, 61" , 'PULP ' • • •. ' f iti*s . , - ;iirw*.icsits.,?erriAoitrtaPnT4t:,.! are*-spepitily intended prsiiherrfinlaitt Ydibbath - evening. rn FatMait MiteVet_ thlif Orals, o Fifth and , - cad settffittr ll l;tim:P l 4 Clr i , Itev,„.B,lll4ktrr*"'r.-.tr Use EMA ; PA t ry e treNr • coast awes foe - K.l l, 11/ • 11 t ie eletteeptleisitapteellf 'NW illiosAtid. /4- t ciente of „twouiymitil,‘. 3 ppotif - "ad r iiii4eraidafearea lift-Lortb feat! ray threfhijaM the language ?f- ura dui` shirts itMeg Alitibi es s eks log to destreig'ibe'lmPlia t it , ti tlio ttu' 6 ‘Vo a t wrefaAvhatn Mirth was the ' subject of hislie peratatriOinde;-"Gbridiab, who was one of thilling'itJalaatasYtat urall / awnain, him obet , dietite, yet,. en he found his liistreetiaoS totat!,,vartaltdeffroneritiat he believed :,Was the b i lli3OFS4tnrche stood lest, ptbfer..• rinFb . do so athia PerVrattilit than t vie te thirantborityl of therGed_ln Whom Jae belihereargidtfon-Of niitliority et-the:Al mighty, the izspeaker, had evidently con-_ girded a dlfainctolement In the chara cter i o Elie a t 11 Obeffjah;lainee Ide'llektaviviedgreaut to ” y , that rr let=festredthe Lord frourbis youth. • . "Ole pKatoty attestor( ]aunt e Introduceelm radttss of S} ( y das a lerinintilestance; of Gedll,fear, and the ins poittince of cultivating this Moral quality in er:Jeffety:said, , lM: icAna' that in 11 ;°' 11(s ". , titation of some--especially our young' men, feer„couldrliaira'ne'place , except in the bosom of iicowardiaet thesp, with all their boasted boldneis;irere the , subjects Cr a species of fear futinitelyy more litimillating - than the "tear of thb -r torfl, They-, fare,' the scorn •of the world; they feared thecritiefstri of their fellows, , and bowcAiti meekthbutission heftire , the m eatless claims of the tyrant fashion, and if they needmt r aiiirthing more .to stamp their. vaunted courage efftlian unmistakable coseardlea,lt was foinid In the fact that they feared to do their AA beanie at the world's ridicule; so that, after 11%,the,. - Aitcorengo _between those 'who lattably acknowledged God's sovereignty and those wholthithed to this virtue Use stigma of coWardith NY^ thejthe one feared God and the'other feared the world. „Itt illustrathin of what Godly fear really con ratted in, the speaker said that the element of too; to do - wrong was not prompted' by, any mere drad-of thepunistentnt that might fel but, on , the contrary, it was but a•tioble tore:wino for ;it was a fear not unlike that which a :noble young, man entertains for pa • - rOntal antherity-_-the fear of grieving his motherVheitt, or of bringing' the gra4 , hairs of , kite father in sorrow to the grave. , . 'Shell Oat obedience was not rendered be cantle, of airy fear of the - disadvantages that might ffew.trom disobedience, but rather be cause it-wits• prompted by a. noble sense of ehlty::' 'SO the - UhAstian fared God ; no was afraid: ter :array 1111.116dt against the authority ofGina. to. whom he owed 111 , 31-04 existence. HaVing thutitithlied the distinction between worldly' flier, the speaker proceeded: to :madder , the • necessity of the young cultivating certain • moral qualities. This, ftittie formation of any manly character itveas said there must be certain elements. To sketch these, however, it must be re- Membered that' there was a wide distinction between character and reputation. Ills hearers aced nOt he told that then reputation of some LOA 118 butp very hapertbet Idea of their Mal cheraoter. Iri thladr ieri p g the' subject- of forming clutraCter,',olo• questien would naturally be :Woad( What ,censtitatee its most important elements? In.answer ter this inquiry the vir tea of dectsiorrimoraccrtfftrge,ponseientions biithivoiehee, hope,' *mad be at once suggested;, and'yet, Wall these Couldlar realized' in their highest state ofdevelimment; • eouldstill preeent a nobler trait, and which be considered to be the •relation of is Godly fear, to the cultivation and development of self? . .eontrol--4. to bring the appetites of our natrire,Mider the supreme control of oar judgment. The proof of this position was forind in =the flict that the passions, if once alloied to gain ri - commanding 1110111311C0 over a teen's chameter;alwaye place him in-a posi tionwhich, unless he is rescued, must Merl tebly jresultiahisutter min. Lasciviousness, - irritability,lnuider, and many others that lie need not specify, were among the vices most deatructive to character, and which, if not kept .under tha, control of judgment, placed their victim, as • - it is expressed by the wise map, in the position of a defenceless city : 4 Ile _that Aath no Mile OVET his own spirit is Wee a city -that is broken down, and without • tans." - For A young Man ever to succeed in rea lizing the idea of true greatness, he must bring - his passions under his Complete control. The pa:Alois of our nature were not necessarily productive of evil ; when' kept in proper sub teetion•they served to warm and animate, and were, hence useful auxiliaries, but when left to sway they lad to destruction. Especially *ref the impulsiveness of passion calculated to carry, away the affections of youth. , This fact was sadly attested in the multi. tudea of young men wbo had left their quiet hones in vane sequestered vale in the coun try- in a comparative state of Innocence, who, if they were to return to them now, could not meet their solicitous parents with a -conscious. ness.of the same blissful innocence. He knew the _seductive influences that • surround the young on coming to the city were numerous, and, taking all into consideration, he thought the-wonder was, that our young men, taken as a whole, were not evens:cinch worse than they are. Upon every hand they were surrounded Ivlth the alignments of sin the theatre hill, the ball-room, the gambling bell, or the drink fag's:aeon greeted them upon everyhand, with their dazzling invitations to embrace vice. Arid how was this difficulty in the way of goring men to be encountered For his own part; he did.not consider the most efficient re medY to consist in removing these temptations from their path, bat rather in the cultivation of their ability to withstand them, which he knew was the highest attainment of self-government, and A most difficult point to acquire. The wise man had truly said, !, he that 'Meth his spirit is better than he that taketh a city." And now, appealieg to the young before him, he would ask what was the panoply with which they were provided to' go into this conflict? Good resolutions merely 7 Ali! these had too often been made without the experience of their ability to fulfil them. It was a bad principle of morals that advised the young to depend upon good resolutions. " Fear God and keep his conamandrnents" was their only sure safeguard under heaven. It was in' the fear of God alone that youth or ago could de „pond for that unerring guidance which we all coastal:al/ need. - , ltesoltalons might be conscientiously formed ' when away from temptation, but when they were brought in contact with passion, backed ' up by desire and inclination, the victory was too - often with the latter. Nor could a def.' erenee to public optnien be taken as a reliable safeguard, from the feet that public, opinion is fluctuating; thus, what was regarded as highly proper and commendable hi one age and place, might• be considered highly im proper and objeetionable at others. Another reason why public opinion was ass •unsafe guide was found In the fact' that it decided many things to be right and allowable 'the tendency of which was always to destruction. Upon - thie point the Speaker gave several il- Instrattve (maniples. • 'Penne, for example, was justified by many as a proper means of • vindicating Insulted honor; and yet, the blood shed le these deeds of honor just as vainly branded the brow of him by whom It was shed, with thematic of a murderer, at God's law de clared "thou shalt Pot kill l” yet, notwith standing this, public opinion was too apt, in such cases, to cover the blood-stained brow of themnrdereiwith a crown of applause. Public opinion Said that the passport to respectability coneletedin living in a flee house, being dressed in'" purple and fine linen,” and to be thought fashionable rather than honest. Public opinion was hence a fallible monitor; but not so with the fear of the Lord the man Who adopted 'the fear of the Lord had alwaye sure talisman to Steer the Ship of his frninor •Joseph had withstood the temptation to which he was exposed by Potiphar's wife, not from may worldly considerations; (for they would have favored 'the commission or the' crime• to which be was tempted,) but from the fear of the all-seeing' God. "How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin afatost God I" - was the devout exclamation of this God-fearing young man In the house of King Pharaoh., „ To the -young man who was not willing to adopt prlnciples of virtue In lila heart, ne mat ter how' fascinatingly he might , be attired, he '- would , say that at best he was but a whited se. philtre. :Another g•reat evil connected with making public opinion a rule of right was that 'it led tolhe obliteration of nil compunctions for sin, provided that the acts themselves could be kept freer the public , knotrledge. At tilt stage of Ids • discourse, the , sper&er spoke with the utmost plainness to the young , men before lard, who Were addicted to doing those things in 'secret which , If exposed, would bring a blush to ' a slate's's cheek, th e,tear a 'mother's eye, or pangs of yarrow to a father's :.:heart, and in not a few inatalleas eroke a dis Waal from• their , business employers. But, ah ! there was• an ,eye 'front whom the •Se e • retti of the heart - cofild not be hidden; and - until a gaup); mat fleinted to, entertain iliigher reverence for' anyoarthly authority than for Him to where • he` owes Ms befog, his course .'teas one of_dire Midertaintjr, and fended "to It' reate r deetrue,litin, ' " As a last proof 441e - fe r e - de ' 'eat Vac/ at Pliblie 'OPrlitqlr Ito ato Iffitatnat'ds aPeaker said, 'with with philaophiCat analysiti, that If,en P for a while, sin might be hidden from the I nb- 's lie view; the paristontWenid be delltstrenath ened by ;hie secret burst tar lama, they would ultimately overleap the 1 , 904 Of prithei auk Pour forth,. to the - -viLOO l I ." 3, fitaning ra,o4.olalion be said lige - the' I to P • fear - o , the the man *he was Always under its In finenoe, was an ever, present gearantee of , - - - dedis insists rice in all his ,nifairs ; and • k *lO Pledge -,O . f—God/fi',Attpetintonding ceta thl promise ihnt the Lord:wit!'" order NW 'footsteps," even though ho may be 'deprived - ,orby,filir(une; hud subjected to 'trials In Wei they,vllthilt. towto strengthen him tor re ptvesi nondiet, and',ultimately teselt in a trl 'Maiphint vidtery. . find now, approaching the close of his ser -4""/ ;ho WON.M. ask - 'the yentak before him, ,*(nel they be hippy, and have the joy of sus aPprOrteg"consblenc6 would' they spare recolleCtiOns of ' old' age the images ,Prodigste,-youth Then he would say with_, the , Preacher, Hear lite conclusion f ; Mete Wale snail er--=FNAIL GOD AN D REM HIS Wonstesmstierfis • Thei dermon of which the_ above is a con ;dooged`isjasoptds, was an extempore effort, li2e"`fOsixf what'' we have heard of ' Mr. lefferit!s"qtvlec - infer that it afforded a fair B aseiSle ,Ortts'abflities as a pulpit *raft, In our "O*Drtho Subject proposed was sensibly treat:o4;u* judging from , the marked • Attention of the'•lttrke - audience,• (the himse heing in ,evely riart,j;the sermon, as a "Was,Afsfened t f - co Stith' evident 'Entisfac- MD, and wo,avet!Td fain hePs Nfith no loss pro . Xottreo . . . 1.- . --,----- - 4.-- eiFFICE OF 'THE ITESTMORELILND ;NY-coat, -COUP AM' . PHILAMILIBIA, Jan. 8,186 g. • 'At en Animal Meeting of the Stockholdore of the Westmoreland Coal Company- held at their Office Idepletory Mb, 1859, The following prim were mini . measly elected for the wonting year : ,- Treildent,LllDWAßD O. IIIDDIAL , DIAE37OI*. i, ltddtard 0. Millie, James Magee, - ,dobalLairote, , . Emmet Weigh, tenrouel 0. rton, P. Pemberton Morris, ,Stepben U..lltooke,. Edward Lowber, M. D., I. Pemberton Unteknagn, William 8 Perot, Join, A. Rowell. . Sa7.3t • Seereteri and Treasurer—FßA:Col3 11. J ACKSON . , IVOTIOE TO CORSIGNEES.—The sliip fiTILWAiiT, Copt. Imeas, from Liverpool, is now ready to.tischarge et O.IIIPPSN street wharf. tlon siguees will please deliver their permits to the officers on heart- All goods net permitted within ilvedsyn will he sent to public store. TllOB. RIOIIASfASON di CO . :, jeT 101 WALNUT Street. iIIiFFICI3 OF COIDIONWEALTII RANCE COMPANY OF VIE STATE OF PENN SYLVANIA, N. W corner of FOURTH and WALNUT Streets —At an election by the stockholders of the COM AIONWEA LTIt INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE ,STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, held at the oMee of the Company, on MONDAY. the 4th inet , the following nen •1 persons wore elected to serve as Directors for the eissuing year : DR. DAVID JAYNE,. HENRY LEWIS. Ja , ' THOMAS S. STEWART, JOHN M. WHITELL. HENRY L. RENNER, J. K. WALKER, MARK R. WENDELL, JOHN H.111:11.1.:1t, • • ; EDWARD C. KNIGHT, B. K ZIONBIE. Ate meeting- of the Board of Directors, held the Fame day, the following avers wore elected: DAVID JAYNE. N. D. president THOMAS.S. STEWARI Z ,' Vice President. S tattrEt. S. Moos, Secretary. jab-4t SPECIE PAYMENTS.—SATING FUND 'a the AMERICAN TRUST CONIPA.4If, South sreat corner of WALNUT and'YOURTli Streets —Title old Inatitation having continued to pay in full on de mand, without notice, will receive Deposits at Five I'or Cent. Indecent, and pay back all awns, large or mall, Ox DEMAND, TN GOLD AND SILN SD. Open from 0 o'clock till 1.1, aid on Mondays till 8 o'clock in the eve ing ALEXANDER WIIILLDIN, President. JNO. O. Slan, Secretary. I . wilAbfilalitA, January 4, 1858 OFFICE OF TOE FIRE INSURANCE 0011PANY OF TILE COVETY OF DITILADEL. PULA. JANUArtr 4, 1858, The Director(' of the said Company bare this day de elated a Dividend of Four per cent (on the amount of the capital steels paid in) which will Le payable to the Dtorkholdera or their legal representatives. on and after the 15th Instant. - And Ii conformity pith the Act of Incorporation, a 'posnerai meeting of the Stockholders will be hell en 310NDAY, the 18th Instant, at 12 oiclock, noon at the Office, of the Coinp-ny, , No. 432 - North TFIIAD Strut, for the purpose of electing ten Directors for the ensuing years. BENJAMIN E. 110EONLEY, ja.s.dt 18. Secretary. Semi• Annual Dividend of 'L I FIVE PEA CENT. on the Preferred and Common lOWA' of tho BEAVER MEADOW RAILROAD. AND twars COMPANY bee been declared tbla day, payable 'at their Office on and after Monday, Jan. Ilth L CEIAMBERLAIN, Treasurer. Boaansorora, lan 2, 1818. ja4.010 INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. . . _ PHILAWLImIId, Dec. 24, 1851. • The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders trill be hell at the Company's Office, No. 4 EXOIIANUE, on TOES• DAY, January sth, 1858, at 12 o'clock noon; and an Election for Thirteen Directors will be held at same , . • . lace • no MONDAY. January 11, 19.53, between the once of 10 o'clock, X M. and) o'clock P. M. de2s-tjall WILLIAM amtpsa, Smeary. dAFFIOE OF THE NORTH PENNSY VANIA, RAILROAD COMPANY. The' Antmitl Meeting of the Stockholders or "• THE NORTH, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY." ell be held 'at the Mace of the Company, No. 123 WALNUT, aboie Fourth street, Philadelphia, on MON PAY, January 11, 1858, at 11 o'clock A 31., at which time and place an Election will be held for a President and Ten Directora t to come for the ensuing year. de2s•dtjsll EDWARD ARMaTRONG, Secretary. NOTICE.- Office of the Beaver Meadow 1,1 Railroad Company. PHILADELPHIA, December 14,1857. The animal meeting of the Stockholders or the Denver Meadow Railroad and Coal Company will be held at their office. No. 322 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the lath Of January next, at 12 o'clock, at which time an elation will be hold for President and ten Directors for the aiming year. ~,.del6 dtjalB4* L. onntnEntAtN, Sea. and Tress. OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUNTAIN V COAL AND 'NON CO.—Prits.aoscenia, Deo. le, 1857.—The Annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Dompany will be held at their office, No. 88 S. YOUISAII Street, on MONDAY, the 18th January. at 11 o'clock A.. bl., at which time there will be an election of Di rectors to servo for the enening year. de2A•dtjelB WM. O. LUDWIG, Secretary. OFFICE Of THE INSURANCE COL PANY OF FORTIS AMERlCA—Pnitaneter December 8 et, 1887.—The annual meeting of the stock ' holders will held at the of of the Company, No. 212 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, January 11th. 1858, at 'l2 o'clock 81 , and on TUESDAY, the dny following, Tammy 12th, 1858, en Election will be held tor Direc tors, to serve the ensuingyear jel-dtjal2 HENRY D. SIIERRERD, Secretary tattle attb lieolattrante. JONES HOUSE, CORNER OF MAR KET 13TREET AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. WELLS COVERLY, Proprietor. - This new and elegant Hotel. recently erected by the Mews. Jones, in Ilarriabarg, Pe., having been leased for a term of years by the ondernigried, he takes this method of calling the attention of his former patrons. friends, and the travelling community, thereto. Having a front of 142 feet on the principal street of the city, and 62 feet front on Market Square, it cannot fail to prove attractive as %ell as inviting to dangers. The chambers are of line' size well ventilated, and lighted with gas; a number with connecting doors. making , them very desirable for families. The belt, are we) med throughout by heaters, and every modern improvement, in fact, has been added, that may conduce to the nalety, comfort, and happiness of the guests. Visitorr may, therefore, rest amured that the JONES MUSE has been n ade perfrvt in all its appointments; that each department has been placed in charge of ex perienced and competent persons; that In every parti cular the system which hag been adopted by the propri etor will aftrird t) those who may make It their home as greet a dinwe of sem ort as may be obtained at any similar '&11.011410*ot In the State. To secure this desirable remit, he has furnished the public and private parlors, chambers, dining room, ko., with entirely new furniture, and also arranged within * the building a tine barber's saloon, oyster saloon, dress ing room, hot and cold baths, Sto. The culinary department ace dining room will receive the especial attention of the proprietor, which, lie trusts, will be a sufficient guarantee that all tastes will be suited. After ratorning Ids beattfett thanks to hla old friends and patrons for the generoini patronage so long extend ed to hitn at The "I:overly Douse," and also to lila friends and patrons at tho 4 , Uolumbia If onse,” Cape Inland, during the season of 105, he respectfully col!- cite a continuance of it at the "JONES " ja7-eodlni W ELLS COVERIX. RCHAN T S ' HOTEL, NORTH FOURTH STREET ABOTH AI PHILADELPHIA. , stal-H IIoKIBBEN A. BONS, PROPRI , . TORO JONES' B ARCH STREET SALOONS, PZI and 729 ARCH STREET HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS! The Holidays are dote at band, and 'Jones's Arch street Saloon is prepared for the immense demand that will be made upon it for CONVECTIONS. CHRISTMAS, AND NSW YEAR'S CANDIES 13IFORTOO OXPRI:OSLY 'OK TOR AIESENT 00.1.1300! Every variety 9f Bon Bons, Purnell, Bourbon Drops, new style of slum Drops, Eau Sucre Drops, L'ongliterre Bon Bons, and every Parfet) , rare and costly candies manufactured in Paris. Per Presents, all tiles and PATTORNO of Ornamental Boxes, Pireraids, Ribbon Tlen Riled with the choicest variety of Confections, and airy leg in price from One Dollar up to Fifty Dollars. Some of these Ilexes are the 01001 ISUPERB 000012.1000 OF FANCY Wood AND £BllOllO OESION OYER OFFEROU IN THIN COUNTRY. To the Ladies, as welt as to the whole public, Jones's Saloons are the meet attractive In the City, and in splendor of adornment and finish are superior to any to the Union - BREAKFASTS, ,DINNERS,- AND SUPPERS, Served up in the choicest and most expeditious 041 e. FlttllT 0 F ALL HINDS 1011 JELLIES, OAHE AND OYSTERS, Constantly ready for visitors in profusion. PLAIN, FANCY, Ann ORNAMENTAL OASES AND PIES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT, And, In fact, all the 'VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELICACIES of every clime and country. BALLS PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Suppers, and Families supplied at she shortest notice and on laminable term. A. continuance of the patronage hitherto so liberally beet,owed by the public, to respectfully solicited. del-tf R. H JONES, Proprietor. CAMPBELL'S RESTAURANT.—VENI BON, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Grouse, Froth &anion, Chincatique, Opinschieue,Princess Bay, Aloe- Com, and Cove Oysters, with every variety of GA.511:, wild' or domestic, in matte. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers served up at the shortest notice, at JOHN CAMPOELVE, No. 627 011ESTNUT street, op• posits: the State Douse. N.D. No expellee or pains has boon spared by the Proprietor in fitting up this now eatablfshment in the Most'sitmptuous manner—the second dog being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, Bur rs . Entrance for Ladlen towards Sloth street. nov74rn IploG W O:r c Ali or t ifE L A D .UR dan RESTAURANT, all other "Acme ° lee in newton. Yamilles WALNUT.—Game with °remelt the shortest notice. sep7-4m GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. STEINWA.Y dr, SONS" MANUFACTURERS 84 AND 88 WALKER STREET, kEW RK, Received the following fir s t O prize medals In competi tion with the best manufacturers of Boston, New York, ,Pbtledulphie, and Baltimore. TWO nun pluzz MEDALS 4t the Metropolitan Fair, Washington, ms.rob, 185 5. A,CH:ILD MEDAL at the Crystal Palace, New York, Noiember, 1855, (being the only Gold Medal given for Pianos within the last ela yearn,) A GOLD MEDAL 14 the Maryland Institute, Belli •6901,11150, , TinllfiT PAIZN BIEDAT, at tbe Fair, Oryatal Wont, Noir York, November, 1850, Among the Judgea were the kit manlcal talent of the country, sorb aq 111, Mason f Gettachalk Wollenhaupt, and many others. Bt. k Pianos (( w ith and without Iron frame) are wabsanted for. threo • years, and a mitten guarantee given. Pianos packed and shipped without charge. l'ileesl4oderate. 0c27-tt Natiteo StfPitEME COURT FOR THR IN EASTERN . DISTRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA. Bonjamsln B Thomas vs. William. Davie. add , Dairy B. Dol by. Tendilionk raponao, Jnouory Tend, DOB, bid ho Auditor appointed to make distribution of the fund raised - under the above procedirdiuge by Sheriff's; tale, of all that largo Lot of Ground. composed of tote c,,utiguons lets, with the until:llB6od brick buildings thereon erected, equate' on the southeasterly side or Almond street, 131 feet 0 inches northeasto ardlyfrour Lehigh avenue, in the Nineteenth Ward of the ear or Philadelphia, containing in front, on said Almonds - fleet, 114 feet, and extending. in depth, southeastwardly, at right angles with Raid Almond street, 04 feet. 8111eet to a yearly ground rent of 144 doltare Will attend to his duties-on TUIttiPAY, the 12th day , of January, A. 11. 1858, at 4 o'clock P. 31 , at his office, No. 201 South S'EPTIE Street, in the city of Philadel phia, when and whore, all parties in intermit aro re gaited to present their clai me, or bo debarred from Com ing in upon said fund , ' de3o.lot GEORGE W. IIIDDLE, Auditor, 'OTIOE IS ILEREB , GIVEN THAT - . application has been made ta.the Trustees of the FIRE ASSOCIIATIOIf • O.F. PLIILIWEIRIFIA, for the renewal of a policy of Insurance, No. la", issued in the name of John J. Shoemaker for $l,OOO, dated Juno 1819. Transferred to Wm. B. Fatrehild October 8, 1849, cod by him to thi, Western Iluikling Association October 11,1663, which bay been lost or mislaid, and lu formation thereof' will be received by jat-thstd-lw• N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE .CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA.— Es4te of SUSAN RUND!Ell,ieceased.. &Jim Auditor appointed by the Court to Wit, settle, andaLdinet the account of Joseph Runner, Executor of tlio last will Mad testament of the said decedent, and to report distribution, will' meet tho partite interested at his Oftfoo, No. 7d South SIXTH, Street, above 'Wal nut, on WEDNESDAY, tho 13th day. of J ronary, 1858, at 4 o'clock P. H. J. P. O'N.Eli:b, jal 4 7 9 19-51* ,Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TIIE earl.' AND COUNTY OF of FAEDERIOK GENTSCII, desenned. The Auditor appointed to audit, nettle, and naiad the account of Loutm ftentech, Administratria, 4.7 c., of FREDERICK tiLINTSOII. Jeceawd, and to report dint r ib u tt e n, ..,111 meet the parties interested at hie Office, Na. 115 Sauth FIFTH. Street, on TUESDAY, January l'Jth, 185 n, at. 4 o'clock F.M. dijas-tutiugi J. 11. SIARKISAND. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR. THE A. cm AND ODENTY OF PIIMADELPHIA. Estate of 1i16,111t 01114411INER, deceased The Auditor appointed to audit, settle and adjust the account of Attain Ashburner. Administrator of SURE ASIIO4.II7SEII, decomed, and to report distrl - will attend to the duties of hk appointment on MONDAY, January . .78th.. A. 14.1858, at 4 o'clock P.M., at hie office, No, 704 WAIIIING TON WARE. ja7 , ..tbstust A. 1111.74144.AY STEWART, Auditor A LI, PERSONS RAVING CI.AI3ES 17. earthed', or indebted. to \THAR CON LEWIS, Eq., late of the city of Philadelphia, are requested to pre• lent and pay the Bayne, lvithout delay, to the aubccriber, to ninon lettere of odutinietratlon, frith the o ill an mixed, hare Wen granted Ly the itegister of Wills of Philadelphia county'. EDWARD WA LN, deti-stice No. 702 WALNUT Street. NOTlCE.—Whereas, Letters of Admiuis- Lt on the E,,tate of TIIOII.IBIt.WILLETTB, Into of Ban Vt.:melee°, Cal Norma. deed, hate been granted to the uuderelgned, all peraena indebted to said liatate will plettee make payment, end those haying claims or demand.; will make known the name without delay to JAMES F. 1111.LETTit•.,. Administrator, cell tra da3-Jansfl No. le N. Tit,.llth titrect. political CONSTITUTION AND THE S. UNION JEFFERSON AND JACKSON 01:ORGE TWVITIETII 0 ARO Subject to Democratic Principle.; CITY CONTROLLER. ILLIAM CURTIS, THIRTUNNTII AVAltll. Subject to Democratic rules. CITY COMMISSIONER, CHARLES M. D. EMIT II , FIRST Al AM , . Subject to Democratic rules OR REGISTER OF WILLS -Iy..wm. unNOOOKs, TwaLprii d2-3m* Subject to Democratic Rolm FOR SHER IFF ALDERMIN GEORGE MOORED FOURTH WARD Subject to Democratic Dulee. FOR SHERIFF- JetlkiNB G. GIBSON, TWERIT—BECIOND WARD. Subject to Democratic Rules. tUb n ratio nal. CRITTENDEN' B PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streete, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, &o. Each Student has individual instruction from tempt tent and attentive Teachers, ender the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Beet Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department, Pismire call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms. to. ocS.y DROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, ii WEST PHILADELPLUA. No Seminary whatever is more like a private family. The coarse of study Is extensive awl thorough. Pro fessor Saunders will receive a few more pupils Under fourteen years of age into hie family. Enquire 01 Messrs. J. S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose sons or wards are now members of his family. septl4-tf <Attorney at taw DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sw ME! ab:met Corner of EOT and 1.0. OUST Street'', Pkiladelphts. YER STRO USE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRE street, Potteellls, P► ►s4-17 ,for eale anb Izet. DESIRABLE OFICES at 620 WALNUT St., oppoblte the State house; one of the best lessinesis locations in Philadelphia, with heat, light, and an modern conveniences. Apply on the premises, Room No, S. to G. W. J. IiALL, Agent. no2o Job Vrinting. TAMES H. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ROOMS, 2 North SIXTH Street, fire above Market, Philadelphia. Blanks, CIICIA, Bill Heads, Pamphlets, and general Printing attended to Binding attended to In connection with printed head loge of Blanks and Receipts. d2-tf 551 EVANN.----10,000—P111NTEILI A E I Curcio; prr flour: 1 ittmlo W' , Me Pr... a. was b.e rkokol by 116.. bubs Ira V. lo ' .-- (4 t b D 1'L1154 , 114.1, Pm...: tiohlo i'll • V.. iil fin. ciijav TMA Pr... ,/i• A • }...u...... 041 LI —.art tt,el r. Prlolt Colo awl Catolo 1 D . Tr. T1A,...1 Canis per llo,ln lc o v r • c' ` , 7 ‘''.i ol! ,,- --1TP , k , ot.aili r.i..d. . I 13. 'cz e j,lbrnry, FOURT 11 MT. wort. Chr , tna. , , _ 11RIDGE NoTKIE.—THE TIME FOll _lll-11. rem %lug I.l.ins and Estimates for the Ohestimi Kreet Bridge, has, by Ordinance of Councib+, Leen ex tended to the kith day of January 1858 KNEAPS, d,3a-i1t1526 UhlerEugiuoer and Surveyor TWONDERS OF THE AGE-LIGHT, LIMIT FOR ALL.—D. P. PETER:I' Patent Non-Explosion SeMU enerati ng OAS LAMPS is just the thing to suit all. Price $1.50 up ; all may haven espy star Light by calling at the Peput. This Lamp is adapted to all places and purposes, and nuly requires a trial to test its advantages over all others. The Lamp farms its own gas. Our Patent Burners can be fitted to every ordinary Pluld Lamp, with little expense, without the least possible danger. All are invited to call and exandue for themselves. Town, County, and State rights for sale. The proprietor is in want of Agents, giving a rare chance to make money. D. P PET PM. flas Lamp Depot, ntalearrt S. W. cur Fecond and Chestnut ets.. EWING MACHINES.-PRATT'S PATENT-PRIO.EI3 YBO:1 $l2 TO $25. The LADIES , COMPANION" is the most simple, durable, compact, and cheap machine for family use ever offered to the petal; sowing slimily well upon all kinds of fabric, and without puckering the cloth, leav ing no bad cord on the back side of the work, and al ways fastens` the thread when stoppod . They sew from two to twelve hundred stitches per minute, using but one thread, and without rewinding. The stitch can be varied front five to fifty to the Inch. Any oue can learn to operate them in huff an hour. Printed direc tions accompany each machine, by which soy one can use them. We aro enabled to offer theno superior ma chines at the above low prices ' as we are not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty dollars l icense for borrowed pa macs, this machine being made under our own pstents in every part, awl Infringing upon or using no ether. There aro come hundreds In constant win in this city and vicinity, which ore giving the bent satisfaction. Every machine is warm/int( to glee natisfactien. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and emarnine them and their work, sod Judge (or Themselves. Samples of work, and drawings, with description, sent to any part of the country by mail. Salesrooms 113 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. and fill BROADWAY. New York. on 11-tf ARCHER, WARNER, MISKEY, & Co., MINUPACTUREMI3 OP UASALIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds or OBS and Lamp Rork, Girannules, K c., No WEI CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ARCHER, WARNER, A; CO., No. 376 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Wildings fitted a Ala (las Pipes, and all kinds of flawing and repairing W Has Work. del? tiro GREEN SAND `CARL NEIVJERSEY. —TUE NEW JERSEY FERTILIZER COMPANY le now prepared to receive orders for this importuut manure. For alt lands neon which ashes ere beneficial ; the Marl la more than & substitute. Professor Cook, in his annual report to the Legisla ture of New Jersey, says : "The value of three Marts is boot Neon In the rich and highly cultivated district which has been 3mprove4, almost made, by their use ; but It may bo interesting to eXoffituo the causes of their great value in Agriculture, and to compare them with other fertilizers. For example : The potash alono may be taken at an average of live per cent. of the ~hole weight of Marl, a buuhet whou dry weighing eighty pounds, and in the proportion mentioned would contain fear pounds of potash; thin in nearly as much as there la in a bushel of untouched wood ashes." And again— pt is probable that the great value of the Mori Ia to be found in the fact that it contains nearly all the sub stances necessary to make up the deli of our common calthated plants. Price, delivered on board vessel, at the wharves of the Company at Portland Heights, on Raritan Bay, New Jersey, seven rents per bushel. Per further particu lars, see Cirenlpf, sent free of postage. Orders for other fertllizerstwlll receive prompt attention. Address either of the undersigned. 021ARLES SEARS, President, Merino Poet Office, New Jersey. TAPPAN TOWNSEND, Treasurer, No. 82 NIO3BOU street, Now York. GEOROR W, ATWOOD, Secretary, No. 20 Cedar street, New York. N. 11.—Tbose wishing Marl for Spriog IMO Phould order immediately, to secure its early shipment. Orders will be filled in rotation oct 29.6 m COTTON -100 bales Gulf Cotton, In store sod for Pale by MARTIN & MAOALISTER, au 110 North water WWI OR SAN FRANCISCO—To Haft on the lath Indant, from Now York, The well-tinoW a clipper ship 097.1ifiN E mil, t; is u ow loading, tud Will be despateltott as Shore. For freight apply to lsl-7t 14191101',131N0NA. & CO, 120 (late 3.1) North What gee. --- NAVAL STORES.—Rw ++in, Spirit Turpon• tine, and Tar, constantly on hand and for salo by OREtNF.R Ec EIARRICEBB, No. 128 North WATER street, And No. 3.54) North Whams. .TANUAitY VI OR SAN FRANCISCO.--To sail on the lath inetant.--The famous clipper tildes NDlf IN )LYE, 0. P. Wearea, Commander, and NM 1N FOB RIOT, Caoceen, Commander. lloth of these magnificent phips are pow loading in NoW York, and will be despatched as above. For balance of freight apply to 1118110 P, 131110 Nd, & 004 la 2 120 (late DO) NORTII WIIAIIYXI3. NEW YORK . BTEMIIIP OCIIIPANI"3 uplernlid and powerful ateamera, EDINBURGH, 2,100 tons, Win. Cumming, Commander, NEW YORK, 2,150 tow, Robert Craig, lEMIGOW, 1,002 twin; John Duncan ti Aro appointed' to sail PEWICOLIRCIOIr. Ntw York, Saturday, 19th December Edinburgh, Saturday, 16th January. 111m3gorr, Saturday, 30th January. • . New York, Saturday, 76th January, at 12 o'clock, noon RATES OF PASSAUE. Firstelass lb guineas Steerage, found with cooked vorislous 8 ‘.l First Class $76 00 Steer tgo ; found with cnokel pro,' sionn ...... 30 00 Children under 11 years of age, hslf fare; Infants in Steerage. la, Return tickets available within nix months ; by any Mesmer of this line. Flrst Ohm $l4O 00 Third Clam 00 00 An experienced Burgeon attached to each Steamer. For vakxage. apply to WORKMAN & CO 023 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. MALL & LONEY, Beehaunn'a Wharf, Baltimore. .JAMES RAI:BURN, IT Broadway, New York. al-On, MILS BRITISH AND NORTH AMERI- A OAN ROYAL MAIL STILIAIBIIIPS. FROM NEW YORE TO LIVERPOOL Chief Cabin Po. ago Second Cabin Paimage . . Chief Cabin Nang° $llO Second Cabin Passage 00 The snips from Boston call at Halifax.. PERSIA, Capt. Judkina. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt. Wick man ASIA, Capt. E. fi Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Ryrle. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J Leitch. Them) vessels carry a clear white light at meet-hem' i green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leave If. York, Wednesday, boo. 0. AMERICA, Lott ' w Swami Wedneadayipeo. 10. EUROPA, TARA, w N.York, Wednehday;bco. 23. CANADA, Lang, w Matron, Wednesday, Dec. 30. PERSIA, Judki no, w N.York. Wedneeday, Jan 0,'98 NIAGARA. Wickman, Boston,Wednewlay,Jan.l3 , 6B AFRICA, Shannon, ‘• N.York,Wedneaday, Jan. 20. Bertha not becured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, fined°, Jewelry, I'reciou■ Stones or Metale, unleaa bills of lading, are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expreased. For freight or paaeage apply to deg-y B. OUNAItD, 4 Bowling, Green, Ngeric. SAVAWN Ali STEAMSHIP LINE. In ceuaequenee of the deprenaed Mate of trade, the above ships will be withdrawn for the regent, October loth. A. HERON, Jr. fiIARE REDUCED TO SOUTTIAIiTTON AND 11AVR11.—The megnitieent nteanwhipliAN DEßßlLT, Edward Higgins, commander, 5,2E8 tone, will eall From New York far South- From Southampton and ampton and there. Ilarra for New York. Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Deo. 5 Saturday Dec. 20 Price of Pansage—First cabin, $100; second cabin, 150 Specie delivered in London and Paris. For freight or passage apply to D TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green, New York. Letters for 'England and Europe, pro-paid, 25 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps If from other citioad will be received at No. 5 Bowliog-greo a, New York, up to 11 . 1 i o'clock on the morning of sail ing. oclo-tf Emmt ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 1857. m: New York and Havre Steamahlp Comparty.—The United States Mail Steamships ARACIO, 2.600 ton', David Linos, commander, and FULTON, 2.600 tons, James A. 'Notion, commander, wltl !taro New York, Uwe and Southampton, for the years 1867 and 68, on the following days : MEM 14117111 OMR TOIL 1667. 1666. Fulton, Saturday, Aug. 22 Argo, Saturday, Tan. 9 Argo, do. Sept, 19 Fulton, do. Feb 6 Fulton, do. Oat. 17 Arno, do. IttarnhB Arago, do. Nov. 14 Fulton, do. April 8 Fulton, do. Deo. 121Arago, do. May 1 'Fulton, do. May 29 LIATI HaTIM . Arago, Tuesday, Aug. 28 Fulton, do. Rept. 5N Arago, do. Oct. 20 Walton, do. Nor. 17 Arago, do. Doo. 19 1958. Fulton, do. lan. 11 Arago, do. Yob. 9 Fulton, do. March 9 Arago, do. April 8 Fulton, do. Alay A Arago, do. June 1 Folion, do. Juno 29 TRIOS 01 From New York to Southampton or Havre—Pim Cabin, $l3Ol &cowl Cabin, SM. From Tierra or Southampton to New York—Firs Cobb,ia 800 trace; Second Cabin, 600 (rum For freight or passage, apply to MORTL.MER LIVINGSTON, Agent, 7 Broadway WILLIAM ISELIN, 4, liaTre. OROSEEY CO., " South 'tort AMERICAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS AND EX- " Parte. CHANGE CO. MIS In NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL -It UNITED STATES MAIL DTEAISEIIB.—The Composing this Line are : The ATLANTIO, Oapt. Oliver Eldridge. The DALTIO, Ospt. Joseph Comstock. The ADDIATIO, Capt. James West. ~iTliese ships have been built by contract, expressly for tiovernment service; every care hes been taken in their eonstruotion, se also in their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommodations for passenger. are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, in fret cabin, $130; in second do., $76; from Liverpool to New York, BO and SO genesis No berths secured union paid for. The ships of this Due have improved water-tight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING. PION NSW TONS. Piton tivearoot. Saturday, June 20, 1857 Wednesday, .7 uue 24, 1857 Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1857 Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 15, 1657 Wednesday, A ug.l9, 1857 Eaturday,Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1957 Saturday, Sept. 20, 1857 Wednesday, Sept.2o, 1857 Saturday, Oot. 10, 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1867 Saturday, 04. 24 196/ Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1657 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, N0v.21, 1867 Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1857 Saturday, Deo. 6, 1857 Wednesday, Deo. 9, 1857 Wednesday, Deo. 22, .1857 ler freight or passage, 5P.0.7:t0 EDWARD K. 001.L1_519, No. 68 Well street, N. Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY A. CO., Liverpool. STEPLIEN HENNAED & 00., 27 Austin Friars, London. B. O. WAINWRIGHT & 00., Paris. The owners of these ahipe will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jeweiry.pr colons stones or metals, unless bills of lading rt t ned therefor, and the vaßre thereof expressed therein aul-tf GREAT ittDVOTION IN FARE TO Elf- ROPE. First Cabin $6O I Second Cabin f6O In the first-class paddle-wheel eteamshlp ADRltilh 2,000 tone, C. 1). Lui,Low, Commander, and NORTII STAR. 2,61* tons, P. N. LlirlVlkg, to sail from pier No 3 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITND STATES MAILS, via; Leave N. York for Southampton, Bremen for Southampton vre and Bremen. Southampton for New York. Ar lel, Saturday, Oct 31. Wedsiday, Nov. 4. N. SaVy, Oct. 81. Saturday, Nov. Ti. IVeds'd'y, Bee. 80 Theme steamers touch at HAVRE. Specie relivered In London and Parra. Yor _presage and frell,st, splay to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green, New York. oclo-tf JbA3ISAY'S ISLAY MALT SCOTCH ..vio WHISKEY —4O Puncheons of the above Supetior Whiskey, now landing from ship Windsor Forrest, at Shippen street wharf, for sale by JOSEPH F. TOBIAS, de2l-Im 200 and 10S !south FRONT Street. -----. _ lIRANDIES..--" Met ()astlllon," Marett, .1-1 and other Cognacs of various vintage', In halt pipes and quarter ca,ka • Pellevolain Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, iu half pipes, half eaaki, and one•elghth oaks, Imported and for sale by HENRY BOMAN 4 CO , ee2.2 221 and 223 South Fourth street. 1-3.. A LEXANDER V. MANES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, No. 710, &atheist Corner cf eRONGN and alum Streets. CI. LEWIS, IIIIP OSTER AND DEALER • IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, dce ,26 Routh FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. 10tRANDIES.—Pinot, Coatllon & Co., Ma rett & Co., and other brands of Cogpace of various vintages', In half pipers and quarter man • Pelleroltln Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pi pea, quarter Conks and one eighth auk's, all in Custom Howie Mom, Imported and for sale by HENRY BonLvx & co., and Non. 'l2l and 223 Booth Fourth sheet. rii.T.HMAR & BLITZ, PORTER, ALE -CY AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (new N 0.036) North THIRD Street, Philadelphla.-6hlppiug °Mere promptly attended to. aul-tf nASS'H EAST INDIA PALE ALE.- The cousumera of this celebrated bet erage need on description of its qualities, or evidence of its excellence. beyond the benefit they have derived from its use since Its introduction Into this country ,• to those who hose not yet made an acquaintance with this CROWNING Malt Liquor, it may be well to state a few facts : BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Owes its excellence ea a beverage to the superior quality of the hops and malt, the mineral properties of the river water Immediately communicating with the bresery, and the scientific skill applied in tin 1119 1111fncture. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Not being sweetened or strengthened to please vitiated palates, la, therefore, neither heating aor heady, but stomachic and appetising. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE la the delight and solace of the Indian Subaltern in hia fuming bungalow—the worthy rival of brandy pawnoe. . . ie the drink without which no thin can be complete no journey by dawk parable. DASIVE EAST INDIA PALE ALE _ . . • Is the favorite drink In England of lord aid bagman duchess and novae. DABS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE le the much-admired tonic for Invalids and parsons o weak interiors Will keep In all climates; and is good at all meals—hal cheou, dinner, or supper. BASTE EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is pronounced by the medical faculty one of the mos wholesome beverages that can be taken, and In found t be not less agreeable to the palate than it is benefiela to the health. BASS'S EAST INDIA FALB ALB In universally conceded to be unrivalled in excellence. by any other Imported Into the United States. Denlora and consumers will find It their Interest to give this Ale a preference. For sale in cask and bottle by TIIO3IAS Agent and Consignee, 44 BBAVER St., N. Y. On sato at Dehuonico's, at, corner of Beaver, and Chambers, corner of Broadway. Sutherland's,lo Pine street. Berry's, 10 nn street, Richardson Ac Ilayter, 120 Water At George F. Burgess, 483 Broadway . N. B. Gosling, 332 Broadway COACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory Or IL D' USSII EH 8 N 0.103 (late 43) South EIGHTH, below Chestnut s treat has become a "laving of 60 percent. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN HERCLIANTS, and Mee the convenience or having their old Carriage Lampe new silver-topped and bottomed, nod omit hv express to all part, 43.12 Lv M 00(1 GALLS. WHALE OIL, tl 9 r 1,000 gall. 11laphant Oil, o GO lildo. Na l lard Oil, for sale by OROAPDAL F,, PHI RON, lt 00,, anlo-tt No. 104 N. Delaware avenue Q,TORAGt on SECOND and Tit ►PLOORa 09,11 be bed at 11G North Water street. Apply to MARTIN & MAI:ULMER. n 023 fibiliinnii rnom HOSTOS TO LITRUPOOL ;VITA BISIIIPB STATE OF GEORGIA ANTI KEYSTONE STATE. AAAAA SOUTHAMPTON. 1857, Arago, Wedneaday, AUff . 28 Fulton, do. Sept. 23 Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Nor. 18 Arart, do. Dam 18 1858. Fulton, do. Jan. 13 Arago, do. Yob. 10 Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. Aprll 7 Fulton, do. May Arago, do. haste 2 Fulton, do. Inns 80 TIBSAONI Wittes nub Liquor°. BASS'S SAST INDIA PALE ALE CO AL I COALI COAL I—TAGGART's CELEBRATED SP RING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH 00AL. J. h R. CARTER'S GREENWOOD, TAMAQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST 808UYL RILL COAL. RANDALL & MERIEDITYI Have for 'Ale, and am constantly recdviox from above celebrated Solitaries, COAL OE ALL SIZES. ' There le no Coal mined anywhere, equal Itt qn lily these, and a trial will convolve any one of their zteat superiority. Our Coal Iv very carefully screened at our yenta, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, duet and all Impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW as the TERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Office, No. 151 8013111 FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, CALLOWIIILL street, below BROAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above CAL LOWIIILL—or sent to either place per Despatch root, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do w ell to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewtore, ont-tf SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.- I am daily receiving, at my yard, the bout quality o_ S OHU YLK IL L AND LEMON COAT, My cuMotriera, and all others who may favor ma with tolr orders, may tel=getting Coal that will be satisfat tory to thorn. No inferior Coal kept at this et tabliehment to offer at LOW PRICES. . ALEXANDER OONVERY, N.E. corner of Broad and Cherry Ste LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.- DALY, PORTER dc CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep cob btantly on Mold at the very loweet rates, a fall supply or Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. All 1-6 m itlerctiant (Sailors JOHN P. DOHERTY, /011111aILY WITH KELLY k BROTHER, LATE WIT/I LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, „ABOVE EIGHTH, Ilan now with Idea the beat Tailors tha are engagent. In the bumbleen in thin country. CIiARI.RB ROTH, formerly the leading taller of thin city; M. KAYSER, formerly cutter for 0. Roth & Cu., and late Coat and Vent cutter w ith Lukens, Kelly, & Co., ]lone* Wtorma, the bent Pants and Vest cuttec in the United Staten, for yearn Cutter with Delnerrin, under the Irving Rouge, Broadway. a •d with Depletriti & Pettus, under the Bt. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The wont unremitting attenticin palate the winbee of all who patronise The entablinhomnt. The beet of Clothes made st 'moderate prices for credit, low prices for ea ue.l3-t: TAKES SEER IDAlsr, MEROVANT to , TAILOR, Non. 10 andlß Bolath NINTI.I 011111 RT, AROVE 01111STNLV. A large and wall aelocted stook of CLOTHS and CASSIMPIIES always ou band. All Clothing made at this alatabllaltiment will be of the boat Van - kr and in the moot fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH.- LNG. Q., II ARPE'B MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 14 North I'OURTII &root, between Arch and lima. aue-ly Cotttmvsoiott Illerchattte MERCHANTS and Dealers In Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Noa. 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, Eaat side above Commerce et reet, Shiladelphla. CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION IHER NJ CHANT Rod Importer of HAVANA 'VEGANS, (New)l3B Walnut great. !mond story. aul-ly gobarco attb (frigate. HAVANA CIGARS--A handsome ss 41- men!, ouch u Figaro, Putagu, Cabanas, Milani, Gloria, Jupiter, Coloso, Converelantes, Torrey Lopes, Union Americana, Orejon, Ylora Cubans, he , he., he., in X i X, 1-5 and 1-10 loxes of all alres and quill ties, atAlw and constantly receiving, and for sale low, by QUARLES THTE„ (new) 135 WALNUT Street, inl-ly below Second, second story . . _ VIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS 1 AMASS —A choice Invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig New Era," daily expected (rote EhlTarilli, and for este low, by CHARLES TETE, (New) 188 Walnut greet, below Second, and Second Story. furniture. t B. KITE & CO. 1 I. rURNITUBE, BRDDING, No. 113 (Isto TAO) WALNUT it Phlladdplut A new and eaperlor style of Spring Bede. LIM B. KITE. JORMPII WA4,0111 sun am Doty alto Taubles SOAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from 187 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to my Blanufnetory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be- tween Lombard and South, and Smut and Second streetq. Thankful to my numerous fronds for their past favors, solicit a continuance of the mm, having enlarged my manufactory so as to enable 1110 to have constantly on hand A forge stock of welt-seasoned Soaps, free from PIA Oils Palm, Variegated White theory, Castile, and All kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Vitro Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and thrown Soap, English Sal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, end Tallow Candles of all else, constantly on hand. Haring adopted the cash system, I am enabled to sell my goods at the lowest prices, F. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. /I.—Csstk paid for Tallow and theses. no 14-0 m Eitntionery BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. 1100 AN, thank Book Manufacturer, Stationer met Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all thorn to furnish, either from the shelves or make to enter, Books of nary description, suitable (or banks. Public 011icea Merchants, and others, of the beet quality of English or American Paper, and bound in various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatuesa and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr llogan's contribution to the Franklin Inntitote, the Committee say—" This display of blank books for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the materiel is good, tho workmanship wort excellent, and their finish and ap pearance neat and appropriate " no2o-tf Bats, Caps, tZ':c SULLENDER h PASCAL, aul-8m No. 8 B. SIXTH *trek.. Philadelphia *aware. ( c rfAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT EARS, RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, Above Spring Garden Water Work'. WAREHOUSE. 108 North WATER Street. QUAKER CITY NAILS are warranted equal to any mete. oc9•tf JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent rpROMAS E. BAXTER.-11A1IDWARE, 1 CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET Et bole Ninth, south elle. Philadelphia nu I.Pro Moots mitt 131joeo. B OOTS AND SIFIOES.—Tbe subscriber ins on hand a large and varied Mock of BOOTS and SHOES, which he will hell at the too fo.t GEO. W TAYLOR, on2l-ly S. St corner PIETA nod MARKET Ste VALE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. --JOSEPH H. THOMPSON A, CO., No, 314 MAIL KIIT Street, and Nes. S and 6 FRANKLIN FLACK. hare new In atom a large and well-swioried stock of BOOTS and SIIOE3, of City and Eastern raanufacture, which they otter for sate on the beat Wain for Cash, or on the usual credit. . . Boyers aro loyited to 0%11 and examine their stook attl•dtf 11 ,-*-; 000 BOXES OF AMERICAN WlN vow (1L11.9, of all sizes and (panned, for WO at lowest prices. Our assortment Pi complote, and are daily receiving fresh lots from the Kensington Class Works. (heats Jc Duffy's make auperior to any in the market as to brilliancy and regular thickness, dipal to French We are now rei.elving two•thirds of Wm ti loss 11111 , 1t1 at the, works. :4,000 boxes French Glass of all ni/e9 4 000 feet Rough 0 las, for sk)lightd. 0,000 feet Engraved and Ernicutilled Clads, of all pat taros. 1111te Lead, Vreneh And American Zinc, Paints, de. 100 000 lbs White Lead. 00,000 Frenth Moe, (Vieille Montague; 70,000 Ike ArrYtl.ll.ll Mar. Blown Zito, It full aupply. Chrome Green, la lull supply. Chrome Yellow a full supply Yrusisbui Illus, a lull sup)ly Faris Green, a full supply. Address your orders to 7.11:05All It, I Vh° l ' , " l " bruttlPete tto , l Manufro (met-4, Sole Proprletorei or the Pismo Stumm Color IVto btorn A. W curni)r SECOND un.l Atrerb , , I'htladrlphla• cell tf 31EDIULNAL Illt.lNDY.—Puro Old dicinal Cognac, the umbt powerful a trougthener for weak lungs awl getters! delniar al the 11 , 4 e , n owe cure for Dp.popfli•. whether snote or Odom, Lou Spirits, &c. Price $1 i per bottle, or $10.50 per dozen, Si nrronted porn, Ittiporte,l eXpre-bly fur no, bole Agouti' , for the United tAtittes, 7.11:61,1.31 S 3311111, Wholraalu Druggi , to, P. W cor ;4,0.1 oni Ore-o. Vic refer, by perinivuun, to tho following tnemberd of the Medical faculty, an to tho purity amt chenticAl atundard of thin Drawl) 0 P. Ketchlino, M. II , Fourth, above ''bony Ohm 11 Taylor, 31. LI Fourth, aboio brown. ch., It. Itobertd, 31. 1.) , Third, below Wilaoll rme.Y, bt D , Fourth, above Thoull,on J. ti. Koos r, Front, , t b o ,,„ d„il-ti 13 ÜBLIG LA ALP S IS respectfully Informed that Offices hove been openal by the District Superinteudents of Public Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give Information respect• log accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure In lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time; or If not properly cleaned and In good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Bally, No, 808 Wharton et , Firet Ward; Oharle4Caity, Supt of 2d district, No. 2 Haines at above Sixth; WI on D. Kirk, No. 820 North Sixth et , above Brown, Twelfth Ward; ill. W. Deahong, No 2231 Coates erect, Fifteenth Ward; Thoe.V. llowlby, One Office,Twenty-Fourth Ward, (Went Philadelphia,) M. 11. lillFadden, Oas Office, Twenty-Second Ward, (Oormantown;) Win. N. klarket, Oat Office, TwentyaThlrd Ward (Frankford,) and at the OM Office In Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia One Works. A. J. KITII, ocl-Om Superintendent of Distribution PPHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY— N. W. Cm. TIMED and CHESNUT Nts. L. PELOITZE SON,' thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore necerdel to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new BP ECI3IEN BOOK to now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the ehorteot no. tics. Their long practical experience In the business, and the fart of their peraonal superintendmlce of the manufactuiing department, jtudities them in asserting , that they can furnish a more durable and bettor du tithed article than their cotemporarire. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, wontd do well to apply to them previous to purobssiog elsewhere, Old type taken at 9 cents per pound, in eioha s uge for new at specimen. prices. e 1-tf Insurance Companies rpm 11110FTHAL HEALTH INSURANCE 80 ( .1IETY 01 PENNSYLVANIA. Orace, No 351 Buell /MEATH Street, stmee WALNUT } (Cp Stalre,) Iphi, OAPITAL, SILAS S. DREW, P I E SDIOM. Fins, octal Committee L. BROWN, J. JOTINSON, E F. I(a7.I.STON Thq /Abje c t of this Society is the creation of it Mutest Fund, to be applied to the most advantageous wanner for tb 0 benefit of its luck menthers 112 the payment of the follocsing yestlr dap - silts you ala , becoine a Lifo Member of the Sodtty, and will be entil led to a weekly benefit tf you should be disabled by sicliNstss or accident tram attending to your ocelots' bud area or occupation An LIAVILITY TO A881:138SWITS. yes i r ly Ihrostft of Afent6trs under 50 Year 3 of Age: !.,12 00 per year draw #0 00 per week. S 0 ,• 4.• , 4 .3 op 41 4. 4 00 500 " " fi 00 •• 00 " ir 6 " " 7 00 " " r• 7 00 •, 00 ti 8 00 " 9 00 " 10(0 " •• 10 00 " First week (`xeopted. In anti° a to the above an expose Fee of 51,7,0 will be charged the lirat year which mu.t be !mitt nt thu time of in slung appliest.on and the yearly deposit in thirty dr.., All e'Alms for sickness will be promptly paid. All mom nnicatiolia thould br addrepse , l to BILAS 8. DittiNV, President, 10! South Fourth street, Philadelphia. C.IREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND "LAI TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. 'OFFICE IN COMPANY'S BUILIPNO, No 403 WM, NUT, Corner of FOURTH Street Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital 000,000 FIRE, INSURANCE, Ilmiled or PlrfleinaL MARINE INSURANCE on Veasels, Carve., and Freights. INLAND INSURANCIr byßiverv, Canals, Lnkea, and Land Carriage. ASSETS, Nov. I, 1857. Real Estate Y. 57,000 00 Beat Eatate held in trust, (in Nola ) '23.700 00 hails and 'Mortgages 28,350 00 Strreka. (par value f 92,450) present rains.... 57,915 00 fitorit notes 38,400 00 BM!, rvreds able 21,448 RI 9 , 1,11 In bank out on bond 2,101 38 Cash In hand, or Agent. 7,053 Premitunq unpaid 3,388 88 f 020 39 DIRECTORS minus C. LAT11R05,1423 Walnut street. Wht DARLING, 1010 Pins street. ALEX. WIIII,LDEN, merchant, 13 North Front et. ISAAC 11A7.L Ell MIST, Attorney and Counsellor. JOHN C HUNTER, Wm of Wright, Hunter, & Co. N TRACY, firm or E Tracy & Co . Goldsmiths' llall JOGS It. M'CCRUT, firm of Jones While, A .11 . Curdy THOS. 1. ti ILLMI E, firm of Gilleaple & eller. JAS II SMITH. HMI of Jas It. Soith & Co. N HARPER JEFFRIES, firm of Wrn. li. Brown & Co. JUN It 01,000, office cos Seventh and San.cou stn. CHAS E. THOM SOON, Olive 413 CheAuut street. ALFRED TAYLOR, olllceCalro City Property. JONA J SLOCUM, ofli, , 22d South Third street. CHARLES C LATUIUIP, President W3I. DARLINI.), Tier-PreeteteGt LEWIS OREGOILY, Sdrice-Pro,klent, Nov York IL K. RICHARDSON, Alsvistaut-Secretary. den•tf CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM V PANT, • Charter perpetual Capital, 5500,000. Eitlierlbed, if.2011,c00. Paid up, $1.40.000. Thle Company ie now prepared to 1-sue FIRE and MARINE POLICIES on favorable tame. Passiovav—JOHN NWIFT. Vtca Peastor-N-r—libililtY BIM) I In INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of TRIAD and DOCK Streets. Capital, 5012,725 03. //WIRES LIVES for Abort term, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowinentit--par chaees life Interests In Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the oontingencles of Life. They aot as Executors, Administrators, Aevgnets, Trueteee, and Iluardians. nuSraLx. Ilanlel L Miller, Samuel l Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin. Ill.:hard S. Newbold, James It McFarland, William P. Sleeker, Joseph 11. Trotter, William II Kern. JlllllOB Euston, &tame! C. Huey, Theopbilee l'auldtror, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Solider, Henry C. Townsend, Panic' L. Tlutchirem, Itollelphus Kent, John W. Horner, William. 11. Carr, Env, P Azeher, Edward T Melt, Samuel J. Chadian, if ilium Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner Al Resin, John O. 13.1ouner, B.S. Micbler, Easton. DANIEL L. WILLER, President SAMUEL R. STOKES, Vice Pres't 3011 a W. 11011NOR.8ocretexT. r113..1y --- "TOWARD FOIE AND MARINE IN- A. YY KRANCE dOMPANY—OfRea No 412 WALNUT St:eet, Philadelphia The follnwlier Atato, , nt of the Weirs of the company is pithhshed in conformity with Vr , ./Vixtull of Its charter MX.1110121 ItLCSIVID rove stromv 1 , 1a3 6 , 70 AUGtIS2 31, 1857. Fire premiums P 4,7.21 01 Marine premiums Wai.7 • 4l b 2 Perpetual premium; 224 00 Total amount premiums taken. 1'155,717 43 Earned fire premiums 2:i,072 06 Earned marine premiums 165 , 09 4 60.49,079 66 Deduct return premium..., Net earned $163,359 09 Marino loeses . paid. $ 99,885 75 Fire Leeson 8,031 11 $101,910 88 Salvage re ceived... $760 57 Interest ro. cei5ed...4,351 GT R o Insur ance 2,971 62 —9,063 t,— 93,953 70 -- --- I:apemen for cuininisaiOnS to agents, abatetnent+ in lieu of scrip, salaries, °nice rent ; furnishing tifiico, books, at,.- tionery, & o 50,366 57 Pratt and lose 03 40-144,284 27 Net profit 124,075 n AHSETA. Cult on hand $12,515 $9 Rills receivable 119,207 02 Ronda and mortgages 163,000 00 Stock,, 0 92.100 00 Stock notes 142,900 00 Duo by agenda and others 22,312 93 $761,095 St DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, Wm. F. Leech, C. E. Spangler, II T. Kesel I. Abraham Rex, H. H. Houston, Wm. II Woods, Jos. It. Withers, Osorge Howell, Abraham P. Eyre., J. Edgar Thomson, 11' I:nig - nth C. G. Sower, Charlos F. Norton, John W Sexton, John H Lewnrs, Herman Haupt, Janice! E Nathan R. Posts, H. 11. Eihilhrgford PERCIVAL 31. POTT,S, Proindent. C. E. PPANGLYN, Viso Preqideat. W. H. Wool's, Secretary. oe:2R. T. KINBII.. Treasurer. FIRE INSURANCE. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANT. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CASH, AND SEQUA ELY INVESTED, MICR, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD STS , SPRING GATIDEI,S. CHARTER PRIIPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIIIXOTORS. . .. . John IL Dohneri, Henry al Phil. I, David Vi'oeipper, Lewis Shinrizok Benjamin Darla, John Landoll, John Brans, Jr Charles Field, Anis.) , AI Park, William E. Woo . James Durnell, John 11. Stevenson, Jacob S. Mintzer, Cumin Stoddard, Henry Homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, George) K. Chihiu. JOHN B. DOIINERT, President. L KRUMIIIIAAR, Secretary. Sept 21-11 p V EPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- A. 1 OFFICI: 414 WALNUT lit , Franklin Buildings, FINE AND MARINE INAURANGE. CAPITAL $100,090, WITII PRIVILHOO To INCSIXASI: TO 400,00♦). Thin Company in now tally organ zed, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against lOU or damage by Wire cad Marion PeriL' at current rates. OFFICERS. H. 0. LAUGHLIN, President. RICHARD SHIELDS, 'Visa Presided. OHO. SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTOILS. i George Minster, W. 0 stotenbnil. R. M. Carideo, 0 C. Butler, Geo. Scott f aulft r y_ A RCTIC EIRE INSURANCE COMPA rx. Nl', NI:W YORK.--Oilice, No 2'a Wall street, ad- JmninG the Mechanic,' Bank—Cash Capital. $2.50.600, with a surplus Thin Company insure Building+, Mer ehandiae, Furniture, Veseeln in port and their Cargoen, and other property, against LON or Damage by lire and the Rieke of Inland Nartgation DlascrTorts. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, BMus R Gravel, Henry. 0 Brewer, Henry Davie. Edmund Ponlold, 0 11. Lilienthal, Hanson K. Corning, Then. Polhemue, jr. Ogden Haggerty, Rhaha X. Horgan, Thomas blunagan, Abut. H. Yen Neat, John 11. Huge, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas B. Neleon, Oharlee Heaton, Junes W. Phillip., Loftin Lorut, Charles A. Many, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward /Hocken, liteph. Cambreleng, Won H. Shepard, Thoman Scott, Charles I. Frost. John Ward, lothrop 1.. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William R. Fondirk, Peter Eden, Emery Thayer. Beitjeunin if Field, Gen Weetteldt, A. R. Frothiugham, Zaln.ou Taylor Thee Y. Youoge, U. 0. ',soughl.ln, D filmentod, Wm o,herne, Richard eh ields, T W. ehessell, 6ama•l L ?Melloll ALBRP.T WARD, Pmidebt. Itt4llAan A 0 oAt.we , e,cret au lO,ly 3 ATaTFACTURERS' 1 N IJ RAN G E _IL COMPANY --Charter ferrotusl ()ranted ty the Atato ul Nnanyiranta Capital, $OO,OOO Fire, Manua, and Inland Traneportation. ELtEIBM Aaron 8 Llppineott, Chutes Wiark„ Wm A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeka, Charlee J Field Jatnea P P nylh, Wm. D Thome, J. Rinaldo Sank, Wm, Neal, John P Simone, AARON 8 LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A mioDE,s, Vice Prea/dont. ALFRED V, lA:RS, Secretary. J W. MARTIEN, Surteyor, This Company wan organised with a nett espital, and the Pire,torn hayu determined to adapt the bußtnena to Ito irmlnt•ln ye , ourcee—do observe prudence m conduct• log 114 airaire, with a prompt adjustment of hares Ohico No.lo Merchants , Exchange, phßadelphla, aul-dly VIIARTER OAK E !../ INSURANCE COMPA IRE AND MARINE NY o► HARTFORD. CONN. Lout, in Phthulelpbla awl ilads/Idela Offici. Cash Capital 1.300,000, vicinity Adjußted et the PA By leave we refer to l't l Brawn k CO., Phila. Ron. Joel Jocsea, Phila. Chefro...4 ' Stout kCo , " lion. Barna Choate, Boston 11.trker, Leek Co" Williams, n T. SWilliams, Ilert'S We have farildre for p acing any amount of MAI. rattotnth.ltnot reliable Companies, _ PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 413 (074 No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON k ROOD, Agents. ALE J OPE.—Buyers aro Invited to call 11 Ala eimminti our Manila Dale Rope, which we can an sell sa low as American, and warrant it superior in travel and durability. WEAVER, FITLY:Ft& CO., and No 2R N Ws.tor st and 22N Whianou CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of excellent quality, In cold at the PIIII,ADII. I 9IIA OAR WORKR for the reduced price of flve cents • bushel, and rosy bo obtained In large or mall quantity by ap plying at the Oae Wilco, No V Routh fiaIIiNNTIL Street To Purr beers by Wholesale, it to sold at the Works, In First Ward, by the ton, at a pm. equivalent to An thracite, a tj3 GY por ton (Migned,) J 0 ONtRRON Engineer 13 OAS W 05.. Aug. 26, 'Pi . an!II-tt 3°B3—"b3l6Bll°itillgtri by l 71TgOAETr itot 119 North 'Wider Btroo • ilitilroait fine*, 1311ILADELPIIIA AND ELMIRA RAIL -1 ROAD COMPANY.--QUICREBT ROUTE to EL mint. Buffalo, Chicago, Rock Nair], Niagara Yalta, Miltraukto, Borlingtok, Montreal, st. /*auto, Detroit, Dualiath,and Passenger train. will tetra the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and FINE Streets, daily. ;Sundays accepted.) as follow.: 7 30 A. 31. DA) For Elmira, Niagara Fills, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, (lateen, St Paula, Burlington, and St. Louis 3 ao P.M. NIGHT EXPREA3, For Elmira, Niagara Fslle, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, lock 1E1.14, Galena, ht. Paula, Burl tugtor, and Bt Louis. ID" Tickets good till timid. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buff Ito, and Euppenui en Bridge. =EIZELEI Vllke9barre Williamsport 600 Elmira 1 00 Canandaloa 8 01 ( li , iii''rai via Gorham . 8 CO Rochester, 8 50 10 1.0 Niagara Palls Buffalo 10 00 Erie. ....... ..................................... 10 50 ' Cleveland, •01. /i. Y. and Er. ; 1 , 3 N I ii via Niagara Falls Toledo, via New lurk and E.rlai i; ii, Colombo. 16 50 Cincinnati, Neu 1 ork and Erie 18 00 Niagara Falla 10 00 Indianapolis, via NOV York and Erie ol 00 Detroit, via Niagara Falls 19 50 Chicago, via (treat Western Railway.... 22 CO Lake Shore Bailrolvi on 00 Rock Island, era Niagara Falls 'I 00 Lake Shore Railrna4l 00 Burlington 24 00 lowa City 29 25 St LOlli3, vin Chicago 20 00 Indianapolis 4 4 00 Dunlieth 21 CO 35 10 St. Pats hi ' ... Irr Tickets cnn be roeurei at the Philadelphia and Ebana Railroad Company's Ticket Ofbc.., N. \V corner of Si XTII and CHEST:4I;T etr,t,, any at the r...- wen g er Dept, ItROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS fREIGIIT TRAIN . . Leaves the Depot, Ikon I street, below Y/131., (Sundays excepted,) for all points Wett and North, at 6 P 3E. Freivbts tang be delivered before 3 P. 31 to insure their o.ning the saner day. IE)I reights are forward.l 'with groater deeyofrh and Low, Bate, than by any lino from tha city to the West end Northive,t. For farther information apply to A1,1.1:1N tc uttt t, Through Freight Depot. Itrout. below roe, Or to CHAS. et, TAI'PEN, General Agent, N. IT. cor.Slxth nod Cheetaut sts.,Philadn. G. A. NV:ULM, (lent. Supt Phlbtls. nod Rooting If A FONDA, flenl Cotawle+o. & J. A REDFIELD, dp3l.ly (lent. Supt. W alsport and Elmira Ratlmad PI [IL ADEL PIII A AND READING It AIL ROAD—FAT FREPIIIT LINE —Freight train, leave the Depot, DROAL Street, b low VINE. daily, for Dul).11o, Suspen.uun Bridge- Canada. Dt troit, Chicago, Galena, Dubuque, it. Louie, and Intent,- Mete pomte. 'MIK I,' the ehorttet route to Canada and the Lake Porte, nod goods will be forwarded w Rh greater despatch to the aboro poiute than by any other route. Tour ur rxicEs rxn 100 LB3 Via EaOron•t tat Atom, 11 els.— $4 t tau 4th tines Pat , pt , nsinn Bridge .1 127 t Sti ill :4) Duffe^ or Dunkak 1 15 1,0 711 Lo Detroit I ..14 1'27 1 II oi ebleago ...... .... 1 DO 1 at I 15 1 99 Freight going Ihrou4h by rail all the ray mart be marked ••li IA RA IL " No transb.peleut between rbileielp:a .3 , 1 Elmira M,:k good, via and Reading' !Who'd and rend to the Prfot. trot etrtvt. below VIDA., 4sily, before S. 3.1 For further information in rogsof to this routs, rail at the throng?. freight oSice of the Philada this, Nis gam and Great 111 ester° Liue, corner SIXTH and CIIESTNCT. dera-y TIENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—TIik. CiREAT CENTRAL ROCTII, caonestittg the At testi,: Cities with Western. North-westoru. and eautb western State 9, by it continuous Kalil's] &rest, This Road also .nnecte at Pittaburrh with dinky line of steamers to sa poets on the Westetu hives', sad et Cleveland and Sandr.o7 tell% eiramers to 111 ports or, the North-wesv,erb.l.Ateb; making the most DIRECT CHEAPEST Ithil RELIABLE ROUTE by which Freight can be forwarded to sod from the GREAT WERT. mrxe DEMEAN PIIILADELPULA AND PITTS -1111111111. Wiser Clikaa—Boots, Shoes, Rats, ani Cape, Books, Dry Goods, (In boxes bales and trunks), Pular. (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Pun, &c 00e. per In) 1` , 4 BIICOND et...sea—Domestic Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (In original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware, Leather, Liquor, (in casks,) IS all Paper, Wool, and Sheep Pelts. Esatward, &a..ka 15e. per 1001 be Tonto Class—Annie, Chains, (In casks), new', Baccn and Pork, Baited, (loose or In sacks), Points. (dry and in oil ) 0514, (01:091 lard and resin) 86e. per 100 'be 70170111 CLAsB—COffee, Plith, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in canoe or boats eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Hods Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, P.o-in, bled, 311 acfacture4 To bacco, Pinsin Oil. Queensware. Sugar, (bide bbls , and boxes,) he, Mt par 10 FLool;.--41 per bbl., until fri_rttiar notice Dosio-450. per lOOlbo , until for tier notice Corroo-42 per bale, not exceeding 500 lbs. weight, until further notice. In shipping °coda from any point East of PhHadal. phia, particular to Maar packages Primly/ramie, " All Goods consigned to the Agents of Pair 110144, at Philadelphia or Pittaburgh, trill be forwarded without detention. Fusion's Awaits —Clarke & Co.,Chicsgo; Packer & & Co., ateinpbi . Tenn ; R Y. Cum & Co., Bt. Louis, Ito ; P. O. & Co., Evansville, Iniuma; Wm. Ittnehmn, Loolnvllle, Kentucky.; B C. Me drum, bla3,on, Indiana; 11. W. Brown & Co., and & Co, Cincinnati ; 11. S. Pierce & Co., Zanesville , Ohio; Leech & 02 , No. tel lialbyetreet, Boston) Letel & CO., No. 2 Astor House, New York, No. 1 Witham s New York; E J Eneeder, Philadelphia; Magraw & ROOM!, Deituncre; D. A Etevrart, Pittsburgh. L. IlUtvsl . o.ti, General Freight Agent 11. J. LO3IBAKET, din). Sc rintendent. A !M0i1... ell Esacingo funta SAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TERM—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY —WALNUT STREET, SOUTII-WEST CORNER OP TRIED, PUILADRLPISIA. INCORPOSATED AT TAM STATi OF PwasnyvezA. Money is received in any sum, large or small, and in tersst paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drasral. The °Hee is open every day from 9 o'clock In the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday erenings till 9 o'ciock. EON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBKRT SELFRIDGE, Vice Fremilent. We. J. ReeD, Secretary. plasmas: Eon. Henry L. Benner, C. Landreth Manna, }Alward L. Carter, F . Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B: Barry, Sadal. K. Ashton, Ilonry L Churchan, Jam a B. Smith, Francis Lee. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MOST. GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such drat Gass securi ties aa will always insure perfect security to the deposi tor, and which cannot fail to give permanency and eta bility to this Institution. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. - FIVE 1. PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NTO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. - FrVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. [JO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. - Fin 1 NI PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N O. " (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE. SAVINGS FUND. and-ly filarhinern anb .bran PENN STEAK ENGINE AND BOlL .tut WORKS REANEY, NEAFIE -& CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS AND FOUNDERS. Raring for many years been In successitl operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Enginve, high and low pressure, Cron Boat!, Water Tante, Propellers, it , it° 7 respectfully offer their services to the public, as being tally prepared to contract for Engines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary. Having sete of patterns of different sises, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice High and Low Pressure, Piste, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, ot the best Pennsylvania char raptl iron llorgioge of all dices and kinds, Iron and Bras* Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and ell other work connected with the above business. Drawings lad specifications for all work done at their establishment free of charge, art work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re ,sire of bcAte, where they can ley in perfect fsfety, and are provided with &heart, blocks, falls, Ica , ito , for raising heavy or light weights THOMAS HEANEY, JACOB G NEAIII, .1011 N P LEVY, atil.y BEACH act PALMER Stre.tn, Kensington eLXVIIL • bIEIRICII I. •ACOH/31 1111111 Cs. WILLI 11( Z. HVIIIICIE. CIOUTIIWARK FOUNDRY, lIPTU AND IVASIIINOTON STRUTS, COIL 001ILPHIA. MERRICK 6c SONS, sticaNELES AND MACHINISTS, mannfectrre High and Low Preevare Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine eerie* Boiler", Oaeometere, Teak., Iron Beat, &e., Cut logy of all kinds. either Iron or lime Iron (mine roof! fur Gar Work!, Workehopg, Railroad Stallone, An Retort.; end Hes Machinery of Um latent ant nor! Imirore.l cuust:tnc Hen SILTory drlcrirloz, of Ti&ntation machla•rj, cosh an Eurnr. tSsw, and Writ Nil!. Vacuum Fan., Open Stearn Tonics, befecators. Filer. Purupi,lng Engine.. Ac. Pole Agents for N Ilillieura Patent Pugar Boiling Apparatuv; Nriiinyth's P.t.nt Steven Ihmuner; J. I' Roes' Patent Valve Mutton for Plaid Machinery and Steam Pump , Supermtendent--II II HAIITOL ain3-y _ _ 'CHARD NORRIS Zig SON, LOCONO RA, TM STEAM ENOINE BUILDERS, iiiimrammt STRIICT, BAUILTON, PAIRYINW AID /PIM GIARD62I 82RIZT8, PHILADELPHIA. Named exclasively in the manafacts re of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES• lienufvcture to order Locomotives of any arrnoge• mint• weight or ospacith for the use of Wee I Of COII. PT DihmtiOtawl ( - On! (11,..ff start, or ANTIIRAV IT N COA L, Wirer/CV 1)11T11110 oee , ll, Gig 01 0111. In design, matsrial end workmanship, the Locomo tives ;modem" at these Works are equal to, and not eg. celled by nuy. The cietertale toed in conatructlen axe made oo the spot, sal hosts the beet quality and moat reliable stock. The large eitent of Shops, and Colo rs/sit ..',muter of llatdieory an.l TGOiS, enable them to execute the 8 . ,3,57 OF WOl% WITH GREAT DESPATCH, or ANT ARRANGEMENT REQTIRRR. 4:IIILLYR CAR WHEELS, IIAM111:1111D AXLIB, With V or form, IRON ANDorginga BRASSany eivi CASTINGS, And MACIIINR WORK generally. 11103ARD MOO J 8 RENIti LITIII6R !mug Want° A GENTS WANTED.--Five to Ten Doi tL tars per day can Do easily wale. Call on A SLACK, at Jacob Leman'. Sorrel Horse Hairl {Vest King street, Lancaster, Ps delS•tf WANTED, TED, FOR TIIE atiffED STATES CAVALRY—Able•balied, unmarried men, to whom will Do given good pay, board, c:Jthing, and medical attendance . from $l2 to $ .22 per aonth. . No man having • wife or child will be sr.,Pplekt. Apply fur 11101INTKLP at No 511 I.IAKKIit Street above ihglath, north aids WILLIAM B. ROYALL, let LIMA 2d 11%-t of cavalry. act li•Sin• Rocruttiog °Scar. QORGII UM, or CIIINESE busbeis for sale by CROLBDALIS, PRIME, & CO , no10•tf No, 104 N. Mayan mimic NEW YORK LINES—THE - CAMDEN A N AND Ammo's RAILROAD ASIITHIUDIMPRIA AND ?RUMOR RAILROAD COMPANIII IJIiX3. PROM PILILADILPHIA TO m 2 . 0115„ AND WA ?LAOS. Leave sa Mows, Yin : VAIN. At /A. M. tram Symington Depot, OM Jerry At 6 A. Cit A y, Mao Si IS M., via Camden and Amboy, Astonancria. Oen 3 IS At BA. , via Camden and Jersey City, Mori*: Ellail 2 Kt 10 A. Id , by steamboat Trenton, via Tammy and yereey City, It Isreal„_,"•-"/** 2 At 2P. M., via Canvien sad Amboy, C . on, A. G - press At 6 P. M. via Camden and Jenny City, Irming Nell At IP. N. via Camden and Amboy, Aarommaiii- Ron, jet Class 2 At 8 P. H., via Camden and Amboy, AmAtuabia. too, %Id Clem. / P At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aneess- Ron, lot Clue 2 00 At 6 P.ll. via Camden sod Amboy, /1606.5.-. 1 V 5 Mien, :a d Clam The 6 P. M. line rum daily, all others Basolso ez espied. I 4 80 Express Lines stop at Um prtoofpal stations oad,t. For Bal.l.tero, Easton, ea., at 6 A rm and 2 1- IL, from Walnut street whatt. For Water Gap, Stroadabarg, Baranton, Wilkesbar o. Montrose, Great Ben, Ice. at 6 A. M., trta Dolawm e, Lackawanna at Weetans Etaiiroad.. For Preeliold, at 6 A. H. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly at 8 A. M., and 2%, 8 Mill M. WAY AMES For Bristol, Trenton, &a. at 23( and 4 P. M. WAY 'LINE Tor Palmyra, Banton, Bootody, BarLineoet, Poem wale ,at II P.M. Bteaanboat RICHARD BTOCKTON for Porientoen and lateral. diste places at 2X P M Steamboat TREN2I.,II for Tacsoy at 10 end It t, A id., and 4 PAL whar All Cites, wroept 1 A. lE., lean Walnut street f. ID Titt7 pounds a baggage coily allowed each Pas &eager. Peasengere ars prohibited from taking es 7 thing as hwage bat their wearing snare/. AU beg Meover Mt) to be peid fix extra. The Cum psoy lonit their reepous,bu i ty for baggage to one dollar per pound, ad will not be Cable fur any &moat be yond $lOO, except by epeeist mutraet WU. Y. OATZ:WEII, Agee C. A. A. 11. 8.. CO I)ENNSTLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, 1937. TOR PITTSBURGH, 1937. Ciaelnr.ste, Bt. Louis, lowa City, Louisville. Now {Mem", St. Past, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Kansan Terra Haute, Chicago, Nebraska, Forming elm cenaectioe; trail all as Greet Welt. arm Railroads, ARRIVAL AND DEPARTERE OP THY THROUGH TRAINS. At and from The Prinniudrania Railroad Paaanqet Station south-east porter a ELITE:NT/1 and MAR KET atop'4 ontranta on `arrant). atroot. ) TWO TnnouGu TRAINS MATE FRILIEWLPIIII DAILY Forming thee connections at Plttaborgli to all points West EIB=I riiit Mail Line all P. )1 , arriving in Plttabarel et A. )1. .6.2p.rela Mall Train a: 11 night, artii - In c r, in PltUsnnyb at 1 55 P M. Altoona Way Train at 8 A M , at Altrnr..i •t 8 P M. IferriaGurs Aecommta4atim2 Train. via Coseribls. lea Tee Pht'outelpitit at 3P. M t arriv:og la Ibrriar2 - 57. at 9 P. M. 11ESt7.8.XI1I). Past Mail Tram le.ares Plttit-arin at A A it ,Arrivia ie Phtladeilints at 11 4 n ight. PAyres. SSatl Train 1-arse Pitt•tinrgla at P P ).1 rirea in Pltilivlipbtit at 1 P. M. Alta)na Way Tri.ln bares Alt... at A M • ~rr:rY in Philadelphia at t DO P. M. I.lareaburg Accoincandatian Train, ria Celtrihs, leases Harrtabarg at Arrivtrg Ia Plailatkiphis 12 noon The Expreas Staf rase daily, tit* other traine, days eacw,a. Beggar, will h rettived at tha PlaWflrg?, Der?' by the By-gaga 31s.ter. at any time daring the day No thane tpr handling banage. Not:Cu.—ln cave of lose, the company will hold !Ismael.* reapcnelble for rervonal barrage war, 1111 for an amount oot eseeedtag *lOO. NotiCa —OO nibuvea nal b. in teldinees at the Itvar York Depot to convey pantengara for the Wett to Pennvylvanta Railroad Station. THOMAS MOOR L, Agent, Passenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad Cn, Philadelphia. November An. MS. TO WESTERN TRAVELLERS. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS NORTHERN ... CENTRAL RAIL trAis TWO DAILY TRAINS Yilo3l 8A1.11115D11 YITTEDUILOR AND razowasy. On and after Jtuer Ist, 153 T TWO DAILY TRAINS will leave Calvert Stetson for PrOabergh and all Wwrt ern anA Sot% or Northwestern cities. THE lIOILNLNO MAIL TEAM Leaves Belt more daily (Iculetay excepted) at 5.15 A connertlog with the hail TrAl.O over the Gnat Pena •7lranis Brulroai, and attiring In Dittsteargle at 197 A. M. THE AtITERNOON EXPILESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at It P. 111 for Harrigborir. • - - - THE NIGHT EXPRESS TESTS LeaTtll Da!Almon EVERY NIGHT at 10 P. 3f COD fleeting with the Lightning . Express ore; the Peuaryt. ?anis Railroad for Plttaburgb, arriving at 1.1) P. M. U 7 AU theso trains connect closely at Plttabarg with truing over the Pittslusgh, pest Warta ssa Chienge Raslroal, and its Northern, Southern sal Western eonseetions. 113 . PliaVera for °blew, Ruch Island, BurUrq ton, lowa City, 11ilmautee, Dubuque, St. Pea l's Idea 6013, and other leading cities it/ the Northwest, salsas% one uadred milt/ Of truest and tea /PUTS is Pam, with four /ter changes of caw, by Wang this route. Er Passengers for Clustered, Sandusky., Toledo, sal Detroit, go by this route, and the time -is unequalled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other route. [1:7" Passengers for St. Louis ' Indlarispalls, 'Nue Haute, Cairo, and ail points on the Lower and. Upper 'lllssissippl, male leas changes of can, sal arrive In ad vans of an,yother route; and to Cincir_natt Coluenbac Dayton, Louisville, and other prominent cities, se quirk as by any other route. All Western Baggage CUSCHILD TICROUGH ayd hosofird sank Care. FOR THE NORTH. The B 15 A.H. eeruseets eiceety with Ensue Trani over the Dauphin road (or Williamsport, Bludra, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Ails, and Canada, this forming the most direct railway route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York. Pa/congers srlif find this the shortest, cheapest, and Iseult expeditious :onto to Niagara Falls and Canada. Through Tickets are tuned to Philadelphia via Co lumbia and Lane:Wet by an the trains at $3 seek, each train baring rare connections. Passengers by this route avoid trowelled bridges, and all the inconvenient* of ferrying scram the Saagnehanna riser. Passengers for llanorer,lfanekester, Gettysburg, Phu mittaburg, Carlisle Chambenilarg, go by the traina at 8.16 A. 11., end 3 P. hi. WI3THINSTZ7I BRANCH. The Care on this road make one trip per day, toanett• Ine with the train at 3 P. M. Pot THROUGH TIC/C.3MS and farther information, apply at the Ticket Office, Calvert Station, N. E. corner of Calvert and Frisians streets. sepi-tf C. C. /LIMON, Bart. DE LADELP HI A, GERMANTOWNII 1 AND NOR RIS TO WN RALLROAD.--WMTRD ARRANGEXENT.--On and after MONDAY, Mote 190, 1511. FOR GERMANTOWN. Lesre Philadelphia at 6, TX, 84y, 9)ji, 11,1( • 111.. 3-10 min. 4,5, 6,7, 9, and 11 9. M. Lear* Gerrtantoery at Ox, .7-36 min. 8,9, 30)( A. M , 1-10. 3-70 min. 4,5, 6,7, 8, and 10P. 31. lAr -- The 7 25 o'clock A. 11. Train from Clenoutto-trn 4111 stop only at Wer . e . eStrret Station. Leave Philadelphia at 520 min. ~ 2 and ek P. M Leave Germantown 8.20 no.n. A M., I- le min &Id 64:. min P.M. CHRSTNUT RILL RAILROAD Leave Philadelphia at I,;‘, Ss, LIAI, ,2, 4, , and 9 P. 21. Les,' Chestnut Hill at 71,3-40 and 10-10 =ln A M • 1350, 1-40, 5-40 and 7-40 ruin. Leave Philadelphia: Cias7.iiT2 =a 6% P. U. 1...i.ae0 Chestnut. Mil at 8 A. ki.,12-50 sad 3-24 P. M. YOB AIANAYUNK, CONFUorioclr.N AND Nona- - . Leave Philadelphia at 6X, 9, UA. 1( 43(, 6 14, wad 11 I'. M. Leave Norristown at T. 9, 11 A. 111., 3 sad 630 P. 31 oti SUNDATB, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., act 3 P. M Leave , Nom+2A-. at 7 A. M., ara 5 P. M. V.. 111" kAILEOAD FOB DOW:U:4d Leave Philadelphia at 6S sall , and a P. M Leave Dowoingtotro at A. M . atut IP. ll H, SMITH. Soperiotateleat. Depot, azd Green etresta, Philadelphia NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGRALEN T. /CA ETRIERESI. EASTON, ALLENTOWN, itatrEt cuums., Dort.esrowN, On and after WedOr sday. November 4th. 15Z.7, 4 o • trams on This read grill !ear*lsdelVA:4 daily (Er • dor, excepted) as followe: kor Bethlehem, Easton, .4Muutown an 4 Macth Chock, (I.4prers) at. 9 A M )e mcn etwa with L C P. F. Per Bethlehem. Alluotorn., sod Manch Chrak, e.. , oterLon with L. V Et R.. at :t IS P. 31 ~„j Yor Dulevtruu, (Actomouodatioo.) at 4 P 3 P. M er G•yr.4l3, d 0 at 10 A. M. Os Tat...lays and hits.. the 10 A 14 teeth ru• through to 13ollem4ro, leaving . Po)leatevra to rvt - nra at .1 3o P TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave BetteDm (Express,' at 9 A. M . and 2 -24 P W. Leave Doylestown, (A C00.3121013t/llij it SSA A. N Leer. Gerynedl, do. at 2.0 P.ll. ON Ste - DAYS For 1 From GiTarid 9 1.5 A.N.I Gwynedd ..2. ^ 0 V II Doylestown 420 P. M 1 Doylettown......d 55 A.nt fare to Bethlehem el e 2 ^, Mauch Chunk 2 GO Wakeebssere.,.., 4 59 PASSENGER DEPOT. FRONT and WILLOW eta . Pella. ELLI 3 CLASH. Agent CHANGE OF HOIJES.-F. H IL A DE L. 'J PGIA , WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE MIL ROAD. Oo s.-,t art, Uccolisy. Nov :L . :, MT, PAllitZitiEß TRAINS LEAVE PRILIDTISEIIA For 81.111.1.,r1 st 9 A M , 1 P. (Talrelst) it. 3 11 P M For WatzteglAta at S A. M , 1, 337 aed U P. M. for Ker Cs,t:e st 9 A AI , I 14,1 3XP. H. for M.l.llrt , ii it 5 A M. 1.11 P. M. /or Dover at S A M and 1 P. M. For Beiferl st v A M, sz.l 1 P M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA L•4lllt.t.x.ra at 5 40, pip, 11 A. X and 1 1 P. 31. i.e;re Wiicln e - loa at 725 Uzi 11 44 A. hi sai I 4!4 Lear* New Putle at 6 1.5 aryl 11 66 A. X > 414 s p 31 Leave Mtilletotre et 10 10 A 11 and 7 0 $ P 01 Leen, Dover at 0 (6 A. M. act b P. 11 Leave Paefortt at 7 ,17 A M and 3P. M. TRAINS TOR BALTIMORE Lou, Wilmington DA 9 19 A M ,2 P. 21 nal 11 Ii A 51. SUNDAYS ooty 2.1 11 P M. from PhilklelptOs Balthrore do. do. d P M f:91:2 Beltm7ri Philadelphia lre'eht Trail", with Passenger Car attached, 11.11 to Leave Philadelphia for Penrills sod Laientiel.tte plain al b 00 P. If. Leave Wilmington for do. 40. 050 P. M. Leave Balt:more for Rarre-de-bract at 5 P M. na 21.1 y B. M. FELTON, Preeldeot. sA . VANDER SAFES. A Large assortment or EVANS & WAYSONE PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER &(IE. VALLI' DOOER, For Beale an! Start& BANE LOOKS, lgeal to Lay nay la lOC IRON DOORS, 8111.:Sl'IRS, to Oa ea good taros as any other er.Ablialuskett u th • tette:. States, b . , EVANS & RATION, No. !oath SOURER rtres+ Pkttade sa tt I'LL6BI GITI CZ ♦ CALL VOTTON-200 bales good Middling to Mid lJ 411.4 Taff Oottoa n S on aad for atti litz lils a bus, sal 1111 North Water atria WELD:DO RANGE.--SOLD BY MALI- V T 1/101 a MO, XIS X. MOD IL amnia. liailterabs. `I BII\DAYS, ON IJNDAYP fire proof Safes
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers