• - alto bn Muctunt. a 46, THOMAg„ BONS L • . Nos us owl 141.1011T8 .Nov=ll Wrlsilyr s : • (60rmerly No.. 67 add 60.) • ' IiTOPIOI"..IND' a1iat36 . 064r4rT1T480 6 .X NNXT. parophiat,eatalognes non erady,..oontsioing, folVdoi sorintioun ill' Al) tba p.rOperly.toli . sold , On Tuenisy, nazi, eat ism.; wit 4 an extonllol,44 rie!!)6le' at pripitnioils, ' • ELUL' Eif0.6.'056'0. 0 064.1); ' :1 Mlle gala. "iii the thilidalPhin likoliange ere i Tuantsiareoltig, during lb!) bushman saw ' n. , To"7 . ulyE and August jenlp i poosaloosi.siloas an, heretofore rgrir,.llandbUia'6o eindi liroparti isanid asps:rats% In. addition to *Molina publish on the ilitordofpr.ol49 o6, la mash sale, one thouaand catalognesin pimp/nes form, ' grog flail 49;414104 of oo,.thp prcpx.+7 e following nOodey. , .• - Noun - owl- rkr 1 , 4400n0n 6'1011.11 0114 Thursday nioroing. Vs.PROATN su.N.';•: _3or,! Af ,)s, , ,iive 10144 1001101r-6f lid !stale. at Prl- Tot o- BO; Including every 606)4Ptitna.'of0 1 Wilid ctu1atin0r606)",4'..Prin163,...Y5r7.1,/L4 stale taatioPß VAIB BAILUfiIBTBB„. Nur Bata% antarial. On. our:Priests' &delta & r, and adrertinadoutasionallr In our Pobilo Bala Abetnictib(ef *Mo.!) . 1400.0.6016! ate 0 4 4 6 4 'ffo4lllo. Peremptory Ratel.': sao,00? 13th, at 8 Woloch,atthePhiladelplideßaohange, without reserie, fir.a3soo - of • whom it may con cern— I)0, bowie of 31,000 Gaels (dBO issued brthe cOunty . of Armstraeg; IllatO of PeenayPraO fa; to the Wilighity, gollrogrf Compaok;boaritik six per tent. intirg payable"' the Drat Monday Crblay'andNorember- ,, c p pens so t.sobed;' due May 15t;18373 and unpaid Erin elialduelln 1888/ •Prfecipal and interest 'guarantied by ea id railroad company, and the bonds ansigned by;them :RBl'dTll IidiRAVOLT 20th. Thivatowill inoltide— • • ' BOOTH SIXTH 81%118T..Three . :aiory brick dwel. ilegill'id.' l3 2dr South Sixth' Street; below :.Wharton ' 8.28.118, i*olatety 'bid* dwellings, Noe. tra and f 34 Seam street, south of Wharton street. betvian Bigth end_gevanth etreets. They wilt be ',gold °BOUND RUNT, $BO a year , well eeelfred. by a lot of 103;13444nd substantial brick dwelhog,ling street,' AseigniesT Peremptory,Bale, by. postponement.. ~ILILUAI3LIL ROTEL PI OPRRTY,Jutown. as the *. National Hotel." formerl t 4 i.The'Whits Swan "Race itreet,ibetieen: Third ran - .Youth , etieeta 3' 74.- feet front, 100 feet In . dePth: 8a e aboolnte.. . • Lstiow BTItg2T.—A Wen : bralt,thiiie-storr brick LIMXIII street, between Wood and Norris (late Richmond) street& ...Lot No. le by. SO feet.. • Ie:DER.% 'STREET.-r•Thrqp.story brick dwelling, Federal street, west of Seventh stroot. , , BUPIRIOR -BUEN/TURE,. PTANO I 7OIII7,'• Botta,aentrts,• BUPNRIOW.- 01110 E 41/Ittili - 7 tins, LartOrt Plll{BB, kn. = . • • • .•• •• •• • .0 - ARD.. ; Our. Isle this' morning at the auction conspnle; besides 1500 lots. excellent•sepond band furniture,- superior- <ace furniture, letter pars, fire-iroof safe. Duet-sues, Vette, Bruuels. and other earneta. chine and glassware, ace. , 113. C its I owlet now rev:Went the artieles . nrranged ler exittnination. Bale at N05:489 mad 141SOnthliriUth itieet SUPERIOR PURNITURE,.- - ELEGANT NO - PORTES,EINE MIRROR °%LINE LINEI3I . 4UII4BLB cat: *a, , TEA' At 0. o'clock, at •the . auction store an extensive asiortment eznellent.lecoed , kand triciturs, elegant pieno.fortee, One mirrors, carpets, :fit4., from pirate umilfoo declining howyckeeping,,ZeMolll4 to the store for convenience of We. Also, a klackamith's Anril, plea, and Bellowa. „ . Also, a les-ptioof cheat. l in, Airell•Ormored first mortgage-41,800. , A beautifully - situated', lot,' Perkicnnert turnpike, Obeatiut • - ' • • ~,,, I fUSAT.2BTATE.AT PRIVATE SA L E:- .' :.- 'BPLBNDLD.• BILOWN,STOTIB 11.6118ION,.:0Leittiut striet,;with stable and coach hoaea: . One . of th• !taint' zsaidancee in 'the ettr — MODBEN rime IDEi102„No; 1016 . . .14t4G4INT 4311.6WN.V10N1D RESIMINOE, Walzu sliet, west or Brea, . • 'ELEGANT DROWN4TONE RESIDENCE, No. 1621 Walnut street, vest of Sixteenth. -NEA.T•RESIDENCE Sontheeat earner Walnut and 'ELEGANT 'AND VALUABLE RESIDENCE, South= Welt *mart of AleTentlintol Walnut street' . • TWO ELEGANT llESlDWONS,Rittenhottee Square. TWO HANDSOME RESIDENCES, WA/11114ton Square., ELEGANT DROWN-STON A RESIDENCE; North Broad atr•at HANDSOME - MODBiIi r 'NNSIDEN N B, - Northwest ovate of Orion and Fifteenth street'. - HANDSOME MODERN REEIDENOR, No. 1610 Grego EA.D ansmaxos, Spruce strept; between Broad -11LND8051/1 MODERN YOUR-STORY RESIDENOB,' N 0.1503 Coe.: street. " ELIGANS-lIROWN-STONS :RESIDENCE, NO. 822 Pine Ptreet, west of Eighth. t • - - - HANDSOME BROWN-STONB RESIDENCE, No. 1516 .Pins street. ••_ lIANDBO.IIN MODERN REBIDNNOE, No. 1805 Pine !temps - bill atixiiiNbEi ti iio. 1532 street /T . _ - /TWO lIANDBOIdIi BROW •STONB ISEBIDNNOBiI, Third street, below Boruce ' - NEAT RESIDENON S No. 241 South Eighth - street, HANDSOME MODERN- RESIDENOE,- No. ne NOrth' Eighth street. HANDSOME MODERN DESID EDIOIE, No. 631 North &Tenth street. .• •••' ' tIANDOWI . II,II3IDBNOjg,„No,.. Slit& THE METHODIST .EPIEO24/p/41' 011U,20H PRO. P.ERTY, Near Market street SUPERIOR AND ELEGANT. BROWN-VONE RIOS BUILDING, Noe.-40? and 409 Walnut heed. • LARGE AND 'VALUABLE LOT, Locust, Mary, and Charelt streets. West Philadelphia, 200 by 175 feet: • • • j. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, Northwest corner Lxut . and Miry streets, opposite the ahoy.. • VERY ELANDSONIR COUNTRY RESIDENOE, nose Tina station, on the Germantown Unread. VALUABLE WARM AND COUNTRY DEAT, 100 Bow. between Tor/lade And Drßad. 00IINTAY 811AT,rwith . abotit 'Nem icreA, Ohutnut AN. ELEGANT FARM, 809 acres, with :superior im protemetiti on the River Delaware, OXIIi 'mile from Now LARGE, ELEGANT, :AND ;VALUABLE FARM be tween the city of Wilmington and Brandywine Borings. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, 10' acres, with line improvements. School ROCl6l).Lane, Gertnantawn,4ippo site thilate K. ' • - : HANDSOME MODERN DWELLIN - G;No.: Callow hilt street. -- BRICK' STORE, DWELLING, AND, BAKERY, biti. 18:a Aroh FOUR-STORY BRICK STORE :AND DWELLING, No. 1800 Chestnut street; . . • • BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, No.• 702 Booth Fifteenth street . NEAT MODERN DWELLING, • No. 840 Federal street. jrr Also. a large amount of :other property;Gronnd Rents, Mortgages, &e. Printed liets:mar be had at the auetionatore. : ' • BALE REGISTER Ur Real /Wate entered onour Private gale Register. ant advortised opeasionally lu our Public Bale Abshweti (ofwbiehl,ooo copies aro rioted weekly,' during the bnelneu season,) free of charge J9ILEB FARBRICAIc.ATIOTIONEEtt, , so. •42:t WALIitIT BTIOIST, above..POMITII. Tr Persons favoring US with oonitignitents can rest assured that their property will notbe sacrificed. frjr Commissions more moderate than those charged by my other Auction ROM in the atty. , • Consignments re9w.thillz , - aßat a r.: 14 . 1 .°! 1 "9.1qtt r .- 1 9, e r Ya.qNs O44.!MIC friliii i i.f!kioND (WRING 8,11.11 LY 14M. Thig sale will inelitdo.— Orguun , oOurt - Ab,olutellele—i'fitate "of John .Grey . ... . , . . , THREE-STORY BRICK •1101:18E i TRIRTEENTII STREET, ABOVE WOOD -A three-story brick hone* and lot, west side , of Thirteenth :' above Wood,. 144 feet front , 82 feet doep. .oleu of inhambranees • 't fIaEII4TORE. , BRICK. H01113E, , N0. -750 SOUTH" NI. Til sraCHT.-4, three-story brick house, two-sto:. ry rick back ' buildh3gs, cod lot of groutid,,No.lso Non It Alicith"atrcet„ 16 feet front,; 59 feet deep, $1,5 0 saab—bahlooo map remain 'o TIREE-STOItT .SRI OR;ROUSE, • EICEIN sm. ETRIIES,—A threestoly brick house and Jot, frame kitchen,. north. side of - Dickinson street, 78 feet west Gout , Potirth-•street, 10" feet front, 04 feet deep... Gan glies throngsont , gatoren, bath - room, Ac. $BOO cash- 7 T ERE-al:01W BRICK HOUSE, COLUMBIA , AVE NUE AND NINTH STREET,Three-story brick house and lot of ground, Colombia avenue, below Ninth St , 16 feet &oat, 67 feet deep to a' threa-reet atiey. .Two story brick but building, range, with .baths.. Cost 82,600 to build. $OOO culs—balaree may remain. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, QUEEN 73 fREET, GERMANTOWN, 200 by Berner; 'THREE FRONTS. A lot of ground, north aide of Queen street, .' ildjoining , lend of P. Klemm, 1teq.,209 'feet 'a% Inchenfront 885 feet ImPolial avenue, and 208 feet 8% Inched on Penh etreet. . Pulaski Avenue 060 feet wide, and . win probe-. blv to the Roe of the new rallrend now "under contract to Tioga street. 'Queen etreet le gristed,•, curbed, pared, and lighted with gee tri-"Within it- unite of thief. lot, when graded past will:leave the lot Eg. feet'above, The lot la level, trifh a slope back to Penn street. Two • thirds may remain::-' , ~ • • -- • ; . . Orphans' Court Pale -= date of Thomas Dugan, Dui& THREE-STORY DEUR.' 110118 E, WISTAR 161::=.f . A neat three-story, brick dwelling, with bock •buildiage and let, `north side of Wistar .streetili 2 test west o Tenth street,lB feet front; 60 feet deep, Oleer of in onmbranceL . It ratite fdr $225. - 8 1 ; 000 . 6 357 roman -11,., ~ thibanstOourt Sala—Same•Estatee- ._ HANDSOME • MANSION; " ONTARIO , BT.; NHEN DERTONA—A handsome double mansion hones, with, a equare of ground, northeast Oorner of Ontario and Twentieth etreete, 2t6 feet ICA., inehee 'Ailong Ontario street; 218 feet on the • Clermentown'ltallroad, and 196 feet On Twentieth lirifit: The niension Is 88 feet front: Parlor on one lido, hall in the centre, dining-room and kitchen on the. other; has t eoOtary-brick-bacir build ing, gas introduced,' large dower and vegetable garden. It is within one square of the station • at Tioge.street: 81,100 rosy renuin7 '- Orpheus' Courtßrele4moEatite. . ' • .., TOUR-STORY BRICK MANSION HOUSE, 011i8T. NU 2 STREET —4 handsome fortr:storylkleS residence; with three-story lock bulltlege, and of grotindArest 'of Twentieth "street,; 18 feet 7 inches front, and .164 feet deep to 7olvion striet, ild feet wide. The house has Alleon. parlors, breakfast room and kitchen ea the limo Boor, dining room aboiejlitlAterrlfat26,ol4sto4 aneleeed teisildnh, and 61.1' the .niodankimprortmktee• Rant* 'Fit . 4160, Peuession'ininiedintoly it des 86 ; 000 mayremainr '. Wid '. Orphanat Court Sale-86nm 'Estetti. -..__„- THREE-STORY . BRICK .DWELLINGi WABliffilli!. TON 'STREET,' ItOtIRTNENTIT WAII,D.—A handsome three-atom brisk residence and lot, three-etory baok handing j a tcc.; ' south side of Waahington street, west of Tooth, 40 feet front, 80 feet deep.:: Saloon par tar, boaters range, bathe, AL Rents f0i..7400. $3,000 . NANDBOtiII LOT Or GRO UND; MANURIM ET REET,`GERM ANTOWN.—A valuable lot of erotut,'. &Volatile' the elegant property of Bor. Goddatd;on the north Ole of MeOhelm street, 203 feet'AMitherest from Kilns streit;" between the plank road .and Green street,, Geramatown,-193 feet Lit Inched. front end 888 feet 0 Cloche/ 'deep on the northeast olds, and 889 ,feet" on the , soathweat side)'ll7' . It hada hendeorne roir of tress Ideated' In front, gat and water along street. , The lotation'lS,Trakrate. Terms—S3,ooo *un— balance ' ' TIIIME-BTORY FRAME ROME. ,}lstiglNGl'o : A tfirOe:stay - fritsup dwelling, with beak balding and of - ground - ground north- east aide of Telmer otreet.loo feet south- oaat from Franklin aronve, IlY.feet 6 inches front. 00 feet deep -,E2l'o2'ground rent. ID' $6O tie paid ' on seen or the above whe n Inc lame AT I'ItIVATB IMP PAOTOEY—DOUBLE 1110143 Ra, 'stock, A Soap' Iltotorjr *11.14 doable : boilers; ma. chinory, , complete for - carrying on the bulimia situate theheart.of the oily. has &good run -of busindaii and 'coat tha present owner Over $6,000. Mvy be sunlit:ad at ally, me by apPlostion to. the atto- ESTATLAT.P.IIITATE SALE._ Ilanilionne Mansion, southwest corner of BeyentoOrith and IKainct streele". - • - Benidenie,*sehltigtoti &mire and 'Aslant 'treat. Dweintehoille - 1t0:821 'glue Atrial. Yo abresroc fan , Indian queen lane. Valuable property, Pianktbrd mad: handsome dwelling, No. 16.12 Wallsoe,streeS. Busitadgerrind and dwelling, Seventeenth and Wash. ington Atropte.n , rf :114. thiletty; 50 aerie; &e., ibofelt 14 gorse of and, Melton avenue, Germantown. 'handsome residence and lot, yesaldilledelp!iiii.,- f Valuable lot , lll , groinad, Columbia avenue. Handsome dwelling 13pring . Ollrdlot street, above Twelfth. f 1."...$ OABIN/IT OP HINtIRALI3. At private sale, a valuable Cabinet" of Bllnersh4com.. prlslrl over .I,o,oo,apepltnoaei.the ocdleotion of sorest years. I Thertirepetty of a gentleman who hag no room for them. They an Tory desirable for a public Instftst; tlon. APO/ At VtftillAollett elate{ e I: QALMON, SHAD, &43.-20 tj0rc,04,Np.,,1 10 Salmon; 18 bbls. do.; 60 bbls. primeßei Shad; 200 Mts. SeaWM; 180 bbli White-Son now In store and for ogle b7WE' lit XB6/1411Alt 4 .E :1:10., sio s _ A ialk 11t0 11111Noltli 'have Vtx /Cir • 53 les J - 1 / 4 4 ' ^ Ofrat, OMMER . 4I4 O ; I3ALNS.ItOO3/, - % 7 BAttnind.lo ARltnttllinlCY, between MAR. ifiII'and‘OHNSTNETandBECOND slid i CARD —We Invite the , particular attention •of the •tr.ade..e.n.Anueobeeiddileneraily-to.the positive tide of a large and generalsailtertment of city.toode clothing for undo 412E1 bale, weer, embraoing-‘• GARMENTS,' - to be sold thtir(Thuredey) rooming, at 10311 o'clock. f..o,„SapplB A a E o or o o CLO es T n H o ING. ady. •• ''Tbis Morning, 10X . o'clock, will be eold, without vivaria, a large and valuable auk of city made cloth ing coneleting of, yin t ' • • • Coate,. . every variety, for Pants and Nees. '' men and boys. M' Nay : be examined with dataloguee, early on tho morning of see. ..: • , r. u. WOLB.F.IIT, AtIOTIONUR. BSCOTT; A.:, AUCTIONEER; (succes f ear to WOLDIRT &SCOTTO 48101LESTNUT Bt., opposite the Custom noose, between 'fourth end Villb . • ytt-t B&LB OF OLOTHING, illade by 'Maar& W. T. leonlogn & 00., of Broadway, - New. Pork t , ::.:On Friday morning, July 9th, At 10 &cloak, s largo lot of summer clothing, mann factnred -by Mem. W. T. Jennings & Co., for their private -Wee. The whole comprising the finest lot of clothing erne offered, at 'notion in this city. Included will be found -a. full assortment of coats, pants, and nate, of every Yeirlety of material, suited to the present 110115011, and all usde sad trimmed in the best poesible • .• shirts. Alsor 100 dozen drat quality linen and /lamina OLOTEIES PINS AND PAILS AT PRIVATE SALE. Just lend ed from nohooner ;100 basin elothz a pins: - „ 100 dozen imps. RENOVAL.—FURNESS, BRINLEY, CO. tine removed to the Late, No. 429 MARKET Street, formerly peenpied.by Meo. Caleb Cope & Co. jyl . FCRNE93 m . DRINLEY, & CO. 11:41IIR4ESS, -BRINLEY; 'Sr.' 00., AL - • •--• NO. 429 MARKET. Street 111108 ES NAVHAIi AIIOTIONEER AND 00M1dIEBION M:EBOHANT, B. B. corner BIX 7, n in a EAT II EWittO AOOOMMODATIOSI. 'MONEY!" . - . . ~.MONEY! ! .MONEY! ! ! Money liberally advanoed in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, Jeweh7, fowling-pieces, musical instnunents, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, cigars, hardware cutlery, books, hOrees, vehicles, bar neon, owl all articles of value, jar. any length of time agreed .on, Nufdrins' Bs:abashment, isonthiest corner of Sixth and Race etreete. • Tr rromis,orY' nottiii,' with collateral, discounted at the lowed market rates._ _ NATUANB , jpIiTA.D . I . 4BHMENT . ,_ B. ID, ceaNEß:os3i.BT# AND RAGS 9TRSS~'9. . . • Where money will ba Ilrerally advanaed on gold and silior plate, dlanionds, watches, jewelry, iOWI frig pieces, dry goods, clothing, groceries, ,liquore, cigars, hard warn, cutlery, fancy artiolit, mirrors paintings, en gravings, =tasted 'lnstrumento ; furniture, bedding, horses, vehicles, harness; stooks, and all , other articles • ; ,OTIT-DOOlt SWAP. Personal attention given to all ont•doef sales, either at private dwellings stores, or elsewhere, and charges! UtallFalny ' PBPSONS BELINQMIMIN,G HOUBISISESPING. Perrooni relinquiehing housekeeping or ha v ing sup. plies of furniture to dispose of. will and it to their ad vaitage by sending thireame to the auction store, south emit (*mar of 811th and Race street t _w e here m il ; : . w_lll .o be_ glre r l=a g g:Ai t tle_ fu t;i n itro e tte " g:OdisAlv d encal if required, and the balance . handed over the afternoon • the 4tiy of sale. • ' A.T.P.RIVATZ BALL line gold and silver bunting case, doubl?; muse, and double bottomed lever,. !opines,. English, wire, and It ranch vrelohee• gold:specks, gold chasms, gold brace lets, a variety of . fine gold etude, breastpins, and gager ,tinge;: gee flutes, superior old 'Violin and guitar, very fine melodeon, and numeroussother articles. AT PALPATE aIkLE•&TVERY LOW PRICES • • - • Gold Eogllat potent lever 'Mass, fall jewelled and plain, come of them floe' 18-karat- mien of the beet Silver /foolish patent lever *Mahe', full jewelled 'and plain, of the moat approved makers. Gold escapement leier and; leplhe watchee, in hunt• cases and open face, of the verrbeet make. • Ladles , gold enamelled watches, net" with pearl and diamonds. Biller English, FloleaS and. Wrench watches, diamond breut pima and linger rings, gold btanelets, ear rings, finger rings, breast pins, studs, floe gold vest, fob, and neck chaise, gold spectacles, end ',Arlene other aril. roles orjeweiry, &c., &t. QM:IUL NATHANS, AIIOTIONEER, and NONDT LOAN 0711011, No, 224 Booth .THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Fear at., only 'eight doors below the iwthange. Hours of businesti Isom 4 °Walk A. K., unlA 10 o'clock in the evening. Outdoor Wes, and sales st the Anoldon Douse, at 'tended upon the most estistiotou terms. ' MITA& $ 7OO 000. llstabrishod for the lair rAirfP Turfs. Abloom mote from one dotter to thousands on Di - a mood! , Silver PliteLWAttaheff, Jewelry , Hardware, Bier ehandfse, Clothing, /furniture, Bedding, Olgara, Masks] Instrumento, Guns, Nooses,- Oandsges, and Goods of erejdixurip ran tlon. rmumit any larigth . of time agreed All sdranime, from one hundred dam sad upwardor , will be &mod 1 par cent, per month t ROO and over, the lowest' market sate. .• 'This Btore'llOrice haring dap* of 120 feet, kis large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and prl ; vete watchmen for the 'premises; also, a heavy ban. •nucce Wanted for the benefit of all persons kiting goods N. B. —OA aciount of hating in nillmlted capital, this °Mee Is prepared to mate advances on more nth, rut*? and accommodating terms thin any other in Money advanoed to the ;MX% in email amount., 'with; Out anyphargio. , • • kT PRIVA.TII BALI. Gold TPliteitt Lever and other Watches, Javan', and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. . azdAy spy ' 'A. , DYSART tr. CO., AucrnoNEEßs AND 1.70 ClcooOssiON Mitatnurrg, M RT South &UM STILEBT. comer of LODGE STREE. . . . LARGE BALE 06. FURNITURE AND OARPSTS. We will sell at No' . 27 Booth Eightlistreet, a large and Splendid aesortment of household and kitchen fund. tare of a pinion declining housekeeping. . 3 Al so, a lot of dreier* doors and lumber. • . • AT PRIVATJI SALE. A large and valuable tract of valuable ooal and tim ber land at private sale. welt worthy the attention or ca r tenets and others, as .the owner Is compelled to Por further Inquire at the auction 117 OUT-DOOR JULES solloted and promptly a Er ADVANORS made on consignments when de sired_ „without extra charge. Ula SALES-ROOMS open until 10 P. M. Now pre pared to receive invoices of DRY . GOODS, NOTIONS, WATCHES and .731DISLRY, Nlt NY and SSOOND RAND 11DRNITURN, PAINTINGS, BOORS and STA TIONERY, tco.; [Er Wes Gillian Gomm every stoning. IN THE DISTRICT,COURT FOR THE AL CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. 'JOHN BROWN, WILLIAM. DROWN, and JAMES -BROWN; trading as John Brown & Co., v. WIL ,LIAM J. MoCANDLEBB and JOIIN CARRICK, • trading an Wm. J andlo me & Co. Yenditioni Esponas. Dec. T.,1867 No. 802. 'All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two. ,atory brick stable thereon erected situate on the south side of Filbert street, at.the distance of sixty-three feet sit Inches eastward from the east side of Schuylkill Second street, lu the city of Philadelphia, containing In front or breadth on the Bald Filbert street eighteen feet, and extending in lerigth or depth southward of that width one hundred feet to Jones's alloy. Bounded on the west by ground now or late of the estate of Ueury Peatt;deceased, on the south by the said J oneea alley, bii the cut by other ground of the said William Brown, granted or Intended to. have been granted to Jamen 'Rally on ground rent, and on the . north by Fil bert street aforeeisid. [Beinethe Caine lot of ground which William Brown and wife, by deed dated the twenty-flith day . of September,. A. D. 1852, recorded at Philadelphia in deed book T No. 30 page 430, &e., granted and conveyed unto John Carrick, in toe, under and subject to the payment of the yearly ground rent or BUM of $Ol.OO in equal half-yearly paymente.j And, also, All that'oerlain tweetory brick menage or tenement and lot or piece of ground., situate on the north side of Filbert street, at the diataneeof two hun. dred and thirty.three feet eastward from the east side of Schuylkill Third street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing= in front or breadth on the amid Filbert street fifteen feet six inchee, and in length or depth rd northwa sixty-seven feet.. Bounded on the west by ouldl T o f l4orßlchiandA f d fe wA"°u.°teeas:adorthbygrounrnororateo( Allison, and Isaac Morton, and on the south by Filbert street afore. said. [Being the same premises which James Peoples and wife, by . dud dated the seventeenth day of. February, A. D. 1802,reeorded at Philadelphia in deed book T 8., , No. 11, yago 1, grouted and convoyed to the said 3ohn Carrick, in fee, under and subject to the payment :of the . early ground rent of $42.13,X, In equal half-. yearly' payments, on the Brat day of the months of Jinn ary and July in every year, to John A. Brown, his heirs and analog.] The Auditor appointed to distribute the fund in Court nisei by BherifPe nle of Real. Belot°, as above deicribed, of. John Carrick, one of the defendants . , will _attend to thaduties Lis appointment on MONDAY, the 12th day'of July, 1868 , 11 o'clock in the forenoon, hie Office, Nor 243 South SIXTO Street, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where alt parties In interest are: required to present their claim, or be debarred from coining in upon the said fund. _je29.lot J. T. TIIOMAS, Auditor. . -NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application has been nada to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the renewal of certificate of stock In theibore Company for Ilea ahares, No 8,030, leaded May 10; 1862; fu the mete of . P. B. PULLER, In timid ; said certificate having been: lost or destroyed.. jolbdu th.:lm* P. B. FULLER, Trustee. THE ORPHANS!. COURT 'FOR THE ,0119 t AND COUNTY 0" YEULADELPILIA. lit fhe matter at the Yetatii of . SARAH :ONES, de. The auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the mooed mount of ,i3A3IIIDL DALE, Executor of the said Sarah' Jones, and to report diatribution of the balance bible halide, will meet the partici intefeeted therein 'et thOWIITHERILL HOUSE;George Street, aeoictitxtb, in the city of Philadelphia, on MON. DAY, the. 6th day of July, 1868, at 11 o'clock A. Of. Je24.thetuat* - JAMES ii:DONN, Auditor. hotels (10 Iteetaurante. 10=3 .11011 SE, HAILTIIOI3IIIII, • ((Emoted 101967 ELZ6ANTLY 711RNISUED. - -"OPEN TO VIKTOR.% my 29 1 ,...,, • , - WELLS 00VBRLY, Proprietor. PALMER 9tREET VOIRRELL H 017813, v V N. W. oor. THIRD ood HARMONY COURT. The towlerelgtool taloa plesoure in infonolos Itlx ftiende and thepahlid at largo,' that ; he has opened the 'aboie ESTAISLISESLENT, and pledgee himself to merit the patronage of his patroae, evari artlolo le of 'sops - nor quality, haying been fieleated without regard tO price. OlLif3liNB WOBBBLL, Proprietor. Itt ioac•LL3 Bousz, PLAN) OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ,10.116 BOUTS ;ZOETE BT.; BELOW OECEBTNIIT, PIIILADZL7III6. f3 Tl i, l ll6 °U e, B iro et s • f :llr;T n an ° Vb d e T ia r Proprietor, ldeo rituiloLim,to give satiefaetion to his Patrons. This eatabliehment le situated in the heart ot the dity ; centre of business, and convenient to all please -of amusement . The Idertantill and Travelling community wilt Lind It a desirable Plate fOr comfort;eleanlinese ; and' eoono. sale furnished at au hOtirs . Bingle Boonui,ao cents per night. By the Beet E 2.60 and upwards, mllBo4f .11/I)3ROJIANTS .110TEL,- NORTH FOURTII - 0111.7421 . .101011 POILAWMPHIA, ml2Ol BONS. Paoraravoir DUBE BONE DUST, GROUND FINE.- 1 A vary superior article,, Poe sale In large or small • • 4 410ABDAL111, •P31180.11y a 0.,. myik 104 North Delairara wino. . Anti TONS MITOITELL Xc OR OAS DALET Bon* Amon lated Super .7beephate of Nate for' able by oneenAu PALBO2 & /el x.aal. Notices. ~.. fIiIINTINGPON -WARM SPRINGS.— AA. -Tho.-Warm-fiprings at the base of. Warrior's 4ldge, ay. mile& north of Huntingdon, overlooking Standing gone Creek, and env ironed by romantic hills and woodlands, have been leaned by the former pro ,rictor of the Leamer House. The extensive hotel nildinge, Bath Holism', ko. , erected at great expense by (termini A. P. Wilson, the owner, have been coin pleted, and the groves have boon beautifully laid out and adorned. The Hotel Parlors and Chambers are airy and comfortably furnished, and the prospect from the verandahs for beauty cannot be excelled. Nor half a century these Springs have been celebrated for their medicinal qualities, and the great virtue of the Waters in chronic affections. Tho temperature of the water is COX degrees, and for bathing Is delightful and invigo rating. In the weeds an streams game and - fish abound. Persons In won't of health or pleasure will find this a most delightful retreat; and Ito nearness to the Ponnaylvania Railroad and its cheapness give Ha decided advantage over nay watering place in the State. Tho proprietor has had yearn of experience lu the business, and no pains or trouble will be nparod to make guests comfortable. Hacks' run from Huntingdon to the Springs on the arrival of the different Railroad trains; fare 2,6 cents. Families accommodated at moderate rates. JOHN R..HERD, Proprietor. WARM SPRI:108 3 near Huntingdon, Pa. jyl•lw BRIGANTINE - HOUSE, BRIGANTINE Beach, N. d., MERRY D. SMITH, Proprietor. This large and elegantly located house Is now open for the reception of visitors. Terme . $8 per week or $1.25 per day. Take care) of Camden and Atlantic Railroad; got out at the inlet, where a comfortable boat (Capt Ben), Tumor) will be in readiness to convey them to the SEA BATHING. DELAWARE ROUSE, CAPE ISLAND, N. I. Thletrat-clans and popular Mouse in now open for the reception of viettere. Nor health, recreation, or pleas ure, it to utuiurpaased by any on the Island. je.3o-,sw* • JAMES MECRAY, Proprietor. QBA BATHING.-NATIONAL HOUSE, k 3 LONG BRANCH, N. J.—Thla well-known Bret clue and popular House Is now open for the reception of slaters. Terms, Ten Dollars per week. Persons wishing to engage Rooms can do so by eddressing WOOLMAN STOKS, LONG. BRANCH. A-B &THING— OCE AN HOUSE, C &PE ISLAND, N. J.—Thin well-known' and popular Rouse is again open to receive visitors. It has been put in complete order and every attention will be given to guests to make their visit pleasant. Tho table will be abundantly supplied with the luxuries of the season. Charges moderate, to snit the times. J.52.4.6w* ISRAEL LEANING, Proprietor. rinitENTON FALLS, ONEIDA. Cu UNTY, NEW YOKE.—The Hotel at the above celebrated place of resort is open for. the Neilson, and can be reached in a few hours from Now York, at a small ex pense, es a Railroad from Utica takes visitors there within an hour. M. MOORE, .P.28-2wdettrw-Pter* . ' Proprietor. BATHING—CAPE ISLAND.—NA TIONAL HOTEL ie now open. Price of Board $8 per week. Children and Servants half price. , fel946w - AARON GARRETBON, Proprietor. 11110IINT HOLLY 'SPRINGS HOTEL, 6 LVI. HILES PROM CARLISLE, PA.,,AT THE GAP OF THE SOUTH MOUNTAIN.—The eubscriber of the St. Lawrence Hotel, Chestnut street, Philadelphia, hay ing leased the above popular summer resort of the late proprietor, James W. Patton, will open the eame for the reception of guests on the 20th of June. Terme mode. rate. Address A. G. MIILLIN, Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland county, Pa. - MANSION HOUSE, MAUCH CHUNK.- 1.11. This elegant establiehment, beautifully situated on th 6 banks of the Lehigh, is now ready for She ramp tion of aummer visitere. There is no locality in Penn. sylvan's, nor, perhaps, to the United Btates, which emu bins so many attroctions as .the valley of the Lehigh, and the above hotel will afford a most comfortable home to visitors desirous of viewing the magnificent scenery, inexhaustible !ranee, or atupendous works of art of this Interesting region. je4-3m* • GEORGE IIOPPEB, Proprietor. griHE WHITE SULPHUR AND CHALY i. BEATS SPRINGS, at DOUBLING GAP; Ponn'a, are open as usual, and are accessible in eight hours from Philadelphia, by way of 'Harrisburg, thence on the Cumberland Valley Railroad to Newel I le, thous. in Magee eight talkie to the Springs, where you arrive at 5 o'clock the same „evening. For articulars, inquire of Diessra. Morton McMichael, Samuel Hart, James Steel, B. S. Janney, Jr., 7r. Co., or Proprietors of Merchants' Philadelphi. SCOTT COYLE, Proprietor, Jel-2m* Newville Poet Office, Ps. BEDF 0 R.D SPRINGS.—THIS welt-known and delightful Summer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visitors on the lath of June, and kept open until the let of October. The new and spacious Buildings erected last year are now fully completed, sad the whole establishment has been furnished in superior style, and the accommoda tions wilt be of a character not excelled In any part of the United States. . The Hotel will be . under the management of Mr. A. O. ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention to his gamete, give the amplest assurance, of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other meant of access, It It deemed proper to state that passengers can roach Bedford by a daylight ride from Chambord:an. The Company have made extensive arrangements to supply dealers and rudivlduaLs with " Bedford Water" by the barrel, carboy, and in bottles, at the following paean, at the Springs, via : /tor a barrel'(roulbtry) $4 00 Do. (oat) ' 800 g Do. (mulberry) 900 Do. (oak) 200 Carboy, 10 gallana 2 26 Bottles, 1,4 pint, per dozen 1 50 The barrels are carefully prepared, so that our 'chasers may depend upon receiving the Water fresh and sweet. All communications should be addressed to THE BRDPORD MINERAL SPRINGS 00., myl9-tf Bedford County, Pa. EPRRATA MOII.NTALN SPRINGS, LANOASTER 110IINTY, PA , Will open the eighth day of June for visitors. Thin healthy mourner resort has many advantages which re commends it to the public, in search of a home place to enjoy the mountain air during the hot seaman. It is elevated twelve hundred feet above water level. There aro graded walks through deuce forests, and shaded arbors; by the way side are many spring, of the purest soft water at, a temperature of 49 to 62 degrees of Faren belt. At the summit ben observatory overlooking ho area of 40 miles square, of farms In the highest state of cultivation, embracing the whole of Lancaster county, and palate in ten other counties. The scenery fade, away in the boundary of mountains at the Me tairie of 10 mile.. It is altogether one of the most grand and extenelvo panoramic 'team to be met with In any odantry. No kind of epidemic has ever been known here at any 'mama of the year. Many beautiful drives over good roads. The hotel will accommodate com fortably 400 persons. Every variety of bathe. All the modern improvements now in use in drat-clue waterlog places will be found hero. All yegetablee reused on the term. The best help employed in every department- The Proprietor tatters himself that he will be able to glue ample satisfaction to hie guests. Good stable room. Good stook of livery. Horses and carriages on hand. Por farther information and cireurars all on JOSEPU B. MYERS, THIRD and VINE Streets, JAMES 8. EAULE, No. 810 CHESTNUT Street And on the Proprietor, ' JOSEPH ICONIGHAOHER, Ephrata Poet Office, Lancaster county, Pa. ntyl7.42m . s POINT AIRY I—THIS PLEA SANT SUMMER RESORT is now thrown open to the radio, under the centre. of 001. THOS. H. WARAM and Major HARRY PEPPER During the warm season our readers can enjoy balmy breezes, choice mule, fine bathing, with all the etceteras that odudtace to creature comforts, at this _popular resort. BOATS will leave the wharf, at SOUTH Street, every few minutes during the day. ap27-dtf ftlebinucl. 111 HE LIVER, INVIGORATOR • rases Imp BY DB. SARYOBD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM DUMB, IR one of the beet Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts as a- Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual then any other medicine known. It id 'motet:ay a Cathartic, but a Liver reme dy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that mat: ter, thus accomplishing two porno .es effectually, - with., out any of the painful feelings experleates in the ope rations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the eye. tem at the came time that it purges it, and, when taken daily in moderate doses, will atrangthen and build it op with llama rapiditY. The Lives mons of thei human body and when it well, the, powers of the oped. The stomach teal on the healthy action of performance of its tune is at fault the bowels are kystem suffers in cense- Liver—haying ceased to eases of that organ, one made it his study, in a yeare, to And come rem• act the many damage , ble To prove that this re person troubled with Li lts forms, has but to tore certain. These Gums remove all the system, supplying in of bile, invigorating the digest well, purifying the health to the whole nut. cause of the disease—et- BILIOUS ATTAOI(I3 are ter., prevented by the oo DIVIEGORAToI. One dose, after eating, stomach and prevent the ta. Only one dose, taken NIGHTY ME. Only onkr dose, taken at gently, and cures 008- .. One. dose, taken after. 11:7" One dome of two relieve Stow E6ADAOIIII. Oiiebottle taken for te• the cane of the disease, Only one dome limped'. while one dose, often re. °HOUMA Manaus. and a ELrOnly one bottle in 'intern the °Meets of me -7 One bottle taken 'sallowness or unnatural One dose taken a short rigor to the appetite, end Ono dose, often repeat. aurae in itp worst forms, comphdota yield almost One or two dome mare in children; there is no remedy In the world, as it atm 117" A few bottles cure We take pleasure lure- commending %le medi nine as a preventive ter 7.11V1111 and Atm, Ont Ll. Pavia, and all Pavane( a BILIOUS Tram. It ope rates with certainty, and thormande are willing to _testify to Its wonderful virtue.. Alt who use it are giving their unanimous testimony in itt Jima Er Mix Water in the mouth wish the Invigorator, and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR LS A 1301M1r10 MaDJOAL DISCIOVERY, and todaily work ing cures, almost too greet to believe. It corm as it by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and aeldom more than one bottle he required to care any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the woret Jaundice or Dia. mita to a common headache, alt of which are the re suit of a DISEASED LIVER. PRIOR ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Dr. SANFORD, Proprietor, lid Broadway New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DVOTT SONS42III, North Second Street. 'Retailed by all Druggists. Bold also by RAMIIEIL SIELRB, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, and B. BROWN, Fifth and Chestnut streets Rhilada. r spill to th talnvs. DETERE's PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE BELP-GRNSRATING. OAS LAMP Is the only Patent Burner that has a NON-OONIMOTOR ATTAOHBD. . . . . . ..• for Safety; °hearties', andit liaripuum others. BTATE AND 0 2UNTE RIGHTS /OR BABB. Address D. P. PETERS, , S. W. corner raid CHESTNUT Ste., Mins delphla l and 422 BROADWAY, New York. mh4.ly•rp IyEKY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK -HA U. pone interoda, and pat' onize `I7BgUEII , B LAMP PAOTORY, 109 Bout% EIOHTH dreot, below Chestnut. Previota hie opening • reeponnible Imam, Ton were el•rged $lB for work whiok he le now doing in • war ranted manner from id ton°. atiPPon kb% or To_n will pat !/11 .. .i11p• obeggatilo psy. wily • • ° II-TE PitESS.-1 4 1 - 17LAIMU'lliA. 41-1111tS11A .1111A' "8, 10S. REOPEN ON THE FIRST I—MONDAY IN SEPTEDIDER, for tho Boholegtic yeArilopAtottog of ton , • iNSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1523, WALNUT Street, The systeni of tuition is Mused on that adopted in the best Seminaries in Europe, anercomprises thorough in struction in the English, French, and Latin languages ; special attention is also paid to the formation of en ele gant style of composition, and to the cultivation of a taste for polite literature. The, course , of study will embrace every branch of education. • A limited number of pupils admitted into the family. Their religious and moral , training la under the special care of Mrs. need, who has had many years experience, and deference will be paid to the feelings and wishes of their parents in these matters. The health and comfort of the. young ladies is also carefully attended to bp. her. Weekly boarding pupils, from Monday till Friday, re ceived at proportionate rates A. week's vacation at Christmas and at Easter. TERMS. ' (Payable half In advance, and half at the expiration of fire 11101.1tha.) For tuition In the regular cameo of study $lOO 00 N. B.—A Junior clam will be formed. German, Spanish, Italian, and other languages; Alm sic, (vocal and instrumental.) Drawing and Painting, (in oil and water colors,) at Professors' charges. Use of Piano, per annum _ Harp Guitar. For Boarding Washing at SO cents per dozen. Each boarding pupil is required to bring her own tow. els, silver cork and spoon. Pow rent at cost. It atTords me pleasure to state that Mr. J. J. Reed Is recommended by official testimonials of distinguished gentlemen in tendon. From personal acquaintance with him, I can most cheerfully recommend him as an no complished scholar and gentleman to the confidence of the public. A. CON VERSE. The subscriber takes great pleasure in uniting with Dr. Converse in the above recommendation. From per sonal acquaintance with Mr. Reed, as wall as from his distinguished testimonials, I am confident of his emi nent abilities as a gentleman and scholar. CHARLES WADSWORTH: We are happy to hoar that Mr. J. J. Reed, a gen tleman of considerable literary attainments, and who has contributed to Graham's many excellent sketches of eminent persons, has re-opened bin Institute for Young adieu, at 1523 Walnut street, one of the most admire hie localities iu the city. Mrs. Reed is a lady who has had many yearn' experience in tuition, and bean a high reputation forsuccess in training bur pupils, both mo rally and mentally. Mr. Rood, from his knowledge of F,uropeatilanguages and from having graduated in the ilmt colleges iu England, imparts the advantages of the beet European systems of education; and, particular at tention is paid to the study of English Composition and Polite Literature. - - We would lay some stress on this latter fact, since general literary information and eel- tore, though by far the most distinguishing signs of In telligence and rained education, aro, on the whole, jar more neglected in most schools and collages than any other branches.—Editor of Graham's Magazine for July, 1081, p.Bl. Ifenry Vethalse, LL. D., Proiost of the University et Pennsylvania. John J. Frazer, LL. D., Protestor of the Phydrel Bciences in ditto. George Allen, LL. D Professor of Ancient Lan. pages in ditto. lion. William M. Meredith. Col. John W. Forney, editor of The Press.. Charles G. Leland, Esq . ., editor of Graham's . Maga.. zinc. • nOV. William B. !Stevens, D. D., Radar of at. An drow's. • • • Rey. Amass, Converse, D. D., editor of the Christian Observer. Rev. Chivies 'Wadsworth, D. D., Arets•street Prerby torian Church. Joseph L. Keen, Esq., West Philadolphis. Thomas 8. Taylor, Esq., West l'hitedolphia. I.IRYANT & STRATTON'S OFIAIN.OF 1/11 NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia. College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streota. For Information, oaf or mend for circular. j 0164 VRITTENDEN'a PHILADELPHIA 00101NROIAL OOLLE4II, Ikozdheast corner of OHEHTNUT and SEVENTH etroota. An Institution designed to fit young men for A.O - BUSINESS. The whole building is occupied, and fitted up In e style surpassing anything of the kind in this oonntry. Tkorvugh preparation for the counting-house BOARD OP TRUSTEES. B. B. Comegyii, . Francis Hoskins, George H. Stuart, David Milne, John Fparhawk, David 8. grown, Inane Hacker, A. V. Penang, D. B. Hinman, Frederick Brown, Joshua Lippincott. 5p23-tf L.ONCPS SPRING GARDENAOADEMY; Jll-41 N. B. comer EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Sta. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—Book-keeping all Its various forms; preparing Students thoroughly tor situations In any branch of bushman; Plain and Orna mental Writing;_Oommercial Calanlatina; Law and Our reepondenoe. No institution in the United Rates givei a more thorough and practical course. In this depart. meat no teaching be done in chums, and is open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited.- MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT.—(Separate from the above,) Young Mne and Soya are prepared for any grade of an English and Oho- Meal Eduoation, viz : Spelling, Beading, Writing Gram mar, Geography, Arlthmetle, Philosophy, ece.,Ancient and Modern Languege ' e with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Ses.sions of 6 months commence September let, and February let. Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates and charged aocordingly. Oata lopes farrthihed grotle. mh26-tt P. DONLEATIf LONG, Principal. JOHN H. BELL, TEAOTIER OF NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY . At BRYANT & STRATTON'S COMIKEROIAL COLLEGE. S.B. corner SWEETLY. and OIIESTNTIT Strode. AUGUST BELMONT, BANKER 70 BTBRET, NSW YORK, Demme Lettere of Credit, available to Travellern, on al parts of the world,' • Je3o-0m (IRONISE & CO., dJ SPEOIE AND EXOEIANOM BROKERS, No. 40 South TIIIRD Strat i , PIIILADELPBI/. Refer to the 812.E.13 and BAOKKREI of Philadelphia fe7-ly HANLRT. W. R. BROWN. R. MINIM, JR. MANLEY, BROWN, & 00., .I.VJL BANK-NOTE, STOOK AND EXCHANGE N. W. cantor of TIIIRD and OREEITNDT Street/ Collections wade, and Drafts drawn on all parts of the United Kates awl the Cambia, on the wont favorable tonne. Collections mado, and Drafts drawn on luglaud and Ireland. Uncurrent Bank Notes bought. Land \Variants bought and mold. Dealers in Specie and bullion. Loans and Time Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on COMXIIMIIO/2 at the Board of Drok ;044itu Philadelphia and New ,York. je3-em EDWARD R. PARRY, Notary Publt for Minnesota. RICHARD R. PARRY, Commissioner for Pennsylvania and New Jersey. PARRY & BROTHER, BROKERS & OENERAL LAND AGENTS and CONVEYANCERS, FRONT STRRIC7', dbova mciroAY, MANKATO, MINNESOTA, Pay particular attention to loaning and !tweeting Money for non-realdents and others, and collecting Drafts, Notes. &c. Any letters of ENQVIIIY or basilicae will receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Bacon, & Co., Philadelphia. Dale, Ross, & Withers, Philadelphia . Sharp, Raines. & 00.. Philadelphia. • Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Ellis & Co., Philadelphia, Parry & Randolph, Philadelphia. sit KETCHUM'a IMPROVED . MOWER AND REAPER FOR MS.—This inacbine Is far ehotal of all others, both ea a Mower and Reaper. SPANGLER & GRAHAM, • Sole Agents, Jy7 No. 627 MARKET SOLNA, below Soveoth. principal regulatore °fake performs Its f u n e Lions ayatem are fully devel most entirely dependent the Liver for the proper Vona; when the stomach at fault, and the whole guano° of one organ—the do its duty. For the die. of the proprietors h a e praelf ee of more than 20 dy wherewith to oonnter , meats to which it is Ha- in PRATT' , " PATENT STEEL SPRING .7g. TOOTH HORSE RARE.—ThIe fel the very beet Rake In uee. sPANGLER. tr. GRAHAM. jy7 No. 627 MARKET Street, below Eorentb. tps TURNIP SEEDS, new crop, war ...W. muted genuine. Also, Buckwheat and Millet SP ea1(11.6.3. & ElRallaat, JY 7 No. 627 hiaNIZET Street, below Seventh. 13111LADELPHIA WARBLING AN VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. medy Is at lad found, any von 001(PLLINT, In any of bottle, and conviction be . . We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT Area, a few doors below the fit. DOMINO Hotel, where our old friends and the public are respectfully invited to examine our extensive stock of Warm Air Fo maces, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registota Enameled Stone Mantels, Parlor 00111 Grates, &c., Le. We are noir manufacturing CRIME'S CELEBRATED PAT- ENT NEW COAL GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical fleeter ever invented, and suited to all classes of buildings. Also, new and beautiful Fatten:le of Low Down Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of x115124)8 mad patterns. We have also oommeneed the manufacture of ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from-Penn sylvania Stone. These Mantels were , awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at the late Fair and Exhf• bition of she ;Yank:in Institute- this tity. , They represent taithe rare and beautiful Ativtunt Mamas, are not injured by Smoke, Coal' Occs, Oil - or Acids, and are Fund Wholesale and Retail, at much lest price than Marble. Call and see than: • ARNOLD & WILBON. 'BEM. M. FELTWELL, Superintendent. Philadelphia, April, 1868-404 1y morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy flow atomaoh, causing food to blood, giving tone and chi a er y, remoylog the footing a radical owe, oared, sod, what 4.1 Ill usional too of the Livia le sufecient to relieve the food from rising and sou- before retiring, preeeotte night, loosen the bewele TIMM. each meal, wlll onreDra teaspoonfuls will always male obstruetion removes and mek.s sported cure. ately relieves On o a, petted, le a sore cure for preventive of Onommt. needed to throwout of the dloine after a long nick- PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY N. W. Oor. THIRD sad ONESNUT L. PALOIIZE & BON, thinkfal for the liberal pa teenage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, rand desirous to merit its continuance, -would announce to Printer's and Pub li shers that their new lIPEOIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increased facilities!, are how prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Priating Establishment, at the &hottest no tice. Their long practical experience in the Mignon's, end the feat of theft personal superintendence of the manufacturing departhaent, justifies them in asserting that they can fundsh a more durable and better fln lehed article than their cotemporaries. • Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous -to purchasing elsewhere. . , for III7ADION TE , OIO7BISI color from the skin. time before eating gives makes food digest well, ed, 0111111 011RONIO Dtab• while 805fItlib and Bows'. to the first dem attacks caused. by Wount Borer, color, or speedier never fail:. DROIIiT, by eaciting the OM type taken at 9 emits par ponied, in alp:therme for nett at gatemen prima. . , N I-a, RUSSIA. MATS.-:--600 DOZ. NO. 1, AND 114 GOO doa.'No. 2 B.IIBBIA MATS, enitable for pack ing Yarnlture and flardenere , nee, will be nold low, if applied foe coony $llll PITLER, te. an IP 28 N. WAToltAt., A 22 N. VITIAR9IIB. NV4LL BRTIBIIES, BRUSH AND BBLLOWS MANUFAOTT RAUB 69 NORTH THIND BT. VitONES.-100,000 Shin Zones, anitablo for .11.3 lllmbrella and Button lattlolls, In store sitd for sale OROASDALIO, PEIRCE, & 00., lOC NORTH 'WHARVES VREIGHT FOR NOTA SCOTIA.- About 700 bble bulk can ,be bad for a port in No va Scotia. - Apply to JOII2IIII7EONNEDY .!b; Co., '313.30 ' 332 NORTII WHARVES. QIIOULDERS.--60 hhds. Shoulders, dry in silt, for onto by 0. 0. SADLER Ar. 00., .164 11 Nor h AV AVIA Street. AVIEITE FISH.-50 BB S. WIfI T E Mai for We b O. & (X), ratail WAN TAA Strut sZbucatb3nal rniLADELfnil 260 00 REFERENOPS. Drafter° 'ltioiiiih, 171DTE2113:13 my2l-6m Agricultural. ARNOLD & WILBON,' STIOORSHORB TO S. A. HARRISON DUSTER/I, lIANDBORtriIt3 A large aaeortment, mailable for CITY Etoomßs, And for siao by flZthY 0. XOllO,TllllO.' insurance ecnapanies CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 ILI South FOURTH Street. . CHARTER. PERPETUAL. Capital $200,000:. Organized 1851. ' • • Privileged to insure Rouses, annually or perpetually ; Personal Property, annually, or for a less period ; take Marino, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks ; receive DO posits hold Trusts and grant annuities ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. kleuTieli, Secretary. DIRBOTORB. Hon. W. IL Holley, J. W. Forney, P.R. Mingle, Buries Watson, Ludlam Matthews, William Curtis, tamer. Alfred Woeke, R. 0. Tyler, J.W. Sender, 0. R. Ricking, J. 1.. liutchlnson, J. W. Relies, JelB-1m G. F. t HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE W AAL SURANON OOMPANY—OffIoo No. 412 WALNUT Btrogt, Philo&!phis. OAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $754,096.84, 1:1110107000. . . . . 'P. M. Potts, J. Edgar Thomson, O. E. Spangles, , O. G. Sower ; Abraham Itex, John W. Eiszton, E. S. Warne, John Gairieort, George Howell, Nathan fi. Potts, Wm. P. Leeehir R. T. Klaiell, 11. 11. Houston, Jos. B. Withers, Abraham P. Eyre, E. Booth, Modes F. Norton. John G. Lewam, MIL Shllllngford. 0. E. SPANOLDR, Pr.aldent H. S. WARNE, Viet Prealdent. 011A8. A. Dor, Secretary, mylo fIpRN _EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANT. No. 831 WALNUT Rad, Philadelphia. QUARTERED OAPITAL $5OO 004—PAID UP OAPL TAL $366,994 This Company having been rent ntly REORGANIZED, and its actual Capital largely Icareased, respectfully sollelte I share of the patronage of Insurers. Fire and Marine Policies will be issued at egulsble rates of pre mium, and losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. DIIINOTOREI : 'William M. Godwin, D. It. Crawford, • Tames W. Queen, Jun. L. Beduin., George W. Hall William D. Themes, D. Franklin Jackson, S. N. Winelow, J. 0. Hopper, henry D. Mem. WU. M. GODWIN, :resident. J. 0. Noma, Secretary. invlO•dif U.IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST 00;1- LA PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIVE INSURANOI COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, s e/2,725.0a. INSURES LIMB for short terms, or for the whole term of Rte—grants annuities and endowments—par chases life Interests in Real Estate, and makes 111 contracts depending on the eontingenolee of Life. - They act pc Executors, Administratore; Atlelgneet, Trustees, and Guardians. , Daniel L. Miller, Samuel E. Stokes, Benjamin Coate., Witham Martin Mallard 8. Newbold, lemma B. McFarland, William P. Beaker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Elision, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophilue Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Bonder, Henry O. Townsend, Daniel L. Untohinson, Rodolpbus Kent, John W. Horner, William U. Darr, Ellie B. Ardor, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Ohristien, William Iteherteon, Joseph M. Thomas, Werner M. Bubb John G. Brenner, PAL Atichlir, Easton. ' DANIEL L. SIILLEkt, President. SAMUEL E. STONES, Me Preol, 7oing W. Houton.. Secretary. DIC.I, lIUE QUAKER OLT X IN: URANCIE 0081FANY.-00:41 408 WALNUT Street, PHILA. MINUS. CAPITAL sultpLus 6277,655.8 d. Insures topmost lose or damage by FIRE and the PERI , 8 of the BEA, INLAND NAVIRAT/ON and TRANBPORTATION. . . Tea per Cent. in cash retarne4 on the earned pro Warne of Open Intend Pollciee. OFF/011R8. OEOROII 11. HART—President. R. P. ROSS—Plea President. H. R. 000GalIALL-80eremry and Tieasurer. 8. H. RllPLlR—Assistant Secretary. DIRROTORB. George H. Hart, JOIOT li rAlweadi, X. P. Ross, Foster 13. Porktrus, A 0. Cattail, Chews G. Imlay, Andrew R. Chambers, Samuel Jones. 81. 11, 1 E. W. Harley, Hon. H H. John G. Dale; H. R. Pogpliall, gohn L. Pomeroy. mhlB H. R. 0000911 ALL. Beeretary ROTIO FIRE INS a ' ANOE (WAWA iIk. NY, NSW YOBK..—Ordoe, No 20 Wall greet, ad joining the Meehanies , Banc — b ash °spiral, $260A0, with a surplus. This Oompsny insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Bunatare, Vessels in port and their Osrgoes, and other proper . ti, against toss or Damage by The and the Risks of d Navigation. • DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Oalob Barstow, Henry 0. Brower, Hamad Tenfold Harmon K. Corning, Ogden Haggerty, Thomak John H. Earle, Albert Ward, Ohm.lee Eastn, Louie Lornt, Samuel G. Glidden,. stepb. Cambreleng, Thomas Butt, Jolua Ward Henry H. Bogert, Peter Mee, Benjamin H. _Veld, A. H. Prothhaghamt Thos. Y. Yong's, Samuel L Joehus L. Pope, Rahn R. Gray's, Fleury Davis, 0, IL Lilienthal, Theo. Potheme, jr. Inaba E. Morgan, Abm. It. Van Nest, WiWain A. Cary, Thomas B. Nelson, ;Smell W. Phillips" Charles A. Mem - , Ildword Elnaken, Wm. E. Shepard, Charles L. Frost, Lothrop L. Bturanit WHllans R. Fosdick ' Amery Thayer, Coo. Wentfeldt, Zalmon Taylor, Henry E. Blossom. _ _DEBT WARD, President. Menu ID A. OAKUM. Bearetary. artlo-ly COMMONWEALTH OF VIA EtTATN OP PENNSYLVANIA. 08310 E, NORTUWEBT OORNRE SOUIITU AND WALNUT STRUTS, pnitammat.. Substritel Capital, $600,000. Paid op Capital, 5200.000 D11201'013. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. 8. Stewart,. H. L. Benner, J. M. Butler, J. H. Whßall, J. K. Walker, Edw. 0. Knight, M. R. Wendell, U. 1.4"61 , Jr., O. K. Howie. DAVID JATliii, Si. D. President. THOMAS] 8. 13THWART, Vice Preet. Bunny 8. Mnos, Beeretary. . jeZt.p INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH MARV/A. MARINE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOR. TATION INSURANCE. OPPIOE No, 232 IifirLNCPV BTRNET, Routh Bide, 'oat of Third street. The properties of this Company are well Invested, and furnish an available fatal for the ample Indemnity of all means who desire to be rotated by Insurance. MARINE RIBES taken on Vessels, Freights, and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RDAS on Merchandise per Railroade, Canals, and Steamboats. FIRE RIBES on Merchandise, Furniture, and Build ings, ,n City and County. INCORPORATED IN 1704. SE CAPITA'. NVE 8600, E OOO, ALL PAID IN AND CURELY ISTD.. TOLL!, PROPERTIES $1.067,826.28 721PSTMIL ONARTiI. DIREOTORS. Asmara G.Corns, WILLIAM Water, BAMITIL W. Jona, WILLIAM R. Ilowai, Join A. Baowa, JAMES N. Dioitooa, ' Ramon Y. Eatra, B. MORRIS WALK, OBARLRB TAYLOR, JOBS Maco, AMBROSM WHITS, °Boston L. Malawi, Joule R. Nan., Vaesota R. Cora, 1110/lARD 1). Woon, NDWAILD B. TROTTRI. - ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pp:trident. ILENRY p. BIIERRERD, fleoratary. jal9-tr 'nELA.WAIIE MUTUAL SAFETY IN BURANOE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEM/HATT:BE of PENN SYLVANIA, 1836. OPTIOB, B. B. Corner TUIRD and WALNUT Btreeta PEILADRLPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE, ON VESSELS, CARGO, To all parte of the World. PRBIOD.T, INLA D INSURANCES, On Geode, by River Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage to all p arts of the Union. FIREINSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, leo. ABBETB OF TILE COMPANY, November 2, 1857. Bonds, Mortgagee, and Real Estate 5101,860 94 Philadelphia City and other Loans 187,011 26 Stock in MIMEO, Railinlidn, and Insurance Companies Bllle Receivable Cash on hand Balance In bands of Agents, Prtmitur,A on Policies room:AV i55110(1, on other debte dna the Company 92,780 67 Babeoription 100,000 00 DICIOTORBI William Martin, James 0. Hand Joseph H. Theophilus Paulding, Edmund A. Bonder!, James Traqualr, John 0. Darla, Eyre, John It. Penrose, J. P. Peniston, George G. Lelper, Joshua P. Eyre, Edward Darlington, . Samuel E. Stokes, Dr. R. M. Easton, • Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Hugh Oraig Thomas 0. Hand, Spencer Mcllrein, Robert Burton, Jr., Charles Kelly, Jno. B. Bernple, Pittsbgh H. Jones Brooks,' Dr. T Morgan, Jacob P. Jones, J. T. Logan, It WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Floe President. HENRY LYIBIIN, Secretary. jao.7 VIRE AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME /NBUDANCE COMPANY. Capital $lOO,OOO. (Organized under the Aot of Assembly relative to In nuance Companies, passed April 2d,1800.) , 01i011011 W. DAY, President. ' THOMAS S. MARTIN, Tice-President. WILLIAMSI. 'MANI:URD, Bocretary. Offiee 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. DIDEOTORS. George W. Day, II .Jacob . Vatughan, William W. Walters, Henry Lewis i Jr., Charles Richardson, D. D. Dirr is, , Barclay Lippincott, John W..6verman, Jos. R. Drognard, A. II: Rosenholm, Chao firakos. fald.y 11 Stern. etatunterp VeLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DD DAVID DI. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street. is pre pared at all times to furnieh, oallier from the eholves or coke to order, Books of every description, suitable for hank', Public Ofilcee, Merchants, and others, of the best quality of Eniglieb or American Paper, and bound in various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PBLNTING of every description: Degtaving and Lithographing °smutted with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of Dngliata, French and Amer!. ean Stationery. Concerning Mr. llogan's contribistion to the Franklin Institute, the Committee sayLJI This dis p la of blank booms for banking and mercantile use is the Seat in the Exhibition. The selection of the material le good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and ap pearance neat and appropriate.” - no2o-tf expros Companteo. mum ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFIOE, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards+ PARCELS, d PACKAGES, MERCHANDISE, BANK NOTES sad SPECIE, either by its own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United States. - • 31. H. SANDNORD, rionenl Anna,.lntendant: ILASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.— SPECIAL NOTION TO PIIPSIOIANS.—The above ofr remedies e a d s t y l in d t t e o . ffe e4 ra a .. v , e fa h e l e a n le , w f b or ieh th c e o e m x b h i l n b e it a t t on he following gen: A good and unvarying oonßistence, easily washed off with water, dissolves all substances that are solu ble In water, hellos faeilltating Instead of obatruoting their absorption, and does not get rancid. The last property alone renders It en invaluable acquisition to tho practitioner. Prepied and for sale wholesale and retail, at RILLEI3II Laboratory and Pharmaoy, whit Twelfth and Ohnstnut streets. - ifILARET WINE.—DE COURSEY, LA IIII & CO., 836 MARKET Street, have on Imkrtation of Lafourcado's' Pure Bordoanx Claret Wins, highly bendalil for !mita. /tl-Izia . Ai- FOR BAN FRANGISCO.—OLIPPER OP. THURSDAY, 16th July insf.4oWalv Itsvas, AND No DETENTION. The auporior Al Clipper Ship WANDERING JEW, STACKPOL' Commander, is now receiv.ng her cargo, at Pier 10, 2. R., (New York,) and will positively nail as above. The Wandering Jow was built for the California Trade, is throughly ventilated, and of email capacity; has just made the voyage In St days from Amoy to Havana, being the shortest passage ever made between those ports. Tho superior sidling qualities of this chip, bor small capacity, low rates of freight, and early day of sailing, present unequalled inducementii. lior balance of freight apply to BlnitOP, SIMONS, & 00. Sy3-dtf 120 NORTH wntotvis TEAM TO LIVERPOOL AND GLAB- K., flow, DUBLIN, BELFAST, and LONDONDERRY, VIA LIVERPOOL. TILE LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA STEAM SHIP CO.'S Clydo-built Iron Steam:Ado are lutenend to salt as follow:: . . CITY OF BALTIMORE . . .... ....Thursday, July Ist CITY OF WASHINGTON a 15th KANGAROO a 29th And each alternate Thursday, from Pier 44 N. It. PROM LiviinrooL. • CITY OF WASHINGTON - Wednesday, June 23d. KANGAROO • • • 4 4 July lth. CITY OF BALTIAIORE,. ..... . 44 " :flat And each alternate Wednesday. Cabin Passage from Now York and Phfladelphia....97s Third Claes to any of the above-mentioned places, and found in best cooked Provisions 30 Return Tickets good for 6 months 00 Certificates of Passage from Liverpool to New York or Philadelphia 40 Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Bremen, Ham burg, &0., without delay at through rates. The Company's. Steamship BOSPHORUS will sail regularly between Autwt;riind Liverpool, In connection with the departures fo 'ow York, taking goods from Antwerp to New York, a a through rate of freight. Certificates of Passage frown Antwerp to New York $46. Drafts on Liverpool from .E 1 upwards. For freight or passage, apply at the Company's Offices, 16 BROADWAY, Now York, and 109 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. JOHN G. DALE, Agent. Or WILLIAM INMAN, je22 02 and 03 Tower Building, Liverpool. LIVERPOOL AND PHILA. DELPHIA STEAAISHIP COMPANY. Steam communication between Now York and Ant werp, via Liverpool. The splendid fast screw-steamship BOSPHORUS, Captain McGuigan, (lately employed in the Royal Mall aerviro,) will aid( regularly between Antwerp and Liver -1,01 every alternate THURSDAY, in connection with the eompany'll steamships from Liverpool to New York. Goods for New York will be received and chipped by the Agents in Antwerp. and bills of lading signed there at a through rate of freight. The drat failing from Antwerp will be on the 17fh of June, in conjunction with the CITY at WASHING 'TON from Liverpool, on June 23. "'" For further particular.; and forme of fright and paa sago, apply to J. P. Steiner Co., Antwerp; William Inman, Lower Building., Liverpool, and at the Com pany's Wricpfl, 15 tlroadarq, New York, and 109 Walnut street, gliadelphia je2l.lm REGULAR LINE FOR PROVI akek:DENCE.—Schooner WORCESTER, RUODZ3 Master. now loading at Callowhilhatreet Wharf. For freight, apply to Captain on board, or to JNO. M. KENNEDY gr CO., Jen 180 and 132 'NORTH WHARVES. FOR CHARLESTON AND SA VANNAH -HERON'S LINE. GOUDr. RSONIVED AND RILLS OP LADING SIGNED The splendid drst•clate elde•wheel Steamships REYSTONE STATE and STATE OP GEORGIA, Now torm • weekly line for the South and Bouthweet one of these ships sailing every SATURDAY at 1. o'clock A. M., alternately for Charleaton and 8a 'numb. . . The RTYBTONE 814TE,Captain Charles P.Atarial man, will commence loading on Thareday, July Bth and call for Charleston, 8. 0., on Saturday, Jetly 10th at 10 &cloak A M. . . The STATE OT/ GEORGIA, Capt. John 7. Garvin. will commence loading on Thursday, July let, and sall for Savannah, Oa., on Saturday, Ran:3d, at 10 o'clock A M. At both Charleston and Wilma', these shipsoonnect with steamers for Plorida and Havana, and with rail. roads, &0., for all places in the South and Southwest. Heavy Freight at an average ofl6 per cent. below New York steamship rates'. • • - • FREIGHT and INotiEttNOßon a large proportion of goods shipped Booth will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels. Cabin Ramage 1110 00 Steerage do 800 Excurelon Tickets, good for the present year. 86 00 No bllia of lading signed after the ship has sailed. Tor height or peerage, apply to ... A. HERON, Jr., No. 828 (late 81) North Wharves. Agents at Charleston, T. 8. A T. G. BUDD. Agents In Savannah, O. A. GREINER & 00. For Florida, from Charleston. steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. For Florida, from Bavantlab, steamera BT. MARYS and ST. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana, from Charleston, steamer ISABEL, on the Bth and 1901 of every month. • Jon STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON DERfI • without delay. (or BO dollars. Return tickets, good for six month's, to either of the above places by any steamer of the line, BO dollars for the round trip, out and back. Paoli NXIT New York, licliillan,Saturday, Julylo at 12 o'clock, M. Edinburgh, Oummiug , July 24, it Glasgow, Oloodivin, August Ti /NOM GLIDOON. Edinburgh. Cumming Saturday, June 2d, Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday, July 10. New York, McMlllau. Wednesday, August 11. RATES Olf PAndAtill. non °LIMON. INBITILAHOB 00BIPANT, lint °teas 16 guineas Steerage, found with cooked prorisioni 8 •i PllOll uw YORE. /Iva Class • - $76 00 Steerage, found with eooked provisions . . ....' ..„ 80 00 OhiJaren under 14 years of ago, halt fare; Infanta in Steerage, free. Return tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. First Olass $l4O 00 Steerage $BO 00 An experienced Surgeon at laolted to each Steamer. For freight or passage apply to WORKMAN & 00.,128 WALNUT Street, Philadel• phis. ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. HALL & LONEY, Buchanan's Wharf, Baltimore, myll MEE BRITISH NORTH AMERIOAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP& PROM MIR TOld TO LITIIPOOL. Oblef Cabin ratline.. Besiond Cabin Passage 91011 108901 I'o 11921901)L. Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage The ships from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judith's. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt.Wickman ASIA, Capt. E. O. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt.Ryrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leltoh. These vessels carry a clear white light at maat-head; green on starboard bow ; red en port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leaves NYork,Wednesday, June fith AMERICA, Noodle, " Boston, Wednesday, Jane 10. ASIA, Lott, 11 N York, Wednesday June 23d CANADA, Lao& ii Beaton, Wednesday, June 30 PERSIA, ,Tadkinti, ii N York Wednesday July 7 NIAGARA, Wickman, ~ Boston, Wednesday, July 14. .AFRICA,Shannon, «N York, Wedneaday, July 21 Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on . board ... .. _ _ The owners of these Ohips will net be '4:countable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unlesssills of lading are elgned therefor and the valuetherea: u: ein expressed. For, freightor suit e apply to my 10-y E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. Port. 4 LEXANDRE SEIGNETTE BRANDY. • rm. The subscribers have been appointed solo agents lu the State of Pennsylvania for the above well-known ROCHELLE BRANDY, which they are prepared to offer to the trade at the lowest market price, from Uni ted States bonded warehouse entitled to debenture. A coos/ant supply on hand, lu half, quarter, and cc eighth pipes, dark and pale. JelB4( FILES ROBIN tic CO. COGNAC.—Tho kr subscribers, sole agents iu the State of Pennsylva nia for the above celebrated brand of COGNAC BRAN DY, bog to call the attention of the trade to its superior quality, and fool confident It will compare favorably with the most favorite brands in the market ARNOLD & WORL, 120 WALNUT Street ... 12,50800 ... 220,291 96 ... 88,892 CO A constant supply of the above in the United States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture, of various vintage., in half, quarter, and eighth pipes jelS-tf L A P . i M e i r 3i REY GB APE-LEAF 0H A - Jomtr 702 ; 785 87 i pipes CA IN. bold And tor sale by i_LEIDSICK & CO. OnatneAWNl Z.—A AR constant supply of the genuine brand In bond and In store ; for sale by WM. 11. rEATON, le3 • FIB South FRONT Street. fI_LARET-125 OASES MARGAUX, 160 ‘6.1 CMOS BT. JULIEN, In quanta SW pinta, in store and for sale by A. MERINO, son 140 Muth VRON'Y atraat. BRANDLE • Pinot Oaatillon," Marett, and other Oogneoe of various vintages, in hall pipes and querter casks • Yellovoisin Roohello Brandies, pale end dark, in half pipes, half casks, and one eighth casks. Imported and for side by HENRY BOHLEN tc 00., e 022 . 221 and 223 south Fourth street. I.LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, OIGAII3, he. ; 20 South FI F TH Meet, Philadelphia. QIIERRY WINE.-16 QUARTER PIPES 10 varietal grades Harmony Sherry, in b , nd, and for salejg W I LLIAM YEATON, 21R South gRONT At, CORDIALS.—ANISETTE, OURACOA, NJ and MARASCHINO, in store and for male by an 22 • C. SPARTNO. 144 A. VRCINT LLSO YALE A E IN HIIDS.,A El constant supply on hand In Mutt= House stores, for sole by WILLIAM H. YEATON, Sole Agent for Pennsylvania, No. 216 South FRONT Street. BRANDY.--7 octavo Renault & Co. Cog uno, very old vintage, In bond and (or role by WILLIAM 11. YNATON 216 Routh PROWS St • DIME LEHIGH AND BROAD-TOP COAL.—JAMES If. MONTGOMERY !donna his friende and the publlo that he has effected an arrange moot with the Buck Mountain Coal Company for the !ale of their justly-celebrated LEIIIGU COAL. He has also-. arranged with the proprietor of the Broad-Top Mince for the sale of his valuable SESII-BIT UMINOUS GOAL, and ie now prepared to receive orders and make prompt deliveries, at his Office, No. 402 WALNUT Strout, second story, front room. fe3-3m VCERING,. Fox, & wholesale and 1' retail dealers in LEHIGH and SOIMITI,EILL 00AL. Lehigh yard—THIRD street, and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill yard—RAGE and BROAD divots, Philadelphia. Reap constantly on hand Goal from the moat approved .mices, under cover, and pre pared expreesly for fatally ruse. fe6. ICHITYLKILL AND LEIIIGH COAL.— mn daily receiving, at my yard, the beet quality o. BOHUYLICILL AND LEHIGH 00AL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may re ly_on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. "at LOW otter No Inferior Coal kept at this establishment to PRIDES. ,PORT WINE.-80 Quarter Pipes, in bond and for dale by WILLIAM H. YEATON, je24 218 South FRONT Street. WHITE FISH.-75 half Utile. of the cele breed Detroit River White Fish, just received . and fur We by 0. 0. SADLER & Co., Je4 Q North WATXR Stroil, 3 611WW,V2,,at.i.RGwV.Af•:!se JOHN G. DALE, Agent EMMU FOR CHARLESTON FOR SAVANNAH YREIGLITB RBDIIOED. INHURANCE WO 76 'no Wlteo an Eiquors ARNOLD & WORL D 120 WALNUT Bind ARNOLD &IVORL, Sole Agente, 120 WALNUT Street utch Company Gin, i WILLIAM 11. YEATON,. No 2.15 Poona PAC/NT Atroot ALNSANDNR CONVIIIY, N. B. aornar of Broad lad Chem' ate. Railra - mtgs. EtunN?,T,TA - G - ggg UPII "grt 'IIILADIA, ISILMINOTBN, AND BALM MORE RAILROAD. On and after Monday, .Maylo, 1848, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Enr Baltimore, at 8 A. M., 1 P. Of., (E l Prus.) and 11 P.M. For Wilmington, at B A. If., I, 4 .3 0 , ar ,o II P. 1 For Now Cutle, at 8 A. It., and 4.30 P. M For Middletown, at S A. M., and 4.30 P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. AI. Tor Seaford at B A. M., and 4.30 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, A Leave Baltimore at 7.30, Expre,m, 10.16 A. If. and 6.40 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6 45 and 10.30 A. M., and 1.45 and 8.55 P. Bt. Leave New Muth, at 6 and 9.50 A. M., and at 8.15 P. M. Leave Middletown at 8.59 A. 31., and 6.45, . Leave Dover at 8 A. 31., and 4.55 P.M. Leave Senfoni at 6.24 A. M., and 2 P. M. TRAINS FOR IiALTISIORIL Leave Wilmington at 9.10 A. 31., 2P. 31., and 2.15 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Bal. 1)0 do 5.40 1 more P. M . from Baltimore to Phila. phis. Freight Train, with Pamenger Oar attaehwl, will run as follow*: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville land Intermediate places at P.M. Leave Wilmington for do do do 745 P. 11. Leave Havre do Groan for Baltimore do 530 A. It. Leave Baltimore for Mere do tirace do tl 10 P. If LAMY° Wilmington fur Philadelphia do 540 P. M. Jul 8.31. FELTON, Prealdent. „ . I . ...ifrt , . FOX BETIILEILEM, ALLENTOWN. M II OD OIIDNIE, EASTON. DOYLESTOWN, kn. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT TAKES EFFEOT MONDAY. MAY 17th, MS. For Bethlehem. Allentown, Manch Cbook, and Eas ton, dm, (Express,) in connection with L. Valley Rail road. fromWILLOWEArest at B A. M. and 225 P. M. Paseengere for Easton by 2.26 P. M. Trail take item at Iron Dill Station. -• • . Yor Doylestown. (Aooommodatlon,) from Willow et., at SAO A. M and 5.00 P. Pd For Hort Wanblogton (Accommodation) from Pecond and Chatham Btreata at 7.25 and 10.26 A. 11., and 4.10 and 8.45 P. td. • TRAINS TOR PIIILADIMPBI.II Leave Bethlehem (Exprese) at 9 A. M. and 2.20 P. M., with pmsengere from Lehigh Valley Rail reed, and arrive at Willow Street at 22m. and 15.22 P.M Leave Doylestown at 0 A. M. and 260 P. M. .and sr rive at Willo attest at 8.16 A. M. and SP. M. L:•avo port Washington at 6 and 9 A 51., and 2.45 and 6 CO P. M.. and arrive at Second and Chatham Streets at 8.60 and 9.60 A. M., and 3.80 and 6..20 P. IL ON di3NDAYB Leave Willow street fur Doylestown at 8.80 A. M. and 2 Y. N. • Leave Doylestown for Phdadelphla at 6 A. M. wad 615 P M. All Pamenger Prattle MOVING NORTH and BOIITH will atop at Chatham Street and connect with City Pa'. imager Rallro.l Pare to Bethlehem Pl 60 c. Mauch Chunk 280 Doyleatown 80 seyl7-tf lILLIS CLARK, Agent. SEW YORE LIMES.—THE 0/ADM% AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PIIILADELPIIIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00„MPANY'S LINES. FROM PRILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WAY PLACES. Leave as follow", Tit: Feu _ At 117( P. M., from Remington Depot, via Jamey City, Mall :2 26 At 6 A. 11., via Camden and Amboy, Awn: mods- i 2 226 At 6 A. M., 'is Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Ae oommodation 226 At 8 A. M., via Camden and jersey City, Morning Mail 8 00 At 10 A. ht., by Steamboat Trenton, via Taoony end Jersey Oity, Morning Express 8 00 At 2 P. AI., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. press 8 00 At 6 P. M. via 'Camden and Jersey City Mau , Evening • 8 0 At 8 P. M., Tit Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion let Oleas 200 At 6P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Arootonicris- Non, 2nd Class. 1 60 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion let CB= 2 00 At 61 / . M. via Camden and Amboy, Aocommods time, 2nd Class L 06 The 6 P. M. line ram daily, all others Sundaye ei septet Express Lines atop at the principal stations only. For Belvidere, Easton, 7..mington Au, at 6A. M and 4 P. U. from Ramat street For Water Gap, Stroudebarg Scranton, Wilkeabarre, Montrose. Great Bend, /Cc. at 8 A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. U. For Mount Holly at 6A. M. and, and 6P. M. WAY LIMA For Bristol, Trenton, &e., at 2y( and 4 P. M WAY LINK For Palmyra Itemocas i Beverly, Burlington, Fiords'. town Au, at B ' P. M. Steamboat Richard Stockton for Bordentown, and in termediate platen,at 2N P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Tenon'', &ClO and nx and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. M. All lines excepting P.M , leave Walnut street wharf. ILTIIItY pounds of baggage only allowed soon longer. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All bag gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Oom party limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be yond $lOO, except by special contract. WM. 11. CIATZMLII_, Afloat an 147 0. & A. B. R. 00. PHILADELPHIA AND ELM NA /LAIL ROAD LINE.—QUIOKEST ROUTE to Blintz& Wilkesbarre, Buffalo, Chicago, Rock Island, Niagara Fails, AMwaukie Darlington, Montreal, Bt. Paola Detroit, Danßeth', and lit. Laois, ransanger trains will limas the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, daily, (Sundays eggepted,) as follows 7.80 A. M. DAY MXPREI32I, For Elmira, Niagara Valle, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Hook Island, Galena, Bt. Paula, Darlington, and St. Louis. &SO P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo Detroit, Chicago, ifilwankoe, Rook Inland, Ga l ena , Bt. Paula, Burlington and St. Louis. DOI/' Tickets good till good. The. 7.30 A.ll. train oonneete at Reading with the train for Darriaburn and all stationo on the LEBANON VALLEYRAILROAD; AIM - At Rupert, for Wllkeebarre, Pittston, Scranton, and al stations on the LAORAWANNA AND BLOOMSBUR , RAILROAD. Baggage ehooked to Itinita, Buffalo, and &wpm:Won Bridge. 12=3 Wilkeabarre 84 HI Pittston 4 50 Scranton.. r 4 76 Wilkesbarre 4 50 Williamsport 5 90 Elmira T 00 - Canandaigua 8 00 Geneva, via Gorham 8 00 Rochester 8 50 Niagara Falls 8 00 Bnffalo 20 00 Erie. 10 50 Cleveland, via N. Y. and Erie 18 00 . yll Niagara Palle 13 00 Toledo, via New York and Erie 16 25 Columbus 16 60 Cincinnati. New York and Erie. 19 00 " . Niagara Palls 19 00 Indianapolis. via New York and Erie 21 00 Detroit, via Niagara Palle 18 CO Chicr i go, via Great Western Railway 22 00 Lake Shore Railroad 22 00 Hock Island, via Niagara Falls 27 00 cc Lakci Short Railroad 27 00 Burlington ' 29 00 lowa City 29 25 St. Louis, via Chicago 29 00 II Indian:Tolle 29 00 INDlleth 27 00 St. Paula 36 10 [l7 Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line , ' Ticket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets ; and at the Pas. THROU Bongo r Depot, GH BROAD EXPRESS and V FREIGHTH TRAIN Leave, the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, (Sundays excepted,) for all points Wert and North, at 0 'Freights Inuit be dellrered before 8 P.M. to insure their going the some day. Er Freights are forwarded with greater despatch and Lower Rates than by any line from this eit,y to the West and Northwest. Far farther information apply to ALLEN & HUGEL, Through Freight Depot. Broad, below Vine, Or to 011 AS. S. TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W. cor.Sixth and Oheetuut ets.,Phileda. G. A. NIOOLLB, • • Goal. Supt. Phllada. and Reading Railroad. H. A. FONDA, Goal. Bnpt. Oatawises W. & E. Railroad. J. A. REDFIELD, dolilay Goal. Supt. W•nesport and Elmira Railroad. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD—FABT FRBIGUT LlNR.—Yreight traits leave the Depot, BROAD Street, b low VINE, daily, for Buffalo, Boapensiou Brblige, Camels, Detroit, Chicago, Milwankie, Galena, Dubuque, Bt. Louie, sad interme• Mete points. This to the abortest route to Canada and the Lake Porte, and goods will be forwarded with greater deapatoh to the above points than by way other route, MIIPP or Pewee rar 100 Lae. Via Railroad Ilt ClB2ll. 2d clar , . 8d class. 4th ohne Brumenigion Bridge DO 70 60 40 Buffalo 90 70 60 40 Dunkirk 95 . 75 63 46 Detroit 81 20 93 78 62 Chicago . 1 60 116 1 . 00 80 Freight going through by rail 11l the way most be marked ~V IA RAIL." No tranotilpnient between Phlb...lBlWe and Elmira. Mark gowlevia Philadelphia awl Reading Railroad and send to the Depot, Brood shoot, below Vice, daily, before 6 P. M. For further Information In regard to this route, eall at the through freight office of tb. Philadelphia, Nia gara, and Great Western Line, N. W. corner San] and CHESTNUT. ' dead-y DENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE - GREAT OENTRAL ROUTE, oonnesting the At !antis. Cities with Western, North-western, and South western. Btatee, by a continuous Railway direst. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Mainland and Bandusky with Steamers to all ports oc the North-western Lakes; making the most DIREOT, OHEIAPEBT and RELIABLE It011r,.; by which Freight tan be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. . . RATIO DIATWilni raudintlMlLlA AND P/Tl6l. BURGH. Fuer Owe —Boots!, Shoes, Hats, and Gape, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes bales and trunks), Drnge, (in boxes and bales) feathers, Pure, &G 75e. par 100 lbe DOOM> Claus—Domestic easetingi Shirting and Ticking, (In original babes), Drugs (In easks),Hard Ware, • Leather,Liodor, (in casks,) Wall Paper, Wool( and Sheep Pena, Bastward, Pre. irm 600. per 100 lbe Than OUBB—Arivila, Hemp, Bacon and Pork Batted, ( loose or in Backs), Paiute, (dry and in oil,) Oils, (except lard and rosin) CCs. per 100 lb' lowan 01.aes—Oolfee ' Pleb, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in casks or bore. eastward), Lardandlard Oil,Nalla Soda AIM, German Clay, Tar, Pitch: Rosin, Steel, Mannfaetured burro, Rosin Oil Queenswsre, Bum, (hhds., bbl ' s., and boxes, ; &0., /co 400. per 109 lb Ptea-15e. per Dbl., ' until further notice. eltalN—.lse. per 100 lbs. until further notice. Oorrox-42 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until further notice.. In chipping Goods frowsty. point Bast of Philadel• plait, be particular to Wear. packages tt via Pennsylvania Railroad.. All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded witfiout detention. FaXIGHT Aaairril.--111arke te Co., Chicago ; Packer & & Co., Memphis, 'l'o=4 R. P. Sue h 00.. St. Louis, Mo.; P. G. Miley &. 00., Branaville, Indiana; Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Rentnaky.,• R. 0. Meldrum, Madison, Indiana ; It. W. Brown 8c; Co., and "Libor & lI bbard, Cincinnati; H. B. Pierce &. Co., Zauerrille, Ohio; Leech & Co. No. 64 Kilbyetreet, Boston; Leech & Go., No. 2 Astor House, New York No. 1 William et. New York ; B. J. border, Philadelphia) Magraw Rooms, Baltimore ) D. A Stewart, Pittsburgh, H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBABBT, deb. General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. 200 quintals Codfish. 100 do. Pollock. 000 bbls. Mattered. i,llO do. White Fish, for sale by O. 0. OADLER & 00, Snailll i 2t. WATAS 4 `Lau?o tineo. IICIE I L ADE I,P II A, GERILA.NTOWN •ND NORRIBTOW RULROAD.-- B CWW IIII ARRANGJOCIINT.—Os sod after FLOOD/LT, May lath. 18W - YOH GIIIMANTOII7I7. USTI) Phrladalpbla at ex 1, 11, $.06 min.. 70,111( r A. N.. 1,2, 11, 4,5, 0,7, 9, 9,10, and 11 1 t. Leave Germantown at 5,1, Tx , t , 9. 94.19 X, Wig min., 2,3 N, 4x, ex, a, 9-t0 gots, mom 10, ( P. M. IU - * The 7g o'clock A. H. Train tram Geemantrele *iL stop only at Wayne atd 'flogs *mete Steaks/. ON SUNDAYS, Lan Phila.:l4kt' at 939 mix. A. M., It, to;, amt P.M. Lent ElarnatattaintCd A. Y.,1-10 add., IN, Jai r P. M. 01131911117 T HILL RAELROAD. Leave Phlladelobta at OX, 8, 9.06 tuba ,11) A. K., 9,8, a, 0, 1. 10 P. Y. Lasts Chub:at Hill at 6 40 sad CO, 9.10, sod 10.10 mid • A. II ,19.60, 8.10, 4.10, 6.10, TAD, sad 9.10 ads. R.Y. iiitlfDAYS. Lease Philadelphia 0.2.) A. 43., I, 6K, and I P. N. LW.) Chestnut Hill &taxi Dela A. Y., 1953 11.10 OM P. SI vita coNsuoutassar Aro NomlasTowil• Leave Philadelphia at 413(. 9, 11 A. /IL, 1.06 ads., 010 . ON. 111( P. If. Lea l. Norristown at 0,1, 0,11 L. 11. s 3 . 3 X, e g 11. on BIIHTIATS, Lea,* sliudelear iha 3 P. 3e. Lem Norristown at t A. M. 'Ltd 6 P. M. FOR MANAIVICE. Laarn Philadelphia at 61f, , 9,11 A. 2.16 min.. 3.10 min , 4X. age ex, 6,11 m P. K. Leave Manarunk at 6,1 i. AN, 9,14, LIM A. K., IV2 4. 7, and 9P. H. SaMaye same ne Norristown. VAUNT RAILROAD ROI DOWAIICB• Leave Plaladelptda at el( A. M., mot 8.10 WA. Lean Dm...all:mt.:nu at TX A. $ and IY. M. H. X. SIXTH, General StlfOrtotendlent. Depot, Muth had Ulm stmts. thiladalphia. 1858 P VEN N TRAL S Y l l 1 1 7 ALI A 1 85t; PROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTIEBUEGH, And theme by Railroad to WHEELING, ST. LOUIS, STEUBENVILLE, - CLEVEL AND, CINCINNATI . WI ICAGO, LotneVlLel, BURLINGTON, INDIANAPOLIS, BT. PLUS, And ill Intermediate points In OLIIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS KENTUCKY HICIIII. CUE, WISCONSIN, MBA:SOYA. mzesbintx, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Passengers to points:west of Pittsburgh, Wheelleir, Cleveland and Creatlum, have choice 0 masa, sada:* requested to make a selection before applying for Ea eta. TILILIII TILS.OI3OII TILIIIIB LEIIII PIIILILDNI. PH/ a DAILY, Wedoge toanaetions at Pitashuelk to all palate d. On and alter MONDAY, May 30th, 1863, Three through, and Two accommotatton trains, will have the depot, B. E. coiner of ELEVENTH end MARKET streete, as follows 001108 POl PIITIRMIGH 150 One 9/11111.1rAYS. Mail . ra1uat....7 . 03 A. M. Past line 1 00 noon. Express mai1..11.00 night. WAY ?Wig LIALTIL liarrissarg as imam:dation 3 00 P. M. Lanes , tar -A3OP. M. The mall train stops eta delphia and Pittebrugh. The Expreu mall runs daily, the other tales Sunday excepted. The cars leave the Pennsylvania Railroad P Station, =atheist corner et VLEVENTH and streets. entrance on Eleventh street, wham nuosigh tickets to all points West tan be obtained. Baggage will be Mad TOO at the Depot at any Ithaa du ring the day. No charge for handling begrage. Per ruttier informs,tion apply at the Depot of IN Pennsylvania Railroad Company, southeast corn= it Eleventh and Market streets, between the Donn of 7 A. M. and /.IP. M. THOMAS MOORS my 10 Agent Peon's Railroad CO. TILLINII /SON 117718301011 • AND TIES wear &ZAMA, Mail train 5t..11 Ali slgbt. Past lino b 10 ♦. IL &zprau nail.. 110 won. Hanistavg se. commodaties.7.l6 P , N. Lancaster 10 A. M. the stations betimes Yhtta. idlttuinal. ANALYSIS OF LYON'S , CATAWBA BILILNDY by A. A. HAYES; M. D., • ASIATIC TO TOO Beam Of 'MIUACIIIeIITIII. Ocic mac . CIIAZAOTZIL—A liglat-yelkarlah brows. colored spirit., haying a fragrant odor when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil or cam:oars matter. Analysed forvolatile and fixed drugs, of which no traces of any kind were/121.a. It. solar le proved to be due to a colored resin an extract derivadfrom wood.. irrln every respect it is a. pure Write.= liquor. The fragrance or banquet which It poetesses can be lath lated, and It then appears unlike that from Brandy or Wine, being a fruity wean reaulting e = a peculiar Cementation of Catawba and Isabella Grape,. ' Cr/I.IIIOAL parte to volume of that spirit contains at 60 deg H. 411 2-10 parts of pure 14- collet, besides the fragrant oil. 1,000 parts of the epirlt afford 23 parts of a strong solution of this oil which characterizes this Brandy; the spirit left, alter removing the oil, is pars rout odorless, and In all its quaint./ a perfect spirit not subjece to clump. One 11. B. gallon of this Brandy at 60 deg. 1. contain., be sides the Spirit and oil only 220 gre. of matter coos posed Of extract of fruit, guns, and colored resin from wood. • Boman, January 26.1M6. Dr. CORE, State Inspector of Ohio, and Dr. JAB. R. CHILTON, Chemist, of New York, both pronoun.. this to bo pure Brandy, end free from all adulteration. for Medicinal purposes Lyon's Catawba Brandy has nos Prat, and has long been - needed_ to supersede the poisonous compounds sold under thenarne of Brandy. As a beverage, the pare article Is altogether saperfor, ends sovereign, clue remedy for Dyspepsia, flatulency, Low Spirits. Ungnor, General Debility - , &e., fre. Also, ESHELIST'S STILL AND SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE.—These Wines are made in the neigh borhood of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to be the Pore Juice of the Grape, and are eminently calculated for Invalids and persons who require a gentle earns lent, and for fistramentalparposes. Retail price $1.26 par bottle. A liberal discount made to the trade. Dealers will please send their orders to the "Bole Agents" for the State of Penn. sylvania, A. 7. HAZARD & CO., Wholesale Druggists No. 609 MAREET Street. Also for Sete by the following apothecaries AMBROSE SMITH, Seventh and Chesnut sts. JNO. W. BIBLES & SONS,IBth and Zia itntiMaduill streets. • D. L. STACIEHOLISE, Eighth and Green ate. R. NEBINGER, Second and Mary etc, Sontlirmit. G. W. NBBII9GER, Pasayank Road and Weshingtess street. GEO. S. HOBENBACIII, Third and env eta. A. R. HORTER, Broad and Coates sta. fell HOBENSAOR'S IRON BITTERS. This Medicine, u Its name implies, la one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It is el pea/illy adapted to those who have a lose of appetite or are Ciliated with Dyspepsia, Liver Comp Liam. Piles, Nervous Debility, General Weakness, and all diseases arising front a disordered condition of the digestive organs. FOB FEMALE COMPLAINTS GENERALLY there is perhaps no medicine In the world equal to It, as it enters. mine', and replenishes the blood *bleb is so Important to brine about a healthy action THOUSANDS ARE LIVING a miserable exiderce, of a pale sithly color, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to health by the use of one bottle of this invahuble medicine. It is no humbug, but genuine remecy, being free front any thing th at Is of an injurious nature. FOB ALL DISBARES OF THE BLOOD there is no better antidote than Hobensaeles Iron BM ters. When the blood is impure the whole body la fall of disease. Blood letting may answer for a time, bet cleansing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we must begin, and to cleanse the blood there re no hotter remedy than these invaluable Bitters. Their chief constituent Is Iron, and we all know tte ehleac7 in removing the impure matter from the whole visceral system They are prepared by a ran tidal chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent phnic s. ydeians and others, an the '<ne plus rata." of all to HOW GRATIFYING to thiSproprietor that be baa succeeded in compound trig a remedy for many of the ills that his fellow. mortals are subject to; and that the public appro. elate it is not a question of doubt, tot a fixed fact, the demand for it has far surpassed his sanguine expectations. READ THE TESTIMONY OF A WORTHY CITIZEN. This is to certify my wife was in delicate health some three years, with a disease peculiar to her sex. She tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of Ilobetutiek , s Iron Bitters, and loosing Iron to be a powerful tonic, induced me to obtain • bottle, which proved to be the medicine she sobely r•• gulled, by restoring her Le health. Bhe hesitates not to recommend it to those who are similarly alerted. as she believes It to be a sovereign remedy. JOHN COLE. No 831 Capitol Street. This invalat.ble Medicine is prepared only by GEORGE 8. HORSEBACK, Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. corner of THIRD and GREEN Streets ' Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be addressed. Price $l. Discount to dealers. Bold by Druggists gsmerally. t0h.20.y HT 8131 TER WITH DYSPEPSIA I ZIEGLER, A SMITH'S PURE, MEDICINAL COGNAC BRANDY has cured Dyspepeda, Low Spirits, General Debility, Ac., &a., do. Price H. 2.5 per bot tle, or 810.150 per dozen. Warranted pure. Try 11. I hereby certify -that. I bad been afflicted with dyf. pepsia for the last ten years, - during which time I have tried all thepopular medicines, but of no avail. Having had Zeigler . A Smith's Pure. Medicinal Cognac Brandy nrcommended.by many persons, induced me to Ault. One bottle has almost cured me of dyspepsia and costive habits, of ten years' standing. I can say, with a thank ful heart, that I bare never found its equal during my painful and distressing complaint. I sincerely recom mend It to dyspeptic, nervous ,and debilitated sufferers. Joss O. IfLassitorst, • Jan. 18th, 1838. - 1231 Olive street. Aleo, ZIEGLER & MIME Pure Medicinal WIESE, warranted pure, and no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed upon the public as genuine wines. These Wines are especially adapted to dyspeptics and ocnsump. twee, and in all team of general debility , lose of appej die &.o. Old Madeira Wine, price per bottle $1 CO Old Port Wine, do. do. .. 100 Old Shorty Wins, do. do. 1 00 Address your orders to Sole Agents, ZEIGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, 8. W. Corner SECOND and GREEN Ste , Also, for sale by JOHN BUY, Druggist, fel-y Frankford road, opposite Hanover. EUMbet. I _UMBER YARD. .11-4 HOUTZ & 00., • .(Sucasesers to Montgomery & NeaU,) S. W. aOrner Of TWELFTH and PRIfilE Streets, Philt., Old Moytmensing District, •are now receiving a large and well4elected assortment of all descriptions of LUMBER,srich as White Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Pales, Pickets, pence Board., Flooring, Shelving, and every CH well•seasoned .Lumber. Also, a Urge stock of Bill Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly on hand and 'limed to order at the shortest notice. Our connection with Messrs. Mebaffev, Flouts, & 00., and Duffy, Monts, tc 00., at Marietta, Pa., gives us sus• surpaseed fecilities, and enables us to supply orders for all description!' of Lumber with promptness and despatch. PINE-OREER LUMBER, soft and mellow, suitable for PATTERN-MAICSILB, &o , constantly on hand. Prompt paying purchasers are reepeetfully Incited to examine our stock before going elsoshere. ap7l-tf L IMBER AT WHOLESALE AND R) tail, at Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. MERAYPEY, HOUTZ, & Co , take this method of informing their customer's and persons desire's' of per. chaeing LUMBER, that they have now on hand a largo and weiloeasoned atock of all descriptions of Lumber, which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory prices. Their timber le all from their own MILLS on PINE °BEEK, Thayer° also connected with Mews DUFFY, HOUTZ, dr. CO., and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Planed Boards', Bill Bluff, Loth Pales. Pickete, and Building Timber for Bridges, &0., of all descriptions, on the shortest notice. They would alto take great pleasure incalling the attention of Builders, and those In want of Lumber iu the city of Philadelphia, to the Lumber Yard of lIOUTZ & Co., corner of TWELFTH mid PRIME Streets, with whom they are also con. noted, ILS, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, &c 1,000 gallons Winter Sperm Oil. 050 gallons No. 1 Winter Lard Oil. 0,000 gallons Bleached Winter Whale 011. 0,000 gallons Light Racked Whale Oil. 250 boxes Chemical Olive Soap. • 200 do Maine Soap. 400 do. Brown Soap. 100 do New Bedford Sperm Candles, In store and (or male by ' B. W. POSISROY ALLEN, Late J. B. A. A, 8 Allen, D s No. 14 South DELAWARR Avenue. ALE.—P. 6 Casks Muir's, Younger's and Allsopp's Bpsrknn Ale in pints, landing Ind tut ssle by W.LIZAbI H. IrIiATONI its; SIG Baia tBpFT Prat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers