lIPECIALI7IEKTINO: OF 'COMMON' COUNCIL.' Yesterday afters'' 11-4t , ,spoeial mooting of this branoh •of Councils las- held, 4 for the, purpose of - oonsiderlngtheleltitring fiebobittbine "Raiefecifilly. the Sete:Wand' Common Co:molls of, the pity tif , Phila4elthia, that theY hereby make applidatior( to thatNitiWalAwierably, bf'tho= State et-PensusytVfirda IM'Ethelhilowleg further legisla flee; relatiiertktlicerolleaD,opartment of the city of Philadelphia; „s s~ s a : relative to the Po. lice Departnienteft the oity_of Philadelphia. 10,4,-Atrerdinitnee to organise • a Department ef , Ofisolidated EteliWorks 'tif the 'oily of Phila. 'delphleCte'Pr - evidS forthe management `of and to satberfaaAPart fiTtite,,PUTehtteo of the Qat' Works of Mos Chwinenteist.Oo Company,'. ,3„ AC:- • Mr A.. Millei'aAndnnced the deceate of Abra ham -P. Knidirien,,:st- member front the Third • ward. - .tifealied:On Smeday - evening, at 10 o'clock, and Was a mostworthyman, aad - an efficient Coon eiltrainVflierhitAhe war -with' Mexico, he -was - I ,atniing`thik;:veltudeera from 'Pennsylvania. Any racciarldhaMight make weild not; addto his clia •itieteW- .. 11 frn I Thentpsor(effered , the preamble reseitnaons, ivideli:were agreed to : . - , .Inereasi , _ , A;;Wisa .Providence has. suddenly Atalled from among us, and from the scones of life, A. B. Kasjffmani one of the members of this body,' 'WWI:Iran 'Upright Olean, a gallant soldier. a de leted MOO, arid' faithful public servant, had, '4, 01 / . ..onEtie,ck:M l ( l. l lll jOy'ed an'eminentAtigree the loonintanee ~and esteem ,of his fellow-men: therefore,, 1,, 4 - 4e; Resolved ' , That this-body sincerely deplore the, 'sudden demise of A: B. Kauffman, a member of the Common.. Cotuctlfrent. the Third 'ward,' and in , etimffienWithtliteeentoonitity tender the family 'of the deeimied their earnest ,eympathy and Made.; JaPan• _ •, „. • ; de :foregoing he placed on the l'aikateal4X-Ornoil, and that the Common Council hirilgtittcnid s funeral in a body.' - . titsiticrefewitPThif a copy of the foregoing resold - etlOMPlielrleleiititted to the family of the deneased.' theh Considered. 'lt pro cgtsial#l.,WVreeideleeMelitkil go into force in Bop lid 011 , ,Xt, .'4i-//tAjtiltriarr - incived to amend to strike out Sep - tete rOmed insert May.: .4 1 ,gii , Kbilappoied the motion. • • T-' , ''.54 - igneffulare'adrocated the, adoption of the araenderoul, and thought that the, minority de storied Credit, for`getting. the bill into the position oacitmed. lie complimented the pro f:m*10110e force for. their efficiency, and; thought 'flia -Maier should have the control of the officers, , and sot's eon:mates, of Councils. He was in favor otrititiiffit the Pretent officers on duty during geocAltelmvier,', „ ,?Irlitc44.ldilliordhought amendment' :116jOt 09iiiiiiiiirii*biiellt , 113011Mbiato,1611111 , piece 'snob offieeritlatiseetmeAport the force of his - suceteaor. ~e afrsheirWiia inlayer of theirholeibili, with an idnatiffnient`that:lo, Should golnte force on the ,There viere - many good Men on the Poilee'wheiltetild be retained, and some very un- Worthyenes, who should be culled out. It would prevent' the, force from being used for politioal „ pnspose."-. 1 4. 1 . - , - Mr: Perkins argued that the appointments' should be made after the election,`,„ • Mr. Klugtisked that they; would; not consider this., hill in a politic - 14'point of - iew, but adopt it Or let it fall according to its merlte, and withhold any reference fa ontside considerationa. The:Subject was farther disouseed bylffessre. Mil ler; and others. • ' ' Mr. O'Neill said the remarks of Mi. Kiag would induce them to belleie that the 'police "force was the greatest gang ' reoreants From his official position, be memo more in contact with those men than any other member of that Chamber, and 850 more faithful. honest, and energetic :net could not be found. Mayor Conrad's =allege said that his police force wee' a",model l- for ;the world. Mayor Vaux could say the seine. Of Mayor Con rad Ibl - fain, -however; he' had twined In' trying twentyfctetteasalt and battery, inctei,gliteeriof the inunketeittere itonvicited. Ile aloe saw two convicted 1 Alenteit,4 and a lieutenant of a - charge of assault audliatteryi, Mayor-Faux had been selecting the .best'inen.ho could fled, striving te _pave hie force of ,the - inemispetent men. In the fuse of all this, tbarsWes aMalforf Made to the next mayor the authority to 'appoint these, Men for, life. bfr:,Btarebsonwasinfavor'of 41eeting a proper mini fo mayer,,wha would take -care of the Inter esta,of the people, and not make the police force a political engine. The former mayor used theufft cora for this-purpose, and ' the present incumbent has followed hie example. It was the duty of the people to elect pure-hearted Men, and not dense. gegnes. Ile - thought the discueskin of 'the bill altogether 'useless. again, spoke upon the subject. lie thottlM: they (himself. among the number) were-1 iplm lag their time for nothing , ; they were not iietiffidettlieir. remarks te-the bill; they wegade -tiffegliik int:luta th Partlielr' deby, .making no ef forklAreliefe tikdiatraksi and 'tniSery Which aur rdu 41; bill a trick of the gentleman from the Thirteenth ward; (Mr. King,) t 6 love nethivg but, Knew-Nothings on the police force, as,,bet have a Knew-Nothing Mayor next year.' " The amendment to fix the timelier the ordinance on the lst.of April was' disagreed to' by a vote of 31 to 31 ; via: • „ Yeato=4,femrs. Arnold, Austin, Baird, Barnwell, Boyer,;,,Buritell,',Ceoper; Orease,,'Day, Faulkner, - Geier, Goislor, Holman, Jones, Kano, Kneass_;:lif_agg„ Mueller, McFadden, hiellwain, Ideliikan, McManus, MoNeal, Palethorp, Wanceek, Willinma, Wilmer, Wolf-31. . Nava—Messrs: Basiett, Black, Bromley. Brown, Coaxed, Deal, Dougherty, Ford, Fry, Gitlin, Gin node; Recker. llall,,Kutehinsbn, Ism:linger, Kel ton% ippi; Miller Andrew. -Moyer, Me- Cleanaarlier, Perkins, Steel, Stevenson, ; Taylor, Thompson Oscar, Tudor, Vankorn,-Wildey 'Miller John, (President)-31. ' - The first section of- the bill was then agreed to bravote of 34 `to 27. It provides 'that the oftl. eon, golieemen, and watchmen of the police De partment orthe oily of•Philadelihia. in Mho° on the fruit day of September, A. D. 1858, and' those whomayhe appointed thereafter, shall bold their - - olhiaduring good behavior; but May be removed in the manner hereinafter - provided,` for moral, mental, or physical incompeteney; for Misbehavior .In Milt upon' . convict:eh 'of erinici Or misde- Ineanor in any, court* of record, and said officers, „ policemen, or wakilimen, shalt net be subject to re moval forany,uther eause whatever. - 'The second motion provides, that for the trial of officers,. polieemen,rand watch:nen of the said po lice department, a joint committee, consisting of six members; of with; Connekshall be annually. appointed in their respective Chambers, by bal.' lot,,the said committee shall be styled "'Commit. tee • for the trial of officers, policemen, and watch men of the Police Department,” and the chairman of the said committee shall be a member of Soloot Council. -' Holman opposed this. lie thought:the, defies of Councilmen were - already too onerous. hfr.'lling, in a few'sendble 'realer lie, urged' its adoption, , . Dr. Bites "oPPosed thaSeetion, because Imbed ob jeotioneMi Commilmen and politicians serving on the committee. • After- some further debate, Mr—Rolm - an moved to indefinitely. 'postpone the aubjeet;' but before.a, vote 'could be had, a motion prevailed to ad journ, „ ' - The fOliewing aro the additional provisions of the bill: Secit,,,,3. The Mayor of the city shall hive power to suspend from the exectition of their offices all officers,' policemen, andWatohmenef the pollee department, ,for ;any cae , 'tithe bit seetien of act: In 'all snob 'oozes .of seepen. don the Mayor shalinotify the said Committee on Pol4o _ in. writing, whieh' notice shall specify the grounds for , such suspension, and contain' the names of the Witnessee to establish ' the chali , e. And said committeeshall'proceed to in. VeS ate and determine the matter as soon us pract Cable., The said - oommitteo• shall have the ; pant to_send for :persons, rpapiri; and records, and to compel theattendaneeof witnesses, and ex." amine them muter oath- or affirmationoind may, ,for say cause mentioned in the pest seethe of this stototontintlethe'emipeneion, Upon each 'conditions atihejnia,y think :Just; remove•the aecusod from ' Oleo; or restore him to•dritY," :".01.11`doctsione of said: committee, shall, be by, a:majority of the whole nembe - r:nppoirtted. And. they shall. employ suoh 'numbee.'of clerks end, messengers as Commits may authorize. In each case , of suspension" and - csOnittlaint, notice to the ' licensed, shall be given, , ind• he be; beard in persoreAr by counSel lif his defeece;" and may oemperthe attendance of witnesses in his, babel( Each -member of said committee, ~shall . have power to issue subpoenas to to witnesses appear before them on' the trial "of snob etteel , and if any person who shall have been duly subpownaed•to‘httehd a, Mere:mid; shell no - gleof'or refuse to attend, ti majority ofthe commit , tee shall have petrel' to entlierlee the itinalretan 'of said committee to. &sae an. attackiient • against snot person„ sca:Wait% to the. practice of • the colitis. - BSc?. 4. Irecenekts , in said, pollee department - 'shalt be filled by the Mayor, by and with the vice and consent of Select Council, in the manner • now provided by law. The Mayor shall not have -the pewer to dismies the said °Sutra, watchmen, orpolicemen, for any canoe whatever.„ c-'....435cr. 5: That'the Select and 'Common Councils Octlie olty of Philadelphia shall be, and they are hereby, anther - Heed and directed to make, ordain, establigh,suoli laws and ordinances: as may , be found necessary fully to carry this act into effect. - Barr. 6. • The preilvions, of *this' act shall not take effect until the flrat day of September neat. Resolved, That the eleris of Councils shall send oony.of Cite. above, to, opal:, liraneh of the State attire. „,. - :;:oy.TRE.:PILOT LINE. I ' • •*.tiPTYE:O. FROM - KEW YORK. VoireSponlerace of T , 11? prem.] .":•',' - • ... if ..?'• • r '..- lfv.w Yout, 'NOv. 10-5.20 P. M 1! I enntrary to the general 601mi:dation, and to the Ogre - 00We ,surprise of many,- the bank statement . , published yesterday evening showed en zwortwa6o ' IL nruintaids of half a million`' dollars filling; of throje and a half MillionS in specie; of ft little less -•', than. a hundre d thousand' dollars ' in oiroula -' I.*'litid , . font' itililloris and - a balk in' depositi. Tioxii.iit.nd doubt -that.. the opeoie now held by the:llll4S' is littlq short of eighteen millions, yid* - , - ,iiildedi 4?i, 'n amok' of country -bank ~.", notes' - 'istinountin -- to ' - D ' and 'a half millions, ( - - ',:snakes them 'EtAonger. than, they beim' been for '''S'eso. •,_ It ill - riPlir rile:tared and generally believed, ,• -- - ,that , oli the atroligth of - this poiltiodthe majority. - ..,, ,of the banks , prOP O 4O to resume, spooks pnyMents ' '24140 the first of Jao,oarY;end some of their num ' .. even.oooerg"eil the 'Org. Of December. 'lt is - ,.•.j_ said.thit the board 'of directors , of, the Bank of GealesaiseeiVat their meethig thlemornlng, agreed to . -, .."...., - the latter date by a unaninolui fete„ There is no Tux Runkr. Paaruuns OP ono ClTY.—There it, 1 -- doubt that the ot the committee of probably, no large city in the world—certainly none In tbeoltiqing bonze, which, has been %dorm:madam.. Araeriea—in which the rural taste of the citizens is so -,- "..tforifei• ithnii 'days, and only agreed to after many eenerallyraanifeeted as in Philadelphia. Qur nunset , , /00,44-1140,41,40 n jete;yesterday vening, points - —:• tti *nearly resumption; but how far this promise ous and spacious pub li c simes constitute a leading wll,l be kept, is e, matter which time alone min 'de, theme of admiration w ith allour v i st t ere.- If we include ~'.'•'- . 4lldir'i'Lrlba report , , ophielk now only awaits the con= nil the elegant Nooks of private residences that front on ';',''',. Sent or tho 'eoustrY banks, , ",directs that .on and ai" these delightful parks, - we shall find that they comprise ,Al- - , -. :,teiriltir - meat*, the county banks shall be re; a front, sev eral Mlles. But it is not' quired to redeeuidlaily at 4110 Metropolitan bank , ' Only in the shape of publio squares that this praise- In the aggregate, of :e4 - iierstofore ,,,, The aecumulated•mmulation now , -.W., held : ill the city, anks' td9 be' Wine ', unth 'the "mil/ lute of Philadelphians is exhibited ; the long /trot of May next,4lmeonntry banks being bound rows •of beautiful, - thrifty , , trees that decorate C::::: , 10, 04, 4 1 }/ 01:0 4 11fth Millie Illrit' (if l'anuarY; first '4'4,l6ido•valkil of many 'of 0 , 14 r arenues, the :"...y. - 4.l , rwOryj.first•et March that of . April, and first af iiviiiiyAreased garden plots that form , anidta m os e t n univer_. ~; e0 1!- ' . 1 ' - Orlitill,Yelri. S,S.,',Wai . interbstacthe rate , f 4l sPeendege of our dwellings, and the orna ting of `''' '' .i., r s ' lg• 0n9 .9,1 :, , PWI accumulated , clroula-- our thoroughfares—whore they are wide enough to ad- Z. - s:' " y.'• •, Argif Ammberlatrt „Untie only remains mit of it--with enclosed ROM of shrubbery and foun ;'4' '''-''' ' ' s ' -.--; ; • try banks- to ""P t . th# pfd for ft`to' tares , ere'so Indications that it'Philadelphis le not as - .. -- ••. - 5.:.; , '' I f "- , , - tett at Olidfi s c v -Vberalli'sinhe reation to, keinedged- la the j , spirit of edienturous enterprise as - .. , i: ".", ",• 'ereditsqpvintita4 6 l,lthibiiiiiittheiro banki some might desire , she Is at lead far la advance of her 1.. .,:e..10 '.. ..ea , IditalJnOthOlaif m P li°n exte°Bl 9, ll Oompeale iti these thlnge which tend to mitigate the ; " , 'S -- ::Of lrati:ofaidAYlina no T.- of 81461,n- usual physical ant 'moral dlaad i ' ttending city ii . , }v ,,, , - . -,M 2 'n*ili -"rant' "?' life• Tliestenetal do van ag" * th V -- r.: -. ' - - , , Ppeedy.,,iimondslient , i li IN , 5 • . mfortof our middle elutes, and e Afilefl - r' --.4 JitiPiViCtstrohgat ' from the last extraordinary small bills of mortality "'" ' .t.',Aa - atiaarl it hr._ true to say that Oared with others of its *kV, are among the bene fi cial ...,,„, of our city, cora -4-L 1,1 L --10;.higest feelpingl - ; - but -:. tut; for any:.:xelit - , retultenf ,. the, pieulfialti to nblelt we -bare itere ye ,.. 4, ever, be . surprised "to see a resumption of specie payments by , the pity banks before very long. They will not, if they can beln it, stand the over hauling they would be sure to receive from the Legislature, and they may hope by speedy romp lion to escape the consequenees of their pastAlniqui ties I only hope that such will not be peimided to be the case, and that they may be severely pun ished for the ruin they have wrought, for which they alone are to blame, as nobody denies that if they had acted otherwise, they could have stopped the panic,_ and effectually have prevented the dis asters of September and October. The apprehension of riotous attacks on the Sub- Treasury and banks, by the turbulent workmen out of employ, has caused considerable depression and dullness to-day. United States troops are under arms in the public, buildings, ready for service; but I can see no reason to fear any riot or any at tempt to attack life or property. I believe the fears are altogether groundless; at least I hope so, sincerely. The notes of the Pequennook Bank of Bridge port were thrown out to-day by the Metropolitan, in consequence of a resolution by the former to redeem no longer at the Suffolk Bank; but to esta blish a redemption agency in this city at the officio of Benjamin F. Manierre, 220 Broadway, at 1 per cent, discount. The entire capital of this bank. is $200,000, with a surplus of s2ol,ooo—circulation, $15,000. There is no variation in street rates. Foreign exchange istidull, at a Slight decline from the ex treme quotatione of Saturday last, and it is thought that the gold , eldpinents by the Persia to-morrow will be far 'below the estimate formed last week. Sixty days sterling sells to-day at 107ia108i. Gold is quoted at from to 1 premium. Exchange on Philadelphia is better, being now 3§ per Dont, and on Baltimore 5 and 4f per cent. paid. The clearing house settlement , today is as fol lows: Clearings, $11,782,467.75; balances paid in coin, $760.435.16. The cash transactions at the sub-treasury to-day were: Receipts, $33,940.17; payments, $56,066.09; balance, $5,316,688.59. The receipts at the custom house for duties were $43,000. Counting the transactions at the clear- ing house and the sub-treasury statement of Satyr- I day, the following is is comparative statement of the condition of the banks for the rat lieek;, the week previous, and the corresponding week Last year. Nov. 8,1856. Nov. 7 1857. Oct. 81,1857 Capital $54,243,000 883,519,000 $63,519,000 Loam 102,608,699 05,866,541 95,817,754 Specie 11,616,420 16,492,152 12,888,441 Circulation 8,046,721 6,434,612 0,331,748 Grose deposits... 80,827,821 68,884,173 61.403,664 Exchanged 29,894,434 12,459,966 9,610,506 Undrawn 56,933,387 50,424,807 61,859,168 In Bnb-Treacury. 12,918,949 6,407,686 6,408,81i03 The fluctuations of the stock market still min. timie. There wee ,, a decline in Most stooks this morning st,the,first board, and a more unsettled feeling than has preValled for. sortle•days; ' Cleve land and Toledo and Michigan Southern old stook declined Bouthera guarantied; ; Panatria l ; Galena and Chicago, * ; Chicago and R. T., 1.; and Beading 1,, At the second board prices wore still unsettled. Reading closed at 351,; N.. Y. Central at 88; ' Miehigan Southern at 151; Panama at 771 ; Illinois Central at 7 . 11 ; Virginia O's at 851; Tennessee B's at 82 ; Brie bonds at 601; and Illinois Central bonds at 811. Bank stocks were firm at yesterday ' s prices. The fluotuation and inaotivity in the stock and share market is attributable more to a desire to wait and see what tho Arabia will bring, than to any other immediate canoe. NEW TORK STOOK EXCHANGE SALES, Nov. 10 PiRST BOARD 90NYOona ,139 500 do 69,1( 125 do 09)6 100 do 1)3 113 x 50 do WO 139,4 40 Hudson a 11. 15 25 do ' /5 , 1000 N Y St Ws, 103 2000 Tenn 6's '9O , 82 11000 Virginia 6's 85) 6000 Missouri (Ps 72,% 6000 do b 3 72,tg 6000 eel St 78'76 62 84 Mich eau It 6000 Eu 6 It 16t to 90 • moo 49 117 911910316 N I 16 1000 Harlom Ist mt 69X 1000,- do 6000 Harlem 241 m 41 1000 111 On bda '79 iOO Inch 9&NI Fr 36 0 9.9 i 00 • 810 80 3000, do 7015 1500 do 793{ 10000 do 00 79 8000 do e 3 80 70 do 32 OD do 32J 76 do 33 15 Panama R 77 80 111 Can It 88 ,50 do 610 87' 18 do 88X 60 Old & Obi 11, oag 400 Olev & Tol It 32g 9000 N Y Oen 6s ' 82% 10000 do , - 82% 5000 do 82 .10000 Erlo II ad mbd 66 - do 32 . 1 i 100 Ohi & llk llt • 59 50 , do 43.;1N 89 National Bank 90 6 Ilk „,f Qommerce 92 25 do 91 15 Am Ex Bk aio Reading R 35 • 51 . 100 do o 351( 100 do, 810 351( 215 Frio Railroad 131( 1r) goo bn 18 k BOARD. 20 Imp&Trad's 80( 20 Continental Bk , 80 25 MetropolaGa Bk 89 17 Dal & fled Co 99 50 do , s3O, 983 450umbd Coal Co GX SECOND 8000 Virginia. Ca 80% 1000 do 86% 3000 Tenn 63'90 82 6000 111 On bda 81% 10000 ' do 82 8000 do alO 81% 2000 Erin Bonds 'B3 67 8000 -do ' 60% '2OOO lbsAin2d m 61 - , 600 Rod 11 lat mt• 91 20 National }lnk 02 100 Dealind On 010 88 60 do 99 100 Reuling b 3 35)i 10 0 do elo 35x 100 'do, e 3 353( 50 Oler Tel 32% 100 do 32m 200 do 3234 258 Mioh Routh It 15,4 100' 'de 16,11- 60 Mb MN I prt atk 32% GO Panama R 71X 60 11l Oen s 3 33 BO do 873; 50 Clef & OMR 11 23 NY Conn 69J( 60 do bl.O 091( 60 , do 616' 66% 20 Mil & Was ' 2O 20Cin Ram & Dayton 64 Asnas.—The market is quiet for Pots at $7.25, and Pearls at $8.87 - 148.50. Saleratus is steady at 70. COFFEE.—The business is small; prices have not changed, though they continue heavy. COTTOII.—The market is almost bare of stook ; prices aro firm at 12.1 cents for middling Uplands, and 13 oents for New Orleans. hint.—The demand for all kinds Is quite limited, but priers are without essential change. Apart from some 600 quintalrlarge Marblehead codfish at $3,25; nothing of importance has transpired. Mackerel are very %Wet and prices arc nominal. nova, tto,—Tbs Inquiry for Western canal flour is quite native, and With moderate arrivals prices are 5o bettor on the low grades. The inquiry , is pretty general, and good brands of Southern, Ohio and Indiana are wanted. The sales are 11,000 bbls at $4.8041.90 for common to good State ; ssa $5.25 for extra do; $4.8044.90 for superfine Indi ana and Michigan; $545.95 for extra do ; $5.70a $7.25 for st. L ouis brands and $6.60a57.75 for extra , Genesee. Canadian Spur is without important change, the demand ie fair—sales of 600 bbla at $6.1041.70 for extra brands. • ' Southern flour is in good request for tho trade and prima are much the same as at yestorday'e market—the sales aro 1,100 bbls at $5.10a55.30 for mixed to good brands Baltiraoro, 40., and $5.35a $0.75 for the better grades. Rye flour is . quiet at $3.50a55. Corn meal is wanted and is tn fair supply—sales of 150 hbls at $3:1043.50 for Jersey and $3.75 for Brandywine. Buckwheat flour is in fair demand' at $1.87142 for 100 lbs. GRAIN.—A fair demand for wheat with moderate arrivals; prices aro buoyant—sales of 31,000 ha at $1.28a51.30 for rod Southern, $1.3441.55 for.infe rior to prime white do ; $1 176 for red Ohio; $l.lO for red Indiana; $1.33 for white Canadian and 90 'a 970 for Chicago spring. Rye is heavy—tales of 450 Oatst 72e for Canada and The for good NOrthern. are In limited demand at 42a44e for State and Western. Barley is quiet at 70a80o. • Barley malt is inaotivo ai lOtt ConN 18 better ; the demand is fair for the East and local use—the Sales are 21,000 bu. at 760. for western mixed and inferior white Southern, and 800. for Southernyellow. HAY.—A. steady demand for shipping—sales of :too bales at 55a65e. per 100 lbs. Hums are generally quiet; several sales of domestic have been made at a little losver.priees. MOLASSES.—The badness oontinues moderate ; Cuba musoovado is selling at 21a2 1 50„ and'Eaglish Islands at 250, „ „ NAVAL' Srones—Spirits of Turpentine itf less animate, and prices pave a downward tendency; sales of 300 MU in shipping order at 400 cash; lota in merchantable order can be purchased at 300. Crude is quiet but steady. Common Rosin ie lan. said, owing in part to the firmness in freights, yet prices are unchanged. The mediumgrados, though a little more inquired for, are by no means active. We only hear of sales of 310 bbls. medium No. 1 at $3 per 280 lbs. Other kinds are quiet, and prices mostly nominal. OILS.—The market for most kinds lacks nativity, although there is a little more inquiry, American ,Linseed is fairly inquired for; sales of 4,000a5,000 gallons at 60a62 cents per gallon, cash: Crude whale is slowly recovering from the extreme dull ness of the past month or two, and by the sale of 100 bbls at the eastward at 62 cents, time and in terest, we are now able to arrive at a prieo approx imating to its value, and therefore quote handsome at 65 cents, being a decline of MO cents from the last itemisation. In Oracle Sperm further sales of 300 bbls have been made In New Bedford at $1 per gallon, cash. Manufactured ()H ()Hoare steady and in moderate request. Other kinds are inactive and somewhat nominal. Pnoviszoms.—A better demand for Pork; the arrivals light; sales of 300 bbls nt $18416.25 for prime ; $1025 for thin mess, and $19.75 for mess, and $20.50 for clear. Beef la in fair demand; the arrivals are liberal; sales of 160 bile at $5.7547 for country prime; $9410.50 for do mess; $l4 for new repacked Western mesa; $l5 for extra do; $13.50 for Ver mont mess ; and $l5 to for do extra. Primo mess beef is quiet at 22a250. Beef hams are in fair demand—sales of 110 bbls at IWO°. Boson Is saleable at 1214130. Ont mate aro scaroo And wanted at So for shoulders and 1010 for hams. Dressed hogs are in demand at 61a73—sales of 1500 head born fed at 71 net. Lard 10 quite Arm ; the demand Is fair—sales of 315 bbls and tee at 124 lbo for fair to choice old, and 11111210 for do do new. Butter is in good demand, at 12aBle for Ohio, and 16a22 forStato. • Cheese is saleable at ?ale. Eggs are in fair demand at 140.60 for Western and State. Rica is quiet, but not lower; saleaof 80 torahs at 3a3le, as to quality. SUGARS are in bettor demand, and prices show a little more sottlednem; sales of 1500.hhde since noon yesterday; at sifi7o for Cuba, and 6aBo for Porto Rico. Tam.ow.—The Inquiry is fair and holders lirm; sales of 17,000 the at Ole for prime. Rough fat is steady at 'Pmts.—The demand' is improving, chiefly for young hyaons of cargo grades. WRIARRY.—The market in hardly so firm—the demand is fair—sales of 350 bbla at 22c. CITY rrEms. PRENS.4-PHILAVIAPHW A NEW TowN OfrooK.—The exterior of the Catholic Church, berated on the corner of Girard avenue and Fifth street, has recently undergone a thorough course of embellishing. Its graceful spire is by far the loftiest object in the northern part of the city. For several years it stood in an unfinished state. It le now surmounted with a massive gilt areas, and, by a process of supertororkmanship, has been made to as sume the appearance of a solid brownstone structure from its base to its apex. One of the chief addltlone, however, that have been mede—and one which. theettlsene In the dletrlct rally will chore the tkeneAt of—is the substituting of a real clock for the mock face • WM.* It formerly ,elM talued. “/S. IS Elf PLOYbIENT,'' rhitliSt4ebflar, it that makes a people happy r , and, said Jean Paul, , r have fire-proof, perennial enjoyments; called ann ploymenta.” Llandreds of people are now out of Obs ployment ; and, to save others from a like sad fat'; we ace it announced that the celebrated clothing firm of Clifton, Albright, & Clo., , tdaynels •11,11, ,, No. 821 Chestnut street, will conti nue their sate or elegant and seasonable clothing, of the latest atjleS and finerst fabrics, at cost prices. Let alll who ;desire a superb Overcoat, eto., atop 'and try them. ' 'f ' A SEASONABLE ARTICLE.--Air the stiasoki aj proachea for thejadles to supply themselves with fore, we would suggest to our readers that the induceasente held out to purchaeers by Messrs. Oakford & Bon are worthy. of attention. Bee their advertisement in another column of Tao PaRBS.., SAILING OF TILE , OCEAN STEAMERS. PROM THE UNITED STATER •'' BISAMBEIWI; yolt l ' DAT Persia ' New York, V Liverpool ' • Not 11 oor Haltimore..Ne* York Liverpool ' Nr4l2 Arago ....... ...INew York, Havre - ' • No+ 14 Ericsson New York , Bremen • Nov 14 Canada - • Noston,Ro., Liverpool ' Soli 18 Arable '' • New York Liverpool t r .':Noi 25 Glasgow ..... .I'. New , York Glasgow - ' • No+ 25 Ariel 1 New York Botatharapton,' f4O'..NOY 28 PROM EIIROPH. ' • • ' ' ._ +ROE : vox • " .. , NIT .• . • Arabia New York' ' Oct 81 Glasgow , ' Glasgow New York ' Opt 81 liamroortia liamnburg New York Nee . 1 Cl of WashlogtorLLlverpool . . Ner; York Blaine intelligence. PORT OF riiipAnzuwa, Nov. 11, 157. SUN ....... 7 1-1517NERTE.....,,...,09 BMW WATER... 4 . '4 • io ai IGEMLD Bohr Worcester, Rhodee,"4l daft fibUiProrldenee, trith indite to .7 M Kennedy & 00. . , Behr B Pickup, tiokup; 6 As o from James River, Vs, with lumber to Trump Bone. Behr /irate, Jackman, 6,dayafronaßeirbtiryport, with mdee to Geo A Wood. - - „ - „ Behr Lizzie ItaulWilerlderzon, 6 dayl trom Borten, lU ballast to Wm ll• Johna. • ' • Behr Trohui, Cook, 6 dare from Balton, In ballast to Tyler, Stone & Sohr 8 P ,PaUlday, Beaman, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to John B White. Behr Choi A Greiner, Weaver, 6 days from Holston, in ballast to Tyler. Stone & Co. Behr Obis A Parker, Compton, 6 days from Barton, la ballast to John tWhite. Schr Wm Loper, P.obinson, 6 days from Medford, in ballast to Van Doren. Norton .k Co. Behr H A. Weeks, Weeks, 4 days from Providence, la ballast to Brown le White, . Bohr North Paola.; Marcy, 4 days fromProvidenee, ballast to Rogers, Slunlckson & Co. Behr Ell Townsend, Williams, 2 dila from Cepo May, in ballast to N Sturtevant & Co. . , Bohr Enterprise, Lamphigh, 1 day from Newport, Del, ith corn to Jae Barrett & Bon. Schr John Lank, Artia, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with onto to Jae Barratt & Bon. •gteauter Thomas Jet:tenon, Sehellinger,tl hours from Delaware City, having In tow 17 tidewater maul bail), laden with hour, grain, eoa A l iron, lumber, ace. Towed thereto 6 others, bound to Ilavre do lariteo,PlAtkdWitlik &dee tor the interior. CLEARED. ..... Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, Itichmond, Thomas Webster, Jr. Schell C Scribner, Carlisle, Boston, Tyler, Stone & Co. fiche Mountain Menne, OreeaSeld, Beaton, Oabeen & Co. Behr Julia Bich, Smith, Balton, 9 hillier & Co. Sohr L Maull, Henderson, Boston, W li Johns. Schr 817 Soilidey, Seaman, Bolden, J B White. Behr Chan Parker, Compton, Boston, Brown& White. Bohr U A Weeks, Weeks, Boston, do Behr 7 G Collier, Chapin, Hartford, Tan Doaen, Nor ton & Co. ..Behr Wm Loper, Robinson Sing Bing, do Behr Tro}so, Oook, Washington, Tyler, Stone & 00. Bohr 0 A Greiner, Weaver, Boston, . do Behr E Townsend, Williams, Emden, Sturtewast & 0o Bohr North Pita°, Marcy , Bolton, Rogers, Sinnloh eon & Co. • , • Btrß 'Willing, Olaypoole, Baltimore, A Groves} 7r. 5 pry wntwoaarn.r (Correspondence of the Phlladelphlairichanvs.) 10.6 `The Ship Mary & Adeline, for New Orleans; barques David Linsley, for Mottos's; Della, for Bostoej Urania for New York; brigs Mary 111 Milllken; !or uardegasi 81ar7 ffitiland, for St John, NS; hfolunkua, for Ports. rifl; David B Drown,for Key West; Exams Eger. rot Charleston; sehr Fannie, for St Thomas, &pd about thirty , colliers have gene to sea duringlhe day. , ward bound vessels in sight. Wind f•M' . Yowl!, &41.; THOS. =GEM. prr vu.kaluraj Worreopondehoti of Tbo • Nye Yong. Piny Arrived, ships Alfred Storer, from Liverpool; from Manilla; brit Anita Owen, from ?Nevi's; eche City Belle, from Port au Plett. , BosION, NoT 10. , Arrived, ship Oliuti, from Manilla; brigs Mirth& 011ehrist, from Gloucester, Bog; 0 A White, from Port am OIIMILIOTON, Noy 10. The U a mall steamship Nashville, Oaptlaurray, from New York, arrived here at 0 o'clock last Welt. OVIANNAIt Nov Y. The steamship Thom; Swann, from New York, arrived hereto-day, , (Oorreepondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) NASSAU, NP Nor S. The barque Irma, Oapt Nobre, from Maracaibo, bound to Philadelphia, was dricen ashore night of 22d tilt, on a reef oft Oat Island Bah Salvador, during a violent gale from NW, but succeeded in getting off two days at. terwards by discharging one-half her cargo, which was taken on board again, and arrived here yesterday tc nn dared temporary repairs She will sail for destination In a few days. ' Yours, &e. KENNY V. OAGNEY. =ECM . . Steamship Palmetto, Baker, hence at Boston yes tonisy. Steamship Persia, Judith:is, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship John Knox, Green, from Now,ltork fpr Calcutta, was discharging at Buenos Ayres Sept 12. Ship Coquimbo, pinny, 113 days from Chinchalliods, arrived at Baltimore 9th lost; /sprung fore and saloon masts on the plumage. Ship John A Parks, Rich from Callao, July 2, for Hampton Roads, mu spoken tiept 10, lat IT 09, long 8812. Ship Ocean Belle, Holleran, cleared at New York 9111 inst. for Liverpool. Ships Orient, War Eagle, and Samuel Appleton, from Chinch& Islands, were in Ilampton Roads 9th instant, waiting order. Barque Ernestine Rose, Giddings, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston oth Barque Lucky Star, Sweney, from Singapore July 30, arrived at New York yesterday; passed Anjler Aug 12. NOT 6, let 3128, long 68 49, spoke brig (Minute, from Rio ({rands for Salem, 54 days out. Nov 7, lat 35 25, long 76, Spoke ship J Montgomery, from Calcutta for Boston, 104 days out. Oct 9, lot 402 8, long 32 SOW, spoke barque Bleb/need, from Penetooterorldontevidoe, 88 days out short of provisioni—supplied them. Barque 'A "Drebert, Liewitt, for Pbilidelphis in • few days, remained at Buenos Ayres Sept 12. Barque B Truitt, Scull, for Savannah, steered at 14 York yesterday. Barque Escort, Schibye, from Penang, arrived at New York yesterday. Brig Samuel Churchman, Ankere, from Buoaos Ayres Sept 12, arrived at New York yesterday. Brig Gov Brock, Wilcox, from 'Matanzas, arrived at Portland 7th inst. Brig Delaware, . Fileld, hence, was going Into Ifs.ya goes. PR, 29th ult. Brig W Ilfteener, fur Turks Island, to load for Phi ladelphia, was at Mayaguez, PR, 29th ult. Behr B Astunead, White, at Charleston 9th inst. from Yucatan. Bohr lames Magee, Gallagher, hence, arrived at Ilartibid 7th but. bichr Y A Godwin, kairchild, for Newborn, NO, olenrod at Now York 9th Ind. Behr E Flower, Itaynor, for Philadelphia, sailed from Hartford 9th inst. &her Streamlet j Downing, from Baltimore, at WC ruington, Del, 9th inst. Bohr Damon, Pitcher, from Calais for Philadelphia, atlem Bth Met, Behr Alabama, Avery, from Provitmetown for Phila delphia, at New York yesterday, Bahr Telegraph, Reath, hence, arrived if Norwich 4th lust. scbr If Browning, Conover, for Phibulelphla, nailed from Now Bedford Stb. test. gcLra Frank Herbert, Mayo; Tantamount, Davis; Montauk, Valkenberg, and Mary Haley, Haley, from Boston for Philadelphia, at Holmes Hole Bth lost, and milled again next day. deter H M Horse, Phillips, from Taunton for Phil% delphia, at Bristol 7th Inst. Behr Ontario, Vane!der, hence at Fall Alva Bth last. Sohn Juliette, °hese, from Boston for Philadelphia, and Alquisar, Long, from Fox Inland; Me, for do, sailed from Newport, Mo, 7th lust. Sam Wm h. Stevenson, Mears. and Treasurer, Fisher, sailed from Providence 7th root. for Philadelphia. Behr Jas S Hewitt, Roes, for Philadelphia, mailed from Providence Bth inst Bleep Coquette, Ilurbut, cleared at Hartford lth init. for Philadelphia. Propellers Planet, Loper, and Novelty, Bell, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Svaamer'Farmer, Dennis, hence at Baltimore yes terday. let inst. fat 26, long 76 61, ship Milton, of and from Boston for New , Orleans. Oct 20, lot 113 b, long 63 20, barque Maryland, from Boston for Marr.nham, 21 days out. 24 inst. lot 25 98, long 07'24, barque Albertina, from Demerara for Liverpool, NO, 24 days out. NOME TO BIAIIINXRB QUARLINTON LIOOTUODOE—Daring the renovation of Charleston Lighthouse the present revolving light will be put out, and a fourth order fixed lens light 'substi tuted on the evening of Nov 20, 1857, and continue thereafter till January 1, 1858, when the new second order died Eresnel light will be exhibited for the first time. This temporary fourth order Lied leo will be placed upon a ecatloid outside of the southeast face of the lighthouse tower, at the height of 90 feet shove the sea, which may be seen 12)4 waled above the horizon, or over 17 miles from the deck of a vessel 15 feet above the water, By order of the Lighthouse Board. GEO. W. CULLUM, Capt. U. B. Nogipuers. Charleston, Nor. 4, 1857. MARINE MISCELLANY. ' Lsostuutn—At Bangor 4th inst. a fine brig 0f about 265 tons, called the Anne. Wellington. At Cherryfield 2d fist, by Messrs. Ololth and Capt Leighton, a superior brig of 83G tons, celled the Naiad, to be coolie, faded b,9 (40L. fibs to be one of the best vessels other erase ever built in the state, Ifolnies! Mole, Nov. 7.—T ho Rehr Lucy Blake, (not Lucy Ann, as reported yesterday ' ) Captain Chaae, from New York, with no assorted cargo, for Belfast, Port land, and Rockland, where eke belongs, struck a rock In the Vineyard Sound last night, and esMe in herewith' four feet of water in her hold. She Is now on the Ma-' tine Railway, with a hole stove in her bottom.—[By letters to Ellwood Waiter, Esq. Brig Rineo, of and from Blue 11111, Me., for Norfolk, with cargo of atone, wentashoro Bth !net, at 5 P.M" during a thlek'fbt. Crew one u ndle re a d. on south Scituate Light, , DOMESTIC. PORTS. NEW YORK, Nov. steamship Atlanta:, Gager, Charleston; ships Eliza Mallory cg klystio,)— Myetic; Empire, Coombe, .Liverpool; 'belga Ittarlah, Clutdbomn, fm Gonalves;. Harriet, Congdon, Windsor; Tornado, McCarty, AuX Cayes; ochre Rebecca, Bald Win City Point; Luoy Peon, OWPn, Fredericksburg. Cleared ships Misr, Johnson Mobile P B Cutting, Lyon, Antwerp; Dot Barth, Nieman, Hansburgh; brig 'Oman, (Br) MoLelllen, Et Johns!, N F; eehrs Wide , World, Dickenton, Fernandina; Rockingham, Gillon, Bohm; J W Miner, Berry, Multanzasi Mode Mind; Davis, Washington; prop R caawslader, colusry, Bal timore. PORTLAND, November 7th—Oleared.—,Shlp Kittle Floyd, (new, of Portland, 1117 144/sths tons) Front, New Orleane brig Wenonah, Rote Ilantaaus, Yth— Boloer, a barque, name unto° n for West Indies, leaky. of and fratki " " ; d v OPROV/DENOB, November .Ith.etildiets WildPfgeon 'Milken, Baltimore, and anchored In the witya Below, Br ochr Abby P Fenno, hinssells, from It John; NB. In port, among others, schr Osman Terrby, for Rappahannock, toload for Bristol, ready NNWPORT—DI Tort •7tk, 8 Al, br John Belch sa ki Henrietta, Bremen , for Havana, g, Pular Fora ; . / 1 1V$ 4 1 (frill/0 09 4 Or au) 11444, - ; acing out; schrs E Nickerson, Nickerwon, (from Boa • ton) for City Point; Elisabeth B Bacon, (from do) Aloaandria; 0 U Pettit, Clark, ((from do) Mobile; Wm Woodbury Pitcher, (from Rocland) Richmond: 8 E Parker, Fitzgerald, (from Camden) Norfolk; linlon, Superior, Hampton, and others. BRISTOL —Arr 6th, schr Louisa Reeves, Gifford, Providence for Rappahannook. BIC ache Fanny Porn, Briggs, Havanna. ,7th', are ochre A P Upshur, Wilton, Newport, to load for Norfolk. ALEXANDRIA—Nov 9, are echr Atva, Gum, Wind/ sor,N 8. 819, ochre Thomas Page, Robertson. New York . ; Tkit Price, Oftesabers t .liewar,k, N ; OuzberliA,lo44,, N York; Maryland, Illtase;40: • ARRIV THFr TRIN,cI4II' IjOHLS • Up to 12 o'clock:Last Night. ' OIRABD MOUSE—Chestnut Street,-bilovr D Seittin,tioreisini(o' gntiii*, Ind„ Woo 'W Wilson, NZ, .Wmll. Bayton, i Nrr , „ y N,Armistettd; Vs, tGarteres,ti Sam] Baton, Balt It, Lsospgh, y Hardridge, N Y anitir N Y Win II Bleck Lancaster tt u Plientels A i tilr i f, d gi t tl e t,BVlrrA' A.1.K.77.";,°411 4 -irr ' ` leuiteione, ' Madame AP fitraJspqph It , Y Al. Stiakeselt, r Idedetadhielliiotalk,N Y 'ld6tice lambert, N J Hiram Y I, Barron , BorbadOini pp o Ik:it "'7WO N, giro, rilarav, wulatp,o9ll,, Tooth Ry lAs G M Litiniaan; Reining It Keen; pi, Mr Patterson, rjsto VS,N Ic Dr n & it ”‘ DV It A AteChessur & te. Vk deo Ha ton 191,440.0 0y .. .411110)1er Toficiop' zekeltr, Reading Mt. N I Dy n d ° o;44 3 m fh ,ft iL"' NA ' A l gt=iii l eP l a 4nc'" • Mather„lll 7 II Baldwin NY OtChliney, Nalhvgle IT Morgap,Y Jos) Cole, It X G TI `i P tett; 'Buffalo HIE Haat, „ ,Dr B Crane, Balt J Z ThOthpion A'Allroitratnif; St Paul ,', JP Degyau,44.l It toss, Washhighi Mre Oottadr, It A Chadwick, Tit , Af Carroll, Wash env J,W Williams, $ 0 A J Cat: If T Heap, Waillington Saint II Trotman,Geneva 8 Parkhurst., Bait - 1,13 WititituiVlCr C Tarr'. Vs , Lombord,Chimigo ItERE(WIV,IIPTIRE,--Yolirth rt., beloir Seth W Garr, Minersvillo J Ryon, Tamaqua Geo II Olay,4PottavlUe NOrman White, NY ' O Welling, Missouri John Kugler, Ohio Amos Mecartney, Lane'r Thee BOAS ar. is Doylest'n David Barnet, Easton Jos W Smith & la, Ohio Lancaster • J,P ,Crawford. Harrisburg DM Henry Eyre, l'a A 0 Simpson, Pa , Cleo F Motsrland. Snyder 00, Deng Mitchell, Mao E A Welch, Coon A 11 Miller, Va Imo U McNlnley, , • AMERIOAN 1101'84—{lhoitn0 'treat, above Fifth. , • Areoausland, Altoona Thos W Duffield, ltrantlil J voi r goe i „ Cipt CliMe, W W Warrington, Harriab'g Semi Jones, Alt Joy J Johnson, &dam Er John A. Arnow', N 0 - w W Whitmoto,.N Y W Whitmore, N John R Martin, Oa Robt 8 Mcllvaln, Penns 1111 Richards, Attletoro,lda W It Cannon, N Y ' Al Al Hepburn, Jersey Shore Mao Hepburn, Jersey Shore Arthur MacLellan, Boton Seth Craig & la, Haverhill G Huston. N Y 4 11Simpson, N Y W Goodwin ; Mass Win Bargh,.Phils BWFIeId,NI UNION lIOTBE—Areb street, below Yourth. W II Barr, Del A W Marshall, Alleg'y city Ju 8 Baleen, Alleg'y My Urf eh Cane, -Port Carbon- N-9 Brobat, Pa A W Fellows, B=ol3 Bill Richard Sharpe, Pa ' J 8 Laird, lowa P A Moore, lowa- D Wheeler & la, Beading Dr Clay, Clan, Ohio Jtp Hey , Winslow, N J Philip Kuper, IJpBtraebl J *trine, Franklin to, Pa Ohas J Mann, Altoona 0 Boyer, Reading Mrs J itubler, Ruton NATIONAL HOTEL—Rare street, shore Third. 7,Reiser, Pottsville It Gumbotruer, N Castle T Coleman, Lancaster Jno F Mere, Reading :no Siegel, Reading L Royer, Schuylkill co, Pi L Blister, Phomirrilie ' Jan 0 Brown, Reading Wm auger, Allentown J/4 Pun Lew, Wales, N Y Geo IV Idorgsn, P.Ateville J T Jamas, Readlng Itaao Yenta, Trenton, N J Jon B Harnmekee, Pittston Idles areen, Lk Haven Edw P Hunt, Phila. L Lenhart, Snyder co, Pa Wm 11 Boyer, Pottsville WM Major, Leesport Scud Morrie, Jr, Potter , e W 8 ()feeble & Is, N J C eo 'W LeSch,"Wilkesbarre E D Yeentens, Northumberland 00, Pc EITA I PEB UNlON—Market street, shove Sixth, .f GeoPI Markley, Lancaster Cleo Ilenob, Perry 00, Pa M Stanley, Whitely, Ps J D Nonce, Baltimore • E Thlntro, New York John Patchln, Cleariloht p Bryark.Elizabethtown 11 McDonald, ralt B JP.Yox, Cheater co, Pa Jam P, geed, Yonloo, Pa WM II Myers, Lancaster P hultzbadr, York co, Pa Jacob Blessing, York co, Pa John McVay, I' It It Alex D Boggs, PU B. Qeo Julunton New York Samuel Bran , Lancaster A Cook, °Bann co, Pa Johnliitehin, Mill Hall, Pa BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Herotuna. 8 Ogden, Clifton, Pa D B Nyco, Phcenixvllle Jetties Brown, Rlktort, Md 8. Y Brown, Lancaster co H Peters, Lancaster eo T Heyes,Outriberlind co B W Ramsey, York 0, Ps beau 'Leedom Cheater to A R Pennington,, Del J Tackrell, N J BARLEY BILRAF-411econd, below Ylne street. Mlel 1 P Bralth, Pa. II Shaw Norristown 0 McCarty, Pa T M Adams, Radnor, Pic Obits Joeuey, Bucks co Wm'Parry, N J _ Jacob P Tyson, Montgomery Bard Noble .) _Rome, Ha Oka. Itlrkluide, Blacks co 011 Cadwallader, Bucks co Blis4"per, john L Janney, jr, Po Joint J Johnston, Than EJotou, Newton W McNair, Buck; on ' Philip R Prete. Pa ,A Rannahower, Pa J W lipadly, Bucks co , UE Moore, Newton, Henry Heathy, Bucks co ' Darld Jarrett, Bucko co Thee But, Lautbertsellla • JosTardley, Ducks en Jos Plower', Bucks co W B Watson, BUcks co P Blakely, Bucks co Davidson, Pa J Watson, Bucks co P D Rich, Bucks co Willett, Bucks co MADISON BOlJSE—Secozul street, above Market. E A Dilation, Del Mr Wilson & le, Pa Mho (Newell, Norristown D M Asmau, Del W Bette, Del P D Pries, Del Andrew Hague, Phila Beni Sheppard Del D H James, Cumberland J B Maiming, Cumberland A Russell, Lana co R D West & la, N 111. Pedrick, Kase -3 II Ayres A la. Ohio R Mackey, Lane co LI R Cooper, N BLACK DEAR lIOTEL—Third sL, above oallowhlll Chas Pinney, Backe co John Berth, Klinesville Henry Thomas, Pranconia Jacob Pittman, Quakertown Win Black, Kliuelvilie Jno Malsberger, Reading Jonas Bobenhold,P t Clinton Abm Ilogelaud,South'n Wm Thowpion, Zionsville B Roads, Southampton Wulf/Ming, Amity BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, abv. Oaltowhlll. Jacob Rink, Easton B Schoidy, Lehigh co Amos Kahn, Kreldersville mks li Flowrey, Kreiderev Peter Snyder, Carbon co Miss Snyder, Carbon co Bins Snyder, Carbon co Mrs Schaeffer, Chaster co Solomon Boyer, Lockport Peter Brown, Lancaster co John Vanzant, Shamokin E D lifeCauley,Predericks'g Special Notices Bank Notes of the PENNSYLVANIA BANE FOR UMBRELLAS,' By Wm. 11. RIOUABDBON, ,No. 418 8.1488 ET STRIMT 8. Q. nomad, Commission Business In come onissiel paper and negotlailone of loam, LO IVALeui. Ss., opposite the Exeheoge, Phllsaelphio. n010.2m Pr of essor Saunders , Institute. -- Charles Wadsworth, D. D., and .1. 8. Silver, 81q., who has a son In this school, may be expected to address Professor Sounders' Institute, at the meekly examltiotion on Thursday next, (the 12th inst.,) at 3 o'clock P. M., at the West Philadelphia Institute. Several of the most eloquent speakers of the city have agreed,to deliver ad dresses for the benefit of Professor &Waiters' pupils. The public are invited to attend every Thursday after. noon at 3 o'clock. The last address, on Thursday, 6th lost:, by the Rev. Dr. Layburn, of this city, was one o! the motet appro priate and eloquent speeches ever addressed to a colter tion of youth. The Reverend Doctor spoke etetnipa rantateely ou _Extemporaneous Speaking, In his own . Virginia style: natural, animated, impressive, Dill, pi heart; sometimes gentle, eocietimes energetic; it all times fluent. The effect of such weekly appeals upon Professor Saunders' pupils is very apparent, On Thursday, 19th Inet,, J. D. Colahan, Esq,, and on ,Thureday, 29th, Col. J. W. Sarney, Editor of Toe Paean—whose sons are under Professor Saunders' In structlon—wlll address the Inetitute. For circulars apply to Professor E. D. SAUNDERS, no9-4t West Philadelphia Institute Notes of the Bank of Founsyllttla jaken at Pelt. CLOTHING AT PRICES TO SUIT THE 'MRS. TEE ENTIRE STOOK. OP A WHOLIZSALN CLOTHING HOUSE, Manufactured expressly for Fall Balm will now be sold arrim, At greatly Reduced'Prcees, for Cash, no7-tt At No. 1 North P. 11711 Street. Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, WALNUT Street, south. west corner of THIRD Street, I'HILADDLPHIA. Open daily till 7 o'clock, and on HONDA( And THURSDAY RR/MINOS till 9 o'clock. Deposita received and pay ments made daily. Assets Invested lu ERAI. Enure, MORTOLOSS, °ROUSH Burs, and other tasteless securi ties, as the charter directs. • nob Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENOR SQUARE. GEO. J. HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, cw22-Bat Late of 173 Oheetput Street 3DVIIDIOD, .! JOB PBINTHR, ATEROIIMIBTDDIit Ottecki ; 'Notes ; Drafts; Bills Lad g; 211,1 t olr seism Vole, and all other kinds arJob Yriuting, at prices tolsult the Wien.' • ooll•ly filavttlig Wnta4— Office 943 !WsUna street, one door, WOl4 of 110001Od street, *prattle dg• posits, in slims of Quo Dollar and upwards, from ell emits of the tsomentolty, end !WOWS Interpol at the rote or Ave per tent. per SWAMI. Odee open dolly, from 9 putt! 5 o'oloak, and on Mon• dsy and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer ! Chance Id. hfurrlo; Beer.• tarp, James B. Prints. Buffalo Rabe,.-100 Ilales Bungle Robes of the carious qualities, just received, from Minnesota. Also a handionte ealortmeht Of Fancy Ropes of our own manufacture, and for Sale,wholesale an4 ; ret4ll l pi. , OEO. R. womne.Tu, octl2-110 416 . Ar0b Street.' Bower's gafaut Invaluable Cordial to presre4 tem" vssisty of the met oholee and efficient aromatics; known in •ratelicine, end is the most perfect and rolluble ortutinttive extant for, lnfeuhf and young children. t „ By lie powerful ImM:tenet 11.1neeedy oars le strained to all eases of Oltolie,f wind} ridt4 and'epetin* Relieves and mitigate, rutieli Of oldldriinie elifferhig daring denti tion or teething, nor 16 Ofbili Prohoftioll if 411 2, valiant pants of the homills,l6onetieti, yow frit itiviio. • r Thelnfant Cordial hoe bosoms • etandord rimedy, and luinbitea.uedd la ilicitienide 'aiei with the inont abundant mires.. No faintly eluntldbe'withbtatil: only by • ' A. Bowls, At his Drag and Chemise! Store, ;It X 4 doroer Oft& inid.orest fits., Bhilsdelpl4 To whom WI Were unney be addressed, And fOr sae b,7 2)PifIOOPOS,II7.' 18-1,1 t: BDNEBI),AV; NOVEMBER• 11, 1857. Slarriageo. On the 3d Instant. by Rer. W. H. (Montlelmer, Mr. TAMES P. GREGORY to Mice SALLIE J. J OB / 1 1118 , all of this city. By the Rev George Chandler, on the everting of the Bth instant, Mr. JOSEPH . RICE to Hrs. ANNA BRUCE On the let indent, by the Rev. Frederick Hall, Roe. WILLIAM 8. ROLLIIY of Phllulelphia, to Mlu SARAH L., daughter of Luke Bruce, lets, of Phlladelpkla. •- igtattm. Martin, the Bth Inst., JOSEPHINE wife of James J. Martin, and daughter of the Into Win. Yetnetson, of on4A.g Bth it:M.o4'z.. ALFRED NARON, formerly of Mangle, Ot. in the 28th year of his age. On the Bth ' lnst., Mre. BUSANNAII WHITESIAN, relict of the late IYendle Whiteman, In the 80th year of her age. On Monday, Bth Inst., after a lingering illness, Wu, ELIZABETH ARRIBON, wife of John Anima, aged years. OOtto 9th Inst., MARGARET ANN REILLY, dough. ter of Patrick Reilly, aged 20 years. On - the oth 'lnstant, JOHN MoIdtILLIN, in the 01st year aids age. At Camden, N. J. on the Bth instant, Mrs. ELIZA BETH CLEMMENT, aged 80 years. ItWe — Popular Lecture...park Ilenjuntin, East , will deliver his celebrated Lecture on "TUE SPIRIT Or YANKEE DOODLE or, TRUE INDEPENDENCE Ai Poem fur these TIMOR and other Times"—on 111,IDAN EVENING- next. 13th instant, at 8 o'clock, at OONCERT NALL, in aid of The Yong Men's Central Nome 51111810 n of Redford St. and its Vicinity." Tickets 28 gents ;;to be had at the Methodist bookstore, Fourth, near Arch street; Mothalist Tract Depository, Sixth; Reff..9.16 street ; John 0. Mead & Sons, N . N. corner i of Nnth and Chestnut streets; Snodgrass & Steelman, No. 62 South Second street' D. U. Loudenslager, No. 24 N. Ninth street; John (Madding. No. 629 8. Second street; W. 0. Stevenson, No. 712 8. Second street; Wm, Sercher, N. E, corner of Sixth ant Wharton etreets, and e 0 the door on the evening of the Lecture. n01.1.8t0 flier4t P Sleeting of the Democratic Citizens of the SECOND PRECINCT of the FOURTEENTH WARD, held at the house of Thome Thompson, N. E. corner of Broad and Wood streets, on motion of Pas chall ToltrgeF, seconded by Thomas Thompson, it was Resolved, That wo will use all honorable means to odours the nomination and elecilon of HORN B. KNEABS, Esq., to the Mayoralty in the spring of 1858. .—Extract from the Minutes. Rolla ALEXANDER. CALDWELL, Secretary. Penneylvaula Company for Insurance ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, I . IIIL/DiILPII/A, NOVoil3bOr 2,1857. NOTICE is hereby given, that a meeting of the Stockholders of this Company has been called by the Board of Directors, (under the provisions of the seventh section of the act of the General Assembly of this State, entitled "'An Act providing for the Resumption of Specie Payments by the Banks, metros the Relief of Debtors," approved 6n the 18th day of October, A. D. 1857,) to be held at the Office of the Corporation. on THURSDAY, the twelfth day of November, A. D. 1867, et 11 o'clock A. Id., for the purpose of taking Into consideration the acoeptanoe Of the provisions of the said set. By order of the Board, WILLIAM B. HILL, Actuary trr Mercantile Beneficial Association off PRILADELPIIIA.—Tho annual meeting of the Associ ation will be hold on TUESDAy, November 10th. at 4 o'clock P. 6 ' 1. at their room N. Ni. corner of SEVENTH and BANBOXStreets, at which time the Annual Report will be submitted, and an election held for Managers for the ensuing year. In oouaequenoe of thee great financial distress which .has fallen upon our city, and the apprehenshin that the demand, upon the fonds of the Association may be greatly increased over prevlows yeats, the Board o Manager* have decided that it be inexpedient to Incur the expense or holding a rustic, ANNIVERVAY at this time. WAL 0 LUDWIG, President. Philadelphia, Nov. 2,1861. 003 REMOVAL. L. J. LEVY & CO., IN ANTICIPATION OP REMOVAL TOTH ik SPLENDID NEW STORE, Now Wag erected for Them In CIiECTNUT STREET, ADOVE 1:1011TII, line determined, for a period of 30 DAYS, To disport of a largo ara..ant of their Stock oow I o store at very LOW PRICES FOR VASIL They Invite the attention of the Public and their Otis totnera to one of the most complete assortments of 'STAT:aI AND FANCY GOODS To be found In this country, which will be disposed of for the period named, at such prices as will insure their salo. CHESTNUT STREET, noll•tf NEXT TO THE CUSTOM IROISE AUCTION GOODS. TILOS. W. EVANS h 00 81t5 and 820 Chestnut Street, WILL OPEN THIS HMIS° A LARGE AMORTMENT OF , FRENCH GOODS, Juet bought at the °HEAT AUCTION SALP. ix NEW YORK. Amend them are notl•St GREAT BARGAINS• 1026 g CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW ELEVENTH. WE HAVE MARKED BALL TRIMMING to 25 cis. per yard, from GO CU. TAPESTRY ZEPHYR to l 5 cts. per oz., from 20 CAL KNITTING ZEPHYRS to 17 cis. per oz., from 25 cts SKEIN ZEPHYR to 17 ctt. per oz , from 21 cis. SHETLAND WOOL to 10 cis. per oz., from 18 eta. STEEL SPRING SKIRTS to 400 midi, from $5 50, WORKED SLIPPERS to $2 00 por pair, from $4 00. OUR FANCY DRESS TRIMMINGS ARE ALL RI:01101:1), REGARDLESS OP LOSSES, BELOW TUE LOWEST PRICES OP ANY OR OUR COMPETITORS. These Inducements are added 'to the usual favorable qualities of our xtock, with the slew to preserve uu. brokeu our ENTIRM LIST OF CUSTOMERS. J. G. MAXWELL & SON, 1020 CHESTNUT STREET ',llama. A YOUNG LADY wishes a SITUATION COPYIST, or would direct tiewpapern, &C. Addreeriet. 11. at this (Vutcsg) Office. WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS BOOK KEEPER, for a wholesale establishment lu this city; must be thoroughly qualified iu every particular. Address, with name, residence, and reference, "J ACK SON ," Palos Office. nolo-2t4 WANTED TO BUY—Two Shares of the Stock of the FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Any person hating mild Stock for sale will please address, with tenon, M. Y. D., Pulse 0111ce. nog-3Ct WANTED—An A I vessel of moderate capacity, to load for a Southern port. Freight ready for shipment. . . Apply to uo9•st 1116110 P, SIMONS, & CO., 120 (tato 36) North Whorvor WANTED, FOR THE 'UNITED STATES OAVALRY—Able..bodled, unmarried men, to whom xlll be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. l'ey from $l2 to 84 per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTRD EUIRVIOR, at No. 817 MARKET street above Eighth, north olds. WILLIAM R. ROYALL, let Ltout.ld Rogt, of Cavalry, oat 6.2cu1l Recruiting Officer. iiioncp. SCULL, CAMBLOS, & Co., BANKERS, No. 38 South Third Street The hligheat premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EX ORANGE. Uneurrent Funds bought and sold. Stocks bought and sold on commission only. nolo-2ma• N EW YORK, AND BALTIMORE FUNDS, AMERICAN GOLD, UNOURItENT MONEY, AND LAND WARRANTS, fought and sold on most favorable terms, by it. J. ROSS & CO., ao9•hws No 16 South TIIIRD Street A WELL-SECURED MORTGAGE OF -0 1 1 , . 54,000, end one of $5,000. for solo. Apply to JAMES H. CASTLE, nolo•St* Fifth Street, below Chestnut. THOS. W. EVANS & CO HAVE MAW. A FURTHER ItEDVOTIOIi OF HANDSOME SILK ROBES Iso RODE'S to $4O $55 do to $3O 45 do to $25 -ALSO ROBES A QUILLE SiS 0111 i 59.0 CHESTNUT ST CAMPBELL'S RESTAURANT.—VENI BON, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Grouse, Fresh Salmon, Chlucatique, Opinachigue, Princess tiny Aliso. corn, and Cove Oysters, with every variety of GAME, wild or domestic, in season. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers served up at the shortest notice, at JOHN OADIPDELL'S, No. 527 CHESTNUT street, op posite the State House. N.D.—No 'Manse or pains has been spared by the Proprietor In fitting up this new establishment In the most sumptuous manner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, Suppers, &e. I]]' Entrance for Ladies towards Sixth street. nov7-3m FOR HAVANA—With quick despatck,— The eoppered and eopper•fenteucd ship MOUS, Captain Naatniar, will be deepatohed as above in a few days. 'or freight or passage, apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO., noll-dtf 120 (late 30) North Wharves, FURS? FURS!! MRS!!! REGARDLESS GB COST CHAS. OAF:FORD A SON, " No. 621 CHESTNUT STREET, 1311.017 BEVENTII, ARN SELLING TIMM LAME AND OARF,FULLY BELEDTDD STOCK LADIES' 'FURS AT PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES. We would adriso our lady frleude te call Immediately and flora a bargain. pold.tUtbd.Bt r -Aanuottnento A MERIOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- .2 - 91 B. A MARSHALL Hole Levies LAST NIUUT BUT THREE OF MR. CHARLES MA- lIIEWS. TIIIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Nov 11th, 1857, The performances will commence with the Petite Comedy entitled USED UP Sir Charles Coldstream Mr. Charles Mathews. Sir Adonis Leech Mr Wettings. Lady Clutterbuek Mrs. John Sefton, To be followed by the Farce of TWENTY MINUTES WITH A TIGER Charles Beeawlnr, Mr. Charles Mathews. To conclude with the farce of the TWO BUZZARDS. PRICES OF ADMISSION: Balcony, Parquet, and Parquet Circle 14 Cents. Fatuity tiircle and Amphitheatre 25 `i Private Boxes 8 8 Seats secured without extra charge. TUGS. M REDS Treasurer. Doors open , before 7 o'clock ; performance will com mence at 7 V. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Las , see, 111 r. 31 A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Sir. Jelin Sefton. Priaea.—Dress Circle and Parquette, 25 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Secured Seats, 31% cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 50 cents. Boa Office open from 0 o'clock A 31. to 3 P.M, Doors open at fIX o clock ; performance to commence at 'l, precisely. • • THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. Nor. 11th. 1511, Will ba presented tho local drums, entitled • • • LINDA, THD CIGAR GIRL; • Or, Mose Among the Conspirators. Mona Morrison, Mr. Chunfrau; Edward Bradley, Mr. Drink; Starry Russell, Mr. lies .h ; Linda, Mrs. John Sloan ; Biddy Scanlan, Mr. Jahr Sloan. To conclude with tbe drantacalled TIIE OCEAN minx. Harry Heim, Mr. Ohantrau ; Jack Helm Neptune, the Ocean ()Mid, Mrs. John Sloan. HEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. --SOLE. LESSEE W. WHEATLEY. OLD PRICES RESTORED TO SUIT THE TIMES. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO ALI, PARTS OP TOE HOUSE, (except Orcbeetrc and Private' Boxes.) J. M. R. WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Nov. 11th, 1857, Will be presented the celebrated Play of JAOK CADE. Jack Cade Mr. E. L. Davenport. Maritime Mrs. D. P Dowers. To conclude with the Comedy of the HONEY MOON. Juliana, Mrs. E. L. Davenport; Volante, Miss A. Cruise ; Zamora, Miss EnintaTaylor Duke Arnim, Mr. Dolman ; Rolando, Mr. Wheatley ; Count Montalbau, Mr. Tannehill ; Belshazzar, Mr. Wallis ; Jaques, Mr. J. S. Clarke. SOALIs ov PAH:Mi.—Bow, 26 cents; Secured Beats, 39; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Soule to Private Boxes, 76 cents; Gellery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents ; Private Box In Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Box Offlos open• from 10 A. M. until 3P. M. Doors will open at OX &deck; performance to commence at 7, precleely. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., NNAIt EltalTll. The manar takes Venal.° in announcing to bla old patrons and the public generally,that he has succeeded, at an enormous outlay, in effecting an engagement with the celebrated and world-renowned BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, and great Ethiopian ilinicanue OPERA TROUPE, (Froin their new Opera Ilouso, 585 Broadway. N. Y.) Who were received last evening with prolonged shouts of laughter. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Nov. 11th. The laughable burlesque opera, to 3 acts, of TROVATORE. - . Count Luna-tick, It. B. Buckley; Mal:miner°, G. 9 Buckley ; Rue-phiz, J. A. Basquln ; • Fan-Tail, J. Car roll ; Tho Lady Lenunouara, Miss 0. Mired ; Ego Nice, J. J. Mullen ; Aunt Suaannth,A. Norton. Other chaructera by members of this celebrated com pany. NOTICE—In order to bring this great entertainment within the reach of all, the manager would respectfully announce that the price of admission has been fixed, to all parts of the Louse, at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ONLY. Doors open at I; Curtain rives at half past 7 precisely. S. E. ItAttEld, Solo Lessee and Manager. GRAND CONCERT. MUSICAL FUND MALL. First appearance in this city oC MLLE Y.RIIINIE NREZZOLINI ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, November lltb The management respectfully announce the First Ap• pearanco of Mlle FECUOLINI has been fixed for Wednesday. Nov. llth, in consequence of a GRAND COMBINATION having been effected, by which they aro enabled to present to the citizen% of Philadelphia, on the same e,ooing, the following distinguished fu ngi : S. TUALIMMIG, lIENRIE TIET3XTEMPS, M'LLE ERMINE FREZZOLINI. MADAME AMALIA PATTI STRAKOSOII. The whole ender the direction of M.,STRAKOSOIL No CHINO: IN PRICE OF ADMISSION - • FREZZOLINI will sing:—l. Aria Puritan!; Rornanza Otetlo : 3. Ronda finale Soonatubula 4. lluett, Stabat with Mad. Stralrosch. Mad. STRAKOSCII will Mug :-1. AL ! mon' Ella; 2. Within a Mile of Edinboro, and Duett with Wile Frezzolini. Frenolini. B. TIIALTIERCI will playllugenotta,Taruntella, Lu crezia IlUrgis. It VIEUXTEMPS pray Futasie Caprice, Reverie, Lombardi Admission ONE DOLLAR. No extra charge for re served seats. The sale of seats commences to•day, at the Music Stores of Lee & Walker, Beck & Lorton, and L. Walker. Concert corumenceB at 8 SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. Aduattance 25 cents. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stara—New Retiree by the Sanford Children. PERFORIANOES EVERY EVENING. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE AFTERPIEen. THO3LEIIT's VARIE TIES— FIFTH 'and CHESTNUT StrVeta. Those much admired and unrivalled Gymnastic Per fanners MAGILTON and DUNBAR, will sppenr EVERY , EVENING this week, in addition to the EXCELSIOR COMPANY engaged, The evening's entertainment will La concluded with • • • • • • A LAUtiIIAIILE AFTERPIECIL filch Mr. Macliton will sustain his groat character of THE MISCHIEVOUS MONKEY, which Brow such inunoion houses last year at the Circus. Commencing . atig. Tickets remain at 10 cents. I X L to my motto. J. 11. THOMEUP. ticslo-stir Legal Notices I N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, March T,, No. If Sur libel for divorce ANNE IC BARROW, by her next friend, kc.,cc JOHN J. BARROW And nom, November 7, 1857, on motion, the Court granted a rule upon the respondent to alum canoe why a divorce a vinlculo matriniouli should not be decreed in the above Coo, Returnable November 20, 1837, at 10 A. ht. J. P. frELSTERLING, noll-2arr2w Attorney for Libellant, ESTATE OF JAMES KELSII, SR., DE coated. W111:11.1lA8, Lettere of Adinluistratigu to the estate ofJ KELIIII. Sr., late or Philadirphia, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Mille to the un dersigned, all indebted to the said estato are requested to make innnediete payment, and those having claims against the same to present them to the admiuistraturs. JOLIN 10ELSII, Adminietrators. PIIAMMS M. KUSH, S. PI. corner of Fifth and Prune ate oe 26-m,w,fr•rd Philadelphia, Pa. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY Ole PHILADELPHIA. iym. 11. BOWERS, et al , to u,e, &c,, vs, OIDEON D. HAMMED Alias Fl. Pu , June, 1557, No. 519. The auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the fund arising from a sale under the above writ, of the follooing real estate, via An that certain me,suage, tenement, and lot or piece of ground, situate In tier iiiantown, on the southeastwarilly aide of Ratenhoule street, at the distance of four hundred and seventy feet nine Inches seuthwentwarilly from the southwest side of the main street, containing to front or breadth on said Rittenhouse street thirty feet, and extending in length or depth that width, between parallel lines, at right angles thereo ith, southea.stwardly, two hundred feet nine inches (with the improvements thereon), will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office. No 142 8. EIGHTH Street, (west side ) on THURS DAY, November 15th, Ibti7, at 4 o'clock P. M , when and where all persons are required to present their Claims or ho debarred front coming in upon said fund. nog-10t JOHN R. COLAIIAN, Auditor. iiISTATE OF JAMES McGLONE, DE- A-1 CEASED. Letters of Administration on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to cold decedent are requevted to wake pay ment. PATRICK' MeGLOSE, 12® Chestnut street Or hi. Attorney, DAVID WEBSTER, 130 South Sixth Street. octi•tttlt* Dank Notisce THE PHILADELPHIA BANIC.-PHILA 'ALMA, October 0, 1857.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Bank- Mg. house, On Monday, the ninth day of November next, at 12 o'clock 31. Tho annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking house, on Monday, the sixteenth day of No vember next. B. B. COMEIiYS, oct7-afikintNl6 Cashier. m ANUFACTURER 5" AND MEGLIA ILL NICE' BANK. PIIIIADELPITIA, Oct. 4, 107 The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be hold nt the Banking House, on Tuesday, Novem ber 3, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The annual clectien for thirteen Directors, to serve the ensuing year, will ba held at the Banking House, on Monday, November 16th, from 10 o'clock, A. M., to 3 P. M. mwftnlB M. W. WOODWARD, Cashier. CCOMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL VANIA, IIIILAIIRLPIII.I, October 12, 1957. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking-House, on Tuesday,ithe 3d Say of November next, et 12 o'clock M. ocl2.raw3cf tuovl3 COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL dJ Plobinsi.rnia, October 12, 1957. The Annual Election for Threctorx of thlv Bank will be held at the banking-House, on Monday, the 10th day of November next, from 10 o'clock A. M., to 3 o'clock P. M. oetl2-novdcf tnovlo R. 0. PALMER, Quitter. BANK OF COMMERCE, PIMA met[l4, November 3, 1957. The Board or Directore have this day declathd a divi dend or TIMER Pint Cent., clear at State taa, payable iu accordance with the charter, atter the 13th mat. not 3taw2w .1. 0. DONNELL, Cathier. SOUTHWARK. BANK, PHILADIII.4III,I, November 3, 1557 The Board of Directors of this Bank have declared a dividend of Tans Pea ()Mr., payable on and after FRIDAY, the 6th Instant. no4-1w F. Y. STNIIL, Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, PULL IDULPIIIA, November 3, 1957. The Diractera have this day declared a dividend of Timm risa CIiNT., payable ou demand. nn.1411, M. LEWIS, Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK. PHILADELPHIA, October oth, Theannnal election for Directors will bo held at the T hinking n o „ se , oo MONDAY, the 10th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of D o'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock P. M ; and on TUESDAY, the 3d day of Novem ber next, a General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Rouse, at 4 o'clock P. N., agreea bly to the charter. ocl-tnol o E. M. LEWIS, Cashier. 5000, TONS of MITCHELL & OROAS dhle,a improved super PHOSPHATE OF MALLS, for sale by CROASDALE, PRIROE CO , nolo-tf No. 104 N. Delaware avenue. SORGHUM, or CHINESE SUGAR-CANE BEND-2I bushels for sale by CROASDALE, PEIRCE, & CO , uolo-tt N 0.1.04 N, Delaware avenue. virmcon RANGE.—SoLo Bx °HAD- V V WZOK A IMO. Po011 ! OlOONTI at. WS Ota Saco by (2ttution IVI THOMAS & SONS, 11. N0e.136 end 141 SOUTH YOI RTII 8T11312T, (Formerly Nos. 61 and CC) REAL ESTATE, STOOKS, do. Public Sales at the Nlade!phis Exchange every Tuesday Evening. ID Canaille of each property issued separately, In addition to which we publiah on the Saturday previous to each male one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. IE7 FURNITURE SALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. lE7' We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vets Sale, including every deecription of City and country property. Prnated. Licts may be bad at the auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. fl 7 Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Re gister, are advertised occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. STOCKS, PEW, &c. On Tuesday, Nov.l7th, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange, will be sold a furnished pew, N. 95, Methodist Trinity Church, Eighth street, above Race street. Also. 7 shares in the capital stock of the Associated Butchers and Brinell of Philadelphia. Par $lOO. Also, without reserve, 5 shares Academy of Music. FIFTEENTH FALL BALE-..17T11 Novritsza Orphans' Court Halo•—Estato of Samuel B. Ashmead, NEAT RESIDENCE, ELEVENTH STREET.—The nest modern residence, with beck buildings, No. 4.12 South Eleventh street, below Pine street. NEAT DWELLING, SOUTH. PIPTH STREET MiMiIMEMMI OLD IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS, $2,337.50. Two old irredeemable ground rents, one of $9O and the other of 950 25 a year ; clear of taxes; secured on property North Fourth street, above Franklin avenue. They are well secured and punctually paid. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DKELLINfI. Three-story brick store and dwelling, N. E, corner Eighth and Federal streets. $l,OOO may remain on mortgage. TIIItIIt.STOItY BRICK DWELLING. Tbree-story brick dwelling 8. E. corner of Poplar street and Corinthian avenue. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMILER lat. Administrators' Sale—Estate of Richard Paxson, Dec'd. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM, ABOUT SIXTEEN MILES FROM MARKET STREET, AND THREE FROM BRISTOL. Our sale let December will include the valuable country seat and farm, 187 acres, with superior improve. ments, known as ' , FARLEY," situate on the heights, on the west side of Neehamony Creek, between the 'Weal turnpike and the Newport road. tra" Full particulars In handbills. Orphans' Court Balc—Estate of William 11. Lennon, deceased. FRAME DWELLING, %a? WARD. Frame dwelling, north side of Wood street, between Green lane and Levering street, Twenty -brat Ward, Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Lynch, minors. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE. Two-story brick house, Burris' court, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, below Locust NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. Also, neat modern residence, Ito. 14 North Fifteenth street, above Arch street, flaithed with modern improve melds and conveniences. Sale West Philadelphia. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO-FORTE, IM PERIAL CARPETS, &c. Tlos Morning, At 10 o'clock, the S E corner of Chestnut and Park streets, Weat Philadelphia, the household furni ture. piano-forte, Imperial carpets, okm, of a lady leav ing the city. May be examined at S o'clock on the morning of sale. EXTENSIVE SALE FURNITURE, VELVET CAR PETS, Ac. CARD.—Our sale, at the auction store, to-morrow morning, will include, besides 650 lots of excellent household furniture, several fine velvet tapestry and Brussels carpets, fine mirrors. piano-fortes, fine silver tea set, china and glassware book-cases, beds and bed ding, plated wares, stoves, &c., forming en attractive assortment, and worthy the attention of those desirous of purchasing. Catalogues now ready, and the articles arranged for examinatisn, Sale N 05.139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, MIRRORS, SUPERIOR CARPETS ; ito. On Thursday eforning, At 10 otelock, at the Auction Store, a large assortment of second-hand furniture, plano-fortes t mirrom, carpets, ecc , from families declining housekeeping. PEREMPTORY SALE—FINE SILVER TEA SET. Also, a watchmaker's engraving machine. Also, at 12 o'clock, without reserve, a flue silver tea set-5 pieces; weight, 154 oz. Big dwts. GEN. WASHINGTON'S SOFA. At 12 o'clock, a sofa belonging to the late General Washington ELEGANT FRENCH CARPETS. Also, two elegant French carpets. Also, several fine tapestry, velvet, and Brussels car pets. • Sale No, 1224 Spruce street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE BRUSSELS • CARPETS, PIANO-FORTE, AIRRORS, FINE ENGLISH OIL PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, CURTAINS, HANDSOME GAS CHANDELIERS, &c., &c. On Friday Morning, 13th lust, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. last Spruce street, below Thirteenth, the entire household furniture, &c., of a gentleman declining housekeeping. ally be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR GERMAN FLOWER BOOTS. On Saturday morning, At 11 o'clock, at the auction store, one cam of superior German Flower Roots, from Wondeichoot & Son, Hat lent, comprising the usual assortment, Sale No. 1017 Walnut street, STOCK OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE. On Monday morning. Nov. 16th, at 10 o'clock, at No, 1017 Walnut street, without reserve, the entire stock or John Dureas, de clining business on account of ill health, comprising a general assortment of drawing-room furniture. vari ous styles and covering. ' superior chamber and dining room furuiture,superierbook-cases, &c., all manu factured in the beet manner, expressly for private sales, and warranted. 11:7' Catalogues three days previous to sale. JJ The Store to Rent. WOLDERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION 3IERCITANTS, 431 OILEST NUT Street, opposite the Custom Rouse, between Fourth and Fifth Streets PEREMPTORY SALE OF FURS FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' WEAR Thin Morning, 11th inst., commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will tell, by catalogue, for cash, a large and valuable con. sigument of elegantly made furs for and gents' wear, consisting of capes, Mims', rictorines, pelerines, mugs, cuffs, &c., of all the desirable furs, such as Siberian squirrel, myox, sable, ermine, stone martin, silver martin, French sable, brown myna, filch, genet, lynx, chinchilli, SILK AND CLOTH CLOAKS, TALMAS, DUSTERS AND MANTILLAS. Also, a line richly spade silk and cloth eosin., talmas dusters, and mantillas, &c. EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS Also, a general assortment of choice French and Scotch embroideries, in jaaenet, cambric, book, and Swiss. Also. brunet and trimming ribbons, French sniff eiala, ladies' silk and satin brunets, linen handkerchiefs laces, edgings, &c. SHIRTS, DRAWERS, ROSTERS, &e. Also, a line lambswool and merino shirts and drawers ladies and misses' woolen hosiery, men's and boys' kni wool hose and half hose. Also. wool cravats. wool shawl., pate wool scarfs, hoods Victortnes Infants' socks, ladies' vests, silk and wool gloves and mitts, lambswool and merino hosiery, black and colored cashmere hoelery, wills a general variety of staple and fancy goods, to Ise sot 1 without re serte N• B --The whole will be arranged for examination a ith catalogues, early on the morning of eats, when tb • trade and purchasers generally will find it to their in tei est to attend• CHENILLE SHAWLS AND SCARFS. Also, a line rich chenille shawls and scarfs. Also, gents' lnmb•tiued kid gloves, morocco gaiters c. CARD—We invite the early and particular attention of all purchasers to the extensive and valuable assort ment of furs, cloaks, mantillas, French and Scotch em loolderies, shawls and scarf+, and millinery goods gene rally, to be told this day, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, for cash. The whole, embracing 000 lots. are ready for examination, with catalogue+, and are worthy special attention. EXTENSIVE SALE OF FINE FURS, CARRIAGE A'ND SLEIGH ROBES. c By order of the Assignee Friday next, Commenting et 10 l„ o'clock precisely, we will sell, by order of the assignee, for cash, a large and valuable consignment of furs for Indies , sod gent's wear. sleigh and carriage robes, Au. Included will be found capes, mime+, victorinea, muffs, pelerines, gloves, caps, gauntlet-4, made in the most fashionable manner of Godson Day Company's sable, myna sable, Itch, Si berian squirrel, atone martin, ermine. NLEIGII AND CARRIAGE ROBES. Also, an assortioont large-site sleigh and carriage robes of all the desirable furs, and worthy the particu lar attention of those to want of a superior article. Dr!) Goobs HEAVY BROWN COTTONS One Thousand Bales SHEETINGS, SIIIRTRCGS, AND DRILLS, FROM TUE LAWRENCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, JACKSON COMPANY, (INDIAN HEAD,) AND NASHUA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Of their various widths and styles, which are offered fo sole for 'drst•claaa paper,.on SIX MONTHS' CREDIT, by the Agents of the Companies, ALFRED SLADE & CO., L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1028 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh Awl 319 8. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES.—Nos. 95 and 97 GEORGY, St , Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Onion male at a few hours' petit:es s ae72 Coif JOHN B. STRYKER, Jn., 'Wholesale Dealer lu AUCTION DRY GOODS. No. 12 DANN Strout, Philadelphia. oetl.2m TIVELI:01" 3 CLOAK AND SHAWL ITAL EMPORIUM la the talk of all the Ladies—,Styles eo sop erb, and the prices so surprisingly cheap, and the invitees. variety, and all the novelties of the season. 10 dollar Cloaks reduced to $.5 60 o dollar Cloaks reduced to 4 50 4 dollar Cloaks reduced to 4 00 4 dollar Cloaks reduced to 3 00 10 dollar Long Broche reduced to 10 00 0 dollar Square 13roche reduced to 5 00 15 dollar Cheneille Shawls, from auction, at.. 8 60 32 dollar do very rich high cord border 700 8 dollar do plain styles 501 Slightly wet Silica 0i), worth 1 00 Slightly wet Silks 44c, worth 75 . . Slightly wet all wool Merinos 440, worth 76 Slightly wet Detainee at 10e, worth 26 Slightly wet Cloths, for ladies' cloaks St, worth 1 50 Slightly wet Undershirts, and at one-half the regular pries, to eudlegs variety. Canton Flannels at Sc, worth. 10 Slightly wet Printed Canton Flannels at 6,4', worth 12 Slightly wet Diapere at B,v and Bc, worth double. At BICELROY'S, non-msr&fr-ler No. S South NINTH St. & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT hIANUPACTORY, No. See CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street. Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Westena Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this Improved cot of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article male. At whole. ule and retail, and mode to order. ant.lyit 118NILLA ROPE.-SUPERIOR MA NILLA ROPE, manntaatared and for sale by WEAVER, PITLER do 00., tinb-N tin. WIN Water it , and N -Wbarrai VLOORING BOARDS-23,00 feet CaroE JI Ilia flooring boa de, afloat, for Nee by MARTIN & MACALIEITIB , 10l IIQ Nortat Was Moot Oaks be 'Auction. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 421 WALNUT OTEJOST, OrTs POOSTIL CARD—SALE OF HOIIREHOLD MLNITUBS-1117.3- frr We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Purititars every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 106 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain tke highest prices for the goods of those who Mal favor us with CQllSignmenti. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and rot wishing sales at their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAItEIIiLLY EIMOYED TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL BZIILIZF BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN PROM ANY OP THE -FURNI TURE DEALERS OH ANY OTHER AUCTION BTOBS 1N THE CITY. Jl7 Persons favoring us-with coneigumerits eon rest assured Host their property will make meridced. Commiations more moderate than those shamed by any other Auction limes in the city. Der. Consignments respectfully solicited, ippr. Sales paid Immediately after the goods see sold. REAL ESTATE BATE, THIS EVENING This sale will include— Orphome Court Bale—Bete° of W. A. B. Jones, Deed. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE AND LOT, TWIL7TH A two-story brick house mil lot of grossed, vest side of Twelfth street, =4 feet 'bore Cohunhts avenue, 16 feat front, and 113 feet deep, to lr: feet street, IN ground rent. Orphans' Co, rt Sale—Estate of ebu. BraWahCO, Dee'd. TaNDit DOUSES AND LOT OF GLlOtreiD, BBBAD STREET AND INTTRIL LAD'S A lot of ground withr the three boluses thereon erected, S. W. corner of Bread street and Better Lana, AO feat by 43 feet $lBB ground root. irr $5O to be paid oa each of the above when the same is struck on'. REAL ESTATE BALE--NOVIMBER 1818. This ule will include— Orphans' Court Us—Estate of Patel& Smith, Deed. TIMEX 110IIERS ADD_ LOT 01 GROUND, NORTH BILCOND STREET. Three three-story brick homes and lot of ground, emoted° of Second street, 175 feet north from Master street, 20 feet front and 100 feet deep. $OO ground rent. _ Orphans' Court Sale—Ea me Estate I'IVS HOUSES AND LOT WASHINGTON snrisr, !KENSINGTON - A lot of ground with four three-story brick, and one frame house thereon, east side of Washtegton street, 80 feet &bore Master, 20 feet front and 121 feet deep, to Phillip street. 2-50 ground rent. Orphans' Court Bale—Elate of Andrew Lindsay, Dee'd. TAVERN STAND, NORTig SECOND, ABOIII BAWL A three-story brick term stand and dwelling, two story brick back building and lot of ground, on the east side of Second street, between Bate and The Ameba 17 feet front, and extending la depth 40 feet 43 inches, then narrowing to ley beet, and extending the further depth of 19 feet 7 inches, making in all 00 feet clear of all incusibranees. ID' $5O to be peal ea each of the above when the etme It struck. otr. Er $2,500 may remain, if desired TO BENT • , .. . 117 A throowtoty Brisk Dwallisig, with two-story brick back building. 145 'North 'Ninth street, shore Wood street. Bent WO per annum . Apply at t he Atio tlon Store. AT PRIVATE BALE A Snit-vines Printing Onion, with ;:gOod nut of beef nem, four printing reeves, two Buggies end on* Adams Type and everything geeessiu7 for the /mailmen. Apply et the Anition Store. MOSES N A THAN S, AUCTIONEER AND COIMISSION SUtRC iLNT , S . I. come lIIXTII and RIMS Streeta. AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId amt silver patent Wen, Lepine, English, Swiss, and french watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, Ac., kw. AT PRIVATE SALE—Janina on WOO leer, household furniture, of every description, beds, mot tresses, carpeting, looking gleams, fanny articles, kn., Out-door Wes attended to personally by the Aunties eer. Charges very low. Consignments of foriaters clothing, jewelry, , 'chose& NATHAN 8 PALICIPAI, LOAN DIMON, S. E. Corner of Sixth and RUM Meets, Where money will be loaned or gold and silver plata Watches, Jewelxy, Clamart', Clothing, Dry floods, Grocerles, Began, Hardware, Cutlery, laraluire v ßett• Bed ding, Homes, Vehicles, Harness, Stoat. and en a l l ar ticles of value for any tengUt attars agreed ea, Imams aatisfaistory and Men] tame than at say other utak lishment. H . IirAINIANS, NOTICE —All goods forfeited at Nathans's I+oll9 Oflice, 8. E. corner of ninth and Pena streets, will be sold at public auction, on Tuesday morning, 24th of November, at 10 o'clock, unless depositors cell previous thereto, and pay charges, and renew theft certificates_ Moses Nathan, 8. E. corner of flezth and Race streets. NATIIANB'B GREAT SALE OP NOSSEITED GOODS, Will tate place On Tuesday Morning, November 24th, at 10 o'clock, at Mows Nathars's auction store, B. B. corner of Bixth and NAGS straits, in the second-story room—entrence from Semi street. - It will embrace the largest amortment of goods ever offered at public suction, comprising a Urge aid gene ral assortment of impee, overcoats, beau, Damn, dress and frock coats, blidnesa coats, Plater Telt', handkerchiefs, boots, shoes, umbrellas, shirts, dry goods, coati, "pants, and vest patterns, adt, asslunere, merino, debase, detains and chintz dresses and dress patterns, ladles' and children's gaiters, boots and oboes, gums. silk velvet, silk, Inertia, andeloth easseks, tames, capes, basques, mantillas, auperfirm bmcba, crape, silk, atolls, plaid woollen, mero, and other shawls, parasols, bedspreads, 4utits, onintortabits, blankets, sheets, pillow-cues curtains, books, shwl skates, pistols, travelling-trunks, valises, furniture, cooking-atoves, sad-irons, musical icatruznente, sat elegant silver-plated tea-sat, china, glass and *rockery ware, cigars, daguerreotype cement: complete, with fixtures, nilcroscopee, surveyor's instruments, made by Kuck fr. nein, routings, engravings, lockbevgLatiaa, and a thousand other articles. Particulars hereafter. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited. Watches, 'revelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments, /so., will tate place shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods Clothrser, Bedding', Ac., being forfeited collatends, will take place stoutly. Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE BALE, AT MEN TUB USUAL BELLING PEICES.—DonbIe-bottomed and hunting ash gold patent lever watches, of the moat ap proved makes; hunting case and open face gold escape went lever and lepine watches, full jeweled- line gold enameled lever and lapin* -watches for gold jewelry of every description; anvir lever and LIVIA watches, in hunting cases and open lane; diver Itogdah, Swint, and French watches; a general assortment of for. allure, beds, mattresses, mirrors. Ac. 013 T-DOOR BAITS SOLICITED, and charges to snit the times, low. Consignments of every description of goods solicited for publie or private sale. MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of gaols for publin or private sale, or to be held for a limite d time. Ohargea low. QAPIIITEL NATILANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OPPICS, No. 112 South TILTED Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only eight doors below the Exchange. Doers of business from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction Hone*, at tended upon the moat saUsfactory terms. CAPITAL 01‘2400,000. Nstaalisketifer the last Thirty Tears. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia moods, Silver Plate, Watches, JeweL-y, Hardware, Mar chandise, Clothing, Yuruituri, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Ltatrumenta. Onus, Horses, Carriages, and Coeds of every description. All goods can remain any Length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwarle will be slurred 2 per cent. per month ; POO and over, the lowest market rate. Thle Store House haring a depth of 1.20 feet, has largo are act thief-proof Otte to stare ail valuables, and pre vote watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy info ranee effected for the benefit of all puma having goods advanced upon N. .11.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make 141 , 14ite6 on more tithe factory and acoonunoctsting terms than soy other is this city. AT PHIVATS Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, awl Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. a-1] GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER r. R. corner of BARRON and SOUTII &net/ above Second. EVENING RALE& SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At 13{ o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Earlsere, Oat lery, Rousekeeptog Articles, Clot!mug, Watches, laid ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. 3nsttrante Companies. - - noMMONWEALrg FIRE INSURANCE V COMPANY, OF THE STATIs OF PENNSYLVA NIA --Office, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, $.9X,009. Paid-up Capital. MOW. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President. TEIO3IAS 8. STEWART, Vita Preet. Bennet. 8. Moos, Secretary. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSET ANCE COMPANY, P/ILLADELPHIA—Office, No. 802 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. "FIRS RISKS ONLY TAKIN." DIRSOTOZEI. Wm. M. Swain, Jo:. Walker, Johg Anspsch, Jr., Jno. McClure., U. N. Burroughs, Tho. Craven, J. B. Hughes, A. S. Gillett, F. D. Sherman, Farman Sheppard, Wm. P. Hacker, Roml. Jones, M. D., J. P. Steiner, Joseph Klapp, M. D. 11. A Shackelford, lion. Jen JONES, President. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Jae. S. Mc.3lettas, Secretary. Jam B. A.L•coul. Asaistant Secretary. no2-3m-if poliliral FOR SHERIFF ALDERMAN GEORGE MOORE, POCRTR WARD Subject to Democratic Rules. FOR SHERIFF—TAMES G. GIBSON, Twerity-secomi Ward. abject to Democratic Rules. ao9.9m► F OR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELETR WARD OUBJECT TO DTMOCRATIO /MU. ncle-2m* Carpetings 920 CHESTNUT ST. CARPETS BAILY & BROTILER Will continue to eel' their At greatly reduced prices. including FINE VELVET CARPETS, Bought at auction, to he told at $1 37S—usual price $1 ST. • . TAPESTRY AND BRUSSELS CARPETS, SUPER TRREE-PLY CARPETS. GOOD INGRAINS. ENTRY AND STAIR CARPETS. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, in every style awl width, equally low. ooT•Iw No. 900 CHESTNUT ST fAVING FUND.-UNITED STATES SO TRUST COMPANY, tomer of THIRD And CHEST NUT Streets. Large n 1 small =ma received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER /'ST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office bourn from 9 until .5 o'clock every day, and on MONDIa EVENINGS from i until 9 o'clock. . . . DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, ant Seotland, from El upwards. President—STEPHEN R CRAWFORD Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JAMES K. HUNTER CLOVER SEED.—NOTICE TO PENN SYLVANIA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS The undersigned are now prepared to po r oh u e f or coob, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania storekeepers and farmers, by sending samples to our annrett can, at all times, ascertain the price at which we are.'baying. Parties wishing samples, by which to be governe d as to quality, can have them sent by mail, . by andresting us. J. H MUSS & CO, 43 North Proof.. and 44 Water streets 1-ILD WHEAT WHISKEY.—E. P. MlD mu, DLEToN It 8R0.,N0. 6 North FRONT Bt.. tat= porters or Cognac and Rochelle Brandies, Rolland Gin. Scotch end Irish Whiskey. Also, sole proprietor d[ the Old Wheat Whiskey. R. P. M. & Bro. have 41. hand the largest and best stock of Hue old Monongahela"; Bourbon, and Rye Whiskey of any dealer in the rnited , States, all of which is highly improved Vag's. nol-3m • NOIVLET COAL DEPOT, NINTH As and WILLOW.—The Spring Mountain, form Loaf, bad Hazleton Lehigh. Also, but bohn,yWil Call, for ale, Ural* calk, a:434a*
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