• Alietterlidirtlfuntiiilli:Viiihk, to' the 'Maims ton Ofnifsisklige the following itooonnt of a,mur-, derons syra3i# ike,efternoen,of the •••:-%'•', "-"itciPirtleelAtunediately:ronoarned were. two young min, trothers,-;.bY•,,the:rnsute %of Cox, and their stepfatkir, - 110.;; William lontelf. :` , Tt appears that irfasallyaarrel'haki beep-brewing for years; and that hire naniOprepatatory to contemplated dl,reop to - wife ; the .inOther' of,,the young Cowl 'NA :home_ and taken, up his abode In ' , :the., day , abaci, mentioned, boireverDai;Mt. limoh "Was sitting on a goods i box, at blemitter-"4:•Mr. Smith's store, the two broOterr'sPperOlted hintrwhen within striking dishinc*the eider of the twain, Taylor' Cox; aaA eatOtri:4 o 4 4 ih'WithV ,- ` llll . tine. 'Lea& and the retto, ,VaifaeleiM,qhen drew their' revolvers,' and, lir,,lngOOMMeneed; almost simultatieowily, yottaigAigilieWever, naberdisit ,to the testimony ofibbeleystanders, firlnga tittle in advance of Leaalu,ol6lste , serthat,' 'six,' ethers that !seven' • shotti vet eioltanged dye of which were from Lellafriotov, - .94 l ruie - two laid. Of which took eihme ! ;the •• firid:.irCtlieforeheed of Issas; at the distanWor,_tbirtylfoni" yards, 'killing him lu sted:idly:Um then the lower art of the book of Te__Vier..o_elti'dt, 0140044 end - ongoing his life. Leach -7 -4 144 0 1 7 .11 dash wound in the muscle aids lifilmeiispittimi-the revoker of :Immo Coxp aelt*Zbkitniother !Taylor had uo wenpoi4 th" --- 'whj le, tits t struck Leach. Thhiseeltronee hea"ciiisti gloom over the en tite,reeeifit district court is now in sehel&i,„"an se thought that Leach will demand a taillgb.1 3 • , • WlYel:- « • .• Vat* Copittlesration, ' 1 itFtl>ra SiAtiibm, , 0. kM. Railroad, '`,-4-fyk,:a7-'7j::4-:Jaelition Co., In., Nov. 5,1857. lirs t alislnt:•,Dear plane 'wasvisited bYen'ilainee last ISaturday uSgbt. Th e . dwellokigr.David Wright was deStroyed , " by fire s and: two yogngAto _perished' in the tames: Ono Or- sine,, AwrOoliimbiaiOhin. the naine" . -1 . 114` other .wns n 4 Bd..loWlharifetti. .he was friim ...01erinoat oonn0; ItOigoky, .liio been at wark, sixteeksaiwithelor tee; and it aboutwizteen, gears' of I think hicrather *ink; _and . wisli!VOnld pebllslethe eiivemititeee, enOtoquest , 'vapors .. Id' 061itoibils to oppy. et - thaney' alining to hid here. Statitho c titiovAikto Wends wish to beer till the portliolitoljliefOiwiollo by wiiting to,* t . nit, plai6l(Meadis; Jaokioko64oo,-Indo respect - - a.AAGN -Z4ixut i opoltn , o,f iti4-#ool#4, ktooo.i. MJ4UE*NINGS. 14 ' 4 " ." ~ c OVOIOTO 1, /WI =' , a' 0 vrtre divorced , it Boitivilio. 'The Odor agreed to pay herssoonlifnanY itimure.'andlid to until' the' lady married Mr. George Welby, Dr. Eergesort then refused to, :pay, tika,Minicay, en ties ground' that he was releaeed by thin, Subsequent marriage of .htedivereeritrife. andliritiVelloyought to tate care of his ' , own •wife ,without drawing upon him, for the $5OO per year as aliniony, which was agreed to be paid ander, the 'Opposition Yhat'hful.'letign; son Wenlif remeittainglb, she -being ' a " member Of , thillititMite church, 'whose Uwe :forbidti a Woad marriage. Oni'couris, however, werebf the opl- Mon that the. beeontrearriage did hot 'release the dootor from the payment of the alimony, and oon avilttlhe ho 4 to shell out. Day before eater day aa key .t ed& to thetmatee Of Mrs. Welby the y April, July,' and October instalments; which. -had.hftn suspended by the shit Be may, therefore; Make up his mind to pay the $5OO per year daring the life Of Iltrk. lethy.---kottiantife Courier. ' ClatXnUditreVeping lust a terrible murder was committed on board a canal boat called the " Eelipser belonging to Caledpnia, while lying at tha4ekailthiAtt'li miles below Brantford:- The. muriller4r;Vilte,,name -is John Niohols;was the eantidn. of BM - 1 eat; , `.aied, the viotish„was a hand namtatEdWaiddittrimbeloriging to another; boat, the WeOttew,,,et :Brantford, lying made of the Eclipse. On the murder being made known, - B. P. Van .-Ercioklitt, high constable of the county, and severaikilikterieproceedied from Branitorg,to arrest Nichels,"Whene". they found in bed asleep ,ivith sortaw,e~tds boat. Two Indian women bad been siteridins the' ay with the crows of the two boats. .A l bentpoor wretches were . no doubt one of the indifept c auses of the murder, though It does not fully appear :in the evidence. The verdict of the cOrontetiery was wilful murder. Alitationtna Jump, overseer of a lumber yard at g.t.nsiton, N. Y., struck Mosey Neiman, ti workoW birnaintitting on a log, and 'refused ti g° )16#4'160*-616/0011, a Moll upon the Week of the 144440 atient; -which killed him instantly. Nemnitifointerly wOrkikinWestTroy. &ring a: very 'heavy rain On. Tnetday, urrentlbreiedrokted si Solt of billa=about $7OO--Inihaetreett- - He aeon after missed' it, and on retracing ''his. ithim; hard - it - -number of boy! poking the W e i , -. - of the litter with - .broom sticks aid - pieeMief lath.' Ile, recoveredoryt.OT of the ",altating r - The Plee.atainis, (Me.),,Obserper as t'tbftt upwards of 1200 0t;70 4 Z r i-WYltif ati.PP, have been daatinYed_lv esaii tbat'oonn, yla noe the let of Septerideer ; and ld'have theybein c that they have, entered, bun-yards ':and seised calves and slump, In ,pastance of their keepentt determined to have themat suE rate. • - , A, BangOf aloe:el:IWO - A thiefoilikli t ad!, stole* Sitio Worth Alf p_rnporey, from the ,iq ,heonari Alhambra, ; th rough , Wilda-into 'ldneolanOity, 7 -; and found-him, at- last, sitting onAke steps of e= State In ' etiarge of keepers? having been r rested for an offeaao committed ,- Thozol4kn'lli: Itatt4':;,,AkiipPirtY.l l 49"; ll4,6. o o *—:. Thefe idx: &airing in- Louisville ? ' whieh bun out about 1 - ,000 barrels e - ,day, eon smiler in the ',"neighbdritiAxl of 4,500• bushels of wheat." •Thiiie ridlichave - been operailtinithi and night, alniesteanikently,aince. the new ; wheat appeared In marked. - -; The Georgia . .Constittitionulist-says that a cook of one of ,the citizen of Augusts, on opal. log the gizzard 'of's Aectisww4 Shiingbit,'fointd" piece of goblet' the „TWA thelatest joke of season. , The city sextoir 1 4,- ;Chin4NAhritit l 4o4 o4 lan, has been, oaught diidateiringdth beta mallet thent to tbe hfedieal College. stattaaprels • held to bail in the sane of 112,000: -,--,-:-,,-;.; . ~,,,,,,,, Alexander', , Brnith,' 0 BalthOte,"Ainer lof 'Nicholas Smith, vim• 'killed en Tnegnydriin t ' Georgial'allola,d• .Thetdeonatieti *eel 'Mee a harness, miktr.: .; . : , ... „ „„ •„„,;r, 4 ,,, • Solini?Wilitliiiiotiel4l4eit ponarnikld 10, jelii in Olawrlettel4. 4 L;Olsos#440,l 1 4 411 01111. to rliti'of *wet 'lTlter e te'.allttx*.ttti`Ortnaii',ls death. '' - - ,- .F.isito;; 4 4--;-4 ,51, .i.- The kill! o,aixon neirepeper, --erbilL has. been published atiltistani for nearly two years, so; the organ of the linAial(population, has been dbP oeul**. ' i . : ' 4 it. ~ -1''.:1.1. ; . . ' a Mrs. 14;4, Virginia SadbiliMissisellir and fornaetly Allitiesti cf ih„l , ospolitherk .• 's' Book,""'efilintr Orleabs, is (flaying' 'at em= phis. A a g itfUlliti,:apinglistint)44-PA/044 been • esdniapst - Alenunisii* ate27trillelku9llC "ns Ont -latVreAktOr-10,4`1tr.,440rs A, 4:Mpelanson,..epni , or a , father wet Pob eibilrin, Were reOlertftiliFew , d,, toli v ini i 7 4o l ll 4t alatk* 9', ';',titi,f i' ,, ,ti , of Wix ti - Afotog ,: iim t4* i . ~.s,4o4.*St i tii.. ' Paw • . Hon:L. Atorhompaoit. has teen elected:- mayor of tilalveifon, Textnwif:- . :-. ~,,. -., • ' '': "' '' i • Iri.t. f ity , ' • 1,11'4,4: : , ~ ; ,40 , , ,z : 2 AphollitOniir4V; Wssossili, '""'"'" ' • WaVivi'li AliQiiglidt..44% '`. 4 0 :-"Lattill WAI*O..?:!. .', ' • xtag t t ov i >• AND if' Ir : C OP" ~ IZ I h9, ' — " lrr , 'ate— Av D,Vcc so t' i . .-,,i t - 4 ., tit i 45(. 751- ATVATS . I unmet/41* W ilki ;lo64 #' .: 4; 02manatlAltatipWini 11,4*1 , Atiallri ' 5 Isagbable snanowqqh - r'"1" - -. 4L - 7-t , TaolegvhOtitiOhti c *ix, oiiimi4Tg.-- ‘,o otmer tur 0- , ogr,t , , ~ ..,;- •7' ' -,' -, ...', _ , ..,' t941504*. ~ - . itit-igOivitiqi , ...,,,,, , ..A , ~ r• 1: ' , qp:tif.Phita:,. delphiti . City i i --.. :il - . -..l;,.iiti,,,,;(4.7dikjitialied forwurd ~, .; • r -t . 0 -,tk ' ...16 0 4 e 1° '4 U. an ta f ,-, , ~ i ' I IC- . . could be o . r ed, ,- :-/ l'fir, f b, s ~ , , • ..., to day, to - lity;d4s,":;„ ', ~--' ~,Slinilingir rettii,l l / 4 k eeistrutactg sesity," . -.'r- 'i • 7 tiefekthe t o. , , Ono ' end *skit 44. -. by Taping he railer "Ootsf,t itiatsit4 - 44.iviothit , ..- ~, * ::. ibis' tki ~ 4 manse „deal i,f , is ! , .• • ..-% . 4 , ~ . -! ad litkriettt while - the tea perniiii ° :4 4 -1.,1, ea t - ~,..7 for the tourrift tv .:7 ..." ..,..,...... ,s. stattattiteli, . t i t.' , A ; , ' ''..i"-; -- 4 - . 4 11 4 k 11 - the way li di; / -,,, , . .I.** -, .1 , -! iik .. ,_go- 1 uleutSr(th the : in re ,_ 44 , *4. 16 tiatitibk.geor d ' I ra o rthegodg e bri . tiig„ , ,,t,s ~#if4. dp_the etr ,JUI .. the t*H!** lll. kteni t,4 , falc to , A ry " ',./SeS - -,:itt lir oi . titt " etlll 7 4lVil 4 ili 'lAW*.iibt diiikkittiftif. .1t mbenae . ;. ~ ..: iiA, - .,„„,, - ,,,:, ... *lw.firultdoutylkl like 'ic'k.'. P*l l . 4, :mrar r gifilvpifisadelif)pultfl•-101 , 1aitt. - 0 , Oa 6,0 " r4,4 1 .- - `, als , 44lo 4 iMitisentiiiirldgiil 'The io irrg . ' theca - traid ir siOkitblitnellitit iiiii**edueifit trate t : - .-ne*f*Mh p rigickliati„sietired blur* Jrniti iturdwi orup*- -- ' JoY keeping tke whoeli of vett tairtuerikiiiii 'ir Caine liaos,'and obtained an eir**Wilarinice:.thut in sago' a load of. steno or hardeer 4aisillerflireike , dens on the bridge, l , weft'. ASV pkiaitit!Alitt tibicotion until the °b etroths feyeroored;Alio'sbotad be . , publicly pre-. sista frith leather shout•. 01 44 0 ; . °14. 4- rs,ltrm - Edwil* - Hilitey and , pirtierick filleirroof 4.4 tieiehttlisi years, were ay .. , 4t rai before Aid. it , ~. ttmlay afternoon, on , "rge of sil f t , 2 tills .N horn on theaitio , il li obi*, th ht;in i the Tar ?Arta 1 attiati . ;:#l,74 79 ; e le d s str f err i t. am 'lLy a 11:v n e n g ' oriel*. iigA• Wek*,,atailto homiL Ther,VITO been is the , 0,. 'en in aranding ezeosions in the *averts iilear4`itty, fin *Akio time, sleeping in beak rohble 7 tt, andivoltbig raw eggs, awAlifigi ~ , . ` , They *ere arrested ofelNilqit - ~- : Py" . inior Signe, No. 8011, .awgfike dirola ' , es Teentplintt ward, while. ,. lII H, 4E V ri te 'r ., - -,: l . 144f. eatelt s er a ot , l g r j eh h tlt h e V ti l ifi etet Company , gt, the hieing pun. After 11 14116f*SAN'iminlffittat *, igfe p f A.- 74 44 , „ named William fittikege was ihariiil Iteltatilnt 4 4, mm-before AdlietegiO . *WO* enticing end • tobbing a lime iitjibieb be formerly boarded; , he' T lleged osiiiiistooilitiOttaff'on ttill night of • ilie7tlf inst. Ed* . biletk, to payer. , ... • _ _ AN, ~ - .„.. I ,.ponoi . v,iitaii, yettoolit .morn in f ,„, i" - " 'WE'bilaige of maila r y ~ '-_,..,'' :' 'Y. , .3 ? ~..,..41 i tsisic--wiar.44o2. sal " - I t 'an' I,setittlsitteit op the'Governor et Ntite'X ?,:';'-''.44'.. ~;::, 0 • , -'.A - )01:,(4e4ifickeisir : " Alta 'OPOS—Litat , 06%9 _ ' do Bennett %treat, In the ph* ' , ~,:i ti:Oteopt ytaa• made to xeocue the . k,.. - .ir . -Nt ,f.Tf• 5 .0.41 4,1 0 44!igiti '..a ' - flr.:- . - 99/94.11.,ge1ra„ -ri a A ..Autlitli6 ' 3O/44 P um ' er ' 841* '. „AN _ ' :h . ~11`„, --;:: ' t • il l ' , 24-Tgli:ibeitilili 'll3 . the case ' 1 ,41w-• :,...,- j':*l pies . ideal of the Corn , la ' l ' l l . .. W`` . . ' .: 16 ”I t ti , M is f NO,f i . „ Wt ' 47i0 - ?kk.'''' ' ” S 111041 • ~,-/"----- ,V i et_ „ 11610tvitlitlii z `.• ~ ?,,' , r7:s, - h foadandlitfteentb, ' wee ' ' .' 1 ' % Sithil,i,ty,Wight, by the agile fiftik 43, 1: - 1 - --": t i g li .rWM!!! 4 Mgl a • faatepokititaitla„o.. , ~,,,a,,i..i.:, e, , - 7:llE COURTS. pitooxanvras [Reported for "A rresell ,UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT—Judge Kane. —The November term of thii court commenced this morning. Thegrand, jury were called, and having answered to Mph names, adjourned to the second Monday in January. The petit jury were adjourned until third Monday in Janpary. The special ealendarilin admiralty will be called pa Friday next. The stated calendar on Saturday. g• Common . Pusan—Judge Thompson.—The case of O'Connor vs. Gormley, before reported, is still on trial. • The insolvent Mit was taken up by Judge Alli son, in room No. 5. ' DISTRICT COURT, No t 2.—Judge Ilare.—Elira both Mansfield, exeoutrix of John Mansfield, de 'ceased, vs. John Mansfield. Verdict for plaintiff, $201.25. • . • James Manypenny vs. rotor Koster and John An notion for damages for running down a canal boat on the river Delaware, by the steam boat John Stevens, in 1854. Verdict for the plain tiff, $1,546;12. • ' QuAnyan Ssomorts.—Judge Conrad.—john Gif fort was acquitted of an assault and battery on Catharine Giffert. Mary Mullin was acquitted bf keeping a disor derly house.. Augustus Donnerman was convioted of tho lar ceny of a coat. Sontoneed to two years in the Eastern Penitentiary. # •Bridget Thorn was aminitted of an assault and battery on Catharine Bruner. Noah Nerk was acquitted of an assault and bat• tery on Isaac Bost. Aquiila Haines, an alderman of the Twentieth ward, was found doing of taking illegal fees. Joseph T. Bannister was charged with obtaiding 'six hundred yards of oil cloth from Austin Brown. 'The defendant was formerly a partner mitts& per 'son, named, Batters, and while the firm continued, the .prosecutor gold them goods. The firm dis solved. and it is alleged that one of the partners tLld Brown that Bannister had no capital in the concern. Defence alleged 'there - was no false pre tence. Not guilty. W. Baden, Esq., for defend- Mat. James Dunn, a young fellow of nineteen years of age, pleaded guilty to an attempt to sot lire to a atablo at Twenty-third and Da'Malin streets. Scapulae deterred. Silas W. Timmins was charged with an assault and battery on hie wife, Elizabeth"Tinnoitts, The proseoutrix, a handsomely:groan:4aril:WO-look; tog young wemanywho appealed 'tete deepty of- - footed whilelgi , t a her testimony { said that she *WO:her - nd -lit pOitiltion that left no timicy.with.. colored - woman t the 4sfet qt.-% Store, at - Twelfth and Raeo; upon tr4brai , Jeer- Withered With bit delith , she alleges that e strookher f and threw har down is thelotel - where they - had' been staying: For the defence was doniedtliat any assault had been •committed, apd that the lady wan in' feet the as sailatt. Jury out. Judge Doran for the defendant. CITY ITEMS. ,STILL Prtonitessirea.--Che &Aire operations ,which have for some time been going forward at such a rapid rate, on the new Stitt street railroad, lave now been transferred to Fifti, street. Mien the workmen on the Sixth street line reached South area, they ceased operations there, and at once memo:reed the work on Fifth street; beginning at Oat point and goinglhorth ward. The work from the riorthinti terminate of thin line luid last evening progressed as far southward as Pnplar.etreeti and from the expeditious Manner in which this enterprise has time far been pushed forward, we mil expect to goe 'them trio bodies of workmen meet in the vicinity of Race street, come time during the present week: The objections to this great city im provement ;nevi all , gradually disappeared from the public mind; and the wonder with many now Is, that a public convenience, offering' such signal advantages to our citizens residing in the outer portions of the city, sbould have been so longdelayMl: * " What few objections were still existing In the minds of Some have evidently giventray to the pleasing spectacle of Mktg hundreds 'of man this earning bread for their familles,Vrhi, without thin work, would have had no means ofsupporting Should the season continue at all favorable, it is now confidently expected tnet cars Willbeplaced upon these lines before the clogs Of the year. . • ANotinur. Caitk . dg.,—The . cold. snap with which we were 'greeted a few days ago, was yesterday superseded ,V • damOittoosphere anda lowering sky, whist' late in the afternoon settled down into a steady, owl-making drizzle, very much to the discomfort of the parading 4 militarY, and those of our citizens who honored them with their presence on the side-walk along the route. To those of our military friends, however, who yester day paraded in military uniforms for the first time, the day was a fine itiltiatory steplo e soldier's life; and the "numerous new uniform; we may also note In passing, Were submitted to a sponging process which will oer- Utility &Ahem, for the present at least. The rairila no doubt wanted fa the country to fill up the apriapp anewellelior to the settles In et winter. ••21p m! , . Vow! !, Nfiw !! is,the time to seourp tteatAefajair.• Oral! avid to MO e,pergenoy r . Fe ,ale itoierptibere tannennew!bihreugh the pram, tied tYe'srerf Philadelphia nthtoners and Clothiers, OHM ,laltwight Jaytibie epiptiestii i r" AWetiv:ratillif die**, ti,.;Augle ro~lc in' or Woman, will dlapose ,of their entire hootOfitipe r riar awlnter clothing , ofhe' beat fabrics, and lateetwtyles, 1 ofiet in ',the country can be foUnd io Uri. and WeiVeeleiiid stock from Which to elopes i.and none but the, beet,artishe,; empioafi.in . thp,antlhsc and mauufaeturlncOpn Manta. Our vitiation - readers should pay them an earl) "?1 1 Ot,. • • scum` rN Towk—Lieut. General Winfield' Seott,wthotitiOwlh the city, came to take part In the, 4dedlostory ierrioreat the new armory' of the blational' Ottarde. " While the General la in town he :wig. 1441 4454,44fq irAoloW"that neWladi Itt t h e P4af•Pla, pf IfFef. awe an fi r 605 OimaMut spot, aboverlixta. BEY PILOT'UNE.' ~, -'-,:i; ' -, . 4 . ~,,:, Lirtruk - ODvfrzw yu t iiii • .-''. 'lptiorreajorelentli of Iha . f . 413.] • , • , - ~:tt, , , - "''lfigi'YOliV Nay. 111-4.20 P. iff•• • ..: The - imat4irrii k t. which the bathe' are'itif AV • : , rienoincjil l ,:thaftigikiiida ptsPor, on which-ajonb • 'Amy iie'rlittita,to land Motley: They , are %ant. iIIS'OVV, OgiAglithP4ol .s 4 PeOr9 l lo s , #9 l O-,!Pl.9.kiAr. aid fanillpenaliing for Wallateials,•isha oviditartlY, Wishing medie.ipta *tit* surplus' capita; but they,oartitaWa OLicAt Mit:'' beepso,'o4 os'-' bliit*iit Tclipt add Whiibilercd:faio. '' ' -. The 110.4 aportaatiaarepting the KOPOIOk - . ., ;100 4 i ' he pa:kraut4p of *air titi*VitlA;tb' . tioCl*ll4.ton of a dery fie ift,r6l44, _..., 26':; cfitein Will go,inte, leifrA:: 4 tt.lititt , :' ,t 4 2 4 1 i: ~ ay. , nithe eitY,banki ltof.: .. Atiol; .. . ' ". # 4144 (4.ti11ii fa rash , - , :"7!" . '.-..^f , - , "e„Aitititir otiogort4 . jg -k a4)ltelrlipißito aissig liodivi44- ail:Gen• them , in, in 0 , ..iat 40, 4% gif-K . 000 4,- -! t ;it i iiiV i t or, ,tiooor.igactok._,lp*e_., it it; the .rdto ai's x per aint;ll.la,otiMPeatettaiiit there iiiithiiiihrdiftl , %; Onlly on this more: - ',.: ,- • c.•.. • . , lklMS . atlifitinitimi-tiiihtlirfrior anstetitlien on Sa turilai.:: ~..Cimaderioo 13'„siadu 011 y , iefiiifdtk Anti:, Money ia Wioming more pypt:Y., ViO,iiiice m ocm i 1 5l 4011 1 1i . ,ttalTioodlluitels , reaton .- .temblie at it lbintualliolill'ballllttiMne,g9s7bo, l rtsPed I I =di' Qiilil'eYea4iPosek. if Ogof 43 - siD.. l lllB I be:inkitikiiiSiiiii iolll444'itettpAtfAiiiiii; 4*4'aitt' up or from .oar , Ahcat4arit, rysonrooSi bat hieing jot rur„.4 .m r,, ,i i,ol2lol‘..aillA lV 1 0F.' tat - 9 . Ji . arc- .0* hr into Willi ' ./ , L 411 1 .1 1 .51,... rti*itirx, Ldeb et enit ikudja, - -, . ,'. f Lir 100* ivAtihedriepipd. that Whatever: i ' " - 61 ,/___ f 1 0114,4. .. ItPft.lEw; _or. are 11koli.to_ find . , .trowerol jrai,9dopendentot ontibanks,. ratan paella digai - more. active today, 1064108 are tna i enrrenv - o,tecroti-, dot.. d a y . , -starling. Iliniketiitsik R19. - "Delitootio "axiliddlt e is' easier; i -anti lileoli, to 1 69 Otin"*Oio4o. no., wirs 14 the- Cityof Vistingtquinanies Rid - probability of a further-rise to g ilt in ; the rate of dis oount of. the Batik 0 - - Pie will.lio solely ;designed to check the driiii , of iiii*Etattifjo spy t ;_ .t iryand,tlittifit .6 riltitileati-kty;; , ill '-'..'.: .',-!. "; I 01 .. 41104,0 , flublieliod.lbottalkitten, Tr* * o ..4rskii t , la 4 ' / 7.1141C;' of 11624994.. Or -IOU; and ' :$ 4,76fi ~in eifitilaW i n j ' .4111411-14ir f P; 4 Jrt,slipoio,,:pi 1., li . ' -ix DP* ' . . ,, and ,' • 78;148 411. uu! ;dlrawii de •- t ...:-.1 , U,5... 4. - 'no . 4,411 ix .• . ~ .. ~, ?. ' i tillete , lient- of ,44 4 i Ate two ' , '-' 47 - , i*. 17 '1 1 - i 4 • ," ;ill, .:i , ,'"-• -, ,vit0i1... - ~;„ iiti ' ..4 ' r 4 5p0dii !. 00 ....::: . ; ." „., ; ; ,;174 4 :: 2 ;It , i ' , ",;, ° 16 0 11011 k4". 4i' ' ' ' . 111011d12' v. i , fi . Delicititili: , i .....,..,?4,04_ 0 - Vadraerad - F, ‘;-."•. 1 - liras ' .431- i t ' I /M_ ' ' ' "., fo • 0 *Otto , .. - ie,--,,•T:l4iived 'go g o " be a4l - ii ' ' 'Ai: bit was wrong, and oljat_wot.Ao itiverlelleved any evidence that a Nett York Olt,' beak- told& berAgeporous. With 9 ogt 0 1 020000,041D•ln specie, *by do 'they conti- , ...„. ...0.4 their leadiyetit.iimidition? Why not resume I •'--,-, ;Om*? 'lf they aie not much more unsorupnlous ; than oven 1 bakie.T.elkent,they must resume soon• Ill werecash transactions; iit the aub-treasury to• day were ns follows : Receipts 030,1120; payments, $418,902.65, (including $25 California drafts;) Wanda, 55,00.3,930.38. The cue ms receipts for duties: were $69,000. The itook market seas again buoyant this morning, and a further material ad vance Gook plain; as you will observe from the an nexed lista. -Bank stocks were particularly active and rove rapidly. At the' second board the im provement continued. Reading closed at 42; Erie at 171; New York Central at 761; Illinois Central at 97; Panama at .80; Michigan Central at 59; Michigan Fnutkent atl3; and Chicago and Rock Island at77#. NEW TORX STOOK EEO MOND 1000 Vhdlols Os 133 X 1000 MIOOIII6 k. 13,11 8000 do 733 i 11000 Tank 08 1 90 'BB 6000 N Ottollna es 83 3800 111 On Ban. 85X low N 040 It Ts 102 1000 Liteoktlil bs aks , 4000 L NrlektV ht to 40 10 11700ver Bk 77 60, Phenix lik 82x, 60 DelkUud.ol Co 101 40 Sixth Avenue.ll 88 LO i4ciao MBB 0 , 87 5 du 68 100 Cum Coal b 3 13 20,d0 12% 850 „do . 33 160 7 ' - AS 12% 240 N Yeoun 78 14 60 - do - 360 76% 7% 60 Eric Railroad /TX 110._ do 1 Angus doll and unchanged. BRIU.WITUras.—Ths Flour market is 60. bettor to•dari, with sales of 10,000 bble. at $4.85a55 for ,Snnson to choice superfine State; $5.05a55.2& for 11 , 4.86a55 for common to good super ,w,ettSTSP end .$5.05a55;95 for common to iss Onkain eV'," grades of Western. Canadian Flour 60 better-.melee 600 blds. at $6.06a56.06. Southern Flour more' , aotive and :fialoe. bettor—sales 4,900 bbis. 'SU $64614545 for superfine, and $6.40611' for and , fasey-beands.. Oillin.;: 4 Thelithaat Market is more active and buoyant; "leg of 3 7 _4 000: lone 080 for Chicago spring;, SLOT for Milimukee ; about $1.28 for raaBogthernCs44o44l4,4Bt for white*); and $1.60 rptyrbitit 1 , 11.0 le firm gt, 080, IPorg br MEM ZL I 4 .)1/12411 SALES, Nov. 10. 1014.11 D. 200 20 o Rud Rt. R 19 d 24 40 Ilarletri R 100 do 300 do 9 300_111 Oen R 97 60 Panama , R ' 09 200 Reading R 41,%; 300 do 42 88 Mich Oen It 59 50 Mich Bouth'n R 22X 2 5 0 ' do* 23 100 Ohm& Pitts R .12 200 do• 12% 10 Gal&Chio R 00 75001& Tolß 40 100 5 do b3O 40X Oble&lb 14 77 50 do '72, 1 10 & Alias 1 5 do 30% 5140kb1IIR 13X MARKETS bettor; sales 15,000 bus at 8148110. Oats are un changed. 00FrEa.—The market is extremely dull, with sales of 100 bags Rio at 10allo, 4 mos. ' Ilices.=The market remains quiet; we only no tice sales of 500 Vera Cruz on pnvate terms, and 1,000 Texas to arrive, also on private terms. The imports of the week closing today, were 40,954, and the sales 12,686 The stock on hand is 323,218 LEATIIER.—The market remains dull. The tran sactions for the week were as follows: Receipts, Oak and Hemlock, 80,000. Sales, do. do. 48,000. Stook on hand 956,000. Same time last year 73,000. NAVAL STORES —Spirits of Turpentine dull, with Bales of 200 bbls at 40a410 cash. Crude Tur pentine quiet at $3.50 per 280 lbs. Rosins re main dull and unchanged, Tar and Pitch quiet. (Mo.—The market for Linseed is dull, with small sales attBe, cash. Other kinds nominal. Puovistows.—The Pork market is dull, with sales of 300 bbls at $19.50a519.75 for Mess, and $l7 for Prime. Beef and Cut Meat§ dull. Lard firni and buoyant at 12a130. Butter and Cheese without change. RICE.—We have but to notice a continued dull ness. Sales 50 too at 3a31 cents cash. SUGAR.—The demand continues moderate. In cluded in the sales are 13 hhds Porto Rico, in bond at 61 mints net, clash; 25 hhde do at 81 cents, and 5 do at 71, 4 months. 650 hhds Cuba on private terms-7:0 Ws do, at 7 cents cosh—and 23 hhds do at 5 cents net sash, in bond. WRISKEY.^-80103 300 bbls at 23a231=6 cents. 3Mporiations Inspected for The Preis.) CIIARLESTV—Scbr Ephraim & Anna-60 tca rise Palmer & Co; 03 do, 9 bales cotton, Palmer Thomas & Co; 67 bales waste, Jessup & stoore; 14 bags, 6 bbls cansba alba, 61 8 Stockton; 4 boxes type, L Johnson & Co; 10 bags featb ors, Parker & Totaled; 67 empty casks, R Gault; 57 do, J Gibson, Bon & Co; 23 do, 11.1GwlIn; 44 - do Poulimey & Massey; 6 pkgs sundries F Charbon. ST JOHN, NB—Brig David Duffell-128,000 pickets, 50,000 laths, praekiil & Galvin. LETTER IlArt At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Sirocco, West Liverpool, soon Bhip Joseph Jones, Flowers Ben leranoinco, noon PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADR. EDW.I.HD A. Sovian, Wentam, M. BASIN, Owarurirs or Tar MOUTH NUWOOIIBI3. TUQUTSON, ' = • savOrici O?F' ram ocpik writuttiras. FROM TEE UNITED STATES. mulcts . • rabic' soh DAY Ofteada. ' ' Nostori, &,c. ' Liverpool Ilior 18 Arable' '-'' ' ' Nier York Liverpool ''" Nr4 - 2 4 Glasgow New York Glasgow Nov 25 Ariel Now York gouthempton, io..Nov 28 • FROM EUROPE. MN TOR "LT Glasgow Glasgow New York Oct 31 Hammonia tramburg New York Nov 1 Ariel Southampton New York Nov ii Nina& .. '........f.iverp00l Bilstou Nov 7 Atlantic ....Liverpool New York Nov 11 Yanderbilt...Southampton New York Nov 11 Kangaroo Liverpool New York. .... .....Nor 18 New York Glasgow New York Nov 18 Fulton Havre New York .. NovlB Anglo Saxon.... Liverpool Portland, &o Nov 2f5 Marine Jute!lignite. PORT OF PRILADNI . .P7I4, Nov. 17, 1857. 817 N RIBES 7, 8-61IIN BETS 4 62 111011 WAT4II. 1 52 ARRIVED . . Ship Tuscarora, Dunlevy, from Liverpool, Ott 10, with mdse and passengers to Cop 9 Bros.. Towed.up Pp tog America. Passengera.:thfr Alfred Cope, Hiss E Ha milton." Nov a; be4l, long an, exchanged signals with ship Wyoming. Steamship Palmetto, Baker 60 hours from Boston. wirh mdse ancl.Psasengers to H Winior Passed a light .barque, three Berm Brigs, and several sohoonera above Reedy Island, Windup. • Brig David Duffel', Tabbatt, tram St John, NB, via Boston, 7slays, with pickets, An. to J W Geakill k Co. Behr Ephraim 1 Anna , Dole, 5 days from Charleston, with rase to Jairug Baker. 'llthr Alabama. Avery, L days from Proraoetowa s with aides to Geo A Wood. Behr. A Tirrell, lllRglos , 6. days from Hotted, with mdse to Crowell fr. Clolltrut. Bahr Martha Hall, Storer, 4'days from New York, with mdse to captain. • Bohr Oman Wave, English, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to Lewis Ilatherma Behr Mary Miller, Lowe 4 days from Providence, in A ballast to Bancroft, Lewis Co. Behr Jain Deputy, Neal, 4 days from Providence, In ballast to .N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr Ann B Brown, Brown, 8 days from Bgg Harbor, n ballast to John It White. 13ohr E Pdaro, Ratter, 3 days from Egg .Harbor, In ballast to Van Dollen, Norton & Co. flobr SI D Mabony, Robinson, 3daya from Egg Ilarbor, In ballast to'Blakiston, Cox & CO. Sohr d F Abbott, •Ludlam, 4 days from Egg Harbor, in ballast to Do Haven & Co. - - . Behr J Ireland, &edam, 5 days front Boston, In bal ant to Lewis Itothermet. Bahr It L Tay, Late; 5 days from Roston, In bat last to Andenroid o Co. Bohr Ontario, Vangllder, 4 days from Fall River, In ballast to Lewis Ettithormel. Bohr Ladles' Choice, Brooke, 1 day from New Outle t Del, with min to Rohezon Lea. Seise Noma. Straughtt, l day from New Cull°, Del, with vain to Robeson Lea. • - • Behr NOKIA% nipple, 3 days from Baltimore, with grain to Robeson Lea, • Behr Mary Warren, Woodward, S days from Daltintote, withgrain to Robeson Lea. RohrD, Maley, 2 days 'rom Maurice River, NJ, in ballast- to Maturterant & 00. iSchr B. Thompson, Lloyd, 2 days from Dennis , Creek, NJ, in ballast to captain. Behr Rapedition, Omer, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with grahato Bewley, Wilson & 00. Behr Antall Russell, Warrington, 1 day from Lentos, Del, with corn to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Behr Caleb Wood, Bositheni, 2 days from Milton, Del, Behr Mantua, Maxon, 1 day from Frederica, Dal, with wheat to Jam Darratt & Son. Behr Anna Marla, Hillard, I day from Smyrna, Hob with wheat to Jas Barrett h Son, OLBARND. Steamship Delaware, anpaa, if York, J /Manatee. Ship Nestorian, Goodhue, Mauritius, Tyler, Mono & Co. Bhip .Perkina, Wayne, Liverpool, Fre A Godwin. ,Bingite Clem, Hammond, Boston, J 8 Weths, " Bchr. Cyrus Chamberlain, Hallott, Barton, Noble,' liaminett & OaldKeG.. • Maley,. Boston, N.rBrwrtersiti & Co. - ' Behr Liroes,ll Depot' Nest, Boston,' ' . Barn L ZNA, Litim, , L AttdenealiteBd4e.`" ScyrMarl ilinar'iLiwis, Elostonißaneroft;lonvie & Co. !Veda J Irelantl,lneeltnan. Boston, L Rothentibl. ' • Bohr goean'Wave, Votelisb, Washington.' dh . ' 'Behr Ontario, VangilderMewburg, - do • ,Bohr.) Miro, !Intro, Witithingtosw,Van Tmen, Nov- Ng* Co. Telir A'nn-A Spawn, Brown, Alexandrl4,4ll. White. • ' , Bohr M B . 3lahony, Bobinson,.New Bedroitl,..lllkkie. ton, COX /c 00. , q. , • Behr itYibbott, Lodlam,liighosood, De lip. , voit &To, Nickerson, • Beaton, 'N ,& Co: i • - Ineam!it ritrraei, Maroon, Baltimore, A tlroYee, „,- (116choondenoe at.tba Philelle 6lfichst6p) PAP ULAN Mr; 16.6 .11. , Th6 , l4trities.oll6B - al Waor aewell, far lagasyreq; two brigy, te6'6i tyelvit, aqhr6 rent td. era .tltio•afteritou:ro harm btlgi Wantio itimoon., AMC ' 4 , "" ' TWinl) . &o., - TAM 11.41tieltia. „ . , DIY I . M.ZOIIAI9bi ''''''• (001rte8POIldellte Ot i nia Praia.) - 1 , .: ;' , , .- ~ ,' . 19:Aostzums, ' NOY 14. t • The soo.her4l pull rcirolebeeltey Wtert'sdrteek to the lOU Wet: **let beet:peeled o wreck, supposed by the Mill to be the barqup to ' Thompson„ here oars no no* diniteter,repotte4. .. , , . . (Ooistemiere a tip Ebtbaielphie Radix :40 Noimmic..l4.,Now la. .LoBB' OFKM B4LTIo-few,nrawsmotiNN,ED —The o Bw, cant fitevana,vl xod tarlialtinaold, from 13f Jago de Oa*, Wen with nobnen arnrio Nation) oAp aillitqCk' Belt, lfbarliithe weat to Flues, • alikd' sli Itanda'doramist. Put of the Nolo and materials y be wet!. , 'rho body or a. MU , 1 ,1 110410011 ;Wlahed 'ashore, sumeaut,W-ba fist'of OialZtir o ans, U haws/ stoat t inetiejt planionPwit4. gnatentoopffustanlin, and hisAt e 'UM'S MIMI Mika ) 7 •'; , (001Tipp01140tletk9f.73likrzaig;) ' 4 / 1 1 1 1Ti$,G.11.1121;107:16, 4 , • cioni bolas left lista Ibis , ii)oft4 r og, lqiso and con?, , signed as follows: • Poi 4 t-13 4yl pig Iroo'So Cri-r044.0411 10o; GOP Pol)ook;`11k1t1er . /dXiowiflut 4,8i0 light to Cottoll e 439; Ool'.lt Ottijmni;'axitor4cifin, foot: to nollimare city: r " , 801MORANHA. , Steamship Niagara, Wlaknian, ficenr; Dtaston,,naelveit at Liferpool lilt inst. , ;14, ~•• Steamthip Glaigqw, ;Diplom, for ,NeleY'ark, sailed from G1aag0w,11,70tA1t,,,,,, , ,• • ' Steamship' Fulton, Wotton; from New, York, arrived at Havre 80th ult, Steamship New Yetis, Critig,Aromamcgork, graved; at GlaagowSlatnit: ' t s ; Steamship •Olty.of - lQew Y ttrici Jim es „lit= at , 800- , ton yesterday, - Steams ! 4.4.P.10 141 , niesk 4 4 l oC4Ser ‘ ND% y e sterdirp.RirißMMmore.• v • Steamship Rialelf front/lariats for 011artes ton, arcivadat Kay_WeatKlthanst. , • r • •r' .7 • neap Alakismb*:, linlikahlraMdigassilla, at SaraPrasies • Mug • •i , t." • .5 . 4. Met:1101a, lita - Wileate Pdfdirli *gird aVfisee : Stets 18th ult te,t • Ati . Ship Lotus, Liwkleiltrems,Zienr,york, 'Mersa at , Sms , !Francisco 19th ult.. 10.1319daya1. ,,, " . ,• Ship Mastiff, Johnson, for Amebae, cleared , Pramisco 19th ult. • • ' . • Ships Fair Wind,fitront, for Meilihrerne; Fiera Yintis s ;" pie; Cele ; for Hong Rong r and Indianian; Smith . ; !MTV,. sailed from San Itrannincoltith nit, t Ship Rising Rialsi, - Ilatos, from Callao, via Hampton.' Roads, arrived Al New York yesterday. Ship Flying Scud, Baxter, horn Now York for Bom bay, was men Oct 4, lat 9 8, long 5 W, Barque Margaret, Wood, for Philadelphia, galled from Bordeaux 28th ult. • Barque Edward Cohen, Burgess, from Leghorn for 'Philadelphia, remained at Gibraltar 19th ult. repairing. Barque Aaron I Harvey, Willar, was loading at Sierra Leone Oct 20 for Philadelphia. Barque Belle, Ryder, hence at Boston 14th inst. Barque Tytingharu, Howes, from Calcutta, arrived at Boston yesterday, 811Barque F Lennig, Higbee, hence, via Aspinwall, and at Havana Bth inst. Brig Alfred Exalt, noodling, hence, arrived at Ha vana 7th Inst. Brig Cleopatra, (Bwed) Daunberg, from Rio Janeiro, arrived at New York 15th Inst. Brig Georgia, Carlisle, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 14th init. Behr Jai McGee, Gallagher, for Philadelphia,.salled from Hartford 10th : inst. Behr Hartford, Griswold, hence at Hogiford 14th inst. Behr Elects 7 Scott, Taylor, from ...•-.011 for Phila delphia, at New London 11th inst. Schre Gee Edward, Slay; Alpine, Hooper, and J B Anstiu, May, hence at Boston 15th test, Bohr 11 L B Wales, Williams, from Georgetown, SO, at Boston 16th inst, a Schr W 11 Mifflin, Melons, from Leipalc, Del, at New York yesterday. Behr B Wattson, Robinson, was waiting at Havana 9th inst. Scbr lI E Bell, hence, arrived at St. •Jago do Cuba 20th ult. Schrii Fly, Chceseinan, hence for Nantucket, and Jo nathan Cone, klehalfey, from 'Haddam for Philadelphia, at New York yesterday. Bohr Einaline Chester, Burroughs, hence, arrived at Newiledford 14th inst. Behr,' Louisa Gray, Marts; Silver Magnet Perry; Vil lage Gem Phinnoy; J (0 Stine, Corson; Vashti Sharp, Sharp; Win A Cox, Houck, and Deborah Jones, Wins more, hence at Beaton 14th inst. Schr F. 11 Atwood, Atwood, cleared at Boston 14th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr J Tyler, front Portland; Conn, for Philadelphia, at New York 16th inst. Behr 1) S Mershon, Spragg, cleared at Wilmington, N 0, lath inst. for New Castle, Del. Behr J SlThrtver, Miller, hence at Boston 14th tact. Sloop John AI Clayton, Hancock, cleared at Baltimore 14th Met. for Philadelphia. SPOKEN. Nov 6, lat 43 16, long 61 20, ship Star of the West, from New York for; Liverpool. MARINE MISCELLANY. Slag Lorena, Capt Tupper, from Now Orleans for liot , deanz, prerlousl,y reported put into Dermada indiatress, has been condemned and sold'at that place • Atissisa YseseL—Barque L A liobart, Qt. and from Wilmington, NC, for Cardenas, went to see from the bar Sept 0, and has not since been tkes,rdfrom She was undoubtedly lost In the hurricane which visited that .vicinity a few days after, the name in which the stoma Central Americo, teudereel, IS Si eomovhe% titg i l ltESt4OWEtit i litti ITESDAti NOVOLOgit i. Ist?. remarkable that there has been no Wrecked Vessel of her description seen, es the , Wholiroute between Wil mington and Oardenae is in the track of s large number of vessels to and from tho northern and southern forts in the United States, the Went Indies. &o. The Ic & A Hobart was a good vessel. 274 tone, built at jioot . ~tbay to 1849, and was valued at about 0,000. There is no insu rance on either vessel or cargo, Ospt John S Merlin was a native of Outlet, Me, but he has resided in 'Wil mington NO, for many years, sad leaves a family there. It Is to be hoped that the crew were eared by some Veil ed bound on a distant voyage,lut in view of the Tin lance of the storm, the prospect la not eneolimling• The American echr Dr Itane his been seized at Ohat ham, Idiramichl, for aninfringement of the navigation laws, ehe having conveyed a cargo of wood •to that poet from Quebec. A achy loaded with bones wee picked, up . detellot Sept 25 oft Fayai, by ship Alice Wilson, Weeks, from Oallee for —, which put men on board to take her Into port. Cleveland, Nov. 10—The propeller Jersey Olty, Woo with dour, from Toledo to Dunkirk, knocked a hole .ln her hull. She Is discharging. The..propoller Oily of Superior; bound up with full cargo bf merchandise, is a wreck near Copper Lake Superior. Vessel and cargo total lone. Bremen, Oot. 31—The Ooriolan, Steengraafe. from New York, arrived here yesterday with lose 'of bow sprit and foremast broken, baring been in contact with a barque on the night of the 24th Cork, Passage *est, Oct. 31—The American barque WliliareObue,Dory, of Georgetown (general eargo,) from London for Cliarleshin, (Id 3) diameeted, healed to the Royal Victoria Dockyard wharf for repairs. ' Key West, Nov. 10th .—The brig Darien, Capt Ster rett, from Boston, 350 tone of ice, bound to Mobile, at 2 o'clock A al of the ad Met, ran upon the shoal known as the Dry Rocks, near Sand Key, in sight of thin city, and remained aground antil the afternoon. Therpilot boats Champion, Dina Jones, and bed, and the sloop Vinyard, render& assistance, awl aneceeded insetting her oil with little damage. She was libelled forwtivage by the IT tii Marshal, the mum was tried before the Ad miralty Judge on the oth, and salvage awarded to the amount of $l,OOO. This sum, with the expenses, $244. was advanced by the banking-house of Wall &CO, and the brig sailed for Mobile on the .oth, receiving sea re pairs at thin place. The IJ 3 Coast Survey schooner Phoenix, ()apt /limn, from New Orleans, via Key West, bound to Baltimore, sprung a leak in the gulf morning of the 4th hint, end to save the liven of those on beard, was run enhore on Key 'trawls, and become a total lose. The materials have been brought to thin place. The schooner Cascaranderoot, Capt Vanderhonsen, from Attakapas, with a cargo of live oak, bound toPly mouth, Blass, grounded on Loggerhead Shoal morning of 30th Oct, in a heavy squall, bat beat over the reerelear of damage, and called same day on her voyage. sel re ceived little damage.' The British ship Kossuth, CIO Dawson, from York for N Orleana, Was totally lost on Walker's Reef Bth of October. The captain end crew went to Nassau' four teen of the passengers were eget to this place by the' Governor, to leave for N Orleans the 12th. ,DOMBSTIO PORTS. 'SAN' PilANolBoo,...uArr 12th nit; brigs J Grown, 'Albion river, 18th, barque Madonna; Hong, Port Madi son 18th, brig Quoddy Belle, Humboldt .13sy. Salted 18th tilt, Idamb ship Edwitot it Ellie, Anuireliwq, Oat. lee. 'Sid' 9th nit, barque .D Al Hall, Packard, Ifum boldt Bay. Mith, Pr ship NII,-Lbdno VallarateAljtly ship Leonora, kitchen. Pe1148 0041 IsEW YORK, Nor 16—Arr 'hips Plumreh,llll Liverpool; Antarctic, Stoufferilo; Epaudnondas,Btandt; Shields; the B bee bad very bad weather; tigperienced heavy westerly gales the entire passage; lost.seihrtb boom, stove hulwarks, boat, broke main rail, &e,;,, n rich, Mich,Havre; Tuisko, (Bram) Bannentarut„Bre• men; Parliament , ' Pollard, Boston; bar qua Goodspeed, Tare, Boston; sehrs T Grits McCready, Ottedintoni Smithsonian, Van Brunt, Wilmington, NC. Nov 18, err ateamships City or Washington;Pitile, Liverpool o4th test.;. St Louis, Hudspn, Aepintrall via Havana; Roanoke, Skinner, Portsmouth, 040,• ship Princeton, Dell, Havre Oct 6; barques Ceres, Smith, West coast Sumatra; Pride of the Elea, Johnson; Nnev lies; steamers Locust Point, French, Baltimore; Thomas Swann. Poet, Savannah. Cid brigs Caroline Whitebery, Aspinwall; Iliverßelle, 'Holmes, Arroyo, P R; *Ora M(... bile, Howes, Mobile; Arab, Howard, Middleton, NO; Passport, Hawkins, Indianola. FOREIGN POETS. DE THE CITY or WASHINGTON Ar at Liverpool 8d hist, ships Bridgewater, from New York; Alliance, rarest; Charleston; Ist, Thornhill, Webb, and Victory, Johnson Bombay; Tend Webb, New 'York; Florence, Nightingale, Boston; Oat 81, Sea; Fat terson, Demerara; Ontario, Woml, Obarieston: - • In the river, outward bound. 4th last, American Union, Hubbard, for Now York; Telegraph, White, Sydney, NRW; °flout, Mil, New York. Sid 211. Samuel Curling, Curling, Boston;. Mountain Eagle, Cardenas; Universe, Cave, New 'york; Mat,. Avon, Monaco, New Orleans; West Point, Niutilibg, Boston. [From the Shipping Garotte. Nov, B.] Arr at tllasgow Nov. 2, Star, May, Nov. 8, , Arr at Deal Bd, American Eagle, Moore, New York. Deal Rd, came down anchored Challenger, for Now Orleans. „ Oh! at London 2d, Martin Luther, Nichols, New Ydrk. oldat Aky ab 27th ult, ship Cromwell, Marrs, An at Algos Aug 2, Onward, Ilerbert, Bingspotn, 26111, Wymams, Burdett, Boston, Bld 20th, Porches ter, White, do. Arc at Bremen Oct 30, Coriolan, Btreogratfe, N York; President Bmldt, Meyer, do , Arr at Hamburg Oct 30, Donau, Meyer, N, York. An at Antwerp 2.1 lost, too, Cupman. Chuleston ; Bld 0 0 Scranton, Spencer, N York. From the Shipping Gazette, Nov. 2. Sld from Gravesend 2d, Liverpool, Kearney, N York. Sid from Bremerhaven 25tb, Constitution, Lunt,'N York. At llolvoet 31st, Itstonin, Walker, for N York;feady. Sid from Bordeaux 31, Aboomt, Page, N York ; Baron do Castillo. Lufkin, do. Arr at Ilavro 31st, St. Nicholas, Bragdon, 8 York. Arr at Uelvost 31st, Lelia, Galt, Dahlman. Are at Barre 30th, 'Walton (a), Naar York; Carla. turns, Carr. Cnailoston. 81d from Gloucester Slot, Ellen hfarls; Libby, N Or From the fiblypieg Gazette, Nor. 2, Arr at Cardiff 80th, G Patten, idlraraleht. Sid from liorAeana.2Ath, Ohba., Sesser, Mo bile; TOthe St Peter, N Orleans( Saes, Selmer, Oharleatoa, 814 from StindOrlea 30th, Brooknagi, Bropia_laa, N York. , „ ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS Up to 12 o'oloch Last Night. GIRARD lioUBE—Chestnut Street, below Ninth. A L Chemberlin. N Y Geo G Marlin, N Y R 0 Chisolia, 8 0 d B Blake Washington Was b_Poalk & 1e.4, Ark X Roosevelt 11l °Reign, Biltimme 0 A'Ziii, Baltimore - - D J Coadington,N Y E Barman, Washington II L Dickson, Vs 0 0 Witsgersid, Syracuse Maj W 0 Macrae,ll 8 A Mrs Macrae, New Mexico Mae Macrae, New Mexico J. Bertram Bowling & l a,DO Mrs Edwards & eon, N Y Jlt Watson, Perth Amboy P T B u sby, Baltimore Dr W L Howard, N 0 X M Benjamin, N Y Theo L Aldrn, Chicago W Bidsowllartforli, !Cy N G Carnes ,_N Y W PoWler, k Y 7 blettleon, N Y T donning* Rand, Oil 7 It lotler,,Northasopion Z L Predricks, 11 Y D It 11100arteg & Is, N Y lifai,olio 00, N Y Ohio P Iletteatatai,Ps t f , 0,1 1 =14 .44 Qtre a Utoine r, . tril t. poet 4', Neir i - erirlP Edwar4; Boston; : - 0 Alden , orb tent ~ 110Italforry, New York . tft Craig , , ow Work. ~ ,„APt/dißiags, New York , 8 kinky, IVlteeling, Vie . -IL Lloryasior,New York ILMarrington, Long Island II perry, Newlork' WM Kennedy, kV .„ 0' Th 9,,,,,„,„,. B iL ithi t ai" I. Ripon, Baltimore L I „Rottili, li,X I ~ , Miss Middleton Will** . .. , htftemuttr,NOtiL—Yourth et., bolo* ink. . 023ra1 n 1 e r , Stroudsbutg 1) II N 011.011.114 VOA Il Clemens and wife, Easton W Heinen, NI jo, Pa ~ Xon 0 Scott, xtz 0 Spanglor,,Xor i pa„ . i A L Dlefroplar, Holtidayebg • W Whitaker -14. .. . W Smith York, I's. ' 'J W Hatch, kativoJi„ II Eticert, Labraster E Hazleton, NY . , D Howo, )lana • „ 11on J 8 Yos)Pottatoirn I Hon If 8 Mot.t.'Pllce co, I' W Overbid, r Acarkork , B Iltlitol, Sorrinton, Pa W 0 QOM, inteSbUTO )4 , T A Potreo, Wilkasbarrg P Blanchard and Isly, Pi, W MoNely7,llhemesolcrry Rsn W W Dotithsa, OaltPla E Reeves„Phreal,airple Her I Fry as lady, Pa i, Jos II E4' nest,'Tehn JnsAnzart, PhUttdr. . J Russell; BaHlutore El 0 Boar, Itiohnuzini v ita ~ AMENto.o'lloTXL—Oh'estnut. belr4 Blith at. ' W 0 Oampboll, N.Y A. W Belt, Vs W L Lathrop, N Y S SOnensiN Y It 8 Smith, Balt • J 11, Harriet*, Balt ~ W J Johnson, Balt , , kt 0 Jones, Tann ~, W 8 0 Jones, Toil: , 11,P Powers, by• or Adiss'o Powers, .-, W J Johnston, PIO& • Kra Brtnton and, u, West fiamtMisr, Del ' Cheater - W a POtts, 'N J ' ~ . H. Q Oinsat, N.,Y .. J W noel, N Y ... ,lies Steal, West Oheitar 8 Halsey, Nlt 7F . Maguire, Lansingub'g . .1 11 , 1tussell, N J • s, ,*7 . 81 , . Xennedy, N V ' TSi Olopman, Oat . ', !obit °nail, Sal J L Onall, 011 , ~ . A j 'Miller, Oat H Stanford, Conn .. O'W 'Berger, Burlington- Peed A Itogeta,iktrling , n Jacob Arndt, N J , ... Jil Dobler, Data . .., ,t. LUX Bider, bid ' • Deal IttideKi Md t• .. ~,. 1 ' ,7 Ii imuler, NE. '' , '411,8 Sheller, PhDs Orleans ' $ P Miller Balt - , , . Min Battholomewi std lWm, Prentiss, Brooklyn , 11?,iION lloPill,;Areh street, below Pourth. ItB Cochran & with, Del Cit llhooner, Tamaqua ' JD MoCamant Tamaqua J3llllman, Pottsville 7 N. Latsbaw, Pa. • Jos Rammer, Orwigsburg; . (1 N lloffitot, Pittsburgh W Oarnua, Allegheny Cltis II Crampton, Dubuque, Ia T littrtli&Saloon, lowa 'Whitaker, N J kmultaim, M Chunk , riftAborlngtou, Pottsville Z P Boyer, Pottsville PII Beecher, Poq.atown, J hlotheight y Pa „ STATES UNlON—Market. greet, above NA DI: ' ,4 A 014 Tgar,,Ursosii, Vs, . liessyffits.TaAraags, Vs 1 nry Eicholta,DawnlogVA o.Spelnoe, Lead/Ater • PlUsisea, Linesster • 'bass Divers Pa ' ea ~ , , IS bat% PiAls ~ os l u 1,2 i. e;• ~ . . , r , ` 4_,. l ' 1 1 1AEX 4 / 1 4111PN-eileaTheark street, bal. vuth, r T 0 W(1114011" kid , -,. ,Wm Woolsayesid tOsaid Nisiwe,Efrobkorille 1410 oovellete, DO ' I''' * 4411 liter, Del '''. Carpenter, n ' Pad - . rfr i i.t i et l eitt h lt l e a " 4 ...rta..0hekt,, , .„..„, , Alordlpo, Enos; eugbloww Om EflillOort. lit-: ~r• ' -',DrSi ouumbiel, Del , an Wills, Chester cio, Ps ' *404 itrtiti above *hitt. Ey isaitton Williennn Jersey Oben flolrnelder Aslant, . $ sr, POStewilie .. 1. AUWIM Will i Ps tl Wkii,Alo, _OA., • kviWIS J CAI • `Tt, W liken Bin Pa • BALD ZACILB Jit;—Thly4 e*reeSeby..Callovlilll. Drelsbash, Ketch Chest • P Wootrint, inoakertOwnk ' • N M Kistler, N Beck, Centreville Knauss, Allentown • Jos Bopp, Allentown - P.dw Matey, Bethlehem David plover, Kutztown RLAOH BRAS 110TRL—ThIrd et., alai° Oallowhill. Wm J Stein,' Allentown M Artroun, Zipnijllte Dire Daub, Boyer/town D Wagner, Bbactlegyillto Oen Wagner, Bhartleavllle Win Wlnever, Soh' Then .Wm Brun:A:mak, Reading Wm Grins, Burkina Beni itortmen, Bowling Henry S Cope, Zionsville, Reuben Yaeger, Green ',nue W Perlr.enmenT Fronk' Iderkliy, Hut/town ' BARLEY SHEAF—Second, bolow Nine street. ' Thos Dyer, Doylestown Thai P ;Torrey, Doylteatlp It It fineltk, Stroudsburg J b'r'as , matborou s t . Jno Aire) , Alfred Airey, Phil* Mr Snyder, Moistg'y co, Pa Robt Conrad, Norristown Owen Knight, Brulthdeld Abel Relay, Carbon, Pa MADISON ROUSE—Second skeet, above Markot. Jos Lucas, Mom • 0 f egowier, Somerset co Wen B Jerold, Boston Jaeob Dunlap, N Jno B Richarde Minnesota Mre Richard', Minnesota II L Stager, P't Wayne, Ind J Steiger, Fort Wayne, Ind Hiram Baker, Boston Jno Walker & la, Balt 8 Nightingale, Doylestown 8 X Patton, yq.:49n4 $20,000 of the Notes of the 'Bank of Penn eylrania will be taken at par for Gentleuten's Beady made Clothing, Wrappers, Shawls, 001, 'Drawers, Um' brellaa, Clothe, Casalateral, Veatlnp, Mullin, Canton Flannels, &c., &c., wholesale and retail, Mention & Co„ MI. Milieu Street, between Firth and Stith, Market and Cheetnut. nolt-Ottt For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, etnd Ileautiful complexion, use of 1,000 Flowers." Fur dressing Ladies' heir, nie 4. woodland Cream, now Pomade." It earls Gentlemen's hair beautifully. W: P. YETiIDGIS & Co., 'Proprietors, N. Y. For sale by T B. Peterson, 806 Chestnut; fiernuel Simes, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. B. Durand, 718 Chest nut; T. 11. Peters & Co., 716 Chestnut; G. Q. Evans, 'OH t Dook-etore, 499 Chestnut; 0. 8. Ilubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Illeherdet & Co., Tenth 'and Mar. bet; A. D. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr_ Morrison, gsvunteoenth and Chestnut; J. W. Sluice & gone, Eighteenth and Twunty•Becohd . tuid Market; Eddard Ohristmann, 702, Oheatnut; Thimita Lancaster, cornet Eleventh add 'Walnut. „ S. P. Commjcilonlanslness In Com._ MOrdill . In* and ROg01.11030W) at /011111 4 69 We or wt, t , }o,oo4ta tip ttoboxpi Ph11140444` 'OO-114 apcslal Noticez. Hewers Infant Cordia1.•••1411 Cordial le prepared from a variety of the most choice and effieient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable "Tminative extant for infanta and children. By Its powerful influence a speedy tare I effected in all eases of 'Oltolie, windy pains and spasm. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during dotal 'lion or teething, and by its soothing properties Iran aniline's pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &o. The Infant Cordial has bec'ome a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant muesli. No Dually should be without It. Prepared only by finer A. Bowan, At his Drug and Ohemloal Store, N. Z. oorner of Sixth and Green eta., Philadelphia. Ta whons all ordera must be addressed. And for oats by Druggists generally. au IS-ly Notes of the Bank of Pennsylvania taken at PAR. CLOTHING AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIM. THE ENTIRE STOOK - OF A WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE ) Minutootured exprouly for Fall Salon, will now Do BOA It RETAIL, At greatly Reduced Prices, for Cash, nol-tt At No. 1 Nortk FIFTH Streot batik Notes of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK TETE FOR, UMBRELLAS, DY NM. H. 111011ARD80N, noll•lm No. 418 M/RICET EiTREEIT Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second deed. Receives de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of Eve per cent. per annum. OMoe open dally, from 9 until IS o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 In the evening. President Vranklici Poll 'Treasurer, aeries M. Morris; 9eare 2sry, James IL Pringle. Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts. Bills Lading, Bill Head', Oir lntlars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at Mess to snit the times. 0e17.17 - 4.Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENOE SQUARE. GEO. J. HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, '0r22.8m Late of IT3 eheStnut Street Xining Fund—Five Per Ceut. Interest—Ns tonal Safety Trust Company, WALNUT Street, South. weal earner or THIRD Street, PUILADRLPRIA. Open daily till 7 o'clock, and on MONDAY and THURSDAY SYSIINOII till H o'clock. Deposits received and pay ments made daily. Assets invested in }UAL EaTava, 14 - 0111rOAGER, GROUND MINTS, and othertrst-claas efleUri- Gee; IN the charter directs. cos iillarriages. en the 4th Net , by the Bor. Dr. Boon, Mr. STACEY WILSON, of Philadelphia, to Mice ALIOF: spuLL, of Atlantic co., N. J. giOn the 12th Instant, by Rev. P^Nuel Miller, SAMUEL BROWNE, Jr., formerly of this cite. to ANNA, daugh ter of Garrett Polhemus, Esq , of M mot Holly, N. J On the Sth inst., at the icsolouce of Mr. Harvey Mel- Orman, Twenty-third ward, by Rev. Wait Whitehead, Mr. AL P. SHARP. formerly of Chester county, to Miss CARRIE L., daughter of Wm. Elkins, Esq., of Chelten ham, Montgomery co , Pa. (Delaware and Cheater to. papers please copy.) At the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. John As McKean, ou Tuesday evening. leth utt , Rev. ,GEORGE A. PELTZ, of New York city, to Miss MARY JANE, daughter of Thomas P. Shbrborue, Esq , of this eltr intatho. On the 10th lint., Mrs. SARAH YOUNG, in the 70th year of her ago. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to /Mend the funeral, from the residence of Chas. Dunlap, 140. 8 South Thirteenth street, on this (Tuesday) after noon, at one o'clock, without further notice. To pro ceed to Mount Moriah Cemetery. ' In Leo, Mau., Oct. 21, of croup, CHARLIE 1181:11- NEIL, eon of Samuel S. and Lydia B. Rogers, aged two years and seven months. On the 14th Instant, JOSEPH HOSE, aged 21 years. On the 14th last., MARTHA ANN, youngest dough. tar of Thomas R. and Sarah White. . • . At Salem. N. J. on Sunday morning, Nov. 15, Mrs PUMA LAWRSNON. On the 15th Mat., BERNARD McORIADY, aged 57 yearn. tiuddeuly, on the 15th instant, Mr. ROBERT SWORE, in the 30th year of his age. ED' Grand Eucatuptttent et Petmayhninlit I. of 0. P.—The ienil-Annual &Mon will be held on WIDAIESDAY, at 0 o'clock P. M. at the mat place. 'nel7-trokw WAS. CURTIS, Grand Scribe. 117'arand Lodge of Pennsylvania, 1. 0. of 0. fletni-annttal Session of the Grand Lodge will be held on TUESDAY MORNING, the 17th inst., at 9 o'clock. WM. CURTIS, am& flocretuy, MrMercantile Library.—The ' oews of the 110ANTILR LIBRARY of this etty were opened for the use of the public, on the bib of Month, 1822. The Library was established primarily for the benefit of those eusaged In mercantile pursuits. The selection of books, however, was not limited to those having a direct bearing on commercial interests, but was intended to include everything in the variousdepartments of litera ture That woe fitted topromote a sound and varied men tal online& and ail classes of the community were In *Rolla Weal themselves of the facilities thereby of fered. Those small but wise beginning.' have been prosrered, till now the LIBRARY numbers more than 14,000 volumes. The RICADING ROOM is furnished with a generous supply of the best newspaper and periodical literature of this country and Groat Britain, and the number of persons now contributing to the means of the instDotion and enjoying as benefit exceeds 1,100. It is the purpose of the Directors to enrich their READING ROO3l still further by adding, from time to _,tr such newspapers, and reriews u May be found salted to the wants of the countrueity, and to °dame Their weekly purchases of boqks se as to Include all the new Works tutted In Gila country and In Great Brltainthat are of Interest and value to the general reader or the crit. loal student. Their aim is to make the LIBRARY and RDADIRO ROOM attractive to all classes of the cam. *unity by the variety and richness of its intellectual troguresc and to make it in the highest degree useful by getharlpg together mad rende Dug acomallste to all cur citizens the results of human thought and research in all ages, The LIBRARY and READING WWI ore now open DAILY, from 10 o'clock A. bf. till 10 o'clock P. M. Any parson of either sex, over fifteen years of age, may have the use of the LIBRARY by paytag ten dollars for hkharsof stock and a tax of two dollars a year. Thirty dOll re paid at one time will entitle a 'whorl to all the privileges of the Library for life, free from any further charge, Per order. nolo-t u-3t MT" Popular Lecture at the Mariners' 13hurch, WATER Street, above Walnut, on Tneaday evening, November 17th, by the pUtor, Rev. J. B. RIPLEY. Subject—BUSY-BODIES, IDLES/. Ticket. Ten Conte. To b had at the Sailors' Home, No. 922 South Front, 'stow Pine ; the Blblo Rooms, corner Seventh. and Walnut W. 8, Mullen's, Chestnut Street, and • tho roots of the American Tract Society. .4 nol2*-theta To AUCTIONEERS.—A thorough practi- A. eat sateentaii, well poatod, would make an engage ment to cry Evening Sales during the winter. Aditriss• NDWARD, P. Sites' office, 52) IVAL 'NUT street. uoli-tullaan* .IVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 arm of REISS BROTHERS & 00.elletetofore ox. WWI In New York and Philadelphia, la this day Dm SUM by mutual consent, and that the business of the firm will only ho carried on for the purpose of 11- enidation. Signed, ENOCH nEws, ' IBA /X HEIM, • JAMES REIM. M. WINE, JOHN POTTER. November 16. nolo-ot&tuths-tf f ;YON'S PURE 01110 CA,SA W 11A Brandy is more raluantena sa 'medicinal remedial agent than the thousand Quack nostrums Of the day united. lyods Catawba Brandy renovates, renews and life-: strengthens the system, aiding Digestion, dispelling Flatulency and the cause of disease. Carefully picked In boxes of 1 dozen each for trans portation. „Price U.% per • bottle, with discount to dealers. Bole wholesale agents— FIaNOII,,DICIIARD9, & CO, N. W. tor. Tenth and Market eta., For sale by flora, corner Third and 'frown'. Zeigler & Smith, cot. Second and Green. Dugan, corner Third and Booth. And Druggists aniftirocers generally nolt.ft _NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. The ship kW! PHILADELPHIA, Captain Pool, from Liverpool, Is now ready to discharge it lihippen street wharf. Con signees will pleaso deliver their permits to the Custom house officer on board. All 'goods not portaged In five days will be sent to pidgin store. mold TIIO3IAB HICHADDSON FOR SALE—THE NEW AND ELE gantprlrsto residence, No. 172$ 011F.STNITT St 22 feet front by 160 feet in depth, to Ohathaut street. Built in very superior style, with. eitery modern oattrenience, contrast and flumedaunt. Apply on the premises daily 12 to 4 P. M. nolo-et if PPENNSYLVANIA BANK NO TES.— For sale, a well-secured GROUND RENT of Vno, upon Hires brick dwelling houses and lot on Hancock street, south of Master—Hi feet front, 103 feet deep— punctually pals in quarterly payments. lragia Sink notes will be taken for It. Apply to I. O. PRICE, corner of SPRING (tempt ; ;40 THIRTEENTH Streets. nolo-2w THE SUBSCRIDER 'MIS MADE A very valuebl6 eons one to help bfm to get a ?stout end brlOg it before 'the public. Ad dress GOLD, Blood's I)espetc4. nol4-3t4 ,CLOVER SEED.---NOTICE TO PENN SYLVANIA PAWNERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undersigned are nowprepared to purchase for 'Oen, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania storokaapent and farmers, by sending samples to our address, Can, at all times, ascertain the price at which we are buyieg. Parties w Milt samples, by which to be governed as to quality, can have them swat by mall, by addressing us. J. II °HASA et, CO, ser49-tf North Pront, and 44 Water etreeta MEAT REDUCTION OF PRDJES.,--- A.A Ladles' NOBS selling off regardless of cost, O.IIAIMNS OAKVORD & BON, Importing and uutiaufseturing Furslere, A 24 OIIEST- NliT Bt., below Seventh, will close thins. entice stock of Ladles , Muss, without regard to cost. GALLS. WHALE OIL, 5,000 1,000011. Elephant OH, 50 bbla. No:1 Lard OIL for sale by CROARDALE, PEIRCE, k CO., dolO•tf No. 104 N. Delaware avenue re.THMAR & BIJTE, PORTER, ALE LP AM 'LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. no (new N 0.938) NOM; THIRD Etreet, Btalladelphla.--Bhlpping °titers promptly attend►d to. aut-tf LOOIC/NO , BOARDS-23,680 foot Care lbaa booths boards , oflost, for mile by 1 MARTIN t MAOALIBTER 110 North Wet.. Rtra4 SPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 bbls Spirits Torpoottoo, to arrive, for solo by . • 114.14W1A °ALUMNA, ' an 1 tirth Water street. MANI LX.A RO?E.-StIPERIOII. MA MLA IWPJ, manufactured and for saleby WIA.IIRII, StITLER ec 00., avilt-if 0f,,. 98N 1 4%W at.. and 71 N -Nrharree C J 000 TONS of MITOTIELL & OROAS dale's Imreorodsupor PROSPHAPI OP LAE for solo by CROU ALPP, & 00 , nol , MO% ff. Bolarrare avenue. MOB 9--17 biles Carolina Moss, for ease by warm .k MAOALIBTRII, anl 119 North Water Street GENWOOD OEM' TER • E OE, NO VI US WAIATT tqlitlor , es UK ( Ittnueettrente. G RAND DEDICATION DAIL-- 10 MC 01000 yr 000 INFANTRY. CORPS NATIONAL GUARDS, AT TOO "NATIONAL BUILDING," RACE Street, between the Fifth nod Sixth street Pas senger Radroad. • On TUESDAY Evening, November 17,.1857. The Committee of Arrangements take pleasure la an nouncing that thoy bare effected ad engagement with DODWORTII.I3 ORLI:MATED CORNET RAND, of New York, for A SERIES OF GRAND PROMENADE CONOERTS, EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, from NOVEMBER 18th to 21st inclusive. T lekete 25 cents. A. g. SELLERS, nolB-2t Secretary of the Committee. WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEA.TREI. E. L. DAVENPORT'S BENEFIT, FRIDAY 'EVENING, NOV. Zorll, 1837. Bulwer's adwlred play of I.LiticitimiEu; OR, THE OONSPIRAOY.XI Cardinal Richelieu, tat time). ...Mr. E L. Davenport. Julie De Monomer Mrs E. L.Dardoport. Adrian Do blauprat Mr. Wheatley. Count De Baraia Mr. Dolman. Jos& Mr. W.B. Fredericks. Francois Mita Anna Ornise. To be toilowe l ti by the popular Drama, in two acts, entitled : TIME TRIES ALL; OR, A LESSON FOR LOVRRS. Mr. Leeson.: Mr. Thayer. Tom Tact Mr. J. 8. Clarke. Laura Leeson Mrs. D. P. Bowers. Fanny Tact Mlse Emma Taylor. Box Book now open. tiol7-2t* NVALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les me, Mr. E A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton. Priem—Dress Circle and Parquelte, 25 cents; Upper Circle, 26 cents; Secured Seats, 37M cents; Private Boa nud Orchestra Seats, 60 cents. • Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. M. to tel P. M. Doors open at fIX o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. Nov. 17th, 1357, Will be performed IfIOSP, IN CALIFORNIA. Mose Mr. Ohanfraa. ROUGH DIAMOND WHEATLEY'o ARCH ST. 'THEATRE V VV —SOLE LESSEE. W. WHEATLEY THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Nov. 17th, 1967, Will be presented ROB ROY • • Rob Roy ' Mr. B. L. 'Davenport. L an WHEN YOU CAN. Geo. Gossamer • DSc . Wheatley. 801L11 Or PRlOM—Boxes, 25 cents • Secured fiesta, 38; Orchestra Malls, 60 c e nts; Seats in Private Boxes, .75 cents; Gallery, 13 cents • .Gallery for Colore d Pe r sona, 25 cents; Private Bog In Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until BP. M. Doors wlll.open at 6) o'clock, performance to commence at 7, precisely. NATIONAL TITEATRE, WALNUT ST., NEAR EIGHTH . . - BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. Nor. 17th, Wilt ho presented ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY AND DANCING. SONNAMBULA. Dinah Miss C. LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI. NOTlCE—lwordur to bring this great entertainment within the reach of ail, the manager wouta resfeictrully announte that the price of admission his been tined. to all parts of .the house, at TWENTY-FIVE OENTB ONLY Doors open ut 7 ; Curtain. rises at half.platy precisely. 8. HARRIS, Sole Lessee and Manager. STATE POULTRY SOCIETY 'OFPEI , 7i7- SYLVANIA ! FOURTH GRAND ANNUAL EXHIBITION AT JAYNE'S CHESTNUT, BELOW SEVENTH STREET. THANKSGIVING WEEK. laol4-4t*' SANFORD's OPERA ROUSE— EGEVENTII Street, above Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERPORMANCIES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated. by Bentbrd'a Troupe of Stara—New Dances by the' anford Children. Doors open at 1 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE, APTEEPIECE. Admittance 25 cents. THOMEUF's VARIETIES— FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Ito engagement or Messrs. MAGILTON arsl NOTICE.—Mr. MAUILTON will Appear every even ing during the week as THE MAN 010NK,EY, In the eartly part of the performauce. For further Information see Public Ledger. • _Entertainments commence at 7X. Admitslol.'lo cents. nolo.3ta Mrp. tsoobs • COOPER Sc CONARD, Manufacturers or Fine CLOTH etomcs, AND DEALFRA 'IN MIN% AND BOYS' WEAR. BLANKETS AND,DOMESTICS, SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS. ESPECIAL BARGAINS in the following named goods : English Chintzes, Wool Delaines, • Satinets, Union Csaalmeres, Woollen Long Shawls, Brwchi d 6. S E. cornet' NINTH and . N • Cloche made to Order.' • Daily ealtlons to the etoek. • • nilg-det SACRIFICES. OUR ELEGANT STOOK FANCY nßu.ss TRIMMINGS WILL DI BOLD REGARDLESS OP LossAs 3 DURING THE SEASON, IN ORDRIt TO !NORRIS& 002. LIST OF CIIBTO3fEItB AND KEW. IN MINTED ROBS OUR FACTORY OPERATIVES. we sax 821.1.174% ZEPHYRS, 201 colors, 17 Goetz par az. STEEL STRING SKIRTS 53.76 eta,. FRENCH WORKING COTTON, 17 centi per doz. SHETLAND WOOL lade. per oz. J. G. MAXWELL & SON, 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, nol4-1n; Below Eleventh REMOVAL. — • • • •L. J. LEVY Sc. CO., IN ANTIOIPATWN OF REMOVAL TO THE SVLENbID ,NEW 4TORE, Now being erected for Thom in . . • CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE Eldfit Have detoriohled, for a porlod•of 30 DAYS, To dispose of a large amoulit of their Stock now In store at very LOW PRICES FOR VASII. ThoyiLlV ite tho attention of the Public and their One towers to one of the moot comilloto assortments of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS To be fopod in this country, which will he disposed of for the period named, at each prices as will Insure their sale. CHESTNUT STREET, noll-tf NEXT TO THE CUSTOS HOUSE H E A V Y BROWN COTTONS ' One Thonahnd Dales SHEETINGS, SIIIRTINGS, AND DRILLS, PROM TOM LAWRENCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, JACKSON COMPANY, (INDIAN DISADO ♦ND NASHUA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Of their various widths sod styles, whieh are offered for sale fur first-class paper,.on SIX MONTHS , CREDIT, by the ',puts of the Oolopanles, ALFRED'SLADE & CO., 39 LZTITIA /3TRIJIT SILAILYLVS ) _ 3 ROTLIERS . itaie opened.. BRODIE AED BREIiCII lILANRET FOUWLD I • SLACK SILKS, FANCY SILKS AND ROBES PittINCII Iin:P.IIOES OW ALL QUALITIES. IHOUSLINH DH.IAINRS, VERY' RICH. HCSIERY. GLOVES, FURNISHING. GOODS, uold•y1 REDUCED TO VERY LOW TRICE'S PENNSYLVANIA BANK. NOTES TAKEN AT PAH FOR DRY GOODS. The subscriber offers tor a few days his entire stock of goods it prices TO SUIT MR TUSIXS, and receive in wipeout noire of the Pennsylvania Bank. o .I 'l l 11 ;Looterr.",'"aaVearinTeoL t e h n i tn, d :;r:topeakp'•:sr one of tho boat In the city. Pleaso give him an early call. B. F. JOIINSON, 001.4.6t* 911 Market at., above Ninth, north aide GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAK S.— A vuivritEn REDUCTION IN PRICES has been determined I. by the subscribers, iu con szqueneo of the continued pressure. 600 MISSES' ENGI.IBII InIA.VER CLOAKS, s2,formerly $3 50. 300 MISSES ' NGLISII DEAVER CLOAKS, $.l 80, formerly $.6 250 SUPERIOR FRENCH BEAVER CLOAKS, $6 to $B. coat to Import $7 to $lO each LONG BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, Pt, formerly $l2. 111011 BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per cent below cost of production. J .W. PROCTOR & CO , Successors to Geo. Bulpio & Co., nl3 2ino .1 708 CHESTNUT street. -RANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.-FOR 1/ few days longer, wo will take the Notes of the above'llank at par, for Goods, at the reduced prices. We are offering Immense harping in CLOAKS AND TAMAS. A great *twisty of styles at leee than the coat of material. Mocha Long and Square Shawls„Stalla and Blanket do., at extraordinary low prices. DRESS DODDS, of every description, at 'Lamellae_ KID GLOVES, Ribbons, and Embroideries, at price* that defy all competition. LINENS, FLANNELS, and DOMESTICS. QUILTS AND COUNTERPANES —A full line, at ex- traordinary low prices. • Do not mistake the Store. F. & I'. H. DELOICRIPS, uIS St S. W. corner Eighth and Spring Garden eta. L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1020 CHESTNUT Street, four doors bedew Eleven th And 3IS S. SECOND St., below Some.. EACTORIEB.—Nos. 95 and 97 GEORG& St., Teetb, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few bourn' notice. ee2R unit' JOHN H. STRYKER, Ja., Wbolessle Dealer in AVOTION DRY GOODR. ' No. /3 BANN Ntreet, al{/411 , Sales by 'Auction. , A y THOMAS Sc SONS, -E. Noe. 139 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREET" (Formerly Nos. 07 and 69.) BEAL ESTATE, STOOIIi, Pubita Bales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. handbills of each property.imined separately, In addition to which we publish on the Saturday prerioue to each sale ono thousand catalogues in pauiphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. • JD- FURNITURE SALES AT THE ItticTlON STORE every Thursday morning. REAL MATE AT PRIVATE SALE. try,- We hove a large amount of Real Estate at vate Sale. including every description of City and country property. Punted Lists may be 03 at tkol suction Store. ' PRIVATE Bain ararana. ID-. Real estate entered op our Private Sal. i - gister, are advertised occasionally in our Public Sale .abetritota, (of Which I,OOS copies are printed weekly ' ) free of charge, DTOOKB, PEW, /se. Thia Everting.. Nov.l7th, at 7 o'clock, at the Pleladetable Exchange, will be sold furnished pew, No. 95, Methodist Trinity Church, Eighth street, above. Race street. Also. 7 shares in the capital stock of the Associated Dutchers and Drovers of Philadelphia. Par $lOO. Also, withouvreserve, 6 shares Academy of Music. EIETEENTII FALL SALE—TMISEVENANO. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Samuel B. Ashamed, Deceased. NEAT RESIDENCHI, ELEVENTH STREET.—The heat modern residence with back buildings, No. 412 South Eleventh street, below Pine Weed. NEAT DWELLING, BOOTH FIFTH STREET Also, the neat modern dwelling, No. MO South Fifth street. • OLDRREDEEMABLE GROUND BENTS, $2,837.50. Two f old irredeemable grclund rents, one of $2O and the other of $50.25 a yew' clear of tweed ,•• • sseuretLen property North Fourth street, stove. Franklin avenue. They are well secured and punetually paid THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING. Three-story brick store and dwelling, N. E. corner Eighth and Federal streets. $l,O O O "'main '. 41 mortgsge. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Three-story brisk. dwelUog 8. E. corner of Poplar street and Corinthian avenue. =M!!! Mr. Chapmsu REAL ESTATE SALE—DEOEMBER Ist. Administrators' Salo—Estate at Richard Paxson, Dep'd, formerly of Dr. Minoan. 'ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM, AEOGT SIXTEEN MILES FROM MARKET STREET, AND • TREED PROM BRISTOL. Our sale Ist Deseinber will include the Titneble Country Mat and farto r lB7 acres with superior irntrove meats, known as ' , FARLEY," nitwits on the heights, en the west aide of Neshamony Creek, between the Briatpl turnpike and the Newport rolul. I[l3' Full particulars in handbills. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of William R. Lennon, deceased. • ERA.I4E DWELLING, 21sT WARD. Frame artelUng, north aide of Wood street, between Green lane andlevering street, Twenty-lirst Ward. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Ljrneb, minors. TWO-STORY MUCK MUSE. Two-story brick boner, Surds' court, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, below Locoat • NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. l'Altd, neat modern residence. No. 163 North Fifteenth str oet, above Arch 'area t, finished with modern improve ments and conveniences. TWO lIANDSOME NEW RESIDENCES A , Nos. 1800 AND 1823. DELANCY I , ,LCE, EETWEEN EMU TF.ENTII AND NINISTEENTEI AND SPRUCE AND PINE SUMS. Two handwrite new four-story brick (residences, with threWytoryback building% sad replete with all the modern Improvements and convenience . They will be sold separately. Immediate possession. THREE VAJ.EARLE LOTS, WALNUT STREET, WEE" PIIIMAVELPfIIA. Three rtilusble lota, Wsbut street, east of Mugs reit& street-6s+% CIO leek front, -no ft?et deep .to Tort, street. Clear of ell lucumbrance. ,Adminletrators , Peremptory Hale: A THREE-STORY' BRICE DWELLINit, TWENTY ,FIRST STREET. Alen, • three-story brick. dwelling, Twenty-tlret street, below Hamilton street. TIIREkt.STORI BRICK' STORE AND DWELLING. Thres-story Odds store and dwelling, Ridge &venue, below elford street. TWO-STORY roucK DWELIIM/. Two-story brick dwelling, Columbia avenue, mint Eidge avenue. PEREMPTORY SALE.—THREE GROUND RENTS. Three ground rents—ono of $l2O, ono of CIO, mil ono of $OO per aunon. 7 • • 1444:136 sio:4 141 South Sourtl, SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MR MIRRORS, ROSE WOOD PIANO : FORTES, VELVET CARPETS, do. On Thursday Marshall, At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store, an extensise as sortment of second-hand furniture, mtrrors, piano-forte, carpets, Ac , from famlites daclininglionsekeeping. ELEGANT ROSEWOOD PIANO. Also, a superior rosewood piano, 7 octaves, made by E. N. Schorr. lIIISOELLINEOUS BOORS—A 'PORTION FROM,. LIBRARY. This Evening. Nov. 17, at the auction store, will be sold a collection of books on various subjects. ALo, as invoiceof school books. Also, 1 sett Public. Leiser, from Mt to 1854, except 1849. (Er Pox particulars see catalogues. • ITIMPR 0.1.4. • , sturrwet Bale a; No. 1725 Als street,. it supmuotiruntartrat mmer•ohlet3, 111111210*&,. OIL 01:0721S, too:, *e. Clu Yriday Tesc 20th lastest, at 11.444, estalope, at No. if2t MTh street tatipop tea ), i theseepos superior MTh .d . .e *ode t 'order, Ind b4ea Vat rttls :used. ED" hlsy be eisminsd it 8 o'clock ant it, wonting of tale. , , ~, . Sale at N 0.1612 Walnut Street. FASHIONABLIA PURNITURE, SPLENDID M ( RAND PIANO, LARGE FRENCH PLATE MAN TRL AND PIER MIRRORS, ELEGANT CURTAINS, CHANDELIERS, CARPETS,, ORMOLU WALL ; BRACKETS, BOOK. , CASES, Ac., At. Ra EfieLladaiirning,;_. _ 25th le test , at 10 o'c ock, ostalcque, at N 0.162 Walout street orestor Slateent street), the tuitions tda larldtare, Erard piano forte, mirrors, esertir, to , or A lady rsonoriog Se the country. flJYull partienloro lletlakolowit. Noy hes:endued the day prelim to eel* from 11 to 3 o'clock. AT PRIVATE, eil/71. Shares In the Acaderny or Made • Point Ilreitia Park ; Philadelphia and Mercantile Lib raihni ; Athenarnin, AIL 53,199 P ami d prt inortgiire t on,a ,valitsble Pro . petty Oa Waltrati !Wet ' • • _ TOLBEST & :COTT, AUCtlONtkaki •• AND VOMMLISION 11MHORA NTS, 431 OICEST- N T -Street • o#putts Custom lrebse 4 between Aar% sad Streets. • • • • • •• • • • • EXTENSIVE SALE Op VCRS TOR LADIES' AND GENTS' WEAR. On Wednesday klorning, 18th instant, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell by catalogue, for cash, a large and valuable consignment of elegantly roads furs for ladles', gents' and mimes wear, consisting. of Ulnas, capes, lido:wines, pelorines, muds, cods, 'ceps, gauntlets, and gloves, made in the moot fashionable manner of Siberian squir- Tat, minx , luskis, atone martin, Bohemian Stat, rock martin, chineltilli, swan's down, ermine, beaver, seal, CITY MADE CLOTHINCI., Also, a general assortment of city made fall and winter clotbing, °one's Ung of ONE THOUSAND CARILENTS, Nab as Overcoats of all descriptions, Pants of black and fancy milord camimeol, Yeatrof silk latln,:caahthere, and velvet, LAUD'S WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWEDB. Also, 100 dozen gents' lamb'awool end merino ea:arts 'and drawers. Also, gents' wool comforts, *wool boss and bolt hose, wool shawls, wool hoods, wool gloves and mitts, scarfs and cravats. SPLENDID CHENILLE SHAWLS, SOMME. .&c• Also,a line splendid IA chenille shawls, chenille Acing's, ',tn. NUDROIDURIEB AND MILLINERY 000 D& 'Also, a general variety or French and &etch eye. teroiderlee j bonnet and trienming•ribbene, French artiek dela, ere SILK-VELVET PARDONS AND CLOAK GALLOONS'( Also, 50 maths silk-velvet,ribbons, and elegant gst4 locuttrlmmlngs, satin ribbons , silk fringed, kc, d LADIES' CLOAKS, TALMAS AND MANTILLAS.. AllO, a linbiadleal velvet and silk cloaks, bloth.tal, man, elk mantillas, basquee, cloth dusters, As., with a large and pentval anaertmskt of staple eat fade, &Oldies, 'suited to present tales, and worthy wilco- Dealer attention. • - Tramples askShistelegues 4arl7 McceMer of sale, - ' Mono SCULL, CAIIBLOS, BANKERS, Ng. 38 South Third Street. The highest premium pal 4 foe AMERICAN GOLD NEW YORK E.E.OWAROE, - llllCurrent rands bought snd sold. Stocks bought sod told on commission only. nolo-2m;IS LsW. TINGLEY tc ANKERS . No. 3T &nib Tantro Streit; CO., Albnieiphia.' ,COLLRar lONS proidtly tuadian aneenableitadite tai The United States and Canal. Stoeltarßoxabi, ite.,"Bonghtund fluid tutComminden. Uneuranit Sank Notes ; 4Theelot, &0., bought at tha l~raat7ates. :Deposit' rsestils, aad isrsisast Sllemd, as par ligrat mast novl4l. 17CIVE PER CENT. PREMIUM FOR GOLD. GOLD DOLLARS will be received as aux DOLLAR AND rive cane risen, in payment for het HOODS, on and after this day, at the New Store, No.= Muriel street, between Ninth and Tenth, north side. Our stock is entirely new, and having been purchased. at the present ONES? SACRlrier, can be sold lower Man at any othor store in the city. &MUHL S HESS, No. ¢23 Market nol4-Iwill North aide, between Ninth and Tenth elcies attb (Ebina Wart. NEW STORE. • NEW GOODS. MARXSEN k IVITTE, MASONIC HELL, 713 CHESTNUT 9T., HATE BOW 03 11130 A Complete and eplentlid assrirtment of WRITE, GOLD BAND, and DECORATED FRENCH CHINA; BODE• MIAN, ORYSTAH, and COLORED GLASSWARE; OtOC, PARIAN, LAVA, and TERRA COTTA WARES, bealdes the greatest variety of FANCY ARTICLES, which will be sold at lower prices than at any similar at re in the United States. N. 11.-,4irtoda loaned to Parties au reasonable terms. oo 274 f SOAP. AND CANDLES. ' 14110 VAL from IS7 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to 1.7 Menuteetury, 10 eno 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Lombard and Sonth, and Front and Soooml streets. hitktful to my numerous Wends for their past farors, I ruMult a continuance of the same, haring enlarged my suauutsetory so an to enable me to have constangy on hand a large stook of well-seasoned Soaps, free from Fish Oil; Palm. Variegated White Honey, Castile, and all kinds or toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and Brown Soap, Puglish Sal Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all sixes constantly on hand having adopted the cash system, I am enabled to sell my geode at the lowest price/. P. CONWAY. Philadelphia. . N. B.—Cash paid for Tallow and Grease. no 14-8 m MINCED MEAT.— 'The Subieriberhas commenced minufacturing his Ne Plus Ultra MINCED EAT, which ho offer. to hie cuntomert In. LARCiIi or SMALL tittetrotttli. Orders through BLOOD'S DIEXAVOIT will De pima tually attended to. , JOSIIVA RBIGHT. nl3 2m SPRING GARDEN nod 'FBANKLIN,sta. • - tivINCRESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE. T T MEN'S IittIINIBEINO STONE, and PATENT, 13MOEUER BEAM SHIRT MANUFACTOE ,Y No. tee CIELESTVUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelptda. The attention of Southern and Western Merchant., and Strum 1. particularly Invited to this improved out of Marts, the moist perfect fitting article made. At whole silo sad retail, and made to order. CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD wicac & N0.6011A1.433C0ND Prat how. Oates .bp.lkno*. TAMES FitEFAMAN, AUCTIONE E R, NO. 422 weigira aux?, _suf. swats. CAB O- LE HOUSEHOLD7/TENITIORIC--TOffi DAN. irr We beg lea,* to inform the pebble that we bald our regular weekly salse of Furniture wvary_TueeLo at cur 81'1,01011S SALES RtNIII, NO. 106 W STREET, where uteri possible attention b tale the highest prima for the goods of those Into neap furor et with consignmeata. lanillieeharint Fatima. or their furniture to dispose of; or those declisiliteull - Lee Ping and apt wishing Was at their own d can have their furniture CAREFULLY 111110 - 711 OCR SALES RAOII, WHERE THEY IFILLILIVa r IIETTRIVPRWES /OR TIMM ITINITMSN THEY OAN MAIN fl LNY 07 TIM 701211.- TORS DEALERS ON ANY mars Aroma SYOBI IN THY CITY. Perims tooling eith essalguompto out rest amnred that their property vill not Im sanamat. DIP COmmitaimm more moderate than thee* atm* by any other Anctiop House In tbodty. CinatgalientkmWftsolleitic ug• Balsa paid abir th• ircarra REAL MATE SALrAllolfitilijmum. This Ws will inchids— Orphans' Court'Ssle—Estes st Fiala thlna, Deed, TIIREE HOUSES AND . OT OT GROUND, NOSTRA' SECOND STILE!. Three three-story brick beams. sad - let el ground, Out aide of Second street, 175 feet uortle from Muter street, 20 feet front and 1W feet dew. $9O stoma rent. • Orphana' Court Sale—Ssasi Estate. 4 7rvz HOUSES AND LOT,_ WASHINGTON STRUT, KENSINGTON. A lot of ground whh four three-story brick, and one frame hence thereon, test aide of Waahington street, 80 feet abort Master, PO feet front and In feet deep, to Phillip street. 160 ground rent. Orphans , Court We—Estate of Andrew Lindsay, Deed. TAVP.RN STAND, NQ T$ neon', d llO,l 4 three-story brick tavern stand and email two story brick back bultdineg melds% of paned, on e east side of Second street, between Rase and Vine rawita,n feet front, end extending in dippttkh 40 tut.% 4.408 then narrowing to 143 i test, Mit earths:. * depth of 19 feet 7 Lades, mak* la enelifist Wier of all incembrances. S5O to be paid on each eethi akar/. when the same issrtrook off. 117 - 12,500 may remain, 1f deeir4. •REAL ESTATE 8614, DEENISEEPSE, WT. wlll faelt4. - Orphans' °mart Sale—Estate aping Iffetts. PROPERZE 6 MARINER STREET. -- A two-story brick !dense and lot of ground.. ow Use , south side of Mariner st feet, 96 feet west of TAlrteeeth street, 18 feet front, 47 feet 1 ilia deep. 433 pound rent. 810 Cliff 1111181.&11 OMIT'MT STOCK. On Wednesday Evening, 18th inst., at the Srahange, will be sold prerions t wile of real estate 20 s'Oses stock in the Yount Iforish Cemetery Co. '13:31 6 to be paid on each share When Utto "ma la struck off. TO Elea'. 1D A three-story Brick broiling, 'del fts-rtory brtek back building. 195 North Ninth street. Obese Wood street. Bent tenser innum. inks at the Ass ^ eon Store. - AT YBIPAT3SIy~, A first-class Printing OPice, mini a mutt bar-I nes', four printing prism, two Ind OW Agana Type and everything mammary t . Avg) , at the Auction Store. - • MOSES MATTI 3, AZOMtililltli, AND COMMISSION SINISCHANT, 11.11. eke= mini and SAGE Street,. AT PRIVATE BALE — RoII and die liarver Lepine, Engliah, Swiss, and French - id; ailing , of emery description, nmelmil hurtmodents,*e., ktr. AT PRVTE SALE—Arranged me 00134 household l for A niture, of every d trainee carpeting, looking glum*, twit sttiterosi&c., At, At. Out-door mire attended. to personally by ear. Chef verylow. Coniignments clothing, jewelry, ke., A,, solicited. NATHANIPPEINOIPAL LOAN OTYIOII , S. N. Corner of Sixth and BaceStrosts, Where money will be loaned on gold and direr gets Watches, Jewelry - Diamonds` Clothing, - Vry - Grob 'Groceries, Se fled Cutlery, Ymn,eding, Horses, Velneles, Harness, Stoat: a lly ticles of value for any length of time areed - Amon, setishatory and liberal terms than it any e OA* ,lishment. . If- N NOTICE.—AII ° geode 'forfeited j it Bathe wt . . i 1 n. .1•111 Office, S. E. corner of Sixth and Rees streets' ' sold at publie auction, on ?1:n. 4 1' , te Ei * 1 A.. 2.16.6 f 0 mite= November, 10 o'clock, &madames previone thereto. end pay charges, and renew ns Ifte*Aen. Moses Nathe, S. E. corner of Sixth and 4. NATIIANS'S GREAT SALE Off ZOREILITEP DS, Will take place On Tuesday Morning, November 24th, at 10 o'clock, at Mott e tathenn* auction store, S. N. corner of nartb.and sidwass, id the second-story room--entrant, from Rae, street. . It will embrace the largest antortnumat of geesdargrae offered at public auction, mocuposing • UT" et= ral assortment of aupordne °rereadlc Zeg.arss, diem and frock coats, business costs, peat& Testa, handkerchiefs, boots, eteons rdeirUr goods, coats, 'pants, and - Mrstpejlegns, WEL osehrears, merino, debage, delalne and infest drogue& so dress patterns, ladles' and et dgyeee ma" 3Paots sad shoes, gums silk velvet, silk heirturh, and sloth dash*, talmas, capes, bantam, engerdint hetedss, crape, silk, della, plaid wixdtieSTropt i ngh NA ether abeg: .pillanklirri4l,.books,mtast 'Estes, pistols, trverfiii•trua rallies, furniture, cffnking-stoves, sad-irons, instruments, and e4egent ailvermiatsst tms.pt, &Nun, glans and mockery were, cigars, daguerreotype, amen, complete, with fixtures, micrcecopee 6112ItrOt'l joatresmits, made by Elea: A Shein, paintings, lagramogs, looking-glasses, and a thousand ether article,. Particulars itgreafter. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watt:has, Jevela7, Guns, Pistol', Mnsloal Instnunenta, ko., talmplee• shortly. Dos notice will be given WI B'B great sale of Dry Goode, Clothing, Bedding, Iss., being forfeitedeollsdorele, lab idles shortly. Dee unties nlif be given. - AT PRIVATE SALE, AT RAMP THE 117EIDAL BILLING PRIM —Double-bottomed and heating core gold patent bier watches, 'of the most an. proved malmeg hunting case and open_ Dos gold went toren-mat brptem woodier. lest Jove's( • SUM enameled Wee and lephs• vateken tar lailies',• gold Jewelry of every-4evoription; direr lever sa d watches, In heating eases Ind open floe; meta, and preach 'retches; general assortme nt fur niture, beds, mattresses, mirrors. ke. OttT-DOOR DAUS SOLICITED, andoharges to snit the times, leer. Consignments of every description °flood' solicited for public or private sale. MONEY ADVANCED an all and segry bind of goods, far poblio or private sale, a to be held foe a limited time. • Charger law . gAlik49-1(.4.111,1118, .A.IICTIONEEB, and NONI' WAN ONNION, No. MA Botta TWANLitroott 'OakOr anima, leleatio Pair at., cOOl7 41100190lowttho Ilabootir- , • o bagelli-inge Vika, if. N., arta AO . - • , • • g0a 1 i. 15 0.. matea anti saloi at tba Alsatian liars, at temdid upon Oaf moat tatiotadars tams. caPita 2110 ANC Satalisked.fer tit laustrAiNf nirS• Advances rude from ons, dollar to.Opossatota Alto mantis, Wear Nit*, WsdlookArmsl4, ilimimato, Nor ehandise, Clothing, Ihmthps, Noditoor, Cigna, lffonical Instruments, Ow, Heim, Alooriospoo sad Om& at every description. all goc'd , aao 110 14 ma, WOO ae Atom wool upon. . All advances, Pram one bnnitrid dale= and aperattla will be charged 2 per Peat. ParrnOath p PIO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store Haase having a depths:ride teat, has large are =a - Wet-proof vaults to story all valuably, and pre vete watchmen for the premises • also, a heavy insn ranee adatted, for #.4 bonsai cfalf paraosa having loofa advanced upon N. 11,—On /want of Lavine as unlimited capital, this Oka Is ?mama to auks advisee* as mass Latta. hater) , Lad acaommodatin tuna than may other fn Ugh atty. Atoaoy LitatoLd SO gm poor, ta yarn traoLata, sigh outset Auto- At PILIVIers &UAL Oath iitont Tweet sad otA IOW" intim mat 0%11114 wilt b`M''lraf - prima .relies - PAEOR GE SitITII, 4 1!.. r tINEEB. corner of BAS4IO krokftinl yi , 4 l ie • above Beeond. 0 SALM ZVAIIMIN SAW lATVILDAY 21112frIfG, At 7% o'clock, the lictlin More, of H,vdware, Qat pry, Unasakeepuarutatielse, Clothing, Watcbm, 0 3, noir Artialeg,.ka. Jnourance CIOMIctONWEA4.TH FIRE INSURANCE iJ COMPANY, ov 'fur STArb OP P/INN3PLYA bIIA.-0/bee, N. V. Cotner VOLISTII Led WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, SOCC,OOO. Ppid.up Capital. 5300.000. . DAVID X. D., Prialduak THOU.'S sTrirAU, Tire Preet. BumsL 13. Mom Secrets* anl-11 taIRARD Pllq AND MARINE INSUR AA mica coweeInr,PMLADULTILIA—Oneo, No. 801 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. " /HUI 112K8 ONLY TANIN.,. Wm. U. brain, ' ' Jer. WA.*or, Xoho Anspach, Jr., Ina. liciNtire, AI. R. Burrongbs, Tho. Craven, J. B. NuEby', A. S. Offlett, IP D. Stiefmmt, . t d mmxt Sheppsed, Wm. r Backer, ._, Joao; U. D. I. P. StAiner, Zorielt Klan, N. L It• A. Sluokehtwit; ' ion TOM: JONES, Piesidna. Non. G. W. WOOD.WARD,lnsitPoakiect. 6, Mallas...ut, Seesetery. JAVis it. Al. Toto, Aaiiiituatle4tretary. 1302-3 m-If 'political FOR SHERIFF— QUA'S S. macs; !IRA WAND. 'Subject to Democratic rules FOR SH.ERIFk GEORGE SWORE, masa WAND. Subject to Democratic Rules. • FoR S HERIFF JAMES G. C.LBBOY, TWISTT-SIDOND WARD. Subjeft to Democratic Blau. FOR SHERIFF, I , " RDWARD T. MOTT, TWEIXTM WARD 8 " 110 7 TO DURrokirlo Amu. oel6-2m* WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried mew, to whom will be given _good PM', b dar dt_elothinlls Ikt4 medical attendance Pay from VS to per month No man baring a wife or child will be urottpteet. Apply far MOUNTED SERVOS, at No. BIT MARIS= strost above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ROTALL, tat Liont.ld Regt, of llkiwary • Rotes/11w Oromr. IMEIEM `SAYING FUND.—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, cobrier of TIMID and NUT Streets. 1,4rg0 And email Aims received, sod paid back on de mand, without notice, with YIPS PRA 01INT INTER EST fr om the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 nstßb o'cliwic °rot*/ deb "S ea MONDAY NTRNINOS froMl until 9 o'clock. i DRAITS for We as Englind, !Wand, and *Weed, from la upwards. President—ATEPllNN R. OILIWYORD Treasurer—PLlNY FLU, Teller—JAMAS N. MUNTIE. _ _ WM. D. • I OGEE • , CARRIAGE RR 1.009 sad 1,01 CHESTNUT lict„ abwa Tenth, Is new open for thi ssia of aver . 1,8121 1: 101 0 of Cdrritioi, tractuning etyldvdurability, and et to !Wish_ ifrout thaddiatfaatory, at tie Cornet hi SIXTH Lad MASTRIB,Rettoti, to which the illation of eititeni, andBonthera,aud Walesa dernianen is respectfully called: N. attention sinot to carriages for re pears, in the shops ownweteti with she Repoattory. En traoce 00 Chestnut .trott wIT. to it th4in T E. &B. SQBI4.4L'S t i • CITY 11488IJIWOOE8 AND STLX MANTEL • 140TOAT. MARBLE BALL, B. li. 00OPIR, OP TIIMr AND TINE MEM, Whore ever/raid* of NIAILIILB MANTELS, TOWN, MONUMENTS, vats vorsina noomze, as be supplied upon reeminable *nos- 0n24-rinaio- WALCOA§ RANGE.--SOLD BY ORAU 4)30, Sal M. 6114244 AL 64114a1 MEM
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