~~ ,~-, `tea =EN - • . 7 t*71.144.7-• t .......; - • - • -••• .. •.. - r-a ---40'7,..."2-k; ' IT: ..,, ttOthlS*;•t.,.ii Vtlitttt , , v i ' li i - i' f . : r ii .. 1' 4 ''''' Of . '• 01.1004=1 1 10 , ', ,-.,,' ' 4 • , : , ~, 4 6• • , --•.. '4I , • - --, 00 ytV '.: • •• *di Vi $306 „ ~ ~ 7.. _.,..,- - ~,, ~,5 441 14, •• -11.4 ii i , ii15. 0 ..;,,,,,,,-----.. ' AM ' warufillY*l " ESS. , . - w ., ' , [o . l4lA p' 4 *;,. v al4—.aol4;t .r ' e . tat IR!,1;4,1 I,,natrjWat"vt.RaMt4AeliTri I t erita 1, nui vial t't Aix ,0 irr jg r . r.tiMo rto ire it 11,,., vitter*og r anitiViC ' . , - ,goi~itigivir *. - more worthy tee Arcipz , 4 kb, t J av i maqtr. to*l4OVldtoillfthipe. 'f.t 084 , 400, S*2446*.billaalinglATO THE DEMO - • - ' .•qualc4.AßTy.--- ~,. • . ;• , ; :2- (istuilay•:g-atrtRITLFIIc4raPtAWL*-"Neie B. orAttatit,4l,ooo•lßKlT ragaltALS,lll-1,,,,,.43 , 1 , :,1, , ,,,,,,, ir i s -ssoo - 40 . 34) 1 0 01 0a it t ar,74 : 7' ' - r 4 - , M10044131009it Ontd27l,i •,, :,.„ ( ~,,, „,,i 'MO' •W•Z".7nStlifinit - ~ e kip,...#4r,M,G4Ft OF 6*"l44""iri' .i4 L;i : J. ,7 . ( 1 7,1-ts. Pr . W ' al .e4.4•:•M ......-MtaftsV ' • •'' t• I . ? :7 - .1.,,.. y i..r.f‘s rt , .....4.,• ...,•( itY 1 t2-4- , `AW.,' ' 4 0 1 .." ~:1 .1 g • g i tl, . • • sAxtm. ..„,-„.4: 4, st--,:t.. , : , '' ). %.: ''' , P" ' I -.• ''' • t0.04.P.:201141.1.1: ','. 7R42 ••‘'. = • -- -00.A:Tra .K 00041W M " . 4 . 8 - IP. ; eattm . ',..• '-`- '- ' ... -t*.: 1 wiet., Utir,..4h ‘ , 1....M . P. k„ 7 A -4 -9 1 ' - • "iti s ivoit - 6:: , :44 ------70 .7. tg . A,, , ,el2k iX,IVS.* clit:tprtir o ll4. 6 "l : . fiy., ,- cifi f i l isiii , ~:7-A.t•t%:•T, ' lmy 144 TorigONT. ,: ' 0 -.4-.5c,. ;• , - • •-- axZbiO • o:7•oo4lr,VaPtiorox .7' 4 T - ''..' - 7 - EON: ;MN .041401 01 g.t..4;ve , , , n.1.• . ' '''‘!'"*.„--.: I.T4A. s.llll'''':,.:Wt 4 -: tr i 1t. ,, .....14 , •r.i. 1 g.4,Vgn -ili: :..-• • , - • ' ' -,-- ' , 1:001 . 1., _ „ .r.,, g-,..:1i ;7 , r ar , 4*.is 1i . : -Izio ; ft , 46, f,to: .rti,47twit t : - . 41 . -s * * 4- - ' A V"- • rij - 4.40-041 , - ‘2, ,,,,, $ -.,, -2 •„e - -:., p;so , t•--- • ~...-,,1, rt olt.-440,,m4 w't ..4:, - gwrtit, 1 i.,.' "i..' tes ...*4IA-11; 4144 *i.*.- RUlTalkiEll , ", ~.', 4 '_'''', , , 1., 44,4 •., mdiez.tuakrt „V . 51010 3 .-:-,.. 5,,...4 , - .- i 1- . - / •••: i'aii" , l'al4NES-Vittrig_rt•W p ßlPAßT,Wirillit.; k .. •, , ,.. , :,,,t 7:. ad•`&l irproPtfOiii"."'" ; :‘'-`" .2 .' .. ,‘ 1Z;• ' -"i ~ - -0 , t 4,-* '' 1 ' 41. * I 'l . '"' P''''Y ' ' ' ' '•t. ' ' likide....- , 4't .r;-.. - •1„: - . 1 '''..'•,'•-': ~ .4.4,..4-iii.,.- t 'w•it . tLq , s. 4 ,, „ ~ ,- . 3tiA% 44.. , ,!, ...„., _ , ~. i ~.„, 1., '*A - VP * 11441 01,1 40 3 :A . "' dr'-.‘° .3 •'. ''. 't 2,4; i,-- ‘ 4' tert *ttailv 1 4044.47: ow*, ,T , - 40ano a ,, 1 ,el„.t.k ''. ..A: ''_. 4i/PTIRISIMAPJ-4.oo(tikirONW,W• 1..• •' , • ••A• 0 ' ! r ; .t , O.I,,2MAiRVItObrInittaVAL!"4 %, " •." '.. 0f..---wairalallatolkritoitmtkonolll . •ool3l47; '. if,4li'llxotairmaCt . • tittfrbs --- !.,,t - 3! I, ' , 1- '''. '' 1. - . "4 /4 .".EtE'rrgre.tia . . :410 1, Tiftro. - - - ,z ..;-=%,: hi x2 It'A l P , „rgf i figfivi „0,,,,...n,...,:•,-,, r i 08111,4,001niini •,-7.: :. b t fitit ilt ' iligrO "VT , ' `..,' te. -', ''''' • - ... -•.-- 1,, , • "VisWil.. - , .. 1,1 ' . .. - " - • 1, ~ . I°, ; . ., , ,J,. 17 "4,7440Yfik . A400: 171 4 -11 &ift. 0 0•Mfr:S:..71 • :e•-9..e..,A__,_.w...014‘a5w0-,:r..v-, ,1: •.,.; ,' ,,, -.4..vt.t947mitatintritwisit:KmitiO 7 Pci,Vt r. Lne• - :'-2- ,',::",, ,:••:-•••?: •rutitralftmEtiEVOldt . 1-wlttiktirforuN...„Yref-;•,- ~, ,A ,ili•}oll#4l•oot4Atti)" ~-:•,-,,., i: , S.IrI4:EIIRTDLPII,OOAbIibt,* illnibria,l,, -,' ~, 1 , ~' '" ,.. .*Ma t i - *Haa n- Crw 4 .. '` .--- 7 • INDIAN . jnizzarglAEs„ •,•• ~,,,..;• ~ , 4 , - ,,-, ,•,"- ‘.. ..,:t•ls. Alla* Xj/iitfteK tIIKMATV...., , _ . ~,,F., .;., 1 :.::t;'. srati• triNigit mow 7-... , ~,, ,„ -4 3`* I 1 4°,- '•"1:010110i4o#. o'Arig - iiiltOxittittiiip-iia aii*,,, • ,4 4 -1, •: , -piaitrj:igkitspzuzzion, - '=•.,. • i ...,, s `'''''''''..iiiteitqititicuietzintz,7„: ••-• ..c.• -- ••-: ....,,,,;04titttra,ilt•kgmosticat : itti.Tittiiiial LAO , • , Tao -MAILS,IBOM WeinlriglrbrOas...poo, F -, ‘; -- . , ..a1 i g- B4 V -S, A +7,, t‘ oef". .'"••' t", ‘,..„r7.. , ., , ..;•4. 4..1 - 0- 14 ' 1 , 4 7.". 1 ' .4L4XII6OELLAOIBO,VICI.,...'iL '%'' ,. i . .. - . , 7, ..-.-:: tt*Ttrdioiltr.• iitiOkElig: tiVi....,v4i,g4c0r..., motinagaitrot.ttom: - -., , ,-,:,,:.?• i :,..y.,,,. mat. - lait<J,,,, ~,.. T. -,.,,,,, , ra , .4ittitor . &t LLB. ...A7 7 . .:...,.,,, • 40' 41 4 ,1 Z0•44.XEPPRiEtt , ::- - •.. tit.w. i: 1 -1 '• ...,..1 ,-,l„ , rikqe-,,_01).x0., ~, k ,9:.464-ARTA,,„„ -. . --,,-- Aikr raiLirpat.o44 : pNOLAND.IN4772:. : ,' '-/ ,r . III7OAIe._QpIENNIIM. :, ..,.,' i.L ,•., .4- ..• i;, , / ' -P '.." :.,..„.. , , , , , v. ,,, , .....„,...:110111. .TElOrikl.i.A.ND ei•"..2..1..it t Sikke:: r.P., 7,.- 0, Ve -Pi , : . ,--:..,,,,,,:-,..., i :,,, , 3 'AM' ERSOANtIIORDIVISVENOVAND. ' '.--- iln t• 15.Eii0li DON aBLI, BELLY 110...csf.yriiii;.1.11}7.. -..,:i,,Atte . t-Tiirz;Tc&f:t . fig INDIANA .1 A . : -.-... ..tiTA.lat.poirricsix•l't_ ,- " :•''''..-, , - , - s7 - .., ~..,,,-: ' - - :7•••'4•;lyotiimtimrnts: . tmtv , ,,. ~„.-, ~..,,:. • , ,•: - :::•tteattztort.- stiliitlptz-g9INitii . T.To:::Ai.:•;:..±CONT •,- ;'. -7. ;• , ititirdittilitztri, -- ' - ' ~ ..-", •,......;7,, , ,,,F,Y 'l4l .;: , CABSBAY THE EIS..yLOBIEX.DB TB.B2P.BEN:BYLe, '''''''...*•:•BNl:.:-;• - ' '''' ''''''' ''''. '''. 1 .. -. .if..- '.., ~- 4 -3 -,-,'• ''..ritif.i'El.rftr .: ''' "" NEIOrtiTdITETqLtif. : * . ., -..- ..• ~, ~. , t ••-• - laoßgy i , , tatiivi,;9 . lvta ii4/442 , 0, 1 :.,ic , A , 4,og:tirs*loicto:ltts..tiump l impiti4.4l4i-, ' L -16, 4,._,_ - ,,:-,..eiw,, ,,, -." -,.., ~,,,-_, ..., A .:".'--: - i, , mAlittliOl34.6ll,;),D4Ttla., ~...,,..,,....- /4. r , ir& 3. lttoititt4.)itqiiil -*dz., ". _ . ~,....r --, ; ;, ,fiIEL 9 . M20.01. - ..101114.116.1111 1 (0114 -, ... i .0.1 :,.• . :470 4414, 1 6trtAlillOAD:'‘z. -, - 4 , , t•-•" 4 ` - ',l .';'• e.,. ::tt: •tiEst.'4.T.PArttErNTER2D:••< , , •77 •: , 777. , ~;:.:•.77t 4 ~.i • -.I •••;. .•• • Jt.ciittottilitritit" * lfiii'litiiiifttiii ` ' ; ' '' lOLI3IIIVAN V7141£4111.151t444,, _ ~.. , , , ;v el3,TßANirldfilltr,ottottrlD: •:•-‘ '--' . ' - 'l7 '" 6 t : ,,,1 ii , ' Do TOT LTOP iithrtiV:iitEllitii,t' --: : i, i - ,, i .: , ; , anttEmpetimr•ltili 9iiinwlteihrfaykti..4l t j i•-7 Aniter piaraltilikitriiii,,ia. o,dtt. - ~;:.:•; 1 .4 .1 --;s l i ltrgtftvll4l;Bl l 4ltritil4=B. !7- .7 t 7.• A' I jug wiEeLy maim ti varnished ,fietil;Fl it.,l . V per yeatoti-solimate:loillio tube.; aiii, - Oahe -: ot.tsootty...whin' mat , to one - Aohlieso;so.•, 1 id:flows.; . •ElD;hi staples Siesale iit , the'taintily a ir, ice paws 'IC'. la inageliii Midi fo e toslline:' ' ':`, ': ' .... f , ~ - • •:',. Peribili‘lo4l4,lne, - ilitbe of, twenty , Cr ai,,for .eriit plisse • ' 'heir itivithsa the: the piper - thus ordered. est mot he til-, tett..-i to each ?Ram. iher unless the slab,-pal,00? 7 1 , 20 : ~.144.- i thittioNS'*fd„"ao'd raid i n adiTito.: Thie to In ”•toi4ofdriote with liii.tliwitathiei' tittio.;pik iiiiit or oar '!-friends bate orerhiolted it: ....64;heroy Bets dOntpol,ne •' to acilierti to Stile rate. - ; .. ••.. . -- • "-C—VIR; ftt6dem tovia piati r Stiokitr-, Am. hlnp . 20e:144 and the "Ito itua,iy; Titit*te ;;:itieneitt New" ; A . • ' • easier' Ariihtir mused at: beer , iyhorr. re)ftie iiir,itialla,..which came to hanklifisteven-, Jag by the Mail Pilot lane— = Tho alearachtriMiiropii saileanttlieetr-yeiterday: no'94deoiklietglit: lkO)fir - Ctit - on' piciont-thee, i lhirming . at,New Orleans 4 an4,nn. lea, tips, throe wet.e . Pitrit.9l4i9il=itth'it..ol4 o . , ..4•Aleg t —lll,,itoritCcr,44-; it l /Pkirtt= genute# iritr , *;"' kiho.r4 P,MintiteSehiciffers , atidlrSporMh We: • A4llgetA99k,Pla9POßTitsaar hettreor,the ed,ts. rigirkt tlioiNerri3Othratte-: Ten.? Deltat'ailid;V4, Ce.oreae, in" - Arbioterdiz Giblitni f iiattoiiiirthe; , /Iqters , ,,lcnrnaloicaltlikati -,, :doltigtitelicok , of Anearrhqinticir-ircit Telt Trf t eC; day night in Connecticut,. that lahe 'atiniAy4 iiiceolloititi the .; A taiga iieirtfnjOilite ;lanibora tlie'llar WWI! t 'reference to - thtdrii,tti:Or,Pl.B,_o(l; J ,1 •40„..c9tra1• fu!" 121 44k.PY 1 .445-4" ti t" , `litnmoti; 'l4 - -tv iii•;at4i4 n e- 4 i4lairrgC , 94°k‘ friends or ca . ediejlV,. f , • -1 , ;•,1 ti:r.kt fite ' ha exp4Zortinf iegAi' at the" ihi- F;okiaterit thelttri - al - The Mayor iiiiirAitiddifiy; the river, in Ottrniitlf tits , .nowdorer of ,yoplik iieffeied tilt the party bas ; eieliped ripen Come rasoewliiih has pi•xelided' tii"the bay f -&Tlift Chief Engineer or' the Piro' peO!r t niiiiit bee ' 1 . : 4 0; . ,41(d.f.i.0 t iT4:0 , i ;Avg 410,8butur limfa t . when about to:proceed torn fire down - AiAtn; , abase-companies •weite4regitged a thedtifirtiasta)- e Mar: w htch ' , keel Akio! tiyAgYitli!"o,APAlCoi T 6sre in - the lower .part •;470,;f ‘ *artily, .Theiliwiteoctitintid , Wat but triflibe • lastaitLianitratrifes:to , tho.tniitort:of Cotttlsp:Arele pal 3viit Atitelv,l4ArlMOni• =-10palog- ilttisomaine_ast operfte• Bf-th - efeeldlnabt life 0b0 : , 7 A-,ll,),ii%„iii§lx* vrbio had ad irsd his,. goplnV"atid 'B,l3akePils . ttiliplt tTa e,,h)rciv,i3f4lbr„stW tnilljant ..A.C44l:4lt..(4 , lo l4 rtaittiztinalAhok at-JAL -that (4V- igh6,: , :itlitligi)r, lid: *any, '. 6 9 ll :tetz4l:afid.it tionauliteriiture and lioner 'LupOn'otif , :he. * -,100,t1 , 017 . *- Iftliiii,d4itlefiailftterne was a parttsart in poly , tinneevettheless) , those Who • had, r-read jugi3r4iiii;lo lA4**(tiaisi'Adni' . :the, tier.,4l4Sit- , 4thoAn4. lingered -fondly , over the tnunleal aceententleti:belAssli*Orttd- t 1001,04,044 V e,neiv:intte:grafe. , Eibontfout b'eToek- the funeral Ar;11001 84119010' o'etWbOrnljl4 wen, .follortilibyttnitnotd'emirtenftlintf'or oor'olty, iier,,#l,l"P'foceislolifiltid:6o4 - oittoreptalone. 0%1111,1 11 01:4),101n,t,neart libth, the 'up frigtlnto 0 1: 48 col ) , 11 1,64 innicperfotincid, ,Z 1 954 . -N, rOtti:, 04,4444, deVettOii.l imonneialypr,onession thee took 416 line Of fd tai` iki.‘bar Vas:z icniore'd itoester,TWCietta'Ati,--fo , of- ttsolf. a signal tri kilt4M=lll,6l4P,Oiliti6kia sOlak - 41i;„; i. 114 ' tnielieots Iv`ave oome furcirar =lts 'eharactei. 014,40 itkiiiiii'4l.6ni::thp . b,o o:l;,.ifiq irkt OvOlitee.4o:ll4l-birtliami glietl4spootane- Onfreildinifeel - tiflttiliteadixiitation' or tlid. man Sid; ketderei, neQil , _no'ord` of imiti to attractttitienV to - - the eloquentetemexks 0 , 1 1 1 : 1 014 ,3 4, 4"b4: uxidor appropriate kendloduketber FAittn'n. 1,4 tinatgairAWmtptrprott,tv.--The sale- of tiokett, sad selection of places, (rot rat aryl, og tr 3i1:40 olinfeence tittlipPßO co sitA_ri46o/f , ollo, fizegreenre ttivrorn lteg •to - be, suttoreplitroe tuectstkteis relpite-of 'Mr; ' l4 - If Val/ 4144htoorrotrstireskingv , the -bebteiff-tbi , AteitObiltisedi tit ffie pilrferbittlioy.aßfillrotigloW "ft , efilikteltgaiiftifefeitiiolliffaAilijei. a• 1.4 i ts 44 1 0 . 4 3 7 , . - Mil SCUM/IRA SENTEXISIIT. WRatrlonmeNw CALIFORNIA CLAIMS. The main,ifelttsion ttuker which the advo- I Since theitquisitcon listCalifornia, various oaths of fol. ~ uorityMinses policy have contests ay t'arfsql .. „..lteXtreen multitudes of labored, ire .'.x.,1 1i ,'... Allf I: ' beetif,the iiiiiisokAut. 01: the ttiitfiffAa ‘ tes, and between' ‘p ,,. lief, or rath li e; , j;.•::ste. ..-, at t/iliAtin" ''eriblOtherAt refereia.ietho titles to certain: of the Sou di A. 01 1 11s.C. )ie peaP,,..i.of ; lands TkerflocketA ?•§ tithe Courts ill' paii,=;', I Kansas . ffte. et ...h .. c_ , - .l' ,,6 jitt votsiiVOn 1 - f 0 .004 6 8 alit.iit.m_that c;4the Supreme - Court Of ofriffa .. .;; ...5..: 'l,a' tAgii, ptinggro t ,i United Res'..nt'irW,Pshington, are - bar their or tour Southern Senators, and these not the Waned with these eased The most eminent statesmen of the South—not men like Mr. legal talent hats been ertipoyed on both sides, jtur , 9l.l>t yp i or„ . Mr, .etd the . Government' IS:eonstantly beset by Teostss.eL..Ms.. glirr-7reettitiAllAlOPlirteiniqueireventriVedtb th e adviiciitesZot r rival interests. -- -- ''''' 2- -. ittiAiii tfla'rikeilitive with the idea that the In such a confusion of conflicting iaternatil,' 1 '4'9.0163--...r444.1*1.1_41**4'u„it_'•44._;'_,-supP9,-11" Qf '' 41"'ting'1.•frctWnel3_404011..in„the,firsk place.,_ - }iii 'l3,*Xt ,„0 0 Punila,c,> o OelY 0 1 4 probably , fraktd,tt was necessary that some EU thit fetetyleilstertipon in the Nortb,ibitt.. 'Urralligeoncint,'Sonie'. digest, of, the different at first.felmmber'oEt.wolktioaning Democrats • tekekitheuldtbre , made, and -When, during the were misled by ItilielieVfng it AO be their' 004 I.o:o; o .4 l .giisip ,!rf - 4in 0, 0 1 , i!ri debate that certain to'lMPOttailteeertiptonualk.Matter of justice Mt . 'grktltti; fraUdn, had been' iminetritted Upon the I 'their ilpitli, 41 . .brothOnk,,, p its has ' been the United States in reference to "'some 'of these go., ~iiiiitO f t1iii44601,60k4 ' r tO:'_:whoiii ttin 'Mitten, inVolring'ninni Millitins-bf dollars, the tfttpporta•bel.:aboinpActrebas-been:speelallf &in.: , Admitiletratibeiviseli. determined - to. appoint litlOWcxlifit'likh:arf.,fililieirtid-'ll‘fhnthe first b 'gentleman , Vikashouldviodeed te , California thitgi itilipAsintMPAlbiiii•bnititicise tii it Wilt andlaveltigatiftill , therfe:eases, , se :as to allow r iate u l6 9B a tio l u t iotr,..:lt. seemed ;to f i eld be• iillo:7litdoditilstiation' to -'disdriminate Petition iireficokrtyg.:,-o,4o.,itit.*iiiitifafre that; tlslise"-"ivhich?were'' fair and . thtnittivhich - .were ire: iii9Pl9* Jrilidtaraholtlff.ettiry-theliarif& fraudulent. '=The person seitieted'en 'this im iiglie*hfklitliklxtopto.:ol, lrliginia'lhwie - el= Portent 'Saigon was. toil. Eniriti M. -Stilt- ,`"ektifed;,.ooolfigkfAlAiSsitlii:.,,haveeier 44WfOrthelifef , Ohfo'; 'aithsitently` of. Pitts; ;ciked,.thiipttople ofiLliniisianwhave 'bierelliiiir ',lrliiitiViraffßibivtrealdent - df Washington city; liffiititilirikori,''fbeterlitOnibkgetlititiiiiiiritif .lit - inoStrintiliietit' TawYer, 7 -and-iiimils i aecoin. 'Witioeratistitild - tzr • raiiiev .i4Atiottirciiiia ?pantie , * litil.lAgeol imui4AN, a.; son-of 44.4averterntec 66664410i- 14 A1:4 now: that': thelteveread',En:': "Y,=•Bo t oriAsArt, brother of yelitir-lit,tl44tAfkl,faa':#6liidali kid 'Abe the-President. :Ve Understand that lir. Ste N "2, i fc148,..., f at1l ii - 13 i 4 i it; 41 dliil a iiise”Peaw' ay;•wb rbn :has Almost cOmpleted tide - important Work; *ifertielvOnhourit -tjuts , 4lie. eightieth- of the. and-that - good' riiity' be expected- to , arise 04itifelit;i4i*Ati, 711.1w,g0t4 a nd - with Whit from' it -fr As etridenoivdttlici Maimerin Which itiitriiiettriltkbeffihCGUiteratir,Wrial anted,: Many 'tif'tfnish 'clifiniti 7 lavb been fabricated,' twiffm;at: 22 ,AnilitiO iferinfllit ihff straggle he - Wifzetipit , 60'31 -. llle rStiti - 'Friincisco ~41(a Call -4.1,40011.g40ftLfq!..i4.Aff,A05,V510, ..e.f . popular' foraiallurthildWine cbalinunicatiotifroni . fix: soyirelintie,:andvwenk , :.tiefOrei the pebtfle-iff. • Governoisifenii4denoiritit; i . i'• ' - ~-,,:,-', i ...: ; , 2-; ViipiastOtiatiiiittietiWitiiiilb.'r i 'At .hisdaYr - Tii yoiir - isitteef'- Tuesday ' yorCallude liv.iliyr. 1-4- i i s,, ti , -,4- do ice t .1 . 4- , t. iii, ,,, 7,:b 4 .74i. r i 5 ii-e - p 4 6.0 ,, o f B: o lf ttk r , boi:m-in ~ p oosollon- ., of evidence! OM :Ike sou& aroyhei-,:enited ix the - defernfinefietr ninny grid ° tilZnt P 47.l titles t rie t riint been ‘Ptrhee t.63'osiit tir colikik.°;iyiv.!-liioB7meti ,as Adiri. 'tented; anfl...inz - many.instanees-passed . favorably 2 091 1 04 15 ;a . ..',iirojkl*OiairliF;;Oz:,•,thaf a late' t t iir a na t ike ,00py take! the Federal Government iti 'PL6Pirtickti'it?n9.!:,ErPtilariti.,,beetrtily:and'en--s - - -55411 5 the mater is Oner'of - faiit; andhaS not here: ktlinelatitliiiiiiiiMptifiketAk'ito*Aligi teem • torero beenbeforethe miblio br winswepaper fermi. Jattiertlert. , 4n Foot 4 , lttitik,..iiekeoPYthe::fol:. fa i etli . k i3' ll l ' 4' 4 fi j P' ,might,lead,many,ta sup. the n orate on which I Tswana hag:been '5,„...1°*:.4.*;-.01005?qc jiitlifgrailh*elleth4 itibirb - , . er Witielitit;rdvatiled,' t Oisitider - if atti to iny - - 41-tigr9l'o4ll.4F-PAt4:7o=4*6.oil4iii! • ,:',"4 - - ,-, •'' . - I astlttl.9..AFtltetbat_i;frolm;the moment I succeeded in, ' ; ; : e.4sAioneeene the assertion ,that :the' antlqie= :iiii t ill i elfee t , b i l ig nf okb i lr t e i :i i i'a w n i ti t ' c v h olu in nie s r u tly stf' t7 e if ,compton.Demoorate of Vtrgbitirmuiter a foree-tOO. 'inyfriends beta there , and-- at: Sacramento, San' mall for any sort.of•politioal cOnsideratiOn, this, , lose;. aneotbermortions of .the State when the .::ererybody! recognises air; am instances of parthuitt ^ 4 4l : dept - o r land duo- ca m e i i i t - il ' e- .. • At, enootabe..., Illset.Soutta. is entirelimilled:. b:V.Ile I% , 'iiith lades MaA ß l n lita lt fla P iiii:lieff n aia - Z0171; to refresh_ Antermants.? If , the representations of: men Com. &ti l ted States - ceurts,-• Alstiotioasofilbe: State; andrArboto own - opinlohi, us to mery, I might ; nem mean' time differ on the !pakten. are to be taken for evidence, ' .iiii v blio e izien, ! andlewyetir ol ? Our jig. ' 't e e " 1 ;1 ou .i. •ithe:party..in:V.lrpAnia is shoat equally divider/isle- hatil. Made mentlinieif thin information 1 po' 3r eses m bed, liKaliel.., it. thektrie.thould. not: like. to bet on the pre-, which, Art my o inion ..if tbefaets and suggeettons _pneeerenee of-ei th er' side.:74t . le•obvione to every , r4r i eg n et e t i r th h o wl i ja te e e4 ' -, o oirrled out, would bane oftrethly.observer .tkaunaither can be represented ;_its A hopelessimlnerity;:thet .bottr- sides- ire in-r ee l_ many _ fraudulent claims; that lave been i _ passed favorably upon by• *hued for.peacei , end themeisallapar whiCh'stisumes igtr ii r o e'delat 2o* nto. ~.L make mention of this feet IKileattile attitrehrisiward.eitifortaltegettier fails to tin s e I w that oem t d aave never withheld the luferree : retiresent ,thc,sentimeatz of AIM Virginia' -Demo iotheft.J.,N .;.,; , : , .f ilt-.-.P!t.: -I' , --• ; ,:•.. . - -. .. -, But C' lire inforination'intta my suggestible.; as , ir.All,flortor • - ',A.Oztlie'Xiehmond - 4nd.trirer•fort , te.the defeatbf these-fiends - upon the GoVoininentt ore , tit,tae , q iiiti• e i d oml4o .6 `ti r iiti r s, o n o `ln.theisatirlv'years'of our' State-ofganization,' ru -n7tent.r:'li.i!was.inipinAble -pat .the - Old Do-. s lift t iv g e . f r i t m ri tU r ia t c h t e g a s s r i g r u fm r fac a re tr a ti r o al t , *itildentlyit the latittnitiff Statiiitand.',Oritatei-:, lande . ,whieh;tn titealdest• Californian; had ne've m r S,Titiiiitt.,',4ltittliffalt.-sinbli:WO:diaW the -thie 1i6.406Pu le4Oittett) he re been inAdo or claimed, inspiratlim . of. Stat& 'rights - doctrines --:the _ an d gr a ot a s, is ' II it f greir pt . r f a 6 ;Tri g gs re, bo nd tu ie l e e 'inititt6 lihil- of: ihilt - , s ..TEr4lools who etiways subject of "contest; and, being ietereeted in tavern! espowlea,,,tatta _: demeet i ttie,:p i hmeiptee _ ef the I thl - cavit in ar o rtiets of the oeuntrY,' .1 deter fined; to, 4,vret o rder then sours . interest t , then immortal Itainintoiniti_, - `of :Minor. of NADI- ur from which • thy were' issued . „-Ettroor , at` that.. time centred' .ofti sPi s ,,ef,Yi r sifertu,.pfgaliD.OLPll, Of JOUN Tai:-' inrefttlotbe:lll.7.lNallaid andofoothopanlon.ort3ov; Imailind other heroes ; before And . 'during the the - person' W i lto' Was a f t ) ff e i r tla of these Reveinticifr,-if ,4iii itnriosiiiblO ' that 'the Old: Dominion should not respond, te the sentiment claims: , :I set tirtiVirfrakia °aught billy • 'lleimbl toonam4itud hip own)4 t u y ee c:r a t r o ttleg re ong i n a inf 4 . vtitedr iiiniim.the irresistible sentiment at the , li alsotii Oithej.4.iquoctitiy itTi(illiliOilt - Ilitkis riot; grants, with alt liaial seals, ea 'signed by re int i lliet i r e ttli t t i r e ensiee otatig that. Mi c h e ll ° . enig_iiie 'bOmnoratte. party mast fall,-bit,the , Union, Itself must,4 , .,ssrlensfy endangered. as he knew tiob - lcid,'lt i lei orrifin s alto l gli k ie t t e i, Tyri... - .submit; - Ah t oc - , gifiiiirk gentlemen; who had been lost. 4his' was_bis :excrete. The sigtho continue 'to , insist> upon , . making -LecOmp. tarearpohoto o ren to th ese , bleak fronts were qttif..- . *:iii#l`,Wliii!',)ire:; . ` - ter.:,..: . ' . llimititig . the no with' II ellrege ° :; fa aiTdliiipillkg: • „004, 9 4if0 ,,, .i- 7 .0_ , L.,. sr an , attempt ..t o .. di, elements. s e Thither stated• that he was perfectly '..videpat thy.ltireigiiiiii 'an - irregular' , organi-: i t Or m e i nr; ii wi nN i a l uren n rlifti l n ir d ea m n los ° i t ' ,' T h M ete i6 h eld ' ration ...agafrett..,,...tf . /5,,.. regular nitirdeitions,, make out a nevi one, and , furnish all th e vi gi viuouisp k44 - ;fire;fol%efetaillts item office every Man necessary ' before the , courts, for a sum of money. 4. T :1 -the._ !Cie; 'details Of out...conversation Would be .', loot utilling , 'Wtfciw to Uhl , datigetotis litireay— oow for th is commutation, This can be had byy - WO iiiiiiiikit to fhise* a ' 1 . 11 it" t iiii. . ~. .. , . -rn Aly oer would not, our courts ,at aey .timeihat lam called uron,mlnek e.-IVlserfor them t0 . .-folloty ` thenoble extupple I have at Alt times boat ready-to rispondro. As , " r ef- tire ;Ditleactify '';' . er.• - Virginia '- - iiiid: North :I s oof'r7T P o b rf a a t lre n ggii t t h s, c w i ttri e ta in ve P a u ffla r tf , -diticilitft.'Stiria l p g ..o476,..we, have always there is found a certasn' net of at:Me:lies . to every , , o ,, ,!., , , ,, :f u gi t intrt,i ii i: v thiah the Supreme Court ' .efood; advocating thei-, , rights- of' the . Sonth ffUrif;tilifiCtUatetiCto ihtfinialliet,"yrithdniiiing assumed granite io shOir".waltirwooji=titZlititi kOleitiliinlhi4twe have, heretofore expressed psewer rorperlieniFs: were not OA the file in the in her behalf ,me rejoice",to see that Abe pro- archives s ureorn Y b i e n it 3 e t' s s e i t ° o n f ° wlt h a e L n ee t a e re al3 to ta b t e s t i m un nd 'scriPAloif,,the urrogincii, and the prejudice, -.wearing through all that are of this doubtful na• Which' have so, shamelessly marked the con- tare...;.Antkin _conclusion of this hasty note, I duet of-the advocates of Lecompton, are thus ist e u e l r d o w i e ro st i Lo y the n t o tr o p n e l r y a m n y th o orlties,ad no th e o.s . e . powerfully. rebuked, by the organ of the De- to seeing the blanit gents, but that the ' olerks in moeracy of Virginia, so 'long conducted by the Ned departnientmako out a list of the names , of the Whammed all these elates which have been the illuetriouit - Thosrse Brims. passedope by the lower Federal courts, and which have no duplicates in the old arohives! If this contests pursued, I have no hesitation in saying that a quietus will at mute be given to the great number otisrants which have been (medically forced upon the overument, and which have been an incubus to the interest, not only of the bona fide occupant, but of the Mexican grantee. Tons MoDotra AL, ORUND'S MISSION TO JLLINOIB We have already referred to the recent mis filen ofTkismis L. Gann to the State of ll litiols'with the view of effecting the disorgani sation'afthe Diimeeratic party and the defeat of -,llon.lmps A.Douar;As at the coming elec 4tiori for a United Statile Senator. The selection of Os political nonderOlpt,lig everything by :ittntut, and nothing hing."4,fbr such an errand will, In the" endOt - wri;May fudge from what is t it)o444, lienspitieg);:iesult in frustrating its ;I;ivii,deeigna and zaiding the cause' it, Was in tended to,injure.:, Thejneiff feal,i)f resorting • , , t , . • ;:le•all*rtexpetilento , give eclat to an un 4ighteotis'canie,isenough to condoms it, not estiiniitiee,Of ,the free Democrac y init of honest menmf all parties in ;Mrery-Stato in the , • his ,own,ostimatien,,Grtunn's late expo .:(lltion.litia.heen such an intoxicating triumph, -that to make himself auperserviceable to his 7lnititters,'l6 order ,to „magnify his. prospeoilye -hire; be lies, sines -his return,' been crowing 'tztegniloqueelly - ciiet/his antielpated'aiteceis Aistfeeting theljemocratie: party. From his orn,private:confessions, howoverithe vaulting, ' , Unbitten Of,thiii daMigogne . bart tie #Feriedped itself that; If iWmisitike not, the skin" i-eas , beenort tittle:lea stfert - to 'ineet the eipec; !q .lif ti hiti;eitipltiyereAfter ; for palpable Intentions of the ,powers at Wash -ington, to' defeat 'Judge DbuoLAB, is has net Bees generally the Gavin) enter prise was instigated and undertaken, not with any how ehietittg a Lecompton man, btit r. determiitait - onia itippfant, the presint Senator . milli. a Reich/icon.: - • . e - ouritt of a conversation held at the ,kipiritrojiouse, in this city, n few days ago, 'datum), atc , belig questioned- respecting his rarest tou throlaglithe West, replied, with an COinPlacincy,:that he had. visited, ;thelittattaoflllibtdio for.the purpose of attend to their (prwatt.the,word) old friend, Mr. f,ls6uaratt; ,to which:the incpilrerrejoined, w I auppose,theni you - haVe'beeit making dye pre. Paration for your filend's re:election.l" et For litsrlefear, slr,".?.was the laconic and emphatic response, backing it immediately - with: the '11:61/q1Pg but.' not very sagacious ;Confession: cupouaras 'caw be' beaten, and I nittdiParrangemiarits to do it. We expect 'ft3;;Adectla hileck , ,Republican at any rate, and ,are a to have, one who esfiq tin ..hiS true - 'colors nientiontrig ligly in this connection the name of Eon. Lils optic - " • - " After74,l. the raillery. and proscription (01 7 minated-againet the legions of fried and tree "Pealoerits throughout the' UniOn, as having "nier, to , the,liepublicans because they 'dared .tonsolentleansly , to - differ frith the-Ad- AinistratiOn'On pnitnpertant issue, thin, bare :Ai:9d nn4 4 lll3 , ..dinguised plot to place an ultra taPnblioan-in the' United States Senate over 111!l - hand . '„„Ol, ketch n Manes Sisrusx A. Doe apee,~loos to us. like , the veriest hypocrisy imAgitial~lor ' 00(.ia: are well ensured that an effort so dishonorable will, be signally rebuked: The ageneyi.)(clatran in this ,hadly advised and .4atigerO rn sjobee is enough in itself to dis ,arm Itor. , suceassi'' Tti.6:firetendf r 3d friendship of sonid Id :always more pernicious in those who-resort tolt - than their open enmity. The rebuke of the late-Voionorßestron to thin twning sycophant might now ha appropriately 'ecf;oed'lly some,of his anyvivers: "I can en- Aire. your past slatiders; but your praises 'would 'destrey'nio - l"'AwaY, sir!' awaY, sir!" was the Inj r der which Gayer) was made to wlnee.then; such should-be the language of air. IlocnEfeanx to hint' now. " ..„ . „ OFFI01; QUESTION. -'There is considerable Speculation in the city sato the 't rOliablteCtioCision.of the commission f riPPollutor - I.undeithe'rict of Congress, in refer once to the location of the post office. We aro het 'Surprised to hear: that the fact of nine tonthe of the.ponple being in favor of' remov ing the post office to ,the custom-house site has made its driir impresidon upon the persons hiiinPesiirgthi Y s eotrunilsimi ; and-we trust that ihream, , .who knows no thing br. our - 1:16414i 'and Cannot be-supposed oft thip'uirifter ps against the public Sentiment,. will not allow himself to bh Odded by reinorsoless »Peculators who dare forMoihing but their-pwrrimrdld intereets.'We *ant n 6 inure infistigatin "g committees Mho plain matter, INSIDE VIEW OF NEW JERSEY POLITICS [Oorreepoodenee of The Preen.] TRENTiN,Tneeday, June 29,1858 I notice a paragraph in your Washington letter in reference-to the foreign appointment from Now Jersey, whieh don:muds 'a little explanation. “Oconsional" does not do full justice to John Thomson. lie was true to Colonel Wall in all - this affair of the diplomatic appointment; but having Wad all the appointments that hare been made from New - Jersey, when William Wright asked for the single appointment of AtOoktOn, the President said be really could notaeo how he could refuse him,.Wright had been so true to his Ad ministration. The trine interpretation of which matter I take to be this : When J. R. Thomson failed in being made Senator, owing to his.iaa bility to obtain two Democratic votes, Wright elms -te Trenton at that time an • uncompromising 1 1 711114 and 44es Oritecientary, eeeured enough vistminf tbnopPrMiltion to ask° Stockton Senator, ;IBBYlttevitig been kicked ant of his own party the "rieXeyear,mamirOver, to outs, - and by the aid of Sthekton.andgM3o 000 lavishly spent in the legtala doe-!diatriete, bought Me ,place, in - the Ignited Statefßenate. As an honest man, regarding the !Memel his Steteebove all else; Colonel Wall, of Burlington, appealed - to the Legislature. and in that appeal besought them not to do this deed of - shame, and asked them, th,ere was nothing in the-question' of titnees and, qualification for the office to be considered ? whether the dearly earned reputation of those who bare won their laurels in this arena, and reflected honor upon the State, wore to gofer nothing, or to he brought Into striking, mortifying contrast with the inanity and pompous self-sufficiency of admitted ignorance?— if the POyerty of the train was to be atoned for by the repletion of the purse, and New Jersey was to, meleet her stateatnen.as his majesty of Mogul silents - hie prima ministers, by the weight of that poise?" He told th eni" to bold in reinefithrenee that the State hiurnot so far degradedherseifis to send mere "men of yesterday, political adventurers-- men whose, lives were like Bishop Fleetwood's icemen on the Doke of Gloucester, vbleh, by the helVef a preface, passed' for a Tory discourse in - one reign, and, by omitting the preface, a Whig discourse in another," ,to., de. The arrow that lies ever since rankled, however, was this : If high official distinction is to be conferred thus, men of political integrity must fling away honorable ambition, end content themselves with a private station.: Political honesty soon, in New 'Jersey, Willetand about as poor A chance for ad- Mission to petition; bonier!) as the applicant for ikdoeisiden - to the Magdalene did fore bed in that inetitutifn." A poor girl went to the director and /AA to, he' admitted. Why, said the director, Aerie fe it'elleeley, but I should like to homer some- thing of your hietory. Who seduced you ?' Be- doing me, sir? said the indignant girl Why, God' blees'you, lam as innocent as the child un born. 'I may be poor, your honor, but I am very. very honest. You won't do for us. then, replied the governor. - If you wish admittance here you must go and - qualify yourself by prostitution Can it be a then asked 'legislators of New Jersey) mbar the Senatorship - it, to become a Mazdalene asylum, where political purity edn procure no ticket of akalmion, and only political Froth,- lutes - ran iffid ready entrance?" .This opposition to corruption defeated Col. J. W.. Wall twioo, through! the instrumentality of Wright. He preferred 'the approval of a good conscience to all the gandk that power and cor ruption eonld display. Mr. Wright• and Commo .dore Stockton," Arcades ambos," have, it it 4 said, again struck hands in this matter of the appoint ment of Eitocikton's son. Wright is promised that, as there was ' , owe donbt about carrying the State, a division of tho Amerloon vote is to be seonred, causing the Americans to_ run separate tickets in the legislative diatricts, and this would elect men who would vote to return Mr. Wright. And you will see that our Jersey Mephistopheles will on arrange It that lf•Mr Wright cannot obtain It, he fall, by the aid of the Ainerican votes and such - strength as IVright can bring hint ! Mark the prophesy. All this scheming; was notorious at Washington. The sacrifice of Colonel Wall; whose father was Mr. Buchanan's old friend. was most oruel. Colo nel Wall was the moat ardent supporter of Mr. Buchanan, In 18513,:and was instrumental in ob tnlning tegfelativa ,endorsement of his name, whior. John P. Stockton denounced as an insult and an outrage. Napoleon used to say "that theAreat error Tel leyrand committed was that he troitad hie friends tut:though they wore to be his enemies, and hie enemies aa though they wore to be his friends.' , As for Billy Wright., toe shall make a pease offering of him. The embers aro gathered, and at the proper time they will be fanned into a blaze that shall prove the onto do fe of the Senator, and we will, give him the parting curse of_ the in quisitign.,nit hie aml exhales in fire— ' "Jaw aniinam tuam tradernas Diaboto." ' NXM4II/P. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1858. JGHT MAIL.' , (99F4 1044# The Preis,L., AlleeNl3ll4.ll l At 0444* r. itp#44 - 00.4 1 4 4:- . iatlifithie:iisFlialidglON:fOraiii#oo:llliflol4o. 04: 'oloolo43g•rftli,42ljhey',oo**ils 144 '' riflifitr*-4 1 °": 1 . 305, from Shameful defeat. "-Ted; Arts aware that the Democratic Convention which no= - rebated State officers did not pass very unequi iocal resolutions, and also that the oenditistesior theseeffioes were compelled by the ,pidslio,fetding to repudiate, the platforms to • sive: their, riteolte.: Tito, subsrquent course of oortain.gentlemell Congress in support of Locompton, and the result log proscription, have greatly divided - our friends, and many apprehensions are entertalied'eurtO the result. Had Judge Porter followed the 'example Of the Deinooratio' candidates for State offices in Indiana, you would not now be under similar ap prehensionstn"Pennsylvania. By. the-way, a well knownPhibidelphian now here;oharges neery,M. Phillips with being the author of eertaii artioles in one of your city papers in favor of the nomina tion of ,Hon. Oswald Thompson,' of your city courts,, for fudge of the Supreme Court of Penn sylvanta. , A laden order has been issued to rend out io• more Lecompton documents into thel free 'States.' It is like disseminating pestilence, And, instead of outing, these doses may kill. ' .`Grund; as predioted, has returned from rin nole, and expects' to'set sail on a private mission to he paid i Ont of the public, fend Wykotf and Grand are thus to be - billeted, upon th i e public treainry, and arc, indeed, a very pretty Col. Florenee goes : hence io-paorrow, to be re ceived by a grand procession, ooinposed of, custom: house officers; ,- Ail-yard laborers, 'emplOyees in the mint, dm., on his arrlvatat your dep oti Of all advocates of ' Leowipton, he - is the best-hearted, though Justice requires that he should halo all, due' credit. for his eager readiness to votelor every thing that the extreme South demanded. He wrote with !pent eloquenee.te Jaynes, 1 - 44 A pupport Ofl,ecompten, and rioter waierSd pr.a,moMent in its support. Honor to whonninerlsAu4." It is now said that John VaiEuren' is anxious to be'paididi for his Leoomptortisni by the English mission. , BY,.„X 311 M. H. - , [Oorreeiondenee of The Preps.] . _ 'perrioinitinto, Ps., Itiu9 28, ;888 . CO/i. FORNEY : 1 . do not contemplate Writing yob long latter , becatisel fear long letters would be distaateful 'to-sour readers this hot weather, and what I shall say will be politioal. A large, portion of the Democrats of the Tenth Legion arc Jnoeoaed at the oonduot of Wm. H. Dlmmiek„their Representative In Congress, and are atiiious to rebuke him for his base 46w:diary to the principles, of the Cinoinnati platform, and hie own moat solemn pledges against the Locomp• ton swiadie. Ifs can be defeated, if the anti- Leoonipton Deitioorats will only be bold and take the field., Hundreds upon hundreds are ready to follow the standard which you so nobly and ably defend, and want' a ehrince to make effective their vote Against .Dimnitelt: Bat it' it necessary that notion be,taken. at once, and I would sweet that the anti-Leoompton Democrats of the different coun ties of this district elect conferees at an early day to represent them in a conference, at this place, for - the purpose of.nominating a Congressional can didate who 'will truly represent them in the next Oongreas. 'By a move of this kind the whale mat. ter may be rattly canvassed, to'the satisfaction of all ablt-LeCompton Democrats. We have a number of men In the district vbo .wpuld reflect honor upon us in• the next Congress. gametal Preher,Xert, of this place, is a whole scaled Hemoorat, span of unflinching integrity, a talented and -popular speaker, and' a •than who would be shoat In himseltagninst Dinitniek. • In Carbon they have Col. 4. G. Brodhead, who is prominently named, and whore loyalty to the Democrat'', party his pact life 'atoms; he is a man that has never.viaveredirom the true prin. eiples of Democracy. He is a men of firmness and, sterling honesty, and great personal popularity, and-I believe could be elected, without a doubt. 411 that is necessary for the anti-Lecompton Demo crats is to push their bark fearlessly to sea, and a glorious trillhaphaillbei theirs, and thus help to save the Demooratio party from ruin. Will they .do it? Yours, ANTI.LECOMPTON DISNOCII4T. THE LATEST NEWS iIv,TELRGRAPH. Fatal Duel between the lgalters of the True Defter and Crescent—Destructive Fire among the !;hipping—Three vessels destroyed and .two damaged. WASUINGTON, June 80 —Private despatches from New 'Orleans furnish the following Intelli gence: A duel took place, yesterday. between Mr. Gan ion. or the True Delta, and Mr Gibson, of the Crescent, in whiph the latter was killed. A large fire broke oat among 1 . 11.1 shipping. yes terday. The steamer Empress, schooner Minnie Schleifer, end a Spanish brig, wera burned to the water's edge. The ships Fanny Fosdick and Hannah Crooker were slightly damaged. Thr Weather at Washington.' WASHINGTON, June 20 —This 41 the hottest day experienoed in thia vicinity daring the season. The thermometer indicates 95 and 96 degree' in the 'shade. The Weather on the 11101101811141 COI:PROP STATION or TRH P. IL R. Co, Tune 20.—The weather hero is delightfully pleasant At noon to-day the thermometer indicated 78 de grees, and to-night it ranges at about. 50 degrees The Nationcl Telegraph Company have opened an Ace at the Mountain Rause. New Watt, Jane 80 —The steamship Borussia from Hamburg, arrived here at 9 o'olook P. M Her dates are anticipated. Arrival of thr Arabia at'Boaton. BOSTON, June 3d -The steamship Arabia, from Liverpool on the 19th, via Halifax. arrived here in awe, to despatch her mails by this morning's train. They will be duo In Philadelphia to-night. Boston. Juno 30.—The royal mall stentaPhlp Europa Failed at noon to-day for Liverpool via Halifax with eighty-six pandengors. She bad no armololint. - - Death of Honey Bonk• of the Kane Arctic Expedition. New Wet, June 30.—Henry Brooke, the hot surviving officer of the Kane Arctic expedition, died yesterday at the navy yard. His death war caused by run•etroke. The New York, I rte, and Control Railroad Attempt nt a Settlement of Difference. limPrAt.o, June 30.—A RAlroad Convention is now in spe.lon bore, hnving for its object the set tlement of the differences which ezitt between the Erin and Central Railroad Companies J W Rrooke, the piesident of the Michigan Central Relimed Company. occupies the chair. The pro ceedings thus far have been of an unharmomous ebareeter, and there seems no prospect of an ar rangement being effected to suit all parties. gOUTEI BT:ItD, Ind., Tune ft—The Ninth dis trict Rape)Roan Convention met at Plymouth yes terday, and unanimously nominated Ron B .buyter Colfax for re-election to Corgrese. The Conven tion n•ae very largely attended. Earthquake In Connecticut. Nsw ilevErt, Conn., June'3o —A slight shook of an earthquake was experienced iset•nigbt in this vicinity and at Woodbridge, Westville, and Waterbury. There have been but two ebooks of earthquake in this vicinity for two hundred years. The Submarine Teirgraph Olret. Sr. Jonitalbl F., June, 30 8 o'clock P.M.— Thera are no signs of the Telegraph fleet. The weather is mild and pleasant, but cloudy ; wind west, EASTPOIiT,..II:II:IO 20, 10 o'olook P. M.—The storm north or E Istrr,rt his prostrated tho telegraph linen, and no further report from St. Johns eon be reoeived to-night. LAO% OF Divonon.—We have thirty-two Stow, and there are almost as many different laws of divorce as there are States. no reader may see some of these differences by the following statement: 1. In the States of Denrgia,"Alabama, and Mis sissippi, two thirds of the Legislature must concur with fl den felon by the court to make a divorao 2. In Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, South Oarolina, liouvisna, and Missouri, no divorce can be granted hut by special sot of. the Legialature, and Smith Carolina has never Frented a divorce. S. In the States of Connecticut, Ohio, and Illi nois all divorces aro total. 4. In Massachusetts, Now York, and North Carolina nothing but adultery le 0114380 of divorce. In Illinois two years absence only is a cause of divorce. 6. In Indiana, we believe, anything is a cause, in the discretion of the mut. In the recent Presbyterian Assembly, at Chicago, an older from that State rose, on the trial of Mr. Shield, and Said that as he OrIMEt from Indiana ho desired to put on reonrd that Amos Davis goes against di vorce —CinCinttati. Gaartta. The ranola (llfiss.),Star gives the particu lars of a fiendish outrage committed upon a youth of that county. The Star Hays On bfandny Nat, a youth thirteen yearn of age. named Robert Ma• rise Jackson Parkinan, who is said to In , a son of Dr. Parkman killed by Professor Webster, In Boston. some eight years since, came into town and complained that he had been most outrageously whipped by hie mother. We examined the boy, more than once. and found his whole body, from head to foot, dreadfu ly exe'rinted. ills shoulders were purple from the infliction by switches and Atoka applied by the alien who claimed to be his mother. This story may be all true, with the ex ception of the youth being a son of the late Dr. Park man. Henry Phelps, who figured conspicuously in the railroad conspiracy in Michigan, a few years since, anti a nephew aged twelve years, were drowned , in the Huron river, at Dexter, Michigan. on the 15th. Ralph Frost, a butcher, formerly a resident of Pittsburgh, Woe killed in a fight at Dubuque, lowa, a few nights since, by a young man named Peter Lerimer. An antidote to strychnine is said to be milk. The 13 tltimore Amerlean states that the life of a Newfoundland dog was saved by pouring milk down his throat after he bad been poisoned. - Isaac W. Taylor, a , well•known merchant of Fit Lmis: left that city a few days ninon to visit New York. He was' thrown from the cats nt Peoria, Ili., and killdd. Mr. John B. Kennedy has retired from the Pittsburgh Chrome*. Ohnrien McKnight in now the sole' proprietor. Throe and a half tone of salmon from Quebec were shipped an hoard the Ptemer Montreal at Portland, Tuesday evening, for the Boston market, Arrival of thr Borussia Sailing of the Europe. Indiana Politics 11A., 6141';',Y 77: 71 - 74 . 1 it ; Mtsaloot tot/YRP 'BOO 11(D .110 0 011:01#19P4.- 4 ,104,d rk9R,roe . • • szeilt; , 41. 1 3ffi 1 ; 30 # 1 `—. 41,neltslieTVrotkPO-F-11:,-' •• „ F,actteriil7of :00;trettr . The ferierekof the late Tien: Conrad took place ylesterday afternoon, from the residence of his brother-in-law, Charles M. Wagner, 341 North Sixth Street. The obsequies, wore performed at St. Phlitiptißplieopal Ohnedh,- in Vine street, between Seyenth and Eighth.'. ,ThMritinal religious servides - of the Episcopal "denOmlnittioh were ob served,tbeliey,Dr.,Riohard'Newton.:ofileinting.' When the coffin entered the church, the anthem, taken .fridn Om 39th and.9oth Psalm , , was read by Dr. Newton,- after which the 1139th hymn was sung,,, commending ': with - the • ,follotring words: . , Rock of ape, cleft for me, • ' Let me hide myself In thee ; • .Let the wwer and,the blood Froth thy eldb a Sealing flood: , • ne of slo the double cure, Savo from kWh nod make me pure. Rev. Kingston tit:l(l44M than spoke briefly upon the life and obitraCter and vistues of the deceased. lie said it would not bo in necordance with the're sponsibilities which rest Ivan' the Ohrietiairmiefs... try to permit those now assembled to depart with.: out impressing them with the lesione which death , teaches. • By it we are reminded 'of:tife 'shortness and Uneertainttelife, the vanity of all 'earthly things, and Of ..the great necessity, of 411 men to secure a reating.phtee beyond the ,grave: These dispensations of ,Divine Providence are selected by God, to remind us of some of his most solemn Initruottons to man. —' ' - ' - • He said that it is to, peculiar fast connected with the history of the Gospel that its lessona seem to be written in blond. In fact. the period of Man's ex tremity is God's opportunity to proclaim the com forting truths of the Gospel. When bending over the body of our departed brother, and turning to the pages of Divine Truth, we draw from this event the conclusion that if. it were not for death that word would not have been 'distinctly understool. It was because Man orris a ginner that God suffered for him. , It is from the•clorruntion of the earth 'that the richest flower springs up and caste its sweetest perfume around. It is In "the darkest night that the brightest constellation shines meet - =Let no tuft beirtmindful of the lemons of death's workings:; inaY be all men called away like our esteemed and Warthy_ brother. Let no then seek that consolation which thcword pf• God gives to-those wbulisteititOtattiltiiordi ions. Carry with . ybu thre'day frare.the _beim •of God; the 'Wreck. Lions that God would convey Olen front an event: which is so Bad and so solemn. The ceremoniss then concluded with the follow ing player, read by Rev. Mr. Newtoit Almighty God, with whom do live the spirits of those who depart berme, in the Lord—with whom the souls of the faithful,' after they are delivered from the burden of the flesh, are in joy and feli city, we give thee hearty thanks for the good examples of all those thy servants, who, having finished Gar eourso in faith, do now rest from their labors, And we beseech thee, that we, with all those who are departed in the true faith of thy holy name. may have our perfect consummation and bliss, both in body and soul, in thy eternal and everlasting glory, through Jesus Christ, our Lord Amen. After the religions eervizea had been concluded to. the church, the interment took place qt Towel .dsitelher Murder Case.—A shocking affair occurred in the Seventeenth ward, on Tuesday evening. which resulted in the death of a man named John Rano. From the evidence elicited before Alderman Clark, yesterday morning, it appears that between 4 and 5 o'clock in the after noon a man named Timothy McCarty went into a lager-beer saloon kept by Mr. Andrew Worth, at the corner of Fourth street and the German. town road, where be met Mr Kane, and asked him for a bill of $l7, which he alleged was due. This gave rise to an angry discussion, when the parties got into a fight, and pnmmelled each other around thebar-ronm for a considerable length or time, during which . McCarty bad his oyes blacked, and was much bruised about his face and head.- The parties . were then separated, when the latter went into the yard and washed the blond from his face. As soon as this wee ao cemnlished he returned to the barroom, and walking up to Sane, struck him a powerful blow under the ear, felling 'him to the floor in a state of insensibility. The injured man was picked up and placed upon a settee, when Drs. Boyer, bleCiolland, and others were sailed on, when it was ascertained that hie skull was frac tured. He continued to grow worse until quar ter past two o'clock, yesterday afternoon, when be expired. Information of the affair was lodged with Alderman Clark, when this functionary h oned a warrant, and placed It in the hands of Officer Flood. nun proceeded to the defendant's house, in Oxford street near Adams, when he was taken into custody. At the hearing of the ease nt that time, Michael McKeown, James McNair, John McKee, Edward Tatloe, John MoEnney, sod Dr. Boyer. were en +mined, and stated in substance the above facts. The first four of these come in the lager-beer aa loon, where the fight commenced. and where the fatal blow was given He was committed to await, 'the wounded man's injuries. At five o'clock yesterday afternoon, Coroner Fenner summoned ,lohn M. Buck; Francis Baker, W. Miltingineyer. William Otis, S. E. Harkins, and J. M. Foster, no a jury in the case. Mr. Michael McKeown wag the first witness ex. emined.—l reside at No - 15.13,Germantown rood ; I was present when this fight occurred; the tie. ceased. myself, and Air, MoPeak went into the lager-beer saloon to play again° of bagatelle; Mr. Kane challenged me to play with him. This took place at A. Worth's lager.t.esr saloon. He lost the game and we went up to the bar to takoadrink; the deceased called nnothor man np. when WO. and a man mimed McKee same in ; MeC. asked K if , he would not nay him a bill ho owed him ; Mr. K said he did not want to talk to him ; he told him to go away; I then left and went over to the bagatelle table ' • nothing was then said for ten minutes; Mr, Moo. asked me for a lights; I told him I had ue fire; he then turned to K tne and asked him again if hevyould nay that Mil •, Kane said to him to gn • McCarty then trade a blow at gene, when I interfered, and stopped them ; corn after this they got at it again. 're the host of my knowledge McCarty etreek the first blow ; they then bad a. fight for about five minutes; McCarty went nut into the yard to wash himself, while ho was out, Kane asked the crowd to take a drink ; while we were doing this, McCarty came in, and walking up to the deceased, struck hini blow under the ear or jaw when ho fell ; at this moment I cannot tall whether Kane saw the as sailant or not; I thiiik he Was partially facing him. Cross-examined by the Coroner—The deoeaeed Call upnn the floor, ben wo picked him up and conveyed him 1 0 the yard, where we washed him; we did not think it a serious affair at that time, hut it hag since turned nut onothe alLir occur red about 8 o'clock in the evening. Several otrer witnesses were examined, but nothing speclul was developed but what is given above. Thy Jury rendered the following verdict : That the deceived, John Bane. mate to life death by injuries received by a blow given by Timothy Molgarty.,, The following Sales of Stocks, Real Rstale, I?C ' were made last evening, at the Philadelphia lixobengo, by James A. Freeman :_Lots Nos. 45 and 46. sention R, in Old Follows' Cemetery, $l2; Dote No. 425. votion B, and 285. seation C. in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery. $9 and $ll ; hence nod large lot, Front street, above Poplar, $1,850 ; three-story brick dwelling. northeast corner of crown end Vine streets. $3 100 ; two frame houses, Spruce street, South C.tinden, $775; two-stnry brittle house and lot, Twenty-fust and Coates streets, $1.800; house and lot. Little Pine street, 8450 t handsome dwelling, Thirteenth street, be low Wallace. $1,500; eight brick houses, Oxford. Apple, and Brinton streets. Siventeenth ward, Nos 13 to 21 inclusive, $6,800e, nentdwelling. Ma dison street. Southwark, $710; two-story brick dwelling. Queen street. between Delaware Fifth and Ci.h streets, $1,175. Sale on the promises, on the 24th iset., house and lot 1208 Washington street, $5,806. At private sale, dwelling house, Seventh below Spruce, $1,500. Case of Distreu.—A hard-working, sober man, whose occupation was driving a cart, has suddenly died from the effects of the beat, leaving a wife and family of three children in abject want. Ms late employer has undertaken the expense of interment, end supplied the present wants of the family. We call the attention of those who are charitably disposed to This case as deserving of their notion; and any contributions will be thank folly rtneived at the silos of this paper, or by Alexander Kerr, 134"Bouth Wharves. The name of the deceased was 'Thomas Giblan, residing in Twontysocond street, near Summer. Pickpockets. Two young mon, named Thomas Snyder and Joseph Jones, were arrested reworday by PRAM officers Carlin and CaUnman, for attempting to pick the piwikets of Mrs. Mary fo,clc. They wore held to hail. An individual giving the name of Jensen wee ar restcd yesterday afternoon aboard the steamboat " Pilot Boy." lying at Pine•etrcet wharf, on the charge of picking the pocket of a lady of a parte manna's, containing several dollars in gold. The light-fingered gentleman wan committed by Alder man Brazier. In a Scrape.—Last evening, one of the young female employees in the establishment in the fifth story of the building at the southwest corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets was beard sor ea mag from the window 'hat she had been looked in. Her cries attracted an immense crowd of persons to that vicinity. Finally, she was released, from her place of nonfinetnent through the gallantry ofUito teotive Officer Russell, who procured the key of„W• room, and conveyed her in safety to the street. Deadly olarault. Patrick McManus was held yesterday afternoon by Alderman Butler to answer the charge of committing a deadly assault upon Elias Froemnn. by inflicting a dangerous cnsh upon the head with a shovel, at Third and Brown streets. United Sons of America.--We learn that the Pennsylvania Ramp. No 15, United Pons of Ame rica, will attend service, by epeoial invitation. on next Sunday (July 4th) at the church of the Rev. Mr. Baldwin, southeast (terrier of Sixth and Peda -1 streets Burglar caught—A man named Michael I a rk was taken before Alderman Brinier, yoster nay, °barged with 11 wing burglariously eat, r..d the jewelry store of M. 0. Bennett, No 50& Rams sweo , . Ile was held in $l,OOO bail to answer at court. Sunday School Excursion. The Sunday School attached to the Wharton street M.' } Church, !nese(' yesterday at Fairview Grove The e ueursiontsts numbered about 1 500, and rumpled eleven of the care of the Baltimore Railroad Com pany. Coup de Soleil.—A German named Henry Boeokbant or, residing at No 525 New Market street, fell from the effects of the heat, yesterday afternoon, at Second and Vine streets. Ile was removed to his residence. The Weather.—The mercury in the thermo meter indicated 04 degrees at Fourth and Cheat nut streets, at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. In the State House steeple it stood at 00 Contract .iiwardell.-11ro learn that Ilfr. An drew Hague has been awarded the contract for Inyin% the track of the Second and Third Street [t i me nee r RAilviray. The New Board of Controllers of the Public &Montt will organic.. on Monday next at the Athenatum llailding,Sixth and Adelphi streets. In Tomn.—Mr. and Mrs. 'John Drew hare arrived In thin (dim from a very rneoeseful the atrieil tour in tho Wes'ern &Met. ' Appointment of an Operator.—Mayor Henry line a Tainted Mr. Ueor.re Y Tame as ono of the , F era.ur I of the loot telesreph. Democratic Convention to Jlmend the Rules., WEISER FROM MEW YORK. —The Convention to amend the mien of the Denide`i The Press ] matte party re•assembled at Spring Garden Hall;:d at three o'clock yesterday often oon, (parkas Tee eablistered; brown New Yong, June 30, 1858. Brown, Esq., Freeident, in the Oat& 4...." 1 '5 5 r-eisS:*• Peres4lg ; sid e - w alks After the calling of the rollitliaSitte rindttlf We minutes by the secrotary.'llSGALeterenr bleeding-tur anti,listmentine atevery pore; wretch -4'041/6 ' ; ' , Ra hiniffhelpless ships at the &Ike, the eptedeteenimittee on the ginetienth ward Oorii - si ettsunniblis herieliniaking theirlast trip on Broad -04Ni case brought In the follownierdnoriStS ~ "•- • of,,iwayNlMP,Pariper‘e • belligerent carmen coining •Tti tier P e and members h felts Desnocratsk. each ilierSit'tbe ;inners; caninee,„with lolling '_'-Convention, called to amend the Rules - Of the party: I tongues, fleeing from doweatehere ; miserable GENTLEMEN Your committee, to whom was re- , mortar-bearers learning that "more mart" is formed the matter touching the right of Martin equivalent .to "more mortality "—but why enn- Hanis tea seat in:this Convention,.respeetfully, i „ watt* ,t t io -.phoei — of , materlalitY,' on' tonna: — That they have heard statements from parties on every' hindeetOsboiled, roasted, stewed, fried, and both side?, from which they conclude that there., baked!l s atemesolsphyeloal" enduranee ? &iffiest; •aelstirriaw, and therein's/I existed fora considera- the " heated term" endureth. ble time, a bad state of things in the Nineteenth weed: - -They are` forced to' speak of the ward ge nerally, because the case committed td ' them for orator, on behalf of Npyr,York,ut Richmond; over coneideration neceesaritrinvolvee a review of the .the .remains of, President- _Monroe.. s - fitirtyMne , preceedings of both the:parties contebding, for. of, 'pall-bearerahaie-beeireppointedsof inotleysaaso ono.of them'Hittris is made the representative.. Mationsand anteeederits. 'General Winfield Suitt It is 'alleged on the pert of the contestants that and G ' pieta lohard Vanek Do Witt_ Wi hea d the Harris, name.ttio, be • placed `upon a It 'ticket avowedly made in - opposition to.the regular list, and George - Wilkes- and, Tweed ticket; moreover, that hemoted and-electioneered close ' • - fort it., and gainet the 'other:l:and, this, after he denthe from son-sttoke contlnnei and , ghee and those actingwith bine bad taken part in elect- ing 04001 to, and In thedeliberatlitins of, the our coronerrWork enough hourly. o,tee of the la regular Oonimittos, i test vietime, at Brooklyn, last night,Wee old - John „ It Is alleged in Judith/80mi 'ef, thin, that deles;• sYnntleibilt, well known in past 'years as one of gates regularlyjeleoted 'Were ousted hY 4 he Cons. "the fairy?! - , •• _ - volition; that two of thadelegatee were not"eiti: Cashing-.la to be - the orator at 41tor ems, and two 'persons•wereplartbdelwilbtaination who 'had 'worked at/Linen she party year ehe.;- Narth Of-du . ly celebration on the 6th pro:. fors, - by running - an independent' ticket: Nosy, aVeikener B , !turner lineitting afternoon on whether theta several allegations 'be tree* not e ,thincesieof the Jersey- eity-mystery=the beds': Of yourottnimittee cannot positively determine. a oolored7ronatiti found ,at ihe atepet;:stiupposed to ,But assntning them' to be true in "subitenhe, She, s t , ,„.„„e„,s • • a n e • —•- Las been Mortal/led it oonclusien is irresistible -that stiothSparties are- b e Pe•-' 0 ""e" - ';'," a " at !'es • . - ' sotifewliat_S'blamewortiprinelpally; the kat .is said,itititito s MUMPS; Clark s ", e; • nailed. " Frog " party , 'for resiting to a re- 'Leh eienleig Ai...g.iiiii-Brook.:viaetaken with volutiOnery • remedy,l subversive - - of all' party a fi t e n diecipline, and diersetrous in its consequences, when ss" the Brookl y n Navy Yard,' and fell upon the vement -breaking' hir Heenbeequently other and more effective measures-were, within Fa - • --- reach ; or if the delegateayeteinls worthy of died at the Naval Hospital. Mr. liwas Dr.:Rani/Si support at all—if it is antaiervient to - the Interests firstlientenatit, on his last. voyage to. the_ Arotlo of the people and M the, party=it. should be, it - reliens, t ainivas With him In an leiPertent cepa, must be, strictly adhered to in all Its details, and eitv; on the first expedition : •; is•said -to be the submission to the decision of conventions is funda- city lilt its existence. The Convention clearly bat eursiving officer - of the ARCO' navigators: violated the rules by muffing men in nomina- AletwastuSwede, foetyefive years old, antleaves*E. Son who had been guilty of 'the saline pree-',' , yriffi•and.faMily. - ." tioeittho 'ear before- as are-now charged upon' this ~,,p0 . 4"7 ,, tha ifresdnailnits,nnontnatic,trionforieng of "' " • ' 'd graes ate 'Of Ittitger's Collage , took place - end' es In conelderation ortnefaet, however, that this e ConVention is celled together to amend the rale& prises were awarded R. 0. Curtis, Jr., and John. and inspired by the hope that they will be so B. Drury. amended as to-prevent the reourrence of similar Any/ate - bed girl of the town, only seventeen diMpulties in future; and,,,,moreover, coneiderieg years old, attempted suicide last night by cutting that all the particle eenteemiiii appear to be die her throat, and three or four arteries of the arm. posed to be rein - moiled, • your committee would snggesithe propriety of Willy disposing of the She still survives whole matter, by the Contraption directing the Pre- The annual commencement exercises of New silent to declare that the nonducit. of both parties York University took place to-day at Niblia's gar was calculated to Impair the atrongth and destroy '. the discipline of the party. arid therefore to be con- den. In - the address of Professor King, - at the demned. And, moreover, to suggest the-adoption 01080 date Colombia - college, yesterday, his plan of a role unveiling Ward Executive. Committees of a pest-geminate course was-dwelt non. The with the power to strike from the ticket the mime Professor proposes that - the course shall embrace of Any candidate who shall be proven by the oath sake of law, mienice, and letters. of three respectable citizens to bare belonged to or co-operated with the opposition party or partioe, You are probably in ; receipt, by- this mail, of at the next preceding 'ward election, and to call English news by the Arabia, arrived this • merning the Convention together to make new nominations. at Boston. The Ariel, of the Vanderbilt line, On behalf of the Committee, reached this port last night. • J. A. PHILLIPS, Chairman. However we may be inclined to objurgate eon- The rending of fhe report occasioned considera ble debate. corning our present hot weather, there is little Mr..l A Phillips stated that the committee had dbubt that-the erops will feel Its beneficial !nth held several meetings and heard the statements of sum It may be that wheat, in fulfilment of un both parties, but it would have been impossible to favorable radiations, 'maY net come up to the investigate the whole matter thoroughly. it was evident both parties in the ward bad noted wrong- average; but we doubt the fast. In Kentucky, ly, and it was to be hoped they would reform. Illinois, Indiana, and other Seotions, everything Much damage bad already been done to the party promises wall, in spite of croaking about the in the ward, and the only way to heal the trouble heavy rainy reason. Barley, potatoes, oats, hay, was to drop the whole fight. Messier Joehna T. Owen, 0. W. Carrigan, and and even corn, are far from presenting grounds others, took the same ground in eloquentspeeohes. for serious complaining?. The growing crops, if Colonel Thomas W. Duffield, and others, urged, nothing adverse now interferes, will amply come the adoption of some resolutions whlehavould Make' up -to all reasonable expectations, and make the decision of the Convention more definite. bountiful the granaries of our land. - The report of the committee was then adopted, and the committee discharged from the further Teeday'nbusinees at the Stock Exchange was of consideration of the sal jest. little noteworthy interest. Prices rose a trifle in Mr. Richardson L. Wright, from the committee some stooks, and declined in others. For Reading of twenty-five appointed to revise the rules, then a falling of I from kit quoted prices was noticed presented the report of rules for theft:aura govern. went of the Democratic, party. New York Central sustained its yesterday's rates ; This report was quite lengthy, and not interest- Erie likewise; but Hudson River declined:, Fa' ing at this time to the general reader. We shall, MO Mail Stespiehip recovers its lost ground, up at ad theed proper period, give an abstract of the rules to 77i; the effect, doubtless, of discredit oast upon opt. Vanderbilt's assumed advantages on the Isthmus The consideration of the rules wee postponed, and the Convention adjourned until Wednesday Cleveland and Toledo stands at 32 ; Galena and next at 3 P. M. Chicago improved •1; do. Chicago and Rook Island. Fires.--A few minutes before four o'clock Michigan Southern, old stock, brought 21, seller yesterday morning an old carpenter shop, belong- sixty; guarantied brought 42 regular, against 42 lag to Samuel Tudor, situate in the rear of Eighth seller thirty, yesterday. La Cream fell es Other street, above Carpenter, was discovered to be nn fire. The damage is estimated at $3OO, on which Western stooks were sustained at last night's rates I there is no it/supine°. fhe rope-walk of James In railroad bonds the main business was in La Gallagher adjoining, was damaged to the extent crone land grant, opening tit Ml, going up to 341 o' $25, T he origin of the fire is a mystery. There and closing at 331, against.3ll yesterday morning were three old barrels on the north end of the and 34 in the afternocin. ' New York Central 7e shop, and leaning against the wall of the rope- • • s x walk. These barrels were filled with rubbish of closed at 100 ; Erie convertibles of 1871 at 3e/ , " various kinds, and subjected during a part of the Galena and Chicago first mortgage at 08; Illinois day to the intense rase of the sun. It is thought Central at 83, seller sixty; and -Michigan Central by some that spontaneous combustion originated S „, the fire An opinion is also entertained by some ''"'" that the Me was the work of an incendiary. A In bank stooks the onl sales were yNational at number of disreputable' and, reales/Late-runners 1071 ; Park at. 104, and Nassau at 100. *wide in the immediate vicinity of the plum of The business in State securities was confined to conflagration, who could have access to the barrels aforesaid, without much trouble. Tennessee, fis at 93} and 931, and California 7aat . - Just before flue o'clock yesterday morning an- d 51 ' - other alarm of fire was caused by the burning of In foreign esehonge, for steamer from Boston the dwelling-house of William Q. Baxter, No 844 to-day, little was done. Bank and bankers' bills Front Street, briery Christian. It is very evident that this fire originated from juvenile fireworks ln on London 10951091. and for conimeroial signatures the shape of abases.A number of boys had been ' tine On Paris ft ledefif. 131- Ha burgh indulging in it diepley of chasers the previous 361a361-. Amsterdam 411a411s Bremen-79a791 evening, and it is thought a portion of one of them 'Money is plenty, and;temd 'Paper gladly nego ' bad lodged on the roof, and laid there smoulder- mated. , „ - ins until it burnt Its way throne, and felt in The exchanges at the bank Clearing House thin among come rubbish in the loft. The damage is estimated at $2OO. which is fully covered by an morning were' $16,282,763 87, and the balances insurance in the Fire Association. A fight was $144,822 46. The Metropolitan certificates remain looked fur at both of these fires, but fortunately it at $46,000. , • did not occur. On the 28th Of next month will commence the The Murder on the Gloucester Ferry Boat.— great public sale of what are technically called Thus far Mt intelligence hits been received of the .. swamp lands," granted ,by act of Congress of arrest of William Murphy, who is charged with the murder of George Neal, on the steamboat Pey- 1850, to the State of Michigan. Threats will take tons, tie Monday. Officers have been taint in par- place at Lapsing, in that State, and comprises, suit of the fugitiv e _ s but Po far as can be learned. undoubtedly, the largest body of land ever offered without success. We understand that when Mur- at any one time in this manner. Terms, to par phy jumped overboard a fisherman named Badger I woo towing along with his boat, and acoompanied ties buying for actual settlement, will be twenty by bin flintily. Seeing the man struggling in the five per cent cash, and ten years' oredit fur water he picked him up, and was told that ho had balance, at seven per cent. interest. Speculative been engaged in a fight, and to avoid getting the purchasers will be required to pay the full amount worst Mit he jumped into the river. Mr. Badger down, and the lowest bid to be received Is $1.25 sew no reason to doubt this statement, and at the request of Murphy he put. him ashore at the Point per acre. Mies° upon this side of the river. Here the ftigi. This appellation 4 ' swamp" is a misnomer, and live obtained a glass of sarsaparilla, and at his far-from descriptive of the quality- of the land. leisure he engaged the services of en unsuspecting The grant was a kind of fraud upon Government, milkman named Myeis, abo brought him to the or a- best t an advantage taken of ignorance on city in his wagon and took him to the house of the mother of the accused. the part of Congress-. The tracts to be sold _eon-. It is thought that Murphy has gone dawn the OM many thousand acres of excellent grain and bay on a fishing b tat, and Mayor Henry has do- grass soil, with heavy growths of pine, cherry, ;matched a ate .0i tug, and several °Mums, in par- blan k walnut, white oak, cedar, and immense suit. lied intelligence of the murder been sent - promptly to the , city, the fugitive would almost watertprivileges ; while local advantages, vioini certainly hove been arrested. As it was, the ty of railroads, and rivers, and' Many, prijeeted partioulars of the alair were not known hero until internal improvements, combine to render them late on the night of its cecenrreuee. desirable means of investment. Capitalists will Police items.—A man named George Floor not, it may be simposed; be found baokward in has been held in the rum of $l.OOO by Alderman competition at this sale. • - Cloud, on the charge of passing a counterfeit note At the Second Board Missouri 6 e sold at 871; at a Inger beer saloon neer Germrntoven road and Columbia avenue. A disturbance occurred in the Tennessee 6s rose 1; California 7s, now bonds, saloon at the time, during which the proprietor I ; La Crosse Land Grants I ; Pacific Mail I; New was stabbed slightly in his breast. York Central I; Panama fell 1. with sales le• The Board of Health his declared the Filet-ward tween boards of several hundred shares at 107. ata'ion-house nuisinee. It always was just that thing, badly ventilated and filled with ver- Illinois Central rose,Galena 1 • and Chicago min. and Rook Island i• Two colored men got into a fight, yesterday NEW YORE STOOK 113.011ANGE—Jima 30, morning, at Walnut street wharf, during which tea one drew a dirk knife and stabbed the other in the groin, inflicting a wound about an inch and a half in length The wounded man is named lien. ry Johnson. Ho resides in Christian street, be tween Front and Second The alleged porpetra tor of the deed is mimed Drew Cress. He was ar rested and taken before Alderman Ogle. It seems that the diffinulty arose from Johnson telling Cress that ho had heard him accused of stealing olothes. Johnson's wound was so bad while at the offise that the alderman was obliged to eend him to the dispensary fur medical attention. After the hear ing Cress was committed, in default of $3,000 bail, for a further hearing /his morning. More of Death's .Doings.—Edward T. Mott, E'q , died at his residence, in Fifth street, above Gieen, yesterday afternoon at four o'clock, in the forty-eighth year of his age. If ,pes were enter tained that the deceased would receiver from the illness with which he has recently been afflicted ; but these, after the most anxious eolleitude of his friends, were doomed to disappointment. ' Mr. Mott hna been suddenly called from a field of use- fulness where he had Required a reputation which can be left as a proud legacy to his bereaved fami• )y. Death has been busy of late in aiming at shining marks in our midst; and among all whom its thefts have reaohed there was none truer to himself and the community which must suffer from his untimely loss, than the lamented subject of these few lines. Their Conditton.—Carr and Custom who were shot in the late riot at Eighth and Market strente, acre. alive at the hospital, last evening. Ne hopes are entertained of the recovery of the former. The Moyamensieg Hose Company have been put nut of service. The Shiftier were stopped by the Chief Engineer yesterday morning, utak' proceeding to the fire in Eighth street, and ordered home. Joseph Allen formerly a sergeant of police under Mayor Vaux, wee arrested Yester day afternoon, on , lie oath of Christian Gdger, obarged with being an 'memory to the shr wing of Carr end Brewster. lie was bold in 95 000 bail for his appearance before Alderman Tittermary, yesterday afternoon at four o'clock. George Fere, residing at Eighth and Shippen streets, became security. Appointments.—Mayor Henry yesterday morning made the following appointments ; Lioutenante --George W. Pauilin, Fifh district; Abraham Bowers, Sixth w :rd ; .1 Whitoraft, Eleventh district; J. W. Brown, Twenty-first ward Sergeants.—J. C. Fuller, First district; John Dougherty, Sixth ward. Telegraph Operators —J F. Dummy. Sixth ward; O. r. Tams, Fifth district; Geo. Hoover, Nineteenth ward. The Pennsylvania Literary Union.—At a meeting of the Pennsylvania Literary Union. held June 29th, 1858, the following offmers were eleoted to srrve for the ensuing six months: Wm. 11. Miller, President ; Ed. L. Wilson, Vico President; Ilenry E Lucken, Recording Secretary; El. J. Tiel, Corresponding Secretary; Thomas T. Eng land, Treasurer; 0. D Martin, Editor. Commit. tee of Investigation—Robert W. Blow, Wm. G. Audenried, and Robert J. Stapleton. The New Sloops of War.—Wo are glad to learn that orders have been received at the Philadelphia navy yard, for the immediate corn meneement of the construotion of two of the new stoops-of-warauthorized by Congress. • The City Guard, of Biltimore, has tent a aemmuniattien to Colonel Duryea, of the 7th re giment ef National Guardi, Now York. inviting his corps to teop in Beldame on the occa•don of their visit to Richmond, nod p retake Mite hospitalitiee. The regiment, we are told. has not vet decided whether to visit Baltimore or Mount Vernon. or both places, and will not take a vote on the question until after leaving New York. Mr. David Eberhard, of Lower Milford, Le hlgh county, Pa , was robbed of come $1,500, last Thur Any. in the most during Manner. The theft was committed some time about midday, when Mr. Eberhard and alt hie family wore out its the bay SECOND EOARD 760 Read R. e3O 44 6MichBo&Nla 21 100 Panama R. 860 107 10 Illinole Oen lt , 444 200 do - 76 60 Gal fr.. Ohio R 1:00 . 85 50 do 85 100' do 810 64:ti 60takRIR 78 60 do 18,V 12000 11fhwour, St 6s 67% 53000 Tenn At 64 90 94 2000 Cal St tt now bd 96 3000 Ohio 89 en 4 30 1063 1100 thirlytk Otty Cle 90 ION) LAO & ML II b Beg 5000 Moots Con bde 95 25 Pae , ao 51 A Oo '• 781( 100 N Y Con 11. WO 82 x 50 do 82% 100 Hud Riv R 010 26) A suss without charms al COTTON —Market dull, in middling UpNada. , Correa. —A small booboos Mug at lnall , Ye ror Rio . A Pm3lllol of St. Domingo reported at 9,is: SUOAlta.—The demand for raw la lona active, Del hoTders continue very arm, and refine to operate, Pap lees at full previous prices. flalen glace our last. 400 hints at 634 raMo for Porto Rico, andlo for Ouba, New Orleans is quiet and nominally the Ramona last quoted lifot.nlineß —The toarket.lB..huoyant, and but little doing; prime 'without notable change - .. Lime Lime —Sllommon Rockland la in fair demand, and the market in 4 steady; sales between 900 and 1,000 bble at LOc, awl small nalep of lump at SOo dors —Previous prices are firmly maintained, with safes of 140 Wen. d molt mire, buyers' Won; 1210 for My —Sales 600 Wen ; phipping lots • were In regime et 45e60e . . - FRUIT —Br anotton to-day, 1.848 bxe Palermo Oranges gold at $B 2+5 al 85 • 62 bit, bitter no at $2.60; and 1 ; 660 bxe Lem um at ssd6. the Wilde price , fo• emelt Wks., nova.—The common and medium grades are heavy, and decline materially In price; mlea for abipoingpir pose& are quite limited. and tie domeatio trade in aby. 1741 ex 10 000 bbla Pt $3 7503 lin for superfine Stale $1.9004 for mirk Stele; MTh ar3.86 for common to p od superfine Western; $3 90 0 4 40 fur common to me dims, extra Illinois. Mahlon. Ohio Indiana. d Who 'eosin ; and $4 65m4 65 for shipping brand. of errs round hoop Ohio; the market s bring:dull, and the tendenov downward Included in. the sales are some 6.000 bile eopegae and extra Stute, at : pries within the range. o nw tmo Flour Is doll sod lowerr salis 650 bids it 54.1005 70 for common to choice extra. For Southern Flour the demand is less active. and the market in without material change; sales 1 710 bbla at $4460 4 75 for auperftoe, sod $4 80n6 •for fancy and extra Rye Fleur and Cotu sfeal remain quiet and unchanged Pnovseroxo.—The Pork market Is very Wm:Mae, and prices have further declined, with moderate tranno- Otos; salmi 200 bbla at $l6 Mel , 60 for mess, chaing with no buyers: at the !side Store; $l7 50017.76 for clear. and 0 . 13.80m13.40 for prime; prime mesa Is dull add nominal at $l6 60 Beef le held with more firmness, but with a quiet mar kat, pr gee have have u n dergone no material rharge ; ri the 140 bhls at 810 75m14 60 for country mesa; sl2rs 813 50 for r packed mess; and $14e14 50 for extra do. Primo mesa is quiet but firmly held at $lOB2l. Beef Hams are doll at 515011. (nomlna!ly.) We no. tics small salon canvassed bagged' Home at 100. For Cut Meats the market Is very heavy and irregular; sales 61 hhds at 5.4m5Xc for Shoulders, and 7}ine7.4ic for Home. - Bacon in steady, with sales of retrimmed middles at 9 ono. Lard is Mead. but quiet. Primo Is held at If/Aiello but without sales of mom ot. Butter impell ing to a moderate extent at 120180 for Ohio. pod 18a lie for &de Cheese doll at Berge. as id ;ratify OR AM —The Wheat market is dull. overptooked with uusonod grades; iho found parcels h.ve become sus picion/ Boles 19.000 hush a. $1 10 for very chhice Michigan ; 90c for sound Mitwautee• 800 for unsound dc, and 700 for unsound Chicago Boring. Markets by Telegrapb. • ?AMU, June 29 —Cotton dull ; mien of 800 bales to der at 11%c for middlk.g. The_ aides of three days amount to 1,250 bales, and the receipts to 200 bales. 011 toLESO!, rune 20 —The - Cetton market is nn '29o ba —rhe t4"l Co i t y tOn market elated 08 N A0 . 7.1 0 , 8 7 . 1 17 , 1, L0 n f e d to.d,‘v with an advancing tendency; Bales of 1,000 bales stll,lo for middling A . Bales of three days 11,000 Receipts 4.500 Receipts ahead of Diet veer at th , e p0rt,125,0n0 Sugars are buoyant at 63,; re7Mc. hiolasses—Sales of prime at 27n Flout is very dull ; superfinequ ling at $4 25. Freights on cotton to Liverpool 7;d. Sterling exchange quoted at SaBR per cent premium. BALTIMORE, June 110 —Flour in qui.t at $4 87 for Row ard street and Ohio Wheat Is anti and uncharged. Corn steady at 740750 for white and ,yellow tW hhkey dull at 211r.28e for city and country and 22,0 for Mo. prorlelone generally are dull and unchanged. MUMM! . . -lIAT MANUFAC . Tuate'd Ik e PPILADat. rITIA —To those who are at all familiar with :el 'character of Philadelphia as a producing and dtstribut7ng tretropo lie, we need not asy that in these respecteher po4tion Is unequalled by soy other-city in the-Union. Whether we are really reaping all the benefits whiob cholla re sult from this fact, is a queetion ; intact, we are some• what inclined to doubt whether ear merchants hare at any time fully availed thernseivee of the golden advert. tagee Placed.within their reach. That vary mach of - this delinquency le ae Jaatly attributable, to the °Ter reaching _sharpncae of our oeighbore, as to oar own wand rif yell•directed enterprise, will hardly be de nied yet', thi,latter cause finds an additional aggrayse ..tion In the fact.that. in Many reepoota , we possess no. .turat advantages of en extraordinary character over ethos to whioh we solo in imeasuro nowiributary. laeys, on several occasions, referred to the peat liaritiei of our ,different-mainthoturing departments, and- especially to those forwhich_we rosy elaim pro endneitie. ,Ae the head of this article designates. our object near Is to present Certain facts- in connection with the prOdnetion bate in this city, with which we may FeSaimably presume the majority of our readers Ia -pesounrthe many superb hat 'establishmente which appear at convenient Intervale along one bug. need' thniongtfirei, the casual obrerver. If he thinks about the matter - st all, is likely to take It for granted that beeline. he :there bespsaks his new beaver. It 1., therefore, there that- the hate are produced. This s only tine in part The fact is, that in the prrduction of bate; as everythhig oink, the more extensive the scale' up , n'whiali marittfaettfriug . ie carried on, the greater the advantages in favor of the Coat of the ar- tide produeed. - The time wee when almost every hattery did actually manufactrfre its own bale from theraw material to the fielettedarticle ; but in this, as in many other . departments of the mechanic arts, machinery has wrought an almost total revo'ution. ' For some years past the New , zngland States hare, to a great extent,,monopelited the .manufacture of cu. tidnrityles of hate. Within the last two years, how• ever,:the v,erybeet manufaottning facilities have been to full operation thieuity,.wod, as . a conseqoecce, ibeinie many jebbirig merchants here, and theoughout `the IfOloii; whO . formerly seat their orders East, who now find - it toitimir Menirdery advantage to make their purchases inlbliadelpbta. ,Lu • Illustration of the linferbver facilities for manufacturing bats rapidly, we may state that prior to the inventionsnow In use, what is termed forming andel:l'l)g the bodies of six hate was considered a day's work for a hatter; whilst now, with the aid of wchinerye an - average day's work for three men and a boy lathe forming of from two hundred to five hundred,Sieording to the quality. By the curious in such matters, e - half der could t t Interestingly, and see may say „lostruatlvely. 1.. i witneesiog this improved process of het.maklce manufactory which has glean our city a repuratiru to the batting line, is that _to.which we have airsal,; forced (the only one he .Philedeinbto sa inf.,: the very best manufactories of Now Itcglurd: It has been In •eucceseful operation for nearly Iser. 7i.r. -19 grigened by a compsnv, end is tinder rho 1 nnnetlate management of W. 0. Beard, Eeq. Tho esten•tre buildings in which.theee operations are carried on copy a lot 114 feet square,on the west side of Law ronce street, a few doors aboVe Brown. For the instruction of the reader we will here gt7o a brief sketch of the processes of -hat-marine, to r, a mad the privilege of witnessing them& few days Sro, Sc. 1.1,g. log through this establishment ; and if our printe..l d ecription is half as intereitioktp the reader se the per Ronal elimination was to the writer, we may claim ter this article a more than - ordinary degree of loenl interest In the first plate, the hats made are whet are denomi nated "Soft Felt." from the loweet priced grades up to the finest qualities; and the-materials employed In producing the body are the fur: of Rusislan bare, English and Bootch coney, beaver, moth", and a few °there, all of which are combined great earo in their respective proportions to produce the various qualities of bat. To prepare the furs, - after mixing, they are phmed in a long box, divUei off in sections, through which they are passed, and -aubmitted to a severe fanning and a aucces lon of petters, which ordeal has the effect of" thoroughly sitting the hair from the for, and fitting it for use. The process of making the bodylanert in oilier, and which is certainly one of the most ingenious operations in the manufacturing line we haie ever witemand To form the fur into the cone•shapead bodies of felt, from which the hat is subsequently formed, the mixed fur is pieced in - • sort 'of closed hopper, Immediately In • !rent of the month of which a oeneeslisped revolving cylinder fe placed in an upright pcettion. Tide eylinder is densely perforated- and placed upon a box, in which there are fano no areanged ea to create a con stant and very powerful euotiori of air through the cy linder from without. The fur is then blown violently from the sieve mouth of the hopper upon the rev. lying cylinder, the Ruction from with; n C.suAng the partlcltl of far to adhere upon the outer eurface until the bogy of fur in completely farmed upon it, when it is monied in water, removed, submitted to a rolling pro ems for a few minutes, in order to toughen it, when it is ready for lilting. Contrary to retire, at this stage, ' the embryo bat is at least four times as large as it be nonce in Its future stogie of deviilopment The sizing to which It is submitted, which is Inere;y a lot-water bath, oft repeated. has the effect, with the aid of a rolling - pin, of reducing the felt body to Its proper size, and giving it great dewiness of texture. This done, the body is next carried to the shaving room, where all the particles of superfluous hair, so laming upon, the surface, art carefully removed by hand, ale; whieh' it leramrived to the stiffening room, where It is put through selling bath containing a solu tion sf stiffening -ingredient', and then run between .•elf•adju•ting rollers to wring it, in order to hasten its drying. Itv next move • t the e'd'iting roam end blocking depertment,ln which the conical felt boy re. ceivw Its intended color, and is transformed into the Arsi-s of a bat A copious whirl In the steam washing .machine is its next adventure on Its road to consple- Vop After leaving the was' , , it passes through the. polisher's hands receiving what Is termer the pow o. frig process, by which it acquires a pettiest sonoth - am of surface. The porwlgle has now grown Into • frog; in other words, the mere body. with whl-hwe hive hailliithetto to do, has grown Into the dignified proportions Of a hat; still, the most artistic and decidedly themoat pleasant pastor the manufacturing programme is reserved for the Trimming Department. In this large room. on the ground Boor, there are about fifty hell-looking, well died, and well-paid females engaged in putting on the last touches, each as bindings, bands:linings, h c.; after which. haeingfiret received In the crown, in letters of gold, the cuetomary (ridiculously so) Impress, a Manu facture de Paris," they ere packed in canoe for Flap ping to either,the order of our merchants here, or any other part of the Unforz. Prom this crude sketch the reader ean, of course. gale but a faint Idea of the Interesting process of bat making compared with the plesenres of a personal ex lamination, for which we have been placed under special obilgotititis to the courtesy Of Mr. Board. Bat wet:linnet disclaima this subject, notwlthrrimading the already protracted length Of our article, without re (erring to the patellar advantages; which this Immense establishment. with its hundreds of Constantly employ• ed operatives, offers to oar merchants overtaotero o-n -temporaries, It Is a well-known fact Mot the facilities for cheap production are costly In our favor. In the article of fuel alone, many thousands of dollars less are expended hero in obtaioing the same aroma of power, than in either Boston or Now lock, which, taken in connection with the odditional expense of commnnten dim) and transportatioo between here and there. the , v. the difference; in a pecuniary sense—which ie the hue nese aerier---vaatly in favor of the Philedelphot e We are glad to add, moreover, that hundreAo of declare, In this city and elsewhere, have of late displayed tbe commendable o,g lotto of patronizio,; oar own hots. en foe the interest of our men:bents cener,lll, wo ,voi4 say to all the rest, ado likewooe.. , itXLIGIOUS CELMBRATION OF VIE r0CF.771."- The following correepondenee between the 'raeedec• of the Young Meo's Christian Asaociatlon, et Osman town, and the Rev. Hlngston Godclari, !lector of tb•: Church of the Atonement in this ally, will be :ca.! with pleasure, we a.e sore, by all-who feel a proper to terest in the r.lltioos recognition of tne anultorsxr.t of that glorious national holiday. Especially is th.s °ours° appropriate to the coming 0 Fourth!' 'rpm the ttof itl Cawing on Surds). MIT. Dr G ODDARD . . . DIVAS Sin: On behalf of the Young Men's Christian Astomatlon, of Germantown, t have the ku-nor to reqm.st you to pre.mh a sermon before no on Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, the 4tb July, at our new,Tabernaolo Tont, p tchod on Main street opposite Illgh, Germantown. We are anxious that "the day we celebrate'—which occupies so conspicuous a !Matto:min the annall'of our national , history—should on thin ocoasion be `Observed with special roferenee to that noble spiritial freedom from bondage with which our lead is now being so co pioutly blessed. - J - Should s ac Association be so fortunate as to secure yohr services on that day, you will please advice na at your earliest convenience, and oblige, Yours, respeottully. _ Hanoi 8. Than, •Sresident 'Young Men's' Ohrhitian Association, German town. Ontred. or me ATOSnAntnr, Philadelphia, June SO, 1458 REFRY S. tees, Nag President of the Young hten'a Christian ...emaciation, Germantown—Sly Dear Sir Permit toe, through you, to accept thefkind invitation tendered me by the Youog Mon% Chrlatian dacoelatkin, to preach for them on Sunday afternoon, July the 4th. No more appropriate mode could have been adopted. (I oneelvii,) of honoring the day, thin %hc one deter mined upon by you.. Grateful indeed ehoWil every Awe ken heart be for the) ivileges of civil and re iigioua liberty, wh!ch that ree lla to nand. God grant they the great.movenient among the young rne.a of our country coy not anti' the shall oil enjoy . 4 the liberty wherewith Ohm* 0t143 tic lice " MO God may proaper you yoke Important at•d noble woik la the earnest prayer of Yount in Christ, and in the bonds If fre.teroal love, KINUOTO.,. GOODAKO. To van Poll7.—Wiiheat any oircuroluentien. we have a straightforward request to make of cur readers, and that is that for whatever they may need in the gentlemen's furnishing line they sbotal repair to IV W. Nolgh.'e, No. 616 Arch street. His stook of shirts, collate, neat neckties, comfortable hose, coo/ and pleasant anderelolhing, wrappets to rear bank in at watering platen, and, in short, e•erythibg In hie line be of the most superior quality, and reasonable to pries. WAYSIDE WAtes.—What kind Of ewe Mt:nerds were most prevalent In Noah's ark? Prose reed pair'. Why to the fire and faggot better than the gaillo. tine? Because a hot stake (steak) to better than a .141 chop. Why are mothers like well.reguluted engines on 0 rniln ny Because they are faithful tender, that never misplaced a a wjtch. Where do'the thousands of graceful garments eonw from that adorn the fashionable promenaders on Chest nut street From the palatial store.of Gransille stoke.• No. 607 Chestnut street, above Sixth. A Wont) OF CAPTION —Dining these sweltering days persons cannot too care'ully avoid expt.sure to Ms , heat of the sun; those whose business engagement. Afl t permit should spend a few days in the country, or at the Aeassh ore. Whichever be the election, our ads Sc- Is to all—buf your clothiug at the a Old Franklin - 11511 Clo thing Emporium" of E. 11. Eldridge. N 0.321 01;e:stunt street. -We desire to remark ; in this connection ; tha, friend Eldridge has on hand a beautiful astortment el bathing dresses, which he will dispose of at reduced rates. _ . THE MIDDLE OF THE YEAR — Yesterday ended the find half or 1855. Thoar who anticipated such ruinous consequences from the panic find that they "still lire," and that there's a prospect that they ail I soon be breathing more freely again. AB BE encoun g ngt.ign of the times, WO OM ment'on that erriuds flock, IMO ds they did before the panic, to the Bro wit Stoop Clothhig Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, lion 60t) 04 806 chestnut stmt, Om sixth, June ItS, INS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers