43ales ?Auttion OMMEROLVA,SALES ROOM, C , end lo STRAWBERRY, between MAR HST and OHSSTPIIT and !ars fr . , t r ic e e a ! e 'SAh.S'OH STAPLE AND 2ANOY GOODS. On Wednesday Will be eold..withont general aseertment 'of etsple;And fancy goede. ri K s SPQTT, Jr.,,AVUTIQNEER, (enco,9lk .11-. • sor to WOMBAT &SCOTTO 481 0113/STNIIT St., opposite, the Custom UouSei. between Pourtkond /NM Streets. , CLOTHESPINS Arm - PAILS AT PRIVATE SALE. 'ust landed from Billowier 100 boxes clothes Otis.. 100 dozen . . , 11111EMOVAL.—LFURNESS, -BRINLEY; 00. Lave removed tolho Lofts No. 429 MARKET Street; formerly Occupied by MeelrA: Caleb - Cope 4r, Co. Jyl FURNESS BRINLEY, tc 00. TpURMISS, BRINLAy,r& Clo%,fi • - No. 420MAILKET MATTING AT PRlVATN'ilaill. 200 pleeeo 4-4 and 5-4 wlttotwid red cheek matting lll.OAVANtsTaliAdwl' AuT°I. I Z NE ! =TR andllAoll Streete. - • " 431111A7 1 , 37131d0 4000b1110DATION. - • MONEY' SIONSIO • moNre! . ! ! Money liberally adranced'im large Of knoll amounts, from one dollar to thousandf, on gold and egret. }Sate, dlitTuovids,Arit&hes, lewelq; -fo - oling•plessea, squids"? instrumentf,Wrditure;Sri.lroodsr clothing, groceries, - dgare, hardware 'cutlery; bVtdce, horses, vehteles, bar 'nese, and all articles of valve ; f i r any length of 44 , 4 agreed on, at Nothaart Evablishwont , southeast corner of Sixth axni.llato streets. ID - Promissor y notes, collateral alitconutod at the lowest market rates.' NATHAIDP •PRINOIPAL IBPABL7BON B NP. 8. E. ; CORNER OF SIXTH AND .RAITA STREETS. Where money will be nber e lly oranced on gold end allrer plate, diamonds; watches,Jewelry, foisting plowea, dry goode, clothing; groceries, • Doors, cigars; hard ware, cutlery, -fancy •articlei, mirrors, paintings, en gravings, rattans! Instruments,. furniture, bedding, horsesorehlales, 1111134e65, stooks, and all otker - artioles or value. - • -OUT-DOOR SALTS. ' • , -;" Personal attention given to alLont-door sales, either at private dwel li ngs, stores ; or elsewhere, - and harges anwraally low. - • ~ • TO • PERSONS :RELINQUISHING 110USEKEEPINH. Perebns relinquishing honeekeeping' or hevinitimp-• plibiof, furniture to ilisp,iee Of; will and it to their ad vantage by the same to the auction store, 'tenth east corner of Sixth and Rime street, where it ;will be properly saranged - in the funtitnre_relesivioni,.. - soui to the boat advantage,two-thirde of the geode adfeneea If ieguired,,and the balance hiuided,oler , the attornoep ;-- , AT PRIVA6I,OIL.II. • • line gold end silent hunting' ease, donble oase v and double bottomed' fever, lepMes English, Swine, • and Preneh watches • gold speeke,' Chains , gold brace lete,a variety of ' fine gold etude, breastpins, and ,finger rings; fine flutes, 'superior old violin and guitar, ver7 fine melodeon , and:ndmerone °thee articles: • I AT PRIVATE BALE AT. VERY LOW ,PRIOES. . Gold English patent lever walcbee, fall jewelled and plain, some-of them fine LB-karat mien of the beet waters., - ' - „ English patent, layer, watches, fall jewelled spa plain, of the rdoet approred makers, Gold bacapnment lever and; leplhe - witehee, in bunt, oases and open fe;ce;of the very beat make. Ladies', gold enamelled welehea, set with pearl and diamonds, , . , ... „ Siliar Eng'fah, 13wles, and French watches, diamond breast pins and ,flog ' er rings, gold bracelets, ear rings, finger ringe, breast p ine , etude , etude, fine gold vest , fob, and neck cbains, gold upectaoles, and 'various other arts= Glee of &0.., ,key: , _ 1 , ~ - : - " Q. A. DYSART 'ex CO., Aucaloz,rzEas AHD I.3 , eooNstisiszoic Muacariati-s; 'No. 27 South - EIGHTH STREET: comet of LODGE STREET. ' AT PRIVATE SALE.' ' k large and valuable tract of -valuable coal and tim ber land at prliate sale, Well 'worthy the attention of cap . itaUata' and others, aa ' toe owner 'ia compelled to !telt. . , - . . . pia' For farthei particulars inquire'at . th 'auction s t ore.t „ . - 11IIT•DOOE' BAL'Ett aolioted and promptly at tendekte. " ' 'II7'`ADVANDEB made - on conalgrnhenta when de: aired ' , without extra charge, . - ' , 'EP', SALES-ROOMS open mail 10 P. Id. Now pre• peed to receive invoices of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WATOIIES and JEWELRY, NEW and SECOND. HAND PURNITITRE, yAINT/NeS, BOORS and 13TA TIONERY,` &c. li7" Sales of Pexar Gonne every evening. Bummer (Exmrsions. ,see, a 'FOR CAFE MAY;-EXPRESS LINE—The swift and favorite Bteernor 4, BALLOON," Capt. W. WITILLDIN, loaves Arch-street Wharf for Capp ,Dlay ereiy Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Morning; at 9.% &clock. itOturning, leaves the Cape on the interinedi ate clan at 8 o'olock A. Ai. Fare $ ., carriage hire included; Servants $1.60; Season Tickets $B, carriage hire extra. . 376:2m* NORTH PRNNSYL I VANIA• RAILROAD FOR DELAWARE WATER-OAP, MAUCH°MINK; HAZLETON, AND TIM LERIGH COAL REGION.—{ Visitere to the above pogulor places of SIMMER Rkaciat will find the Route' offered by - the North Pernesylvanii Railroad Company, In conhection with the Lehigh Val 4 ley and Now Jersey Central. Railroads, to be novel and agreeable, passing through some of the richest and', most highly cultivated counties ln -the State, and pos., seated of comfortable acconanodatlons, both on the road and at the various towns thimugh which it passes. FOR Tag WATER GAp.—Take 6.16 A. 61. Express; Train from Front and Willow streets, pass through Beth , lehem and Easton to New Ilampton, where a close con-, nection is made with the: Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad., nod arrive at . the Rap about noon., FOR MAUCH CRUNK AND THE COAL REGION —Take 2.30 P. M. Expresii Train from same Depot toi Bethlehem, where a- close connection is made with the, Lehigh -Valley Railroad, through from Philadelphia to Mauch Chunk in 6 boon,. . . . . A NEW AND PLEASANT ,ROUTE TO NEW YORK ClTY:—Take 6.11 - ?.. A. M. Express Train to Bethlehem, thence via p. V. R. R. and N. J. C. R. R. through Easton U. Elizabethport, thence by Steamer, and arrive in Ne/York at quarter past 3 P.M . Parties travelling Nor th that have a, few hoop ti spare, will find this a new ;redspare, agreeable route. For farther particulars, inquire of ELLIS CLARK, Aleut N. J u neß Brent and Willow streets. Putr.AoxLenza t Ili-ill - 4158. jel3.2m agig &t . FOR COLPF 4 -MYAND NEW DAILY, at OU o'clock A M. NEW TORN AND PIIIi.A.DELPIIIA STEAM NA.. VIGATIOI COMPANY. The splendid ocean steamers - DELAWARE, Osptair . Copes; BOSTON, Captalp Sellew ,• and KEN NEBEC, Captain Hand, form a daily line between,this city, Cape May, and New York. tearing from Hint pier below Spruce street (Sundays excepted) 'it 11)i o'clock A. M. Return. ing, leave New York &mailer It North River (Banda)/ excepted) at 6 P. M. Returning, leave Cape May (Mondays - excepted) at A.M. Pare to Caps May (carriads hire incinded) " for seri ants it '‘ Beasonlickets (carriage hire ex , 8 00 ,1 New York, cabls4 200 if " ateerag? 1 be Freight taken at low rates. - For passage, state rootis dsc., apply on board, or et the Office, 314 and, Me lOUTtI DELAWARE AVE. NUE. AMEB ALLDERDIOE, Jellf4m Agent. ‘:.l OR THE SEA SHORE. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD, ONLY TrO AND MALT MODES TO TIIE SEA SHORE. On and after Monday, ,pine 7th, and until further no tics, (Sundays exceptedd three trains daily to Atlantic City and return, First Passenger Train .eaves Vine At. wharf 7.80 A. DI Second , • ac « tt LL 400 P. M. Freight 'Frain with Pa.sen4er Oar attached, 4.35 A. AI Accommodation Trairito eymouth, 5.35 P. M LEAVES ..,TLANTIO OITY. Pint PassengeeTralmleavep. . 6.00 A. DI Second ac • tc lal 4.40 P. DI. Freight Train with Prenger car attached, 1120 P.M Accommodation Trot leave." Weymouth, -5.25 A. 51 'HANN NF/ELD TRAIN Leaves flooper'a Point, 11 A. , and 2P. M liaddonfield - IP. M. and 8 P. M. Fare to Atlantic, want tickets are purchased before entering the cars, 81.80. Persons wishing to go down to the Sea Shore and •fettr4n the same day, can spend SIX 110inf3 ON TILE 11EAOU. . Tickets for the roumf trip," $2.50 Tickets to go down it the afternoon and return next morning, or down on _haturdayafternoon and return or Monday morning, - • ,Exi,nA NOTICE. The A ccomroodatioit Train to Weymouth will run through to Atlantic et Saturday Atterneou unit cnn tinue to run every Satitrday until further notice. Leave Yine street 5 35 P. M.. Atlantic City 400 A. Stoppl?ig at all Stations. Monthly tickets will e sold at the following rates: For the month of Jun ,$lO For the month of Sept. V b July, 20 For thre, months, 45 . Angufir, 20 For four months, •00 Churches, Schools, 'Lodges, Companies and Library Associations, wishing special trains, should make early application. . Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point by P. 51. The Company will not be responsible for anygoods until received and receipted for by their Freight Agent at th• Point. . R. FRAZER, Secretary. e7-tr _ •BRIDGETON.--Tho Stoamor F4PItESS leaves ARCH Street Tues days, Thuralays,, and Saturdays, at o'clock A. M. Returning, learohlt IDONTON Monday, Wodnoodayo, and Fridays, at _8 o'clock A. 111 Stepping at New Castle, Delaware City, - Fort Dolnwaro, and the uoual Landingson the Onhansey 'Through tlokots for 31111oville, Port Elizabeth,- Idaurladown, Dtviding Crook, Newport, Cedarville, and Bidden. jy29,1u3 4 . Eloqing GL. SHARP, TAILOR, 148 -WORTH • FOUSTllBtreet, below RAW. Miring and trimming Dream or Frock Coate, /2. Making and trimming Pantaloons or Yeats, $1.76. mball-bm TAMES SHERIDAN, MEROHANT TAILOR, NOS. 18 88818 Booth NINTH START, ABOVB ONBSTNITT.. A. large and welt aeleoted stook 'of MOTES and O,II3B.IIdEREB alwaye on hand: All Plothin&le at thin Establiebment will be of the beet qtut , and in the meet fashionable style. Partienies attention given to UNIFORM °LOTH " antl.tf A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY PRENTIBS'S WASHING AND SCOURING SOLUTION. PATENTED MINE 22, 1858 it'his important discovery has just been patented by the United Staten, and it is now confidently recommended to Manufacturers, Housekeepers, and others. It is a labor-saving preparation, and Costs less than half of nay other article known for oleanaing purposes. While it cleanses, whitens, and puridea Cotton, Linen, and Weolieu goods of every description, it will not Injure the most delicate fabric. Certificates of its value have been given by some of theleading manufacturers or tbe country, as well an by many reliable housekeepers and Citizens. , Manufactured by the Patentee, and for ale by SAMUEL GRANT, lu., & CO., 139 SOUTH ►PATER STREET, PHIL (DRLP/111 jp22.4titn ly SCOTT'S: LEGACY PREMIUM— ,The Cominittee on Science and the Arto;; constituted bithe,Ftanklin Institute of the State of rettneylvania for,the.promtdien of the Mechanic Arta, having reoom mended the a enrd of the Scott's Legacy Premium to Dr. 2• li.lore ei6,Serhiepprocessforremovingteeth—by the wo3 otr,fectfo-blagnotiem—the Ifoonl of Afanagera viii Award, the above Premium in two months from this date. unlace aatlefactery evidence le given of the want of ori ginality bf the impieVement. , • • . • WILLIAM HAMILTON, jy2Llnfritin , • Actuary A7,LSOPP- 5 8 PALE ALE, in! hbda 2 . a 'windfall nippy on hand, in Custom Eause storm, foisiale by • WII,LIAAI IL VILITON,` , • ' #l4 5116 antklNAT POHL 53äVs) iv %union., M'. THOMAS & SONS, J.Y.L. fieL'lB9 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, (Formerly Nos. ft 7 and 00.) TRADE SALE—TO BOOKSELLERS. The fifty-first regular Philadelphia Trade Bale will commence on , the 21st of September. Catalogues in Press. - , ' REAL ESTATE, STOOl{B, Wale -Salon at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tneedsy Evening, during the Milgrim Meets. frj" In July and August only occasional suttee as heretOrcira..• • - 113 Handbills of !soh property lamed separately, in addition to which 'w publish on the Saturdaypretiogg to each sale, one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full deecriptions of all the property to be soil on the followingTneede7- 117- TURNITURE BALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. • REAI. ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Er We have a large amount of Real !state at Pri vate Sale. Including Overy"deseription ' Of 'City and wintry' property. Printed Lists may be had at the auction store. PRIV4TE 8 E BIGISTER. . Real /Mate • entered oin our Private Sale Be er,, and advertised oraisSionally in our Public sate betrecta, (of whloh 4. 0 1 0 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. -Peremptory Sale. STOOKS. ho. This Evening, Aug. Iyt6, at 8 o'clock, at the Philadelphia En - ehange; Will be sold, for amount of whom it may con -4,455% shares ofthe capital stook of the Tinkle pkugh Coal Company, the saute to be sold for scream of 'atPesonneptsi, purettaut,to resolutions of seid company. trr si to be'paid on each eharmit the time of sale. ,14 altered Delaware Railroad Company. REAL Eli FATE SALE—AUGUST 17th. This sale will Include:.." Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Jemee DI Powers, De • - tensed. - BRICK DWELLING, POPLAR STREET.—AII that story brick dwelling and lot, eolith side of Poplar street, 09 finSt west of Sixteenth street, Ict 27 by 90 feettayo fronts" ' Peremptory Sale—Estote late of Joseph Young, Deed. DWELLING AND GROCERY STORE.—Three-story brick dwelling and grooary, No 876 Apple etreet, be twepn,Fourth street and Vork'aienue. • • Same Estate. - DWELLING AND LAGER-BEER SALOON.—Three dory brick dwelling and lager-beer saloon, No. 878 Ap ple etreet.' Sale absolute. Elecutor'S Peremptory Sale—Estate of •Thoines Dar , - • gin. Deceased; VALIJABFE • BUILDING 'L El,' FIFTEENTH WARD those five lots of ground, east side of Nineteenth Street, north of Anne etreot, each 17 feet front, and ranging in depth from 80 to 61 feet. Also;'alt those flee lots north side of Anne street, adjoining the above, each 17 feet front, ranging in depth from 80 to 44 feet. MP" They will be told separately. Lithographic plans may be had at the auction store. Peremptory Sale, • NEAT'DWELLING —The sleet twmand-a-half.story brick dwelling, with, back, buildings, No 967 Dillwyn street, below Noble street. VALUABLE LOT OF anoutip, west aide of Pant street, between Church and Unity streets, Frankfork, 1) feet front..., Sale at Noe. 189 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE_, PIANO-PORTE, 7 INB PRENCEI PLATE MIRRORS, BRUSSELS OAR PETS, An. On Thursday Morning, At 9 • o'clock,, at the emotion store, an extensive assortment of excyllent second-hand furniture, elegant piano-fortes, fins MILTON), carpets, etc., from private families declining honaekeeping, removed to the Aare for convenience of salo. Sale en the Premisee—Bristol Turnpike and Eleven _ _ Mile Lana. COTTAGE, BARN, AND FIVE LOTS. On Wednesday Afternoon. A ugestllth, at 4 o'clock, will be sold, on the pro mises on the Bristol turnpike and Eleven-mile lane, IN milts from • Torresdale, and 4 miles from Tacony, modern cottage sod barn, with 6 acres and 88 parsecs, on the Bristol turnpike and Eleven-mile lane. Two Into adjoining, on the Bristol turnpike, each 8 acted. • Lot on tho Bristol turnpike, 63( acres. Two lots. 7 acres each, on the.Eleveri-mile lane. V" Null particulars in handbills and lithographic plows A weU•eecnred - drat mortgage-41,800. A •beanti[nlly alttuated lot, Perkiomen turnpike, Oheataut HEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BARE SPUNDID MROWN•BTONS MANSION, Chestnut street, with stable and coach house. One of the finest residences in the city. NEAT MODERN =HOBNOB, No. 1620 Chestnut street. ' Iit.,EGANT BROWN-STONB lIMIDENOE, Walnut street, west of Broad. . ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1021 Walnut street, went of Sixteenth. NSA'S, RESIDE ROB, Southeast corner Walnut end end Seventeenth streets ELEGANT AND :VALUABLE RESlDENOR,.Sonth weat corner of Eleventh and Walnut Streets. TWO.ELE(IANT RICSIDS.NOXIII, Rittenhouse Square. TWO HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Waabington Square. ELEGANT lmowyorozne. D.EBIDENOE, North D TIVIAtiv: MODSRN 'RESIDENCE, Northwest ooruer of Green and Fifteenth strode. R&NDSOSLE MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 1636 Green street. NEAT RESIDENCE, Spruce street, between Broad and Fifteenth. - - HANDSOME .MODII - IM HOUR-STORY 111381DENOE, No. 1803 Spruce street. • ELEGANT DROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 822 line street, west of Eighth. HANDSOME DROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1618 Pine street. lIANDBO6IE MODERN EMINENCE, No. 1806 Me skeet. - HANDSOME RESIDENCE, No. 632 Pine street. TWO HANDSOME BROWN-STONE RESIDENCES, Third street, below Spruce NEAT RESIDENCE, No. 241 South Eighth street, below Walnut. , • ' HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENOE, No. 818 North Eighth street. IiANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. b3l North Seventh street. TIANDSOPIE RESIDENCE, Nn. 621 North 131Eth street. rLIE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH PRO ,PERTY, New Market greet SUPERIOR AND ELEGANT BROWN-STONE OP PIOE BUILDINWNee:4O7 and 409 Walnut street. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, Locust, Mary, and' Church streete r Weet Philadelphia, 200 by 176 feet. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, Northwest corner Locust and Mary streets, opposite the above... . VERY HANDSOME COUNTRY RESIDENCE, near Vega station, on the Germantown Railroad. VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY SEAT, 160 acres, between Torrhsdale and Bristol: COUNTRY BRAT, with about seven acres, Chestnut $lll.. *A - • AN ILIGANT FARM, 809 acres, with superior im-, tprovetnents on the Itlyer Delaware, one mile from New Osetle. LARGE, ELEGANT, ,AND VALUABLE YAM, be-, tween the city or Wilanngton and Brandywine Apringe. ELEGANT COUNTRY BEAT, 10 sores, with Rue improvements, School House Lane, Germantown, oppo site the late Dr: J. K. MiteheiPa. HANDSOME MODERN DWELLING, No. 11E1 Callow bill street. ERNIE OYORE, DWELLING, AND BAKERY, No. 14 Arch street. FOUR-STORY - BRION STORE AND DWELLING, No. 1809 ITheatrint street. BRICK BTODE AND DWELLING, No. 702 South fifteenth !street NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. 840 Federal street. RESIDENOE NORTH HIDE OF WALNUT Street, east of .Illeventh street, at private eats. Er Also. &Jorge amount or for her property', Ground Bouts, Mortgagee, ko. Printed llets may be had at the auction store. PRIUTIS SALE REGIPTER. 117" Real Estate entered on our Private site Register and advertised ocesalonally in our Public Salo Abstract! (of whlob 1,000 copies are rioted weekly, during the business amend 400 of charge. TAMES A. FREEMAN, A.CIi3TIONEER, alr NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, above POURTIL ltr Persons favoring u with consignments can rest assured that their property will not be sacalileed. , oomminsions more moderate than those charged by aoy other Auction Howe In the city. Mr' Consignments respectfully solicited. Mr— Balsa paid immediately after the roods are sold REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. , Handsomemanslon, southwest corner of Seventeenth and Walnut streets. - Residence, Washington Square and Walnut street. Dwelling house, No. 827 Vine street. 20 acres of land, Indian Queen lane. Valuable property, Frankford road • Handsome dwelling, No. 1613 Wallace street. Dimness stand sad dwelling, Seventeenth and Wash ington streets. Elegant property, 30 scree, ,te.,'abore Torroedale. 14 acres of land, Ohelton avenue ' Germantown. . Handsome ' Handsome ' residence and lot, Wes t Philadelphia. Valuable lot of ground, Germantown Railroad and Columbia avenue. Handsome dwelling, Spring Garden street, above Twelfth. CABINET OF SINERALS. At private sale, a valuable Cabinet of Minerals, com. prising over 1,000 Specimens, the collection of several years. The property of a gentleraarrwho has no room for them. They are very desirable for a pnblit Institu tion. Apply at the anetion store. and MONEY * LOAN OFFICE, No. 224 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear et., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock In the evening. Ont-door sales, and sales at the Auction Henn, M. tended upon the most Wig - actor) terms. CAPITAL $200,000. - Establishcdfor the lost Thirty Tows. - Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia moods, Allseri'llite, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mar ettandlee, Olothlng,larnitue, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Coeds of sassy description. All goods us remain any length of time agreed upon. All advances. from one hundred dollars and upwarde will be charged 2 per cant. per month f 1100 and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large' are and thief-proof - vaults to store all valuables, end psi{ rate watchmen for - the premises • also,' a heavy tun, ranee e ff ected for the beneet of alipersons having goods advanced upon N. IL—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office Is prepared to make advances on more setts feetory and accommodating terms than amy other is this city. Money advanced to the poor, In small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold Patent Lever cud other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices aul-ly 11011017 RE LEHIGH AND BROAD-TOP COAL.—JADIEB M. MONTGOMERY informs his friends and the public that he has effected an arrange meet with the Buck Mountain Coal Company for the sale of theirjuatly-celebrated LBHIGU COAL. He has also arranged with the proprietor of the ffirmul-Top Mince for the sale of his valuable BE3II-BITUMINOUS COAL, and is now prepared to receive °niers and make prompt deliveries, at his Office, No. 402 WALNUT Street, second story, front room. je3-9m FCERING, PDX, & DO" Wholesale and retail dealers In LEHIGH and BOHITYLRILL COAL. Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Bchnylkill yard—RACE and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Reap conatantly on hand Coal from the most approved mince, tinder cover, and pre- Pars 4 expressly for family use. 654 Q,OHLTYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.- 1 , ..7 I Mn daily reesiving, at my yard the beet quality°. 80111TYLKILL AND LEIITEM 00.11 L. Af> otu3tomers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely OA getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. Ur' No inferior Ooal kept at this establishment to olin at LOW PBIOIB. ALIXANDER CONVENT t • an 1-tf N. B. oarner of Brawl and Oberry BEM. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENCY CHICAGO. ILL. The subscriber, having had much practical °aped ence in selecting and locating lands in tho VhdOPH Laod District% in the Western States, has unusual facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR OASII. - - - . Having burtoyors constant,' in the field to make jersonal examinations, ho eon always make the most udicious locations. Lands tinserpasod for fertility of soli ^»d salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be bad lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required. Mr ?annoy invested in Halms-and Nebraska, and any of the Western States. S. SALISBURY, 49 CLARKE Street, Chicago ACKEREL.-1;80 0 barrels Nos.l, 2, and /I-11 8 MAOKSRBL, tu assoTtedliakages,"iow in store mad for sale by JOHN IC MONODY & 00., op Ky 1? Noitk *woo. kgePicinni. Reams, will, in all cases, fellow the use of Radvray , l B. R Remedies. There are 'none so sick or diseased, as weak, feeble, or crippled with pain or infirmities, but that ltadway , e Beaapßellef, Renovating, Resolvent, R egu l a t or ., ne the nature, of the disease or elcknew may require, will quickly and rapidly cure. These remedies consist of , Radway's Ready Relief Radwav'e Renovating Resolvent; Redwars Regulators Bach of these remedies possesses epeaial carative,rmwert over certain diseases. Yet there are other diseseei wherein their combined medicinal properties are rev quired; andlthen thus used, if there is suMolent life and strength within the diseased or dying body to ens tale their action, the patient will live and be restored to health. Pain R. It. Relief. Acute Diseases. R. R. Relief. Inflammatory D iseases. —Relief and Regulators. /11 a / a rious Diseases Relief and Regulators. Congestive Diseases...:. Relief and Regulators. Scrofulous Diseases Renovating Resolvent. Chronic Diseases Renovating Resolvent. Syphilitic Disease. Renovating Resolvent. Constitutional Diseases.. Res olvent and Rept/ afore. Skin Diseases Renovating Resolvent. Nervous Diseases • Resolvent, Relief, Repels. tors. ..Ready Relief et Regulators lafeetioas Diseases CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASRS Many diseases that afflict humanity are inherited lu heir-looms from the diseased bodies of sickly. Area Scrofula , Consumption, Syphilis, and Nits, are &mons the moot common of constitutional diseases. Naxos. care not how many generations the eeede of these die. eases may have been:established in the system, con renting the blood—Rarlumso,l Renovating Resolves, will eradicate from the bodies of the afflictod every par• tide of diseased deposits, and fill the veins with new, pure, and healthy blood. CHILDREN'S DISEASES Badisay , s Renovatiug . Bess/vent should be hailed as o blessing by every mother throughout the land : whose infants are afflicted with tiered, Humors, OM. These breaking' out • (thus early) are ovidencea of die ease transmitted from the parent stock. A few dosesof the Renovating Resolvent will eradicate every vestige of the disease and insure the child a sound and healthy body. • R. R. R.—Radware Ready Relief for Headaches, rib ther luck or nerroue; Rhonnistism, Dian rhma, Dysentery, Cholera blorbue, Cramps, Influenza, Bloody Flux, Paralysis, Lumbago, S °out, Neuralgia Toothache, mall Pox, Fevere, Swollen Joints, }Sidney Complaints, Scarlet Fever, Paine around the Liver, Pleri. Hey, Messlee, heartburn, and Paine of all - kiode. Radwiiyos Ready Relief will, in a few minutes, change the miseries you nutter Ii • Jaye of pleasure. B.B.R.—lfadwars Renovating Resolvent, for the cur of chronio diseases—Such as Scrofulous and Bvphilitio complaints,, Consumptive and other affections of the Longs and Throat, Induration and Enlargements of parts, Eruptive and other diseaseo of the Skin. Nodee, Tumors, Clean, Dyspepsia, and all other &lessee arising from an impure state of the blood. R,R. R: Badway'e Regulators will cure, effectively and speedily. Costiveness, Indigestion, Painter's °hello, Leal Disessee, Intlamma• Lion of the Dowels, Dyspepsia, Liver Olen plaint, Mimeo of the-heart and Kidneys, Female Complaints, Small , Pox,. Fevers. Measles, eto., etc.. Whenever the system out of order, or the blood impure, a dose of Radwaybi Regulators will restore It to'regn. Isrlty, and purify and cleanse the blood. Ns female obould be without them. R. R. It. Remedies err said by Druggists and blerohants everywhere. BADWAY 8 00., Now York City. W. B. ZNIBRR, T. W. Dram. te, Boa, Agents, Philadelphis. T. R. OILIANDBIL splB-tuecesdlyheowljr THE LIVER INVI GORAT OR , YRZPARBD BY DR. SANFORD, COMPOUNDED, ENTIRELY FROM' GUMS, to ono of the beet Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the .public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It le not only a Cathartic, but a Liver reme dy, acting foist on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach awl bowels to carry off that mat; ter, three accomplishing two purpoies effectually, with out any of the painful feelings experienced In the npo rations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the sys tem at the same time that it purges It, and, when taken dolly in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with animal rapidity principal regulators of the performs . its lune tim; I system are fully dere!- , most entirely dependent the Liver for the proper tlone ; when the stomach at fault, and the whole quence of one organ—the do its duty. For the die lof the proprietors ha e practice of more than 20 dy wherewith to counter• ments to which It ie The Liven mono of the human body ; and when it well, the powers of the oped. The stomach is al on the healthy action of performance of its tune is at fault the bowels are system auffers in cone- Liver—having ceased to eases of that organ,one made it his study, in a years, to find some rams act the loony detona ble. medy Is at last found, any TSB COMPLAINT, In any of bottle, and conviction is . To prove that thie re pereen troubled with Id- Its form., has but to try • °erten'. These Gums remove ell the system t supplying in of bile, invigorating the digest well, pun tying the health to the whole ma cause of the disease—et- Bilden ATTACKS are ter, prevented by the 00. ISTIOORATOR. morbid orbad matterfrom their place a healthy flow stomach, causing foal to blood, giving tone and oh in (try, removing the footing a radical cure. cured, apd, what is Let casionsl rue of the Myna is sufficient to relieve the food from rising mud sour- Otte dose, after eating, stomach and prevent the Only one dose, taken NICIITUARB. before retiring, prevents night, loosens the bowie TITENEBB. Only one dose, taken at gently, and cures Cos- One dose, taken after rarer►: each meal, will care Die teaspoonfuls will always op- One dose of two relieve 010 K Iteaosons. One bottle taken for fe ttle canoe of the disease, Only one done innnedi while one dose, often re- CHOLERA MORIIOB, and a male obstruction removes and make &perfect cure. etely relieves 0110 L T a, pentad, le a sure core for preventive of Unots es . needed to throwout'of the dielne after a long lick- 117 - Only one bottle la syetem the effects of me• DOM. 11-5-!. Coe bottlo taken sallowness or unnatural One doss taken s. short vigor to the appetite, and One dose, often repeat nlnitA ID Its worst forme, complaints yield almost attacks caused by Woos surer, seer, or speedier 'lssuer/ails. Daorer, by exciting the One or two doses cure In children; there is no remedy in tho world, an it A few bottles cure absorbents. ' We take pleasure lure- commending this medl eine as a preventive for Fovea and Anus, Orma. ger ea, and all Pavans of a Ilitions Tyre. It ope rates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful, virtues. AU who use it are giving their unanimous testimony in its favor. 11:1" Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR , I 8 • BOIIEI7I/10 MEDICAL DISCIOTHRY, and in daily nark ing cum, almost too great to believe. It cures as If by magic, ere* the first dens giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dye pepsia to a COMM= Thada die s all of which are the re sult of a DISEASED LIVER• PRIOE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE Dr. BANFORD, Proprietor, 845 Broadway, New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT & SONS, 218 North Second Street. Retailed by all Druggists. gold also by SAMUEL SINES, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, and F. BROWN, Iflfth and Chestnut streets Philodn. apl3 to th n-1y p ERITVIAN SYRUP, OR • PROTECTED SOLUTION OP PROTOXIDEI OP Haying successfully passed the ordeal to which new die• coverles In the Materla Medico are subjected, must 1:1011 be received as an established medicine. Its efficacy In earl ng DYSPEPSIA, Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, 'Noiir,sigia, Bronchitis and Consumptive tendencies, Disonrefest State of the Blood, Boils, Scurvy, the Prostrating Effects of Lead or Mercury, General Debility, and all Diseases which re• quire a Tonic and Alterative Medicine, ie beyond quo& tlon. • • • The proofs of Ito efficacy are so nu .4merous, morons, so well authenticated, and of etch peculiar character, that sufferen `,5,3T. cannot reasonably hesitate to receive 'r t v-w, the proffered aid. 8 The Peruvian Syrup does not protest • -to be a cure-all, but its range is eaten sive, because many diseases, apparently unlike, aro foil mately related, and proceeding front one cause, may be cured by one remedy., The ease of disowee for which . the Syrup provides a cure is precisely that which has so often baffled the highest order of medical skin. The facts are tangible, the witnesees accessible , and the safety and efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertible. Those persona who may wish for an opinion from dia• Interested persons respecting the character of the Byrnp, cannot fail to be satisfied with the following, among nu merous testimonials, in the hands of the Agents. The signatures are those of gentlemen well known in the community, and of the highest respectability. The undersigned having experienced the beneficial at. fecht of the " Peruvian Syrup," do not hesitate to re commend it to the attention of the public. Whom our own experience, as well as from the teeth mony of others, whose intelligence and Integrity are al. together unquestionable, we have no doubt of Ha elm. ay in cases of Incipient Diseaees of the Lungs and Brent alai Passages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Neuralgia, &e. Indeed, its effects would be incrediM, but from the high character of those who have wit nessed them, and have volunteered their testimony,,u we do oure, to its restorative power. • Rev. JOHN PIERPONT, THOMAS A. DEXTER, B. H. KENDALL, M. D., SAMUEL MAY THOMAS C. AORY, PETER HARVEY, JAMES 0 DUNN, Rev. TIIOS. WHITTEMORE. CERTIFICATE OF DR. HAYES It is well known that the medicinal effects of Protox• Ide of Iron Is lost by even a very' brief exposure to air, and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, has been deemed impossible. In the Peruvian Symp, this desirable point is at. tained by combination In a way before unknown, and this solution may replace all the proto carbonates, el tato, and tartrates of the Materla Mediea. A. A I.IAYEBrIVI. D., Assayer to the State of Maasachusetta. 18 Boylston street, Boston. BOLD DY N. L. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, No. 6 WATER Street Benton. F. 13ROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, HASSARD & CO., TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Streets jel.6-tu th sat-6m w6m Agents for Philadelphia. WRYSUFFER WITH DYSPEPSIA? ZIEGLER & SMITH'S PORE, MEDICINAL 00CINAG BRANDY ham cored Dyspepsia, Low %Arita, General Debility, &0., &0., &o. Price $1.25 per bot tle or $10.60 per dosen. Warranted pare. Try it. thereby certify that I had been afflicted with dye. propels for the last ten years, during which time I have tried all the popular medic/Moe, but of no avail. Having had Zeigler & Smith's Pure, Medicinal Cognac Brandy recommended by many persons, induced me to try it, One bottle has almost cured me ofdyspepsia and costive habits, of ten years' clouding. I can say, with a thank ful heart, that I have never found its equal during my painful and distressing complaint. I sincerely recom. mend it to dyspeptic, nervous ,and debilitated sufferere. Joni 0. KLAXAOTH, /an. 15th, 1858. 1531 Olive street. Also, ZIEGLER A SMITH'S Pure Medicinal WINES, warranted pure, and no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed open the public as genuine wines. These Wines are especially adapted to dyspeptics and consump tives, and in all owe of general debility, leas of appell rite As. Old Madeira Wine, prise per bottle. ....... ....$1 00 Old Port Wine, do. do. ...... 100 Old sherry Wine, do. do. 1 00 Address your Orden to Sole Agents, Z,EIGLEIt & SMITH, Wholesale Druggists S. W. eerner SECOND and GREEN Ste., Phi la. Also, for sale by JOHN BLEY, Druggist, fel-y Trankford road, opposite Hanover. ripAn, PITCH, AND OAKUM—Constantly on band, and for solo In lots to suit purobaaers, by Jy24 WEAVER, prrLER 00, No 23 N. WATER St. and 22 N. WHARVES. WHITS FISH.--76 half bbla. of the cola brated Detroit River White Filth, just received and for rale by 0.0. SADLER & 00., P Portia WAT,TiIi fkrtit. • • I TUESDAY, - AJUOUrr • 3i- 1858. HOBENSACK'S IRON BITTERS. This Medicine, aeltgninne ono of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It is es pecially adapted to those who have a lON of appetite or are afflicted with Dyspepsia , .Liver. Complaints, Piles, Nervous Debility G W (General eelteis, and all diseasesarising, from a disordered condition of the digestive 'organs, . • . ..`. . • SOH FEHALIO:OOISIPLAINTS GENERALLY there is perhaps no medicine In the world equal to it, ari it enters, purifies, and replenishes the blood which is so important to bring about a healthy action THOUSANDS ABB LIVING a miserable existence, of a pale sickly color weak and emaciated, who could bwrestored to health by the ,nse of one bottle of this Invaluable medicine. It is no humlig, but a genuine remedy, being free from any thing that is of an injurious nature. FOR ALL DISEASES NI! THE BLOOD there Is no better antidote than Hobensack's Iron Bit. tare. When the blood is impure the whole body la full of disease. Blood lotting may answer for a time, but clamming a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we must begin, , and to cleanse the blood there re no better remedy than these invaluable Bitters. Their ,chief constituent is iron, and we all know its efticaCy in removing the impure matter from ,the whole visceral system. They are prepared by a prao tical chemiet, and have been pronounced, by eminent phyelcianz and others, as the " ne pine ultra" of all Armies. to the proprietor that be hue succeeded to compound lug a comedy for many of the ille that hie fellow mortals are subject to; and that the public appre ciate it Is not a question of doubt, but a fixed feet, as the demand for it has far surpassed his sanguine expectations. READ THE TESTIMONY OY A WORTHY CITIZEN. This is to certify my wife was in delicate health some three years; with a disease peculiar to her sex. She tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of Robensark>s Iron Bitters, and knowing iron to be a powerful tonic, induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the medicine she solely re quired, by restoring her to health. She hesitates not to recommend it to those who are similarly affected, as she believes it to be a eovereign remedy. 'JOHN COLE. No. 831 Capitol Street. This invaluable Medicine is prepared only by GEORGE B. HOBENBA.OII, Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. corner of THIRD ►od 411,1014 N Btreets, Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be addressed. Price $l. Moonlit to dealers. Bold by Druggists generally._ mh2o-y A NALYSIS OF LYON'S CATAWBA 1 - 31.- BRANDY by A. A. RAT - 80, Of. D., AiIBATVIL TO SAE STAISI of 44413/00133170. 0111.111.AQUIR. A light-yellowish brown. colored spirit, having a fragrant odor; when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil or offensive matter. Analysed [or volatile and fixed drugs, of which no trans of any kind were fouled. its color is proved to be due to a colored resin an extract derived from wood. [Erin every respeot it is a pure spiritone liquor. The fragrance or bouquet which it possesses can be leo. latedi and it then appears unlike-that from Oognae Brandy or Wine, being a fruity essence resulting from a peculiar fermentation of Catawba and • Isabella Grape. 01141110.1 L 0141A013:11.-4 parts in volume of thin Writ contains at 00 deg P. 481 2.10 ports of pure al% cohol, besides the fragrant oil. 1,000 parts of the spirit afford 23 parts of a strong flotation of the oil which aharacterniee this Brandy; the spirit left, alter removing the oil, is pure and odorless, and in all its qualities a Perfect epirit not subject, to change. One U. B. gallon of this Brandy at 60 deg. 1. contains, be sides the spirit and oil, only 220 gre. of matter com posed of extract of fruit, gum, and colored resin from wood. Downy, January 25, 1858. Dr. 00XE, State Inspector of Ohio, and Dr. JAS. R. °HILTON, °hamlet, of New York, both pronounce this to be puro Brandy, and free from all adulteration: For Medicinal purposes Lyon's Ostawba Brandy has no rival, and has long been needed to supersede the poisonous compooede sold under the name of Brandy. As a beverage, the pure article is ellOgGther superior, and a sovereign, sure remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Low Spirits, Languor, General Debility, lac., Jco. Aleo, EEIIIIILBY'S STILL AND SPARKLING OHAMTAGNII.—These Wines are made in the neigh borhood of Oluoinuatt, and are guarantied to be the Pure Juice of the Grape, and are eminently calculated for invalids and persons who require a gentle etimu• last, and for Sacramental purposes. p,oudi price $1.25 per bottle. A liberal discount mode to the trade. Dealers will please send their orders to the Sole Agents" for a l3tate of Penn. sylearda, A. F. 11426.R1ik Wholesale Diuggiets, No. 608 MARKET Street. Also for sale by th e following apothecaries : AMBROSE SMITH, Seventh and Oheenut eta. JNO. W. IMBIBE k 00118,18 th and 221 and Market streets. D. L. STAGREOLISSI, Eighth and Green Sta. R. NES/NGRR, Second and Mary sta., Southwark. G. W. StRIIINGSR, Pazonank Road and Washington street. GEO. B. GOBBNBAOII., Third awl Green its. A. R. HORTNIt. Broad and Coates etx. roll CRITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, aortheast owner of CHZEITNIIT and SEVENTH Strolls. . . An Institution designed to et young men for AO TIME ETIBINSBB. The whole bandit.; is occupied, and fitted op in a style eurmdeling anything of the kind in this country. Thorough preparation for the counting-house BOARD OF TRUSTERS. B. D. Oomegye, Praoela Hoskins, George H. Stuart, David Milne, John Bpailtawk, David 8. Brown, Jew Hacker, A. V. Pontius, D. B. Hinman, Frederick Drown, Idehtut Lippincott. ap2B-tf JOHN H. BELL, TEAM= OP NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL Asrl QNOAIY, At BRYANT h STRATTON'S COMMEROIAL COLLEGE. E. E. corner SEVENTH and OFIEBTNIIT Street, I : ONG'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, ...-A N. N. corner EIGUTU and BUTTONWOOD Sta. 006161E1tOIAI. DEP ARTMllNT.—Book•keoping in an its various forms; preparing Students thoroughly for situations in any branch of buaissau; Plain and Orna mental Writing,. Coo ...read ciele.u.uon, OUT revondeetoe. No institution in the United States gives a more thorough and practical course. In This depart ment no teaching is done in classes, and is open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited. MATIIEMATIOAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT.—(Beparate from the above,) Young Men and licye are prepared for any grade of an English and Cies steal Education, vie : Spelling, Reading, Writing., Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosopy, &o ; Ancient and Modern Languages!, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of 6 months summons September let, and February Ist'. Puplla received at any time be fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. mh2s-tf F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. for .TAVNOIO3 removes s color from the skin. time before eating gives makes food digest well. ed, men CARONI° DIAR• whilearitass and Bows'. to the first dose. RRYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF ALP NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. PM- Lule!phis College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. For information, call or send for circular. iel.6-tf Elissoluttons anb , Qropartnersliipa THE SUBSCRII3ERA 11AVE TWS -1 DAY entered into n limited partnership, Agreea bly to the provlsiona of the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved March 21, 1836. entitled "An Act relative to Limited Partner shipn and the supplement thereto; and we do hereby certify : 1. That the name of the firm, under which each part pership is to be conducted, is J. P. & E. D. OR NE. 2. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the purchase and sale of Carpeting in the city of Philadelphia. 3. The name of the general partners are JOHN V. OItNE, residing at the northwest corner of Arch and Twenty-first street, in the city of Philadelphia; and EDWARD B. OIINE, residing on the north aide of Arch street, above Twenty-first street, in the said city. 4. The name of the special partner is BENJAMIN OHNE. residing at 205 North Ninth street, in the city of Philadelphia, who, as such special partner, ham con tributed to the common Mock of the said firm the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars in cash. 6. The said partnerehlp commence!' July 14, A. I/ 1858, and will terminate on the 14th day of July, A. D 1861. BENJAMIN OINK, JOHN F ORNE, EDWARD B. ORNE. PniLannntie, July 14,1869. Jyls.6w [HARDWARE.—The subscribers, 00111- MI:BSION MICRON ANTS for the sale of FOREIGN {.ND D024E81110 RARDWAR-E would respectfully eall the attention of the trade to their kook, whilst' thew are offering at lowest rates. Our amortment con sist; In part of— Chains, of all kinds—True, Log, Halter, Breast, OX, Cow, Fifth, Hack, Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Look, Ship, Hine, and Coll Ohnine. ESIMMOi=11;;I ~ Wrlghtie 1, and other Anvils; Bolld Boa and other Vices. abort and long handle Pry Paw; round and mid Bake Pane. Marttn's." superior Files and Rasps; Bed Shows. Excelsior Safety Faso • Blasting Tubes. Corn, Grass, and Brier Scythes ; Hay, Corn, and Straw ni►es. Hay, Manure, Tanners', and Spading Yorke. Bakes and Roes; /Morels and Ppades, of all klnds. • Taoke, Brade, fame Clout, and Yin Ming Nails. Oast and Wrought Butt Magee, Serowe, Looks of all Made; Cutlery, Rams and Pumps, Axes, Matoheta, Ham mers, Planes, and other Tools, &o. W. faviviß & BON, No. 414 001101EBOS Street. MME ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES an SP E CIE, either by Re own Raw, or In connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and OITLES of the United 13Lates. E. S. SANDFORD, cumiral HarkerintandimU SHOVELS AND SPADES.— IRON, STIMEGL, and CAST-13TRICI, ivlo-1m A NEW AR TI C LE.—CIIESTNUT rm_ GROVE WHISKEY.—The purest Spirit offered the American public, possessing many medicinal pro perties, and none of the poisonous qualities inherent in Om Whiskey in common use, is now offered for sale by the Druggists generally, and by CUARLES WHARTON, Jr., General Agent, At D. B. Taylor's, Wholesale Grocer, No. 28 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. All persons desirous of using this Whiskey may root assured of Its purity. DX 411 Sun: We have carefully examined the fotmple of Chestout•Grove Whiskey left with no a few days mince, and find it to contain little or none or the poison ous Hubstanoe known no Flllll/ Oil. 1100TII, GARRETT, & CAMAC, Analytical Chemista. To CUARLIIB WIIAILTON, Jr., No. 23 Srtuth FRONT Street, Philadelphia. jy2l-am LAIIMAN & RABORG- Importers and Wholesale Dealers In WINKS, BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI Q1.101t13, No. 1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth and Bleventh streets. jelo4l JIAW & BEERS' LUBRIGATING GREASE, the best and cheapent compound fur greasing the axles of OMNIBUSES. CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY. Fbr sale in tin cans, kegs, and. barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS in the city and the MANUFACTURERS, jyl2.6m No. 18 SOUTH WATER Street. eIERTifAIsT OIGAM.-15 cases various ILA brands, In store and for sale by WILLIAM H. YEATON, IY IS No 218 Flnnth MONT RtrAelt 'LUPIN'S WIDE WHITE AND BLAQK BAREGE, for Shawls, Palmas, &0., wholesale and retail. Storekeepers supplied for nett cash. CHARLES ADAMS. • 1916 EIGLITII and AMR Streets. ILTEIDSIECK. CRAISLYAGNE.—PIPER'e lIRIDBLEOK, genuine brand, constantly on hand, received from We Importers; and for sale A, ILVEINO, Bold Agentlbtllli gity, ap2ll.4the 440 loath FRONT Zleainttei. LIOW GRATIFYING eburational. iparbtnart. express Compatuto 2,000 DOZEN ASSORTED, Hor gale by the Manufacturer, W. W. RICHARDS, No. 22.5 RACE Street, above Second Insurance Companies “VIR,E RISKS ONLY TAKEN”— GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia. Office No' 415 WALNUT Street, (Schuylkill Navigation Company's Building.) OAPITAL, $200,000. • DIRECTORS. Wm. Ti!. Swaln, Wm. 0. Rudman, [of Public Ledger. C D. Shoemaker, John An'Tull, Jr., Jor. Walker, 11. N. Burroughs, Thos. Crayon, J. II Hughes, Frauds Peters, Win. S. Boyd . , 11. IL Ooggeltall . , Ceo. W. Woodward, J no. McClure, Jno. W. Chighorti, Joseph Klapp, M. D. Hon. JOEL JONES, President. A. S. OILLETT, Vice Preoidont, JAB. B. AISCUID, Secretary. jy2o.ly HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN BURANtM COMPANY—OffIoe No. 412 I NLLNIIT Street, Philadelphia. DIRIOTORS John 11. Diehl, J. Edgar Thomson, P. M. Potts, 11. R. Bhillingiord. 0. E. Spangler, O. G. Bower, Abraham Rai, John W. Beaton, E. B. Warne, John Garrison George Dowell, Nathan R. Pott, Wm. F. Leech, R. T. Kemal, 11. U. Ilouston, Jon. B. Withers, Abraham P. By - re, B. Booth, Charles P. Norton, John 11. Lewars, JOHN IL DIREIL, President. E. B. WARNS, Vice President. 017 AB. A. Din, Secretary. mylo CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANY, No. 831 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. OHARTNROD CAPITAL 4500,000 Mg, MARINE, AND INLAND ARMS, JULY 1, 1858. Bonds and Mortgages, Stocks, ko $349,625 00 Ma Receivable, (for policies hewed,) 2,1'11 78 Unsettled Book Accounts, (for policies,).... 1 513 83 Cash in Bank and in Office 10,4F3 95 Ouh in kande of Agent(' and Correspondents, 1,898 81 s -- 305,148 36 tiO losses unadjusted, unpaid, or reported. DIREOTOREI William M. Godwin, G. R. Crawford, James W. Queen, Juo. L. Redner, George W. Hall, William B. Theme, B. Franklin Jackson, R. N. Winelow, J. O. Hopper, henry D. Mears. WM. M. GODWIN, Piesident. I. 0. Nonme, Secretary. mrlo-dtf °IVY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 V South FOURTH Street. CIIAATFII. PERPETUAL. 8200,000. Organized 1851. Privileged to Insure Mouses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, annually, or for a Mae period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Rieke; receive De posits; hold. Trusts and grant annuities ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. O. TYLER, Fite President. J. W. Mamas, Secretary. DlnaoTOne, Alfred Weeks, Ron. W. D. Kelley, B. 0. Tyler, J. W Forney, J. W. Sunder, P. B. Mingle, C. R. Sicking, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthews, J. W. Stokes, William Curtis, JelB-ly G. P. urner. I IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM- E A PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of TUMID and ROOK Streets. Capital, £012,72 6.03. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—par chases life Interests in Real Estate and makes all Oontraote depending on the contingencies of Life. They set as Executors, Administrators, Auleplime, Trustees, and Guardians. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel Z. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, Jamee B. McFarand, - William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, Jamee Bunton, Bamuel 0. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Charles - Hallowell, Edmund A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Bodolpbon Kent, John W. Hornet, William 11. Carr, Ellis B. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Ohrietian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner H. Basin, John G. Brenner, p. 13. Illoblsr, /42. DANIEL L. MILL , President. SAMUEL E. STO , Vice Pres% Join W. Howson. Secretary. rilli-ly COALMONWEALTH PIRA 11 , 101714001 1 ,,,,, vv/IRANY 07P UM sun OF PENNSYLVANIA. 010E10E, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS, 1 , 11114DALP41.4. Bilbsaribed Capital, Sooo,oop. Paid up Oapital, $200,000 DINICITORS. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. B. litewerti 11. L. Benner, J. M. Butler, J. H. Miltsll, J. K. Welker, Id. 0. Knight, ....,,,M. R. Wendell, B. H. Houle. Lewis, , Jr. B. JAYI4IO, M. D. Pre:lineal. T1101“0 ii. BTIWAR, 'Woo Preset. !ANVIL B. MOON, Secretes/. jaTli DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN a-/ BURANOZ COMPANY. INCORPORATBD BY THB LEGISLATURE of P.ENN SYLVANIA, 1836. OPIUM, O. N. Corner THIRD and WALNUT Otreete, MARINE INSURANCE, ON VEBI3XLB, 0 LAGOr, ry_ LTo all parts or the World. 7RDIgI INLA D INSURANCES, en Goods, by Diver, Canals, Lakes, and Land Oarriagli to all parts of the Union. FIRE /NS rfIi4NORS, On Marsha - nate° generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &o. .811&T8 OP ID& OOMPLIfIf, November 2, 11167. Bondi, Mortgages, and Real Retain 7101,850 24 Philadelphia oity and other Loans 137,011 2d Stock in fianics, Railroads, and Insurance Companies 12,508 00 Bills Receivable 230,291 95 Cash on hand Balance In handa of Agents, Premiums on Marine Petiole' recently issued, on other debts due the Company 02,730 67 Eabooription Wails 100,000 00 DIIIIIOTOIBI William Martin, James 0. Hand, Joseph H. Seal, Theophilue Paulding, Zdsound A. Bonder, James Traqualr, John 0. Davie, William Eyre, Jr., John R. Penrose, J. F. Poniston, George G. Leiper, Joshua P. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Samuel E. Stokes, Dr. R. M. Huston, Hellry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Hugh Craig, Thomas 0. Hand B Mcllrain, Robert Burton, Ir., Charles Kelly, duo. B. Semple, Plttabgh., 11. Jones Broolm,l Dr. T. Morgan, , I Jacob P. Jones, J. T. Logan, it WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. jail., VIBE AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME INSURANOB 001aPANY. Capital $lOO,OOO. (Organised under the Act of Assembly relative to In =mance Companies, passed April Id. 1856.) HEORGE. W. DAY, President. THOMAS S. MARTIN, Viee-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Ogee 411 CEIRSTNHT St., Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. Jacob K. Vaughan, Entry Lewis, Jr., D. M. Birr John W. Averman, A. H. Rosenholm, M Stem. George W. Day William W. Walters, Obarlea Richardson, Barclay Lippincott, Joe. R. Ilrognard, Ohm gtwtee, folt-y Wings anb Vattara A LEXANDRE SEIGNETTE BRANDY. .C3L The subscribers have boon appointed sole agents in the State of Pennsylvania for the above well-known ROCHELLE BRANDY, which they are prepared to offer to the trade at the lowest market price, from Uni ted States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture. A constant supply on hand, in half, quarter, and one eighth pipes, dark and pale, jelti-tt TIMES ROBIN & CO. COI:NAO.—no aubscrlbera, Bole agents In the State of Penneylva ills for the above celebrated brand of COGNAC BRAN DY, beg to call the attention of the trade to Ito impeder quality, and feel confident it will compare favorably PRI the molt favorite brands In the market ARNOLD h WORL, 120 WALNUT Street. A constant supply of the above in the 'United States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture, of various vintages, in half, quarter, and eighth pipes. Jelg•tf M BRE Y GRAPE-LEAF CHA.M -x.4 PAGNE. ARNOLD k WORL, Bole Agents, 120 WALNUT Street SALMON, SHAD, 6E0.-20 tierces No. 1 Salmon •; 18 bbls. do.; 50 bble. prime Sea Shad; 200 bbls. Bealotsh ; 180 bble White-doh, now In store end for gale by JOHN M. KENNEDY & 00., ap Ray Noa DM and 182.1Tortla whams Air RANDIES.—A , Pinet Castillon," Marett, and other Cognate of Tarfone vlntaged, In half pipes and quarter ca_vke ; Pellevolsln Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipe', half mike, and one-eighth wake. Imported and for Bale by IIIeNRY BOHLEN & CO., 0022 231 and W.,3 South Fourth street i]Drusla anb Qltlemicala. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., WIIOLESALE DRUGGIBTI3, iLanoradarers and Dealer PAINTS, VARNISHES, and WINDOW GLASS, Northeast corner POIIATH and itAoli Street', Philadelphia. Bole Agents for the sale of the celebrated Flores Plate Glass. mhlS.tf ZIEGLER & SMITH, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, southwest corner of BDOOND and CiRIII4N Streets, have in store, and offer to the trade in it, to suit purchasers : Zing. Whi Yen. ting Bed. Gum Arable, pinked and sorts. Boone Alex. Oil Aniseed. Paris Green, rEil Brand ITE LEAD, ZINO PAINTS, &a.— We offer to the publio White Lead, Zino Paints, Dolore in Oil, Varnisher!, &0., at such reduced price. that we Invite the attention of dealers and consumers to ear stook. ZIEGLICR. & mhlB S. W. cor. Second and Green ate. WINDOW GLASS! WINDOW GLASS !!—We invite the attention of the pp. Ho to our extensive stock of French and American Window Glees. The large and well•seleated stook of Glees constantly en band enables us to all all orders with despatch, and as low as any other house la the ZIEMER k SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, mhlS 13. W. turner of Second and Green ate. 1R ILADELPRIA WARMING AND VRNTILATING WAREHOUSE. ARNOLD & WILSON, 8000888088 TO 8. A HARRISON We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, few doors below the St. Lawredce Hotel, where our old friends and the public are respectfully Invited to examine oar extensive stock of Warm Air Formes, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Regieters, Enameled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Orates, &a. &e. We are now manufacturing 01111.801101 CELEB RATED PAT ENT NEW COAL OAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and suited to all classes of buildings. Also, now and beautiful patterns of Low Down Grates, awl Parlor Coal Orates of all sizes and patterns. We have also oommeneed the manufacture of ENAMELED STONE MANTELS front Penn. syttania Stone. Tbeee Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUhI at the late Fair and Exhi. bition of the Flankiin Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful ANTIQUS M/RBLIIB, are not Injured by Smoke, Coal Gas, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at much its 3 pries than Marble. Call and see them. ARNOLD & WILSON. Maid: M. FELTWELL, Superiatendept Avtl, 106-404 ly REGULAR LINE FOR PROVI DENOE.--Schooner WOROESTER, Ramona, Master, wow loading at Callowldtbatraet Wharf'. For freight, apply to Captala, on board, or to JNO. DI. KENNEDY & CO., .1E421 180 and 132 NORTH WHARVES. sitWANTED—A 111 . st-class VESSEL, of 800m1 000 tons capacity, to load for a port In the Pacifle. Cargo now ready, and fair freight will be paid. Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & 00., jyls-iltf 120 NORTH WHARVES. g i b WANTED—A good VESSEL, to load in the Louisiana Line, for New Orleans. Quick despatch and good rates given. Apply to BISHOP, SI6fONS, $OO., jyl6-tf ELI/ NORTH WHARVES. TEAM TO LIVERPOOL AND GLAS vo Gow, DuistiN, BELFAST, and LONDONDERRY, LIVERPOOL. THE LIVERPOOL Awn PHILADELPHIA STEAM SHIP CO.'S Clyde-built Iron Steamships are intended to sail as follows: 971031 ttaW YORK. 0/TY OF BALTIMORE . . .... ....Thursday, July Ipt. CITY OF WASHINGTON 4. 4. 15th KANGAROO u 29th And each alternate Thursday, from Pier 44 N. IL. • PROM LIVERPOOL. CITY OP WASHINGTON Wednesday, June 23d. KANGAROO " CITY OF BALTIMORE July 7th." 21st And each alternate Wednesday. Cabin Passage from New York and Philadelphia-875 Third Class to any of the above-mentioned places, and found in best cooked Provisiona 30 Return Tickets good for 6 months 00 Certificates of Passage from Liverpool to New York - or Philadelphia 40 Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Bremen, Ham burg, &0., without delay at through rate,,. The Company's Steamship BOSPHORUS will sail regularly between Antwerp and Liverpool, in connection with the departures foaiNew York, taking goods from Antwerp to New York, lira through rateof freight. Certificates of Passage from Antwerp to New York $45. Drafts on Liverpool from £1 upwards. For freight or passage, apply at the Company's °Mies, 16 BROADWAY, New York and 109 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. JOHN G. DALE, Agent. Or WILLIAM INMAN, je22 62 and 83 Tower Building, Liverpool. FOR CHARLESTON AND SA VANN AR —HERON'S LINE. GO S REORIVED AND BILLS OP LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY. The splendid first-class side-wheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and STATE GP GEORGIA, Now form a weekly line for the South and Southwest, one or these ships sailing every SATURDAY at 10 o'clock A. SI., alternately ' for Charleston and Sa vannah. YOE UHABLESTON, Tho KEYSTONE STATE, Captain Charism P. Marsh_ man, will oommenoe loading on Thursday, August sth, and call for Oharleaton, 8.0., on Saturday, August 7th, at 10 o'clock A M. POE SAVANNAH. The STATE OP GEORGIA, Oapt. John J. Garvin. will commenoe loading on Thursday, August 13th, and sail for Savannah, GA., on Saturday, Aug. 14th, at 10 o'clock A 2.1. At both Charleston and Savannah, these ships oonneot with steamers for Plorida and Havana, and with rail• roads, ,ffse., for all plape s in the South and Southwest. Heavy Freight at an average of 15 per deist. below New York steamship rates. . . FREIGHT and 'INSURANCE on a large proportion of goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels. Cabin passage 520 00 Steerage do 8 00 Exeur;ion Tiaketa, good for the present year. 30 00 No bills or lading Signed after the ship line exiled. For freight or passage, apply to A. HERON, Jr., No. 828 (late el) North Wharves. Agents at Charleston, T. B. & T. G. BUDD. Agents in Savannah, 0. A. GREINER & CO. For Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. For Florida, from Savannah, steamers BT. MARYS and BT. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana from Charleston 'steamer IBABEL, on the 4th and /Bth of every month'. jell STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, BELVAST, DDBLIN, and LONDON. DE IR ITithont delay. for 80 dollars. - Return tickete, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trap, out and back. 710 m AIM YORK. New York, McMillan, Saturday, July 10, at 12 o'clock, 51, Edinburgh, Cumming, July 21, if Glasgow, Goodwin, August 7, " 12011 01.15001 R. Glaagow,Goodwin„ Saturday, anty 10. Hew York, McMillan , ; , ; . Wednesday, August Edinburgh, CuMming Saturday, Aug. 14. RATES OP PASSAGE. PION 0L.1.13001Y., First Masa,•••• 16 gain ea. Steerage, found wita o:tooted prOVildone - II PROM Raw Yong. lket Olsu 575 00 Steerage, found with cooked protisione . . 80 00 Children under 14 yearn of age, half f a re ; .. Infante In Steerage, free. Bolero ticket/ available within six months, by any steamer of this line. Blest Ohm $l4O 00 Steerage 580 00 An experienced Surgeon at Melted to each Steamer. for freight or passage apply to WORKMAN ar. CO., /2e WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. ROBERT ORiIG, 11 Broadway, New York. NALL LONEY, Buchanan's - Wharf, Baltimore. myll "IRE BRITISEL and NORTH AMERICAN - ROYAL MAIL 811a2118111P8. PION NOW TOAL TO LITORPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage Booond Cabin Passage . .. . . . .. .. Chief Cabin Passage IMO Second Cabin Passage 80 The ships from Barton call at Halifax. I PERSIA, Omt. Inaba.' CANADA., Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt.Wicknut ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. . NIAGARA, Capt. Ryrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. mugoPA, Capt. J. Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at,maat-headt savor. ota outboard boa. •, red on port bow. CANADA, Lang, leaves Boston, Wednesday, July 28. AbtERIO, Wickman ," N. York Wednesday, Aug 4. EUROPA, Leitch, ~ Boston; Wednesday, Aug. 11. PERSIA, Judkins, ', N.York, Wedneadw, Ang 18 NIAGARA, Moodie, ~ Boston,Wedneed, Aug 96. ARABIA, Stone, ‘; N.Yorl Wednesday, Sept. 1. CANADA, Lang, " BorNeu, Wednesday, Sept. 8. AFRICA, ?batman, " N.Verk, Wednesday, Sept. 10. EUROPA, Leitch. " Boston Wednesday, Sept. 22. PERSIA, Judkios , ', N.York, Wednesday, Sept. 29. Berths not scoured anal paid for. An experienced Surge & on boar.l. The owners of these Ships will not be saucittnteble for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless blll4 of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to . my 10-y Z. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. 88,892 88 102,188 84 I:gentlemen's Surniobing (garbs WINCHESTER & CO., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING sTQRE ♦Nn PATENT SMOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFAC TORY, At the Ohl I. tend, No. 706 CHESTNUT STREET, oppo site the Washington House A. 'WINCHESTER will give, NA heretofore, his per , nonal supervision to the (Jutting and Manufacturing departments. Orden! for bin celebrated style of phirta and CoHare filled at the shortest notice. Wholesale trcdo supplied on liberal terms. jy24-ly W. SCOTT, Onto of the firm of WIN- O 9 cuxsrea & Scum) GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE and SUIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 CHESTNUT Street, (nearlyopposito the Girard Housed Philadelphia. T.W. S. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friend, to his new Store, and Is pre pared to fill order, for SIIIRTS at ahort notice. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINE SHIRTS and COLLARS. jyl9 tf CIENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. Not W 606 &ROG Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer in all kinds of Furnishing Goods, and manufacturer of Fine Marta, warranted equal in every reepect to any others manufactured in this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. mht-tf CIEN TLE MEN'S WRAPPERS OR 1.."1 DRESSING GOWNS.—The largest and best ce sortment in the city, wholesale and retail, with a full line of Under Clothing, suited to the season, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 606 ARCH Street, above Sixth, Philadel phia. ARNOLD er. WORL, 120 WALNUT Street VIOARS, OF FAVORITE BRANDS V and assorted alres, carefully selected by own hone at 1111A,:la, In store, and received by every arrival from that port. S. FIIGIINT & SONS, el2-31n 216 South FRONT Street. VEGA.RO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS AA BEOARS.—A choice Invoice of them celebrated brands on board brig "Now Era," daily expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETZ, (New) 188 Walnut street, below Second, col Second Story , BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. ROGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. I'oo WALNUT Street, to pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Publio Offices„ Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound In various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general Assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Counsel:dug Mr. Hogan , ' contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Oommittee say—" This display of blank boos' for banking and mereantile use Is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and ap pearance neat and appropriate." no2o-tf FRENCH PLATE GLASS.-=-HAVING been appointed by the " Compagnie de Floreffe" the SOLE AGENTS for the sale of their GLASS In this city, we are prepared to offer to the trade or consu mers, from our stock on hand, POLISHED PLATE (1 LASS for Stores or Dwelling Fronts; Rough Plate, for Floors and Skylights; and Silvered Plate, of large size, for Mirrors. The Glass will be sold at the lowest prices, ancpwarranted superior, in every rennet, to any other impoffed. ROST. SHOEMAKER 00., Plate and Window Glass Warehouse, N. E. cm of YOURTII and RACE Btreotit mh2B-tf Philadelphia 108 QR. CASKS PORT WINE. 111 Elf. Pipes Alicante do. 22 Qr. do do do. 20 Qr. do Sherry do. 11 Pipes Superior Pajarete Wine. 20 Qr. Pipes do do do. 40 X do do do do. 111 Balsa Assorted Oorks, 825 Bags Almonds. 25 do Filberts. Landing from Brig " Arrogant° Emello," and for sale A. MERINO 140 SOUTH FRONT Steet. 12121 PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.— SPEOIAL NOTICE TO PIIYBIOIANB.—The above offers a vehiole for the exhibition of remedies to die eaaed aurfacea, which combines the following advanta ges: A good and unvarying consistence, easily washed off with water, dissolves all substances that are solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and does not get rancid. Thp hat property alone renders it an invaluable acquisition to the practitioner. Prepared and for tale wholesale and retail, at ak3LRFPB Laboratory arid Pharmacy, txth6 T welfth end ChPFlrni mtlecir HOUSE OF REFUGE BRUSH MANZ- A.A. FACTORY. The eubsoriber would respectfully call the attention of the trade to hie EXTENSIVE STOOK OF BRUSUES, Manufactured by him AT TUE ROUSE OF REFUGE, AND FOR SALE AT PRICES DEFYING COMPETITION A largo stock of Blacksmiths' BeHowe on hand. HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, Jy2l-t[ 62 North THIRD Street, below Arch. ERRING. —BOO bble r . No. 1 11EREING, AL 1 Eastport Inspection • 600 do. Halifax, now In store and for pale by Joint M. KENNEDY Jr, CO., • •p 9•I Now. 1o and Da Nostk Conti. EibiPPAIIS- FREIGHTS REDUORD INSURANCE 1180 ./BOY BOSTOX 20 L1Y122.001. Mobacta anb Cigara. starioneu ilailreabs. wrNOTICE-SUMNER M...-94-sms ARRANGEMENT. HILADELPHIA, WIL3IINGTON, AND BALT - MORE RAILROAD. On and after , lB5B PASSENGER* TRAINS Mond L ay EAVE May PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore, at 8 A. M., / P. 51., (Express,) and 11 P. M. For Wilmington, at 8 A. 51.,1, 4.30, and 11 P. tFor New Castle, at 8 A. 11,, and 4.80 P. 31 For Middletown, at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. M., and 4.80 P. 51. For Seaford at 8 A. 51., and 4.20 P. DI. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Baltimore at 7.80, Express:, 10.16 A. M., and 6.40 P. 01. Leave Wilmington at 6 45 and 10.30 A. M., and 1.46 and 8.65 P. M. Leave New Castle at 8 and 9.60 A. M., and at 8.16 P. M. Leave Middletown at 8.68 A. M., and 6.45, . Lome Dover at.B A. 111., nod 4.55 P.M. Leave Seaford at 8.26 A. 51., and 2 P. 51. TRAIN FOR BLTMORE. Leave Wilmington S' at 0.10 A. 51., 1 2 P. M., and 2.16 A. M. aminAys only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to 'Bal timore - Do do 6.40 P. le from Baltimore to Pidla. phia. Freight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will run as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville :and Intermediate places at 6 P. M. Leave Wilmington for do do do 746 P. 11. Leave Havre do Grace for Baltimore do 630 A. 51. Leave Baltimore for Havre do Grace do 610 P. Id Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia do 540 P. M. je9 S. M. FELTON, President. NEW YORK LINES.—THE OAMDEb AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COIIPArIYifi LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WAY PLAOIS. Leave as fellows, via : FAR' At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aceosimods- - tine 226 At 6 A. M., els Camden And Jersey City, N.J. Ao oommodation 2 25 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail 800 At 10_A. M., by Steamboat Trenton, via Taoony and Jersey City, Morning Express 8 00 At 2 P. M., via Camden asd Amboy, 0. and A. Ex prose 8 00 At 5 P. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail 3 0 At 3 P. M., vik Camden and Amboy, Acoommoda- Gen, let Clam 2 00 At 3P. ll., via Camden and Amboy, Aocommoda tion, 2nOlase. 1 60 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let glass 2 00 At t I'. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommod a. Con, 2nd Class 1 76 The 6 P. M. line runs daily, all others Sundays ex Mrpted 6111 P. M.; from Kerbside= Depot, via Jersey pity, Mai, Saturdays excepted $2 25 Exprees Lines stop at the principal statione only. For Belvidere, Beaton, Flemington ' Ito., at 6A. M and 4 P. M. from Walnut street wharf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wllkesbaris, Montrose. Great Bend, An. at 6A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. /or Mount Tinily at 6A. M and 2% and SP. K. WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, ?co., at 234 aod 4 P. El , For Palmyra, Banco&, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town &0., at OP. M. Steamboat Richard Stockton for Bordentown, and in termediate places,at 23( P. M. Steamboat Tren ton for Tacony, at 10 and 1114* and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. M. All lines except 11.4 . P. M leave Walnut street wharf. 11;r3ifty putouts of baggage only allowed each pee manger. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing u baggage but their wearing apparel. All bag gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Corn , pany limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be yond 8100, except by special contract. WM. H. GATZIKER Agent 0. & A. B. It. 00. PBILADELPIIIA AND ELMIRA RAIL ROAD LINE.--QITICIKEST. ROUTE to Elmira Wilkesharre, Buffalo, Chicago, Bock /eland, Niagara Palls, MEwaukle, Burlington Montreal, St. Paula Detroit, Dunlleth, and St. Lou is. Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, daily, (Sundays excepted ) as follows : 7.80 A. M. DAY EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Palle, Buffalo Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galena, Se. Paull, Darlington, and St. Louie. 8.80 P. M. NIGHT WORMS, lor Elmira, Mogan Fella, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago Milwaukee, Rook Wand, Galena, Bt. Paula, Burlington, and Bt. Loon.. Dar Tickets good till need. The 7.30 A. M. train oonneets at Beading with the train for llarriaeurg and all stations on the LIIBA.NON VALLiaritAILROADi - - AM) At Rupert, for Wilkeabarre, PltUtton, Scranton, and all citations on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOM SBURG RAILROAD. Bridgßagngo ohooked to Ibnixn, Buffalo, and &monition e. RATIII op ■lll Wilkesbarre.... 84 60 Pittston 4 60 Scranton 4 75 Wilkesbarre • 4 60 Williamsport 6 50 Elmira 7 00 Canandaigua 8 00 Geneva, via Gorham 8 00 Rochester - 8 60 Niagara Palls 8 00 Buffalo 10 00 Brie. 10 60 Cleveland, vie N. Y. and Erie 18 00 " vii Niagara Falls 18 00 Toledo, via New York and Erie 18 20 Oolumbuo 10 60' Cincinnati. New York and Erie. 10 00 . Niagara Falls 19 00 Indianapolis, via New York and Brie 21 00 Detroit, via Niagara Palls 18 00 Chicago, via Great Western Railway 22 00 (c Lake Shore Railroad 22 09 Rock bland, via Niagara Falls. «- Lake Shore Railroad ... V/ 00 27 00 lorllnotor. Z 5 00' owa City 29 26 Bt. Louis, via Chicago • 29 00 If Indianapolis 29 00 • Dunlieth 27%0 St. Paula 36 10 Err Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line's Ticket Me, Northwest cornet of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pas senger Depot, BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad etreet, below Vine, daily, ifluudaye excepted ,) for all points West and North, at 0 Freights must be delivered before 8 P. M. to insure their going the same day. ]J Freights are forwarded with greater despatch and Lower Rates than by any line from this city to the West and Northwest Per further information apply to ALLEN belowEL, Through Freight Depot, Broad Vine, Or to CHAS. S. TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W. eor.Sixth and Chestnutsta., Philsda. G. A. NICOLLS, Genl. Sept. Philada. and Reading Railroad. H. A. FONDA, Gent. Sept. OsrAwisea, W. & E. Railroad, J. A. REDFIF.LD, del3l.ly Genl. Sept. W'rosport said Elmira Railroad. D HILADE LPHI A AND RE ADING RAIL X. ROAD—PAST PRBIGUT LlNE.—Freight trains leave the Depot, BROAD Street, b, low VINE, daily, for Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, Canada Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukie, Galena, Dubuque, St. Louis, and interme diate pointe. Thin is the ehorteat route to Canada and the Lake Porte, and goods will be fortiarded with greater despatah to the above points thaw by any other route. !Asir, or PAIOBS ran 100 LDS. Via Railroad let alass. Id dare. 8d clam. 4th alsal Baspetelon Bridge 90 70 60 40 Buffalo 90 70 60 40 Dunkirk 95 76 65 46 Detroit $l2O 93 78 62 • • (Mirage .1 60 115 100 80 Freight going through by rail UI the way meet be marked "VIA BAIL." No transhipment between Philadelphia and Elmira Mark goods via Philadelphia an 4 Reading Railroad, and send to the Depot, Broad atre*, below Vine, daily, before 5 P. N. For further inforroatiop in regard to this route, call at the through freight °Plea of the Philadelphia, Nia gara, and Great Western Line, N. W. corner SIXTH and 01138TNUT. - • do3o-y JOIENNSYLVALNIA RAILROAD.—THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At lento Cities with Western, North-western, and South western States, by a continuous Railway direst. Thi, Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and. Sandusky with Steamers to alt ports cm the North-western Lakes- making the most 14=01% OREAPEBT and RELIABLE BOUT.i: by which Freighi can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES DETIVELEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITID. BURtill. Fuer Claes—Boob, Shoes, Hate, and Oapa, Books, Dry Goods, (in boles bales and trunks), Drage, (in boxes and bales) leather', Priretco 160. per 100 lb. 81300HD CLASS- -4Joraostio Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware, Leather, Liquor, (in seeks,) Wall Paper, Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Xaaterud, ho. /co. 600. $1 100114 Twin HLAes—Anvils, Hemp, pawn and Pork, Salted, (loose or In sacks), Paints, (dry and in oil,) Oils L (except l and and rosin) 100, per 100 lbe POW= Owiss--Oofibe, JUsh, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in casks or bole. outward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Steel , Manufactured Th. boom, Rosin Oil Queensware, Sugar, (hbds., bbLe., and bossed &.0 40e. per 100 in 7Lons-16c. per bbl., until further notice. (lasts--360 . per 100 'be., until further notes. Oorron—s2 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until further notice. In shipping Goode from any point East of Philade!. plan, be partioulan to SURE packages ,4 via Pa ensy/vania /railroad." All Goode consigned to the Agenta of this 'toad, at Philadelphia or Pittaburgh, will be forwarded without detention. /assume Aomirs.—Clarke & Co., Chicago ; Packer & & Co., Memphis, Tenn.; R. F. Bass C0..&8t. Louis, Mo.; P. G. O'Riley & 00., Nvaneville, Indiana; Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky.; R. 0. Iteldrum, Madison, Indiana ; 11. W. Brown & Co., and Allier & Hibbard, Cincinnati ,• H. 8. Pierce & Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leech & Co. , No. seKilbystreet, Boston • Leech & 00. No. 2 dolor House, Now York, No. 1 William at, New York • B. J. Bneederl Philadelphia ; MagraW Koons, Bal timore; D. A Stewart, Piltabargh. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. 11. J. LOMBARRT ) del. General Superintendent. Altoona, ka. itlarbitterg attb Jon. T. 1111n11011. J. 'favour rannint. WILLIAM E. 1111101. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIRTH AND WASHINGTON BMWS, HERRICK & SONS) BRUIN :SRO AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Buena, for Land, Riyer, and Marine “rv i ee• &Mem cfmmeters, Tanks, Iron Boats, &a., ()W -ino of all kinds, An= Iron or Brass. Iron frame rm ara for Gas Works, Workshop, Railroad Stations, &s. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the 'stoat and moat Impcored construction. Ji•ery description of Plantation machinery, mach 111 Sugar. Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pimp, Open Steam Trains, Dereeators, Filters, Pumping Engines, ka. Sole Agents for N. Rillieuit's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Naamyth4 Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Roes' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Ihmeriuteudent—B. H. BARTOL .04 Site Proof flares. SALAMANDER SAFES. ...... 9 A large assortment of EVANS & WATSON'S IRILADELP HIA MAiv UFACT. RED SALAMANDER BABES, VAULT DOORS, Poi Banks and Stares. BANE WOKS, Equal to any now In use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &o. On ea good term as any other establishment In tlit United States, by NVANB k WATSON, No. SS &Ptak FOURTH street, M `RUM A CALTo. rhtbdelpld Eints. PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD.—}RMISII ARRANGEMANT.-0a sad aftor MONDAY, May 10th, 1868. /Olt OBRMANTOWN Leave Philadelphia at 6X, 7 8, 945 min., 10,11 X, A. Si., 1,2, 8,4, 6,6, 7,8, 9,lo;and 113( P. N. Leave Gerrnantonn at 6,7, 7X, 8, 9.9)(, 10X, U 34 A. M. 140 min., 2,3 g, 434, 5%, 6X, 8, 9-40 min., and 10n..11, The 7,X o'clock A. M. Train from Germantown wiretap only at Wayne and Tien Streete Stallone. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9.20 min. A. IL, 2,6 X, and 8 P.ll. Lease Germantown ISM A. M., 1.4 min., 4g, and P. M. ORE9TNOT ILILL RAILROAD. Lease Philadelphia at 6,v, 8, 9.06 min ,113 A. M., 7,8, 4. 6,8, 10 P. 01. /AIM Ohmancit Hill at 6 40 said 7.a5, 9.10, and 10.10 min. A. 21 ,12.50, 8.10, 4.10, 5.10, 7.40, and 8.2) min P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 0.20 A. M. 2, L 3( , and 8:P. M. Laity° Chestnut Hill at 8.10 mitt A. M., 12.60 4.10 5.40 P.M FOR CONSHOHOCKEN ANP NORRIS TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at OM, 9, 11 A. M.,1.05 3.10 min.. 43f. 0X , 11 X P. Leaps Norriotown at 6,7, 9,11 A. 11., I, ag, and 6M P M. ' N UNDAYS, an Leave PhiladelphiaO S at 9A. M., d3P. M. Leine Norristown at 7A. M. and BP. M. FOR MANAYUNEt. Leitie Philadelphia at SW, 7%, 9,21 A. M. 1.05 min., 2.05 min., 2.10 mm., 4X, I,}l-8%, 8,11 X P. 51. Leave Mariquak - at 83i; /30%," 9%, A. 1 r 4, OM, 7, AO 9 P. M. Sundays game as Norristown. 0 ESTER VALLEY RAILROAD FeR TOWN. . Leave Philadelphia at 6,1( A. M., end 8.10 min. P. M Leave Downingtown at 731' M , and IP. M. H. H. SMITH, General Superintendent. Depot, Ninth and Green streets, Philadelphia. 1858PE 0 N E, N R SYL I VANIA1Z .. 8 . PROM PRILAYELPH AL L RAILROAD, 1 14. 1 43131 j. UGH, And thence by Railroad to WHEELING, . BT. LOUIS BTEUBENVILLII, CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, BURLINGTON, INDIANABOXIS, ST. PAULB, And all Mernedlate points in OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINCIEI, KENTUCKY, MULL GAN, WIBCONBIN,MINNEBOTA, ktlal3olllll, llANBAfi'dfiD NEBRABILA. Passengers to poutts,nest of Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Cleveland and Orestime, have choice of routes, and are requested to make a selection before applying for tick ets. TIME THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PHILADEI, MIA DAILY, Forming close connections at Pittsburgh to all points West. On and after MONDAY, May 10th, 1858, Three through, and Two accommodation trains, will leave the depot, 8. E. corner of ELEVENTH. and HARREL' streets, as follows: TSII9B FOR PITTBSIMOH TRAINS 11011 PITTSBURGH AND TM/ WISP 11171. AND TUN WHO? ARMY'S. Mail trainat....7 30 A.M. Mall train at-11.00 night. Fast line 100 noon. Past line 4.50 A. M. Express me11..11.00 night. , Express mail.. 1.10 noon. WAY TRAINS 1.1871. WAY TRAINS AHRITD. , Harrisburg - an- Harrisburg on. oommodation 3 00 P. M. commodation.7.ls P.M. Lancaster '; • 5.00 P. M. Lancaster ." .9 50 A. M. The mail train stops at the stations between Phila. delphia and Pittsburgh. The Express mail rune daily, the other trains Sunday excepted. • The cars leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, entrance on Eleventh street, where through tickets to all points West can be obtained. Baggage will be received at the Depot at any time du• ring the day. po charge for handling baggage. For farther information, apply at the Depot of be Pennsylvania Railroad Company, southeast corner 01 Ele►euth and Market streets, between the hours of A. M. and I.IP. M. THOMAS Idoololt, my 10 Agent Penn's Railroad Co. fiJotels nub fiestairrants. BLANCARD HO 'USE ,—BROADWAY and TWELPTH Street, New York, re-opened, elegantly furnished with every modern improvement. The location to fashionable and healthy. The rooms are large and wel ventilated. Neale served at all hours, and "ably attention paid to the comfort of guests. Transient board $2 per day. Per manent board at lower rates. • • The whole ander the mariagement of 0 J. hIAOLEIL. LAN, (late of the MAUS States Hotel, Philsdelphis,) who respectfully solicits the patrol:Logo of his frieuda and the travelling Debra. jelto-2m J' ONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA., ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. (Erected InISIn.) NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. nrl29-7 WELLS COVERLY, Proprietor. WORRELL ROUSE, N. W. cor. THIRD and HARMONY COURT. Toe underaigned takes pleasure in informing hie Mende and the publie at large, that he has opened the above ZSTABLISHAIRNT, and pledges himself to merit the patronage of his patrons, every article is of supe rior quality, having been selected without regard to prise. CHARLES WORRISLL, Proprietor. xoy2T-8m • NICHOLLS HOUSE, (EUROPEAN PLANJ OPEN DAY AND MONT. NO. 116 SOUTH EIGHTH ST., BELOW 01318TNITP, PHILADELPHIA.. This HOME hi for Permanent and Transient Lodg ing. Every effort will be made by the Proprietor, 131. NICHOLLS, to give malefaction to hie Pafxreas. This establhihment to situated in the , heart of the city, centre of toudnote, and convenient to all placed of ILMIISOMeIa, The Mercantile and Travelling community will find it a desirable place for comfort, Moldiness, and eoona my. Meals furnished at all hours. etude Boom% in canto per night. By the week $2.60 and upwards. ,nll.BO-tf piano /DWG. MESSRS. CHICKERING & SONS, having removed to their new warerooms, No. 1307 CHESTNUT Street, (near the United States Sint,) aro prepared to offer to their friends axed the public an extensive assortment of Grand, Parlor-Grand, Square and Upright PIANO-FORTES, manufactured eapressly for this city, finished in various styles of east*, audat prices which cannot fail to please. Piano-Fortes made to order, to suit any style of furniture, and all inserts meats warranted to give entire satisfaction to the par. chaser. Ord and Square Pianos to rent, upon the moat fa vorable terms. Messrs. O. & SONS have received Thirty-tour MEDALS. The first Premiums over all competitors in the United States. All orders for TUNING end REPAIRING will be promptly attended to. jy7-8m NANO FORTES. Just received, an elegant stock of BATBN, BA ON, & CO., NIINNB A OLAILIK. BALLAT, DANIA& & CO., end GALE & 00. PIANOS. 1140DEOIS3 beet quality, at J. B. GOULD , B, m319-y S. Z. corner SEVENTH and OHESTNGT eta. Umber. LUMBER YARD. HOUTZ la 00., (Successors to Montgomery & Neall,) S. W. corner of TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, PhDa., Old Moyamenaing Diatriet, are now receiving a large and well4elected assortment of all descriptions of LUM OEII, such as White Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway, hemlock, Lath, Pales, Pickets, Fence Boards, Flooring, Shelving, and every viudety of well seasoned Lumber. Also, a large stock of JIM Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly on hand and sawed to order at the shortest notice. Our connection with Messrs. Mahaffey, Hoots, & Co., and Duffy, Houtz, & Co., at Marietta, Pa., gives na un surpassed facilities, and enables us to supply orders for all descriptions of Lumber with promptnees and despatch. PINS-ORESH. UMBER, soft and mellow, suitable for PATTERN-MAIIERS, bo , constantly on hand. Prompt paying purehasers are respectfully Invited to examine our stook before going elsewhere. ap2l-tf .lIMBER AT WHOLESALE AND RE JLJ tall at Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. MBHAPPRY, HOUTZ. h Co , take this method of Informing their customers and persons desirous of pur chasing LUMBER, that they have now on band a hrge and well seasoned stock of all descriptions of Lwaber, which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory pr.oes.l Their timber is all from their own MILLS bn PTNII CREEL They are also connected with Messrs DUFFY, HOUTZ, & 00., and are prepared to furnish all kind', of Planed Boards, BM Stuff, Lath Pales, Pickets, cad Building Timber for Bridges, &c., of all description, on the shortest notice. They would also take great pleasure inclining the attention of Builders, end thoWil In want of Lumber in the city of Philadelphia, to Ott Lumber Yard of HOUTZ & 00., eorner of TWELFTH and PRIMP. Btreete, with whom they are also con nected. ap2l-tf BLINDS AND SHADES, CHEAP POE CARR, B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREXT, le the most extensive ManufactUrer o WINDOW BLINDS, And Dealer in WINDOW SHADV.S, Of every variety. He has a tine stook to be sold at Ree..ensed Prices.. DUFF, and all other boloss of items Shades, Trial tangs, Fixtures, &e., &e. BTOB.E MAWR Painted to order REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, WE STUDY TO .PLEASE. ChILS, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, &0.11 .-, 1,200 gallons Winter Sperm Oil. 950 gallons No. 1 Winter Lard Oil. 5,000 gallons Bleached Wlntar Whale OIL 8,000 gallons Light Rooked Whale Oil. 250 boxes Chendeal Miro Soap. 200 do Maine Soap. 400 do Brown Soap. 100 do New Redford Sperm °azalea. In atom mad for Bale by • B. W. POBIENrk ALLEN, Late 3. 'A A. & 8 Allen, No. Id Fatah bRLAWARR AIUMOI.I ONES.-100,000 Shin Bones, suitable for nmbrens end Button Makers. In More and for Sail) OROABDAL PE H E, IRCE, dc CO 104 NORT WIIARVEI3 FREIGHT FOR NO VA SCOTIA.— About :00 bbla bulk can be had for a port in No - vs Bootie. Apply to TORN M. KENNEDY k CO.. IA2 NOR TR WTI AR 4RB ALAD OIL.-25 Dumb tinest .e . quality Tuscan Lynch Oil in store and for hale by WILLIAM H. YNATON, y 22 716 finnth FRONT Eitroat. • Ig ONONGAHCLA.-13 bbls. Burnside's old Monongahela pure RTo Whlskey,Jruat recelveg and for sale by WILLIAM H. INLATON. .13 , 15 218 Krinth FRONT Pt. SLATE! SLATE!! SLATE!! I—Rootir, Slate, or all MILOS, and at sexy low rates, kept co .': 'tautly on hard, and for sale by • ORRMANTOW RO N AD and TAz coP4;4. N. B. Slate Roofs put eta lo till) bat: : mann Roaire er, and re- Dwirin dr 114 tandort tr. II "mlt vita.' 'MS i_IERRI G 5-800 bbg. - NO. 1 I'ICHIAD Herring; WO blida extra Newfoundland ditto 120 bble Potomno dry se.ted ditto. now in store and for sale bY NO. M. ILENN.EDY dr. CO., unrls Inn 102 N WrIatIVNH iIEIDSICK Si CO. CHAMPAGNE.-A 11 constant supply of the genuine brand fu bond and in store, for rule by A- ILLIAM K YEATON, Sole Agent for Penneylrania, RIS Rooth VRnN'r TARRED CORDAGE—Superior Rusi.da and AMERICAN TARRED CORDAGE manufactured and for sale by WEAVER, FIILER, tc CO., 39 27 No. 23 N. Water at. and 23 N. Wharves. BAY RIIIC ---- FiCeprincilleiini Bay Rum, a very superior article, In Ltore and for sale by jy2lA. MERINO, 4f 140 Routh FRONT Street. V,HOULDERS.--50 hhds. Shoulders, dry salt, for W. bb 0. 0. RADLER do 00., 9 Nord WATALS strral, ✓
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers