I "think Othe* 14,,a fflt s trtiet., • , ' : '" Ad W arer i n i cltt e Zl i nta (73 with Mt pal idiot, To sit on the lonelthili — ,..% When the stare Me au Oki idle dreamt, Amt the,breases MI tine sighs, • • - And, them 00100114 Tatra from the far-off stream., Mks thaAdtlipi kr. ViPllOll,., %la * 0 0:4 dljr • • ' ''Mid le old and busy , - ter of the yams idol gay nir r ea bi tion b :ta ind feud ; - I - 1171 1 011:Vt . torutMffi feee ;;-• - „Iffy heart- pm heart 1(01 . 0 SIOLLO, ' , r 4 t 103 1 0 ' 1 %NA - 0 WOO , ' Oribili,Vo9,ll , 44lG a dOT, - , ' -, nd yet, I dit notY ; - • yor thine eyes were stained by tw3r, teor • -•-• 'Wore they went tonteep ; . . • And W haunt tho pest, ,„ „ ;Yet may I not rapine, • Shire thou tom wan tar rest at flit, : ' - ,A44 all the War id folns. think upoin thy pin • I9bete , erto' tee it alai: ' And few dwells with lima of pate' :Op all that I have: ion • , none, like the eueko.lee • Alas %It wee.* - And love that, like the nightingale, . 4 obigs • , • T.Thintert vor Inet as thou wart in youth; 1 , * 811,11 (lief ihrgowe we 'hedgers tall: r „`„,ll,lpow-my lotudy.trath..i , "A taperyetehowe thy, tomb ' , • ,Sinee Dort Its sweeter rays, iAtid tyhat Is memory through the 'gloom y : Wee hipela ilrightesilva • • ftileiliwr;tki iota NliemiTMW4hOteteldeepl. , " IglietWthe weiwy.andths Inspire. come, ,orid they nesse3irteneakitsep .1 4. +mak idio — mv."olhr . • : That' ettehehould be a tear - • - • Like the white plumes that Bing their wiles 7,Abows sit early I . 4eF , ofinui those film, „ • — Those inseeti of the , . s • hiehlave their beasts In whip, And shroud It while Thertiel— thefe color!' titiieky - ' , When earthwint thes ," And ilish tbelr spleadoikeith, ' /nets theytakitkslr flight_ I newer ktttivrbowiSoilfthia west, ; Till thou welt Veins away. • „ I base ityat Akita Thy beauty of that day; _" ~ A a if the webethewwert tti Welty ' other dimes were given. • That !might leini to kluirwlt there; ":" -,, Aint seek thee but !;I• A =TOUCHINC4 (AND' "TOUCHED) CHAIZA :'`some dew years'ago the reading-room of the Bibliotheque Royelo, at Paris; was frequented ;bYa'Aierionage whosis:'.qtiaint ,eintheinte not fait to :ettrapithe notatiehrfiveit'fialter., Dresied frOte top to . toe in clese-fitting garo 'of red or blttei , or yellow - cloth, - ffitlithe grand cordonnfsoine - niiktioatrordet,iit knighthood s , ,irtiund his ,neck, suet hislat 'adoried,wltkarl• tiffcial flowers, bright: beads,. and'tinsel ortinr" merits Of. every deecriptl4lbiistringeWs4 centred' student would siteltdity: long In one partionler. place, with': bighead 'bent over his bOokoipparentlyWrapt Inlitterition,toltin stib; "liie.thefore to*.2, He Watt •st. 41in - Paistinidstle ,life;llS4tejr - ,:and , ',leard _Were grsy, , and•- his countenance, which had eirldently',6neitl46, IlaridSpinti; born traces Of loitand" deeßsteffor4 ing,,,itc.the'farroare, it was plen4 tifully seamed.- The curiosity excited- hy the - singularity.bf his dress Colfld not failto.be in; "ereesed'ly the Ineffable, sorteli'expressed in -his :face; and_if, any< one; interested by' hid appeerance,inquiredlthe'he,Was;;he probably obtained no)other,7atiet6ee, than 4it „ tjarnevalell? Caraevale% historyitirliviVivell knout to thelltibituk Of the-library; that they thought no in; their snoserwaanecessary ;bid If . the inquirer. &tined. his , questions' le ~ tiaight have heard- the folloWlng accinint Oldie ' CarittiVele'wits an Italfifai'rif *highly respect; able family,. in -Naples:- He came to raris :about the year eighteen': hundred atid'itienty , slit; young, "handsome; and well: provided with money.-; :With Abase,- advantages he ' - had "no :difficnity3. in getting .;inte- society ; and ;was received , with ';.etilur Arnie liy his follow-countrymen reinderit, in', the French capital; ~sn ddenly; however, be disappearedi his friends lost sight of him; no one knew why 'or' whither he liadlone,` untifioniii. time afteri 'Wards it Was diecotered, that liatt , tallen passionately In lon,' titielad -*Ought solitude in order to enjoy undhiturbeiEttiesWeet, so= ciety - orthe mistress' of liii,itifeetions; ' his happiness Was of short duration; the lady, died, and her death robbed poorCarnevale not only of nil thet win; diyirest to him 'on earth; loco:tide reason' tOo. • ',When. , he had ' degree 'recovered .• from' the - first violence_ef the sheet . , hement dailyjo -prays and, weep at -her tomb.' The Watchman at the 'ceraetory • noticedthat, - at every visit, he took a paper, folded . of a letter, from' his pocket; and: placed:lt under the stone.- This was communicateete Garnevale's friends; one of whont'welit to the :grave,' and found 'five letters - hidden there i one for cock day since her burial. 'Tbet last was to this effect, though it in *possible' te render in a' translation all the Pathetic Page, of the original - • • ..._....._ . _ _ me amid the onoupat one- of the other len "?' lt • woald be unkind—very unkind—if you had.' But now, for five days—five tong days=-1 have waited , for news of you.. I cannot sleep t or if I close my eyes for an instant, it le to dream of yea. • Why did you not kart) one year 'address?, I would have sent you youtelothes andtrlnketti. ." Bat no! do not send for them: for , pity'e.saito,: leave them with me. I have arratiged them On , chairs, sn&l holey you are in•the nest room,-and that you will soon some in and ` drew you rself.' Besides these thing, which yeit have worn, spread a perfume through my little, room so I am happy wh'en I come' in. . , wish I had portralt;very well done, very inaoklike you, so ao to be.able to compete with the other—for I have one abrvady„ hinirtlyes, And can' never . change: :: , Whether whit my, eyes, or open them, I seti,,you always. ** my- darling !.how skiff-a : 1! Ate, rcpt artist who. has left me this portrait. , • , • Farewell, dearest ! Wats iirMoCte:niorriii, or 'to-day, if you can . :If you- are: very I will not saki. you for. a _page, or evea,for aline-km.ly three:words. •- Tell me only tbat 'yotileve me, ,from Mau& Imaginini that he wail • aufferityl froth an- illusive -melanelloirwhlob "everYday; would tend te : decrease, requested the watch. mail the letters 'mi ., Otifteitile brought them t - but -the' result Vas not as he anticipated. On finding ,that hie love dblriot send-him any reply, Carnevale fell lute's - 444de .efgloorrly despair after bavidg writtelithirlly letters; he -, teas.sd gig visits-to the - cemetery. •It was about this time !list, as 'be 'waf ted alog the bonlivitide i• ittW• Variety : of bright-colored cloths-%ftsplayed itrefiraper'e window:Alit smilarafiatithlethooino; tering,thp„attop,,pfirehataitl„SeTtlisk-yards , of eaeli.itirt . . s iifWeek afterwards ho appeared in the - streets In ecomplete, gait of ed ;licit, boat, Waletcosefitroweers and shoes, all red, and of a fatibudic cut. crowd soon gathered around hint; and he -returned home with at least fivelituldred idlers at bht heels. The next day be came out is a yellow. snit; the day:after, in a suit, of sky-bluer each day be was followed-by a fresh _creit'd ; but ere long the Parisians became familiar with the eccentricity of his attire, and none but shun- gem turned to gaze at him, It was noticed, however, that lie, varied.his'dressfrom daft° day, not In atty'regulirsuiceision," but capri ciously, and as if in accordance with his frame ; :paring ; the:revolution.- ofly; - - eighteen kindred and thirty, his strange costumenearly proved fatal tohim. -, betel:kV interest in Rasing avents, - „neveeeonveildtig;Witb, any one,. „sod . never. reading, a - newspaper; he was perfectly unaware , of 'what.-was= oe:4 curring,„,and, had no ideti that -Paris was in a state of -revolution: On the twenty.eighth of Jitly, as be- was walking along - the quays, he fell in with a band of insurgents from the faubourgs, who,' not,beinfr: familiar with his appearance and tieing misled' by the- cordon round Ina neck, took him for a foreign prince; and were going ,to throw:. hire. into the Seing., , , Ire: Was-fortunately recognised by a cab-drivei - , who explained- who he *Wand obtained hie - liberation:: It mita great difficulty that Carnevale mil -.brought to understand that Paris was in' uproar, and tiutt habillnientteliad! brought him trite of. Ida life ; but when, -AIM neat day, he once more put on. black clothes; he relapsed into bis - former andnesi. Ha felt his brain grow disturbed be reinembered with painful tietiteneas the - , death of his love; he was conscious that, day by day; hie reason was abandoning As Soon as be- found this was the case,- - he betook himself; of, his. o accord; to the hospital at Dicttre, andiemained there for some, time r ; under tr,eatrient. The physicians were amazed to hear a madman reason-as calmly as he did abouthis Condition: ft Send for my - colored clothes" said be one day . .., His reqUebt was ootiiplUed with ; and as soon ai be had put on his red snit,.he reiturned his former gaiety,: " • - Itsvis the - black clothoe, 4 r he said, cc that made me ill. - I-CRBITO endure black. -.Yon are all very foolish to sacrifice to so ugly afasitiOci. You always look :as if -you -were going 14) a funeral;;, For part;Ywhen I alb Very joyfttiir I :put- on- -my-sred AgieOtifteg well--and," besides; My . Metall!, know "whe.ts means. - Wkenjbey,seei-ixte In red, they say Et Carnevale Is -in -a , vory good'hinnor to ditY." "' 4 "---' ' 4 ' ' , "When , I am not in alaph good *kite; I pat on My Yeliow mutt; that looks very nice also:4 And when I am • a little -Melancholy, and the min does not- shine very brightly', •I ptitetiMY lane elothea.”- , • , Wheil he left that 14 fortime was somewhat diminished, determined. 'id Jiii7nteium by siring lessons.; hi Italian* ;711e'soonfeibtained a num ber ptipila-•:-Ier•bin':etery becamifkiteten, ane-tained:l*Mlity;triertgb: ilia manner leaching,•Adai , linte-MiCellent ( be:4 never, scolded bisrpupllL;'or gave them lingefitt9P4. JettunAt, he would 'peanibie fir comenext tinte4tehis elysileirtva deceit but it, he •Were 'dblititiertif with them, be'would sey it Ab t IdshaliMourlito eoffen-colored eat: I Tburtifrewardednitcr4u4ibe4li(n,:inppi idwailyam" WOW *sourdolt, bid PottlailrOblittilnitiPSOtt, $40,0),01 throughop4 . la, ticketed iarid= hung up, with the greatest care, ink room which he allowed ne one to enter but himself.: ' •- - - " ills circle of acquaintance, towards the end of his life, became very large. His gentle manners and harmless . eccentricities, made him weleeme everywhere. At the Neapolitan embassy be was a constant guest, and with the arthitei Of,theltallari Theatre be was a ape 'Mir favtrite:. Though not rich, his income more ihati paced his moderate wants, and he gave ery a great deal in charity. No riocir 'u t ak,' _Aver! iipplied to him in vain for assist ' sure;Many have owed success to his zealous ,recommendation of them to his Influential He delighted in being of service. - Ms habits, were very ,simple. Beery moni , int be rose at] five•o'clock from the leathern arm 7 thidr in Which he slept; for, he would not sleep' 'in a' bed. After a visit to the fish ' market,-. to-make, purchases :for- his friends, tie would return home, and prepare with his 'mils:MlS' a'disli of:potatoes for his breakfast. His day Was spent with his pupils, or at the library, and etded . With ,' a walk on the boule- 'verde In;. walking,- if he - met any one he knew, , he Would take his arm, and enter into a long conversation about Italy, music, or some other favorite topic; and he would fancy that the person_whom he had thuscaSually encoun tered was Bellini, Napoleon, Malebran, or utile equally illustrious deceased. This hal hfcluaticin Was a' sotirce ' of. great pleasure to him; it Was ft( vain to tell him that Napo leon; Maiebran, and Bellini were dead. 14 They are'dead to you I achatt;'! he'wonld answer, "but not. to me. .lain endOived with senses _that you do 'not possess.. I assure you they - are tot dead'; they love me, and frequent my .doinpany." - ,Poor Carnevale! May the sue shine brightly on his grave. , An American Traveller in England in 'We must fancy our Anierican traveller to be a handsome fellow, .whose suit of sables only made' him look the more interesting: 'The plump landlady froth her ' bar; surrounded by her china and punch-bowls, and stout gilded bottles of strong waters,and glittering rows of silver flagella: looked kindly after the young gentleman, as passed through the inn-hall' from his post-chaise, and' the obsequious Chamberlain bowed him up 'stairs' to the Rego or the Dolphin. , The trim chambermaid dropped her best curtsey for his fee, and Gum bo, - the inri-kitchen, where ' the townsfolk 'drank` 'their mug, of, ale by, the great fire, bragged of 'hisyung master's splendid house In Virginia, and of thelmmense Wealth to which he waaheit. The paste:chaise whirled the tmveller,through' the most delightful home `scenery his eyes had evetlighted on. ' - If - English • landscape, is pleeisint to' the American of the'presinst 'day, who Must. needs contrast the richwoods and- glowing.pastures; and picturesque' ancient villages ef conntry, with the rollgh'espect of his own, how iunoh 'pleasentet Must 'Hairy Warrington's cor hav'e beam.- whese , joutneys bad lain through swamps and forest solitudes from one Virginian ordinary to another , leg-Krouse at the end of the .day's route, and who now lighted - suddenly upon the busy, happy, splendid scene of English summer And the - high-road a hundred years ago, was, not that grass-grown desert of the present time. It wae alive with 'constant travel and .traffic;, the, country . towns and inns swarmed with lifb and gaiety. Tho ponderous wagon, with its bells and plodding team ; the light pest-Coaohtimt acbletred - the journey from the White Hirt; Salisbury, to the Svian with Two Neal, London, in two days; 'the strings of pack-heries 'that had' not' yet loft the road ; -raY;tlord'a :'gilt 'poet : o4lo and six, with the outriders galloping. on a-head; the country squire's great „coach , and heavy Flanders mares ; - the farmers trottingto market, or the pain jolting to the cathedral town on Dump ling; his willEbehind on the pillion—all these crowding sights and. brisk people greeted the young traveller on his summer journey. • Hodge, the farmer's boy, took off‘his hat, and Polly, the Milkmaid, bobbed a eurtesy, as 'the 'chaise whirled over the pleasant village green, and the white-headed children lifted their chUbby faces and cheered. The church spires glistened, with gold,the cottage-gables glared in sunshine, the great elms murmured in summer,. or "past purple shadows over thu grase.. Toting Warrington never bad such a glorious day or witeessed a scene se delightful: To be 'nineteen , yeara 'of age, with high health; high sOlrite,,and a full, purse; to be making your first journey, and rolling through the country in a_ postchaise at nine miles an lion-.O happy youth t almost it makes one young to think of him! But Harry was too r eager to give more than a passing glance at the Abbey'at Bath, or gaze with more than a ;moment's, wonder at the mighty minister at I ,Salisbury. 'Until he beheld Home it seemed to hinthe had no eyes for any other place.—The Virginians---A Tale of the Last 'Century. By. W. M. Thackeray. 'Tux FIRST Wok& ON THE STAGE.-1 find in a small volume, published by one Thomas Jordan,about the time of the Restoration, and . . . +eta of Rosaryof Ra prologue to the tragedy of rrThe 3iaoi of, Venice," introducing. the first woman that came : upon the stage. ..The theatrical revolution which brought woman on the stage seems to have been' speedily effected. ' Ruch of the coarse noire 'of the:, old plays has been attributed to the fact, that, as there were no women on the stage, the authors and • actors had ' only the audience to restrain them in their . sallies. After the • Restoration,' when women came upon the stage,' there is no doubt' much indelicacy may be found in the., plays of the period. But to a. critical observer, there is a marked distinction betWeentho . offensive parts in the plays before :and after the - Restoration. In the old school,: the indelicacy was coarse and vulgar—any thing but seductive. In the French school, prevailing after the Restoration, on the contra.. ry, the object of the indeliturey was to provoke and to incite. - Vice was therefore rendered 'amiable. it is true ithad Sometimes a very thin, transparent :covering; but it was like the silken robe of Akins, the intervention of which, be tween Rogiero 'and'' the object of his desires, inflamed his pistons and animated his efforts. PrNwealo, UNITED STATES POST—OFFICE, IN THII CITY 01 PHILADELPRIA. SIALED PNOPOSALVor supplying materiels and warkmanshlp required Mine erection rind" construction of a Post-office building in "the City of Philadelphia, for the United States Post-office Department, will be re. salved at the office 'Of the undersigned, COMMiIIbIODOS for the building, No. 206 South YOUTH Street, on or before the tweitthday of 'December next. Contracts will • be. awarded•only M master-builders and mechanics. - Duch Proposal Must ,be accompanied by a written guarantee, Signed by two responsible per sons, to the effect that the bidder, will, when required. if bis proposal be accepted, enter ante a contract and bond with proper and sufficient sec striates for its faith ful perfumeries. Plane and specitioatione for the building can be seen upon application at lite office of the Architect John -McArthur, Jr., No. le Mercantile Library Building, where every information respecting materials and work manship will be given. The Proposals must be sent to the office of the Com missioner, and addressed to John Dice, and endorsed "Proposals for the United States Post-nice at Phila delphia," and will be opened at noon of the last-named day for reeelving the same. JOHN BIOS, nor 14-dtiel2 • - Commissioner. _ HAW ° , EAST INDIA PALE ALE.-, The consume= of this celebrated beverage need no description of qualities, or addend* of its egeellence, beI O P4 the beadE they have derived from its WM slue its introdnotion. tuto.this country tc. those ho have Dot yet Made Oh apiwudutanee with this CROWNING - Shalt Liquor it may be well to state a few facts : BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Owes its audience as a terve:age lathe superior quality of the hope mid malt, She mineral properties of the river water immediately immanudeatior with the brewery, `and the scientific AID applied in its ussinaseitire. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE got bellif aw s etenedai strengthened to please vitiated 'antes therefere,.neitheF heegng nor beady, but stomachic and amietlmna BußralasfiNDlA Pais ALE 'Ye the delight and *dace of the Indian' Subaltern in his fuming bungalow—the worthy rival of brandy purnee, BASS'S EAST INDIA PALS ALE ' Is the drink nithoutnhieh no limo can be complete— ilojettritay bf dawk passible., • . .. - BASS'S NAST INDIA PALS ALE X. the favoiltd drink is England of lord and bagman 'ducheas and nurse. BASS'S BAST INDIA PALE ALB . . . . . . Is the mnoh•adm(zit tonic for Inyalldo and Pollkolo of weak Interiors. , DAM DAVI INDIA PALE ALE Will keep In all ellinates; and to good at all meals—lan dheen, dloner;or supper. DABB'SEAST,INDIA PALE AIM L pronounced by tho Li:iodine! faculty one of the most wholesome beveragea that can be taken, and Ia found to be not leas agreeabte to the palate than it is beneficial to the health. BASS'S EAST INDIARALE ALE la universally conceded to be unrivalled In excellence briny other imported Into the United States. Dealers and consumers will and It, their Interest to give this Ale a preference,, Bor sale in cask and bottle b 7 i'IIOMAS MoIdULLAN, Agent and Consignee 44 BEAVER St., ?I. Y. On isle at Delmonico's, William st., corner of Beaver, and Ohambota, corner of Broadway Sutherland's, 18 Pine street. Berry's, 10 Pine street. " Richardson & Ilayter,l2o Water et , Geer& F. Burgess, egg Broadway. N: B. (logllng o - 88'/ Broadway - - I ,OI4GWORTR's 01110 WINES. - 41.4 14/14E41,414LAIIENOY NOR ALL THE STATES. TO WHOLESALE 2? AtE RS. • • By a special arranoment with etr, LONCIWORTII, I am enabled to offer hiliVines, In large quantities upon 'the lowest and best terms. - The Wines to be delivered Olneinnedi, forwarded byasual means of convey_ 'anal (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchaser; 4 by which the expenses or storage s commissions, double :freight; eta, will be avoided • =No orders tinder this errengeolont will be forwarded for Mkt than twenty-Bre osses.• - f All orders must be directed only to 4 'ffRED. ' 78 WARREN Street, Ncir Emig: lij tbe present eretegement a tandem, rag 'op. ikp• wines eau be made by the wholesale dealer. , Oattaim, vintage 1863; ' ' I ; Do do do do pints. i "do 'go 1862 .quAr b,. . Do do ' , 414 , do pinta - iinutistBB2, qua rts: I - - Do ,do • antra ,, vintage 1412 ' eparldbeg feel:Adis,d o go,' do, , ~,stilleetfeebs4,/o, pas, ot 'melons . om sw ba }wady, ot superior quality, mra. 84 POZZ.e.rfs," t Iliserel-Agent fee the sele,or , . 4 ,1 L a JO W•rIN STRUT; ( 0 1 , 14 11 001 16 ; 11 1 , 4 0 .Rdn'ot4 D• 10,/ NNW' Toxic. . , kvalitircice ciIifSTERM ORME, mkirar#lo l l/rtiteLM M I L " 1W THE .PRESS.4%ILADELPRIk NirtDINVADAY, : NOVEMBER: (Elotoing. SALE ABSOLUTE 'FANO, No. 1104, MARKET street, second door above Elev enth, offere hie entire Btook or ready-made OLOTRING at half-price. Pine Dreee Brock Coate se 00 $6 50 67 60 Beaver Back Overcoats 600 800 7GO Beaver /tangelo Coate 600 800 700 New etylo Bateau Coate. .... .. 00 700 900 1,01:10 Brown London Beaver Coats.. 6 00 worth 11 00 Pine Black and Fancy Oass.Pants.. 176 276 376 am now forced to sell the entire Stock on account of some pecuniary airmunetanoes. This notice is posi tive, and not like a good many offers to sell at coat; hilt I Sim obliged to Nell, and will sell anyhow, at any .rise rather than be sold. gale commence. at 7A. St. • • . .... 111 9 P. M., at LOMB lIANOII,, 1104 MAIMCIFM At., second door above Eleventh, nola• et SHARPS'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 14 North TOMS Street, between Arab and Rms. , • , , an. 3-13, iliatela anb tleatanranto. ILIERORANTS' HOTEL, LTA " NORTH FOURTH RESET, ABOII many, PHILADELPHIA. 104-11 MoKIBBRN & BONS, PRonuaroas if ONE S 8 J , A.EOII STREET SALOONS, ti• 727 and 729 AROR STREET. To the Ladies, as well as to the whole public, :boas Saloom are the most attractive In the City, and in splendor of adornment sod finish are superior to any in this country, ' 'BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Served up in tho choicest and most expeditious style. Every variety of FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL CONFEOTIONERY, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, ICE CREAMS, JELLIES, CURE, AND OYSTERS, Constantly reedy for visitors in profusion. PLAIN, PANOT, AND ORNADENTAL CAKES AND PIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YORK TEA 'BISCUIT, And, In fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELICACIES of every clime and country. BALLS, PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Sappers, and Pastilles supplied at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. OPEN ON SUNDAY AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS. A continuance of the patronage hitherto Bo liberally bestowed by the public is respectfully solicited. EIS y - R. II JONES, Proprietor. r. ' ABIPBELL'S RESTAIIRANT.—VENI SON, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Grouse Fresh Salmon Chinestinne Opinaehique, Princess flay Mae- COM, and 0010 Oyst ers, with every variety of GAM, wild or domestic, in 0089011. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers Nerved np at the shortest notice, at JOHN CAMPBEI,LII,, No. 627 CHESTNUT street, op posite the State Home. N.ll.—No expense or pains has been spared by the Proprietor in fitting up. this new establishment In the moat sumptuous inannar.the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, finit r ui t fte. • Dntranos forLsdies towards Sixth street. novl-7m WILLIAM BANNING'S OITY LAGER BEER SALOON, No. 232 Carter's Alley, PIM& - sep22-9m MoGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH west owner of 11110 AD and WALNUT.--Ciaine End all other delicacies In season. vanilla Su pplied with Or/tenon the shortest notice. 60117-7132 tobacco anti - Cigars H A in V en ttA uol TGAßS—A handsome assort- Flom, Fortson, , Cabanas, Gloria, ' j i n ul piter: . Woo, • oouvorciantoa, TOrrey Lopes, 'Won Americana, Orojon, Elora Cabana,tho., Ao„, ko., In ,ii,',l‘, 1-8 and 1-10 wee, Mall alms and quail= ti 7 Oles, in dale and °militantly melting, and for sale low, bL&BLES TETE, (naw) 188 WALNUT Street, sal-l7 below Second, emend Oozy VIGARO, CABANAS AND PA.B.TAGAS SEGABB,—A. chiles invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig "New Era," daily expected from llama, and for gale low, by INIARLYS TSTE, (New) NM Walnut Arad, below Second, Second. Story. Glass anti Cliina Ware. ST EW STORE. NEW GOODS. MAIIXSEN & WITTE, - MASONIC HALL, 713 CHESTNUT ST., HAWS 210111 WI FUND A Vete And splendid assortment of WHITE, GOLD D, and DEOORATED FRENCH 011 INA ; ROHE AN, CRYSTAL, and COLORED GLASSWARE; 13180, PARIAH, LAVA, and TERRA COTTA WARES, besides the greeted variety of FANOY ARTICLES, which will be acid at lower prices than at any similar 'tore In the United States. N. B.—Goods loaned to Parties on reasonable terms. ea 27.31 Surniture. B. KITE & CO. AA. FURNITUBI, BIDDING, to. No. 4 (late 129) WALNUT at, Philadelphia. A now and reparlor style of Spring Beds. LYDIA D. %mi. Josorn WALTOJ Om Wants. VVANTED, FQR TEE UNITED STATES OAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, nemrxried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. 'Pay from 112 to $22 per month. No man hosing a wife or child will be &masked. Apply for 1110IINTED BERNICE, at No. 817 MARKET street above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, I MOAGENTS WANTED.—A HOME STEAD FOR slo!—Third Divialon.--$310,000 worth of Farms and Building Lots, In the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on the 7th of December, 1857, Bub eariptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars one half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. livery subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $35,000. These farms and lots are sold so cheap to Induce settlements, a sußlolent number being reserved * the increase in the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now naked. Up wards of 1,850 iota and. farms are already sold, and a 0003 Patly of settlers called the “Rappahannock Pioneer Aseociatlon” la now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith full_ performance of contracts and promise*. Nearly 45,000 acres of land in different porta of Virginia, now at command, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to $3OO per acre. Urienearionatfe tiara rein in all eases be pant. Wood-cutters, cooper. , farmers, to., ore Wanted, and fire hundred Agents to obtain subscriber, to whom the most liberal Inducements will be given. me vents write that they are makings2oo per month. Pot fall particulars, subscriptions, agencies, &e., apply to B. BAUDER, &OM! Port Royal, Caroline county, V. Eioap anti eau?)leo SOAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from 187 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIES STREET, be tween Lombard and South, and Front and Second atreets, Thankful to my numerous Wends for their past favors, Y solicit a continuance of the name, having enlarged my naanufaotou so as to enable me to have constantly on band a Urfa stock of wall-seasoned Soaps, free from Wish Oil; Palm, Variegated White Honey, Castile, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and Brown Soap, Baglish Sal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, end Tallow Candles of all ninon constantly on hand. hiring adopted the Dash system, I am enabled to sell my goods at the lowest prices. B. CONWAY. , Philadelphia. N. B.—Cash •. d for Tallow and Grease. no 14-Sm 33 tationcrp. BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. 110OLN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Publia Offices Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, end bound in various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatob. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. °oncoming Mr. Ilogaies eontributlon to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say- 4 . This display of blank books for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and ap pearance neat and appropriate." no2o-tf data, IE4O, Str. SULLENDER & PASCAL, HATT.BII.B, aulAkek No. 88. SIXTH street, Phitsdelphis GREEN SAND MARL OF NEW JERSEY. NEW JEWRY FERTILIZER COMPANY Is now prepared to receive orders for this important manure. For all lauds upon which ashes are beneficial„ the Marl is more thaw &substitute. Professor Cook, In his annual. report to tbe Legisla ture of New Jersey, says : "The value of these Marls is best seen in the rich and highly cultivated district which has been improved, almost made, by their use ; but It may be interesting to examine the causes of their great value AgricUltere, and to compare them with other fertilisers. For example : The potash alone may be taken at an average of dye per cent. of the whole weight of Marl a bushel when dry weighing eighty pounds, and in the proportion mentioned would contain four pounds of of ; this is nearly as much as there is to a bushel of unleashed wood ashes." And again— it Is probable that the great value of the Marl is to be found In the fact that it contains nearly all the sub stances necessary to make up the ash of our common cultivated plants. Price, delivered on board vessel, at the wharves of the company at Portland ileighte, on Raritan Bay, New Jersey, seven at, pet bushel. For further portico. lam, see circular seat free of 'postage. Orders for other fertilisers will receive prompt attention. Address either of the undersigned. ' OHARLEB REARS, President, Riceville Post Office, New Jersey. TA.PPAN TOWNdEND, Treasurer, . . . No. 82 Nassau 'trot, New York. , 080181 W. ATWOON BOOretitry, No, /8 °odor atm New York. N. B.—Thole wishing Mai for Spring use should order Innuedlately, to warrens) early shlymeat. Orders will be filled in rotation. out 20.6 m fiIHE ADAMS MAME 00., OFFICE, 820 onisnort BMWS, forwards Pr:ROSIE, PAORAGES, IiZEOSIANDIZE; BANE NODES and SPEOIN, either by Ita own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and 43ITMIS et the United Matte. _E. O. SANDFORD, anl4l • , einem, Superintendent. 503alGALLS.' WHALE OIL, l IMO gall, Elephant Oil, 50 bbla. Ne. 1 Lard Oil, for aale by ••OttOAI3DALE, PBIIIOE, ta CO., nolo4f • • •,• No. 104 N. Delaware avenue 'COTTON—IOO Wen Gulf Cotton, In score la sad for Nili by ' • ~" , MAITIN & MAOALISTIR, ind - • ' -U0 North Wothr Street 111404SIN_:--500 BARRELS SOAPY kKRES %Ls , Maw, to arrive par schooner J. U. Planner PPesalibj &MUTES & ILLOALUETNU t , > ion- , - . 119 North Water drool. 1 P CINGRESS • itaiGt—SOLD BY CHAD %AMOK & tio. SKS N. B.IIOOND Stmt. Rua twos.- E.A.NOE.-- , SOLD BY CHAN ♦VTT WlOB & ire N. 41100 ND imag-sin UsBIA AND ANERIOAN'TARRED ' : 1 3 . 1:4 3 4 1 r 1 . 1 :1478i1 1 it ;V i ral!, roe-. ps woe; it. os akutinte, ghippifig. QUIP MARGARET FOR NEW ORLEANS —Lout lane Line —Guarantied first venal. Freight taken at as low rates an any other vessel loading. Tho remarkably fast-sailing packet ship MARGARET, Merryman master, now loading rapidly at Race-street wharf, will continue to receive what freight offera, and, being of moderate capacity, will have quick despatch. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside, and bllis of lading to the counting-bout) for signature, and may depend on this being the fret vessel to sail. ' For balance of freight, at low rates apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, &CO.. 120 (late 86) NORTH 'WHARVES. Agents at New Orleans, O. J. MEEKER k 00, The Margaret insures at the lowest rates, and wilt take steam down the Delaware and up the Misaluippl. no2B - - ritHE PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP JIL DOCK COAIPANY.—Notiee Is hereby given that a Meeting of the Corporatore of THE PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP DOOR COMPANY will be held at NO 828 North DELAWARE AVENUE, In the City of Phil• adelphia, upon the twenty-eighth day of November, A. D. 2887, at 12 o'clock, and that the Subscription Books to the Stock of the said Company will then and thetre be opened. (Signed) n020.7t 1 BAWL V. MERRICK, WII. DENNIS, • • , EDWARD G. GAMES, DAVID WOELPPER; JOHN M. MITCHELL, A. HERON, Jr. jOR LIVERPOOL.-TIIIIRSDAY, OFIVIBEE. 10.—The Packet Ship PHIL/OE4- PIM, Capt. 01/ARLES F. Poot,s, will sail as above. • Cabin proaage $BO Becalm]. cabin ' Steerage Second Cabin a To Pasaeui ------ am, _ teerago Provisions, according to the American passenger act. For freight or passage., apply to THOS. RICHARDSON & Co. Drafts on the Agents in 00010 to gait, from E 1 up. wards, nolB CCLIPPER,SHIP JOSEPH JONES FOR BAN ItltANoll3oo—Caltfortda Llne.—To Wl this week. Bbippera per clipper ship J. Jones, W. Ellory com mander, will please complete their engagement' and hand In bills of lading to the counting-house for "igen tore. The bulk of 200 bble. can yet be taken at low rites it alongside by Wednesday night next MApply to 1118110 P, SIMONS, & 004 n023-dtt 120 (late 36) North Wharves.. WOE HAVANA—Packet ship NAPLES. 1: —To nil with quick despatch. The fast•salling packet chip Naples, Eastman raster, is now loading at Race-street wharf, and having nearly all her cargo on board, will sail as above. For balance of freight apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, k 00., 120 (late 36) North Inarres.- FOR SAN FRANCISCO.-THE FIRST olaes Clipper Ship MARV, ROBINSON, Captain Ittamso, and the magnificent A 1 Clipper Ship VI KING, Captain WlNotion, will have quick despatch from NOW York. Per freight, apply to ; • BIHOP, SIMONS, & CO., 120 (lat e 20) NORTH WIIARVIIS. SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE BTEAbIBIIIP9 STATE OF GEORGIA KEYSTONE ' STATE In consequence of the depressed state of trade, the above chips will be withdrawn for the present. October 16th. A. "LEMON, Jr. 0 SOUTHAMPTON. ~Knificent steamship VAN• s, commander, 5,298 tons, FARE REDUCED AND lIAYEE.—The DERBILT, Edward Higgln will will From New York for South- From Southampton and ampton and Ware. Havre for New York. Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nor. Di Saturday Doc. 6 Saturday Dec. 26 Price of Passage-_First cable, $100; second' cabin s $5O Specie delivered In London and Paris. For freight or passage apply to D. TOURANCE, Agent, . No. 6 Bowling Green, New York. Letters for England and Europe, pre-paid, 25 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps It from other cities,) will be reunited at No. b Dowlhig-green k New York, up to 11% o'clock on the morning of sail. ing. tsd.o4( GREAT REDUOTION IN FARE TO EU.: ROPE. Yhat Cabin 880 Second Cabin 85 0 In the Aret•clinis paddie-wheel steamship ADRIELf 2,000 tons 0. D. LUDLOW, Commander, and NORTH STAR, 200 tone, P. E. La/eves, to sail from pier No. 8 North [car at noon preohely, carrying the'UNITED STATES MAILS, dai .. • Leave N. York for Southampton, Ifs- Bremen for Southampton rre and Bremen. Southampton for New York. Ariel, • Saturday, Oct. 81. Weds , day, Nor. 4. N. SaVy, Oct. 81, Saturday, Nov. ER. Wedied , y, Doe. 30 These daemon touch at EAVRE. Specie delivored In London and Paris. For wane and freight, apply to B. TORRANCE, Agent, No. p Bowling Croon, No* York. 00104 f rrinE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERI- A. CAN ROYAL MAIL STRAMESIPR TROY NIW YORK TO LITNRPOOL Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage /ROM ROSTON TO LIVERPOOL Chief Cabin Plumage Second Cabin Passage 60 The snips from Boston call at Halifax.' • PERSIA, Capt. Jadkins. CANADA., Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt.Wielnan ASIA, Capt. E. 0 Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Ryde, AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch. Those vessels carry a clear lade light at mut-heed ; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. PRRSlA.,Judkins, leaves N.York, Weduesday, Nov. 11.• CANADA, Lang, ~ Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 18. ARABIA, Stone, ~ N York, Wednesday, Nov. 25. NIAGARA., Wickman, Boston,Wednesday, Deo. 2. AFRICA, Shannon, ~ N Yor, Wednesday, Doo. S. AMERICA, Lott, s( Boston,Wednesday, Deo. 16. EUROPA, Leitch, ~ N.York, Wednesday, Deo. 23. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones ' or Metals unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof thereto expressed. For freight or passage apply to no2l-y E. stIUNARD, 4 Dowling Green, N. York, - F 101 i EN LAND AND New York and Havre Steamship Company The United States Nail Steamships ARAD°, 2,600 tons, David Linos, commander, and FULTON, - 2,600 tons, dames A. cotton, commander, will leave New York, therland Southampton, for the years 1861 ant 68, on uowrOg caps : EMITCEE iiiiifiti,Baturday,Ti. - 12 drag°, do. Sept. 19 Patton, do, Oct. 17 krago, do. Nov. 14 Fulton, do. Deo. 12 tm, satardsy, rd. ergo, Nay 49 LIAV 1857. Arago, Tuesday, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 Amigo; do. Oct. 29 Fulton, do. Nov. 17 Arago, do. , Dec. 16 1858. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 lifulton, Arago, do. Feb. 9 Amp", Fulton, do. March 9 Fulton, Arago, do. Aprilo Arago, Fulton, do. May 4 Fulton, Arago, do. June I Arago, Fulton, do. June 29 Fulton, PRIMO or 1.A08•0111 Prom New York to Southampton or Haire—Ylret Cabin, $lBO ; Second Cabin, $76. Prom Havre or Southampton to New York—Flret Cabin, 809 from; Second Cabin, 600 francs. For freight or plumage apply to BIORTI,MER LIVINGSTON, Agent, 7 Brandin'''. WILLIAM ISELIN, 4 . Havre. OROSKKY it 00. " Sonth'ton. AMERICAN EUROPEAN ) Iat'REAS AND EX- 3 " Peat. ONANON 00. nee Arago, Wednesday, Aug. 28 Fulton, do. Bept.23 Argo, do. Oct, 21 Fulton, do. No►. 18 Arago, do ; Dee. 18 1868. THE NEW YOR . AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATER MAIL BTEAMERS.—The Shiva composing this Line are : The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstook. The ADRIATIC, Capt. Jamee West. • ..i•These ships have been built by contract, eupreuly for trovemment service; every care hue been taken in their construction, aa also in their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommodations for paasengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, in first cabin, $130; in second do., $75; from Liverpool to New York, 80 and 20 gniness. No berths secured union paid for. The ships of this line have imptoyed water-tight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING. FROM RIR YORK. FROM LIYIRPOOL. Saturday, June 20, 1867 Wednesday, June 24, 1857 Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1867 Saturday, July 18, 1867 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1,1867 Wednesday, Aug, 6, 1867 Saturday, Aug. 15 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1867 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1657 Saturday, Sept. 20, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 80, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1851 Saturday, Oot. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1857 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1657 :Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1857 Saturday, Dee. 5, 1867 Wednesday, Deo, 9, 1857 Wednesday, freight or plumage, apply to EDWARD 11. COLLINS, No. 55 Wall street, N.Y. SHOWN, _SHIPLEY it 00. L LIrerpool. STEPHEN KINNARD tc 00., 27 Auntie Priam London. B. G. WAINWRIGHT & CO., Paris. • The owners of these ships will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry.pe eclona stones or metals, unlace billaof ledlagly i ; ned therefor, and the value thereof expreeee2 therein. autitf piano -forte° GpLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. STEINWAY & SONS, MANUFACTURERS, 84 AND 88 WALKER STREET NEW • YWCA', Received the following first prise medals In competi tion with the best manufacturers of Boston, Now York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. TWO rum PRIZE SIEDALB at the kletroluilitan Pair, Washington, March, 1855. A GOLD MEDAL at the Crystal Palace, New York, November, 1855, (being the only Gold Medal given for Pianos within the laat nix years.) • A GOLD MEDAL at the Maryland Institute, UM more, 1866. THE FIRST PRIZE MEDAL at the Fair, Crystal Palace, New York November, ISM, Among the judges were the drat musical talent of the country, such as Al. Mason, Gottschalk, Wollenhaupt, and many othere. St. Er, 8. Pianos (with and without iron frames) are warranted for throe years, and a mitten guarantee given, Pianos packed and shipped without charge. ,Prices moderate, 0c27-tf A LBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE -CA. MANUFACTURER, No. 165 Week Ilmedway, New York, sole manufacturer of the celebrated Concert P 1.41510. The subscriber would inform his numerous friends and customer' that he has greatly enlarged his manufacturing department, in order to meet the Increase In demand for his unrivalled Pianos, and an every piano, especially tone and touch, is personally superintended by the subscriber, the public will be warranted an in strument which, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and sweetness of tone and touch, Mande unsur passed. Beery piano mold at the lowest manufacturers' prices. A call Is respectfully solicited. 0c29.9m Illerthant Qlaitare JOHN P. DOHERTY, PORXERLT WITH' BELLY & BROTHER, LATE W/TLI LUKENS, ,KBLLY, & 00., TAILOR, 614 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Rua now with him the beat Tenors that are engaged in the bushman In thle 00110 try. CHARLES Rom, formerly the leading taller of this city; 11. NAME formerly cutter for O. Roth & Co:, and late Coat and Vest cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; llanar Waffling, the boot Pants and Vest cutter In the United States, for years cutter with Deplerris, under the Irving Donee, Broadway, end with Deplerris Pettne;under the St. kitcholaa lintel ; Broadway. The moot unremitting attention paid to the wishes of AU who patronise the eatablichment. The blot of Clothes made at 'moderato prfeerfor credit, low prices for cost, oelB-tf TAMES SHERIDAN, MEROITANT J TAILOR, Nos. 16 andlB Eon% NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A large and well eeleoted stock of °LOTUS - and OARSINERES always on hand. All Clothing made at this Establishment Will be of the best quality, and le the moat fashionable style. Partlonlilf Ittt.xittou givenTactr to oam ;NG, 10-1( HEST ASSORTMENT or LEHIGH .a AND SCHUYLKILL COAL is at II DORMAN'S YARD, BROAD STREET, above Vine. Sold at. reduced prices. Call and see. oral-Ow 2240 LBS. IS A TON.—BUYERS and consumers are Invited to examine our Mock of ' , LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK /MATH 00AL. ,, Our Coal is selected expressly for family use; being carefully screened, we will warrant it free from elate and dust. We sell 2240 lbs.," being 240 lbs. more' , than sold by retail dealers, at ' , ZS cents lees per ton." • Also, on hand a full supply of BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS COAL" for Steam.generating, Blackesulthing, and Rolling-mill purposes, This Coal cannot be ex celled. Yards, BROAD and VINB—BIg Sign, 6, 2240 LBS. TB A TON. [seB-om] LRIORTON & OP. COALI COAL ! COAL I—TAGGART'a OBLIBRATED SPRING. MOUNTAIN LEHIGH 00Alb J. 1 R. CARTER'S GREENWOOD, TAMAQUA 00AL GEORGE W. ENYDERE PINS YOREBT SCRUM SILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH lave for sale, and are constantly Tecate* from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There Is no Coal mined anywhere, equal la quality these and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Oar Coal la very weft:illy screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, Mixt and all imatuities. Our YitIOES areas LOW as the VERY LOWEST. I 8 ere found with Moro loft at oar Office, No. 161 BOUI.II IFRONT street, above Walnut, Orders left at oar Yard, OLLLOWIIILL street, bele" BROAD street, Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above OAL LOWRILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Poet, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex amine our,Ooal before put:thwarts eassirliam 'AAA{ SOHUYLICILL AND LEDIGII COAL.— I am daily receiving, at my yard, the beat quality o. !SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAlr. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may IVgetting OW WS will be satisfactory to them. No inferior Coal kept at this eitabllatuaeat to offer at LOW PRIONB. AILIXANDER CONWAY, ant-tf N. N. earner of Broad aad Meru Bta. j . EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— DALY, PORTER to 09,, QUAL DEALERS, No. 841 PRIME Street, shove Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very Lowed rates, 'ripply of Lehigh and SehayDrill Ooat, an 1-Bn, QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT • BARS, . RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING KILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Werke. wAruguousx, DS North WATER Street. QUAKER CITY NAILS aro warranted epal to &Ay occi-tt JOHN HALDEMAN, dent. T, 11 nomAs BirrEit.;-4ARDWARE CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. KO MARRET BT. boys Ninth. Nona' odd*. philzdelphlir, no 1-to OLD WHEAT WHISKEY.--S. P. MID. DLBTON BRO., No. 6 North YRONT St., lut. porters of Oognao and Rochelle Bier:dial, BlDlland Gin; Scotch and Irish Whiskey. Also, Note proprietor of tho Old Wheat Whiskey. IL P. M. & Rm. hero 'on hand the largest and best stock of dn. Old Nostongahela, Bourbon, and Rye. Whiskey of any dealer ei) Unit.s4 Rates, all of which is highly improved Wow. utl-Sm BRANDIES.-" Pipet Castilian; Miirett. and other Clognaen of irsrlous In hair pipes and quarter osaka; ellovolain &audio ,a pale and dark, In halt pipes, halt seeks , elditteal-elghth whs. Imported end for mile by RENEW BOMAN k CO., 1022 . 221 and 223 South Fourth street, PORT WIN - E.—lli bonaand entitled to de bantam 460 asks St. Joseph's Pure Jake Port Wino, in qra, and eighths. Ten puncheons John Ramsay Way Malt Scotch Whig , key a 2 r : ears old j Ity pipes axiehor tt, Martel, Bouvet, and J.J Dopey Brendle', al of which I offer to the trade at reduced prices. JOB. I. TODIAB, • 88 end 90 8. Front St.. below Walnut. ALEXANDER V. UOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR BTORB, No. Zia; Banthaset Corner o 4EORGH and SOLITE! Baratta. anl-lr I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • SN NINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, he., 26 South PISTE! Street, Philadelphia. BRANDIES.—PIoot, Coatillon & Co., Ma. rett & Co., and other brands of Cognates of venom vintages, in half pipes and quarter seeks ; Pellevoisin Rochelle Brendle', pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter mks and one-eighth casks, all in Custom lone dorm, Imported and for sale by ' TOMMY BOHLEN & 00., an I Nos. 221 and 229 South Pourth street. DITIIMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND.LAGNIt SENN BREWERY, No. HO (new No. p3B) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia—Shipping orders promptly attended to. &DIAS IACGREGOR HOT—AIR FURNACES Bold by CHADWICK & HBO., SECOND Street drat door &bore 8.1106 auglB3mos. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT HAW OAS CONSUMING YURNAON CHILSON'3 NEW CONE FURNACE, otter having been pert to the most eeeere teat, during the two 00/.0 "INTIM Of 1656 AND 1857, boa proved to be the most powerful heater in Its world, 'Going from #to the Owl OTOT any of the belt forrutoesnow in am. X 81111 MORINO'S RN oonstruoted with a NJ" Iron ash pit, end a broad, shallow pan•ebaped are pot, lined with are-brisk or iron staved. The are pot la sormonnt• ed with A BERM Of CONES oa TAWlUMaNtLeir i rr i i- . ed. Imes at the top, and uniting with the anular chamfer, through which the heat and smokepass to the Hue. Tag 'snout products of combustion la the form of smoke and rises*, are euspended directly over the Are OSSFINEDOe compressed Into the tapering Comm an d COSTINUALLY IMPOSED to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This heat and light la brought to a cocoa t pace Oons, not unlike the OOLLROTION OF THIS BUN'S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the aeon AND OASIS to become intensely heated and the. roughly cowman, by this operation the sunny AND CASKS are NADI SQUALLY AVAILAILN With the PURL lISELY for heating purposes, while, In other furnaces!, it is OARIIIIID on /AD WASTAD IN ens CHIALNIIY. All persons desirous of obtaining the best and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fall to examine the lisw Gas Consumes' CONS Rousso' before purchasing airy other. The ate tention of architects and builders is particularly re quested. ARNOLD tr., WILSON, (Successors to S. A. Ilarrisou,) No. 674 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Squar LIT 8017THINPf4R 1667. 30. Jan. 73 do. . lteb. 10 do. Mar. 10 do, April 7 do. bray 6 do. June 2 do. Jou* 80 THOMAS F. GOODE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Boydfon Plechlenburg County, Va , Attends to professional business In the Courts of Mech lenburg, Luneuburg, Halifax, and Charlotte counties. IIIITERS TO flhapleigh & nue, Philadelphia. Baptist & White, New York. Lanier, Bro., & Co., Baltimore. Smyth, Stone, ,t Banks, Petersburg, Va. ' Mk. tr. Gray, Richmond, Vs. loc2lock Nr-2m REMOVAL. -CLAY & JONES, ATTOR nele.at-Law. have removed their LAW OFFICE from N 0.1312. lfllth St., oppeatte Independence Evluare, to No. 271 SOUTH /111/1 !STREET, below Prune street. no9.eotllm LEWIS S. WELLS, ATTORNEY AT X. 4 LAW, N 0.2 AIRY STRUT, NOIIIIISTOWN, Pa., will attend with punctuality, and to Alt best of hi, ability, to all bulimia entrusted to hls care. 001..3ru DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bootheut Corner or EIGHTH and 0178 T Street', Nbiladelohls. aul•ly ivi YER STRO USE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ONNTII3 etteet,Pattntlle, Pa. aa4-1.7 QE WING MAORI NE S.—GROVER, DAHER, fic. CO.'S UNRIVALLED SEWING MA OUINES still retain the confidence of the public, and their popularity increases. After years of trial it is do- monstrated beyond all question that it Is the popular Machine, and the only one upon which any reliance can be placed to work well on all kinds of shoes. The fact that it does one-third mare work in the same time, and does it better that it is the least liable to get out of repair, being simple In its construction; that it makes the least noise, and that it is atiknowledged on all hands that It is best fora new beginner, bee given the pro prietors a demand for it to such an extent that they are obliged to delay the filling of orders In many cues for months. Over eight hundred are in operation in this' city, and the case has yet to occur where aperson who has purchased one has exchanged it for another kind. Taking Into consideration, also, the fact that those who employ from 15 to 40 hand. In their ehope, doing the work for the manufacturers, without exception, use this machine In preference to any other Ittrid ' and al ways recommend them in preference to others , It would seem unnecessary for the proprietors to advertise their excellence, or set forth their superiority. The undersigned, SOLE AGENTS for the sale of these Machines. always have a supply, and have made ouch arrangements that they sell them upon terms that will meet the wiehee of all. Unlike other &Whines gold in this market s It le free from all Infriogements of other patents. SEWING MACHINES.—PRATT'S PATENT—PIIICES PROM $l2 TO $25. The " LADIES , COMPANION" to the most simple, durable, compact, and cheap machine for family ace ever offered to the public, sewing equally well upon all kinds of fabric, and without puckering the cloth, leav ing no bad cord on the back side of the work, and al ways/listening the thread when stopped. They sew from two to twelve hundred stitches per minute, using but one thread, and without rewinding. The stitch can be varied from five to fifty to the inch. •Any one can learn to operate them In half an hour. Printed direc tions accompany . each machine, by which any one can use them. We aro enabled to offer these superior ma chines at the above low prices, as we are not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty dollars license for larrowod pa tents, this machine being made under our own patents In every part, and infringing upon or using no other. There are some hundreds in constant use in this city and vicinity, which are giving the best satisfaction. Every machine is warranted to give satisfaction. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and examine them and their work, and judge for themselves. Samples of work, and drawings, with description, sent to any part of the country by mail. Salesrooms 111 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. and 677 BROADWAY, Now York. cc 27-tf IH. CHASE & CO. • GRNBRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North FRONT and 44 1VATER Street, Philadelphia. CoNSTANTLY RRORIVOId CLOVER SEED On oonslgament from the Interior of Pennsylvania, whore out new Cleaning Mill in now in general nee. 9 7 Also TIMOTHY AND BNB TOl , always on . seld.tt -HANDy & BRENNER-COMMISSION AINICONANPB and Deslore in Foreign mad Ame rican HARDWAItIi and CUTLERY, Noe. 23, 25 and 27 North PIFT/1 Street, Bait side above Commerce street, Philadelphia. W.Va. CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER °LUNT and Importer of If.fiVallA BEGARS (New)1811 Walnut 'thud. 'mond gory. UiLOOBING BOARDS-28,680 feet Care L line goblin bo 4a , IN oat, tor t oole a p d 0 TAR NookMaratha& tsarbtoare Wince ant( ICl4llOrO. Surnarto. 9!tttornepo at Emu. Eiewing ltlaoines. BAKER & BROTHER, ONNYBAL SQUARE, LYNN Glrrmnitsoion itlercljante. eatiings Sunbs. QAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREBT—NATIONAL SWETT , TROST COM PLNY.—WALNUT STREET, 80IaTIVWEST CORNER Olt THIRD, PRILAREIII.LPA. IFOOTWOUATRD BY THRBTATX OF PIIIIBTIMXIOA. Money le received in any at m, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office Is open every day from 9 o'clock isr - the morning till I o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 0 o'clock. RON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT fiELPRIDOE, The President. WM. J. Run , 000V3tia7. DIMIC/0111 i _ O . Hon. Henry L. Banner, O. Landreth Munro, Edward L. Outer, P. Carroll Brewster, Hobert SeUridge, Joseph B. Barry, Semi. K. Ashton Henry L. Oisurchrnan, ( Janne D. Smith,' . !rands Lee. Money is received and payments made daily. Tho Investments are made in conformity with the provisions of the °barter, In REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and snob Ant clue smut ties as will all*s insure perfect eetrarity to the /epode tote, and which cannot fan to give permanency and ita tollity to this Inetitution. solely rki o. 88 ( 241) DOCK STREET. -PIPE PER CENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. N ' " (241) DOCK STREET. - FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS 113 ND. IVO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS BOND. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE 11 PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS TURD. aulay Inacbinttl anb iron. ICDENN STEAM ENGINE AND ROM- A. ER WORKS. EEANEY, NEAFIE & 00., PILAOTIOAL AND THEORETICAL 'ENGINEERS, MAOIIINISTEI, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK MITRE AND FOUNDERS. Daring for many years been In successful operation, and been exelltelvely engaged to building and repairing Merino and River Engines, high and low preasure, Iron floats, Water Tanks, Propellers, tic 0., kn., respectfully offer their services to the publlo, as being hilly prepared to contract for Zuglowl of ell elms, Marine, ul c er, end Stationary. Hering eets of patterns of different elm, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Spey description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High end Low Pressure, Plus, Tubu lar and OPinder Dollen, of the best Pennsylvania char coal iron. Porginge of ell else. and kinds; Iron gad Erase Castings of all description', 801 l Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work eanseted with the abate business. Drawings and specifications for all work dens at their establishment free of charge sad work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, when they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, =a, As., As., for raising heavy or fight weights. THOMAS IMANIT, JACOB Q. • JOUR P. UM', aul-y BEACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington. IWO= 1. etnimOlt. J. TATOU* MIIIMICIY. W 114111( 9. 111111011. 911OOTIIIVARIC. FOUNDRY, N. 3 Yll2ll AND WASHINGTON MU PRIL/DILP U. MERRICK. & SONS, • IDIGINIDDS AND 111,01,11NISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Mann Droginie, ter Land, flyer, and Ruins Write. Boilers, Gasometert, Tank's, Iren . ikatte, fte., put- Ito of all kind', either Iron oiftrane. 'lron frame rook for Gas Woke, ifofludiops, Thaliced Stations, 4.e, • Beterte and 'au Kaeldaeri Of Us Wed and moat improved constreclion. • Seery degetiptlen„ . of Plantation Maehlnery, fa& ail and Grist Mills, Tamitim Pane, Open gleam Trains, Deferators,7llters, Pumping Dingince, Sole Agents for N. Patent Sugar Dolling Apparatus; Nam 's Patent Skarn. gammen I. P. BOW Patent %Tam Notion fok Blatt Maehmerp and Steam Plunge. • • Superintendent -41. H. ILUITQL. 14I0IIARD NORRIS & SON, LOOOMO iporm NUM SINGINE BUILDERS, • 11121127 ILANILIVN, /UMW AND mum 646E1 MITILUITS, PHTLAIMLPHU, Vazoluslnly in the manufacture of lONOTM STEAM ENGINES. , ihnufsoture to order Ismomotires of any anent, weight or capacity for the ass of Wedging er Bristmuos Oeat its OW* slats, of .• ANTREADITE GOAL, - : WITSOVe 113tiThlre amino, Ole ox 7111.111:,'. Ys dodge, material and workmanship, the Locale*• tires produced at them Works are equal to, and not eit= eeltel by any. The "Waldo used In emestruation aN made on the spot, and insure the best quality and most reliable stook. The large extent of Shope, and Com. gets Equipment of Machinery and Tools, unable ern to execute the EST'OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, 07 ANY AARANCINNINT OUILLXD OAR Wilfena, RAMMILUID MAC With lot age of on olio or form, , IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And WAOIIII2OI WORK pnorally, RIMUND MOSAIC • inKr iuunir LATINS/I /101hUll NOME. -CHESTNUT STREET J.l MUDGE. PLANS AND ESTIMATES for • Bridge trror the River Schuylkill, on the line of Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En. ginner and Surveyor, st the DEPARTMENT Or SUR TETI!, City Building, Street, Now Walnut, until the second day of January, Iddg. Pe!id Bridge to be of the following dimensions, without any pier, or with not more Than one pier in the waterway; the materials of construction throughout to be Indestructi ble by Are. Distauce between abutments... 988 feet Width of Bridge, out to out, not less than.. 42 " lievation above low water 81 if for an arch the opringlog line should not be lex than eleven feet above low water. The Plans and Estimates will be received under the arrangement and condition epeclSed in the ordi nance of Councils, approved November 24,1851, as fol lows, viz: Simms 2. That all plans and estimates lobe received by the OhiefEngineer and Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan and estimate to hear a private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed communication having a corresponding mark thereon, so that the name of the until the plan most sp rove a been selected. SICTIGN 8. That ali inch plans sad estimates shall, when received, become the property of the City of Phila delphia, and shall be permuted within two months after passage of this ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Sarver: and Regulationa, to invite a communion consisting of three civil encl. neer', who, in conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and docile upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge alto proposed, and report to Council, the number of plans received, the names of the designera, and the character and estimated coat of the three plans by them preferred. Booting 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief Corumis• 'loner of lighwaya, upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to lune warrants in payment of the cost of the aforesaid adver tisements, and also In favor of those pumas who may have presented the three plane preferred by said com mission ; to the first in point of merit, the sum of $400; to the second, $250, said to the third 5100; said warrants to be charged to Item No. 10 of appropriation made to the Department of Highways, &c., for the year 1881, approved March le, 1617.1 For further Information, or for cross section of river, address STRICKLAND HNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Philada. nod-dtjeua3 31[AROHANT" ORYSTALOGRAPIIB, OR MIOTOGRA.PRIO MINIATURES IN OIL, N. E. corner of EIGIITII and COMM. The above pictures differ risen:softy from anything ever before offered to the public. Their eoftneu, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary miouteneu and accuracy of detail, insure, of necesedty the greeted fidelity of resemblance; while the severi ty of the or deal to which they are exposed In manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These facts enable the subscriber I. offer them, with the greatest utlefection and confidence, to the public and to ids friends. They are secured by letters patent to, and can be had ONLY of N. D. MAROIIANT. Kr Portz%lta of the cabinet, and life sae on canvas en heretofore. se 18-3 m PIISL IC LAMPS.—THE PUBLIC IS respectfully informed that Offices have been opened by the District Superintendents of Publie Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give Information respect ing accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them 4t the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and In good lighting condition. The - Books will be kept by Joseph Bally, No. SOS Wharton st., Piret Ward; Charles Oarty, No. South Seventh street, Ninth Ward; Illram Kirk, No. 1438 llntchinson street, Twentieth Ward ; • M. W. Deshong, No. 2.231 Coates greet. Fifteenth Ward; Thos. V. Bowlby, Gee Office, Twenty-Fourth Ward_, (West Philadelphia;) M. ki , Fadden, Gee Office, T wordy- Second 'Ward, (Germantown;) Wra. N. Market, Gad Office, Twenty-Third Ward (Frankford,) and at the (ice Office in Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Works. A. J. KITS, Superintendent of Distribution. PHILADELPHIA, TYPE FOUNDRY— N. W. Om THIRD and CHESNUT fits. L. PPLOIIZEI & SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accented to their Satablishment, and desirous to merit its continuance would announce to Printers and Publiehers that their new SPBOIMBN BOOK in now ready, and from their Increased facilitlea, are now prepared to furnish every thing necesaary in a complete Printing Eitablishment, at the 'hotted no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, jastifies them in wetting That they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished *Able than their cotemporarlea. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to Them previous to purchasing elsewhere. . Olt type taken at 9 cents per ponnd, In exchange for new at specimen prices. GOLD MINE FOR SALE.—THE SUB scriber offers for sale with a perfect title, the property known as the REID GOLD AND COPPER MINE, situated 8 miles from Concord, Cabnrrns county, North Carolina. With the mine is a plantation of 7.16 acres of excellent land, well watered and wooded, and a large MANSION ROUSE, with barns, miners , houses, powder and engine house, and other buildings; new steam engine, 45 horse power; Chinon mills, stamps, pumps, &0., embnsclng all the machinery and tools ne cessary for the full equipment of a mine, in good order. The wine has been worked at Intervals for the last 60 years, and has always been profitable to resident pro prietors, but has never been worked for any length of time with an engine and machinery The shafts and galleries are well constructed, the stoppinp have never been taken out, and from 60 ton miners can be rzfit ably employed in the old workings. On the property is a formidable vein of copper and lead, which has never been worked, and a new gold vela has been discovered since the first of thie month, pt which three men hare been at work, taking out fifteen hundred dollars a day, with a good prospect of its continuance. no2-8m 011ARLIC8 J. GILBERT, 181 Drorutway. CUEAP SUMMER FUEL ,,—G AS COKE, of excellent qtutlity, is aold at the PILILADELPIIIA GAS WORKS for the reduced price of five cents a bushel, and may be obtained in tarp or small quantity by plyitreet.ng at the Gas Office, No. 20 South arnalint S To Parchiusere by Wholesale, it Is sold at the Works In First Ward by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite a 32.50 per ton. . algned,) J. O. ORESSON J Engineer. PHILADIMPIIIA bee W 01143, Aug. 2t, 17. an2T-E VOAOH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP VactOryof E. W UMBERS, No. 109 (late 43) South. NIGHTY!, below Chestnut street, has become a oaring of 50 per cent , to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and aloe the convenience of having their old Carriage Lampe new sliver-topped and bottomed, end sent by express to all pats. anl9 in, VANI3,-10,000---PRINTZ BOA Z Cards per Door: VO I W Pro,ollat susnrieoluilb, gm •bel. .... pa— D Yiladapila Prom. al ... alal. '— Laos.. D 13111.. ~,,r iu .- TVs Pg. n A onoaa• e ie A." ma % e.t...i tu.t. D CIO Of tb re• Thema! Cara pie Oyu.% IFE I. 010 4 au,oy beet oille—Oarilier platy .1.44. n MARCUS BAST, No. 208 NOMA THIRD STREET WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, Mae for aide TAN AMERICANA/ALMA—anew book, designed by Its author, A. D. KALI' TARN, for the use of the higher clams in the *Wendell end Vehoolp of Amellur-br tit dant os4lsigls Dopy. ao9-40 iltenratltt LIFE INSURANCE ANC TRUST CON PANT .—The PBNN MUTUAL /JIM IN UNANO.II COMPANY. Northeast COMM of TICLED east :DOOR Streets. Capital, $612,725.08. INSURES LIVES [or abort terms, or for the Whole term of Ws...grants annuities and endowments—par. cheeee life interlats in Real listate and makes all contrasts depending on the contiogenties of Life. They act as Executors, Admisdstraton, Assignees, Troikas, owl Oseardlans. saitrara. Daniel L Miller, Samuel B. Stokes, Benjamin Coates,William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, J4M017. B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joaeph H. Trotter, William 11. Kern, James Easton, Samuel 0. bum, Theonhilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Solider, Henry O. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolohns Kent, John W. Minor, William H. Carr .. Ellis 8. Archer, . Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Retortion Warner H. Basle, Joseph M. Thomas, H.John 0. Brenner, P.S. Michler, Euton. Dmirsi, L. mudam, Prsoblent. SAMUEL N. STOKER, Ties Prasq. Jouit W. MINOR, Becretarr. n13.1g HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SI:MANOR COMPANY—Office N 0.412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. The following statement of the affairs of the company Is published to conformity with a prmdsion of Its charter : PREMIUMS lITORITIM PROM AUGUST 1, 18511,1.0 AUGUR! 31, 1057. 38,729 B 1 217,793 62 224 00 Piro premiums Marius premiums... Perpetual premiums. Total ammo% premiums taken Emmett Ike premium' Untied mein* pramitime. . 26,0'12 96 . 166,006 eO-1110,018 6.3 Deduct ratan' premium' Net earned Marina losses paid. $93,8135 7b firs losses paid.... 8,031 11 11101,918 86 Salvage re calved... POO 67 laterestre. ee1ved...4,861 ite • lam tato 2,971 62 --LOU 66 03,833 70 Zapenses ter sommiselons to moats, abatements in lien of . . . . . scrip, salaries, office rent, - furnishing once ; books, eta tioneu, &a 60,3116 ff Profit and loos 63 40-144,248 M Net prat 124,076 Iff IrT ()Leh on hand 012,61 1113.5 891. Bala receirsble 119,267 02 Bonds sod modistes 165,080 00 Stocks ' *02,100 00 Stock notes 142,900 00 Das by *gents and others =,1112 93 ----- spume st . , DIRECTORS. P. 11. Potts, Win. T. leech, O.E. Spangler, B. T. Kenai!, Abraham lien, H. H. Houston, - Wm. H. Woods, . Ins. B. Withers Georg* Howe4l, '. . Abraham P..li?iii, J. HA gar Thomsoa, W. Sahroet, 0.0. Rower, f Obarlell It. Norton, John W. Seaton, , Jobs H. Lemurs, . . ..i. Harman Mont, Jame. E. Stiles. ' •". Nathoo B. Potts H. H. Ilhillinecui. • • PEROTPLL 11.POTTB,Presideat. 0. R. Brasicitn, Tiro Pruident. . " . W. H. Whom, Secretary. . 0e22 , R. T. Elam. Treasurer. pea nistmems. SPRING GARDBN Pl'7l - 1 INSTRAmcia Qom PANY. • CAPITAL 1120,000, PAID IN CANE, . ' AID BPOSHILP OPTION, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD BPS., SPRING GARDINS. 0 lIARTIR-PIRPITII•L. LOBOS PROMPTLY PAID. lIBROTORS. John 11. Dohnert, Henry 11. Phil. a, • ' David croolpper. Laid* Skhansok Booktonda Dorf', John Landoll, John Bronx, Jr Charles Mold, Auloy 81. Pork, Wtlllaaa P. Woo . Jocose Darnell, Jblue D. Sterrooonal t . , Jaaok 8. Bilotrar., Corwin Stoddard, Usury Homer, Thos. D. Ttlllashal, ' flwwrly K. CGOolo, ' MEN U. DOUNDIT, Pro/Want. L. I[3ll7lllllllAilt, Seorotary. moat 111—ly NEPTUNE 111BURLNOB . COMPANT.;—; 11 sonar in 4 wmarcri Tranklla FIRE AND MARINE INSURING'S. anTrAL $lOO,OOO, WITH eicrinutax to MI MASI TO 600,000. Title Company le nosrfully orgetesed, and prepaid to make all kinds of Inenrince a wt loft or dame se by 11re and Miring Perils at eurrent Mites. U. L.LIIOHLIB_ President. RIOIII3D EGLII res Presidant. 010. SCOTT, ilearetery pasoldits. 11. 0. Lin 0. tfor 6 Atein'ior; - D. Sharwood, ' .0. Btoteshurir, Wta. Osborne, R. 11. Ourlll., Richard Shield', 0.0. Butler, T. I. Showell, Geo. Scott. - QUAKER. CITY INS 1 COMPANY Moe No. 1O (late WALNUT St. Capital aad Surplus, 1000,030. This Company eontinued to maim Insurende igr a orb by Are and the Perils of the Sea, Nad Transportation at current Mae. b/PICIRS. President—GlGO. H. HART Pine President-31. P. ROSS. limitary and Trearabor-11. B. 0006 SHALL, Aseletaat Seceetary--11. H. MOTU& ROTORS. George G. Hart, IL P. Rosa, ♦. O. °Atka, Joseph Edwards, Job" O. We, Hon. Horny M. Villa, Yoder ■. Porkino. John H. Chambers, on Fly ARb - TIO FIRE - INSURANCE COMPA NT, NEW TORK..-0111.u, No 29 Wall street, ad. Joining the If eolunics' Bank—Cash Capital, $2.30,000, with a .e la.. TU6 Company tram _l.ldinlipil., 11., dirndl's, Furniture, Temple in port and Cult Cargoes, and other property, spans% Leos or Damage by PIN and the Bilks of Inland Naription. D RECTORS. Henry Chisusell, ;mhos L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rau R. Grua*, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Doris, Edmund Penfold,o. U. Mondial, Hanson R. Corning . , Theo. Polhemns, jr. Ogdes Haggerty, Mae E. Morgan, Thomas Monacan, Atom. R. Tan Nest, John H. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas S. /Velum, Charles Xuton, Janus W. Phillips Loots Lorot, Charles A. Nosy, Samuel 0. Glidden Edward Rockall, Btepla. Cambrelen4 Win. R. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Charles L. Prost.; John Ward, Lathrop L. Henry K. Resort, William B. l =', Peter Lies, Emery Thayer, Benjamin H. Yield, Goo, Westfeldt, A. R. Prothingbam. Talmon Taylor, Thai. Y. Youngs, Hoary X. Blossom. &mewl L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. AMU., A. OAKUM. Secretary. as 10.1 y A C N O T . 2 4: 3 311 E R t S ' p INSURANCE I .6 rated by the Mato of Penooylrants. Capra, $600,000. Sirs, Marine, and Inland Transportation. bizzotote A • - • • - . aron S. Llppinoott, Charlee Win, m. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Field; Jaime P. Smyth, Wm. B. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Bask, Wm. Neal, lotus P. Simon, AARON B. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A. RIIODRB, Vies Primid.ott. ALIFBAID WERKE!, Secretary. J. W. MARTINN, &arroyos. Tble Company was organised with a oath PROW, and the Directors hare determined to adopt the liminess to It. 'salable resources—to observe prudence in condact ing Its affairs, with • psumpt adjustment or lowa. Once No.lo lierchants , Esehange, Philadelphia, anl.dly TE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSU MANOR COMPANY 01 PERLADELPIILL —Crane No. =I WALNUT Street, opposite the Yichang'. MA PINY RISKS on Tomb, Oargoee, and Freight/. IN LAND T 6 ANBPORTATION RIMS, per Railroads, Canals, Boats, and other unlaces. ALL TRY PROFITS divided annually among the slued, and ample security In eases of loss. ntruorrots. Thomas T. Botcher, Algernon B. Ashborner, Alfred Pasant, Thomas B. Poster, 0 interns Magnet, James E. Stroup, Alfred Blade A. G. Catca l l , Charles B. Caretslre, Buonel Robinson, John 0. Keifer, - John P. Steiner, near) Orambo, Wl2. J Caner, mttbo_rg. 818 NILS% PreaWait. :TT, Ylas Prosidaat. 501-17 Edward HAMS Mlles John U. Odsatisimei, !dablow Samuel J. Sharplaas : Isaac Junes, Henry Preant, Edward G. Junta, William L. Spring', Franklin 0. Jones Daniel Haddock, dr., William Taylor, James Murphy, Win. F. Smith,' A. J. Antelo, Samuel L. IL EDWARD HA ALFRED Y .7010 O. 8 , Seers - CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSUILLNOR COMPANY or HARTFORD, CONN. Osah Capital 6300,000. Losaea in Phßadelphia and vicinity adjusted at the PAiladalpkin Office. By leave we refer to 1 D. S. Drawn & Co., Phila. Hon. Joel Joties, Phila. Chaftees, Stout & Co., " Hon. Rufus Choate, Boston Harker, Lea & Co. ~ Hoe. T.. B. Williams, Hart'd We have facilities for p acing any amount of hum. ranee In the meet reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA OK.YERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 413 (old No. 146) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON & ROOD, Agents. Lumber. UMBER I LUMBER 1 I—The anbscribor, .1-.4 who has for several years occupied the premises at Sloan's Planing Mill Kensington has removed to COATES STRUT WHARF, adjoining the Phtetiti Planing Mill, OH Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a Large assortment of Carolina and other Hom ing boards, steps, risers, shelving, ceiling, fencing and scaffold beards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. For sale at the lowest cash prises. Parchseers are in vited to call snd examine for themselves, end every ef fort will be made to give seUsibotion. Orders received and eupplled at the shortest notice for as kinds and slain of Southern yellow Pina, Timber and Scantling, aul-tf S. 8. `MMUS tiailroab tince CHANGE OF HOURS.-P lIILADEL PHIA L WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On and atter Monday, Nov. =OUT, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at 8 A. Id., I P. IL, (Upend and 11 P. M. For Wilmington at 8 A. 11,1, SID mad /1 P. M. For New Castle at 8 A. 11., 1 and 3.30 P.ll. For Middletown at 8 A. M: and IP. M. For Dover at 8 A. M. and 1 P. H. For Seaford at 8 A. 11. ' and 1 P 11. TBAINB FOR PHILADELPHIA TAWS Baltimore at 8.40, 13.4r.5a, 11 A. AL, sad 686 P. M. an Leave 66 P. Wilm C ington at T. 25 and 11 46 A. N., and 2.31 P. d . Limy, New utle at 8.66 and 11 86 A. M., and 8.60 kL Leave Middletown at 10.10 A. N. and 7.06 P. M. Leave Bever at Led A. M. and 6 P. N. Lem Seaford at t 30 A. 3f. and 2 P. M. Leave Wilmington D S 0.709/11B5AALTm1M,02RPB N, and 1216 A. Id. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. do. do. 826 P. AL from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Weight Train, with Yammer Oar attached, vill roe as follow.: Leave Philadelphia for Famine and Intermediate places at 6.00 P. M Leave Wilmington for do. do. 6.60 P.M. Leave Baltimore for Ilarre-deAraen al SP. M. no 21.1 y 8. M. PXLTON, President. tOTTbN-200 Wee good Midd li ng to Md . Mfg "Ix Coldos, in atom sad for wail b aal y ILUTIN & MAO LINITEL 319 melt Water stmt. ..........„... DENNSYLVANLL CENTRAL RAIL- A 80..t.D, 1837. WOE PITTSBURGH, 'MT. Cincinnati, - Ottani/I, lowa City, Loniactlks,.. Nur Otiesos, Bt. Nal, Inalacapolls, Cleveland, u, Chicago, I P:= min , A close cossasctioas voila an As gran VW CM Railroads. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TIER THROUGH PILLOW. At and from Ho Pemosylranla Railroad Paasenger Station_ sontk-wt sorner of ELEVENTH and MAIL , KIT atreatr (tatranos on ELnrentlt street ) LEAVE PHILADELPHIA POE PITTSBURGH AND WESTERN CITIES. Mail Train at 7SO A. M. Tait Line. - at 1.1 NI P.M. Expreas at 1100 Night. Columbia R. R. Use leaves for narTiShlllg, Till Co lumbia, at 2.8)}. 41. Tor Lanraater (Loooramdition,) at 4 P. H. ARRIVE PROM PITTSBURGH AND WESTERN Mail 'halo ....................... at 12 00 night Put Line . ..................... at 00 A. If . Ripsaw /tail .. ... ... at 100 P. st.l 30 P. IC Columbia IL 11.1.. , tee * arrives from Ear, isburt, CO- Prom team-ter, (Acaommodationj 102 A hg, The Express Mail suns day, the other tenins, /cue. days eaapled. e will be :waved at the Pemeatee Depot by itis Bene t . Master, at any time daring the day. No chaste for healing benne. Nonce.—lu case of loos, the Compaoy will bo:.1 themselves responsible fir *arsenal tenets oily , ant for an amount not seaman $lO2. NOTICX —oainitewita will be to readiniss at the New 'Sorb Depot to convey petaangent for the Wed to the Pennsylrants Railroad Ststion. 21107 LAS 110033, Pammider Lin*Peasaylvenia Ealhead Co. Philadelphia, November 21, 1867. aLly V 34,747 48 11,119 41 1168,349 00 1443 WESTERN TRAVELLERS. SPRING AND 81IXIIIIM AHRANGIOIRRTB. NORTHERN aslcrsit. itanirA Y. TWG DAITTSB TLY URGH A ND THRRAINS M BALTIMOILI TO PI On and after Juno Ist, 11137, TWO DAILT TRAINS will leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh aid all West ant and Beath or Warthweetarn althea. THR MOANING MAIL TRW Lean* Saltimore daily (ftnaly ereeptal) at lii A. U. with the IlltU Train over Ma Great Pena 'limit as& arriving in Pittsburgh at I 20 A. M. , - • TER - ALPTIHIROOM iaximse TRAIN forusityabalialCOl any (h day agewggod) at a P. M. Malibu% T NIGHT rapans TRAIN Leaves Daithnore ETKIIT NIGH? at 10 P. M., eon netting with the Lightning laweas ever the Ponasyl- Tanta Railroad for PiftsburO, arriving at P. IL QT All them Indira ecuuract elosely at with over the Pittsburgh, Fart Way,,, Chicago Railroad, and It. Northers, Bowthara Led Wasters connactions. 117- Panongers for Mktg., Hoeli Island, Darling son, lowa City, Milaisabee, Debonair Bt. Taal's, Mad eon. anal other lamiling althea la the lagthwart, valise% oar Astrubed wiles qf trawl and inalrours in Vase, with four ass changes of_ cut, by talthreA lt a s ess. DeePalmieri for Olirrelind, Toledo, and go by 'kb routs, and the time being /13 miles charter than by any other routs. Pananagors far at Lade, Indianspotis, TM* Haute, Cairo, sad all points ea the Lower tad types Ifinalasliepl, make lea changes of ears, ant arrive ia mate of any other route; and to enthaassi, Casabas, Dopedie., Lon a with rare irrilie, *Moths, !animal Maas, a. vela sa any other routs. 1 Western Ramp caws= mom{ and M. FOR THE NORTH. The 8.0 A.M. connects closely with Itepreer 'Team rimer tke Ramphin road for Willlameport, &maiden.. RatEdo, Niagara lath. aid Canada, Qua tortoise th e mod darn' railway route to Northareatern Penneylewd* and Western New York. Passengers wilt reale And thi to Niagara r s the aborted s a , and Canada , &beeped, ad aaaart expeditiows h Threash Tickets are issued to Philadelphia VIA C 41.• lambi& and Inneuser all the trains at $3 atiala train halls( sus. ea by ssectiatia. Parma:gm by thu root. avoid trammelled !midges, and all the Ineoemodenca of Assaying aroma the linicadmaro m a Paamesgers for RAMOINer, Maremboder, G. me Mom- Eahar.M & Carli and P ads, ..Chambord:meg, go by the • wain" at 16 WitBTHINSTER BRANCH. . The Care am this road make one trip par day, Glallia• log with the train at 8 P. M. rill THROUGH .TICEZTS and farther teldrematima, apply at the Ticket Office, Calvert &mum, H . Tora, of Calmt and Traaklin stmts. C H 0- C.,ADREON, !Stet. 11101MINSYL 'fl IA RAILIEWAD.--TFIS 071111' 01312 AL .110IIM, sus, the At lantis CM_ es will, Warlord, Nortles, aad Death - washers as, r: eaettaawis Mary direct load also .sealesehe it Pittileiree with duty Has od steamers to all ports on the Wisdom Hirers, and at Olmlasd del Beadarkp with. Illeasiora he all pest. oa the North-wasters lakes iwahine the wet DMZ?, CaLLTIBT and INLIABLI ROUTZIip whieh Freigt saa he Amadei tonal from the 011.112 WKS?. ~,F.1 4 11 01 8 N(1[10421 11:114.1=tau AND MTS. EC well. Mat Otass—Dordit, aad •, ,=Docks, l 7 Goods, (tri boxed e ' reia trwahah DrePi ( 12 ba x" Ilia bales) leathers, A par 260 MOM Ctras—Doweartue_ MUG., sad sidgittal bales), Dettpi (td Rettymtlii laathar, (he rails or boxes), Root, " mild Stisepl'ilts.Narbiard, dea.ta.—.llka per NS 11 firm etass—,dartisikL444 . • = ' ii ii iiisitr if fierep, MI Poet, Oodesor be Backe), Tabasco, mope Cliposor sat ad; d 5...; imam Cuss—Woe, Fish, Beam, init, inside:ls ' Beat, sad Pork, tht netts or bolas sashrardy, Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Sods Ash,Gannaa Tar, Pitch, 'Doata, to. W. pew ?Loss—net. per , aatil farther cam. 11Crros-111 per bale, not atoseitis; SW Ilia weight, well Outlier ..tier. In shipping Gantt tram any paint at !Thad =bane rtunuay Ultima WAN 44 vim Pennspinseas ," Gm& osnsigned to the agents it this Bea, at Thdladlelgaln, or Pittebargt, rl.l be forwarded withrsidstentina. I. W. Bailib . l 4 Charlm a. Wm. D. Luria, r., J. L. Pommy, ADdinfW 3. Chambas H. R. Ouggstall, aumul Jaws, W 7 D., A. P. Olufreahroligh. Pante= isms.—Haab, Wor=lry & Co, Wearattio, Teas.; L. N. San & CO., St. Lath. go. P. G & 00., Zraanilla, isdiana ; Inane t. & Co , and anon & Jo - watt Locuan:lo, Ky. ; A C- Wal dron, noliaeo, lad.; IL W. Brown k Co , and Irvia & 00., Ciaaisaati N. W. (Inks= A LsatearrJe, Olin; bawl & Co , No. S 4 Kilby snort, C0., 1na0.; Leath &Co , No. 2 Actor Roue- N. Tock, No. 2 alum. st. and No. 2 Natter) , Plant, Nem Tort; B J Baehr, Philadelphia ; Wograv Loons, Saltiessre; D. L. BUNart, Pittaborgh. NEW YORK LINES.-THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADILPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANT'a IMPS_ PROM PHILADELPHIA TO XII! TORH, AND WA PLACRI. Loam as fallow, via : rum, At 1 A. M., from Konaisistos Depot, via Jemmy City, Mall $3 At 6 A. it, via Camden and lamoy City, Now Jar say Accommodation At 6 A. H., via Camden and Amboy, Accommats- AV,l s .,sr., via Casostan and Jersey City, Monad( Mail a At 10 A. M., by atimmilat Trenton, via timesty and Jersey etty, Mammas At 2 P. M., Tin Catan sad /11: 1b c=0. and A. Ix. At 6 P. M. via Catoctin and Jailer City, Iviiertat Mai/ a At 3 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, ACCOMAIdata. time, tat Clam 2 At 3 P. M , via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2nd Clam. 1 At 6 P. Al ' yil Camden and iaa6l,-2341.4 Slot, lot Clam At 6 P.ll ' via Camden and Amboy, ACCOMMOda• lion, Ind Clam . 1 2ba 6 P. Y. Ilea raw daily, all otltma Sandays az. *opted. 2prant Linea dap at the principal stations only. For Belvidars, autos, Flecunctoa ~ de., of 6 1.- and R' T. Y., from Waltiat 'tempt wharf f - V I " 'Vat" Gap, Intotddowit, Flematim, trilkadam Montrom, Great Band, An, at 6 - 1 - li-s vu "mt Lackawanna at Miltont Railroad For lfrawbold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Hair at 7 ,L A and 2x, 3 and iT. Y. For Bristol, Tivatos &a.. at 21 mad i P. X tia.T LINN Per Palmyra, Eaaeocaa, Beverly, Ihutinatoa, Boris tort &a. at 3P. M. Steatatioat KICLIABD STOCKTON for Bomtealows sad intent. &ate Fixes at 2,‘ P X Steamboat TRILNIO , tor homy at 10 and 11,1( K. M., and 4 P. X. All lima, exalt 1 A. W., lam Ralson etre* slue. ETTilty pounds of haggle only allowed each pus auger. Paconers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. AU tag. gap your Ally pounds to be paid for extra. The Com pan, limit their respouribility for benne to one dam per pound, and Till not be Bails for any amount las Tend $lOO, except by special contract. WM. 11. GATTNIER s Agent an 1-ly C. & S. EL R. CO pIIIL ADE LyillA, GERMANTOWNN AND NO BRISTOW RAILII.O.ID ARILINGEILENT.—On and after MONDAY, October 19th, 1831. FOR GERMANTOWN. Lear* Philadelphia at 6. TX, 81X. 9X, 11X A. M., 1, 3-10 mla. 4,5, 6,1, 9, and 11 P. M. Lents Germantown at 15X,7-15 min. 8,9.10 X A. M., 1-10, 3-10 min. 4,6, 6, T, 8, and 16 P. M. ID' The 1.36 o'clock A. M. Train from Ormantaira will atop Italy at Wayne Street Mallow. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 'AI min. Si. 2 and 6X P. M. LINT* Germantown 6'lo min. A. M., 1.10 min. tad 6.46 min P. M. CHESTNUT !TILL RAILROAD_ Leave Philadelphia at 7g, sg, 11 Si, A. hi., 2,4, 0, fuld 9 P. It. Leave Chestnut urn at 71(,9-40 and 10-10 Elia. A. 12-40, 3-40, 540 and 7-40 mho. P. 11. Leave Philadelphiit:9- 7 DY.C.ll7,ltaad ajt P M. Lear* Cheatunt MD at ft A. M.. 32-40 and 5-30 P. M. FOR mANArum.K, CONBI7O3IOCKEN AND N 011.111.5. SOWN. Leave Philadelphia at S), 9, 11 A. 11 3, 4,V, and 11 P. M. Leave Norristown at 7,9, 11 A. M., 3 sled 6 OP. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at A A. M., and 3 P. Id. Leare Norristown3l., awl 3 P. 31 MINSTER VALLEY „RAILROAD POR DOWNING TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 133 g A. M., and 3 P. M Leave Downingtown at 7,4' A. 31 , sad 1 P. 31. 11. K. SW.TII, Eaperintecdent. Depot, Ninth sad Green streets', Pi115...1411a. ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD MINTER A RBANORKENT. 10.1 BETIILEMEM, %ASTON, ALLENFowst, M AII egg WIUNE,WILKISBARRS. DOYLESTOWN, &e, On and after Wednesday. November 4th, 1557, the India on th is road will leave Philadelphia daily (Son. dike excepted) as wllowl. POe Bethlehem, Easton. Allentown Manch Chink, and Wilkeebarre (Saprese) at 9 A M. /or Bethlehem, Allentown. and Manch Chunk, (Ex pres,) in connectlon with L. Y. R. R. and Easton, by abide, from Iron Mal Station, at: 15 P. Al. Por Doylestown, (Aeocartmolitionj at 4 30 P. M. For Owystdd, do. at. Id A. M. On Tuesdays and Fridays the 10 A. M. train will ron through to Doylestown, leaving Doylestown to return at 1 30 P M_ TRAINS FOR PR'LLADELPIIIA. Leave Bethelem (Exprees,) at s A. M., am! 225 P. M. Leave Doylee.awn, (Accommodation.) at 63. i A. M. Leave Gwynedd, do at 2.1 V P.M. ON SUNDAYS. For I From Gwynedd ......a 13 A. 11. f Gwynedd ?. '2O P.ll. Doylestown 430 P3l I Do.l l esln*n 63,5 A. M. Pare to Bethlehem Fl 60 " Idatieh Chant 2 150 " Wilkmberre 450 PASSENGXR DEPOT, FRONT and WILLOW Ste . Phila. ILL'S CLARK, Agent. SALAMANDER SAFES. A lazy assortnent of IMAM & WATSON'S PRILADELPHIA MANUFACTUARD BALAILANDSR fi.A3l2, VAULT DWI; BANK LOONS Ito Banks sad Stoma. , Zuni to any now to Ina. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &a., Oa se pod num as any trato4 *Maass, thin astablialunrat Not by RVAIB & NAM's, No. 116 SOO% IfetTlITH a Philad t =. ILIUM OITA VA A 01.10, toaktf 'atlraabs: ' H. a. HOLSTON, He:end 14•41 is /gent. H. J. LONNANNT. Illalariataadaaa,lll.-cr.a, Pa. MID=I ON SUNDAYS fire Jroof gafts
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers