DrativicjajtsmNALLi:AGAlN . • 4;°4""t4lftio of - Pirocordiolts ineoOr,.llll- ' Ifni DloclostittiOP - • fFibm the-New St ourtion of yerttertlal • - Yesterday morning this casewas again brought to the attention'AitTadge ' °Situ, of the Hudson County Supreme Court, in consequence of the dia comp., which wee madeby the latter part of the' week, that, the"' return ~mado by, Bookie to the writ of Iteabett rorpn-s;AW the 'ens° of MISS Bleantwaisfelso, in that ha, was instrumental in' the ronftiVal of Miss 'Blount from Hoboken;' - .lm. Mrs. Blount was present, end Mrs. Hankie was in the Judge', private - room, and Dr. Dewees, of New York, was in 'the court -roord:s•Mr Doming and. Mr. Thomas kioton wore.presept and represented Mr. Bunten); dge - Whitttig had Mr. Ransom: wore present for Colonel Blount. Mr. Doming de-', aired. to .kno tv, if, any future proceedings were to be, taken in' the cause of Mi. Hankie, Mr that gentle man had complied with the stipttlation agreed upon last Thursday, and:had produced the person •of Miss Blohnt, who Wes now under the care of her father in NerrYOrk.g ,, . '• • Mr. Ransom stated, that .insteed of Miss Blount having been voluntarily delitter,ed pp, she, had Ca: I taped from the person in "Wise - Caro shatvai, and it hail been sought to induce, tier to :g6 to Do lti= viere, hut that abo 'had 'succeeded in gating hor 'father's protection.' The person-who camoswith her, and in. whose care eke woo while away, was Dr. Mulford, the brother of the annoseliinthe ease. • Mr. Ransom alleged that troth Runkle and Mal. ford know that the, return „made to tho habeas was false in ovary pirtiottl a r..and under these cir cumstances they were not (Deposed to allow the water to. rest `(there it was. • Judge IV biting stated that the compromise suede was ea to Deßiviere, slid if 'the ladies went with him of their own accord ho would not be legally responsible: • When they found that a crime had been committed, they were not disposed' to o.m - promise the :matter in apy,ways,7_ •• • -.Lk Mr.' Deming iltated that whed the oompromise -.was rffeeted, Mr. Mulford told bintbirtelegraphed. to -Dr. Muir*, his biettior;Where'Mies Blountwas, was, directlnehim - to: proddlio,her hinedialely. 'Dr. Mulford took -her t frouiPlitledelptila•at eleven o'Clook; Thursday night, and when, she arrived at New York, she witaeent to Dr. Decrees's house. „ (Dealing) hatknenemplieity in. the matter what :, ever. , • • • ; Tho,court stated that the application before him .• Wars to hear-proof- ittP to the falsity oflhe - rettrin - made by Hankie, and itit should be , proven as stated. then - Mr.- Rankle stiouldhe punished. • Mr. Deming - asked for an--adjournment ter_pre cure witoeseao, but it denied by the court The following Is a substance of the testimony ad john ghepaill, a hotel-treer at Elizabeth town. N. J.,testitletithat about four A. M. of July Oth, llonkie, Mulford, Mr. Davie, honkie's bar , " - keeper, audit young lady, catre to hie house sear liege ; this young I uty`wainetititiedualitto him ; they took, lireaktast, sets She, left aboutllin o'clock - with Mr: Davis; Hankie , -and-Mulford, left about • Dine o'clock ; the piing lady , said nothing, but " Mulford said they wore going to :Itahway ; they' did'net 'stop at the house on 'their return ; ho de eoribed the, lady ' es beingsixteen 6r eighteen years of ago, dark 'hair,' fWid ; 'she • kept- her Toil op, eieept while at N 1311111414; lie would bo '-ableto .dootify.liGr,agitiri should he see her. - ltichard T. Deming,' Dm , was, then gismo, arid - testified • to-boarding at' tee Napoleon Hotel ;• be • came tequainted• with , filiss Blount and-her Mother ' at that place,rsomei•Mrcier three days 'after their 'mrrival ;:iltitnesinteited - that on tho 4th July Mrs. Mount ectu Werdlo,hlM-thather, husband. wanted to iniprisou her, oh the, ground of. hor alleged in - sanity, and he, aa, k lawyer, .advised her not to • submit to each a preeeeding,_ , . believing her to bo perfectly auto; eoon.:after,-.Hunkie came to Mtn, aid asked him to, go'inut - into-the -stable ; this was about midnight; -was,trieninforMed that the ladies were ea the roof,,and that Col. Blount was . after ono of' themi to imprison her for' insanity took them on to the roof of the stable, and soon sifter assisted them into tho house again ; next saw them in Hankie's bad-room] where he had a con. vorsation with thorn ; tho. father slept in witnetqa • room that night; "whin Frunkie introduced Blount to witness's room, he told hint the ladies were not in the house; haplight•have Been Miss Blount next morning, but, does not think ao ; did-not know' that Blount was In the house when tho ladles wore on • the shod. '-, . ' Charles Powell, -of -Elizabethtown, Now Jersey, '- bar-tender for life. Shysard,'first witness, was ex , • amined,biatnot hing material elicited. Dr. MUlPULd;afGratiCol363l. City, N. J., . 'was examined, and testified that ho know a lady said to he Miseßmily a: Blount; she war at his house within a few - weeka past; came, there on the 6th of • July, with - P. TA: Mulford, • Dm.; she remained there until Sunday, the 11th, and then was taken ' "to the house- of-Joseph Lodge, about 'eight miles distant: she was introduced there by the name of ... Alm Load; the place is etilled - "Carponter's ing;"„ the lady stated that tho wanted -protection, and was _there for the purpose of being pro tooted; she left witness's house at hie request, as that night there was a stranger came there by the "fistutie(Deltiviere; the visitor and Idles Molina bad some private conversation in the parlor; wept out to get a carriage to take , her away that night, .' while-De Riviera .was. there,. but it was so late :(about one o'clock) that wits eml could not priiiime • one; heard from hie brother that 'there was some suit about Do Riviera and Colonel Blount, but did rnot notify Blount of her, whereabouts, no he thought • it beet to keep her till all was settled; she told him who her father, and,mother wore, and why she left .them.. ' ' - The-following-letter from-Dr. Mulford was then put in evidence : GLorcsernn Cirri .N. - J., July 15, 1818.—Dear flies :'I have even surprised Myself in the ittcoias • ip obtaining for you a resting-place, safe, and; i • ; hOjte aszapriable; froni your pursuers, and no one knowing yeerlocation but, myself, not even my fa. -they supposing you lift in the night, and I •.• was called away on professiottet business. r feel. • for . yourapeotat interest, that - you should so re.- main; 'and not lot any person but your ma know where you are, end I have not- even informed the Captain,' (Wily dot you were fir in the eoub .4try, sate. and refired, until some change.. My -brother Philip came on to see brie Ttiesday _night. and left early in the morning, _so as to be on hand to give all assistance required. Bo says they had at warm time in court on Monday, when Mrs. Blount appeared in court, (private,) and had an interview with Col. Blount and Judge Ogden. I find that ray brother and Mrs. B: are conferring closely together in the ease, and Dshould say to you, with all sin cerity and friondahip," - trust that it will end all .• right'' yet I' send you .the Ifera Id of Tuesday, which contemn-all, thm_prooeedinge as yet.- Ten may expect a line-from me; or r zany come with a ' message when required, as I deem it of the moat ' important interest 'on your account,- and for' my • security from public redaction in aiding you to • have all kept in strietprivaiy until it may,becolthe - prudent to lot it beknown.r, I will itindyou a note from lars.D., and package. Let me enjoin upon you a composed mind and buoyant footings. Do not lot despair-and trouble depress-you, that yule may - inieeend avoiding 'any 'conjecture on the _ . pait of the family whore. you - now stop. You vel End them good friends, only keep cheerful pip set t/' - - ••• . • • - • great' resiniit4pmain your friend,- ' - • s• This was addrOsied “.IWiis Mary Loud." Mr. Whiting remarked; in this connection, upon thb point taken by Mr. Mulford,' the lawyer .in ' this case, and thought that ittialled for some sc. tion' on_the A part bf the court. lie had certainly, „,been guiltybf oontempt;iiqd !Mould' punished for it. Tho court stated, that whateverdmuisc might bo necessary to pursue, any notion on this . .point would.be- deferred until the!case .wes con eluded. The examination of Dr.liniford was then continued. ,Ito stated the substance of -the con- bleibkothoi on tn , 6l' , nepilv ',WO) which is the samo es that stated'hilho' lifter. - lie • learnt thtti ildittaßioutit had left Caipenter's Land thin and went to Philadelphia, ithera he motOtor, at a hotel. in Konsingtort... She. luquireitit.wiuttas had seen Do Itiviero, when he told hor he had sden, him that day at Gloucester, on the boat. She in:- quired.why-De Biricre did not write to her,-itlion fepliod'itiet.he hid - dolt& stoilatthit he • hnd f'orgotltsi to mail themv3,Sho tlian said bad she - got the letters,ffie would not hare left Mr: r Lodge's Mateo. - •••• • - '• '- • - Air:Whiting desired witness -to produce the let • tore at a aubsequeht day,- ea they vreecriegntied in evidence. Witness stated that ho had ondba l vqtal to indueehor to go back to her mother, but she said rho wished to go to - her ;lethal'. Ho then cameam to Now York with her, and' kept her at the bomb! of Dr. Dowees, after which he went to Iloboked to see his brother, While there, saw Mrs. Blount at the Na dined Hotel" - 3 On - the cross-examination, witness stated that Miss Blount told him that she was not kept under ditress aZ ell by' She:alba-ad 'that it ivai r reiwisn, Moldier; that abOidd lieep.nway 'for 6, thuof,-, ,el a lad got the - loiter - a inato De , ,Ttlyiskie, 'ekeoad hot bare • :left. She : also. said chat she was-.engaged to Po ltiviere, and nal to marry him. Witness showed her the bitter of Do Riviera, which was publialled - in rotation to 45 marriage. and then sho thought that - itched boonideeelvnalher int to higmarrisgo - With the othertwife, • - ‘ - `,l t Witness stated that when ho was waiting for the train at Kensington, ho was accosted ,ty °Moor -" Spindle, who inquired where ho ares going, end if that was the yptiog Ifdy,rrout Fltnese. replied that it was, Find that ko wag toking,her to , - NiiYork, under his especial Maitiotion. Johrilt , ll-I:.:DivisOnirkeeperof the Hotel liapo leen, tostified'asto tholn3lloer in which the young .r.lady left the:hotel. A call was left at the hetet for Woad-ridge to , tent the comfit' of Meadow find Fourth streets, Hoboken. Mukha got him to hal , -- neas the horses and got on-the, bpx,,wbile,witness g 0... in -- the - car - riase ' It was then driven , tO tho place designuted, r and MP. Mulford and a Young, lady gatin; 'he did nut, know her; and had noyer . __Seen her" before; Ilunkie drove-off on the Newark road without , apparently receiving any' Mateyo -110111 from _at* inside ,11/1 tho course he should taka; ..- they stopped once on the way to gets - Adak, tut it was too late stopped 'at Efixabak -- town. - - - - A rigid exaintaktitur Ir4,litr.-IYhitiiey failed, ea thaw' that: **naafi' ' the young lUdy eras.• - , ff,<:ll - Artorlitintd.oontroblition bOtwodn - cinintial it was argued to adjourn _ , the, opoo until this morning, when Mr. Booting put Mrs. Blount on MO' • stand, and Intends to.prodnect soma startling Blots Colonel Bloimtirasnot nritiont yesterday. ,TEE ,CONKV_IRAOtr.42IO coxfirsitivrotts—lttaft EXPECTED TO TAKE TIM STAND.' Orem the Exprese.l 1 • , The np:42l{lone point to kir. Philip It Mulford ." .(4ellael Mir - ..delliviero) as the person virb6 "du- Ahiried Aisle Blount away from Hobokeni in . ..eenjunitiOn with .hankie, the, hotel-keeper, Who; it, wilt be recollected, swore 'that ha_ did not know when shelett the hotel,-with whom she left, nor, ' • Where shis , rient to, nor whore she wee at the time - ImMaderthe return to . the writ of /raboas corlims. -Indeed; theie would'emito to be testimony to chow that r ilttakie aolnallx drove the carriage—ln which , frorfillniford, the barkeeper, and Miss Blount— Elizabethtown, from whence Mulford and" hop • scif,l,proceeded to Philadelphia,- where 'she was placed in the care of Dr. William lgttlford, a brother tit' the lawyer. - • She remained in philedelphia anti' "the gallant -Stottaiet- Otlhio to See her, tindvritit ii most extra. „ ortVinarT t althoegh this ptiyalelen its did not le.ttor, holtb cry ysiolan) 'went te.looir for-.a carriage at mithitght,' leaving .:(thspair r alaate . for half' an kali., ant{ than return ing, withilted the yedng Idaq off to throttler-in-law initea itiatanti herb liellntradu'oed ''' 1 4 !NqW l ,l l o l4‘ 4 llne'd / 16 004 as , gaea 'the qry, allJpgrit at fongt,,tenl groat bar escape, ife:thnr in delete - ling the Philadelphia ~.vallee.,astditboteendueteri of :the),trtile for New J. -- 1 - koiiktbatitheirttaVotelnidlgainet her will, and wanted to rejoin her father iwthitf:eleY. Pcir this _.---pnrpeserbeing-withorttilladttiereven °lollies, we - .told next alio borrinietd. Chloe' &Hark from thetitfarfaellitteltb.W*hem she , etald,..ta. par si faterAtiliel dittitkr;' - ilaffdl i nf.eiflAkniKV and lidr; to' rottiire L :W4h' , lkitn -or ,telwiti tier tiodfor, bigh• of trluah, 6 he ftiOft#4o9ilin' itof`lOttploOldolyAld'owootuing to New York, he oamemith;lier, and actually left her on..Eir. Do Wites'_ doorstep, opposite Orson Church, is Circe o'clock A. M. . This is cer tainly a !'_atringe,eitentfrd history," but the most extraordirtary part of it is to come. The barkeitper .of the lcalioleen Hotel ((ono Davis) went in the ,carrlego;wtth Emily to all the length of Elizabeth town, and yet know not who she was, although she had been some throe or, four days in the house nor did he exhibit any curiosity whatever as to ;hero he 'Was going, when he would stop, or anything else in that way, -but simply went off in the carriage to •Illiiabethtotim ' and, having seen the lady and Mulford on their way, returned without making any inquiries whatever. , Judge Whiting bits certainly exhibited much tact , throughout this wholo affair for by,his exertions a conspiracy intrigue of thei most infamous cha raoter lute been unveiled. Miss Blount, the heroine,it is said, was in Jersey City on Monday, her fatly* and Mr. Brown, one of the 'attorneys, having been aeon in York street, Sho will probably be on tho stand to-day, and the disclosures she has to make we look for with much Interest, , GOSiII ,, ADODT DLOUNT—^TfiII YOUNG LADY , • "A CHIP Or TOD OLD moch:." (Prom the Olevelend herald.' biisa BloUnt is " a chip of the old block." Her mother, Mrs. Emily J. Blount, ace James, was in girlhood sent from Alabama to a seminary at New Bevan, then under • the care of Professor E. A. Andrews.: There she was a wild dare-devil, the leader of, alt nniebievous or romantic intrigues; smuggling cards, liquors, and billets into the semi nary ; exchanging notes for herself or others, even under the 'none of the accompanying duenna, with leverS,Whem abo met when permitted to go out. Many wild pranks of hers in Now Haven were the talk of, nil the city. A lady, resident of Cleve land, might narrate from her recollection the " adventures of Em. James at ,boarding-eobool," enough to make quite a brochure of yellow covered literature ; how the heroine, under the, inspiration, of punch, elide stood upon IL pedestal ill bread day, as a living' statue duly plaCed and,draped, in front of a confectionery on ,Churoh:street ; ,how they kept Christmas holiday in their chambers upon a profusion of egg-nogg, the Materiels for which were smuggled into the no- nainary, and mixed into potent ncgg by Mils J.; !Mar once on a winter's dity, when sleighing was 'lively, she, with two or three companions, marched dosin the middle of Chapel street to Wooster •Square, whore the seminary Wes located, shouting And singing in Bacchante .style, compelling the 'sleighs to turn out right And left and give them y;w how t r vied fruits, innocently bought by the oighter at the South," wore often fbund to ne of something more than tropical richness of pulp Mod flavor,- yielding' ardent epistles from ardent young Men, he. To one defiant alike of authority, propriety, and vigilant io'traint, the end could only be•qpulslon, and, sbe was . expelled. Until herniether'lie should air from the South to' take oharge of her, she was placed in the family of a highly respectable gentleman of New Haven. - - :To the' ailltetion of one knows not how many sigh ing young - gentlemen in the pin-feather stage of ealstence - ,-ber mother-removal her 'to Alabama. One, now the grave „and staid head of a family in New England, was almost in a frenzy of grief at the inevitable separation, as perhaps were half a dozen others, who, like him, had exchanged with the enchantress vows of eternal affection and fidelity., - Soon .aftee her return tb Alabama, Blount, the present husband, met her, and ,was captivated. bliss J. was taken to her maternal home, in Clark or Monroe county, Alabama, where, for tome rea son, Illount'e yisita - were forbidden. The prohibi tion, however, as might be expected in such cases, .proved,bikan airy obstacle to interviews. To pre vent:o'l3se, the young lady was finally placed in nunnery, near Mobile, in the strict restraint and our ieillance of the saintly sisterhood. Thence, in a short time, she escaped, eloped, and was married to Blount. Salts ;dtuLLDA. VOMMEROIAL SALES ROOM, • 7-BANK and 10 STRAWBERRY, between MAR KET and ORESTNLIT and SECOND and TIIIRD etreets. F. G. WOLBERT, Anemones*. SIIIIRIFF'S SALE. • On Friday Morning. July 2:14, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by order of the Sheriff, at the miles room, No. 7 Bank, and No. 10 .Strawberry streets,. a general assortment of gents , clothi..g and furnishing goods. Also, store Ontines. SALE OP WRITE IRON-STONE WARE. On Friday Morning, Commencing at 10) o'clock precisely, will be sold, without reserve— • - • 117 SIX CHIATIIS Consisting of white iron-atone ware, ifhTs an assort moat of colored and common ware, Hoch an platen dishes, bakers, tea setg, chamber tete. pitchers bowie - - - - fILASSWAIIE. • Also, gob!ets, tumblers,, jars, fruit bowls, preserve Bearers. &C. IL7 ,flay bo examined early on the morning of male l o t _ SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (auccoß. .luPe sor to WOLBEET & SCOTT,) 431 CHESTNUT St., ,oppointe the Onidazo Minna, between Fourth and Pint, Striew CLOTHESPINS AND PAILS AT PRIVATE SALE. Just landed from aolinoner Juliot -100 boxes'olotlii s piwi. • 100 dozen pails. SWISS MANTILLAS. Also, at privato salo n an invoice of String mantillag ...innt landed....,. • SARNI& FILLET MITTS Also, a line of French fillet mltts. 110rEBWVAL.—FURNESS, BRINLEY, & its , CO. hare removed to the Lofi'l, No. 429 MARKET Street, formerly *coupled hy Messrs. Caleb Cope & Co. jyl • FURNEES, BRINLEY, Jo CO. VIIIR.NEBB ORIN - LEY, & No. 429 MARKET Street. MATTING AT PRIVATE SALE. 200 piece.. 4-4 and 5-1 white awl red cheek. reattivg 11, OSE S MATRA .1, AUCTIONEER Ltit AND COMMISSION MARCHANT, 8. B, earner 801111..aBACZAtmets. GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. MONEY! MONEY!! MONEY!!! - . 2donepliberally advanced in large or small amounts, !rani one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate, diamonds,. wie n es, jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical instruMents, itnre,'dry goods, clothing, groceries, cigars, hardware cutlery, books, horses, vehicles, bar ness, and all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on, at /Vat/sans , Principal Establishment, southeast corner of Siath'aml Race streets. 1 . 0", Proruhoory notes, with collateral, discounted at the lowest market rates. NATIIANS , PRINCIPAL 13STABLDRIMENT, B. E. 00BNPAB BY BIXTII AND BACK ATRIUMS. ;Where money will be liberally advanced on gold and silver plate, diamonds watches, jettelry, fowling Ocoee, dry goods, clothing, diamonds, Honore, cigars, hard ware, cutlery, fancy articles, Mirrors, paintioge, en gravings, musical lustrumente, furniture, bedding, homes, vehicles, harness, stocks, and all other articles of value. OUT-DOOR SALES Personal attention given to all out-door sales, either at private dwellings, sterol, or elsewhere, and idiargee unusually low. 'PO ,pzltsoNe RELUNQIIIdaIriCt 1101:18BISESPING. Persons relinquishing housekeeping, or having sup plies of tuna - are to dispose. of, will rind it to their ad vantage by senditerlbe same to the auction store, south east corner of Sixth and nate street, where it will be properly argsuged in the furniture salesroom, and sold to the bestadvantage, two-thirds of the goods advanced ifrequirod, and the balance banded over the afternoon of the day of sale. , . AT PRIVATE SALE Dine gold and silver hunting atee, double ease, and double .bottomed lever, lepLues, English, Swiss, apd Wrench irstchee • gold snacks, gold chains, gold brace lets, *variety of tine gold studs, breastpins, and finger tinge; fine Mites, euperlor old violin and - guitar, very tine melodeon, and numerous other articles ..... . PRIVATE) BALE AT VERY LOW PRICES. Gold English patent lever watches, full jewelled and plain, some of them line 19-karat oases of the beet makers. . ; Silver Soglleh patent • lever watahes, frill jewelled end plain, of ,thn moat approved mak e re. Gold escaPernont lover and leplhoi watches, In hunt cases and open face, of the very beet make. t. Ladies' gold enamelled watches, set with pearl and dlamondS. ' - • Mier English, Swine, and French watches, diamond Pnwt_ pine and linger rings, gold bracelets, ear rings, finger rings, breast pi as, atxtds, floe gold Tent. fob. and neck chains, ,gold spectacles, and Tarlons other *arti cles of Jewelry, &c., he. SA. DYSART & CO., AIIOTIONEEntI MID o'Ccilutestoir' BiIdROILMTO L No. 27 South EIGIITII STREET. comer or LODG) STREET. AT PIIIVAI'E SALE A largo and valuable tract of valuable coal and tim ber land a private tale. well worthy the attention or capitalists and others, as the owner is compelled to sell. irr'FoifurtitUr partfouleri inquire at; the auction store. tip" OUT-DOOR SAVO donated and promptly at tended to. ID' ADVANCES made on consignments when de sired, without extra charge. err SALES-ROOMS open until 10 P. M. Now pre pared to receive invoices of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WATOIIES anal JEWELRY, NEW and SEOOND HA N 0 FURNITURE, PAINTINGS, BOOKS and STA TIONERY. .to., &c. ur Sales or Inver GOODS every evening. pURFJ WILKESIIMME LEHIGII COAL —Unparalleled Success of the introduction of tbio Supdior boa! Into the Philnklelphia Merkot! We are daily reef:Piing teettinunials from all filiation where this Coal had been leafed of Its great daperforlly over any Lehigh Coal over burned. , The Cool yields an cicetallngly A.lt, foal is perfectly free from cinder of any tenet, while the Coal itself to perfectly clean and. entirely free from slat.: or any Impurity. rue attain purposeii it has no wood, Lilo tcallniuny of Boyle of the most multiunit Eugincere in the country being in ito (neer. - We Lave the .I.I2COLUSI VI) control for It 3 Halo AUDENIIIED & HOMMEL, Bbippord and Retail Dealer% in W I Ikeal.ntru Coill Office, IVATER !Street, above Callowhili, ftha Gest Wharf td,uve Callon:LlU street, Delftware. jylo-tb,2B PURE , AND BROAD-TOP com...—JAMI*l4 U. MoNTGOMiIItY intortutt 1113 friends and the public that lie hes elfeek , 4l au' arrange ;weld with the Book Mountain Coal Company for the sale of thdirjustly<elehruted I,EIIIIiM 00A L. lle has also arrange With the proprietor of the Growl-Top Mines for the sale of his valuable 8 i3ll-11IT UMINOIIB 00AL:, and Is now prepared to receive radars and wake prompt dultiorloa t at hie °Mee, No. 402 WALNUT Btreet, setcoud story, frout route. jea-Out ERIN(,' FOX, & 00., wholesale and tail dialers in LEHIGH and 80allYLKII.I. GOAL:- Lehigh yard—TIIIRD tarot - and GERMAN TOWN ROAD; - Schuylkill yard—RAO/I and BROAD - streets, Philadelphia: Keep constantly on hand Coal from the most approved mitmi, udder *over, 'Led pro. 'pared expreeelyfer &wily nee. ' feb.r QOHITYLKILL AND LEIIIGH COAL.— I am dAti7 receiving., et my yard 'the beet quality o. 801113YLU ',Enron 00AL. lily customers, and all °there who may favor me with their ordere r may tel_ylen getting pool %Amin be natlefaotory to them. IOW" • No inferior Ooal kept at the establlehmeat to offer at LOW PRIOEfI. ALEXANDER CONITRY an 1-tf , N B. earner or Broad and Chem ing. txpreso eompantes. ADAMS EXPRESS ()0., OFFICE, OIIBSTNUT 'STREET, forwards PAROBIA PAOHAGSI3,_ MEECILIANDIEN, BANI NOTES awl MOIR, either by Ito own LINES, or in connection with' ther EXPRESS OOMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS sad OITISLI of the United States. Z. S. SANDRORD rieedwei neoe•-i , etena•olir PLASMA.' QR ARTIFICIAL LARD.— SPECIAL NOTION to PAYBICIIANB.—The above offers a vehicle for the exhibit - len of remedies to dis. eased slirlanes, which - mint:dues thifollowing advanta ges.: A goodand unvarying eon -faience, easily washed off With water ; ifissolves_alLimbstances that are solu ble In hence facilitating instead of obetnioting their Absorption, and does not get rancid. The last property' alone rendez% it an invaluable accinntiVon the praetitioner. , Prepared and for sale wholesale and retell, at 1311011i013 Laboratory and Pharmacy, mba" Twelfth and Chestnut strenta. ,1 Salto_ by %ttirtion. NI THOMAS & SONS ' , • Pos. 189 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STRUT, (Formerly NO9 R 1 and MIA TAMS SALII—TO 11 0 011SELLNILS. The dity.4lrat regular Philadelphia Trade Salo will commence on the 21st of September. Catalogues in Prose. MAL ESTATE, STEERS, &o. Enblto Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening, during the hardness season. Eu.... In July and August, only occasional sales as heretofore. .fre' Handbills of each property Wood separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale, one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday, U7' FURNITURE BALER AT THB AUOTION STOUR every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALI. -• • . We • We have a largo amount of Real Estate at Prl. rate Bale, Including every demerlption of City and country property:— Printed Lists may be had at the auotiOn store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER Er Real Estate entered on our Private Rale Re• ester, and advertised oaoasionally in our Public Rale Abstraotn, (Of which 1,000 copies are printed weetly,) free of charge. STOOICI, &e. Peremptory Sale. . On Theaday Everting, July 27th, et 8 o'clock. at the Philedolphic EE change, will be twirl, for account of whom it may con corn— 1,458 N shares of the capital stook of tho Tinkle paugh Cool Company, the samo to bo sold for arrears of aa‘essmenta, t ailment to resolutions of said company. Executor's Peremptory Salo. REAL ESTATE, B W CORNER OW BROAD STREET AND ItIDDE AYENVS . „ Also. July 27th, at the lixchanga, without reserve— All that three-story brick building and lot of ground, southwest cornet or Broad street and Ridge avenue, In front pn Broad street 42 feet 0 Itches thence 59 feet 11,,I; inches, thence 71 fain 4 inches to said avenue, and thence in front, along said avenue, 19 foot 1 inch. 1:4 round-rent s9oa year. iD" Salo absolute—by order of Executor. REAL ES PATE BALE—AUGUST 17th. . , Mu Hale will Include— ' Orphism , Court eale—Butate of Jamas bf Powell, Do • • . lIWOK DWELLING. POPLAR. that story brick dwelling and lot, south nide of Poplar stroot, 39 fret west of Sixteenth stroot, Lt 27 by 90 feat—two fronts re-ampler, Salo—Estate late or Joseph Yowls, Deed. DWELLING AND GROODRY STORK —Three•story brick dwelling and grocery, No 870 Apple strew, be tween Fourth street and York avenue. r==l DWELLING AND LAGEE:DEER SALOON.—Three story brick dwelling and lager-beer saloon, No. 878 Ap ple street. Pale absolute SALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE, GLASSES, GILT CHANDELIERS, LIARAETB, &a. CARD —Our sale to-morrow morning, at the auction store, will comprise, besides 400 loin excellent second hand furniture, gift and bronze gas chandeliers, pen dents brackets, &a , Prusseis and ingrain carpets, chins, and glassware, beds and bedding, &c., form ing an assortment worthy the attention of ladles and others desirous or purchasing Mr Catalogues now ready, and articles arranged for examinaton. Sate at Nos. 189 and 191 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ELEGANT ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTE, FINE BRUSSELS CARPETS, MIR. 'FORS, &o, On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, an extensive assortment of excellent second•hand furniture, elegant piano•fortes, floe mirrors, carpets, etc., _from private families declining timekeeping, removed to the atoro for oonvenience of sale. AT PRIVATE BALI. A well-seettrod Brat mortgage-31,800. A beautifully situated lot, Perk'omen turnpike Chestnut mu. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE SPLENDID DROWN-STONE MANSION, Chestnut street, with stable and coach home. One of the finest residences In the city. NEAT MODERN IiEEIDENON, No. 1626 Ohestou .treet. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENOE, Walnu treat. vest of Broad. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1021 'Mont street west of Sixteenth. NEAT RESIDENCE, Bontheast corner Walnut and :nd Seventeenth streets ELEGANT AND VALUABLE RESIDENCE, &Wh eat corner of Eleventh and Walnut Amts. TWO ELEGANT REPT D NC 58, Rittenhouse Square TWO HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Washington Square. ELEGANT DROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, Noith troad etts et HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, Northwest orner of Green and Fifteenth streets. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. lOW Green treat. NEAT RESIDENCE, Spruce street, betwoeu Broad nd Fifteenth. - lIANDSOME MODERN FOUR-STORY RESIDENCE, o. 1803 Spruce street. ELEGANT MOWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 822 lee ■treat, wed or Eighth. II ANDSO3I)I DROWN•STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1516 hie street. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 1805 Dine street. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, No. 5:32 Pine atreot. TWO HANDSOME DROWN•STONE RESIDENCES, Third street, below Spruce NEAT RESIDENCE, No. 241 South Eighth street, below Walnut. HANDSOME MODERN BEBIDENOE, No. 818 North :Ighth street. HANoSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 681 North :eventh street. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, No. 521 North Sixth treat. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL 01.11119211 PRO ERTY, Now Market street SUPERIOR AND ELIGANT BROWN-STONE Or lON BUILDING, Nos. 407 end 409 Walnut street. LABOR AND VALI) &BLS LOT, Locust. Marv, and church streets, West Philadelphia, 200 by 176 feot. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, Northwest corner Locust col Mary streets, opposite the above. VERY HANDSOME COUNTRY RESIDENCE, near lop station, on the Germantown Railroad. VALUABLE PARS[ AND COUNTRY BEAT, 160 tree. between Terrier'sle and Bristol. COUNTRY SEAT, with about seven acres, Chestnut AN ELIGANT FARM, 800 acres, with superior im provemente on the River Delaware, one mile from New Castle LARGE, ELEGANT, AND TALUA.DLE FARM, bo tween the city of Wilmington and Brandywine Springs ELEGANT COUNTRY BEAT, 10 sores, with fin Improvements School Homo Laos, Gormiuitown, oppo site the lets Dr J R Mitrhellie. lIANDiOSIE MODERN DWELLING, No. 1134 Callow bill street. BRION FTORE, DWELLING, AND BAKERY, No 135 Arch street. FOUR-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING No. 1109 Ohestnut street. BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, No. 702 South Fifteenth street NIiAT 3tODERN DWELLING, No. 340 Vedera stmt. jl7" Also. a large amount or 'other property, Ground Rents, Mortgagee, &o. Printed Ilsta may be had at the auction store_ PRIVATE BALE REGISTER iry- Bent Estate entered on our Private Sale Register and advertised occasionally hi our Public Halo Abstracts (of which 1,000 copier are p hated weekly, during the blteiness serson,) free of charge. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, above BOURTLI. Pereonsfavoring Its with consignments can rent assured that their property will not be sacrificed. 117' Commissions more moderate than those charged by any other Auction House in the city. Wrir Consignments respectfully solicited. ID - - Bale, mid Immediately after the goods 'are sold . Bale at No. 28 North Water street. TO SOAP BOILERS AND MACHINISTS. 'ROIL ..ERS, TUBS, FAIRBANKS , PLATIIORAI SCALES, STOCK, he. ' This Morning, 21st kat., will be sold, without reserve, at public gale, at No 28 North Water 'treat, the entire stock, fix tures, &a ,of the establi•htnent. Including in part 3 large Iron double boilers, bolding I,oon lbs. each, and 8 smaller ones, holding 300 Itin emelt, with pipe; copper and iron dippers. Iron ekimmore, buckets, copper pan, 82 gallonsi a Fairbanks , platform scale, now puts, hold from 100 to 160 The , Iron screw press, Iron lover press, benches, email scales, large framee, 900 lbs. each; soap rack's, eleven, knives. amp cutters—cost 520 each, drying frames, tables, shelving, mill for grind ing clay. brace Amps and tiles, also Wilco furniture. STOOL—AIso, 36 gallons alkali, various kinds of loop in boxes, hogshead of clay, rosin , with all the articles requisite to conduct the heathen. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Handsome maiden, southwest corner of Seventeenth and Walnut streets Residence Washington Square and Walnut Area. Dwelling house, No 827 Vine street. 20 acre, of land, Indian Queen lane. Valuable property, Brantford road 'Handsome dwelling, No 1 8 12 Wallace street. Dneinem Mend and dwelling, Seventeenth and Wash ington streets. Elegant property, :10 acres, ha., above Torroadale. 14 acme of land, Oholton avenue, Oermantown. Handsome residence and lot, {Teat Philadelphia. Valuable lot of ground, Germantown Railroad and Columbia avenue. Handsome dwelling, !bang Garden street, above, Twelfth. CABINET OF MINERALS At private sale, a valuable Cabinet of Minerals, com prising over 1,000 specimens, the collection of several years The property of a gentleman who has no room for them. They are very desirable for a public, institu tion. Apply at the smitten store. QAMIJEL NAT.HANS, AUCTIONEER, 1,7 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 224 South THIRD Street, below Wahiut, opposite Pear at., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of basilicas from 1 o'clock, A. U., until 10 &dock in the evening. Out-loot sales, and males at the Anotlon Maus, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL 52W,000. Esitsolished for the last Thirty Tem. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia mends, Sliver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware,lfer chimdise, Olbthing,lonalture, Bedding, Oigsre, Musical Inetrumente, Clung, Homo, Carriages , and Hoods of every description. AU goods can remain any length of thus agreed titan. All advaneel, from one hundred dollars and upwards , will bo shoaled 2 per cent. per month ; 2000 and over, the lowest market rate. This Store Home having a depth of 120 feet, has lire* lire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuablee, and pri vate watalunen for the premises • also, a heavy lush 1111100 effooted, for the benefit of a ll persons having goods advanced neon account of hiving en unlimited capital, this °Mee is prepared to make advances on more natio factory and accommodating terms than amy other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, In Smell amounts, wltb out any charge. . . AT PRIVATI BALI!. Gold Patent Lever end other Watchee, Jewelry, and Clothing will be bold at reduced pricaz. attl-1T crewing Machines LWARRIS'a BOUDOIR SEWING MA CHINE le offered to the public as the moot retie. ble low-priced Bowing Machine in use. It will sow from six to sixty ntitches to an inch, ou all kinds of good; from coarsest bagging to the fittest cantbrics. It le, without exception, the simplest in its mechanical con struction ever made, and con be run and kept lu order by a child of twelve years of age The DURABILITY of this machine; and the QUALITY OF ITS 000 E, are war ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread used Is taken directly from the spools, WITUOUT TUE TfIOUBLIS OF SSITINDISO In fact, it IS a machine that 1w wanted by every family in the land, and the low price of FORTY DOLLARS, at which they sold, brings then, within tho reach o almost every one S. D DARER, Agent, JelflAlOna why eowinn 20 South EIGHTH Street. SHOVELS AND SPADES.- 2,000 DOZEN ASSORTED, IRON, STEIN IL, and CIAST-STREL, For Fab by The Manufacturer, W. W. RICHARDS, No. 225 RACE. Street, Jvlo•lma above Second. SLATE I SLATE I I SLATE I I I—Roofing elate, of all elrea, and at 'rely low rater; kept con. atantly on hand, and for Bale by P0:11ING, FOX & 00., CFNIIMANTOWN IWAII end THIRD street. N. D. Slate Hoofs put on in the beat manner, and rr ntrlnti wEtaknAad t All lowyrit wriarrowtad 4.41, QIIMILDERS.--60 bhds. Shoulders, dry in mit, for ago by U. 0. SADLER & 00., le4 9 North WATER Stmt. PRESS.-P,l - 11,LADtlY111 4 4„ *EDN - MtlAY i , JULY 2i, 1185 g: . Legal Notices. I+STATE OF CATHARINE STEWART, DeCCILNed The Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Pliiholelphia. to audit, nettle, Rua adjust theaccount of W 31.11 A it RING TON, Trustee un der the Will of CATII tRINE STEW t DT, deceased, to report distribution, will meet the parties Interested for the purposes to his appointment, on MON DAY, Jul 1655, at 11 o'clock A . M., at bin Wilco, S. E. cornet' LOCUST and Streets , in the city of Phila. delphiii. DANIEL DOUthIERTY, Auditor. jyl2sinwitf It WILL RE-OPEN ON THE FIRST • • MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER, fur the Scholastic year, consiati.g of ten months, J. J. REED'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1523 WALNUT Street, The system of tuiti , u is based on that adopted in the best SOll/1101CP4 In Europe, and comprour, thorough in struction in the lingli•h, b reach, a, d I ',tin langooges ; special atteuton Is also paid to the formal , a of un ele gant style of composition, and to the cultisation of a tasto fur polite literature. The cars° of study will embrace every branch, of education. A limited number of pupils adolitted into the family. Their reli 4 lous and moral training is under the special corn of Min need, who has had many yearn experience, awl deference will bo pa d to the feelings and wishes of their parents in therm matters. The health and comfort of the young Indies is also carefully attended to be her. Weekly boarding pupils, from Monday till Friday, re ceived at proportionate eaten A week, vacation at Christman and at Easter. Payable half in advance, and half at thu expiration o Oro months.) For tuition In the regular courxe of study $lOO 00 N . 13.—A Junior clam will be formed. rman, Spanish, Italian. and other Inngunges, (vocal nml Instrumentat.) Mincing and Painting, (in oil and wstor colors,) nt Prolessors , chargee Use of Piano, per BIM= " llnrp " Guitar. For Boarding Washing at 50 cents per dozen. Each boarding pupil IR required to bring her oun tow els, silver fork 'tut spoon. row rent at cost It affords me pleasure to Mate that Mr. 3. 3. Reed is recommended by official testimoniala of distinguished gentlemen in London. From personal aconaintance with him, I can most cheerfully recommend him as on ne-f compllshed scholar and gentleman to the confidence o the public. A. CONVIALSE. The subscriber takes great pleasure In uniting with Dr. Converse in the above recommendation. From per sonal nertuointatira with Mr. Heed. so o oil on from bin distinguished testimonials, I ant confident of his emi nent abilities as a gentleman and scholar. Olt ARLES W ADBWORTII. We are happy to hear that Mr. J. J. Reed, a gene Denten of considerable literary atiainments, and who hascontributed to Graham's many excellent sketches of eminent persons. has re-opened hat Institute for Young Ladies, at 1523 Walnut street, one of the molt admira ble localities in the city. Mrs. Reed is a lady who has had many years' experience in tuition, and bears a high reputation for success in training her pupils, both mo rally and mentally. Mr. Reed, from his knowledge of European laneuages, and from haring graduated in the first colleges England, imparts the advantages of the best European systems of education; and particular at tention is paid Witte study of English Composition and Polite Literature. We would lay some stress tai this latter feet, since general literary information and cul ture, though by far the most distinguishing signs of in telligence and refined education, are, on the uholo, far more neglected In most schools and colleges than any other branches.—Editor of Graham's Magazine for July, 185 s, p. 81. Henry Yothake, LL. D., Provost of the University of Pennsylvania John J. Frazer, LL. D., Professor of the Physical Sciences in ditto. George Allen, LL. D , Profaner of Ancient Lan pages in ditto. llou. William M. Meredith. Clot. John W. Forney, editor of The Press. Charles G. Leland, kai., editor of Graham's Pfaga• zinc. Rev. William B. Mavens, D. D., Reeler or St. Au drew's. Rev. Amass Comers°, D. D., editor or the Christ la , Observer. Rev. (Diaries Watinwerth, D. D., Arehddreet rreaby terian Church. Joseph Keen, Esti., West Philadelphia. 'rhoutss 8. Taylor, liv t . , Webt Philadelphia. jyl•Ln IRRYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEOE:i. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTH end GII.EoTNUT kitreota. For information, call or and for. circular. jell-if VREI.V.E.N N'b Y.HIuADELkIIA ‘../ COMMERCIAL cotrans, aortheut corner of CHESTNUT and SEVENTH Streets, An Institution designed to fit young men for AO TIVE IIIiSINEE.9. The whole bnilding 10 occupied, and fitted np in a style surpassing anything of the kind in thie country. Thorough preparation for the connting•hooee BOARD OP TRUSTEES. B. B. Comegys, George H. Stuart, David Milne, John Sparhawk, David 8. Brown, Isaac Hacker, A. V Parsons, D. B. Hinman, Broderick Brown, Joshua L ppincolt. apo-11 . ONG'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, N. B. corner ELMER and BUTTONWOOD Ste. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT —Book.heeping in all its irurlona forms; preparing Students thoroughly for situations in anys branch of bnnisseu; Plain and Onm. mental Writing' Commercial Calonlatine; Lan and Dor reeponienoe. No Institution in the United States glees a more thorough and practical enure°. In this depart ment no teaching is done in classes, and is open DAY and EVENING Time unlimited. AIATILDMATIOAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT.—(Beparatc from the above,) Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an English and Clas sical Education, viz : Spelling, Reuling, IYriting, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, , Ancient and Modern Langaagee, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of 5 months commence September let, and February let Pripite received at any time be fore or after thins Was awl charged moordingly. ()atm loguea furnished gratis. mh264f F. DONLZATY LONG, Principal. .JOHN H. BELL, THAOEIBIt OV NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY At BIIVANT k BTitATTON , B 001411BROIAL OOLLEOB. 8. B. corner BEVENTII and 01188TNUT Strode. HOBENSACK'S IRON BITTERS. This Medicine, an Its name implies, la one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. ' It is es pecially adapted to those who have a tom of appetite or are afflicted with Dyspepsia Liver Complaints Piles, Nervons Debility G eneralWeakness, and nit diseases arising from a disordered condition of the digeetive organs. FOR FEMUR COMPLAINTS GENIIRALLT there is perhaps no medicine in the world °goal to It, as it enters purities, and replenishes the olood which Is so Important to brine about a healthy action TIIOUSANDB ANN LIVING a inisorable eslnte ,, oe, of a pale sickly color, weak and emaolated, who could be restored to health by the use of one bottle of this invaluable medicine It is no humbug, but a genuine remeoy, being free from any thing that is of an Injurious nature. BOIL ALL DISE/IBEB OF TUB BLOOD there is no better antidote than llebeneack's Iron Bit ters. When the blood le impure the whole body Is full of diresse, Blood letting may answer for a time, but eleimeing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we moat begin, and to Waimea the blood there is no better remedy than these invaluable hitters. Their chief conetituent Is iron, and we all know its flicacy in removing the Impure matter from the whole visceral system They are prepared by • prao tical chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent physicians and others, as the "ne plus tam , ' of all tonics. ROW GRATIFYING to the proprietor that he has succeeded In eompound tug • remedy for many of the ilia that his fellow mortals are subject to; and that the public spore• date It is not a question of doubt, but a Bud fact, as the demand for it has far surpassed his sanguine expectations. READ THE TESTIMONY OF A WORTHY CITIZEN. This is to certify my wife was in delicate health some three years, with a disease peculiar to her sex. She tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of notenenek , s Iron Bit ters, and knowing iron to be a powerful tonic , induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the medicine ehe solely re quired, by restoring her to health. She hesitates not to recommend it to those who are similarly affected, as she believes it to be a sovereign remedy. JOHN COLE. No 831 Capitol Street. This invaluable Medicine Is prepared only by °BORON B. HODENBAON, Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. corner of TIIIBD and CiaIICEN Illreets, Philadelphia, To whom all orders most be addressed. Price 81. Discount to dealer*. Bold by Druggists generally. mh2o.y ANALYSIS OF LYON'S OATAWBA BRANDY by - A. A. HAYBB, ASSAYS' TO TIM STATI or BILBOACIRtraWne. ool?INIRAL OEIAIAOTER. A light-yellowleh brown red spirit, haying a fragrant odor; when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil or ollenalvo matter. Analyzed for volatile and fixed drugs, of tohich no traces of any kind were found. Ito color In proved to be due to a colored ream au extract derived from wood. 117 - In every respect it is a pure spiritous liquor. The fragrance or bouquot which it possesses can be leo lated, and it then appears unlike that from Cognac Brandy or Wine, being a fruity easeuco resulting from a peculiar fermentation of Catawba and Isabella °rupee. Onstsinla. OnARAOTKR.--1, parts in volume or this spirit contains' at 60 deg F. tin 2-10 parts of pure al cohol, besides the fragrant ell. 1,000 parte of the spirit afford 23 parts of a strong solution of the oil 11111012 eharecterlsee this Brandy; the spirit sett, alter removing the oil, is pure end odorless, and in all ite °eolith% a perfect spirit not aubleci, to change. One U. B. gallon of thin Brandy at SO dog. ar. contains, be sides the spirit and oil, only 220 gre. of matter ewe lanicil of extract of fruit, guru, and colored resin from wood. 1308 volt, January 26, 1868. Dr. COXE, State Impactor of Ohio, and Dr. JAB. It. CHILTON, Chemist, of New York, both pronounce this to be pure Brandy, And (roe from all adulteration. For Medicinal paneled Lyon's Catawba brandy hue no rival, and has long been needed to supersede the poisonous compounds cold under the name of Brandy. As a beverage, the pure article in altogether superior, and a sovereign, sure remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulenny, Low Spirits. Languor, General Debility, ho., &c. Also, ESHELDY'S STILL AND SPARKLING 011AISPAONE.—Thone Wines are made in the neigh borhood of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to be the Pure Juice of the Grape, and are eminently calculated for Invalids and persons who require a gentle stimu• lent, end for Beeramehtel purposes. Retail price $1.26 per bottle. A liberal discount made to the trade. Dealers will please newt their orders to the "Sole Agents for the State of Venn. sylvania, A. P HAZARD & CO., Whol coal e Draggle% No. 608 MARKIa Street. Also for sale by the following apothecwi : AMBROSE SMITH, Seventh and Chesnut etc JNO. W. MIMES & 80818,18 th and 224 end Market streets. D. L. STAORTIOUBB, Eighth end Green ins. R. NEBINGER, Seeennd and n 1 ery sts , lioutbrrark. Q. W. tiRBLNCLER, Passynnk Road and Washington street. G.M. B. HOTIENR&OK, Third and Green eta A. R.IIOIITEII. Broad nod Costar. al nLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. L DAVID M. EtOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer nod Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street. is pre pared at all Omen to furnish, either from the sbolvee or make to older, Books; of every description, suitable for Banks, Public Offices Merchants, and others, of the boat quality of English in American Paper, and hound In various styles, In the moot Aube tantual manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description Cograving and Lithographing executed 'dip neatness And despatch. A general assortment of Inglieh, ?tench and Ameri can latatioitery. Concerning Mr. Hogan , s contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say—. This display of blank boom; for banking and mercantile use la the boat in the Itshibltion, The aelection of the material is good, th e workmanship most excellent , and their finish and ap pavanes. neat and aunronriste " lual-f I PORT' WINE.-8O Quarter Pipes, in bond and for 8010 by WILLIAM rt. YEATON, je24 gle Rnntb FRONT ' , Wood n MACKAItEL.-1,800 barrels Noa. 1,2, and 8 MAOHNREL, ta, assorted packages, now fasters and for gale by - JOHN M. BENNNDY k 00., ay 8-Is Nail. Ise and 181 North wbarrec. tburntianal TESTTMONIALS REFERENCES itlebicinal. Otationern. nomauct Tont;UALO4 CITY 7NSITRANCE COMPANY, No. 110 South FOURTH Street. Cil ABNER PI3RPETIYAL. tiel2oo,ooo. Organized 1851. Privileged to incurs Rouges, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receive De posits; hold Trusts and gruitannuitiea ALFRED WEEKS, Prealdent. 11. 0. tYLER, Vice President. J. W. MARTIEN, Secretary twosome. lion. W. D J. W. Forney, I'. 13. Mingle, James Watson, Ludlam Matthew, William Curtis, Pinner. Alfred Weeks, 0. Tyler, J. W. Sender, C It. Bicking, J. L. Hutchinson, J. W Stokes, jelB-ly 0. F CiORN EXCIIANGE INSURANCE COM PANY, No. Sal WALNUT Street. PlPladelphia. 011ARTBRED OAPITAL $5OO 000—PAID UP OAPI. - . T AL £366,000. Thls Company baying been recently REORGANIZED, and Its actual Capital laraely increaaed, respoctfully solicits a share of the patronage of Insurers. Niro and Marine Policies will be issued at equitable rates of pre. mium, and losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. DIRECTORS : William M Godwin, S. It Crawford, James W Queen, Jno. L. Itedner, George W, Ball William D. Themes, R. Franklin Jackson, B. N. Winslow, J. O. hopper, henry D. Mears. WM. M. GODWIN, President. J. 0. Norm a, Secretary. mrlo•dtf LIFE INSURANOE AND TRUST COM PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Cornea, of THIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital, 5012,725 03. INSURES LIVES for shad terms, or for the whole term of life—front, onnuitleo And 'endowmenta—par dmes life interests In Real Estate and makesall contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They aet as Rzeantors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Onardlann. T. 111828111. Daniel L. Miller, Samnel E. (itches, Benjamin ()oaten, William Martin, Richard 8. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, J/411105 Ruston, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Bowler, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolpbus Kent, John W. Hornor, William H. Carr, Ellis 8. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Nomuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Ruin John G. Brenner, P.B. Mohler, It Sagan. DANIEL L. MILLS Preeldang. SAMUEL B. STOKES , , Vice Prang. Joins W. Hozzioa.., Secretary- .218-17 T"QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY.-ofilee 408 WALNUT Btreet, PHILA DELPHIA. CAPITAL SURPL US 8277,655.85, Intones against loss or damage by FIRE and the PERT'S of the BRA, INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANSPORTATION. Ten per cent. in cash returned on the earned pre mitona or Open Inland Policies. OFFICERS. GEORGE 11. HART—President. E. P. RoBB—Vice President. H. It. COGGeillALL—Secretary and Treasurer. S. N. BUTLER—Asetetant anoretery. DIIXOTORB. George H. Hart, Yoeerh Edwards, E. P. Roes, , Roster 8. Perkins, A 0. Oettell, Chutes G. Imlay, Andrew It. Chambers, Samuel J onas. M. D., X. W. Banns, Hon. II IL Fuller,i John G. Dale, H. R. Coggnhall, John L. Pomeroy. H. R. 00008RALL. Secretary. A RCM FIRE INSURANCE (WAWA NY, NEIW YORK.-0111e0, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mothanies' Bank — bash Capital, $280,000, with a intrigue. This Company insnro Bnildinge, Her. ehandize, Forniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Lose or Damage by lire and the Make ot Wand Natigation. DIIIIIOTOILS Henry Grinnell, Caleb Barattm, Henry 0. Brewer, Edmond Pantold, Henson H. Gaming, Ogden Haggerty, Thomas Meagan, John. H. Earle, Albert Ward Charles Beaton, Lords Lona, Samuel Q Glidden, Steph. Cambreleng, Thomas Scott, John Ward, Henry H. Bogert, Peter Bdee, Benjamin H. Piold, A. H. Prothlogbaxo.: Thos. Y. ',rondo, Joshua L. Pope, Rufus R. Gram, Henry Drovie, 0. Theo. Polhemne, }ls lash& E. Morgan, Abm. R. Van Nest, William A. Cary; Thomas S. Nelson, James W. Phillips, °linden A. Macy, Mdward Hinehen, Wm. B. Shepard, Charles L. Frost, Lothrup L Sturges, Wrillaru It. Fosdick, Xmery Thayer, (leo. Westfeldt, Zalmon Taylor, Beau Z. Blom*. Samuel L. Witahell, ALIOART WARD, Provident. BIONAILD A. 0./AMIS. &AN tsry. lo4y CO . MtiONNSFEti PIRA Or ?SA STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, OFFICE, NORTIIWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS ' , PIIILADSLPHIA. Onbiarlbed Ospital, $500,000. Paid up Clapttal,s2oo.ooo DITMOTOIRS% Dr. D. Jayne, Thou. 8. Stewart, H. L. Renner, J. M. Butler, J. M. Whiten, J. K. Walker, Eder. 0 Knight, R Wendell, 0. K. Revile. Jr. 0. JAYNL, Al. Al., Preeldt•nt. THOMAD E. STEWART. Vice P OAUTICI. B. Mons. Benreterr• je29.7 nELAWAHE MUTUAL 6Alol TY IN 81:11tAtICE COM ANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGIFILATURE of PENN SYLVANIA J IBM WiTICB, O. B. Corner TIIIRD and WALNUT Streets, MARINE iNSURANCE ) ON vNELSNLB, . °ARGO, To ell parte of the World. 1/ItBIONT, - INLAND INSURANCES, On Goods, by Ithrer, Union. FIRE Laken and Lend Carriage to all parte of the FIRE INSURANCES, On Merehaudine generally. • On Store ,n Dtrellfog Hauges &e. ABUTS OP TUE COMPANY, Noyember 2, 1827. • Heade, Pdortgages, and Real Retate 6101,360 94 PhiledelphlaCtty end other Loane 137,011 26 Stock in Bantu, Railroada, And Insurance Companies Dille Receivable • . - Cub on hand Balance in hands or Agenta, Premiums on Marine Policies) recently leaned, on other debts due the Company 92,730 61 Onbecription Notes 100,000 00 DIIIOOI2Ii William Martin, James 0. Hand, Joseph 11. Seal, Theophllug Parading, Edmund A. Bonder, James Traqueir, John 0. Davis, William Eyre, jr., John R. Penrose, J. P. Penlnton, George G. Lelper, Joshua P. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Samuel E. Stokes, Dr. R M. Ruston, Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Hugh Craig, Thomas 0. Hand, Spencer Mellvain, Robert Burton, Jr., Charles Rally, Jno. B. Semple, Pittabgh., H. Jones Drooks,l Dr. T Morgan, , i Jacob P. Jonols J. T. Logan, cc 'WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THODIAS 0. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLEURN, Secretary. jao.l fiIIRE AND INLAND EISKS.—FAME 1. INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 1100,000. (Organized under the Aot of Assembly relative to In =ranee Companies, passed April 2d, 1806 ) OBORGB W. DAY, President. TIIOI.IAB 8. MARTIN, Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCIIABD, Seeretary. 010oa 411 OTIEHTNIIT St., Philadelphia. DIBMOTOREi. George W. Day, Jacob K. Vaughan, William W. Walters, Henry Lewin, Jr., Charles filohardeon, D. B. Bin , .1., Barclay Lippincott, John W ilvermay, Joe. R. Brognard t A. H. Roaonhaim, Oboe Stokes, te24-y M Stern. tO nee ait Kigttora. A LEXANDRE SEIGNETTE BRANDY. Ilk- Thu mtbscribers have been appointed sole agents In the State of Pennsylvania for the above welLknown ROCHELLE BRANDY, which they are prepared to offer to the trade the lowest market price, from Uni ted States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture. A constant supply on hand, In half, quarter, and one eighth pipes, dark and pale. ARNOLD & won, 120 WALNUT Street. JULES ROBIN at CO. COONAC.—Thu subscribers, solo agents in the State of Pennsylva nia for the above colobluted brood of COGNAC BRAN DY, beg to call the attention of the trade to its superior quality, and fuel confident it will compare favorably with the moat favorite brands in the market ARNOLD & WORL, I'2o WALNUT Street. A congeat atirply of the above in the United States bonded wntehotic, entitled to debenture, of various vintages, in half, quarter, and eighth pipes 3elB-tf A M BRE Y GRAPE-LEAF OIIAM - ILA PAGNE. ARNOLD & IVORL, Nolo Agents, 120 15 ALNUT Strut gALAION, SFIAD, he.-20 tiorcoa No. 1 Salmon; 18 bblo. do.; Sti We. prima Ada Shod; '2OO Able. 160 bbla White-fish now in more and for aide by JOHN H. KENNEDY ac 00., an 3-1 v Nn• 1311 •nd 181 I , lm fly wharv• 61LARET-125 CASES MARGAUX, 160 ‘.l CRPIM BT. JULIEN, ill quarto and pints. in store and for redo by A. MERINO sun 140 Muth FRONT ttt rCot BRANDIES.—ii Pinot Coatilion," Hardt, nod other Cognacs of various vintages, in halt pipes and g:tarter ea+ks ; °heroism Rochelle Brandies, pate and dark, in half piped, half crake, and one-eighth woke. Imported and for sale by ILERRY BOULEN & 00 , 0022 221 and 223 South Pour* greet I LEWIS, IMPORTER. AND DEALER IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, (lINAEI3, ha., 26 South FIFTH Street. Philadelphia ata-ly rORDIALS.-ANISETTE, OURACOA, V and bt ARANO EIINO in store and for nslo by .r 29 A ItAAINfI 130 A VAUNT At PRANDY. 4 octaves Renault & Co. Cog- I Inc, very oia vintage, in bond and for sale by /1.1,/.131 U VEAIOI . , je3 116 Ronal FRONT Pt ;IDIOM', ADE LPIIIA WARMING AND AL VENTILATING WA REHOUSE. . - ARNOLD & WILSON, oucroEssuns TO R. A HARRISON . . We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No 1010 011E1ITNUT street, a few doors below the . St. Lawrence 'lntel, where our old friends and the public) are respectfully invited to examine our extensive stock ol harm Air Pummel', Cooking Ranges, Rath Bollere, Registers, Enameled Stone Mantel's, Parlor Goal Grates &0., &n We are now manufacturing °NILSON'S OiILESRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAB CONSUMING FURNACE, the meet powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and suited to all classes of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns of Low Down Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all sizes and patterns. Wo have also commenced ,he manufacture of ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn sylvania Slone. Them Mantels were awarded s, SPECIAL PREMIUM at the late /hi, and Exhi bition of the Ranieri* institute of this city. They represent ail the rare and beautiful Allmon SisssLes, are not injured by Smoke, Coal tins, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at much less price than Marble. Call and see them. ARNOLD & WILSON. BENI. M. PELTWELL, Superintendent. Philadelphia. April, litafi—np24 ly LTEIDSIEOK OHAMPAGNE.—PIPER'B lIkIDBIEi K. genuine brand, eonstantlron hand, received from sole Importers, and for sole by A. /4.10141140, Bole Agent in this City, 140 Booth PROFIT /Moot spZt-dem 4tatt STEAM TO ALL PARTS OF Oil T BRITAIN —The ehorteet se% pas -no botivuen America and Burope.—NEW YORK to GAMY VY, Ireland • Only 15 hours' travel. including four Laura , sea Vol' saze from Galway to London, via llolvimad. The lino will consist of six powerful paddle-wheel Steamships. The fir t two are now running as follows: INDIAN EMPIRE will leave P., ow York Friday, July 23. AMERICAN EMPIRE will leave Galway Tuebley, July 27. AMERICAN EMPIRE will leave New York on or about August 17. The splendid steamship INDIAN EMPIRE, E. COUSITNA r, Commander, winlloSl ti ely leave New York, for Galway, FRIDAY, July 211. This ship lino splendid accomidclations for first, second. and third class possengcrs, alio will be taken through to any part of °refit Britain at the following greatly reduced rates, including a liberal cabin table, and provisions for third class passengers to Galway.: First class 090 Second close 90 Thi , d c lass 10 Passenger, for Germany, Ac , n ill hare free tickets to London or Gull, from whence atesmere are constantly leaving forcfromburg, Amsterdam, and other ports. Freight delivered in (felony and Dublin. Specie and valuable packages delivered also in Liverpool, Man chester, and London. at reasonable rates, For ',wage, freight, and further particalars, apply WILLI tSI A. BALL CO., jyl9-tJy22 No. 96 SOUTH Street, New York WA , TED—Three good VESSELS, of MO and 0 00 tons, to load for ports fit the Cull'. Also. one of show 030 tons capacity, of light draft of water. lolsoedinto despatch mid good totes of freigla given. Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO. jyls-10t 120 NORTH W HARVES. WANTED—A first-class VESSEL in the r ' a r en. al er ° go t° nOw"r P eZ l y t .. Y 's nod land fi f • o ergi'f, P ll7l be paid. Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO., jyl2-dlf 120 NORTII 1911Ali.V.E8. .1. & ., WANTED—A good VESSEL, to load In tho Louisiana Lino, for Nets Orleans. Quick despatch and good rates given. . Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO., jyl.3-tf 120 NORTH WHARVES. NOTICB.—The CITY OF • WASHINDI ON, advertised to sail on THURSDAY, July 15th. havirK been detained to carry the United States mails. will sail on SATURDAY, July 171 h, at noon precisely JOHN O DALE, Agent, IY/3 109 WALNUT Street. xiitFOß SAN FRANCISCO.-CLIPPER OF THURSDAY, 15th July inst.—LowcsT AND NO DIVINNTION. The superior A 1 Clipper Ship WANDERING JEW, STAOKPOL, Commander, is now receiving her cargo, at Pier 10, E. It., (Now York,) awl will positively sail an above. The Wandering Jew was built for the California Trade, is throughly ventilated, and of mall capacity; has just wade the voyage in 84 days from Many to Havana, being the shortest passage ever wade between those ports. The superior sailing qualities of Ude ship, boa email capacity, low rates of freight, and early day of &Wing, present unequalled inducements. For balanoo of freight apply to 13113110 P, SIDIONS, & CO. jya-dtf 120 NORTH MIKE:V.IO Q,TE TO LIVERPOOL AND GLAS GOW DUBLIN, BELFAST, and LONDONDERRY, VIA LTV ARPOOL. TUE LITSRPOOL AND PUILADELPIIIA STEAM SHIP CO.'S Clydo-built Iron Steamships aro intended to salt as follows : CITY OP BALTIMORE.. CITY 01P WARLINGTON KANO AROO And onch alternate Munkley, from Pier 44 N. R. CITY OP WASHINGTON,, KANGAROO CITY OF BALTIAIORE • • And each alternate Wednesday. Cabin Passage freer Now York and Philadelphia.... 575 Third Class to any of the above-mentloued places, and found In best cooked Provisions 30 Return Tickets good for 6 months 60 Certificates of Pussago from Liverpool to New York or Philadelphia 40 Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Bremen, Ham burg, Ste.. without delay at through rates. Thu Company's Steamship BOSPHORUS will nail regularly between Antwerp and Liverpool, in connection with the departures foryNew York, taking goods from Antwerp to New York, at a through rate of freight. Ord tieates of Passage from Antwerp to New York $45. Drafts on Liverpool from Ll upwards. For freight or passage. apply at the Company's Offices, 15 BROADWAY, New York, and 109 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. JOHN G. DALE. Agent. WILLIAM IN3IAN, 62 and 63 Tower Building, Liverpool. LIVERPOOL AND DBLPILIA ST.EAMSIIIP COMPANY. Steam communication between Now York and Ant werp. via Liverpool. The splendid fast scrow-steamship BOSPHORUS, Captain MettufFan, (lately employed in the Royal Mail am, ice.) will MI I regularly between Antwerp and Liver pool every alternate THURSDAY, in connection pith the company 'a stennudiips from Liverpool to New York. 0008 for New York will be received and shipped by the Agents in Antwerp, and bills of lading signed there at a through rate of freight. Tho drat soiling from Antwerp will be on the 174.1 of June, in conjunction with the CITY OF WASHING TON from Liverpool. on Juno 23. For further particulare and terms of freight and pas sage, apply to J. P. Kremer & Co., Antwerp; William Inman. Lower Buildings, Liverpool, and at the Con pany'a Offisei,ls Broadway, New York, and 109 Walnut street, Philadelphia JNBURAVOM OOMPANY ®ULAR LINE. FOR PROVI DENCE.—Schooner WORCESTER, RUODEB Alanter, nine loading at Callowbill-street Wharf. For freight, apply to Captain, on board, or to JNO Al. KENNEDY & CO. je2l 130 and 132 NORTH WHAR LMFOR CLIAADESTON AND SA .. VANNAII•-HEEDN , I4 LINE. GOODS 11.60EIVED AND BILLS 01? LADING SIGNED EVERY RAY. The splendid firet-elve side-wheel Btesmablpe REYSTOAP., STATE And STATE OP GEORGIA Now , orru a wookly line for the South and Southwest one of these ships sailing eyery SATURDAY at o'clock A. M., alternately for Charleston and Bs. vannah. The KEYSTCNE STATIC, Captain Charles P, Marsh mail, will commence loading on Thursday. July 224 and sail for Charleston, S. 0,, on Saturday, July 24th at 10 o'clock A ld The STATE OP GEORGIA, Ciipt John J GRAIL will cominenco loading on Thursday, July 2 1 th, and nail for Savannah, Go., on Saturday, July Mat. at 10 o'clock A At both Charleston and Savannah. these ships connect with steamers for Florida and Havana, and with rail• roads, ho. , fox all elaaes In the South and Southwest. . 12,603 00 . 220,291 06 . 83,892 88 Heavy Freight at an average of 15 per oent. below New York ateanwhip rates. FREIGIIT and INeURINOE on a large proportion of goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ehips than by sailing vsesels. Cabin passage IV' 00 Steerage do 8 00 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year. 30 00 No bills of lading signed after the ehip has railed. For freight or passage, apply to A. lIERON, Jr , No. 028 (( Into Si) North Wharvel. Agents at Charleston, T. S. k T. G. BUDD. Agents to Savannah, O. A. GREINER & CO. For Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. For Florida, from Savannah, steamers ST. MARYS and BT. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana, from Ghameston ' etoamer ISABEL, on the 4th and 19th of every month. jell 702,788 87 STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON DEB Y. without delay. for 30 dollars. Return tickets, good fo , sti months, to either of the above places by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and back. ram NSW TOIL. New York, McMillan, Saturday, July 10 at 12 o'clock, 1:1 Edinburgh, Ournmlug, l , July 24, gt Olsigorr, Goodwin, l , August 7, ci Edinburgh, Cumming Saturday, June 26. Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday, July 10. New York, McMillan. Wednesday, August 11 RATES Olt PASS&GI. HOW GLASGOW. Matt:flan 16 guineas Steerage, found with cooked provisions 8 11 First Olaas $7O 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions "0 00 Ohildren under 14 years of age, half faro; Infanta in Steerage, free.alv Return tickets available within six me the, by any steamer of thin line. First Ohms $l4O 00 Steerage $BO 00 An experienced Burgeoned latched to each Steamer. "For freight or paeeage apply to WORKMAN & 00.,195 WALNUT Street, Philadel. phla. ROBERT CRAIG, IT Broadway, New York. HALL .t.LONEY, Buchanan's Wharf, Baltimore. myll PIIHE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN .1. ROYAL MAIL STRABISHIPS. Chief Cabin Pssaag3 Second Cabin Passage molt noerme TO LlYearOoL. Ohlef Cabin Passage SID Second. Cabin Passage 60 The ships from Boston call at Halifax. 1 PERSIA, Capt. Jadkins. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AldEßlOA,Capt.Wickman ASIA, Oapt. E. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Oapt.Ryrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA. Oapt. J. Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head; green on starboard bow ; red 'on port bow. APRIOA, Shannon, leaves NYork,Weduestiay, June 9lh AMBRIOA, Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday, Juno 16. ASIA, Lott, is N York, Wednesday June 2.74 CANADA, Lang, et Boston, Wednesday, June BO PERSIA, Judkins, "" N York. Wednesday July 7 NIAGARA, Wickman," Boston, Wednesday, July 14. AFRICA, Shannon, ‘t N York, Wednesday, July 11 Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. Thu owners of those /Raps will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, uniesseale of lading are signed therefor and the caluettserees; Is, Mn expressed. For fiolght3r 311114 e apply to my 10. y Il CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. N. York. Inman V. MIMI= J •ADGIAI 14111131103 WILLUA N. M 11111.71, SOUTHWARK FOUNDE Y, NINTH AND WASHINGTON STIIERTS, PDiLADPLPIIIA• MERRICK is SONS, ASIGINEERS. AND MACHINISTS, mantifaarnrc High and Low Pressure Ream Engine', fot Land, River, and Marine service Boilers, Ossometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, &0., Out ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass Iron frame roofs for Ciza Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, /to. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and moat Improved construction livery deaoriptlon of Plantation machinery, such as Sagnr. Pow, sod Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Pteam Trains, notecotorn, Filters. Pumping Engines, ito. Bole Agents for N Rillfemqs Patent Sugar Dolling Apparatus; Nnsmyth's Patent Steam Bummer; P Ross' Patent Valve Motion for blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Poperiatendent—H. H. BARTOL SALAMANDER SAVES. A large assortment of EVANS it WATSON'S P ILL AD ELYRIA 111ANDIAOTDE.RD SALAMANDER SAFES VAULT DORS, BANK LOOKS Tor Banks and Stores. , Equal to nny now in use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &0., On as good terms as smy other establishment 113 tkii United States, by EVANS k WATSON, No. 96 Eloath FOURTH street Philadelphia. *ems. !LIAM" GPM nit a CALL COMPOSITE IRON RAILING.—T. L. LITTLEFIELD, No. 23 N. SIXTH f3treet, Sole Agent for Hutchinson & Wicke.shernis celebrated COMPOSITE HAILINtIB, would call attention to hie new patterne of Iron Railing, Verandahs, Balconies Carriage and Farm Oaten, bummer 110116811, &r., and be le confidant they will be found the beet articles Of the kini In the warid. 1921.8m*,.1 nipping. Thursday, July Ist 15Ih " " 'nth M1M1=22121 Weduesday, June'. " July 7th, ,4 21st JOHN G. DALE, Agent Pm 1311ARLt8TON FOR SAVANNAH ➢REIDIIT3 RtDIIOED INSURANCE FlO7l GLISOOW =MEM I , lohl ZIITT TOIL TO LITTIPOOL 1180 Alarbinern anb iron. late ',hoot gate+) Eiihratto. wfu l ," NOTICE—SUMMER At•••••• ARRANGEMENT. lIILADELPIIIA, WILMINGT , %N, AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD. - - On and after Monday, May 10, 1858 PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore, at 8 A. M,, 1 P. M., (Express.) an! 11 P. M. For Wilmington, at 8 A. 11., 1, 4.30. and 11 Ps For Now Castle, at 8 A. 14„ and 4.10 P. id For Middletown, at R A. N. and 4.30 P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. AI., and 4.30 P. N. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Baltimore at 7.30, Express , 10.15 A: M., and 5.40 P. 51. Leave Wilmington at 6 45 and 10.80 A. td., and 1.45 and 8.55 P. 31. Leave li . e.WCastie at 8 and 9.60 A. 61., and at 8.16 P. M. Leave Middletown at 8.68 A. M. and 6.45, Leave Dover at 8 A. M.. and 4.55 Leave Seaford at G. 25 A. hi., and 2 P. M. TRAINS FOR RALTI3IORE. Leave Wilmington at 9.10 A. Al 2P. 6f., and 2.15 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. 91. from Philadelphia to Bal. ti more, Do .do 5.40 ph P. 3.1. from Baltimore to Phila, is. Freight Train, with Passenger Car attached, will ran as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate places at 6 P. II Leave Wilmington for do do do 745 P. Li. Leave Havre do Grace for Baltimore do 630 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace do 610 P. 31 Leave Wllmingtou for Philedelplas do 540 P.m. Jett 8. M. FELTON, President. MagmaNORTI4 PF.N.NSKL VAN;A RAILROAD. 901 BETHLEHEM, ALLENTOWN. MAU 0 a OEM:M. AMMON. DOTLEBTOWN, &O. .timER ARRANGEMENT TAINS EFFECT 'MONDAY. MAY 17th, 1868. For Bethlehem Allentown, Manch Chunk, and Eas ton, &c (Express ' ) in connection with L. Valley Rail road. from WILLOW Street at 9 A. M. and 2 25 P. M. Passengers for Easton by 2.25 P. M. Train take Stage at Iron liiit Station. For Doylestown. (Accommodation,) from Willow at., at B.s l o A. M and 5 SO P. RI For Fort Washington (Acoommodation) from Nooond and Chatham Streets at 7.25 and 10 25 A. AI., and 4 /0 and 6.45 P.M. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem (Express) at 9 A. M. and 2.20 P. 51., with passengers from Lehigh Valley Rail road, and arrive at Willow Street at 12 M. and 5 25 P. M Leave 'Doylestown at 0 A M. and 250 P. M., and ar rive at Wino Street at 815 A. 81. sod SP. M. Leave Fort Washington at ,6 and 9 A M., and 2.45 and 580 P. M and arrive at Second and Chatham' 131.rrata at 9.50 and 9 60 A.'2l , 9900.85 and a 20 P. M. ON SUNDAYS Leave Wallow street for Doylestown at 8.80 A. M. and 2P M. Lean; Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6 A, M. and 5.15 P M. All Passenger Trains MOVING NORTH and SOUTH will stop at Chatham Street and connect with City Pea• eenger Wren! Bare to Bethlehem a 80 Manch Chunk 2 00 cc Doylestown so. mylT•tf ELLIS CLARK, Agent. ['NEW YORK LINES.-THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD OOMPANY'B PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORIC, AND WAY PIAOII3. Leave se followa, eh: Yana At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aceommoda. tion 225 At 0 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Ao commodation 2 26 At 8 A. M., Tie. Camden and Jersey City, Morning uailBoo At 10 A. IC, by Steamboat Trenton, via Tammy and Jersoy City, Mewing Capron '8 00 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Bx press 8 00 At. 6 P. M. via Camden and Jersey Oity, Rvenlng Mail 8 0 At 3P. M. Tie, Camden and Amboy, Accommoda time, Mei:Bass 200 At BP. M. , via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion 2.1 Clasa. 1 60 At 61". M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Clam 2 00 At 6 D. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2nd ChM! 1 76 The 6P. M. Hue rune daily, all others Sundays*: tented At 11 3i Y. M., from Kensington Depot, via Jeremy rgOity, Mai, Saturdays excepted 62 26 Burma Lines atop at the principal stations only. For Belvidere, Billiton, Flemington, &0., at SA. U and 4 P. M. from Wainot street wharf, For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose. Great Bend. &0., at 8 A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna at Westoin Railroad For Freehold, at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. • For Mount Holly at 0 A. M., and 2,1 i and 6 P. M. WAY LLYBEI Tor Bristol, Trenton, &a., at I,,ss and 4 P. Id., For Palmyra, ilanoooas, Ilererly,Prirlingtou, Borden town ho., at 8 P. Steamboat Riooard Stockton for Bordentown, and in tertnediate places, at 234 P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Tacony, at 10 and 11% A. M. ant for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. M. All lines except 111( P. M . leave Walnut street wharf. 11:7Plity ponacts In baggage enly aliovroi • .on pas ganger. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All bag gage over lifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Cam pony limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be yond X3.01:0, except by special COD traot. W 74. H. GATZMER Agent 0. .t A. A. 11. 00. pHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAIL e. ROAD LINE.—QUICHT.ST ROUTE to Elmira Wllkesba.rre, Buffalo, Chicago, Rook Island, fisagars Palle, Milwauitie, Burlington, Montreal, EL Paulo DAtroit, Dui:llloth, and St. Louis. Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia ano Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VIM , ' Streets, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: 7.80 A. M DAY EXPRESS. For Dhaka, Niagara FIIII6, Buffalo, Detroit. Chicago Milwaukee, Rook 'Leland. Galena, St Paulo. Burlington and St Louis., 8.E.0 P. M NIGHT BXPREF 9, For Elmira ; Niagara Salle, Buffalo. Detroit, Chicago Milumukor,P.ocU Wand. Guian, Br,,Fault, Burlington and Bt. Louie. Tickets good till need. The 7.30 A. M train conneota at Reading with the train for idarriabnric and all stations on the LREANON VALLEY RAILROAD; AND At Rupert, for Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Betanton, and al: stations on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOIIBI3IIRIi RAILROAD. Baggage Clacked to Elmira, DI:124o, and Suspension Bridge. =ECM Wilkeabarrn Pittston..., Scranton.... Wilkesbarre 6L Williamsport AO Elmira 00 OM:lands.'gni Ot 'Geneva, via Gorham 00 Rochester. 0o Niagara Falls 00 Buffalo 1 On Erie. 1 50 Olevoland, via N. Y. and Erie 1 00 " vi's Niagara Falls 1 00 Toledo, via Now York and Erie 1 26 Columbus 1 5C Oineinnati. Near York and Erie 1 00 " Niagara Falls 1 01 Indianapolis. via New York and Erie 21 OO Detroit, via Niagara Falls 16 00 Ohio-ago, Tilt Great Western Railway 22 00 ,i Lake Shnro llnAlroad 22 00 Rook Island, via Niagara Falls 27 OG ii Lake r Shore Railroad 21 OC Darlington 28 00 lowa City "'A 20 St. Louie, via Chicago , •9 00 ar Intianapolle .29 00 Donlieth 27 CO St_ Paula 85 10 Tlakets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Lino's Ticket Office, Northweetcorner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pll6- Conger Depot, BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leave* the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily. (Sander, eicepted,) for all points West and North, at 6 Freights mast be deliyered before 8 P. M. to losers their going the same day. Freights aro forwarded with greater despatch and Lower Rates than by any line from this city to the West and Northwest For further information apply to ALLEN & HUGEL, Through Freight Depot. Dread, below Tine Or to GRAS. 8, TAPPER, General Agent, N. W. nor. Birth and Ohentnut ate., Philed* G. A. NICOLL% Genl. Supt. Fhilada. and Reading Railroad. H. A. FONDA, Gent. Supt. Oatewisaa, W. b. B. Railroad. J. A. REDFIELD, Gent. Supt. W•lnsport and Elmira Railroad PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD—FAST FREIGHT LlNE.—Froight trawl leave the Depot,.BROAD Street, tk. tow VINE, daily, for Buffalo, Busperunon Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Galena, Dubeque , St. Louis. and Interme• Bate points. This is the ehorteat route to Canada and the Lake Porte, and goods will be forwarded with greater deepatedi to the ►bore points than by any other route. !AMIN/ OP PIIIOSB Pio 100 LBO Vis Itailrocd let clam. :d clan. &I clam. 4th clam Bmpenaion Bridge 90 70 00 40 Buffalo 90 70 00 40 . 95 75 65 96 .$1 20 93 78 62 . 1 80 1 16 1 00 80 Donkiik.... Detroit Oh ono.— EMMMii==iEl No transhipment between Pbilsdelphis and Elmira 'Hark goodoeis Philadelphia awl Reading Railroad and nand to the Depot, Broad etre.*, below Vine, daily, before 6 P. M. For farther information in regard to thin route, call at the through freight °Mee of th• Philadelphia, Nia gara, and Great Woetern Lint„ N. W. corner BIXTB cod CILESTMIT. de3o-y UENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At butte Cities with Western, North-western, and South western States, by a oontinnotts Railway direct. This Road also connote at Pittsburgh with daily line of Steamers to all ports on the Western Rivera, and et Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamer!, to all ports or. the North-western Lakes; mating the most DIRE.OT CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTI. by which Frelgui can be forwarded to and from the CIRRAT WEST RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA. AND PITT& BURCH. FIRST OLABS—BOOLII, Shoos, Hats, and Cape. Books, Dry Goals, (In Donee bales and trunks), Drugs, (In boxes end bales) Venthern, Turs &o Tao. per 100 itS 811001(0 OLS9B--Donite3tic Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (In original bales), Drage (in casks), ' liordnere, Leather Liquor, (In caske,) Wall Paper, Went. and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, Ac. As .600. per 1001ter 'LIMB CLAM—Anvils, Hemp, RISCOIII and Pork Salted, (loose or in narks), Paints, (dry and in oil,) Oils. (excent lard and rosin) die. per 100 lbs rounrn CLAssZ-CoCrce. Fish, Bacon, Beef, end Pork, (In casks or balm outward). Lard and Lard 011, Nails, Soda Ash, German Clay. Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Steel. It.norneturei Ta. bacco, Rosin Oil, Queenswzre, Sugar, (hhCin and beam) &a., Ito 400. per 100 lb nous—Teo per bbl. until further notice. Onetti—Sbo. per 100 lbs.,.until further notice. Ortrott—T9 per bale, not °kneading 000 lbe, weight, until further notice. In shipping Goode from any plot East of Philadol• phis, be particular to MARE packages "via Pennsylvania Railroad." Ali Goods consigned to the Agents of this Bowl, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwardee without detention. YILCIGHT 2 , oenTe.—Clarke&„ Co., Chicago; Packer a & Co.. Memphis, Tenn.; B. P. Sass & Co.. at, L ot u s Mo.; P. G. °Miley & Co., Ihranaville, Indiana; Wm Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky.' B. C. Whitton, Madison, Indiana ; H. W. Brown & Co., and Athor & Hibbard, Cincinnati,. IL S. Pierce Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leach h Co., No. 64 Wilbystreat, Boston; Uri& & Co., No. 2 Mier House, New Yerk,No. / William st. New York; X J. 13needer, Philadelphia; Magri's , Komi, StIUMOre j D. A Stewart, Pittsbamh. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBABBT, deg. General anPerintandent, Altoona_ PA Lisa— - '4OO quintals Oodfle.h. 100 co. Ponta. bblk. blalkerel. bOO do. White rink, far Rae . b 7 BADLY'S h 00, 10 I. WATO Mat .flaitracib Einin pHIL ADE LPIII A, GEHHANTOWO :AND NO RR IBTO W N SAYLBOAD --811MMIal ARRANGE/MT.—On end after IAJISDAY, May 10th. 1868 /Olt GBAMANTOWN Leave Philadelphia at 6)1(.1, 8, 0-115 min., 10,11.,;(1 , A. M.. 1, 2,3, 4,5, 8,7, 8, 9. 10, and 117( P:sf Leave Germantown at 6,7, 77i, 8, 9. 94. A. M. 1,10 min., 2,3 X, 4,4‘,6g, 6}l, 8, 940 min., Poo 101( P. 51 The 7N o'eloek A. M. Train from Germantown wilrtop only at Wane and Tloga Streets Stallone. _ ON 6UHDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9.20 In. A. IL, 2,5), mia P M_ /MAYO Germantown ag A. It., 1-10 min., 4%, andT P. M. ORRITIIIIT mu. RAILROAD. Leave P91188810%16 at tig, 8, 9.05 min ,D.N 2,8, 4, IL 8. 10 P 61, Leave Cheatnut Rill at 040 and 7 86, 9.1 n, and 1040 min A. 81 , 12.00, 8,10, 4.10 0 6,10, 7.40, and 910 te l o P 51. Leave Philadelphia 920 A. M., 2, kg, and 8 P. go hf. 5,0 Oheatnat Hill at 6.10 min A. M., 12.60 6.40 P. fa FOB ooNSIIOHOoHNN ANN NORRIS TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at O,V, 9, 31 A. a1..1.08 8.10 Mill.. $% 6%. 11,v P. M. Leave Norrietowa at 8,7, 9,12 A. sag eg R ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M , and 8 P. M Leave Norristown at 7 A. M. and 6 P. M. POE al ANAVUNK Leave Phlitolelphia at 81(. 7X - . 9, 11 A. M 1 09 min., 2.(1. , 3.10 mlu Sk„ ex, 8,13),( Leave Manattink at 8.4, 7g, tui, 11,4 A. Lt., 1%. 3, 4. ex, 7, and 9 P. M SW" thindaye IMEte AO Norristown. CHESTER VALLBY NA TIROAD PON DOWNINCi. TOWN Leave Philadelphia at 6,v A Id., and 3.10 04a. P. Id "AMT.! Dowaidatown at 73( A. M . and I P. M. D. H. RUTH, General Superintendent. Depot, Ninth and Green etreete, Philadelphia. 18 P E o N EN N TH S AIIIILO I A T D I A 1858 58 FROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURGH, And thence by Railroad to WHEELING, T. LOUIS. STEUBENVILLE, CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI CHICAGO, Loinsynxia, BURLINGTON, INDIANAPOLIS, ST PAULA, And all intermediate pornte in OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY, NICHE GAN, WISCONSIN, biINNEBOTA. MISSOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Passengers to peinta,wat of Pittsburh, Wheeling. Cleveland and ()redline, have choice of r ental:ander' et re a queeted to make * selection before applying for WS. THREE THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PECILADEL. PHI DAILY, Terming close connections fit Pittsburgh to all point.. West. On and after MONDAY, May 10111, 111110, Tared through, and Two accommodation - traing, will leave the depot, 8. E. corner of ELEVENTH and SIAREEt etreete, as follows: MUMS VOR PITYBDORMI ADD IDM IMMBI Mail iraln 7 H) A. FL Fast line I 00 noon. Express mail-11.00 loot. WAY IRAINB LIM!. Harria%urg ac commodation 900 P. M. Lanca.ter it , 0.00 P.M. The mall train dope ate delphia and Pittsburgh. The Express mail rune daily, the other trains Sunday excepted. The care leave the Pennsylvania Railroad P,W4i Station southeast corner of ELEVENTH and streets, on Eleventh street., where through ticket' to all points West men be obtained Baggage will bb received et the Depot at any time OS. ring the day. No charge for bundling baggage. For further information apply at the Depot of hit Pennsylvania Railroad Company, eoutheeet corner of Eleventh and Market etreete, between the Doers cl 7 A. M. and 11P. M. THOMAS 14001111, MY 10 Agent. Penn ' a Railroad CO totels atttt iUstauranie. 101PtLANOARD ROEr 8 E ,•:—BROA.DWAY -ALP +sad TWYJSTII Street, New York. re-opened, elevntly furnished with every modern Improvement; The location is fashionable , nd healthy. The" rooms are lame and wet ventilated Meals sorted at all hours, and eiely attention paid to the comfort of guests. Transient board lat per day. Per manent board at lower rates. Tho thole under the management of 0 Y. BIAOLRL LAN, (late of the United Buttes Hotel. Philadelphia ) ) aho roPpeetfully eolieite the patronage of hie friends and the tray.lling onbl.e je36-2m JONES HOUSE, PIARRIFIBM, PA., (Erected in 107.) ELEGANTLY PURNIC: I. NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. my29l , WELLS COVERLY. Proprietor. • WORRELL HOUSE, N. W. cor. THIRD a.d HARMONY 00ITBT Toe undersigoed takes pleasure in informing kW friends at.d ha publiu et large, that be ha+ opened tho above ESTABLlSkikiltWrtimd pleges himself to merit the patronage of his patrons, ever, &rte.) Is of supe rior havieg been selected without regard to price. Glnni.Ml3 WItkiIIELL, Proprietor. azyta-arn " %ki ICHOLLS HOUSE, (hI:IROPgaN PLAN,) - OPEN DAY AND NIGER'. N 0.116 SOUTH EIGHTH ST , BELOW CHESTNUT, PHILADIMPOIe. Thte HOUSE to fcr Permanent and Transient Lodg ing Every effort will be made by the Proprietor, AL NICISIOLLB, to give satisfaction sc. hia Patrons This establishment Is situated in the heart of the ty, centre of bill:az:MC and convenient to all places Of amusement The Mercantile end 'Travelling oommucity wilt Ind it a desirable place for comfort, cleanness., and eoono my. . Steele furclehed at all homes Single Room.. al) cents per night By the week $2.60 and uporsrdx mh..10-tr , AF ROBANTS' HOTEL, NORTH FOURTH VTR: ERt Anc,a Emit, PHILADELPHIA. Tsai. ifroanniN A ROMt. me*, .11. E SSR S. OFOOKERINO & SONS; having removed to their new wFidresure, No. DOT CHESTNUT Street:(near the United Stai:Zie into are prepared to offer to their friends and the pnbiLL extensive nesorituent of Grand, Parlor-Grand, Squae and Upright PIANO-FORTES, manufactured expressly' for this city, finished in various styles of cases, and at prices which cannot fail to plume. Piano-Fortes made to order, to suit any style of furniture, and all Instru ments warmaked to give entire satisfaction to the pax chaser, $460 4 50 4 70 Grand and Square Pianos to rent, upon the toot fa vorable terms. Messrs. C. & SONS have received Thirty-four MEDALS. The flrat Premiums over all compeUtors Ist the Milted States. All orders for TUNING and REPAIRING will he promptly attended to. jy7-fan DIAN() FORTES. L Just received, an elegant stock of RAVIN, HA ON, & 00., NUNES & OLAEK, MILLET, DAVIS & CO., and GALE & CO. 8 21.ANOS. EV4.OOEOIE3 best quality, at J. E. GOULD'S, 8. E. oorner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Gls. rablfLy LUMBER YARD. HOUTZ & 00, (Successoro to Montgomery & Neell,) S. W. corner of TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, Phila., Old Moyamensing District are now receiving a large and well-selected assortment of all descriptionri of LUMBER, such as White Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Pelee, Pickets, Fence boards, Flooring, Shelving, and every variety a well-seasoned Lumber. Also, a large atock of Bill Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly on hand and sawed to order at the shortest notice. Our connection with Meseta. blehaffev„ Route, & and Duffy, Route, & Co., at Marietta, pa., gives tut un surpassed facilities, and enables us to supply orders foe all descriptions or Lumber with promptness and despatch. PINE-OREER LUMBER, soft and mellow, suitable for PATTERN-MAKERS, &o , constantly on hand. Prompt paying purchasers are respectfully Invited to examine our stock before going elsewhere. ap2l-rt I _UMBER AT WHOLESALE AND ICE -11—si tail at Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. MEHAPPBY, HOUTZ, & Oo , take this method of Informing their customere and persons desixoue of pur chasing LUMBER, that they hare now on hand a large and well-seasoned stock of all descriptions of Lumber, which tatty are prepared to sell at satisfactory pricee.l Their timber is all from their own MILLS on PINB ortzEs., They are also connected with Messrs 'DUFFY, HOUTZ, & CO., and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff, Lath Pales, Plc.kets, and Building Timber for Bridges, &c., of all deecriptimus, on the shortest notice.. They would also take great pleasure totalling the attention of Builders, and those in want of Lumber in the city of Philadelphia, to the Lumber Yard of lIOUTZ & 00., corner of TRTYLPTH and PRIMP. Streets, with whom they are glee con nected ap2l-er FIRE-WORKSI FIRE-WORKS II A fall auortmont of FIRE-WORKS. AT REDUCED PRIO.E2I. STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, 1210 MARKET 81 . MIST, 3015 Wed of Twelfth BLINDS AND SHADES, CHEAP FOE OAER B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Di the moat witeneive IDLnufaetnrar o WINDOW BLINDS, And Dealer in WINDOW STIADDEl t or every variety. He hail a fine clock to be sold at Reduced Priem. DUFF, and all other Oolors or /413011 Shades, Trim. clings, Fixtures, ho,, &C, STORE SHARPS Painted to order. IMPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO WE STUDY TO PLEASE. CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, &o.kir 1, 00 Wlntpr Sperm Oil. 950 gallons No. 1 Wi OAT Lard Oil. 0 000 gallons Bleached Winter Whale Oil. 8,000 galcona Light Backed Whale 08. 250 bonne Chemical Olive Soap. 200 do Oleine Soap. 400 do Brown Boap. 100 do New Bedford Sperm Candles. In store and for sale by.. CBEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of excellent quality, Is sold at the PHILADNI.- PHIA GAB IVORN.B for the reduced price of live cents a bushel and may be obtained In largo or small quan tity by applying at the Gas Moe, No. 20 Booth fiNVNNTII Street. To parchment by wholesale it Is sold at the Works, In Flit Ward. by the too, at a price equivalent to Anthracite at $2.60 per ton. (Signed.) J. 0. OItKBBON, Engineer. • Philadelphia chin Werke. An R. 98. ' 0ran97-tt ONES.-100.000 Shin Bones, suitable for J Umbrella and Dutton Makers, in store and for sale OROASDALE, PEIRCE, & CO. ,104 NORTH WHARVES :FREIGHT FOR NOVA SCOTIA.— About 700 bbla bulk can be bad for a port in e ta Scotia. Apply to ON SUNDAYS TRAINS 'Bola ettreinrsod ♦ED 17 1 / 4 WEBT ILESITIL Mail train at.. 11.00 night. Fast 1ine...,.. 4 50 A 111 Express mail— 1.19 noon. Harrisburg tur. oommodatiou.7.lB P. M. Lancaster .9 60 A. Id. the stations betwaen Ma. piatu, 40,nrue. Lumber. Siremorits B. W. POMEROY ALLEN, Late J. /3 A. & S No. DI South DELAWARE A..nuo JMEN - Itl. ICENN.EDY & CO. 182 NORTH WHARYXB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers