v+ , ?B - VIII_PILUT LIFE: leiciat• *it* rimy YORK. • [OOrrespeteleuchof The Press.] Pt cr 'lliac - Oct 16,1857-6.20 P.M The resobition of our city banks to receive N. Y. State stoney received at Albany at par, and all the city bills previously thrown out, will 'probably be followed by a similariesOlitlonivithreMtni to eastern money. This Untended' to relieve the pressure and allay the excite , meat. Confidence seems to be returning and business recovering from Collapse ; but the improvement is ijitapsWiii a healthy sign that it is so. , It is now 'almost certain that Governor Bing will not convene' all sutra session of the Legislature to ' banks tram the consequences of their atemension,, the courts having already pronounced a decialeit, that there is no room to enjoin the banks, ex cept where 't Ike bank is already insolvent, or to pre vent fraud or injustice. ), Now, if this be good law, Wally doubt ito there is no necessity to convene the -Legislature to do what is done already. I very much fear the dictum - 1 'of the Supreme Court judgee will not OOttaidered final, and that we shall have a series of ive and harassing litigation „ tis tinker, unquestionable tact, as the judges would ..atinime,thet suspension le not insolvency. For the ,time being it is a failure to perform a specific promise, 'end immuntatoinsolveney guoad that promise. Neither can It be admitted that though ultimately a bank can :pay it• ` Owes, i ts failure-to do so On demand is untie:Memo of Insolvency. There is no doubt that at tempts . ..will be made to try the question, and all the 'anxiety and annoyance that will grow out of this could have heei avoided by epectflo 'and unmistakable legis lation. It would be much better for the community were we to have known, positively, what we are about. ,Tint, how the restrictions and penalties of the banks can be removed; iecond, the nature of the currency to be valid In the interval, from now to a resumption of 'specie payments ; and third, when that resumption shall take place. AR it Is, we have nothing to depend on but the caprice of the bankers; and all extra-judicial dictum ,of ,u (sir judges, with the almost certainty that that die 'turn willbe disputed, and a long course of law proceed ing entered on. The demand for money is very active. A great deal 'of • What IS . celled ~ auger paper' , Is maturing now, 'SAiI great 'efforts are being made to meet it. Messrs. T alent Brothers, lathe sugar trade, failed yesterday, doubtless we shall hear of many others. There is ,autdteformoney., I have known six and seven per cent."a , month saked and paid. The Hebrew note ahavers are reaping a golden harvest. They are , exacting" the Pound of flesh and drawing the blood too, 'though not 5, nominated in the bond." If they learn -'The effect or the new plan of converting State money into a substitute for spate, by allowing the county banks to home their circulation, instead ;of ;being obliged to keep it their vaults to avoid •if inn, 'will' be of incalculable good in enabling the people to get their pfoduce forward, and thus get ting the nou' of liquidating all we owe and en abling um to - kart - great, Gold ti not commanding a premium of more than X to leper cent., and depositors who Were soared and, drew their balance in gold are re lain* with it to the banks, thinking it eater, and an wise to lose the interest. Since yesterday one bank skate haireceived $50,000 in this way. The rest will coma back, for it is a positive fact that there is more mildin the Country now than at any time before. When confidence returns, hoarders will take it out of their stockings and holes in the wall, and the world will have the benefit. , Domestic Fiebange is fast improving, and will be, doubtlessOn a few days regular and at reasonable rates. Foreign Exam/go is irregular for aterling—banters rates from 102,i4 to 102—the latter an owtreine" rate, 'aaked t 'btit not paid ; the former the average price. Second-class signatures much lower. Francs 5.20 to 5.30. The elearing.bouse settlement this morning was quite satisfactoryoaccording to the new plan. The Metro politanbank is the general depository for the currency -toed for waking she exchanges, and a certificate in given of the value of $5,000, currency , ' being substituted for specie: Bowers & Beekman, a large dry goods house, ask an extension. is hoped that they will ebt IS. The golden rule, ""do to yonraelghbors, ,, &c., wee neverof greater nine than now. fllilhJr' THE AlOllllOO IV:MARCIE BANIC, :New Yosu," October 14,1857. • Dealers.at this bank are 'heroby notified that on and after the 14th instant, the following regulations will bo adopted by this beak, ' • tggte nude in specie will be repaid in specie, if r leposits made in-bank notes or checks will be repaid in bank notes current in this city, or certified checks. Collections made in this State for dealers will also be paid Cu bank notes or certified checks. Collections in ether States will be paid in the currency received, or its equivalent. . ' Deposit and collection paper will not be received, except subject to the foregoing rules and conditions, until further notice B. S. Osexer. Cashier. or New Yong, Oct. Itith, D 357. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, it was unanimously resolved, that during the suspen alone( specie payments. this bank will receive deposits of specie; and hold the amount subject to the deposi ton' drafts in coin. JOHN 00THOUT, President. Mum, Cashier. The elearing•house settlement was as foliose: Clearings $9,364,435 30 Balance in Coin 062,110 34 TheCollbttorof this pert, at the instance of the Secre tary of the Tracery, has seat a large number of circa lax, of which the following-Ls a copy: - fifes CUSTOM Moues, If T., Oct. 16. :—The Secretary of the Treasury will:mato obtain the opinion of importing and other merchants of intelli genee and information, as to the effect which the pre sent financial condition of the country will have upon importatlons from abroad. The particular points to which his inquiries relate, sre the probable amount of importations for the nest twelve or eighteen months; the probable change in the price of the more important articles of import; and also, the probable amount of goods in warehouse that will be Withdrinit for consumption daring the- residue of the cutout fiscal year, with any other information that may bear. upon the sr:bleat, and aid him in me. perigee of, the , usual estimates for Congress. Your views and opinions in relation to those matters are respectfullysolicited. Your obellent servant, • ; ; • ACCIHIVIS SCHELL, °OiledOr. CANA/. TOLLS. . - rtiniarimunt 'received for We nn all the canal( the State, during the first week of October $52, 1 In 1868 • 07,896 ' ' - Dceelency 445,805 The amount received during the first week of Octo ber, and to October Bth in the following years, wee: Firstweek inOct. ToOct. 8. $52,181 81,540,098 97,988 1,905,101 115,297 2,024,329 99,686 2.100,431 110,457 2,341,548 112,949 208,960 , _ 122,754 2,511,295 IIZT"' 1868 1855 1864. Ma HU 1852 ..... .. The improvement in the stock market continues. The feeling le steadier, and better generally than it has been for a week, and the advance of all good securities Is a ye ry encouraging sign. The sales have been very large, and the tar larger portion for cash. State stocks are advancing steadily, and some of the best New 'fork bonds are returning to favor. Bank stocks are rising slightly The averar advance is about Tx percent. on yesterday's ;11 5 1 gifillltViin th r e rov a l n elr rtle . market closed firm and buoyant. NEW EOM STOOK EXCHANGE BALES October 16, 18th. , PISS? BOAZ!). lirE stir/ma 5000 103% Pomona BR 375 70 NT Be 04 , 74 6000 104 do 100 b3O 71% blYBbsooll 2000 95 Del & 110 Co 5 00 NY St 6 , 8 , 63 3500. 90 do 20 92 do 300 985 do 206 5 90 97 do do 25 95 Pack 11l 03 Co 20 69 Stooks Not Paying Divas. Cie k Plttaltßl6o 12 do 100 12% Cie RR 626 27 do 100 63 28 do 900 c2B do 400 elO 28 do 100b6030 Mil k Miss It 90 20 Clildr RkIRR 5066072 do 290 70 do 25 mg do 10061071 do 650660 TS Erie RR 6 11) do 810 33 11% ' do 60 b 3 11% do 80 c Harlem RR 600 7 Had River It 895 .14 do 5 16 IllCenß 210 80 do 4 , 0 80% La Cr ds 611 IR 260 7 BIS&NIE. 250 11% 118.kNIpfst10 27 do 25 28 Canton Co 100 s 4 14% do 300 14 do 250 ' 143‘ Cum CI Co 200 7% do 120 T 3( • _ do . 27600 05% 21Y,Et 640,72 7000 103% 0k10.15285 , 60 2000 00 Virginis Ve 11000 , 83 AtessouelS es 6000 - 68 do 26000 c 67 do 7000 53 67% Cid St 7s '70 , 1000 • - 68 do 500 • 60 Cal St 7s '76 6000 .00 64 NY OessE 7s 1006 • 88. ledielltds'76 2090 - 28 - • do 600 27 llsieflontel 8000 25 do 1000 27 -RA03412) toB3 4000 603 j Hnd lt let m 1009 71 • do 8000 72 do 1000 72% do 1000 • 73 do 2000 75' Her Bslat m 2000 80 11l Oenllittte 82000 s 3 CO TEMA2dm3OOO 35 Ohl & 1 bds 1000 80 - Bank of Y /0 65 Book of Oom 9 72 Am Ex Bank 60 76 do 6 75% Soon PAYING DIVIDENDS. 4EI & Obi R 114 e 3 66 do 60 83 09 N Hav k• UM 5 103 N Y Con It 873 o 66 do 100830686 do 268 ;,3 66 do - 60 c 66% • do 60 c 65% • do 60 sss 65% - do 300 85 65% . • ' do 25 -65% Heading 8 130 " . 86% do 100s15 86 do 100 51035% - do ,_.lOO 1383( TOTAL OP PAX VALOR Azusa.--The demand for both kinds Is limited, but Dalden roc firm; niest of nits at $8.37,;(058.60, and Penh at $516. ' Cossni.—Abetter feeling prevails, and more la doing; 2,000 begs have sold since noon yesterday at lexellx,c. Carrox.—Very little is doing, the stock being trivial. The snail sales ranking are at irregular prices. We omit quotations as nominal. .:litsa.—The dullness previously noticed continues, although holders ere less disposed to make any further sedation ha prices. - hum, ko.—The inquiry for Western Canal flour is quite - activeimsinly for the home trade and the East, and rift% are fisslOo better—at close The market is dull and heavy, the current high figures restricting the de mand shipment entirely. The sales are SlO6 bats at, 1111.74110 Mi chigan; .90 for superfine Indians and *4.111081k1.90 for common to good State; $6055.20 for antra do; $5.20856.76 far Common to good extra Ohio; 10.64657.26 for St. Louis, and $0.76017.86 for extra etutediatt Your Is rather better ; the inquiry is fair Fes the home trade. Bales of 400 bbla extra brands at 00.70440.75—the latter rate for family brands. SUIAINACII Sow is in limited request, but prices are 'without Important change. Saba of 700 bble at $5.60e $6.00 for gammon togood Wanda, Baltimore, lam and 00.7607.20 for the better glades. Bye flour is quiet at $.4.60654.76.. Corn meal Is lower; small sales of Jer. sey 14113.20. . , akAtir—The wheat market is again better, say 2830 per bit; the supply IS limited ; the demand fair, in part for export, checked only by the difficulty in passing ex- The salmi are 34,000 bit &tit-22)4441.27 for red smith. 'era; 11,20001.40 for white do; 9500;1.18 for damag ed dot- 011%.26001,110 for 'white Canadian I :ffi for wh ite Indiana; $1.15051.18 for red do; and $1.17 for red Ohio. •• • I `4ler tiestdis batter „ the deinaiad is fair—sales Of iOOO Inuthels Northern at 75080 e- Oats are lower, and are rsttler. snore ntanty—sales of State and Western at 600 , Corn iirtiett4t, and in demand for the goat and city trade.: The stock is very limped ; sales of 11,000 bash *WM 73 for Waatern mixed, and IS for Southern yel low. nag.—Arfelt deinend for chipping, and the stock is reduced ; isles of Whales et 500100 SPI OO The. Ilsoss,--There is some little disposition to boy shown by sotperters. We beer of o sale of 1.,800 dry Buenos Acres at 26c cash, in bond. riOM ire quits at 6610 e for common to oboists western and Western. Ixosr.--The market for ail kinds continues extremely /anguldiand -in the absence oflmportant transactions prices aro almost nominal. Learesa.—llemlack and Oak trebotla Milt mid b eavy. _ Itss.--Contmon Rockland sells freely at 02 0 , Motaseas—Very little has been done, mad prices con tititialrmalar and nominal. , • SAM ItORNS.-.The market both ferite Tarpon. tine and common koala partakes of a be tter feeling on der the hilluenem of the forOgn. news, but the advance latratabt: therkidlosiness materially: In Spline Tux.' "pentinaire notice further Wet of 400 bbL , shipping ist37 cents seek: ' Crude to languid, end In the .abeence,of transactions it is futile to give the . view of eleaknoi , sAthSt , ire' 'quite Nave, common BOW Is with more firmness, bat bnyers do not respond to the advance . In medians fine Resins we notice sales of $66 bb/a at sll.l2elta , for 280 lb. mostly the Inside rate. Taeand Bltch - Lexialst quiet, hot prices are nuctunged• 0 " 214- "ii MD" continue languid; end in the absence •! of lespertant Sates parlous gni:4olone must be regarded - 11ArtetorniA—The fiernand for pork is fair, the arrival' Baler et ' 100 , bbls seal, 50 for mess, sod small klegglosidsll,6oi4l./ 76 foe Wine: '- • , is:nnekangedi the; Insmilry is Milted the atiriltiliKaffitsls Nfilsl4 60 for reinialied mead, and 1116te extra dal -Beet batsman steady, Mall salea tads. f: ; ?MOO sy riatiesorWestern smoked at 1801fike. hairy; sales df 200 belies on ;steps ' sioa at 16•110.4.415 e litttarlpiice r sosrea—the arrivals light. Batter is in fair demand at 12;e18a for Ohio, and 15024 k, forStato. Cheese Is saleable at tioSge. ltios—le heavy and dull; salmi at Sa4 ors, es to quality. Suosas—The market is better, prices now being at the standard rates of a week ago, before the sacrificing rates of the few days peat were submitted to in order to realise cash. The sales this morning reach 908 lads, st 64(67)6e, cash and 4 moo. Tase—Are quiet and nominal. WIIMILEY—The market is firm—sales of 120 bble at ?Axe. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILAMILPHIA, October le, 1857 The Money Market is working easier under the Influ ence of the discounting recommenced by the banks, and matters and things at the Stock'Board wore a generally brighter aspect. The feeling among all classes it healthy and more ani mated than the most sanguine might have expected, and a universal desire manifests itself to clear away the wrecks that the storm bee caused, and refit, at once, for the future prosecution of business. There is now no bank party. This, after the experi ences of other Belmont of distress, ie not the least singu lar of the phenomena attending the present revulsion. Neither do men cry "down with the banks." They feel that a resort to violence will benefit no one, and may add to the general suffering. They wait to see what the banks can do In the way of affording relief. Regarding themes aches as the authors of the calamity, they hope that such of them as are in our midst may be able to mitigate the evils they have altogether in fluted. They anxiously await their action upon the question of accepting the _relief bill. We trust it may not long be postponed. Meanwhile, the maases MU° large cities feel a natu ral antipathy to them. Those who are brought by their business into daily transactions with them do not parti cipate in this sentiment, but they have another which is worse. They speak with undisguised bitterness of the coarse that has been pursued. They point to the reck less expansions of the Rummer, and to the continued and remorseless contractions of the past nine weeks. Hundreds of them feel their honor tarnished, they look upon their broken business connections, they see the results of their life-long labors scattered in an hour, and they realize with heavy hearts the dreary task before them of commencing the world anew. Their neighbors and connections eympathize with them, and join them in denouncing the illiberal and destruc tive course the banks have pursued. Littleness, sel fishness and narrow-mindedness have prevailed smong the bank officers so long as to have shut off from them nearly all the sympathy of the mercantile community, and now when the tide has turned, and we can all cone dently look forward to better things, we trust that these institutions generally, and especially those in our own city, will Make a united, earnest, and determined effort to win back, by wise and uniform good management, the confidence of those who have thus been alienated. We never needed more to work all together for the advance ment of Philadelphia interests. The merchants will do their part; the public press stands always forward ; let not the banking institutions alone be recreant. It is in their power, very materially, to aid in restoring the usual tone and temper of our merchants and capitalists Some of them have already commenced the good work; a few yet hang back, but we cannot bring ourselves to believe that they will long remain in a position alike antagonistic to welfare of the community and their own interests. The - following extract from the Boston Post of yes terday, will be read with Interest: 6, There can be but one opinion as to the evil charac ter of * currency, or of a paper issue, not convertible Into specie; or that it le an evil to be tolerated not a moment longer than unavoidable necessity requires. On our boards of bank direction are gentlemen as clear headed, as sound on currency, as sensitive to mercantile honor as there are in the country ; and men of this stamp, we are confident, will feel that the respon sibility that is upon them, as far from being lightened, Is immeasureably increased by the deplo rable state of suspension which a radically vicious credit system Las again brought upon the community. It is an anomaly, that a people blessed with every natu ral resource —rich beyond compare in all the elements of national wealth—with no natural calamity pressing them down—with those elements of trade THE COOPS, just harvested, valued at TWO TOOO/1/10 111LL105.9 of dollars—should thus have come over them the general blight of naked dishonor and the admitted curse of a depreciated circulating medium. Yet so it is ! A radi. rally erroneous coon,? SWIM has been the giant des troyer; and not the buman agents who had to deal with it ! • "There can be but one opinion as to the pivot on which all bank management should now turn. The state of things is such with reference to our real currency—our constitutional and legal currency—gold and silver—and with the national treasury, that, as a people, there is no parallel between our condition now and what it was in 1837. The national treasury is fall of specie; and specie to the amount of two hundred and ninety mil lions is somewhere in the country. Specie has begun also to be shipped from Europe.. and will now in from California. Here is a sound currency; and it is the firm duty now devolving ou the bank direction to make their whole action turn on producing a resumption of specie payments, and make their isaues convertible into this currency. "Let us not be misunderstood. It is no time to sus. pond the common bank operations; no time to atop discounte. The banks and the merchants are linked together in one common interest; and the same mer cantile community that resolved to sustain the banks in warding elf a suspension will neared!, co-operate with the banks in every wise measure calculated to bring about a resumption." The Courier and Enquirer says of financial prospects In New York: Gradually the financial storm is subsiding, and the people are accommodating themselves to the new state of things. Yesterday the broken were buying gold at 4 per cent. and selling at 6 to 8; but to-day there is a sudden decline in the value, and large operations have heortroade at Ito 2 per cent. Indeed some of the brokers were so fully supplied that they refused to purchase more. Hitherto, in times of supenslon, gold WAS wanted to pay foreign debts, and it was no scarce in 1137-8 that a premium of 4 to 6 per cent, was the standard price. Now, although largely in debt bi Eutope, there is &Strong probability that this debt will be ligeddated (not as in 1837, by bankruptcy) by heavy exports of wheat and flour. The twenty-Ave millions bushels of grain stored in Illinois are worth twenty-five millions of dollars in gold, and will produce, at least, this sum abroad. The whole crop of wheat of 1867 is estimated at use hundred and eighty to two hundred militant bushels. Tbe ave rage consumption by each white person is estimated at live bushels annually, or about one hundred and thirty million Matteis, leaving a ;surplus of fifty militant; for export. This in itself will be worth, In round numbers. sixty-two millions of dollars. A very large export of gold from Western Europe, In payment of grain, is not to be desired. It would : leopard (in conjunction with other circumstances abroad) the solvency of the banks of England. and Franca.", Tue TOADS on ran BALDING Bitten/tn.—The follow. Eng 111 the amount of Coal transported on the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad during the week ending Thursday, Ocfober 15, 18571 From Pori Carbon Pottsville " Schuylkill Eleven._ " Auburn 4' Port Clinton Total for week Previously this year Total for year 1 495,948 03 To same time last year SCHUYLKILL HAYNATION COAL TRAM—The fol- lowing are tae receipts of Coal far the week ending Thursday, October It, 1851: Brom Port Carbon. " Pottsville " Schuylkill Haven... " Port Clinton Total for week Previously this year To acme time last year 907,834 17 The Bulletin gives the following comparative state. meet of the Anthracite coal tonnage, from the Lehigh and Schuylkill regions, for the lut week of the season : 1867 Week. Reason. Week. Beacon. 21,288 738,763 4,832 989,064 Railroad 8,995 360,303 . 23,098 1,495,948 Total. 28,273 1,097,388 1858. Week. Season. Week. Season. Canal 37,991 958,895 30,602 907,854 Railroad. 8,967 120,840 409 1,809,645 1,079,735 79,731 2,717,299 RECAPITULATION OS THE SEABON. 1858. 1857. Lehigh 958,895 738,753 Dec.. 221.142 Railroad.— 120,840 380,303 1nc..249,483 Schuylkill Canal... 907,854 989,094 Inc.. 81,240 • Ea11r0ad.1,809,545 1,495,948 Dec.. 313,597 Total 3,797,134 3,682,098 Dee-215,036 Coal transported over the North Pennsylvania Rail road, 1857,: Tons. Cut January 220 16 Vebruary 2049 12 March 2117 10—First Quarter 4893 11 April • 2170 18 May 2672 09 June 8481 12. ,ElecOnd Quarter..., 6214 19 July 8419 12 August 3787 01 Septembar.....7lB4 19.. Third quarter ' • 14,291 12 Total 20.080 00 INSPECTIONS or FLOOR and MOM. for the Week ending October 16, 1867: /Barrels of Oupertlne do Rine do Middlings • do Rye do Corn do Condemned 18,488 STEPHEN MILLER, Inspector PHILADELPHIA HOOK EXCHANGE PALES, . _ . October 18, 1857 Reported by E. Manly, Jr.,•Stoek Broker, No 80; Walnut street. I/1 148 T BOARD. 14 N Penns RR 8X 4 do 8% 14 do 3% 20 Penns 8R...0&P.8334 10 do •.• .0&P.83X 3 do ....04r.P.33x 10 do ....0&P.83% 10 do ....0&P.84 4 Norristown P.R....61 12 do 61 /0 do 51 14 do ....2 ' BOARDS. 100 Reading R.:. cash.l7% 1000Ity RR Bs 88 100 City Os 83 200 do .e6wn.Now.94 200 do ,a6wn.New.94 20 Beav Mead RR. .45 6 do 45 100 Reading RR 18 100 do e6,18)6' 100 do ....sawn:lB 60 do a 5.18 10 N Penne BB 8% T do Bx BETWBRS 26 Minalillt RB 61% I 10 Reading 1t..e5w0..18 8800 1,000 N Pena RR 81-46 ND 1,000 Soh Nov Oa '72 100 City 0e....New..93X 4,000 do ..„New..94 800 d0....New.04 800 Wiladogton It 0840 20 ?MM 11i...0&P..aag OLO/Mill PER dakad. I tr 0 6 1 5, Philadel tPa• • , .88% 83% New....92N tNag PeaLosyle 64....50g 82% &sawn 17)i 17 Penns RE 84% X Morris Caul CronB6 88 Baba 18 Oa 82.-61 65 " stook ...... 8 . 8N I 100 Reading a.... 15 . 31 A Reading doses don at 177 h BOARD. 4 Penne 10 Oam & Am 11.,Zds 86 6 do 86 60 Long Island R..... ag 16 Norristown 61 15 do ..........61 14 do 61 0518.41TBADY. id. g .4 34ed. 1141 , 1 66 .82 ref la 143 i Wnispq&Blmß do Mond 7 , 6 du do 24111 ki) Long ... 8,4 9 Vicksburg Gina Bask 7M 7 % Lehigh Moo X Union Oansl ..... tig New ()reek )6 1 IT. 60Beading IL eg. imputations. [Reported for The Prowl itiLLSPORO—Sobr Miele E, Ilathetssy-100 tops pleiteele A-Condor & 90., MDILADELPHIA BOARD OM TRAWL ' 'WM. O. Uri, " 41 ,,R c V 110 H) 00 . 106111141 07 US MOMS ELLIS .AltilALL, MITE*: 'NACHO 1411igehyee, Philadelphia. Marc Z Ben PcnnCLCO lean Prig Oregon, (Br) Green Porten Prince, eon ORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 17, 1837. ..5 211 ...1 11 ....... 51-ISUN BETS ARRIVED. Big Hesperus, Morgan, 10 days from Eldon, NS, with atone to W Hough. Behr Bilvie E, Hathaway, 8 days from Hillsboro, ND, with plaster to 'E A Bowler & Co. Behr Jesse Williamson, Winsmoro, 4 days f,nm Bos ton, to ballast to captain. Bohr Sarah Hinge, Weaver, from New York. Behr Expedition, Conner, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with oats to Bewley, Wilson & Co. City Ice Boat, Capt Jas It Kelly, 12 hours front Dela ware Breakwater, having proceeded thereto on a trial trip, and performed admirably well Left an English brig, bound up. CLEARED. • • • - Steamship City of Now York, Howes, Boston, Henry Winsor. Brig Helen Mar, Churchill, Yarmouth, NS, T Wattsou & Sone. Behr Sarah Mingo, Weaver, Now York, Bancroft, Logis & Co. Behr Courier, Loring, Boston, D Pearson & CO. Sloop Mary Warner, Stokes, Wilmington, Del, captain. Str It Willing, Olutpoole, Baltimore, A Groves, dr. [BY TeLliOnirH.l Correspondence of the Philadelphia Nichauge. OAPN ISLAND. Oct. 15. 945 M. The steam tug America, with ache Geo Darby in tow, for New York, is now going out The fleet detained at the Breakwater for several days by stress of weather, loft this morning for sea. Yours, &0., THOS. B. HUGHES. CAPE ISLAND, NT, OA 16, 10 A M. The brig Malvern, for Kingston, Ja, came down this morning, and is now at the Breakwater. Wind NW—. weather cloudy. TILOS: B. HUGHES. Oct 16, 4 45 Y M—The ship John Patten, for Savan nah, wont-to sea this afternoon. There are no vessels in eight inward bound. A strong gale from the west ward prevails at this time. T. E. 11. Now Was, Oct 10. Below, ship Chariot of Fame, from the Chineba Isl- ands, with guano. Boom, Oct. 10. Arrived, ships It P Forbes, from Penang, and Ella E Badger, from Calcutta. PROVIDENCE, Oct 10. The barque Parodi, hence for Zanzibar, is ashore at Block Island, full of water, and has stern stove in. The vessel and cargo, which is a valuable one, are Insured in Boston. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Del.. Oct. 1&, 8 A M North•eacterly winds still prevail, and detain a large fleet at the Breakwater among which are brigs Sarah Elizabeth, Alruccabah, day Holland, andschr Sharon. Yours, &c, WM. M. HICKMAN. Correspondence of The Press. llama Do Caeca, Oat. 16 Four boats left here this morning, laden sod con signed as follows: Lowis lierford, corn, floor, &e, to P Fitzpatrick; F Marlon, whlekey, leather, sumac, &c, to Nesbit & Gar rettson; T J Tingle, bar iron to Pobt Valentine; a Tins man, lumber to Norcross & Sheets. Steamship Daniel Webster, Minor, from New Orleans and Havana. arrived at Now York Nith inst. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, hence at Richmond 14th inst. . . Steamship Catawba, Hawes, from Havana, via Key West, &c, at Charleston 13th inst. Steamship New York, Craig, for Glasgow, cleared at Now York yesterday. Steamship Isabel, Rollins, for Charleston, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamship State of Georgia, Garvin, hence at Savan nah 13th inst. ••.• • - • . Ship Hippograffe, Sears, from Callao, in Hampton Roads 15th inst. ' Ship Elizabeth, Mason, for Londonderry, cleared at St John, NB, 6th Inst. Ship Fair Wind, Strout, from Boatou via Rio, arrived at San Franclmo Bth ult. Ship Flying Dutchman. Hubbard, from Now York, ar rived at San Francisco 10th ult. Ship Flora Temple, Cole, from New York, arrived at San Francisco 14th ult. Ship Hound, Slovens, for Honolulu, sailed froto San Francisco 16th ult. Ship Daring, Simonson, for long Kong, sailed from San Francisco 16th ult. Ships Panama, Cave, for Sharighaa; Mary Whitridgo, Chesebrough, for Hong Kong; Belle of the Seas, LOWill, for Calcutta, walled from San Francisco 16th ult. Ship Charmer, Locos, for Calcutta, sailed from San Francisco 10th ult. Ship Mohongo, McDevitt, from St Alm, NB, at Lon donderry 29th nit Ship Lowell, Knowles, from Batavia, arrived at floe ton lath inst. - Ship &mak, Rowland, from Liverpool, 10th nit. for l'hihvielphia, was spoken on the 20th , lat —, long 838 W. nip May, Bridge, from Boston, arrived at San Fran Memo Sept 11. Ship Belvidere, Jackson, from Boston, arrived at San Francisco 11th ult. Ship Golconda, Leverett, from Liverpool for Calcutta, nas spoken Aug 25, lat 10 20, long 2155. Ship Stornoway, from Ilong Kong, at Foo Chow July 21, and remained Slet. Ship Stag Hound, Peters, from Hong Kong, at Poo Chow July 21, and remained Old. Barque red, Theatrup, from Portland, arrived at Ha vana 30th ult Barque Early Bind, Cook, remained at Woosung Aug 10, unc. Barque E K Kane, Hewitt, sailed from Cardenas 6111 Inst. for Philadelphia. Barque Mary 0 Porter, Porter, at 8t Jago de Cube 25th ult. from Portland. Barque Wm II Newman, Garet, from Itio do Janeiro, at Baltimore lbth Mat, Brig Mary E Idillikon, Norden, sailed from Havana 3d inst. for Philadelphia. Brig Emma Eger, Kelly, for Philadelphia, sailed from 'fauna 3d inst. Brig T B Wattson, Dornaby, from Puerto Cabello, 22d ult, arrived at New York yesterday. Bohr George Amos, Treat, from Damns for Bolton, was at Hey West 24 Inst. Schr Sarah, Benson, hence, arrived at New Bedford 14th fut. . SchrJas Lawrence, Baldwin, for Philadelphia, cleared at Wilmington, NO, - 15th Inst. Behr War Steed, Smith, hence at Salem 14th inst. Schr 0 II Roger., Small, cleared at New York yester day for Salem. Bcbr W 0 Mershon, Mershon, hence for New Orleans, named Key West 3d inst. Par Village Gem. Phinney, from Wilmington, NC, 2.d hist. for Philadelphia, put back to 81111011 , iIle 13th lost. with deck load shifted and two ineu eiek, having experienced heavy weather for several dogs. Behr Reporter, Berry, hence at Portland 16th inst. Behr Jon Gllyer, (s) Chapin, hence at Hartford 14th Inst. Behr M RCarlisle, Winsmore, Bailed from Providence 13th inst. for Philadelphia. gchr Flight, Huntley, for Philadelphia, via Egg Har bor, called from Providence 14th inst. Behr E 0 Dennison, Sonthworth, hence at Hartford 13th inst. Aug 13, lot 6 N, loug 20 11i, ship Zingarl,filwift, from Now York, July 0, for Oulcutta. Aug 31, let 3.03 N, long 31 W, was seen an American steamer steering ESE, barquo rigged, earl her initea most standing well all; name not outdo out. Sept 20, tat 60, long 12, ship Pacific, Gadd, from Gar da for New York. Tona. Owt 0,990 03 420 11 .11,104 10 Sept 22, lat 42 34, long 18 31, ship Northland, blither, from Liverpool for New Orleans. ....23,0841 09 1,479,849 14 A British barque or ship, from the Coast of Africa, with a cargo of palm oil, was reported by telegraph 16th inst. ashore on the south nide of Nantucket Bar, 1,809,645 01 - • • • • • • . [The above vessel proves to be the American barque John Swaney, from the Coast of Africa for Salem Mrs lies well up on the beach.] Ship Nabob, Cole, previously reported ashore on the Prate Shoals, had been chartered In Calcutta to proceed from Hong Kong to Rangoon, and thence to the conti nent, at £4, 2 0, and was no doubt on the way to R. when she got ashore. Barque Lucerne, at Norfolk 14th inst. from Bathurst, Africa, with hides cud pea nuts, bound to Now York, makes the following report: Hu been north of Hatteras since 24 lust, encountering heavy gales from NE, and was driven back to the Gulf three times. On the 3d Oct, while hove to in a gale, the topsail cheat bolts were torn out, and four of the deck planks with them, the vessel shipping large quantities of water, there being a very heavy sea on. On Sunday, the 11t h , car ried away the feretapsall yard, and being short banded and leaking badly, put Into Hamp ton Roads. Oct 1, let by dead reckoning 35 41 N, long 74 011 W, saw a barque steering SE by 8, showing a blue flag and round ball. Oct 9, let 37 N, sounding 21 fathome, saw the bowsprit and head timbers of a sunken vessel. The American schr Gen Scott, Hatch, sailed from Bathurst for New York on the 25th Aug, and the barque Alex Mitchell, buscomb, for Sierra Leone on the 25th. The barques Hermitage, Roberts, for Marseilles. and Reindeer, Al len, for New York, were at Bathurst Aug 28. Brig T B Wattson, of Philadelphia, llarnaby, at New York yesterday from Puerto Cabello, reports: Experl fleeced heavy weather on the coast from NE; wa9 14 days north of Hatteras; lost HOMO sails. No date, lag 37 long 76, at daylight, passed the hull or a vessel with 'nothing atanding but part of foremast. Same day passed aeveral casks and a quantity of timber. 13th Mat, off Barnegat, in 25 fathoms water, passed the heel of a mast sticking about 12 feet out of water, supposed to be attached to Nome sunken vessel. Tone. Owt. .. 8,021 00 .. 1,180 10 —19,424 16 .. 2,241 00 . 30,832 05 958,282 05 989,094 10 Borrnrumi, 63,930 2,485,042 NOTICE TO MARINERS. Letter of the Superintendent to the Secretary of the Treasury, conummicating the discovery of a ledge off Cape Small Point, Me, by Mont Com'gW U Temple, U S N, Assistant In the Coast Survey: Bannon, Mo, Sept 16, 1867. Sir—l have the honor to report to you that during the operations of the present season on the coast of Maine, the hydrographic party under the charge. of Lleut Corny W G Temple, U 8 N, Assistant in the Coast Survey, discovered 4 pew ledge which does not appear on any chart yet publish:xi, and is unknown to any of the pilots or fishermen In the vicinity. It hes a depth of thirty feet on it at mean low water and lies tyawg sot %8 by compass) from Seguin Lighthoqiu, distant 6% nauti cal miles, in let 43 41 N long 68 62 W. I propose to call it Temple's Ledge, after the discoverer. I would respectfully request authority to publish this communication in the usual form, as a notice to marl- Very respectfully yours, A. D. SAONE, Sup U S Coast Survey. Hon. Nowell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury. Tons. Owt - - San Francisco--Arr oth nit, Fr chip Nil, Leduc, Mar aeillee via Bordeaux; Prom barque Johann Martin, Rod man, fm Liverpool ; brig Rapid, Branson, Ilemburg ; 7th, Mex brig Cornelia, Bennett, Napalm/ ; Ramberg achr Aug Kaufman, Wieland, Calcutta; Bth, barque Ella Frances, 11111 m, 15 days from Seattle, Puget Sound; 10th, steamship Columbia, Lappidge,Columbis River. 12th—Ship Scotland, Bert, Liverpool, 137 di; Pruaa barque b' Saaneld, Roger, do; 14, steamship Golden to Age, Watkins, Penn& ; 15, Whaling ship Mayflower, Gardiner, Day of Islands via Tahiti; also err 1111 M ship 'Havana, 11ardy, Panama; barque J B Mora, Bartlett, Punts Arenas 07 de. /oth—Fr ship Reo'd Arabes Bemoan!, Bordeaux, 144 ds; brig J Bream, Iligginselhion river; 20th,1 Steam shlP Santa Cros, DMIle, San Orus; brig George Ymery, Ilumbolt Bay; bid Lth tat, chip Mary 1. Sutton, Simon, Lamina; Bth, barque Yankee, Smith, llonolulu; 10th, Sw ship Amphitrite, Bredquist, for Callao; barques I B Runt, Messer, Portland; Sea Nymph, fltage, liumbolt Bay, via Paget Sound; lath, Storm King, Callaghan, Rang Bong. KEY WEST.--Arr 27th ult, brig Fredonia, Lord, N Y; Rilsebr Florida, Watkins, do; 28th tilt, ochre Tem perance, Baltimore; 2, Harriet Lewis, NY ; 6th hat, pilot boat Cornet, NY. Sid 80th ult, brig Fredonia, l Lord, Tortugas; Bth achy bfarriet, for Milton; ship Ash land, from Phisdephia for New Orleans. passed the city, 8d; Bahr; Vail from New York bound for Cedar Rep, 6th Burt. NEW YORK, Oct. 18 —Arilved, steamships Atalanta, Gager, Charleston; Jamestown, Parrish, Richmond, Zeo. Cleared, 'ships Ocean Romp, Manson, Now Orleans; America, Rowe, Liverpool; Middlesex, Parmlee, do; barques Asa Fleh, Wolfe, at Marks; flen Jones, Talpey, HAMM; brigs Talbot, Prett, Harbor Breton; Avondale, Dix, (Mara; Julie Jeanne, Phillips , at Pierre; sabre 11 Van Name, Veda Name. Washington; D Mears, Snow, Baltimore: Rolex, Pot, Peeve 004. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, trp to 12 o'clock Last Night. GIRARD ROTEL—Chestnut street, between Bth & sth. J W Priest, Neer Haven W Brands Scott, N 0 Wm U Iloimee, N Orleans 8 Nigh, Paris Nathan Stem Pe Wll Trear, Montg, Ala J Zdwerde, L Berkley ye Geo 7 Wetherel, Va P Thee Britten, N Y G Van V est, N Y B Nelson, New Orleans B Bloomfield, New Orleans F DKonwenlioven & le, N Y 0 W eirnbaon, N H Rut, N Y T Jones, Cincinnati, Ohio A B Damara Balt James M Haig, Halt ]l V Bryan . , St Loeb' U Marshall, N Y ;as Herr, London, o W John B Pearson, Beading Jerh Plagenman, Reading D McKnight, Beading Judd, (Alpena t# Baynes and le ' Portemth Osorge, Va Miss George L ltlchroond,Va Aloe E R °ergo, Richmond Vise Penn, Richmond, Vs W 0 Nixon, Ala Master A V Scott, Ira R Ludlow; Norfolk, Va D Mark, Cincinnati, Q • Geo AI Beim, Geo 81 Bain, Jr, PA Bain, ship Alexander &13 du Val, Arkansas Allston, 80 Mrs Allston, B 0 Dr Wit Dougherty, Vs Mills E Dougherty, Va TILE PRESS.-4 3 1-11tADELPHIA., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1857. Marine Jraellvettre. PT TELEGRAM] Worregpondence of Tip ',regal MEMORANDA MARINE MINOELLANY DOMESTIO PORTS Julio L Ramie, N Y Robt Hewitt, Va J A. Dorsey, N Y 0 Corning, Mass L 3 Morris, 814111"raneino 3l' Thorn A wile, 'Va J M Eager & in, N Y Mrs P. Lngrovo, Ilalthnoro J Coats and Indy, Scotland 11 Curtis, Phila 3 A Conover, N Y A Tinsley, Va Mrs Wilkes, Oharl , n, 8 0 N U Holbrook, Roston C V Burnes A in, Carlisle J 8 Baker, N Y Muster 0 V Kasson, Bolen T Orontes, Phila 0 (I Taylor, N Y 0 Ellabriht, N Y 3 0 ?definite, Wash Mrs Churchill & son, Sue Miss Cut ler, Say W J Thee, N Y U 11 Satterla, NY II Parrott, U S N G It 'Taylor, WheePg Va S Morn,,, Jr, Wash (I W Jenks, N Y N &bolder, N Y C E Schlnuder. N Y 3 L Harway, N Y W Rollock, N 1' 0 J Cheney, Nashville lil Hughes, N Y W P Iddings, Batt 0 P Latham, Phila T T Crane, N Y J II Runtrill, N 7 W II Cassill, Miss MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth itheett.bolow Arch, If A Lothimp, Mass L Bangs, New York L Boardman, New York' II W Applegate, Perim If W Jeinison, Mulligan Geo Brandt, N Carolina Chas A Smith, Virginia A Link, Virginia Oen Hell A wf, Maryland J . 00- Black, Penns It F Repport, Penne It Geo Work, Penns II Ezekiel, Plat F P Hunthat, Panne F It Wilson, Bellefonte 8 Stewart Lyn, Bellefonte James 11 Chadwick. Mo John Turner, Bellefonte II II Lewis, Boston James Patterson D 'V Ruggles Reading N 1' Hyatt, Beading Wm Patton, Colnufbia J Beal dc deugh, Ohio J E ‘Voodbridga, Ohio SI Curtis, Mt Vernon 0 'l' J Meroney, N Carolina A 9 Ilothorford, la A four 'l' 'l' Fitch, Poland, Ohio children, St Louis II II Miller ) Va N S Adams, 'Vs II It Alberti, Florida It A Ofiler, Bethlehem. P D Mitchell, jr, Lancaster T 8 Lovett and lady, Phila D 0 Flamer, Pa AI (filbert, Johnstown, NY L P Bradley, Chicago L 8 Filbert, Columbia, Pa John Rankin, Troy, N Y W Jennison, Danville, Pa D T Vincent, Ala Ohithut Snegaine If LFahenstock, Pittsburgh J Kayser, New York Mrs Shaekford;Holliston ABIEBICAN HOTEL--Ohestnut street, above Fifth Leonard Passani, Bolt Jackson Rhodes, Vs Bonet Preston, Washington John Haines, Balt 0 II Peirce, N It II II Highland, Pa J Burley, Tyrone J Id Rittenbouse & In, Ohio C J Brown, Blair co II W (loading, Boston Andrew Hendricks, Pa C II Harrison, Pa Bam'l Hendricks ; Pa tire Goodell A: in, Pa B Akers, Ya S Johnson, Chicago II D (leather, Ya J W Stull, N Y A N Wooten, Philo 9 A ndrows, N Y A 7 Simpson, I'a P 9 Nicks, Ya John Johnson, Vu Gee Gibson, Ya 0 L Lobere, Boston Jno II Huntingdon, Wash Chas II Huntingdon, Wash AS Williamson, Lycoming O J Dougherty, Philo B W Seymour. Ct Chas Foulke, New lino, Pa gin li/Cetlltr, Rustling, Pa D II 'Wilson, Chester co UNION HOTEL—Arch street. above Third. J B Cook, Fayetteville H Bitner, Harrisburg W II Hutchins, Elide, 0 J F Hess & la, Ohio G B Shoemaker, Ohio C Mather, Ohio Miss Jane Cohvill, Ohio 0 P Spaulding, Ohio J D Spaulding & la, Philo HII Willard & la, Philo John Irvine, Ohio John Irvin, Penna E It Prichard, Mass I' Nichols, Salem, Mass James Cloth, Bethlehem II 9 Thompson, Bethlehem John 0 Hopewell. N J antes A Elder. N Y James Johnson, V 4 U 111[11;150n, Ohio II C Adams, Blass /FOB' PeP,l4 NATIONAL lIOTEL—Race street, above Third. Jos L Butler. Wllkesbarre Harry Miller, Michigan J W Large, Ohio 0 Degenheart, Fresskow, P Chas Sport, Lycoming 0 Herman, Bucks co Oen W Fan, Wilkesbarra Mr Winter, Wilkesbatre (leo W Morgan, Pottsvillo Miss I?erlue, Danville It J Handler, Pottsville $ II Knowles, M'ch Chunk Jos Oormly, Phila Miss NI E Gottaly, Pa STATES pklfpy—kiariret street, above Sixth. J Orme, Ohio J B Loa an, Pittsburgh 9 9 Case. South Windaor,ol. Peter L fAnnirig, Pa John Maguire, York, PG Jos Alcorn, 41n strong co Jit Barnard, Jattegy, Wis 11%4 E McDonald, P<lt It ID V r ogigity, V 4 lltAol3. BEAR INN—Firth and Merchant. J P Walton, London Greve W D Hart, Trenton, N T S Cornett, Phoenixville 0 M Taylor, Delaware co E T Mercer, Cheater co W 8 Youngi, Chester co W W Woodward, Chester co J Slack, Chester co IV M Wilkinsop, Chester co Thos Degrees, Chester co 11 Moyle, Yranklin co a Williamson, Del co Sairel Isett & Son, Montg co Jacob Wsikle, Montg co Jl' Ilillyard, Wilmington 0 Wood, Conshohockeis BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab. Callowhill. It Winch, Warren, Ohm J Phubort, Warren, Ohlo A Buckman, Feastelville E Haldeman, Bucks county S Hogelaud, ilyberry Thus Hersh, Kllnesvillu Casper Roads, 11y:berry Geo M Corner, Warrington J Artsdrtle, Eeastervlllu A Clayton, Southampton Mr Eddowos, Moreland (1 Clemens, Cheater Val MADISON HOUSIII-9.econd street, above Market. Daniel Horn, Venna Miss Mary Horn, Penns aW . 0 jlearne, Pelaware John A Warner, NJ S Williams, Lancaster, l'aMabel . ), Philailo D C Allen, New York Jos AleTanefer,la John P Morris, Chester co Thos S Oarther, Dalt T Flanagan, Philadelphia Woe German, Honesdale r:lperiat Noticeg Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, 11111 Heads, Cir. enters, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to suit the times. ocYLly Prize Clothing.—Tile entire Stock of fashion• able Clothin in closing out, regardless of coat, at the birth•place of Liberty, southwest carper of SEVENTH, No. 700 TIAIIKET. A gilt with every purchase, 11* BROWN & Muss. Buffalo Rohm-100 Pales Buffalo Robes or the various qualities, juel received front Minnesota. llso a Imutsome assortment of Fancy Mohan of out own manufacture, and for sale wholesale and retail bip GliO. E. WOMRATEI, oetl2-Im* 411 Arch Street. Seamen's Saving Fund—mike 20S Walnut !street, one door west of second Arcot. Receives de peslts in sums of One Dotter and upwards, from all olarsee of the community, and allows Interest at the Ms of five per cent. per annum. 091ce open daily, [rem 9 until 9 o'clock, sod on Mon• day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Yell; Treasurer, °Lades M. Morris; Boom try, James 8. Pringle. Bowers Want Cordial.••-This Invaluable Cordial to prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and Is the moat perfect and reliable carminative extant for infante and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected in ell cases of C holic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves lad mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by lie soothing properties tram. quillses pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, AA. The Infant Cordial bits become a standard remedy, and boo been used in thonsands of cases with the most abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by linunv A. Dowse, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. 11. corner of Sixth and Green etc, Philadelphia. To whom all orders most be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au 1347 Saving Fnud—Flue Per Cent, Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in WALNUT Street, south west corner of TUIRD Street, PLIILADKLPIIIA. Meets Over ONII MILLION AND A LIALP OP DOLLARS, Invested lu DEAL EirriTE, MonTaIOPB,GROOND DENTS, and other first class sectithies, as required by the charter. his institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening, and en Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o'clock, illarnagro On the Bth instant, at Tazewell, Claiborne county, Tenn., by the Rev. A. Blair, ROBERT EMMET PAT TERSON, late of the United Staten Army, to MARY LOUISA HOUSTON, daughter of Major Hugh Houston, of Tazewell. On the 4th Instant, by the Rer. John A. Childs, ED WARD A DROWN to Miss HANNAH . HALLWORTII, both of this city. 00 the 15th, Want, by Rev. William Cathcart, JOHN D. EERRES, M. D. of Dolingtou, Bucks county, Pa., to Miss MARY JAMES, of Philadelphia, [Doylestown papers please copy ] On the 16th instant, at the Montgomery lintel, 0 Mayor You; EVAN D. JONES to ANNA POTTS, bosh of Montgomery county, Pa. Elvotli6 On the 10th instant, JAMES NELSII, aged 67 years, The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late reel. deuce, southwest corner of Fifth and Prune streets on Tuesday morning at 0 o'clock, without further notice. Interment at St. Mary's, South Fourth street: ocl7-3t* On the 13th instant, hire: ESIELIISE 11. SEXTON, wife of Stephen B. Sexton, in the 47th year of het' age. At Reading, Pa , on the 14th instant THOMAS DIEHL, Jr. On the 16th instant, after a lingering Mum, Mr. ISAAC NETIIERCOTI in the 40th year of WA ale. On the 14th instant, itEBECO4. 'POSEY, daughter of James and Eleanor 1 . Harris, aged 16 months. ELT Rev. Thorium U. Stocktou will Preach in JAYNE'S HALL, Sabbath morning, at half-past ten Evening, at half-past coven. Oitizena and strangers In vited. fp' Ilusbunda..—The Duty at MUM Rev. JOHN CHAMBERS, on Epheelana, clap. 5, r. 25; 00losslans, chap. 3, v. 19 1 peter; chap. 3, T. 7, TO. MORROW AFTERNOON, at half-peat tltrgo o'clock. Church BROAD and ligoncix 0404. • • lt* ID Notice—Appenic—eity Commlisteners' Ofttce, PISILADZI.SIII.I, October Ili, 1857. NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Commis sioners will hear Appeals by all parsons rated for State and Municipal Tax, in the city of Philadelphia, for the year 1858, for thi several wards of the said city, at their office, No. 11 west wing of the State House, (up stairs) on the following days, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. St. and 1 o'clock P. M. Id and 2d Wards—Ofi Monday, October lOth, 1857 8d <a 4th " " Tues. ' "u' sth " Ottl " " Voilnonday, " 21st, " 7th " Bth " " Pin" - Thu rgihky, 9th"loth " " Fri Atty, 11th 4 4 12th " " Monday, 44 20th, " 11th ,4 14th 44 " Tuesday, " 27th, " 16th " 10th " " Wednesday, " 28th, " 17th ~1 8th " " Thursday, • 29th, 19th " 20th " " Friday, " 30th, " 21st 44 22.1 " " Monday, Nov. 2d, 234 " 24th " Tuesday, " 3d , t. The Assessors of ouch wards as have not been supplied with Illauk Notices of Appeals are hereby noti(lld to call at the Commisaloneng Mace qna ptecutia the same. GEORGE JAMES M. LEDDY, Olty Commissioners. JAMES LOGAN, ocl3-dtrio3 Pll I L AD E LI" 111 A, GERMANTOWNN AND NO RRIST Off N RAILROAD.—WINTER ARRANGEMENT.—On an d after MONDAY, October 10th, 1857. FOILGERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 0,7%, 8%. 9%, 11h A. M., 9, 8.10 min. 4,6, 0,7, 9, and 11 P. 51. Leave Gerecaritorn at 6%, 7-85 min. 8,9, 10% A. M., 1.10, 0.10 nun. 4,5, 0,7, 8, and 10 P. 51. The 7.86 o'clock A. M. Train from Germantown will atop only at Wayne Street Station: ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9.20 :mu. M., 2 and ag P. M. Leave Germantown 8 20 min. A. M., 1-10 min. a$ 6.46 WI% P. 51, CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at 7s, sj, A. M., 2, 4, ¢, and 9 P. 11. Leave Chestnut 11111 at 7,4,8-10 and 10-10 min. A. Nc., 1260, 3-40, 540 and 7-40 lain. P. Id: ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9-20 A. H., 2 and 0% P.. 11. Leave Oheetnut 11111 at 8 A. lit, 12-50 and 5-20 P. M . TOR lIANAYIINK, CONSUOIIOOIrEN AND NORRIS. Leave Philadelphia a t 04, 0WN 9, 11 A. N., .3, 4g 6g, and 11 P.. 51. , Leave Norristown at 7, 911 A. 3 and 640 P. M. ON fiIINOAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. AI., and 8 P. IC Leave Norristown at 7A, N. and 5 I'. AL ONNSTER VALLEY RAILROAD FOR DOWNINO. TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at og A. M., and 3 P. N. Leave Downingtown at 7,1 i A. N . and 1 P. N. N. SMITH, Superintendent. Depot, Ninth and Oreen streets, Philadelphia. CIIRARD HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA:— 1.76 In accordance with the spirit of the times, and with a grateful appreciation of the liberal patrougo they have enjoyed from the travelling community, the Proprietors of the GIRARD ROUSH claim the privilege of being the first in Philadelphia to respond to the universal demand for retrenchment. On and after MONDAY, 11th Octo ber, their price of board will be reduced from $2.10 to 532. per diem. ocl7-7t PILEBIMIDY, DYKES le co F .- OBBING, FOX & CO 13RMARS SOIWYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL, ocl7-e to kth 6t Southwest corner of RACE AND DROAD. HELP FOR THE the UO3IN MISSION Philadelph la-- Rev. JOHN STERNE, I Mr. Juno P. AMMON, Rev. It. T. Raven.. Mr. ALBERT ft ROWLAND, liar T. S. Jainism, Mr. JOINS NOLEN, Are now making their Annual calls on our citizens, to solicit subscriptiona to aid the Association lu the noble work of relieving and elevating the Poor, and in view of the terrible amount of distress and want that must, necessarily, grow out of the efflicting crisis we are pass ing through, the Managers earnestly hope for and urge increased liberality on the part of their fellow citizens. Ay order of the Board of Managers. GEORGE 11. STUART, President. R. R. llocetten, Secretary. Taos. T. AfseoN, Treasurer. No. 434 Market street. OCR.—The A gen tu of RY SOCIETY of the city of ocl7-.5 to & th•2w RT R STOLEN.—THE FOLLOW /La ing described acceptances have been Lost or Stolen, and all persons era cautioned against negotiating or re ceiving the seine, as payment has been stopped. One draft drawn by JOHN TUCKER, Philadelphia, on ' OHS. A. 11170KSI1SII, President of Forest Improve ment 00. N. Y. dated Sept. 15, 1851, at 4 too, dated and accepted..s2,oso 60 Do do 16, do do do do .. 1,640 60 Do do 18, do do do do 1,000 00 Do do 10, do do do do .. 2,250 00 Do do 21, do do do do .. 2,0111 60 Any person finding the name will please return them to the undersigned. 0c17.41 JOHN TUCKER, WM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE RE= pository, 1,005 and 1,011 CHESTNUT St.. above Tenth, is now open for. the 86.i(1 et every description of Carriages, combining style, durability, and elegance of &deb, (rein the Manufactory, at the corner of SIXTH and MASTER Streets, to which the attention of citizens, and Southern and Western genVenzen is respectfully N. B.—Especial attention given to carriages for re pairs, In the shops connected with the Repository. En trance on Chestnut street. cc7l-s NEW LAW BOOKS.-- Just Published by LITTLE, BEGONE & CO., Law and Eoreign Booksellers, 112 WashDorton st., Boston. UNITED STATES AI6NUAL DIGEST, MS.—United States Digest , containing a Digest of the Decisions of the Courts of Common Law, Equity, and Admiralty in the United States and England, for the year 1856. By George S. Hale. Royal Bvo, $5 ANGELL ON HIGHWAYS.—A Treatise on the Law of Highways. By Joseph K. Angell and Thomas Dar fee, Bvo, $4. ocl7-3t-s to & th HOUSE OF REFUGE.—Applications for 1.-1. the situation or ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT and TEACHER of the Soya School, in the white de parttneut of the HOUSE OF REFUGE, will be received by the subscriber until the Scat of November next. JAMES J. BARCLAY, Chairman Executive Committee, 0c17.3t.s to A th Athenaium El AIR FOR THE SALE OF USEFUL A.' and Fancy articles, for the benefit of ST. FRAN CIS X CHURCH, Fairmount, and the first Fair they here had for sixteen years, will open at JAYNE'S HALL, corner of SEVENTH and CIfESTNUT Ste , on moND4y, gct. ust4, ocIN m w u4t* FOTt S4LI —Or in exchange for Stocks.— AA handsome modern residence, No, 820 North SE. VENT If Strept, aboTo Brown street, west side Lot 26 by 115 feet—side yard. Apply on the premises ocl7-2w INVENTORY OF BONDED MERCHAN DISE remaining in the Bonded Warehouse at the end of the quarter terminating on the 30th day of September, 1857, made in compliance with directions from the lop. Secretary of the Trepury.—Cloneral Re gulations, No. 29 : 8 Pipes Brandy, 2 Cases Hair Pencils, 1250 Half pipes Brandy, 278• Large Cones Sugar, 1663 Quarter pipes " 2111 Boles 1419 Eighth " ii 174 Small boles " 1833 Cases Wine, 8971 Bags 346 Baskets •, 0648 11hda. ii 44 Pipes " 087 Tierces ii 347 Iliad,, 1671 111915. ii 1059 Qr. Casks '' 129 Mids. lilalada, 387 Octaves " 61 Puncheons Molasses, 374 Pipes Gin, 2831 Hilda , 101 Casks '' 255 Tierces 182 Puncheons Whiskey 2826 Mils " 43 " Thinli 'lO Half blabs. " 10 Mids. Ale 29 Casks Hardware, 177 Dble Ale end Porter, 30, Cases " 3 Puncheons A erack 70 Cases Steel, 3283 Packages Dry Goode, Ai Bags Nags, 81 Cases Cigars, 201 Bundles Steel Iron, 21 Ilitlf I, 94ctii 811 Bundles nod lion, 70 Fifth ' 23 Bundles Sheet Tin, 165 Bale, Gunny Dag., 307 Duxes Tin Plates, 110 Dales Rags, 1011 Pigs of Lead, 109 Dales Corks, 27 Oases Looking Glass 802 Crates Earthenware, Plate, 14 Cask. 2 Cases Glassware, 1 Case of Otto of Roses, 25 Wes Baskets, 1 Case of Vanilla Beans 300 &mons Indigo, 1 Tub Cheese, 150 Bbls. Tapioca, 6 Cases Medicinal Pre- 11 Bales Selina, orations, 280 Bags Pimento, 15 Cases Absyn the Cordial 12 Cases Essential 011 s, 10 Casks Nutmegs, 19 Bags Closes, Si Oases Perfumery, 2 Caps Drugs, 2 Cases Manila, • 11 Cues Illiqbarb. 49 Sumo Ipecuellanlia, fOrn Q..Noobs REDUCTION. L. J. LEVY & CO. Wilt continue to oiler during this week their make as sortment of CHOICE DRESS GOODS, BILKS AND SHAWLS, under the cost of Importation. CLOAKS AND EMBROIDERIES. Just °period, several e-mail of Daris-made CLOAKS AND EMBROIDERIES. ocl2-Iw No 420 CHESTNUT STREET. L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & BON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1086 CHESTNUT Street, four doom below Eleventh And 318 S. SECOND Bt, below Sffrucii. PACTORIES.—Noe: 98 97 GEORGE St , below Tenth, and SECOND Strout, near Union. °niers made at a few hours , notice. iseM 4oalf JOHN B. STRYKER, Jn., 'Wholesale Dealer in AUCTION DRY GOODS. N 0.12 DANK Streot, Philadelphia. octl-2m illoneu. N - EW YORK, BOSTON, AND BALTI MORE FUNDS—Uncurreut Dank. Notos.—(ipld and Silver—bought and aold by EDWARD CLARK de CO., 35 South THIRD street PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 15,1557. 0c15.4w AMERICAN GOLD AND N EW VQEci Wvxua AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK PIINDS, MOUT AT TIM 1111011 EST PREMIUM BY oc7•Sm DREXEL & CO Political FOR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTH WARD PRIDJECT TO DEMOCRATIC HOLDS. 00.0-Eult FOR SHERIFF, GEORGE ESHER, TWENTIETH WARD. oclslw . I Jcwe - fl & A. PEQUIGNOT, v. MANUFACTURERS OF WATCHCASES AND IUPORTERS OF WATCHSS, 1 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT' PHILADELPHTA t . CONSTANT PSHOIONOT. itocippi noluionor 009-3nion* JAMES V. 04LlinLI, GO., No. 432 ottEsTreut 1.140 W plinfl STREET, Importers of 'Watches and Pine Jewelry, Manufactu rers of Sterling and Standard Silver Tea Sets, Vocite and Spoons, solo agents for the sale of Charles grodsto,m's new zones Geld 'Medal L0n49 . 9 'Ctp_Oseeperii--411 the sizes on hand, prices Efififi, qlld PO% Engliah and livass wAtctios at the lowest prices Rich fashionable Jewelry. Sheffield and American Plated Wares. eef.-y JS. TARDEN & 13RO. • lIANUNACITURIBLI AND IMPORTNIS Of SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. 801 Chestnut Street, above Third, (up alai%) Philadelphia. Constantly on band and for sale totip) Tte,4e, TR.& SETS, COMMUNION ( arva, URNS, PITCHERS, 0 wm . _pprrs, W ITEM!, BAB. REV), , mans, SPOONS, FORKS, ADLES, &0., ko. Gilding and plating on all kinds of metal. se2-1y IVIRANCP P. DIIBOSQ & SON, loto of Dubosq, °arrow & Co., Wholesale MANUFAC TURERS OP JEWELRY, 304 CHESTNUT street, Phila. &Aphis. Pastime P. DPBOSQ. WA. PMPBC/. auM Sm . .„. Q.II.,VER • i.. lv,tAm WILSON & SON, Af.4.IYOT47TURERS OF SILVER WARE, (ESTABLISHED 1812,) 3. N. CORNER PIPTII AND CIIHRRY STREETS. A largo assortment of SILVER WARE, of every de. scriptlon, constantly on hand., or made to order to match any pattern desired. Importers of Sheffield and Birmingham Imported ware. "39-Wail SAVANNAH ST.VAMSIIIP LINE STEAMSHIPS STATE OF GEORGIA KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed date of trade, the above ships will be withdrawn for the present. Octobe eth. A. EIERON, Jr PATENTS yarns BANK .—VOIYNDRY- .1 men and manufactpreo of 'Agricultural Imple ments will find Veit interest to obtain the right to numnfactuio 'the IRON HAND SEED PLANTER, made entirely of iron, and yet lighter then any now in use is so arranged as to plant two rows at the same time, and distribute the corn in the bill. Address "ELLIOT T'B MIENIN ,"1.45 Ronth POVRTg street, Philadelphia. ocl4.3td&l,terts QAVING FUND.--bNITET) STATES 17 TRUST 00/4F)M, corner of TIARA and MST NVITIROete. ;argq and emall an= roeeived and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER GENT . INTER. EST from the day of deveit to the day of withrawal. OStce hours!, [rum 9 until, 6 o'clock every day, and on MOTT EyErtirma from 7 until 9 o'clock. Q• FE 'S for sale on England, Ireland, and Scoth.hd, from I nuwarde. Prealdent—STEPßEN R. ORAWFORD. Treaaurer—PLlNT FISK. Teller—JAMES R. BUNTER. sel7-tylf 11 °TEL AND BUMMER RANGES - ALA. Sold by OULDWIOR &BRO., 202 N. SECOND et. angll34lmag. CONGRESS RANGE .-SOLD BY OIIAD WICK & BRO., Na. 202 N. MOND Street ' sa&lB.Bmos ("CHARLES P. CALDWELL—Wholesale V and Retail WHIP and HANN Hanutliota.rer, No, 4 North JOUSTE 81zoot. Eialeo 4 'Auction M. THOMAS & SONS and 141 MIMI STREET, (Formerly Nos. 67 and 69 ) REAL MATE, STOOKS, ha. Publle Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. D:7" Handbills of each property Issued separately, in addition to which wo publish on the Saturday previous to each solo ono thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. 117 - FWtNITDRE BALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE . . it We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Sale, including every description of City and Country property. Printed Lists may be had at the Auction Store. PRIVATE BALE REGISTER. Real Estate entered on our Private Bale Re giqter, are advertised occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracts, (of Which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. STOCKS, REAL ESTATE, &c., TUESDAY NEXT. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing full de scriptions of all the property tote sold on Tuesday next, 20th inst., with a list of salsa 2lth October, and lid No vember. STOCKS, LOANS, ,ke. On Tuesday evening. 20th Instant, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia EX change, will be sold without reserve, for account of whom it may concern— 1123 shares Philadelphia and Pittston Coal CO. $lOOO Coupon Bond Columbia Coal and Iron Company, 21 per cent of the purchato money to be paid on each of the above at the time of sale. Also, 10 shares Philadelphia Mercantile Loan and Building Association. 142 per share paid. I shares Ridgway ham and Land Co. $2OO per share paid, for another account. 5 original shares of the San Francisco Land Co., equal to 100 new shares. Also, 10 shares Philadelphia Exchange. 5 shares American Academy of Music. Shares Philadelphia Library, Mercantile Library, and Philadelphia Atheanum Also the patent right to KeppoPs Snow-Plough. LOT Lo MOUNT RIAII CEMETERY—Lot No. 80, section 37; lots NO9. 38, 41, 43, and 44, section 42; tot No. 17. section 36, in the Mount Moriah Cemetery. 50 shares Empire Coal Company. FIFTY-FOUlt SNARES SANK PENNSYLVANIA. Also, 81 shares Bank Pennsylvania. ELEVENTH FALL SALA, 20th 00TOBER This sale will include— Valuable Property, known as the Port Providence Axe and Edge Tool Factory, on the Schuylkill Canal, oppo site Phu:Dixvllle. ELEGANT MODERN lIESIDENOE, Elegant modern residence and offices, N. W. corner of Thirteenth and Arch streets. 25 feet front on Arch street, 128 feet on Thirteenth street. Orphans' Court Sale. ESTATE OF DAVID LEHMAN, DEO'D. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Valuable Real Estate, St. John street, between Green and Coates Streets—several =assuages, and lot 37 feet 8 inches front. BUSINESS STAND. Three-story Brick Store and Dwelling, N. W. corner Eleventh and Christian streets. Sale absolule VALUABLE RESIDENOE AND LANGE LOT, 230 Valuable brick reeidence, barn and stable, and large lot, corner of Cherry and Wakeling streets, late borough of Frankford. It fronts on three streets, and is s very desirable situation. FOUR BRICK DWELLINGS. Four three-story brick direllings,wn Ninth atreot and Charles street, between Willow and Noble streets. LAME AND VALUABLE LOT, Large and valuable lot, occupied as a coal yard, east akin Ninth street, north of Poplar, with railroad track, office, &o. • DWELLING, POPLAR STREET. Throe•atory Brick Dwelling, No. 816 Poplar street, between Pighth and Ninth atreeta. NEAT DWELLING. New tbremstory brick dwelling, No. 129 Frankford Road, north of Bedford street, with a three-story frame dwelling in the rear. NEAT MODERN DWELLING. A neat modern three-story brick dwelling, with back buildings, No mouth Fifth street, below Washington, (2‘.1 Ward ) GROUND RENT . . VA, Also, a (hound Rent of $BO a year, on the pro perty at the N. N. corner of Putnam and Howard streets, (late Kensington.) . . NEAT DWELLING -•- • . Neat three-story brick dwelling, No. 4113 S. Eleventh street, below Pine street. TWELFTH FALL SALE, 27TH OCTOBER. Will include the following— MODERN DWELLING-. Neat modern three-story Brick Dwelling, S. W. cor ner of Twelfth and Citron streets, above 'Wallace street, ith a three-story brick dwelling on Citron street PEREMPTORY SALE—FOUR VALUABLE LOTS— BRICK DWELLING-, CTABLE AND GRAVEL-DED —FIRST WARD. Valuable lot S E corner Jefferson avenue or Moira amusing toad and Moore street, and Crosby street Largo and valuable lot N E corner Jefferson avenue, Moore street, and Williamson street. Large and valuable lot, with two-story brick dwelling and frame stable, Moore street, adjoining the above, and extending through to Williamson street. Valuable lot and frame etable,Moore street, adjoining the above. Sale of the whole, absolute. Full particu lars In handbills and plan. LIANDSOMF. MODERN RESIDENCE. Handsome residence with double back building, and replete will all modern conveniences, No. 317 Spring Garden street. This is a very desinsble residence, and in a beautiful neighborhooct. FACTORY, SpiAM ENCINE, be —Two and a half story factoil, steam engine, Acc., Twenty•lirst Ward, fronting on Clearfield, Twenty-grid street, and the Phila delphia and Germantown railroad. TWO-STORY SWUM DWELLING.--Two-story brick messuago, S. E. corner Township Line road and Clear field street, Tweuty.tirst Ward. ALWSISLII LOT .-eValuable lot, N. R. corner Seven teenth street and Woodpecker Lane. TWO BRION DWELLINGS.—Two three-story brick dwellings, Spring Garden street, east of William street. PER.hldr TORY SALE.—FIVE GROUND RNNTS, vie : Two of 181.60 each, two of 122.60 each, and one of $4O a year secured on five three-stork brick dwellings and lots, Spring Garden street, Owen street, and Biddle street, east of William street, Fifteenth Ward. THIRTEENTH PALL BALE, 3d NOVEJVIRR This sale will include +Elullone' Court Sale ESTATE OF WILLIAM A. BUDD. DECD. . . . THREE LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS AND TWO 111110 K DWELLINGS. SEVENTH STREET, PRIME STREET, AND PASSVIINH ROAD. Valuable lof t N IV corner Prime and Soyenth streets. - Valuable lot ; fronting on Prime street, and on Pass yunk road. Valuable lot, Passyunk road. Two Three-story brick dwellings, SOunth street, west side, north of Prime *eV', TEey will be sold sepa rately. BtO llandbins and plan. Also, by order of Orphans , Cloud. ESTATE OFJOHN FITZWATER, DECD. . OVER SIX ACRES OF GROUND WITH VALUABLE STEAM SAW-MILL AND MACHINERY, LARGE MANSION, THREE FRAME DWELLINGS, LARGE WHARF WITH A FRONT OF FOUR HUNDRED FEET ON THE RIVER DELAWARE AND TA. CONY, TWENTY-THIRD WARD. Same Estate—THßEE-STORY BRIO WELLING. Throe-story brick qtriltirvi, NI. L'eGo North Fifth above Noble greet. Same Estate—TWO BRICK DWELLINGS . - Also, Two brick dwellings, 'Union and Hanover streets, above Prince street, Kensington. FOURTEENTH FALL BALE-10TH NOVEMBER Sale Nos. 139 and 111 South Fourth straet. 8139E111011 OEIiMAN FLOWEA kleo,3§. This Morning, " • .At 11 o'clock, at tho *Action . Skopa, Inses Superior German lcorcr 1490, Soroptising Hitch:Mks, Tulips, CroCii Sri, /WittOlatils, ac., faun Vandarschoot 80-- Haarlem. PEREMPTORY SALE ON THE PREMISER-ELE OANT RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, WALNUT STREET. On Tuesday Morns 24th October, at 10 o'clock, withon,c reserve, on the promises, the elegant .11tpwst Stone residence, No. 1404 Walnut street, south el e, third house west of Broad street, built fur the rue of the late owner and occu occupant Ina superior manner, and finished throughout in elegant able, with every modern improvement and convenience. Particulars in handbills. ELEGANT PURNlTDRE.—lmmodiately after the sale of the house will be sold the elegant fciralture, extra large mirrors, splendid curtains and, chaneellers, pianoforte, &c. STEAM TTuesd 4.% H ay ARRY krening, LESLEy.” Qua cteteberith, et I o'clock, et the Philadelphia Ex change, the steam tug "Harry Lesley." Her length is about fifty feet, draught of water four feet, propeller four feet diameter. The whole in perfect Order and nearly new, the boat having been used but every short time. She now Iles at the foot of Coates street wharf, Fairmount, where she {gad be examined. SALE cw VALUABLE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN 11001{8 ILLUSTRATED WORKS, [cc. ie The greater portion from a private collection. On Tuesday Evening, October 20th at the Auctin Mare, a collection of valuable and interesting becks.= varLawkautlects, many of them embelliahmt with fine engravings. For portletAlota orb catalogues and the books, which will b errattext for examination two days previous to the eale. Ogle Nos. 139 sud 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ae. On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, an °atone/re assort went of excellent second-hand funitoxe, rosewood piano-forte, French plate mirrors, tapestry carpets, Icc., from families declluipg housekeeping. - - •i/k.MIJr,I4• NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE , No. 112 Booth TIMM) Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of bu.slness from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door axles, and sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,01 . Established for the hitt Thirty Years. Advances made from moo dollar to thousands on Die moods, Silver ytato, Watohos„ Jewelry, hardware, Bier chandise, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Monies, Carriages, and Coeds of every description. All goods eau remain any length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per tent. per month ; .f6OO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store Mouse having a depth of 19) feet, has large are and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the greluieee ; also, a heavy 11131/. ranee effected for tbe hendat of all persons having goods advancN. .I.l ed .La C tccount of having an unlimited capital, raw once ie prepared to make advances on more paths factory and accommodating terms than any other in thin city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounta, with out any charge. n L Gold Patent Lever and PRIVATE RA E. other Wateltee, Jewelry, and Clothing will be Bold at rednee4 Prim. aul-ly _lmmure (gainpanies 12TRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR- N.A ANON COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—Office, No. 802 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. "PIER RULER ONLY TAKEN." Jer. Walker, Joe, McClure, Tho. Craven, A. 8. Gillett, Furman Sheppard, Saul. Jones, M. D. Joseph Stapp, M. D Wm. M. Bright, John Aso:Tech, jr., 11. N. Burroughs, J. B. Aughee, P. D. Mennen, Win. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, 11. A. Shackelford, lion. JOEL JONES, President Hon. O. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Jan. 8. ifollataxs, Secretary. .7 ewe B. ALTOS°. AlUdatlaltaßeretarl. BW. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS J.J• No. 87 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLEOTIONS promptly made on all ',cowl:llbl° pante in the United States and Bout,. 'Books, Bonds, Zio" Bought and Bold on COMMiIISIOIII. thICILITent I :l4Xik Notes, Cheeks, &e., bought at the lowest rates. Xleposits received and intermit allowed, ee Per e t r e . went,otm RUSSIA AND AMERICAN TARRED OORDAOR.—a Bupeflor article, manafactura and for ale by WEAVER, PITLER & CO., as B•tf No. 28 N. Wstor et., & 22 N. Wharvu. BALE ROPE.—Buyers are Invited to call and examine our Manila bale Rope, which we can Can sell as low as American, and warrant it superior in strength and durability. WEAVER, P IT LBEI & 00., an 1 No. 23 N. Water et. sag 2/N. Whams. Oates bn auction WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom Route. between Fourth and Fifth Streets. SALE OF LUMBER, &c., AT POWELTON. Tuesday nest, 20th fist , At 11 o'clock precisely, we will pall without rwerve, at Powelton, 200,000 FEET LUMBER, Consisting of It common white pine boards; 3z4 hemloci scantling; joists and sawed spruce; with a variety of articles used at the late State fair. EXTENSIVE SALE OF GEII3IANTOWN KNIT On Wedne -. a 'Morning, 2lst feet , commencing sd s y t 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell to close an account, .2500 DOZEN GERMANTOWN KNIT GOODS, OP A. SUPERIOR QUALITY. Consisting of 1000 dozen gents' woolen cravats, in scarlet, white and fancy colors. Also, 100 dozen ribbed scarfs. Also, 100 do ladies' wool habits. Also, 100 do ladies' wool Salinas. Also, 600 do ladies' newest style opera hoods. Also, 10 do misses wool hoods. Also, 250 do wool hosiery, men's, women's, bop' and misses. Also. 100 do men's lamb wool and merino shirts and drawers Also, glovss, mitts, pelerines, shawls, aistorines. SALE OF FASHIONABLE FURS. Included in Wednesday's sale will be found an in voice of furs for ladies' and gent's wear, comprising victorines, capes, muffs, boss, pelerines, Mimes, cuffs, & c. Also, one tiger sleigh robe. FURNITURE, Ac. Also, will be included an assortment of furniture, looking-glasses, mattresses, Ac , belonging to the Es tate of John Ouy, deceased, to be sold by order of the administratrix. NOTlCE.—Samples of the whole will be arranged for examination early on morning of sale, when the trade and purchasers generally will find it their interest to at tend. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO 422 WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. CARD—SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE—TUES. DAY. Er We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 106 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who may favor us with consignments. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining honso keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY OAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. • [l7" Persons favoring us with consignments can rest assured thst their property will not be sacrificed. D . Commissions more moderate than those charged by any other Auction ileum in the city. ED -- Consignments respectfully solicited. tar" Sales paid immechately after the goods are said. TO PRINTERS AN OTHERS EXTENSIVE SALE OF A PRINTING OFFICE, POWER PRESSES, TYPE, &o. This Morning. 17th of October, will be sold without reserve, in the fourth story of the Bulletin Building , Thirdstreetbelow Chestnut, the entire stock and fLitures of an extensive printing office, comprising Adams power pressee r hydran. tic press, a large quantity of type, and everything fitted for conducting an extensive book. and job printing office. V" Terms cult. gale No. 72.1 North Eighth Street. STOCK AND FUTURES OF A GENTLEMAN'S FURNISHING STORE. On Monday morning. At 10 o'clock, will be sold, at No. 124 North Eighth street atone Arch street, the entire Stock and Fixtures of a Gentleman's Furnishing Store, consisting of shirts, gloves, collars, underclothing—to silk shirts. silk drawers, limbs' wool do do; handkerchiefs, perfumery, soaps, kr. . SEWING MAOIIINES. Also, a Stager's saran machine, cost $l5O, large &re ; and a Hunt & Wale:el.'s do, coat $lOO. 110IISEI1OLD FURNITURE. Also, the surplus Household Soradture. TO RENT fry. A three•story Brick Dwelling, with two-story brick back building. 195 North Ninth street, above Wood street. Rent/400par annum. Apply at the Auc tion Store. AT PRIVATE BADE. A first-class Printing Office, with a good nun of busi ness, four printini greases, two Ruggles end one Adams. Type and everything necessary for the business. Apply et the Auction Store. TrIHE ADVERTISEMENT BY AN ARC- A. TIONEER of s PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE, in the Bulletin Building, has no connection with our establishment. ocl3 if SIcLAUGHLAN BROTHERS. MOSES NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S. B. corner SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and silver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, musical Instruments, act , AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second floor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, &c., Ac , Ac. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction oer. Charges very low. Consignments of furniture. clothing, jewelry, &c., &n., solicited. NATIIAN'SPRINCIPA.L LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and diver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Begets, hardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks , and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed en, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab. lishment. feet) M. NATIIANS, NATHAN'S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a few days. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Gans, Pistols, Musical Instruments, &c., will take place shortly. line notice will be given. WEBB'S great Bale of Dry Goode, Clothing, Bedding, Ac., being forfeited collatorala, will take place 'dimity Due notice will be given. PEREMPTORY SALE OPV[IP,EITERE, MIRRORS, BEDS, MATTRE SS ES, &c. &c. inn Wednesday morning next, - October 2let, at 10 o'clock, In second-story rooms, S. E. corner of Sixth and Race street', entrance horn Race street. TO PAY ADVANCES, Consisting in part of oval and square French plate mir— rors, in rich gilt frames; mahogany au4 wathees frame looking glasses; bedsteads of every deaciiptiorq walnut eras; cradles; bureaus; card tables; mashie top tables, sofas; lounges; plaid?. cities:A and chairs; spring seat parlor chairt cane seat rocking chairs; stuffed rocking hairs; windeur chairs and settees; cherry tables; mat tresses; feather beds; marble top sideboards; and nume rous other articles. The whole will be sold without reserve, to pay advances. Also, a quantity of second hand furniture. Ont-door sales solicited, either at private dwellings. stores or elsewhere. Charges low. Consignments of second hand and new tu r rnpura, and goods of every description ackiAtua. Omits% =shad. sauces made At private sate, 4 aUparied furniture wagon, nearly new, will be 9o[ low. FURNITURE AT PRIVATE SALE. Furniture of every description urratiged in upper rooms at private sale, at unnsually low prices. JWIN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER--N% 925 ARCH Street, between Third aid Vpgrra Streets. HALES EVERY EVEN/NUT o'clock, Of Roots, Shoes, Hiudynte, On , Weldsee, etry, Hosiery, Arb,t,pi, Trunks, Iheney (bads, to N. 8.-.0.3q4p.n. 04ei site/Awl 'kg 011 ,- iooda the ARc%ip,ct gove itackat sold at 06.4.1 W . SMITH, AUCTIONEER Second. . corner of BABSON and SOUTH Streets EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATITEDAY EVENING, At 734 o'clock, at the Auction store, of Hardware Out lery, Housekeeping Articles,' Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, fancy Articles, &o. ( A.muormento AME RICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. E. A. MARSHALL Sole Lessee LAST NIGHT BUT FIVE OP THE ITALIAN OPERA. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, October IT. Will to presented llonizettPa Combo Opera, lo three acts, entitled LINDA DI CRAMOIINIX. Linda Mad. Gamaniga. Pierrotto Miss A. Phillips. Carlo Signor Brirnoit Antonio Slgnc:r Ardodio. Conductor--.91g. TOARIANI. PRIM/ or ADMISSION . —Parquette, Dress Circle, and $1; Family Circle, 50 cents Amphitheatre, 25 cents Irr Th Box Offie the Academy ia oen from 9A. M to 5Pe , fo c r the of securing of Reserved seats and Boxes, without extra charge. Treasurer Mr. T:lllcKsos. The Opera will commence at 8 precisely. 117- Carriages will eat down heads South, and take heads North. . WILEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Sole Leases W. WHEATLEY. Boats or Pumas .--Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 60 rents; Faintly Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Seats In Pri vate Boxy', 76 cents ; Whole Private Box, 13; Gallery, 13 cents ; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 33 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. 51. until 3 P. 11. Dom open at quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter past 7. J. M. B. WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, October 17, 1857, Will be presented, by the great Star Company, the celebrated Tragic Play, written by Judge Conrad, entitled JACK CADE. Jack Cade, Mr. Davenport; Lord Clifford, Mr. Thane hill• Matiamne, Alm. Bowers; Kate Worths, miss 2 Taylor. To conclude with the laughable force of MY NEIGIIBOR'S' WIFE. Mr. Somerton, Mr. Dolman; Mr. Brown, Mr. J. S Clarke; Mc,. Somerton, Miss A. Cruise. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les gee, Mr. E A. Marshall ; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton Prices —Dress Circle and Parquette, 60 cents; Upper Circle 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 76 cents. Box °Sloe open from 9 o'clock A. M. to 3 P. M. Doom open at 7 o'clock; performance to com mence at Tx. LAST NIGHT OF MB. AND MISS RIORTNGS. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Octoberl7.lBs7, Will be presented : . 9 . 19 , Comedy, by Plonehe, entitled COURT PAi'OR: David Brdien, Mr. Richings; Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Showell ; Lucy Morton. Miss Richings. To conclude with the New Domestic Drama, entitled TEMPTATION; OR, TUE WIPE'S BECRET. Philippe Rainagean. Mr. Makings; Hoary Vivian, Mr. Showell; Pierre Jacques, Mr. Chapman; Pauline, Miss Richings ; Teresa. Mrs. John Sefton. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., 11 near Eighth. ADMISSION—Dress throb and Parquet, 25; Venally Circle, 25 cents; Secured Seats, 37X cents; Seats in Private Box, C ' cents; Orchestra Chairs, +5O cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 7X o'clock. Box Office open from 10 to 4 o'clock, when seats can be secured. MIS (Saturday) EVENING. October 17, 1857, Will be presented 9 E. Harris' world-renowned UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Uncle Tom, (the great oriental lidr. E Harris; St. Clair, Mr. H. B. Howland; Phineas Fletcher, Mr. S. Brown ; Topsy, with songs, free Cline; The Gentle Eva, Little Mary Harry, Little Ida. SANFORD's OPERA ROUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut Doors open st 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. Admittance 25 cents. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stare—New Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude each A LAUGUABLE AFTERPIECE. T HOMEIIF's VARIETIES, 111111 and CHESTNUT Streets MUSICAL AND TERPSICHOREAN ENTERTAIN MENT, In which will appear, every evening this Week, Miss ADA DUVAL, Soprano. It will bo her first appeerance la America. Mad PAYNE do Mlle LEVOLLE will also appear, Aided by Comedians, Vocalists, and Musicians oe knowledged talent. Commencing at 7%. Admission, 10 cents. ocl2-Iw* THOMEUP, Proprietor Cerillemnfo furniabing lfoobs WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MIN% FURNISHING STORE, and rATENT SHOULDER SIAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. Tee CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern andlVestern Merchants, sad Strsagere, le particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect dtting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. aub-lylf ~U.:.ailJli :~ NIGHT SCHOOL, TWENTIETH SEC TION.—A NIGHT SCHOOL for MALES will open on MONDAY EVENING, October 19th, at the Penn Grammar SchooLtionte, fi. E. corner of EIGHTH and THOMPSON atroeta, at T o'clock. By order of Board, 006 f eaMra* FRANKLIN M. READ, Seer ACADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CIIIIRCII, LOCUST AND JUNIPER. STREETS. This Institution has been re-opeced for the Autum nal Session. under the supervision of the Bev. Ja.311.3 W. ROBINS, A. M. as Principal. The Episcopal /a-Mealy presents peculiar facilities, both for the moral and intellectual training, and for the physical development of the youth co ultuitted to itscate. do pains will be spared to perfect the pupils in the Ti-. rious studies which, from time to time, they may pur sue ; while it will be the aim of the Principal, both in his instruction and in his daily intercourse with the boys, to lay the foundations of an upright, manly, and religious character. The rooms of the Academy Bniidrng are numerous, lofty, and well ventilated: and the pupils during races.enjoy the advanta,ges of an enclosed play-ground and an ample tlymnasium. Bays able to read, and not less than eight years of age, are received as soon as they hare begun to write and cipher, and are conducted through the various classes of the Academy with a rapidity proportioned to their ability. The lowest class (A) is occupied in Spelling, Reading. W riting, Arithmetic , and Geogra phy ; the highest class (11) in the branches usually studied in the Freshman year of a collegiate course. The studies of the intermediate clAsses are suited to the Various ages and abilities of the pupils. The Tuition Fee for those in Class A is sixty dollars per annum ; for all others seventy-five dollars per an num; payable half-yearly in advance. Besides this fee, there are no other charges; the French Language, Fuel, and the use of the Gymnasium being included An the price above mentioned. Boys not studying the Greek and Latin Languages have extra lessons in lieu of classiest. The school time not spent under instruction is employed by the pupils in study under the anperintemlerme of a teacher, and in a spacious apartment arranged forthat purpose. The Institution is inspected monthly by a committee of the Board of Trustees, and visited from time to time by the Bishop of the Diocese. Applications for admission may be made to the Prin cipal daily daring the week (except on Saturday), be tween the hours of 9 A. H. and 21e. hi. oc 8-ta,th,sat-tf ORITTENDEN' S PHILADELPHIA ERIAL LG, Ts and C M HESTNUT CO tree E ts, SEecoSnEndThrd St SEVE 1300K-REEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. CUMBROUS CAW:MATIONS. LECTURES, &c. Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Rest Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and lee Specimens and get a Catalogue a Teems, &e. oc3-y JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. ORDZS OF ITTIODUCTOET I.:mars. Prof. DV (mums Nloaiay, October 12, at; P. 31' 66 T. D. ItlTCHYLL—Tnesday, ‘• 13, " 7 p.m " Minos ~ " 66 9PT. X. M limn:Lb—Thursday, ,: lb, " .3f . 7 P. " P1N00137 ti AI z: BP. l 3l if BACKS Priday . ‘," 1, 1 6 , 7 8 P p .. at m 66 Ocoee CLlNlCS—WedneridAy ipd Saturday : from 12 m 2. orB-8t EQBLEY DIINGLISON, 31. D., Dear, vbROFESsOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary whatever is more like a private family. The coarse of stud yis extensive and thorough. Pro fessor Saunders wiU receive a few more pupils under fourteen years of age into kis family. hnonire at Messrs. J. 8. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose sons or wards are now members of his funny. septl4-11 SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest, qualification employed. Catalogues containing fall particulars poplls , names, testimonials, &e., eon to bad on applleaDen. andb.ll P. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal_ HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, PHILADELPHIA. A 7AHILY BOARDING WHOM, TOR BOTH. BET B. B. ihrraztt, Ramos. The Annul Beaton will begin on TIIZSDAS, Sep tember 1. Olzvalint me lift obbuned at the Book Stare of H. HOOKER, 4. W. =nor worm end enasTmt-r, or ei the Redo?, Putt Onlee, Yalhu of Schuylkill Phila delphia. aidUiro NOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE worirs goods n°°l ' and e eoraforla as a ' to gld° a share oC tkia LBW! BD BIISOT ECZE INI3B , 1111 IDDOATION. .98. ACADEMY Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH &rut 121538, near RACE, , will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTE.Y.It let, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowlefte of WRITINO, 11 0011-SE.YP/NO AND .A.ustuarzio by simplined methode, in a short time THE LEIDIIII take pleuure in saying, that during the past year a large number of persons &coined a ninth= SDISOATION,enaIaug many to seenre.pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations succusfully. u5.21.30r. sank Notices. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' paiLADELniu, October 6th, 1851. ne annual election for Directors will be Held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 16th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M., and 9 , o'clock P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the &I day or Novem ber next, a General Meeting or the Stockholders will he , held at the Banking /Ulnae, at 4 o'clock P. M., agreea bly to the charter, ocl-tnolll E. M. LEWIS, Cubit? KENSINGTON BANS.—Parrazuntre, October 7, I&s7.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank wilt be held at the Banh'mg.. house, on TUESDAY, November, 1637, at 12. o'clock kt. o,4l..theatut.NS An election tor tiarteen Directors to serve The ensu ing year wiU take place at The Banking-howls ea Mon day, the 26th day or November, between the' limas of 9 A. kt and 3P. M. O. T. T.Wwww,i, oattumtntlil6 emitter. FOROYOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. Quantanicastea's Ormoa Meagan Coars, Washington, Oct. 10, 1157. SZALED PROPOBA will be resoired at this cold until 3 o'clock, v. na, on Friday, the 13th of November, 1557, for topplying the marine co r with the following articles daring the fiscal year ending 30th Jann3lB3o,. viz: 500 to 800 uniform caps, complete. 1,000 to 2,000 marine pompoons 1,000 to 2,000 patent-leather stocks. 500 to 800 privates' uniform c...ata, complete, of navy blue cloy Lei*. dye — t o ha chemically Uni t a 60 to 100 untrenti'; , nif orm mat s , (same as 6(1 to ~t ) , costs, scarlet cloth, cochineal dye—to be chemically tested. le° t * :a7O pairs non-commiasioned officers' epau lettes. 600 to 800 pairs brass centre straps. 30 to 50 red worsted sashes. 1,000 to 2,000 pairs linen overalls. 1,000 to 2,000 linen shirts. 2,600 to 3,000 pain brogans, Nos. 6 to U. NO to 804 marine blankets, (gray.) 600 to 800 knapsacks. 2,500 to 3,000 pairs woollen socks 600 to 800 marine fatigue caps, the cloth to be navy blue, Indigo dye, and chemically tested. KO to 800 fatigue frocks. 1,000 to 1,600 flannel shirts 600 to 1,000 pairs woollen overalls, blue keroey. 600 to 1,000 woollen jackets, do. 300 to 600 watch or great mats, do. 600 to 1,000 pairs Canton flannel drawers. $6 to 00 musician,' jackets, scarlet cloth, cochi neal dye—to be chemically tested Samples of the above articles may be seen on appli cation at this ace, or at the office of the assistant quartermaster marine corps, 189 Spruce street, Phila delphia. It is to be understood that the accepted bidder is to take all material used for manufacturing coats, overalls, d.c., on hand at the time of entering late centred, at the contract prices thereof. Bids will be received for the whole or in parts for the articles required, and it meet be explicitly understood that a critical inspection will be 'prep all articles fur nished as to fit and quality, and that articles which do not come up to the ...ample will be rejected and thrown upon the hands of the contractor. The quartermuter reserves to himself the right to increase or diminish the quantity named above, as the exigencies or interests of the service may demand. Proposals to be addressed to the ' , Quartermaster of the Marine Corps," Washington, 1). C., and endorsed "Pro posals for Supplies." The papers publishing this advertisement will send the paper eontaining thefirst insertion to this office for elmniextiott, accompanied by a duplicate account of the expense—at the rate of 75 cents for 300 ems first inser tion, and 31) cents per 300 ems for all subsequent in sertions. aOl9-stutlatNovl.3 PROPOSALS FOR EREOTING THE CUSTOM HOUSE, &c et Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Taunter DUARTICM, WASHIICGTOE, September 21st, lag. S PROPOSALS will be received at this Department anti/ the 26th day of November, A. D. 1867, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the construction of the Custom House, Poet Office, and Court Room, authorised to be erected at PERTH AMBOY, New Jersey, according to the plans and specifications prepared at this Department; said proposals to be either for the whole building, or separate for the different kinds of work; bills of parcels must ba every cue accompany each bid, with the amount of each kind of work, and the total amount carried oat; the Department reserving the right to reject or accept the proposals hereby Invited, or any part thereof, when It deems the interest of the United States require it; the Department also reserves the right to exclude the bids of any person or persona whom there i 5 just came to believe will not faithfully perform the contracts, or which they have attempted to obtain by indirection; end all bids when there 'hall be parties in interest who do not join in the bids, and all bids that upon investiga tion are below a fair price for the work. Bide will not be received in gross, and no contract will be awarded to a bidder unless details are furnished the Department of the prices of the different kinds of work and materials, which shall be subject to the revision of the Department, so that it may adopt the whole or part of the bid, as the interest of the United States may require. Ninety per cent. of the amount of work done, and materials delivered according to contract price (said amount to be ascertained by an estimate of an agent of the Department appointed for that purpose.) will be paid from time to time as the work procreates, and ten per cent. retained until the completion of the contract, and the acceptance of the work, .be, by the agent aforesaid, and be forfeited in the event of non-fulfilment of contract. Contracts will be awarded only to master-builders and mechanics ; and the as thereof, except by cor: sent of the Secretary of the Tresatui, will be a forfeit are of the same. Each proposal must be actompanied by a written gat:- antee, signed by two responsible persons (certified to be so by the united states District Judge. or Attorney at the said District), in the earn of $5,000 for the whole work, or of a proportionate amount if any part, that the bidder will, when required, if his proposal be accepted. enter into a contract and bond, with proper and sufficient securities for its faithful performance. form of Rand and Certificate required will be fur nished on application to the Department. Plans, specifications, and working drawings will be ready on the let of November, when they can be had on application to the Department. No bid will be considered unless it fully complies, is all its details, with the requirements of this ad rer tise mutt. The proposals must be sent to this Department, ad dresaed to the Secretary of the Treasury, and plainly endorsed "PROPOSAIS FOR THE PERTH AMBOY CUSTOM HOUSE," and will be opened at one o'clock of the last day nutted for receiving' the same. HOWELL COBB, se24-th akta-tno24 Secretary of the Treasury. WPARTMENT OF MARKET-ROUSES, iD OFPICK, 2. COHNIII OF Finn Aso Curstscr STMTS. PRILLDILPBI.4, October let, ISkT. Sealed Proposals will be- received at this Office until the 30th day of NOVEMBER nest, at 12 o'clock, for he Renting of tho following Wharves and Laultngs for term of three- pearl: Arch street Liuidlat,at the toot of Arch street, on the river commencing December 1857. Also, George's street Landing, at the foot of Gecrge street on the river Schuylkill — tease commencing Janu ary lat, 1858. Approved security will be required. 8. C• THOMPSON, Hommismoner of Markets ocl-th el to lm ABRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE Pinking and Erationsed Printing, Envelope and Peal Press Manufactory, 37 Strawberry Street, between Second and Third, and Market and Cheat:xis street, Philadelpls, Pa. ara72-2y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers