~. p`'2'36:-:+a.!l ~'+a`.~s`~~i~a~Y~a~'r 5.Y:~~>....... a ` P ~~:. ? ' ~_'~~ ~.. _. _ 1717r---o.* • WilOitire« t • ft,,kw,,t - I:s . tt:Fift;;Li r eltlC l June 24, T,--ri,itolliiialigii***4 l o l ll. 30A07 , JP our :,;....sicers, star thelbarberi,i froM4lobeken to the' beaches. of, Otaten "eland, thoNexiOrsfnle id4P, 5 1 :0'; VI-4 0 ,i * shore,", - Is alive with sight-hunters ;..the tilting of shipnlit - flaunts teithifierting, and, under agrees of can-. vase t lyilit,inaidArig ,biefixes, the entered yachts, , Mod a'slearin or,either craft, danoniever the ; .hlue-: ~,restedovaves. „The emennkof sweenstaliei hithis trial fa $BOO ; but there is not snob. general public • interest ntheffeeted in the reeilltes:sn !holed re._ goliat,tt-foitnight since, .. .• , Last -night took• place quite- a' demonstrative gatherinf h Ofineila*,iekbliettMi'of all nations, !LIP= ei;olts We pf iefebrstini , -the. tenthailet:, *denary of the Juno ,Fistng'of. Paris, ineiti "` Aissistenee'olhls'Afileans and • tbe..Garde Mobile, enoceeded In strangling Rollin-Blanc protest against Lan; kartipe:A pieties! Tho ineeame of Ger - tient klineht.e.l4. • reds 'were quite inflammatory, and e(reni.• Vindicate .that -the tdett, of ," (w. ' So.ugei" is far- from being !.;:tiri-rgepuidique o'eq! Paz": of the sentimental t ‘ intliOr Orßaphiol• VIA one t!r the opera and tf Safe-" is to be the.eard, asit„hasheon, thug in her '`idi.ofAhk;:.aidoliiiio4l 4 , ol4 ll , -) Bt • tabui u -.., I , a • lare4:notmile y. , gnu sus • " bis ',',o4ftetratiebrland "And ncit over-areidedionsee ;• f:14. 5 4;:t; .. ifir-Le4krein,eoeotatie:e of more nallitdir,e,iiifirkl . 4 =4 ,2l 74AtitdieMaiik:' . titfri;ls . l -• Washington, Richmond, and 491,4: (I:ie ifveiz to. New OrlBB,AsThAii,lr;teed 4 , :ileitteo - $20,000, 3 or' - en out of , tbeiriiiikiaterpoiske, it is said ; but thy' 4tt Mittisfqivestoele„;PlitAadillettet Iridepsykdisnoe tun , in:ll4:lli4jealtid:4B.4d:ef tisitsillool3lll, to.bo &opt a seerefin , We ii 1 4)!P1e44,1 , 14kr: trtiOSl '64 1 .. 1 ( 11 :7 in teirt4- c•f 4 ,4t,; : and OUitutdisin-Baron Wetter"- stedt, Cettliti Ttets`Niei,4o:lBoe Ifo'its; Illtb honorabte4nd ityiiiiregti . 4Coditresso:l'The United - r—zzr2latertee%is.getting tolbe (initents•rettradtive a sum mering Ideei:as - 111'eAttolineyed tdd,gaiterix Con tinent, anji24lo444oughe',Wittiiriy.„,iin a conspre, haste° biblibeik4,3,e v t u teiltnecifitittes Bay to Terre del gleco*VNioe'laiii4; and Salt;Ttitkp,(l43t..;At.. - ttiz 2Rt - lt street-artMpinionttehlrii.^,lt tii.be *leek telitgO, _ die , paten tewandocovrwete.*:M: omises to oweep. itta,,cebble "ti . „ ,pafatkintic44lth'f e new t : Qt•' - 4fls fdorritousia friends have, been, glitirig , Hon. Rasktnit serenade, Whereat he announced -to bean-Endepen;ienvoandidate (Or re' eleotiOn` to CO .' gress.. • ;.Thitnttinber o Inroggrants arrived at Bale port - - during ,the 'week epaiog yesterday; Waii 1,616 ; 6 ‘• otal of 30,410 fir the yogi' Ilim-Ist Zarin:try, During the same period Ilia year there were landed s- .81,809. = ' Trii;ehlgnificant notices appear in Tueinlay's Ex ,.,2111,t5, follOira : 4. llattnlen, on the 11th .fnet., ffinjambalf..Beekman Whiles Arabella Erick ,. , 8061” " Dtsn,on the 2fith inst., Arabella, wife of Bcoldmin P. Beekman, aged 27 years, 9 months." A sad parailal, ~,.Senaters Slidolt and Benianitn,'of Louisiana, are la town ;• as is also Senator Douglaa, with his ao • nei.mtivier trial Wrie called to-day—Le Rey , ilLisiter for Ilia herbicide of a young man maned ' McCarty, eniployed in the • Tribune Office. The ' flotsam) sat up is hereditary Insanity. - '''llip*S'aflearined a trifle , this moininii• New . York:Central in' the, find. 'board gained{; .alai over 3;000 shares. • • Reading advanced j, and " 3- cleat:4.ora • ; Erie gained the Rama' fraotioa from „.yeiitordafit oPeding. •Sixth Avenue Relined said at 114 SecttriC-Avanne 94. Pennsylvania Coal ' e,nd Delaware,end Hudson wore sustained at yes. , to/dors prioes. , :The Western railroad stocks ad - vaneel notiroiably i - exCept La' Crosse anetdilwan _ Ate, whicli s declined 1". In railroad lands small saes were ,thibrder, ifmelexeept lhoustmd dol. • tars' worth of If arlem third nsorteige at 58, and ;tWOnty thousand at's9'; 'second mortgage sold at •111.. to Crow:ollnd grant closed at 331, -advance; 'Brio tided Mortgage at 781 ; Central , Nth' Jersey , „tieroanti: de. at,79; Illinois Central at 85, adrance, " Ind do• 'fieelabd at 82i. _ ~. -Captain Luce, formerly of the Monomial:, Aretic, • L has been elected treasurer of the Clorelimd and lidsoloitsttrood•- - -fa bank.otooko the sales includebletropolitan • 1091 , Stloe iletcaihdr airiOrt tfoitonot • = 10$ 'ark at 10i, and American RiohangO and .Baulrof Commeree.at 1031. , In Missouri Sixes some large trammetiOns were closed at 88i, advance. Virginia,_ with sales of , ten thousana dollars, went up to -96,'1 ,- advance, Tennessee of 1890 brought 98.1, yesterday's price. .Californiksovens, old and new were sold at 86. The noted of tlse James Bank and Bank of New Rochelle, Nevi :York, =et •be•prolonged :at the bank department, in Albitnyroji ,t)r . before the kith inst. The: outstanding otroolotion tSC these bank' inahont 812,840. • The exchanges at the bank clearinghouse were , - lar,ger this mornioge amounting to $17,87; 510.57, aga1p5t.51.1,,,,.ba7,776.77- yesterday. alit+ balances , Trerb :61,087)868 01, and' the 'fifetropotitantortifi ,. bates remain at , 546,000: - • - •Dsrinnsins.---The Long•lslend Intaranbe Com panylins deolaieke semi annual .dividedd of ten per sent:, 'payable Slily 1; Lowell Railroad, a tYividetsd off, thiii.Per cent. At the Corti Baohange prices underwent a fur: the deo,lina - of fivi cents , per Plonr, and impreved a little in 'the Wheat lino. Corn was not, navy, ut little requested. Beef seemed killer' dull, as fromtiierstoOk` Lard In re queot priceit miehanged; 'ditto Butter and Chteee 3ZfL 7 7. Ifint stoat lIXORANG.II-Jura moose attaan.` • • torn, Idisaonri litre b3o 67% tos Reading e3O 4t 6003" do 87X 100 WO 46 • 6000 Lao & bd.-43x 160. - ' t do 45 10001 •do .981( 100 efloligarri3enß 64X -1000 Illinois Oen Bel 36 26 Inch 3lt prof 46% 60 Pacific 41,0110 130 77X 100 Galerut&Onißs 9o So sOil 78 150 ds 15,V 10 ,do 78 100 de 580 85 40 Miler & hies It 90X 50 MeV& Toledo B. 82% 25 do ti 60 o 83X acti t coortat - It e sax 100 do as t "a r!itrloi lad!R e - R;S to 600 Atie matted .10, 17 X 100 do, elO 74 • - ,100. ~do„ esl7g 50 do • cow 14 • 100:: do - 17, 100 do - 741 nut .wing Is Thuraday , s badness at the ailed 'of 'the assistant Treasurer: , BeoelPtil "s•-• - • • v., .1.... 1159,660 70 - Tay meats.- • - • •,.•,c • 100,568'19 llalsuoe..a:: 15 • ' .57,497,409 10 Who-nee pts Include 5118,000 from Oustoreso THE MAIIESTI3. /Abbe, ,116.--Thidemand for Western canal gate, early in the day, wee quite active, and at rather better rates ;, but towsrds the close the demand subsided' end' the slight improvement_was lost. Thi luQofryls uuktn. ly for the trade, bat, fair•for ctsort The Wes Mit 17.0901615a113.81e8 119 tor semnihn to ' iforel elate; 3664 1230fertekirs ao 14.5fie1l • for so pertlne Tnd,anp Fab hitsibliteuss.l4.lso4 55 for extra do; , StAlbsedle for mud jioo Oktrik Gide shipping breeds. 1 40 1 • 0 i teal* brikeds.o o , 66,8506 60 • for extra go: almoci &eget broal for at• Duds brand/. Otwootan Dour Is la fair request, and Is In small ntosit.-eaten of 400 bide at 64 1505 15 for *atm. brands Southern none iewithontchengs; the demand Isoonened io the home trade, malnlyisalee of 1,700 hide at $4 NO 04 76 for mLadd•to good brands Baltimore, and $4 800 . 6 16 • for tile better , brands-40, and liese 64 for chaise and family extra. , • Bye door is firm -attlee of LSO bbls at 11308 50. Corn maul la firm-sales of Jersey at $3 soos.ts, and Bran „ drrine at 28 es, and puncheon. at vet 011 " ..4 be demand for wheat's Ono, arid the nor. 't i e% buoy Ve ll is w tito ti l imited ,at6 e s ff elg n er 4 l . o Ve ri z: rpr,l3; 0,100714 for 31 ),1701,21 , s nit° !:;111„Pu'l'hePg; 11.20; 001 Ill B lene. 11.01, end white yisdoni a l i tt • Bre is tolitagolowly at 71073 ” Cato are steady and In Malted demand At 44015 e for state and 440 for western. Card Is rather better, and in good demand for the borne trade and the Nast-aates of 811100 boshele at 71074358 for western mixed tttg 077 c for southern white,•and 70X 080 e for do yet; raortnrorn-The relic market% Irregatar ; mess is very Arm and in good demand - Prime is lower mod in waders a requests sales of 1,400 bbd. kinds/It 513 25 013'3b for prime, air 60 for elem., IMO for this lista•tor onto, and Giusti iota at 215 60. -neer is Gnu and In, good demand for the horns ked eastern - .7. 1 trade t sales of 130 bbl. at Moat 50„frr reentry mess, 612015 60 for massed tosser and $14014.50 for hits , ditto PIi.M.TMS Beef le Arm bat quiet at 1911220.' Beef I - retie ate dull at 180170. Bacon Is .yalet at 8% elOe. ut 87eatiare fine tad In fatidertmod. the 'apply le llmitedp /ales of 150 bele end toe at 63080-for Shuttl e., -T4elat sad 7% eBo tot Hams. Lit rillet stemeamlve., d' the market is steady; lialeefer 850 bb ii and toe at 10%m 107 f e midi 400 kilgirpnrie Wistern atl23Ei4 .*Bictter and CbeemareAteady, 'a' • • tsak .—Th.maiketle quiet but firmer; ettel - of 200 bbleat 2244030. I tIE -GiOURTS., 11111,1inVerttZiectealiptPelt, • Et snored foi:Tfae • ,„ , ' Eleitun &terse Comitsstoina's °rms. Pori ur Caxe.—Edward4 , ari had a hearing yes terda, morning before •Charles Beaslitt; Esq., ---United States - Ooromissiaber:rin thei charge, of per ' '•-"- 7 1 - twy, in' falsely:awearing that he Was acitizen of , ~,the United States, in-vonohing for n.peitortattmed: - ;"Pollook wheapplied for, and obtained his atilion.napere before Judge Ludlow.: The ease woe similar to Rankin'e, reported a few days since, and ',the officers who - lifter° the 'defendant could not (as '-ltatanitirtNetsertestifylfesitirel,f.lo fife feet - that Judge Lndlow,p,ta the,questlon:to the defendant as to whether lieStei 6 oitieou of the United Stateant: not) , Evidence wits-Offered - :to show that after 'he • „-. . Notiehedior Pothook he took:entitle:own last papers. discharged the defendant„. • ...,...,-,QoaRTERfSBEISIOII/1 . r---PaortelLwas charged with - unseat. and buttery on J. Soartattoind gititdt and bat: 1?enilio11. Cross bills. The, defendants roend:fiergatt7ol3.4 Pfinatoll,to pay costa. :::::.'": 4, ''! .. :WriffailiAtiley:Wasnetiiiitted'et the etnirg e of picking pockets,: , Saran_ fiyhind3Waii charged, with .assauW and battery on , si„.A.• Chatter, ,and Aihatter, with- h similar otfenets , oialtifand.% Cross bills. 'Betted .ants not fluiltii.arni Chatter to:pay-thermal'. - Dounnteh Brennan wan 'charged' withaeeahit ,I.,..and , battery un Thomas Lemmon, ,, Notigkilty; belt pay the costs. -•-• , 4.,,Bertneißitithendaie wasehirgodWiilLittheaault t,-&-...randhattery =Ferdinand Albut.;=,l'iot guilty, hat the'Costs. 4 etititodn.--- Vs enee ajd 4:4,41 - :40 )!Ile , :Ohn liatlfettp:o4Gennantowi 3 , Wel bur ttlaziotreirtenteretVW-Wedneeday night; and A - fifty tiVitielifit fifty doilare' wOTth of: 'ireples. retit•Worivotolut,edt i. dati5r., 5 4 1 451/nsst , w# B '. - o,..entayettoentkru bad of Rua7:10..-SSPeWler# -n fuensitemd„gramwri qe.) DratiiNgNoid,,.4.'llia„ccronerr Tititlfied figitoki on tile tay 6f an unknown man, who had been found drowned at yllor-stroat wharf, Delaware. • - • Aiit TittrAtiAti`ftit#,_Jupe 24,1858. reebleneirs' i reigikeU, 44 . steak. anti. -nese in tithe money market ;- thEktropioal-heat ja 'l4,llpheel/3"eYest,Yeiii exertfons"ln line of business, and -preparations are- made to get away to - sokinier retorte r and:leafe'speoldatie * a and traffic for a cooler eettiton. - As oonipared with yesterday, .1t I; eadiriultnilroad stook . _ ehrrra .an ,irnpreyeinent of and Lehigh _Navigation -.et' an eighth. , There - wete no other ebanges in•piienvorth reoerdiegiaad the' *hole business or the day was very Malted. , 9cime - of,tho4lew York banks Aredeolaring drvi. deildsOi'Jitoseaf 11444 : are etAnr per oent: JinCtlPWkills• oil: waffl e diVkled Will' be- larger than waa,,entreinated-,`Xed, It may be, greater than annul and prudent judgment would'dictate iisider - Pielient - eiraninitainii: - With all thn kora-,that-new oxide iti-themoneY market, it is bynoqnsianirimpassibleqhrit before-the end of, the year We may witneakitiery - dllferiiiit: state of:finalielaf matters, , which -will draw down the ,present large bank balances at so rapid a rate that :thesiOnstitttliOna may repent of having coaxed ,n i ,ttreeistiThy.:Coo gr.eat-„rt spread: of canvass : during We"•filid':insthe New„ 4te York Canitei and En-.. latOei a contef,th6.-amendrnent" to t o law. of limited partners hip ) passed-atthe last -session of the - NIPN York Legislature. wbioli we reprint as a :nitAW,iitirkteittif,for oni renders : , •, • to -amend an not entitled I , An not to reithanretatiftee in: relation to limited ip,artnerehips; ..,piussed*,`,Aprli,',l4; 184'7 ;" Painted Anilll6oBsB. ' , • - `,".deotion, entitled "_An - eat to amend the: revised;etatutes,:in -relatio to ...limited - partneishimpassed.-AprlLl4; 4857,'?. is hereby, amended so as to:read -as follows.: - - t 2. Seotfon tWebieToritild artiele =, la hereby . ) -amended so, taste itead-asdbllowy ' - - "'l2. Brierryyaltecation ' vilitb'h ithalho triad; In the ,ntibtetof;thejghiteral - partners, le "the, nature of IU - business efin,the capital or, shares there'd netitribete,d;bllllll orownedfor to .be oontrib,uted, , held or owned, by any of the speCial,partners, and ?the-death of any:partn'er, whether genera) er ape- • (dal, shall be deemed a dissolution of tho,partner. shipOintaiellie artielealif Partnerehin'altall - spa" 7. , 9 ,lYD i ktin ATOtll44 , •,PLlrtriershindelitd l be _.174400,11.1tYPt9f4/Il..VOiiiillrollB6 it; may, be do'soaj edi,with the assent of the heirs-or the' legal' representatives cof!dlardeeerised - partner, and'evarYtaletr:parinerehip Wbleh'shitil-be - tar ried on afteelnohNsiterallon' shall" have been made, .or" enet 'death,shall have ; ; occurred, shall be r desiniedaleneral. partnership in respect to alLbusinetistransinsted • after.sueh.alteration or death; except in the case of a provision in the articles. of partnership .for the -Continnanee of the business by the survivors as aforesaid in which- case- the heirs or legal representatives of thedeceased partner may succeed to the Partner ship rights e# inch deceased partner, and continue the _basinesa this' same as - if such partner had renittined alive ; provided, however, that one or more sperdat partner or partners' may be- added -to the-partnership upon - actually 'paying in an additional amount - of capital, to be agreed upon by the general and special nartners, and the 'alteration :,of' - the ' partnership by 'such ad ditional, Ipeoial.- partners, shill not make the partnenitup general nor alter its name, tor work a' dissolution, provided the general -partners in the 'partnership-name shalt filo an additional certifi -oate with the clerk with whom the originatoertifi okte may hive. been filed, verified • on-oath by one °Mom, stating the names, and residences of such additional ko:rbier_s, and, the amounts re spetith.ely contributed to. the ocrinion stock by them' .-And any special partner, or , the heirs or -regal -representatives of any each-special partner. deceased. may sell his interest In the partnership without working diesidntion thereof, or rendering the partnership general; providea'antake of snob sale bo'filed Within', ten days, thereafter. wilt the clerk' with - whoin Each original Certificate of Part nership, may.ihave been filed, and • the purchaser of such interest may'thereupon become a spout' partneri with the salne rights as an original special partner. " 2. anise:et shall take effect iMmedifttely. , , 'The following era the footings of the Boston bank statement for the past week, compared with those of the 'weeirprayieue : „ , , • June 14. ..Tune 21. • $32.240,450 832,240,750 53.051,000 - • 54,182,000 0;410,700 0,951,800 ,5,755,000 - 5,809,600 7,533,000 7,801,900 20,016,000 20,764,700 5,732,800 5,703 700 Cap Hid stock :Loans and dificonnts ' Bncele- • Due from other banks Due to other Deposits Circulation ^ , Ilia eirsdogs , oVtlib Lehigh Valle , Railroad for tlio six molibli itididg ilar 81,18511;rota.. . '...51 . 9.1,148 67 ~' " t , 1867; were 177,113 82 : .- - It;crettio in. 1858 The Cinoinnati Gtizette states thatthe branches of the State bank of Ohio have 'made decided pro. 'grass tiiiardi 'the. establishment of a Clearing „Route In that city, upslm the plan "recently • pro. P0.51.1i).1.1.71-131Hionyeittidnef 4161'141mM, lienturky,, and Ohliihtiniteric held .that city, the more- manta op, which were suddenly_ terminated by the distiptery4a legaldiffieuitY, in ,the .way'_of lo cating an agency of a-foreign bank in :that,:Stato. The Indiana bani`e,and a portion of the Kentucky banks .will. probably oC-operate with the Ohio banks bible undertaking, so as to make•itin foot a Clearifig • Ranee- 'for the leading institutions .whoce:eircitiatiori centres at Cincinnati. • The'eapital has.beeri -fixed at half's. million.. a portion of :which Is left to be subscribed in that city; • So moth of .itas has been apportioned to the 'oonirtry banks, being nanoh the largest of the whole, has been. sulasorted, and on - Friday last the,follo*lng ge ntlemen were ehosen .. to represent this ititeroseas ^ direotOrrlC ~, " Noith.D: W Heim, V. Winters, of Dayton, 'Stone, Jr., of 'Cleveland. The Erie Observiii• isay% tllOlO6 -Pittsburgh and Erie, Railroad will , -be , finished to West Greenville, Mercer county, notwithetanding the assertions to the contrary ; It will bo finished also, from Enon Valley to ;low Castle, and from West Greenville to-New Castle is about forty miles. ,Now, that a country like the Shenango „valley, u nsurpassed In agriculture and minerals, cannot eorusttuot forty miles of road, with the help that will beietteerfrdly given by those interested in that already-IMilt, is simply prepoeterorts. That help oanhe procured to,finish the road, it is well assured,' and if those interested in. its oonetruetinii act -promptly, the cars will probably_tb running between Pittsburgh sad Elie within a twelvemonth.. • ' PIILLADELPIIIA STOCK PrXOIIANGZ BALLS, June 2.1, 1858. EEPORTED DT YANKEE, BROWN, & CO, EANY-NOTE, STOCK, AND RICHANOR ER, ORENS, NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND CHKEENCT HEREETE, . trillisT 'BOARD. ..- woo Penns B'i, .2dpv.9o ' 'l5 O&Am R., ....2498.911 1000 -do - ...2dye.9o 60 lioadlOg It , 05.22 N 1000 -do - • 90 100 .do , ....... 55.923 i 600 ,do 90- 100 do ' c 22% 1000 Busq Quill 63 6d5.50A( 1100 do 0.22.1( LOCO -do 65w0.60)( 60 do • ..:650n..22x -1 Penn Ilatiroad.-...411‘ 60 • - do ' - b5.22X -6' -" -, do - .. • .41 hl 6 WootiMo flank 56 . . .. • -. tttyrEEtiodkitaW.-"' . . 100 Reading 2f• • c.22;gi ~:• -_„ • •PECQY7 I HOAED. _ ... . . , .. , ~ 200 Itiading 8,.. b5wn.22)( 25 Oatawiess B 01( , 100 . d o .. ,bs b . 6.k g . 1 Labiigh, 74v- . 477( 10 N Penna. B, , 04 20 Phris, B 41% ' 10:G i an d Bank • 11),:- *Ora R.ia iktmrt.its goo.) da 11. 7d. ' ..2.26.84 1000 Ponos :B. 65...68X 10001,& Amn 6i 1 63::70 1000 do , '83..70 26 114 . ading 11....,..0;223( 60 - --- di) . ' .... ,o 22% 50 do ~..„..0.22N 1101—Bryan , . Bid. Asked. Bah Nsv Imp es .4.9 CO do ' 0td0k.... 7 8 CLOStge • EM. bkea, II etok Os 41..110 phita eve -.00 - 08 h do • 86N1 do ' • New..loolllol Panturyli6s 89)( _ 80 I Reading a.... - “,.sax22g • 'de bIP7OInotIT4 do - bated $44.. - • db, fat do !dp..ee 70 Yews ... . .. 41 g 417( do Art mt 64.100N— d0 2dtrt 68 In oB6BN 873 Korth, Caul 0013,0 6 1 46 et ok do prat 14,v 14% Wrnsp't &Mar Haag Tog do Mast nit .643 i 66 Longg Island 11% 11% Girard Bank 11,ig 111( Leh Coal & Na?..47,4 48 N Penns it do 64 68% 60 New Greek Catania*. tt 63( ? Lehigh Zin0...." 1 •4Q,. prof 101 102 Fein N b 82.... GI 68 Re~diaQ~:.~ ~ ' PIALADELPHIA MARKETS, Stine 24—Evening.— There is littler , or bO change in Breadatuffs, and the Flour market Is without ady new feature, and very dull. the only tratilaciltins we hear of being 600 bble Western bitra at $4 62N fp bbl, at which rate it is freelyoffered; standard superfine is held at $5 25 tv bbl ; the retailers andhakeri are bujlig it from $4.25 up to $4.7505.76 4ff bhl for common to extra and fancy family. brands, as In quality Corn Meal le 6rmat $8 87)6 for Penneylvsnia multi 160 bbl. Brandywine brought $8.16 4e' bbl. A. email sale of Rye Flour . woe made 'at $3 31.N4P bbl. There is very little prlnis 'Wheat offering, and the mar ket generally Is dull, about 2.200 bushels only having found buyers, at 10001050 for ieds, and 11001160 for -whiter the latter for prime parcels : Rye la scarce, and *ailed at Mie for Pennsylvania. - Corn Is also in reqnsetand Scarce at afurtber advance, with ilatea of alma 4,500 „tun 'Penneylv&nts Tolle* at 760 afloat, and in store: data are rather dull to• day, end about 8,000 bus only found buyers at 40)6 ono. Bark—There Is to demand for Quereitron, and let No 1 contlnuch 'dull, the beet offer being $3O 4P ton. Tan.: noes bark le selling at $14.60 4ff cord for Spanieh oak. Ootton—The market is firm, with furtffer indexer about 160 bales_at," fully - former rates. Grocericor—Thero Is more dolbg ; among the mho are 3 800 balsa Bin Coffee, -at 1010 on time; about TOO blide Cuba Sugar brought 606N0 on time. Provisions—Thelnarket is quiet, and a small .business only to note at $l7 qfr bbl for Mem Po4c, TORTIO for Bacon Hams, Do for Bides, and 7e for Shoulders -,Lard is firm at 11)60 for bble, and 12)6o for kegs Whiskey Is dull and the demand limited, at 22ii 02343 for bble, 220 for bltds, and 21021)6o for drudge. PITTEBTIRGII MARKETS, June 25, 1858 —noon dull;salenonfhewharfof 38,33, 80 nod 40 bbls at $3.86 for caper and 18 60 for- extra. From ntore ' ,70 bbls at $8 60. $4 12, and $4 66 for the three rrades; 76 do at 33 62, $4, cad $4 60 ; 100 do ;taper at $3 30, and 60 do at $3 46; also, 40 Racks (100 Ma) Tennessee fame. ly extra at $28032 50 (laatte."-43alen 510 hue Oats from wharf at $26027, and' 150 'has db from sure at 80 ; 300ints Corn from wharf at 47 ;40 bog spring Rarity, from , wagon, at 30, - and 50 do 'Aye at 45. Porsroas.—Sales 50 bon mixed from store at 66, arid '26 do Mercer at 70 letaa.—Enles of 15 bf bile new Mackerel, large, 26.50; 'lo"bbls do stsl.2 00. and 4l) ht bbls Lake Wilde at 83 50 `pa 76 - ' Subla:—Sales of 11 and : 6 hhds N. 0. , prline it 8 and • e ' ' ' • 58 bblireetifleditt2o o 24c ity gal. Datieb Factious -A sale of 13 bus at $3 75• PACO!! ,htuf•deolinedi sales of 20,000 lbe Western In lots 4t egbeix for Shofilders, *Mr, B,t age ; ,Olt.T:dareet Obaulders are selling at . Otter4;ls.-:- - Bilee of ey bxe at 708 e, and 320 bXa at let trtrax.—.3sale of 1 bbl Roll at 12Kc. ' • Mat4nts l y Talagirtph. Br TIMORIe, Jtfoe' 141—NOUr,dt111, and no POO , r.- porteA. „Wheat ;lull d.'unsbiluted, Corn to quiet; uhlai ilitCyalluit• 76677 c. 'Prorthions dull and un• ; 12a2;i0. • ..Cnttleflo;Jurill4.—Flour It; steady. Whr at arm at 71e Corn active at bac Onto 11;u1. abilon; los to Buffalo-1,000 bbl, of Flour, 10,500 bush of Wheat, and 48000 bosh of Corp. The following is Bn ezt> cat tn i t r pte ill ti ; te . letter, reeelviidbY r the eteimer, S.:ddressed n mar , 'Jinn' in-this city,- , and written from Aye, in the' • , ii.TbefEing et Burnell- has sent 10,000 rupees f£1;0001•to the committee in Caiouttis for'thoie who have: suffered by: the Indian' tnutiny; —Hie me.. jesty's whole course, during, the'monthethii fear ' fat storm of anarchy has been sweekingvor India, has= been most praiseworthy. A civil war is now' raging in Yunan,a,provinoo in China; bordering epon..l3urmah.. The tliohammetlen. part .6f the population 'rose upon- the other ;arcade, and mur dered whole Tillages. After hundreds of thou sands were• butchered- the tido •turtfed, and it is thought now that not a, single Moslem will _be spared." - ' . • . , INJURIOUS Errgorti OF NEW TYPE.—it •io well known: (says the Parts oorresporident of the Morn iiig Advcrt(scr)khat new type has a very-tpjuri, ous effeot , on the.flpgers, and that,ohildran employed in sorting it in theloundries, very often.tose the-use of them. LThe thribia Medicate relates the following recent case- of, paralysis caused by handling new type': "A Compositor, aged thirty-nine, 'in' perfect health, was provided, some time ago, with a new fount. He had scarcely used it for-a week when hie wrist become weaker and weaker; the skin of the thumb, index, and middle finger was worn off at the tips, and, in a few days more; ho had com pletelylestthe use of his hand.llis medical ad viser, Dr Salter, rightly 'attributing thtq disordeF 'le the:poisonous effects of the load contained in the typo, ouused him to bathe' his hand several 'times a d ay, each time for the space of three hours, In a Solution of 'Sntg,hprpt of potvii'unt. This Waal remedy effected a complete cure friths dome oT eight days, with Out the aid of any other media ,9.l4°!!'t „ .*, .blua a. nn fa Loonitaid.—The Lake Frovhislice (La) Herald 'of the 13th giver the following [M count-of-a• horrible' matter at Floyd, in 'Carroll parish: on Sunday night, Bth instant! • Mt. It. M. Flournoy, a peaceable 'end Irbrttly , citizen aud,planter, residing not fat from Floyd, :having beard it. intimated that a young man known as Itoh-Stripling was unlawfully-taMper ing with.. a negro girl of his, called to the girl tot come away, or •to go home, , or something to that-effect. — This gave offence to 'Striplina, 'who accosted Flournoy with some such ex pression as ” Who aro you?" • and recoiling no reply, roularkod that he would make him answer, .and thereupon _ went up to Flournoy, and plunged a bowie-knife into, his, right side. Flournoy then went to the post Office, whioh was rutar.by, and tnadeltnown that hewas,attaoked by 43trisiling dn.-thi.niannitir aid under the °lrmo. Ames lie sttrvived his wound about an lour. - Meanwhile Stripling had gone to his rook, Where'le was &and abed", with. the bloody knife , tinder hit motto:ow, and was-arrettled. Be was put into prison and heavily ironed. -From the intense eacitementwhichperVades the community, we Haim that he is in great danger of being shot through the grating, or taken out and hung, at any moment. , Systematic Hoax.—ln every quarter of the city yesterday it was reported that an accident, involving an•awful loos of life, bad occurred at Gray's-Ferry Bridge. Wo heard , this rumor every -where—at the Exchange, in Broad street, and at the Schuylkill. Of course, we at once endeavored to asoertain the source of all the alarming reports that were in general oiroulation, when we learned, to our great relief, that the only,damage aces sioned hod been through the direct instrumentality of Madame Rumor, who, in this lestanee, as In many °there, had no vary great regard for the truth, FRU ADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADB. Josern O. (ham WiLu j ot O. REsr, 00101171111 Or TUN MONTE ELLIN It/LRNA!..L, ' ' ' - ' - LETTISH BAG& Al the Mirchaals , Sze/Wags, PAiladaphin. Banine - ACh Wee, epeddsn London, soon Barque Oordella, Fleeer Barbadoes, soon Bircme America. Witham, CATdeDUI, June Barque White Wing. Billing Laptev*, June ... 1 Brig fifty Queen, Lyle Mayans, term Brig Meteor, Anderson ....Havana, soon SAILING-OF THE OCEAN STEADIERS. • ' FROM THE UNITED STATES. ' i77/43f1l ; • 7808 702 DAY Amp New Tork..Havre Juno 20 Europa Boeton..threrpool, , June 30 - City of Baltlioore ..N York:Alrorpool July I gaxonla.... N York..liamburg July 1 Vanderbilt. ..... . .New York..Bouthampton July 3 -Perdu .. .. ... .... New York..Llrerpool ...July 7 , New York NOW York..elaugow ...... 4...JU1y 10 Borussia .. , New York..llamburg July 15 4 , . ?30M IttIEOPB. . . FROM 708 • - DAT New York, - Glaturow,.New York, June 12 Arid Bouthampton..New Yore Juno 16 Anglo-Baxon.....LlTerpool: .Q nobs o, &o June 16 Niagara 1 lverpool..Boston June 19 . Olty hi Wash , gt'n Liverpool—New York June 23 - . Pi:kiwi% ..... ...Bouthampton..New York, June 29 ETEAKERB TO AND FROM HAVANA , AND NEW ORLEANS. I _ New York 24, arriving at Ha• vans 7th, and New Orleans 'loth. From New Orleans 29th.,..HATAMI 23d, arriving at New York 28th. OsnliVita-aFroth New York 12th; arriving At Havana 17th. and.Nese Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, Ravine 30th, arriving at New York 3d. tl/1.65 55 rIIIILAVIILPRIA—PrOm Now York 17th, arriving at Ha:. caner 224, and New Orleans 25th. From New Orleans 6th, Berens Bth, arriving et New York 13th. liceok WARRIOR—Prom New York 27th, arriving at Elevens let and New Orleans M. From New Orleans 12th, tfavans 15tb, due at New York 19th. leeent.--From Ott alegon 4th and 19th, due at Ila vaha Bth and 231. 'Tom Haven& 10th and 25th', dhe at New Ycrk nth and dlet _ _ _ 13:7 The Celt Corals Mail ff isomers sail from New York on the 6th and Both of each month. When the above dotes fall on Sunday, the steamers will Leal on Monday, except from New (Meow PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Jane 25, 1.958 30N 'area 4 351,30 N Bin 7 25 EqGIL WATER /2.25 ' . Stea.eer Beason. Sallow, 20ARRIVE hoU D ra f ro mr New York ifs Ci PO Mity;with menhandise arid,:passengers to James r.ssesiu s. barque, three brigs and some 20 solos off the LedgrLight.fihip ; bound up. BriOgtoonlight, Small, days from Cardenas, in Abbott Lawrence, Baker, 4 days' from Boston, with mdse to Croirell & Conine. Brig Gramm. Baker, 4 days from New Bedford, tribal. Dud to Shober, Bunting & Co. - Brig Pauline, Atkins, 4 days from liostbri, I4ith Lucke to Toone & CO. BcheCedder, Oriitiell, 5 Lye trim Boston, with mdze to Crowell & Collias Behr Margaret Reinhard, Peterson, 6 days from Boa. tin, in ballast to Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Bohr Alvarado; Stanley, B days from New Yolk, In tuatara to Homo:tell, Potts & Co. " Bohr E W Benton, Taylor, 6 days from Coh usot, in ballast to Van Dozen, Norton '& Co, Bohr Constittition, Strout, 0 dap from New York, in ballast to ettptetn. Behr glighi, Huntley, 4, days from PrOvidence,.in bal last td Hayes & Godshall Behr Lewis Clark, Poky, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to O.A Hocksher & Co Mohr Pequanneck, Burroughs, 6 days from Bobbin, In ballasta to U A Ileokeher & Co. Behr Ban Lois, Ketcham, 4 days from Pawtucket, in ballast to L Audeoreid & 00. Bohr B Cheater Brower, a days from Boston. in bal last to Reyes to Godshall. Bohr .T P Lamed, Brambes, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to WlLToliis: Ull - , Bohr It erfy; 1414,y, 6 days fad Boston, id to IdsUm,'Ogle & 04. • Bohr J P Pharoi Oratimer, 4 days from Fall River, in ballast to asphalt'. • . - - Eche Wm George, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to I L Bewley & Co. Bohr Henry Nutt, Garwood, 4 days from Wilmington, NO, with lumber to Pettit, Martin & Co - - Bohr Sarah, Benson, 6 days from New Bedford, with oil to Shober, Bunting & Co. • • • Behr P %Taylor, Hooper, 10 days from Leeehrillo, Va, with lumber to Gsaldli& Galtlft: Bohr Florida, Rally, 5 days from Salem, with mdse to 'Crowell & Bohr Paulide, - JOnea; I' days from Norfolk i Va, with ehingleas to Bolt° neVanderreer &Co. - • Bohr Marta Pickup, baker, 5 dap tram Boston, with rods. to Crowell & Collies. Sohr.Emma, Vent, S days from Lynn, in ballast to N Sturtevant & Co. Behr Crisis, Renear, 6 days from Daorereport, in bal last to captain. Bohr W It Newcomb, Bacon, 4 days from Boston, In ballast to oaptaiu. Bohr Major Toms, Salmons, 8 day. from Indiah River, col h lumber to J W Bacon & Co Sloop Olivia, fox, 1 day from Odealia, Del, with grain to Christian is Curran; • • • ' • - Behr J L White. Burrell: from Marshall. • Barge Col Kends ick, Wharton, Edayil from Albany, with mdse toJ G Whits & Sons. • • . OhntllD. Steamship Remiche.", Hand; New York, .1 Allderdice. Bargee sArdella Miser, Borbadoes. J Rue. Brig D B Doane, Gilkey, Bath; G /Bockhorn. Brig J Nickerson, Nfekerson, Cape flaytlen, Thomas Wattson & Bone Bohr B W Benton, Taylor, Roxbury, Tan Dagen, Nor. ton & Co. Behr Alvarado, Stanley, Weymouth, Remmell, Potts •k. Co. • " Bohr 1.1 Reinhart, Peterson, Salem, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Behr lleoj Enollsh, Bliven, Medford, do Bohr Emma, Vent,Lyno, N &odorant & Co. Bohr Oriels, Ihinesr, Chelsea, einolokson & Glover. Bohr Rhoda & Nutlet', Hoffman, Boston, L Audended & Co. Bohr Flora Ring, &melt, Medford, Mace, Sinuickeon Glover Bohr Flight, Headley, Cambrldgeport, Hayes A Go& shall. Behr IL Chester, Bowers, Boston, do Bohr T P Learned, Frambes, Boston, W 11 Johns, Seim B L Berry, Hall, Boston, Baum, Ogle & Co. Bohr Pequounock, Burrows, Boston, U A Ilsokeher & Co. • Bohr L Clark, Sooey t Hingham, • do Behr Ban Lois, Ketcham, Proeldenee, t Andenrled Bohr J L White. Burrell Newport, Morris & Murray. Bohr - Julia Anna, Harding, itonton, N &odorant & Co. Bohr Lady Ellen, Corson, do • do Bohr Lombard, Hard ng, do do Behr Eugene, Parker, Boston, L Audenreld A Co Bohr Elias Wittiest' s. Taylor, Lynn, Maas do Behr Monsoon, Oral:inter, Washington, do Behr John Lancaster, Miter, Providence, do Bohr Jaber, L White, Morrill, Newport, Morris & Murray. • Steamer Bostors, Bellew, New York, Jan Allderdice. Steamer II L (law, Iler. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr Barge Col Kendrick, Wharton, Albany, John (1 White & Son. 22%022% (IT TILIORAPO TO TUT TRIZSO.3 - • New You, Jane 24.—ArrlTed, ships Epareinondee, from Rotterdam; Marten Cooper, from Antwerp; Damson Baron, from Buenos Ayrks; Brunette, frees Bewley de Keen belga Walter, from Marra, Da.; Mountain Eagle, from Banta Crnz , Onba. ' New ORLEANS, Jane 2J —Arrived, Julius, Erskine, from Bordeaux. - . Cleared,nbie Kentuckian, Mamie, for Liverpool Tropic, Howell, for Havre; John and Albert, Crowell for Soden. (Oorreipondence of the Philadelphia Etching's.) OAPHI lenexn, Jaime 24-8 P. M. The barque Washington Butcher, from Oleofuegoa, and several ochre. pulsed in this morning, The' brig Moraody, for St. Thomas, and, some ten ochre, wont out thin afternoon. Wind B. " Yours, ho, THOO. B. auiatilB. MEMORANDA.. . • Steamship Delaware, Copes, hbo4o arrived at 'New . York, yesterday, Shl Golden City, Leary, for San Promise°, cleared at Boston, 224 inst. Ship Alma, Graves, old at Boston; 2.3 d that, for Mel bourne • „ 'Ship NipOunder, Poster, for Melbourne - old at Boston 231 •,. Schr Robbie. W . Dillon, Merle, old at Boston. 23d lost, for Bath, to load for this port. Pchr Hero. Terry, - hence st Baltimore, 28d Inst. Bohr Wm floury. berme at Norfolk, 224 bet, "•Nehre Beth k and Major Deering`, hence at Itiltterte, 20th inst. Bohr J 21 Br +Mord, Boardman, tailed from Newport, 224 lust, for this port. -,,.... • . e. 7.• ~... -:- - .32 . :.-L , ,,z .f ... , :.._:,.: : :.-..-:. - r , :-..,...?..:, :-.:! ...,---.2 . 1. - i...1--",.:4" - - , ....e ~- .:, - .7.:: -, ,5,.., ...:, 7,,--.x-.. .... , :". 4 ,7:: , ' I . ' ',. '.',' ''. c'' ' ---'' i' 4 :f. - - , -:::- . . , • -'- --, ',, tifE PRINS i#" - PHII2 ADE • Hilt 1 ' tlibatit. StiNt i 25, ISISEI:zP'L' ,',-.:, 143 :ftlarine inteUtgente. EMM -„. , . • Behr Smith D Bellowil,'Olark, fin thla pott,a led from Provideno622ct Met •1301fridenterey, Armen, from Delariare Olty, for Fall River, passed Newport, 22dinst. Bohm New Mexicoi Ireland, and ,TB Ford, Otunpbell? • hence, arrived at Hartford,.22,l inst. ' •-t ' .Bo hr , William Henry, helical; arrived at Nerkfaikqnd hist ,• • • ••• , " Bohr leTtnensend; Townsend , for, Baltimore, 'sniffed at Boston, 22d Ind; • . , Behr Mary Oleaveland l Geodrldge, from Weet for Boston, passed Highland Light, 23d lost, 9 A Sohn .1.3 Spencer, Polly Price, Village! Gem, J II Allen and Aid for l,oaton, passed Highland , Liglat;2Bd Bohr Mary Price, Bilsztrd, from Wilmington, Del; for' Do ton, sailed from Romeo's Hold 23u Met i Bohn I Bamboo, Brannan. Henry P. Simroons,,Bint- ' lett; A Hammond, Paine. ' leoxana Maley, Morte, , and George Edward, May, hems arrived. at Boston 284 Behr J, - Anderson, Miller, .hente, and at New Ehnen 23d inst. W Weldon,. Duffield ; for Philadelphia. ' a rid I ,Touray, Gould; cleared at New york, Yesterday - Bchre D,G.Ployd, Rocket , for Philadelphia, and Flys way,Davie;for-Delaware etty r arrived at New Have n I 23d lint. , • - Behr WB Honey, Phillips, cleared at Boston 28d Ind for Vienna; Md. Brig I.xprens, Froth, hence at Halifax, 18th inst. Brig - Fairy. Welah, for Pernambuco, with - Boar,'aalled ' from Richmond, 234 jest, . • - Brig Martha Poet, Thompsom cleared at Norfolk, 224 inst, for Havana._ . Barque Amy, Ihnemoid, hence for Boston, passed Highland Light. 280 Inst. Barque Belle; Ryder, from .Boddri for .Philadelphia,' passed Highland Light at sunset, 23 d Inst. Bloopl, A Maeoiribni Rokbina, lience,atFall 21st in et . Btearneni .13 Seymour Sidman, and .0 0 Alger, Hague, for Philadelphia ' sailed from Hartford, 224 Ind PrOpoller Ann Eliza, Robinson, hence arrived at N en' link yesterday. - . ; Propeller Tawny, Wilson, cleared at New York ye. terday for Philadelphia. 111dit1Pii atisoELLANY. The ship Princess Royal, Captain Hartley, front Now Prieaus for Liverpool, grounded at the Southwest Pass .10th list, and remained 16th. - ' - Ship 'Castilian, Travea, at New York from Liverpool, reverts lgth• nit, lit 50 15, Jon 15 45, saw un - Anieriaan, slip un'ilre; ran for her, and upon approaching near, saw a ship that was lying near her fill away an stand to the eastward; also saw another ship from the west westward NCI close to; and then Maud on; suppdsed the first had taken elf the crew' b1ay,30,. pulsed the Grand Ranks, since which time ha yo had light $ W winds and calms,,with foggy 'Weather. - - 5 -• r - . , - ' ' 'NEW YORK, Julia 24, an ebips Wm Tapseott, Bell, 'Liverpool; ;cameo W Fanning, Briggs, Galveston• Ram bler, Lathrop, Mobile,. barques Eliza Bates , Wallington, Bermuda; Pilgrim, Matlock, Mobile; brigs Mattgaret, liiiton P:jardo; bt Rice i Greenough, Galv es to n ; Farah Peters, imrdj(libera t Cubit ; Frederic Eugenie, Colleygiette ;:13orneo, Craig, Ponce, P !obis' Shen, 13aWyer..Bleolv o lIttigeton, Ja; Seinta, Liopkins,.tarthe gene; RObeit Caldwell, Hudson, Charlesitori; George Amos, - Nleholas, Matanzaa; Steamship Weeternport, 'Berry, Baltimore and Norfolk. Cleared—Ships_Main Reach. Hamburg; Liverpool, Kearney, London; F Gebherd, Hayden, Liverpool; It 2' Kimball, Homer,Dl St Johns, B . Barques II Trow bridge. Augur. New Eleven; Geo Thomas, Hem, Apa lachicola. Brigs Ellen, England, St Thomas; Undine, Branecomb, St Johns, N F; Emily, - Davis, Charleston. Behr 8 P Smith, Cheeebro ' BOSTON.—Arr June 23, ship George W Bonnie, Ed., wards, New Orleans; brigs New World, (of New York.) Ross. Cienfuegos 3d hist ; Annandale, lingoes, Wil mington NC; actin Emma Amelia Har ding • Bevamieb; Frank Herbert; Mayo, Georgetown DO ; M E Pearson, Coombe, Baltimore. Telegraphed—Barque 'Union, from Mobile. Cleared, ships John G Center, Hamlin St John, N 13, to load for England; barques James I. Dan a, Fair child, Mobile; Ella Bea,row , Savannah; brigs Teele, Port au Prince; Laurin's, Lavender, Cape ileyt`en; Chimborazo, Brown, Rockport, to load for Baltimore; ech Spring Hill F. semen, Jacrnel. Sailed, - ship Alma; barques Lizzie, Arctic Anon; Waltham, Trinity, Brno, Ella; brigs Semi Chimborazo, General .Mareball, Mechanic; soh Ruby, Barque Marion went to sea from the Roads probably.be fore daylight. PORTLAND—An 22d, brigs Resolute, Hill, Bahia limmiar,Julia Ford, Griffin, N Vu k. SAVANNAH—Arr 21st, barque King William, Wood met, llevans• brig Susan, Drew, Boston. Cleared—Barque R A Allen, Robbins, Cardenas. • . CLlAbLEBTOrt—Cleared 224 lost, barque Harriet Frances, Snow, Liverpool ; Bahr Justine Bendel, Peter eon, Baltimore, Went to sea 21st, Behr Argue. Tuckermen, N York. NEW ORLEANS—Arr 16th host brig Pizarro, Stur gis, Stonington, Conn; 17th, brig Minatitien, Wooloog ham; !detentes Cleared, 16th Jost, ships Termite, Maristany, Dame lona; Ocean Romp, Manson, Havre; 17th, ship Kate Dyer, Liverpool; lath, brig Anna Kimball Merrill iiverpool; brigs Nib= Stetson, Treats, Temple*. ' W II Brune, Knight, Havana;' 17th, Spanish barques Fe, Munialegne, Ban Sebastian; Yeabellta, Aguirre, San- Towed to sea, 10th last, ship lonian; brig Ruins Soule; 11th, ships Highlander and Geo West+ Immo Oregon; -brig Valkyrlan; 12th, ships Bimoda and James Jdontgomere; barque Robert. ARKIVALti AT THE l'ittheliAL MIT= TT TO OTT O'Ol.OOX THIS MORNING. GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street. belowNlnth. G M Wight, Washington Dr JII Foster & 2 ladles, 0 Cattle, St Anthony's Chicago Falls Jos Konigmacher, Ephrata Wm It Jacob & la, Louis- Springs, Pa villa, ICY Edir II Pendleton, Wash -13 T Taylor k dim, N Y ington Miss Guest, N Y Mrs Gillespie N Y Col Pedro Godol, Santiago D. P Maio N Granada de Chili ' • DL de Burros, Santiago de G IS Cortex, N Granada Chili Wm CI Whiteley, Del T J Tobin & la, 8 0 J E Hussey, Nashville It D Frost, Canton, Miss W 1111arrison, Cincinnati, J 8 Hall & la, Hayford, Ohio Md Miss Murphy. Harford. Md Miss Michael, Garrard, Md Miss A Gall, Buford, Md Wm II Byrd, Augusta, Oa 0 M White, Trenton KMunson, Utica, N Y L Camino. N Y T J Pritchett, Tenn miss C A Elbotwell, N Y Jos D Shot sell, N Y M P Ayres k wife, Jackson- Augnstus Getty, Baltimore villa, 11l Wm A Foster & la, Sloes Francis V Phillips, N 'Y 0 W Morgan, Va F Lowy tr, ale, tibia Si as Loury, Chia J Jefferson Thomas, Angus- M L Miss Mary Clanton, Au. ta, Ca gush, Gs Idles Kit Lamar; Gs Thus II Oakley, N Y J Hall, N Y 3 13 Glsdney, N J Wm Dickson, N T • D Mollraine Baltimore Samuel Olrt Ilactfcitd, Ct 3 W Nicoll'', Harrisburg. lif H Cook & la, Cincinnati, Pa Ohio F X Wei:anger, Cincin. David C Barrow, Ga nati, Ohio D 8 Oalef, N Y H 11 Clarke, Pa II (I Julian, N Y IV D Weed. N Y A. (/ Harrod, Connecticut II D Winslow, Boston Al II ft Styles & la, Brook - Was If 0 Styles, New lyn Brighton F Dohs, N Y Mr Gloss /c 2 eons, Wash- Gen It Davis, California ington Jae 0 Bradford, Phila J II Hart. Richmond. Va John,L Buchanan, Va li L Drlnkwater, Dotton James A Davis, Ye AMBRIOALI HoUBE—Chestnut street, abore Fifth. Richard Henderson, N Y W Ilannekan & lady, West C 0 Newman, Li Y Cliestor W J Johnson, Mississippi C Johnson, Dslawaro Jas Brown, Marylund, , 0 4 Robinson ' llamas Salmi Briiwnson, Kentucky 1' W Muster' 6; daughter, II B Schofield Philo ' Baltimore C Bedell, N Y C Loeser, Jr: Pottstille I, 1' Garrigues, Pottsville 0 S Titus, N Y Jos F Chatellier, N Y W .Washburn, N Y J R Weeks, Newark, N J 11 C Nesbitt, Port Deposit Mrs D Powers, Lansingburg, Franklin Ross & la, N Y Nese York A Ross, N Y S 'iv:McDougall, N Y 0 B Maxwell, Dantillo,N Y M 11 Potrero, Bensingburg, Mri, F lt tlitule.t, Jerooy NO; York City J E Simmons, N Y D 0 Dodd. N Y Jnoillienry, Boston, W W Hollings, Boston ,ti 0 Napes, Nem . Don Olylmo, Mexico 8 B Sanford, St Louis MEBOHANTEP 110TEL—Fonrth street. below Arab. A W Wilson, Indiana, Pa M Stratton, Salem, N J John Johnson, Brooklyn 'Payne Pettibone & wife. Mal Sanders, lerDelaware Wyoming, Pa A Armstrong & la, Hagers. W J Madsra, Pa town, Md II E Syr., Selinsgrove, Pa P Clark,. Pa , A 8 Peiklet, N Y G Everett, N Y Dr It hlcUready, flewick- Geo Kunkel, Harrisburg leyelliii, Pa WN Stewart, Pittsburgh. Win Willis,Thippensburg J N Lukens, Egleamere, Pa S Ward, Itiuvlsburg W P Boyd, Mansfield. Masa J McElroy, Pittsburgh BWightman, Pittaburgh W Moore, Clearfield. Pa UNION IlOTßD—Arch street, below 70=01. .1 Dilworth, Bucks co, Ps 0 Tolman, Fitchburg. VII T Tolman. Fitchburg, Ye 811 Orlflis, Ilancook, N Y J goore, Itarrisbrirg, Pa Miss Cooper, Harrisburg, Seiffert, Manchester, Pa Pa - Milton Selffert, Blanchester, H. Steel, Port Deposit, Mil Pa- /3 Murtaugh & la, Pa Bliartengh, Pa John Lerch, lowa Samuel Lerch, lowa . John Laux, Neaten 0 0 Holcomb & la, N J Bliss 0 Holcomb, N Mice ZIIIIInetOIIU, Ole, 0 J Zimmerman, Olu, 0 0 Ootbit, N Y Ii J.Mulford.Briageton,NJ 11 I) Draper, Mulford, Mace B Alexander, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Rate street, above Third. James Aitken, Pittston, Pa II Edmonds & Potter , . 0 Callender, Plttsbursh D B Jones, Sr, Frenehtown Chao 8 Oliphant, IVilliams • N. 7 port, Pa Samuel Willtame N Joshua Cowley, Pa , Alfred T Clark. Lancaster James Boyd, South Easton Dr 0 Weldy, Atlantis City Oeo D Holley, Dorset, Vt Cleo Wynkoop & la, Ribs W F Peak. Pottsville, Pa Wm N Peters dc Is, Mer les D Lebanon ahalPs Creek, Pa .1 bhott, Lebanon • MADISON MUSH, Second etreeti above Market. Janine Liddell, Trenton, NJ D 8 Vandenburg, Victor, It M Vaughan, Milton, Del N Y Thos J Barrowe, New York It Irvin & la; Memphis Mice Irvin, Memphis pre Bannon, Baltimore BALD KAMM ROTEL—TWO htteat, ab. Oallowhill Samuel Miler, Luzern° ea Prank Nowcommer, Mid Nathan Frederxek, Allen. dletown, Ls town, oa' • Nath K Bieber, Kutztown ennui Martin, Ps ' BLACK BEAR ROTEL—Third, below Oallowhlll. bilas Maple, Lucerne co D noncom, Healing Roo Neywime, Ending" Rim BH. Brobst Atlp.lo , o Mrs Drobeb, Al l entown„ .kb Hogeland, Feoeterrille BARLEY MEAN HOTEL—Second street, below Vine W Wallece,Stroudstaug, ra A B Johnson, N Hope Eder Atkinson d. Is Bucks James 0 Eden, Bucks co Alm Rill, Newtown ,D Donovan, Trenton co, Ps Wm Johnston, Trenton .11.13LAOlt DEAR INN--Pllth and Merchant stream. 0 K Palmer, Delaware John Way, Cheater co, Pa Thomas Warrington, West James Stott, Chester co, Chester Pa James Drawn, Maryland D E Trainer, Delaware co, T Lewis, Delaware 00, Pa Penns R Steel Pa • J 4 Chandler, Hopewell Coo Haines, Pa E H Brown, Lanmuster co, J H Erb, Lanomiter co, Pa Pa J P Ocean, Chester co, Pa 0. Marshall Taylor, Dela- W McHenry, Chester on, Pa ware en, Pa WESTERN HOTEL—Market street, above Eighth. At Kelly, Del Johnlle(lord, Harrisburg Thee Hanlon, re _ A Thomas, Harrisburg S,Dradhuret, Lan° Jes Venial:lt, N Y' 0 li Ouramlpge, N Y D 0 Dobson, N J JAC. Sheen, Del , 11 Horsey, D 0 • Excel/dot ItAfrigerupas=: $l,OOO Challenge that my Iterriieratere will keep provision longer, wills loss ice, than .any other in the cit.,. I warrant thont to give Satisfaction ' at the low price et $5.50. • Also, a large assortment of Water Cool ers. Price $2 J. S. CLARK, je23-43t No. 1008 MARKET Blroot, above Tenth Strauss & Goldman, No. 300 Market street above Third, Wholesale dealers In CILOTIIINO, are sow selling off their entire stock at Retail, at wholesale prices. je3.lra 0110I0E NOVELTIES • - e SUBUSIER STABS OF HATS, ~ WARBURTON'S, Jena , No. 480 CHESTNUT Street Ice Pitchers.— • GREAT IMPROVEMENTS. PATENT APPLIED POR. - Our new Improvod Ice Pitcher combines all the quail fice.tiona, both of utility and economy. Sold only at the exclusive Silver 'Prated Ware Montt factory of JOHN O. MEAD lc SONS.. N. E corner NINTH and CHESTNUT 6treetn, je24l-31. ' ,-,,Operiql ~N.oiiiiti:l ''''-''. ) T ttalidtiltiiltt el the .11Lrert, - -=Wlteit - not Raging froto - erganlo diseako k palpitatioaa are 'due 'either to nervnua oxettelneut Or to a gimoial tinimvCrfahmeot of NIAN,ElitAl3l!;by reatOrfni the vital Auld tolta proper 'calm nervous too:Ate -meet, ornate palpttatione, and' lurigoratei the whole Natem. • . „ • , ' - joM.Or Singer's Sewing Macitines.ifter a lair trial of the ROVOI , Bi machines that have yet been Were(' to the public, - the, unanimous verdict of Clierato'rs has bean given in favor of Singer's.. 'Phials, in fact, the 04/y machine capable of,performing every Wag of ,sewing. 131 N . OBTOS NEW FAMILY SEWING MAtiIIIN.EI is,,beyond all question, the most complete article for nullity use yet invented, being at-once ornamental, nattily operated, and superior, in every respect, to any other machine. On this statement we - challenge the world. I. M. BINGER:A CO., ica-dm , . 002 011B8TNUT Street: - Seamen's Salina Fund '--Offlce SIO3 Walnut street, one door west of Second street." Receives de posits in 4 alf , One Dollar and iipwards, from all gIiYaW,S of tit/Ammar, and allows interest at the .r....31;:0r ' rcent. per lIIIIIUM. ," (Office open daily, from 9 tuktil 6 o'clock, end on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, Franklin Yell; Treaaurer and Secretary, ,Cheriee M. Morrie. . Jackson, JOB PRINTER, 11/R.ROHANT BTREET. Ohee Race., Drafts, Bllle Lading, Bill Hesde, Cir. onion, Carle, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prioee to suit the times. oal:4y , Grover k ‘Rakers • OXLEBRATIM FAMILY I3BWING BIAOIIINBO, 780 071ESTMIT -13TIENICT. These Machines are now Patty admitted to be the best in use for fatellysewing, making a new, strong, and elastic stitch, which will nor rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut. °Steelton meat on application by letter. .apg-y Ilomor , s Infant cordial.--Tine iniatuable dordial is prepared from •variety of the most °hole*, and efficient aromattoshnOwn in medicine, and it the most perfect end reliable carmlnetivo extant for Infants and yorang.ehlldrem. By lta powerful influence a speedy ours la effected in all bases of eholie, windy Pains And spasms : Relieves end mitigates mush of children , sEffering during donti• lion or teething,,end by its soothing properties traa• quills.. pains of the bowels, looseness, woraltieg, Ac. - The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousends of omits with the mood abundant success. 110 Wally thould be withoht it. Prepared only by HAMM A. , Bowta, At his Drug and °handsel Btoro, N. I. corner of Faith and Green eta., Philadelphia.. To whom all orders meet be addressed. And for dale by Druggists generally. an Id-ly Saving Fund.—Flue Per Cent. Interest.— NATIONAL SAPRTY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received In any amp, large or small, and Interest paid from the day of depielt to the day of withdrawal " Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made in Real Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Rents, and en& first-class securi ties ss th charter requires.. Office houre, from 9 o'clock In the morning until 5 o'clock In the Afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 *lock, fed To Prevent the flair falling oft. TO pro mote a new growth. To prevent the hair turning gray. To change gray hair and whiskers to their original life color. To make the hair sorb and glossy, inclining it to curl, JULES HAUEL'S EAU ATIIENIENNE, OR HAIR RESTORER, Bold by all druggists, and by JULEP! HATI - EL & CO., N 0.704. WIESTNIIT Street: je2l4Bt-wlt .fftarna2eo. On the 24th instant, by the Rev. E. W. Nutter, ED WIN 11. DEER, of Notfolk, Va , to REETEE, daughter Of William Esher, Een., of Philadelphia, * On the •..2,1 February, by Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, Mr. JAMES AI DIVINE b Moe HANNAH H. WELLES, both of this city, Oa the let inataat, by the Ber. George Chandler, Mr. BENJAMIN 000MBE to Mies MAGGIE HONE. * 0a the 10th April, by Rev.' Aker M. Levy, Mr. B. KROGER BATTIIII.3 tolitt . es MARY.L. DEVAULT, all or Philadelphia.et EDeatbss. On the 234 Instant, BARAD ELIZATISTIf, daughter of (leo. D and Mary Glenn, in the 12th year of her age. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the resid'en'ce of leer parenb , , No. 708 South Sixth street; the (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock.- On the 23d Instant, Mrs. OAT141115:15 HICKEY, in the 57th.year other ago. The relatives and friends of the faintly , are respeetf ally Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her corm, IL and D Foley,ltio„2l4 Jefferson street, above second, the (Friday) morning. at 8 S o'clock. To pro coed to the 8t Michael's Cemetery. On the 23d instant, at Freckford, Mrs. IL&NNAII E., 'rife of Fleury Dotter he relatives and IA ends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, Paul street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. tF Oa the 23d Instant, JOSEPH OLEAVBR, in the Clot year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, Part Penn, Delaware, this (Friday) morning, at 10 o'clock. iF On the 22d instant, 51ta.,13A.11.A1l 11. KAY, in the 731 year of her age, Der relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral this (Friday ) afternoon - , at 3 o'clock, from her late residence, 539 Yofk avenue, above Ta roomy street, Interment at Laurel Bill Cemetery. * On the 2311 Instant, CATIIARINE STEEL, aged 25 Jean. The relatives and friends of the family-are respect folly Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her brother-In-law, James Fallen, District place, Tenth street, above Vino, thia (FridayLafternoun, at I °Weak, without further notice. Top acted to Cathe dral Cemeiedl. On the 224 instant, Mrs. ELI'LADETiI, Wife of Wm. Dougherty, and daughter of the late Peter Lore, In the 41st year of her Aga The relatives and Mende of the family, also sfartba Washington Asseciation,lio. 40, I. 0. of P., are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her husband's residence, in Twenty-third street, below Lombard, on Suuday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Odd Bellows' Cemetery. isst On the 22d. instant, TLIONAS ORR UASSINOER, youngest coo of John and Eunice ' The relatives and frienda or the faintly are respect fully invited to attend the ftinefal; frdoi hie late resi dence. Park sir. et, above Walnut, West Philadelphia, this (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, without further notice.a . . On the 224 instant, Mr. PETER SPARED, aged 54 yearn. The male relatives and friends are respectfully in vited to attend his funeral, from his late remittance. 1012 West Notth street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, On the 224 instant, WILLIE, eon of James and Eli zabeth d Pinson, in the 6th year of his age. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, No 92D Washington street, on Sunday afternoon next, at 3 o'clock. EThe Committee of Twenty-four to re port upon Ameuded Rules, appointed by the rotic Convention, will meet Tills (Friday) kV TEltfioOri, at 3 o'clock, at the (frond-Jury item, Law Building, FIFTIL fitrtiet, below Walnut. • JO °Mir bi 3R.CIiARLES w je232.1t Delaware Land Company.—A %tided la ... Meeting or the Stockholders will be hold on 510NDAY EVENING nbxt, June 28, at 8 o'clock, at 'nal*lin Hall, SIXTH Street, below Arch. An Elec tion for one Director will thou to held, to 811 n vacancy: je2B4lt* B. H. HAINES, Secretary. EcrComnterclal Mutual Insurance Corn- PANY.—A. Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company N 1 in Le belrl at their Lidice, in rear' Of Re 219 WALNUT Street, on TUURSDA Y, July 8, 1818, at 11 o'olock A. M. JOU A McCOLLOM, je2B-tjyB ' Secretary. Alumni Association, Central High Lir BCII.OOL.—A. Meeting of the hoard of Managers will Le held at the Lidice of SAMUEL L. TAYLOR, Esti , No. 427 WALNUT Street,-on FRIDAY, 25th instant, at 5 o'clock P. Si. FREDERICK BEYER, President. Wii.Lies M. Intro, Secretary. Je24-2t La. Philadelphia, June 24th, It 4 5S.—A n Election for Directors of tho DICTUM. DE POSIT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF PIMA-. DELPIIIA," to terve the ensaing year, will ho held at the Office of the Secretary and Treasurer, S. IL Loruer of THIRD and WALNUT Streets, ou MONDAY. July 15th, 1805, het)seen the hours of 10 o'clock A. and 3 o'clock P. M. WM. MARTIN, 10., le24LIOt Secretary mot Treasurer. niiintleinhin and Readily, Roiroad CO.—Ofdee 2'21 South roi;i;TN !!:12.1t. PIIIL4DELPHIA, Juno 21,4,10. To avoid detention, the holders of Coupons of this Company, due on Id proximo, are requested to leave them at this Ofilee on or before the 90th inatant, when receipts will be given and Checks will be ready for de livery on the let proximo, in exchange for mud receipts. je22.-tjyl 9. BRADFORD, Treasurer. Rig Mountain Improvement Company. PHILADELPHIA, June 11th, 1958.-I , IOTV - 111, A Special. Meeting of the Stockholders of the " Big Mountain Improvement Company" will be held at the office of the Company, southeast corner of FRONT and CHESTNUT Streets. Philadelphia, on FRIDAY, the 26th Instant, ut 12 o'clock I f., to receive it report upon the unexpected condition of its entre, and to express thelt views no to the future course they Isiah the Dl realm to pursue In the matter. By order of. the Board of Directors. jol2-dl2t WM. P. JENKS, President. Germantown Passenger Rnilway.—The Commissioners of the "Germantown Pnssenger Re Company" will attend on MONDAY, ho 28th Juno, 1868, and on each business day thereafter, from 10 o'clock A. M. to 2 o'clock P. M., at No. 80 South SPXTII Street, to receive subscription's to the clock of acid Company, until the same le fully subscribed. . Charles Magarge ' William S. Perot, Vincent L. Brad ford, J. If. Wheeler , J. S. Struthers, William Mill ward William W. Whiter , Mordecai 0. Dawson, Thos. A. Biddle, George W. Hammersly, Jabot Gates, John J. Grillth, and Robert I'. Ring, Commisoloners. jol24ltJyl GOLD PEN M&NUFACTORY, N. E. Corner of Sixru and-MINOR Streets, between Market and Chestnut, Philadelphia The Copartnership heretofore existing between PETER WALKER & DRO., for the manufacturing of GOLD PENS, Is new dissolved, In consequence of the tenth of Peter Walker, senior partner. Hereafter the business will be carried on under the joint name of WALKER h JOY. The sulnicriberg respectfully inform the trade that their orders shall be . met with that promptitude and attention which have hitherto characterized the trans actions of the establishment. je2s-It* WALKER & JOY. NOTICE.—Theso FANS, so much admired and sought after by business men to advertise on, am now up and ready to be negotiated for, at the EX CHANGE HOTEL, No. 77 DOCK Street, late Col. R. B. JONES'S. - The Hotel has been thoionghly renovated—the Chambers with , entirely now Furniture, Carpets, &c. ; the Bar and Eating Department are furnithed. with the beat the market can afford. Meals can be had from 6 A. .H. to 12 at Night. Koenig 37X per night, and 52.50 per week: 510 per month. Deileacied of every clime can be had at a moment's notice., The proprietor in vites his friends and the public in general to give bite a cull. J. OTTENKII2K, of the Madison House, Nos 37 and 39N. Second at., j025-It*. . Proprietor. STEER, Hair putter and Kt , Whig MakUrdos removed to 416 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom House. je2s-2t* OEA MSS! SEA BASSI—Jaid arrived, 10 the' schooner 1'E1iT014...1, with •fi fitio 'ldt 'of SEA BASS, fresh from the Banks, and for Sale' on board, at 81 . 11.1.1 Ct -STREET WiIAMF. ,'Open on Sunday Morn ing till 8 Q , eloek. Je24-20 '• ' I'. FIT ZPAT Rld K 'DORT WINE.-30 Quarter Pipes, in 1 owl and for WO by WILLIAM h. YEATON, 218 Eouth FRONT Street. Ti: - -1 - _!.'::.'34:1i . /It.Plli.ii q..000:'' .- .'',: I :;:;? , TWEIVTRIKNINGS - ,ST FORE AND' AO- 1 TORY:'I,RINGEI3 iuioQualled in quality. NEAV , TRIBIMINGS'STORK; FAQ= • TORY. CUSTOMERS ge,k-yETWO..OOITS. NEW TRIMMINGS STORE , A.NO-FACI= - TODY. - ' . NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY. EW-TRIMMINGS STORE 'AND FAO -I'l TORY, 'Oidinie . xecuted biour own opeottyq. NEW TRIMMINGS STORE AND ' INFAC TORY. 'J. G. MAXWELL & SONS, S. E. corner ELEVENTH 'and CHESTNUT Bts. Brunch-318 8 SECOND, below Spruce. -Je24-ot. LAWNS REDUCED. We are selling 'French I awns,'of the beet cloths and rich styles and medium designs pf Or gandies am! Organdy itolies; Suliimercllress Goods, and Tral oiling Dress Uoods at much reduced priced. 813AELPLESS attOrtliffel, J 0214 ' ' 011.Y.STNUT and - THE ODE APE ST EMBROIDERED CRAPE SHAWLS over offered in this .City are now being sold by • T ORN LEY & CHISM N. E. cur. MOUTH and SPRING GARDEN. We purchased, a few days ago, et a most tremendous sacrifice for ' CASTI, n lot of s ery rich Embroidered Crape Slutivis,,sanie quality and styli) as Ivo hare sold for • . TWENTY DOLLARS! %Melt we aro now Belling at the extremely low price of TWELVE DOLLARS!! Ladies, you way never hove Audi another opportunity of buying a - lIANDEM34I6 6ILLWL'.I3O CHEAP! ANO, Plain Crape Shawls, from $4 to $l6. . AIANTILIJAS AND DUSTERS . . _ Special bargains in 'Lace, Silk, Moir Antique Man tillas, he. Travelling Drees Materials in great variety. Thin Stinuner-Bross Goods. Organdies, Bareges, Grenadines, &c., &c - BLACK rrILE.c, NANCY SHAM rke. Our name is justly celebrated for Cheap Silks. Materials for Men and Bo}a'Neur. Linen Goods, of our own importation. Summer Gauze and other Flannels, ere. &c., Mitts, Veils, Embroideries, Hosiery, (Haves, Ac., at TUORNLEY A ontsm , W "ONE-PRICE CASH STORE," N. IL Oor. EIGLIVELX SPRING. GARDEN Eltenete. felOstf DEDUCED.- Another lot 124 and 16 cent 1.11. L'awas, reduced too cte. Rich Sobs-xtrlpo black and üblto LUSDIT, at eta. Finest black and brow a calmed Laconia, 23 eta. 650 yds black Tantartine, fluent quality, reduced to 33 eta. - - BAREGE DRESSES. - Rich Satin plaid, gay styles, Barego Dresses, $5 0110 lot finest mode Bareges, reduced to J 8) cts BAYADERE. ilmas, Ducalsi Peao A,E h i tiva, E 1 8 ,arellss. Moo, Robes : Laos Robes,. reduced 1=1=MI! Homo vory handsome, for $lO, from auction, and worth MS, with a variety of other styles. Altai, SILK DUSTERS. SILK 51A.NTILLAS, and ,combinntions of Silk and Lace, of our own St/PER ion MANUFACTURE, fresh from tho work-room every. hour during the day , jell " COOPER & CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET MATERIALS FOR DUSTERS AND LU. TRAVELLING DRESSES.— Cheno Tanjore Cloths.' Bas adore Imam Ottoman Pop Him and Madonuaa. Bayadere Mohnirs. Silk Warp Layettes. Cotton Warp do, at 10 and VS canto. ' , Bayndere do, at 12 , j cents. Luplies super all-wool Lebege. Oriental Lustres, &c., &c. JUST FROM AUCTION. A fresh lot of O =deltas and Ducats, at 26 cents. A One stock of PrenchOrgaudies and Jaconetn, reduced in price. Glossy Black Silks in great variety. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Plain and Plaid Nainsooka. White French Brillianta. MEN'S AND BOYS , WEAR, White Linen Drilling and Duck. Plaids, Brown Drills, &c. Shirt Bosom in variety. Linen, Cambric, and Silk Pocket ildkfe. Black Silk Cravats, Ac. The whole stock very cheap, for cash. CHARLES ADAMS, jel7 EIGHTH and ABM Street. REDUCTION IN PRICES. SPRING ItiNTILLAS, ALL SILK SUMMER MANTILLAS, SILK AND LACE, SILK AND NET, all redlicaEl in price on and after MONDAY, JUNE 'Pm. ►EENOB LACE POINTS AND MANTILLAS. JUST OEENED, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP DESIRABLE GOODS,. which we will alter at LOW PRICES. J. W. - PROCTOR k 00,, No. 768 CIIESTNNT grant RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, DIAPERS, aco CONSUMERS of RICHARDSON'S LINENS, and those desirous of obtaining the GENUINE _GOODS, should nee that the articles they pi:lv:these are sealed with the fall name of the firm, RIOHARDSON, SONS,' & OWDEN, - As a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Hoods. This caution is rendered essentially necessary enlarge quantities of inferior and detective Linens ere prepared season alter 'mon, and sealed with the name of RICHARDSON by Irish houses , who, regardless of the Injury thus indicted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while put-. chasers can be imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. . . •J. BULLOCKE &T. B. LOCKE, n1y213-6m Agenth, 30 uIIIIRCH Street, New York. E YRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND AROH STAPLE AND FANCY SIZE GLOW OPENING Of Fik 611 I ON'A.I3I_IID SPRING SILKS AND ROBES HATA DYIRE LIGHT BILKS BAYADDRE RIOII SILK& ODNNN DAYADNRE ULAN. MUNE MODE BLUE AND DROWNS !WWI" AT kidi MBA?. 63, $2.50, and $3 for the . -SIMI SPRING SKIRTS. EYRE & LANDELL, jyl FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS • A OARD. JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer to DOMESTIC AND POREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 44S N. SEOOND Street, 100V0 WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA. Largo Story White Building. TERMS-6) PMOII ron CASH. DP" Prices marked to plain agates on each artitile ap2il-am Etna! Notices iN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE J. COUNTY Or PRZIADELPHIA. A. 1)011111%N, deceased EM=CI The auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court afore-, bald to meet, nettle, awl adjust the arcortnt of JOSEPH C. TURNPENNY, Admintatrator cunt Jestantento anntro of William A Dobbyn, deceased, and tore. port distribution of the bnlance in his hands, still meet the parties interested at Ills Office, No. 829 ARCH Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of July, 1855, at 4 o'clock P.M. je26.fluw St EDWARD HOPPER, Auditor. Notices NGTIGE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT si application has been made to the Tlustees of the Fire Afisoclettou for the renewal of policy of Insurance leaned in the name of JOHN MURRAY ) op the 6th day of December, 1641, No. 11,932. for $l,OOO, and by blot transform! to JOHN MtCOY, December 6,1831, and by him transferred en the ,HitlllB date to CAT/MR/NB RANKIIN, which policy htts boot left or mislaid. Any laormatiou thereof will be received 'by • JOHN 111cCOY, • jel6-w f 311 and 313 South FRONT Street. BRIDGETON, MILLEVILLE, PORT ELIZABETH, A c., Ac.—The a earner Ell 'ItESS leaves first pier below ARCH Street TUESDAYS, THURSDAVS, cud SATURDAYS, at 8h o'clock A. M. Returning . leaves Bridgeton SVINDA WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, at 8 o'clock A. M.. touching at New Castle, Delaware:, City. Greenwich. Mulford and Tyndale's, going and returning. Through tickets, by stages connecting with the '° Ec press," tor the following places, to wit : 81 00 Port Elizabeth 81 11 Fairton or Cedarville. 75 I Newport 85 Dividing Creek... •.. 1 00 Hauricetown 1 05 All landings on the Cohansey 75 Do/aware City or New. Castle 60 The Magee meet the boat punctually. No disappoint meuts or delays need be anticipated. Freight of every description, taken at low rates. jell-Itast SI.ISFOR LINEN GAITERS. ets. (or LINEN SLIPPERS. 76 els. for VELVET SLIPPERS. 75 ets. for KID SLIPPERS. BLACK LINEN GAITERS. PARKER'S, 51 North SIXTH Street I . ARGE NO. 8 IIIA.OKEREL—NOW IN A—A store and landing, 300 bble No. 3 MACKEREL; large 2115 halves ditto, for sale by JNO. M. KENNEDY & 00., .. 15 Non. 180 and 132 N. WHARVES o p. FOWLER, WELLS, & CO., 322 eCLIESTNUT street, keep standard works on Phrouob , gy, Ph)siology, Water Cure, and Pho nography, sholesalo and retail. Phreuologi col Examination, With charts and full writ. teu.dencriptlons of character, given' day and MU NI,. Cabinet free to visitors. Orders by moll to be addressed to Fouler, Wells, .1,, Co., V 22 Chestnut street. jaMtnolf SLATEI SLATE!! SLATE Ill—Rooting Slate, of all sites, and at you low rates, kept eon gently on band, and for mile by lIERING, FOX & 00., GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street. - - N. B. Slate Roofs put on in The beet Manner, and re Dsleer ►trended tn. All wnrir warrant...et &A • ERRING. —BOO bbls.'No. I HERRING, lg Eastport inopootion f 600 do. Halifax, aow in store and for sale by JOH M. KENNEDY & CO., an 8.• • Nos. 160 nod uhe Nol4l whArw,ll. y/ . ADMAN & RABORG- L Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES BRANDIES, - WIIISICEY, GINS, rind FANCY LI QIJO/113, No.loll MARKET Street, between Tenth an I Elevemlleetreeta. jol9-tf poRK.-200 barr P els Heavy Moss Pork. 88 barrels rime For. .78 barrels Loaf Lard. For sale by 0. O.rBADLER'& 00., , sofa ----- - - - - - - - 7 24" Casks Muir's, Younger's, and A ". Ausoi t oi Oprtrkling Ala, in pinta. 166411T04 for solo by . WILLIAM 11. YIIATO J 621 418 South FRONT ertst OL&BET WINE.—DE COURSEY, LA.- IOI.7IICADE, & CO., NS MARKIIT Street, bare au Importation of LafourNtde'e Pure, llortleau , Claret Wine, highly heuepeiet fog tnvaltde. je6-lm lib' " - - /SC GERMANTOW.N,- COTTAGE.;-40 , 'Calif:NT, Large Oettage, iVithao inodern improTe monis', and about am , . of 'Ground. A most dearer Lie thiu Cindnutne,lvalk of Depot': .; APPLY ' • - 8, TARR,• jfe . 26-36 • :GREEN Stjiet; lieloirXranklin. COUNTRY RESIDENCE TO' LET thu Dbltiuior&tt roplite; six miles from Market Street Bridge,live,inhatites , walk from CliftOr4 Station, on new West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, two story stone HOUSE, eighteen , rooms, stabling and other conveniences, eleven acres of land, thriving - dr. chard of choice fruit For farther particulars apply - to CHARLES KELLY, near the premises, or to 110-120 lIIARKEY Street, Fhilmlelphia. • jelti-Ot r„," , " OFFICE ROOMS. TO LET.—Three beituttful COUNTING ROOMS, On Citigghi Pirh- Proof Building,) on the second goer, front, No. tti6 WALNUT :Stied i euitublo for Insurance, or tiny other_ Conipsnies needing connintnienting rooms. jo"10-16t* JOIN GRIUG, 226 WALNUT Stieet.• NOUSE FOR RENT'AND FURNI ' 11; TITRE FOIL SALE.—A Verson aliont relinquishing housekeeping, offers fur rent a good house located no VINE Street, near Logan Squaro: lie will also sell the Furniture, which has' been in use but n short puke, end Is as good as new.- Address 0. I'. tI , at this bake., jol9-0 , • _ ra TO LET.—COTTAGE -AT - LONG IlltANoll, newly furnished and newly bitilt, with in 300 feet of the ocean. Teiroleephag reerno, dining room, large parlor, kitchen with convenient cooking ar rangumento, coach hence, otables, garden, and about 2 acres of ground. Further particulars apply to No. 20 South FOTII. Street, or to IIIiNRY HOWL/ND, Long Branch, N. J. jell -2w 910 UPPEit ROOMS OP "A. stores No. 327 aud No. 333 MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply ea the premises to M. L RALLOWEIL & CO,or jeLLtf ODIUM?, ANDERSON, & CO. illants. WANTED.—A young man. of genteel ad.- dress, and a good performer on the Piano, Dishes a SITUATION in some Music Store'. 'Unexceptionable references given. • Belau, first year, no object Please addroaa P. IY.; 8 BANK' Street. , je2s,ltir WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, Unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from 312 to 112 per month. No man having a wife or child. will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTS)) BEItVIOI4 at No 317 Mann•RT Street, above Eighth, north aide. ' • WILLIAM 8. - NOYALL; let LIMN, 2d Noe; of Cavalry, &pl7-tf • " -' • Paciniting °lacer „ • lolittcal. AT THE SOLICITATION - of my:friende, I offer myself as a Calidtdate.for the Ofike of - ROI/Id/En OF WILLS. -• '- Subject to tho People's nomination. , It. CALHOUN SEE, lut* Of the Eighth Ward. CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT JOEY.II A. MONIIEDIER; - - . v . . . . , . - Eleenth' Ward Subject to the rules of the Democratic party. ' jel7-41tei' F AL T Y.—Encouraged by my l.:1/ friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of EIIIERIFF of the City and County of Philadelphia, subject to the deblsion it the People's party, whose no- . minatlon I respectfully solicit.' - 1914L1A31 If. KERN, • Fifteenth Ward: F OR REGISTER OF JOHN CASSIN, Fifth Ward AubJect to Democratic Rules FOR REGISTER OF WILLS CHARLES D. KNIGHT. • TWENTIETH WARD. Subject to the People's Nomination. je1.41 VOR REGISTER OF WILLS. - .30IIN CAMPBELL, OP SEVENTH WARD. •Bobject to Demoorstlo roles. loyl.l-4ta eb.entlynien's Surniol)ing -Crabs. fIIENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. ILA W, W. KNIGUT,', 6011 altoll street. above Sixth, Philadelphia. • Dealer in all kinds of Purdahlag Goods, and manufacturer of , Pine Shirts, warranted equal in every reenact to any others manufactured In this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retall t _or made to order. mhl-If CIE NTLEME ,WRAPPERS OR ILA DRESSING GOWNS—The largest and beet as sortment in the city, wholesale and retail, with Cleft line of finder Clothlngienited to - the 11011A011, at W. W. 600 'AIWA BUeet, aboye Sixth, Philadel phia., nahl-tf lIVINCHESTER. & SCOTT, GENTLE HEN'S PITRNISIITNG STORS,_ and 'PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY,' No. Tea CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western blerchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved out of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. 'At whole. ale and retail. and made 11. order. - "an6.lri. • Datl)ing-tiobee, tCc JOHN -P.SLOAN's BATTLING-RODE AND CLOTHING, STARE, DECATUR STREET, NEAR WASHINGTON, CAPE ISLAND, N. , Where will be founds largo assortment Of all kiride of BATHING - DRESSES, for Ladies, Gentlemen, Nissen, • Masters; Children, nod Infants, such as Bloused, Le . - enders, and Flannel Shirts, or all qualified, sizes, and colors; together with every style of Bathing Robes, Oil Caps . , Leather And Gum Belts, Slippers, Gum Shoes, Towelliug, Soups, Colognes, &c , as well is Morn ing Gowns, for old and young, large and small. AIM), Gentlemen's Dress-Shirts, Collard, Suspenders, Gloves, Cruvntd, Handkerchiefs, Ilitlf-liosu, Ac. A large essortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, suitable for, the season, always eu hand, and for sale at as low rates as any other establishment on the Island or elsee here. • J. P. SLOAN also• keeps on hand a full supply of Bathing Robes at EAGLE HALL CLOTHING STORE, No. SO (formerly 274) MARKET Street, live doors above Eighth street, PUILADE:LPIIII, which will be sold at tho most reasonable prices. Bathing SW will be HIRED to 'transient visitors et be Store, on the Island. male the getting-up of bathing apparel his duty for save's' years past, the subscriber thinks that his esvetience qualifies him to suit the taste of the must fastidious. , Kt=l J. P. SLOAN likewise occupies the Store N. E. cor ner or WASHINGTON end DECATUR Streets, Csre lausso, opposite the United States Hotel and the Ame rican noose, where AI RS. IiLOAN •s ill hare the sop.- ~ ision of a very large and well selected assortment of BATHING APPAREL fur Ladies, AI isms, CLildron, awl Infants, comprising limsitles, Polkas, Yokes, Sacks, and every other approved article desirable or suitable ior soasbathiug. Persons u Ito intepti sisiting Cape Island can be no comunalated a ith bathing apparel at either of the above titere 4 , and thus ovoid the trouble and expense of car rying them from a distance.. This being his eighth season in the Bathing-Robe busiuces, J. P. SLOAS feels eattalled of his ability to please persons in nil kinds of garments suitable for eett.ba thing. turning sincere thanks for the liberni patronage hertitofore recel‘ utl, he respectfully solicits a continu ance of the same. JOHN P. SLOAN, No. 600 (formerly 274) MARKUS St., rhilailelphia, llas one of the lergedt assertmenta of Bathing Robes in the United Stated, suitable for sea:bathing at Cape Island, N. J.,. Newport, IL 1., Long Branch, Atlantic and elsewhere. je2l-0t If_ inebtanal 1. - I[I . It I EV I T C P R AIPA 'S NNIIT T IMO - R AL ! a L od Re TH ed E for DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOSLkOII AND WEAL BOWELS This article is the greatest discorery in Chemical or Medical Science for the rapid Cure of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, ,TOOTH-AOHE, SORE THROAT, STIFF - NECK, or Pam in the LIMBS, SIDE, BACK, or el* part of the body. It ante ape', the Blood, Nerves, Mus cles, Sinews, and Bonen, conquering all pain. It is alms an excellent ' preparation Inc Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which _arises from a weak stomach or boirele. Thoueande of persona who have used HARTS. HORNE , 3 CURE-ALL , hive been astonished at its wonderful power in removing any. pain from the system. Bottle,' 12, 25, /50 cents, and $l, to be sold by R. H. JENKINS, ap'N-iftf Corner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. ARTSHORNE'S ' HEALTH--RESTO II OR SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Flesh Is in the Blood. Prepared by a Chemist. The best Restorer of Health, and the beet Blood-Purifying Oompottnd in the World! It does not coot-sin a particle of Mercury. , The above preparation is nutted to the impaired and weakened condition of the human race; it invigorates the whole conetitntion; remove,' ell pimples and erup tions from the Skin; gives bloom and freshness to the complexion, and is particularly adapted - to the weaken ing complaints of both seam It in a perfect cordial in taste, dud acts like a charm upon the feelings, spirits, and energies of the weak and debilitated from any cause. Quart bottles $1; email bottles 60 conte; sold by R. H. JENKINd. - Corner of SECOND and WALNUT Streets, ap2g-iftf 1:4111116. 641 - T PATENT KEROSENE, OE COAL OIL LAMPS, Unrivalled in beauty, aimplicity, safety, orwconomy. Itvory person wishing to. obtsin the very beat and cheapest Portable Light within their reach should call and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and a e pledge ourselves to demonstrate : let. That no accident can occur by explosion. 2d. That they omit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. 6th. That they burn entirely free from smoke. oth. That the light is at least 66 per cent. cheaper than any other light now in common use. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in all carom Wholesale and Retail Agency, 38 South BROOND Street, above Chestnut. Southern and Western dealers supplied with LAMPS, OILS, WICKS, IMIADRS, and everything in the line, on favorable terms. S. fl. SOUTHLAND, Agent. myl4-fmw-2m PETERFTB— PATENTIidisfEXPLOSAVE SELS-GENEHATING GAS LAM Is the only Patent Burner that has a NON-CONDUCTOR. ATTACHED, Pot Safety, Cheapens, and Balllaney s It impasse all others. STATE AND 041111 TX RIGHTS P FOit PALE. Address D. . PETERS, S. W. corner r worn) and CHESTNUT Ste., Phil% delyhta ; and 422 BROADWAY, New York. mh4-Iy-rp IHIVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK JLA to your Interests, sod patt guise USSIIMOS LAMP VAOTOM, 109 eotAEIGIITH street, below Chestnut Previous to his opening s responsible factory, yon were charged $lB for work which be is now doing In emu ranted manner-from $8 to $lO. Support him, or vou will have the same char,vve to pay. jald-y PURE CLARET! PURE CLARET!- 1 From $1 por gallon uputirilb, suit b) the taint front .53 up to $.15, imported direct he VP:Mill:lt a., LE 811S1JR,, Wholesale awl Retell deniers in Witt..l,, Liquors, ike , N 0.119 South Si:In:NTH etroot, S. E. corner of Seagull:l. je'2l..l.ln* .L E gtll l-I :ER B Y AND HARNESS WAREHOUSE, Established 1818. S. W. corner FIFTH and PRUNE Streets. Single and double Harness of the moat fashionable description, and warranted of the best material and Worktuanshlp. Ladies and Gentlemen's Saddles of elegant styles. Horse Clothing, Brushes, „Curry Combs, ,Chamets, Sponges, Knee Cape, Interfering and rollitiCo Deets, and every Stable requisite of the most superor quality N. B —Horses carefully fitted. myle•inwf-2m QIIOULD ERS.-50 1711(171. - greil3oi : ; dr3. -- ; in for sale by C. C. SADLER Ac S North WATNII. Street. gi . , niTts.ementa. FEN= A.BR itERICIAA - ACADEMY OF MUSIC. W.-sorner and 1,001151 , ektreets. , GIUND. , PROKIINADji CO OiD NCUSS ZVICRY 'NIGHT BY THE _.CELICBRAT.ED .GEttIISAIVIA aRCKESTRA, • a's 8 obamcsr.; OAEL 8113NTZ, LLIDEIt, ,OpSl2oll3oCingeit 66:808.116Y, Jane 26, D 3 .48. The establishment will be beantitullyslecerated with shrub beryoplants; statuary, a elayiog tometabaikc 6logle ticket, 25.weeta • ' rackago of 6 8 ekes $l.. G RAIO,PROMENADE CONCERTS JAY NA'S HALL, TlllB (Friday) - EVENING. ' • • The Manager begs leave to announce that .be hea made arrangements wrh MONS. LEJOMiI who has Jest arrit ed from Enrope with ble MCCEI•IIENOWDIED 'MUSICAL IMPLEMENTS - . giving in' , "e'thineetion with &BOWE 11AND, , STARTIntel• EFFECTS, which have never before been produced in America ' • Merieehments nerved up by Mr. A W. TOMPKINS, the popular confectioner Single , tiekitte 15 cents. - Packages of 8-one dollar. • Concert to commence at 8 o'clock mocisely. • " D; B. HOPKINS, Manager. WHEATLEY,'S ARCH ST. THEATRE. Engagement of the trarld-renowned RELLSR TROUPE, end KELLER'S YOUNG AIiBBIOA BAL LET CORPS,'eomposed of SIXTY - TALENTED AA. TUTS. - - • TIIIB (Friday) EVENING. JANE 2fith, BENEFIT OF L. KELLER. JOSEPH IN EGYPT, The Young America Ballet Corps in THE ENCHANTED BOWER - . - TEMPLE OF 11BIl1trE; Ooddium of Liberty Madame Keller ADMISMON., Boxes, 25 cents Secured Beata In Drera Circle 37h; Orchestra Stalls,-0 centa - ; Beata In Private Bases t 75 Gallery, 13 cents. - ' • Doorsopen at TA( o'clock; performances commence 7X . J. IL B. WITITTON - Treasurer. insurance Zompattles. ir NS lIR.A.NOE COMPANY OF THE 11 STATII OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIBS AND MA BINWINSUBANOB—No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered In 1791—Caiital *2oo,ooo—Assets, :ann. ary 1;1868,5317,446,60.100, AN forested in' sons! and arallable.sernritles—contt Cole to Insure on Vessels and elargoesi.Buildlngs, Stooks of Merchandise, &0., ofilibetarter*. • ~DIBBOTOBB:- " Henri P. - 13herrerd, ' ' Hopi - go H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, - Baronet Grant, Jr., Charles Micalester, Tobias Wagner, Williams. Smith" - - Thoraas B; Wattson, John - B. Dodd,. , . - Henry(*. Freeman, William II ' . Charles S. ,Lewis, HSNRY D . EMERRERD. President WILLI:tat, ReArat, 9eeretery. Jefl-wirm.tf AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1810—ClIsiN TSB PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Plilledelphia. flaying a /ups paid-up Capital Stook end Surplus Invested in 'found and available geormities, continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merehandtse, Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and - other Ptrsonal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted - DIRIOTORB. O. orgy Abbott, '_ ' - John T. Lewis, - ' 'John Weal', •• - Orem W. Morris, &thine( O. Morten", : James B . Campbell, Patriot Brady, - Edmand O. Dualb . Charles W. l'oultney. - .. ' GEORCE ABBOTT - , President. TWOMAI3 B. MARIE. Beeretasy. • jan-y II . , Otimmer .extrirsieno. EXCURSION TO AT LANTIC CITY, 'IN MD OF THE NEW FRONT-STREET M. E. CHURCH —An Excursion of This Society will take place on TUESDAY * tho.2ilth inst. The last boat 3‘ill !wire Vine-street wharf et 6 o'clock A. M. Returning, leave Atlantic City at 6 o'clock P. It, arrit ing in Philadelphia at 9 o'clock. 'rickets may be obtained at Higgina & Porkinpine's Book Store, _Fourth Area, below Arch, and at the' Church, Front, above Maiden atroct, any Evening, from 8 to 10 &clock, or at the Wharf on the horning of the Excursion. - jeti&-at FOR CAFE MAY.-DAILY ~ ..,ql.l- I„ .", E XTRESS LINE, by Steamer "BAL LOON," Capt. W. Witmcno:,—Ftia PANNE'SGENS asp BAGGAGE ONLY. The swift and favorite steamer " BALLOON," having been thoroughly overhauled and fitted with every appliance to insure. speed. safety. and comfort, nikl, on and after TIIRSDAY, the 29th instant, loans Arch-street Wharf for Cape Dlay every Morning: (Sun) day exceptedo at 7 cdelock.. Returning, will leave the Cape at 134 o'clock P. Fare 52, carriage hire in eludalirServants $1.7.0; Season Tickets SS, earriaga 'hire - - extra. • - • jai -St if* NORTH TIT 'PENNSYL VANIA'RAILROAD FOR DELAWARE., '}VAT it-GAP, MAUCH CHUNK, HAZLETON;AND THE LEHIGH COAL REGION.— Visitors to the above popular places of 'Suitinta Rzsonv will find the Routoodered by the North. Peausylrania Railroad Company, in connection with - theimhigh Val ley 'and Now, Jersey leo:arid Railroads, "to' ha morel and agreeable, Nursing through some of the richest and most highly cultivated.conutics in the State, and pos sessed of contrastable accomtnodations, both on the road. and at the various ton-na through which it passes. FOR THE WATER diAP.—Take 2.25 P. 31. Express Train fromPront and Willow streets, pass the night at Bothliheni, and take cars nest morning at 9 *lock, through Easton to New ilauipton, where a close con nection is motto with the Dela Ware, Lackawatum, and WeaterM Railroad, and atritie ut the Cap about noon. ' FOR MAUCH CRTINICAND,TRE COAL REGION. —Take 9 A. SI. and 2.25 P. AI. Express Trams from same Depot to Dethlehem,mhere a close connection is Made with the Lehigh Valley 'Railroad, through from Philadelphia to Manch Chunk In 5 hours._ A- NEW AND PLEASANT ROUTE TO Nr.l9 Yoll.l7:ClTY.—Trike 9 A. ?S. Express Train to Bethle hem: thence et 2.20 P. M. via L. V. N. R. and N. J. C. M.D. - through Easton to ElizabeLbport, - , thence 1, Strainer, and arrirein New York at quarter past 7 P. 31 Parties- travelling North that hilie a few hours tea spare, nil! dad this a new and agrbrable route.' Par further particulars, inquire of — EATS CLARK. Agent N. P. 11.1 t., 'Front and streets. Pitibstiztenia, June 18, 109. jel9-Yin -FOR CAPE 'MAY AND NEW tr` - YORK. DAILY, at 934 o'clock - A - M. - NEW YOBS., AND PRILADELPDLA STEAM NA VIUATION COUPANY Thu splendid ocean steamers DELAWARE. Captain Copes; BOSTON, Captain Souks"; and , KENNEBEC. Captain Rand, form a doily line between this city, Cape May, and New York,deaving from first pier below' Spruce street (Sundays excepted) at 9,1 o'clock A. M. Return ing, leave New York from pier 14 North River (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M. Returning, leave Cape May (Mondays excepted) at „ Pare,to Capi: , iday (carriage hire included) $2 00 tor oervants , • " Semen tickets (carriage hire ex. Ara) - 800 New York, cabin - - - ^OO " etrertgo.... ... .......... .. . 1 NI freight taken n't tow inlet+. - For passage, stale rooms, Ao.„ apply on board, or at the!Mice, 314 and 316 8011111 DI LAWARE AVE, • • - JAMES ALLDERDICE, OAK, --- e! FOR THY. SEA SHURE. CAMDF.N AND ATLANTIO RAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND lIALF , HOURS TO TLtE SEA SHORE. , On and after,Xoudny, June 7th, and until further rer tine, (dundays excepted : ) three trains doily to Atlantic City and return. First Passenger Train leaves Pine at. wharf 7.30. A. if. illecond • 4 . .. '' ', . 4.1i0 P. M. Freight Train with PassemMr Car attached, 4.33 A. 31. Accommodation Train to Wei Mouth, 15.83 P. M.. LEAVIId ATLANTIC CITY. - Firsfl'amionger Train leaven O.OOA. M Second4.4o I'. M Freight Train with PaSouger car Fittache4l, 11.30 P. 31 Accommodation Train leaves Weymouth, 3.26 A. M HADDONFIELD TL 1N Loaves Cooper's Point, , 11 A. Si. and 2P. M. naddondeld, • IP. M. and 3P. M. • AU trains Stop et Iladdonaeld going and returning. 'Fare to Atlantic, whoa tickets are. purchased. before entering the cars, 51.80. Perseus to go down to tho Sea Shore mei return the saute day, can spend Six 1101111 S Oii TUE BEACII. Tiekois for the sound trip, $'2.50 Tickets to go down In the afternoon and return nest morning, or down on Saturday afternoon and return on Monde) morning, $2.50. - Monthly tickets will be sold atthe_ following rates: For the pionth ofJune4lo For the month of sapt. $l6 " July, ..V3 For three months,- 45 ' August, 20 For four months. 50 Churches, Schools, Lodges ' Companies amp. Library Associations, wishing spemal trains, should, make early application. Freight must be delfieretf at Cooper's Point by . P. M. The Company kill not he responsible for anew:ash until. received and receipted for by their Freight Agent at the. Point. • R. FRAZER, Secretary. je7-11 S:ictuing LIAR BOUDOI it SE WING 'MA— CHINE is OtTeled Mille public as the most relit tie low-priced Sewing Machine itt - Mm. Itwillseiv from six to silty stitches to au Inch, on all kiwis of goods, front coarsest baggirg to the fittest cambriez. It Is, without exceptien, the simplest in its mechanical con struction ever made, and can be run Mel kept itt order by a child of twelve years of ago The neu.snuary of this machine. and the QUALITY OF lid WORK, are War ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from thre4 hundred tofifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread u.rsi A takici directly from the spools, WITHOUT THE TROUDLI: OF RRIYINPING In fact, it is a machine that is Slanted by every family in the land, nut the low price of FORTY DOLLARS. at which they are old ; brings them within the reach or almost every one • S. 11:1 'BA.KER, Agent, felB-dein v.kyeowant •20 SontliElGlLTlL4treet, Oanitine TH E SPRING _ GARDEN SAVING FUND. (ORAETIRND BY TIM lEOMLISDRE OP PENNBILTISII.) PERPETUAL CHARTER,- • FIVE PER cENr. Intermit allowed to Depositors, and all Moneys Paid back on Demand, OFFICE, 831 NORTH TRIAD BTB.F.ET, (00NBULIDATION BINN. BUILDING.), This Institution is now open for. tho transaction of business. and lathe only Charteredßiving Fund located In the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (daily) from 9 to 23( o , clook, aril also on MONDAYS and TITURSDATB, from b until 9 o'clook in the Evening. . MANAGER: • , Frederick Klett, •-• James El. Pringle, Stephen Smith, , Jacob Dock, John P Levy., - Joseph ad Cowell, Eton Henry K. Strong, . ; George Woelepper, Daniel Underkoßer, - - J. Wesley Bray Hon. Win Millward, Robert B. Davidson, Frederick Btaake, P. 0. Ellmaker, Francis Hart,. _1 - John P Vorree, Joiepn P. LeOlero, George Knecht, John Ressler, Jr. John horn. President, JAMES 8. PR/NOLB. Fecretary. 03011 GE T. THORN. - rip2l-iftf h._wOiriNG EUND--UNITED iTrAIhS TRUST COMPANY, carnet of THIRD and cam. NUT Streets. - , _ , Large and small ennie reeeived, and paid book on de mend, without notice, with Fivz PER CENT INTER EST from the day of derstit to the day of withdrawal. Mice hours, from S until S o'clook every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on Englawl, Ireland, end Rooliand. from LI upwards. Preaident—STEPllEN R. ORAWRORD, Trefumrsr—PLlNY BIEN. Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER.. VRE-WORKS!, FIRE-WORKS!! A-fuU assortment of FIRE-WORKS. AT REDUCED PRICES STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, 3210 WiIIKET STILVET, West of Twelfth,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers