- “ , tilYtt:;,l l. lt s, •••• . '-‘)••• DAILY, (SUNDAYS NEOMPTND,I • 49ari W FORDier “ Of NO ! 417 O , IIII§TICIIT 13Tax. yr . MAIVICTMEMS*I • 1 ' 1 ' 31 " Pere' ?P. :3 11, 49te;1 1 .4,170 1 . Molted to Etni;oottbere out oc thp,Oltrat2ex Madden hi tueueret f You; Dina;exei Fos' Vole? ttoxvuo Tana Dote-tae • fOrtho time ordered.-4` Malted to to,gobuarlbore out of pie pkaf.,',*l4,ll,:Poln ARO A s ia, to udnefitte." - • 'fan Warizi 'Patna WC be' sent to goinerfriiiirsity resil• (pet, annum, in advaneej)ist --"sa pp ,clue? Co p ies, " . -"' 600 livetepiee, • • 'l c- " ' '= 800 ten Copies,'" • " ••• • •- - 42 00 Itsentzr copies, ..f 4 .. (to ono &Lir 00 Twenty Copies, or ater, Ite esidrehe of etell )•- lAnbactriber,) each - - ' ' . , 20 get a Pleb or I.Welllty•oat. or OT4r., Wo ;lead ao wars espy to the getter-un c - 142 A Cl , 4b- - (Er Poettnastine are Ithjt.iti!.l h not no Agentifor WELT PRIZSES; - • • &LI FORA( PRE3h, _ Issued - Bead-Monthly in Aline for % the Oniiforni a htetraele, _ . _ . ,• — . 1:0 Ebeit - ; 110z1Fg; ild/LEY & 00., OHESTSITT-StREET, • lifsoofoeturare or: SAITIBIIBTEIII_LLNO,BILVIR Wkitl,, Meter their irepeettin,, on . t*..prontiose-t4olntfir sly , lateen/ onninrenteill ars 1 . 11 ' 1 4. 1 4U TIOS slit. Mann' 1 , , „1 1 1 , 4104.118: ; ~„ • • . 4nillautltot Land a *eater itoisit thipszkat " Wateliea, of antis hole - Sirs' ten tuition: • 'D . ilk. ittekleonv, • Bran:Sete, BtoOeheo; Muff. Ulnae, and all ottkist•itloym 1a tk biltoso•dit•E Drawinice of IflttV, 'DVlelf,llvii*.lxi Bade+ fre• - , - - *baits tor thong ilahlieyroq ifritefetiordele , ' -PRittatNtliatt. t - f ber.ituriil resort aßns , ot all , the:, g a ' 4ti;eijl~ir'oi - 4 1:4w.144; l ash b moiymcqs,tou.. • 4 4,-.14, 01,ciaawkr AN C 4 ,-Ctailyanots; 11*•tiltei•L, ,' '.!ftikfiejt,•4464. :' 'v isirtarat, OABEOIitifIABUBTSOWAITBEBj :4551 - 3: alms, Broazi 14501•1:1L013111yofiirtithVitYleli E'. 0A L'D L - V - '&1 00 .i 4112 liaztivrtrr Eitkvito - - - Iteeirkelved; per steleseiesolew'Stylee - - Jewelry, Mutable's, Vast Chatty. : - • • 13pleoclid . • : - Welt Stands. Beyer Bagtete.- ? Jet floods asa Ttoes.- ' • • • se4 Moiale .gets., Bole Agerits In ThliAderhiajoi The sate of Charles Yrocleltam'CLONl39lf TrAps•Plinita. dela' SiLVER'WARE.-L-"' '' • '"'"; • wilxretm WILSON lt eflt3,- • MANITFAOTLIKENS OF SlLvt:g wARE, •< oisrAnuureu 1811,) ;,„ 8. F ocaselt eITLJr -1.111 , 01110111 T 1gT141178. 'A Slav sznortment 'or BILVSII. 1 / 4 .11.5, of every do.' &caption, oonstaitily on hiud; or hide to order . to mitch tat pelts= deelted. • , < 1 • . Impotteri of Sheffield and pirmingliew Imported orate. ' .se3o dfrowly lye _B. 4. 1 31/Rif ,tr. BRO. , ' • • 1, 0 bIAkMIIO - 7(1).2118 AND L1117011711/1 09 - STINSII-PDATRD WARE, SO. Oa Chestnut Street, above Third,- op state,) ' ' • Constantly oh hand and for sale to the Trade, SSA niaa, COMMUNION - 9.211V1CH BS CB, 1311118, PITOLISRS,-(1011USTS, .01:1T13, 4 VirSITSUS,. Ras. KETS, CASTORS, .11.NIVES,,-SPOONS, POW. ES, • LADLES,, (Mitts and platineowall kinds of instal. eel-ly ,OvbPiqt. tjMIDWARB.;;.The - bubscribirs, OOBt- MIbSION MBROHANTB for the eaIeUtFOREION , AND DO3BBBTIO, HAND)YARS ~eonldi respectfully call the 4 ittesition^of the trade to 'thole stoor„whloh they aro offering M'lowost rates:. Ourassiosinusat eon.. elate in part of— _ • Chiles, of all kinds—Tone, Log r lfattei,BeAaet x ,Px; Coy; Fifth, Bach, Wagon, Btage,' Tenon, ,L5, 11 -0; 0 1 . 4 Hine, and Coil Chains. 4 - - - t - - • The celebrated "L ",Honse Nidls j atone and !Hodge Hammers 4 " 'Wright's. and other Anvils I &Aid Bon - and other Pines. . ; Short and tong handle . try "Bars; rodnit and oral g. klert &BP superior Files And Rasps ;I, Bed 13trreers, "Xixoeltior 'i Safety Puss; .131astipg Tubes. ‘,- , - Cerra, erass, aid Mier Scythes i Hey, Corn, and Straw Hay, Manure, Tanners', and Spading Forks, . - Sakes and Noes; Bhorisle and Spad'es, of, all kinds. - Tacks. Brads; Shoe, ()lout and Finishing Nails. Cast rind Wrong& Dolt Hinged, Screws, Locks arab kinds Cutlery, Samara Pumpr, knee, Hatchets; Ham mers, Planes, add Mbar Vole," &o. "&e. • • ' G. itewts & 80N, - No. 411 COMMEB.O.B Street, • QElaft ing. JOHN, P. DORBRTY_ oaeitk4 UO.TE!; TAIL9BB I 634 0/IES TNar sr.v.ERT, KITS int received tome • 110 H . P rE ErN,lO AT ToyatheF with , tijiMiGli;ApOrrhlgSt SP.R.tha oi) D,S;; Whisk we will sell at moderato sEtAlty, TAILOR; .146 I NORTH t-A • HOURTFI Street, below - ItACR.• 1 • krakkak awl til:.43ltr; Drees or fro . ok Qoats, D. nba . .1.4 ant rantaloeue or 'Yeats, $1.76. tratp3...m , . • tiH;:IUDAN, ItEttOIIANT u TAILOR, Bug. I 6 sx4lB South NINTH STAMM ANS% OILVATYIPX.. - . • A large sod - well Bel;.ctail• ilea of Q . LCiTH/3 sail OASRLDIUREB always - - All Clothing nitgle at this Bstabitstunsn will be of the bartAtiellty, and to the-most beldam! e style. ' " I Particular ettatitiou siren to - woo want- ' fifacts'ara'Oticres. VOOTS -AND , SHOES..:—The stibioriber; tug: on hands arge sad varied stock of BOOTH and WOO, which be will cell at the lowest iirices: • ONO: W: TAYLOR, - a 0 .21-17 . A-R. corner NUTEIand.IIARKET Ste. VPIiING STOCK OF BOOTS ANDSiaOEB KJ —.MUM.' 11. 1'110k:1480N & 01.4 MAR. EMT Street, and Ma. 8 and VERANKLIN PLAO.B, have now In store a bulge OA well-ssiorfed stook of DOOTB and BROM, Of City and L'aatera peaaariotore, which they offer for sale oa the best terms for Oask, or no the inual Credit..: . . Buyers ass isystted,tuasil, said "amino their Stook sal-dtt Eiruge anb elientienta. HOBERT SHOE*4I€2, R- & Co.; WHOLES/LLB DILITOGIBTO, McatifteNtheii and Desief r PAINTS, YIiBNISHEB, Awl WINDOW , G1,A138, I.gortttanit carver FOUNTII and E.A.ON Ntrae,p,,Phlladolphia: ' • EOle ; 'rcte'iltii,sele of the 002‘bintid•Dioreni• rjr.W,GLER '& WROLE - SAL , a ontb•weot corner Qr -811POLiD =J. GAREN Streets, hove to store, and offer to the trade In ors to - suit purchasers ffog. Vuu. Red. ' , ' Whiting. Gast Arebte, 'picked and &MI, fhlillo Alex. Off Aniseed. -- • •yeeisOrien,- N1 1 :-EVriterLte.•Eilier ) -lat'L'Ir 1 -4 4Itte P I;eof, 14 Z 8' Palma. ,Colorer in ON; Varnishes, etc., it 'such' rostri:d p a rdons that we the elteUtion'or deems and consumers 'to one stock. - "7484}1.88 "is SUITS, robin 8:W. cm': Second and Green eta. , WINDOW Ur, fa 41. S S Vir W GLASS! '=We invite the attention of the pph. lie L. mu exiermire Mock of French and American Moe. The large and Sell selected Mock of olefin dounterntly hand enable! no tq flll , all orders with' deopseah and' whew CO ally:other house in the city. - • ZLICOLEIi, - , - WhOlemele Dritersista, nabl9 S. W . ;Jog* of Efieopd and dieenste. Chum, eine cinbV,ttcensizatt. g - larNA AIM- GLASS. , DINNER WARE. TEA ANE TOILET - SETS. ' *awn, Gimp Raab, AVE isooaesato • - y DIVOII ,, AND BOHEMIAN CLAELPEABH, - I'ANCLAETIOIthS; awa. 32 BOLDS •S TB6 LOWVIT PUDIS, AT MAitYBPN & WITTE'S, lILSONIC HALL r i TIS CHESTNUT STREET - 18.--o,Aaloinattt? partiea at rataattablo Emu 0 A4 -y . RF,NOti-PLa.E GLASS.--HAVING born appointed by the Coonpa4T.le de Florets" the 8018 AIIENTS for the.sale of their 01.488 in tide city, wo are prepared to offer to the trade or consu mers. from. our etc.& on band, POLISHED PLATE a1.A.F.9 for Stork or twelllug Yronts; Bough. Plate, for plow and Bbylightei and Silvered Plate, Of. large else for Mirrors.. The Aellne4,llllb6 told at the lowest I 'IF tee, awl warranted sepetior, f!ir every swea t to any "itherunpprted.•• • - ,-.• ifoirr,ifiliAmeiont k Cd., Plate and tivOldikr - OlnitiWareh , iusiti - , kr. of t 0,1311114. and, RACK Streets • • ' , Philadelphis AENa •P:L9 TE LOOKING ~.- ULA SEs: r. JAM E§ B. - EARLE ac SON iavite attention ,to the very Ortesirivii arsertment of T . ..;1391E.nqa s S show In store, suitable for eatery earitiuni zed a all sizes. MANTEL . )ttrt gois ; • • , and si ., ruie,'reiti %variety of TAUS', iiraok9iNaanPols, & r.ll at wariunliclfrieni. 'ls° fattest act ortaaddot Buglish)utd French • „ , SNORAViNGS.- - • • Particular attention . i ;-41Son to-the department of _ Pfl3ll4O9lEAll . lll‘. lso, Frames for miniatures, photographs; portraits, tee tiAizzitreA : tei 6 ORTON Street. - Pbsrr .„).030.4.0.r.111 - 4.=-4c4=. 1, .; IL- ) - 1N1T141144141,16,48;11,81itti &Oat, lois • :Await Tor' nblehtilfoil' CtrreciAltial 2 6 l 4elabFAtet comvostuslonseetliatim, MI attention - , $o nin r noir Iwo:en:m-0 zee* naningpVerandahe4. HaieonleiQ ,emu* nointee,ke., sa:, add tin trilikmtc'— Ysiin: tVy 013 4 4g.ritilA 6 W-gal'l, 'Attol‘ol46l-Allf.t2C 3 WHTS'ily'.- - -15 bble. P lA ° lll4 ? ii° , l rtt vil y=ANlVW ilvl : l 4l , lr - ? 1- 7 Vgr.vjantrinte . . , , . „ , . • . . • • -••••-, \ ‘'k , \ I •-i ii ~ / -.... • . ~, . .. _ ._ . • _ s'••• ;0114 .11,4',/,:- a:-•--. •• - • - ::•:••••c• • • -•-• i•- , ..,, . ,446. .., .. / .,,,„ x _. ~....:......, , rii ..„, ,v,,,, \ „,,,,,„ ; _, 4, cii , „,..,......,, „ii, y . i. , .. , 1- . ..,.- . ..v : ,, , ,, tr , tr p . , , ) - ..,.,. ....... , .. ...„ ~..,. ~ ,„•.. ~..,..:.,.... .. . __ 4 . ~. • , • . „ • ~,......: ~....,,.,, ~..„,„ ~ ...,„...,_____....,,.,,,„...,..,,...,,,,,.;,..,......,::.....z . ,..i . .v . ,,,,,,,„.., *_,„.,..,. , !....,, ..... . . •......„,.. - -f4 - i- :-- , - •• 73i%„ . • •.. 5.7:'.-!•••i-4', 11A7••,- -- -- •-e - - •-•:ar-• • •••,. •-• •',,-. • , • ' --. : .., ~, -• :R•wis ~ . ,1 1 .. Al - • ........trill; - • _,..•:i„..-• ...i,, ..›, .- :, •,,.:. - ,••;.:••••••:-. t.,.„,-,.,..4,-7.4• - fATt'... ,: :' - i'''.::! , f‘.,-.:? . • ...••• Mg- , • f;•••••2,10 ' ' - ,•,-• " Ill giam •-,-• -•-• - • '.. .... - - • ' - , -nr., -!-.4,9 'n: • all, , Ai .:, _ •,--.”, ~. .. \-. . . ,-. , 4 . 2... 3. .:,ii''. .: . .:7, , : ,. .....,;: - ... ." 71 .1r,.4 - 4.. , /.....•:......0,.".:. =k: ;11. - 4_ , . ,, • -- 4. 1 14 4,- P- - ' - ''•l7', - ' .- •.':., .?_: -, .;::4 ,- :-. 4, '-- --'' ..,' .:" ' - 2'..' . 1 ! 40 1W ,- ' ' ---• • - .„ - ...„..y -- --,• ;- •• -- : _ •, , , ••, -- .:. ~..,-,.--. ,••••, 1 -:. , .•. ..: - • , . ,, : . :c-••' .,(10 .''.;_'' . '-:.(0 I !..'.•:'W i . ', l i - : - , 7 i.:'...: . .,V.,; ,. . : ,. , - ...iiin,,:,ig..yri;,:449.1• , i•, -, . - .i;!: • , , ,,q; -. •.: - ,.i.. -- i.;4p- - 0 , 4... L 2 4 -,' •,..... , ........____, 44 ,...„,, . . .... . - _ . . . . .VOL. 1.-NO. 287. gUtntitir,',W,xctrcoio!ts. • 'DIST ISC9PAL, hare nn Excursion , attnutio - Clty, On, THURSDAY, Jitly 15th, IRIO. Tickets for sale by slotho4lst Ildok, Store, No. 513 North - Fourth street r henry & Getz • Itoolc Store, 224 North Breen& street ; lter. Johnihoinrson, 1215 'Rancor); street- !ter. G •Sorgo Qu iglu's, 1441 North'Elerenth street; Roy J.ll. Tifiner,l2o North Nineteenth. st,reet : Roy: Joint 13'. 14elbunn, South Camden, and aleo'hf sexton 'Of Kensington M. B. Church. " Vlekets for Adults Q1.60' Childre under 12 'yearn of age, 75 acute. - . . A large tent will be emoted on the ileac+ with refresh inente, which will also accomtnodate thoao who take their own provisions.- Coma mot, WITH Oa. - First Boat to leave Vine-street wharf at o'clock. Last boat_leaves Vine-street wharf pt 6 o'cloca. ,151..2t* • -FOR TEE ,ALLFGHE- Iass,-Nyrres TO PEASONS MlBll - TO TAKTITIIIIS/01T$T.ItT ACIL—TILE PENNSY.I., TA.sra: RgLitO.A.ll COMPANY Issue EXCUR SION TWEETS dining the Suminer to, AVOW% A and the' MOUNTAIN ROUSE, (Creasonha btattoad good for days:—" - - , , - Pare RC Altoona and return 17 15 Fare to Mountain House , and return 7 GO 1858. THOS. MOORE, jy3-128 —Agent Peunsylvaula Railroad Company. lif tb i — FOURTH •OF JULY XXCURSIONB 0.2 1 1 - TiffAft-t,Li 4 / 7 4 'TO WSW YOItIC, :By the Cathdatiiind4ibbeifind Plilledebbitt and Tron z: - • • • Exciarsion Tiakotc* 11 "eUld on s tfib3d,Atb, and Rai pf...frltfor,l"fmr-York i _ 1100: 1.41 _ rs.tuya on or ' before , WedneWay , the ith-6140ty - ~,Pront.Vltibuts e knltl'Upr, 4 l4llllAY3 -44 1 -Y, b,v tit( ) 6 , 8 , Rennin On the eth b 1I.( P . :14, trout IteaV,fl d4ln thin Oe es hof. and on the , Ith, the by 'ttietl,B, - end WA. lif :gulp, from Walnutut rent whorl. :With the privilege of returning from Now York on the Atli July, by the-11 A 14.; 12 31., and 2 and 42. IL lionaonly. - - Also. °tithe 6th eolith July, by any of the Amnia fromPow c York. -.•• . • - Pate fur the lixeuraton, going and returning, .64'00 The 0 And 2 P.lll. linos from New Yorivleavo plorNo7l North Rtror,' and the 8 and 11 A. M., 12 ht., and 4 atid'alb:ld: Ilhon from foot Of Courtlandt street. , je3o.st ' -" - Whl. IL GATZAIER, Agent. MA Eta - • - • - NORTH VAWIA RAILROAD. wmay- or vi TE,xcuptnivs. PljiettralimTinketa to Bethlehem; Allentown Mauch Chunk; Naetqii, and Doylestown. MOOD FOR 'THREE . _DAYS, leaned on SATURDAY, July 3d, at the Tteket - 011 ice of the North l'eun.ylratilit Railroad, PPIONT arid taLLOW" Streets'. Trains leave for Bethlehem and L. V. R. R. at 0 A. M. and '1:25 P.M. . . Trains leave for Doylestown at 8:30 A. 11., and 3:30 P. M. TARR:TOR THE EXCIURSTOE . . . _ To Deth1ehem........22 00To Mauch Chant:— .2.1 50 I To Allentown 225 To Easton 0 50 To Doylestown 1 25 These Facuroione will afford a fine opportunity, at small expense, for viewing ,the pletureeque , seedury on the N.J.' R. It. and the L. V. It. R., or of Inspecting the Interpatlng and stupendous operation); In the Lehigh' aoal-regiow. 1.14.113 C LARK, It'* l l3 s Agent N. P. R. R. May.'. E ... P,IIILAIIELI'IiiA AND ELMIRA RAILROAD GAP REDHOTION. F.ticE TO. NIAGARA PALLS' OA'LT - $8.00; _Tratian lease the Philadelphia. and Rending Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VISE Streets, daily, (Sun day": except.l,) as follows: • 7:30 , A. M., day express, • ,- 3:30 11., night express. Wickets can be procured at the Depot, and also at the tioneralflfßoe of the Ilne?Northwest corner 51 XTII and CllitSTHlrr Streets. CHARLES S. TAPPEN, General. Agent. NORTH PENNSYL RESESEH NIA 'RAILROAD FOR •DELAWARE' WATER-OAP, MAUCH CHUNK, HAZ LBTON., AND 2111: LEHIGH COAL REGION.— Viaiters to the above peppier pineal; of Sunoirn RESORT will find the Roefie,oirerell by the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, - In connection with the Lehigh Vol ley and 'New ~Tersey Central R.ailroads to be tins el and agreeable , peening tiirough some of the richest and mostehighly enltivated counties in the State, mod pas sassed of colnfoitable accommodations, both on the rend sad at the various towns throngh Which it phases. FOR TUE WATER OA L'.—Take 2,26 P. M. Earre.ts Train from Front and Willow streets, pass the *tight at Bethlehem, and take cars next morning at 9 &elect:, through Easton to New 'Hampton, where n Place Con nection is made with the Delaware, Lackawanna, anti 'Western Railroad, and arrive at the Gap about noon. FOR CHUNK AND THE COAI. REGIO!..Z. —Take 9 A. K. end 2:24 P. AL Express T- from aeum•Depot to Bellfiehera, where a clum connection to made with the Lehigh 'Valley Railroad,. through from Philadelphia to Mauch Chunk in 6 Was. - A• NEW , AND TLEASANY ROUTE TO NEW YORE: CITY.—Tako 0 A. K. Express Train to Bethle hem, thence at 2.20 P. M. via L. V. IL R. and N. J. C. R. R. through Easton to P,Jirabethport, thence by Steamer, and arrive In Now York at quarter past 7 I'. M. Parties travelling North that have a few hours to spare, will Bad, this a new and agreeable route. , For further particulars, inquire of ELLIS CLARK, Agent K. P. R. R.iPtont and Willow streets. PII tbaDittPiliA, June 18, 1858. jelibfim CAPE MAY AND NEW • YORK. • • - BAILY, -at 93Coiclock A M NEW .yoltz. AND -PHILADELPHIA STEAM NA . VIOATION COMPANY. - The ePlendid oaten' stemmata DE,LAWARE, Captain Copo4 BOSTON, Captain Sollew ,• and KENNEDIN.', Caption Rand, form a dally.line between this city, Cape May, and New York, leaving from first pier below . Spruce street (Sundays excepted) at o'clock A. NI Return ing, leave Now York from pier 14 North River (Sundays excepted) at 6 P. ilt. Returning, !eerie Cape May (Mondays excepted) at— Tare to Cape May (carriage hire Included) " for somas tt -" Season tickets (carriage hire ox. tra) 800 gg Now York, cabin 200 " steerage ....... 160 Freight taken at IoW rates. Poe passage, state rooms, Ice.; apply on board, or at the Clifice, 314 - and 310 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE NUE.- JAMES ALLDERDICE, j016..3m; . , Agent. CAMDEN AND AT SHO LANT R IC AILROAD, ONLY TWO AND HALF HOURS TO THE SEA SUORE. Onuind after Monday, Tune 7th, and until further no tice, (Sundays excepted,) three trains daily to Atlantic Oily and return. First PacAci Train lenses Tine at. wharf 7.30 A. M. Second si 4,00 P. M. Freight 'Er tin With Patottinger Oar attached, 4.35 A. 31. Accommodation Train to Weymouth, 5,35 P. M. LEAVES A nAls TIC CITY. First Passenger Train i.JlVdd 5.00 A. M. Second , g u i• 4:301', M. Freight Train with Par r rger car attached ' 11.30 P. bl. Ancounnodatinn Train laarea Weymouth, 5.25 A. M. HADDONFIELD TRAIN _ . Leaves Cooper's Point, 11 A. M. and 2 P. m. Haddonfield, 1 P. 31. and 3 P. M. Fore to Atlantic, when ticket,. are purchased before entering the care, Sl.BO. Persons edshlog to go down to the Sea Shore and return the same daf t eta spend SIX HOURS ON. Tllll Tdckets for the round trip,.s2.6o Ticklts to go down in the afternoon and return next morning, or down on Saturday afternoon and return on Monday morning, $2 50. Monthly tickets will be sold at the following rates: For the month of June, $lO Nor the month of Sept. $l5 " " July, 20 For three months, 45 " August, 20 For four months, 50 Churches, Schools, Lodges, Companies and Library Associations, wishing special troths, should make early application. Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point by P.M. Thu Company Bill not be responsible for any goods until veeelved and receipted for by their Freight Agent at the Point. - It. FRAZER, Secretary. - ;07-t, Carpetinfis C All P.E T S. - We - will commence TO-DAY . OLOSING OUT 9ur entire Spring Stook of VELVET AND BRIIBBELB OARPETINOB, GRTIATLY- RIMITOND PRICIP22 DAILY h BROTH. R, No. 920 OtEEBTNUT Btreet. Purchaters please call and examine our lance aseortniont. ap2U•tf "TAPESTRY OARPETS.—JUST OPEN: ED, a large lot of superior Tapestry Oarpete, to be sold at a low price.- DAILY to BIIOTII&R, CASH OARPST 9201111, 020 011103T1113T St. QIIPERB TIIREE- PLY CARPE T S.— A fresh aemiktment or new patterns, at reduced prices, GAILY a, BROTHER'S, OABU CARPET STORN, MU CHESTNUT St. BED ROOM CARPETS.-10,000 YDS. of tuperior Ingrain and Three-ply Oarpete. of the MA kea and etylee, at all prices from 60 cents to 5t.26 per yard. - DAILY 'kr. unotinm, mia3l4f. , No. 920 OELEBTNUT Street. BEST HEA V Y BRUSSELS.—A lot of new yattams, in I eat, chaste gybe, at low prices. DAILY & BROTIIER, OFIAAP OARPNT STORE. (120 MI RATH THt animus Swam CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN- A'A'Ztkii , t-NA.TioNAL 13AVETY TIVUBT ooßi. PANY.—WALNUT OTREET BOUTII-WEBT 00BNER 01 THIRD, 'PHILADELPHIA.. • 41100140tATOD sr rat BOATS 00 PRONSYLTAINIA. Money Is received in any sum, large or smell, and in terest paid frous,the day Of deposit to the day of with drawal. The °Mee is opin every (lei froni9 o'clock in the Scorning MI6 o'clock in the evening, sad on Monday and Thursday evenings till B o'clock. 'NON. Irma L. BENNER, President - • ROBERT BELPII.IDGE, Vice President VALI. Hun, SeeretAry. Henry DIKIIOIOI4 Hon. ry L. Banner, I. Canoti Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph IL Bees Sober{ - Selfridge, , Granola Lea., Rend. K. Aehton, ', 'Joseph Yerkee, 'O. Lantirstth kinnne, 'Henry Diffenderffer. Money Is received and Paymente made daily. , The investments are - made In -conform.ty with the provisions of tho Charter,- in REAL E STATE MOAT GAGER, GROUND RENTS, spd such Brat class securi ties as will always haute perfect security to the deposi tors, and which cannot fat to give permanency and sta. Mini to thisinetitatiOn. eni-ly JO.- 88 (241) , DOCK STREET. FIVE rza 09NT MTN BAvma9 POND, • CV. , 88 . oelly DOOR" STREET. FIVE L natoliter. , oT . ,.tera EtATINas VOW. O. tit(24 . 11 Doan. STREET.— rryß . 1. -Pia AzwE OVAIs )Idvitioo Ftrrai : Na - • izitj .DODE. strittET.-r- rivE 11 PIM didat_.BtAn z sAvoisaa YDND. ; linp_Ortevi , ena Whoiesalo Dealers "In WINES •111RARDIrS, tinia i and NANCY 1,11 Quous, , No.l[ol7 Otthet, betvieen Tenth an Eleventh ontieets. .- • „ ' jel(l•tr 44E1E131E0K CHAMPAGNS. , --PIPERm illAnltllllDlMOlLl'gennine brand, constantly on bond, recalled - km sole Itniporters,' and for silo by • —h ilLSlßOyflolt Agent In this Olth -, - ,/t3;404 :7.17 `. Afik. fig* INA 4 fitoptii Nero ,Publicatiinte TIRE AMERICA Nf 4 AND c XI7E OPE Ali . DRUGGISTS , 'DIfeEOTOItY; containing the HAitlES,and ADDRIMS of all the DRUGHISTS in the -United States, British America, movie°, Central Ame rica, West Indies, south America, and the Sandwich Islands, unit or Aim leading Wholcvale-Drug houses In Great:Britian, France, Germany: Russia, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, ripaln, Portugal, and Italy ; also, of. thn•Englialt and French Possessions in Asia, Africa, and 'Anatrulln. will be Issued on or about the 15th of July proximo, A few snore advertisements will be taken, payable on delivery of the work: • For formg, &c., toldterg ATIOIFELS 5; ELDER, • Nog. 3755 P. 0., NEW YORK N. D. Mr. Michels will be In Phihoielphin on tho 4, 4th, sth ,auddth July. Address J. Michels, IllotnPs Despatch. jyl-6t ENV -MAGAZINE. J. DRYANT & STRATTON'S "AMERICAN MAR ODANTP.is now ready, and way be had at all rtEWS DEPOTIL • Their Agent, Capt. J. M. Bell, is canvassing this city for yearly tubscribers. Price s'2 per annum. 'Address BRYAAT,& STRATTON, Mercantile College, B B corner SIiVENT/I arid OIIESTNIIT Streets, Phi ladelphia. - - v0y2.8-ly A COOONT .- BOOKS, MADE OF THE .c 3 bent stock, for • clty sales, Call and look over the stock at • ,PBBRY , B nu* Book Manufactory, _ Aol-2m FOURTH and 'RAM EII3BRRYis BLANK BOOK, BIA.N UF AO- Toßv —RemornberFOUlLTll and RAGE in buying :Account 3110.0 all My . Moak of good material, and WI ut Je.l.2m 170al-Inn ENVELOPES, EVERY I w.ri", slie;a ita price, at 0. P. TitRRY , I3 Btationery Establlehtnant, Jet-2m FOURTH and RACE. BLANK BOOKS, MADE IN ANY DE SIRED atyle of ruling and binding. A good as aortmout oh Papers for customers to select from, at tbatßY'S Blank Book Manufactory, jo4•^_m FOURTH and RACK. VA.MILY PORTRAIT BIBLES, HAND- D' 6OIVIIILY bound, Old Bibles rebound, to look and near good as nuw. Call and look at the stylts, at FERRY'S Bookbindery, jot-2m FOURTH and ItACE. Pane Janes. p 16130 FORTES. Just reelred, an elegant stank of RAVEN, DA ON, & 00., NUPINS & CLARE, BALLET, DAVIS Jt - CO. - , and GALE & 13 kIANOS. DIEDODEONS best qrtality, at J. E. GOULD'S, 8. D. earner SEVENTH end CHESTNUT eta. toloo-y. ritHE UNION -PIANO MANUFA,OTIIR lriG COMPANY, No. 1104 MARKET Street Philadelphia. The Onion Companyere now prepared to offer to their friends i RIF well as to the public generally, their Pianos an being unaarpassed by any others as regal... 4 beauty and fullness of tone, perfectness and durability action. quality of materials and finish. - The Union Conipany being composed of persons who are all practical workmen, and who, having bad years of experience to manufactories both of this country and Europe,-are each perfect in their department; and, by their combined efforts, are enabled to offer to the piddle a first-class Piano at a much lower rate than any other manufactory, and at the same time, are sore of the quality of their instrnments, each part being, made by one of the members of the Company; and will therefore guarantee each Instnt wont an haying all the qualities claimed for it in this circular. Err Tuning and repairing attended to. Please call and at apT-Smo ' • 110$ SURER'S STREET T _ nnEWORKS.—The undersigned, in'addi- Bon to his large stock of Works far the refail trade, has Just received flout the factory a splendid as sortment of brilliant COLORED 'WORKS, fur private and public. exhibitions, manufactured by a pyrotechnist oC toenty-Dve yours standing, the oldest and best in the United States Among the lint mar be found: Vertical Wheels, Polkas, Illuminated Wheel', Masonic Stars. Lowe Stns, Mines, Double Ttinngles, Globes, Mad Wheels, I Gullloches, Candle Wheels, 'Thunder Wheels, Caprice:, Maroons, Demist. tots, Colored Candles. Jack in tho lion, Colored Itengolini, Bengola Lights, Batteries, Colored ftindteto, Open Triangles, With many other varietirs not named. . . Di. IS. Partly; nt n distance pie.° enter their Works as enrle Exhibltionh, from SSO to $5OO, lumbilleit tit hhoi t JOSEPH IL IMSSIER. HO ROUTH WHARVES. FIRE -WORKS! FIRE-WORKS!! A full opsortinent of F REI -AV ORI S Al' REDUCED PRICES. STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, /210 MAIIKRT STREET, jelb West of Twelfth ,Onziness Carbo—. J)R. HENRY H. SMITH HAS REMOVED t No. 1112 WALNUT Btrnet t come; of QUINCE. je2ll-to th 'eat-43111* 140. THOMPSONxRDei. SITCONAR 1-11A ROE CONVEYANCERS.. OONARBOII, ATTORkEY AT LAW, AP 5 .9 No. 433 ARGIL =wet, below Tenth. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bontbeaet Coruer of ZIGIITH and LO CUST Strout'', PhiledelphLe. and-ly CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER ,v CHANT and Importer of HAVANA BEGARB, (New) I 3 Walnut *trout. *Pound story a aul.ly 11 :, VILLIAM HENRY MOORE , F UR NI SH IINDONTAKRit, No. 1415 .&110/1 gtreot, want of Brovi, Into of 501 AROI.I Street. Lend ooCene iIi.MYS on hand. 10 -em REMOVAL:7: 0 FAWCETT, HAIR CUTTER AND WIG MAKER, Ilea removed tot= 011SETNUT attest, four doors be low ELEVENTH .182-tf M Y L c V. ' l ' . o'r W. B 114I18y.ft, BARBRA, Attorney nt Notary Public E. BARBER & CO., • • • oe DAVENPORT, lOWA. Miro opened an COUP in connection with their WRISTARN MEMO:NT AND COLLEOTION AORMOT, AT No. 2.3 BOOTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA FIFTEEN PElt CENT. LOANS The above firm are loaning money for Eastern parties, upou the security of Cultivated Farms in tile ‘lcinlty of Davenport houn, nod return YIPTEES PER OUST. per annum, in :astern par funds. The security is perfectly safe, nc no loans aro tondo except upon unencumbered Real Estate, nor to an amount greater than ova-noon the intrinrie value of the IMO. The money horror. ,1 is gvnerslly used in Impro‘ing the farina, thus eilllßTl eing the vnlau of the security. Thu seen. Ins Instru ment Inn DEED or Tuns?, IT which the Trustee is au thorized to sell the land at public auction, •rithout fur ther legal process, in twenty days after default in the payment of either principal or Interest. A full deAcrip- Lion of lbe farm and Improvements is always sent to the lender when the loan is effected. avnIVA LOCATED They hare Aid Ifni persons employed In the lllllerent Land Districts of the West in making selections of choice lands. No locations are made except from ac tual insrection. Some of the ftnest lands In lowa are Just coming into market, under the proclamation of the President. ;TESTI:RN LANDS SUPERINTENDED. They take eharge of Western lands owned by Eastern parties, watch favorable opportenitlos for selling them, and PAT TAX.EB POT: NON-ItEli MENU. CLAISIS COLLECTED. Oa in to the location of their Western office at n cen tral point on the Atinstesippl river ' they have unusual facilities foe making collections throughout the West. Proceeds remitted on the day of collection. Capitalists rout others Interested in toe West, are in vitssit to rail at their MN, in Phllarlalplan, whore see tional ;naps and statistics of 'Western States may be seen, and information obtained an to the value of West ern lands, and the safety of Western securities. • B. B. Comogyo, Esq., Philluielpflio, Bauk. • Mews Boyd k Mace, Plilltolelpkin. Messrs. 3lot rin k Joucs & Co., Philadelphia. Megan. lloopos & Too unerol, 11.11. Illowiton, Esq., C. It. Coleman, £oq., Inmk, Baltimore I'. Gllaion. Bonk of Mill/Dore, 4g Me4grn. Leech & Mall) Pittsburgh. .1. M.lluglics, Esq.. Bank of Mheoarl, St. Look. 111e..5rA. Cook & Sargent, Bankers, 1./menport P2O-10, irt . HEAT SUMAIgI3. FIJEL.—GAS COKE, XJ of excelli nt quality, is Bold at the PHILADEL PHIA GAF! WORKS for the reduced price of five aentll a bushel , at. , l may be obtained in large or small quan tity by applymg at the (Jae Ofilce, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street.' To parchasere by wholesale it .is aold at the Works, in Piot Ward, by the ton, at a prom equivalent to Anthracite at 1.2.b0 per ton. (Signed) J. 0. CRESSON, Engineer. Philadelphia flan Werke. Ane. 2.0. ir; wu27-tf BLINDS AND SHADES, OTIRAP FOR OASII B. .1. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREW, le the most exteneive Manofeaturer 0 'WINDOW BLINDS, And Dealer in WINDOW BA ADDS, Of every variety. fle bee a toe stock to be sold at Reduced Prices. BUFF, and all other Colors of Linen Shade'', Trim mine, Miura, &C., BTORN BIIADPB Painted to order REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATT/INDED TO WE STUDY TO PLEASE. LIERRINGS-800 bble. NO. 1 PICKLED Herring;. 300 bbls extra Newfoundland ditto 120 idle I , otomaa dry salted dltto..now In store and for sale by /NO. 81. KENNEDY & 00., myld Nna. 120 and 132 N Wit MINNS SLATE I SLATE I I SLATE I I I—Roofing Nate, of all sizes , and at' very lon rates, kept 00/1. Annals' on hand, and for sale by I/CORING, VOX & 00., GRIGIANTOWN RUAD and TUIRD street. . IL.Ellata Rog( put on hithe beet mintier, and re. pabinrlittAnaarl •rnrlr yommantr.l •AR PURE - CLARET I - PURE a ARET ! •-• rr.ni $z per gellon upwards, and by the dozen (rem $3 up to $l5, Imported direct by VERNIER h. LE MUR, Wholesale and netatt dealers in Wipes, Liquors, N 0.11.0 13outh SI3IYENTLi street, S. E, ciirs of &RR, . 024'40_ PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, E4t MONDAY, JULY 5, 1858 EIGIITY;TWO YEARS AGO In the history of man the term of eighty-two years is a great time—a considerable beyond the three-score years and ten which the Psalm. let tells us is the usual limit of human exis tence. In the history of nations, what a mere speck is it—a little island, as it wore, on the vast eternity of Time. Eighty-two years ago the foundation of a great empire in the Western hemisphOre was laid, by the wisdom, the valor, and the discre tion of the Fifty-six who, on July 4, 1776, signed the Declaration of Independence, written by MONA/3 JEFFERSON. Providence was kind to the author of that impressive and eloquent document—written with such terse ness that it would be impossible to take one word from it without weakening it, and writ ten with such expressive force that it fully ex. - pressed 11113 COSOUBLiut,d theia g hi• of* o pn.vl4-4 who had resolved to break their fetters and stand loathe world at any hazard, at any cost, even of property and life itself—as freemen. It was natural enough for England to resist a revolt—so soon to ripen into Revolution.— From first to last, for actual warfare com menced before July, 1776, the American con test with England lasted' ten years—the full period which, HOMER tells us, was occupied in the siege of Troy. The American "pro ,vinces" had to battle, against great odds— against the arms, the money, and the very pride of England. It was feared, it was felt, that if the American "rebellion' , succeeded, England's place among the nations would thenceforward be in the secondary rank.— Therefore, almost unprecedented means were used against "the rebels," who (Mr. TRACRE. RAY !as us) were led by "Mr. WASHINGTON / with a courage worthy of a bettor cause."— But the battle is not always to the strong, and ten years of yalorous perseverance against all sorts of difficulties triumphantly closed with the full acknowledgment, on the part of Eng land, of the independent sovereignty of the United States. It was mainly owing to the obstinacy of GEORGE 11l that England continued the con test, long after it was clear to all but himself, that the United Provinces" must obtain the nationality which they claimed, by their De claration of Independence. Many of the truest patriots and wisest statesmen in Eng land had 'declared, almost from the com mencement of the contest, that it must termi nate in the triumph of the Colonies. But the King's pride was touched. Ile had received the American Colopies from his grandfather, as part of the British Empire, and it became almost a matter of duty and conscience with him not to allow any territorial diminution, such as the acknowledged Independence of America would have caused. Lord CHATHAM had declared that America was not to be con quered, and the King looked on him as a per sonal enemy, in consequence of having ut tered the following sentences in the House of Lords: "You talk, my Lords, of conquering America—of your numerous friends there— and of your powerful forces to disperse her army. I might as well talk of driving them before us with this crutch." How very much England had the desire to prevent such a dismemberment of her empire as the loss of her American colonies would have caused, may be judged from the Immense amount of treasure expended. In 1724, the national debt• amounted to £186,000,000 ; in 1785, after the peace was signed, it amounted, exclusive of terminable annuities, to over £218,000,000. Here, in ton years, wns an in crease of £102,000,000, of which one-half might fairly be put down as caused by the prosecution of the war with the United Status. Tho correspondence of Crnom: 111 with Lord Nolan—his Prime Minister, during nearly the whole of the American war—has boon published by Lord Mancur, as well as by Lord BROUOIIAM, and it fully shows the King's intone° desire to subdue the revolted Colo nists. Even as late as March, 1780, when al most every other public man in England was fully aware that the war must end in the tri umph of the Americans, and that the sooner it could be honorably closed, the better, the King wrote to his Minister, "I can never sup pose this country [England] so lost to all ideas of self-importance as to be willing to grant Ame rican Independence. If that word be ever uni versally adopted, I shall despair of this coun try being preserved from a state of inferiority." Yet this very man, as JOIIN ADAMS states in his letter to Secretary JAY, behaved not only handsomely, but oven nobly, when, in June, 1786, ho received ADAMS, as first Ambassador from the United States to England. In a few well-selected words A DAMS addressed the King, and received the following reply: "Sir, I wish you to believe, and that it may be under stood in America, that I haile done nothing in the late contest but what.l thought myself in dispensably bound to do by the duty which I owed to my people. I will be very frank with you. I was the last to consent to the Separa tion; but the separation having been made, and having become inevitable, I have always said, as I say now, that I would be the first to meet the friendship of the United States as an independent Power." These aro words of proper dignity as well as of decorous wisdom. Mr. ADAMS, who records them, impressively adds, "The King was indeed much affected, and I confess I was not less so." The results of the war of Independence are so important that History presents nothing at all like thorn. Eighty-two years ago, the whole American colonies had a population of about 2,500,000. In 1850, the population of the United States was over 23,000,000 (against Great Britain and Ireland, with 27,000,000 at the made time,) and at the next Census of 1860, the United States and the British Islands will probably be numerically the same—say 25,000,000 each. In eyery thing else the Ameri can advance has liehu — equarry—g, mere°, art, agriculture, science, literature, and all other things which contribute to build up the greatness of a nation. To•duy, with jubilant hearts, we all cele brate the anniversary of America's birth to freedom, as a nation. Before us stands the very building in which eighty-two years ago, the Declaration of Independence was thought- I fully, trustfully, and solemnly signed. That was the true birth-day of this Common wealth—the greatest, in its progress, power, and prospects, the world has ever known. As BYRON said : o Still one great clime, in full and free defiance, Yet ream her treat. unconquered and sublime, Above the far Atlantic—she has taught filer Esau-brethren that the haughty flag, The floating fence of Albionls feebler crag. May strike to those whote red right halide have bough Righte cheaply earned with blood." We are now entering the eighty-third year of our existence as a nation. There yet remain among us many, in vigorous old age, who even remember when this, our onward course, com menced. When the centennary celebration shall arrive—and seventeen years are not long In passing—what a national holiday will the world see then! And thus successive gene rations will behold accumulative prosperity. In the prophetic words of the venerated BERKELEY: There shall be Rung another golden age, The rise of enxpiro and of alb/. The good nod g eat inspiring epic rage, The 7911105 t Leads and noblest berate. Not such as Europe breeds in her decay Such as she had, when fetish and young. 'When heavenly llama did animate her clay, By future poets shall be sung. Westward the course of empire taken Ito way; The first four sots already pant, A Ofih shall close the drains with the day, Time's noblest offspring is the last. The United States mail steamer Vanderbilt, Capt. Lefevrey left, New York on Saturday for Southampton and nacre, with 210 passengers in the first cabin and 136 in the second cabin, and 4204,441 A spoil). ADNOCATithile ' 1 • 11, • NATIONAL 011 i!; TIIE 80URTH,0,11,,..11J,LY. Sr w. 4! [Written for The 'Press 1. . Alen 91 the mighty, steadfast North, Who granite cliffs colossal stand, - ; O'er betan's bi Bores 'coining forth, ThS grim'alliraltars of our land ; % - Gems Of the patriot pilgrim siresc ' ; I , Heirs of time-hallowed Ftineull LIAR, •Whose altars first flashed Freedom's fires. ' - And echoed back:her trumpet-call," • • When Lexington and Concord's plahr ' Ran red where plar,tyr'd heroes 8'00.13. And Bunker's brow, heap,' with the slain, Was, baptised with NoWlllogland blood:. , , nil your battie.seaie or fitMo; fl y all the strUggles It • has cost, To win your country's henor'd • Let 'not its laurels now he lost 3, r , - , SiVO Olisdre the Union it Men of the diring, wavir4sist'dEsSk: Whose countless Biel's - iii'WderY Proclaim thy;poirir sturpilde ; oh' l scul4if , • " Thou not the tokenspf 4.133, tAnte , ,?- 6 7 ' " The ship of Union hi,drifting,44l Lr, , 3, _1e...1 oo,s wild shore; while ,o , erhercleslm t . • Seethes the mid intrfi , iel Mg snar l , ~, , ; t deli Guttering sail, &retrain' of reekl Man 3 41.04 rope—stand by the helm !-:•'"'!" ' Ca" And the world's last hops etimriandi!' • l Let net sedition's storm o , erwhelm,_, • - 0 41-4zol per, slitrer'd no , thesands ! all 7:m043404 4o proud, , ; " Brthei black tempest in 'ion 9 - 41 a; .Let not tititt 'Ark Of Strength 'silo down 1306,0114iterthil thdim ; „ Men of the goiiero 7 tts, , - My own stjd honor's native home Rerlle not with vludlotife mouth Thy coUnti,l,o 3 4lloUgh fanatics fosse For her, too, tlty iv:suitor)! ; . . . . . . _ When ranif,lttall‘ eisylon Wake not the sleep ef„thygtoatdead,, Wiso Jefferson, bmve Marlon. Forgive,,thimgli terongsl,, , ti4,noblr for • "Tfllid-be ai'enged,:ot , Live to tte„ -• Ti,' eclipse of taelicrinfed , 3rile alto , I ••,„ Darken the fink of Librity 4 By ail the splenddrs'of thyPast,' And future triumphs thou may'st By the dread shadows o'er us oast, 7 • ' By Washiegton's,all- glorious name, .81ye,Ph , sava the Union Men of the boundless; "giant West, Land of dire woods and rolliog lakes, . „.. • Descendants from one mother's breast,_ For her, yourselves, your cbildronhitakea, " Say, shell the graders_ link be broke, That binds you in a holy chain, • • • To the old roof wkere first you spoke , My tallier Shell yon neer aggiy See that blees'd snot to memory' dear, • , save us a foreirn,aerred State 'hile In your sad eye etarte the tear, - And brothers scowl with foemen's hate' lip all the joys of childhood's spring, By ell the hopee . or naanhood's Dy homes that sq your heart•strtnjro Swear! er I , come ! Serre,,oh save the 'Union Patt.sottootA, July 4,1858. , A LETTE4 • FROU A CREDITOR.'!, For The Ptea.s.) MR. Eorron 4.,feyr.tlays age s you published ra their a melancholy and- lugubrious article, Meting , forth the doleful condition of that interestingelass, of our tallow-eitisens who do not pay their debts, and _especially severe and denunciatory ca that other class, the individuals to whom they otio the Said debts. Now, as an humble member of tile latter de nomingtion, 1 think it is but fair that our re monstrance should be heard. I know we, gen, demon who are so unfortunate as to hold the obligations of them suspended houses, are not re garded as entitled to any serious consideration. The public deliver a verdict of " served right" upon us. We have only obtained our deserts. It wog highly improper in us, say the kind public, to give them men our goods and our money. If we had not trusted them, they could not have got credit, and we have only reaped the reward of our injudicious belief In the honesty and honor of our fellow-mon. "What right now have you," says the indignant and outraged public), "to worry and annoy these .14 ? they never would have failed if you had not tvested them, amt nose you are persecuting and worrying them. Shame upon you !--this is adding insult to injury." It is very difficult to offer any defence against so just and righteous an accusation. I think we had bettor plead guilty, and throw ourselves on the moray of the court— and beg that in passing sentence, it will remem ber that we were inexperienced and ignorant, and that we really did not intend to injure the poor people to whom we delivered our money and our goods, and we might add that it may bo safely supposed that our present experience will teach us to avoid the repetition of the offence. A very clever fellow, and intelligent merchant, who now belongs to the fortunate ranks of the ympathised, was describing his experience to a friend last fall, and said, "For ton days and nights scarcely closed my eyes, ouch was my anxiety and apprehension, but the night following the day on which wo suspended I slept as soundly as ever I did in lay life." "Yes," said the fr 7 end, "and that night all of your creditors were kept awake. liow beautifully reciprocal !" This is about the history of all these affairs. While the gentle sym pathy of the public is invoked in behalf of the poor debtor, no ono takes into consideration the sufferings of the poor creditor. No ono thinks of the manner in which /as money has boon squandered and paid away and perverted by these people. &nue of it has gone into coal land speculations—some of it gone into unproductive real estate—some into suburban villas, or palatial city residonees—some In good eating and drinking, lino dinners, and brilliant balls—como in stook gambling—anal some, under the holy auspices of pious final:micro, into the manufacture of flannel shirts for unborn black babes in Timbuotoo " Is this misfortune, or is it dishonesty? Did they slot know when they worn thus dissipating our property that re were igno rant of their proceedings, and that they were obtaining credit under false appearances? The dis eloiures of the hat six months have shown that among the most deeply indebted of these firms are those which have been notoriously insolvent for years. Under the advantage of a smooth tongue, an old•established roputation, a profound observance of our provinoial proprieties, and a sanetilled deportment, 4 , making salutation in terms of Scripture," they have proceeded To win fah° moneys Out of the crucible called Deur," daily becoming more involved, and every hour adding to their inability to repay the obligations which they were contracting. They were none of them so deficient in commercial intelligence but that they knew their victims (the ferocious wretches whose endeavors to obtain payment now create so much virtuous indignation) would be caught in their toils. And of what nn anomalous and unprecedented character have been the proceedings since the late troubles f A house suspends payment. It makes no exhibition of its affairs, or if it does, it is simply an abstract statement showing general results, not the details of the business: No Eat of its assets, that its creditors may judge of their nature and their value, but a proposition appended for settle ment. Some asking for an extension with offers to pay in full ; others wanting a compromise ; others making the most of the necessities, and fears of those to whom they aro in debted, and none offering the old-fashion cd plan of security. Some coolly publishing ad vertisements for parties holding their "premises to pay" to call nt their office and get them renewed• at all sorts of psriods, the interest or convenience of the credihr being a minor and altogether im material matter. Tho sacrifice which he might he compelled to make to meat his own debts, deprived in this style of hie Assets, or any control of them, was a part of rho affair which was not regarded as worthy of any consideration. The entire system of commercial ethics has been repudiated and ignored. No man who could and did pay his debts was supposed to have any right to demand a different settlement from those gentlemen than the ono which they saw fit to offer. And, of course, uriti "the mutual tickling system," there was always a. largo amount that assented at cues to those propositions, being the sign abuses of those who wore asking similar treatment. And if a creditor, basing his present opinion of a concern from the developments of its past transactions, doubts its honer or its ability to manage its assets, end asks for some higher assurance than its own broken faith, under the new system he is to bo held us an object of re proach and contumely. Unless he submits to a further imposition of hypocrisy and deceit ; unless he still depends upon the veneration of a name 6 . long hold in esteemed honor and reputation," (no matter if it bo shown that all was false), be must be considered as a " Shylook," and as a, cold-hearted dealer in the woes of humanity. Upon ono of the hot afternoons a few days ago, I was walking out with Mrs. Pilgartio, endeavoring to catch a breath of cool air, amidst our wilderness of burning bricks, when a magnificent equipage swept by, enveloping us in a cloud of dust. It was tho family carriage of Richard Pompous, Esq., returning with wife and daughter from the pleasant zephyrs of Point Breeze. Pompous got an extension last fall, of six, twelve, eighteen, twenty•four, and I do not remember how many more months. My wife, after wiping the dust 'TOM tot Imo, toad, 'Aortas tor ttitoat, sold to L,. ;~ ..r _ • no, in beg tnueeen.t @4nPliettWiY Pflgsglle~ hoar, • whYldikYP ll ? 3,) RA , e.A49o l ° ll . l4l Valk? 77 4, P#• ,Rorbgps I plfgliAbO . ,t ic lips too,'' } tOn c , • lun' r otVit l i r ; 60 li r y . ,t o ngo,4iot'fike'Obli."3 hira; , taken.oxtont dinotfob. `l,tid . tnit z tfilit dotidltinit 'ot'6ing nOffobEilf•O;rtit,tito And'thi:d4Stcirt dOOO not have altogether nifonisairtttinte.: ;.•=•!: • • T , rTliti 'ghoktfidtat ehell'vfo?ry -7- , ,Aediumetablee cluster eroded 'him, An 4 ehall creep frotalitalrool:holo deep, . Where thelrapectre epee hsie found him '. tr, But;' then, they ticiie'thiiiit . ,isfailtion of knowing: thiii their crediterr feel - a little; worse' slant if than tinly'dh. The i 'Min" Whe Money; 7 and -WhOie 1 inability' ''. to! pay; be . 1 traced' nearly in every. instance , to tp air own , impntdenee,•Axtravfigance; Or mismanage,. went, are not the men ~whose • Money ',has heen, • lost,, ,They . t neyer . had Mir m . ca,te7.axid our, good j e,that e pey4tavit iipxophiAd, and. ,s4nandereif, am) the eriskitorsi• are ;the shit - Mars. And Only ei4my little boy, , fiat tift4tVoili3 bf hiiiliktheriand 'inct thine it it harirleage 4f ftb'dy #o -pot dixido' Witki,bilo: Now, themibile whose henevelenta and commiseration area) extensitt and t ireibrholreini;' , should bestow a partien offtlnum eirgbisplar ler, We want:ali t your sympo‘th34l , l9 doer ppbOo, for o ,befween you and n it is likely', that, In many - I eases, it is 'ell' we sjialt Over get back for our invest ments. And surely you'will riot beieo ergel E yon. whq hat i einietoeiOntilathisint heart,:tmlc;iefase' it*Mici*.:llsien:Forney,.l ask • 'the pf your.] colnar4-4firliElTio worrkliottti Imt-000 obtipb to@of illy2tboy feel/ fOr Ahope 3,sl)piri tie foprenr„they,reporyp a little ..fokthe rcfoor , tptrepipscintf4.4 , FiLakothe. '• • FROM LYCOIitING COU MorrespOrdeneeerakeyresll.) ; W I L L IA P I4 P. O Ar9Jue r Zgr:/8"a:%.• Penuar have beensomewhat surprised upon,pernslng(le the ,Psni.qh) your, descriptiottof , 'portions of our nohlefita;:to , And rio Ineetion 6f what we consider one of its moat' tienetlfel.valleye, the West Branch of the Sriseihelusnala, ...Yeti say yort , have visited th e molt itifpoitint •places in Pennsylvania the pest season; but W4eanuot think you have ever seen thelovely port, orgazed upon our charmingmonilialnlioeiterj_ and eo soon forgotten their .existence. Yeti have been advising -yonr , numerous, readers -to , make 'their Summer jeunts to the interjortf ;the State,' and while you eulmiGe, in thehiglica terms, many" 'places, not on° word is said in favor of the really deserving valley - or the Wast Whyla • this? Wecare higblyr indignant at your tegleot. True, we nn, away Off among the mauntaina,lind our inhabitants may be mde,•uncouth, and - little, versed in pity ways.aud.,manners;. but we have many redeeming qualities, and sunomp themieeer _hospitality, to etraegers,, for whlckwa are • PrOdet? ' hist the world over., ,We ) have hlready eitit Nebo of our noble sons forth, to ;battle with the " world, nue 'tisteri' v. the 1 carping, narling Philadelphians, who wenlal fain•'arrof:' gate to themselves 'excellence/ in freely acknowledge' their abilities: !Paelse'r and Pollock are men of whom we. may well be pion& Lewis, Armstreng,, and.„Attoyuard, ace carved their names in no ignoble _position while" even those of 3 - aalcivan and: Liciya we fkr,e7u4 to acknowledge. We cannot Beast numbers, but we eau equals, with any other portienlof the btate. Our galaxy of Etats may tot numerous- as that, of the Quaker City, but we haie, berO • and there, ecatterod, it may be, over the; whole hea vens, a detached orb, whose light pales not In the strongest blaze of her brightest luminaries. Our seonery is grand, equal to any yeti will And in ila - State. But "seeing is believing," and if yost will visit our valley, and lot: +3 driVe you' over the mountain to "Peter Obeddyls," you will he astonished at the natural boanties:ofliortboril Pennsylvania, and delighted 'with the chickens and flannel cakes, with which Mrs. Slrddy regales her friends. Come, then, and reciiiveta warinwel some, for Col. Forney and his most admirable Press already occupy a large corner in our honest Dutch hearts. MART. Correspondence of The Prena WILLIAUSPOILT, PA., June 28, 1858 I arrived last Friday, for the first time in my life, in this beautiful volley of the western branch of the noble Susquehanna. Having never before visited the interior of your State, I feel so charm ed with its scenery that I cannot refrain from inditing a short epistle to yon, although we are entire strangers. It wee refreshing to me to take up your paper bore, after having been eabined in a canal packet from Trevorton to Northumber land with two or three Government offiee-holders, whom vulgar assurance and ignorance was enough to sicken a horse. After a few words to let them know I did not acquiesce in that moat infernal in strument—the Lecompton Constitution—l refused to say more, as I have no patience to argue the question with anybody. When a man condescends to argue upon that Constitution, he rather than else admits a possibility of the question having two sides, and, therefore, I'll not do it. But my object ie not to discuss the merits or demerits of that instrument, but to tall you something about this valley and borough. Williamsport, I am informed, contains about six thousand inhabitants, and is situated upon the western branch of the Susquehanna. I counted the spires of six or seven churches, which indi cate them to be a ehuroh-going people, and nearly allied to New Englanders. What struck me most on my journey here were the noble stone barns, white-washed like snow, upon almost every farm I passed, while the dwellings were quite insignifi cant. By insignificant I do not mean poor and ruiserable,i for they wens good buildings ; but the barns were so mush larger and commodious, that they attracted the eye before the homesteads. Such splendid buildings in whieh to store the products of the farm, and protect the cattle, show the science of agriculture to be far advanced to wards perfection. No man can help feeling his soul expand to look upon those verdant fields atd sloping lain-sides, covered with grain waving in the breeze, end dotted with here and there a snowy barn and low-brewed house. No wonder that the red man here fought with desperation to dist 08.30515 the hated whites of such a fine country. I am stopping at the United States Hotel, kept by V. S. Doebler, to which place strangers will do well to come. A man who would find fault with the polite treatment of the gentlemanly proprie tor, would find fault if his path through life were strewn with roses. There aro other hotels here which may bo equally as good, but this one I know is a good ono, and cin assure persona of polite treatment within its walls. Yours truly, A RHODE-ISLANDER. LETTER FROM UMON COUNTY. Oorrenpondence of The Preeq.l Nciv BERLIN, Juno 2.4, 185 S Now that the pleasure season has set in, when everybody desires to go somewhere, evert if it is only a few days' jaunt to the country to see their friends. for recreation, or what not, I have thought it advisable to drop you a few lines from tho former metropolis of old Union, once so renowned for its political turmoil, Its great men and news papers. Personally, you are "booked up" in all of this, and as times have changed, as well as polities, I need not'bother you now with a - recital. Peed events, I freely admit, have somewhat damaged the political notoriety of the place, by sue removal otql.mcounry seat t‘, where the drill-sergeants of both parties now congregate; yet these advantages have been more than over balanced by, the advent of a literary epoch, bringing with it scores of students, of both sexes, from all parts of the State, your own great city contributing liberally, in point of numbers, to its success. I refer to Union Seminary. Rut more about this presently. Now Berlin has not been lost eight of by the pleasure folks of the oily, whose past visits have so favorably impressed them with its genial cli mate, romantic scenery, and the intelligence and hospitality of its citizens. Quito a number of fa milies are now rusticating in our midst, who pur pose spending the summer here, and some of whom, I have boon told, highly delighted with the place, will educate their children hero. Excellent board ing, at our hotels and private houses, can be obtained, by families and others, at very low rates. The town is handsomely situated upon the banks of Penn's creek, eight miles from Lewisburg, ele ven from Northumberland, and ten from helms grove, with daily communication with the city, The Press reaching here by eight o'clook in the evening. Twenty years ngo, it wont under the name of Longstown, in honor of one of the earliest settlers of the valley. whose remains now silently repose in the old borough graveyard, since whose demise it has boon changed to its present calling: For forty years it enjoyed the honors of a county seat, and it is yet fresh in the reeol leotiou of the father of your present writer, and several others, when but a narrow cow path marked the various roads to near est settlements It now contains nearly 1.000 population. It is surrounded by a rich agri cultural country, Dry Valley being in justly considered one of the most productive m Northern Pennsylvania. Tho streets rarely admit of dust or mud, and but a few weeks since were ng sin thoroughly graveled. Tho town is regularly laid out in rqueres. and its sidewalks nontly paved and shaded. lye have Bs e churches. three stores, two hotels, large and capacious, end one temperance house, court-house, jail, sehool•houses, do. The traveller need but visit it to be enamored with its beauty. cleanliness, industry, and prosperity. In stead of its former dependance upon the immuni ties incident to the county seat, Iron Mountain, as it is now famously rendered, (a continuation of the Montour Ridge,) upon a return of good times, a revival of business will exhibit to the world, that with its vast deposits of iron ore, some of which is even lying within the limits of the bo rough, our present quiet little town Will 'one day wrestle with Danville for universal supremacy. I The attention of capitalists is invited. Union Seminary, two years ago, was area's 1 un der the auspiees of the Evangelical Association, a worm ) Watiktial l artaltb7 not. It is a yQBENTS.- tlliaMitil hriok.editlai,tlAO,Atoriatk lint up a excellenetigtre; VG( all the neeesfary 'iridderaziraprt•Vereetita; ontittpAoca suitable 'lava! lien enolosttrersiX sore.s4l4. ,Nautlfally de6o:. rated trithabade 110 6 4 ,s,nti It 4 fifth, sesstotileloded altissitaYS` ago; IA n our 811;ti phi; •:7.ol4 , artd_itinsdredi ofastrangete, - Efe.' kihei; nit& -others, front Philadelnhis,onjexed {the luxury of one extOevenloi, Pogooles..maliferly efforts—an luldress"brostienti'firdfoiniCiind inspiring. The exercises on Wisdnesdak_eveningi Tar t er* : lumpy successful ., Fashierhandleah „wfTe, , whilst young : and . .,old„ pttr °talk, an eo tars; alike partook of. tkeitieasares Itut eiditeurtuit of the ocoakilon..l Zip ittdlebtirg • Taw; bps also leitt,euchautnteut, to- W e itottr.vv;Tite soboei. kone, id the roost Boarishing Irlth ti deafly noted : for their indoeitable• „eoprgyTtuidliititP lectiut superiority, one friednate from your own High School, closing vtith. Assrly 390 students ;fox the year.• v. • • i; -Our enterpri singtownsaken . -,, Biwa, 4 Monver, iLuKeet.pii.. saw, MilirMlOntlo - ao".* basiriassi`tril Mr. George tieettcdttot Teryitipergecie:younip, MAW 'is about putting, up,. a ituautlUttp4ry., 1 -.FagasP ' . r •-• - ' r. ; ' ' ' LETTERS FROM 'iileiff. , • oliiii : ,[oorrespOndericerof.Theproas." .., 1 -,,, 1 -!..4.: : :-.. - - , -4 1 ——• ' ~ • 0 ' , liralYdrilyJoirSi ErP.-id:: , :. "After,tso heaiy'sboarere &Oil tidied' twern , ty,fon.i: hours ; the inathilOnni f h:popme'elose and suliry, ',Of' aurae, prosiinity,,to the Worth has the effect 44'030:Ming out , our imminent poi:44llo4mi :and little: ietiviti is' 33;4163ab1e , In , aught - store . 4i9vi Or k- ! " " in ?Y,lit i * *lll 4:r.; ' , r; .1 :; , I '''---"" " :; * :.the; ; Opiltitilea, OA rtiiiid,on4r . irpe were term!. - ' _led 4 41,, faX al. etir: - Oltit-* AMoorned,l3othout - aecidmitbicinterra tiornot theirietenanityo 4Thet i' l efiiiifiNf) . "' 7 • " - iar-In a tale qfi • Ifiil.:l3-6i060. J ithe 0 ,- ; 14 .. a .*: ijit. 6:4-',.. --- -- • • ,their way blaures'testu. _-to 4edelvertlief last ho'nor&that the L idetherasfyitsidlante' , :aarrpai •4. a Mil loileisperated troyzbeir r imeolo:*l 2 tA:rk . „:othe dligragetnycOnitunitant tot , the - ugly , ~ p s i; Xiiit7, ton; ant-binio g - aietein : was noticed by youpcerresnotidentAttakrtight in:a i'lelentqueltilt• swidolFtwolck out "in orienliff'tholl oocial ',Wai -1 lfiati'in Aillit ittreekirliefilliltifitchod: drifrantid-1. ihicideneir ie. . ( inn'a'innelt:lL arined , withzalia- - ; ]xed 9Prviz?B'knifet ands ; iiiiellibleririfer;' at tempting ;_hie: defence 4 agaidet ~t he , polieb; , i , tit dragged Oif;:fightilir:4l.lse , !kigreet through tlii• swarming highsyti,y.'! - :ri:e ) ,e9illgill of these vile °V o ai 44 2- 0 4 1 ted:iillail4Enia9s,A - th Most =fete: , oratio mansions of , our:meats= strectfOuglitie 11 make' wealth and"'refiliebient.44ell‘ - acquainted' "With the a ,dingerprts ottnonili'l'whoM they neglect; aa shamefully ! 3uti'w.'o nist,Uwaitl perhamr, th e ,ionittigretiont of 0, hlooh or.ter,o of theserdertrand the immolationiot a hundred' wreieda. people; 41 'err nin)ote', l the tifOrlatn y g,:ionfo - roti "inob'to diCand ,PoOder the.4eighb ritteintriced, ere ta'ahtilli - witneas; any preptleal, steprtatfard' the removal .of nuieenoes that edik:e disgratie 'ea-- Allitrand' rebuke riligieuit , profeasidnE.s - -J - t'-'-'O4 '"irtnleife l troubleyrttest,n`A.lbani iegardibg tile `goliainnlenf-of ..tlielkilitycArnmirstery. , :iThii- - dr- , i rector, Di:Gould, heat/diem tinder he barn 44 :the ' ' trustessijwith the , forMoretshont i lienderitdotl that Mrir. - lilindruKDitalor takes aides. Lhfre .Dudley has, ielNetted, tie'el . ijoitio r is trustees , to reilgn, but they.perebst irn,rotini g - their eittitt:' lions, and; by thelatest acoonnisi htve:ietaliated- I •by disaniseing - 64 - entire 'indefinite eotinelpiind Jaiing Tea leinifoit':Of thFishale, lir:o' .I , ' " t'^ kihisving..,heggiti ,agetai3tlng,t steel; a eoit' Jest night from! -the hall:of:Mr: Math fl'erresidenee' in Vonek street , : was detested lby .-13:1 Where' ;,, 'upon ;he' khoolted lei ilaiitt, , an d would tided , escaped'' hid ilot`WPollieniari fort4nately inter. 1 aepted his flight. 'Burglars Were; about'in marbled 1 neighborhoods Met night..*A bra443.fight took pima about midnight in Mott stre6t, and am= named Charles; Martin wa, a 1 injuredprobably fa- , tally) by a slumpahot,, 403igar-boi, containing the deaordpolodho,dY of au infant, was Mild in - afield in theEighteentkWircf laFt evening • ~. - f. -. The aelebin,Sa on' tile' Foirth'ea :. onday next promieti Co be general and *pints` i Mrs. Weed, wife of the oelehriteWburlow Weed 3 • died to-day at Albany. -' She' Sas entered long by an acute disorder.. • . , • ; ! ,- . In the stook market to-day broil:tette has been a trifle better, and prices advanced generally: Read ing closed at the morning board at 444 seller three, and 44, seller thirty, against 441 regular yester day. New York Central left off at 821. Endson River was sustained. - Delmiare'anCHudson sold at 981. In western roads the business was variable. Michigan southern, old stook, brought 211; Rl‘ 3 - rantied, 421. Galena and Chicago 'brought 85 good 1. Chicago and Rock Island gained from yesterday. Panama brought 102, regular. Cleve land and Toledo brought yesterday's price. In railroad bonds there was only a small bust= noes. La Crain Laud Grant closed at 331, de cline; New York Central Havens at 99; Terre Haute and Altou second mortgage at 43, and Michigan Central eights at 93. In bank stooks there were sales of ,National at 1074 ; Metropolitan at 105; sank of Commerce at 100; dividend off, and Atlantio at 77. A lot of Government fives of, 1865 was taken at 101, interest off. In State stooks there was a fair business at about yesterday's price. t Noir York fives of 1874 closed at 103; Tennessee Axes of 1890 at On ; Virginia at 9.74; North Carolina at 96, In terest off; Missouri at 841; Illinois Interest at 85, and California new bonds at 86. The last week has witnessed a pervading dull ness in stocks. Speculation has stood still; out side parties have net been disposed to invest. The truth is, all sorts of business feel the cants of the hot and heavy weather, and we shall not find mush interest manifested until braoing breezes dissipate mental and physical languor.' Money matters generally are likewise so satis factory, owing to largo disbursemetits in divi dends, interest, ,ko., that monied men 'feel dispos ed to rusticate awhile. An immense 'amount of cash, however, must seek investment 'ore long; partioslarly if the harvests come up to what we may reasonably expect. In spite of the large sums employed during the last two weeks in the purchase of treasury notes, state stooks, and in the bids for minor loans. we find mo ney wanting employment on every hind. The regular rate for demand loans is übodt four per cent, on a No. I securities, and :five cent. for prime paper, and the latter scarce at such rates. Some operations have been made on the street yesterday and this morning at 4 to 41 per cent. by bankers. The exchanged at the bank Clearing House this morning wore $17,246,048 50, and the balances $910,733.52. The Metropolitan certificates have for several weeks remained at the same sum, $46,000. At the Corn Exchange to-day little was trans acted, and there was a small attendance of mer chants, it being Saturday, and near the 4th. Only a very light business is noticeable in to reign exchanges for transmission by to-day's steamer, but the rates have been firmly main tained throughout, at 1091.a109} for bank and bankers' Wilson London Ono drawer is asking a fraction higher, but without effeoting sales. Com mercial signatures aro held at 10S1a1001. Puts, 5f 15s5f 121; hamburg, ; Amsterdam, 411 e. 411; Bremen, 70a791. Dealers aro anticipating a large business for the steamer of Wednoseay next, which, on account of the intervening holiday, will by " 1- • 4 ". 4 ," X' '3 , n Vander bilt to-day takes out $2411,451.21 in specie, mostly in bare. Tau DRY GOODS TRADE.—The folloWing table will show the value of dry goods imported, with drawn from warehouse and warehoused during the week ending last evening : Laporte. With6?n. Wareh. .2418.608 346 807 351.764 . 132 876 16 413 3,133 . 271,617 23 679 6 716 . 61 298 26.248 87 '2 . 48,769 16,078 202 IlinnufactureB of Wool.. Do. Cotton Do. Do. Flix... Mimeollaneous 5923,360 $129,145 $77,391 $923 359 Total... Add traports Totol thrown into ntr)tet 151,652,504 As compared with the corresponding week of 1857, this shows an inoreaso of $1,007.783 in the amount thrown on the market this year.. l'a - y For New York Markets see Second Page- The celebration of Golden Weddings," or the fiftieth anniversary of marriage, is becoming quite frequent, and several ocourrences of this oho rooter have recently taken place in the vicinity of Nest ark, N J Mr. Josiah W, Crane, who was married to Fanny Cookefair. of Cranetown, now West Bloomfield. on Juno 28th, 1808, celebrated hi s golden wedding" anniversary on Monday, at his residence at Mount Prospect, at which there were present a. brother of each of the aged couple, with their wives, two eons, and five sens•in•law, with their wives and children, two daughtess, and one nephew. The gramlchildron number twenty three; there are two groat grandchildren, ono of whom was present. Only ono eon Mr. Henry L. Crane, sheriff of Marshall county. Illinois , was ab sent, having aviag been detained by official duties. The assemblage, numbering about fi ty, partook of a dinner in the open air, beneath shade trees ; after which remarks were made by Air, Crane, anti also by his brother, Rev. J. N. Crane, of Port Rich mond, S. 1., recently of Newark. Allusion was made to the •primiuvo way in which marriages wore performed 50 years since, and also to the changes in society and life which have been made sines that time. Of 70 persons at the 'wedding then, but few are now living, and habits and ouo toms have much changed. On Friday afternoon, four workmen, who were engaged in demolishing the tower of the Catholic church, on Broadway, South Boston, were I severely injured by an accident which occurred, and had an almost miraculous escape from instant • death. A number of sudden deaths have recently ()courted at Phconixville,Pa., from the effects of twat. Noma= TO 00*ValiOADENTIII. 41 * 1 44)**ta for (f T*Plife 4 iiniplesee bee: be tided the figiceetes riles • Plc, 4 7l#3cuounientio , meet be sooompaniad by the aims `of' tie - mites. In or ter to insure eorreetnese of the typography, bill one side w e &heat should be len iipOn. •• • • • ZWe shall be greatly+ obtlged to endemic in Peensyl. utter Otatailhir giving the no. xi ; QC day in their pirticoler localities, the .reaotifeeis of /hi incricandtniginint . ri, the inereue or ) 0 .1.1 1 . 1 . or any information that will be interesting 4040 metal ruder, *WS. ••• • v.v.; e - regv4 to tearn trom tow Western Epts obiaifizretlfaE'ltteThealthriellisitop hi'llvain is austit'ai to-giver, tirUeleitutoetir to bps friends. While presiding at a recent .o.o4.yenti mi says the above pamed,paper, .!‘..harrisa mar stated, in substance, that, Yor7 mutter sensation had come over him, acdopornitsti,.by a - jestrtylrahle i lapee of memory. 116 destredthe Ala : teed, stalled Rev. Dr. 'Tinkr-1.6 ft/eclair 'and retirMir•ltt about half an hour he:tutme hick; rebutted his post, but it was gorge timebfore. be oonld read il y tall the names br bi , Szabe . rg,ll ,4 llPg te -Address: the House. Ile he'd a giddier attack Wfdle recently at the East, .lind'whileloing,honie froth' ehnrch on Sunday he bad another,b.Bedidzot !return to the church in the .attertteep:lat was Nterte l at night, and spoke With're,niarkable_sieeniness „arid, energy. After kis replied theeffiilly Ytt InquirieS about his health'; end dkpreeeed. , hikself as feeling in no wernoemfortableAHe' rested well that night, an .Jekt areweek.„nest Gday .apparently good health., Ih ere raaT : , nothing very seriously r thriatenirtg In wliat the Bishop:has lately expert. ernited-,' Vat thefferlitedltEloks, and the knowledge Ahatother Inembers of ;Mr family have suddenly ,besucoallid awpy, have tilled his friends with Pain ful amrgrardtiors!,, and Rhoda clause the prayers of "th,li faithful everywhere to aseand that the life and tisefidnisibt tiOTdluabls a - ensa Clay be prolonged to - the olitzeilratillthhtm ' 7 The fGraltd - Vapidir(liich:) E agle says that ta-young , oonple.of Newaygooihowire to have bean marrjeden -en-ef teat rveek, • walked out on Saturday. and. seated themselves upon a log in the Aide itfthe weal, a silort distance out of the village '`OrNilift*Afit: aid lASI tbria, seated; tbeyonng lady was shot through heFaltddniinitY i rifle ball, and expind4; thseehOurpthereaffer. The perpetra .tof pt thlamelsitudielYdeed olaime that he was out *SI/ben. he 44,7 her through the =UAW beds de:ery - end inatautanommly I Critistrifie'aritlsaide.' , Theled Wore a red dress, :an . wermastw•-...r. • . brotti • to keep ,awny. - the,utosenitoesorition. '4O • :or • • • the bunter.,. _The names of the, parties are 'Wen: Prom flip • Etittstitiarn (Penna.) 'Ledger tlia.fthigfimily efbfr.Pavid Wenger. re- Oddingin'thelotiereindbflinion township, g in that eaunty, iniceserionstrpoistold•on 'Sunday last by ' contateed• poison. They had besta.at ahurohousdpar took of the coffee at dinner mitheli s rShirn. Airi:_lfanger drank three biaps!. Orel and "the boy one. They :seerre•soon taken 14Ahet symntems being of a se vere:and alarming character, and proportionate in violence to they...amount , of „coffee drank by each. liledio - araid . itsA. immediately procured, antidotes; OrS - Intiteied; Iti 4. at . lite woo epsomite the pa tientrvreierecovering.— . gargeitt4dwder 'Mill 'in' the world Is owned; by the llastrerrineder Coinpany of Con. neetionti another-rnamthoth concern which has besitylA,operatien. about. seventy years,-belongs to Benoit - A co., Delaware. - These , establishments now supply antlgovern almost, the entire market in this - continent; which wig once controlled by •English manufaCtures: Their 'machines are very great. - They.import ealtpetre from India, and keep their own vessels at ;sea. They have agents !bested in, almost ev,erylown in the United States. R fliefstipply Mealao,,Stotth America, and numb of I - thef_African trade, helideithe United States Co -1 vernment. - -Thehinperkir; quality Of Ste powder is .nnivereally,aokoopiedged.'- 3fr.,Qoutnniv,ay,-a young man, And a respect. ;ea" eitisen, of. Milton, T - rimble county, Kentucky, lut:been inlising fromhope soups two weeks, and bnfiaeeday fast his holy woe found in the woods •iusiir by (revered" With' lesVes. - lie had "evidently ,been nnirderedi as three bullet wounds were found on.the-betty.- .When he osent away he was known lehtive a splendid, „gold wait*, and over 5,50 in looney, but when - be,was disooverectthe money and iratish 'were' missing, and the impression among ,the neighbors is that - he was murdered and then ,robbed..: - : • :The thunder sterru•drJtme 26th, in the val ley of thelcennebto -Maine, was the most severs that has been- experienced for many years. In 'Auglista, yassalbo'ro ,' Gardiner, and other towns. Ike, lightning' struck in many places. Several harm -were burned, much glass broktn, end some nettle killed Iry the fields. Within the apace of haU a the town of Vaseedbuto r_ the lightning struck seven times, not, however, doing mach 'damage, although one or t3l.ii barns were 'struck.' trheivind'iias very violent StinitierTherne,-of Thinxidale ' Washington nolloni'Deoltear county, Now York, has a herd of ,only setae seventy eattlei but their each valuation 3s over, eighty :thousand dollars.: Aliens bull, air thousand dollars was paid in England ; for an other five thousand ; .and. another is almost equal. ly valued. One of his cows, " Duchess Sixty sixth,'-' cost three thousand five hindred dollars at ,an auction sale in England, -end her calf brought at the same Palo two.thonsand dollars. • On Friday there passed through Baltimore seven colored persons, viz: four adults and three juveniles, who were recently. released from bond age by a ladvesiding in North Carolina. They were in charge of Air. Wm. Norris, agent of the lady, who designs taking them to Cleveland, Ohio, for the purpose of settling them at that phial).— Upon their arrival there, they-come of $lO,OOO which has been generously donated them by their late mistress. A few days since, Alex. McCoy, resident of Trimble county. Ky., was shot dead by Saviour Fry, of Saluda, Indiana. McCoy and others were on a drunken frolic, and went to the math of Saluda, a creek some twelve miles below Madison, near the residence of Fry, and getting into an al tercation with the latter, he seized a leaded gun and shot McCoy in the breast, killing him almost Instantly. Fry fled. Dr. Ephraim W. Follow, of Buffalo, haw been convicted of robbing the postoffice in Canan daigua- Be was employed as a copying clerk la the Buffalo postoffwe at the time be wee detected. lie was suspected of robbing certain letters re ceived at the office and watched by Ittsjor Dickle. the postmaster, who found that he need to visit the ()tram in the night.' Be has not yet bean son tanned. Two little boys, one eight and the other six yetrs old, eons of Patrick O'Hara of Waterloo, were drowned in the waters of the Seneca, river, a few mornings since. They were playing near a stream, and the younger of the two fell into deep water and was likely to drown. The other saw it, and ventured in to save his brother. Both went under the water. The wholeloss by the flood at Cairo, it is said will be inside of $OO,OOO. The Illinois Central Rail ioad eau make all repairs for $7.000. The loss to the citizens in furniture, buildings, and stock, will not exceed $50,000. The water rose above low water mark forty-seven feet, which is two feet higher than over before known by those who have lived in that vicinity since 1788. The President has approved the findings of the ceurts martial recently held at Panama by order of the fingailleer of the Pacific squadron,upon Second Lieutenant R. A. Whittier. U: S. bl. C and Lieutenant E. C. Stockton, U S. N. The former was sentenced to be dismissed, end this latter to bo cashiered. Mrs. Catharino Shaeffer, whose husband, for the post two years, has been residing in California, committed suicide in St. Louis on tho ath by cutting tier throat. Robert McAllister, a well known proprietor of a packing etaanblinhment, also committed suicide by cutting his throat. On Wednesday, while two Irishmen, named Patrick Devlin and Henry Campbell, were engaged in removing the damaged piers from the bridge over Sandy Run, on the Limekiln turnpike road, in Upper Dublin township, Montgomery counts. Pa., it caved in, killing them both. Charles M. Jerome was killed by lightning in Washington county, Pa.. a few days ago. Soren o titers wore prostrated at the time. LATER IROM mEnco. By the arrival of the steamship Tennessee, Cap tain Forbes, at New Orleans, from Vera Cruz, we have dates front that port to the 2ath ult. We have no later direct news from the oity of Mexico, or from San Louis Potosi, where, it will be remem bered, the frontier-men under Governor Vir!aura were opposed to Oroßossed Miramon, the comman ders of the Zuloaga Government. The accounts 1 üb fished favor the Juarez Government. Whether they are reliable or not, remains to be seen. NV extract the following intelligence froth - nrcs of that .rrogresn, Intramo.twrgan vtrresident Juarez: On Saturday last. 19th instant, at 9,20 A. M.. c. shook of an earthquake was felt at Vera Cruz. The shock lasted about fifteen seconds. The Monterey Boletin Official mentions the arrival of four pieces of artillery at that place, sent from the State of Chihuahua. Br Coronado. tho commander of the Chihuahua troop., was re ported to be marching from Durango to reestab lish the Constitutional (Snares) Government there. Eis fence consist of eight hundred men and a. battery. The Progress has a nodes of an ongagement between the Zuloaga forces under Negrete, and tbe. Constitutional troops under J. M. Bello, t ear Sonquituistla, in the State of Puebla, on the lOth of Juno. Colonel Negrete was obliged to retreat, not, however, until hu had committed great depre dations in the neighborhood. - The first rifle re iment of the Zuloags Govern ment stationed atJalapa, pronounced on the 11th lest , in favor of the Constitutional party. Gen. Eohcagaray encountered them at Cerro Gordo, and put them to flight. Gen. Manero was killed in the engagement. Gen Alvarez, who overthrew the last Govern ment of Santa Anna, and resigned tho Presidency of the Republic in favor of Comonfort, has vvrittett a letter to President Juarez, congratulating him on his safe arrival at Vera Gum, and pledging a cordial support to his Government , Alvarez. with his pinto. , , was at Providencia, a hacienda. in the northern part of the State of (Anemic). en. route for the city of Mexico. - Col. Cobos ' a lender of the Zulottga party, has issued, from his headquarters at Cordob in the. State of Vora Cruz, an order enjoining ail to lay down their arms, and submit to the Zuloaga tfor ernment. Gen. Santos Degalleac, of the Juarez party, hoe captured the city of Guadeloj ire. An engage ment between the army under Vidaurrl and the troops of Cellos and IMiramon is also report:A to have taken plane. Tha,e reports came to Vera. Cruz via the city of Mexico. The recall of Santa Anna was spoken of as n probable event; the proclamation of a Deis constitution, iiith as Provisional Presidi t. The seaport of Mazatlan, the, only one on the Pacific side, hitherto in the hands of lulos t n, ie also said to have pronounced in favor et ,To Tho Liberal party in the city MVX11:•.) were beginning togive signs of life. Copies of a little sheet called La Illarnta were secretly eir , ulat.d. in the city on the 2d of June, wherein the ment of Zulenge is denounced in bitter tetloo. Lauf the Liberals front other pert+ of the loot "h' in vited to match agfti st the al, nd tll • na cod to the t.rai•ni ,t C..v-rocicht 'here ex:: o• i 3. or M D.,0-Onushqs bran rented ti reroor of the Pto , e, of 0.. j lie is au atihottet of Ell Juana Ciovonum4c,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers