it 4nr --- 7 - -'s o aat - 4 4 lit 'a 4 1 4 " . ;:f al' i o,6 aitbe, .41.. *A. c ,6 ? rivu 96,441 linf T . 'IMI*OVOCO' ,tsetse yeti Ms ram* a ' w?“'' 4 1 1 Aistt*# 4 '; "II*11 ' ' iorbnis k, n3=-Wirirvyt ; 4 -1.",*7 1,- , `'''-','-' , l'of,l o loZ ~ **Mr fiR ~, , , ''';',.' ' • U 114 1 - 4. 310 Y - air:aa sws, 2_ A A,- ,„ I ~ 04'144h Ausogsc*,alothir P .k,, 'r ' ' f 'o 4l . iffigai'VOgiulelf rale %.owitif t ' ' 4", , i , • l ,1;9 4 :111ht ikatklm'essmrlisigd -libatialP 4;:4 <. .A , ' 4 -','‘ V ak/ P tillgthe k lab ek l MlVAS r 4 faa* ' i , „, at ,- "tiPTa lu liaar ik Ka ltr •rli . ,- t -t,t 4 , 1 '2 Gnat irssaususasumea um teas, l '---'- " •,- Wb A ll. r eniglin i s M i s 1 ; 11 ; f ld i a 46 i b . 441d., • i Tbit :440 :411 itr itisnitiNzionws; ",,. t , , t • lieonsotths hors thi reins thitdeeilr im 1 ' '" lll9 rO U SSO r i l Vg o r'ti , J' • tie Ad tine soeittAreirsoloi. ,(i 1 on4tth l kin g tO k sl4.ll riateirrid, ' , -IkillieYreekleve etnindu ea his WA ' 'The Ode or polioo iliolt flourish hattsi 4 i , I tior elrigi,,oritiorio ilitekqr i;ss ,s i , it homvlllls4lintlo SSW We'r e , 1444411/1•11 Wei US • OW K , , , while tordiro oti , - ~, , • ~..„ ~ , ... , -1 , ,An 04t,trtilhilii1 4 111tIlai all ili;ar ' 4 r ivhflsNrinkliatir 444 Wool i • ' ' r i ~ • i '' TWA hialNilai4 4 4‘ istifilits, r i s, 1 I ;.. ,i, 4 , 4 4 partYnge finslilAlsktositt. ' , I Liko olinittonot one pond% ofille. s'• 4 4 .r- I 1 ''' lT4a :i r Qu € 11,61114 0 ' 1 1 :4 1 1101 .. 414pla I i s ;so ; so-V• Nhs4 , o44lotri a !” l4 . " .1 ” 1 +-,"".;.. I i, l; iss ; ; 4" • 's• 14, 0;114; S i " ,- 1 t•r 4 lining• POR rlitZellOraVlllarell.•' • :Lettriags#J l 4 .or*PiEllik y 'l 49 1 0 t'll , ; 116 ht di I 4 004 thlit In reme for the e lis , .-.? that ito sorely beset , mt. { th e OW Or re t. - 'beret/As Iribirrra, iirr'N' ,Ythrt - Pft4iiMri ' 1 The KA* r‘tr 4 :44 - 0154., 1 4a 4 ) laaa "at aa# a , -,d00r... of A eisktpa lot, te,,, , ,Perr , 4ow, Ir i tyinos i -,roitlrtilit 44, d, ' 1 • L. l #o,hir 'Aid dni*ilig %dr CO, t 'l'. AMillifilleigiiet alWetrag to be routed' • with 1 10 ' 11 4 ,0 nd #0 1 . 64 10 8 you 44 ikt i ll.. ' Ytior iillt4 ser 4°14 low - ,borkitefteigi iet l i • 'even (tintensd of devoid& b soalio%or II ' . dreaMeilJAVO *oar starvation irc r great army of ntartyns whose vets ilye upon a th read, It 0 Asbortoslglite4 wild DI , Y 0 ,0401V 1 7744 11 4 011 % ACCIPQMII $ - 1 or . 4 priatice-eltis your bounden/ daty ^ i P ~, ' , hot to beto* hOW 1 :000*:' It " 111 VW ' " a t ) 1 duty to preserve „every Mum inat 0 ' lag in yon 4htnieholdzforethe poor woman% q whose cliiidtonlatheit*istkiltioihstlittit Id, n, 'berth sta * S4 E § fli rittli ..*Vi; ) #l e t l it a It aeheig-- riv.tia luau &sag g •home a sullen and useless thin bT,Sillt re --, ~ ;hul 4,114%4 Lineil 'the - 10 41 1 1 Ib u ir ' le 1, oiti othien 440,01;,,tind yoki* iii 4* Ala • 4 1, r theeo 4ll *Wee ..±, o 11 ever lielviihe imprecating tut luteti,tio,, lt .4t! that- 7 sowing' ealfor 1 44:"I iii -* ur 0 4ra0i At l'l' o 4 a 70 .#.5 1 0 4 41 , /? 4 , fil 0, Mid. 'lt will force gke.c.industry fn woman 0 0 lit thousand new , obeenelWint ,ji# now, It 0%11 1 : '' t 1 # 1 5,,/.l l ta itOn *lli/414 NVlta.lhitn k 1, Munn Iliad*l4od4fukalb. from , t. hundred months axwell, ' APLI ,O 4 urge V+, eV/ <Art Ver t soWirlfo ,Vhoe. ilimadow o a " woman crosses 'yoirlhresheld,lblitt , with Pt - -' Stu° and famine, send her home rejoichig with , IPa bundle'of -towel to loon, or aset hf Shirts ac,' Oita'? aa,flar akiklAlY.4 4 ko When ,a- child 43 costs: you, In the,htreet imggiag, bring her into si`daZWartiVeOrttertitY o Gmaafa °* 1 11 - ,, aodueedieltitOheritith, ' r a night wit: posuppOS Aliir all ;4 N I ~ , 44, *I ' '' kirAtirl, i't i n lorgettorth e ," finlike,. i't otyontse le' , I “ . ..tbn-linelliT ' - lbeilibn)klq42niF 1 i "" t '...411:40',,iii , ; ''' 4 Atut la i loo„ - fie. allt 4 , 1P44*“ 1 1, ditit ' 'karts, “ ROW is all "this to help turhushina, ; Or Put ,400 0 0 3" into pulwr 4tlivolii*ssea, 11.euveli idoitiii I, oll . wpi4rioi VOW/1k hentArld loutd-Sfr, 1 you) Mr in true w hf his, so you , est Ind rit)i a l , r'lltt 4 limo called ' Sifmopn'at o 7' l o -4 4 ,01.:100,1....., • ~„00,4_05,.: L s ilia:, on well r 0149 . ways Of her hOldlol4l6s, tlakt'Olytat, ' 4 •movn in the? - fteld oftlikmusr7l4o`*tVilif 'zflurldgb•prtoed WOO' k`traniiiii*i'zigir,rif, f , trenAtment- , -urr , rflattott <ltlbtitestialtfr does ctillyotte Veadetiftt „Zvi ‘'‘inial,4 l AWthoi rfilaWACting _ .14 re long above:Aid= and . wow" clhtfr4or YOrself the !ft.& of !wads - efi k of Attar Mid sotp. k girlik 4 t)6t ' se r er ' each Weellee WEPentefiSura mee. ' tit " sa• ~ tiered , to, or kuow,the , ri*MiirlqV I Insist atsoltl! that till! #4441y'2 PAIYOI4O*O 1 4 il tie‘W r 41 14 " T'OTIVAVIA 4 '4I /X14i444.084U 1 8 , „ €1 dosentoursee, quatentlotifeeir wirbert a(01 ' tinglWYOur desserbr, pf *Wh o ~e 1 ' satlagi,lt aVia94dr91 , 04 , 4 i;> r he stotud fi nd,,eeluop sn* eo e I.,•than *Otto turskidatflinetilleiMeingo t . , I 4 flukrfroeibiv I: 4o #it oixsA i iPt it i sherry. on't be autamw o , tmlatiffE zoo when you= leave , the liarrottitt airy nothiftg, What wingio,n474 - b% Yonivill .find. Settle your account wi th Ow co - , , faction& and wind karitifitsrat ;ntioti rt have A.0 1091 '08 0 o .! l #oo49 l # *it, * o k , least. " „, . ~_ , , i -., ~ , 'Then yon onnimnrea4 4 :proienmo i , Why should'ut you/Whets ; 8 `''' ' necdtdd l ifilch i444 ol r i 4p —the help a ~..tnetnr4 or cli ry w cans:lvo—to fdrsaktr.the glaataaWLlE ou r" 'selves toe*. t '- 2 If -0 04taitiPP14Wot0a, 4 ' not belnitibefthi " ,Snelill•/Pf f.ooloob-,, , tiLells, ,blit memo* braes** alati *44 1:1 4 , 60 4, 1- ble of the stern realities, smolt lifi; e r I mica:l2li cisiddira'attSinflitiiiiiriw. * ,„ rt 41 1 ISKSO OO S afilWfor the,ermat of, e . , wing--wur call for a bat:F a tv . to mirr P%tha gages ; , a , aaP,St ... A s ,',lolt I ''''S tafo refreshing/Os #.llit lidaktit V/ Amitement In, that them e --e . ,, e timeni , t ' , ' I t .ga t "Al ';, ' '`..;' r ,„ e 1 / 1 4 ,youc .drotp—rm eaveiiiiiik.o l ol ) : ~ ktiveriestiopocolPestWtd_f3ofi4ifonu / "tirt. t ' ,6. ' Yi ll' I : t (1 1 -7.r4 ; 1 4 11° fa 414itnitim0 X4:P Y P S1w"r rAti:ta r ? ' g:104 - 1.; Sets, though they do normske AO WO; like it, “ Oblige* frituld tholsOnnst must bel s ia niar r i 1 itel,` anal fhb 'MIAMI imt ( ***4 6 l . ; _4vOrt math Aar Mulls 'robs, In xi, - cz.tiimmiagyourlolildtesTio4 ; bile74o* 0 - ' netrvith 410 hainialt:;lter,A loll" 01- ~ ter'iTtakb bra a'alf 4 o l o eerier 9t egit.inniii lel goo*: eat double lau.couiturt4 Tha. , l)ld. , ho . . net and furs will not he shamed bylt. 'De 7tt fear idrs. Chose, oireilfoilrair t . Icrit C 110114,1 1 • ,Pgriad bortifectlylnilvtwore she tileiu ledy . from lour criticism/ . ..Why-should lrth it from hers 't A has ,last ~ long-Shea , ibis recippsoshotoky,.this t 00110 own ip iin, oleilndettee; thisinlierobi i 'sub -. 0' ' lecb ..,.tithorleirdiruthfy itudlrietV; , 4intif P lo fts-111 tost i A r t ,t,d• -. ,l e °L-Verg fA,Sit a*, etrikkanito*Vigt% girettiA, if and Iw f iL 44, q , 1 - - e' - iioi4ii v dress for I) ~rtiss i ' l 4'aye aglinni-PIAV4 mini to eob why eltould ere 'beet to stare/ Yuman yam and blond* ~ .withdtit ( 40 eir al/Pc? ' 4.o l :ill u tt; St r ie I*o *trii lait/ta*a NM! gra Ia 41 • .1.1. your., nit atone for the lifittAparklingpf your jewels ; be your rourtisin more be witobinf than your bogies ' " Ite‘can hive no concept r uof be mighty 'emancipation •which 4 lc* determined, lei,sen- Bill in9R qua4leeevelo39 , 4OViergifteYis ' ate.lre" Jim; ,ive within.) 14r nobler and blgbor Illitherf ilse*tehiliWiteht of intellect we will ' avoid when dreg ' M i nus are dia. . 1 oiled 4rftnif6lfierlise• i- *eloin a ) v.te. I ......,,,,,d mi.. , 4 ii ;$ l 4 the ' . 1 • 1 0 0 0 . 44 4 IPt)w,_,g-IniKie 0 .nwilit wit , be abundant reco ihforkw• ' soy sacrificet,ifidx an intitiodlithsount of female' •hordizin, , r . +l': .. ' • v 4 . 4 - 4 , A . 1 arf 'Resolve from thls'oilifikliltO take ..,sorot couacienper a 94 P 00494 ikkonft for Viir . „ guide i- Ow atelhingobeemPkit le litebieo#l , but simply Veep* !t ht 4 o' httla ileete Ind tfaf meanor,ifi iecre4tfoir lolfgfon be your "in law and ei 141 4, an * 0 yoke.of Poishlen; will be all too t, Its bunimfa &hill - lilt kio pouilere•neM *Opt z on eve iptsinskitil4 nerd-: - , - 13'; 0 4,A0Palaaa w° 1 44‘14 4 pdaT inter Own rigarand should.piwce her, itle y, the noble slnarifydf hot nett 6 o. ler itti 4 4 ,2 8 r indembrieNpr . thought . ' on, a 4, lohlty of her davotioit to ISOlublandottueq itereourt should %umbel , the *en and thorned` , Wilda god' has Aka lON 'iatilibirlti spir to on earth i and her oorgyts,t,Aattaahiaalab, they,*lBll go ninities . up Fe Rye e1...8ur ' -1 ,„ , , , . 1 -Ai ,CIDA2) fhttuPtoun Wins, ,i Sto.—An 4in , Vatter in the Country Osattehipt of ,geptinkt , her;ii, itigh r eft intOrinniieli In 'PIMA in the , +production of enetaliegne who t . otn eiddr p I enclose the formula often old Mainithatarer •' *ha 461 45 1; (an 0 10 ./ 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 4 in ihn Mierhin , '2, Dlsiensatory; • br 1: ..Xing, M. 114„1 - r which ban the reputation of being Mgar t° thq, beet rejoin Artielet ' '' ,' '.,,', ,fj,„' ' Tothe of geOd Older A J 109104 i 1 y ; ns•i %Fourth-proof handy,' gallon. n i , Genuine ebernsgto winlepii gallo . /s 1 ” / aS O W-411114,14atet4/o)tizi f , ,r fk , ,I. -Si•fartrate ot potasst, I a Insane ' TheSe axe mixed'together, allowed in stand fore : thrig,titabottlea Whilehutiteuting. ' W 40344 Me cor k s. ESE ill*.,ret . ; ,-• w c evy. Si The li O AI tP;i4i if, ~, Alma- woo I itret velpfers a hara ar anytbd lot 1.-. o.anbailiri tillotild p.11,g opreelti44 , thht is, er 'infs? Ais ~ , -,`.1404 1 .1tit #4 1 / 1 9P, - . ,►• Odfrti, t, Air ,Tittike,gtiofixtilas yei consume 4 , lfiltd4torefo ß d, -aki&c.ome ad in•the• spring la vioraa condliklta.- 1 4 ,:inet!1058 4. itilthils : Wahith 4 V.'ilidttrillit - I k.Whisst.tiriatiite•frottitil SW ktßii**iit, Sir. ~.<4 l °N., * 144 601 41 P1-NIP , M '& l 4 . ...O=CerOtt 1170 1 4410ieltate$00 11 -4W+MibriwießllMa 44•eriFi4014031' P,10.4, , ,, b11:101 d ,),? tippre4 , o4ol4 - 104.44.4fr 7 ill' " t ANg ,„. Sfulait*o4._ e. bmaTtirt. .24 !are pa ,for titefnir,tetton. .- • ittit.l•, : c4 !.t •.!,,, : ..7t Zi.01. , tir .7 .--.0.4 to Vits.vse Anonsto 14** `,....1-1.*27,010-= Siftbittroduat y. et* oi wilt_64.l ', „ : , i f wkoveoollo4. 4 t_ Atililf,,fons;:yefir 4 sit Mr - 4r-tatklP, fil' - i "-,4 l Mr,! l l7 o l 4 ltrar4 l4 g':i:' . '' 3 t'7 . ~; .; ~ . ,i , 4 1.44 ,5 4i04 45 en k it; pc rtt ighwt , ,igoinik Ilk , --„,- . ..1-4h i . -„ 040;.•1010t i ooet t ., c ,Voitt_ .._ , , .404.31_,.!1,1_ coa•mi, 1 -,::„ ~,..,, ~...,,,,-,7 , : - ,-,r,,,--:„: 4;, r , , t ‘ tetV,ii•tii- 1 , 1 ..-,, 1 ,1• ... or..rY ,Amktb....., , A ..,' + .7 0 i , ' 4,, ‘.2 .- . - 4* :'.. %,:licsVa: -0 , -44,- 4 . t` , ..t.d . ,i.: 1 . • ....., t p - mr(ooltittA,. - doiluainowN . N. AND it 08. Leirif AARANGIIILSNT.taeNt. - eitrzwr' ' kiot oxiatirtlev q . - • tine Philadelphia - at r 11) A. M., 2, 3;11•410)1090:4`troosor t.oive7t=i, no, 64.0 4,6; 6, 1,8, LA efirtrWL.lo4l4l64lkA.,264iain, tre nt tieratetatoin ., i , utojo eal,f ti t" ayaalltiset-fititlteu. • ro 81714DLYN e • ' 14 ,/, a ,y i ppkib i gthkbili ALP 10111:4E:i ak P:4. 1 Ulan G , •ry notirli• 6.20 1:01-4,1!..i140 mid: abd on lf. f: "t". , ;"t ( , tC„t • • I , . • T. CIigerNINIXtLX•iii,XOAD. , ' sa4 Leave Philagelehla at 7X obt 1.14, #, M., 2,4, , 6 4 vmsteemateat wit 444 - 414 2661110.10 - min 1. M., X19.110,t4 40 0 0 4 0 snit74ol:olmiPZ . • ; v;••,• rq ON EIINDAYS::-: . • ..I.4ave PbJladelphla. 9- A. N., 2 ;La 6% P. M.. Larva Ohestunt RIII atilA. M. 1240 and 9..%) P. - TOR lIANIZPIROCODONSIIOROOKR97 AND NORRIS: %MOWN, PitUadal t tilis, at Apo it, 71.4.114 2, 4g,'sX, Leave,2lonistown it 7 9 U A. 97 'if And 6.40 P. . . Olt illiiiiiitli, Lean , PhOadelAtt at 94.; M4snd 3 P. M. LIATe No Na St I A - . M. sad 5 P. M. i oileilma maatvitaTartsp. spu , DOWNING. Immo. Philadehddi: st 6 1 1. M., 635 aP./A • " . 1.../ A.: M., sad IL P. , M. f., - ..., 24 ~ 1;'..., ; 2-12rop. JG, Superintendent. '. .., _ , Depot, Minch sod Green etteett:Tsll3slOPliL..s' K:r kw A r ''. 6 ,11,t,4n4 OlCit3tlitertSTllEßT. , Ugot Joilk teolloTot wohotoolkotorlintot or imly.Oxs, eLevu, IIiOARIawiIIIORNING , • GOWNB t 40111n8i , ,TBAY4IXINGi,MANFL 1 4 , XNeralt PA : TVT.T RA5TN1A8,74.44.#0. Arbith told tat Afideraw prim for credit—ioto for cash, ,; The bushiest of out .ect r aItOTHRI: Is wow at. 40104 , 14‘ at ,No,:814-0UitSTMYS West, b 7 31.. JP: :04 OWL • ' I[OIEN2P:4IO.HERrirp, toailsiiiiiimultur 4:v16.1 1 1114 , , Ec wipx• 4.0 4 : 0 4‘• ; f liatvirearzyVvkiraßzrean'org , grqp7H, iolitieioviiitkunt shooks TiAoliiithavooooop t ti lathe tollOidowbiliclo **Or. • Osoio.4.klifir#o.l3ki 0: 6-1641 4 66110 1 %61ty flf/,liej forfottlyt,oottiti. for O. R o t) .00d- Outtor IFrith' Lukerili; & C. Ream W.taNAA. the peat Pese tudeViat'clittor tittrlted*lßtab** - outfir idtb , lmplorrig, 4140Abiliithigooise,**44Ivi73 - 4,AA lattipopiteris 46 Pettus; under Eke fltaiitholatßOfplrßreid6ray. 4 , t 6 t 10.1folpiit lit 0}17141110,0f A0 1 h 1 46 .0 1 14006 , 0111460,''' 4 !110 +6l 4,-211;409, ?Hof for, 1, crrir .I* *o s4: Afos"01-CgitittI DI it; claitorieNT TAILOR Nosh Ital 1111401:41* . nlIrtiET, . 1 10,11 1 4tife0t4 'dtbbll 0 '04 1 2`40 end ` • `, ' • " All tilot e at W Eltablfsh r oloot will' be t o ! 414,14,VAaIlate690tfhfciaAbuOVie r,)Petta waie - era ,tio tt,Anißmotora- . I mAalsi r'., 6 :# 7 , 4 4Xligt ;X.* • 7t:_ippic34•l -.4o4.ivaArtilvlltritB;ll3TlLAN . .GOODS, arskwaonrrim JAL — PLOWS iaIitROUVRE t s, e. • - Ito. 688 (oldWo. 196) XARKST Street, I qottni Aadito 28411140115 treat, totimr4wilas, - Merekattarara iswiti4 to , examin 7 . , -2 akrek aont • •Tir4.1111:01R - ti!PASQ.61,`: 10 - €1 • cfi rtAtTiti ' ' 04. Qticllestanyanpk. Irl, ttE 'PALA& RE StitkAlitis:4o* DAD ,at, thtiorftont: aornaiorl.Tlitilie and .4.44lPiti6iti 84 nb af 'ikoPlitiViLosjr4g Anadyr; Whiskey, 40. tccir; In Oa worl4. ;404111113;,,A119:PPWa'r ovirthiamt OITYLAGER fAfrockt,Nikra.cp,eo .411,7i5t Philan* -t ! ,( piv MoGOVAIPEORESTAiTiIiiini- 8617TR weg4-471r 4:090 44,5fgaitrT.—eithiS ra04.161116f1 'MERCHANTS!,EICTRY4 •,; ArgaTaltuiti-staarr_i f ,“ , '• — •` - " 4 " • • - ••• ,t.ukin; Jaunt, p^.l . • qt.- 7 ,74 Ow. PIinakDILPMA.. . wozhigigt 4 N &-zSONOi Pao:xenon, gormitiorw4,s4tioutilifi.• tiltAß a zu, (`.,S if 11,14 '13.1 11.1.040rA 0.1K4Ap.-.5 v ,14114ti1" Molt: ;„ • — gapi t e i • CL e.os. „ "` ' zoieW 649, !•lilorillikatis;&o4 4114 4 / 1 1si 140 ' mist vein , UN, I 6 Ake snit easstaily nosekelgrisiAree isle low, , CuARLYA TEEN, ALMIT Street, astly SisiOnd, second st4ry, WICIABOODABANtiII 42.1,D ,P4AlLterAli INFARu:,:c t ioro", 10614 of ‘tlielrbisied IniOttiros **brig ,ig 100 illogi_v_dellk .0k 40 irtm raft.* iiiefiirsilleidirM 'lO/ Vi TA; glswl 1113114100 *tot, below Beamd - i n k iyAlamiorgretun i si, - 11 /4P""''"l'littitirtrALl •! RUMP IHON WriaWrittaturrnraumisliOttntifitalti, 00 WI Sabv_Dilll*OrmiElertten Water World. -WAREHOUSE,. 1.113 Nottb.WANDE, Street. . MD'EXEDIIIVE MaLLE;e9rafavented opal to ear Odeitt itIrOHN HALDEMAN, A sat' -' I P11801tAlt" E . 13_ 11.41AIIDWARA CIITLIORN P1D , T00143, No. gle J&A3KZT et. 1101491110,. 1-14 ' .gill %!...! 4 00#04 i'lt, f MOAtaltiTS „.V 41 1 11Atirti114101' Plitalen.4ll 1b litOctwittltarnea ilia Building lotailn , tbe - gOla oC Calptpor , oorati, Yirgialtoda: be , dlrlaled%arnonget" 'lo,lloombseribeatt, on the 7th of December, 1667. hub: aaalyttona only' ten dollar/I down, or Weep dollen! one half dein:, the :atilt on 'de li very et the deed. itslny *aboarlber wilt pt A Blinding Lot or d Yam? natio tk 'sluff:vat slo,tof MAC. MOO Itermta and. lett are ItAlt,tfo Allay to.in4Ntop lettlernialle, aogoient Wombat : 6011aftedoired;the Incketowln'thli Valkehr *lib% eiln commute tor tlretltairitriett to* imbed .r=ude of se lota, pad terms axe, already mid, and a =of settler. callialthel , llappahannoclt Plontot, Oitikid lbw terming and will soon commence a Plitl o pt., Ample eemerlty will, be given ter the faith; Tar deb:mince of entracte end promisee. 14eOly , *pa oLlood, dliforept” puts pf, • 14 uhbiimiikl•di aeldflOttldriCat frornAlttlitO $ 3 9 11 .1 4 F So ". Wad' taaftaarsttiotriat tali tot Shine's 4:ititod.oittitira '6oopers,'', Union; eta., pa) eoth atlp his i ttle,patcto obtatr.intblierribers, , 101 Indttiontente*lll.' ittVia:: &putt tetliet`they , izeinekingl2oo Vtermoulh.,' or faillartioularoi pataarlpttontAlittntlitti at,tlol to - - • E. MAIIDES, 111110 , '/ . 41!.1 touaty,To' JANTETkEDNTNE UNITED STATES • OAVALIII—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, 'to' wlittn3 EM/ibelitieenisoed pith , loped,, and medical stteculanota , 4lkay from $l2 to VT per month. No =miming a wire or cdkild EDI be am:Se& APlai , 'for MOUNTED SERVIOE, at, No . 811 nlr UT street 1404 . Algilthiputkouts. • §.)01-) itO Id IWO) ortisYnld; ' oat o.lta* ,Iteemitlng Oilicer; Afi FE ' ' 'AGENTS, EITHER te; lOU 93d .yeeT popular book, inn dewed, entitled The Crooked -2 4 ml,thl *vac Pour editions elteed, heetriThhitited lit lhhitdirendiddi hiestragland Metes. Agents ere wanted to Ogniase' theldiddle, dentheolf. end Viletetw'iste,wl dome now engage wikeitrozaiktaild Ter ds.T. Address. by letter, Book Adeit,ll,4oeVeet, Doefiat; or call perennially ~,,1 311::..', 1.. i.inkx.fiuti#4:'L, ! IiptICANIFIEPftIet Otilitillon " Mart*, • 4- " , o l4l V tdi ittiict. *4ll6)l,yitAges, in holt k ; 01ft",lndApir, fa,tlo6ho , l4.loaA erie-Mghth fiEN. 2 2 , `RotibEN ro co., *lnd SoutiCtoiirtliitreat. MoC01"; W41, 0 q#4 1 4 11 3 YJNB fir AND LIWORITORIi;, Mai* i3loB4ippt spnwer sts.. bal. Spin:de. ili t z W z gu i l t erfi OcIFTOp. WHISRLY, ri*g_ ~43 1 4 0 1 1 21,4 Pi ) . 111 iAillont 1 t i e d to dit i)bootriro ' st. Joseph's Faro Juice Port 4 Ire. ittg4:z4fi4,iirieciia..„ mit ~,,, vxb riti ,l 4rl p i ,,,„ o,l ~4.....„..r,,..4t,_ e irl' " ;00r74712 . M g g •" 011 ‘-• 44,0 40 3 :, 0 00 st , : bo9, Iff , Vrac. . .., . , _,... /XXiattalt r e AS; WINE 1.1.11) . r .,14-41/0B; W*. a: M g flOrithigalt Corn®e ' !•14+ 1 OPVlltEitzetsto, . t.t.S3VIS; tiOtißT,Elt AND DEAiEIt Vi nr lona Ann% Lriautfus; 0TGA88,'&9,20 1105iiii wan Btrioti Pidiadelphle. , , aIBANDIELPInet, attitilkin & Co., Ma- Coh 4A 4 oAkrartuas at Coulees of vatione qtataitir oso Pellevoisin =o l, "*Olige 4 04 4 d1gki 40 , 11 0 1 4.1 1 0 2 , gamier sioltoti4l6 mai, ill 10 Otuitom me storm importas and for *Op as l • $ in! sow= ic 00., NO.. 22 ; 6 ,4* SP u t• t h,P , Mt) StrOot t VIITELMAR & iBI7TZ, PORTER, 'ALE „Li AND ukora, stn. lIREVARY, No. 520 (new N 0.938) Ptartli TRIED Street, rhileitelphhi.--ablpping orptfi promptly attended grIAS I GAS I ! 'GAS I I I—THE UNDER- Amid 46i1d'emjieetflilfy will the attention of the D ona to at taot theatbey have and are dally reducibg the mite of thiladelphia Gee , from 12.26 per 1000 feet teithe Wet price 0f , 51:60-psr HOG feet, by their'MODEl. sigiallsairOlt, which MU SA per mt.; a deer Of TCA•nti VAllo.2 s ..,,thqraprrvdnoLuglbe mum ' trim gitg6„to poll= feet. ~ • , • • Xe. Oro' ,delltStatids tEd ReitolitM on all the Rriribi. e iluiejetWlbeht buildings In the altf,' churches, 7 , barter, factories', betels; and other public buildlnFe. It also been placed on sO, #1 8 ..rEllt 4 1• 1 1 411 0 olmote,ltuo,drede of oertlilietes , faverof the_ said itetniater'," fine these hieing „tried Is : ddrtifiug the above saving, emu be seentst our 011 - •./ Stels•keeoersond the'ptifseietell ' y are reijuepted to send thett%eaiiii4 /144F14°" from S' timid/144300Q tiV,idat. "(Were through Bloat's' D 4 4Melkrititlr attended to. onteeprleing, weir' reevering `tenn is rdteanted far the ISIODLL Rom 12to so Itinte- oer de 7 ' T. KNIGHT & CO., • - de Smith Milk street " ti it tO,BioniO pel* - 400*A4/0 - 4,Sk. - SIN, to Onto per iolooiter .7.;11:111imaior: tOOoktior,-- • • • • MANOR Jr• ittA4tarditySit 1 031.4 "AlelloottliVAtorsokytt . oke.,—lrmaisiOiLolo,*ltosi;.*, 4406, floorP SEW/N%KAIJAINV,.=-BUNT, shomoVvo l liti ß o i •p 4i nf ill uoA l ltineo7to l it i zr"ith v' pnovEo,B ogniAT , • ;10 - 0,40, so tattittiOtttrigg (Molly purpoo4o: -11froo' Irtmud alast .those'e' ahead'"ktfoitti fa *do 'market; THIS . 0t E" l 'Maglyitl-T 1 4,42 4 9P. 'TAX :ALt, aid ail be Jingo nomiskendltse l o 2 o. 94 " 4 4 ,410 4 Pl Nal% ttgo'nit Itglonk, attatutak 6l6, 1 4 . 1 1 .14bstreseis. abos.skvianto(4tt 0,,(104/Ouniel irlinnalo. ► avalgoWak-s i fiilfo i rf 141 '"'" rrrallonnt;iiiaaant p, rt, wit '00,4 , ma, ) -Intlipi l d, That glyo entire satielnatlen lqterAey, Min' been good for yew, ,aretsaltei to :ff 1 1. 0 4 6, 4 1 ' r9.91#0 2 9 onEAT u N t g r i: %Bowingof every desorlptionesotentsd tho boat Poi ate manner, and on reasonable tango, Samples or Our woes:seat by mall to any part of the thiltedatites; , 022Autbe • ' ' „ VEWING`MACHINES. — GROVER , GO. I E ,lINEIVALLED :AWING MA- Oftnipatii.l retain the noullieuee of :the public, and their popularity increases:. After years of trial it is de muliorAto bayoqil; an , question that , it ,is Pee popular 14schirm, and the only one noon:which any reliance:, dan be Placed to war); well on all kinds of shoes.„ The &ea thatit,dpes one-third more wor,k in‘thelcuue‘time, and d m , it, better; that it le the least 11410, to get out of repair, being simple hi its construction ; thatit ream! sh c h Ni es poise, andthat It le4nlinowleidged 00111 bands that it is hart- for •- new begimmr, haa .given the Pr.:. prietors a demand for It to ouch an extent that they 'giro delay the ailing of orders in many cases for months.' :Over eight hundred sesta this city, and the opus hasp); to ocounwhere a person who yps parcheoetonahas exchanged tiler , another kind. , • taking into -consideration, also, the • faet thatthose who employ from 16 to 40, hands in their shops, doing the leorir• for the manufsaturers,without exeeption, the :this goaChine In Mieferenee to any other kinds andlal wayp viaeomnetan them irupreference to others, It would seem uniteoemori lor,the proprietors to advertise t i ls' e', 010049.1209, or set forth their superiority; p , • Thexadentigned,l3ol,ll AGENTS fortbe sale of t ese ithichhms, always have e; supply, and have made Bach arrangements that . they sell them upon terms that trill meet the wishes °fall—. t • •• $ • Upliko other lifaohlties sold In this market; it is free from ail infrinpments Of other patents..: • ••• , ,•• • • $ BARBS do BIIOTIfER, oc 41,4 f f, 4 . ;.„ .oauveskB4nana,l4lNrc. ' a WIIT G- WA() a I NR13.•0- 4 F4/i.TT'S 1.7 PATENT—Pit/0E87)10151 (112 , T01121. 1 ~ dpho o MOM& 001dPAIITOWI fett.tho most Mil!. derablee compact, land cheap; inachinb , for family as ever offered to the publie,•-serefog equairwell• upon all kinds of &brio, and without puttering the cloth, lolit , • log no bad cord- ofithe Mick-41de of the work, and al ways/astatine the thread when stopped. They Ow from Ivro to twelvoiboodred stitches pas , minute . , utg bat one thread, and without raginding. The stitch n le bo`varlarto;n•' - nrcto UV la thfi4n0h....412y one can Mad tOnpettte,thent hil In ham., - Plinble dim. tioutdoomidny 4 foot. )0,17 - Aidkooy one no me Milo; Tife,ll)ollsk MI to offektile inperloy,Ma. 9 elibleiat the IWO 'law #4l 01 Qtt . iirpi of ;Milted to pay fifteen or twenty, do eta telinis.lo'berroMed 'm imic, thie imiclilne Wei - mad Ueda our ,own patents 10 every patt er and' Infringing aka, or oitint nO4!her, Thine are somilundieds in• Calliil# 108(h tit, , city and ,vicinity, , which, ,eve ,wivici -the:01040 nem. Everr toithlge isioarroifecip/ , Tenatinfootlon. i Ladmsandentlimsen nro,lny), 'Cl'fonalt and ofaraino, Worn a n th r WA', inditittgo or thenall C, ..,, I Samplea of wok*, OA drikpAlige,4,lWdertltiffioji, lint to any part piths Opp tor ...., '•" • • I Anima:hal 118XAS ter belliteet /Amami. and .Fr.1319/TAVVV/IOW Or • a. ' •' t „, I 00'27.-tf I".l,PiCi#Aotits, , , • • filmED MEDAL FIPAND FORTES. • • iuk • • STEINWAY &lONS, MANDFARYIIRERS, AND -88 WALNER' STRERT, Received the following that prise -fan ,tion mir t h 4110 best toannieeturer i a,e(,linston„liew,yotk, 'Philadelphia; and Belthhore. ; TWO FIRST, PRIZE gEpAr.ii at the Metiolielltari Pair, _'Watennikitg Matelii - 1053 t ' , •A GOLD 'MEDAL - at the °Mill Palate; new Yokk, NoVetabinq 1855, (linhetift'onli Gold , glaon for Pianos within the but six yeats:) . „ • 'A-GOLDIitEDAL at the •Ma7latn Institats, Valli." TAY, nturt,Rltizv =RAI, it„Ahe PasOita,lairoXia '}loreasber, - .18.613; Among the Junkes warethollvit'musida talent orthe cteintry, tech as M. Mason, Gottschalk, Wollepiwspa, , and ; many; otkirs. , St: la .11:Rtilhen, Inith land inthout , iron ,A 80301) are ,trivrinto f , years, find waitten mmntep 'giVee‘; Fisholl peel*. and, *kVAL. without ehavii, Prlnsnioolsrate , , , , n027-tt • ALBERT WEBB t; PIA N 0„ F O,R TR ,14ANBAOTORNII; Nee, 156 Weal tireadt4y, New Ydrk~' role' mAni~f turret of the calsdirited Oeisekt Piano.,The subscriber would learns' hie U 11 17101121 frienthi'uo inAtteriera ext his greetly;atilaried Manif***DlNkfivirtidoP e iliOrdir *bind tlie Increase m In demand. for litenbilvidi' FlAdol, and as every piano, .espeohplylonti and`tottehl I Personalty auperintended 'bY the enbaMbirri'lhapnblitl,wilt be trarrahtsal an In:. abriftintlihich; for beauty' s - 1440014' and dutabllll4 power and sweetness or - tone and touch; standsinisor passed. „Nvery.plann floldAt ;the lowest,nutaufsplFers' .prinesi IA didt - , •..,•4*•:14. vl3 31 , p o e; E m 4,4 E COLLEGE. " • - , .: FACULTY ; , • ' Ifsotgrer on Nal4si W. II: C. .0.11.10 E, ',C. Principal, Teacher in di -Da l ee ti ti en W ts' 6l,‘ Teacher in Ufa dot "e i ta r i t ft littiGlo/1 " sit.- '" Ist , , tuber r Jury ep 'qrs. tItTA A. VRIGSI, Tatoller 9E „ Mrs. .1u,g4:1:., DARGIi, leacher of Wiling and Pafating.The" session of Viz:stAtuttort, in the first MONDAY in, October, Aild:11:111,contlrote alai Ind d i hilt iiitattbs: - • ', t , _ TEIMON,PX4.4.IiAit: • - Primary Depaitinent; $ 3O ;Intermediate Department, - $4O ; 'Mega Department; sbo•, •Uotitantel 'ply $ 2 Graduation Pee, ; Maxie Ain Piano or Guitar, $4O; 'No of Inst r u m ent, 1.6 ; Pencilor bfenochroatatlo Dia*, $2 O ; Witti;Cfolor Paliitiii;sBo; l oll reinG.4,4f,o; Branch and‘batin, each, VG. • • • Rees • must !ba settled before•any puDil will be mitered. Board can be obtained in private! familia 'aigl2;6o, perzuouttli includlng.uotehing wood; and. lights: ThfalastUdtioluposseuesteadvantager for, illustration iniqatnial &donee superior to those of 'shy similar One in the Booth. ; There htoot to be fotwd; in any Newels ,goh,oolpuore complete, Choreal:ol4nd Philosophioal fo rmates, end a wore extettelva Cabinet for illustrating all branches of Natdrallnistdry. These means artqiu daily use- - - • All the College buildings ,ore phrgoingvx,epars,, and everything„wal be pads • 0 ; oamtortable artpes sibte.Auburn is as hesithy as there le any neesseity for. It 'Child' riot be, heal We e; ,t4l* - ,t40,p90p1e, agniad sever ditat-alr Tho President nint rtlf.lei4eljniive the entire metro'. of the InititutiOn, ant snylieverioe Eldressed to either of thine, will tenet itilth,proppt attention.. 4 , 1, - 111•,LPOtsdas - wishing-Otor; soils; or oroWittrou may have It done by sending to , Trofinnorl','DAnnY. • irgictridrEMALE BEI4I NARY .—THE 801E00 1 Yoad oonaliting of hro' Tamar, will corn i.meifoe on' the SICOND 'WSDNESDAY bt September, mid close the lut Wedneaday of June Normal' Clam; Troy female Seminary—Tuition fiee. Winter Term coMmeneint September loth:' , The charge for tuition and bond, including ill PO oessarles connected With It, each as room - rent; waithitr, Alai,' eto.,"be 1025' , per annum. 'An additiMuil .-charge ie made for music and, the other ornamental branches' of (eon& jeducation:' 'Where' a' fixed' AUDI I Phirtiritat,' $B5O per, annum (oneabalt , plyableat the commencement of cacti term)' will be reeeived, end for It the pupil entitled to the advantages of the' !natl., Papilla may enter at any'pericel of the term; end Ire required to pay only from the time Of entrance. The Institution furnishes all possible facilities rot. a thorough-courad'of littoral and ornamental %duration.. The Principals are wined by more then twenty Pro• femora and Teachers: ' 1 • 0 , '' " - 11ztattIVe notifies of 'Lecture(' are-annually dal:Wait' . byPeofealbea ontliennitey, 2.taturalPhltoiopby, aeold• Itatenr, datrodomy, and Elocution: Thla Institution le tarnished 4plth a valuable Library and tuttenalvallilloilophleal Apparatus,' a wen-tebitted, cabinet :61'..bilnerabl ;and ' Shelby and 4apti phanta; (Hoban, and Models, ; ; •+:Evfkintsll il . Ity la fordeld for the !hot:o;l46' etude ,the P eAck language, The Breath tesebers ,reelde, In the family } ami adaptheit , system of instrudtien to the use of the language itincinvereation. • • - DIPLOMAS are awarded to young !Ohm who have pseed.tatisfactory exaralantiobe in the lan Mille of RogliatO studies, with 'Latin or tee. of the modern Lamps, OBSTZPlOATEEeto.those''who have com pleted the.partiel Puree,• . • The pupils are received into the family of the Princi pals, in whloh every arrangement le made far their physical education, and the improvement of their men- Asia end merest , They occupy private rooms, two; in each, the rooms of the female, tpachera,and that of an tr erlaticad+ - aerie being, among those df thejeting The adrantagee of this Institution are the result of ,the.neoommedated .facilltlea or more than thirty years of its onward progress, „ - Circular,' containing more particular information May to obtained .by application to the Principle, John ti,. and, Sarah L. Willard, Tray, N. , The terms for day scholars axe $6 per quarterfor the' Introduotory ohm obilngliela studies: Them are Reed ing, Writing,. Spelling, , grammar, Arithmetid, ments of ,Cteograpby,, tiongraphy for 'beginners, , end fleeloine for beginners, s , Por the atoond clam $1 per quarter. This includes ill the branches constituting theastenalvo Puree of fog llidi studies. , , 2, i.: , . . TRUSTEES. • . BBNJAIIIN MARSHALL, President. • ' Joint H. 'WILLARD, Secretary. Mayor and Recorder of Troy, ex.efficio. Benjamin Ererahaß , . • John D. Willard, Robert D.Silliman, TbounasW.Blatehford, Jonas 0. Ileartt, Silas IC, Stow, Jai ;Van fichoonhoren, Jonathan Edwards, Geo. B. Warren,. _ Thomas Clones, , john .Cariserole, , ' 'John Mallory, Gil Gilbert. , • 0e24,4ns IV'KINGSFORD & 'SON'S PURE i(oBWzdo ST'ANCII (far the laundry) has eolith. Gibed 'Wtter celebrity titan has ever been obtained by anY,other.fitexcli. ' . • fittie had been thiikeatilt of its marked siiperierltyth quality, and it. Invariable uniformity. • The publlci niaybolisaured of the oontinuance'Of the atanderknow The prodlictlon !lover 20 tone delly; and the dolma tea extended throughout the - Whole United Stated, and te &reign 'countries. " working thus on 'a very large lade, and nadir a rigid system, they are able to secure a perfect iselformity pa the quality throughout the year. This is the great de,' alders:tam in starch -making, and Is realized now for the And tlaitt: • The eery beat Starch that can be 'made, and no othir, is always wanted ;by oonguniern, end thin will be sup plied to them by the Grocers no imon as their (midi:more hare learned !Welt is the best, and ask for it.—other wise they would be Likely to get that article op which the lamed profit can pored°, , Air. Kingsford has been engaged In the manufacture of Starch continuously for the teat 2T - leers, and during the whole of the period the titer% incite tinder hle super vision has been, beyond any questioa, the haat,pp, the market. For the first 17 years ho had charge of.the works of :Wm. Colgate & Co.,t which period be in- Vented the process of the manufacture of Corn Starch: • L 117' e Ast for ,KINCOVOIP'B,IITAROII,aut the mune Oswego has recentl been taken byanother factory/ • 'lt hi field by all the beet grocers in nearly every pdrt of the country. T. xtrithBYoan k SOWS OSIVROD CORN STAXIII (for puddings, &c.) has obtained an .seual •celebrity with their Starchier the laundry. This article is per fectly-pare) and, is, in, every respect, equet to the best becloud& Arroiriloilt, besioee haring addltlortat lige Vila; render It thrttluetde for the ditsaiirt; , Potaio'ydrelikuu) been . extensively ; Peeked Pold Id Corli,Sultebi d and Ins given Mee' to many as to 'the real Mite of our Corn Stareh. From its groat delicacy and purity, It le . comi ng aloe into - genera use as a diet for infante and invalids ; • N. N. KELLOUra k CO., Agents, 0e2841 • J , f: ; 100 JTOLTON Street„N,,Y ir E. & B..B6IIELL'S 'tir 4 CITY MARBLE WEARS AND STEAM ((ANTAL FAcTOD. AtAlt ttl; ,TAAL,I4, 13 1 L-9....MER OT- TANA( AND TINA STREWTH, „ PHILADELPHIA. , MARDLB MANTELS, TOM E S, xpNUANNTB,,TABLE,TORs , VAMP% etu :be supplied upon rAwasble henna., „ 4,44t4grati . Eitt 1,..43t NO.'-LisTOTIOE TO P.ENN '2II;I:g • ,-A liri. VABlinfil AND BTORIIIHNIIVERS: :-. Tlid) t lleteignbissainalt :prepared; to Intelisuie for cosh( prism Olovix tieteket the new *top, ponaitiapts, ItOtekeepers enddennert, )by Beading ample, to our mgt.% can, itt . Unto, aseettain the pries at which we ere ;buying. • Plotits wishing templet, by whit* to begovinied is t.o gbilthesitileete• theto cent •b' wail, lor vidrueldis ue. - —';3. H , DHABI & CO,' • Fopiliett ' 118 Ps* Mont, oat 4$ won strooti , PItrnAIV 4 001 1 0i1OR AO, iBslti THE' PO . S ' I6r:IPTOONIV.SAIT * P • F+Fli *- colgeo.--To 01.3.•w1th quick despettb,—lreelsts't taken et Seduced ruffs .— The beautiful , NIP .300.101140ZaliMeleen Pendleton, common ski DOW SaWapietiog.her &ding Rape Street wheittOnsa ,o‘hi r . threenfoartheser' sit.loairl , on seeasix her oepeolty AnumgedLetut continuo to f reolya trlight' fOr A raw darts MK nu as ;shove,. shippers wtll „Acme complete • Abeli..emgegetnente without delays end hand In Mile of lading I'olooo4mo. For helatieteri rreight, which :w A* telien at ' :sexplow, retesl•epply en bated. orito ill , • „ Dt3llOP, aittiON3 '&0.1, 00244 ! tt1 , (Lostfrgt)lppllt.!Arbszv l) es, Xritturt,Voix kEV, I P. 47. ORLEANS, —4lLuarantled Ord. Venal ,a(sieleall freight thle dee and to-um:Tow, Freights taken sit as low rates ise any other vessel loading. . -• ;„ The faat.eailing eopperwL packet &In MARS AND ADRIAN); V. Palm Sauter, WOW completing het leed•••• , lug at tine striated:se, having heady alt tifirige en. board, wilt continue to receive what freight offers, and issitai'aboviN mappers) wUI place hurry their Roods Alongside } end Mlle of Ading Oottuting *gni, tot eigna qt. ger ,bahme o rtralght, redaetel rater, ,s.pp 7;011 bowl or to 01811 "/YMON$1...& 00 t c eggti. . 4, 120 (late 0o) Ninth whim., The M. & A. insures et the lowest rates',' and will tltlte Own down the Deleeuw, end,op titta24isstippl. , • The assepee±ling,peoltut will commence toed n; on Men gel neut. Itelm7lFelghts sAt) now Op ongogoit it tow ravel: , , SAVANNAH SIT#3!F4q 01A4 0 1414 14 1 7 RGIA Ingepp4sognenoe of the A:teenaged Mete of trade, the above 'MIA will be witlidrawifor the present. I October ' • '% •'' • P.: , 3. - .112R0N, Jr lEDI7(MI ;gOI7TiIi)iPTON AND EtAirftli.—Thro uragulAientidiamshiPYAN DEDDlLT; Edward Tfiggins,'eninnsatater, SASS *of, will call 'ram New York ler Efatals , Iron ,Dorailuuopton eniptun to gtvre, tillinlhr Now York. Sit y, 00.14 Dit t yliktr• • .•iti Detaiday ' Del. 6Da DOS, 'Price • of Passagi—Vlrst Sable .6104 isloond ISO Specie delivered indiondiniiirst Paria.. Sartrd lit or passage apply to , . D. TORRANCE Agent, No, 6 Bowling Creel:4l ow Yor am I,ettera for and pirope; pre-p a, 25 U egos Ulf pgnee t ibytineloitire of postage stamps If m other oltiel3 VW' he Noll a Ot No. 6 Bowling- 0, New York, up to , oleo pa e,olegoirs s4ll-' GREAT 12DtrOTIEW prtillE l'OEtr , _ X.ll HOPE. ' • • i • • -• , i First Cabin ' ' 480 l Second Cabin 11 , 60 rin.,..' the Arei-view ,Piiddig-lfhefl eteentoidp ,A1)113214' VANPiIIIO , D e Lowry, Commander, and SORTS STAN . , boo took, 'f'. V. ittplivite, to sail from pier it !Math rekror,e4 neon premedir; oveytoi t trio tem STATEII4I4IIB O TIM . S Leave N. York for I Bonrheimipton,Nn. Diemen fai liouthamoton, ' 'lre and Bremen. !Southampton forliewryork, ' Ariel, Betaniey, Oot 91. Wede , doy, Nov;4: N. Batl i ,floe, 81. , Itotpreley,NOv. 28. Wede , dl, Dec. $0 elegra Jolley at HA.YD.N. Spain delivered r iolded • Pliii.. For •kiketie and fredgkit'spilly t o •. To OD,-kkenti /10. 0 491141 Ctrri , 'lir York, 101)R, , LIVERrOOL—SATURDAY, 17th' 12 `o6toboV.—Tlio tptiliet ship NONPAREIti; (14,80 tong) Otptaln Fenix, will sail a: Above. •, , • - Oabl A passec. $BO .. gaz it y0m•mt,.,,,,„.,.,, . ifi ; • itfioimi'vaian AO steerage passeugerg loud with pxo vleldus seeordlng to the American passenger sot.. ; Apply to MllOB. lIIOIIARDBON 4 00. WOE: ENGLAND' ND FRANCE, 1857.4- NeleF6tl4l4. MIT* clomtry•—lie, United' States' atett-eltmmema ATtAGO,' 4,00 dadai David Linea, commander, and FULTON, 2,000 tone, lames A. Wotton, untuninder, will leave New Tort, 'Havre andtenthempton,'fOr the yeire Fen ant 68, Du ILoßellowlbadaya::. ~ ~r ~,, .. way! Env Yon. . .. ' 1 7 ' .1858. Patton, gataniah 422. 42 Atop, Bottudah 110. ; 9 Dalton, do. 1141.• 19 Volta% 40. 'pt. . ¢ Dalton, do.. , Oot. 17 Arsgo, do. /tomb° Atiago;'' do: • -- Nov. 14 Yultoni.. do.' .',dptll; 8 Polton, , , do. ' • boo. 12 /asp, do. , ;Kay ,1 •,, . ; , , , , Fulton, 40. , May 99 , --- 7 - , Lair!' gang. ' int% soirisuirtoi. • 9if . ' 1967. . •. ' • Ado ' %%WNW, Aug. 26 . .040,,'Wodnoodoy, A 05.28 yolton, , do. ,oop 22 Fulto 'do. i spatta Anio, .'oo: . oat. go - draito, .. do. ft. SI foltopj'• do. • • Nov: 17 Dalton ) , do. ' • 01%1 Atairo,..• do. ..Doo, /6 A.rago, . IN . Dpo. • • ~ 1842. / . ihi m4kO i l - rd . . --- tat . . 4 2 ' Pvot' • dli . . '. 1 ie.. h Volta., - do. . Idarth 9 • Palwa, . do. • Ear. 10 logo,;,:; do., 4841 0, Arad .„ do. „ 4PrilLf Balton, ,do.. Mayo' ' ' Valtoo f , , do,. lay 0 Atago, do. :dol Arlo: ' ••, bane 2 INltop, doi ' , Atvala• •• Balton ) do, Jour ''• • :'' '• lip* aritamoi : - . _ .. '''a tat prom Nei* , Harid to AIRIO/11011)i , 9l' Vitro -11 1 0614 q, 4080 ; &mud Ooldn, 84. • r prom Myra flonthazoptofi to Now York -111811 Cabin, 800 hate; 183oondtlabln, 600 from. : -or Foust,. Alp* to) , 4 „ UOKTDIEB L1M1c . ,15,14),17ent, ribqrrik m . _ 80IIttelogti. AllllllB ' ttitP/A)1 • • , ' MANOR 00 ' NEW' TORK. 'AND LIVERPO M 0,4 UD STATZB MAIL OTOLMI79O Chlys inglg Lino - • ATTIO; Capt. Oliver ladridas, • , , The CALTIO:Ospt. Joseph Oonastook. ADOL4fl o l4l 4 i , triown - _Mhos:: ships have be en b y reoa sot, axgrusq krneenrnwat Nerd* ovary oar, has been Wan r 3onstrairien, as also in theirs:whirs, to 40111111 atria Nod speed, and their aodornmsdations for pawners an. led for erne:hi:karst *aro* 7.17; 10 g PoW934,4ll*fff Talk /.. 1 7 0 I to fa l 7 9 00 .1. oa a, 4130 r I. awn 0., 473; from Liverpool to at Cork; h 0 and 911 ohm* /to births asonro pile** kr. Tibil ado of this lino have Improved watiptiffet b •„ dowo,. PltoPo l / 1 5 pun, ClFlATZiltiff• isat xi* Toan.` /40K LITWOOV." Saturday. Jane 1861; Wedassday,Jane9 , ‘ 9831 latarday, Jay ti ^ 188/ Wadnoaday, July '3i 1051 .Saturday, 540 18: • , 1881 Wedues667ails,22.,,lsa Saturday, Avg , 1, DU Wednesday, saw. 3, , 1857. ffdirday; Any 14, .!1867 • Wahrnarnsw;AnglB.• 4851 Saturday, Bept.l2, 11167 Wethumutoy, Opt, 9, 1851 Matifidey, 1861, Wad66lday, 801. SO, ;1851 1166urday, Oat. 15, 1857 Weduesdriy, Oat. 16,.1g51 latendad4 Oat St 18813 Wedneeday, Oat. ga t -1361 Bstazdky, NOT, 7, /W. WOdIPO4#7IIIMR4 'Mg liahuday,lirre. 2t, $ 1861 wedneaday,'l7ov:os •swIT 00m 4 !17, pp 6 , 7. 6, • 18.67, Fochmdkr, Deo,„8: ,1867 weda666v, Dee, Za, 1861 • Vortr6lol , OM apply to „3 , • I /COWARD . pa, No. O. Wall street, N.Y. • Blume, it. oo,Lunorpectu • • 2 WrOlff MN UNNABD CO., ff MAO Frew, B. G. W4IINTRICIIIT CO., Parte. Vhe owners of thou stilt* natl. not b 6 intoonittataiior gold, .trot, bnillop, tpoolhjewelty,pc.fokno atotkrl'On Metell, nntoti bills of tiding c dna I tlntrofot, old tittrant.thetfolg..lofollist thlro.4 ,i) An.l4c AMBER I -_,LIAGBAIt I—.-Tko tfuhooribor "E who has for aeversl yew °coupled the proud*, at Sloth's Planing 241111,±Xenidngton has evraossil COATES STREET , PM/alit, adjoining the Phamix Planing Atilt, oa Delaware avenue, where he Intends keeping a large aaeortment of Osrollue and other door. ' beards, steps; Aim, shelving, 01114, feeoll4: and seuttfold boards, thoroughly owned and will "WWl' Poi sale at the loweet ash prices. ' Purchitsett are sited tp gall end examine fig theraselvea, sad [gm K. fort will e made to glee satisfaction. Orden readied' .smt supplied at the shortest rialtos for ids While and ,sisse of Southern ye low Pius, Timber and Scantling, - • - • • a. MOH. M4GREGOR HOT-AIR FURNAOES drodattge°4"rPf 13 / 4) . , ONOOND Bt*lt: tug18430204i IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT-4 ' VIM OAS 00N813MING•TIMNACIN ,CFULSON'iI NEW CONR YURIMACE, after haying been put to the moat severe teat, during the twe'oo•D Inoue or 1868 AND 1861, has proved to be the most powerful healer in the world, saving froM • g to X the fuel OM any of thd bait furnaces :Marin toe., Tang F 1 7 2 40 118- ,8/ 0 00 1 81 4 11 $141tIth. 8 east iron • ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with Bre-brick or trim etavedf :The Ste pot Is eunnount ed with , . . , I A SPUN OP 00N13, o f TAPERING ItADIATOBO, . large and broad at their base, hut tapering to small aper. bares at the top, andonlHog'With the linular' ahariber t throngh, which , the lord Jilt =Oki PUS to the nee. Ines won' products of combustion in the town of maks and cuss% are suspended directly over the the, oennumoor compressod Into the tapering 0021115 And 00ITINDALV, ISPOBRU to the direct action of , the p ars .Of heat and lightfrom the fire. This heat and light is brought to a room 1 aeon Om, not unlike the__, • 00/4.100T10N , OP THE MVO SAYS, to afocal point through 1111 ordinary Iona; enueler the ,agoer LSD: OAOISItOtgoOOMS intensely heated and tho roughly 0011SOR1Di by this, open:dor:the SUIDSLAND QABSIALTO ewe SQUALLY AYASLABLII tbe PULL IfIRLV , forhgotiag,porpotea,mblls, mD.other Pitrusooo, it Ia OARIIIIID OPP AND WASTID CO 4011 OULYSZY. Alt persona itoeirowi of obtaining the beet ead• tdOBT, ZOONOMIOAL HEATIN G, APYARVITO, should not fall to examine the New (lie LlossuitteB Oona mow's, before parotuudng any other. The 4t. Linton of arehlteoll and builders to particularly 6•0 quested. , ,AP.NOLD & WILSON, • (Seesitaion to 8. A. Itarriaon,) No. 624 WALNUT Street, Opposite Indepeadenoe Ogee; L ' OAL I IP .REIMIT , TI 0 GOEPA-=—T DINNO VA NIA,' BAI N LRO 0 AL , MNT aire now prepared to melee and foiward)1111410llf between Phllsdelphht, Lsonseter, and Dettuubts, at the folloteDtir rates per hundred potuide • , MITWEHN PHILA. AND OOLUMDI3. llretOlasa. Ileoond 01441. ,ThirdOlale. fourth Woo. !acts. d 8 ote. 16 obi. .14 eta. PIW,, . 18 et4r. per beuwei. Pig zeetsl, , 10 eta, 1;40.100 peunde. PHILA. ,AND I.AZIOLSPED. Pint Clase; :44 1 0 014 1 OW. ,Phtrd Ohm. Neer* 01w. 20 eta: 17 eh,. 16 eta. Is etc. Flour 20 rite, pee buret. ' Pig 10 oti. per 100 poundo, pamtoLso OF cLAM. Fresh pleb, Nato in,Hogo, Porto'. and A l. in bOttloo, Poultry in (*Om, Pork (frook,) ,Poulirp (dressed,) Wrapp ng Paper. CLASS. DOM, Boots inn Shoes, Onnar and Wooden Warr, Dry Itlooda X. " • Ha SHO mann* Heathen, ADT/01*Ne 'Clover andn gram kriii4 Y n cactior barrels, Croekery, Paper in boxes, °miles, Pasteboard Ceske or Bina% (mirth) Peaches Aried,) Groceriee, • • Printin g` Pe Hone enfilades, • Paper Legion ;Warring in boxes and kegs, Quitaswirs, • • nerdware, Sweet potatoes, • • Hope, - Tobacco e a lea, ,Iron ' hoop , band, or sheet, Toe, Leather, Liquor lu wood, 12 4 4, • Marble glebe nod Usable Turpentine, 000.9 Monuments, Varnish. . ARTICLES OP en 9UBB. Potatoes, • Turnip', • , Vinegar White eesd, Window Wass, Aloobol, Coffee, llldod;(green,) Lard, oideri do oianno,•(ln iholl) Tobeano, (manufaotrued,) -ARTICLE!' OP gra CLAM, • • • ' Rain; • ' Cotton, L • ' • Solt, • A Uh l L' •• ' TOM* (IN!,) Organ 9! all. Undo, Tin, • ' Haile Ind Spiked, • Tae. Pitah, L L• ' Whlskey i ID- For further 11111:1112111U014 Ilippti U. • E. J. EINIEDICE, Freight Agent, Phila. • . E. BOIOE, Fr•lght Agent, Ordszabla. I Cult] W. MIMEO; freight Agent TAROddlo• LeLooRINCUBOARDf.4--28,580fetit, , IiWW fidoris4 boar,* 1 • . , TAN io rt lo ilt_ ,_. 4sLis tr.! A OTEL AND" SWUM RANGES '—, st l i tar!, l . l l lMa itleAcr; Pa MOD KEYSTONE STATE. tumbir. Sn,riu Molasses, Melons ====n= trlfijnEgi' NAt btrot, NINTH sad WlLD:ay.—Ad dpring Umtata! , num Lolif,' Hazleton Lehigh. Alio, hat Umtata! Coa,t, far Asia. Tenna cosh, 1 001.23./Mir 10 0 00A pfL • Is, :44.. TON.—Birktus AA4 cannuters are Invited to examine our 000 0 4 11 0.1014 LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK RP If COAL , ' Oar Ova L soleeted expressly for femlly, axe( belni madly Jeremiad, we will warrant It fiee ttelttshile and duet.. 4 £ We sill. 2240 1be.,1 , Now t . 44 2f9 Mr!' t14414/ retaildealere, at ,1 25 coati i le - oppecton Also, on liruxl's hilt anypfy of 4, BROAD TOP BITO 00AL'I.for Eiteson - pneratioz , Blicksbalthing, akri ulAs-mill purparso. ”This Coal - cannot be ex oallecLi Yards , , BROAD and io 2240 LBS. IS A TON; iset•Sut) , MOUTON &00 ( - 1 OA L COAL 1 COAL I—TAGIOART'o OxpiatiTED POING MOUNTAIIif ,LEHIOIC 11; OARTORIORRICNWOIiii TAifit i QUAIJOAt (IAOO , OI ONYDAIVO PING soutryb ZZ 44AN'AA.I4T4 MEREDITH • • Save for gale, and are oort.tantly mete* front above oelebratac %%mu 00A1. OF ' AIL SIZES. - There la no Ooal naiad anywhere, equal la quality • Otaaa, and a trial will convincer any one or their great superlorq. Our 0441 Is very carefully anniened at our yank, tad we wall wiitraht Wporfeetly Ire* from slaty, dual and all impurities. Our PftIOES areas LOW so tho TRIM IrOWIST. . • Orders left at our °Mee, No. DI /301:PlH NBONT god, above WelarA, Orders test at our Yard, OALLOWHILL baioli BROAD 'treat: Orders left at our Wharf, WATER Street, above on- LOWZIILL—or lent to either 'plane per Despatch Post, will MOTS prompt attention. Purchasers for Paola,' use will do well to tall and ez• unIAS ourloaf before pnreheidog elsewhere. aut-ti WIEWYLICILL AND LEILIGII : COAL.-- 1 N. 71 NU dally receiving, it my yard, the bent quality o. SOLILTYLNILL AND LIMON , 00AL. anatomic", and edkothera who:lvey favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will he astiatactory to them, O' No inferior 0910 kept at this entabilehment to, agar at LOW PkiolB. ALEXANDDR CONVICRY, aci•tf, N. N. penult. of Broad and Cherry gte. jzaIen OOIIITYLICILL 0049-Lq—, PORTO. CO. • , 00AL DEALBRiI, No, ,Pitrktel tltreet, 00T0 ,Elghtti, keep aattatantly on hand at MO *au brit Te,ll,stipply of Lehigh 0/.0 itelptglgtO . „ „ , „ ea l-6m Ltrit' tgu i GOAL—MONTWOMBItt WALT, hayluil aoeneeted' the 'oOirwiti4 she' Lumbee,beelneu, later= their Needs that that. hive butte eatittede lot aupply the' beet eittaNtoW et /A R IA ido l fkluzikin awl an now " , 1 . 24 f VA ant* ablere; VweltiVesid' Male stiaatt UZI • Dial be lett rah hie, 8. KII,PATRIOK, No. 18 YIYT tieit.ter'llitt Vt. Wit. aaraor PlNElommt,ineviu. aub INOMESTEAD FOR $2,001 'LAND DlS klripstinCti ! puerto*, IVA POO4 MIN t t Mot Nottislisstosu Mutual LAO_ gltuellt Asssoistiow IMII snake a grand distiilmtiosi Sil' POMO worth bf real, "140.194 VISa to its mato - nem The number of, mem. bin touraltea to 15,000. S2.OQ , and Ore letter stamps per orembershig, or a ,shara: ' Any Individual' sanding SW sod' the stampa; Will bg 'entitled to slit shares; or aski papaw seodlng SlO with alx ames, with tbsasdpbss of each, carefully written, shall ho enAlthsl tools sham. The following is the roll aatata to ba Until/Med i No. 1. ' AsWwwrad firm of, 80 Maras In ' Cooke , Co, Itfluois, slued at „ 80,000 No. 9. An Improved farm of IN sores in WNW.. sides 00,, Illinois, valued at , ' COO No: 8. An improiN farm of 180 Karat lo 7iohita: . • Ades Co., Illinois, valued At ' ' ~ 8,000 No', 4. Aoesoelleut'prWaterestqatosa la Dolioque ? lowa, yaliod at ~ A ' ;V" No. G. 'IN saws Superior him land in 000s&v0., - Val , gaiii_valned at ' 2,000 lb. 0.• 100 acres well One timbered in Waupaim, - ' 064 Wis li pzli, valued at ' , 2,000 No. 7. A lot and cottage realdenee In Ohl. ' 1 oago, I Rohl; valued, at , aso No. 8. 150 We. sopdribr land la Whltealdai gq., Illinois valued It . , 1.000 No. 9,, 110 sores g 904 JAN lit 0,G4990 7 0 . 00., ~„,., ' - Wisootunq, Viitso 41 • 7'" Na. 19. 1W 4NO good lad In Ohlppmway Co., Wiseman', tnlood at 'BO Noll. 'l6O ' nom good land la Chippewa). Co., ~_ Wisoonalo , valued at , , ~... 000 NO. ifi, 100 sores good land In Donn Co., whi m/on, valuest at . 800 No.lB. 80 Wes good land In Marshall Co., lona, , valued at., „ 600 No; lA. 80 scree good land in Marshall Clo., lowa, VAlti at' • goo ad Ga gabs good lad In M 41441109.0 /ow., 74liedt , 800 No, 1. ;ores good laud In Marshall 00,, fowa, ~ Talgod at 800 810114. '4O sores good landinldonoO.,lo'wa, val. nod at,, , „ . 800 I No. 18: 40 sores good land In Lino Co l iows, vat. , 1 . ttoo at 800 NO.10: • 40 Oros good laud In Linn Clo,, rows, val. ' tied at 800 No. O. One building lot In Nubnitio, lowa, via ;led it 800 No.III. .Ctoo bu 11414 lot In Sterling, IllinoiS, valuated , , . 800 No. 22. On 6 building lot la Sterling, Illluola, vated'st .. No 2 8. 500 One building• lot in Sterling, Illinois, _, *tined ot No. 24. 40 'cared fare land to °rant Po., Wiscon. ls. valued at , .4Q. $4 • 40 WM 44/02 1442 in Plant Co., Wiscon. sin, valued at , No. 20. 00 sores land In Grant 00., Wlmionda, _ , valued M , 300 No.2Y.' 40 acres land In Grant Co., Wisconsin, sal 49 at 240 v 0.24. 0 sane led in Crawford Co., Wisconsin, valued at ..- , . • . 200 No". Mi. ' 40 'area land In Cranford Co., Winona% valqad „ , 'WO No. it 4 0 acres land 2:Crawford 00., ' Wisconsin, valoed ,it . 200 Nom. 40 sores' land to Monroe Co.,,Wisoonsin, valued at , .200 Pio. 22. el sorsa land in Monroe 00., Wisconsin, valued at ;6° No. 03. 440 sone bid in Jackson Clo., Wlseonaln, IL •40 0 4 0 . _ . . _ , 200 NO, 84. 40,soise ha in Juana Co., Wisoonclu, yid lied at 200 &5. .40 awes lend In Sul Az, oo.,Wleocteelo # '4O el • 160 No. 88 mita land In Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued at , N 0.117. 40 sores land lit Bad Axe Co., %wade, 180 valued at 160 No.'llB. One lot in lotted, Illinois, valued at • 180 No. 80. , One lot in Walton, Illinois, valued at 100 0.40. One lot in Fulton, Wino% valued at 100 The distribution will be conducted fairly and honor ably. , The name& and *Aims of stochtiolders shall be written on as many small cards as they have shams, and thewholeplaoed in a box, and tholtrat name taken oat shall be entitled to the improved farm No. lin the above list, and the next k en out will be entitled to No. Land eo on until the im items of real estate are all distributed. Then to. each et therereeluirts_l4,ooo atoOklualdera will be sent' a• cheap map of a western otitis or Benitery 4 full &coolant the distribution viii be forwarded In a printed circular, to each member of the Association, with the names and 'Urea' of such aS may fecolfe the reel estata—to whom also the deeds pill be sant and inunedlats posaeulon given. Atch ap plication must ha aceompanted With $2.00 and live letter /tamps. Addreen t LIND,ELL JONES & 00.# • • un-13 Mono; Illinois. Ft WOE FARM LANDIS roff. :AL E , NU' THRILLINODWENTRAL RAILROAD ORNPANY IS pew prepared to sell about 1,100,000 acres of choice Terming lands, In tracts of '4O acres and upwards, on long credits. and at low rates of interest, These lands were granted by the Government to aid In the construction of this Road, and ars among the richest and moat fertile in the world. They extend shun North-Zart and North-West, through the middle of the State to the extreme Bonth, and Include every misty of olisnate and productions found between those 'parallel of latitude. The Northern portioai Is chiefly prairie, nterspersed With doe groves and In the middle and Sou kern sectional timber predominate; alternating with beautiful prairies and or:onions The climate is more healthy, mild and equable, than any other part of the country—the air is pure and bra- Slug, Valle lltkig AMMO and springs of excellent water abound. , Bilatnlitone Rost is extenelvely mined and expellee a Wrap and desirable fuel, being , furn ished, at many points at VI to NI, per ton—god 'woad can be had et the same rate per colt Bending Stone 'of agaellent qualit also abounds, which can be procured for little more t hen the expanse of transportation. The great fertility of these lands, which are a black riot; mould, from two to Ire feet deep, and gently roll lug; their contiguity to this road, by which every bpi ilty is furnished. for travel and transportation to the 'principal markets North, South, Nest, West, And the 1100130nly WO which they can be Cultivated, render , thorn the most cianable investment that can be found, go present the most, favorable opportunity for p, 'sow of industrious habits and small means to acquire a com fortable independence in a few years. Obit:arils now the greatest grain market lathe world; au the faultily and economy with which the products of theialande can be transported to that market, make them • mueli more profitable, et the pries' aSiked, then those more remote at goverbment rates, as the addi Nona cost of transportation la a perpetual tax on the latter, which must be borne by the producer, in the re duced plea he receives foe his grain, aco. Thetitle is perfect--and when the lull payments are made, deeds are executed by the trustees appointed by the State, and in whom the title is vested, to the put chaser; which convey to them absolute titles In fee slot, pie, free and clear of emery inattmbriume, lien or mort prieea are from $8 to ISO : Interest only 8 par et. Twenty per .t. will be deducted from the price for Cash, These who purchase on long credit, give notes payable ' ttro, three, four, five and adz years after date, and are required to improve one-tenth annually for five yeare, sd,as to have one-half the land under celtivation at the szlof that time. e*Pottlit surveyors will aocompany these who wish Natelne these Ulu% free of Wage, end aid them in making aeleetioup. Tho lAwdal xertudolng avoid ate ea deb and valuable NI these 'ail* have been disposed of. SZOTIONAL MARS . , WUI be vent to any one who will enclose fifty cents in poetess stamps, and booke or pamphlets containing no morons Instances of atmossfal farming, signed by re apeeteble and well known farmers living In the neigh /maimed of the Railroad Lands, throughout the Stets-- also the cost of fencing, price of cattle, expense of her- vesting, threshing, etc.,—or soy. ether Inform/Won— Will be cheerfully given on application, either personally or by letter, in linglish, Prenelq.or Gorman, addressed to JOHN ILSON. Land Commissioner of the Illinois .Clentral W R. B. Co. Obloe in /allude Central Ref/read Depot, Chicago, ll linois. T',A,'NDsl L ANDS) f=-.1 OrFER FOR 1.4 axle the following valuable LANDS in 801:ITU , WESTERN .GEORGIA. All persona are hereby un- . Coned spinet treepuelng upon any of them. Ootober, T. It. BLOOM, bison; Oft. DOOMIZEIT COUNTY. Lit District—Noe. 60, 96, 97. 111111 COUNTY. 714 Dletriot—No,. 888. 9th do—Noe. 18,828, 820, 388, 309, 078, 379, 380, 410, 996, 408. 10th platelet—Nos. 46, 46, 97. WORIII COUNTY. 7th District—Nos. 124, 626. 16th do 11,,12, 66. 1811). 'do it 26, 27, 3S, 289. 000NTY. /At Diltrict—Nos. 136,169,169, 190. 18th do • 4,181 141 h do 113, 144. so) 11th District—No. 01, soirraß mom. THERELL 000/117 11th District—Nos. 128, 260. 12th do 1.08, 201. RiNDOLPLI comitt st 6 Dletrlot,-No. 144. 12th Di.tilet_No.. 7a7ll , 001117 T. 224 2,4 i, 257 i 847 876, 816, 4 98 .;, 13th do 0, 18, 19, 28, 80, 78, 891, 892, 394. MOAT OR pooetT, 14th District—Nop. 790. 27th do 190, 246, hoots 9029 r. 1;t , 1241rict-1144, 7, 299 211„212.218 914, 211, 272, 223, - 224, 224, 220, 297, i 22. 2d do 4' 161, 411. , 7th do ti 211, ' 9th , /10 s SPUBTOIS COUNTT 4th xb4ABM COMITi oth TAILOR comerr., , • 18th Distrlot,Noti. 88. 8491 `4 5 , , et , Is 64. .8828.81 CONGRESS 115,NGB.—SOLD BY CHAD INIOK h no:, N 0.202 N. ILFO.TiD Strad: ' A :AM 'BLACK—ENEMA.' 0, DIE ping inn Embossed Ydatiog, IDavellops ind x , 414 ltn n oetney, etnewbetry Street , between aid OW, Mk*ft sad Uheitent stroot t iplus, Ps. aullgr SAVING 1 2 11N1Y—Frpt OENT.IDT: Taltion—StATIONAG ILLESTT TRUST 00M. PANY.—WALNUT STRUT SOP Tll-WEST 0 0 ENNli • 07 THIRD, PaiLkunpuh, Digo/00w= DT nil SION 07 butlisnvorS. Money Is received in any /nun, hop of coach, and In terest paid twin the day of deposit t the day of With drawal. The office is open every day fr ont 9 o'sloak In the man' lo 4 till 7 o'clock In lice evening, sad on Monday and Tkuseday evenings till 9 o'clock. ON. HICNBY L. B&NNBE, Preddent, giOlikaT 112,1 1 / 1 11M11, 'aloe Pvialdalla• WK. T. /7E4 900retary. Dllllo2'ol/11 • Ron. Henry L. Benner, C. Landreth Muni, Edivard,L. Carter, • P. Carroll Browder,. Robert Selfridge, I ; Joseph B. Barry, • Bawl. S. Ashton, , • • Hour: L. Manta's', Jame, B. Smith, . Brands Lae. • This Company confines Ito business entirely to,the nearing or money ,on Interest. The Investments, amounting to over ONE MILLION AND A HALF OP DOLLARS, are made conformity with the PreTielAme er the Chester, in REAL ESTATZ, IfORTGAORS, GROUND WITH, and such first clue securities as Will always in sureparfait security to the depositors and which can. not fall to give peratasenoy sue stability to thLs Usti. Wien. QIIC PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Carob; of 17,Tify,Tu ikod WALNUT Streets. Open dolly, from 9 to 8, and on 24'41141 end Pride y Evenings, until 8 o'clock. WO Or AMU razor received end paid with out notice, with Jrzyw i ?za wgzir o IVERIBBT ) by a °hook otherAlte. 7011 R TN N, Pres t. WON rasemma, 54103. T. TABIC2B,, BDWIN Y . L8WI8• 8110111,S111 AND IMAM;Mtn, WY. T. iraular. - rraerne , TS* . 0. , , D.'o, Wry, Males A: Ifiskey Israel W. koisii, Wm. Neal, Thos. Neilson; Thomas &Bawl, M. D 'James Russell,' Thos. P. Sparhassk, • Oscar Thompson, Peter Willismion, Issas 8. Waterman, Charles T. Yaks.. Join B. Austin, John B. Addlake, &lemon Alter, M. W. Baldwin, William Olark, Ephrearn Olark, Jr., Charles H. Ousters, Robert Olark, A. J. Drexel, Oharlea Dull% Wm. 8., roster, Benjamin Gerherd, John Jordan, Jr., Leiria Lewis, Jr., NO. 88 (241) 11001 E, STREET. Flyß FED gENT, BUTS liLiVFNOD FUND. flgO. 88 (241) DOCK. STREET.-- Fl*2 : 4 . ~PP. (INT • BT4TE DAYDIGO YUW . o. 88, (24}) Rom STREET, ;7 . TM lan WENT ; MTN Di r FANDD "DNB. , NO.. 88 `(241) DOCK ST}itET, FITE FRR WENT ~STATE SAVINGS FUND. 'aumy iiilax4intrg anti Iron. vacua. v. mama:: • • J. ‘AI/011k11 Itzvaioz WILLIAM M. WlllllOl. OUTRIVARK, FOUNDRY, it/IV - AND WiNIINGTON STURM ' -irsistintaque..' PaRRION. & SONS, ' IIKOLHIBRB . WID„HAOHINIBTS, manufaiture High and Low Prsasara Wsam WWI; Sot Land Itiver;ind Harbin sertlen, Holism Wattmeters, Tanks, 'TM Deady &a.> 01 }et• lugs of all kinds, either Ilia or Holm. ' • Iron trims roofs fro elaWorka, Worishops, Railroad Stations, 4.3, Belerta GU ihohltary of the latest and moat Wpowstal oonstruotion. , - Mom deseription' of Plantation rimomnery, snob as Sam, Bari and Orlat Mills, Tanta Pam, Open iltaam Trains, Defseators„Fillern, 'Pumping Ihminee, Bole Agents for H: Billiam'a Patent Bugar Bolling Apparatus,. Naanyth'a, Patent Olean, Hammer, J.: P. Boas' Patina Vain Notiod Blast Haoldnery and Steam Pampa, - - n. ' RAMO& • sag y .8. lONXIID NORRIS;& SON, LOOONO- T;YX_,. ENGINE BUILDERS, airWessarm sraxigr, RAMMTON, peuivnew AID SPRING GARDEN NTENITN, , EILILADRUPLIA.. egolutrely to the inelefutere of ' MQTIVE STEAM 'ENGINES. lifeuntaature to Order LoCometliea of any arrange 'mantierelghbor oapaelty ; for the meet Wood or Coke, or Bstun isous Coal ix fis crude , rhea, er • ' • • ANTRIMITI COAL, ' MITEOVE•AKITIOIG BROXII, OAS OR MI. • Ia des* meterlal and workmanship, the Looomo- Urea prodalial at them,Works are equal to, andnot ex celled by any. The materiels used in eimetruotion are made on the spot, andl Ware the beet quality and moat reliable stook. The laxiir extent of Shope, and Comr ifro'Eoeipmenr Xeciffnary mod • Tools, enable Wereto'irammte the' EST OP WOILX.WITH GREAT- DESPATCH, • OP 4XY ASSIMIGEMZN2 CHILLED OAR WUMELE, WA mmERED ASLIB, With Yoreagi of any size or Tom, IRON AND BUBB CASTINGS, And MACRAME ITO,lllf. generally. Warn EORIIII. away LATIMER ROAM. „„ , • ENN MAN RITGIITE AlfD: DER WORKS. REANEY; NEAFTE "C 0.," PR&OTICAL AND 'TIII,ORKTIOAD • MIOITINISTB DOILDII-KAKERP, 81,,k0K. • fibrITIKB AND -POUNDIRB. • Having P3r malty years been In *deemed operation, and been exclusively togged in building and repairing, /Woe WI Plver Dogittee, high and mow pressure, Iron Polite, Warlocks, Propellers, Ito:, &o. teepee:Day offer thele serviees to the poll% as beinaliyprepared to eminent fob Engines of all sites, Ma ins, River, and Iltationory., Raving sets of Patten:4 of &thereat sites, go prepared to execute order" with quick, despsfelf. Every description, of latterncusking made at. the shortest notice. High and. Low Presents, Pine, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, of the beet Pennsylvania cher etll Imo. limning' of all shoe and kinds; Iron and Preis Castings of ell descriptions; Roll Turning, EkTew Cbusiness.utting, and all other work connected with, the skews Drawings end gTeedgicatlems for ill work done at Uttar establlshmentlree of *huge, sad work guaranteed. 1 The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of Wats, where they can ley in perfect sahib and are provided with shears, 'Week', tells, ko., dm, for raising heavy pr light weights. THOMAS KRANIY, lAOOD G. DRAM. ' """'" 'POKY?: rarirr; and PALMER Streets, Kensington. . • iul-y DIA HANDY & MORRIS 11ANTIPAOTWOOIS OP 00.MBEEt4ND WROUGHT IRON TUBES lON (MM E FLUX Olt WATigt. Auto, • t GiENRIAL IRON COMMISSION Aumoari warshousios..3l. torper YRONT WALNUT. ' , ' triebicinea. - .OLD!" GENINNIS PREPARA .....tittoN,Nalrea Machu, for ail MINIM of the Mid der,-Eldneys, Omni, Dropsy, N6II4XIS and Debilltatad Bufferers. UELMBOLD's' GENUINE PREPARA- A.& TION, Extract Itnehtt, removes aUtlte arniptons, ainont whlefileill be' found "Indlitian to exertion Loss of Power, Loge of MomOry, DMeulty of Breathing: Oeneral Weakseu, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night, litrests'i Cold Root, Wakefulness, Dimr.eas of Vlaion Languor, Universal Lasaltade of the Muscular System often enor mous Appetite or Dyspe Bymptoms, 'Hot Hands Pleating. of the .Body, ass of the - Skin, Pallid Countenance, BrupUonts on theNZ", Pains In the Back, Resole ess of the Lys Lids, frequently Black Spats flying before the Byes, with temporary fheßision,Loas of Sight. 'lf these symptom' are allowed to goon, which this me- Moine Invariably rennrree, man follow Fatuity and 41- leptic Plla. IF YOU ARI SUFFERING WITRAiIY' of the sboro - Miamians ailments, Imo HELM BOLD'S PREPAILI.TX9NB. Try them, and be awnr Wed 41 oftlony. , HELMBOLD ,!0 GENUINE PREPARA RATION, Ritmet Briars, NIT° health and vigor to the frame, ApQ Alcoa' to the pallid ohm& I" And ire eo pleasant In their taste, that patients bo som, fond'of them.. I_IIELIIEOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA ii TION Extract Hoehn-80e overwhelming eviden ces which will be produced to show Chet they do great good Id all who honor them with a trial. lithium open for the Inspection of all. LIELMBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA -1.1 TION, Bitted lbactith—Price *1 -per Bottle, de 'tinged to any address. Depot, 62 South TENTH street, Amiably Building, below ORIBTNIIT Mired, Philadel phia. Addreek lettere, H. T. HSI.3IIIOLO, 62 Booth TENTH street, telow CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. , Bald by Drtiggieta aunt DeMeri army/here. Beware of Counterfeits. sul-SmO MARORANT's ORTSTALOGRAPIIB, OR PHOTOGRAPHIC hfINIATIIR.RB IN OIL, • • N. R. corner of EIOHTH and LOCUST. The above pictures differ essentially from anything ever before offered to 'the public. Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and emits.* of detail ;homes., of neoessity, the greateet fidelity of recemblacca ;_arhile the severity of the or deal to whiehilmj are imp:media manipulation equally settles the question of their personae., Thee° fsets enable the subscriber to* offs% them; with the vested satiefeation and eonddeuee, to the piffle and to Ms friends.... • - • • • '''''' They eve mewed by. letteet and can be had ONLY . of R. D. MARCHANT. Dr Portraits of the cabinet, and life 'lie on onus as heretofore.- . • ' • se IT-Sot PUBLIC LAMPS.—THE PUBLIC IS respectfully Informed that Omeee have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citl sans are requested So giro Information respect ing accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure in lighting or extingulahLug them at the proper time; or If not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by ./oseph Bally, No. 808 Wharton st., Whit Ward_ ( OharlesCarty, No. 18 South Seventh atreet, Ninth Waal; Hiram Q. Hirk, No. 1438 Hutchinson 'street, 'twentiethWard; W. Deahong No. 22211 Coates fleet, Fifteenth Ward; ThomY. Bowiby, Gas OMce , Twenty-Fourth Ward (West Philadelphim) M. li. WPadden, Chu Office, Twenty- Second Ward Germantown;) Wm. N. Market, use QBlO6 Tweet Germantown;)-Third Ward (Preptford,) ' and at . the ORM Bice, In ecerith street, below Market. By outer of the Trustees of the Philadelphia ass Works., A. J. HITE, oel-dm Superintendent of Distribution. DBILADELPHIA TYPE - FOUNDRY-- A N. W. Oor. 011/03NUT Pte. , L PlitOlnli & BON, th'ankful for the 'liberal pa. Wrist* heretofore acoented try their Establishment, end desirous to merit Its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publisher* that their new OPEO/MPA 1100 K Is now retdy„and from' their litcreued fecilttii a,, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary In a complete Printing Eitallishment, at the ellortest no. tire: Their tong practical experience la the tinniness, and the fact of their personal superintendenee of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they tan furnish • inure durable and better fin ished *tibia than their ooteniperr,dies. Thome, therefore who desire Printing listeriels, would do well to ap ply to them prerietts to purehauieg eimewhere. Old type taken at 9 itentwintr . limand t In exchange for new at specimen Meet: ent-tt CHEAP, S:lnttt.s4'l l l7.EL.—GAS COKE, of oaceileut t allty, is sold little PHILADELPHIA OAS WOBREI for • redwood price of tire cent's% bushel, and mkt 140btithied Di large or small quantity by sp. i dyl l at the Gas Office, No. 20 Booth SEVENTH To' iureaLiers by Wbobsesia, It IA sold at the Works, In lint Ward, by.the ton, at a price equivalent to An thrludte, s ppr ton. „_" 0 1 111201) 0. °RIBBON, Engineer, raIL.AfIRLPHIAL Gus Wolin, Aug. 20, miff* COACH, ENGWE AND HOT'I. P Paot,i3iy of B.W OSSECEB6, No.loo (ha l m q. EIGHTH, balow,o66stunt Iltretni_tas betain• of 60 'EDI! amt.' , 001. 6013TAMEN 46p'" , 141 , 30, MIROSANTS, And also thif cou•enlenos ollowthz N a i r 'al owe/we Li 1411 tieW 01 "g 4 POld AlSo,tf_M4d; sad Out by inms to 60 6,1111. • 14=1,1, Evpros,—, .. 10, 0 4) ,P=INFANTINUI Vs'rds Potilipart : Ljgifiriror7 g==ns s roc , 4 ,;,t ,If °MTN ST, ?mow Vostnit • r'r'ri.T7 i ( Fi j;ii-_' j. ITOWARD . F I R E AND' 'MARINE 'IN" PIRANCZ COMPANY—OIIioe No. 412 WALSVI Street, Philadelphia. The following statement of the Oldie of the company la pnbliehed in tonformity 'HY a ptOideoll of Ita charter regrattanl Isnot:can elect aciaosir I, 1856,10 4440 rt 21, 1827. $15,728 81 211,783 fa ::100 lire premium: Marine premiums Perpeiusl premiums... Total amount preminion taken. 5k56,10 Vinod are premiums 25,072 06 married marine premiums 153,005 0 0-180,073 oo Deduct return premiums Not earned— 1308,359 09 Marine loises plid. 893,885 75 • lre louls paid..;. 8,031 11 $101,916 88 Salmis re. calved... $760 67 Intersare. • caved...44616T, Ft • - blear. ' ince ..... 2,2 n 62 —COSS 66 03,683 10 Expenses for commissions to ' agents, abatements in Hen of ' scrip, me.larles,alll trot, fitsniebing (Moe, bo ok,, sta. • . tionery kc 60,388 of • Profit and lon ................ as 4a2-144,2311.17 Net proitt . . —..---..... .............—.— 87.4,Ti 82 Oasts on hand 81205 89 SUITS. Pule reoeirable 119, , 202 02 Bonds and mortgages 160,080 00 Mocks 202,100 00 Stott notes ' 142,900 00 Dos by agent* sad • ottani 22,812 93' $764,096 84 macron. ' P. M. Pala, Was, P. Leech, O. E. Spangler, Abtaham Rex, R. T. Kenai I, H. H. Houston;. ' 1 Wm. H. Woods, Joe. It. Withors, ' George Ilona, Abraham P. Bin, J. Edgar thontsou, W. Italguel, 0.0. Sower Charles P. Norton, John W. Se xton, John H. Lams, Herman Haupt, James E. Stila Nathan E. Potts, H. H. Shillineonl. PEROIVAI. M. POTTS, Prumlea,t. C. N. SPANOWI, Pte. Prealdent. W. H. WOODS, Secretary. . R. T. Ititisiz,;Tilesuref.. • --, • -r• SPRING , GARDRN FARB .INSURAUR COM' CAPITAL *120,000; 'PAID IN COL AND szcgasmy DIVIUTTYD, OVPIOR, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD SM., SPRING GARDENS. OHARTIIII PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRROTORS,, John - H. Dobnert, , Henry M. Flint David Woelpper. Lewis Shin nark Benjamlu Davis, John' Landoll, John Evans, Jr Charles Field, Auley H. Part, • , William E. Wool. James Durnoll,, . John B. Steivenson, ' Jacob S.Dtintion, . Cumin Stoddard, - 1 Henry Hamar, ,Thoe. D. Tillinghast, •, loom) K. I. • • JOAN H. DOlLNERT,,Preaidont. L. ERGAIRELLAR, Saoretnr7. : wept 4IrlJ NEPTUNE .INSURANCE ,COMPANY.— Li MICE 4U VrAktITVP St, Praklia Building s, FIRE AND WARINKINSURANOR. - CAPITAL 11100,000, WITH PIIVII,101): TbII4CRBAS TO 500,000. -. Thiel Company hi now fully (woolen:l,mA prepaid to mike all kiwi* of loam Cow against law or dainaoi by Fire sod Marine Peelle, it current rates. .... (i ma m. H. 0. Lailjillaulff BreUldeot. . . . RICILItIi BUTHLDS, Flee FwaideWt. ORO. SQOTT, Secretary. . ~. • DID=TOBB. If. 0. lcughliu, lliorgeMirietor, - D. Sherwood, w . 0. fitotesbury,, Wm. Oeboroe, , 1t... Id. Ca s, 0. 0. Butler,lle, 'Richard Shield T. F. Showell, Geo. Scott. [aa l9 .y _ WQUAKER. CITY INSURANON' M:99NY, Office No. 408 Onto 92) WALNUT at. Capital andikirplua, $220,000. This Company continues to ruts haulm 'Nut loeaor 84213/491 , 9" Pin and Us yapileorthis dos; Island Eatigitlan and Trassi.ortailon Ocarina rites. OPPIONis. Praddent—EMO. H. 1L4.199. , • Vice President—E. P. ROBB. Boototary and Treainizar—S. B. 0001211 HALL. Andatant Secretary-8. IL =Tram. .1110 TORN., • • , • George G. Bart, E. P. Hose,OotU, Joseph Edwards, John G. Dale, 110sr.'Heary E. Fuller, roster B. Perkins, John H, Okagaberi ao 8-13' : AD LPHIA FIRE AND kiFF, IN JL BIIIANOR COMPANY, Inoorporated by the 13tati of Peeasyliranla MIA are now establiahed fir their NEW,OPPIOI„No.aIBC3HBYTNUTStreet, where • tbey are prepared to make ALL KINDS OP DISUBANtII, from LOSS BY PIRO, on property of arm doserip'dort, in Town or Country including PUBLIC NUUDINON; DWELLINGS swiss, WAIUMOUNEII, Licrrouva and ILANUFACTORLES, WCMENHOIM, YMMILS, &o. &leo, MIRCHARDIZI of all kindsl3TOCU Or GOODS, Stooks of 'COUNTRY STOLU, floods 'on. BTORAGIi or in BOND, STOOKS and TOOLS of AR TIMM and XECHANICIO; PUNMITUBS, MAY, ft/STUMM, &e., &0., &e., st moderate rates of premium , and for Soy period et Mao. • ample., This Taw to thetr pest career as en arantoo for the PROMPT MITTLIMMIT of all Chair YOWL Three are at this time no nneettlad elsims against there. , 1031ST P. KING, Preslt. • ; , W. nazzligur, TO* Preet, Pats= lizromoron, til-aut INSURANCE AND 'TRUST 04;1X , i..a -PAITTO-Tbe2ll.l4llmilmiblnirnisintiatott %WANT, Santkaast 04111(If Jar TIMID and DOCK West*, , OWtal, 1412,72.6 : .•: INAlnizslavo fat abort tams, or 441.,,the whole term 'orlIt•-grants =males and, endowments-pa e/ma on Intermits in Real lidats, and makes all ematrasta depending on the sontlnpnclaCtot Lite.' They eat as Ersdartars, Admlnistratese, - Asskjmes, Tmatees and Onardbms. - • MONSIY MUM ON Dlll O OOl2 la ray araaomo. /Ire Per Coat. Island )Ire from dale of Upon, wilds book on domaad without • - ,085,111 . 0 011111,01005 Rf ,raralary Ilk' int , Loans of Mote of Peansylvania,P . l , dolphia 'Penal' Railroad, -- sad Amboy Roilmd, sad - other Loma -...511`0,0110 51 Baalailgortgotoo and Root Rotate ' ' 4 11r,1rt 10 Stooks to Banksjararaaa, thii and Baal- • ; road Oconpardes Pianism Notes and Loom orLOollateralr 193,002 01 Oaok to Hoak, dna from Agouti, Inter. = Ist, sapci Gooroatoo Capital, Babseeption HOW =MG 011 Still, 03 DANDANIELL. inuanl, President. 226 lialdUZL R. STObISI, Vies Preet Ion! W. Hosamt.llearelarir. sally A RCTIQ FIRE INSIIRAME2 COMPA -474. za, NNW soax.efa., so 29 Wall street, id joildng the Iktockanica' Beak--b eak Capital, Nt60,000, with a supine. This Company beers Imildia=r chandise, 'furniture', Yea la in port and their and other propc ,rty agaloat Lam or Damage by Wire mai the Bilks of Inland Namption. ' :, DMIOTOBB. Henry Grinnell, • Joahns,L,Pope, Caleb Bartow, , . Bane B. Wawa, Henry 0. Brower, Henry Davis, - Ndmand Penfold, O. H. Lilienthal, Hannon K. Corning, Theo. Pontoons, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Mina N. Morgan, Thomas lionion, Abm. B. Tim Nut, John IL Bade' • William A. Cary, Albert. Ward , Thomas S. Nelson, ' ObszleirNm , ion, ~ James Wi. Phillips, ' Louis Lent Obarlea k. Marl,. ' ' Samuel ({. Glidden, ratwarl }ioko*, ' Staph. Oambreleng, Wm; I. Shepard, Thome Scott, Oharlea L. lt, - John Ward, Lothrop L: entree, Henry K. Bogert,` - William B. londich, - Peter Idea, . Sestry_Thayer, Benjamin FL'Fiehl, Geo. Witatfoldt, A. B. Frothhigham, Zalmon Taylor, Thee. P. Bonny, Henry B. Blossom, Samuel L. Mitchell WARD, ALBERT President. Busmen A. Oexter, Secretary. an 10-by AIANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE COMPANY.—Oherter Perpetual. Granted by the State of PeOnlviranta. Capital, $603,000. Marine, and Intend Transportation. DIZEUVOII4.. Aaron 8. Lippincott, Clharles Wise' • - Wm. 'A. Rhodes, Allred Weeks, „ Charles J. Field, Tames P. Smyth, Wm. B. Thorned, J. Mlnelio Sank, Wm: Neal, • /oho P: Simone, AARON S. LIPPDIOOTT, Pmfdent. . WII A. MIODRS, Fite Prealdegit. • • ALFRED WRENS, Secretary:l J. W. MANTLDN.Sureeror. • - This Company wee orpuised wiFA a Gash f*Pital; and the Directors have determined to adapt the bueiness to its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct. log its affairs, with a prompt adjustMent of losses. Office No. 10 Merchants' Meehan:re, Philadelphia. TUMERCANTILE MUTUAL INSU MOR COMPANY ON PILIIADILPHLt. , --Othe No. 222 WALNUT. Street, oppositathe lielan. MA RINI 818 on bane% Cargoes and ta.. tIN LAND TILANSPDRTATIDN NUNS, pig , Canals; Bost., lusd other earriaies.. ALL TUB PROEMS Middle; annuity urn; Die As sured, sample security 141issas of lose. L , ~_ , . -__ J uteutrioss. • • • ' Namara Harris Miler, • Thomas T. Butcher, ,John M. Odenhalmer, Algernon S. Aalsburner, Mahlon Williamson, Alfred Passitt, Samuel J. Sharpie% Thomas 8. Poster, Issas /men, GuAtiVILII Noel* Skov Preset, Tamil 11, Stroup, '', Bdwsrd 0. James, Alfred Made; 'Willis.. L. Springs, A. G. Cattail, Paladin 0. Jones , Charles B. Oarstabe, Denial Haddock, Jr., ilatanal Robinson; William Mr, John 0. Mega, : James Mn , • . Jahn. P. Stobser,„ Wm. P. 8 , Ren go l7o : l4, ` A. J. AM*, - Wm. a Gyms 1' , Basonel L. nidbort. • ' /COWARD HARRIS MILKS, ?meant. • ALIII.ND PABIITT r Vise Praniclant. Joan 0. $l7/11111 BElrptiry. , , an 1.17 CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE .INSCIUNOS COMPANY or NARTYORD, CONN. Cash Capßea P 300,000. Lows In Philadelphia and elelnity adjusted at the ?Wads/pain Office. By leave inei refer to 0: D Bre wn & Co., Phila. Hon. Joel Jones, Phila. Chiahes fabut & Co., ~H on. Raftug Choate , Benton & I Sacker, Len Co., " lion. 1). 8. Williamn, Bert'd We have facilities for p acing any amounts[ ha g . knee in the most reliable Companies. PHILADRLPIII4 GENERAL INSURANCE' AGENCY, No. U 3 (old No. 144) cumsristUr sr. TaBM2BO,N k. 13.001), litmus aub Oboes. No. 442, SOUTHEAST OORNER OF MARKET and PIPTH Streets. ~. Gentleman's Best Patent Leather Garter Boots: “ " Galt do, • II " Patent Esather Oxf o r d Tim ~ " Galt do, do. it I' Patent Lea th er and Oalf warm, strap Shoes. , Boys' and Youths , ' Patent Leather and Oaf Skl2 Gaiter Boots end Meek ani-tf , Tor sale by ALL STOCK ,OF BOOTS AND SHOES. F z;..Tottion S. TIIOIII2BON & CO., No. 316 MAR. HET Ptriet, and' Not. 3 and 6 FItaNII , IN PLACE, !tali new In atom a largo and well-moor Nat stook ,o 1 BOOTS and 8110E3, of City and Eastern manufacture; "kith theroffer for sale on the boot tom. for Otah, or on the meat credit. Buyers are Invited to call and madam tittle ittOtik. . BALE ROPE.—Buyers ere Invited to and alumina our Manilla Bald Rope, *Mai in nun tad sell "4 low as Amadei.% . and Witnot__ 4,,inip laior Mtnsath and . dl T it4lit7. wmavan, smile & oe,, aut No. 99 N. Wain at. and 'nil: Whams. riaARLEs P. OALDWELLL-Wholesale 11_, and Ratan WHIP and 0 414311fanneacharar, No, 4 Uwe FOURTH Street LGO ' itANGE.--30LD8 ' CHAD wza is" qacovi) P 43-01. A. BROM AND INIMMINANILASOINCUTIL NONTONAN CBA'TRLL - RAILWA E TWO TWIT TRAMS PROM BAZOINIONN TO • PITTIONNOR AND TEN 111 WV .• Os tit snails's* lA, nisT, Two Dun' Mandl win wail curvigti Manua for TD10164.1i Sd iffWad, ern end SowthowNerOnnatent with*. • THE MORNING NAIL TIAN, LAMM Wilma* Oily (ONO, *AV. A. N. with th. lOU Train . Tow viola & ir O*l ll F. - 1111 . - ottimptri-strissts vim . _ . -D4Temisitt ±wo_atei*on , *,ro r. MOST NUS= swa • - Lewes Battlement EMT. MET at AO *a eritb tha Llitlttektm Xtlietet war thlt ltvtet Tanlattatirsot tor putiam s k, imatAa g 1,50 f. &. fliCr 11l these 'tralas".soasset vita trains OW" the Pittsbierg I' NW": ••• _ Chicago ltaiirtssd, and its WaStlunts, Wads.= cossiectissis• . .. . tonID. Pamearte far Obtatig+mh ,'llma City, lititemakeft illt ma; md Ohm was— a Wields lit X MI6 am Anteing metal cd' bliss' ag4 tetkie ht • 111% tom less dumps of au; li7 ' t hi!'" l/ 2; - • DOr. Passengers ler elmalatat„ amtemt„ . aad Detroit. pby tlar mutt, aild the time molioritimii beim 113 miles shorter ttuta by my same mut& - Cy. Pamempes tat St.. Lads, " tom Mints, Wm, mat all =as the Lomat Illyyer =pi. maks left at mata.matt antra lb ad mg otos mate; ate to Cludstasti, eohosahae, &3 ym r 4lmativille, tad other . prmatheat thiaeoa olak other rate. 7 mtera 'Backe 910101fili - TICIIMNIU and handled irisk 0401- Wit 'TRW TORTE Ithe I.lh A.111.-taimMeta skeet vette Afrase Solna mar the -, hamphts .mmik for -Jaiefra, Boclisstez, Baltalo, Mapes Pal* mil Caimibb thug fuming the matt direct fanny mute te ;Neethemetere Yeatuylesala mat Vitae, ikhrev _Tett. „Themeepple wilt Mat tab the alhottist; stiespet,_,eatt moat axpeeitioas mate to Magma Yalta and 011110116 - 4. 2hrom4 'idiots aro imbed t• Maillirs eta et. lumbit. rod Lancaster by. all the trains at each, each toile hat* sOlit eamestims.. .iPttatill= bi Lis root* wee bamtUed bridge+ 0'144 the of territst mime the famgaithaata Hear:" :pagmagete Mt Canfor* lisatmor,kbutebemer,estraamba tAilisis; Y. Cimaimstra t c so by 5.16 A. 111.,ami 3 Y. M. . at .. . . .. . winialurru. aslaaa. - Sks Can ak tads rad oak* oas trip pa dap, masa- Ind with tha tads at SP. It Tor rxecruaa =WS IM dallier tatai O ply. at thd nailed Caiart !Was, N. It. arm dep2d4t ' O. 0. An/KOVII9I. 113ENNBYZNABIAL-HAILROAD.—TER IL GMT bl/11211L_1IDINNIfirimmeatfArtime At WW2 01 1 11 st aW21501de 111111 blab western eartionow _a TAB Boni deo - , _AMA- Sne steamers to'all jpolata on • eaterst Prink end Olavaland sad with Staadors to all int* an tna Nortirlrestarn Lakes • maldwtbe food BMW C1H2A711242 wad'2•Bsy 55821 2121551 cut Ve forwarded to and boa the ___ _ lIISIIIIMBI Yuri Bate, aad Thy Good*, (In balsa ' • • lele l s * and ),,Drap, bona • • And al);loatluariVrair, As .116 i. wriAl lb Bloom '• arf-'W-me Binothar -2 " 212 *Vail balev),-),Hardware„ • , rdla o a r.banes), Wool, eat Stieepteltadtadward, ike..2o-..80a. Per NC 1. 'Toren U e wp, Ow ), RUA Caak47 Nom 244 Pub, • lblfed (15twe 05 nuotanitial), Tobaseo, ,Cditftroeat • - Ms, por MA. lomat 553.62150, MOO% Beg, aid Pack. OA saga or bone sestearsbuntsaawdoutions; • - 112dadah,Gennan Clay, Wiz, Pilaf, Enda, aa. 1 00 lb. raosa-Tha. per bltd.oudittarthar *Mee: • ea.tia • -•-55e. par 109 DIA; fartier notlee. ab.11 • 2110M train wry padn , ! Bast p of Strada! Va li Nr i :Slll " . goods ecnettr=of tat P/dladelphls, or P lak fa - warded Sandal Ansara.-ituts,: ii t u esaliwy* COO= BIM - Mo.; 7. a. & san, IvansvOla, Ind.; Dimienll; ltardoet, and Oespaata it Jewett; lodiatille , Ny:f WW dram. Hadyaa, If. W. Brown Y 43ogerii Irwin A Co:, Cincinnati ; N. W. Mahan' ft. 05Io; Leek ir Co., No: bilCulyrrtripo, lki49.4Lieek do Co. No. 2 Astor Hones, Nara erk.,Nia. 1 Wllliaia at. dad 5 Battery Place, New Id% Phlladelphl J a•_ . Madre' -" N.nona; . ,Nalllmarjrni:J. • Stewart, Pitratmrss. • • •IL It.4101:150 Canard 21'065 AgerdilkOnielplAt.' Naliedalondedidtleessiia. W. W. Bailey, . Marlon 4 : Inlay, Wm. D. Low% Jr., , POmfroy, Arnim. M. Chamibms, H. .11: OargaLll 1 3 / a ntla Jones, M. , D.I A Okooslnpuet, ximir, , YORK: LINICS.—ThCCODIIII I.I.AND AlialAY *min+ ti lin) Pat I.,Uugt.62aL AND TUNTON ItAILEOAD nr.4.l6D2'ww. IRON PIIMADS/PHLI PO 29.1/2 7 Leave- as • 8 At IA. 4838 H4BlOlBOO PIP O I, :ti 10.887 • tr. . bf MBll Af Oi 8 A. (11mdsik 164 likr_gry,C6V; Ifor• say Am:06 , 361=- At 6A: M., Tlik Om/an 8M boy, A 626622212: , ties !ht At.; via 063A66A 6124 zmop car, 14 1 1*Ii At 16 A.K., by statakbast ttsidaty Its 1 sad ,Iniey (tr, * 102360 2= 61 •• , H. At 2 P. Umigiq sad sa4 , _ . from ...... At 6 P, l'ertay Ittl!fmt „LIS P. M., via Osestaa ead 4.118)40 . , Aidemeneds. OWL. . . • • - • .2.. . At 3 P..11,0is 4:14:14ft . 43 . -4764,744 . 0 . 224 Von, 2ed Olass. .......... / 6.2 Bp. vikolumta2 2121, elanie - 2 - • - At 6 P. j ffi. 'lda 0444, alit Amboy,' Aar&Aula: sod Mai. • ' 1 r The bP. Y. ;hie mi daily, 611.olhees laadip • , i ci6pi ibis 614 . 0 4ne sart istitiiheiii Tor 13$1•14ere, ihataby, ki.,44 A. of 4r. M.; 'ham Wax% Wad _ . • • • • Ear Water_ Eispi Strindalbart, licesataatlll4lcio,Ao -241W:ros, Dana Beek; &a - at 6'L V, Datsivat Lackawaaaaat,Weitun_ Nor Freehold, at 6 A. Y. aast It P. IL Yoe Mosata_4l, at I .4.4466 2 m a il AN, -Aand 6 P. IL t_ $ w Ar is A War Bridal, WantonWAY k&-at AM IP. K. . • • torn ua te l'al eit ; at s ' pi r em wroarou "12641 fir .4 it c h S B A. 31- and teM NlifittAartla cos plawoP SI Oa =boat TMPa., Ibe POoki ii li Obi Ilk A. 4 P. IL. sad Or nortisigion sad MEW, at 4 P. Alf 1111 tllopt 4: X., i!avi Waive ' Ares - Err , WV 'MAO bispos_aialy allow* wk. w awa. Pounced us peottibltod Ikon tallow soy thing as %Owe bat Utak imaft appeal All 10t. pg• own • am pounds to tro paid la , Lana 11111 - 910 patly twit' Um* ringeudbUity tar Num* So gas Wu posind,, oad not be limblo . fiky smut M Tons 1300, +mays by spacial contract. GAMMA 4gaat O.dai 00. CHANGE OF 11013 - 11 S PHIL.IDSL. PIMA; 1NL1.1 . 1133,3T011 - 18ED NALTI:180838 NAIL - On and after Tharataer PiSSINGMI, "SUMS Lgairg Nor 13Attliuv at A. Y.,1 F. (Itiperaj and P. M. For I,llmlngtoa at 8d- 11,1, d. 1.6 andif • Par New Oaatte at A: Itt.„l and 438 P.• Par Middletown at 8 A. U. wad CIS P. 111: -, • Par Dover at BA.. M. sod 414 P. 11,: Pat Seaford at 8 Ai.., sad 4.16 P.M. - TRAINS NORI.BILLDILPfiLt Lam Baltimore let AM; lipreas, IL Y. Ai., Bad 6.211 Leave Witmlaitaa at 060 and 11.55 A. X Bad 31$ • • 0.664:61. Lou. Rew cUUI at WO sai:ll.l*. A. X; and LOS Leo" Idlildlrkiwn lAIO.OO A.Y. and 9 06 Y. - 11 Leers Dover at 11.5 U -it Y. mad T P. R,- - LW* Soaftmlat 1.064: 401 4.00 Y. IL TRAIN:! YOB. BALTIMOBB uw•'417.15 - 7.1175(F. li. - iarl 317 SUNDAYS only st. j!. M. hook PMM4sApklii So do. do. dad P. M. boa Dalttason to PidMaeda. • _ liaLpfstOkil AND WAYPM Dd GRAMM AINICOMIIO - TION ?BALK Leave Hays* do @tame SAO • ;- Asaves Baltizaos at &CO P. tf. - Freight Tula, with Paassmisr Oar attashvil rut as follows - ' • ' • - Lean Phllatalplala dor Parrydllis az& tataramMate plow at. COO P. lf. Los= Wiladneon for do. do. ISO P. M. Leas* WM/doe= kw 11Madelpkta'at LOO P. IL 101.3.7 _ 8. M. PILTON, Pratidept. PRING AiIIiANGEILENT.LPEI4N BYLTANIA. 0121TBAL HAlLBOAD.—nmadic is direct connection with. the PITTEWIRKIH, TORT WATNI AND 0810 AGO BAIL For Otscamudi, Locierille; Nay OrleYy 8L Nadi, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Kerma, Terre Huta Chicago, hiehreaY... In advance sr all et h er maid colt of Arraise doss asissafas witit ail Ms cheat' Wu!- era Railroads- IrICHOLIGE TEAM • Leave Fidisetelphla, harPittabwriii and waders ill% from the PennepivaniaPar Btatien, corner of =Meng aid Writ', ((cameo en limn% etiroet,) as Follette ' MlOl It .7, A. X. Past Line 12 lit, Malt at - at It 00, NichP.H. t. =a R. Line leaves for Haertstairy 240, P. Y. Lanesater )Aoetozwoodatlaa,) at 4.10, P. Y. • days 'The =preen Mail raw daily, the other- trate; Paw ° excepts& ZIPOUthW Pirtkala see hand.blisi it the filarial siarthiaXits. Paisengers From United. will Awl thia the ch sad most expeditious 11N1t,610 Baltimore, Pew York - or Beaton. THOMMI 110011.1101sia; Line Pennsylvania 00. Phila&dpMary, 1867. NOR PENNSYLVANIA•RAILROAD )ALL Akeutcnnoutt,'• mermtlysit, Ammo 4 3811171:111011MAIL, PdB - IXITLIB+OII, ko. On and alter load*, October 5,11167, t i testae on this road wilt leap P el For Dothietteus,A at 8 M. For Itathlehons,Xsetal, adorn aud Manch Chunk, (Espial') at 145 P. Id , Pasoeit_m_ sAce laden by 216 P. M. train take stove at linstlMM statkoi.' Doylmatown, (Atoonarcatatlonj at 6 P. M. TOTevine_det, do. at A. M. Thtd..llol FOE PHILADELPIILL- . Leaie Betheleto t.E.rFeu,/at Lib A. M., sad 2.46 P. td.. connecting with L. V. R. B. trains, add arrive in Philadelphia at 1210 M. and 6 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 6.18. A. M. Leave awn:Ladd, do. at S P. 111_ heemroecatatleu tales taa daily; ether tides dally, Bmadaye excepted. Pore to DoylortoWs Bethlehem Fare to Mauch Chunk *et 6 L B. SITE lc CO. stnimmal, BEDDING, to. No. dl2 Otto 129) WALNUTat. Philadelphia. A nos and ittiorlot ot Aprlot Beds. • &Mt B. KM. Jaws WALiON. Sto GPO. W. TAYLOR Slt Ait ' SMEN ' S - AND BOYS' LOTHING, 115 Minh rop - wra 0 13trilet, Straw Anti sad saes. - • sallay rpm ADAXS ViPREss CO., thriratta, M huortguANDlVl ELIM ROM' iart Mien; 'Met by its own Uinta. In iteasteldoit with other IMAM ttiorioutpag 01111,8 of WWI mai& - 11..7= . 11x1 - D us sie, AND AKERIOAX Mutt COMO/..—a nwebx Al t °wirer . •ed kr soh tr WSAna§ . ..." 3 , 1 4 14 114 f Nita A. oi l sty pt? I 1. B. raft, ' ll l St. Louis, ITn Oft; • " . SIM inatiowil,lfirts .furniture. Clothing.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers