. • -• , • 1";:ti .417 • '4 147- 4!4 4.4 44' 3 "":•'• - 47- • ' , O .lnYWi/tq .58 ' - . --•1 WOW , A f n simeri '"Or*,s„ HUM indicated ; s4iPoinleb,bis-sTrosselavrsofeetiershferr _ pate ~ A itenonsitabto AtTstr ; Great , Swear o Dou4las, at•Chioe4ol3lSMlFiet)oral, Neu& r kv..414 p , r4, • 45.):* 4 1 , 1fF fltagf4tyAßilit:44oollbliVe been igi b iPahftgrrsiloNaditt e siff tlopo Baer, riets .„pe`thi twierat toeberie off aittrsol4 ft: l ,•-•-exkiessmethatitp—lairbarlig.. ous Ali nt gliwinWitoWa iteuith brought Ofittex ..__tliditiViatterpoycz - Thi) . - qapfeihts - Anhetlibsees no, importarit'AbOthie i'o l- t•"e' Teel issOlueut wet, Pltheted. pt Vill3PtOtOekr; ; Ttivi raiiTregtit,C,Olettel StePttetee , A T).iniej4ll47,4lfii4at t rAgor+i t h 4t oiseirenoleoo we.. ! firttsbi-hstelthreneet:fi t Atte-, J,,4VARift4t4t.;l 13: a at , Q a o b6 k 4: ,5ii.:...,..,464;60-40..fitui Aiouneraliot vs,r)..oxrt) , ....qta i tA° 9 stl) „ Le w', wittothent on the 10th Je{toret"teP" rsi. , t ',WS's.lll4)e &Shia' fttAtkreiler,b6ot.Ple,teet being et 46 4D ' A s„ . ',Bi d tisisstipsiAtitus eiti)uitmoo Corimis. • stonerent,the ( glinds et thtbfgrnibli : 4 1 .3 , 31/ . ';‘ - ti f itOrtriirtti:ooololltniitt?ii Itto=rtsptlen., •'''''-'2lstrterstitAkrlietigriailAr With aellPetikee fOr the; Ws* .rs•l 4 - 1., The -stet `oft -the,Nini)ignelst Brew Toth, from . Oaligsnith, Asincoveisitaillion and, lustf •) • • '- . 1-1 44. 4. 1 Via° 4**4 11 0‘ Let in!lithitintri4istUnt - +a ,ADeeoh-44-1340tossiti *Aellvsk, '4 - 1`4 , -0•5101*IlterIM 1 7:57, 4 11, 1 1 0 ,0 I .;t-u iu 4 ' l ' 4, 44 016111/491PittNiiz- _ 6• ` s:. *tik4olloolillfvit: !... ice :met r , vehueu-te,leitterdet.,a.--; , • %,,i,bfategobtfaiiieltiVentptpg the Fourth (Harlot ' l - . - l 'of-gbdttbfelsiii#Mfattel 3,ngjii stoical:nen los '• • Ift,tl 3 be tr a o o tipi ti optosifseldsgtoopitipork, 4e , 3.1;," 4t4 l lll,4pyrig4g lopork t hee-,hsert re4elyed;l3., s,the , xTreueetil Peleertreelttabura'refetiior`Ale.4". '• „ an ,fifii, l3o3 (.) idarataido - , eningeg smdeivotust I littii4etty34.tthOtenlogitire; , ../ 10 . ea j b t tt l Y iietAttutAu'ititokitlitlit; rsta ‘ dtiy agreed: upon b; f-the,-00bonsiestonere.s , ' •Ai'usweating of the Alioeintlon for:' promo ""igin'O(fignedbia 1) 1 4 146 7 , '.0 1 : 11 : 11 '°t°4°,if`si -attendea r ,bitweptit 1A0M • 75 4 , ~ ' lmra, esaemenis beside) manr.othere; resole , • ), ttroseiverelssissed; "trent puineoewlty: of squid. ' Estneolli - fssift..With'thit ttieoJistbtsf States, with a vlow v , to „ptep e sllncnofor kteelrade In ran. ' J tbo c l ipui,ind,abloroiotitmend. laid be pe Ted to ,„; .13;1„, et the oyeynment. o em we iiiimiht - duiroikiottottlgoodr, after' die - Ira - toe, Whimseys's , tbetsi woe cetkolntythit'theli ess dans 1101441446" . 01104:411F194 gf Mtett)II,IIIITIfaO - t • - stenonslip It 'Nat-Lis, so; hiteeleelpplsi d % n"'il tholiotet ", : thebritiensf„Biik:it 6sietibil)olgi47:tl34:bk,kers! A nomober,of laborers eailed-Jrom Nosy Yotls - ; "'Yeeteidlt3) ibi'the plume Of kolas ,to itoirt On the „-, ..I',Tshwslitelsee,..tetlrood. . • • „ _ v's)An infritinaltheetiog bf the Peopleli gtite (ion. vemAlodwae heti In Iforllabgeyeetersfei. Joao' 1 7 • 7183 UP i'6 3'. ':ObOieir,4l . 4lpir;ryAittaisman , yhe not'. ineete'lollse hall of the Rouse Of 'Retire: Eanotives to-,day,”; - 4 ct s A:inebnebiiiyticetitreribio loaf gehuit' . I 'l l tu. per Ones were. taped' .3 , 3r,,b;kolr'duroP.e.'.`,2tle' ethere hilUrtet• VPs` Itdi ; itrrerid glorious showers yiestersisz.• The:rains' and_ limit:mete* comb down togethe'r, "•'' 11 1 . 4 °U 'lit a ..# 6l. aal ' lnviicOtr.4 atzittsphere. 7 -1 AR Pt :t: A tS•Vl rg, _. - r *- • • qv* Alittiaeastof faction, and through , all the `intstlit *Unions -1- 4C thenrogreis erthi .principle, l'OPtifter - Scilereigiity as ihe'•future afd• only • hartiutidsing the' qnestiotti of NIA: ' . cfrOus t ily,jt:ut Coising,to'he , aisceptedi, common platforinne:altitatlenitl,^Junui Even t. 404 1 teat it. his. been,most--,vigorously . .",defended. and. Explained; and will; he as riga, - Guilt insiseed ,nee 'that'i rather - up rather than Oetulirtritell some of the leading Democratic Statesmen et ttie nation Inise :not c hUnitit* to. tike issue 'Wfth ary-Adriduhdiaiton; in the thish and fu1,,,. ,,,. -Juts' ot - Its patronage and power. in the law t ' Oungress the Republicans and the Atuertcanx sepperted•it itt`. a body i:and one shape snottier; ell Pie thiteoCiiits did the same thing. • Even -those who, yielded to the exactiOPs. o f :•• the I...uOtitptorlites'',deented it the - highest policY,to say, 'Obit theiwerestrongly attache(' and fully, committed te' it.' The •lA., -tiOn,ithrptigh its - Orlitins, 'Proclaimed Its; Spot. ."efaltegarg - foi 44 grit; the, President , while taking" Lecompion, a teat; look „ care to, Stu, , , 'that' w herea ft er' the - pebple of every Terri. fori r eliont4 befwateetale that:of which thi. , piopleof Kansas here 13iten • so tpersistentl3 Po itligrl;¢serelgi $y meana:much It` to flit,: 'PleclirOtfibit'netloti;,Sed'-ek every considers. • - political- organization:in the 'nation,- if ‘ bupli,lirt of thoprinciple Of, thn,Deoleft‘tiori of the , :stutrattioes 'oe - -the =;;Pederal'' Doniditation.‘.Arid," . Wee U betide r :load4 oi,tbq perty.tilitenitinTtito • itCdgo.* : . A - It true that -heroand there eittjeCtiens,are • ~. :-nrgekagalitst 'the, - diobtrine of Popular S eve. •„, southern man ;Insist, That bte edires Can_bi3tarried into and kept in a- Terriiiii and Jewel and au 'eatiermi.d . litioniet , demande le' hope know.the people can be - clothed withfull • Phienr to - regulate' their domestic' institution!. "'-'' their Omi way. ynth.the'Dred , . securing to slitveltelderelhe,l.righi carry ne 4 9 - 211 41P ,ti r l- wf-A 40. 9 1 2 . info,"ani „ eitaiqjn:Manilpf.thp local law. _-.l3ut thitse objections Alt-into- nothing before the tact.", that ISF,ophiaty'Rtrteretentilenot:liitetidea' , • , - the - --Soittli"of any of its _rights, neither.isit intended to be niade " the cloak of politieltinewhb think the Oen-brew of tin. 'if:the:people of &Terri - • tory ,Went slaveryohey will hail,e'and ought te h'aile Ifietnitioritiehtieee to held Slaves, dedanco Os Ate ,p,0730.410if, ezPresitini at, the Bred Setitt decieleit will be eel' t * ,:, -•- _tie piactiona. Ccinackt,lefilfV . t4efi etiVitle co'. ntzo slavery in itanisi:falled; andlkiled,,toe, "wit-both the infringement of the' right brit Single bh-oked - 4 the .:ruinerity were • tin) Who% iftWit:t l .4iilliti 6454exiingl1t 'Oe AMY- itie.441 7 .0i-i--;:lfhere alareq, • ' it will Lind its way; and-Where It is net:, Dann' z- -rL Sobrr, will scarcely becalledlit'te 'perpetuate Will tllnd.i . lleV,way.f - wheretit.-wilb &rotate* are - Y. l ';'•:',"atherielifeiteivlitire it' Cannot ho nlainfain d, 's Villi this - come in aid<of teinitk . pciliticsl , - economy, and ivo' shalt Cicada iiiitn: . gre about ' ;j 1 ; ikeloieyeraiinovafrom, toNgqso•4od th politics: ` abandOna the dec. tripe, jrepttlap.,,Eleyerelgaty; wi - die. ,the :deatti , o(ltheirieklid.: , 'Whethiti Is' ,atfempted - to • 'itilti:,,loitfliii;;;t4WOf Con. , 13 it.41`,4‘tc, 14fTyci0ili% o.,the bee, ,-• ,1,-.l?ittidcirsAlititof the LecomPtonewitailkon the other; those:who undertakeAiii - taskjilli 9.oWeliediPtelt!of-- this dec tri-.0. It assu med the respbneibilitn and Sue. tainaditte 4 pitiden . ,SPthe'defetta, - , ikti •an earl < l ! Thi #Sl ' Pl! 4 . Y .( 1 ,,, - Vri,fit"P, tti:tryi ... ,triPmPbS • poxiir,int.ta permitted.to be trek • to itself and-to-. italistoryi: bet irnii seduced. tutontlid:PatlisArwill*pireiithtd - tliKwitek', • of ail`fii tle!gipcf' of , ' '',!--111.VII1P,Flt.R. 441/J,iii;-,391 1 8,.; as they *ere ,dled,when,,they - became-treile* - -.14 , g O . :mann& • ' J . I TVEINNAPEIII,C nEET AGAIN • " WiAii,D ' There is positive cows from the Telegraphic Etest,, ,, Thes-tilogram NMl:Nebo:4' ireceived ;t.* !ikeno:P.f 010' Also. ::Nillfed'lrMarstates that the...atil inia• fr,po,beenAte° days incompany with , 41 : l ,iim4. o 9ghtewain,hoth or w*, hmsAiihbvpteim 'IA: MIS" time Would ificlaw , riii,itittelfitif: to' tlie . ‘ 20111 stille, itt .r whieb Willi:l'l'4 'Or tlip stlVliakfist,o,o 2 o had rt:liot„poptime„ . toed: , There: , ivas heavy , weOlie t AfOr t 4tlitt, .Windaor Forl( left the , ofmtmore. There ie veiir *pat the' acpitl inf L ' or the loi:ehat! c4Mnptteed, h ' ist fi0 ti thArts., 10* !wt. Bee 1 4IFiliamIlak .I gol , 44ks l *liiiiGiok " 61 , • " t " •• JUDOS DOUGLAS IN ILLINOIS . • •We publish in Tun Pans of to-day the first report of the speech of Senator DOUGLAS, de livered at Chicago on the 9th, that has come to hand. V. is doubt* a , faithful, though not so fullNOWch Ahltrliroarbs,spLif it been revisse - Ifailtisfort.".`jfirt a4= much anxiety in ge phlillerniiiti to obtafri the views 4 of tlieAlliiingnished'..Senator,,tiMt we risOori;:,of thir-,Orkicago Press, in advance 'of that of the Chicago 'Times, which bad not come to band late last ,night : The reader will perceive that Judge fiOys4,l , F,lres clear able; as eloquent 'and eiticigliait consistent with himself and nothing to infprenees, Meeting the issue clear 'fis:,andiielPii'PVPPlOtt of 'priliqi9le to 'OW adversarieli.l'he , zpatriotism, and the, 'OeiriinOtt; senae.L7the - practicability and the perfect., harmony .ef,' his' speech,. with : : : the 'istr r iiiigest . .national , , duties, mid the most dent.Z . :Seatitritional', ifinviCtions-4isOw, how truly Wrerunn.i. DOUGLAS deserves the name, bf ifirafetighArnion-loving statesman. - , seen that,he has jrad to, ordinary' welcome' to It would have boon ,iitraWte, it 'be had: not been greeted by extra- Pidinary!deniOnetrations. , Ile had dared to do. right. iTI-1110 -most signal and significant - LaPIRF, an d , on a moat, signal and significant: issue.- Be, berne the brunt of the battle: fer: =carditiallwitraiPle ,at the - , seat of the- Fedetal,l.oiYeriinient .with rare' intrepidi; If, after--such a series of acts of 4f-sacrifice and of patriotism, a, prlbile• man cannot be susfained et. his own borne,' there is no moral compensation in pitriotimi, oh,' Only. treachery le• rewarded. Our' fast :trews from Illinois is to the effect that Senator by the Perish) of flitneia.;;slll . OptiOnlint, Mr; laimorat, as will tie seen by.the speech of .Judge Doecmas, has himself on,,the jsatreme Republican— slinott the extreme Abolition—piatform.. The People have grown tired of- such 'ultra ideas, end' th'Uniunids'Who have watched the. truly ;national attitide‘'of Senator Donuts' in ,the, United Staiek'Senate, and 'have Weighed and scrujipleed his have been convinced lain it is idle to resfsithe justice and the force ff his poisition. The sentiment expressed by Amerieon;of. this city, yesterday, is preishisy„that of the great body of the iiepub dans . That jontroil'sayst • • . , opposed the repeal of The Miseenri Cora .oromiseits unwise_ in point of pteoedent, and in-• laritmetn point of polio:op.' , Oar eemonstrenoef and bezemonstraneas of tholes' who concurred with us, •itereandteeded: The repeal wits earned, and the {aneas•troublea followed.- lifter wanes of blood and otitrage;distraoeful alike to American intl. lotions and American civilisation: it bee korona ipperent that Kansas; free before the repeal, will cee confirmed in'that oondition•by the tuffrages of -Cerleople4 . Itlra also become apparent that, in . 'competition between free and slave labor in be Territories, the 'forier must forever achieve therriotory. While, therefore, we still adhere to he opinion that-it fa entirely within the constitn drinel competency of dongreta•to regulate or es the domestio institutions of Territories :ebili!wethaVe no 'doubt at 'WV that the Missouri, Compromise line was a eonstitutional Measure, we cartnot agree- that-it *out& he tptuiont, or the 'semblance of wisdom, to•ievlrt to that policy. ; , ".In the first piece; it Would Occasion another fu rious agitation of the , eleverplquestion—an &sha llop at all times to be deprecated, end doubly so ,when no,practlasbia object is to beobtained. . The South has, voluntarily. eastottitted herself to the ;latrine of poyular soverolpay. , 1"Tb• positioni, assumed, by Senator Pouitto at 'mottnttranted and fixed the public atteniloue' had assumed high moral ground, and maintain (it with courage and ability. In vindication of a prlneiple - to-..which he believed the Democratic oarty'to be ocentoitted.-he brayed the frowns of `cower, the sneers and dentmetations of quondam blends, and undoubtedly was the most efficient in. " strument in defeating the Lecompton scheme." I: The, Witihfugiottrip'efitu,'ll,i of course indig nant because Judge Dovetail. did not crouch, and 'cower at the.footatholot power on his ar rival at Chthage. AcCordingly, in yesterday's ,nnmiaer, - ,of that, paper, Senator DOUGLAS is eentmred-hecause ho did•not choose to forgot the Ottteditla cif laiitivinter this, too; With the ofaceAoldem of the Federal Government -Frayed against the regular Democratic nomi :eatiOns:,th-Illinois,- and against himself. It only :"..iieeds the continued . hostility of the rrni:Mto.initurta to Judge torratas an unpa ralleled victory:, , IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. VlieMov,ement of our imports and export's ispartioularly interesting at the present time. utMforiling data on Which' ,to,base conjecture in regard to the probable revival of trade. A comparative statement- of the imports of rorelgu - merchandise it New York , for the 'week- ending. June 24th, during the present year' and' the two jeans preceding, presents - tifn foilowingsigniticant figures: WEIZI 949 Goods - 21,099,055 5695,992 . 5645,929 issistalsodse... . ' 2,549,265 2,256,120 , 1 590,421 TONI 0r.,; sok $L 248.825 $2,164112 , 92 039.t671 PreVE4 4994 , 4 101,087 873 112 82,4.8 60 967,070 'twill be observed by a glance at this table thaithe actual total - of imports for the first Mao( this year (as we are now almost at the close ,of the period) shows a diminution ,of lust one;half upon the amount of tho previous , year's linsiness: "And although" the result 'above ascertained is only for the port of New York,', it cannot, be improved, so - far 'as the .iggregaiti total of customs from all the - ports of the United States is concerned; inasmuch us the Government receipts at other points have neon rather under than over the average of those of- New York: As the great financial 'entrePet of fereigki imports, Nest York holds a central position, and is the first point from which indications may bo looked for to show in 111111,T0Yeniellt -in the commercial rotations of the United States -with foreign countries. It will be safe tcoatimate the actualreturns for „the.Wtlolo.ceuntry, taking the above figures as a basis,,at one half what they were - in 1867. 3ant(tiiiiiicittafon, which is amply warranted by the facts, is anything but encouraging for the treasury, and, proves that the calculations of SiPretarY c 0118; from this aource of income, will not hold good. With such an array of positive figures,' the' necessity of resorting to , ilOan to, carry .on the operations of the Go vernment is self-evident. - .•_The - negothitioti of the present loan of twenty millions authorized by Congress, will probably sot sensibly. on exchange between this 'country, and Europe. It is very, likely that foireign capitalists will eagerly bid at a handsome 'Omnibus for this- loan,_which to:beer :aia lute/Cat ~of Are per 'cent: As there le ample time for European bidders to enter into competition, they will not be back. ,rd to seizing the opporturi!ty of making a good investment. In this event, the forward bereof !aria . iturna of (:stri from abrOad intuit Mies, ii fOorabib , _reaction to commerce, as the Teddctien • in• , the rate' of exchange ,makes a Vs:lance . of trade in our faior. i t ooltipg to the returns of goods shipped to forelgn•cotintries t - Wilinalre the following com fiarittlye:itatemhut Of elpgrti kiona the port of , New, York, frCm the 'commencement Of the year tolune - ' 18141. Increase. Dooresse. 0 . 04108 28126,992 84,182 447 —22 611,818 410er 8,711,58824 950,887 11.rn lost:— 79.827 '• 'lB6 0341 88,299 Wheat ' 1712481"1,618.0'8 184:9 - 08 Oorn • 1,188 870 ;1,1 1 81 814 207,882 118,f. V • .144 • 440.406 741.889 807.614 Pork 889,747 • : 867,988 48 211 Totft :- . ...814,555 518 211.501 283 $888,914 $3 338,167 lairoraare as ced - with 1867 ompar 2,911,183 This statement, covering nearly six months '° l t l lCliresent sl!,ows a decrease of nearly threa:ratlltons of dollirs, and yet, singularly enough, -the returns -for New York of the single:week ending' June 24th, shows an actual increase on the corresponding week of list yOar of 1816.8',(2. The principal Cause of dale .gratifying imiro4ement is the active movement, particularly -in cotton, flour, aria-Wheat. - Thus we bars thirty-three hun dred-"and fourteen bales - of cotton, against seven 'hundred and ninety-seven bales, repre aentieg anticreasedvalueof $178,276 twenty. nine thoniand nine hundred and twenty-three barrels of 'flour against, nine thousand 'eight •htuited'and sevent y - flee, giving an increase . 'of-value upon thie here of $127,866 and one') hundred and seventy-eight thousand atit'hAdred 'end sixty bushels "of wheat, agidast ihtrteerk thOusand flee hundred bar, NM; peoducing an increased value in the re. jinni of, $164,882. It would take but a few weeki ' at thin rate ; to completely make up the entire decrease since the first of the year. At -the,preaeit rates at ,Whieh these great staples 'Orz commerce are ruling, we 'see no reason to dent; : ti continuance , i7f these favorable re form, I Breadatuffs have not been as low for a :toes period, and at present prices they must necessarily command 'a ready market abroad. sOdbon as we Can manage to pay our pur. ;chases abroad_ ith the ',exchange of our owe staplenytile.nattonal, thiances tine necessarily -ImproVei.and 'the' business condition of the 'sentry" sensibly revive, and we are glad to 'note' the slightest sign Which Rieke to so tumid • • " • • BY MIDNIGHT MAIL. LETTER FROM «OCCASIONAL. 11 Norrespondquee or The Press Watnittoron, July 13, BM. The Eton:imp Star, 4,13 organ of the defeated, •ea*liatiffor mayor the last election in this elty, _ by the. Washington t 7 tion, Ireotwo it Would not trupport the Democratic -can didate, Berret,li - trying to curry favor -by shoeing the editor, - of ess. The Star oh; facto to the letters of " Ceoesibnal," and Is almost as abusive of them as ITTwas of Mr. Buchanan in 1855, before be came over from England to run for President. Probably your readers do not know Mr, Wallaoh, the editor. He is " a Washington insti tution " He will write the bitterest personal aeattoltn - afrhis , nearest friends, and- when •he ineete-timut‘wili say " Well, I had to give you a Act itHlay Or:yesterday, but I really must do it, you know; I Must make a living, and that's the *ay Ido it," •He stops At nothing, and will de filid'lthelman,te-day whom lie denounced yeater ;day, vilthouttbe allgtitest coritpunotion.' Be thinks -it pays to abuse you just now, and yet, if you were hereitcamorrow, he'vrould meet you with as much bOniforninis . as if he had not jost heels calling you ell abets of hardnames. Beought to take warning by the Union, which has ceased its war upon the editor of The Press ever since it became aware of the feet that the President never indulges in that pastime himself, and never entourages others tq do it. The moment- yen agree with power you agree vritit the Star. , - — MaSitalP,Moilaslin, of your State, the same you itiit§to3t.liett`,O r olle,months ago in your letter from atlstehipgiitt;Att written a nodes of Senator Big coUree,in Kansas, a part of which I am al lowed -to• copy. ColonelldsOaelin is now in Ban. ass, and was turned out of office, you know, be cause he Opposeatioompton. He says , The writer . was present at the Kansas land sales; in Kansas, in June of 1857, and heard Go vernor Walker and Secretary Stanton, and oth ere,:addrese;an':asseilablage of people - numbering I am. "a thousand; heard, Goverrior Walker in his speech admonish the people in the most convincing manner, - to a peaceable and lawful settlement of their troubles by the ballot-box. He pledged his veracity, as en honorable man that they *mid be Protected, and should have a fair vote upon thole Cenaltution—and I heard him quote the Presi dent and -a united Cabinet as bin aUtb9lll for, Making theiledges. The writer also of the same time heard Clieernor Bigler iii hit public speech exhort the people to confide in every promth, which the Governor made them ; that they 'should be faithfully carried out; ' that he mould there (14t illaabidgton) and tee that it was done.' Indeed, the people bad to infer froM.Eigler's expressions that he bad been-sent out by the President to as sure the people of Kansas that they should hive a fair - voto op their Conetitution." The man who wrote the above was Speatter of the Senate of Pennsylvania for two apoceasiso terms, and was a most eminent 'Pemoerat ell his life. I leave Senator Bigler to We high author ity. , ' It is stated that the prevent consul to I,lverpool, Mr. B. Tacker, of Virginia, has written his friends here that he cannot live upon the salary of his office, and pay all the necessary expenses. This is what was predicted when he left. Governor Wise will pay a visit to Pennsylvania in a Week or two. Give him a people's welcome. The Cabinet and a number of °Metal and semi oflicial, guests started, this morning, on hoard the, steam revenue cotter " Harriet Lane," intending to go, as far as Norfolk, Virginia. A gay com• pany they were, and they doubtless enjoyed them- selves hugely. - General Jefferson Davis spoke, in response• to a popular call at Portland, Maine, a few days ago, with immense ability. A gentleman present says that great 'etiprsiasm wee ocoasioned by the speeeh, r . whieh' .was filled with the etrongest Union sentiments. The gallant soldier is accom panied by his Wife and children. He visits New England for,his' health. OCCASIONA,L. VIVIIFORT FAIR TRANZLLERS. [For The Press on writer saw a very 'slum% experiment tried on a railroad oar, one hot day last week, the, re sult of whiob , if generally knoWn, will greatly eonduoe to the comforfof travellers, viz: A palm leaf fan placed against the windowsill, letting ft projeot two-thlrds of the way out of the window, will force into the ear a constant, and in proper - Hon to the speed of the train, a strong current of air. I recommend your travelling reader's to try It If they wish to be comfortable. Watra Mourtrams.—We would call the alien. lion of tourists to the advertisement in another column, of the Profile House end Flume Rouse, at the White hitmntaine, N. IL, which are now open for the season. .These houses are among the very best firet:dass Molt, and are well patronised by tho intelligence and fashion of ,the oouptry. They are owned to , a company composed of a ' number of gentlemen in this oily and elsewhere, and we learn that • some recent changes have • been mede, • which will enable the eompany to conduot the bounce on the grandest male. Until these hotels were erected, about font years 'age, but little was generally known of this delightful mountain resort, which now promises 'shortly to vie; in numbers of visiters with the moat favored in tho world. Many thousanis visited the White Mountains lest season, and we learn that eeveral partier are now on the way there to take rooms for tho BCREIOD, which will probably be a long and gay one is the Franoonia &tab, tut tourists are going that way earlier than Is Ma—Philadel phia inquirer. Dr The removal of Mr, A S. Purim, Super intendent of Washington Square, 'by the 'new Commissioner of City Property, Mr. Christopher, in the Nee of the written request that ho should be retained, by the residents in the neighborhood, of all parties. was an sot of great injostice. Mr. F was &faithful and ootateous °Meer, generally es teemed for hie courtesy to, the visitere of the square, and especially to the obildren. Ile had fought through the whole Mexican war, and bore a high character. Ile was a Democrat, and all parties in the neighborhood desired his oontinit -0000. SAVO OP STOCES sea Loans...—The following !Woke and loan, were sold last evening at the Philadelphia Exchange, by M. Tbomee k Bons, viz: $l,OOO Allegheny county bonds, at 50 por cent.v $29,000 Allegheny county bonds, at VS per cant.; NO shares llig Mountain Improvement Company, at 25 cents each; 1,000 shares Big Mountain Improvement Company, at 128 cents each ; $240 aerie Penn Mutual Inenranoo Com pany, at 55 per cent. EXTENSIVE BALE OP REAL ESTATE.—James A. Freeman, auetioneer, sells a large amount of real estato, by order of the Orphans' Court, this eve ning. Also, Germantown properties. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, Cricket Match—Philadelphia vs New York. (Prom the New York Tribune of Tuesday.] The mafoh between the Philadelphia Club and the St. George's, of this city, wits commenced yes terday morning at eleven o'clock, at the Hoboken Ortoket Ground. The weather was, during the greater part of the day, favorable to the players, the atmosphere being quite cool and bracing com pared with that of the previous two days. Toward evening a sprinkling of rain interrupted the sport, but it was only for a few moments. The game was resumed and (wicket was waged until seven o'clock in the evening, when, the game being unfinished, it.was adjouraed until this morning at ten o'olook, when, if it does not rain too much, the friendly contest will be renewed and ended, and the win ners will bo presented with a new cricket-ball, the usual prise. • The et. George's bad the first innings, and played excellently, scoring 09. In the second Innings, however, the heavy work of the day told severely lepton them, as was shown by their play They have only three men to go in fresh this morning, and the Philadelphians are pretty eon. fident of winning. In their first innings the Philadelphians played very fairly, but not being acouatomed to the ground, they hardly did so well as they no doubt do on their own. They soured - 77 in their gra innings , The St, Gorge's had scored 68 at the time of adjournment. There were the usual fortunes and mislortunee of crioket Turing the day, but the most noted piooe of bad luck for one side and good luck for the other, was the bowling out of the Wright'', pert et fits, by Barclay, without either of them getting a run, and directly after each other. Below we give the 1100Z0 : ST. catozois l B First ismangs. Second Innings. Pimp, a. Sam, b. Bbarpe o. &DO Harslay.ll 5u19r ... 21 Ltilyirblte a. NVlstar. b. . _ Birder 5 II Wright, b. Bartley— 0 ri. Wright, b 0 Waller, b. Senior 0 0 Howe, b Senior. 7 Mason. not out 18 Ford, b genkr, ..... . 8 Prix, not out Walker, a. Wiatar, b. Barclay 4 Byte 1 log Oyes 8 Widee 7 No Balla 1 Lilly wbite, b. Pr &or.— 0 IL 'Wright, b. Senior.,.. 0 8 Wright. b. &Moe.— I Walker. run out. 18 Lang, not out 21 'Pinson b..lohnson 4 ROM, run out 0 Pox. b. Joboroo 0 W !eon, b. Job neon 4 Walker, b Jobneon ' 0 Byer 1.. .18 Log Byre 2 Wl4e4 8 .:Ito liaile 2 ' Total nil Total ' '46ILAD&LIW 1 OLV2 First Innings. Bharat, a. Wilson b. Wa11er.....,. ., 'Mahn., o Bh•rpe b. Wright Barlow, a Wright b Waller ' Beitlor, at Lang b. Waller Newhall, a Tea b. Wright Barth), a gliaria.b. Wailer Collis, at Lang b. w s ik, , , Rowe, o Tins. a b. ....... Paton, run Oat, b Kohn. run out. b, Waller Johneua, tai out, b Waller Byes Leg Byea Widea Totol The match wee to be resumed yesterday POOLIC DINNER TO SONATOR CUITTIODS I - -WO learn from the Frankfort (Kentucky) Common• wearth that Meagre. (limp T. Cotton A. Buford, and W S. Buford, on the partnf the poople of Woodford county, have invited Mr. Crittenden to accept a publio dinner to be given in Versailles. Mr. Crittenden beg determined to accept the Inv!• tattoo, and named the 221 inatant se the thee. It is expected, observes our outeteporary. that the occasion will be an interesankone, both f, tun past and torment airmintions. Osittondeu was WMWWWWAOutp THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1858. THE LATEST NEWS ' 'Arrival Steamship Fulton, ... • A.T .. ' ' q.• -; • - SqIECNV "YORK. ..-. ,1414.Aroitit,july ,13 -..The - ataitmehliP Kuit9n , " frotul3fittibitmpton ou tho 30th ult. via Cape Ettoo on the Minn., arrived- at this port at 6 o'olook this afternoon. , .• „ ' . , She reports passing' 'several itiebergs Off Cape Race on Friday. • On- Saturday, she spoke the steamer Persia, bound hem. •. - But little news in additional to that contained in the, telegraphic despatch from Cape Rees to furnished by the papers. -Ti p , great Ore, reported in thelondon dooks, vas on the. 'south , Quay, next to the Hermitage Baste. The merchandise principally consisted of sugar, spirits, and sidtbetre. The ships in the dook• were hauled out into the amain safely. Despatobes received froth Ohba atLendon state that the Emperor's Special Commissioner had rci, fused to enter Canton, and turned back. - The Austrian forthcoming budget will shoW a deficiency of forty millioneof florins. The dates from India are to May 25, one week later. News considered highly satisfactory. Steamship America arrived at Liverpool on June 27. ' . . Steamship Ilammenia - arrived at Oovros en June 27. • Nothing of much importance took place in either House of -P irlimment. ROYAL VISIT TO TIM LBVIATHAX.--Tbis great ship resolved tho honor, on Monday, of a visit from her Majesty_ and the Prince Consort, Worn? panted by the King of the Belgians, and the other Imperial and Royal game at present on a visit at the Court of St. James. Tun LINE neon GALWAY co AltnieteA.—Mr. Lever, the ptopiletor of the Indian Empire, has pat a second vessel, and a much larger one, on the new lino. She is advertised talked-Ctrthe 27th of July. We vessel is three thousand tens register. It is further stated that Mr. Lever means to pit a third packet upon the line, between Galway and Quebec: The Timra says: The iron clipper ship Sarah Palmer, whose proviong passages stand unrivalled, had arrived at Calcutta in 85 days from Liferpool. The Globe' says: Advice,' have been riteeived this morning, June 29 . titian the Cape of 'flood Hope to April 25. Dr.-L.vingetone is reported to have tir , rived there all well. The Royal Charter, from Melbourne, has now. been our 78 days, and is considered over'dne. " The Wi1218.1 says: The stoppage has been an nounced uf Messrs.- B ristow. Warrem.4.lrarrison,, wholesale grocers, Ifanditige at between A 50,000 and 1;80 000; - PaornaLL TO Satin Ommuysixir TO PABLIAIini4T. —The Herald tioe t Archdoseon Thoipe,ofßriatel, has Invited the clergy of that diocese to petition, now that the' Jews are to be admitted to Parlia,- ; went; bat oleigy'ef the established olinrob may not be disqualified at members of Patliggint -The-Herald contains the follewirig The mar riage of the Prince Royal, of the twollioilies; with the Duchess Maria, of Bavaria, will be celebrated by totem at Munich, in October next, The lisrdld sage: A letter from Naples con tains the f ;Sowing : Vesuvius has tossed to be in eruption at least only a thin stream of lava flows from it, end the voloano haw retutped Its oritinary apnearstme. "fan. Serum:on AT rnis firinara Guineas.— The Herald understands that the minisir Alone of the ltev. Mr. Spurgeon at the above gardens are likely to be brought to a speedy termination, in tionsequenee of - the gardens being opened for amusements. ' MR. BARRY, RAE unites Esrey, neir.mpnnied by Mr. Goodenough, hod the honor of exhibiting before her hinissty, Prince Albert, Bing of the Belgians, and ihe members of the' royal household, on Saturday. From the Timer' city article June 28: Theßom hay telegram although highly satisfactory, con sidering the extent of the difiloultles tobe encoun tered; revived the' feeling of anxiety created by moat of the'rettent intelligence from India, and caused the market to be heavy throughout the day. Tip tqljoiriwt is from the Herald's pity article, Jane 28 t Pabito becuritiof experienced a slight reaction, and prices generally closed' *TM heavi ness Although the American advioes - sere con sidered favorable,' and the plenteousness of money basted to activity on the other aide of the Atlan tic, the effect alined by the late failures in the grocery trade has been rather discouraging." A QUICK Paatutte—The Government emigra tion ship Nugget, 1.128 tone , of Liverpoel, W. 11. Bond oOmmander, Which sailed from fbothatapton on the 224 January; arrived it Adelaide, S. A , on the 3d - of April, • having made the passage in seventy-one days, the shortest on record. ' The globe earl Sir /Teary Itultver had got as far as Vienna, op his way to his post. ' DERiRIICTIVE PIIMN IN - Vt 6 LONDON DOC 49.— The bre took place at 12 o'clock on Tuesday, on the South quay. adjacent to the Ifermitage basin. By I o'clock the whole centre warehouse was in flames. The goods and property consisted of jute, sugar, and spirits, and in the basement saltpetre. It is feared that some of the men lost their lives. Some of the ships in' the docks have been hauled out from the South quay: .' • FRANCE. The Paris correspondent to the pass s ay s : A council was held on Friday last, the residence of Prinoo Napoleon, at wh lob Ms highness presided. The whole of the questions relative to the organi. %mien of the new ministerial department for Ai. geria and the Colonies were examined. There is a rumor that Admiral Hamelin is about to resign. and that the Marine Deportment , will devolve on Prince Napoleon, in addition to his. (muttons as Minister of Aigeria and the Colonies. The Herald says: Intelligence from Naples states that Piedmont intends to-persist in demand- Ine an indemnity in the air of the Cagliari. The Barak: also says t M. do Pane has been summoned before the military tribunal of Lille,to save iv/Menne in the matter of his duel with Cour- Cal and Ilyinne. /MIN. The Post says t The periodical pre% is very vie leas In ite oondemnation of the calumnies of the English against Spain, in reference to - the treaties on the subjeet of the it/eve The Herold says: Lettere froth Vienna report that the forthcoming budget will bean unfavorable one, exhibiting a drfiolenov of forty million florins News from PIIICATIVI mentions that the Austrians ere battening the construction of now fortilloations. Ten more forts aro to ha added. RUSSIA A letter from St. Pettersbargh, in the Nord, &- mass the advanse of a Russian column in the Caucasus, along the banks of the river Adagouna, to a point called by the natives the Tomb of Ralat. On the Itolc of May the oolumn arrived at the spot, and immediately rurronuded its position with palisades. On the following day the troops com menced working on the foundations of a new fort. Very little resistanee was offered by the inhebi. tants, who withArew into the interior. 1 r The London Times acetates the following tele. gram - The latest news of the oommander-iumblef is to the 25th of May, when be arrived at rottyghur. On the 224 Jones was attooked at Shohjehanpore ; on the 24th Jones occupied Mohandeo without op. positien, the enemy retreating into Oude. Sir Rush Rose was attacked by the Calpea rebels, In Ids eaten, four miles below the city, on the 22d. Hs repulsed the attaok, the enemy mffering severely; and on the following day he ocoupled the 010 , and fort with little difli malty. In the pursuit five hundred of the enemy wore killed. and eight guns taken. fifty guns, twenty four etandards, and immense stores of ammunition, were found in the fort. The mutineers were quite discoarentxl. A rabble of 3,00) or 4,000 crossed into theA g ihotb on the 20th, apparently making for Oudelalllit the southern Mabratta country Mr Manson, of the eivil service, bad been murdered by the Chief of Nurgoond, who has been taken, with six of his principal followers. Mr. Manson, at the time of his murder, wee attended only by a few horsemen Re wee treaehemusly attacked on the night of May 20th, by eight hundred men. Ile and all his escort were murdered. A Madras column, under Major Hughes, June 1, look the Fort of Copal by assault. On the same day Co). Malcolm, with a light Bombay , detach ment, arrived at Nurgoond and stormed the town. On the neat day be stormed the fort. The Aurungahad districts :walnut% disturbed by Arabs and Roll Malt, who have plundered several towns. A field detachment, about 4.50 men of ail arms, has been despstobed. 71011tIMIND DIVISION. The AVMs near Shabjohenpore were attacked by 131 r Colin Campbell on the 2ltb of May, and driven book to ktoliundee, which piece woe taken by our force. • On the 28th of May 8,000 rebele, in two bodlea, crossed the Katie°, Nundee, and marched along the greatern boundary of the dfetriet, burning and deatroying villages Two mining of the Deihl tawny were !Invited on the 28th of May, by the Tent[der of Ilneeurpore: CAWlfroitit A party of about ono thousand men. with four guns, reached Asuog, near Ortwopore. Tbo roadie fairly oloeed. Thousands - of the rebels are pro. (Meiling toOude; Brigadier Bir E. Lugard defeated the rebels near Judgespore, on the 26th of May, killing a great number. One forte, by the latest momenta, was still in pursuit. Oalpee was entirely In our posseSeinn. both towu and rue, on the oyeoing of the 211 of May, Large stores of guns. gunpowder„end other tuuultioas were found In the tort. A ilyirg °Memo, which wee bent in pursuit of the rebole, quickly came up with them, killing a great many, and capturing eight of their guns. &India le anxious for the speedy advance of the British troops on his frontier. The column under Brigadier Smith recaptured Ohundaree The Foreign Woe telegram confirms the cap ture of Oa!pee. Sir flugh Rose captured Oalpee on the 28d of May, having been twieeineffeetually attacked by the rebels during his advance. Sir M. Rose mode his approach by the river side, below Ualpee. having entered into communication with Colonel Mammal', who held a position on the west bank of the Juntna, so as to shell the town and ibrt. The enemy made no resistance, and the city fell without any loss on our lido. A. rapid pursuit was made by cavalry, and the result was the capture of all the guns, elephants, and ammo. nitlon. Ownlior had been attacked by the rebels and plundered.• After the relief of Shabjehanpore, by Jones, be was surrounded by masses of the enemy. On the 23d, B , r Colin Campbell drove bank the enemy, capturing blehundo. • Onde is still disturbed, the rebels again ap proaching Luoknow. It was not thought, however, they would venture an attack, as the city is fully defended, and the garrison very strong. The frtlnwing is from the Times' city arttcle. June 30: The English Capita Opened heavily this morn nit : and experienced, a further decline daring the day, from whnth..hoWever; there was a recovery before the official The downward tn...veatent wen attributed partly to some sales by recent speculators for the rise, end partly to the demand foe monry in consequence of alt the float revenue paymente foe the quarter being made today at the Bank of England. Intense anxiety prevails tn. day in the city, In consequence of tt e tire raging In the London d cks, and the uneertaintr as to Its ultimate extent The tendency to disinters of die kind lately renders It made:teary to hesitate in mourning the present cane to be iiccid.rn , al " Consols DS% to yf , end 953 to for anoint, The follow ng le from the Dail" News' onty artinle, June BO : The demand for motley to.d.y elleme4 te• creased activity. and diaermoileg in ail c a^a were very t•ansect one taking pare below 3 41V cent The business traosseted at the bas k was larger than for some weeks past. It to cold that the East India Company have letthdraari some leave from the market today Thin alteration in the appearance of the motley market le not eX. retie% El %a teftillirAlto BY TELEGRAPH. ENGLAND AUSTRIA FDTTYMIIIR Catamaran' latelllg•nce the mese of Money which will be released next month is the shape of dividends can scarcely fail to appeal to the market tl The lose by Ore at the London Docks is estimated at 1160.00 In American securities a fall of $1 tork place on 1111nele_Ceattal tAdichisan Ron h emu and ktichiganCiatial A farther de cline took plane (a - tile, GretutTiiink .66,01t0ada... At- Indio Telegraph abate were sego I .ted at 500.- LIVERPt. OL" COTTON ARRNT, Jana RElth and 86th —A largekbrialtiess haq been trenuotod io Cotton, and the salietadielt Iliili 27 , 0001nttee i 11.000 on 'peen. :tattoo and for - eXport. • Prices B.l6ths higheithen hot Friday: . • LIVERPOOL DORN. , AND •BEtIAADEITLISTS 815 llRT..ltine 29 —There is a liberallupply of , American and OanadianWheat. The business done was chiefly In American red Wheat, of which all the percale offer• lag at It 8d 41 70 the were cleared off, and altogether a general advance or 1 4 41 , 70 lb. woe established FP or met with more attention. and beoesbt full prices In dian Cern wu rather more inquired for, bet at 886 6d to 84s 84 for beet yellow. and 32a 6.1 for white, being a decline of 6d to le 4fr quarter. LONDON PROPIIO/4 AND PROVISION MARKETS, Jape 28.—Tea arm llogarunalterei. Coffee inactive lifolase.i—West Indies 16e - to 18a 4p ewe. - Blau arm Saltpetre (laud lower. Tallow elow,.butprince cup ported. Turpentine firm. Spirits ancbaused". Metals— Scotch pig iron dull. Speller; dull inquiry.- Tin Sm. FROM CALIFORNIA. Col. Stepteeis Detont Vontlimed—The F • - Excite-lurid OZAALISTON, 13.—The steamship Isabel, from Havana, furnishes news from California, per the steamship Btar o(tbe West. The newels of no special important*. .Col. Bfeptoe'e defeutgythe Indiana in Oregon is ' The Fraser river gold excitement continues without abatement. Large numbers of emigrants have gone thither. Farther from Utah Sr. LOITTS.J.uty 13 —The 'Utah correspondent of the lerpubliran, ender date of June 18, says that the conditions agreed upon at the eonferenoe be tween the pence commissioners and the beads of the Mormon Church are as followa: The troops shall enter the city without opposition ; thn civil officers shall be permitted to 'perform 'the duties of their offices without interruption, and there shall be no. conditional obedience to the laws of the land On thb other band. past Offences shall be forgotten, as 'stated in'the , President's proclamation; all the houses in the city shall be closed against both civil officers and atrangars, excepting .the one to ho occupied by the Governor 'and hie Everybody else will 14 obliged to slaeitn wagons or tit the ground. ,•t „ , - • The persons iwthe city were GOveruoi-Cant- Ining, Peoretaiy Rents - MI. 'PEPIN)" 0601M111810110111 Powell and Morullooh. Dr Forney, Stiverinten dent of Indian Affairs ; Mr. Craig, Indian Agent; 13r. Dodson. Marshal or theTeultath and Mame .Elimentoo, Fillmore. and firown,"correnxateuta of the'lfew York Times. Are raid, and Tribune. ' 'Linter him Havana Rad Rey West. , Ouintranarotn, Jett , 12 —The Teqbel ties arrived with dates from - Havana and - Key Went to the 10th Inst.. . &mar at Havana was active and firm; molawes Inmitivo; °laved at 3a41. Freight dull. Sterner exchange 12a13 premium. MIS 011 tho North 2aB premium.• ' The Water 'Witch at Charleston. 011ARLISTON. July steamer Water Witch , has arrived with despatches from ()ammo. dote Mclntosh for the Secretary of the Naiy. The yellow fever waft preveillpg eatepslvely at Havana. - Further News from the Telegraph Fleet. Qcsatto, July 13.—Tho chip Windsor Tama. arrived here, reports that she wee in company with the Niagara and Agamemnon for three (lava. She parted from them on the 20'h of June, In heary.weather. Both tied fight steam on. The weather on the 234 to the 24th was one, but from then to the 20th heavy southwest winds prersdlad. The Steemehtp Canada. HALIFAX, July 13.—The weather is thiok along the eastern coast, and it is raisi ns. There are no signs of the Canada, due here. The Telegraph Fleet. Er. Jourrs, N. F , July 13—Afternoon.—The weather 16 hney—wind light—westerly. There are no algal telptiaph tied. Fr on w L blngton llragutttorote. July 13 —The frigate Sabine has not. as stated, been ordered to the vicinity of San Juan do Nicaragua. The revenue-cutter BarrietL‘ne, with a soled company of ladies and gentlemen, including the Secretary of the Treasury, left this morning for a several days' excursion on the yir g inl a coast. The Postmaster General Weeds leaving Washe tngton on Thursday, to'he gone a month. Oenertil Burnett ha signified his }umpteen of the appointment of Surveyor-General of Kansas. Governor Denver arrived here to-night. • The Alqmoarict Pilots, WASHINGTON, July 13.—The Alexandria pilots published a osrd is the Alexandria Gazttge, to day, stating that the person in charge of the steamer Beaman "who says he is a pilot," was not at all acquainted with the Potomaa navigation, but that. as the his stand, any.persort can pass hlnitelf cff for a pilot. The Peoples State Convenllon—lntorlilai hleeppg• EARRISStina, July 18 —An informal meeting of the delegates to the Peopte's &ate Convention aseembled this evening at Coverly's Rotel. The attendance was large. Hon. D. Taggart ()coupled the chair. Judge Jessup was nominated as temporary chair men. The Convention meets to•morrow in the Bull of the Rome of Representatives. Ohio Politica Otupparkrt, July Republican State Convention met et Cotun bus today, General James M Ashley emit frig the ohair. Hon. John A. Bingham end Caleb B. Smith ad droned the Convention. There le a full attend ance. Oractswavt. July 19.—The Republiean Conven tion has nominated the Mowing ticket Judge of the Bnpreme'Court—Wm. V. Pock. ' Attorney.Generat—W. B. Thrall. Compvroller—C. P. Walcott. President Board of Publio Works—John L. Moran. Resolutions warn pasted denounoing the extra. vacation of the Administration and its Kansas polloy. A ratitiostion will be held to-nlght, and be ad dressed by Senator Wade and odors. ludfana Politics CINCINNATI July 13 —The Republican Conven tion of tha Fourth Irdiana distriot nominated Judge Harkelman for Congress. Resolutions denouncing the Enallrh bill and the extravagance of the Administration were adopted. Terrible Aceld•nt nt Mures Mem near Patt;vlll.—Flvet - iie r n POTTSVILLE, July 13 —Fivo men were instantly killed this morning at Harper's Moos, on Wolf Creek, by bl sok damp. Five others were seriously injured, but it is supposed they will recover. Alamo! of a Robber and Itreetiery of 81,700. Ilanrronn, &lip 13 -=-The package of four thou. sand seven hundred dollars, robbed from a di rector of the Eaet Haddam Hank at the American Hotel, in this city, on the 14th nit., has been re• covered It was found by Moor Chatnberlln on Meat M. Puller, a waiter In the hotel, who was leaving in the ()reimport beet this morning The money belonged to the Slot Haddam Rank, who bad offered ono thousandadoklara reward for ita recovery. Poisoning of a Fnml•y at LsaisvlllP. Lontsvit.tr. July 13.—Mrs. Patrick Pope and family were poisoned by arsenic by a slave girl ten or twelve 'years old Mrs. Pone is in a criti cal situation, but the rest of the family are recov ering. The Expected Caltreenta Mall. Thaw ORLEANS. July 13 —The atearnahlp Em pire City. arrived here, reports the calling of the reamer Star of the Weat, from Aspinwall for New York, with 400 passengers, a million and a half in treasure, and the California mails of the ,20th ult. Hines, et General Quitman NEW Onuuna. July 12.—General Quitman Iles seri.usly ill at Notches. There are doubts ex pressed of his reonvery. Laborers for Abe oantiatepeo Railroad NNW YORK, July 13.--The barque Rapid, for Minotßion, sailed ro•dey. with a urge number of laborers to be employed in the oonstruetion of the Tehuantepec Railroad. The illiCzeiss , Mink of i\lemphl• and Nashville UMINIIB. July 12.—The notes of the Clttsons' Bank of Nashville and Memphis are refused. They ate expected to close to-roomer. Maurine, July 13.—The Oltlsens' Bank has closed. From Corm Of ay CAPS /BLAND, July 13, 4 &cloak P. M.—The sloe:nor "Balloon," Captain Whilldin, from Phila. delphia,•this morning, has arrived and landed her pemengere. PAvanve.—The following patents were Issued to Pennsylvanians for the week ending Bth inst.: W. 0. Chimes--For improvement in water and steam indicators. W... 11. Grimes—For improved pressure gauge. F. Woile—For improvement in machines for making paper bags G. lienderson—For Improved lathe for turning In metals. J. Hibbs—For improvement in the rueninggear of wagons. C. A Stenoili£—For improvement in continuous chair-riffle. H, W. Teyior—For improved nail machine. 8, H Hartman—For improvement in machines for tenting the etrenath of springs. W. Darker, Jr.—For improved water metre. E Brooks—For improvement in breeoh•loading fire-arm. J. Fleming—For improved method or ottaobing moo to lett r. 128. T. E. bieNelil—For improved duet-pan. FATAL EFFECTS or DRINKING BRANDY —Last Saturday evening John McMullen, a child three Tears and a half old, whose parents reside at 70 Gameivoort street, while left alone in the room for a short time, got bold of the brandy bottle and drank freelk of the contents. Re home stupid from the aims of the draught, and continued to iirow worse till Monday afternoon, when ho died.— N. Y. Express of yesterday. Last weak a respectable young lady, moving in the highest circles In this eity,says the Lanoaster (Pa )DailsoTimes, attempted so commit suicide by taking arsenic, but, fortunately for herself, and family, the dose was entirety too large, which saved ber life. Medical aid was procured as soon no po.sible, hod the 00m remedies applied. She le still in a very low condition. It seems that she bad fallen In love with a certain gentlemen, who could not, or would not, teciprooate her affections The knowledge of this so worked upon her, and so destroyed her peace of mind, that she determined to take her life. Thle is the second attempt of the kind that she has made within a few months. . E. O. Rolland, who bee contributed Several volumes to Ai:both:mu literature, arrived in the Indian Empire flora a three.yeara residence in Europe. dieting his studies in Gorman literature at lieldelberg, he gave two courses of lectures on American literature to the citizens of the town; he repeated the course at Bonn, and was well lauded by the German press for malting better known thegrowing literature of the United States. In Great ilrltalu we observed that favorable no tices appeared of hie be:tures la Loudon, Glee. Sow, 49, LETTER FROM NEW YORE fOorreopondetioe of The Proofs j Nzw Youx, July 13, 1858 We are now In the midst of southeasterly show ers, which bid fair to merge into an easterly etorm. 80, the discontented fanners and molter , log citizens may congratulate, themselles 4,1 the weatherly auspices. - 5) :At present we are on the etta;aaw:OPilternate hope and forboding as regardiAi fat)Ecif attAt- Untie telegraph. The gleam .OtiatetilienaiVoz Si. Johns is so far favorable ae 'that it does `not involve absolutelyavil prospeote. Dalai:limey be the " parent of security" in this cue, if the delay to the, result of "a wiee_preoaution " on the part of those who direot the operatlond of the tale. graphic float. Amid the multAnde,til „arrests for attempts* murder, insults, and other offences, there are frequent oases, also, where no,publielty Or punish ment appears to: follow. Last night, a', man was 'stabbed andrent;lit was said fatally; in the Ninth avenue, 'an i borne away covered with blood ; bat, on inquiry concerning the matter, at the Jefferson Market Court, this morning, I could find no report or 'arreet. Mightl3o robberies and °Mir felonies thus go anwhipt. • :A man was aeon to walk Overboard 11Mt evening from a Jersey ferry boat, and nothing further hag boon reported of him. . . Another 1 / 1 11.11 was found this morning lying in a dying state in the Park, supposed, to-hi! poisoned., An unknown lad was fished up from the North river this forenoon. lints the catalogue of la• . talities swells each day. ' The delegation of Virginia volunteer roltaie s p who brought on the remains of Laurens Hamilton, are now, partaking of Row' York hospitalities— eaolt Virginian being assigned to the charge of a Seventh Regiment member, who is to do the host At this hour (6 P. the esoort and eity.milita ry are und.r arms at Trinity ohnrch yard, to take part in rendering 'the kit honors to he lamented grandson of Alexander Hamilton. , . About one hundred and fifty laborers and me *fates atikelphis moiling from our oily; Wild for blinatitlenAlezioo. They go to the - inritide" • Rapid, under charge of J. idolood- fdurphy i .ind will be employed on the Tehuantepec' Railroad.' Those operators are all young men. and scitatiiereV volunteers in the Mexican war ; , Several have their wives', and look , u permanent settlement. This le the " true march 'of enspire." 'The noted lampeenist, Stephen U. Branc'h, pub -lister of a weekly tainib celled the Alligator; bas been indicted by the grand fury fors libel on Mayor Tielimon, In asserting that the latter had assaulted and sodnoed a- matron on liandall's behind, and summing to detail all the circum stances. , . Nothing new eonoerning the Zonave adventu rer, Hiviere, has transpired ; Saving the traverse return of the writ of habeas &wpm. The fellow is believed to be still seoreted In Hoboken. The stook market this morning exhibits mush fluctuation. New York Central began at 841, and subseuttently rose and fell, closing 'IA 841, ado aline of .since yesterday. Reading.was rather inactive, and add at 46, a further decline of I, Delaware and Hudson advanced 1; Erie shows better than ordinary, advancing 4, and closing firmly at 191. Hudson, which brought 28 at last evening's board, closed at 274 this morning. Har lout did not change. • P acific Mail Steamship fell 4. In Western roads some activity•was apparent. Thirteen hundred shares of Cleveland and Toledo were sold at 351, a ,deoline of I. Michigan Cen tral fell 1; Michigan Southern old stook declined 4, closing at 23; the guarantied brought 40; fall ing 4 ; Chicago and Rook Island declined 1 ; Galena and Chicago fell from 88 (opening price) to 871, a decline of 1 since last night; lili nois Central began'at 75, rose 4, and then fell to 751, losing 4 sines yesterday; Panama brought 106 regular, against 104. seller sixty, yesterday. Of railroad bonds tie aggregate sales were thirty-three thousand dollars, of riluolt two-thirds were Da Crosse ,and Grant, closing at 31, yester day's Anal Klee. Erie Out mortgage closed at 93; Harlem do. do. at 82, yesterday's price; do. third do. at 54; Milwaukee and Mississippi second do. at 481. and Michigan Central eights at 974, yesterday's prints. A email sale of United States glues of 1847 was made at 114. In State stocks, the ,business was loss In amount than it was yesterday, but Inicee were firmly maintained. Missouri sixes olosed at 853 ;- North Carolina at 939 ; and California sevens at 87; yesterday's prim, in each instance; Tennessee at 833,1 advance; and Mich* Igen of 1878 at 104. A lot of Brooklyn City sixes was taken at 97. In bank stooks, there were sales of Bank of Republic, at 119 ; Phcenix nt 106 ; Bank of Commerce at 1009, 1 decline ; and Common• wealth at 93. The bank statement for the week shows a large specie inoroaso, with the semimonthly instalment from California, now due, (amounting, al we see by telegraph from New Orleans, to $1,500,000,) to be added. The discount line shoots an !norms of nearly a million dollars, principally owing to large payments maturing in the first week of July, which have found no market as yet. The following is Tuesday's business at the officio of the Assistant Treasurer . Receipts. $B3 759 28 Payments 78,101 20 Balance 5,413,578 3.3 The receipts include $83,000 from customs. At the second board the market was more steady, and closed better for some stooks. Panama declined 1; /Moots Central rose I ; Cleveland A Toledo ; Chicago 4 nook Island Harlem doled at 10 : New Yolk CentralB7l ; / 1 11- note b Chicago 879—the prices of the morning board, Tennessee do '9ll closed at 939; Virginia Bs, 93; Missouri Os 85, and California 7a 87. The exchanges at the bank Clearing House to.dsy were $16,584 920 16, and the balances 15879,903.15. The Metropolitan oertificates have been redwood to $15,000. There was a general reaction la stocks to-day, and the market suffered a heavy decline. There was a. fair business transacted in the principal railroad shares at a decline. As compared with the oorreeponding board of yesterday—Newyork Cen tral declined 1; Erie, ; Hudson River, 1; Read ing, 9 ; Miohigen Central, I; Michigan Southern preferred stook, .9 ; Illinois Centril, 1; Galena and Chicago, 1; Chicago and Rook Island, 1; Michigan Southern advanced 1; Cleveland and Toledo, 1. NW YORK STOCK EXONARGX—,/tmr 13. MOND SOLED. 16°00 Tana Et 65, 1 90 93 800 Arlo Railroad 19,1; 1000 do 0.3 x, 400 do 19 2400 California St la 87 200 do - 400 194 3000 Viaariela Et 614 95 100 do 460194 MI Ohl i 870 a '8 a D 2 100 Mich 8& la 460 tall, 1.000 kliatrearl Et 6o 85 50 do 430 23) 300., Brooklyn City fle 07 100 Marten Railroad 10 20 0 0 IMO Oph feat lid 97 160 Mich Po It Prof 4414 / 0 0 0 0 & Q RS, 45 150 Illinois 0n R 76 500 111 Oro lid 87,V 360 Gal & Cbicavo R 871, 'AO New York Oen It 8l shloo Cleve & Tel 35% 25 Panama R 104, 1 ,100 do - 860 05A 25 do 1041200 do - • 3.5,1‘ 75 0D & Qrtincey 5441200 Ohio & R Zed R 75A THE MARKETS. At the Corn Exchange to-day a moderate business wee transacted breadetults., The demand for 'State Piour wan a trite better, and Western brands remained ab ut all of into. Wheat rose 1620 ip bushel with onesiderable inquiry for export. Corn lacked up in prine and demised. Oats fat a'shode. Pork contained stendy Lard Batter. atm Chau* wets study, the first milling impr , red pikes. AMUR in moderate request, with males of 85 bbls at $1 for rote, and 8012 X for Pearls. ORLIN.— is heat firmer sales 53 000 bushels at 'IV 'e. eta for trwound Ch sago Spring; 82(00 for Inferior to souod Milwaukee Club. a.Ola tO9 for red Indiana awl Ohio; $1 4-8 for white Indiana, and $1.25 for led, and $1.40 for new white Southern. Bye quiet; sales a IMO bashple not etrletly prime at Ourn Institut arm ; sales 90 (00 bust:tele 4 030;0a (or unsound mixed Western; 80a for very good sound do; S2O fur white Southern; 8021320 for unsound; and 80a90o - for sornAl yellow Southern. Oats 461*46 fur State and Western nuns —Sales 13,000 bids at $3 8503 90 for superflue State; 1404.10 for extra State; $3.850390 for super. One Western • $404.46 for common to medium extia Michigan. Ind ' lmt, Oblo, and %limonite. and $4 0004 70 for shit:pug brands of extra round hoop Ohio The market iroehig quiet and firm Included in the Fate' for export are 2,000 bble super fine State at $3lO, head lined and delivered. Canadian Flour le la moderate request and fir u. Sales 6 6 bble at 51.2506 30 for common to choice extra, the loiter price for ..York Mille it &mamma 121 , ar is without change to notice. Sales 1 600 bble at $4 4504.75 far sup Moo, and $4 8006 for fancy add extra., hye Flour coutlauee heavy at $303.60. Corn Meal le eearce emit nominal at $3.4003.60 tordersey, and II for Brandywine. PSI,TISIUNd —The Pot k ena , ket continues steady with a moderate demand. Sales 930 bb eat $l6 70 for mesa; $l7 75 for clear; $l6 for unit:mowed DIM, and $l3 75 for prime. In prime mess there to nothing of no %meat' doing and quotations are nominally at $l6 50016 76. Beef co , tomes 11 , m with a fair loudness doing; 265 bbl' at $lO 760 11 60 for toantry mess; $l2O .3 to for repacked Weetern mess, and $14014 60 for extra do Prime mess Beef Is dull at 518021. Beef Baum are In good request, and firmly bald at $15017. Bacon. is quiet and nochaeged Cut meats ere held with more firmness, and we notice small Wee a F hoot de. a at 61405,1ja, and do Baths at Ns 720 ; choice do. are hell at to. Lard is active at a further advance gales 1,600 bbls and Ice at 11%011%0 for now h e ld at 4110. Dieter to eteady, with a moderate business doing at lemiee for State. and 12015 for Ohio. °been° con_ hones dull at 3070, se In quality Corros.-1 he market to a ehr do better. with a fair business doing at 32m01234 4 for middling uplands. Risers More Piccione Show Jewels prom the New Orleans Delta J A night or two ago, a fair, sweet girl, raiding on Sane, near Fourth street, was partially awa kened from her slumbeth by a man In tior cham ber, but not fully aroused she lay with closed lips for a mlaute.'when, the sound being repeated, she started up and, saw by the light of the little jet upon the gas burner, a man's form disappearing through the window. She screamed involuntarily, and her father, armed with a revolver, was in her room la a few momenta, greatly agitated and alarmed. The parent was disposed to think his daughter bad been dreaming, when, in looking arouud,, he observed upon his daughter's dressing bureau, where a beautiful enameled watch, a pair of heavy bracelets, a diamond ring, and a necklace wore lying, a slip of paper, on wbioh was written : %AIRES?, MAMIE GIRL CMS here to rob but your beauty s made we honest for the time I saw these Jefiels, but believing ti em yours. I could not take them. I have stolen what I value more three deli tiene kisses from your anconaelous lips. Do not be I offended, they were gentle and Innocent AN UNgsown Loves. This story sounds Nucantio, but we are assured upon the best authority that it is striotly 'sera. clone, and we publish it no an evidence that the nge of gallantry and sentiment is not at an end; that the race of 'Rinaldo Itinaldino is not extinct. On the 9th inst. two hundred Mated States troops, Iran Pa l poled Orissa FA, Lodi tor Tot TA10701111,411‘ The Board of Controllers.-Thie body met yesterdav-their regular meeting-at their rooms, in Sixth below Walnut street. A resolution was offered to raise the salary of the teachers ofthe Point Breese schoola. .: - .A.oemniertleation was received from the Second distriet, notifying the Board of the election of MissclHaitha Hollis and Kate Kane ag teachers. One,l'from the - Fourteenth district, asking that the bill of Afte.Spaffner for cleansing !blame seboolebouse may be paid. • Ode,:juktoglhat beaters may be placed in the • Bleventhjeliool-house. Orie,,fiviiitlie Nineteenth district, sulking that Carroll - school-house be repaired, providing the mitt will not exceed 3800. One from tho Twenty-first twaying for an apnro priation of $225 for repairs to be done to the Mona longs- aohool-house. ' A , communication mis.sent to; Councils was read. It complains thlit the teachers of the Lo ons street sohooli. hoth.,granimar. and primary, have been constantly giving holidays upon • the most. frivolous protepoeS„; and• at the same time severely:taxing the poweni of the children .I;4* oom, pressing the-day's exercises into ajlingle !tendon.. Referred to the Comnitttee - cinFduesition. • "- The Committee on SOpplieiriespeetfully report that they have under oonsiderationthsi stifle of the prices paid for 'supplies used in' the' mtblia schools of the First school &stria.- - The oommik „ - tee, at their regular stated meeting. held on 'Fri day last, adopted the following resolution, and di rected the Secretary, to send'a copy of i t each Publisher in the city having biota oaths list pub.` limbed in the salmis: Resolved That the publishers in the ;BY - of Philadelphia be requested to furnish the Commit. tee on-Supplies with a list of the prices for which they will furnish the books-published by them, and need in the nubile schools of thelirst School District Pennsylvani-t. In answer to the resolution, the Committee have received communications from the following named Philadelphia publishers,. SMOollipsnied - by. a Ilat of the prices they will fnirdslo broke pub lished by them, and need-in the politic schools : B. & 'J. Biddle, B. 11 Bader & Co., Crispy & Markley. Jas. B. Smith & Co.. peek & giiss, J. H; Lippincott & Co , Sower & Barnes, Uriali Hunt Co , King & Baird, H Cowporthwait & Co. .:The committee are desirous that the commtml eatione should be sent to a special committee,to compare them with the priors hitherto pal dfor. the same articles. They offer the following Ewa: lotion; " ' . ..-.Resolval,,That a speoiel eommittielltive Mont beret: be appointed ,to ,examinet, itte thelprioes .paid for Minplies used in the. PnblWOhooltylind' 'to lepers what reduction can be made, and whether • any • better - "Mode -Our be - adopted for their pur ehasevand report at thenezt stated meeting et tide Board. 'Adopted - . - The following are the Standing - 4enunltteo4..,P7 :pointed fdr the ensiling year Aiah School-Messrs. Jitakson, Mister, Conroy; Hellingswarth, and Marotiment. • • - - Normal School-Messrs. Daffiold, Dusenberry, Watson: Booth. and Allison. • • Supplies-Messrs. Marehment, Jatiktiort, Dusen berry, Hollingsworth, and Leech. - Aceounts-Idessrs. "Atigney; Turn, Farrand, Houston, and Duffield.., Property-Me-sra. Watson, Davis, BOoth, To mb*, and Robbins. _ -•- Quarterly Report-Messrs. Allison,Fry, Barton, Rummell, Wright, and Tnmlok. • Grammar. Secondary; at.et Printery-Messrs. Leech, Mention, Himmelwright, Realm!, and Watson. . 0, . Finance-Messrs. "Hollingsworth, Houston, Fry, Burma. and Hnnsworth. • . • - , . Lihrary—bieurs. Meat., Conroy, Trine, Davis, and.Parrand. - • . Bspenses—Meromt Hunsworth, Ivins; Barton, Allison ; and Bobbins. - " ' Qualifications of TeiebOrs. - -lifessre. Trinioh,.. BUMM. Angney, Wider: and Tarr - end.- Mr, Fry offered a resolution to the effeet.that the sectional school boards be empowered to par obese the feel needed for theuse of.thpir rupee-- tire sohools during the' ensuing winter, and be directed' to 'invite proposals for the same: - and award the contract to the lowest and best bidder.• The resolution was; after come debate r ruted to be out of order. _ . - - Mr, Booth moved that proposals for coal be ad vertised for one week in four daily papers pub lished in this city. Agreed to. =• The monthly bills amounting to $6,227.39, were presented arid ordered . to be paid. „ , Mr. Watson offered &resolution: that when the Board adjourn, it be to meet again on the second Tuesday in September, which was agreed to. The Board then adjourned. • Important Recovery of Stolen Properly.— Mr. Charles Weseiott, - who . was one or the most efficient officers; under ex-Marshal John fikKeyser, - yesterday morning succeeded In recovering _seven furniture ear-loade 'of valuable goods, which were feloniously taken from- the restaurant at No. 1 South Sixth street, below Market, kept by Leilok A . Co. This place had been foe some time under the superintendence of George Try, , . who, it is represented, removed every article uf - the -estab lishment, and carried them to some convenient cribs at a late hour on SundaY night. "This opera tion wee effected without any ,interferenoe of The police in that vicinity, who, in view of the amount of property stolen, must be considered as derileot In their duty. The restaurant wee completely gutted, and atrinned of everything of value which it contained. ' Yesterday Mr. Wescott, who ie keen detective, in company with Constable Iflshart of the Thirteenth ward, proceeded to two' certain places and recovered every cent of the missing property This matter was in the -hinds of other officers, who apparently could make no headway in it. The accused feat present at large, although several other charges are' pending against him. The recovery of this property is due solely to the commendable exertions of the expert gentleman we have named. . The Condition of the Crops.—The' weather for several weeks has been as favorable'for the harvest as could be desired. The Bolds are already yellow with the ripening crops, and are ready for the scythe. Our edvioes from the surimunding , counties are decidedly encouraging with roferenee to the grain crops. Wheat and rye have ripeiled beautifully, and, as a general• tbing,4ree from rust, mildew, Aci. Those of our, readers who are un employed, and who desire to spend a few weeks in an invigorating and healthful exercise, could, with tittle difficulty, obtain employment In the harvest fields. Soon the waving grain will be Stowed away in capacious barns, anti all. anxiety about this Drops will have ceased. Rumored Murder.—Late last evening Coro ner Fenner was tent for to hold anJuquest on the body of a woman named Mrs Joyce, residing in ,Carpenier street, below Tenth, who, it was alle ged, had been beaten to death bir her husband, Thomas Joyce. A number of contlieting state manta reached us,"all f which we withhold until the Coroner holds the inqueet, which Will be some time to-day. INTERESTING LEGAL PECISION—LIPE INBll- RAsrcE.—Judge Yaeger. of - Vicksburg. fdhe , asippl, in the case of Able .t Adams v.. Martha It. Jack eon at of . decided that u polio) , of life Insurance is not suiject to attachment, either In law or equi ty, to satisfy the olaima of orcditars. In this case 0 A. Jackson as,,igned his policy of $5.000 to the defendants, and the neat day died insolvent. Among other questions, the validity of the transfer was bronght before the court, end de eded affirmatively The following is the language of the court on this point:." It is furthermore well settled that Whom a debt, or service, Or eon:i mitation of any kind, is not due, and where "the party to whom the same is'payable, by his own act or omission to perform some act. may defeat it, it is 4oLliable in law or equity to be subjected to thilleralme of oreditore t • as where a party's core pennation-depends on his performing certain ser vices; and be may, by refusing or omitting to per form them, be not entitled to anything. So here. if at any time, the party felled or refused to pay his annual premium or payment'', the poltey is defeated, and no creditor has a right to make such payment to uphold the policy, and secure it as a means of paying his debt, unless such right is in serted in the policy itself. In this view of the law, this court would have nojurisdiotion to grant the relief prayed for by the complainants." How To lust INDIAN Wursae AND GET OP AN INDIAN WAR —A oitisen of St. Paul fur niches roma pretty bard_ papers on his fellow-old- VMS who trade with the Northrweeternlndlane. He eat a a barrel of the tare Oirminnati,"-evert after Is has run .the gauntletof railroad - aid lake tin t , vol, is a sufficient basis upon which to manufacture one hundred barrels of «good Indials liquor!" . He says a small bucketful of the Cincinnati gulf ele is poured into a washtub almost full of rain water; h large„quantity of"dog-leg," tobacco .and red pepper is then thrown into the tub; , a bit ter species of root, common in the land of the Dakotah," is then out and added ; burnt sugar or some such article's) used to restore something lake the original color of the whiskey. The Oompound bite to be kept on hand a few daps before it is fit for use. It is then administered to the aborigines ad lihitum. -He eve all an Indian wants - is some, thing that will bite !" and it matters nofwbother It is pepper, rum. or tobacco ; that be will giVe for ty acres of land for one dose. . He says some of the speculators, when they wish le" drive a bargain," have only to administer this innocent preparation to the Ohippewas and Sioux simultaneously, and they , all sten at once for their war clubs and tomahawks, and proceed to cleave each other's brains out. TUE UNITED STAZNB ' SENATE.—The terms of the following trotted States Senators will expire on tbe 4th of March next : Clemens 0. CDay. of Alabama, re-cleated ; Wm. Sebsetian, of Arkansas; Martin W. Bates, of Delaware; Robert Toombs, of Omuta, re-elected ; B A. Douglas, of Illinois; G. W. Jones, of lowa, Jas. W Grimes chosen as his successor; John B. • Thorevon, of Kentucky ; L W Powell, chosen ; J. P. Benjamin, of Louisiana ; _ W. Pitt Fessenden, of Maine ; Henry Wilson, of Maiustiobitietts ; Cher. E. Stuart, of Michigan ; Albert G. Brown, of Mis sissippi, re.eleoled ; _John P. Hale, of New Hamp shire, re-elected; Wm. - Wright; of Now Jersey; D. S. Reld„ of North Carolina; Philip Allen, of Rhode Island; Henry B. Anthony, ohosen ; A. P. Bayne, of South - Carolina; John Bell, of Tennes see; A. 0. P. Nioholton, chosen; Samuel Mor ton, of Texas ' J. W. Hotuphill. chosen; R M. T. Hunter. of Virginia ; 'lames Shields, of Minne sota. Tun lifatiatacia Salmon —Sir John Bowring, the British embus tdor to China—who. by the way. wrote " Watohman, tell us of the Night," as well as many, other charming pieces of churoh'psalmo• dy—is said to be not only a very eccentric, but very opinionated man On one occasion he was ani madverting upon the "wickedness" as be expressed it, of the marriage service, as prescribed by the Ohoroh of England. "Look at it," said he= " with this ring I thee wed—that's sorcery : with my body I tbee worship—that's idolatry; and with all my worldly goods I thee endow—that's a Queen Christine is said to have made Rome her home for the future. She has married two of her daughters there. and plaoed 'a great deal of money In the railways to Civita Vocable and to the South. Her real estate in France is, or will soon be. in the market. The moat intenistine property she owns bete 'is Ma!waken, 'oelebtated for having been the home of Napoleon and Jo sephine in the morning of theirfame, and, I dare say, in the meridian of th eir 4 sappiness. It will doubtlese he parolonfed by the ilovernment, whloh h as bought this week M trOibienyoe collection of fossils, 80., paying $ll,OOO for It. ' We see it stated that: Obarks Leteher, the printet of the Free-Love paper at Berlin neigh% Onto, has committed bulimia. Jibe mother, an ex cellent woman, living in lowa, did all she could to win her son from the Soduoilve influences of a sen sual fanaticism, basin vain: and the end has been desperation, insanity, and suicide. Governor Packer has pardoned Morgan Ryan, convicted at Pittsburgh, and sentenced to six months' imprisonment for soiling lottery ticket/. petition was eigbed by ;too of the moot Win•. vta Qt V 1 0 01 4901 • • FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. ...._ „.....„....—wir..moNEx,4Aggy..T. Pamsnistsottra, July 13, 1858. The itati asses of • tottlay Were not heavy, and pitoes were again itnicStticd. , ' , lii Old money market there - la no change to report, The bank state ments of Philadelphia. and New. York both show a considerable reduction in the amount of leant) and undrawn deposits,; and increasing specie, and, at otter times,,would- be - considered very favor able. The holidays change to some extant the natural featnias ;of thelrerrts for the las.l, two weeks.' -..-,. -• . • . ?The. 'Suspension of 'the Cincotta' Bank of Nash- Me &Malin/phis ie foreshadowed-by n telegram recelyed,tceday, announcing "ths4 their notes era refiteed. - :,;, :" ,',... . - • . - The Bank of North A*4100143 diet erei a divi dend of five per cent. hut of the profits of the lost six menthe. . , .; The Northern Bank of Kentucky bas awl:trod s' dlvldiid of five per . aerit,'Ottf-of Its prod.B ft.: the letitilX,llitillibicaPa an extra dividend tf five per tent. mit of its istirplus Land: ; . -- The of KentueltY, boa also declared a MO. (lend of, fl, per„peat t upon the last six months' Main - eel, and an extra dividend of five per can , out of its surplus food. — Tile Bank of Loniiiville has - declared a di cidoid. of„,five pereent, , outof , its profits for the ',Lot OA months, and; bY thii sit of the list Legislature inereaticg its capital stook, it luie divided its et.- tire surplus beyond- trio per Cent., so as to bilog, the old and the new stockholders upon an eqnali ty. This division makes 'an extra dividend id twelve per cent. extra—and an entire dividend payable now of seventeen per cent. The Farmers' Sank of Kentucky has declared a Saint:lfni - Mal dividend ef, five per cent. The Briton Bank - of Tennessee announces a divi dend-of five peieent., and the Planters' Bank of • -Tennessee,'One of ten per • eint. Mt. CRTC' Johnson,, President of the Bank of "-Tennessee, big titllte n elettatioititurinicating the '- ' li'ttili ' lid cadath - a rastsointj a ars: n „ , e directors of that -r .. 4illituiffiti:tiV44!la4lint s fOrmitiihi the restunp , .t.lOl °,t. 1 449.1,‘ llitjte.iftt)tattittirtent. ',They are sub , , sitantially.sta follows ;,..,.,,;, 1. The bank,. iss-order to aid the ribila, bad kept out a large cdroulation.: '2: It - could not now .safely s aaume , without risking aeesiond suspension -3lt would "require dollar-far dollar in gold to attatain the bank,tind thltuit knot able to control. S.. The independent end/Sleek banks would form - a oehibintition ; nether-the Batik tor... Tennessee, should - it' resume, and • sizeh•tin influence it could not trill resist. . lie states that -the' bank is abitridantly able to most all itellehniticaf;„ , , -',„;', We copy. the following from -the Indianapolis louruitt f- : ' - , - 1 , ' ' On Satiardai,'Judgoblajor deeided, in the case of Whitney, President et Indiana Bank, agalnet T. II ~Sharpe, that . when demand is made of a bank for the redemption of its - bills, the amount presented must be -considered a single demand, • and the bank cannot -redeem in five dollar dit t alons withal the consent of, the holder. This dc..• etsitin will spoil the nranceuver, of banks, by wait. they have gained time in it . ",:run;" via : redeem ing' five 'dollars 'at' a time, and in Alver, thus 'making.-the. redemption-a-long• process, if the amount is conalderable.: - . Unease - goes to the Ou . Regan Coin- • .:-, -•- ,-- - • ,--, The ;few Joreey_beartl - Of bank . commissioners, ' - inoludtog;tbit • :Cettentior,l3iteretai7 of "State, and AttorneyGinetakmadean official visit lest week , to Tom's River , lfseheumith, and Paterson , for the 1- , purpose ofeixamining into:the affair* 'ltalie banks located-at these points:_. _, - The , filitiiiiii itateeient sheritheeendition of , , the Banks of lifassiohneetts, Tolf6th, - 1858, Ml ' piled front the retnine to the Secretary of State : Capital ' $60,936.8501 11 N0tee," Bills of 1 Net Clireedition.• 15.1.71,129 '.1eh1e,i11.499,132,504 Deposits 28,60.081 Specie •••• , • 10,851.366 1 Profits on hand. 4,871,91* neat IstatC..: 1,008,613 i- , -- . .....- • Total $/11,578,562 Total - 1{1.:1448,5 1 32 An exchange, treating of Vivi coin, says that the material front which-it is. manufactured, and which forma so perfect alt imitation of the genuine sato require a practised :eye to detect the au. ference, is composed of fine grain tin and nickel— the latter Ingredient serving to. liaiden and give the ringing son oci. The moulds are shaped like bul let mould with two parts that open and shut together like gleam :„At one extremity a mould la made, itemPosid - of plaster of Paris in a plastic' state of outtlofent breadth to aduilt the insertion of several genuine coins; which are placed-between the two sides and shut together. After the plaster of Paris his' aufilaiently hardened, the' mould is opened, leaving both sides of the coin distinctly impressed on the two was Of the mould. The melted corn poolthinle then inn in through an orifice, and after cooling is taken oat and galvanised. The coat of grain tin, one of the *gradients, is ility„centa per pound, making the teosi of bogus cola about fifteen cents on the dollar.' ' ' . --- PIIILADELTMA STOCK KKIMAITOB SALES, t 3017 18, 1858., - lIPGITID , BY SUNI.XT, JIYOW.I, & OD , sari-soma, lirdor, ix* YIOILSYGa sector's, atiartrezer coassa ratan Mtn ORYSTSCIT '6TESISYB. ' ' . 1/111ST_110ARD. - . 3 Ponca It 417„' 97 -do ...... .... 1% 00 -do ...... —./ 26 do alyi 4 • —4lO- - ~. ..... ...41g 60 do 4.1 - :: CO .„, do Si 4, "80 1. /thud It b5.1t,74 1 T.K.tortmly 11k...et lie t Eleoba oh • ^-,‘ 8 -, ,do - -. ....... ..•2.,: v. 4 Woteru Ilk ~,, I ItoAltDli /000 Cetera..., ia 11, Tr . ••••• -100 City 19 • • • NI 100 do, -98 x 900 do —98 x 10 0 097 Gas 8a.0id..97 4001— • do ..01114.91 -- 1000 Lh vat R Os. ....51 100 J do . . . 36 0 Bolt Nov flp 100 welt Oboe B. 2400 N Parma R .67x Idlnehllt H 63 10 Lb Nov 4830 10 do- 68h - BETWERI 250 POtio4 5a...C&5.‘11 200 Otti 6a Neo.lol , ' - SECOND BOARD. 1000 Glty 59 .... .. '6O Dl Peen - R 2000 do 98% 147 do 9 1060 do 93X 60 Locos: Moose. lo 500 N Peons RNa 6 30 _ Cosi ft 2.214 26 Read It 41 I O L Bch R. ET CLOSING 1.91.098.--ETRAiY. • -11 id. Asked. Bid. Astea 17 IS 6a 'OB 110 Soh Nee lop es —CI 4.2 ekills ' 56X 96% do stook-- fix do R re( 06 9.3 te X do p -15 6 ,do New ..101 .X 10 - 30 4imapn, ram 1. .IDX 10% Pommy!' 5a 884 88341 do V.lat tat .66 Ssading . . OM do 21 mt. 43 .de bd nvition76.4 .. 'Long Abu.] 42 do 6:35a ~ 'Girard Beak.-- 11 114 do tot 6t 1 110:.o614` 67X ILeh Coal & Nay..4B 49 Perms It. 41N'419 N , Penns R. - 9 OX do 14 --99 X , do- wa, 57x 5730 do 26inflain 06'5731 1111, iew Greek ktorrutUald 000..41 lOatamblea H ex 6% do, prel 101 .102,ViLeldir9 X 1% 85br1 de 8.2 59% 69301 PIifLADBLPHLi MARRBTIi, July 13—Bven- Ing.—The foreign news is rather more favorable for Breadstuffs, but priceaare neoliinged, and the market Is still very dial:. 150 bbls superfine Flour at $4.25, at whiob rote it is freely offered; 200 bble extra at $4 El. The trade are buying moderately at from $4.25 up to $5.75 for common to extra and fancy brands. Rye Flour is quiet at 23.31.1 per bbl. Corn Meal is rather more inquired for; 300 bbls Penns. Sold at $3 3/4 per bbl Wheat—There is not much offering. and buyers and Balers are apart in their view.. 1,500 bus old sold in small lots at $1 to $1.05 per /Ms for fair to good r.,1 and $1.13 for white. New red is held nt $l.OB to $l.lO, - eithout sales, .500 bus new white sold at $1 15 to $l2O far fair. to good 10t5. ,, Rye is - firm; sales $OO ban Penns. at 700. Corn continual in - rogue Ct. and very SAM. Home small lots of damaged havo 'betin'seld itt 80a82o, andabargeof initra Southern yellovi, to arrive, at 850, which establidies an ad vance. Oats are - also wanted at '4lO for Penna. Some small sal& are reported at something more, and 1,200 bus prime at 42e in store. Bark—There is nothing doing in Qaeroitron, and first No. 1 is soaroehnd wanted at $3O per tom Cotton—There is a little- better feeling to note ander the news from abroad, and the Galas have been the extent of 250 bales; at an = 'dunes on dormer quotations. Groceries: , and- - Provisions—There Is not much doing, but the market for both .is firm, and Sugar badly wanted.- Whiskey is soiree, and selling in a small way at 250 for Penna. bids, 240 for drudge, and 250 for Mids. - Marke'is by Tetegrayb. Now ORLEANS, July 12.—Cottcn • salsa of 5,100 bales today, without quotable rhange. 'Sugars are steady. Flour; sales of .12,000 barrels at $2.80e4 05 for super fine, and $5 50 for extra. - Corn; sales of 1,000 bus ut 000 for white. Mess Pork is offered at $15.75. Baron ; aides &Xs asked. Freights- on Tobacco —Cue ship to Liverpool asks ra 6d ; to Loudon, doe ; to New York, $4 Cotosou. Ju y 13.—Mloor dull. W heat buoyant and lo bett , r at 640700 Corn steady at die oat. dull. Shipments to lluffalo-1,000 bble Flour, 10,000 bushels Wheat, 20,000 bushels Corn, 'Pr. Oswego—No Ftour 27 00) bushels Wheat,-and 37.000 buthels Corn nal. 'taints-2;200 bblo Fhur; 60,000 buahtla Wheat, awl 133.000 bushels Corn • ..... . OREOIMATE. July 13 --Plane easier; sales of COMM] at $3.70m s 76 ; the htgber grades are weaker, but not torn. Whiskey quoted at 220. Pork dull, and %bele are no buy &titer mess THE COURTS. T*ITAAD•I"II PIIOOIIDIII4II [Repelled for The Prue.] UrirrED STATER CIRCUIT CODAS--Judges Oiler and Cud walader.--Myers vs. Baker and Stetson. Appeal in admiralty. An argument on exceptions' to the report of Commissioner Sled. Argued by It. P. Kane, Esq., for the exeeptante, ai.d by S. Murray Ru3l3 csaingt the exceptions. QUARTER SESSIONS—Judge Allison.--WilliAn Ellis, acquitted , of, the larceny of a bug. The prosecutor appear. - Wilhelmina Johnson was charged in three hills of indictment with the larsvoy of silk dresses ai other articles of a earit.i clipmel, the prvery of Atahroie Taylor. Air. hers r nage t ram •2 gents the Dieted. Attorroy, Abandoned the c• : stieb ascertaining that the h u, hand of lb:, :IA 1, 2:i -:tat-WU in prison on the Caine ehusg o There was no other OS,e of arc pnb;i.• ,nl, *,—t. goy. trjhrizy,, the Ilung,ari in pui And exile, left Nei 'York last Baterrlti.3., on Lin r A to hie hope in Texas. lle was in that city '.,s way from Europe, whither he hair boon to r.,.• • t membered hie fault ly. As the Al:3ir'eal ment would not allow him to entor Ittur4t iy, 1,, ielatives were obliged to meet him in The intetview took place in Gbent. ter. Madame Medraso, aceompaniod Vin To. •o America. , Captain Chase, of the barque Lr: nide& staved at New York on ilouday Winger, reports being boarded by a beet t the brig Osioooo, of Cherryfield, bound from I,t -medlos for New York, which solicited a sripid;, mustard. The Ortepno hod_ lost the seemod and tbefirstmateaae very siok. She afterwards bore up for Charleston. A young on of Mr. Job Morgan, of Tren ton, N. J , fall out of a ttilid-attay window op Monday and nal killed.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers