J ParWf lto. • f Reported for TM !rani , / *- • A 'efluillLESTON.:-Seht J it liotlitidit,:a ,thrci'rioir 1 bbl grist D demon. &. ON ) do .1 do E d Ettinger 9 smog feathers ffboxes - Rld Tones; Itemise W Carpen ter & 00 , 6 bags paperdeSettp*Moore; half bld Brims' T Smith; R R wheehtid , Whitney & Son;, 87 do axles J dofflitie & Son. 108% boxes glass French, Etch ards,lbCo; 1, bbl J 11 Dulles; - 20 empty bbie It Newlin; 80 do I , lthd Eolltney ',forth/nen 7 half ibis R Smith; 158 tree Hee 15 bales cotton Deasy Sloan; forty-Sve =half Joirteezi' quarter 1 , 44 - twenty half bbls Engle & Wolf in,tztligence. PORT, OF rnit.A.DtiPill.A:, Nor. 30 9 1867. SUN 11.1828.:" • 7 -18-2IIN WITH 442 WWI •MATNft 1 15 ARRIVED. - Steamship "Cityof Richmond, Mitchell, from Rich mmid, Norfolk, 24 hours, with liable and passenger)/ to Thom Webster, Jr. - Steamship 'Delaware, Copes, 24 hours from N York, via Cape May, with rodeo and passe - agora to James All. dealer , . Reports having passed below the Brandywine • Light Ship the bemire Rowena, for Lagnayra going down in tow of tug America, and ship Tropic) Bird, for Wept Indies at anchor lselow the Ledge Light Ship. -Passecilarque* Meta; for New •York, and Beni Hallett, for New Orleans, off Reedy Island, and ship Wm Kent, for Charleston, off-New Castle. Pinned the fol lost-Inure/owls upward bound: a 'ship, eupposed to Pe the John 'trucks, from Baltimbre; barque Amy, from : Boston, and echo Htintress, below Bombay Hook; brig . Georgia, and two deep schooners; MI New Castle; and barque Tacony, from Cardenas, of Tinicum Island. „ 13 hr Jae M Houston; Russell 5 dart from Charleston,, ',With Wm Pettlt,Hartin &;bo. ' Behr Borah, Benson, 4 days from Nair Bedford, with oil to A,B Ashamed. - • Sehr,Zonathan Cone, mehaffey, 4 days from N York, with mho to Hoffman, Wright & Co. • -• ' - Befit R G Wbilden, Jarman, 8 days from New York, with mdse to'captain. - - Behr Emma Bailey, Braman, 4 days, from Jersey City, with-cement toe S Smith. f Behr J B Austin; May, 5 days from Boston, in ballast to Noble, Hammett & Behr Wm Loper,- Robinson, 4 dart from Bing Sing, in :I)illast to Van Dusan, Norton & Co. - ' Behr J H Risley , Boyce, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. • Behr Snow Flake, Weaver, 5 days from Providence, in ballast to Tyler, Stone k Co. - • t , Bohr Louisa Gray, Marts, 6 days from Boston, in bat last to John B White. Bohr Henry May, Watson, 3 days from New York, in beitaat to Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. - Behr L O Watts, Knowles, 12 days from Boston, with mdse to Geo A Wood. Behr Rio Grande, Allen, 4 days) from New York, with fish to captain. , Behr Wissahickon, Howard, S days from New. York, .with rodeo to captain, „ - Behr B Rickey; Tice, 3 days from New York, with ce pent to French, Bleberds & Co. . . Behr Two Brothers, - Rickards, 2 days - from Indian Hirer, with corn to 3 11•11eColley. Rehr Edgar, Scottiu ,- 2 dayd frOin Georgetown, MO,. with wheat and oats to Bewley, Wilson & Co. , fiche Emma, Straughn, 1 day from New Castle, Del, 'with wheat and oats to Robeson Lea. Behr Ladies , Choice, Brooks, 1 day from New Castle, Del, with note to Robeson Lea. Sloop Corn, Giberaon, 1 day from Brandywine; Del, with Sour and meal to Robeson Lea. •- CLEANED.. Steamship City of New York, Howes, Boston, Henry Winner. Barque Rowena, (new, 830 tons) Wilson, Immure, tallett,Bros. Soave Beni Hallett, ' , Little, New Orleans, Pettit, Martin & Co. Brig Pra Fabars, Burns, St (ago de Cuba, G W Nor nadon & Bro. Brig Lillian, Sumner, Port en Spam, Thos Wattson Bone. ,Br echr Horning Light, Strum, Halifax, do ' Br echr Hero, Crowell, do do Behr Henry Hay, Watson, Boston, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell Schrl B, Austin, May, Washington, do Behr JH Risley, Boyce, New York, ' do Behr Smith Tuttle, Mayo, Boston, Henry Winsor. Behr Embark, Donoho e Alexandria, T Webster, Jr. Behr Wm Loper, Robinson, Hastings, NY, Van Dunn, Norton & Co. • Schr Snow Blake, Wearer, New York, Tyler, Stone & Co Behr Louisa Gray, Marts, Boston, J R White. . Stri S Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Ste Anthracite, Jones,Nivr York, W H Baird at Co. (Cerrospondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del.. Nov. 21.8 A.M. A large chip, a barque, and four sabre are now in the tar outward bound. )...steam-tug went out yesterday ftfteromm, SuPPosed for. Chincoteague, to tow thence a chip bound from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The sloop Wave, of Cape May, now ashore at the point of Cape Ilenlopen, will be sold at vendee to-morrow, a; she lies. The Thermometer now 'tends at fourteen degrees below the freezing point. Wind north. - Yours, ice, 4931. M. HION.MAN. [111" TEXACIFIIIII.f • (oOrreipolllloDCO or the Philadelphia Exchange ) OAPB ISLAND, Nov. 28.6 P DI. „ • , The barque E Kane, fol. Gibraltar, went to sea this morning and an unknown barque passed in. • A deeply laden ship is now off the cape, in company with firelight seta's, bound in. Only three or' four 'ohm, apparently bound out, remain at harbor. - Wind BW—weather clear and pleasant. Yours, &c.i Tuns. n. imams Li&COND,DHSPATOII Nov 29, 4% P M.—The barque Roureutt, for Lagnayra, was towed to sea this morning brthe tug America, which soon after returned, and proceeded up the bay. No vessels in sight bpund in. Wind southeast: Weather clear end very pleasant, Yours, Ice THOS., B. HUGHRS. [l3l' SaLSIOn/Pll SO TOT PRESS • • - Atmerre, SO, Nov. 28. The ship Baltic, from New York for Charleston, is ' ashore on the Booth Bar, near Charleston, with ninei feet water in the hold. , She, will.probably be a total loss; The ship Is Insured in New York and.. Boston. Now Wan, Noeember 29. Arrived, chip Rockland, from Havre; barque Naiad Queen, from Malaga; brigs Laurette, from Pare; R.aloo lah, of Clardieer, from Angostura Oct-24th, via St The mes, N0v,13.- - „ - HOLMES , HOLE, Nov 25, PM—Ar, sabre W 0 Atwa ter, Brown, Philadelphia, for .Boston; James Berndt, Bade, dolor Roxbury; Elm& Elkinton, Tailor, do for Newburyport Nor 26—Ar ' schrs Richard Thompson, Lloyd; Eliot, Wearer; Mlllard PillroOre, Tuttle, and Eleanor, Bed'. _colt, Philadelphia for Beaton; Hannah Grant, Nowmao, oto for Nowbutyport; Hyena, Fides, Georgetown , be. for yt,Ocland; -D Eldridge, Ogden, New Bedford for Phi; litdelpNts, • Bid. ulna Euphemia, Presto, and Eclipse. 'Nov 2i , -Ar, barque Kate Wheeler. Grant, New York for Machine',' ochre Lady Ellen, Corson, Philadelphia for Boston; Belton, Iluckins, do for Portland; Rhoda & Beulah, Hoffman*? and Jabez L White, Pollee, Boston for Philadelphia; Marlight, York, Portland for Phila delphia barques George' Warren, Hate Wheeler - cam Dasbaway, Surprise, Siled'r Cloud, John Prederlik, B Bennett, 4. Tirrell, Spray. H Curtis, Nelly 11, Trea surer, Isabella, Pequonnock, Hannah Warwick, Hamp ton, ' , Ryder," Chronometer, W 0 Atwood, Jams Bar ratt, /Bins Elkinton, Richard Thompson, Eliot, Millard Pillmore, Eleanor, Hannah Grant, Hyena, - Charles, Packet, Nautilus, (Br) Lady -Ellen, Roston, Lion, ant Starlight, . • Remained at 10 A M, wind W, ochre Rhoda. & Beulah, J L White, Bay State, Nerissa, Pocumtuek, and Amytio. Also echos It L Tay, and Cerito, repairing. MfI!OBANDA • -gfeemship Palmetto, Baker, cleared at Dolton 28th Orkst.fetr Philadelphia. saessrohlp Glasgow, Duncan, for Glasgow, sailed from INear ,Xerk, 28th - inst. naso l ti k ip Granada, Griffin, from New Orleans, vi -,Nsveria,234 st, arrived at New York 23d Inst. • Ship `Talisman Thonme, from New -York, Jane 6th, arrived at Ban pAroisco previous to 6th inst. Ship ocean Willis, for Ban Francisco, .aoll4from New York ift:St lust ship Dubi ng w a y ei [join Oaleutti, arrived at Boston 27th inst. . , Ship Jane D Cooper,- Oolllni, for Barons, une, re mained at Antwerp 12th inst. . • Ship S H Talbot,-Burgess, at New Yoh', from Polnt Petro, tiusdaloupe, 12th inst, left ship that Stream, from Ohlneha Islands for New Orleans, die; bril,.."s Wm MOON, from Bangor, do;' Ocean Spray, do do; going int .1112 American ochr. Ship Bold Hunter, Crosby, cleared at Boston 27th bat. for Melbourne. Ship Iduecooges Carter, for Liverpool, sailed from Baltimore 27th Met. • Ship Lizzie Jarsls, Knipe, from Kong Kong, arrived at San Francisco 24th nit. ' . Ship Lucas, Daggett, from Sydney, via San Pedro, ar rived at San Pranniaco 8d inst. alp Mastiff, Johnson, cleared at San Francisco 19th alt: for Bhangluto. Ship 'flying Dutchman, Hubbard, sailed from Ban Ifraneieto let inst. for Now York. Ship John Gilpin, 117 days from Boston, was at Ho nolulu bth ult. • Barque Yankee, Smith, from nonelain, at San Fran cisco Oct 22d, and cleared Stet to return. Barque Live Yankee, OM, froid Puget Sound, ar rived at San Francisco 24th ult. Barque Llllue, Harden, for Calcutta, sailed trim iron alas° Sept O. Barque David Lageley, Blnhop, hence, arrived at ?da tums 18th Inst. Barque Mtn, Taylor,. from Philadelphia, sailed from litaatou gent inst. Puglia Romeo, Carver, from Tho de Janeiro, arrived At Oholaden 2dtli inst. - Bargoa Wyman, Burdit, from Algort Bay for Boatdo, Was4pOrea filth but, lat 14 28 N, long 55 45: • - • llamas Pribroaa;'Haker, cleared at Bono)/ 27th lint : tor San Francisco, • Barque Oak, Ryder, cleared at Boston 28th hat far Philadelphia. Brig Emma, Biker, cleared at Boston 28th inst. for Rhlladalphis.. - Brig Fairy, 'Webb, rut at Bahia about Oct 26, for N ;York soon. , • Asst. Bri g doaeph, Rabies, hence, arrived at Rockland Slat Brig Mary E Milliken, Norden, hence, arrived at Car .denas 18th inst. Brig President B.)0800, from Monrovia, with palm mil, arrived In Hampton Roads 2 th loot. - Prigs Georgia, Isola, Panola, Leviathan, and Tan gier, for Philadelphia, sailed from 'Newport 27th inat, ist company with,schr L II .Endicott, and all others bound south and went." Brig /laths Ann, Giles, from Boston for Philadel phia, sailed from NowpOrt2lth inst. • Behr 8 M aluuldiek, Williams,- hence m at Hartford .26th inst.; , —lichr John Laucaater, Stites, from Providence for :Philadelphia, was at Dutch 'shut/ Harbor 26th lust. Bchigeaport, Scull, hence at Pawtucket 27th last. 844 ,Sophla Ann, Smith, from Boston for Plailadel -phia, was in Dutch lehuld Harbor 28th lust. Oclar Pequonnock, Burroughs, hence at_ Boston 28th "inst. Behr W A. Newell, Tdruer, for Cuba, cleared at 1911- -roington, NO, 27th last. • Bahr -A Hammond, Paine, hence, arrived at Boston 28th Init. Behr B Washburn, Thrasher, hence at Tannton 21st rind, and echrlf W Morse, Phillips, on the 28d. - Bohr Adele Pellets, Cartwright , Bence, arrived at N 9edifoid.27th L et, - . Ochre bi B Mahony, Robbins, and D W Eldridge, for Philadelphia ' nailed from-New Bedford '2Bth lost; the latter was at Holmes Cole 27th. - Ochre Julia Smith, and Eugene, from Boston for Phi ladelphia, were at Hyannis 224 fast. - Bohr Casette, Crowell, from Dennis for Philadelphia, Arrived at New York 28th inst. - - Bohnl J, R Derrickson, and Emma, henee, arrived at Norfolk 28th snot, ,Propeller Concord, Norman, cleared at New York 28th inst. for Philadelphia, MkEfl MIBOELLANT Bey West, Nov 214-The ship Mary Judkins, Captain Smith, from New • York, with stores for Port Jefferson, got ashore atthe entrance of Tortugas Harbor the 12th, :And. remained in an exposed position until the 18th, _when the, government lighter Tortugas . having taken out 1200 hble,eucceeded ln hauling her oft into tho chan nel. She received considerable damage, The Ada . Samuel 'Bolton, master, bound from N 'Rork to Yaoluaonvillei Fla, with an assorted surge. was wrecked near St Augustine, Fla, on Friday, Nov lath. floods mostly saved, and the greater portion not da maged. Sold at auction at St Augustine, for the benefit Ipf, those concerned. 'Vessel a total lofts, Crew saved. ~ ,Ship Dashing Wave; at Boston on the 17th fast, lal 24, long 00_,i saw the wreck of a British brig hailing from St ohn, 198. The tut letter of her name was B. The report that the achxDr Nave, from Quebec, h a d been seized at Miramicbi for an infraction of the rove -nee 161 , 11, lacentradieted. . ,The etpaniship,,Alabama, at Savannah 25th lost, ex -peristused heavy gales from ft-to-SW during the entire -passage. 60 miles SW, of Prying Pan Shoale pissed a large quantity of drift stuff, deek plank, and parts of a Aleek hones. • • _ . . Br barque Pacific, Appleby, at 'Charleston 26th toot. from Liverpool, reports: Oct 8. tat 4840, long 8 40, el.- - st ruckrfheavy gales from 138 W to Wi and on Charth wee ruck by a bwry sea, whioli;earriod away pof Olaf Water casks, stove boat, and did other damage. ,On ttae Oth'Oet the wind changed to Edllt end blow violent, Ay, Nor,'/d, took asevere easterly gale, during which -carried away the head of mainmast and all attached. • -The P has had heir) , gales nearly the whole passage.. • • NOTTOE TO hiAItINERP.. -• • - luid OAI4 Sauce marking the and suenn the lower' bay of _New , York.,,are being removed, sand Optisaput in thelgplaosei for the winter. - - - e LcTor,der of the Lighthouse Board. r.higlitheuse Xnep.tikt Pint , etk; Vey gro i 71f7.- . • . POKED3N-PORTS. - Ar at Havana 2lit Ind, American, Wythum, London; CoOnthlan ' Vinchester, Falmouth; Mozart, 'Howard, Cardenas; 19th, Mary Elizabeth McConnell, N Orleans; R Barbi db. , 31d, 21st, Mary Capron, Johnson, N Nork. 19th, Ot tawa, Rymer, Falmouth.' Ar at Cardenas Ilth, N B Barron, Brightman, Fall River. Ar at Matanzas 18th, Charles Edwin, Littlejohn, Portland; Advalorum, Doane, Halifax; Crocus, Maroon, Boaton In port 18th, Isabella Rood, Jewett, for Pensacola. Ar at Oienfuegoa 12th, ClUlitli Ford, Mobile. Eh! from Sauga la Crude lltn, John Harrill, Moore, Newport. DOMESTIC POETS. NEW YORK, Nov. 28—Arrived, Steamship Florida, Crowell; Savannah; brigs Dolphin (Brj,' Norman, Ba hia; Croton, Blye, Port an Prince; ears Ann Gardner, Fuller, Kingston, 744 J Deßotuma, Tucker, \Whiling ton, IS O. Cleared, steamers Augusta Woodhull, Sa vannah; Marion, Foster, Charleston; Jamestown, Par rish. Norfolk; ships J A Westervelt, Austin, Liverpool; Quickstep, Wade . ,_Lorelon; W P SchinitAilears Glasgow; Charlotte Reed, Coombs, New Orleans; Mediator, Cof fin, New Orleans; Lucy Thompson, Pendleton, Mobile; barques Ocean Bride, Burgess, Carthagena; Rlchani, Pike, Klogstort, la; Pentucket, Beau, Trinidad; Green land, Bates, Gloucester; brigs Ida D Rogers, Taylor, 011Aillq, Pico, Goodenough, Gibraltar; A Taylor, Graham, Aspinwall; 1,) II Samson, Lewis, Jan Juan; G Worthing ton, Kelly, St Croix; Blue Jacket, Brown, St Michaels; 0 Colon, H Cabreka, St Crue; T M Mayhow, Harvey, Ber muda; abine, Hepburn, Galveston; schre Ellw Arey, Cadiz. City Bell, Pendleton, Grenada; Laura Gertrude, Ellwood, Charleston; Arletta, Robert, Nor folk, Florida, Mott, do; ROSA, Farris, do; steamers Ata lanta, gager, Charleston; Piedmont, Wllletts, Bath more; F -Cadwallader, Colnary, do. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up to 12 o'clock Last Night GIRARD HOUBE—Ohestnut Street, below Ninth. Dr J It Wood Vs J M Pewter, Pa 0 Del Marmot, Cuba It 8 Wade, Boston i It H Anderson, 0 8. A J Ball, Ky DI E Parley, Maine Mlle Parodi, N Y 1 Mlle Amnia, N I' Siguor Rocco, N Y Signor Perugird, N Y W Wallack & la, N Y 0 Pergelini, N Y A G littrantt, N Y A Reed, N Y Dr Harris, tr 8 N J Shillito, Oinn, Ohio B At Hedgers, Jr, Belt 0 R Hedgers, Balt E U Benjamin, IV Paris P Estill, Va W Emet, Ky E Berle, N Y , J . A 0 Noble, N Y A W Leisinring, Pa I A Mason & la, Va B Attain, N Y Capt E II Linnell, A Stetson & is, N V Air Odrlclk, N Y II A Pettibone, N Y • W N Wood, N J • J Leya, NY Col J 11 Dalton, N Y 111 J Itadyenenn, N Y ld W Wetmore, Tenn 8 Whitehead, N J S 0 Moore, N Y 0 EC K Sherman, N Y 'P Schenck, N Y T N Poullain, Ga .. T P Soffold, Oa T Pram, London, Englid II A Hayden, Wash E P Butts, Florida , J . Townsend & la, N Y P II Smith & la, Apple , ia . e Parker & la, Wash Mies hf. B Parker, Wash R 0 Skinner. Missouri .7 H Stimpson, Balt John B Yuell, N Y L Bennett. Troy, N Y JAI Flanner:lTO I 0 Pray, N Y D E Huger, Mobile A J Mathews, Ala L U Close, Nebraska J D Wilde, Boston G Kennedy, Del T B Norris N Y II Ledyard, Washington Mr Wakefield, England . W McCann, Balt W Wright, Hartford, Ot .7 B Zimmerman. N Y A 0 Brush, N Y J R °snarls, N Y Mai LI Hill & 1a,17 8A J D Cerharl, NY Alias A E Scott, tia Mrs Cooley, Balt WT Mangler, Balt .7 II Shell:Merger do la, Pa Mte S. K Shointurger, Pa Mimi OLI Richardson, Hy Edw Overton, Towanda J Perkins, Ohio W Arnold, Ohlo J 11 Palmer, N Y 7 Craig .Sc la, kro MERCHANTS , LlOTEL.—loarth Street, below Arch. ..!,.L Smith, Meadville P Johnson tr. Is, Easton John W Andrews, N Y G J Taggart, Northumbl'd Hon W Bigler, Pa Henry Mood, N Y W W Kingsbury, Minnesota John Spalding, Baltimore 0 A Markley, Phila. L Bennett, Troy, ti Y Win,W Murray, Lebanon co Llt Bishop, Jr, hid John A Riddle, Pbila . Siegmund Kopf, Va AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street, aboyo Firth. ! Wm Thorp, Downingtown 0 0 Burr, N T W D Wil isms, Philo A B Praiser Philo JII Buckingham, Boston U Newman, 1 ,, 1 8 T Chas Newman, M N Y - Thos Street, altimoro Wm L Lathrop, Maine G S Owens, aine Sa.mraiitchell, Cincinnati a Prodsberg, Charleston Dr John It Woods, Virginia Thos K Harraherger, Va 0 A Hotchkiss, Pa A 8 Wright, Moos Cleo W Fisher, Baltimore Wm Bartlett, Baltimore LB Do Witt & la, Bait Chas Digit, Wilmington E A Rowland, Nide Jos F Williams, Harrisburg JII Wiley, Washington Thos King & Son, N Y E H Phillips, Harrisburg ONION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. Goo IV Howell, fit Louis IV A Jones, Ohio Wm Honigmacher & la, M Oonuell & la, Lancaster Lancaster T B Branson & la, Pa Mrs Sailor, Schu , ll Haven biro Pager, Pottsville W A Biddle & 10, areens , g olt Thompson, Greenslig J H Lutehaw, Pa T T Wierman,Huntingdon It W Alagoas, Phila. P Barnum, Boston II W !Miriam; Pittsburg S H Acherson, Pittsburg Amos Briggs, Altoona, Pa Ohms Scott, Altoona, Pa NATIONAL 110 TEL—Bane street, above Third. Soot Prick, Port Providence J Langley, Phil 4 II alurphy, Northumber'd Jos Doshnaw, Pitteburgh Smith & la, Pa J T James, Beading Geo W Morgan, Beading Dant Carey, Allentown . D Barrie, Boston Joshua Coady, Chester co D McDonald, Vt A Haupt, Boston Miss L Stein, Cleveland, 0 JA L Tice, Tremont Henry Endly, 01110 John Wiser, Ohio Stephen Thomas, Pottsville STATES' UNlON—Market Streot, above Sixth. J E Dora; N Y T E Kline, Pittsburg HL Goodall, Lancaster DI E Cross, Del co Prank Thomas, re, John Raleton.Armstrong co 'Kirk Pew, Harrisburg 3 1.1 Miller, N Y a Ii Markley, Philo John Dyers, Chicago L W Hartman, Pa Wm Davis, Centreville W G D.ttenhoffer, Columbia co BLACK HEAR INN—Fifilt and Merchant Streets , . II Moore chaster co W Bill, Delaware A II White, Chester co R D Hancock, Del co A Clagthrop, Wilmington AT Benninger, Ashland amen Richland, N Y . John AT Snyder, N Y P P Smith, Phil& 1:1 V Pennypacker, Pa MADISON HOUSE—Second attest, above Market. PO, Eke, Minnesota_3 Kennedy, Oswego, NY Wm 0 Satterford, Md A D blillagau, Pittsburgh II J Kinsman, N J- Danl Pain-ray, Pittsburgh Debt F newton, Lebanon Paul Smedley, Lebanon' Parnell Lodaad, Del BARLEY BILEAF—Second, below Vine street. W Garver, Newton 11 X Fulton, Florence Wm Orooks, Newbopo Earl Oampboll, Pa Theo P Harvey, Doylestwn 0 Knight & eon, Bustleton Henry Morrie, Willow Grove Jacob Markley, Pa Jae Davis, Shoemakertown Wm James, Bucks co Dr Snoden, Bucks co D Woolman, PLila 53perial Noticco Wrappers: Wrappers Wrappers !—A very large and elegant assortment, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. Also, Sao Shirts, Dross Stocks, and all kinds of Famishing Goode for Gentlemen, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 512 Arch street, above Sixth. noSelm Skates! Skates: Skates!.—Onr readers will find the largest and most complete assortment of this winter luxury, and at the lowest prices, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, No. 610 Market street, opposite Decatur street. n030.1m Salina Fund.—National Safety Trust Co., Office, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of TRIM ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DURING THE SUSPENSION OF SPEOIE PAYMENTS BY THE .BANES. 1: Depoeita received and payments made daily 2. Current Bank Notes, Cheeks, and Specie will be received on deposit. 3. Deposits made In Bank Notes or Chocks will be paid back in Current Bank Notes. A. Deposits made In field or Silver will be paid back in Coin, Interest lit va pan 0111ri. per annum. no2t For Perfumed Breath, 'White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, owe "Balm of 1,000 Flowers." For dressing Ladies , hair, uala ,$ Woodland Cream, a new Pomade." It curls Gentlemen's balr beautifully. W.F. Fxrainan Qc Co., PropriePorm,X. Y. For sale by T B. Peterson, 808 Chestnut; Samuel States, Tvielith and Chestnut; A. B.Darand,llB Chest• nut; T. 11 Peters k Co., 710 Chestnut; C.O. a. Evans, Ditt Book-store, 488 Chestnut; O. S., Idubbell, Itlo Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. B. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr. Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut; J. W. Simea Jr- Pone, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Ohriatmann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. n012.1y Jackson; JOB PRINTER, bIERONANT STREET, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heade, 01r onlars,Bards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prteee to mutt the times. 0c.17-ty Namer , a Infant Cordtal....Thlit invaluable Cordial le prepared from variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and is the moot perfect and reliable carininative extant for Infante and young children. ' By its powerful influence a speedy core is effected In all cues of Cholic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties tran quilisee pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, .to. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been need In thonsands of cases with the most abundant oneseis. - No family should be without it. Prepared only by Mut A. Bowen, At his Drug and Chemical &Ore, N. N. corner of Sixth and Green sta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders moat be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au 18-ly Seamen's Saving Fund Wee 203 Walnut shwet, one door west of second street. Deceives de- posits in sinus of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes ofthe community, and allows interest at the rate of Ave per cent. per annum. 0660 e open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mor. day and, Saturday until 9 in the evening. Ptesident Prankiln Pelf; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James 8. Pringle. Bank Botta of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK - FOR UMBRELLAS, By Wll, S. RIOITARDSON, noU•lm No. 418 MLRgE' BTRIIET Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT ST, UPPOSITE, INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. GEO. J. HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, 0r22-3m Late of 173 Chestnut Street S. C. Downld, Commission Business sin Cont. mereial paper and negationone of Mane, 50 WaLsox ST., opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia. n4O-2m .ftlarnaDge On the 28th instant, by Rey. Jobn Thompson, HORATIQ N. SPERRY, of Philadelphia, to Alm ESTHER O. xnaurtsoLL, of aloueester city, N. J. At All Saints Church, on the 24th Instant, by Rev. Thomas K. .Conrad, Mr.. ARTHUR AVORIBTLINE to Mice JANE DEVLIN, both of this city. ()tithe 26th instant, by Rev. Dr. Cbeesoman, WM. STEWART to Miss NANOY VANCE, all of this oty. Elcatho Suddenly, on the morning of the 27th tact , ELIZA, wife of William W. Thomson, in the 93d year of her age. ....pie relatives and friends of the family are respect nal7 inVited to attend the funeral from the residence of her 'husband, - No. 834 South Brciat street, above Pine, on Monday aftarnoon, at 2 o'clock. On Ssidciy stioisang,R7th hist., Mrs. MARY LEWIS, widow of the 1001080th Lewis, skindresser, in the 79th year of ber age, On "Friday, 27th nut., MARGARET LYDIA, only daughtot of ,Totin and Lydia Mitten, in the 27th year of PRESS:-.49FlELA.l),Ethibiti MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1857. Ulty Mortality. HEAL= Out et, November 28, IStai The number of Interments In the city of Phil' el .hie, for the weekending at 12 o'clock to-day, ie... Mil eat report 180 Decrease 28 Croup - 7 Adults... Consumption of Lunge 29 Children Couvulsione 11 Disease of the heart.. B . . ... . .. - Debility 0 Males 84 Inflammation ot Lungs 13 Females 74 Do. Stomach 6 Mammas • S 158 Boys bl . . - Olds 31 87 82 Other dimwit.... 71 Under 1 year 43 Between 1 and 5 pare. 27 Total 188 Under 5 years 70 Of the above there were: From the Almshouse 10 People of Color ...... ..... I Attest : JOHN N. HENDERSON, Health Oflleer ILT'llev.. Henry Ward 'Beecher will deliver Ids gicat lecture.' CAUSES OF BUOOBBB AND FAIL. lIRD IN.LIFE," before the People's Literary Institute, at the Manual - Fund Hall, TUEsDAI VOIDING, - December lat. Doors open at 7; lecture quarter before 8. Tickets twenty-five cents; for sale at the book stores. no2B-3t* V" Union Canal General Meeting of the Bondholders °Mho Union Canal Company will bo held at the Boarder Trade, Room No 80, MERCHANTS' EXCIIIANUE, on TUESDAY next, December lot, at 12 o'clock 11. By order of the Btochholders, no3o-21 It. BUNDLE Slant, Pres% &e. PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE, NOVEMBER 26TH, 1857. To insure the more rapid and frequent delivery of letters in'thia city, the Postmaster General has author ised the following changes in the times and manner of delivery, within the limits of the Philadelphia Office : Four sub-offices have been established at the follow ing places : Northeastern-447 COATES STREET, near FIFTH. NOrthlrostern—SPßlNG GARDEN HALL, TularSENrit and SPRING HARDEN. Western-1821 CHESTNUT ST,, east of SEVENTEENTH. 24th Ward—MAR:CET PaRRST, Oast Of PARK. Each of these offices, as well as the present, or principal office, is the centre of a delivery and collection die tvict ; and from each FIVE DELIVERIES will bo made daily by the Government Letter Carriers, of all letters arriving in the mails, or collected from the sub-offices and boxes, for city delivery. Tho deliveries will be made at the following hour::: 7 o'clock, morning. 10 41 4, 1 ' afternoon. 3 6 In connection with the sub-offices, boxes are located at convenient points in each district, in which lettere may be deposited for the mails, or for delivery to other parts of the city. Collections will lie made from the boxes FIVE TIMES A DAY, by sworn collectors, de tailed for that duty exclusively. The collections will be made at the following hours: S o'clock, morning. 10 It tt 1 ,4 afternoon 3 le 41 - 6 30 ' The collection at 0.30, in, the afternoon, is for the mails only, and will be made every day, Including Sun- Any. fre' No charge will bo made for carrying Letters to the Post Office. [o Letters for City Delivery, Two Cents each. (One Cent Postage—One Cent for Carrier.) To secure rapid communication between the principal office and the sub-offices, there has been provided a spe cial service of homes and wagons, which will arrive and depart with precision, according to a time-table prepared for the purpose. Tho city is divided by Tenth street, Vino street, and the Schuylkill river, into five districts. The Central district embraces that section of the city east of Tenth street and south of Vine street, The present Post Office is the centre point for this district. The Western district embraces that section of emelt" west of Tenth street and south of Vino street. Sub orner) No. 1621 Chestnut street. The Northeastern district embraces that part of the City east of Tenth street and north of Vine street, ex clusive of the old districts of Kensington and Richmond. Sub-011l re, No. 447 Coates street, near Fifth. Tho Northwestern district embraces that section of the city west of Tenth street and north of Vine street. Sub-office, Spring Garden Hall. The Twenty-fourth ward district embraces that part of the city west of the Schuylkill. Sub-office, Market street, east of Park street. . The carriers in each district will strut from the office of the district, and letters deposited in the boxes of a district will be taken by the collectors to the district office. The city has been divided Into walk. of convenient sine, with reference to business and extent of territory. On each of these there wilt be two carriers, who will divide the walk between them, for the despatch of busi ness at the principal mail doliveries,but at other times the whole walk may be attended by either ono of the carriers. The sub-oftices will be open daily (except Sunday,) from 7 A. M. until 7X P. 31., and on Sunday from S to D A. bf , and from 2toit P. 01. Stamps can be procured at all of the sub offices, and letters prepaid and deposited for the mane the same as at the principal office. 1:17. Letters to be " registered" must bo taken to the Central or principal office. fry. Advertised letters cannot be delivered at tho sub offices, but at the principal office only, as at present. Wherever the city , Is spoken of In this advertise ment, it should be understood to mean the ports com pactly built up, except Kensington and Richmond, each of which has a Post Office of its own. The Kensington Postmaster has made ouch arrangements as will make his district conform, In all particulars, to this system. The charges for the delivery of city letters will be the same, therefore, in the Kensington district-as in other parts of the city, viz, two cents will pay for a letter to and from Kensington. The system Ls to be put in operation On Tuesday, Deeemberlst. A list of the places where United States Mail boxes are located will be published in a few days. Like every invasion of an old routine, in a vast estab lishment like the Post Office, this change nosy create some temporary embarrassment, and not work perfectly for a few days or weeks. It may, therefore, require some short indulgence from the public. No effort, how• ever, „ill be spared on ray part to secure the perfect working of a system which experience elsewhere has shown to be Bo benedeial to the public ; and which I have nti doubt will soon be regarded here also as a great progress topmast business. I respectfully ask the co-operation of the citizens of Philadelphia in-behalf of the new system. no3o-3t GIDEON G. WESTCOTT, Postmaster. IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEY, Wholesale and Retail, By HUGIt BARR, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, corner of FRONT and \MARTON Streets, (opposite the h..^v Yard,) no3o-I.m - Philadelphia earpetings CARPETINGS BELOW COST.—The best Bargains ereg offered in the Carpet line may now be found at DUNLAP'S Wareroome, 1110 DIARKET street, In consequence of the hard time,,, we are offer ing our stock of Fine and Common Carpeting at prices which would nuthatch the closest buyer. Besides. the re duction is made on a stock of Carpeting consisting largely of goods bought at a great sacrifice. Any one wishing to furnish a !louse at the present time may easily save from thirty to forty per rant. cuo the regular prices, and much cheaper than they can purchase in any other Store in tho city. We aro now selling All Wool Carpeting at 65 Bents, worth 75; Superfine Carpet, 75c, worth $1.10; Three ply Carpet, $l, worth $1.90; English Tapestry Carpot, $l.lO, worth, at least, $1.371i; Velvet Carpets as cheap in proportion ; common and One Oil Cloths at a great sacrifice. Let all who want Carpeting come imme diately and make their selection from one of the cheap est and host assortments of Carpeting in this city. n3olw* WM. DUNLAP, 1110 Market street. (Eopartiterstiip Notices TvoTICE.—The COPARTNER SHIP hith erto !Wilting under the firm of JAMES ELLIOTT• & CO , was dissolved 28d !natant, by the withdrawal of JOHN WARDLE. . The business of the late firm will be settled by the undersigned at the same location . . JAMES ELLIOTT, S. E. corner of Twentieth and Market eta. November 24th, 1857. noSO-mairlm* atntlenteita' ,ffuntiobing eoabo. VINE SHIRTS, male to order, and war ranted, of elegant material and soperior work manship. Also, Dram Stocks and Gentlemen's Wrap pers, at the Premium Store of W. W. KNIGHT, 612 ARCH Street, above Sixth. n021..y WRAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP PERS !—A very large and elegant assortment at reduced prices. Also, heavy under-clothing of all de scriptions, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, WI ARGIL Street, above Sixth. po2l-7 IrINOII4STER & SCOTT, GENTLE FURMSTIING STORE, and PATENT MOULDER BEAM KURT MANUFACTORY, No. 900 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, Is particularly invited to this Improved cut of Shirts, the moat perfect fitting article made. At whole. Sale and retail, and made to order. aubaylf 1017 ELLS , FAR.I3O, & CO., NEW YORK AND CALIFORNIA EXPRESS AND EXCHANGE COMPANY, Southwest corner of CHESTNUT AND rounvn, rilicamu,rou. Our next Express for California, Oregon, and Pacific Coast of South America, will go forward. from Now York, per Mount' " GRENADA,. On 4th DECEMBER. All freight ehould be delivered to us previous to Lt December, to Insure certainty of being forwarded. D. N. BARNEY, Ja., n026-6t4e Agent. /FREADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, SW 011ESTNUT STREET, forwards PJIRCELS, PAOKAGES, MERC,GANDIZE, DANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by Re own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United Staten. E. 8. SANDFORD, anl-tr General Superintendent. 500 u, GALLS. WHALE OIL, , 1,000 gall. Elephant Oil, 60 bble. No. 1 Lard Oil, for male by OROASDALE, PEIRCE, da CO., nolo.tf No. 104 N. Delaware avenue QIIEEP AND GOAT SKINS. A amall kJ invoice of Shoep and Goat Skins, now landing from barque Irma, and for sale by CHARLES TETE, no2B-10t 138 (new) Walnut 14.—second story. MARAGAIBO COFFEE.-150 bags prime Maracaibo Coffee, now landing from barque Irma, and for sale by CHUMPS 'ME, no2ii-101 138 (now) Walnut mt.—second story. NUTMEGS. -16 kegs No, 1 Nutmegs, now landing from on board brig °Pierre Lacoato, ,, at Lombrml•street vbarr, imported and for sato by HENRY BOHLEN h CO., no2B-3t 231 and 223 S. Fourth street. TIOHLEN , s WEESP ANCHOR GIN— A... 221 pipes, now landing at Lombard-street wharf from on board the brig Pierre Lacoste," from Rotter dam, and for sale by the undersigned solo Importers of this Ilia. HENRY WILLER & CO., n028.1w 221 and 223 B. Fourth street. ROSIN. --500 BARRELS SOAPAIAKERS ROSIN, to stelae per eehooner J. IL Flannel' War lisle by MUM & MAO/MINTER, add- 110 Norkh Water etsoet LENWOOD CEMETERY OFFICE, NO v- 7 118 WALNUT St., below FIFTH. au 11-tf FRESt! BUTTER 26 cents per lb.; Now Bunch ILATSINS 10 cents 4p 011 AS. Slant, Grocer, no2o-3t* N. W. corner of Sixth and Pine Its. STORAGE on SECOND and THIRD FLOORS can be bad at 110 North Water street. Apply to MARTIN & MAOALISTER. n 023 5 (0 - 0 TONS of MITCHELL & CHOP dale's Improved super PHOSPHATE OT LIME, for Sale by OROABDALE, PEIRCE & 00 , tlolo4t No. 1W N. Delaware avenue. COTTON -100 Won Gulf Cotton, In acme int fa tote ma imam & UV Rodlk lUtetclltttil! I.IBI'OF LETTERS REMAINING IN the PIIILADELPIIIi POST OFFICE up to 22 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, Nov, 28, NW. [Pomona applying for advertised Lettere will please mention the date of the List.] Open on Sunday from 7g to 8N o'clock A. M.; and 2 to a P. M. LADIES' LIST Anderson Miss Hall Miss Molly Ousels Oath Arney Mrs Harris Mies Anna O'Neill Jane ' Ayres bliss Ellen Harkness Voshata O'Neill Ann Atkinson Banana Hancock Sarah OiShalherty bi Ayres Ellen Halles Adelaide 01Ils Mies Eliza Adult Miss Harper Mrs Anna Pennell Mrs N Acorn Mies Julia Mull Amelia H Podeick Mrs 13 Barrington Bola 2 Hankels Mrs Perms Hon Dindl 2 Rinses Mrs Hill Eliza Phillips Oen )12 Berosoly Mre AII Mouse Mrs It E Petit Mrs L Benner Sarah Honneyinan M Preston Mrs A Barrett Mary Humphrey Ells IL Peek Hattie Bennett Mrs 11 Hopkins Ann DI Pierce Mrs 0 Babcock Emellue Hoff Min Ruth Penn Mrs P Barnes Lucinda Hughes Margt Pierce Pascal's Bell Adalino Hoyae Mrs Sarah Parpont Mrs A Bisbee Clara A Hughes MisaSarah Potts Julia Blair Mrs . Houeuin Mrs P B Pettitt Ann Burcker Mary M Holden Milieu D Plumb Anna Bull Mine Anne Holcomb Maria 2 Paschall Mrs M L Bynne Annie Hortung Amelia Place Mrs E V Dynan Mary Howard Eliza Potts.Cath Bradley Mrs 31 0 Hughes Mrs Cleo Puller Mrs Id Buckley Bridget Huntingdon S(I Parks A Butcher Amelia Husekeeper 1i 4 Physic Betsy Burk Ellen Mutton Mre J S Parker Mary Branley Mrs Ann Howe Mre Wm ResiCaropite Mrs Brork Mrs Howes Mary W Weld Martha Brooke Lydia A Ilughea Rev Ifrso Rhine Mrs A Brown Alta Am Jamison Hannah Riddle Carrie Carlisle Agnes J Jones Emeline Balzer Unita Chapin Mica 81 11. Jones Mary H. Richards E M Carey Iltre Jenks Miss Mary Reardon Camboll Louisa Jones Mrs Mary Balker Mtn Caull Lira Ellen Jolla's.° Mrs Anne Robbins K E Mrs ' Callaway Miss H Judson Miss Ernie Ross Miss Sarah II Chukka Martha H Jones Misaßridgetitorer Mrs M Choice Marg't Ida Mien Russell Ann Church Mica Mary Jackson 3fra Eliza flints Mary • Caryl Mrs Irene Li Kern Miss Selina Borer Mrs II Chambers Mary Kirkpatrick MreC Rowland Mrs 11 . Clark Mrs Thee Runschild Aka C Robbins D Olonmann Miss CO Keller Adelaide Robb Mrs It It Claiborne Kato Keefe Marla Robinson Mrs It Cisco Mre Mary llooggogry E D Roberts Van Mrs Clohasey Pamir/ea Kelly Miss Anna Ryan Johanna Nylon Mrs It 13 Lyle Mies Rosa • Rowley Mrs If A Clayton Came S Lea Mies Elio It Bassett Em Mrs Coleman Harriet Lambdin Lizzie Shuster Sarah J H - Connolly Mary Leathorby Alien Schwartz A A Corn Mary Lippman Sarah or Scarlet Lydia Connelly Ellen Charlotto Sampson N Mrs Crowell ADM.) 0 Leincohn Ann tad Saunders Mrs II Corgan Marg't Lynda Mre L W SParpjlifen Collins Haw Lees Miss Kate Shaw Emma A Caster Miss Anna Lyons Mrs Reb 2 Manta Mary 11 Confer Mrs B Large Miss Carol Schroder Itath E Cooke Mn Isabel Long Mrs Jane Seymour Mrs Coll Oath's Lowbor Mary Dona Mrs IC Cyne Mary Lewis Urn A 0 Ohanklan Laura Collins Margaret Linden Rebecca Samuel itch H Cooke Edith Lucas Miss Ellen Snyder Mary Curler Mn Ludwig Laura Slaughter Mrs 2 Crow* Emily Leclercy Agnes 2 Smith Sarah Collins Catharine Logan Mrs Jane Skeane Mrs A 0 Connolly Mary McManus Urn A Smith Miss Sarah Cross Miss Ann McCaddam Ann Sprague Mre Cox Mulish A McDonough Mary Stewart Elisabeth Croft Emily E B Motley Min Jane Stroud Mrs a . R Colaride Jane MeKann Kate Stanton E E Corbin MD McHugh Diary Bpooner QM Cutter Caroline Mel Nasty Jane Storft Adelaide Coumba Mary McCann Marla Swift Mary Conntrell Amelia McLaughlin Oath Stetrart Ere L E Delaney Elea Kato 3f cCron Mica Jane Settle Kate Din.: more Mary Malaria Mrs Ann Tonnes II M Damn Anna McMahon Catbe Toner L M Dickson Rachel A 31cOlaty Sarah A Taggart Mrs 4hl Doughty Ellie R McCarty Julianne Tracy Mre hI 'Wherry Louisa McCurdy Emol'e Trator Mrs D Dean Mrs Laura McAdam CharPte Thomlinsou hi Day Mrs F McAdam Charlotte Thomson M 0 Diller Rosanna McCarthy Bar L F Turall Mre Dowd Sophrano MoKartnoy Susan Tatman Mrs DulTy Mrs Jano Mc(lrogan Jane Throne Mra Dowsing Julia McMichael Lucia Thompson Mrs Doyle Catharino McAlpine Ella A F Duffy Miss Mary McFarland Miss Thom Caroline 0 Dugan Catharine McGuigan Mary Twamley Mary E Driscoll Mary McHenry Rallno Thomson Sarah Doty Mrs H II Merwine Mrs Ann Taylor Mra A It Emerson Amaline Maclay Miss Anna Thompson MIME Evereull Caroline Macklin Mrs E A Thomas Mrs Evans Mlsa Sarah Mangan Mrs Warner Mrs II L Evans Mrs Mary Mercer Mies Mary Wagstaff Mrs M. Elliott Um Mary Maret Anna D Wattle Mrs I Ewing Mrs auror Augusta Watson Mrs Eichhorn Franc% hlathows Mrs 0 Ward Mra P P . . Emons ➢lra Susan Manning MIRO Wostogn too J Earick Mrs Maria Manning Mary A West Mrs 111 Engel() Ma A M Mogor ➢Lisa Robe° Watson Mrs CI Furgalsen It ll Merrell Eleauor West Mrs B Felton Bridget Mathews Jennie Webster Sarah Farrell Henrietta Slagleley Hannah Wheeler Julio A Flynn Eliza A Macdonald Mary Wendell Mrs E V Farrell Eliza Martin Emily 2 West Mrs A2l Fisher Josephine Manor Rosin& White Mrs M• Fox Jane Ann Mug Mrs Cath Washington Mrs Fhtlayson J bI Martin Margt J 0 Fitlold Mary J Miller Mrs John Walna Eliaab Fisher Mrs Geo Mrs Miller Wasley Mary Gallagher Mara' t Mickle Martha A Weber Mrs 0 flood h Ileieu Mi lea Anna A Ward Amanda Gibbs; Zdra bfille Mra Jane Whartonby Awl Garwood Kate 141111er Mrs E P 2 Walker Mrs B GIII entleld E Murray Ann Warner Mrs M Garnater, MargqaMorphyllealer fl WhlOmaa Idra E Gagnenrhllomene Moray Mary Ann Wolaon Gallagher Mary A Manson Mien U Wllllarna Eliza 2 GleasonPhllanoS2 Morrie Elltabelh Wilaon Marg Greenwich Barak Mary Mrs F D Witeon Mna IV Grimes Julia II Moran Mary Williams Sallie 0 Uri Oppy Moon Mini fatty Winston Wll Harrington Mary Murrell° Ann Wilson Mrs A Marie Miss Mary Mornay, Maria Worrell 0 D Hamilton Miss Montgomery Mrs Wood lasrgt Hammitt Mrs James Wright Mrs Hart Mrs Norton Morton Mien Clara Hmstead Mrs K W Hales Caroline S Nathans It Quinn Anna Maria Amanda Newman Mrs J M Todges Mrs II W Hawkins Kate O'Niell Elizabeth GENTUNMEN'EI LIST. Ackley Shrew 3 Crow Alex Ilathinary Chas Addis Harvey Cress d Hartman Michael Allan Wm Cummings Geo W Hanford 11 II Mies NV II Dangey 0 Heller Levi Advent herald . Daniels Giles L lierlifler 'Hobert ORico Dacia J Underarm It U Abbott Samt W Daniel B W Ileyer 0 Abraham Edward Dantelay Cyrus U Hendon Wm T Albertoa Marcia L Davin CAS Herber 8 Atherton T 8 Darla flaml Beater Dr Wm W Allen El M DavieJaa neutral 0 1' Arunrett Prof Pay HAI. If !floury Jae P Adams Auguatun Do Wolf Chas Heaney John Akon Wm De Prrea Mr Merritt:l John Anderson Edward Deshen Abraham 'lousy J Ashton Prank E Depow Wlt Heller J Anton Peter Dulaney Henry HenHoge TB A Applebeag W J Du LoSou T DeMoro ?Joni', Aeon Maueo pink° Bement Hinkle G W Aarone N Deacon John Hill & Bros Anderson Jas D Dean John A Ilitehlnga Jan II Ankins John Delaney Edward MD Horace Arthur Prof Robt DegartanoAntonto Hilt J Adddlson Ararat Jos It De Koopernsuy CI 11111 Ohampin Anderson Jas Dickson J L 11111 Thomas Anthony Jas Dougherty 0 A Hinkle Thomas Anuetrong h Dem.!' John A Ironton Edward .. . White Damien James Hopkins Lyman Atkins II E Doherty John P Howard Thomas A rmorling II N Doran Wm llotchltln S Bauldauf A Donnelly James Hoffman Jacob Barry John Dreor II A Ilolowell Ell Or Bates J Drorrert John William Barber Mr Duncan Jas J Houck Frod'k Burton & Smiley Dubois David Holmes Dr J Doe Burbler A Du Kondul D K Holman J N Ball Benjamin Dukitts Ja Holt Christian Bader John Dulles Andrew C Items J T & Co Badger Geo Duggan W Hovland Henry 11 Baldwin Jlt Duffield Thou W Howell (leo Et pueblo Wm Duval Jus 9 Holtman 8 W Bevan' Richard Duffy & Lawton Holden W Barnes Jae N nll4llO Jainea liotelikM Wm or Baldwin Peter 3 Dutolh Chas Samuel Barnea & Maltby Divine Daniel Holmes Valentine Batten .7 Edwards W 0 Horner Dr Ci 13 U Ballinger Henry Elliott John El N Barker Rich'd Eddous Thos .7 Hughes Jos Baylor Dr John 0 Edle Hon Jno It Ilurlings Abrm Baton 'Henry 0 Ecktnyer II A Bury P 0 Barrenger 0 L Edwards J oe B Hill Wm F Baker 800 W Elias Henry Hubbard Coo W Bartle P. D Egner Wm Ifurch 11 Bernite Pherson Epley Chas Ilumel Jacob Barclay Dr It a Emigrant Agent Hutchinson J 9 Baker 4 Bros hrwin Ale; Hugh John L linker Jeremiah Evans Theo Hughes Thos Benedick &Co Empson Robert Hudson Wm Bell Jan E Evans Dr Was 4 /Dint Furwaq Bencko Chas H Ewing .7 D 2 Hurst Wet Bender Roy W II Evoy Martin Hurt Thomas Beebe W V ' Eppos A 8 Ingraham Thee Belinape II Erring John D Irvin lie Win. Benner, Sprunier Feenio Jos Irvin Ellis &Co Frey Jacob Jackson Beal F Benner Edward Farrell Joe II James Thee P Bering Jamea Fallon Jos M Pasta' Jam Bering Thoa 0- Parrieg Alex Jewell \V 0 Bassitt Iloraco Joyous Jos Becks John D Farr John A Jaggard E Beach Martin M Veiny Then A. Affray JB & Bon Bett Edw. G Frey TheoV° Jones J O Benjamin Wm B Fordlay Chas Johnston Sam'l F lleallan 'Moo Fisher Coleman Johnson Wm W Berry Thos Finis Cleo T Jones Dr J 88120111 Ingham John Fields Thoo F Johnson John Billingly Ilenry Filial(' JB 31 Jones Dr Bird John Flamer C Joyce, M J Bless E Fisher Thou Al Johnson Usury I' Blitnlln J Fulton ins D Jones B D Black Moe Fulton Joy Mr Jones Jokn M Mummer & Fan- Francisco John Jones P V geray Froth & Bra Bowen Jos B .rolacn Jos E .. .. . . _ Basch l' Fuller J 0 Johnson Barbi Bolton Faml Froy Conrad Johnson John 0 Boone Robt Frocbchez Ang't Justlaw Geo Boirnot Jae 31 . Fry John A Kayser, Goo W Bottomloy Juo Foote & Toby Kelley II F Bonita lion It H Fronig NI Kern Wm Boyle Thos Gannet Hugh Keys John F Bolivar Fernand Gallagher John Kernson It Boswell A J Gaudy 1V Kern J 0 Brown IVm Gardena Antonio Keller John F Brown Jae E 2 Gallagher JI J Kelley E P Brown Horace II Getz J Kelley WII Brown Jan It Gov mor Herman Kinney log Mow* N W Geller Rev N Medi-RR Johu Ulan J DT .. - Brooks 0 T Gibbs John B Knight Snail J Beough W F Gilbert Joseph 11 Krubs Win Breeds Wm Gleason Martin Knight Dr L B Breithaupt A Gibson 019 1 Kimes Peter Bromine Sand 2 Glenthworth Wm Kinder Abraham Brener Wu: T Gilkey Copt L Kraft Augustus Bredley Cupt J K Glendlnery Mr Kline Christian Browning Edw Gilbert M Kinsman II J 2 Brays Wm H Gilleland W A Knox Milton Brown Heinrich Gibson Geo Jr Knott W F Brooks John Gortin Geo W Koons k Carn Bridges J Goodall II L King Wm Brady John Gossler J K Kilo John Brewer Francis P Gordon Nath , l Krause Carl G Breater Jos Godett Wm Laurence John Brodbent Jos (brooms Dr Step`n Laveray Path Bromley Thos Gulich Edwin Lambert Thos Burdsal Theodore Grant Isaac II Lawrence It 0 Duna Jno Greenwood Jae Laverry Wm Burk 11 D Gurney J .1 Laeklison .1 Butter Peter Groff Stephen Lonyos A Buchanan II Guardian 0 0 Lenard, Cocking Burnes A Graham Theodh3 & Sow Burn Chas II Griffith Wm G Lex Jacob It . . - . . Corny James Guardian C Leap Auieloin Caatell E Grater John lA. P.lll 0 Callahan Edward Graham Win Leo Jae Jr _ . .. . Oarsin I) Grant II It Lunch Ohas A Campbell Jonatim Grant Jacob Q Leisle John II Calling John Grote It George Livingston li J Carpenter James 0: an Christian Little A W (Japers Legsd J Jr (bray (leo P Lipp Joe Carson James L Grinnell Capt Lightkep Joe Carnes Copt Jno I </minor II II Lippincott 0 W Carter Ilobl USN Orifice P Lirezy John Chrkholin A 5' Guinmey II It Louis S Chance Robt C Gross Tabb Lure Stephen Chalfant I U Crayon Prod' kM. Lord Jas Chiler Edward Grow J Lookenback II Christian Is IP Croon 0 0 Long John Clegg Joseph Green Chas D MI) Loudon John Clayton E Green Dr Jos M U Longetreth I* Clark Wm 8 8 N LOOOOO Clark ac Kennedy Gregory Jan Schiller No 15 Conory Edward D 'Lithos Bold American Star Colon Edwin 0 Hefty Capt API Franklin No 4 Cosart & Toomey Ilalleigh J AI UuttonbergNe 100 Coleman E Halen George Mollegan Tribe I Conover Geo W Ifarnbleton I) Id olt 11 Cobden F Haines Alex F Mlngoliocklog Conway DI Hammond RV J P Pestuod Collins James Hallirsoy eon Shawnoeo Cope E It Halliday J 0 Wyoming Cottrell Demi (.1 Hall JI/ & Son Mohawk Coughlin 911 Hall Harrison Pocahontas Collins I DI Hammond Chas F Delawaro Conway Patrick Ilayvrard Thom II Cherokee Cooke John T Hare Peter Black Hawk Corson Capt Fur Harry Thomas K uquenak to Como Chas E Hazzard W II Wissahickon Cooliren Saul Hanson Albort P Pawnee Conarvoy John Ilassiti no John Pagoyewatho Coyne John Hasleys II Narragansett Coble Enos Harwood Thos McCobb David Conlin Peter Hewitt Henkel McDowell Dr Jas Copper James Harris John A Mc Carron Philip Cooper Dr Chas II Hauser Alex McCloskey John Cooper, Miller & Ilarrison lii klnDonough T B Hey' Harding Jas Mc Olean John I Cumming Jamen Hare Oboe W 2 McDonald Wm L I Copley Geo 8 Harris Jos McCollister Donn Crawford John Hannigan II McKinney David I Curiae Geo Hartshorn Isaac Mal ban Barney WOl P. 124 A 4111190 pry 144414 0 A CROAK• Mariana Geo Price Dr Taber Caleb McGmhuJaell Primrose John Taylor W McMahon Cleo W Prettyman 11D Taylor Dr J Y Mclntire Jas Purnell Dr John 0 Tarr 8 Levin Mcllonry Hugh Ray 3(1 Nye Jay Titus John efoßaith Wm Ray Rev P Thomas Wm McQueen Sami p Rahn, B 013 Thomas E L MacDonald Obas Rafe Jacob Thompson WJ 2 Macdonald W Randall 13 Thomas P 1) Mack James Hedy J It Thomas Dr R R Magrldge loseph Rea S J Thomas° 0 Maiwald • Reed Dr Thou II Tiverton Paul Mickel Julius Rood & Co Thomas & Drown Manuel 11 Redman G A Truerdoll A T Marsh Dr Clinton Reinillor Mons Trainer F Marshall T S Reed Robt Turner S K Mayer Chaa Rawl James Townsend E 0 Marcher Alfred 414.piatint(John 0 Twirholl Goo Manton jOhd ortflllllotacey & Trial. Dr 11 13 Meson at W Reeves L & J Tuntnen Sant Meyers &Co F Richardson WL 2 Toye Michael Merchants' Intel. Rivera Richard Tolon Y ligenee °Moo Riddle John Trappier Rev R S Mears Coo W Richardson Wm Triwood Chas Meginey W Richardson Mir Tomlinson W L Mitchell Ed P Ridgeway Jacob Torpy Thee Miller,/ A Ross Wm IV Tompki no Alex Middleton Geo W Rogers Austin All Todd & Co W 11 Miller Broderick Roback Dr G 0 Tyson Benjamin Mitchell John Roberts Wm T Wallace Bain Miller (lee Robinson WPi Walker 711 Miller Henry A Roberts John Woad!!! J Mitchell Otto 0 Rowland T M Wakiin /sue Miller, Reader, & Rogonburg J T Walbridgo Gen II Co Rowland Prof NIL Welkin Lewitt Mlutla Mr Robbins Stephens Wallace & Mucky Miller Jr 0 Rogers We, 11 %In Edward Miller Gee P Rotlapletz E Jae Walsh Victor Mieweld Gotleib Rorer & Son J P Welk% A D Money James Rose & Garbuier Watt Willey John Round's Wm B . Wallon Rev L Morgan LewleG Roper Andw J Warren 0 lit Morgan II Rubicon% Joe 11 Waldron 0 D Moran P Russell Fred Watt Robt Motaaltman Gee Ruth A Walker W A Morrie Gee IL Russell Gee Walsh Nick . .. . . .. . .. Morgan & Son T Risk Jae Wagon T E klaworhy Chas Schock Oh }Volker" W Menlo James W BahlHanger Henry Walg Ileinrig Morris Joon Salter Dr J W Watts Dr T Moor Dr Jae A Sabi mpfr Augusta Walker S J Moore M J Scott 110 Wager 11 .1 Mothers , Journal Schwartsowel d e r Walther Mich Morrie Ohba & Reibotil Watson A Co 0 Moss Win 0 Schreiber Rudely Webster & Docket Moore John Sands John B Weidner Cleo Murry John Sears Wm II Weber Adam MuckelvalneJohn Seymour W P Weaver II !dyers II Sewell Jr E Q Wells C L Myers Don't' Shueldowend 0 0 Weightmon Mr Nugent Rev P A Shorten John Werrick J E Nicalaus Philip Shore Edwd Whitman W A Norton Wm Sharp Mr WheoliinglisJ Newsom Jail Shaktett E It While J II Nagle lil T Shorewood Wm White D W Newell Ma D Shoonemon John Whitaker Edm Nelson John A Shoemaker J J Whiting J glfleqa i B Shore 4 obt Wheeler li iLeigt White Wm Noah Henry It Multi Aug Whattin Joseph Norris Wm _ Shenk John 11 White J If Nixon John Shies/nog Gee Williams Dr M V UnneleeT T Shoch Chas 11. 'Williams Jasper iklol Nike 's Shoot Augustus Wiley 0 W Nichey Edwil Shoemaker Jonoth Williama & Mc- Norton John A Shill J A Ewon O'Connell Don't Shepard Thos fi Williamson S Oppenheimer II Shivers Chris Wilson Henry Ovenshine E Simpson 0 Williams Frank Oliver IL T Simon P 'Widen", Nep O'Donnell Jos Simpson Ildward W Oliver Jphn W.,a Rft W Wilkins & Cooper O'Onmaok. it 33 .‘ Tholo ilsonle O'Neill r J Wilson it P O'Llyear Mons 0 'Slack Abram Willilltll,On T B Owns Dan'l Smith Eilwd Wilma & Co 'r n O'Brien Rev DI Smith 811 Windley Sam Pesberry Wm Smith Reeder IVilook 1' Patterson J W Smith Geo P 2 Wiso John Pachman Wm Smith Amos 2 Moils It rt 3 Parker Abraham Smith Daniel Wolf Lewis Parker Edwil 9 Smith Jabot 0 Wood (leo J 2 Parrish It A slnithltenedict Woodnutt Ohs Patton Geo W Smith Chas R Wool Wm . . .. .. Patton Dr Geo .11 Smith (I Castor Wombs Louis Paddock Oscar Smith A Dreiftiss Wesley 0 Paul Wm II Snowdon A I, Wood HD Park Jr A M Footman Louis IVommo 11 K Palmer &Co E Sooner T E Woolmao Joel Peters D MP Sprise Albert Wright & Co A J Poneton John Spuse James Wright Hold K Peale LII Sturgeso James Wright Raw Pendleton Max Stetser John Yatnall li Pease Beni P Stockton It W Young Henry Perry Rev Dr W Stratton Sara 1' Young Jackoon Pennington Wee R Sturggs U Yardley J 11 Percy Jas U litimpoon W Zane Rev W Philips J 9 Strumph John Zane Dr And Phillips A Solano Stuart John gulp J P Pierce It ?d Stinson A II Queens A Co J P Pierson John Steam Julius Ury Rev W Pitcher Mr Stowe Joseph Minion I Pierpe Copt David Strobel A Unger U Portman JaeoldiC Sylvester Pred Vincent Alex Porter Chas Surgeon or Janos• Von timbre 1) Powell II town, USN Vogel John I. Pomroy 0 ipt Wm Sungr en Dr II II 0 Yau Wycko Dr CC Poullaiu Thou Sutter Joseph Von Bonhorat Dro Porter Joe finthill J Vol troth Michael Poalk Win L Seater Wm Vollmer Ii Prenville Wm Wolcott Mrs DI• , Vesper Fred Presair Chi Winne Mrs 0 • ,•• Prince J 3 Decker no3o-1t GIDEON G. WESTOOTT, P.M. CONCERT HALL.—TWO CONCERTS. MONDAY, Nov. 50. TUESDAY, Dee. 1. Admission to all parts of the Gall, 50 cents, First appearance this season of MLLE. TERESA. PARODI Grand Concert, by HENRY VIEUXTEMPS, MLLE. TERESA PARODI. MISS MILNER, the new English Prima Donna. MR. PERRINO, the new English Tenor. (Both great artists, having been engaged in London, by the Directors of the Academy of Music, Now York, expressly for the prodnotion of English Operas and Grand Orntorloa ) SIGNORS ROCCO and PERUGINI. The price of admission. notwithstanding the great at traction, has been tiled at 50 costa, the price which proved to be entirely. successful in New York at the Academy of Music and at Nlblo , s Carlon. Tickets can be obtained at the priompal Music Stores, and at the Once of Concert Gall. PROGRAMME FOR MONDAY. MLLE. PARODI will sing Arias, Locrezia Borgia, Trovatore, Sonnambula, and Motto l'Elleis d'Amore, with ROCCO. MISS MIIMER will sing "With Verdure Clad," Aria Puritani, and Watt° Linda, with MR. PERRINO. GENRE VIECNTEMPS will play Introduction and 'tondo NORMA FANTASIA ON ONE STRING, Carni val of Venice. MR PERRING will sing " Adelaldept' from Beetho ven, one Roglish Balled, end a Duette with MISS MIL NER. 510. ROCCO will sing II Baleo di familia, and a Duet te with MLLE. PARODI. Conductor, SIG. PERCGINI, Admission to all parts of the Hall TO coots. Doom open at 7. Concert commences at 8 n030.1t WALNUT STREET TilEATßE.—Les leo, Mr. Ii A. Ilarshall ; Stage Manager, Mr John Sefton. Prices.—Drens Circle and Parquotto, 25 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Bocured &M,, 37% Conte; Private Box and Orchostra Boats, 50 cents. Box Offico open from 9 o'clock A 111. to 3 P st. Doors open at 7 o'clock; performance to commence at 7%, procisely. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Nov. 30th, 1857, Will be performed Itatnir Stella, the Enchantress WHEATLEI" O ARCH ST. THEATRE —SOLE LESSEE W. WHEATLEY THIS (Monday) EVENING, Nov. 30t2, 18M, Will be pryilented. . . JACK CADJ. Jack Cade Mr E. L. Davenport. A DAY WELL SPENT. BOAt.II or PRICIU.—Boxes, 2.5 cents • Secured Seats, 38; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents ; Seats in Prlvato Boxes, 75 cents; Gallery, 13 cents ; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Box °lnce open from 10 A. M. until 3P. Bf. Doors Will open at 63 o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. r%TATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, I WALNUT STREET, NEAR EIGHTH LESSEE WESLEY 11A11510HE. EQUESTRIAN MANAGER THOS KING. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Nov. ROIL, 1857, Will be presented BRILLIANT HORSEMANSHIP, DARING VAULTING, GYMNASTIC PERFORMANCES, lc. CATARINA ; OR, THE DYING BRIGAND Catarina Mille Margaretle, The Company compriers many of the principal per formers of both Hemispheres, among which are Mr. F. Itosston, Young Hernandez ' Mr. Wm. Rincade Mile Minna, Et'lle Camille, Eph. Horn, the original Ethio pian Clown, Ac., &o. PR ICU or ADlll.99lm—Drass Circle 37% cants, Fa mily Circle 25 cents. Private Boxes 50 coots. fj:r No extra charge for secured seats. JAYNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., BELOW SEVENTH. MONDAY EVENING, NOV• 30TH. NEW OPERA NIGHT. Sommo weak of the renowned BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, And Burlesque Ethioplau OPERA TROUPE. First night of the beautiful Opera of SONNAMIIIJLA, With now scenery, costume, music, &c, Preceded by their inimitable ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY. Boors opou at he(-past 0 o'clock. Curtain rises at half•past 7 precisely. Admission 20 coot,. Juanell, Duceloo ..4. flatus QTATE POULTRY SOCIETY OF PENN KJ SYLVANIA. • The fourth annual exhibition is now open at JAYNE'S BUILDINU , CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTY, From 0 o'clock, A. N. until 0 o'clock, S. Adults 15 cents. Ob ' Wren 5 cents. no4o Gt NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT! ! ! ! ! ! ! I MISS WILLIAMS, " THE WELSH NIGIITINUALE," Will give her Bongs, and amusing impersonation of character, for tho benefit of the children of tho ~t hlloll Temporary Homo," AT CONCERT HALL, On WEDNESDAY EVENING, December 2nd, At g o'clock. Tickets '25 cents Children half price. Beason tickets for the Union Temporary Home lec tures honored. no2i-4t Kirkpatrick Tina Kirtlay Thor SANFORD's OPERA. HOUSE— ISLEVXNTIS Street, above Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated lay flinahird's Troupe of Stare—New Dances by the Sanford Children. Poore Open et 7 ololoek—tu commonce quarter before eight. To conclude with A LAUGIIABLE APTERPIECE Admittance 25 cents. FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FURS!!!! JOIIN FAREIRA & CO., Importers, Manufacturers, and Dealers in FANCY FURS, FOIL LADIES AND CHILDREN. Havinfrmanufactured an Immense Stock of FURS, with the expectation of doing our usual bludnetm, the present pressure of the times, and comparative stagna tion of trade, have left us with an unusual amount o Stook upon our shelves. It is to meet this difficulty that wo Imo now DETERMINED To duo out our At Poker] actually lees than THEIR COST TO MANUFACTURE! We hay! , also on hand a lard and couudoto assort went of GENTS' FURS, GLOVES, All of which will be Nola at very LOW PRICES. No. Sle, MARKET St , bot. Eighth nod. Ninth, n010.6w South eIJo WANTED—TWO VESSELS of 3a600 tons, to load for Key West. Freight ready for shipment, arid good rates given. Apply to 1418110 P, SIBIONS, et CO , n023.0t 120 (late 30) North Wharves, CHARLES P. CALDWELL--Wboienale and RetailNW and CANN Manufacturer, No. 4 IQUATAAKWIt oaa 2t muszniento THE ENCHANTRESS Mr. Elehings Mks Welling% ,VTOCX COLLARS, ho Want° EBrn *robe. PENNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES TAKEN AT PAR FOR DRY GOODS. The subscriber offers for a few days his entire stock of goods at PRICES TO SHIT THE TIMES, and receive in payment notes of the Pennsylvania Dank. This, to such as may have any of this doubtful paper on hand, is offering a great inducement, As his stock is ono of the best in the city. Please give him an early call. 13. F. JOHNSON, noSChlw 911 Market at., above Ninth, north side. AL E, R o m Y ncI I IIN O s FFERING MORE AUC- Vs Bilk and Wool Long Broche Shawls 0n1y....510 00 $l4 Silk and Wool Long Brocho Shawla 0n1y.... 900 $8 Silk a n d Wool Square Brodie only 600 $l5 Chenille, extra rich, only 8 60 $l2 Chenille, very rich, only 7 50 $7 f%O Chenille, plain styles 8.60 $0 Plaid all-wool Long Shawls, beautiful, 0n1y... 360 $l6 Cloakm, beautiful stylea and tine fabric 10 00 $l2 Clanks reduced t 0... 6 50 $9 Cloaks reduced to 4 50 $5 Clonka reduced to 3 10 300 yards very beautiful Cloth for Ladies' Cloaks. er yard, worth $ 1.60; a splendid assortment of Ladies'Cloths, all shades and colors, imitable for Boys' wear; Satinets and Xlaunels at unprecedeuted low pricea ; ono lot of ['amanitas nt 31 cents, vrorth 50; all shades all wool Pinkie at 28 cents, ,forth 62N ; one lot of all-wool Delainos only 25 cents, worth 50; splendid Blanket]; at only $3 per pair, 'worth $5; 550 yards of Black Beaver Cloth at $1 60 per and , worth $2 60; Trimmings, in endless variety, at a out half price. no3o-mwa-3t IcEI,IIOY , S, 11 South Ninth St. BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.—SPE— CIAL NOTICE.—AII the notes on the Bank of Pennsylvania redeemed at par for DIIY GOON, selling at less than Auction prices. Musline, Linens, Olathe, Cassiineres, Blankets, nimbi, Calicoes, Detainee. at a great sacrifice, in connection with our entire stock, which will be sold at prices which will astonish all who may favor us with a call. Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken the mine as specie, (we make UP alfierence,) at OLIVER, 11. JOIINSON'S Pennsylvania Bank Note Dry Coeds Store, No. 1069 MARKET Street, above Tenth, north aide. N. li —Online received for the very beet SchuYikill Coal ; Penneylvania Dank Notol taken in payment. OLIVER H. JOHNSON, ne3o-11u No. 1009 Market gtroet. STILL GREATER REDUCTIONS.—Being determined to keep below competition, end BO as to still sell cheaper than those who have made great re ductions in their prices, we will sell an all-wool 12.0 blanket that will measure 2 yards and 12 melee wide for $5 60. This Is the greatest bargain yet. We will also sell the Blankets that we sold for $5 et $3. These aro large size. Thao that were $0.60 for $3 60. Those wo sold at Si for $5 60, and those we valet $9 for $8 60. Thom we sold at $l2 for PM. These three last lola are the finest quality. It. it. & W. 11. PENNELL, n030.1w 1021 Market street, below Eleventh. .1,700 YARDS FINE QUALITY DOUBLE WIDTH PLAID CA,BIISIEREB AT 25 CENTS!! ! We have just received one toes of the above Goods. We hear they are being sold in other Ogee 4. 87,34 cents! 11,100 worth of LONG DROGUE SIIAIVLS, from $5 to V2s—the cheapest goods we have over seen! A large stock of very elcellent 'BLACK SILKS AND FANCY SILKS! Very cheap Blaukete and Flannels. Clothe, Cassimeres, he., for Blerf's and Boys' Wen . Carpets closing out, positlyely leas than cost. Irish Linens Domestic Canton Flannels; French liferinoes, }lnglis/1 Cobourge, Pararuattas, he, ha. In fact we offer unparalleled bargains from a well-as sorted OASII-P1511.011A81110 STOCK! TIIORNLEY & n028.13t* N. E. corner qt Eighth and Spring Gairlon RANK OF PENNSYLVANIA—GREAT tv EXCITEMENT AT BELCIIER'B!—We are re ceiving the notes of the above bank at par for Dry Goode, at greatly-reduced prices. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Cloaks and Tatman. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Shawls. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Dress Goods. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Merinos. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken Men's Wear. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Ribbons. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Embroideries. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Domestics. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Blankets Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Gloves and Hosiery. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for the choice of goods from ono of the largest and beet-selected stocks to the city, and at extraordinary low prices, at F. A. T. 11 BBLOCEIVS, nov2l-12t S. W. corner Eighth and Spring Garden. HE CHEAPEST LONG BROCHE SHAWLS EVER SOLD IN PHILADELPHIA. T110E1 , 41151' & 0111851, Eighth and Spring Garden, have just purchased several lots of LONG BROCIIE SHAWLS, FOR CABII, AT A MOST TREMENDOUS' SACRIFICE! 1 lot fine quality, all Bilk and Wool, for SS. 1 " 44 54 II <4 for 110. I<, " " " " foo $l2. llf 41 If 14 51 for $l4. Several lots very fine, all wool, v. 4, $l6, $18,520, and $25. Fine French Blanket Shawls, Chenille Shassle, at THORNLEY A MUSH'S, no2S.4t N. E. corner of Eighth and Spring Ganlen eta. 'FUMBLING DOWN OF DRY GOODS TREMENDOUS BARGAINS—Front the late Cash Auction Halm at price* that DEFY ALL COMPETITION. CLOAKS and TALMAS far below the cost of materials. Dress Goods of every description at the very lowest prices. 25 cent 'Widnes reduced to 124.; cents, and other Goods in the same proportion. Just opened a largo lot of Chenille Scarfs, elegant styles, at less than half price. Closing out all our Merinos and Daramattas at cost, and we have resolved that our Dry Goods shall be sold as cheap as the cheapest. . . J. O. PAYNTNR, no2o-6t 113 and 111 N. EIGHTH St., above Arch WARM SR.A.WLS.— SIIARPLEES BROTHERS after Full emortmonte of Long Shawls ; Bordered all•wool Long at $4 50; Plaid do do at $5 ; Heavy Chenille Square at $5; French and Berlin fine Shawle; 'troche, Long and Square, cheap; Travelling Shawls, for men ; Yriondet Shawle, in every variety. raw 25 CIILISTNUT and EIGHTH streets LADIES' SHOEMAKERS. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, sole agents For American Elastic Webbing, Black and colored English Lasting, French Looting and Gaiter Cloths, Italian Clothe and Black and White Satins, Galloons, Laces, Drills, Mullins, French Kids, Morocco, Patent Leathern, n0v2,5 , CHESTNUT and EIOUTH Streets LCLOTH CLOAKS-NEW .•-g STYLES —Now open, Cloaks of Black, Brown, and Gray Cloths, made up in the best and most flehlonable style, in CLOAK AND SHALL BOOM. 15 Woollen Long Shawls, worth $7. $5 Stolle Shawl ,, the $7 50 quality. $6 Black Thihet Long Shawls. $8 " " Square Shawls. $6 limbo Square Shawls. Shawls of every kind and price. lane Cloaks made to order. We still continue to sell our entire stock of dress Goods at below the FIRST COST OF MANUFACTURE. A largo line of good SATINETTS, CASSIMERES, AND CLOTHS, BLANKETS AND FLANNELS, In Basement Story, In full supply_ Tho especial attention of buyers Is desired. Notes of all Solvent Banks in the Union taken. Our reductions are bona fide. Wo sell every article at the lowest market rate, no matter what the coat may be. COOPER h CONARD, n021.9t. 9 E. cotaer Ninth and Market streets. SPECIAL NOTICE.— A large assortment of Attractive and seasonable DRY HOODS, Front the extensive wholesale stocks of several SUSPENDED HOUSES, Will be opened TUB DAY, NOVEMBER :Mat, 1557, At the store, No. 913 MARKET Street, NORTH SIDE, Between Ninth and Tenth, And sold throughout BY RETAIL, AT AN UNPRECEDENTED REDUCTION In Prices for The goods ere all new, and of recent importation or manufacture; ands rare opportunity is tittered to por ch:miss to purchase the best makes sad styles, far below the usual prices. SAMUEL S. lIESS, n0v2.1..2w No. 923 MARKET Street REMOVAL. - L. J. LEVY S: CO., IN ANTICIPATION OF REMOVAL TO TUN SPLENDID NEW STORE, Now Wing ererted for them in CHESTN UT STREET, ABOVE EIGISTIS, Have determined, for a period of 30 DAYS, To dispose of a largo amount of their Stock now to stern at very I.OW PRICES FOR CASH They invito the attention of the Public and their Cue towers to ono or the most complete assortments of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS To ba found in this country, which will ho diAporiNt o for tho poriod Darned, at such prices as will insure thoi Halo. • . CHESTNUT STREET, noTt CC NEXT TO THE CUSTOM HOUSE HEA V l'" BROWN COTTONS ____ One Thon■and Bales SIIEETINOS, SHIRTINGS, AND DRILLS, PROM TUE LAWRENCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, JAcivioN COMPANY, (INDIAN IIEADO AND NASHUA MA NUFACTURINO COMPANY, Of their various widths and styles, which aro offered for sale for first-class iiaper,,on SIX MONTHS' CREDIT, by the Agents of the Coo panics, ALFRED SLADE & CO., 39 LETITIA STREET. MEVEMMN A FURTHER REDUCTION TN PRICES hoe been determined on by the subscnbers, in con sequence of the coo tinned Treasure. 500 MISSES' ENOI,IOII BEAVER CLOAKS, $2, formerly $3 50 300 51ISSES' ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, $3 5(0, formerly $3 50. 0.50 SUPERIOR FRENCH DEAVER CLOAKS, 53 to 53, cost to import FT to $lO each LONG 'limit itiavta CIRCULARS, SS, formerly $l2. 111(111 ISLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per cent below coat of production. J W. PROCTOR Sa CO , Successors to Goo liulpin k Co., nl3 2010 d 708 CHESTNUT street L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL h. SON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1076 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 318 S. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES.—Nos. 93 and 9T GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Order, made at a few bourn , mitten. ee2 - 2 4mit JOHN B. STRYKER, Ja., Wholesale Dealer lo AUCTION DRY GOODS. No. 11 DANK Otrovt,lablphla, oot1•2 Sales by 'Auction M . THOMAS & SONS, 1.6.1.• Noe. 139 and 141 SOUTH /WORTH BTE EST, (formerly Noe. 07 and 69.) REAL ESTATE, STOOKS, &e. Publio Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. 11' Handbills of each property issued separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. na" FURNITURE SALES AT Tall AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. Err IVe have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Sale, including every description of City and country property Printed Lists may be had at the auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER 11:1' Real advertised Estate entered on oar Private Sale Re gister, and occaalonally in our PALM Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. STOCKS, ACCEPTANCES, REAL ESTATE, &e. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing foil de scriptions of all the property to be sold on Tuesday, next, let December, with a list of aides Bth and 16th December, and of real estate at private sale. STOCKS. On Tuesday Evening, Dec. Ist, at the Philadelphia Exchange, at 7 o'clock, will be sold, by order of administrator, estate of Robert Zane. dec'd ; 1 share of the Jefferson Land Association, dues amounting to 1180. paid up to Nov. 10th, 1117. Also, $360 Union Mutual Insurance Company certifi cates of pronto of the years 1849, IESO, and Wel. Share in the Philadelphia Library Company. If Athenaeum. " Mercantile Library Company. Also, for account of whom it may concern, a draft of El. O. Cove & Co., on John Farman & Co., and accepted by them, for 11,700, due 13th October, 1857. Also, one of 12,500, same drawers and acceptors, due 7th November, 1857. $5,000 CAMBRIA IRON CO. BONDS.—AIso, for ac count pf whom it may concern, 5 first mortgage, 6 per cent. bonds, $l,OOO ouch, of the Cambria Iron Com pany, dated January, 1854, due January, 1864, coupons payable Ist January and July in New York. Also, draft of D. Longenecker on John Farnum & CO and accepted by thorn, for $2,000, due 10th Oct , 1857. Also, $lOOO Penne.. Ave per cent. Loan, 1841. On Tuesday Evening, December Bth, at 7 o'clock at the Philadelphia Er change,for account of whom It may concern: 240 shares Merchants' Insurance Company of Phila delphia, par s2s—full paid 25 shares Manufacturers' and Dlechanics' Sarin* and Loan Company, par sso—full paid. Two first mortgage 6 per cent. bonds, $5OO each, Southern Railroad (lab) Vicksburg). coupons attached, payable July and January, 6 per coot. REAL ESTATE BALE—DECE3IBER let. Administrators' Sala—Estate of Richard Paxson, Dre'd, formeris of Dr. Shippen. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM, ABOCT SIXTEEN MILES FROM. MARKET STREET, AND TIIREE FROM BRISTOL. Our sale let December will include the valtuable country seat and farm 167 acres, with superior improve ments, known as o PAßLEY,"situats on the heights, on the west side of Neehamony Creek, between the Bristol turnpike and the Newport road. Full particulars in handbills. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of William 11. Leeman, deceased. FRAME DWELLING, Mar WARD. Frame dwelling, north aide of Wood street, between Green lane and Levering street, Twenty-first Ward. Orphans' Court Sule—Estate of Lynch, minors. TWO-STORY BRICK 110IISE. Two-story brick house, Burls' court, between Tenth and Eleventh streets below Locust. NEAT IdODERN RESIENCE, Also, nest modern refintence, No. 153 North Fifteenth street, above Arch street, finished with modern improve ments and conveniences. TWO HANDSOME NEW RESIDENCES, Nos. 1809 AND 1823 DELANCY PLACE, _BETWEEN EIGH TEENTH AND NINETEENTH AND smor. AND PINE STREETS. Two handsome new four-story brink residences, with three-story back buildings, and replete with all- the modern Improvements and convenience . They will be mold separately. Immediate possession. THREE VALUABLE LOTS, WALNUT STREET, WEST PHILADELPHIA. Three valuable lots, Walnut street, east of Marge, rafts street—each 50 feet tront, = feet deep to York street. Clear of all incumbrance. Adptor Sal A THREE-STORY minletrators' BRICKPerem DWELLI y NG, e. TWENTY FIRST STREET. Also, a throe-story brick dwelling, Twenty-first street, below Hamilton street. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING. Three-story brick store and dwelling, Ridge avenue, below Oxford street. TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Two-story brick thvelhug, Columbia avenue, (mat of Ridge avenue. PEREMPTORY SALE.—TGREE GROUND RENTS Three groom' rents—one of $l2O, one of SU, awl one of $3O per annum. Executor's Peremptory Pale—Estate of Charlotte Basler, Deceased TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Two-story brick dwelling, with back-buildings, west aide It. John street, above Noble street. Same Eastate. GROUND RENT-41d2 A YEAR. A well secured yearly ground rent of $lO2 a year on property Delaware Front and Water etreets, between Vine and Callowhill atrecta Sale absolute. TIIREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Three-story brick dwelling, No 1011 Vernon atreet, between Tenth and Eleventh, and Parrish and Brown streets. LOT OP GROUND. Lot of Ground southwest corner of Columbia avenue and Twenty-sevonth street. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Three-story brick dwelling, No. /152 Passyunk road, above Federal street. PEREMPTORY SALE-THREE-STORY BRICE DEING. Three-story brick dweWlling LL, No, 300 Lombard street, west oc Third. Sale absolute. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, WOOD STREET, BUR- LINGTON. A handsome brick residence, Wood street, between Broad and Union streets, Burlington, N. 3. Lot 114 feet front, by 305 feet deep. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, S. E. corner of Tenth and Poplar streets. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER Bth.l Thle eels will iacluAe-- NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE—N. W. corner Fit• teeuth and Lombard etreeta It 11 replete with modern improvement,. and Conveniences. $4,000 may remain en mOrtgaza, . TWO LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, WEST PIIILADELPHIA.—WaIuabIe lot S. R. corner of Walnut and Margaretta streets, 160 by 175 feet. Valuable lot, north side of Locust street, 100 feet west William street, 100 by WI feet (two fronts). HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, PINE ST.— The handsome modern residence, southeast corner of Pine and Nineteenth streets. It is fit feet front, and finished in handsome modern style. Immediate posses sion. ID" Only $l,OOO required in cash. MORTOAGE FOR $1,023 —Also, a first mortgage secured on 11 atone dwellings and lot of ground, Cresson street, Mansyunk. Clear of ground-rent. There is a perpetual policy of insurance for 85,000. HANDSOME DOUBLE RESIDENCE, WITH SIDE YARD—Handsome uew residence, replete with all modern improvements, northeast corner Franklin and Poplar streets, lot Id feet front. MODERN RESIDENCE.—AIso, handsome new resi dence, replete with modern conveniences, Franklin at., adjoining the above, lot 16 feat, 8 inches front. 117' The above are very desirable residences. Im mediate possession may be had. Terms accommodating. ReAL ESTATE: B 6 4 II—DECXIII3IIII. 15th. This aisle will include-- Orphans' Court Bale—Estate of Benjamin Burnell, Deceased. FOUR TIIREE•STORI BRICK DWELLINGS— Pratt street, east of Fairmount street. Sale in Camden, N. J. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BEDS AND BEDDING, CARPETS, CHINA, deo. This Morning, 30th instant, at 10 o'clock, at the southwest corner of Second and Market streets, Camden, New Jersey, the household furniture, feather beds and bedding, carpets, china, km, of a lady declining housekeeping 11Y - May be examined at S o'clock on the morning of the sate. Administrator's Sale. PULVERIZED CHARCOAL, FACTORY UTENSILS, IVAOONS, CART, HARNESS, he (Of the firm of Campbell & Farren ) This Morning, 30th Instant, at 10 o'clock, at the corner of Seven teenth and Christian streets, will be sold, without re servo, the contents of a factory for making pulverized charcoal, comprising mill and stone for grinding, other utenalle, a large quantity of pulverized charcoal In blots , bbls , and bugs, Ac. Also, a light wagon and harness Also, two other wagons and a cart. Alen, saddle and bridle. 110USEIIOLD FURNITURE —lmmediately after the above, will be sold, in Christian street, north aide above Seventeenth street, the household furniture, late or Thomas Farren, deceased. By order of the Ad ministrator. Closing sale at No. 1017 Walnut street. STOCK OF CABINET FUItNITURE. On Tuesday Morning, December lst, at 10 o'clock, at No 1017 Walnut street, without reserve, the balance of the Block of turnaure of Mr John Duross, declining business. Comprising Walnut tete-a-tetes, chairs, wardrobes, dressmir, bu reaus, extension dining tables, sideboards, office tables, Sce ,Ae. . frt . Tho store is to rent—immediate possession given LIBRARY OF TILE LATE ROBERT F. WALSH, ESU On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Dec Ist and 21, the valuable miscellaneous library o the late Robert F Walsh. Din which contains a larg. number of rare and valuable works on carious subjects Included In the library of the late Robert F. Walsh , will be found— Heath's Gallery of British Engrai logs, .4 vs. Ho; Batty's Welch Scenery; Itlcheird.on's English Dic tionary, 2 so; Funny Devotional Bible, by Rer. Mat thevr Henry, 3 vs. Ito; Drake's tiliskverii and his Times, 2 vs. Wightivick's Palace of Architecture; Wilkes' Exp loring- Expedition. 6 rots; Monstrolet's Chronicles, 2 vole; Grose's Antiquities of Englud, Ireland, dud Wales, 10 vole; Picturesque Tonr of the Gauges, colored plates; Bradford's Spain and Portagal. do, Illustrations of Buenos Ayres, do, Ilititon's United. State. ' 2 vole; Scripture Illustrations, Ito; Cunning tain's Gallery of Engravings, 2 vols. 4to ; Jamieson's Sacred not Legendary Arts; Ilistory of Writing; Beaumont and Fletcher's Dramatic Works, 11 vole, 8vo; Quadrupeds of America, by Audnbota. 3 vole, colored plates; llistory of the Indian Tribes of America, 120 colored portraits, 3 vole; Audubon's Binds of America, T ye, cold plates' Catterinole's Civil War; Waverly Novels, Abbotsford edition, 12 tots, Sirs. Warren's History of American Revolution, 3 va , Na tional British Gallery of Engravings, 2 I ; Knight's London, 3 Tel uric.; of Daniel Ht bster. 6 v, , En cyclopedia Metropolitans, 30 Is -Ito Smith's Die thisary of Greek and Roman Mythology, 3 vs; An tiquities of Great Britain. 2 vs; Coney's An cient Cathedrals, folio, Boydell's Illustrations of Shakspere, 100 plat=s, folio; Hogarth's Works. 2 vs; Progress of America.: so, Burton's Anatomy of Me lancholy, 2 is, Book of Oents,2 re; Shakspere Tableaux; Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, 27 vs, SirJeo.hue. Reynold's D.coursee.; London Interiors, 410. Gibbon's Roman Em pire, 32 Nov, Great Exhibition. 1851, 8 re; Collies In dians, 2 vs, ro; Old England's Worthies.folio. Life of Sir Edward Coke, 2 vole; Cook's Voyages, 2 vols. Illustrated Cornwall, 1 vol; American in Europe, Ito; Works of Jo sephus, 16 Nos, illustrated, Lie es of the Illeetrious, o v.. Lardnerie Lectures 2 vs; Jefferson's Memoirs, Iva; Hurt. lett's Walks about Jerusalem, Raphael a Cartoons; Layard's Nines eh, 2 vole. Bancruft's United States, 3 SA, Arabian Nights, 3 re. Library of Choice Reading, 10 Antiquities of Bristol. I vol, Eliot's History of Liberty, 4 vole, Works of Lord Bacon. 3 vole, Irving's Works. 13 vole, Chandler,' Cyclopidia, 2 tole, 11 into of E. A. Poe, 3 t oil, c , Are ID - The Books will be arranged for examination on Monday turning. Catalogues now rosily NOTICE—STUCK OF ELEGANT FURNITURE Catalogues of J Lutt's ?lock of furniture to be sold on Wedne.day at No 121 South Eleventh street, are now ready, and the furniture arranged for examination. Sale at No. 121 South Eleventh street ELEGANT ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, AND MAHOGANY FURNITURE. On Wednesday Morning, Dec. 2nd, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 121 Routh Eleventh street. without reserve, the entire atock of J. Lutz, comprising an elegant a..ortmeut of rosewood and walnut drawing-room furniture, elegant chamber furnitureAc , all manufactured by Mr. Lutz, expressly for his ware..room sales, of the beat tuatortala and workmanship, and warranted, 10 .- May be examined, with catalogues, three days previous to sale Sate Noe. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. suPrnion. FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, PIANO FORTE, VELVET CARPETS, On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the suottou &oars, m extonatre assortment of excellent furniture, mirrom, piano-fortes, fine earpe t*, &c., from families declining housekeeping, • Executors' Sale.—Estate of Daniel Cripple 110118E1101.D FURNITURE, PIANO, Bait FIX TURES, LIQUORS, (100 D-WILL, c. On Monday Morning, December 7113, at, 10 o'clock, by catalogue, by order of the executors a Daniel Coyote ' deceased, at the corner of Exchange Place and Carter's alley, the en tire household furniture, beds and bedding, table and bed linen, he Also, the bar-room furniture and fixtures, fine en gran rag s, a large a‘sortitient of flue liquors and cigara Irr ' Full particulars in catalogues Also, the good-will of this welt known sod popular oglobliaboant. gales by 'Auction. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONSERB T AND CO3IRSSIONIIFJICUANT2,43:t CU T NUT Street, oppeaite the Custom Homo, between Fourth end VIM fitreete. CARD —We invite the attention of pareliasers to the positive sale of a choice assortment of handsomely made Furs, for ladles' and gents' wear, carriage robes, Ac., to be held at our store This (Monday) Morning, com mencing at 10)( o'clock, by catalogue. FURS. FURS. ThisMorning,- 10th instant, commencing at lug o'clock precisely, we will sell, without reserve for cash, a choice as sortment of furs far lashes', gents', and misses' wear, consisting of capes, tstawas, victorines, pelmines, caps, muffs, cuffs, gloves, sleigh and carnage robes, dn., made in the best manner, of Siberian squirrel, mraix, sable, stone martin, Steh, ermine, chinchilli, swan's down, seal, otter, ecc ID — The whole will be ready for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when pur chasers are respectfully invited to attend. FURS, FURS, dc. Wednesday next, Commexcing at IQ o'clock precisely, we will sell by catalogue, for cash, a general assortment of Ines, con sisting of Mims, rapes, muffs, pelerines, cuffs, cleto rises, gloves, collars, guantlets, caps, !lc , made In the best manner, of Sable, Siberian Squirrel, Stone Martin, Ermine, Swansdown, MynX, SILK AND CLOTH CLOAKS, TALIIAS AND DUS TERS.—AIso, a line ladies' elegantly made silk and cloth cloaks, Wanes, dusters, basques, mantillas. Ac. EMBROIDERIES AND MILLL.NERY GOODS.—AIso, an assortment French and Scotch embroideries is paeconet, cambric, swiss, and book muslin, kc. Also, bonnet and trimming ribbons, silk galloon trim mings, silk velvet ribbons, elk fringes, blonde lance, be , WOOL HOSIERY GOODS —Also, men's and women's wool and merino shirts and drawers, wool scarfs and cruets, wool lame and half hose, wool gloves. CHENILLE SHAWLS AND SCARFS —Also, a line choice colors chenille shawls and scarfs, Paris printed cashmere shawls, wool square and long shawls, Also, a valuable stock of domestic goods, such as flannels, denim, detainee, o:Ravage, sattinata, 4-4 prints, ticking', colored cambnes, wool shawls, gingham:az, hosiery geode, &e, • GOLD WATOILES.—ALso, 12 or 15 gold watches. in hunting cases. WOOL YARN —Also, 120 pounds mixed wool yarn N. 11.—The whole will be ready for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when the trade and purchasers generally will find it their interest to at— tend. JAME' _JS . FREEN, AUCTIONEER, -.0 NO. SZE W ALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. CARD—SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE—TUES. DAY. We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Funuture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES /LOOM, NO. a 23 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who nay favor 113 with consignments. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREFULLY ItEmorsr TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE TREY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN ()STAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. 11 Persona favoring os with consignments can rest assured that their property will not be sacritited. na- Commissions more moderate than those charged by soy other Auction Ilouse in the city. ' Dr Consignments respectfully col cited. ID -- Balee paid Immedistely atter the goods us 1014. REAL ESTATE BALE, DECEMBER 2d, 1117. This sale at the Exchange, on Welnesetay_erening, December 2, 12.57, at 7 o'clock, will :include— Orphans , :9o 7 ort Sale—Estate of Lsogllinora. PROPERTY. MARINER STREET. A two-story brick house and lot of ground, en the south side or Mariner street, 96 feet west of Thirteenth street, 16 feet front, ST feet 1 inch deep. $l2 ground rent. MOUNT MORTAL' CEMETERY STOCK. On Wednesday evening, preriona to the Fate of Real Estate, will be sold— pp shares Mount Modell Cemetery Stock. Sale at No. 425 Spruce street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TAPESTRY CARPET'S, SOFA-DEDSTEAD, &e. On Tuesday Morning, At 10 o'clock, will be sold, at No. 425 Spruce street, the entire household and kitchen furniture, carpets, &c. AT PRIVATE SALL A first-class Printing OfSce, with a good run of busi ness; four printinowesses t two Rugglea and one Admits Type and everything necessary for the business. Apply et the Auction Store. MOSES NA THAN S s AUCTIONEER ICE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S. E. corner SIXTH And RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and Elver patent lever ' Lepine, English, Swim, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, masical instruments, Re., Re. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on world Soar, household furniture, of eeery description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, Re., Re., &e. PEREMPTORY SALE OP TUE ENTIRE FIXTURES OP A CIGAR STORE AND MINERAL WATER ESTABLISUMENT, Al' No. MX" (old No.) FOUItTiI STREET, ABOVE RACE, EAST BIDE. On Tuesday Morning. December Ist, at 10 o'clock, consisting in part of mineral water fountain, marble top counter, plain coun ter, cigar cares, Pompey—with stand, syrup bottle., chandeliers, glass sash, cigar boles, tobacco jars, signs, drainer, Ice boxes, stove and pipe, beard partition, desk, window-Shades, office tables. ke , Re. Ont-door sales attended to personally by the Auction eer. Obargee eery low. Consigrunenta of furniture clothing, jewelry, Re., &c , solicited. NATHAN'S PRLNCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goode, Groceries, Begets, Hardware, Cutlery, i'arniture, Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, ounsore satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. NATILANS, WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches Jewelry, 0111:01, Pistols, McCall Instruments, &c., wiletake place shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Re., being forfeited collateeals, will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT RALP THE USUAL SELLING PRICES.—DoubIe-bottomed and hunting ease gold patent lever watches, of the most ap proved makes; hunting case and open face gold escape ment lover and lepina watches, full jeweled; fine gel,' enameled lever and lepme watches foe gol.t jewelry of every description. ' silver lever and lee watches, in hunting cases and open face; tinier Eng lish, Swiss, and French watches; a general a.ssortment of fur• niture, beds, mattresses, mirrors. Ac. OIIT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, and charges to snit the times, low. Conalgomenta of every deamiption of goodssolicited for public or private sale. MONEY AEVANCED on all and every kind of tocsin, for public or private sale, or to be held for a limited time. Charges low. 5,9-IIUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONET LOAN OFFICE, No. 113 South TIMID Street, below Walnut, opposite PM at, only eight doors below the Exchange. norms of business from 7 o'clock, A. 11., mita. 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door tales, and sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL I'oo 000. Estrin/irked fer $OO but Taitty Pam Advances made from one dollar to thottaands ou Dia moods, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mar chandise, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical lnstromenta, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods or every description. EMSMION=I All advances from 0120 hundred dollars and upwards will Ds charged 2 per cent. per month; $50.2 and over, the lowest market rate. This Store Honse having a depth of 120 feet, haalarge Ere and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, sod pr. vats watchmen for the premises • also, a hem/ loin ranee effected for the benefit of all persona haring goods advanced upon N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more a.tie factory and accommodating terms than my other in this city. Money adranoed to the poor, to malt amounts, with out any charge. AT PEITATX SALT. Gold Patent Lever end other tietries, Jewelry, and Clothing will be cold at reamed prices. and-ly GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. B. corner of BARRON and 8017TH Streets above 2ecoad. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY SMITH(/ ' At 73.‘ o'clock, et the Auction Store, of Hardware, eta lery, Housekeeping Artacles, Clothing, Ifatchee, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, Zee. .Jitonrance Companier, GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY—Office. IJIWALNUT. Comer of FOURTH Street FIRE, MARINE API INLAND INSURANCE at the !owe,: rat±, PI LIDBLPIIII, November 23, 1537. At A meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held on the leth init., the following perama vacs elected liirectore for the coming year, viz 011 k ELEA C LATHROP, 1423 Walont street. W3I DARLING, 1510 Pine street. ALEX. Will LLDEN, merchant, IS Norte Front et ISAAC LIAZLELII:IIST, Attorney and Counsellor. JOHN C lii:NrEit, of Iv right. Hunter & Co E TRACY, of E. Tracy A Co , 4:01,15xi ;Is' Hall. JOHN It 3I'VCRUY, of JOnea. Whltr. A M'Curdy TIIOS L GILLESPIE, of Gille•pir & JAB. It FIIITII, of /IA It. Scr itit J Ca. 1 HARPER JEFFRIES, of W. 11 Brown ACo JOHN It VOODES. co: Seventh ar,l Santora streets Cll AS I: 11IOMPSON, 413 Che.tnut street. JN 0 J SLOCUM, South Third street. ALFRED TAYLOR, °Pico Cairo Clty Property. And at a meetinz of the Dirtetors, held this dar, C LATIUM? was unanimously Prealleut. and'3l. DARLING, Vic.,Pre,dezt. LI. S. RiCIIARD3J\, Asststz.ct-Snrrtary OFFICE OF TIIE INDEPENDENT MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. NoCce to hereby given that in accordance with the provision+ of the Act of Incorporation. an election , or 9i - teen persons. to serve as Director+ of the Independent Mutual tutu mire Court ariy, until the first day of December, or until their succemows are legally oho-ion, Will be heft at the office of the Company. No :-N3 WALNUT Street, on TOES DAY. the first day of December. 1537, tit twerp the hcwr3 of 10 A. 3I end 1 P M. noA).tdel D B 3.I7GINLNY, Secretary, D MARINE INSUR i ILADELPILIA—OfEId, No. .f THIRD. ii_IIIZARD FIRE ANCE COMPANY, P 802 WALNUT' street, west "PLAN RISES ONLY TANY.N. ,, DIIIOIOIB. Wm. M Swain, Jer. Walker, Johg Anspach, Jr., 'Jno. McClure, 11 N Burroughs, Tho. Craren, J. IS Hughes, A 8. Gillett, F. D. Sherman, Furman Sheppard, Wm. P Meeker, Sam'. Jones, M. D , J. P. Steiner, Joseph Nlapp, M. D. 11. A. Shackelford, Hon. JORI, JONES. President. Mon. G. W. WOODWARD, Vice President JOO. 9 Mini ctiss, Secretary, J 13189 II ALIORD, Assistsct Secretary no:-3m-If COII3IONIYEALT 9 . FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF TUE ,STAns OF PENNSYLVA NIA —Ofnce, N. W. Corner FOUNTII and WALNUT Streets, Philadelthis. Subscribed Capital, .1.:40,00.0, Paid-up Capital. 8' 3 ) 0 . 000 . DAVIDJAY: E, M. D Presidasit. THOMAS 8. STEWART , Vice Presl. Basust. 8. Moos, Secretary. aul-ly iiINCED, MEAT.- tv-a- The Sub , eriber hss commenced ralnafacturin hie Ne Pins Ctt•n 311 N C D 3111 A T, which he offers to hie customers us GARGIL Or .. - _ , MALL trANTITITS Orders through BLOOD'S DISDATCLI w.lI ba pone tually sttendod to JO,3IIVA nl3 2m d ,SPRING GARDNN .13,1 St! SAVING: FUND.-UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CREST iUT Streets. Large and =CI sums received, and paid bark on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER- EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until S o'clock every day, and cat MONDAY EVENINGS from T until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from II upwards President—STEPHEN It CRAWFORD, Treasurer—PLlNY FISK, Teller--JANIES R. HUNTER. FLOORING BOARD 3--23,620 feet Care has doming boards. afloat, for ule by IiARTIN bIACALISTEB, all 119 North Wet., Stn.*. RUSSIA AND AMERICAN TARRED CORDAGE —a superior article L uszaufactara and for sale by WEAVER, FITLEE tr. CO., AS t•tt Ns. ga N. Water at., it n N.lnamil,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers