grain, and both are probably under average as to quantity. All latelsown spring -crops have lertfered exceedingly Tanta:the unusual drought and heat of spring . and. summer. There is a singular uniformity in the glonmy , iso counts received of the crops of beans and peas. ' 'Sir John AbtOn, Wirt:, it is said, be/ put- . chased the :Dublin Review, as proprietor and editor. It has hitherto been conducted .by Mr. BagshaW; Q. 0., and Cardinal Wiseman. Mini Nightiniabee'Vealth lo such that sbo hes again been obliged to resort to f.dalvernfor the benefit of the water onro. - ; , • . TEIN ILEVENIIN AND ,',GRADE OP, IItELANI).-! The not praline of the revenue of Ireland, paid Into the in the year 1857 'Wif 1.6,662;- 6 72, via :• 42,008,3531r0m , the Customs,Z2,934,'-' 000 from the Excise, £453,223 from stamps, and £1,076,996 from the property - and - income. tax. The inutile of Ireland Was 17;8;32;693, and. the 'expenditure - £0,853,707... The following artioles were retained for home consumption in Ireland, vie : 7,070,395 gallons of spirits. 5,305,27,2 lbs. of tobacco, 9,772,90 G lbs. of tea, 739,6031b5. Of coffee,' 305,695 owti of sugar, .and 1,246,896 lbs. ofootton • wool. The consumption , of coal.eannot,be.exhib-.. lied. - To England were' exported 325;400 eieri,' and cows, -. 16,183 halves, - 485.217 sheep, 'VS*: 125 swine, 133,881 quarters of wheat and wheat 'Hour 1,724,438 quarters of - oats and meal, and 2,570,163 gallons of Irish spirits.' The amount of portage colluded was £224,004.. '• ' • • Loan BnoncurAm As A....hrAVrt.—The ,Car, lisle Journal thus describes the workinanlike style in whioh Lord Brougham-went through his duties in cutting the first sod of the Eden Valley Railway a few days ago: "Lord Brougham .re calved from the brawny navvy who stood beside: him a neat spade, with whioh he out the firstsed, , and threw into a handsome mahogany 'barrow, which had been provided for the occasion. lordship then, with a vigor as remarkable as it was characteristic, wheeled the barrow along some planks that had been laid for a distance of some ten or dozen yards, emptied its contents, and then, in a . truly navvy-like .manner, iturned his back, and palled the.barrow to the, point - whence he started. During , the operatio n the most deafen ing cheers resounded' from every part of the field.' His lordship appeared to be much amused with his • awn performance." TuE AusraermouNtroosr. — Of the .Zll,OOO in gold sent into the Dank on the 12th the princi pal portion consisted of the large Australian nug get recently exhibited at the •Cirystal- Palace. The four owners wore at one time olfered'and.re fused £lO,OOO for their prise: after the process of melting, do., they were not ableto obtain more than £6,905. • The E mperor. has definitively decided on the construction of %Commercial port at Brest, as well as on the improvement of the port of Lorient. It is strongly' reported 'in Paris that the Emperor, towards the close of the summer' will re turn to Queen Viatoria(at Osborne,' the visit with which' she has honored him at Cherbourg. It will be merely a private and friendly,visit. The pacific character of the Emperor's speeches at, Cherbourg seems to have given great, satisfaction at Paris/ and is regarded as explain ing the buoyancy °Mho French funds during the last few dayt. - lii: Henri do Pane, the victim of- the mili tary duel, is about to start for Nauheim near' Frankfort, whioh has a high reputation for. the mire of wounds. Signor Rossini is said to find himself so well at as to have on kivin up B lognaParis and. establishingdetermined himself for the re s t of h is days'at Push' where he is about to erect a man sion. A' treaty of commerce and navigation be- , tween Belgium and the - United States was con. eluded on.tbe 7th ultimo, and will be presented to the Ohambers in their neat session. Guizot, the distinguished, ex-minister of Branca, is at present on a visit to his old friend, the Earl of Aberdeen, at Haddo Honse,Aberdeen shire. He attended diviee'serirlee the parish ° on babliath last, and was' the o ; f m M t h ue e ha li ttentiom • IVe ra ot h e The Independente of Turin contradicts the rumor of the probability of a recorelliation be tween the Ring: of Naples and the Western Powers.. „- It is believed that the diplomatic negotia tions between, the representatives of Spain and titmice, for the 'settlement of their long-pending dispute, ' will' very - shortly commence. General Almoute,-lidextean minister to London and Paris, hes'addressed a note to the Spanish minister, in forming him that heis named plenipotentiary ad hoe . On the 24th instant, at St. Louie, the Pacific. Iran Foundry Wu burned down. The Affil exceed *lO,OOO, with nO insum entire lose 4O; ; ,-Shigniar-:PheiTmenon: Tom% B.• firdicE.P. .440T19 . p 0.0):1(BEAPI*IMICS. _ o 0044eitientikel Ihn phiabite Is aired the &Hawing • eommnnleatlag9et be seeeepinlid by. tin,wqtr. At ; erdee4o,tepere,. muteetneet lite r ebeet eberild be written upon; r= , • • , , . *lxt 'pies* oldtpd to "Winton in Paolal. 4oniai4 Otioit has thear'' rent t T e1, " 1.48 o f, lie 7feelttij4e'. l .!rpo. Of population, o r t)7l444'intfteCtbig Jo the world reader.. „,„ • , ~,,,... rr e ' sew , &,a;monp v o n, A-1 c .,. e . nison ,Kan ea s, th • us 'Attics a twitch - of indusb-Y or - triffis;fross(Witink ~Kensas ill' f destined'. ta-dele iitaportant benefits : "The largesd,traim started by private •miterprise. that 'ever orossed,the itithis, is now outfitting in this 'City; at I the' warehonie of L.'o. - Ohlilliss. -- It will, byt..oomposted - . of 25 mule:and 130 , of wagons, ranking 105 wegorm l and requiring 200 inelesilyeeo header cattle, 50 . 10e5, 225 man , , and Will B arry nut 586 ; 500-pounds or assorted niewshiedili. This oitOntiotil- trithl:is wlnalt t . 41 Mount: Hockaday, "Sub ds Co.„who design - establishing alelaxia of 1 'Ashen attires do the' inafArd Ateltheate Salt Like -- CitY, ' , MakingtAtchitab- the; prthaipal delete tinti I:outfitting, panti , t hiessra l / 4 114wkianyt Barr, ta. Co. have - the contract for carrying the Salt lake mail, and tieltdisign is talesman these stored all alOng the mail route ; toeuppiy their'trains an they pas, and allato Atrial*. the people of •the Pales with Merchittidiat: They Will thus avold.thlineoessity of. carrying imppliest with each Mail train;is Lee herat eterelbeerv,thlt:tstimtoni.n Mr. Hockaday, the Canior partner of the firm, Is new. in ibis 'place, per sonally superintending the' loading of his goods. The cute rise he - hart - undertaken is a gigantic Outtvho., 9filly. he' 3 0 great ptotadtek,of civilization and s ettlement lo•th-ozgaet territory ; west of cc" It - Y al arrive/at Batlinere 'on Saturdoh.wc have hit'a advinen ink - Rtie' Cabello. 'On . th,e .12th Init.; the, Britlik - stianx•trigatee Ballard and I ?Pro.% anti , * RlPlieb,:star•ittiamer.lllMbAibt flown, under -and of . Captsdn..Piel, of the - Bitziaid, tdockaded:the" porter Iseguayra, taking otiptiveadarge nvntheirof.enialls °cleating-vessels .4 1 follefed, Garan, and en the 114th inetent , it ten rt'otookti.. Mt, .theantse,fittet hlookadatiportaoa. hello ,thkiiiirlae '4:kph:Ming a number ertif &mating, yessels. aAttbeLletter Oft itherirwereAirtian call taiseia„:,on tPatillittlktitthe-0141- the sh 1014 was „_,d *gititepst.- _ • - arida; Mat ditsamictid - mg wrocoaid vf ,min 9i Vie Ilium fit& theirrielselatithat were" - -', overbeollodjpthrtityi,,Cleptetnratteroon stale theft° 'MOWS, aatiatismi by the . G overnment refusing it , 'give' lip ii)i - Oton , eV - Genera Mena keti_r if r.L.,..yile. ne.g...,11 ni:',..-i , -.,..? '=•; :„ ..:;-:, ! t, : IP I MIQANrEwnIqW sv-Kill al few days' antie.,. 'lli' /, rim as, *al taingiM_Pr i t i ° l l - ' '' " Thettsalidi of inh- ,, citizens' haysrAfropai . try - .a. it meter eirriaiy :Le detiLtdat thin *Walter nisi ' °4l ;?°/;4 0, - Jl° illin.fnMl ganloateed_ell powerful min: Possaane airce,g fait ,pat e dPr% Pi um k en '' ttewriteb Wittratlinstnight sp no one hat daretto wore hid:path ilatpta , t'enem ,f liet`asialliC his foes with the pen,ind , thiinderetit,thein.fra, ; thil'annip athflhe Pulpit, and; if .they want any thing, more of bins, hilshrinks - fiet Tim enetintee , ink thel_illifith -Stirrer I ktaia pistoW. Parson . ll wnloyfis iti honest - anti hearted ma* and witnitt4 und`inergetio pall clan. '': ire titles 'tin* endviritter.andbitenortitfolealreeirtechrvillaii 1 !•5,.., ,, ~..,...,,rbligeountryntiluef. ' , Via (1 - I , ,klie,(Mtroe h i Ottliftklistßii4 "Pv• 'paYS: (On e 2 0 11 .ftligiket-WPir McCertniekTof If Varian ' ttilileitinty,„ was foxed onaspendwilto malaria!, Male teded elks woods em eie.fnilierAfrgigg: pflir liultt bee n , threshing iv-O,We eat in estilYr!ft o( the dors andliftentifttneP4BWeVifialiefited Wand - hie parents that:he was goiettiftech'beirriesi.:Mot re= turning at, hight,his !Sher, /11040,41pitilh4brilims anti Sound' him hangingby' the neolv,,t/Ena• -no' cause ie lady's/I for the Met,p'ller-Was aily'fiftearj YinTOPhi.'ll ~, f u! . ., - 47 ,li tr, Q t.... -11-0 - 4.:-, , T +. A:corretipondent, untierthe date ofMonston o , Jay 23, givea theloliewinigreowligkggiettke. present and Um' fttmi. - "To. Winitisrmin blighter -. Proafealtadhan 'At wideMtit Oat kirdat i owith a far treasary t ,xa i eerely nt nowlina,4gite rt than almbst iny - other. State-efallirpofni'nlliirv.heet already - tea/had rittontadgaedanaprd i misting , en ,epundicitit yield, railrotidsfrogreralegt rapidly, the cause -o,g esindatio_n 1401, 4 1 ' 1 W A - gOOd-• share of attention, the where Kathie tepidly ad,., vending in all thaftrakeilitriat; go , bd,-heppy, and PPfria-Petipla.fl• t; -, .11• ,, -, 1 ..- A .4 - 31 -, , . ;'," - We . leapt front, t tlga ll Washington - Sid? Abat the' toll6WinCeppointmente shave= recently been medal:l - UN' Preildent 1 ' 'Addax ShOwden tri be' liniPPetin. a steatiebodebOilersatlsitislatigh; Pa:; vice A. Watson -Badman:9 4 'iqrattei , ,to keiert tor of eleambiet 'Wks at rittsburgl}, l i otl• , 4... - Dickey; Horabei'lloody; reappointed-et) MAW o f customs et, thswegataita,- .2few‘:Yorkt; s-, oaitia )1, - : Garble; reappointed. nelleater A IleatiferVlNt 1 1.' , " arhe's.W. Rhea 'reappointed 4urreyor atTeal, - • trunitia4 Ala: ; ' IMO- I:ol.iglitner.'imointed ant cm.* yairo, ill,, sios.Tohna; Hecker. , . , ~--. .. - bhp H. W.:lain/anis t- -the F welt-known , --,..pernette leo titter , and ,agent, died stadenly,a, e ~..kleyg since, at ' , the residence 'of ids - sop, in.,„ ofkOtt,inalt - Chester 'borinty ( PennejlTinia lir. : swains was -about sixty years Alf nen - lie was T , no tot.the six „ intemperate _lttellispere. i meoloanies hattariddtthifeadhatta,ilVeiblrigtenidit 'r " far oral alliviiiin)-teMpeiseptietiiitesseist in - 1841,'and-t rmn t 4 Ot Poflottigtfltilifi9d-nilets.oPOYtio.lehor ill T he' ottrito - heignit" never 7.% Ste - Olitt-to rt4P O ., ' t ran theiath oteotilbAilett, -'• . ' Are !bale irinl)itila jiliftiiiiiiiiiiinilef ! .aterday,thattldritgiutuolat*WritytittGetdanifi laya illereetti• k, • , :Fond - lato, - - a rM4- - '4. glif.S - c:sc., , la. -• 4 - ,t" lAt t ., Mle,lolnlo,no . o ll . l W4tfnh'k imutediatgly,sur , ' id t 4io.4l #'lllll4Piliti—aTtiM.,.' " - • aisiontettivtainit 'O4l--Selaismetsvaacenwtviratlf.. %ritioal condition, end it is feared7wal marten,' • tiounded. „ , „„ -. . ..„, -, , -.....,, On lYsidnesday, afternoon lait an:accident (tuned upon the rolidleadibg'from Port Carbon Belmente. hi whialf..rssulted • in lois of life.-- It -' a pears that a r.„Selith wes.driving,his- wagon_ near the' bank - Of th e reed When it overturned. . rowing out an -aged liatriented'ltyland, and' 10thing _her-arm ind leg. , She died-from the injuries received, during the evening of the same dy: "'Mr . Smith pad hie awn brawn, .and WU , ' --- o erwise injuredi -' - • ---' '' `' ' ' f t At the. , session ; - of :the' Crawford ' County Opurt,, held in Meadville week before last,.the _- following case, among others, was disposed of : "The first-in magnitude Was the Commonwealth ti e -Hugh Bhellite,,Jr.; , indicted for the murder' of - h Sather., ,111„,'51111f found guilty of voluntary mionalAttgliter, and senteneed to two years' solitary nfinement," at' - hard , labor; in the Western P nitentiary,,to pay a -Ana eitt.lS and the .00tita o pieseention." , , .... , ~,v ..„. .. _ . t: -, ;4 - . • ' Quite a cro wd Wait attracted to Main street, twien Third' and Fourth streets;Orneirinatl, on ta • edneisday, to Witness' the - intim of a - rat which hd by some means or pthergotan one of the tele. ph ' wires, and Weapaiting.his Mat Wool/ the ti • the: lie' would idoesitinally atop ' and ,look very shyly ,t the nrowd .belew-hintittaidd 'hurry on to the next orosa.p l ipm and swain. aontemplete th e ~ upturned faces which were watobing his , mints. , A letter bag for the United Staest Squad- - Ton in•the - - Padilla will, be ;despatched from the rooms of the /rated Stable Naval Library and In et4ute,"Charlentowie Ne°Y.Tnidi X° ol .l .an or about thalOth of Septelnlier tea: 'Aisb, a letter beg will hsidaapoteited...a, the West India , blued- - rob by; the 'Undid States shin/loanoice. . „ , Michael Deli, it drover; !ost*. p eCiet l book Dui Time:bey night ,„ week, e z ! . the rind between Sinking Springs and hasig a ildtel. in Pottsville, 0o twining between $3,000 and $4,000,e1l in notee of ergo denominations, ereept three or four, and al upon - the Lebanowßatik ealsetit $l5O. -- • Thebridge.oVor'3lotititiusarinFrait New Brloa„onttop,,p l .w,fro,R.lcwas. „ _ buned dowl.oo-1 0 0a5,night iest. - ..Tbabridge, W oh was abont sixty Met Mpg, - was entirely do streyed,' and the fire is eiipposed to have been the wo.rk of en incendia r y-,'-: - ' , •,- ' , :,.. !•:,,, . . . , • Tho t hidependerice • Beigc states.tbat a young lady living in Hanover hal been sentenced by a cotrnif that town to - a tine of two'francs for bar. in worn &drool . arbioh;i 'osionnying 'the '-whole breadth of. the,paventeat, , ikan. obstrnotion.to,thee pnbllo way.". 11i6' keteriin#g gliqs Om, delatliof the' bieskink np 'of a - bind of iobbers th t have for dorne.titheinfestdd tha neighborhood. Abbuta dozen have been. arrested. • One of them a'jtistlce the . peace; and another was post master and constable: •. •-• ' • ' the • election at Paris, Lamar county, Vies, a diffieulty marred between .two men, named Roswell , and Castleberry, , which resulted in 'the death' Of the' hitter: •Thedeorased . was instilled in eve lifferentlfeseebylloawell-before he alb ; ' - if. T. Scott,,Eaq:, president ` of the North ern Bank of Kentucky, died in Lexington, Ken tucky, on Saturday week, in the• seventy-fourth yedr of,his age. Afelad been identified with the banking policy of that, State for forty-five, years. +t a gold mine •in , Montgomery, N. C., a nugget of gold weighing eight pounds, 'together with :a number ef arcalter -ouch, -Weighing in alt twenty-eight pouniitt,rhate been gotten out 'in a fur, dale' washing. • • the city of .1111tveuiree,. Wisconsin, the people are, taxed at the rate Of. $2.87 for - every man, - women, and child. 'for' city 'purposes alone. The debt of the city is $2,370,850 The use of guane in Great Britain has more than trebled within a year. The importation in 1857 amounted to bat 59,658 tons, while in 1858 it amounted to 174 804. Burns, the' Murderer, Is to be banged at Wheeling, on Friday the , 6th of September: ' He has made, several ,efforts at subside and the last wade near being successful. . „ Mit W. N.,llangs, well ,known,in BOtlmore and Philadelphia, haring . reeideci:lome time in both cities; died at FredorfoltiMaryland ) on Tues day, last, of dysentery„,.. Tho British ac,reW efeatner City ,of Washing tea; Captain Petrie, loft New York, on Saturday, for Liverpool. 'She - tikes out 42 cabin passengers, and 180 in the steerage; and $92,847.78 in spots. . The' people- of Petereburgi Vs., have need up itheir stook of loe,und, in ,view of the warm weather, are very doiorints thereat. there are ferty:aix persona in England who 'hide Incomes of 1450,000 a- year, equal to two millions and a, quarter dollars: There will by a, brilliant illumination in Lan* caster city, Pa., on Wednesday evening, the day for celebrating the success of the Atlantic (table. • Eouisa' Eyrie, tho English Cantatrice, has made a fortune, it is said, of nearly" $lOO,OOO in three years. - John Spence, convicted.at Ohambersburg, Pa.; of rape, has been sentenced to five years im prisonment in the penitentiary. • 'There are said to be',lfitfmernbere of Con gress nevi sojourning at Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs. ; • ";, ; • Dr. John Getty, of Hollidaysburg, Pa., died on the 20th Inst. . - • • Dthutten—At Gores, in the county of Oxford, 17th instant, by the Rev. George Kenedy, Robert Fleming Gourley, Esq., the, irell-known Platen thropist,' and author of several ProduotSonit in de. - fencie popalarriglas, formerly of Irifeehiro,Beot land, to Mies Mary - Seeman, ' Dereham, 'near Monne Elgin, formerly of 4rini414414, ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers