„ , Trams HOPt,r4 has puldished a lecture en Bodily Exercise, which tre Skil): 'to do immense VA , Ha 'adlreOrdoe, the'Attoestatr.Of„ Molar* sYstomatisedPlatiof , phrd yslo edioithin by 10 13 P nestles.' -Hews earnest in inouleatiat the. impera tive neeessity of exercise for the Yorieg and saps if . children:aur Permitted to pesaory - riai - without 4uo musonlar,exeroisp, iiii,irreceierable 'wrong is itilli4koa noon. their Bilitala. ":„The Greater has designed thellist thirty-five years of human life for the development of the system".. During the whole of.that period man might, by (mustard olio diente .to -the Creator's ' laws,' grow ~ •• e yery• • daY stronger' and stronger. - - , . One ovEtroarre Sue's weaknesses was the sillyy one of persuading people that he never site! He used toliva large and expansive dinner parties at Philippeana while hisguirots leis walking I nto Minus' de, :iserdis'aitt ' and'. hther delloarrisS, he would confine himself • an ,egg ' , or a bismitit; and a ease of Madeira.' :The:friends he forgot in hid invitations insisted that housed to prepare himself for his pubis performance by having a particu larly good dinner in shape of lunch . • • k'ma',la l 4o"yenkin. is tha.raistretia of I Norwegian forMhouse, and very hospitable to travellers, en tertaining, them with light waffle croakers, and cream too thick to pair, while twenty horses wait in the stable, and forty cows graze on the sur rounding hills in summer, and Ire do Iceland Mose in their .oalls i winter: - The gad -hred piled in, the' storeroom 'till it toadies the acillpg, and rows,of, salted mutton slairv'that mutton eon tie had. • The Jenkin family are desoended fronathe old kings of Norway. - - - • ' • • - Some , curious critics, have charged A lexand erlr Smith' in his last volume withplagiarism. The charge is not well sustained—for even a man of genius may -unconsciously borrow- thoughts and images. Mr. Smith is too rush to require to steal. BY ,THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW YORK. ICorroagonpuce of ThePciam:3 NEW YORE, Nov. 4 . -5,20 -P. ,14 . . The demand for money is very active,lant,titougit there is plenty of it, those who really want it can not get it. , I sew, a very worthy private banker to day who told me he had $50,000 that he wanted to place at I per tent.,'or even at 6 on eall;and that he could not get the class of securities which alone he would taker This Is the case everywhere,.and yet-Iktiowmen of wealth, integrity, and long ,ea tablisimeeredit,' Who' hare imeri refused money though theorainaryschannefe, - Snd have been,dri4 van to the torniorants; because the ieattere '" of their businemtrliktaenableTheM sure- lent "riconeY.', Tarts „le 'very little:doing,nnd abatement the pies, pare on the triple: Street rates may be filleted, its a Wilt+ letrerAnthere, too, the same discrimination between. extra No. 1 ; and &little less i than that, is received, there being no proportion between the rates asked from the one and the other. NO. I may get money at 15 per cent. alnonth;'and , t the little less" may have to pay 3,4 i or p, aceording to his ntoissities. ' " There is still nothing definite known as .to., the cmuse to be taken by the'eommittee of: the clear ing house with regard to the • resumption of specie payments. It is believed, however, that s major ity is in favor of assuring the country banks that in no case will specie payments he resumed before the middle of February, and that then not More than 25 per sent. of the currency shell be Sent bask for redemption.,The Legislature may, and it is to be hoped will, tke some notion in title mat ter, and disturb the repose of the banks, and, to a certain extent, interfere with their placid arrange- MOMS. I have no idea that the banks'of this city will ever 40 whatis `right until they are matleXo do so; and I hope sincerely 'that not only will they be made to /their' that -they have acted illegally, bat that ,they, will be punished fcir their della nnenoies.With a large number of Demootatle members Of both Houses, we may now hope forjae tiee, or,. at lewd, the prevention of injustice: ' • Foreign Exchange is stiff at 'full' prices ; • but bankers' sigitatures'for sixty days' sterling sell ,at 108 a LW; at 'sight 1.10,1 Md very good signatures, not bankers, Sell at 105 aloB,' It ts_very probable that a cOnsiderable portion,of the spode sent hero from Europe will "be reshipped tomorrow-and .on Wednesday. •I have ,heard it estimated thiit•as much a5d1,500,000 will be sent out on those days: Continental Exchange holds its price at the ad;'. vane° reCently quoted.- I recommend the read ers of Tae REEES..inteiested in' financial matters, to rendlion. Nathan Appleton's halt letter on the subjeet of the Crisis. Able, cool,. temperate, and dentinOhig,:it is the truest expose, W mysinind, df the-eauseot the actual condition of alfairs,.and the most Masterly view/ of the whole subject that I hatesbeit'anywhere. - " • • ' The business at the "Cleiring. house was as fat lona : Clearings,sl2,O2s,lBo.sl; balasices'paid in coin, $1,320,883.23." The Cash transactions atibe sub-treasury were: . Receipts, '.51.91,628.11 ;, :pat talents, $291,816.60, (including $60,000 , Oalifornia drafts) balance r 55,888,894.64: • The reeelpM at tee custom house for duties were $42,884.37. John Stewart, Esq., of- the United States Must CoMpany, 'has been appointed receiver: •ofrtfie Bowery Bank.' ' ' 2 , ,ha .stock market ' was' Very , buoyant this. i nen iZng, and a large business was, done, particu larly in.ffew York Central, Reading, and - Cleve= /and and. Toledo. Prices advanced, as . you' will see by. Nib bulletin annexed,‘on almost the, whole list, while No instances' in lvhioh a'deeline cured are'very few, and the decline knell: State stooks cold well and to a large amount, at an ad, vanes on most kinds, and In all eases at fall prices. In reuree,d,,heads, there wed eomparatliely little done. At the second board, there VISA still fur ther- Improvement. vErio dosed at 14k Reading at 341 ; Michigan Southern preferred stook at' BO ;' do. stook at 12 ; Galena and Chicago at efif pans ma 78 ; Illinois Central 85 ;„Chicago, 'and Rock Nand at 71)}. - NEW WORK DTOOSEXCINANGN BALES, November 6' nakT BOARD. 190.1 , 1 Y Clen 13' 43 r der-- ,N::g a6' @ , 73 105)f • 'BS 109 1000 . N State 6e , 60 96 100 do 810 60x 140 " do elO 69X 100 do , 140 •70 , 1000 13rooilyn City 68 04 MO Ohio 6016 03) 8500 - do 94 300 " 7:30 70' 257' - do * , ,69 750 530 09,V 100 du 53 - 8975 488 do " 10 ' 1000 Mich St'e 63 96 9000 Illegonrl o'3 72X , , do 72 2800 Q 000 Ft Cmottna 6s 9.2)i. % 2000 Tenn Cs '9O 77 000 do, 669 791 i 26 do 40 491 i 150 do b 60.11 1000 'Virgil:do On 82% 10000 do 84 10000 Lou Warm 8s 73 60 do' 010-70 2000 111 Con Ede 24002 II & Al2d m 45 MIN Y Oen - 02 ft Mink of Amer 90 10 abs Bank 90 16 Erie Itallroad - 14' 2do 119 de_ 1!.14i Zi nor . leM ' 60111 Con - R. ' 10 do ssg 10 Gal & Ohio R 67% 60 Canton Co 15 25 do 69 160 'do 140 16,44 I 1 60 do b 2 70 6 Basit of Com' -' 85' 60 Jo ' Bl'' 5 rtiptetaidJa 1)6 76 '2O 1 , 646.0683 Co 76 90 -do 69% BO Olor & Tol R 33 /02 do 0 2 00 do 3 a3 8,4 ,ClO do ' 33X 4 00 do 630,33,g 6 trudoon , 16% 177 Cid it Bk, I , do,, „ , ,blO 54 Did& MU 00 40 00 7 do 973 43 Go 08 250 }3runikwk Land Co 1 50 Refuting 11" 33 150, do „ 33X 425 do WA( COO do ' 34x 200 do 1110 34 , "ii , i;';"' 76 Iktil &Mtn B. 20, 150 I.aoroase 0X 60 Panama A le 25 78% 100 do 77 .10 Mb 8.k24 I pH' 27 100 „"do, b3O 34k 600 '' do' 200 "do 46 34 - 100Harbo prrd b6O .20 19 „ do . ,06 Mich Can R 60 50 do e 0 60 200 Md. So hN IN 12N 60 .do 12N SECOND 20 do 10 do BOARD. 100 Retding•fl =0 Louislam. Co 78 45 .I;; 344' 100 go; elO 20D00 City fol 1 58 94 4000 Tenn Be '9O br .78 100.8, St • 100 do ,T „al.); 300 Mich 8& N Iprt 80 ast 0k.91 , 1 1t,b60 70.. . /000 Iliasourf Oa 725i IMO do b 5 7 . 214 • 7000 'do ' 72x 5000 ba'Stafe 5 , 0 'OO 08,4 4000 do 00 loolfichiTsn'tberi;it 190:Po,nams b3O 78 .60 lII,Ceu B. CIS 85 1000 Harlow lei nt 60 1000 44 .51 2din , 45: 100 Canton Co , blO ~16 100 CLOT fi Tot asg 900 - do b 3 334 LO do• es. 02,1( 200 do WO. 0d +Weld& 111 R 11 60 do '15% 20 11etrop'n Bank 85,4 InigTriulora Mr: 78 10 Hanover Bk 110 Zrie Railroad 14 60 40 , 70X %0 LaOr kMfl ß 6X 100 do 630 14X 10 Cloyed & oln B. 84 6 Third AY It 80 TUC MARKETS.' Aanna 'are" ateady,' with sales of 40 blda• at $7.25 for pots, and $6.50 for pearls. ' Banioarorra—The market for State and „West. 4TEL dour Ic salo dents lower; and cloaca heavily; the aides are 8,400 bbls at $4.80a54:80 for common to good State, $545:25 for extra State, the latter an extreme rate, $4:80a54.90 for common 'to' good Michigan, Indiana; Ohlo, , lniva; de:, and $645.50 tor-extra • • ' • -4. • Southern flour is heavy, and. lower,with aalie of - 2,100 bble at $5,15a55.65 for mix ed to good branda of Baltimore Alexandria, Georgetown, Fredericksburg, and $5.4046.80 for , favorite, fanny, And extra branda do; extra Petersburg and Richmond City Mills' brands quoted at $0.75057, with tales of the latter toThe trade at the inside price; the sates include 500' bbla /3randywine at .$5.130. , . Cantidihn flour is easier', with pales of 700 bble at .15.4546.75 forkthe range ,of extra, end, fopilly hranda.,„ - Rye' flour ste ady; with .aales of 200 ale 'at. 13.5045 for the range of fine and superfine. Corn meal is heavy Mid dull;' we quote Amy at $3 50; Brandywine $3 75;:tbe gales • are' 200 bbli andl_2s.ltunaheons, theJattarßtfindiapleatsl6 50, which Wheat is easier for commort qualities of Western, but *rime Southern eorpmends, tull Floes; the are 2;500 hesliehi red and 'anther Southern at $1 25 41 35; 5,200 white . Southern $1 000$1, 55; 7,200 -white Ohio 8,1 2041 , 28; 2,000 milted Ohio 010; 1 400 red Ohio $1:10 ;‘ .4,800 White • Indiana 81.25 ;" 2.000 very handsome white Michigan 51 5041.52; 12,100 Milwankee elub $1 0141 08; the latter an extreme rate, and 24,000 Ohlcago spring at 084.51 Rye is dull and heavy, with sales of, 1)O0 bushels prime Northern at 780, Oats aro unobanged 4:tre „Ouote .Sonthern at waspkt ; Jersey, 301400 ; State, 40a43e; Western, , -43a45e. BarlorisirtModerate demand; with salai - of 2,300 husholeState at 75a850,.th0 latter rate' for 'very choice ; wd oleo notice sales of 1,600 buShelkbarloy f malt at 960d51., , Coro is dull, but priees are steady, with silos of 10,500 bushels mixed Western at 75a7bio. Corron-y-SorallSales were made to-day ht 120a' In for middling Upland,„and 13 for Gulf. „ ,!- Puovrsitala—Pork is more iotire, brit Prides are yet unsettled; the, sales are 778 bbls at .510,60 a $lO - 15 for mega, $15.75416f0r prime,C6.50416.75 for prime, meal $10 1 418:50.1or Ilain , rnessiandl2l' for clear. Dressed. hogs smashing , it Oar° forsoft and hard. Beef is romottledywith a largo supply on , ' sa l e ; we n otice sales of 160 bble at $9410 50 for new- conntry,aufes4s.7l 4 s7 fortis, Orhae; so.lloillll tor,'' repacked Western, and $l4 for, new do; tiew,Verl' moat beetle In niorkeWand is Undid 0813 . .50 foe mei*, end $l4 50 for extra mess. .prime , megg steady, nr!th sates of 300 tierce!! 821:424, , Bier hams arum demand; ,50 bble. new Vermont, the ilret.tids scion, were mold at $l6 , - Bacon Is quiet. Oat meats are once more_ in,,the market, and we notice sales of 36 bbls.:rie l / 2 4‘ shoulders at Bc, and 1,000 green hems for the Infook at 90. Lard is A rm , with sales of 285 timed and bble:rtit 114211 and .250 kegs prime at 1310.' , /itter and ohieee eon, tinuir inigeod diniand." A - • WHISKIt—Me tette° ealee Of .200 bble. at 21e for Jamey, and 22022}0 for Ohio and oiiisiiiri Dustin., MOITAIILOSOir BllO'fitEBB - ANkY' ' o6: , 3 9101144, 1 1,,?- 3, . • ' -"Tatinteactirld ino:; tel . ; • Clarioni owing to the further Miaow/ the ,bank'. nthereisioritit to b ewe., bee beert 0,4r01f tale 4u11: and dleboult to ntexeoin4 priest(' hive wdeallned'3o #iff D On the onerentAitelitlea bt Atheeloan, , ,,mbile Interior, Awe entaththbleFit-n &dint; ,l/d 1 0,,81. lleles.lo4eSe *old*. fil~it thill/41b.20; 684, be1ee1P TOW Wog Aso 14:53 1, .4 ,0,:t,4 bed•Spel'Whichapeettlatowt4X4'fiffotAaide.apiattml 490:leaving 'to the trade 11 2 680 a Quagoita9X, liana•-gonicinnes :Tory , e t ; nominal value of Philadelphli 1103 d, 'and Dal ore 10a Ede /0e 9d Owt. tioniewliat I imall r, transactions have taken pima at 69d, and 70e in now en outside que6. • tatlon for the fluent qaality.t TALLOW het been in_ limited demand and is again rather easier • P. Y. 0. has been sold' at •15711 iidebBo ; North American (17e66TE6d gip' owl. London is also easier, and closes at bas Ott on the spot, and 698 Zd. to ' end of the year.. Otoveassan—Quite namlnal. .• Bear .—d moderate bustroas has been done during the week, principally-in inferior parcel', at a further de- Mine. ',Bales 612 tierces,. The prices at which the Government contract wee taken were IT 17se.£9 tierce, and .E 6 680.£6 tir 'barrel. • .• .Poax.—No transactions in AmeriMn. A cOnsiderable quantity of Irish has been sold at 90a f. o. b., and Ole for future delivery. The, prices at 'which the Govern ment contract was taken were .f,B 16105.9 15s O tierce, and ,P,6 laseci6 108 4' bbl., • BACON 1.1088 Inquired for, and * decline of la cwt • has taken place on haferlor,parceln The weather has been due for our autumn sowing since our last. Our market has eo atinuedlanguid with out much demand for any article; the unal.lness of stocks has prevented any particular preuure, but at the some time had parchasers appeared they might have supplied themselves on rather eaaler terms. At Man chester market yeaterday, there was little doing, with-' Out change in prices. , • Deliveries of wheat from our own farmers foithe past week consists of 122,132 gra .against 131.280 qra same week last year. Average Price ,pPs •104 4f l ' qr, against Os 9d corresponding week lest year.. Our market this morning,was onlyalenderly attended, the better and useful classes of red and white American wheats being innamow compass, sold to afair extent at rather under the rates of Tuesday, but secondary chosen of either, and of which our stock ehiefly consists, were hindly inquired for, and. our quotations for much are almost nominal. FLOUR sold slowly, although holders would have coo ceded somewhat to effect sales. . . We experience a fair home demand fin. Indian corn at the rates current here on Tuesday. OATS and meal dull, without variation ip price. Imports from 10th mo..lBth to 10th mo 22nd litchi• sive, consists of 20,621 VS. Wheat, 7248 qrs. Indian Corn, 6427 sacks and 9700 barrels Flout. Exports for same period, 2122 qrs., Wheat, 2548 qrs. Indian Corn, 719 sacks and 519 barrold /flour. We quote the value of American white Wheat to 8d z9s. 16xtri9stailadlik Red Issas Bd, extra Is 9deBs Id the. halthuote, 'Philadelphia, and Ohio Flout 30s tr3la • Western Canal 29srs30s 4fr barrel. Indian Corn, mini and Fetlow l 87e Od, white 41s tida42ll4?' 480 the, • DIGLAND, ATIEYA,X 00.1 QIROULAIt (Per Canada.] LivEnrooL, Oct. 27, 1857 Batmosroras.—The increased confidence which was displayed M our market at the date of our last advice% ' was quite dissipated by the advance In the rate of die count on Monday. At our market on Tuesday, wheat, except the meet samples of American,.was dull and lower. Flour was only In limited ' deniand, at, rather` Mir 'prides. Indian corn met a fair retail deutiuidi at, previous rates, Sines Ihtesday`the *de hia-bberktilte aithO'ut life. Our market. ,tOglay`kria'ontlY , thinir attended. Only rose, re4Atataii4MitriMat ve444slOablo at 4 decline of 20 AcY TO Itm•, other deseleSptious were neglected. BUM /was done,* floor wad foollllllted to make any alteration in our quotations,; 1:0V: invent harJ supplied themselves on easter terms, andian oom was leas ac tive. butwo make no &Inge en (incitation,. PaoVisions.—lt IN understood that the Government have take:Oust the quantity of Beef and Pork that they advertised for, vii r.O tOO tierces and 5,000 barrels ,of Beef, at £7l7a Odo£o tierce, averligiug about £8 lON dis' tierce, and a similar quantity of Pork at .£8 lises £9l2e Od tiered. averaging about £9 50, to be de livered at the- Government dockyards In annuary. Fe. brew; and April ' next, equal, proportions. There has bean rather more Inquiry for,".beef, and the week's sales amount to about 500' Gurnee, at £5915 10s for Cleveland to £8 for India, Maas. We hear of no bnai new in American Pork, frith having the,preference. Bacon is quiet., The auction sale on Tuesday wail a failure, but the quality of the meat offered wan proba bly the, chief cause. Cheese—A fair demand for One quality; other sorts neglected. Lean 10 extremely doll, and la to IS V' out lower. to.Low, , —There is a moderate demand at Ohs to Ste ed for'Y 0. NO liortltAmcrlcan In the market. Agues are in fair demand, at alliance of la to la 6d 4P' cut, viz: Pot 42a; Pearl 41e to 41a 6d 41 3 ', cwt. N /NAL Svoana.—.A moderato :ivalneaa doing in Com mon' Rosin, witliont chino intricop,. , Spirits of Tur pentine very dull at &tato 88s . BARIC,-111 %Wet:once of transactions, quotations are quite nominal. JAMES IiVRENRY & CO.'S (MACULAR [Per Cattada.r PROVISIONS—Our market is very dull fur everything, and dealers only buy for immediate use—the late rise In the Bank of England rate CAUSE'S borers to act with great caution. Bacon, although in small compass, Is not in such good demand, bat prices remain unchanged. Cheese, of flue quality, la in good demand, and wanted; inferior neglected, and ahhost parcel of American, returned' from Anatralia, "English Dairy" mark, only 20e offered for, them. „Beef and Pork still continue dull—end several 'parcels of inferior quality have been sold at verylow rates:_thd Government con tract has beenallaken (2 3 , 0 , 00 Pie. lego , ):at fall T ate ' , though under'Whet irsiteXpeoted." Bacon—Long middlea,ribin, 500052 , 141/cwt ; bonelesa, 2s more; short middles, rib in, 51ace631; boneltra, 25 more; c. cut, rib in 4Ssers2s. Ohesse— Fine ,s4amooa cwt; ordinary to fair, 30se40s. Beef—,Prime Mess 100 s 0120 s , dig tierce ; Indla.'loBe2oa more. Pork-prime mess, 00)1092a Ili per bbl. Shoulders—None. LARD' hag receded Is., and buyers have the advantage, es sellers meet them freely. Tactow.—The demand has been very Irregular, and prices are lower-60=67e full value. liallAtdirnen,—The award, was vary thinly attended to:day, and very littlebosinua transacted ; prices wore fully 21 tO lhalnwer on all sorts, end no inquiry. for inferidr qualitlei. 'Flour was sluo dull, and in favor of the; buyer. Indian Core in fair demand, at full prices, except whi ,te which was Od lower. Wherit—White—Oanadian, ,811 4din9s 2d 70 )ha; White—Sbuthern, :81 0409 s 4d do; lied—Western, les Oct do; Ited= r genthern, ,7* Wogs do. Flour— ,Western 9415e81a4 19 1 3 Its • Philadelphia Scc, , 815,a,33a -do;; 34, ca gas do; debt 84aw88s 'dn.lndio Coin—Yellow,. 870 0d mats 480 Its; , Blera3Ta ; White, ggs m4OO. „ CITY ITEMS. WARD DiECRBR'S PAlLDRie—Notifith iitanding the inclemency, or. the weather, lest evening, the announcement in the papers that Henry Ward Beecher would lecture at the. Musical Fund Hall brought an immense throng to" that locality at an early. hoar. The subject upon whioh the gathering assembly expected to' be addressed, wag i( The Causes of Sumas and' Failure In LirG. ,, The ball west" rapidly_ Ming_ up,. and :_expectation wee on tip•toe,.when to the eurpriseind diaappointmeut of all, a telegram from Mr. Beecher was received and 'reed,. announcing that Mr. was then' at Montrone, Pa., at which place he had 'teetered on Thuredey evening, and that onacconnt of some misunderstanding, he won't not be able to Midi his engagement in- Philadelphia at the appointed time. The giving' tray of the poetry of expectation " to" ,the, print , of disappointment 'was attended withno , small degree of oonfuslon. .The gentleman , on' the platform Informed the audience that their ticked; 'would be refunded at the doer in passing out,' sod that by presentiag them to the secretary, Mr. Collins, northeast corner of Sixth and Arch street', today, they could have their money-re funded if. they Wished it. The work of egress was then commenced,',end owing to the numerous atrivale 'dock ing in, (the despatch having been .ricelved a felt half hour prior to the hear of commencing.) and the general dilatorlueee on the part of those who hod come there to be enlightened" oit the subject of not jailing, was kept up for a considerable while. It will be re_ collected that on apreviona occasion Mr. Beecher was innorinced to lecture at, kfusical Fund Hall, on the subject of mirthfultilie, upon which occasion he gave a crowded audience a flee Illustration of„ his proposed theme, by seeding a despatch, a few minutes before the hour Div nonimencing had airivid; that from the pecu- liarity of a: certain, figure in hilt memorandum book, be believed he 'vie expected to lecture the week following. The worst featuree of these repeated (Reappointments La, that the People's, Literary institute will probably suffer undeseried censure at the hands of the public. Of one thing, however, the audience at the hall last evening may rest sasered, that of the proposed subject Banceas ant Pa%lar(o they acted the botter part. They did succeed In going to hear, butotnenusions enough, the hero of the promised crash) failed to make his appearance: = - ' tririvut,Coin , pawing up Chestnut, street; yesterday morning, we discovered an unusual crowd in'front of a 'store door, near Seventh street. A dog, having been run over In the street, set up a boliterone yell; and made foritho Stole-door, and on entering, from the eccentricity of his mapper; (giv..` l log orideOkindicatiens of canine hallway) he via thought• to, be rolahl, which, of course; created greid alarm among the inmates. The store was full of lady cuattimers at the tirtm, but, to the no doubt material disadvantage of tilt storekeeper, it won emptied almost as quick na,s stammerer amddasy jack Robinson. The Infuriated our made hie exit oat of a back window with equal despatch. ; ' eIIEAP 08EALPXR ! ! OUNAP&ST ! ! !— The ler• gest stools at elegant fabrics, ready-made or, made to order, Imported direct, tor gentlemen's wear, is now eeUiag at, toot props,lt -pe,fashionable Emporluni of Clifton; Albright, & "JaynOi No. 627 Chestnut street, Our readers desiring a really superb and seasonable Ault; at' a mere nominal price, should call on these gentlemen without delay, , Importatiotte. [lteiorted Co, The Press.) 3IALAGA.:4-Selsr flown, Balder:M-400 trona seedless raisins, 2506 boxes bunch do, 600 half do, 1000 qr do, 600 boxes layer do, PO lull do .tlgs, 8000• boxes lemons, Wetting & Scattergood; 1400 hove M R raisins 1356 half do, 1466 qr do, 800 boxes layer dO, Joann b Oo; 667 ,pigs lead SDI Walls dr, Cod -.:- . - •*- iIiILADBLPHLI:BOARD IRAT/B. . 31nwliti) r Wainiaa.M. Ram, de 41! o.MoVint.- NRwcoara ; B: = ,Tit9 Post, ' - LETTER BAGS • AS-the Nerehaft l e—Exclipi Ph il adelphia. , • Ship Sirocco, Weal" Liverpool, soon Ship Armorial, Lowell • = ' ' 'London, soon Ship Joseph Jones, Blowers Sao Zrancisto,llool2 tSCIT./ F ATOti # 8 0'9 4 ,14 " et Thomas, Nor 7 (Reported tor,the Bross ) /1010 D0p11.141110 oI zatropeane colitcatta, • .and *Tana - Poi ihd , Matith bf November, 1667, Departs from - Date. Destination. Collins Bteasser,t , l , !New York... Nov . 7—Liverpool Havana New York.:Nov 7, - .Havana Cunard . New Yorlo..Nor U.:Liverpool Havana York.:Novl2:.Boane.. Havre 4. 4 , , Neir York—Nor 14:.S'n Havre Havana. , - Nair York.. Nor 17..lirrans Canard , Boston, . , .Nor 13—Liverpool Califorida . 4 I' New Ydri..Nov"2.o.:Aspinwall Collins.. ' t( New York: .Nov 21.%Liverpool Cunard New York.. Nov I.s—Liverpool Havana : ' New York. ,Nov 27;111suna Breeden J NewYork—NoY.2B../BO & Brem to olosed mall, consbithig of lettere and neospepargfor Mates and Cities of the German-Anstrlan rostallinion, and Denmark, Norway, Sweden i Poland, Boasts, Greece, realms Islands, &o, is sent fiemi.weekly. Alaritit Iniclitginte., PORT • OF PHILADELPHIA, - Novi 7. 1857. N BIBF.B 8 5,6-BM4 8117.8 5 05 Gll WATNA ' 1 1 81' ARICITXD. As achy Flown, Baldson, 88 'days from lAalaga, with fruit, Ate. to 8 X Wall/ Co. Sobs Bayonne, Omen, 6 47.! , .Fppi Bestir., In ballast Blaltlstoni &Co - - • Behr David • Smith, Douglas", 6 days from Alamitos' )411ast In Wallace & 00. ' Bebe Nei Alley,' Borth, 4 dap irdm NOW Bedford, in ballast to NOble, , Natdmett & Caldwell: PAW SopXl.93arti If days from 84Ibary, In bal. telt 04 Basoroll, Beaver* —, • bothr'D - B'Paynter, Otroy,"4 days frobildllton, mass', alllat tb Tani:moon, truttank' Co. ' • 134 vVasbll ohain, no*, 0 diYS trooilltdem, lw,bil lsat'to N 84rtaribt to Co. ' ' Bald re.tWer; Deputy, 4 neyli froth' 6111;lbrd, D 6l bark to Beariff, jgilaan &Co; Bobrltkoinsto Banish !Tallman dap from CharleS: 'tonrosittilsids6t*DattateonWdb:' " ' Bohr Zobn A Hazzard, Laps, 2days from billlbrd, with corn to • 10 -ilefazeilitll,,olppla, I day Trinqt4dorl4 l l lib! to AI mi cr o I TO at, • oolittaraer4htonas4atesant, Fichelllnpor, dos lotto from Delaware City, having in tow five tidewater canal beau, loaded with Spur, grain, coal, Iron, lumber, &c. Towed thereto nix 'others, bound to llavro do Greco, laden with mdse for the interior. CLEARED. Brig KE NOlrdan, Oardensa, D W Prescott. Brig Mary Holland, raison,sS,Tobu,ND,W Tomlinson Brig Emma Eger,Kelly, Charleston, I Wagner. Brig Nolunkus, Mitchell, Portsmouth, E A Sotuler &Co. Bohr Taunts, Hesston, St Thomas, J P Pontaton. Bohr D Fount, Mosiander, Wilmington, NO, D 8 Stet. tam& Co. • Behr Revenue, Corson, Boston, Blakiston, Cox & Co. Bohr D Smith, Douglass, Boston, Blakiston, Con & Co. Bohr Vashtl Sharp, Sharp, Boston, N Sturtevant & 00. Behr J E Price, ievertOn, Baltimore, T Webster, Jr. Bohr New Jersey, North, Sing Sing, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Bohr 0 WPayator. Carey, Sing Sing , Van Dusen, Nor ton &, co, , Steamer Partner, Pierson, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr.: Ste Sarah, Jones, New York, W Baird & Co. Str Bristol, Allan, New York, W ht Baird & Co. 151 TEILIONAPELI (oerreapondenoe or the Philadelphia XxOltomgo.) CAPE ISLAND, Not. 0. 6 30 P M. A deeply laden btulue 'went up lest evening, and seve ral ochre wont out. To-day I have seen only a barque gO in; but'observed nothing pass out. Wind o—weather thick and unsettltd. ' Yours, gco.; THOS. B. HUGHES. (Correspondence of The Press ) Rams Ds Gains, Nov. B. Nine beats left here this morning, laden and con signed as follows: Bella, flour, corn, and whiskey to Christian & Carran,• John Griffin, reiiroad iron to Reeve Abbott &Co; A J Ritz, Susan Weaver, and Fairfield Mills, lumber to Nor cross & Sheets; Frank Taggart, lumber to kl Fife; John L Barrett, lumber to New Brunswick; Columbus, an. thracite coal to Delaware city; T Eckard, anthracite coal to St Georgeo, Del. MEMORANDA. Steamship Baltic, Comstock, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. Skip Deilance, Kendrick, for Bombay, cleared at Li verpool 22d ult. Ship Chile; Clraves, for Valparaiso, spited from Liver pool 19th ult. Ship Hartley, Howes, for New Orleans, cleared at London 21st ult. Ship Samuel Fates, Young, from London for Bombay, nailed from Deal 23d ult. Ship Walter Lord, Smith, from Callao for London, passed Deal 23d ult. Ships E (freely, Cutter, and Abbott Lawrence, Davis, from Callao for London, st Deal 23d ult. Ship Undaunted, Freeman, from Callao, at Cowes 20th nit, and sailed 224 for Antwerp. Ship Mary Bangs, Somers, from Chibcha Islands, at Havre 21st ult. Ship Wyoming, Brooks, hence for Liverpool, was spoken 3 P M lot net, 190 miles east of Cape Henlopen. Ship Burlington, Taco, for London, remained at Que bec 31st ult. Ship Indian Hunter, Austin, for Hampton Roads for orders, was loading at Chibcha Islands 9th ult. Ship Cleo Fteynes, Bacbelder, for San Francisco, militia from Callao 12th " • • .Shop Constantinople, steering east, was seen 2d hat. lot 39 80, long 69 30. Ship Theresa, Holmes, was loading , at the Chibcha Islands 9th ult. for England, Barque AehillesoSpedden, for Philadelphia, cleared at London 21st nit. Barque Sumter, Humphrey; for Charleston, nailed from Cardiff 21st ult. Barque Edward Cohen, Bargees, from Leghorn fur Philadelphia, had been surveyed at Gibraltar 12th ult, and was discharging to repair. Barque Oak, Ryder, hence for Boston, passed High land light at noon 6th lust Brig President I Taylor, Sellers, hence at Boston sth Inst. Brig David Duffell,Tabbutt, from Boston for Philadel phla remained at Newport 8 A 11 4th inst. Brig Waterloo, Condon, hence, arrived at Bath 4th instant. Brig Elise Ana, Rowley, for Savannah, cleared at Bath ' 4th inst. Brig Lillian, Swaney, for Turks Island, arrived at Boston 6th inst. Schrs Paugasset, Waples; Speed, Somers, and Georges Amos, Merrit, hence at Boston 6th Inst. Behr Charles Carroll, Pratt, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford 6th inst. eche fd Fleming, Feaster, from Plermont for Wilming ton, Del, at New York yesterday. , Behr Wauhonsa, Morrie. from Stony Point for Smyrna, Del, at New York yesterday. Bohr Murry Taylor, Nickerson, from Boston, arrived 'at Norfolk 4th twit. • Bohr Monterey, Steelman, for Delaware City, sailed ,from Fall River 3d inst. Schr R M Browning, Conover, hence st New Bedford 4th inst. Sohr Roma Batley, Matte, for this port, sailed from Fall River 3d Wt. Bohr Sea Fowl, - Crandall, hence for Providence, at Newport 4th Inst. ' Schra S B Ashamed, Godfrey, and Alex Henderson, Godfrey hence at Providence 4th Inst. &bra Jeremia h Lemming, Smith; John Cadwalader, Godfrey; . Adelaide, Clark; Woe Hone, Scott, and Mary Miller, Laws, 'laded from Providence 4th inst. for Phi ladelphia. MARINE MISOBLLANY Copt Cormeek, of brig Brandywine, reports haring seen on the 24th , nit, let 1310, tong 7113, seta /lard scrabble, steering BOW. with loos of foremast. Barque Cienfuegos, ()rant, at New York 6th, inst. from 'Cienfuegos, }reports; Oct 22, 7,ti I' M, went, ashore on Colorado Reef, where she remained for two hours, when she wee got oft, after throwing overbor,rd 4 I,bds sugar, having sprung a leak of about 1200 etrokee per hour. A letter from Capt Congdon, of ship Caroline Tacker, from Chinni's Islands July 7, for Havre, reports her ott Start Point 18th ult, haring been in the Channel nave. rat diysi with thick, rainy weather, and heavy gaien of wind. Had been in company several days with chips biary Bangs, Boman; and 'Undaunted, Freeman, from Chinete. Wands for Havre. Brig Waverly, (of Boston) Baynes, from Windsor, N 8, for Richmond, went ashore on Advocate Beach, N S. 9th ult. In a gale, after losing her fotemast,and became a total loss, together with her cargo. Part of her ma terials were saved, and were shipped to Boston per Pl della. The hull was afterwards sold for PO, Barque G W Italtl of Providoneo, from Newport for Beaufort, NC, which put into Queenstown Sept 18 In distress, leaky, with mute sprung, /cc, had completed hor repairs on the 1 th tilt, having been furnished with new mute, main yard, ,k.c. She would be ready to pro ceed on her voyage In a few days. DOMESTIC PORTS, , NEW YORK, Nov. 6.—Ar ship Osprey, Keats, Bristol; brigs Magnet, Shackelford , Aux Cayes ; Robert 0 Wright, Walter, Aux Cayes ; A J Ross, Sweetser, Malaga; A i) Merryman, Oolburn Jacksonville • War . Eagle Brown, Pluton, le Ei ;. bark ' Rondonia, bites, Balite 'ahond) ; schre Ann Turner, Gifford, Washington, N ; Russell, Maracaibo—the Cornelia bad experienced very heavy weather, split foresail Jib, stove bulwarks, &c.; Rio, Luke, New River, NB; May, Baker, Wilmington, Nff; Beet, Kellett, Elisabeth City, N ; Beauty, .lohre• son, Alum:Klee, Ye ; R C Emmen, Jones, Md. ClEarien..Ship Mont Blank; Ognord, New Orleans; brig J B King (Br), Cogall. St Johns ; ochre Lt Smith, Cooper, Wilmington; G M Smith, Smith, Georgetown. BOSTON, Nov 6—Arr Br. steamship Collide, Lang, Liverpool; barques J W Paige, Robert., Mensanilla; Elk, Swift Gloucester, brigs Umpire, Moore, Charles on; Minnie, Lewis, Alexandria. Sams George ido aril, Snow, Cape Haytien; Br schr Meridian, Hines, Pubnice• ' Wm Tyson, Whelden, Fredericksburg; James Rouse, Sprague, AleXandria,• Elizabeth Seger, Pool, 'and 'Helen Mar, Nickerson, Alexandria; W If Molitor, Olowell, N York. • , Telegraphed—Barque Sicilian, from Malaga. ' _Pleated—Brigs-Martha 'Worthington, Center, Sarin. am; Ida,' (Br) Morrison, Glasgow. Saws Roseneath, Rogers, Efobile; Eureka, Crouton, Jacksonville; West over, NickerionWashiugten,D O. PEOVIDENON—ArriIth. sehrs John Bowmen, Tay lor, Watehaprlgne,•Ya ; Stranger, Blackwell, Smith. field. NEWPORT—In port 4th, 8 AM, brig John Balch, Eddy, from Fall River, to finish loading for Havana; ochre Colmbus, from Croton; r; A 8 Simpson j SNall s Golden: Fleece, David Simms, Orato 'sloops Alice, from Croton; It Sprague, Gibbs, from Providence for New York. BANCO'S—Mr 3d, brig Protons, Chipman, 'Ducks port; athrs Josiah liathorn, Gilman, St Croix. • THOMASTON-81d 29th, Rohr 4 McAdam, Willard, Virginia; 30th, asp Bodins, (new) SUlphen, New Or. learn. ,__NEVaIIitYPORT-81d 4th, ear Wm It Fitt', Tyng, lisTana. NEW. BEBFORD—Arr 4th, echre enette,Blacic weU, Darien Ge; Augusta, Perry, N York; I, Snow, Jr, Clevelend, Edgerton, PALL. RIVER—Arr 4th, aehr Romp, Mayo, Balti more. ' PORTLAND—Am 4th, barque Helen Francee, Lewis, Salt Key; old, dap Mary Merrill. • BALTIMORE, Nov 6—Arr barque Brothers; ' brig Transit (Br) Small, St Vincent; tchrs Adele, Paige, Now Brunswick; owariented a S Y. gale on the 26th ult., ad' Mount Desert Rock, and lost part of deck load; same time, James Peake, seaman, of Prince Edward Island, aged 23, was lost everts:ma ; Adrian, Sargent, fin Portland; Tlgeo Brothers Elaey fm New York. Sailed, barque blayQueen, Big s, West Indies. 4.IEXANBRA, Norf.-4a 110 r J U King, 'Badly, i ll Eastport Me; milled; schrs White nail, Smi th ; P Arm strong, Dill, l'i, York ; dram ST th ; blcUirern, NI Blver,, .' • I • '' ' ' ' - • MOBILE, Oct 31—Arr Chip International, Limey, from llama. FOREIGN PORTS, At tbo China Islands, 9th nit , ships Gauntlet, Bor land, for Hampton Roads for orders, to sail about the 19th; had purchased cargo on ship's account; Connecti cut, Welch, ldg; and others.' There wore in all about 124 roseate of all nations at the Inland, a great number buying cargoes on ship's account, those idg on charters, being detained the full number of ley days. Bld from do in September, shim] Wm Wetherlio, At wood; Harvey Birch, Nelson; Cyclone, —; Ohimbo raze, MONO; Edwin Forest, Crocker' Jabes Snow, Snow; G WBourne, Edwarie, and Columbia. Old at Quebec net ult, ships Coolidpuee_, Bender, Liverpool; Countesa of Loudon, Diehards, Plymelitili Caledonia, Regime, Liverpool l'Advanco, DuguM, POT; Glasgow ; , Oreo. Huey, Liverpool . ; John Moore, Bergen, Cardiff; barks•Annagdalef,' Lewis, London; Lorna, Lin dergraon, Leith; Commerce, Wathen, LOndou; Ant Smith, Bristol; Wm Beteford, Barker, Newcastle; brigs Industry, MoNelly, 8 igo; Ellen Jano,lllllot Yarmouth; Empmss. Johnstone, South Shields. At do let Ind, the following vessele, yet to clear at the Custom Hence, via Anglesea, Arethnea, AnnMelester, Abigail, Acadia Allen, Astracan, Agnes, Adelaide, Bank, Brothers, China, Chieftain, Change, City of Lincoln. City of Blanchester, Cornishman, City of Boston, Camerton, Charles Chaloner, Clara, China, Devereux, Dansig, Davenport Dromahair, Eepludola, , Elira Olive, Eldon, Edward & William, Dredge, Eagle, Enterprise, Egypt ian; Earl Durham, Economist, Pre lim's; Feliza;-Florence, Feronia, Forth, Gleuiffer , Hope, Hibernia, Harriet, Ithena, Jenny Lind, John Moore, JohnThOmpeon, Justitia, Lady Flora Hasting, Lady of ' , the Lake, Lady Seymour, Lady Milton, Lady Falkland, Labelle, Lord Riverdale, Melbourne, McDonnell, Mar chlonese of QUeenebUry, Marlon, Margaret, Mersey; , *Mountaineer, Marianne, ?Hord, Ottawa, Polly, Promiee, Quebec, Richibucto, Romeandale Rectitude, Robert Mo William, Riversdale, Rankin, it Lawrence. St Paul, Belittle. 'Sea Ring, Sarah Fleming, Sarah Louisa, The ,tie, Thompson, Toronto, Tiverton, The Queen, Wolf , vdlle, Wolfe , s - Cove, WiWaut lk Joseph, Wallace, W 11 Barnum, York -04, in all: [Per Oration) Ar atliverpool224 ult, John Clarke, Hale, Baltimore; 234 r Ant4loPe, (a) Portland via Halifax and St Johns N F; Aretie, Serega, New York.. Off the port 23d,klndy , 'Mon, Hallett, from Now 'York. Cld 22d, John, Utile, Genes, and Savannah; Wallace Lane, Wiseasset... • Bld 2lst. Carollne, Haynie, Charleston; 224, Albert Gallatin, 'Delano, New York; Star. McLennan, for Charleston 22d, Chancellor, Borland, Melbourne. Thit for l dg, 21st, Sultan Hunter, New Orleans • Her eyes, Sheridan, do •, 224, John Clark, Hale, Baltimore; Anglo Beton, (0) for Portland ; Harmony, Campion, Savannah. - . • Ent Inward at London 22d, C Orlnnen, Pletcher, New York. Old 22d, Caroline need, French, Shields and New York ; 23d, Lucy Elisabeth, Sargent, Boston. Sld from tinseesend 2.2d,lVui Chase ; Deny, Charles. ton. dr at Deal 22d, Elisabeth Yen, Scott, Hull for Now Orleans, (and anchored) ; Odessa, Barstow and On ward, Chase, London, for Mobile, Land both Proceeded.) Old 20th, ,Ocean Home, Cousena, (from Hamburg) New York. • Passed by 20113; Johannes,' and Limit; Napoleon, from Hamburg, for New York. OR the Wight Olet,'Yorktown, Meyer, from London for New York. Passed by Portsmouth 20th, Ocean Queen, (probably Ocean llome,) tiom Hamburg for New York: Off Dartmouth 19th, Eases, (Sr) Munro, from London for New Orleans. Old from Falmouth 22d, Sylphide, Stevens, (from Rata goon),London, der at Cardiff 10th, Ilarraseeket, Talbot, London; 20th, Medera, Rempton, Lisbon; 22d, Monmouth, Mer ritt, Miramlchl. drr at Bristol 20th, Golden Fleece, Reed, Cronstadt. In pork 22d; Ruins Choate, Rich for New Orleans; Monticello, Landerktn, for Fernandina, Florida ' kr at the,Plll 2001, Times, Reed, Owannes. Old 22d, Bad float , Tharriard;l4Ow OfleaU , s.' ' Old from Newport 10th, AlatandOr, Morley, Balti more; 21st,Iteenvery, Pendant, Savannah. Off Plymouth 20th, Donau; from Now York fur Maim burg. ' Old from Ounderland hlst, Sylvania Blanchard, York, New York; Rotondo, Percy, do.' " Old from Roll 20th Filtabeth Yeo 'Scott New Or leans.' • . 1 , „l, , , did from Olargorr 22d, Abby Blanebird, Walte, Troon and liayana.. , At IA the Iloada` Zlat •nit, Morning Brae, Foster, and Oaroliars Tacitor, Oongdon, from Callao. , Ar4B 4 Ordecti '2oth ult., Rip, rreto, (lity ,Polnt. Old ligrAot Nab Willi, fit Thom, 111 g PRESS: -P SATIIWAYI „ NVANBER 7§ Its at NanoMen 17th UN, SSA' 0101i13114 BattiAte, N ork. Ohl from Lisbon 12th uN, Brunette, Utah, Falmouth, At Boblln 22d, Monterey, Mayo, for Savannah, Mug,. Bid from Queenstown 20th, Regulator, {Vonore, (from *Woo) London. Ar at Elstneur 17th tat, Sarah L Bryant, Jones, Cron• niadt, for New York. Ar at Cuxhaven 10th ult. Marlon, Now York. Salted, Vth, 11 Von Omen. Now Orleans. . Ar at llarnhnrg 17th tat, Levanter, Peterson, Volpe, rasa; Ihrmonta (s) New York. Std 18th, V Barg, NoW Work. Ar et Bremerhaven 20th ult, Artel, (a) New York. Ar at Antwerp 20th ult, Atboai, NM:lOy, Akyab; 21st, Mary Ogden, Loveland, New York Bradford,, !Bombay. Bld lath, Henry Ilarbeck, True. Cardi ff , (an d ' f front Flushing 20th); 21st, RiTOllllO Howes, Boston. , Ram, aid 20th, Rockaway, Lufkin, New York; 21st IWin Tell, Funok, do. 01'd at Gibraltar 10th ult, Fernandina, Cottrell (from, Laguna) Trieste ; 11th, Eclipse, Le Maitre, Beaten. Ar at Malaga 12th ult, Ring Dint, Brown, Cadiz, 81'd from Venice 11th ult, Remy Buck, Peddieton; Leghorn. • • Ar at Palermo 10th ult, lola Wylie, Spear, Barcelona, Ar at Malta 10th ult, John Wesley, Sylvester, Cardiff, Liverpool, Oct 19.—The Am ship Robert Anderson, from Rotterdam for Baltimore, before reported aban doned, was passed 4th Met, waterlogged, in lat 40 N, lon 31 W, by the David Malcolm, arrived in the Downs. The D If Watjen, of and from Bremen for New Or leans, with mainmast sprung, and part of rigging car ried away, was spoke on the 9th lost, lat N, lon 11 W, by the J al Wood, Emery, arrived here. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS AMERICAN HOTEL-41heeinut street, above Fifth W W Berry, Balt J W Lartmore, Detroit .1 J Cameron, Albany N Brixford, Mansfield W W Wilcox, llarrb'g 0 Simpson, Ilarrb'g 0 Caldwell, N II L Cabinet!, N II R Brown, N II J Ii Brown, N H 8 E Thompson, N Cas, Del W Mutter, N Y T B Johnson & la, N Y J Cone, Bristol W Barley, Bristol R Arnold, Va R 8 Jones, Phila 0 J Cooper, N J It 8 Cooper, N J W Whitmore, N Y SWhltniore, N Y 8 Whitmore, N Y L L Sampson, N Y Miss Sampson, N Y J 0 Hawley, Boston L 8 Rowley, Boston B F 'V Feller, N 0 0 H Lawson, Boston J J Miller, i f Y C Johnson, N Y GIRARD ROUSE—Obestrint street, between Bth k Oth• S K Barkholder, N Y Wm C Eidson & Is, Dal L S Gordon, Balt Wm Temple, Del T F Goode, Vs. Wm P Lightner, Balt Will A Boyd, N Y John A Weiser, York, Pa Wm 11 Irwin, Ilarrisburg 11 F Bachman, Chicago W A Dales, Lexington, Ky WII Clark, Pa i II Whitney & la, N Y Alias Perkins, N Y W A P Dillingham, Mn Miss Dillingham, Me Miss Child, Augusta, Ale Benj Wright, Fla J 0 Witilthishon, N Y. John A Riertand, Pa John 0 Stanard, Vs 0 W Berry, Md John Watt Washington Dr Blake, Washington Hiram 13, Dickinson, Ye T B Bunting, N Y Fr J Kennedy, NY Miss Al A Zabriskie, NJ Miss A L Lott, Jersey City 1 L Zabriskleatirsey City J Lott Zabriskie, Jars City Wm McDonal4 4 IL, Dalt G Sticer, Balt Jet 0 Davis, MS A II le Jones, Balt Garrick:lt Striker, jr, N Y N P Sweany, Boston John Midis. Jr, N Y 0 W Sage, Addisen, N Y W N Bolling &la Virginia II 0 Ciagott & la, Virginia Win B Clagett, Virginia Dr Robt Stewart & la, N Y 11 P Horton & la, Brooklyn Renee Fleet, Long island IThiteheid II Van Wick, LI Ramond Fernandez, Cuba Jos It limilda, Cobs J W Cater, London D Idessomm, N Y 811 Wales, Massachusetts I F Maguire, Australia Mrs Colt, N Y Franc!. Dane, Boston Cyrus J /Water, Leesport W Bristol, Minnesota ii T Chapman, N Y Gee II Phinney, N Y E Mauler, Paris M O'Connor N Y II K Horton, Balt 11 II Swift, halt J T White & la, N 0 11 8 Allen, N IC . E P Dilston, N Y T Cousinery, N V Geo IV Wilkins, N Y It D Case, N Y J U Easter, Balt Wm Theoning, Boston A J do Irisarri, N Y F Parraga, N Y BLACK BELE HOTEL—Third street, ab Callowbill. A Buckman, Yeasiterville L Weber, Milleratown J It Haldeman, Warrington II llodeusan, 'Warrington A Clayton, Southampton 8 Bensinger, Bumneytown W K Grim, Hoyerstown J Cooper, Cooperaburg W Eddows, Moreland 0 Roads, Byberry, A Albright, Reading A Bongland, Southampton 0 Roads, Southampton N Haldeman, Bucks co Master Haldeman, !lucks co. UNION UOTEL—Arch street. below Fourth. Uenry (lentle, N Y 0 Stnlth, Phils (I Backonau, Milwaukee Mra Barnard, Penns Geo W Miller, Itoadiug Itobt Hawley, Money Daniel Staples, Penns W II Haynes, Penns S Stokes & In, Stroudsburg Or J Leib) , It Is, Kansas Jacob Kuntz, Clearfield co Coo Bubb, Moutoursville M Schwartz, Tamaqua STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth, John D Connally, Md Than Howard, Phil J Patchln, Clearfield J A Baker, Bloomfield, Pa S V Foster, Mifflin co, Pa Il Richards, York, Pa Freeman, 'Williamsburg It F }lensing, Pittsburgh John Boyd, Harrisburg OraeZ tk la, Lancaster B Jackson, Clearfield J L Ileadol, Rochester D II Tarbox, Rochester II L Lancaster II F Y Zeller, Phil Paul Fearing, California J Mulfullon, • California W J Root. Buffalo 31cDonald, PURR W 'Montgomery, Pa N 0 Baker, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. II 0 Spongier, Daupblu, Pa II Snyder, New Jersey Thou J Ruhe, Penns Geo W Brady, 'Virginia II Almada Jr, Yirginla P Loogetretb, Lancmter WII King & la, Albany L G Green & la, Blimloem II F Parkenthall, Durham Goo W Morgan,' Pottsville II J Randier, Pottsville Thos Simpson, M Chunk Jos Whitaker, Mt Clare, Pa MEROITANTS , HOTEL—Voneth at., below Arab. PWYatson,Pa.l 0 Johnson, Covington, Pa W Stoddard, Wellarille,N Y Alfred Ladd, N Y C II Kellogg, N Earnest, Tenn Dr P Thompson, Philo Henry Ludwig, NY A T McGill, Princeton, pi j A 0 Yaughan, Bedford, Pa W Jack. Hollldayaburg, Pa %Vat Allakitolos, Ohio Mon J ADM Salem, N J 8 Wotherill, Bethlehem Hon J T James, Pa Slauzy, Yq J ITopper,Montouraville, P Cal Ciro, Montrose, Pa Sato! Sinew, U S N W J Prosier, Chlmo 0 Holcomb and family, Ay A D Cook, Ohio O Patterson, Pottstown W W Sherman. NY Capt W Chose, N Y Capt.] P Thompwn,Mln Ty It (S Armetroog, Balt U 1Y Bart, trio, Pa Hon H S Mott, Pike co, Pa IMAM DEAR INN Wra "E Williams, York co (leo Morris, Ud Mrs Butler, Del Henry Danby, Del MADISON llODSB—Secoid street, above Market. John L Markhaus, Mass J 0 Unsay, Del hI Peabody, R I John !dictates, Barks ea Jacob Ilartzler Berke co Geo W Amos, B.eston • Eno. Sanders, Johnstourl Thom U Sharp & le, Del P 0 Jones, Del Jesse Niggle., Del Jospleaver, Jr, Del ➢J Grand Dedication Dail! TO RR 01V6N 11T THE INFANTRY CORPS, NATIONAL GUARD, kr TUE NATIONAL WILDING, RAca STrillET BETWMIN TR6 FIFfl AND NINTH STANNT PAS:MD:M RAILROAD, 271P.SD4Y RrENING, Noma ler 19th, HU FIOQI VAAACOCiA : CAPT. PETER LYLE, LIEUT. 01.10. ASSISTANT FLOOR SISIIIMINSS I Lieut. D. 0. Baxter, Charles U. Miller, ~ It, B. Quayle, Lewis T. Mears, J. W. Fritz, Harmanna Neff, Edwin Allen, W. K AfaeVerran, Jamee M Leddy, Joseph D. Ellie, If. A. B. Drown, George Ulm, Prank S. Johnson, Godfrey Haber, Prank WErido, William A. Gray. A. J. SELLERS, Secretary of Committee of Arrangements. N. B.—Associations and others desirous of obtaining the above Hall, can do so upon as moderate terms as any hell In the city, by applying to J. W. FRITZ, N. W. corner of Sixth and Noble atreats. nov7-114 Notes of the Bank of Pennsylvania taken at PAR. CLOTHING AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. THE ENTIRE' STOCK OF A WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE, Manufactured expressly for Fall Sales, will now be sold are.w., - At greatly Reduced Pritee, for Cash, noT-tf At No. NoTII) "'MN Oreet Suring Fund—Five Par Cant. Interest—Na Mimi Safety Trust Company, iljetartir Street, south west corner of THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. Open daily till 7 o'clock, and on Ilonnav and TIIDEEDAY EVENINGS till 9 o'clock. Deposits received and pay ments made daily. Assets invested in Bast, Eerats, alowroaass, GROOND RENTS, and other Bret-clue Recast ties, as the charter directs. not From Auction. JUST HHOZIVED, I LOT OP PINE VELVET OMIPETINGS, TO DE *OLD AT $1.87)4 CENTS A YARD. DAILY A BROTHER, CARPET STORE, No. 020 CHESTNUT Street, above Ninth Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOBITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARB. GEO. J. HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, Late of 173 Ohestuut Street Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Checks, Notes, Drills, Bills Lading, gill Heade, Oir; coleys, Cards, and all other kiods of Job PI - toting, at prices to suit the times, ' ocl7-/y Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut etreet, one door west of emend etreet. Receives de posits in come of One Dollar and upward'', from all Mame of the sonununity, and allows Internet at the rate of. are per cent, per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 In the evening. President Franklin Fell Treasurer, °hulas 51, Morrliq Beare fary, lamed B. Pringle.' Buffalo Robes.-100 Bales Buffalo Robes of the various qualities, just received from Minnceuta. Also a 'madame amortuleot of Pauoy Robes of oneown manufacture, and fur sale wholesale and retail by ORO. Y. WO6IBATII, 416 Arch Btreot. twtl2 lm A. T. Char, STOOK, LOAN, AND BILL BROKER, ' No, 218 OLD 81., bblowl)o9g. City and State Loans, Stocks, .to., bought and sold on commission at the Stook. Board daily. Notes, Bills, dco., negotiated as heretofore. oc3o-Iwa Beteerts Infant Cordlnf...This 11'14001We Cordial le prepared from s variety of tho meet choice and efficient esometica known Sn medicine, and Is the perfect and reliable o rminatlve extant for infante tad young ohildren. By its powerful !Outline a speedy cure la effected in all eases of Cho/it, Windy pains and spume. Relieves and mitigates much of childratOs suffering during Non or teething, and by Ha soothing properties Iran unitises pains of the bowels, kimenete, vomiting, &n. The Infant Cordial has become a atmaderd remedy, and has been used In thousands of MOS with the most abundant samees. No family should be without it. Prepared only by linnar A. Downs, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N.B. earner of 011th and Crean ate., Philadelphia, To whom all orders mot be addressed, And for sale hy Drugglito gonorillt, ealBd7 Up to 12 o'clock Last Aright Fifth and Merchant. F Gardner, PhGadelphle J Walltmson, Delaware co Mrs ClaA, Del B D Byers, Chester co Zperial Nothis Starria263. On Tuesday evening, 84 Init., by, Rev. Wm . Douglas, Mr. LOUIS SIORTIIitER, of Cheuleston, 8. C., to Miss MAN VERZING, of thin atty. On the ad instant, by Rev. Joneph H. Kennard, 301114 CIIAMIIMRS to alre MARY 8 . OLEKRNTa, both of this city. . Elentho At Limit*ley, Alleghenyeennty, Pa., on the 24 Inst., DAVID SHIELDS, Esq. eF On the evening of the 4th last., to the 02A year of his age, SAMUEL D. BREED. On the sth bat., RICHARD GOODALL, In the filth year of hie age On the 6th inst., MARY, wife of Wee. Hawley, aged 31 ,3 ' n ea t r h . e . sth instant, Mrs. MARY ANN HIGBEE. On the 4th Intent, MARTHA HERBERT, In the 824 year of her age, •On the 6th Instant, Mre. CATHARINE ELIOTT, aged 40 years, Jayne's Hal .—Rev. Moat EL Stockton, M. D., Morning and Evening, as usual. Oltizerui and strangers are invited. nov7.lttt JD" e Lost Arts.—lty request, Wendell PhilllLeq., of Boston, will deliver his celebrated Lecture on the Lost Arts, on Wednesday evening, the 11th inst., 'dig o'clock, to 0011011 T lIALL. Admission lb cents. Tickets to be had at the book stores, or at the door, nor7-2t Allow Shall the Needy he StippMed in. this time of Want." Rey. John Chambers, on let Timothy, chap. 5, T. 8, TO-MORROW (Sabbath) AP TERDOON, at 3,4 o'clock. Chinch, Corner of BROAD and GEORGE Ste. A 004LIECTIOW. [oo7.ltiti Er mariners , Church, Water street, above Walnut. Sermon to Young Mon, TO-MORROW (Sab bath) EVENING, at 73 o'clock, by the Pastor, the Rev. J. B. Ripley. The public us invited to attend It ED' Pennsylvania Company for Insurance ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, Pilitanscrula, November 2, 1807. NOTICE le hereby given, that a meeting of the Stockholders of this Company has been called by the Board of Directors, (under the provialons of the seventh section of the aot of the General Assembly of this State, entitled ' , An Act providing for the Resumption of Specie Payments by the Banks, and for the Relief of Debters, ,, approved on She 16th day or October, A, D. 1867,1 to be held at the Mee of the Corporation, on THURSDAY, the twelfth day of November,A. D. 1857, at 11 o'clock A.M., for the purpose of ing Into consideration the acceptance of the provisions of the said act. By order of the Board, nos-7t WILLIAM D. MILL, Actuary. (CT • er cantile Beneficial Association off PUILADISLPUIA.—The annual meeting of the Aaaoci alien will be held on TUESDAY, November 10th, at 4 o'clock P.M. at their room N. W. corner of SEVENTH and SANSOM'Streete, at which time the Annual Report will be submitted, and an election held for Managers for the ensuing year. In consequence of the great linanolal distress which bee falleteepon our city, and the apprebenalon that the demands upon the funds of the Association may be greatly inereeetal over previous years, the Board o Managers hare decided that it be inszpedient to incur the espeoleo of holding a sea I° ANNIVERSARY et this time. Md. 0 LUDWIG, President. Philadelphia, Nor. 2.1857. • , nob Carpeting°. '920 CHESTNUT ST. CARPETS BAIL Y RoTRECH will oontihne to sell their ENTIRE STOOK At greatly reduced prices, including F/NE VELVET CARPETS, Bought at auction, to be sold at sl.B7%—usual price 1.7. TAPRESTR Y AND BRUSSELS CARPETS, SUPER TREES-PLY CARPETS, GOOD INGRAINS, RETRY AND STAIR CARPETS. FLOOR OIL CLOVIS, in every style and width, tiquitlly 4°74 iv No. 920 CHESTNUT ST. CAMPBELL'S RESTAITRANT.-VENI SON,•WiId Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Crum, Fresh Salmon, Chineatique, Opinaohique, Panama Bay, Abse cora, and Cote Oysters, with every variety of GAM,. wild or domeatte, In Sellaoe. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers served up at the shortest notice, at JOHN CAMPBELL'S, No. 527 CHESTNUT street, op posite the State House. N.B.—No expense or pains Lae been spared by the Proprietor In fitting up this new establishment in the most sumptuous manner—the second story being for the aceomatodstion of Private Parties for Dinners, euanw t a4. vier I:Mr:Luce for Ladies towards Sixth strset. norT•dm OLD THEM WHISKEY.—E. P. MID DLIKION ac. BRO., No. 6 North PRONT lm. porters of Cognao and Rochelle Shandies, Holland Ole, Rotel ant Irish Whiskey. 'Also, sole proprietor of the Old Wheat Whiskey. E. P. Af. ec Bro. have on hand the hygest and best stook of fine old Monongahela, Bourbon, and Rye Whiskey of any dealer In the United States, all )1' which is highly improved by age, n07.3m CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, will m ee t 1857. NOTIOK—The Board PIIILADELP of Revielo 01 u will NovN ov meet at this Office on the following named days, from 10 o'clock A, Id., until o'clock P. M. let rind Wards on Monday, November 9,1857. 34 4h Tuesday, 10, ' 6th Oh , Wednesday, 11, 7th 8h Thursday, ,4 12, 0 9th 101 t Friday, tt 13, " 11th /2h Manley, 14, 13th l*h " Monday, 4, 10, 16th Nth Tuesday, " 17, 17th Nth -Wednesday, 4 , 18, ~ 19th atla Thursday, 19, 4 , Slat ^ 2l ~ Friday, it 20, 23d 244, Elaturday, 21, 4, The ARNIM of the seyoral Wards will tie particular In attendlig upon the days of the meeting of thole Wards. MILL, M. LEDISY, (Oily Oommissieners. :IAI4NII LOGAN, nor?-tf Tax Gale nub iito Ca. FOR SALE.—A Democratic Newspaper Putablehment,,ln a Democratio county in Penn. eylvania, Is offered for gale. It hag the confidence and patronage of the dominant party. The establish ment has boa profitable, and may be Made still more so by an ererptic man, who can giro all hie time to it Per part hitiars, Inquire of COL.,. W. Yong aT. nov74t* --- rpOALST, • WITH BOARD, A' LARGE I. FRONT ROOld, suitable fora Gentleman and hie Wife, or Slagle Gentlemen: with heater, gas, wait use of bath, 114 and cold, at Bro. 341 South FiliTLI street, above Pine. lt* LOW itENTS.—ROUSE NO. 2208 ter street, Rouse No. leea PINE street, and Mouse POPLAR street, nest of Twoutletb--all with bask buildings, baib, and gas—to rest, _Apply to J. 11. WimEbstt, ill South FIPTII stroet. nueLliie qiwo,TIIREE-STORY BRICK DWELL SNOB, ADIEU Street, mouth of Dauphin at. • On TUESDAY, November 20th, 1857, at 7 o'clock la the evening, will be eold st pubt t sale, at tits PhD* , delphla Atchango— No. 1. All that three-story brick reemnage,andlotof ground, 'Unite on the west side of Amber street. about 61 feet SI Inches "oath of Dauphin street (late Northern Libor 0011tignint in (rent on Amber street 14 feet 10,ti Inches, and extending In depth 57 feet to a 3 feet wide alley leading into and from mild Dauphin street, with the free lute and privilege thereof. All that three story brick montage, and lot of ground, adjoining the above, of same gee and description. try. Both the above clear of all incumbrance. Terms cash. $25 to be paid on each at the time o sale. M. THOMAS la SONS, Auctioneers, nos-9 t 139 and 141 (formerly di and 89) S. Pontth at. NOTICE.-CHESTNUT STREET 1 BRIDUE. PLANS AND ESTIMATES fora Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the line of Chestnut street, la the Olty of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En. ginner and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT OF SUR VEYS, City Building, ItMil Street, below Walnut, until the second day of January, VOL Said Bridge to be of the following dimensions, without any pier, or with not more then ono pier in the water• Way; the materials of construction throughout to be Indestrecti. ble by Bre. Distance between abutments._ 380 feet Width of Bridge, out to out, not lees then.. 42 <, Elevation above low water 31 ~ leer an arch the epringiug line should not be less than eleven feet above low water. The Plans and Estimates will be received under the arrangement and' conditions Specified in the ordi mune of Councils, approved November 2d,1857, m fol low', via : Seams 2. That all plata and estimates to bo received by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan and estimate to bear a private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed communication haring 'a corresponding mark thereon, so that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan most ap proved shall have been selected.' . BROTION 3. Tbat ail ouch plans and estimates shall, when received, become the property of the City of Phila delphia, and shall be presented within two months after the passage of this ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and Regulations, to invite a COMMIEMOD consisting of three civil engi neers, who, In conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plans received, the names of the designers, and the obaraetor and estimated cost of the three plans by them preferred. finCiros 4. It shall be the duty of the owe( Commis. sioner of highways; upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to Issue warrants In payment of the cost of the aforesaid adver tisements, and also in favor of those persons who may have presented the three plane preferred by said com mission i to the first in point of merit, the aura of IRV; to the second, $250, and to the third 1100 i said warrants to be charged to Item No. 19 of appropriation made to the Department of highways, do., for the year 1851, approved IdarChln,lssl.i irt fttrther Information. or for moss motion of river, addresa STRICKLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Philuda. noo-dtjan3 TKINGSFORD & SON'S PURE . OSWEGO STARCH (for The laundry) has estab lished a greater celebrity than has ever been obtained by any other Starch. This has been the result of Ile marked superiority In quality, and Its invariable uniformity. The public may be assured of the oontluttatios of the' high standard now established. The production is over 20 tone daily, and the demand has extended throughout the whole United Slates, and to foreign countries. Working thus on a very large male, and under a rigid system, they are able to secure a perfect uniformity In the quality Throughout the year. This in the great de. rederature In staroh-making, and Is realised now for the lint time. The very hest Starch that can be made, and no other, le always wanted by consumers, and this will be aup piled to them by the OrODers as coon as thelr customers have learned which Is the beat, and ask for It—other wise they would be likely to got that article on which the largest profit can be made. Mr. Kingsford. has been engaged in the ;manufacture of Starch continuously for the last 27 years, and during the whole of the period the' Starch 'made under his super vision has been, beyond any question, the best in the market. Por the Stet 17 yeare ho had charge of the works of Win. Colgate & Co., at which period ho in vented the process of the manufacture of Corn Starch. 137' Ask for KINGSVORD'S STARCH, as the name Oswego hue recently been taken by another factory. It la sold by all the beet potent in nearly every part of the country. T. KINOSPORD de SON'S oswzao COIIN STARCH (for puddings, dm) bee obtained an equal celebrity with their Starch for the laundry, This article is per fectly pure, and Is, In every reSpeet, equal to the beet Bermuda Arrow Root, besides having additional quali ties which render it invaluable for the dessert. Potatolitarch has been extensively packed and cold LB Cern Starch, and has given false hupressions to many as to the real merits of our Corn Starch. Porn its great delicacy and purity, it is coining also into general use as a diet for Infants and invalids. It. N. KELLOGG & 00,, Agents, 0e2,8-te , 198 gULTON Street, 11. Y. Za.A BRAN SLAOK-ENGRAVING, Sinking and Butboaird Printing, Envelope Ind Rid Preis 31anufartdry, $7 Strawb e rry Hired, between Serena and Third, end Market id3l tAkertnnt &rear, PlAbatelphss, ' • • lunar COTTON—'IOO, bales Gulf Oottou, In sore Ihrol tot solo by titARTIN & sot , ,UP North Velar Strad COPPER—Lake Superior Ingot, for sale by wit. K. wooDwARD & 00., „ „ 1 / 3 4 tdigket strut, thrgetnettft. .... M'LLE ERIUNTE FREE2OLINI'S First appearance in Philadelphia. 11. STRAKOSOII his the hooor to announce that MLLE ERMINIE FREZZOLINI Will give in this clty her FIRST ORAND CONCERT, ON MONDAY EVENING, November sth, At the MUSICAL FOND HALL. 'Phe high celebrity enjoyed by Wile Preu olini, as th e leading star of the soirees given by the Emperor of the French and at the far-ferned concerts of the Con. servatoire in Paris, Justifies the manager In believing that this announeernentwill meet w'tb approbation. MADAME FREZZOLINI will be assisted by MADAME AM.ALLA VATTI STRAKOSCEI. SIGNOR NICOLA, . HItRR MOLLENHAUER, M. EITRAROSCA, Director and °mango!. ' FREZZOLINI will dog:-1. Aria Puritan!; 2,. Romania COM ; 8. Ronde finale ildnnambnla ; 4. Duette, stabet Mater; and 6. Marla Padilla with Mad. Strskoseb. Mad. STRAROSCII will sing :-1. Ah ! mon Prophet ; 2. Within a Mile of Edinboro, and Duette with Wile Pressolini. Signor NICOLA will sing Arias Lucretia Bor giaMUM ; 2 None di Figaro. MOLLENIIAIIER will perform on the Violen.. cello-1. Fantasia Servals ; and 2. Carnival of Venice. AdmissionOßOU. will play a Fantastic ONE DOLLAR. No extra charge for re served seats. The sale et 'watt commences to•day,'et The lime Storee of Lee & Walker, Beek & Lawton, and Z. L. Walker. Concert commences at 8 AMERIO AOADEMY OF MUSIC.- IL 'A. MARSHALL ' Sole - Lessee. LAST NIGHT OT MR. CHAS. MATHEWS. THIS (Elettirdsy) EVENING, N0v,7th,1167, Tke performances will oommetee with A GRAND OVERTURE. After which, will be prevented the Comedietta entitled COOL AS A 0170IIMBER. Mr. Charles Mathews. To be followed by LITTLE TODDLEKINS. Brownuotth Mr. Marisa Mathew'. To conclude with the farce Utile StIBEHTHS OP HUMAN LINE. Alley Croaker, Mr. Chapman; Midway, Mr. Le Moyne; Mrs Courtney, Mrs, Proctor. PRICES OP ADMISSION: Balcony, Parquet, and Parquet Circle... Family Circle and Amphitheatre,. Privateßoxes Bette sanurod without extra charge. TAOS. It AEON Treasurer. Doors open ,It before I o'clock ; performance will corn. menu. at TX. NATIONAL THEATRE .W.A.LHIIT ST. NEAR EIORTII. The manager takes pleasnre to announcing to kis old patrons and the publle generally,that he bac succeeded, at an enormous outlay, in erecting an engagement with the celebrated and world-renowned 101TORLDB SERENADERS, and great Ethiopian Burlesque OPERA TROUPE, (Prom their new Opens Rouse, 58d Broadway. N. Y Who will make their drat appearance at the above theatre on OA IVING, In their o r igi n Y NTIIIOPIA IN N INTERTAINVEND and produce, for the first time hero, with tetraliictu mangles, scenery, and appointments, with the origins mule, The laughable burlesque opera. In 9 acts, or LUCRETIA BORGIA ; Or, The Black Pot wear. Lucretia, flu Catoline lllffert Genera; P. Swains Buckley ; Orrtni , R. Bishop Buckley, Other characters by members of thla oalabratad nom- NOTICE—In order to bring this great eatettalkungut within the reach of all, The manager would rairpoctially announce that the price of admlsslon, Ise been Hied. all parts of the house, at TWENTY - PIPE OINTS ONLY. Doors open at T ; Curtain rhea at balLpaat precisely. 13. It. HABRIB, Sole Leuee a*' WILEATLEy's ARCH ST. T.ErE4TRE. --BOLE LESSEE. W. WIIBATLEF. Boats 'or Patera —Orchestra !Halle, 50 cents ; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Beats), 60 mote; Family Circle and Amphitheatre. 25 cents ; Beata In Prlrate Boxes, 75 cents; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Femme, 26 cent+ ; Private Box in Gallery for Colored , Persons, 38 cents. Box Mice open from 10 A. M. until 3P. Doors will open at o,g o'clock; performance to continence at 7, precleely. M. B. WHITTON Treasurer. T 1173 ((Saturday) EVENING, Not. 7th,'1857, Will be presented, the celebrated Play of INGOMAR, TUB 8A8.116111.6.11. logomar, the Barbarian Mr. B. L. Davenport. Partheola ' • Mrs. E. L. ,Darenport. . To conclude with the Nautical Drama, en titled BLACK•Vf BD, SUSAN . .. William, Mr. E: L Davenport Capt. Crosstree, Mr. Tannehill; tinsan;hlre; It, 0,. )arenport, WALNUT STREET THEATRE.--Lei see, Mr. E A. Efarahill; Stage Sfans4rer; Mr. John Berton. PClolll.—Dtett eitttt and Parquettc, 25 coots; tipper Circle, 25 cents ; Secured Seats, cents; krivate Box mid Orchestra Seats, 60 cents Box Office open from 9 o'clock.A. M. to 3P. , M. Doors open et 6X o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. . . THIS (Saturday) EVXNING, Nor. 7th, 1861', • Will be presented, last time, STARE-STIVICLIIARBER. 011 p, Mr.Oltafieu,•lane 0/utterly; Mrs Johntire. Asttleton; -' To be followed by the high/7' filmes:gal 1 1 1,r4' 3 ': LINDA, TRH OIOAR GLIM; Or, Mose Among thb ,Oonspttatota: , • ' ' Mose liforrifich, Mr Ohaufcati ; Volwerci s lhialer, Mr. Brink; Harryltnisell, Mr. Desch ; Mute, Mm. lobo Moan; Blddyficantwo, Mr. John Slaty. Atter which, a Beene from the • • • eonqu i thw a la tits waled Mike Murphy • Mr. John eleirt efONOSI2T 11A1414._ aATURDAY NIGHT, Nov. 7th. BDIHBIGNIEGitEXPOSI, • Dille. ;MN likDE, Jr., ta ts Mormon Elder front' FUR Lake City. Subject—.' Balt Lake Olty and tirlemet Young.," . Doors open at 7 o'clock Lecture at o'clock. Oardi of admlulon TWNTY4IVE CIENTS, Front seats reserved for Lsellaluntll 8 o'clock« 'Motets for sale at the Hatete mat Ewalt Storm. MADAME LOLA MCNTEZ ' ' -win give her celebrated Ladino, oil' BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, AT TILE MUSICAL FUND LULL, ox BATUADAT EV NINO , Nortimber F. Admittance 2 , 1c144,. ; _ .054 v t, ---- SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE:— ELEVENTH Street, above Ohestuut. Doom open at 7 &clock—to commence quarter before eight. Admittance 2.5 cents. Ethiopian Lite Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe or Stars—New Domes by the Bamford Ohlirett _ r To conclude with . . A lALVICABLN AII6.ILPIXOR. TEEOIIVJF 'a , - • - • FIFTH and CREETNIIT Streets. TOM YANCE,, the Nightingale Conde Toestlii, and Blies JENNY EELLMAN, the favorite Contralto, have been engaged , in addition to the. REOICL3IOR 00?4,YAJ NY, eomprisinghlite DUVAL, Wile LesoLL.74, cm." COLES, and others. N. B. Moore. MAGIDTOPI and DUNBAR appear MONDAY, Nov. 9th. Concert conunenoot nightly at 7%. Ticketielo rent'. I X Lis my motto, J. B. TUOMIIUT. n0v7,211V -•- • orp eboobz. MONDAY MORNING MORE OF THE WE STOOK OPENED FOR RETAIL The rush for cheap EBY 1100A9 still continues uo %hated at the Etore, 7dA89111.11,L tad OALLOWRILL streets. Ladle.: an opportimiry for procuring bar felon unheard of. Embroideries greatly ucrilleed. noel-2t* GREAT REDUCTION. FURNISHING GOODS • L. .T. LEVY & CO. Have the day made ► great reduction in prices of their rich and extensive stook of • FURNISHING GOODS, Comprlslug BROOATELLES, DAMASKS, LADE CURTAINS SHADES, OORNICES, PIANO AND TABLE COVERB, &o. JIM opened oboloo lot or RIM SATIN CURTAINS , . AND 11.1 . BROIDBIED CLOTH CURTAINS. no&St - 4120 CHESTNUT ST H EAVY BROWN COTTONS. One Thousand Bales SREETINGS, SIIIRTINGS, AND DRILLS, FROSI TKO LAWNENOE MANUPA9TUBING COMPANY, JACKSON COMPANY, (INDIAN HEAD, AND NASHUA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Of their veriest whitht and styles, 'shish ere °tiered for sale fur flrat•class paper,on SIX MONTHS' CREDIT, by the Agents of the Companies, ALFRED SLADE & CO., sod-1m 39 LNPITIA 133 MEET. PARIS EMBROIDERIES. L. J & CO., Artz NOW orPYRINO TU&IR ENT/R& DIPORTOWN OF ELEGANT PARIS EMBROIDERIES AT AND TINDER COST. not 2w 428 011.E8TNLIT STREET L ADLES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPP.NED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL dc. SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1046 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 318 S. SECOND St., below Spence. PAOTORrEd.—Nos. 95 and 97 GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few hours , notlea. se2kamlt .10IIN B. STRYKER, ht., Wholesale Dealer t AIIOTION DRY GOODS. , No. 12 DANK Street Philadelphia. oetl- 2 m Mono. AMERICAN GOLD NEW YORK PUNDS AMERICAN GOLD /ND NEW TOUR ETINDB, DOUGHY AT TUB MGM? PREMIUM BY ocT•Sm DREXEL A. 00 NEW YORK Exchange 84 64 prem. BOSTON Biding() S a 4 prem. BALTIMORE Exchange 2 a S dint. AMERICAN GOLD 3X a 436 . prem COPARTNERSII/F NOTICE.-WE have, THIS DAY, admitted Ur. JULIAN 0. WAVY ae 6 partner in our firm, and will continue our buelneea under the UM style as heretofore. D. SALOMON dc CO. Philadelphia, November 6,1864. nos.3tet_ CLOVER SEED.—NOTICE. TO PENN-, SYLVANIA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for cuuth, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. tennlylvezda storekeepers and fanners, by sandhi; samples to our adtkinis, ean, at all times, ascertain the price at which we an buying. Parties - wishing samples, by which to be governed an to quality, can hare them sent by mall, by skinning us. J.ll CHM & 00, senl94, 43 North Front, and 44 Wateestreeti • MANILLA ROPE.—SUPERIOR MA NILLA ROPE, mantifutured snd for sale by WEAVER, FITLER 4 soRM No f 8 N Wator and 22 It WhArTes RUSSIA AND AMERICAN, TARRED OORDAGH.--• superior article, 'manufacture and for sale by WEAVER, TITLED, k 00., as B-tf No. 28 N. Water et., & 22 N. Wlarvee. IDOSIN.-400BARRELS SOAPMAKERS 1.1 , ROBIN, to a*. per isohoPral J. T. Inonor Yoh We by SARTIN & NACIAIaTaIt, WA. US NW% WOW e>. M. TEIOILLS "Noe. do MA 141 SOUTH 1017.10/1 Burn:. (Formerly Nos. 07 and 89.) STOOKS, REAL ESTI:Tr. St.—TUESDAY NEXT Pamphlet Catalogota Low ready', contamiag full de scriptions of all the property to be cold on TUESDAY next, itith met., with a large list of tailcoats liessi Estata ut pricsgss sale. SEAL SSTA.T.I, STOOKS &e. Publie Bales at the Philadelphia every Tuesday Eveaing. y Handbill; or each !roped/ lie addition to which we publ ads an the. to each sale on• thalami catalogues' is giving Nil descriptions 02 allthaPruPeraY be Hold an the following Tuesday, „ pantphitt form, ST%RIIKNITURt TEM .AtiOT/OW every Thursday Inerning. WEAL NEITATE AT PRITATH BALM. .1,117. We hare a large arnowat of Bead Waste at Pri• vale Sale, tucluding every deerrlptkut of Oily and country property. Yranted Lista may be had at 'the auction &ore. ' 1 PRIVATE SALE REGISTER, - ' irr Real Estate (Wend on oar Prltatik Salo Re titter, are advertised ontaidooallr in our Public Palo Abiblets, (of whist; 1,000 copies are visaed weekly,) free of charge. On Tues.ley Evening November IDth at the Philadelphia Nxehanire, at I o , cleek, limb@ ml 4, fir account of whom it may eon. —C4lll— 86,660 air per aunt. Coupon Sonde of the Wyeadott Cost Company, payable January 1.2, 1172, with Interest payable half yearly. • $lO,OOO OHIO AND PARRA: RAILROAD CO. Also, without, reserve, for account of whom it may concern, 16 Coupon Banda, $l,OOO eeetr, 0910 and Penn sylvania Railroad Bonds. due In 1616, ltderest 7 per cent., payable Iday and November. Known as the kale. ghany Bridge lawn. Also, without reserve. I shares Stork of Oonipaiy for erecting Bridge over the Schuylkill near the Yells. Par Up. FOURTEENTH FALL 9UM-L.IOTH NOVEHBrit. Thla Kale will Include meet Other property, the tole !erring— TWO VALUABLE LOTS, TWXNTIETII BTXXXXI SPRING GARDEN STREET, NINVUNNTII IT., AND AIONTERY STREET.—Antnahl•lo, N.E. cor ner or Twentieth and Montery streak Valuable lot N. W. corner Nineteenth and Spring Garden streets • .50 amnia, 25. TAVERN AND DWELLING.—Threie-story brick tavern and dwelling, north aide et Hamilton etTeet, cart of Seventeenth street Peaaarroar Situ. TIIREE•STOIIY BRICK LtO KR RUA SALOON— Three-story brick Leger tear Saloon and Dwelling, No. 878 Apple between Fourth and York wreathe and Drown and Poplar streets. TIIRtR•STORY BRICK 61100.KRY STOEP AND DWELLING—Three-story brick Orwriery Stare and Dwelling, No CO Apple street. Pale absolute. TIIREE•STOIIY BRICK DWILLING, OfiDEN ST. Three-story brick dwelling, No. 1208 Ogden street, (north side) between Twelfth and Thirteenth streete. DWELLINGS, AMBER ST&SEE. --• • . , 2 three-story brick direllinp, Amber street, sou th of Dauphin street, (late Northern Liberties.) A yearly ground rent of Sd), secured by a lot of ground, North Second street, between Montgomery and Elm streets. PIPTEENTII PALL 911,E4-11TH NOVEMBER.. Orphano Court Bale—Estnta of Baa3nel D. Aikosaftl. Deceased. NEAT RESIDENCE, ELEVENTH ISTRENT.—The neat modern residence, with back buildings, No . 412 South Eleventh street, below Pine street NEAT DWELLING, NOUTEI ELETII STREET. Also, the neat modern derailing, No. 1116 South FMK 'trees OLD IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS, warm Two old irredeemable ground fetal, our of fend and. the other of $5O 25 a year, clear of taus; secured on property North Fourth Motet, *bore Franklin arenas. They are well secured and punctually paid Administrator"' Sale—Estate of Richard Faison, Dee'd. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT AND VARII; ABOUT SIXTEEN MILES PROM MARKET NTEEZT, AND THREE FROM BRISTOL. and Manager. Our ease let December will Include the raluable country seat and farm, lel acres, with superior isomer Moats, known as "Farley." situate MI the heights, on the west aide of Neahainony Creek, between the Eiriweel turnpike and the Newport toad. Fall psrUenfars In handbills. Bale Non 139 and 141 South Fourth street ' SUFI:IGOR GERNIAN 'FLOWER ROOTS. This Morning, At II o'clock, at the unction 530 re, two eases tuivrtor German Flower Roots, crimprlelng the mutt *assort ment. 9ALE Olt A MEDICAL LIBRARY This Nrening r l November 7, at the Auction StOre, will be soLl a Medical Library. Al., an aolaortment of new Medical Wel* S. - kr particulars ree Catalogue et the books; irbileh dll be arranged for Atomization on Saturday earning. - • Also, a complete set of spllute for Matures, itcl—the latest aut most approved pattern,'' Sale West Philadelphia.' UOUSELIOLD FURNITURE, PIANO-WORSE, 141- PERIM. CARPETS, ike. On Wednesday Morniag e •‘` At 10 o'clock, et the 9 II corner of Chettunt and Park atreets, Vilest Philadelphia, the household fermi lure. plano-force, imperial' carpets, &c..ot a lady log the city. , May be examined at 8 o'clock on the mon:augur riada. Sole Noe. 130 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, MIRRORS SUPERIOR CARPETS, ko. On Thursday Stunting, At 10 o'clock., at the Auction Stone, n largo assortment of second-hand furniture. piano-fortes, =TOM, carpets ; !kr., from funnies dosliarog boosolooplog. - Sale No. 1224 Spruce street. - • ; SUPERIOR FURNITURE, BRUSSELS 'CAIIPSTS, PIANO-FORTE, 3(11100R.3, FINN liNcrtaar PAINTINGS AND ANORAVINGS, , CURTAINS, RANDBO/111l GAS ORANDELIRRS, Ist.' ' On Friday Morning, . _ 13th inst., at 10 o'clock, by catalogue t at NO. 1591 Spruce street, below , Thirteenth, the 'entire household furniture, Re of a gentleman declining housekeeping. Gay be elm:lined at S o'clock on the worsting of sale. sale No.loll Walnut street. STOOD OW NUPEBloB.Winklintill.ll.• ; On Monday maiming, LW: • Nov. 18th, at 10 o'clock at No. 1017 Walnut street, Without reserve, the entire stock of Jahn DUV2.81., dk ollaing business on account of ilf -health, Comprising k general assortment of drawingaroom furnilaarei • van. Ina styles and coverings, suriindsr aliandaWand room furniture, superior book-eases, all tam• factored in the beat manner, expressly for private aales and warranted csuktogueo three days previous to sale. WOLBERT, & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 MUMM' Atratet, oppetite the Custom House, between Fourth and Flab Stneta. SPECIAL SALE OP FURS FOlt LADIES' AND GENTS' ;W . /10.i On Wednesday next, 11th inet., commencing et 10 o'clock precinelyore will sell, by catalogue, for cash, a large 'and valuable tun. algrunent of elegantly made fern for ladies' and gents , wear, eonaletlug of capes, Intones, victorious, peter/nee; muffs, cuffs Sno., l of ell the desirable lora, each as Itiberbe squirrel, alynx sable, ern/be:atone martin, silver martin, French, sable, brown mynx, (Itch, genet, lynx, chinehlUL, The wholewill ba arranged for examination,with cata logues, early on the morning of sale.whin the ladles and gentlemen Of ibis Oily are respenttnily,tneited 16 attend: IN THE - DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY , OP PHILADELPHIA.' WM. H. DOWERS; et al., tonne, &c., es. GIDEON D. HARMER. Pa., June, 1857, No. 649. . !The salter appointed by the Court to distribute the farad arising from a sale under the above writ, of the following teal mitts, els: All that certain meiana,ye, tenement, and lot or piece 'of ground. situate its Gar. mantown cos th e souttiesstwattily side ,of ltittenhouie street, siethe distance of four hundred and seventy feet nine Inches sonthwestwardlj from the eputhweat aide of the main street, Containing In front or breadth on said Rittenhartee street thirty feet, and eltilliding in length or depth that width, between, parallel lines, at right angles therewith, southesstwardly, two hundred feet nice lathe,. (whh the Improvements thereon), will attend to the duties of hie appointment at his oaten. No 142 S. EIGHTH Street, (went side) on THURS DAY, November 19th, 1851, at 4 o'clock P. 51 , when and where all persons are required to present their claims or be debarred horn coming In upon said fitrl.a, noil.lot JOHN D. COLAIIAN, Auditor. , TN- THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OP PIIILADELEEILA COUNTY, Itt the matter of the estate of JESSE 11. TYLIIII, as ,signed for the benefit of creditors. The Auditor, appointed by the Court to audit, Mums:, and settle the account of JOHN H. COLLINS, assignee of JESSE H. TYLER, and to report distribution of the balance in hie hands, will attend to the duties °Chia appointment at hla °See, No 833 WALNUT St., Yhtia dolphin, on MONDAY, November 16th, 1551, at 4S o'clock P. M M. RUSSELL THAY ER, nos-tharri.sl Auilitar. DANK OF PEriNSYLViNIA.24n/LA DIMPIitt, Oct. 28th,1851.' NOTICE.—a. especial tweeting of the Stockholders, of tho " Protident, Dfrecton, and Company of the Dank , Alf Pennsylvania," will be held at the Bunking-house, on the ninth day of November, A. D. 1857, at 12 o'clock, 14.00 determine whethet to accept or reject the pro. visions of the act of Assembly, entitled An act pro viding for the resumption of specie pimiento by the Danko, and for the relief of debtore," approved the lath instant. By order'of the Board of Directors. od9-C.149 J. 1. YENIMORE, Assistant Cashier KENSINGTON BANS.—.1 1 1mu) EzpazA, October T, 185 L—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Dank will be held at the IhtukiAg• hone., on TUESDAY, 2.1 November, 1857, at 12 o'clock Af. ocli•thsatetNS An election foithlrteen Direct Ore to Neff* the coin log year will take place at the Banking-house, on Mon day, the lath day or November, between the hours o El A. M and n P. M. C. T. TUNES, noBthaatutNl6 Cashier. B ANK OF COMMERCE, PEILIDICLPIILL, November 3,1857. The Board of Diredors hare this day declared a divi dend of Time Pea CYST , clear of State tax payable in accordance with the charter, after the 15th inst. no4-3taw2w I. C. DObtNELL. Cashier. SOUTHWARK BANK, I'IIII.IIIELPLIII, - November 3, 1857. The'Board er Direttorn of this Dank' have declared a dividend of Tanen San Easy., 'payable on and after FRIDAY, the 6th Instant. F. P. STEEL, Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, 0 PUILMALrittA, November 3, MT. The Directors hove this day declared a dividend of Tuna Pe a Cssr., payable on demand. not-tlt E. M. LEWIS, Cashier. FANNERS , AND ME cHANIOS , BANK. October 6th, 1857. The annual eltomert for Directors will be held at the Banking lfouse, on MONDAY, the 16th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 0 o'clock .6. M., and 8 o'clock P. AI.; and on TUESDAY, the Zd day of NOTera her next, a General Sleeting of•the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Noose, •st 4 o'clock P. DI., agreea bly to the charter. - co'l•tool6 ' N. M. LEWIS, Cashier. farOMMUMion Merchants. jH. CHASE & CO. iur • , GENERAL ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 48 North 71101iT and 44 WATER. %Street, Pkiluie CIORNTAIMLY CLOVER SEED On consignment from the interior of Panneyleenie, where oar new Cleaning Mill le now in plural use. err- Ahso TIMOTOY AND AND TOP always on irl.24f ILTANDY & BRENNER—OOMNISSMN 51-1. MNB.OPIANTS sad DoiWain Pokelgn and dm. than ITARDWARN and OunsaY, Nos. 23, 25 and 27 North MPH Street, Nast aids abore Commerce street, Philadelphia. ant-tt CHARLES TETR i COMMISSION MER CHANT sod Imports!. of HAVANA SEHABS, (Now) 1198 %hut West. mood rtory• Cal-17 FLOORING BOARDS-28,680 feet Caro uaa gegiging botar li ket fAr t idat tem ' •, UallhothWatorltroot. Mats bp STOOKS AND LOLtts Netitto. Mak Notices Oaks_ by Atu :TAKES A. FREEKAN,--AUOTIoNEgg, IA NO. "WAlMPl'MVlLeffliberrilOcsra.: - C/RD—SALE or uovfm!oLorcursuar—rtnits.: DAT. ID - We beg leave k 3 Inform the public that we hold our regaLer weekly sales of Furniture every Tatelay r at our SPACIOUS SALTS ROOM, NO. 106 WAlet sTABET, where every poseible siltation is given to ob tain the highest prices for the pooh of those rho may favor us with coneiinmente. Familial haring portions of theft %macre to dispose of, or thorn declining boast keeping th e irt wiahLag Wet at their own Sweat/kV, ; can him furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR SALTS ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALM 'BETTER PRICES FOR THdig lIIENITUILE THAN ; THEY OAN OBTAIN FROM ANT OP THE YUKIO •TURE DEALEEI OR ANY °TITHE AUCTION STORE IN TAE CITY. . , 117 P.rion.r.,,,t ag us With eomageonowte coo "" assured that their property win not be laraideed. • gy•• commiulo. more moderate than those charged by soy other Auction Haase in the (kmaitamerote respect:rally soill.tsd.. [Dr; Bales 'pill imiriedis O tely UT the goods aro soh,. BEAL r4TATS BALE, NOVEMB E R nth. . SalisAllinelints— • - Orphans Cobra Balsistate of W. A - . B. Jan_ D•ea. TWO-STORT BRIM HOUSE Mil) TWELTTH A two-story brick hone& and lot a recnom, rest s:de of Tirelftli street, 224 feet snore Colombia *setae, is feet front, and 112 feet deep, to a SI feet Meet, SS grouna rent. Orphans , Cocre Baba—Estate of Citaa. Nrownson, Deed. man " HOUSES AND LOT Of GNOUND, HANAD nun AND rzrna Lira . . A lot of ground with the three housesthareou erected, B. W. corner of Bread street end fatty Lase, 40 feet by 43 feet visa ground rent. - QT via to be paid on *soh of the *bore what the same b ttrack of. Ran,. IMAM SALE—NOT/WEI 19TH. Phis tale.fll include— °,Thane Court atle—Estate of Patrick Oralik,Dee.l- TORRAS HOVtaai AND LOP OP 01017 ND, 1‘021.1 Intoomp - rniri.- Throe threne•stary brick hontee ard lot of promi. emit side of Served street, 175 het north hzto Master street, 20 het frost and 100 hot deep. $OO stolual rent. - - Orptinne Court llele—gune Mac ?ITN HOUSES MID LOP. WASHEVGTON ITTILLET; KENSINGTON. A lot of pound with foot three-story Wet, and one frame house thereon, east side ot 11" street, - 80 feet above Master, 20 fort front aortgreet deep, to Phillip street.: $5O ground rent. Orpheus' Court Bale—Zstate of Androo liedar t y, Deed. TAVNEN STAND, - MONTH SECOND, .ABOTY NAGS. A three-story - Wet tavern dint sad dvllll.l, two , story brick boot ~. Dr4tnd lot of ground, on th.: east side of dense street. N... and Thse 'beets, IT feet front. Sol extending 601 40 feet 4)J lathes, this neirtosieg to 148 lost, and extenite" g the turtles; depth of 19 feet 7 to-net, sinking Is saloofoet ether it all thessibrestoes. • - aims to (17 - 84 to bo IbA es tub of toe Itli;:cs tam . Ss &Wearer ' • • . 10 lINT IN.A tbrts-skey ihiei - Diertler t 'with 1 0 1 9-1 1 tai7 baelt beildlop. I* North Math strut, abors Boat 1100partratm. Apply AMA Azo- Ilea Atm. ♦! PRIVATE SU.I. rat-alaas Printing , 01leo, al tik a pod roa bast- Me, roar printing' pram, tao 114.41 As and am 14.1. Typ• sod arrrythiarsaareasary far the business. Apply of lb* Auto* Mum 310 .iit }?. S NA TgA 21 13, .A.I7CIIC s INEE , II eves e =au sa4 RAU Strasis.. AT PHITATN BAIX—Oold and ail war y.alent leer, Lague. gnsdliah, Brien, wet Yuri Ira .•ed, jeweka, lot every description, sistaicsl instalment., Be, Jae. _ 41' PRITASZ SALF.—Arranged ed swami new household furaltart, of every depot tidy, tads, eat , d tresses, carpeting, looking glum, fumy bided, et., ie he. Out-door salts Wended to porenAll.f by tiol asellios oar. Mann' Tory ton. Conslascrals sif fiewitseet e/otb, tenalu, tae.,Bse, saluted. BATHAWBPRINCIPAL LOAN 07710% " 8. N. Cotner of Sixth and Sere litreata, :Where money wall be loaned on. fold end Wry , bias Watch* Jerilley, Pis ^." , .. 4 .Ck4b.*. Dry Goons, Groceries, Began, gardenia, Bawdily, Bed ding, Romeo, Tabtrlaa r Harners, Stooks. and on all ar ticles of value foiaay length cilium agreed on, nemaro liatlsibotOig nod I s lipereh tonne than at any other eatab ishtualit. _ - 11...NATELLibil, NATHAN'S peal sale oIf,ONPILTND SIOODS WI/ take Awe lan fen days. _Deo notice toil begirt". WEBB% 'great sale of -B?efeited Wetehes, JernatiT, Guns, Pletals, Musical Instrusealte, Ans i orLU take plate Shortly. Doe notice wilt be Akan. .• - pigiarb great sale of Dry Goats Otattiang, Sew,& e., being forfeited collateenla, will taiga pima chartly Dne once will be given. AT ratirATlL &AL% AT GALS Tag tioursi BILLINo mots • L-D,.bie.-bottomed and heating r i .a ,a s i j it old4 i patent lace Were, .of the tone sp : Itun; lever sod Lipbae arateltie s r{atiag ease 41 jerel sa tan eine geld ni namtled 'level. and /aphis, votalier for-IsAses , -, geld unity . of every o B .siPticuti.diree km and 11 9 14, '* tame, In beating cases and open fuel silver &Wish, rie; and hunch watcher; a geared assorteasstal tar- Wrote, beds, mattresses, mirrors. 80. I Oln-DliMila 4134 EIOLICITILD, and obarges to ante the tintes,low- , t PonsiAnnsents * oi ever y des - criptien of 'Cede solloi"ol for politic 01 nilTata die. • . • i blalin A.DYANCBLI on 01/ and tray kind of goads, for public or Frivoe male, or to La held for a uudsed lime. 'enardnalaw., . r = • ' - SAQemugri - AUCTIONEER, ? • said' MONEY LOAN 'I3YIFICE, No. 112 Booth tianD Streit, holoi,..Walnot, opposite, Poor ,el., fight deortholow the Nit h - • ' oMorro et Misname' fro* I e'clooli, 11. If., sett le 'clocko In the frici• Ont-doosholosiiniehalos at She Auction Homo, id talidSdnipon flit mit ettldactory tonic" • • . =0 000. • " Easatithitifir } ' Airy "Tiers'. ' Leilionos /gadabout eea eater to thonsonsi cm Vs OTw teftikidlihion-P10.%, Witches, Jeirohy, liontonro j Nior OlothievParaitere, Adding, Olgarcllunteal Littruineetirlinisoi rla genii% Oorsism- and coach at d,g. !Who: •• • • • poet loon rari s ty air length or thee . avoid All Memel*, flex else haadre4 dollars and upwards be olserged 2 per eat par nandiaf 2600 ea' over, the lowest market rate. , Ms Start Ileastinleilllnaptliof 122 feet, halibuts fro and thlatopsoef vaults to store WI valuables, and pre vets WeLehleeP for thir premblea ; aloe, a heavy base mace Erected for Cie banana of allf parents Varteg pada - - axtrinearispola •• • - !4: 8.-0. -amount' an Lair on itallroltad this ofeee da parparettnarnalo adrarien on more sotto factory add aftomallottattlag - term Shay any other la thls*p. , Roney advanced to the poor, In matt snotnits, vita, out ear alums; • • ' • • - AP'PRIVATE FAX Gold Paint Lever and other Watches, levrehT, and Clothing VIII he sold at redared papa. eel-17 TORN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 323 AUK Street, between Third and Toorth Streets. BALES EMIT EVENING, at I o'clock, Of Boots, Dews, Hardwire, Cutlery, Macho, Jew elry, Hosiery, whip, Trpake , Fancy Goods, Notions, N. E.-.-Ont-docr salsa attended to Ali soode sold et the Auction House peeked. ('!FORGE - 1• P: SMITH, 'AUCTIONEER `AstorN. N. it of BARSION'Ina SOME litmus io • MERIN& BALM SAM RYRRY SATURDAY RVITYRO, At 7) o'oloek, - at the Axaon Store, of Itudwart Ott lery; li oastkeeptnt Aztßiot, OlotAing,N J atchea, an!. ry, :nazi Articles, /to. • aasit an (ttlina. Wart NEW STORE: NEW GOODS. MA.IIXSBN & PiITTE ' 31ASONIC MALL, 713 CILESTIVOT Sl, MAYS SOW OS SAID A Complete sid splendid senortment or WHITE, GOLD BAND, end DECORATED ?BENCH CHINA; BOHE MIAN, CRYSTAL, sr...d COLORED OLASSWARB; BISO, BAHIAN, LAVA; snd TERRA COTTA WARES, besides the gresteat variety or PANOT A RTICLES irDleh will be sal et lover prim than , at Lay similar abare is United States. „ - dads loaned t;:. Pirties on reasonable tams on 27-t7 Sneurance (Eompanim oOMMON WE ALT 31 FIRE 'INSURANCE COMPANY, OP TILE BTATA OP DENNSYLVA- N. W. Corner YOUWTEI sod WALNUT Streets, PhileAelpSta Rabea-lbed Capital, P00,C01). Pald-up Oarpiud.Uoo.ooo. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., Preaidext. THOMAS 8 STEWART, Pies Preet. Fauust. S. Moos, Societwy. 111.1RARD FIRE AN ANCE COMPANY, P MA WALNUT ..tr,t, coat n 'D MARINE INSUR ADEL PTIZA-021ce, No. TUIRD. iNLY TANEN " Jet , . Walkar x Tao. McGinn), Tho. Crcran, A. 8. Gillett, Farman Mews* With M D Jecepli SlaFp, M 7). Wm. M. Swain, John Animr.ch, Jr., R. littcroagtu, J. B. Hughes, • - F. D. Marcum, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, H. A. Shackelford, Hon. JOVE, JOHRS, Prerilent Hon. 0. W. WOODWARD, Vice P:e 7150. B. ItC.Slrttir, Secretary. J>»s D. Avrosin, Asaietant Secretary vo2-aro-if llolUirat FOR SHERIFF ALDERMAN GEORGE 31001111, FOCETIL WIRD . Subject to Dentocrati,l Rules OR SHERIFF —TAVES G. GIBSON, F, Teenty-second Ward, subject to Democratle Rules, to:63m* 1.410 R SHERIFF, RDWARD T. MOTT O TWELFTH WARD BMW/ YO DIM-CR.OIC LULEA tr.lB,9a* Boats anb sbare NO. 443, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MARRED and FIFTH Streets. Gentlemen'a Beat Patent Leather Miner Boots. it t 4 Calf do. do. tg Patent Leather Oxford Tien. Calf do, do. Patent Leather and Calf nartair strap Shoes. Boys , and Youth!' ?Ont. Leather! and Calf Etta asiba iloctA and noes. and-tf Po: sale by 1 ALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —.POSEN( 11. TILOSIPSON & CO.. .11e. 314 MAR KET Street, and Hoe. 9 and 6 PEANIELLN PLACE, hate saw in store a large and well-assorted crack at BOOTS and SHIM, of City and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for sale an the beet term for Cash, or on the usual credit. eJ AVING FUND.-lINITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, earner et THIRD Awl CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small crams received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with /LYE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. GEoc boors, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, on MEDAL' EVENINGS from I until 9 o'clock, DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and ffoottand, from t 1 upwards. Frowideut—STßPlLEN R. CRAWFORD. Train:ter—PLlNY FIBS. Telleb—LAMES B. HIINTIR W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS No. Er South THIRD Street, Piffled°ltbis. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points In the United States and Canada. Steam, Bonds, ke., Bought and Sold on Commission. Unctirrent Bank Notes, Cheeks, he., bought et the lowest viten Deposits rsesinnl and Intanset allAnned, as per ACM meet no► 2.1 m WCHESTER he SCOTT, GENTLE IEN'S PUBSDISHING STORE, Ludo PATENT BiIOULDEN BEADS SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 96 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, 18 particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to owl . vif 11 11 No. ARCU 204 NOR SI TE THIRD STREET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, Ilea for sale THE AMERICAN READER—e. wry boot, designed by its author, A. D. Kaz..3 TARE, for the use of the higher dunes la the Academies and Schools of Auierica.47 the down or single copy. 002-/n1 OXO. W. TATT.,OIi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers