•A:!,!;;tii„ii . tc' pit 8S . , Vega ' ofuNDAys szoravriD,) 5 - ax:iiv,t', 0 RN,EY,- ;obirton;po.:4l,t,aliritnr, sranlt' - „ TwitVs lhona , me +Won, ,payabla .to• the' carriers. •7faiHd tOnbeeribare oat etta• Ofty,at ihxDow.tea A* Miaow fl'ototZlowastrot Moat MMus; Talton DOLUILSOF ram patatorias, int blr to volvaaoe fot the titailalerea; • • • jp ta . 9aiibeetberii out of ttie Oily, at ptt,iiitl rot Assa!hpadyaace. • . , - a>Wplam Paella mill be ant Mi. Einbeeribano by madliAermannve, in advanced at $2 . 60 Tina. Oopiee, • 6 OS „ "lied " - ife07,463e t, 7 . (‘' ' t “ - • '„ ,ia 04 Tit Otiplia, - • 41 -.. • . “ • ‘ 12'00 Twenty Oeplao, “ " (to one addrem).._ 20 00 eireuttOoplee, or over, • • ii (to , addreu amok • reibeerther))i early • ...1,20 7/Or • ChM or Twenty-one or over, we will send an ne r e o .prto the getter - np of the with. - roatualhaera are requestat to ;Akio Agents for Tay Waatim kiwi's. - - ,it ~ - segdl .915otires. 1 THE' 0011ja ",11).P COMM.& ',I I ,I 4 EAS ..Vtif Lanes/tr noway, Sept. ;28; 1837 . -:-It appearing tO tlte• dein ! ' by the petition .and, adidarit of David Reates;tiatrittet .1 ./Leetelti George Abbott , and Clarion IL /Olio% that the novena notes of Reeves, Abbott, dr. Off:;Aeeured bye mortgage dated. 7annary lith, 180, rinordadat Linessier, in AlOrtgage Bank 1,1V...13, page Oa f 4tn.;sintliireatky, the said petitioner's, in the stun of six bondiedtb o osand dollars, to Christopher:Hager, Brointelßlieek, 13iirtram A; Shealfei; Grate It. J attic° , and,Oleitientyk::Grubb, le Timsteea, have been,paid In full iiiildlib sitielyketion enteked;cpe the record ,of said mortgage; ihe'court, oa motion of Thoiniall. Franklin and SI 11. North, attorneys fer, seed 'inditikere, grant arnie to show eanikwhi the Mad" Treats's silents!, not enter aitlifeetion on" the - radon' 0001 mortgage; 're. , turnable on Monde**, 28th der of Setober next,' and Mr* , notice to be oyezato the at:pattern, by vlbliceitlon , daLV,RWone'weekla - d The Preter,Wand !'The NOM, itOOkehiltinitectlitetie: °matte; i 1" iio;wiekly for t kaki iii " The Lanes - eta Exidniner" aridllareid, , i " hisilieestee - letelligencer,i , -and " The tolinnbia' fr ;1 1 - kith notiet, tat. ,C, Stmaffer, .*o4:,".kttitrite,r, fee 1 14, , Certified fronithe'Record.. ' - 1 / 4 01-1,10 • 'Attest, , J. litiTsf* 7, Protlili. JULIA ' • A . - OAR,B, ,- BY - • NEB - 'NEXT nfl, friend,' ke. - , VS: ORARLIS lr 11.*Oillti1-Olveme— Corot:Mir Pleaski...l.o,Xt. l' i , MO. ~s, , Please take Lotto, :Alia _depositirifid 0 Mitastges on part of said ilbeltant - : '' gm' taken' before me on VlllDAl4,o6tober 23, 1257, - ',at 4 &dock?. Id. at the oiSca of-Han h O.4,3f.eht;;: isq., , l,t0,183;130021T4114 , otttlitr V MiMiiit:l44o:4*` - e4teaknsidarafile , ,' 10n: ntssA- ilitr: ti1,t4,r1f.. - : - Oigii.4. ,T ' - itf,frA - 4. Alltlfflkflaioo44l‘ek; % - `-'740 thillitilli it .. ' IFOOSTOVAVTORM ) SaIPF.IOI;:t:t " • '.I-4! .f , ._ ' • - ....' . -.•-,.. ov* , :i ,•( f Ootessifiltiv,lBs7l•l I, '‘• ' Tb,e atteutlottii aligned ottizeite, end of,eleetiottolt4' am especially, is culled as 4e - following n4o=l of the dote Aseemblyrelstive tit elections r • -.- -,'; .:•.,',— ; : "In ell Mums where the names of the persons claim ing to vote is not fonad on the list furnished by the themndiddOtters and Asse'sior, it shall be the ditty of D • ipoetora - lo 'examine such person On blitli es Ulla' citudilications i and if he dikes to have resided within the State , for rid year nenirrie, hiniratti shill be sal. clart,pro_otthered r, hat Isabel' make proof byet jest We Wrested Vitae* who shall bei 4 qualified elector, that hVW'reilded within the dart& for Were thraften illaylk ntottlinaddlately prowling - Said , election,) ind shall also Sidra asserr hat ids bona Ode recidenceln a nisifenea of rdajawnd •calling, to within the districts and that - he did not, ref:mitt/Into the said district for the purpieuver Voting therein'. ' --' •-- ''' • "/tiny Investor'. or Judge shall negro the. vete of Eprwhose -name Abell not bo returned on the list b,„*k Oemprissloners.or , Ammer, without Cr . :malting thentidence directed in this writhe per-, son spoteirdi4eltall, on conviction, be good in any. aunt It° )04 thifaft7->xlormore Winter/ handfed dolbrra.lt te:prosecutiOns will follow ' ny disregard. bp: limnfon nefoonintAheak, .3311:45t vital- requisites of a * hilr.i . 4.3)oo4tlitax.epplairend ,I- call , ,npeo tee good eltkvitsdAletlee , ,,to, we that , the law.he faithfully otee4:4ol , eir:4041110 note and rages "11' LstOirs of dnldterep9rt orthwith such Con net to this Wlis,',w,ltli -the ranunaf life :person ..so offending. , , On tr° l s4 a IntOlittlf o fmatik.43lfill donee drew 1111 Is of Zwlicrariiit, and ; nerd tiriva, with. the witnesses :before - the'GranOuT,, ,:; '.. ,',. , 3V114,14M I. MA.10, , ,:„ . —ocip;k.A,'„. - .., :' ~,. ~.I_,- , listrlat.Attorney— , lN,' AIM lIN/TED STATES In .and for the Eaten, Dlittict'of Pennsylvartio, In the matter of the proceeds of Sale 6f 13011W-EOA'T- • The. ttoderelgiedi to whole it one referred to, diem= bots: the proteede of the Belo of said, Beim-boat, will IrideFaltrirtleal interested in the said fond'at the °Wee of erk Of laid. court, No. ^d. South Fifth street ; below2,obegrinutcon PROBBDATitkortd 'llsy of 00:0- bet s St it n'eleeir.,F, M. , • (NUS. •ILEAZLITT, P : THE4IATTER: : OP- THE -PETITION INSOLVNNOY , -00 JOHN O. E OIIIIRD1110.ER; Notice is hereby Owen that the subsoriber , hie to ths Court of-Comma-Pleas forihre andnounty of Philadelphia for a Arial Editcharge under , the pros'. aleitiotEthe insolvent'Leirs of the Coduldonweidtb,"ind also Viet he , luta applied-by Petitleti for thehenefit of the 41e1 Seotionorthe Act of June 16th 11010i'relathils •ta iniesPiant dolitore: , %by. which section it iii presided that 4.lieeiourt, with the consent orsinnicirltY hifinthei and wake of creditors of anlitsolventi inay 7 grant Mai •an essaaption able Watsand Pada bank &statical for his tudetitoauliss fde OS' 'Taw: of seviaryears: :These Sap. bti heard. by the Court of , Coalmen Pleas eistaatzuvicyitictober letb, 1.861 i at IC eoloeiri and the satiation °tan:Mors and all others Interested la , thew) epplioationg is invited. -; •• - ." J. 0. OlillitTEMßH. sitgrArest Sielt E , - • z E• E.• E rtIATABLE 1,1,8 R Alt Til 00 IC S , rasms/nen Et. H.EDrIEIA.I), I SPEII.IIiN , STREET; NEW YORK. r - Azz; :WO OX t,E.R.5. 1 1 ,SurartgaoP.THE .111.12.11 WM By the Sight Hon Richard IstiorSheil, 31. P. =Red, with o.llMnoir en& - 'WOW hEit.iShidttuatackensie, D. 0.,L. slam Rel.( ;,tiosi„with RottrAt fuowlmiltr 4,141e 0 M , muiricnidNA. Ali Frothiest Warily IL:Lockhart, IsmaaHogg, and Dr. Esatinn..Edited,l arith Xemq3m ,m4llotes, by Dr. R. Shelton Manienrie., Third Edition. In C. eolumes; with portraitsaind fae4 similes. Price MISCELL.M43}3. 1118MiiiCelliineOUS Writ.) `441 4 th 4, lido Dr, Esslutt. Edited,Twith i llnoseir, knd Notes, by . Dr. It.; iibelton Hackeurie. Complete. ,•-, loproluxtea, with Portrait., Primo, par Tot., cloth, Si J. ,LIVE OW THE RT . 110 N. P13.11.P0T OUHEANI By hie Son, Wm. Henry Correa; with Notes NAAS.: ditions, by Dr. R. Shelton Wackenrie;moi s Portmil on Steel apd-facesimtle. Third Edition. Moo., cloth Brinell 25. TilEril/tIENS AND. 21IR CoNLAHERTIBS; Ronal Stoll, being the tirst of Lady Norge:ea North( anS)lomances. With an Introduction andStotee, by Dr. R. Shelton Ifsokensio. 2 sobs., l'Arno., cloth.; I Price • . BARRINGTONIS BE Yetwonal fiketabeaof hid Own'Time. Difilr Jonah-Barrington, with Illestrai bona by Delay . Fourth Edition. With Mareoly .1;0 t• .11r..Waikeuzie , 12oto, oloth. Prioe 111.23, 2fOORE Ir LIT"' ESESIDA,II; Memoirs, or :446eof..the tht, How Iticitsad Ilriosiey Sheridan! By Thomas Moore ; with . Portrait . And fooolnalle { Elk Edition. S vols., 12m0., cloth., _Priem $2. ; BITS OP BLARNEY. By Dr. El Shelton Etackensie. 12mo, cloth. Prise " Tag lagroax 01/ TRE WAR ZEMKE PENINSULA} By Major Giueral B&W- P.R, Napier, from the an. thoes ,leat with - itItY• 11 1 . 0 Mort Ltd 1 Elems,firepoirthaits on'Ateolotud eoniplote Index vOla.,l2aiti: cloth: Pries $7 SO. .ylpfpAlS 4101E540 _WAIL complete in I rol l flytt. Prieis3lso. - • ' ~Tusloszat By I.N. Huntington, &Mbar of I :Laair Alga J( Jaheia" Tol., 12mo. : eseond,,Edt. Eon, 443,4 ALN2HPort 221 t /WM or a•Poting Emits 4. 17 . y...Westing46i. 2 tods.,l2sno., cloth. Price S 2. ocl4l ' t ILTEPIDERSON & 00' 0 GREAT 141.77.1 A t a. fr C l atincir tm A ta rnerime trona, and Winos she book-bitving public to AU up their H braries* the arlallowitriteoor. inters 2 toirstont to flog. 1200 11104. FW *mks to ti amount of 5/ and tip. •Taint of freall PS mita to itoo. Omit et 'DOtaeWbHistananit,lookst Our minable atoolyand Went :St=rfil.. 4 4, • you ors not buying et abeam, for ererl.nui- Amor via books at the soma pritmonat eery Amoy will get, Ati addition, • present worth harb4., au2l-8m TANS , GREAT , GIRT BOOK S ), No. 43 (MBEITNIIT amt. N.B.—No commit tionitJtkinT Ober tom In thiClty. aul-am: AlAfttlietOletbekt,' :BAzta, , ,A , :iii- VQ.,:ORESTRUT STREET; , ZU . 0 - .“ ,-, ,Xs oufoototers or ~,,, , ,: , 1 . • . ' '''f'' 'AMMO langLlNti B,ILTBR.WARIi t , i viaii iiiiii .114 - iitfoi;:oi ifie, f.reoilsei ixdoolvidk., .9100140,404,0tirsogosiolijojuilod to' ,Ysll . llo put moo. -, i 1,-, , , ..- - , ... t"r• - - I- -.:-: --.-. 1;V: AT °HEE 4.• 3, ''' - - ' -, ' , I', C1.4,01.°*-kr 4 6 4 4 ,* 14,0 14 1 e4tAitiPerlbr ; ,iVittbah,o(alt the acieti,44. mimic ! DIAMONDS. &toilets, Browbeat, ger-Itheir, 'lager= mod all other artfelea in the Diamond itneJ lhowir4P bo. made Res 'of :.'4lharge for these width* work made to order; ' " . ' ' RICA - GOLD 'JEWELRY: - 1 • A beauttfal atrttspentnt all the, new styles of Zeiti meek Aellitoeti, Stone and Shell (lemon, , Ititleditte k WATtaial , Aloe, Biomes and highle 01,001Cli, of newest styles, Of /apqlor, Os*: - ini4 tw&w4 A. ,TEQUIONOT :'" VANAT9 I kO:444 B -91(30,TOitc41$8: j AniUDIFOUNAS OP,WAVOSAN •'+ , SOUTR THIRD STREET, BELOW-,,SEESSTERT • ''',P*lVADOPH,rk.'.'"' • Ossiim , 144 , 44ii6T setil4mos* wEI.L. & c0;. , -,- :. = -- 1 -. 05,,,0". eg.'m - ' 4: P iii , zahir.,-orrit ime '- ." — "' . . - 7 - iiv --- titiod ..... cviii. i.eipt:M, , r i ~,.i. ..../14trf 1:0:liat 44 SW." 811:trtr alis.3. 1 -!--- - - l e - smi te for the, ta.l . . 4, 11,16,au the, rboom, %;41.0ra,,medst %Atop lia, „ i ge rivirLia OL ia raticts 4 1 4.4 lowgit Pril,l-,i, 4 3 1 , 1,.* '"" lihiTewelry. ~.., ''..' . p ill sik= AmOriclin.P4llto4 fflf tow , : i , ~ - aeg ,,, ; . I S. lARDEN & - • No. $O/tlefiratzeib Thud; Oonetantly 01121apdiad lotoili to:o64rib g et Kgri,pior,oB4,, Nrgron,l44-8-, BANOIS P. • DIIBOSQ & 8014 , late • o -thilg6q; - MILIMPACA . ttrIUMOYAIMMII, Yi CISTATNUT street, Ma. PALM P. D1M 0 .4. - n: totnidiai) tqh.l . l 1,1 - ifiriA%':4 ll4 l ol . ll PSONf • MAPPPA WRENS OP sizrzit for •v• ; , •;11-.1. 2, ti a9ailut tratAt Arra oases pAiatict Ambit - Atent:bvsn'ylit te ' Aoria*lAAtir on utak - or sad& to order mite* Am reseal aim, -441 WreWt4i.NRWle,la a aid' , kl , La& ,Lfx : 4.14141 Aktfib 4 :1! -r. • AnialirMaK . r 0.. ••: • •era are •• • .4ert rnrleieiweeui aerial ea low amer,,,i 4 AP off : , 1 0 • 10 ,,Itr k ,"!!!,, Ei: 111 , 1 " 1 " 1 - petwotti- aria ° , AiNto,••lo* irstiorecturaWwwwWx' , . • - • • s.to i / , . t.OO I . * h ll 4 t!f• .„ „ • ' 1 . '/ • I . \,‘ ,t - • (;;;. • . ri g • ~..";;•". • 4 J kit . "".., • • f r l ;r - i • r , . • ea s , , ‘-• - ' , ••.; - :Ar 74, 6;" .‘ ;24111 1,0 44 c• • •-• - 4 / ••••=-' • ' • !«; - -"'l r rt ttt i s , - • • ,1 .4 t ,": ' -5- • , `s ' 1 ;'- ;' , . • • • .„, • VOL I-NO. 62. teburational. INSTRUCTION IN_ CiIAMISTIIY.—,- J. Malted runiaber,o,f neatialarn flPairoua of receiving practical taatiaction io ANALYTICAL or any branch toVapptied CLMAtISTf? r ,, cart accommodated by ap !plying aC-Dr. erstvra.s °heroical Laboratory, $O. 333 IVALNlM,street., „ , oclQ.3t* vrbrrtV RSITY' OF,' ENNSYLVANIA— if lILKDIOAti DAPARPEISNT.—Tho Introductory Ameturee of the,Qpnree 01 . 3.867 and ,181r111 be delivered in the following order: Dr. earionitozulay, October 121 h, at 12 M. Dr. _Leidy, Monday, October 12th, MI . • Dr, 5 .- alti `P 40 471 i)otaerl2ol, 1412 11. Dr augers, Trioaday, October 13th, at 1 P 11. Ourgigal Olinic t Weduttiday, 14th, stl2); Dr. Woild, Thursoday; October 15th, 412 MI Dr. ;ackaoh, . Thursday , October 16th, at 1 P.M. Dr. Make, ' Friday, Octopqr lath, a 12,4 PM. MedicatOilnlo, Saturday, October 17th, at 12g P.M. . . oc94t, - . E. DOGREL% Dean. . . CRITTERPIN'B PUIZADELPHIA. COM - Va l"e t L T 4'Sl ll4 ` gir fl and CHESTNUT Streets; Se c o nd in7lfe , BOOK-KKBPING, PENMANSHIP every etyle. ZdAWa u mours. w ' IMOTOESIVen. ,• ,Each Minton* haeineletenel histenntlon from wave tent and attenti7 Teachers, under the immediate. Penmenau Nien of the in 00=47 him charge of 3he le ir T itin Tm ee ent. ; please and sea Specimens and get a Catalogue of Mermsoto. oct-y 1 . . 1111111ENNSYLVANIA. COL LE G E-111E DI0AL DEPARTMENT—Ninth . : Street, between japrice and Locust. 'The IntrodnetorT Lectured in the .4siltutten will be ,deliirered in the following (Aar ' _ RONDAy, October 12th ' at 5 P. M.—Dr. P. q. t $1:.4.14. ir A BBD Yiltooiciii'l44? P lit! J. B WEDNESDAY, October 14th, at 6S. h1,.-Lbc.'?'OHN , ; THURSDAY,' October 16th, at 4 P, C. OIL AUT.'_----. - TIIDEADAY, Oc otier ,"I.sth at 6 p. IC—Dr, A ISTILLD:" ' ?RANCID G. MUTH, U. D., pa 8.-Iw. Registrar. I _IIEFFEESON 101 CAL COLLEGE. ONDp INVIAODUCIPQRTPWTORPS, Wog, Davinsso4 moi t iay, October 12, at 7 P. ILE T. 1); Mifiprig.t...Tuoutoy, 7 P. 31 Mugs- ti tA 41,8 p . m Ithitlyam.„Whirraday, 15, 7P. 31 ,t ‘i 8 p m ' '' ........... "' " 7P. M It Giiiws ' " BP. if 0 1Iff/01:- - lirOnfitdair liod Saturday, from 12 to 2. .0013-81,. . ~ , ft.OIIL'AY DIIIIIILABON,3I. 0,11)04" NORTHWEST EVENING SCHOOL tor • ISCALRB 'open 'oil; IVERNESDAY next, the 14th inst., at yi P. 11., at the BOROOL 1101385, Race atreckatrove tircad 4 , oo 8-It F"1 , j0.11 :LANGUAGE AND I,ITERA TITILE:=4III)PESBW 11.1134 RD,, A. 'id., late ' Coasitlar Ages t'or.Flanie, And formerly Professor in Trinity College ~Hartford,-,Cs., Fula author of eororal works to ffuAllte tAprompt acquirement of the Rench• language, now prepared to give instruction to huhom attheir 'mot/ resfdences, ii tho mornings, from 9to 2 &cloak; -and• to nritioreen, at his • stuffy, No. 1008 OHESTNVT:Stmet, from 4 to 9 P. N. B.—partioular attention will be paid to ladies and gatittimanlotaii4l4 to iisit Europe, es to conversation sii•Pretiek. ' Per .partlenlars, 'please call on Prot. 0: for a CIRCULAR, No.IOOB CITESTNUT Street, above Tenth, third story, Croat moist, from' 'bib P. M. 'oel-2w* PROFESSOR SAUNDERS! INSTITUTE, WNST PAILADELPNIA. NO fienilearY whatever le more like s jwliate The course of sledt titimilit . and' tilidrougb. Pro fessor Saunders'will reeelve few,more pupils Tarter fontlems peril of age - into his family. Nnontra ^of Afessre. J.S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. PoiisobNditor of this Paper, whose eons or wards are now members of,hit tensity. septl44l QUPPLEVS 'INV/TUTS FOR YOUNG LADIES, (boarding 'and day pripile,) E. W. corner ELEYBEFII nud:GIIEIE streets,, Eifel} newton will open 'on Saptemeor 7tb. Beet reinrenco given, In- Chiding 444 present' eq. 'tnruier entrain. ati26-tf WRING' :13AILDEN AOADRMY FOR ,Y04104125N ,AlO BOYS, N. B. corner BIOIITII ac.A ONWPOD•ctreets.„Profesoolo or the higheat teethSeetheAs Ale_ployed. Oatalogeee . containing full WAtrilakn' =DWI, tentiteettials,. .csubi /IA4 oeleestion. 1026.1 'DONLEA VV' LIMO, Principal. HALL OF , ST. , 1 JAMES THE LESS,{ PHILADELPHIA. RAMILIf SpARDING, 00HOOL if OR BOYS. ' TWO • B. R. fbursica, Iticcron. The Soo'Oordeishm win begin od TUESDAY, Sep., t.ozaber . the .* Sco re of 0188ilaio bo.bbtiliod at ßo . KRUM sodCHESTNUT or ' n° o"th °"lt if 1060 o , t:, Falls of ficyoyliclaßeiTP.ehimlk-i NOTHIRW SO NEEDFHL ,TO ENABLE; pereans, niali 'and' familejto gain a glare of thlel J.ll Worl d 's good se:Forts /a a Lii • - iiir BIT WS lir) oknott. . must n ~. f, -- % , Etrema l Anr iar'S:' t _morn qn • 1:10 AL . Ix pli let, far fell and whiter Stadisie, Mtn ' eknowlidge of , i ~- . .wal.Tnio,,pooLulP °ow „kuranlETto jadvaplitleat Inatlinde; he * SO ' time. , ' T4* Jinni bhp, : Dimwits in raying, that, during, _pa ft 'La number of persons acquired Ili BV NM MYNA lON,enabling many to mare pro•J, Pablo alimations, others to'proseente their badness operati••• Mincemehilly. , r • : , . , „au22-13m. ' ,ptsvti),3ion a - caresp,&. co. 'commzsgolf MERORANTS, 43Northl?4CINT gad4t WATER. Street, Phtladelfhls CONSrANT.LY'REOUVINO V . L,O VnEll SEED On oonolgronent Moo • the. Interior of Pennay/cantei when) ono new °loaning Mill Is now in general me. ty 'Also; TIMOTHY AND AEA. TOP 'always on ser2-tf ' HANDY- & , -BRENNER—COMMISSION, NEIWILAWILB' Dosters in Foreign and Ame t Aeon ITANDWATIN mad OUTLNRIN NU. 23, 26 and 2/ North 1021113troot, Nut side, bore Commerce Amara ' aul-tf NERI I',.sart;'l4o:tei.,,or tavANA: STAAB% alint)Lto VainpViktre4 istiond 0414, sully CARD:44P, SUBSOMBERB RESPEOD •Li 'lrUltaPr iiiterur taints end the trade gorier: 4.l4,thst they,fiirre mode iliengements for one of their !Sayers leaving ninthly for the Wrench end German itarkets. Yr oni many yore? experience, the permanent reel(. Mee' tO ' Rae' Of two of the .11rut; and' an abundant capital, they can offer unwind !senates for TILE PIM. ERASE ON .001114dI8EII9N to any "of the "European parkeho (0 . '44/mmo direct. 'lbex noddle. )repared to molars orders from simple,' `tor InewOrn awl Youthful from their eitontive an d well mounfectories" -fosio,,to be , !hippe d direct, either under bond or do id, 1131011111014 =nit& Co:. Importers, sulo4ls* - is 200 sroadway. • /Meld ata. ittotauranto. rrIVIEVLD STAA:ILOTEL IN HARMONY T.—:Tho tblie iespeettally Informed that the orp )3TAIt qTrr. suit in existence, Th'e proPrietor Will be glaq see his ",old. Mende, and pro 'Ws" to Mardi' ih them with a superior quality of Ale, lelnex;11.1311 Liquors. Ile 'hell asauied, that on paying ,him • visit , theywilt riot be ditappOinted. Ile is also futelih Oysters In eyer,y style, at the shortest tkotice, :linixds ' frotale to 12 &clock. ' NOUN CORLEY. itILLLOC,EfAIVN/NG'S CITY LAGER jacka , gwtomt, N 0,.; P 412 Otieterto Alley Phila 121;i2 'oPt t tal i V l VALlll7 . ; 3 71 11- 1ii411 . /411014 0. 4 wwlvmul Ti.two oltontel6'llotlo, 6e,p74m 'EADIANTB' 'EOTEL, , INORPH • FOURTH STENET, Assn Minima, • ' • PHILADELPHIA. su24l-tf - ifoILIDDEN dr. SONS 'PXOPAISTOAS. e,go T T ,ROUSE=-comer of Irwin Street fr4ThuraftpiiftWsiMtitViargh. D. L. 7SAEI(Eit, :TWO - aqb -0040 11g0.- . 44V '801: EAST 'I3I3I.!TEIt OF 11, mA,B.KOr„find PIPTU , Streets. Ottat4timA!9diftltateit . 4.43itbiy ,. oll , iii2es. si C" ' . llldt do. do. , " . L itsdona Leather "aid' Calk' narrow atriat Rtioca.' Bop' aid Youdliao P atent Leather and Oaf Sidi ',hater Roots and Shoo! , sta-tf,, Vor iudo by 420. Si. TAYLOR. VALI: STOCK OF BOOT 3 AND SHOES. ;4001%TitomPsoNA, CO. No. 314 MAR. ItXTll.#44ti4l4;& on. 41 aid 8. ruelikLlN .PLACIR, 1404•0 titito :and woli.morted stook o f sa4,BEIONA, or City and ,Rartorn inguratacturo, *tick flier.4lTer Tor sale co timl,bast tarn* tor Nall, or MAl*** %Ont. • ___ 2„ „litgarAM, Ir4fetl, X4P,01111 exauuno stook, 4411-44 L, • • ” 14'1AP - 3 O , L it P PUBLIC IS piartfollytatOrroad that °Moos hard been oPo*o4 tii , ,the District Boperintendenki of Pall° Llghting, at irktok ittions'Aretegiosted to give toforiaatialf copilot. Atkmialtleatatthieli niiirpobtOtka PablibLamPai or ; Viiirielnltglit or eatingotaktog them at the %,Vrnal l 'ok' if tie , yropeidj eland and In good h odAt thin. , Tun - Boob- hilt bi k kept by 101 l 0',, - 049.4eatittroot, thintWordj OW:Was No. la iforittiltereoth etreeti Ninth' Wool; Hiram% , .11.475, Ago. X4BB Hatoblorou titrpot irirentidth Wardi . Wi lOollioot4O. WS! Nato+ n ' POVT . itueutif w i k r oi nocy:BowisromiOldocTwehtplottriliWar,d, Mora -E. xeradden, +l,:e °eke, Twelity• ‘Sedoati Wara,n;rairouoitormo Wro, .N. Market am (Mae, ifrookrOrd,) and a p t the i#10,4 dtreet, b orrktarket. L • 13r, otter; 'pc ,Trii4ol4 the- Philadelphia Uaa ; - - •A. turz • ,• • od sea- , : gui0h444460 S eALPVER -B BED I4-44 TMOE TO, 'PENN ' Itipg - Oxt i444 , 41i Atm arOlitiowEß4l. r5:•P04,4 1 044 4 Afr 1 4 * 10,1•14 14 iambus for .44;v401440 Urfrei fad af s tite nowerop: - Pe nu ty n a, litarereipittlittd - tub" by 4enatur Idiunos tk, p u , Ammo, pin, f 4 Ott ticaps, tooitaln Om' pFl o ce; t 4t which ri g „ jri 4,Wbci , „„brtiti ,:11.!13014 , 1th by whlob t o 14 • 'OW ,t4f i4iiitlith ay l ig Wit Pen; Went b y flf,ll, le 0,,,:', ~, , I ;, : , 1 1 . F OttiOg OO., OM*. .:ii '.'17,-IPM trAl t tufl 4 4-V4 O F. iltrfiPio 4:14 ... _..... .._ _ . ..- i i It , ig s rValltritO S I JR— PAND _ _0 S__li otkOntg , A V . The isiutto ea ..• ^f : IVA .In E/111A$ 11 610/ 1 0 1 .4 1 J14 AND Llis e jioAu t 2644 Akt tor 17. clues in bbsts NHOSocifei csiOto • 12011* i In 16 ' : 4 3 , 4 ,u, ~ , i : MOP, Otili j 1. 00, %soli -110 .) iilr it v'i' .' ' '.. 44 'North wbstiss• , . reet,'Caro issjoissu L hy o r .! Staan ost dc 1.4011un c; ~..11.111,Nce* WWI itml, 71,ti,eriting *pt inn ..... 'CITARLEs D. EMERY, ATTORNEY AT , LAW, Williaineport, Lyootaing county, Pa., will int lArticalar attention to flecuriog and Collecting shim', in Lycoming and adjoining counties. 3111P.EIL8 70 HOP. J. 0, Hun, Supreme Bench, Philadelphia. David Jayne & Son, Phllik. Nommen & Sheete, Phlls Anspach, Reed & On,, I Smith, Shantz & Co., " Ocd•lrnel EWI S S. WELL S, ATTORNEY AT JJJJ TAW, N 0.2 AIRY STREET, NORRISTOWN, Pe., ;will attend. with punotuality, and to tho beat of his ability, to all bugneas entrustod to his taro. oel-2w J. J. Munn.] (W. B. Roosts. MICHET4 & KOONTZ- utit. ATTORNEYS AT LAW i No. 28 Camp Street, New Orleans. RETIBILINCIS SR PHILADELPIM. 1 Web Cope & Co., 188 Market street. ' Smith, Murphy & Co., 97 Market street. Wm. M. Brown & 0e.,108 Market street. fau27-2020 !'GEORGE 11., ARMSTRONG, ATTOR ALA nit AT _LAW AND CONVEYANCER, 1,84-1 :Lombard atieet, below Braid. oepl74nk* DANIEL. DOIIIIHERTY,, .ATTORNEY AT LAW, Southeast Corner of EIGHTH and M3ST Streets, Philadelphia. MYER STROCISE, ATTORNEY AT 174. LAW, °ENTRE laved, Pottsville, Ps. atvlely, C I:) J 2 1 1 / 6 1 4i2 — a T n i c i l e baVY I EZ/L as tg r A t ; 1 .1 n n t enekt BROAD areet, second yard abaTe Vine street. sel4-1m HOWELL DORatalt. W40 , „!P5..i.11._.t.7.2eize . ".E.1 1 ! stoeiLitAsztomusootrszVoy, 01,xa60.WOK IaSATO. 00,624 , 1 Opal aelseteil expressly for fralkitSethlng,eardflly seriMd, we Will irarrant ft free froM. elate and dust. "We sell 42240 lbs.," being i "290168, Were" than sold by retaltdealere, at "26 beta' 1/8/01 per ton." ' • Alm. on hand a full supply of "BROAD TOP SITU 00AW,for Steam-generating, Slultsmithtng, and Rolling-mill purposes. Tble Coal cannot be oz ,celled. ) 'ran* BILOAD and 4 9XN - 0-311tc 72,1p A "MO lite, IS A TON . tool4ml ' LUC/IPPON k 00 OA Ll COAL! COAL I—'fAGGART's lvJ OELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEGION 100 AL. " A. Er. B. GARTER'S ORKENNS" 001), TAM AQUA COAL GEORGE W. BEIEDRWS,PINE FOREST SOLLUYL i KILL COAL. ) RANDALL fx'ISEREDITH Have for ogle, and are constantly reeelving from above celoprated Oollierles o COAL OF ALL SIZES. There In no Coal rulaed anywhere, equal In quality these and a trial will convince any one of their groat superiority. Our Coal le very carefully screened at Our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free front slate, dust and alt intpuritlea,- Our PRIORS ere as LOW au the VERY ,LOWEST. Ordere left 'itr Office, No, 161 ROIII.II FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders left at oar Yard CALLOWIIILT, arrest, beloa BROAD greet. Onlers left at our Wharf, WATER street, !thorn OAL. LOWHILL--or Sent to, either place per Despatols Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchlisors for Vatolly use will do well to Ball and ex amine our Veal before purchasing olsetthere: an4-tf DUCK MOUNTAIN COAL—Direct from _LP the Company's Mines, and the only authorized agents,' by retail, south of Kensington. Also Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. T. TREADWAY, Bastion street, an24.2tal let Wharf above Washington, Southway k WHITYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— K. 7 I. ani daily receiving, amy yard thu best quality o. SOIIIIYLKILL AND LEMON COAL. "fly customers, and all others who may favor ma with their orders, may Illy on getting Coal that wilt be satisfactory to them. V' No Interior Coal kopt at this establishment to otter at LOW PRIORS. ALEXANDER CONVERY, N. R. corner of Broad and Cherry tits. "LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.- DALY, PORTER & CO., COAL DEALESS, No. S2l PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep Constantly op hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lohlgb cud Schuylkill Coal. au 1.41 m LUMBER AND COAL.—MONTGOMERY & NEALL having connected tbo Coal with the Lumber liminess, inform their friends that they bare. made contracts for a supply of the best qualities of; Lehigh and Sehuylkill bold, and era now ready. to, re ceive orders, Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders may, be left with Mr. S. ICILYATRIOK, No. is 8. street or with Mr. WM. D. NEALL, corner PINE, and WATER streets. aulB.aru Illerrbant ar ailora JOHN P. DOHVATY, YOR YVARB MTH KELLY & DR0,021, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & 00., TAILOR, Has.with him the best tailors that are now engaged' In the business in this country : (HURLER ROTH, formerly the leading Tailor of dila' City; DI. RAWER, formerly Cotter tar O. ROTH 4, 09., and late Coat and Vest Cutter with LUK IX; &00 11rIlfasiga t --* lw4 wt tl ve,ui t; Inc in the United }Hata, for years cutter, with Deplerns, under theirrlag House, Broadway, and with B4Pleimi & Tette/5 under the Pichelas Hotel Broadway. The rnostunromitling attention paid to the wlihea of all Who patronise the eatablishmeut ; the best of Olothes made at moderate prices for credit, low prices for cash. 0e24 EDWARD P. KELLY. LOX • KELLY & EILO'T TIER, Ha.►iuhggennggeeg~ed the services of CHARLES R-OTH,' Eletingalehed for, the beano sod excellence of hie 60045 when in the Tailoring Duanele, hes taken the Store. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, AND HAS OPENED PEE THE BALI, AT RETAIL, OF CLOTHS, CASSIHERES, " VESTINGB , °RATA"! ' .GLOVES, SHIRTS, /co., Of the test qualities, at moderate priced. 113- The hualuess of KELLY & BROTHER le rd moved, from this date, to No,' 814 CHESTNUT Street, where It will be attended to by EDVF , D P. • KELLY or JOHN P. DOHERTY. sef.ly TAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT 0.1 TAILOR, Nos. 16 andl6 Sonth MTN BTRBST, ABOVE OffERFNUT. A large and Well selected , stock of (MONIS and oassmants always on hand. All Clothingmaile at this Establishment will be of the best qualify, and in the most fashionable style. Partionles attention given to 'UNIFORM °LOTH. ING. aufl.tf I iElrugo nub erlpinicalo. Vt DER ICK BROWN,--OHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Borth-east corner FIFTU end CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, sole Manufacturer of BROWN'S ESSENOB OP • JAMAICA GINGEN which In recognised and prescribed by the Medical 71014 oulty, and has become the Standard FAMILY MEM GINE of the United Staten. 'Phis Essence is a preparation of unusual excelleuce. During the Summer months, no family or traveller should be without it. In relaxation of the hostels, ih atuesea, and particularly in sea sickness, it lean edits and eate, as well so a plessant and efficient remedy. DADTlON.—Persona desiring an article that can ke relied upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAICA GIN GER, should be particular to ask for 4, Brown's Es sauce of Jamaica Ginger," which Is warranted to be what it is represented, and in prepared only by PREI4- RICX DROWN, and far sale at his Drug end Obemical Store, north-east corner of FIFTH . and DITESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia; and by all the respectable Drug gists and Apothecaries in the E. States. ant-dust Site Proof. Oafeg SALAMANDER SAFES. A largo assortment of INIANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDIIIt SAPRS, VAULT DOORS ' Yoe Banks and'Stores. BANK LOOKS, - Rqual to any now in use, IRON DOORS, SUVTTBRS, On as good tom' as any other establishment in t?e United States, by • RVANS & WATSON, No, 26 South YOUSTII street l'hltadelphlts; aulB-4 PLEASE GIVE U A CALL (tobacco anb lEigaro. 4-IAVANA. viciAßl .A..A. merit, sncll is Figaro, • Deism, Cabanas, • Sultana, Gloria, , ' Jupiter, , ' Coloao g " Converelantes, i Torrey' Lopes, . Union Americana, 1 Orajon, Flora Cabana, &0., ho., ko,, to X, ,V, 1-5 and 1.10 motif, of all ekes and qtotll- Lien, In store and constantly marring, and for sale few, by CHARM TETB, 1, • 'new) 138 WALNUT Street, below Second; second atOry UIGARO, OADA.NAS AND PARTAGAS BSGARB.—A choice laroloe of these cnlebrated byands on board brig it New Era," daily expected frbra [Taxan*, and for sale low, by otunx,Es TYNE, • (Now) 188 Walnut street, below Second, - and &rand Story. *to, Cap, fir. cEL GARDEN & CO., . manufacturers of and Wholesale Dashes§ to' RATS, OAPS, FURS, STRAW GOMIS,' • r• FANCY BILK AND BTRAW 'BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL:FLOWERS, ROUGHER, - FEATHERS,¢e. No. 682, (old No. 196) IfAII ' ENT Street, Below Sixth, south olde, Anil No. 628 !MOB Street, Philadelphia. i O. HURT MMUS, DAMN!, DONOVAN: Maras** are reepeotfully finned to examine out ataek" earßre SULLENDER & PASOAL,' 11 RATTNRB„ 881-8 m ' ' No. 88. SIXTH /Wet, PhlisdetpB ititdott,pnie. TYPg '.VOUNDRX— .JL ,N. W. Oor, THIRD and 011EgNol‘ fits. I " y. pn,cong & soli, thankful for the libretti)* trowel heretofore accorded to their gatehlishment,' end desirous to merit Ito AlOntinuance, Irmo, accoc • co to Printere And Publishere that the, new i3PEODUN BOOK is now ready, and from their Increased facilitlea, ore now prepared to furnish every thing necessary A com plete Printing ,hatabliehment, at the 'honest no tlee. Their long practical experience in the beldam' and the foot of their personal imperintendeoce, of 'the manufacturing department, justifies then' in assertin g that 'they can Amish a more durable and better ign. Lased artlcle than their , ootemporaries. 1 ' •Those, therefore, who desire • Printing Mater/04 Would do well to apply to theta previous to Purchalling elsewhere. • " • Old type titian at 0 cents Per pound, In 04 °4 6 for newutopecimen prieigh• • • ' • &mar - F, THE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFIOE,' ,'.B. 820 08128TNIIT STREET, ro w ,,IB!pARIN PAU/rang, , MIROULLN11181:, mac , NOTBEI d 888.018, eiher b.e. Rs own LINP3, 08.10 eolinee lon with otter BXPBXB.B COMPANIES, to all the pier TOWNS TOWNB b VITINEI of the United Matte. , ' _ • • B. H. BAND/ORD I ' r evaers4 ftuperbatelogi. .• 1!4) - ,1[4])ELPMA,, ,,. , tiOR GALVESTON.—TEXAS:t,PH!"- 4 1 ; Receive, , Freight,llll3 DAY and' Id ' , ,,NSlttar, unless sooner full. , The regular packet Schooner OHM. tlt' )1 LEE, Poster, master now completing her 1 street wharf, will continue to'recelre fru% 1 0 ', ° ' i Skippers will please complete theft" .. WWI! sod hand in Dille of Lading for signatdro at &OW' . .".1 . far bttlence of frelght'or passage, apPlf • • ,or to . , It 181101?. mmo " tzl , , Na. 80 Nar 4 .4 1 A 11. JABIII 111. 13,9, latollt, No rth 4 a•.. Or to 0012-dtf , IWOR NEW ORLEANS—LO 1". , 1 A Line—with quick despatch. To aid . Am this . *oak, with what freight offers. Freight rAt liwest rates, I The remarkably fast-sailing ship MAST' e- LINIC, W. Fades, master, is now loading pt. ; root Iwharl, being of email capacity, - and baring argeter- Alen of her cargo engaged and going on HI ere quick despatch an above. Shippers will please hurry their, geode al Iffe;and hills of lading; tip the Counting Hone* for! isrf• Por balance of Freight apply on beard be • BISHOP, SIMONS" OW octin'ltt, ' • •MI North'. anp. The 51. &A. 'noires at the Sonnet rates en ill take !steam down the Delaware, end up the Washed I PARE . REDUCED TO SOEFT#A. T N. A: AND HAVAII.-4he magnificent id V N. .Edward, Higgins, commander,' ;will pall , ' : ProwiNei York for Soilth. Prom 'Bentham* ampton and Havre. Havre for Net Manley Oct. 24, Saturday ' , ‘ 4 Saturday • Dee, 5 Saturday Price, of Passage—Wind cabin, - $100; atli $6O Specie delivered in London and Parfe' r :or passage luiply, to ' D. 'MARANO al No.: 6 Bilatt 6 69r 4 ov ifeltvP4Cubtaroro et; btratlitte4W 0:* 1 1 16miltonifoMto,,114 oligaltf6C 41Viti* • ' 7 I1)1BAI I IEDITOT.10 4 N - Ibt , tit 4 lo -, i nods. „ : . ',I 1, ,' , *,• A ''. - „,,,,'ctr4 Stift Cabin ' ' flid 1 1 §eriu Nit 7 4. iir In the first-elan paddleewbeel• VA 2,000 • tow, 0. D. Linnt.ovi; Corkin' iiido' 'llci STAR, 2,600 tone, P E, Laysynn, lo $101 . ! 3 North Dfror, at noon pronlanlyi oari"),l. STATES MAILS, viz ; • tetra II: York for ,; ,' , ",,T; Southampton, Ha- ' Dreroen for ' Oda. vra and Simon. ' SOutharopton ' 10r1 43 * Ariel; ' , Saturday, Oct. 81. Wed s , N. Flatly, Out. 81. Saturday, N0v.23. W,Ol l Is.; 1 Vim steamers touch M BAWER:: 441 d la London and Parls. for *nage and eil to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. ili Bowling' itr York. FOR HAVANA, VIA OHARLEIEPRONi 13. 0., AND REY WESD.' ~ ' 4 f .1 7 ' , . - The splendid and favorite United States Matt ptearo. ship ISABEL, capt. Hollins, will leo r 4 e Pie, "tio;111C hirer, New York, YRIDAY, - Uct, ldth, at 6 ale( AI, for IIAYANA . , touching tit QW&REEBTON tit WEST; to laud 'nth& add 'passengerl. Ther 0 has Just boon entirely overhauled, and fitted' se bonnet, cabins and state•roonis; double alt-tiith 'Milk beads forward nod aft, thus making her ono of t 'post dealrablo steamers,' for safety, spend, and count ' not' anaat. *. •,,,... Fur passage, having elegant acconnnodatlona,agadyffi J3l'ol`a ORE, ILLETBON, & 00.,Tjr:•••• ' No. 29 Hroodway, New York'. Or to ionN wnarung, -..,? - NO, 7 Walnut West, OHL • FOR LIVERPOOL-;—SATITRDAY;7I7 4 t4 October.—The packet ship NONI a AitUil tops) Captain Fattla, , Yrill sail as above. Cabin paaaage SAO ,''', Second Cabin ' 20' , 4 . Steerage ' IS '• ' Second cabin and atoerege passengers found wltirPro• visions according to the Amorleou poosongor act. Apply to , , Tnos. lIIOUAItOSON & CO. ocs- .. SAITANNAII STEAMSHIP 'LINE.- Fautenve HYDROS°. The well 'known davit-class 'aido-whoel eteaniettris, tiTATE OF OEORGIA 'and KEYSTONE STATE, vow: , to a weekly line for the South and Southwest, MO of, the shies nailing every SATURDAY, at 10 kV. r THE STEAUSHIP STATE OF GEOEHIA; Joan J, QABVIN, Oommauder, 'Will receive freight on yEURSDAY, 'October 11th,i and sail SATURDAY, October 10th, at 10 °Week; A.M. • • . . THE STEAMSHIP KEYSTONE STATE Oft A 'MRS P. MARSITIYAN, 001121M61140r, I Will receive geed' on THURSDAY, - 144 sail on SATURDAY,cooIock A. M. t At Savannah these ships connect with demerit 'for Ploridc and Havana, and with railroad for the South 614 Southwest. Cabin Passage $2 Steerage do B No freight reoetved on Saturday morning. No 14114 Ot lading Maned atter the 'Mrs has galled. For freighter passage, apply to • HERON, Jr., No. 01 North Wharves. ' Agent at Savananah, 0. A. GSZISIth & Co. FOR PLORlDA.—Stramer• Bt. Intry's And Ot. Jobn'4 leave Savannah every Tuesday and Saturday. alit LOR ENdiaxn AND FRANCE, 1867.-4 vow York and /Mere 814441tebtp Compitr—ii4 United States Well itteemeid, ARAM), 2,590 tcede David Linen, commander, and, FULTON, 2,540 1 4 'Notion, cot:minder , will lame Ne wTrATNOIII94PMit4-1-IW4I meal Ydw /MM. 1857. 1858. ,fideen,fiatorday; Actg. 22 .A.rago, Saturday, 0 ersgo, , do. Sept . 19 Fulton, do, Path Volta% do. Oct. 17 Arago, do. Marche Arago, do. Nor. 14 Fulton, do, April 0 Fulton, do. Deo. 12 Arno, do 18ey 1 Fulton, do. Mu 29 LOkill ROUX. LILTa FOOTRIXI'IOI. 18.51. 1857. krago, 'Panda'', Aug. 25 Arago, Wednesday, Actg. 28 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 Pinion, do. Sept. 28 Ando, do.. Oct. 29 Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Ploy. 17 Folio% do. Noy. 18 Arago, do, Doe. 16 Arago, . do. Deo. 10 /858. 186 i. Patton, do. Jan. 12 Patton, do. Jas. 18 Mum • do. Neb. 9 Arago, do. Neb. 10 fano% do. Mardi 9 Patton, do. Mar. 10 /trap, do. Aprtt 0 Arago, do. April Walton, do. May Mutton, do. May 5 334g~00, do. Janet krago, do. June 2 Fulton, do. JIM. 29 Fulton, do. /coo 30 141101 OF FABBAOII Irani Now York to Southampton or Uarro—Yhat Cobb,a EIS ; Second Cabin, $l6. From there or Eiouthampton to Now York—lint Cabin, 809 train; Sooond (Uhl; 509 franca. Poe freight or passage, apply to 11010111 BU LIVINGSTObi t Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM TEIBILAN, " Havre. CROIIKEY k CO., " Bouth'ton. AMERICAN EUROPEAN ' EX.PREBB AND EX." PAHL CHANGE 00, one, Tz NEW YORK. AND LIVERPOOL .lINITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS,—The Ships composing this Line are : The ATLANTIO, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. ^The ADRIAT/O, Capt. Janus West. These ships have been built by contrast, uprently far llovernment 'eyrie% every care has been taken to their oonstruction, as also in their soignee, to ensure strength and epee& and their aeownomdatieni for passenger& ars unequalled for elegance end comfort.. Price of paasmis from New York to Liverpool, In Snit cabin, $130; In second do., Ea; from. Liverpool to New York, SO and 20 guineas. No berths secured unless paid tor. The Alps of this line here Improved weter.tlglit bulk heeds. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING. • Ines slur !nag, mum LIMPOOL. fiatardayi Juno 20, 1867 Wednesday, June 24, 1867 Saturday, July 4, 1857 Wednesday, July 8, 1867 Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, Aog. 1, 1867 Wednead&Y, Aug. 5, 1857 Saturday, Aug.l6, 1857 Wednesday, Aug.l9, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 12, POT Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 20, 1867 Wednesdey, Sept 80, 1867 Saturday, Oat. 10, 1667 Wedneedey, Oat. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oct. Si, 1867 Saturdey, Nov. 7, 1857 iVedneadsy, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1867 Saturday, Des. 5, 1867 Wednesday, Dec. 0, 1867 Wednesday, Dao. 22, 057 Fo lll f fiat t lrl u erelß l T4 t o o . 58 Wall street, N.Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY & CO., Liverpool. STEPILEN KENNARD & CO., 97 Austin Prima, London. D. G. WAINWRIGHT & 00., Paris. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for gold, sliver, bullloni specie, Jewelry.pr eolone stones or metals, unless bills of lading:, • sled therefor and the value thereof expressed therein MACGREGOR NOT-AIR FURNACES. Sold by CHADWICK & BRO., SKOOND Street, trot dtior Rao° spilt-Buret IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT-L. NEW OAS OonpaNG.Publuoi A bendoome auoit- cat.LBO2N IfEW COX& ZURN4C.e after having been put to the met esrere feet, doing the two oot.n triunesa or 1666 u 1857, lisa prove to be the moat polderfla heater is she tread, saying from x to X the fuel over any of the best furnaces now in use. Thus BoaIiAORII are oonatruoted with a cant Iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pme•shiped Pre pot, lined with fire-brick or iron staves. The ere pot io surmount ed with A BURIES OW 00NRS, oa _TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their Maris, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the under chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the Sue. Too WHOLN produets of combustion In the torn of ameba and Oases, are suspended directly over the Sr. 2 oeornbin or compressed into the tapering 00/ 1 18 and OONTIKNALLT IMPOSE) to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the lire. This heat and light to brought to a It o< sue in lion 430 NE, notunlike the • OOLLXOT/ON Or TIiN 817iill RATS, toe focal point through au, ordinary lens; causing the allot° AND DAUB to become Intensely heated and tho roughly oosapBllP, by this , operation the 101011.7 AND OAHU are NADA 2411 ALLY ATAILABLI with the root nano for bootleg ,purposee, while, In other furnace, ails OAIRE/D Oil AND WAiIED IN lad 0511DIAMT. All imams desirous et , obtaining the best and MOST DOONOMIOAL URATING APPARATUS, should not fail to , examine the NOW oousofisso Moo Poosson, before purchasing any other. The at tention of greigtosta sod builder. is particularly m ounted. ARNOLD & WILSON, , (Baccessors to S. A.-Ilanison,) No. STA WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Square. HOTEL AND SUMNER NANTIEB OW by ORADWIOK & BRO., 202 Et BROOND Bt. attglB-arsoa CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY OBAD WICK Sc BRO., ti 0,9132 N 8.1.4014 D Mont. WELGONVIANGE .—SOLD BY 011 AV v W .4 - nito. 1,02 N Rg OND St. aulB-Bm. ,C4AEAP SUMMER_ FUEL.:--OAS (JOKE, VV of eseeUent quality, IA maid at the PKILADBLIIGA GASWORKS for the redacted price of fire cent. • bee/kelp sod may be obtained In /argil nr Knall quantllZ by the Gas Mee, No., 26 Beath: SKV BTTA 66 • To inteleutert by whoutesio l It is sold at the Works, falliret WO, by the ton, eta pries equivalent to Ato thrsalte a 19940 per tcor;, ilitenedt) J: O. oalascim, Knainetr, Paftenannua Wolita, , Aucte, ' &W A, D tflit SI At AND citI4BRIOAN TARRED +ow CORDA42.-4 towite srltGbliooutottue Ma for alas try , WEAVER, PITLIM 00 Vtit ,• • No. 24 N. Wa te r et. * & 2$ N. Wiest's*. AN I rili A 11,0102.--3IIMIOR MA N144.1.01t, roininiattiwi ragitileule kr ad* 100. Lek.isTAVIM A IITLIR_& 00. i W, l 141:11,4444,22N. *DAY, OCTOBER 12, 1857. Shipping., '!'.l„i:', -If';,'' , Ao ~,, , I . ,pi,f,.. 1 O ... a no' i ..0, 4, 6 ' . 11 I •• ,' , .04 , '?• ' • • .3 I , c Vd i't l • 4Olif t °CII 41ad 'ork, tiro- 14 %a r t . (' rt tents Khoo, f. en, Of WI -40-0 V D. it ' 141) Surnacre, WANTED 16,000 DOLLARS PA R VALVE' North Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds In Exchange for Real Estate In Kensington. Title per fect. Apply to JOHN O'BRIEN, South FIFTH tweet. 000.1.cv ' WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES OAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendaneo. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No map having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 811 DIANNE'S etreet, alma Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, ht Lieut. 2d Roe. of Cairnlry, Recruiting either pot 5.1 m RANTED.—AFEW AGENTS,EITHER - Mae or Bernal*, are wanted to sell a now and very popular book, Jost issued, entitled "The Crooked ICIm; or, Life by the Wayside." Four editions have already been exhausted in Boston and the New England States. Agents are wanted to Canvass the Middle, Southern,. and Western States. Some now engaged make from $.5 to 112 per day. Address, by letter, Seek ' Agent, 17 State street, Boston; or call personally at same piece. for Oak. SALE—A. VBRY VALUABLE QUAY 'ROME, for either saddle or harness— mound, gay, good traveller. Apply at stable, BROWN street, ham mamma. ootfl•lw Atom. AMERICAN GOLD • `NE* YORK FUNDS AMERICAN COLD AND NEW YORK FUNDS, BOUGHT AT THU HIGIIEBT BREHM( BT oc7•LIB DREXEL A. CO 'Dank Notices CCOMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL. MANIA, PRILADILPIfIit, October 12, 1857. The Atotual Meeting of tbe Stockholders of this Bank will be held ut the thauking.llouse, on Tuesday, the 34 day or November next, at 12 o'clock M. ocll.mw&f tuovlS CO3IMBROI4L BANK OF PENNSYL- Vnts..adsAvnta, October 12, 1057. The Annual Election fur Directors of this Bank will be held at the Danklng-]louse, on Monday, the 10th day of November' next, from 10 o'clock A. M., to 2 o'clock Y. M. octl2•mw&r tnovlo 8. O. PULNUR, °ashler. FARMERS' AND MECIIANICS' BANK, riLADILVIILL, October fith,llM. 'Yhe militia election for Directors will be held at the Banking. House, on MONDAY, the 19th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A Id., and 3 o'clock 1 0 'ALI and ou TUESDAY, the 3d day of Nevem -I.er'next, a General Meetthg of the nfixkboidera will be held at the Banking Tiouve, at 4 o'clock P. M., agreea bly to the charter. er7-too/0 R. M. LEWIS, Cashier. MANUFACTURERS' AND MECHA 4J-IL MO' BANK. Putt.logi,Pnte, Oct. 4, 1857. , Tha annual roosting of the Stockholders of this Dank Will 60 held'at the Danking House, on Tuesday, Novom het 9, at 10 o'clock, A. ht. The annual election Mr thirteen Dlrectors, to nerre the ensuing year, will be hold at the Banking. House, on Monday, Novatolmr 16th, from 10 o'clock, A. K., to I r. If. mwftnlo If, W. WOODWARD, Cobler. ripllE PHILADELPHIA BANK.—rIfILA- A. DELPHI t, October 0, 11167.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Bank ing house, on Monday, the ninth day of November neat, at 12 o'clock 11. The annual election for Investors will be held at the Banking house, on Monday, the sixteenth day of No vember next. O. B. OOKEUTS. octi-wf,kristNlo , Cashier, Emnber TO CARrENTERS AND BUILDERS.— ..a. Attention le invited to the follotfing 'took of sea. toned lAMBI% : 300,000 toot 5.4 Yellow Plno Floor Board., 250,000 foot 4.4 do do, 30,000 feet 5-4 do do, suitable for Iln. lug Mores. ' 84,000 that White Play Floor Boards, ' 850,300 foot BpFuco Joist. Bolling low for mutt; to Belt the time., and In lots to our; purcluers. ' ALBERT BENTON, 0440.1 in* Booth FRONT street. LUMBAR I 'LUMBER t I—Tho subscribe, who has for severalyears occupied the promises id Pissing Mill, Kensington him removed to 0041,TES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phosnix Planing 1011, on Delaware avenue, where he intends "keeping *large assortment of Caroline anfl other Soon. tm cam r r4rltaltlVaiShinAllit nt4Bra ° 4l not sale at the lowest cash prices'. Purchasers are in vited to call emission:doe for themselves, awl every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Onlus received and supplied at the shortest notice for all kinds and idiom of &Ahern yellow pine, Timber and Scantling. 8. 8. WOMB. i)arbware. QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARB, RIVET IRON Manufactured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Bahurikßl, shore Spring Garden Water Works. WOUGIOUSE,IO3 North WATER Street. QUAKER CIT Y NAILS are warranted equal to soy made. oe9.if JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent TIWOMAS E. BAXTER.-HARDWARE OVTLDILY AND TOOLS, No. 110 MARKET Br. boys Ninth. annth mu 1-11 m furniture. B. KITE & CO. B-110 PIIIINIEVRE, BEDDING, &o. No. 418 (Me 124) WALNUT Philadelphia. A new and raparior style of Spring Beds. Lino B. MTN. Joints WALTOI cal Oro (dolling AR PE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTIIING, 148 North POIIIITII Street, between Arch and Sue. ane•ly ecntlenten'e .ffurniohing Q/oabo WIENOHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE WEIVES FURNISHING. STORE, awl PATENT 81.10ULDER SEAM 81110,T MANUFACTORY, No. Hal CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Phi ladelphia. The attention of Southern and Weatem Merchants, and Streams, is particularly invited to this Improved cat of Shirts, the mostperfect fitting article nude. At whole. sale and retell, sad mat to order. sa6.lgif Miscellaneous 11 W. TINGLEY & 00., BANKERS • No. irr South THIRD Strata, Philadelphia. COLLICOTIONB promptly made on all accemlble point' In the United Staten and Canada. Stoning, Donde, &v., Bought and Sold on Commission. Uneurrent Bank Norma, Checks, &0., bought at the Wrest rates. Depoelta recalled arid teletext allowed, u per agree meet aol-Bm JOHN B. STRYKER, JR., Whole's's Dealer in AUCTION DRY 000D5, _ - No. .12 DANK Street, PhD":lelphis. octl-2m NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PALL ARRANGEMENT, BETHLEHEM ALLENTO*N MAIIOIIOIIIINK, FAB. / PON, DOYLE.SiON, &O. On and after Monday., October 6,1867, the trains on this road will leave Philadelphia For Bethlehem, Olipresa,) at 8 A. M. For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown and Mauch Munk, (Express) at 2.16 P. 6!. Paasengars for Easton by 216 P. M. train take gaga at Iron 11111 station. Poe Doyleetcran ) (Accommodation,) at 6 P. M. For Gwynedd. do, • at to A. M. TUNS YOH PHILADELPHIA. Leave Betheleta (Expratuid at 0.16 A.M., and 2.46 P. M. connecting with L. V. K. It. trains, and arrive lu Philadelphia at 12,10 M. and 0 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Aecommodationd at 016 A. M. 'Leave Gwynedd, do. at 8 P. 11. Accommodation trains run daily; other trains daily Sundays excepted. Fare to Doylestown . . . 80 cts • Bethlehem . . • 5160 Imo to Mauch Chunk. 200 oct b ELLIS CLARK, Agent. VO/iMONWEALTFI FIRE INSURANCE vv COMPANY, OP TILE ,FITATY., OP PENNSYLVA NIA.-0111ce N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Bubaoribed Capital, $lOO,OOO. Paid-up Capital. 0200.000. DAVID JAYNE, M. D. PreeMeat. THOMAS 8. STEWART, Vice Pree , t. llama 8. Moos, Secretary. sul-ly COACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Vactoryof E. W USSIIERS, N 0.109 (late 49) South MONTE, below Cheetnut street, has become a Raving of 60 per cent. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERONANTS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps new ailver4opped and bottomed, and sent by express to all parts. eml2 17 el 1 EVANIB,---10,000—PIIINTEn,, A E Card,. pry hoar : 'Th. Prose Ast WY a.erbstal ly , th. • bok kv orp 0 01$111 I I 1) playhiybia Pm.. al Ile WA ltaalum WWW luta , 4 „ c._ . 0 „,,„..„ 0 A c.xim... ...„ , o.* A O Prim., Cate stul Ow. D L ...tel. , ' Tea Theasa.4 Carda per Flosa,la E A Olt' 0. my Out tly4—VirPriem veal reelaeal I) Cor. Library, IFOIIRTur MT. bellow Chestht.a Ak BRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE Sinking and Embossed Printing, Envelope and Seal Press Manufactory, 37 Strawberry Street, between Second and Third, and Market and Ohoetout Street, Phil/401Na, Pa. anl24y CHARLES P. OALDWELL--Wholesale and Retail WHIP and CANN Manufacturer, No, 4 North FOURTH Street, au eARDINES.-100 cues of 00 half boxes l amda, in Moro and for sale by • HENRY BOHLEN & 00., - na 6 Non. 421 and 229 8. Vomit' stmt. COTTON --100 baba Gulf Cotton, In stoke and tot Ws by ItAATIN & MACALISTIR, sed - 110 North Wats...Strome COTTON -2 0 00 bales 01 Middling to Mkt tiling fair Ootton, atom Out tbr gala by MARTIN & MAOAIMITNR, %al 1 North Wator Stroot. ROSIN.--600 BARRELS SOAPMAXERS' Rom, to arrive per schooner J. 11. Planner. For sale by MARTIN to MACAILLSTRIt, auBl- 110 North Filer Onset. GLENWOOD Mama oFFIOE, NO. >ll WALNIA , at,, below MTH. on Utt Cly Viess. MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1857 DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. GOVERNOR WILLIAM P. PACKER, Or LYOOMINU OcUNIT JODOPS OP THE HUPREMS coma. WILLIAM STRONG, OP BEAK Comm JAMES TIIQMPSON, OF ERIE Cowen. CANAL COMMISSIONER, NIMROD STRICKLAND, or CHESTER CUUN?Y CITY NOIIINATIOAS. BVirroa, lIAKULL 1. lIANDALL. d9911111k1,1, JOMI RAMHEY, OEO. R. AItUSTROICI CITY AND COVNT Y. J. O. KIRKPATRICK, 0. Y. DONAVAN, ASSOCIATS JUDOS LIOCIAT OP CIAIISON .I•AtEO IL. LUDLOW. SENATOR, I, N. MASSELIS. REICORDER Of DUDS, ,SLIIERT D. RoILEATy. 1116110NOTARE Or THE Emmet coma., JOAN V. it'v ADVZV. CLIME Or.tur ewer Or OWES Maine, JOSISPII clicketwer.. obaultilik, .1 ' ; I. D. EENNER. COUNTY. Asuplin.r, JONA N. WALLS, UMW DUNLAP, JOBE M. WILLEY, A. AIMEE, JOIVS A. DoITAIIIT, JAMES DONEELLY. JOHN WHARTON, OLIVER ZYLNS, J. R. MIEN, JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, DAVID R. It'CLANZ. TOWNSEND YEARSLEY, JOSHUA T. OWEN, LIVING TOO FAST The commercial crisis has found a great many—far too many, indeed—wholly unpre pared for evil fortune. Merchants, manufac turers, and others, whom the world esteemed independent, if not actually wealthy, realized the impossibility of keeping their beads above water, when the money troubles came. With . the most honest purpose, without any spot upon the pure ermine of their integrity, they were compelled to bow their heads to th% tor nado, which bent all, and broke and prostrated some. A few, who had been more propheti cally economic 'than others, have kept their heads up, it is true, but the misfettune of commercialdifilculties is, that it is iu a manner . infectious, and, in business, it men happemu that " Whatever link you strike, Tenth, or ten thousandth, breaks the chain alike." Not in any one State has the evil singly fal len—Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, Neu Jersey and New York, Ohio and Connecticut, feel the shock alike. Not in any one city has the lightning-bolt descended—Boston and Cin cinnati, New York and Philadelphia, have equally been seared by its consuming tire. There may he difference of degree, but the great fact is the same in all—the Panic found everyone unprepared, and the commercial ca.! brie fell to picaes, like the castle of cards which a child erects with great labor and breathles4 patience, and a single touch will break up and scatter. What made this unpreparedness? What caused trade thus to topple over, almost withf out a struggle? What hurled to the dust sO many stately fabrics of industry, skill, and an: terpriso 1 Thu answer is plain enough—Wt 'HAVE BEELLIVINQ TOO FAST. Consideringthe constantly augmenting pope:- Wien, the. rapid multiplication of wealth, the tireless energy of our people, the new clia4- nels for trade, comMeree, manufactures, and agriculture, which every year opens to indi vidual enterprise, (still deepening and widen ing the former channels,) there was' dot sb ..wh of what. stnaa—bu-tlus-ttenar+c--nama or- Speculation, as might have been expected. There was something a great deal worse—a total disregard of expense. Commonly commencing with limited means, the trader's first years in business aro honestly laborious, and, as regards personal expenditure, frequently self-denying. Success crowns his exertions, perhaps, and gradually ho enlarges his stock and extends his business. Time goes on, and the locality in which he has met with success becomes too humble for the am bition which now, in the guise of En terprise, begins to swell his heart. At a greatly augmented rental, he removes to one of the highways of population and business, ono of the leading thoroughfares, and from a mere trader elevates himself Into the station of a merchant, who imports largely and effects great sales. All through, as a matter of conrs.•. lie has judiciously kept his name before the public, by advertisements in such of the news papers as enjoy largo sirculation and leading influence. And so the years roll on and find this man thriving, fortunate, and industrious. If he mind his business eery much, ho keeps aloof from the mazes and bustle of polities. With increased and increasing means arises a desire for more titan mere comfort and res pectability in living. The boarding-house is abandoned for a handsomely furnished dwell ing, which ho can call by the sacred and happy name of Home. No one will grudge that to Lim, for, gc be it over so homely, there is no place like home." In fulness of time, some. times before his means permit, springs up a longing Oar that ignis fatuus, known as Social Position. He quits the quiet street, where his rental was not large, and leases a far more costly dwelling in what is reeoguised as a “fash ionable" street; ho may pay more, and obtain inferior accommodation and diminished com forts. By and bye, he is fired with the ambi tion of becoming a denizen of the world of fashion, of being naturalized in Upper Ten dom, and removes to some stately mansion in the particular locality, (what Dynes calls "the west and worst end,") where the Exclu sives congregate. Here, as a natural coma quence, he receives company, gives expensive dinners, invites ail the world to costly balls, patronizes the opera (without being able to r do more than just distinguish " Pop goes the weasel" from (tin tanti palpiti,") and, to save coach hire and the overcharges of insolent drivers, sets up a carriage with a $lOOO to $l6OO team,accompanied by a driver and foot man, in the neareut approach to a livery that Lo can coax free risen to wear. It must not be suspected for a moment that our friend does all this, or auy of it, without that delightfld companionship which makes happy the heart of man. There mast be an Evx to assist him in enjoying the delights of such a Paradise' life as this. Considering how early wo marry in this country, the chance is that be took a wife, even before he had made his that stop towards the good fortune which he now enjoys. In England, she would pro bably hang around his neck like a millstone, on his upward career, from neglected education. But it is one of the peculiar and distinguishing advantages of this country, that every person, female as well as male, possesses at least as much primary instruction as enables them to read, write, and receive the elements of gene ral information. So, when our friend rises in wealth and station, the odds are that his wife is just as well qualified for both as lie is—bet tor, it may be; for Women have an intuitive taut which accommodates them to any society into which they may be cast. Depend on it, our friend need not • blush for her—nor will she pull him down. Pull him down, indeed I Rather raise him with her, as she rises--a sort of humanhalloon. It is she who makes fashionableacquaintauces, who gathers distingui people around her,'who becomes well mud in the traditions of fashiona ble society. She expands into the fine lady, invariably just as if she had been born to it. Site graces the station. She moves in it with etqm sovereignty—a true Princess of the people. She • speedily comes to lead the fashions. Sbe• beeoraes * one of the select, In fhct, serenely happy'in her new position—proud of her house, her her equipage, her society,' her wardrobe, eye, and of her husband and her Children too, for we believe her tobe, though a Somewhat spoiled child of prosperity, a true Woman still. And thus, for them, prosperity makes many means of enjoyment. "how happily tho days of Thalaha pass by." The season comes round, and Madame Bads TWO CENTS. it impossible to continue in the city during the summer months—especially as her fashion able neighbors have gone or are going away. She finds that the dissipation of the winter and spring have rather affected her, and de sires to recuperate. Accordingly, for three years running, she disports herself at Sara toga, Newport, and Cape May, in succession— carrying with her to each place a tremendous wardrobe (as she has to change her dress some five times a day,) and spends her time, and her husband's money, with remarkable facili ty. The recuperation, however, is not much, seeing that the custom at watering-places is to carry out and carry on the dissipations of city life, with scarcely a variation—for there is no actual difference between a seine dan saate in one place and the same sort of thing, under thojulgar watering place designation of a hop," in another. By this time, our friend (who has partici pated, so fir as his business engagements per mitted him, in the fashionable enjoyments of such society as his wife is now a recognised leader) lends his ear to a whisper which she has frequently made is it, and boldly makes another plunge into the sea of social life. He buys a palatial residence In the very latest, and therefore the most Whims:l4lo locality, and necessarily spends- a )arge. sum in providing it with suitable lurnitttre. If he be prudent, he settles house and furniture on his wife, thereby providing against a day of trouble. The wateriug-places exhausted,' the next thing Is a trip to Europe. Madame succeeds in persuading her husband that it is really less expensive than six weeks or two months at a watering place, and when ho is in doubt, adroitly turns the scale by liiit(ing how much his business may be benefited by personally getting acquainted with the heads of houses in Europe with whom 110 hes had extensive transactions. The lady conquers—her sex always have conquered, since Eve coaxed Adam to eat that apple IniM=E2l Brought death into the world, ►ad all oar woe," and they enter on their foreigntmvels. Some how or other, our friend does not and it quite so inexpensive as be anticipated. Madame Is intent on bringing hack sueh a complete ward robe as, she hopes, will make her look like a very Par/slime—thee there are articles of bijouterie for her sweet person, and articles of vertu for the house. And, if they go into Italy, perhaps they are tempted to purchase a few original pictures of much antiquity and unmentionable value, (manufactured for the purpoie,) with which to adorn their dwelling, it being not quite the fon to patronize the native artists of America. To supply this heavy and continuous expen diture it is necessary that our friend's busi ness be very profitable. So it is. By this' time, he Is Universally, looked upon as " a Merchant Prince ;" and, as he walks the street, men point him out to each other, with. the words, "A Millionaire, sir,—one of the, most remarkable men in our city." Fired with a 'new ambition—At:Lt.:snap; we know, sighed for new worlds to conquer—i our friend gets somewhat ashamed of the comparatively bumble business-premises which he eccupies. All around him have arised stately edifices, freed with carved stone of white marble, and his own capacious, thougli rather dingy pretaiseS seem mean, by comi poison. lie determines to build. He buys his premises at an enormous price. He re. molts to ' tdmporary locality, much to its injury. On the old alto he raise) a magnificent edifice, (a cross between a Vene: 4 tiaa palace and a first:clask warehouse,) and; n 9 ambition may ingaik Vends $150,000 to $360.000 upon it. Seldom has trade beep so All completed, a luxurious and abundant lunch inaugurating the new premises, our friend transfers his business to them. But he finds that he has locked up too:Duch capital in brick and mortar, iron and marble. He is compelled to mortgage. Then come accom modation bills, and the discounts called sha ving. He sells largely to the West, and. though straightened for ready money, specu lates a little in railroad and other stocks. He is beginning to feel €, in a tight place." The panic falls upon Trade—a crushing ava lanche. Our friend struggles while he can, and at last finds his name in that gazette of bankruptcy, the list of failures and suspen sions in The Independent, in which its proprii tors, Messrs. Bowra & MCNAMEE, (who lately spent about $400,000 in such a building as our iriond erected,) have just been compelled to chronicle their own misfortune. If our friend really did settle any property on his wife and family, while ho was solvent and could do it, so much the better for them and him. If not, holaust re-commence at the foot of the lad der, and gradually re-ascend It, a wiser and a sadder man," with a steady purpose of never again incurring ruin by having lived too fast. We have too much confidence in the intelli gence of our readers to imagine, even for a moment, that any of theta, whether located in New York, Boston, or Philadelphia, can fancy that the above general sketch, describing the career of one of the living.too•fast genus, can be personal. We invent a man, and put him forth as the representative of a class. If anybody think otherwise we reply, in the telling words of the old poet, "What woman on the city do 1 name, When that I say the city-wom an bears The wealth of princes on unworthy shoulders. fly chiding, like a wild goose soaring, flies 1. ,claimed by any." CORRESPONDENCE. FROM DELkWARE COUNTY ICorreepoodenee of The Preas.] DELAwAItn Consrv, Oot. 4, 1857. Bank expansion has produced another revulsion in the whole circle of business operations of the United States, by the inevitable result of canoe end effect, to wit: bank contraction, and the non payment of the deceptive promises of money, on which an imaginary fabric, of wealth bad been reared. Bank contraction has oompelled mer chants, manufacturers. and master mechanics to suspend business, and dishonor previous contracts. The loss of confidence incident to such a condition has driven money out of circulation, but the aril has been infinitely increased by the general refusal of the banks to redeem their promises of money in the bands of the people, and their refusal to pay depositors the money entrusted with them. Al though the eotporstors for bank charters gene rally declare that the pulite good is the special object of their application for legislative fa vor, it is notorious that the moving motive is to enrich the corporation. In times of prosperity, banks loan liberally, both to business men and speculators. The increase of paper money induces prospects of great wealth, and inflates the prices of every commodity In the market. This increases the expense of living to the real pro ducers of wealth, and of late has nearly doubled the costar capital required in the prosecution of business. Under the influences referred to, the banks hare made the principal business-men of the commu nity their dependent debtors, and in doing this, they have made themselves debtors to the people, who have, from necessity, taken their notes, sub stituted in the place of gold, et a small cost to the issuers. Although our banking system is radi cally and viciously wrong, let me not be under stood as laying all the blame of the present suffer ing, dishonorable and disgraceful condition of the business, revulsion, and moral degradation of the country to bank management. The banks have done what they were created to do—they have made a❑ they could out of their customers, and. like the latter, some banks have been losers in the game of chance played by them and their bor rowers. The bubble of speculation and fictitious credit has exploded. Thousands, who lately counted their wealth by hundreds of thousands, aro mattered along the coast of irresponsible paper money, end the delusive credit system inseparably conneeted with it, admonitory wrecks of the financial sirocco now sweeping over the country. The present is another repetition of similar re. vulstons, through which the people have repeatedly passed. It has been delayed and its consequences augmented by the gold of California and Australia, and by the late war in Europe between France and England against Russia. That perilous isontlict gave us literally the whole control of foreign com merce, greatly increasing the demand for Ameri can produce at high prices. This, with the gold thrown into the market as a commodity , of mer chandise, and the increase of banks and their pro mises damnify, increased the importation of foreign merchandise, which had previously reached an un healthy condition. The c auso of the present financial crisis lies in a nutshell. It is a plethora of trade and business, foreign and domestic, brought on by over banking, for which the were means of cars is to bank less and trade less. The country has had a respite of eighteen years from bank suspension and revulsion in business, and the respite Is mainly at tributable to the monetary system of the national , Government, so violently and malignantly assailed by the advocates of the credit system, based upon a United States Bank, and its dependent coteries of State banks. Among the eloquent and argumenta tive advocates of the Independent Treasury, sir. NOTICE TO CORELLSPONDENTS Correwpondanin fur ~ Tan Paton" will plane* bear In mind th. following reel : teary communication must be accompanied by the name of the writer. In order to Mime correctness in the typography, but one tide of a fleet rhoull ty written upon. We shell be greatly obliged to gentlemen in F. eznsy: ►ants and other States for contributions giving the car rent news of the day in their particular localities, th. reenact:ea of the surroluxting consday, the Increase population, and any information that will to tote:cat - al,: to the general reader Buchanan occupies a conipieneca tthl position. His opponents felt the 1. Xer for-, of his ssg,ninents in defen,e of thlt E.easare. an? Bence the malignity, slander, art reiere 2res enc, lion with which they a..t.tailect Your recent pubhcati(,n ,d IJur on that bill was well-timed ar.,l gives a historical reminiscence a%.1. the bank pan'..a and finac.2l.ll United States, traces the effe t is its el.. ; . , points with prophetic warning, against the lee. I,l_- cy of irresponsible banking. corlmati .1-.5. If • State ljovernments would disconneot their tr rtes with with banks, take and give ne:hinf, I•nt th.• constitutional Currency of the butted State, lea would be measurably relieved from • paper money. Under the influence of zu• L o tem, bank, wenld be ereditaVe, and m_ez . the community, and would net. 83 they cre doing, importune the Legislature to get e tt.eta a . solution for flagrant violation., of 137. The rg.,no tary policy of the General Govoerizent statcl4 Brock of adamant agninst the surges of t bar,: panic and pressure. l'uler the atoll:es of Pre-2.- dent Buchanan, the national Treasury i 5 sing the means of relief and rescue to In usac. I who have trusted their prrierty and credit t board the leaky avt rickety craft pa?, Hoer' wrecked by its unskilful pilots, or scuttle its dishonest managers. Vticotx. GENERAL NEWS. List of Americans registered at the hanking office of American-European Express and &chair:- Corepany,.Parl3, from Sept. 17 to Sept 24. laJi T. T. Perna end family....V.m. and Slim lfebngo George Ifeariquea, A. Branson and:Lily, @rho .1: Bel Find famirT, A, P.: Pillar, sr., Ea E. Mono family, T. Barney, C. F. ,Putnarn, Dr. D. K. Bet calf., Dr. 11. W. Holmes, W. Joseph, Rev. A. Verret' and family, C: Gates, E. Clsrk, Jr F. Howland, H. L. Stevens. H. ran Slyite. Jac,-; Ferguson, New York; 0. IL Fatridze, AL D.. S. Itorru and family, A. Benson. Jr.„ - Dr. and Aft - Mutter, J. M. Leslie and wife, M. J. Farr, W. W. Parr, E. J. Norris and wife, Penna. R Me" - lier and family, S. B. Mathews and lady, IL A. Young, Ala. • S. J. Levy and farnily, LI.: A. J. Young, Ga. ; ' .13. B. Bryan. S. 11. Pendleton. N. C.: 14 , HOlmes, lid, ' • Dr. E. 11. Bryan, Dr. IL Yel len and lady, 5.3. Mills, Me. The ,village of Colchester, ou the Chicago,, Qtring, and Burlington rood. war the seeno of sad *deb one day hat week. A young lade of thatpima, the daughter of an estimable Mules, had for some time past received the addrmtses of young man in opposition to the wishes of her parents. , They remonstrated with her again and again upon the subject, but to no pa rpc, , ..e. the father told her he would rather follow her to the grave than see her the wife of a man whom he regarded as so unworthy of her. Shortly aims wards the young lady was seized with an alorruing illness, and in three hours more was a teepee_ Jess before dying, and when she knew she was beyond the reach of remedy, ate confessed to having trr cured arat taken a large portion of arseni-.., Its unhappy father's alternative was presented to bin sooner than he could have believed possible. The Clti•rfand Plaiadteler says the steamer Telegraph brings back from Canada on every trip families of negroes who have formerly tied to the Provisoes from the States. They describe the life and condition of the blacks in Canada as mise rable in the extreme. They are principally from Canada Watt. Ohio and Michigan are likely to have large acetnelOne to their negro pop:lat:, n from that source. The Car, Steno have shown a disposition In their Parliament, and in their every day transactions. to discourage the negro popula tion coming to, or remaining on, the Prorinter. At a meeting of the stock subscribers to the Junction and Delaltireßreskwater Itsilrix.d. Com pany,.whith was called by the Commissioners for the parries of denting nine directors. pursuant to a prortnon contained In the charter. and held at Tutuila's Hotel, in Milford, on Saturday the :Id inst. the following-mused gentlemen were re113.:1- masa and duly elected as directors, nit ills *alone, P. Cagy, Hon. J. W. Houston. Hon. C. S. Layton, Bev. T. P. SP Colley, Col. R. Francs, H. B. Peidematt, Daniel Currey, C. S. W stmt. Wm. V. Coulter, Esqrs. For sneersl days past, owing to the n4ll - of traps due, there bar. been apprehen sions of a disturbance among the workmen at the Erie railroad tunnel at Reger. Cut. On Friday the laborers, to the number of ten or twelve bunirel. assembled, evidently with the intention of making a hostile donmnstration, bat, after detaining one tern trains fors short time, through the intenCeE.- eon of the Catholic clergyman and the -herit of Hodson satiety and the presence td a i .ree of military Whiell ' had been ordered cut, the mob was reduced to quietness A womaii'a life was curiously preserTed by her huaband, In Strdrordshire, lately, Ly the ptkt cent of tranatation. She lay at tb.a paint ddc•allt. when, as a !sat reionrce, a rein wrzs 0p,,i,k1 tc L,: arm, and one in the aria of her hnth:Lnd; and a,t the blood flowed front the latter, it was tranarnit- After seventeen ounces had been thee injected. tb, pales became perceptible, and the c•ilorleas e reddened, the glassy eve brightened, and she thank - fully said, '• lam better." The case his pi,gte•- 2ed very favorably, and the woman is tecoverini: John Fellinger, an ne s t Gerraurr, ha., bee n convicted in the lien York Court of Session, the charge of burglary, mad sentenced to itt.ln sonment for life. The recorder in passing sep tet.-;c said that he bad evidence before him Lunt thy prisoner had served a long term of imprisonnic:.: in Germany for crimes cf a similar charazter, ths: he was a notorious burglar; that he had nears committed two murders, and that it was Me impe rative duty to prevent such mea from being large. The ship Panther at Montreal is at present discharging a camber of the monster guns that llayed with terrible erect on the armies of Kn.:- and and Franca. from the batteries of Seb.s.stap.:!. These guns are sent to Canada by the liritieh G verrunent, to be presented to several of the prin.ei pal cities, for their liberal subscriptions to the pa triotic fend during the Crimean war The large-: of these guns are about twelve feet lung, sr_ I weigh 63 cwt., and their bore fr.= f..nr inches. The following candidates tient Fennsy have Paned the preliminary ellJainsttor, fo: d.-- MlllllOll into the naval academy at An.napol snl have received appointments as acting nmifhipmen in the nary: Eugene EL Stargeon, Wm. Frano:i Stewart, Chas. tlonlon Patna, John Atc.Fazisn.l, Chas J. Smyher, John Weidman, John F. M.:- Gleamy, Henry F. Picking, Sentra Swift, Framvs Smith, John W. liar erstiok, and James P. Ralse::• UM. From an investigation into the eirValTr' ncen of the death of Hon. Richard J. Knowlson. cf Troy, N. Y., reported to have e)m.mitted mai& it, it Le believed that his death was purely accidental. The pot' in his throat was not mule by o raz.v., but by the car wheels, or something cirarec:c4 with the ran, beneath - which he fell, irchatiy from stumbling in attempting t avnif them His death caused universal en-row in the commc nity. The Morris Canal Company, as we learn from the Newark (N. J.) Adrertiser, bare bees compelled to almost entirely append their opera tions, and hare discharged the greater part their boatmen, and other employees—to the num ber of about four hundred—in creamy:Lew° in ability to obtain funds to pay the current ex pense.. The company hare not been doing as large a business thin season as usual. The St. Lords Republicau,notieing the close of the great fair in that city, sap- The entire. receipts from the gates and eetriet will am,ant $30,000, or thereabouts, and, under all the circa= stances can boast of being the mast brilliant ors held in any State during the year. the Sat:cnsl Fair not excepted." Pearl muscles hare been discovered in Via Deno river, in Texas. One gentleman, lirit.g near Fort Marion, has employed ten men to , 1t . 4 for these muscles, and has obtained ten thoaid/.1 pearls, one of the size of a ride ball. iip.NimeLs have been sent to Netr York and New OTIC3W, to ascertain their real Value. A servant girl, in the employ of Mr. Bran nan, at Pottsville, Pa.. robbed him or nearly Z.,.}.1 a day or two Aimee. The girl was arrested, sill confessed that ohs had stolen the money, but had. given It all to on. Wirt. Carey, except some teu or twelve dollars. She was to bare met Can:l et Tamaqua. Carey, who is well known. is still at tarp. A man named Thomas Resmer, aced t years, and an old resident of 'New Brunswick, N. J., died suddenly on Wednesday morning. 11, came to a hotel the previous evening, took loklgivz., and in the morning was found in his room de J. partially dressed. The chemical works of John Eaatwood I the grist mill of Josiah Rhodes, at Belk-. N J., were totally destroyed by fire on Thur., Isy morning last. The entire loss is t: from ten to fifteen thousand dellsri—iurnran-e fifteen hundred only. The whole number of public echools iii Al.t- Lama is 2,260. The average length et - tune d.tr tt which the School., were taught. e sill -01 frazt; over six months. The average daily .it.end.,net t 37.203. Fhe Chicago (Ill.) Democrat learns tba there are 40,000 head of cattle tr,l that city, and thence to the Raw. as t! - ilnan:ial roeansfor removing them can be O. tain,i At $4O per bead, thin would amount to 5.1...7 , 0),C:!. , The Trenton (N. J.) Gazette advocates 3'2 amendment of the banking lawn. s, to rc 131 r, every bank in the State of New Jersey to r_ weekly atatementa of their affairs iaitefnil of quar terly. The Richmond (Va.) antericaa annuune,?, the death of Fabius M. Lawson, DI . . f Trea_•urer of the State. He died in rn eo,!: - y Powhatan on Sunday week last. Luke Bleckner, Esq., who, it in stated. On his way to light a duel 'rah Lieut. d0,..?1,:t Jones, of the United St.ite.: , army. has Leen art, ;. ed in Charlotte, N. C. A complimentary banquot was given to t lion. Timing's L. Cllngman. cL S. C., tart Esc A. by the citizens of Buncombe and other counlio3 of h'.3 district. Mr. Joshua Pierce, of Hudson, Hillsboro::: county. N 11.. died iu the tc , :.-n on weak. at the ego of one hundred and one y-CSri, Mies A. W. Wingfield, of Bedfan.l Va , has recovered 52.500 damages of IV. breach of promise of marriage A wealthy printer has boon d is India The British Zoological preparations to eata. him Geo. Lamar, of Texas has arrivcd IN ()Tirane. en route for tht, Comf,dck aa United Staten 112111121er. The amount expended by American travel lers in Europe is estimated at $10.00420.0 imu,satly. L. S. Waterman. Esq., formerly a whol..s.tl; merchant of Pittsburgh, died in last wev`.-. The United States practice-ship Prebie his arrived at Norfolk, Va.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers