ttVrin -4§0.44,,:: • 11- y: 7 - • • iiIKTTRIVIVRom NEW VORK-.: ,, EfoOdeera winoe of Tho grinui.l , 1857, 5.20'P.= M.' I tuknni,tiailco:finy change , in the money market todayi;ithe best T cetisaris, that things are not wove; ands lei Wadi; die sicititi gdo is even an improvement. The hank , statement of sester dutma'net satisfactory; the.dooline in discounti,, as Well riS'illerit i ge - falling off' in ileno'sits, Were rail ills aped and hopeful sign thataboyhaye not-caused a ,depressed feeling to day4.llo,earease the , specie frOni last week's soreraga4 Statement , said •to be attributable tellierdiifte of Specie to 'the West" to 'Mere' the so, it ut a, matter, thr,shicire reibtols4,4and,, howet4r it 'limy press 'on ns for the moment, will assuredly bring tho Lose and most solid relief.: will - assuredly very diffnialt, and these who obtain. thern...oe very, fortunate, at, ox trittneretes.,,-Rates range from 2/a5 per cent a month. Foreign Exchange is very languid, and so long as this taste we.cannot fill' our Orders for the exports of produce; And.'etonseationtly oannot ob tain permanent ease.' . 'Good! Sterling, sixty ,deje, islci be -- sibetedPranos very 'dull. The: failure of Willets d Co, on the drafts of,Sather Church, of San Franoisoo, and by, endorsements for railroad companies . whose securities• have de- Vreciated♦ is announced to-day. - The liabili ties aro very largo, with assets equal, it is said, to cover all. The bills of the Mercantile Charter Oak Burdr,:amt Exchange' Bank of Mart ford, Cent!, the Bee' Bank Of Leo, ' Mass.;:and of the Bank of 'Watertown, N. Y.; have been thrown out today. Witla.regardlo the refusal to accept tku4tirafts of Sather &Church, which led to the failure of Wilds d Co„ , the American , Exehange_ It,ank posted the following notice ' , -11;elishohotof ariftarenitied,' - ibis Dank declines further payments for Bather &” CharehOiaving etreelly ate' as tarsal eoveredhifunds, -s - .:; . 'Thecushonoreti drafts are said to amount to 839, 904 pill° failure and.the conduct of the Ameribar Exehmageßank,,Whiehmas tupposea to be bound to protect §ather4:ohurch's 'paper; has caused a good deaf a extitemerit,', and to,:yory favorable culutaillit Ca the action Of the American Exchange Think; . . The cashtransactions at the U. S. Trwisary to day.. wero;aB,lbllowe : Tidal receipts, $223,968.57; $lOO,OOO tarivaferred froia Boston. Total payments, $1,21;8,137:83; $112,000 California drafts. Balance, N,V,7,4;190M)0Q sent to tlae*int,Philaded-. 051 a* tp.-daY ' , Viidifeekarotiltek,to-dity:Lf:agaia, deettwarmt , 'eery snuehansettled. :Reading 'closed at 25; Brie Michigan Central at 33 Central it 84; PertnOltalmid Coal Coitipanpat'ss;' New York tentialat 514 Chicago and Rock: Island at 54i ; and Paiiiinieldfir . (buyer I :have heard of sales in.noelbe - theatingof the . board at ; still lower prices, and the feeling is again vary heavy. Good State stkakiese tail, and a little 'better, will ace by,a , coinparison of the sales with those'of yesterday: - MARKETS.—arams are unchanged, at $7.25 for Pets, and $8.60 for Pearls. Banansrarrs.--The Floor market opened at better pricea,hut.fell otrat Ate' close, • The sales were 9810 barrkla,at 54.60684.60 for common to good State ; 14, 71 034.05for.taxtra do.- 61.50054.00- for common to good Michigan, Ohio, Indiana , &c, and StA* for extra. Southern flour is more active,with Wes of 1,100 barrels, at $6.45045.50 for mixed to good llattimore, Alexandria, &c. awl $1.00447.2.5 for fancy and extra do. Camidlan do. 'b better, with .sates of 450 barrels, at $4.55064.85 for super, and $610@6.50. for extra. Rye dour la un ctuutgadorith sales of 160 barrels, at $3.7500 for fine to super Corn Meal is do 11, at $1.70 for fancy, and Ito $5.26 for Brandywine. COTSBB is dull,. and, nominal- Scott's Circular esti mates the stock of Rio at 18,320 barge, and the total stock of all kindi at 109,056 bago and mate.. An auction sale of 6,,800 bags; per Clara Mull, is announced - for the Sthlnst;,!l r, • • ••• , •• . . CoTTON is quite fiat, at nominal prices. ' - • • • - Oasin.—Wbeat. is 102 c. lower,‘With salmi of 31,000 barbels{ at 81.17081.23.for0outhern red; 81.25081.80 for do. white; $l,lO fortwhite'alichigan; $ l.lO for red Ohl and 41.10 fdr.white Missouri. -Oats are , dull; at Neat. for Jersey, 420450. for , State, ..and 44047 for weatern.- - ll,fo is nominal; at 75078 c, - Corn is doll' 'with 8 sales of ,000 busheie, at 7007/e. for wastertmized,'and 80c. for southern k ;Nis' Is upchanged; , .• •. BON3 are quite inactive and drooping. ...limp is dull for all kinds. . •' . • : `:l„gitios total' and nominal for all descriptions. ' Bfasessa is hoary at a farther decline. f3f vat . ISTol9ottre,very dull for all kinds. , Spirits of Tarpentinugo Inlet at42c, sash: 44e, 0 months. Sales 150 bble Crude do. Inactive at $3.75 per 260 lbs Cora- Mourosin is Welted. at $1.70w51.76 - per 310 lbs. ' Tar L and pitelCare anchariged. ,04s—Ornds-Wintle and Sperm are in very limited re _Oast notainaly pFevlone quotations. Linseed Oil is lower 4 70472 c or American; sales of 5000 gale. to -8114,424k 140.„ 11.15 , 1 4 ; ~rao.vistr-rrore, enjoy* active at decline; sales of 100 bit ,51.02,500522.76 forams, and $ 17.15 for Beef la bean; and dull, with sales of 75 bids at $140.515,50 fotrepacked western' ' end $ 15.75510 for mo tre.,4reittliPtelt alp nominal at $l9. Out mega more lonia at-lltifor shoulders, and 12e for limns. Lard is lower; sake lif t loo , ..*fitt 14015 c. Batter and Choose &gaud:heavy.- - .16p0Xakisre ireirdintl; , WHIBIUY is very flat, sales 200 bble et2Oci., )IWW7 - TOBS' B OH M3l _ . th '41:9 Of . •166 bhde sf 63(? Sift e!.downward tendency-if ntiNct 10 ' 824,138, Oct.'6, 201HD. nisi" 4,000 27,Y810611 , 72' 90S, 11,000 N Y BS 66?68:. 90 5,000 do. 390,1‘. 2,000 Tenn Bto fis '9O 76' 88,000 Missouri 810 6s 00 6,000 da . 140 I t OCOVirglala 80 2.000 Indians $l , O Zs 74 8,090.97 7 2 Oonslt 7x,.80 1,000 Fato R 2d mßds 76 4000. 1.9102 d 2)1981365E .- 3,000 Brio Con Bs 'll2O 8,000 ; 75 - 1 , 401.::: 4 20N 12,000 do it, .20 8,000 do', 062 30 . 2,00017 T & NH WOO ea 4 003 74151t90 Bkg kit Dds 60 9,0002.710 n R.Bonds 70: I 4,609 —do. , 7,000 4:41&P1i 2dovits /0 Merck - ants Bonk 93, 27' - ,92•; - 25 Bankott'ons 0,78 80 do 58 . 49 din Ex Ilk 71:,t -100 raid 103( 200 •do , oitg 103( do • 03 10 35 250; -"do ' ops . 10% •65 N ILScUartrd it 100 ' 10 011ie 6:- E isl:d O. 683( 122: -- - do • "., 68 10 do 65% -50: , • do ' • 110. 65 10 do : 65 36 Lit Or dr. Ulll rt - 7- 20 do ,100-Beading 11 530 25' 100-- 010" 27 100 • do sttv - 27 700 - do- c 30 10 0,- do' -- 29% 300 do e 20 - 800:28 120:; ,do , 53 28 100' , do-- 55. 20 - 200-, do 810 25 ,r:do 5812531 450: :a- do 55 25 1111 119 Mich 84 ;25, • drs Mich So rk. Win 11. , 11 86 Panama R - • 65 - 00 1110061 ml lsr-510 8434. 189 do • 86, 10 do , 53 84 63 Cloy k Pitts It - 15 do "9X : 10 .0155001rk. R 76 165 Got /5, Obicieg6 It 68. • 60 Olei tt - ficd 26 100 ' . 'do's - 25% 1 60 da -- 25 ' 900 do 03 24% 10 61111 & Mist 18tr 69 r do 18 20, , do 10, s, 10 MekroiroMan Ilk 72% 10 Posk,Bank ,„ 63; , 5813ai 'Bud CI Co 03 - 02 830 85 ComSoal Co ,s 3 • ,ASK, itoricoai,vo ; 4 , r x„,..5y 812 31Y Conlral .It, 03 , 100 . SSP 2 — 140„ Zdo 050. • •do -, • -.1!..50 fag 100 , do 211 03 60 ;Vide,' 100 do 725 ,do •• 60 ,;41.0 : s3O 01, 20 Itlo R.: • c 10 • 911Calll 2490 &kik St* I " • ,000 '" do ' ..71' 5,000 . do,.7kg 1,000, ,da , 17,000014 d 51a I#o3'• ss ,-• 15;0001" j 13750; 1,000111401 a "'";" `,,80 1,000 ,do • —"., 78, 11090 Er 19.11C0it11971 20 -X ' WIII(etio0011.6./.11k "72 " 19 ParN .Wak, • 5,08 , 20 niinic'olooii, .„ 10 .hotaeritatelx. 10c" 70: , 25 Paelllo 11 8 8 00 "'o2' 00 Dal&Hud 01 Co ba 92 Soloe) 206.ra,C0al Co • • 60. 60 Erie It s 3 10 Ad 4,}121 k,R Isla 11, 34% 20MU.t Miss ..16% ,A3,ldich,Con,ll. 33 )10; do'- 30 33 20 Paneana , 61 100 do . eag 60 'do - bOO 07: 30111 eentritl B - 100, Gal k Ohiß• 66 & Toledo 11 230' j Ao , 23% do' 23,N( MMMI THE MONEY MARKET. Parcentiteritli, - Ootobar 8,1857; The liVintion: of Xhi Mildness community to-day bel . s bittini*Wgineitillidivided list:peen' t'ileculations Witte *blare eorkivelet leiteliteri;liffee'tbe re lief question; and: thil conseineteed .to the Now York bettbe - ot ebontlnuition • - of We' onweleolne tendencies shown to their last weekly bank statement. ' The Ilt;lieOpes 'me:siege, Was lo everybody's hands early,' end ; wee ' , generally will, received; arid its eon. eluding prayer that the deliberations of. the Legislature might meet the, expectitioui, 'relieve the wants ; and harriodirawith the ttee'inferest of 'the - people, found a ready and hearty response in everyhreast. WO have no need hem to snake more than a passing remark upon hoe or tiviiiminii t ilvhieli her datimeted our notice; at beneath the'recpairenrents of the beeasiMi. Th ,, !Pull , . or -,Pf?Feses make the batiks ray one Penalty for: their. suspension: -They may not declare more than six per emit. dividends while the suspension ectatineil. ere..bok,inforthei! irbotbei,tbey ebet not, fre4 as surplus all they gain beyond six per cent, to form the basis of an extra dividend aired 'tiio?ll bett.ei. ' , .Pirboielitiitheierieoi intends that the kurplie beyond ;4 to' defray the costar the tatfitaatiit aiTangement "'which the banks are to be requieelktomeke for the purposie of enabling the •State Treasurer to pay specie hinds for the interest on the' State bonds,, We confese,thattie are not able to see why these In- stitutleitsoo4l riot , he required to emlitoy all their 5 earnings In the booboos of proonring sufficient specie to enablatheirOotiinnatie, the enkli piyment',of Coln for fo . their nOrge;tier'whythe ter'etgu holder - Of a State bond tc , ,beinciretenderly cared for than our- own minoring 0 444A 0 ::." WOW 10:010 belief that the State, like - the fictional Gaterninent; should A4v@ ititfunds sport from •.trall hoolkoontrof;iiiieeliMild:reeciire and pay out only filt,aoo4, ey;; and invars'ai:dastrouriany' 6il' that ! t4eti.e** woo endmedit dour Mate shall be pre:Orval Wadi' but if there is inienison at all *hi a suspended bank should not esen'etibrii than Oil. per cont. for the I etoOlthAletl,stbere :areaqually strong reasons Irby It i should earn them nothing; until it 'resumed the position' it( Maalveatiminsilabbi Institution. We think tke,tie ?, venter deesnut go tar enough in this application of pB. noity. A)9;:' our Government this act of givingthe bardOt tillektdrorea thetato Matto it L' 0 *Mier* erediter; bait the, htee Of Profen'ed creditore in at all edmisilatle;Cartalttly the noti-hoideri ought, .1 by all Meant, hi be included. We notice **Ulm suggestionS MAO tteke since, that debtor agaiiit whom judgments might bo obtained it thiprosept griefs, ehoiddhavannextension , t at the time ninallinllowed by law before execu t ion, is - echoed bYthe Goverter - In his message. - trust that tltie 501 ' 4 winisee . PAPek leglslatlbe attention:' The lieiv Yortrivtip,in ping theAsigis ahoein by, the Weak* bin* statement, soya The iinnidstion general and unexpectedly heavy in' midi - dopartaienV Thaittgems Phew, in **o7. palpable. way,. the eireot qt the itienie.l4l:.itoreVef laMAseek t and the extent he which InihMeks ware drawn upon because of the troll.; voimoorintirt t r ‘ e thd, i donbt or Ancertelutywhiell fitepired herC and the 4 1 Ssilitaillef; hfch "t Called drib F Yu can the Support of nearly all the specie-paying / 10 ** iAtATlYArnOsittAtufeekatt of four millions pl ispon„.tho aloe, of.depositeappears to have imam met fri Most Oahe retnabilkie going henniiidation of debld to tide bant(4o' Little of X!o`,ll4,l4Efiiiit/p e d:fiad 01 .6 4i*trieili s •OMG 1 0; - Wok g00,000, - amt the *Alms Banks sBso t ooa.”_ , lithiTintrisirl,oB.Toquirircotiligi,ins* tclitoWa hilOripatitiente of Oiftr4ay list ; i}ailrig been jriliatAlt to-my ftt4liniiit4amitotideteit am' elight., , The 'bank atm:, lallid**KiiditilidkrActit'ild meet the 'apfm?titt fit therqtafthitnifrt was announced hut week, 'lifter iktl'firMAtli t 4l l 44l ll°, * 4 ) 4 Xrr, 191, 1 1,Pp0 s t;,eent. on their looms 4,1 - ' ,11‘1,13.14111)03:9 but this promised inmate. haa not i 7 taken •• 3 , • There,* no re li ef f4i agony nte are making fearful a thitil a • *ltnoelveek,.. = Luaus .theie•rie but little ViOttag, and the taw time negotiations' Made tailiNitiOgteitii6eiiiii babes paper goi, , i`p ; il , l4o giorsVi:44 ivitoqopit, ba rates show no aineilent tOP-411491, AliPtilma-fittuforsed paper the quotationaire )XOM - ' l : l A"ildatfV:r,tm 11 4 409 4 144101 3 0 Ar ,s* 'f ilatqfP3 . OP 12(6 % k. VeraiTisqrailitrgtaiZtlids - iitpliPer into the `Street;; while capitalists li.te unwilling buyers." IYO publish from' tho Now York. bank statement, general comparison with the previous week, and also with the corresponding week of last year : COVedIIkTIVIS ILBOAVITULATION. • Oct, 4,1856. Oct. 3 1857. 5ep.26,1857. <3 " 1141 ''''''' • • •,•;"1248,000 $65,10,0 00 $65,130, 000 Loans 11,016,184 195,035,490 107,701,433 Specie 8.,830,023 11,400,413 13,327, 005 Circulation 66,150,80,3 7,916,102 7,838,808 Gross Deposits. 20,678 4 258 07,978,057 73,316,011 Exchanged 02,082,135 .55,180,291 16 13,232,312 , 52,798,866 50,018,863 7,748, In Sub-Treasury. ,306,748 Undrawn 207 9,777,805 A correspondent asks us to suggest that the Legisla ture shall ,! require,' as a condition in any law for the relief 01 the banks, that a list of their stockholders, with the number of share.i held by each, shall be made out monthly or quarterly, and hung up in some conspicuous place in the bank. ), There is already on the statute-book a law which we do not remember to have seen complied with for some years, though we know that In one or two of them It wee at one time regularly obeyed It covers, in part, the groand hob. rated by our correspondent. It Is in section 10, act 2, of the set of April 16,1850, and may be found in Par don's Digest, Article Banks, as follows : The election of the directors shall be by ballot, and after the first election, as provided in the seventh sec tion of this ad, shall be held annually, on the third Monday of November, at such place withal the city or county where the bank is located, as the directors for the time - being shall appoint, notice of which shall be given thirty days previous thereto, in one or more newspapers published in the city or county in which the bank is located; and it fair mid correct list of the storkholders shall slims be kept up in the common ball of the bank, which shall be corrected quarterly, so as to exhibit, at those times, a true llat 'of the actual stockholders ; the directors shall assemble, Oct." The Franklin Fire Insurance Company have oedema a. dividend - of ate per cent., and on oitin dividend of six per cent., payable on and after the 12th that. The Harrisburg and Landcaster Railroad Comp any have declared a seml.annutil dividend of six per cont., .payable Miand'after the'2oth inst. Value of merchandise .warehoused at Boston for the weekending Oct. 2, 1857 Dry Goode " 8102,59 0 All other' erchandise.... 277,770—5380,860 Varehonsed for Cron& Dry Gooch All other Inercandise.. Total *408,650 The husloess of, the branch mint at Ban Francisco, during the month of August, was an follows Gold Du/lion deposited Coinage; 62,000 Double Eagles The Bank of Pottstown, one of the new institutions chartered lay the Legislature last spring, commenced huMuessyesteiday; ;Henry Potts is president and Wm. Mintier cashier; The Bank of the Northern Liberties batiste Phaidelphia &gene?. ' The Onal: tonnage' on'the Lehigh Banal, for the week ending October Bd, has been as follows : YOB WEBY. Tone. Ow/. . 9,975 01 FllOl4 Mauch Chunk. untnit 1,200 11 42,270 16 20,011 00 Room Run Mines.. Rest Lehigh Moines ' • 11,710 05 299,724 01 A. Lathrop and others, Pea and Boot Coal East Mauch Chunk. Spring Mountain Minos 963 02 29,162 09 East Sugar Loaf do. 680 04 19,368 13 Coleraine ' do. 1,420 07 40,127 18 Stafford do. - 610 11 N. Y. and Lehigh Coal Co ... 1.013 10 24,443 12 German Penn. Coal Co 120 07 7,102 07 South Spring Mountain Coal. 265 18 14,118 02 North Spring Afountain Coal.. 216 05 9,005 01 Beaver Meadow Co ' 743 14 2,434 12 Penn Hates • ilarletoo Coal Co, Cranberry Mines. Diatom' Mines.. council. Ylcacant Coal ..1,880 18 74,323 11 ... 1,031 01 53,524 03 ... 494 19 21,452 09 ... 1,231 14 20,07/ 04 ... 588 03 0,512 17 ' flock-part. Duct Mountain Coal C 0.... 1,807 12 65,404 09 White Haven. ' Wilkosbarro Coal Co. Wyoming Coal CO Hartford Coal Co. 25,190 00 716,404 07 feet. 3,440,400 33,705,502 Lumber. ' • For the Per test report The following shows the amount of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad, for the week endiug ()doper 3a, 1 1 357 karats Pauvrocecr. To/AL .Tone. Cwt. TOll5. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. Spring M0nntain....1,954 .17 92,065 02 94,919 19 Rost Sugar Loot 1 480 12_ 75,098 18 76,688 08 N. York & Lehigh 918 12 28,877 16 29,750 03 Council Ridge 1,606 OS 50,013 02 52,270 10 German Penna.. .. . . • . 6,307 10 (1,307 19 Coleraine& otafrord. 374 •11 38,241 2 38,615 13 Dolbin & Delinven„ 195 38 8,393 3 8,589 liazleton 238 2 30,822 1 40,658 3 J. B. McCreary Jr„ Co. 110 18 544 3 5,562 18 , 7,655 18 345,792 1 355,317 19 We quote from the New York Herald of to-day, as follows : '4 The Boston banks may feel assured that no thing in the world but their clearing-house system has saved them up tolhis moment; and If they go through, it will be because the clearing house system was in full and successful operation.• The banks of Pennsylvania and Maryland would, in all probability, have sustained themselves, bad they been wise enough, In time, to have engrafted the clearing house upon their banking system The banks of Philadelphia were earnestly soli cited by our banks to adopt and establish' the clearing houses, &Ida plan was drawn up, adapted to their insti tutions, and presented, but refused. tt * * tis now too late to prevent the evils arising from the defects in the banking system of the city of Philadel phia and Slate of Pennsylvania and we will see abet remedy the Legislature now in session will present. Whatever they do will be of no avail. The difficulties existing are beyond the influence of any legislative ac tion. The clearing house most be engrafted upon every banking system for Largo cities and great money centres. The banks of New York and Boston would have sus pended before this but for this check upon and regula tor of their operations." PHILADELPHIA STOOK EXCHANGE SALES, Octirber /Zeported by R. litanly, .Tr., Stock Broker, No 80i ' , Walnut street. Illnav -tro*-ieD , 1 Penns TIR 37 8 do 37 15 Readin31irt.......14 50 - do 85-133 7 liorria Cal pfd 65.82 4. Deny Meadow RIG 4530 do 40) 20 N Poona RD 20 Girard . 8 30 do 8 BOARDS. 309 gity lin o'. 82% 1,400 , do dy5..33 9,99o,Penua 71 % . 209 (My 600 do 82% 1 Penne. BR; ..38 8 do 37% 9 do 87 10 - d 0.... .37 0 do ...'.b3..87 DETWBE 12 PerwiltlV SECOND 300 City °l cash New,93 600 •• :do do ..08 300 Perna 6e... :.... 79K, 600 11 - 11ntat IS 4 46 1000 City 111165..PR1L83 pfd ..22 60 Readipg 1131..55-13X I 60 Peru= 1211-6 ds, .30 CLOSING PHI 1 Penna. Mt 20 ' do' 30 10 Lehigh Nav ..... 46% 60 Long Island . 7% 4 Harrisburg TM, ..47 20 Norristown IS.2da .60 10 do ...2da .60 5 do —244.50 EH—STEADY. -- Bid. Asked. Bard, :. 1 / 9 " Phlikds 01 AN 83 . do - 83 do' New 93 93K Poona 64 ' 79,.V , 80,v Eteading•R' ' 13% ' 14 de ; ponds 10 63 70 ' do' ht 6'8,44 70 ' 80 NMI/ UR 36 30X Iforrl4oool Coo 38' 40 Schyl Nav 8o ;8262 60 do ," Block 8 .9 finked Belly' Nem Prof 14% 16 Wmapl& Elm R 0 12 do lat mort 7 , 562 60" dodo, 2dru 50 53 Long Isbusd 7% Vicksburg 6 7% Girard 7% 83 Lehigh Zinc % 1 Union C3OOl 2% 3 New Creek % 1 Catkwisse RN— ox Tx 5G Readtog &Ll 4 Ending closes 14)01,14% 82 Reading R. 14`x, IEitEADWITYPSAT 011101.00: -Receipts of !flour nod Grain for tles week ending September 20: Flour, 10,850 ; Wheat, 029,588; Cart], 120,786 ; Oats, 41,735. Exports of Flour and Grain for the week ending Sept. 20th i - • • ' • To Buffalo. oAwego. Other . Ports. Total Flour, blaa 7,010 0,381 13,301 17heat, bus 378,824 • 111,41 221,161 710,156 Corn; bum '" 102,470 80,289 8,121 140,885 Oats,inul " 10,106 ..., 1,600 20,601 TOTAL TOP. TIM 001800. ..„ „ Ploixr,bbla 03,353 847 41,80.5 100,005 {neat, bus 1,898,505 1,445,032 1,826,781 4,870,318 Corn, hue 4,034.670 1,283,237 1,028,034 6,343,781 Oats, bun. . 179,05 57,780 237,154 Flour and Grain in store, Saturday, Sept. 20, 1857: Wheat, Spring, bua.126,450 Plour, bblo 1,00 ', Red, buit.'... 20,895 Corn, bum .... .: . .... 75,856 4,, White; bug. 2,427 Oats, bill ' ^O,Bll 3mporcationo - Reported for the Prem. Boaron—Steamehip Palmetto, Baker-9 cacao mdse W T Anson; 2 do do 1 E'Abbott; 12 caeca Broadhead & Roberta r 46 do do Vf_Drown t 10 pkge do vßeiroae; lease dOE Butler lo' col'l do do Bailey & co; 13 do Cono ver &Bros; 7 do do SinsOn Cotton ; 8 pkge do 11 Chem. bore' 2 bble E Coolidge ; 4 cues do WmDa/ kr; 3do do 0 I Dtake 2 baited° T W Davis &co ; 4 pkgs do 0 Etna* 8 aeaeo dO Chao Elba& co; 7 do do Early & liar. rferildodoPhillP Hord 35 do do Fannon &co ; 8 do doGrabiro & ktarthr; 4do do Godfrey, Illy & co; 28 do do Graft to liairlaml,,• 1 piano E Gould ; 29 pkge mdso Haddoek, Reed & co ;16 mama do Hendry & Harris; 6 do Ifahalt & harmer; 9 do do U P Hutchinson; 2 do do • Hendry, Cooper & co; 2 dodo W P Hazard ; 8 do do Hunts Webster iceo ; 21 do do Irwin & Shun ,z • 50 I'4olo bale .do do Isaac Jeanes & co; 2 bales W Zones do to; 24 do do Hoene Sterling & co; 67 cues do Levick , Baleen &ocr. Irdo Ludlow & Hulsernat ; 2 dodo J 8 Leavitt do col ilde do Lincoln Wood & Nephew; 6 do lo Lothrop & Lauer; 4 do do - Laing, Maginot') tc'Bro; 9 do Littio & Stokes,. 25 do' do • Myers, Claghorn ,k`co; 17 do do Mar shall & Mann; 07 pkga do Maxey & Monroe ; 77 do do Chalsklegarges & co; 4 plecondoiNewlfir, Harahan & co; 3 dogranite to order; 2 caste rodeo Peck & Blies ; 12 do do Pease delhown ; f do do Chas Plympton; 8 radiators Plke, , GreOn* co ' • 116 bbl, codfish 51, Paneet & co ; 20 kitte do Thos 11 Patten; 48 cases rodeo Graff & co ; 8 do do W H Riggs& co ;10 do do A 0 Roberts •; 36 do A & Slade ;2 do D 1 Sutherland; 10 bbla ollE A &oder & co ; 4 cases mdse Sldenbach & Priedsham ; 126 do do W A Br, Stoottwar ;18dodo .1 M flistuidero •10dodo J II ThotiopsOn do al; 19 do do Thayer &Cowpo ' rthwaito ; 8 do do 13Prownsend; 3do do Thatcher & Northross; 3 do do 'Mho Thorhier ; 4 do do E W Tracy & co; 4 do do N & Taylor, 7dodo ' U Thomas & Bons 4 bbde noise Spencer N.Thoinas; 4 cues 'odes , B P Williams dc co ; 12 do do George Wise ; 7 do do Wood & Effinger; 10 do do Whitaker, Bros' & co; 325 bbla fifth Henry Winsor ;• 6 cases Enoch Willette; to forward 72 p&p mks° ; pkge mdse Leech . do to; 472 pkge lase varidus coo. slgnees. CHARLESTON, 8./11=—Sehr A /Sanderson, Nicholson —2,180 necks wheat, Robearm Lee; 816 do' & 0 Moore; 28 iron axles, A Whitney& Son; 48 old railroad wheels, ,ieffried & Son; 88 do'A Whitney& Son . . 23 belts paper rx'ustinz,rgi empty mite, John GibsOn i Son & Co; 23 do Robt riewlln; 8 eacke wool, it Williams; 30 bales yarn; }hewn, mu & Co; 8 pkge mdse, E 'Hight; 1 do T 13 Lippincott & Go' 2 sacks roots , Major Shultz; 2do Parker & Toland; 6 cases mdze W J Bennett; 2,977 sacks wheat, 1 . 0 pkgs Oka: order; • , PULIADSLPILIA. BOARD OP PBADB. WY. O. Karr; A. Boomm, iOO/t/lITUN or via Mowry Raze Y4103,0..L, r '- - , IErVER BAGS + ' ..4 - f the iirei4hanis,*.tzehmegit, Patlade/pain. Ship Joseph Jones, Flowers San Prackoisco, !loan Brig Oregon, (Br) Green Port an Prince, soon Behr E E Belt, plait. Bt sago as Cuba, soon SAILING OF THE °OEMS STEAMERS. • • ' PROM THII lINITSD,STATTS 81141.111% - • • rams soa Otimsla...l4.•;New Yak`-Liverpool..... Pultoie..'4l7t•;. New York ' ..... • %moil Eintopt. • PROM roar - DOT kiiilen.l.,..;:...LiverpoOl , Boston Sept 28 Mlainie • • Liverpool New York Sept 80 "' - '.Hamburg Nevi York Oct 1 'Havre New York Oct 21 NeiVENINVEI OP HAVANA STRAMEBB. I, cfmsomu.—Yrotaliew York 24, arriving at Ifa • vans Bth ; and New, Orleans 11th. Prom Nov Orleans 20th irrivhlg at New York 28th. 443. 4 1 '. 1:01 /1" 7 110 14 New York 7th of each month, arrive gat Havaital2th, and Mobile 14th. Prom Ho,. blle 224, Havinll‘2lth, arriving at New York 22th. Oillerilk—ltrom New York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and New Orleans 10th. Prom New Orleans 27th, Hama 22th altiviatitt New York lot, " Vii . /}lll OlTY—Prom'New York 17th, arriving at Ha." vans 234, and New Orleans 20th. From New Orleans Lth, Havana Bth, arriving at Now York 18th. Dnaosc Wannion—From New York 27th, arrive at llnvana Ist and New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14th, duo at New Yolk 18th. DADEL—From Charleston 10th and 4th duo at lie vane. 23d. and 7th. From Havana 10th and 26th, dna at Now York 10th and 31st. The California mail steamers mil from New York on the oth and 20th of each month. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 7, 1957. g SUN RISES HMI WATER ARRIVED Steamship Palmetto, Baker, 45 hours from Boston, with lodge and passengers to II Windsor. Brig Samuel Welsh, Barrett, 10 days from St Marys, Ga, with lumber to captain. Brig A Milliken, Fish, 7 days from Falmouth, Mass, in ballast to captain. Behr Saratoga, Clarke, 8 days from Harwich, with lodge to captain. Bohr Qceon Bird, Jones, 8 days from Richmond, with grain to A Cattail. Bohr Henry Payson, Eldridge, Ci days from Boston, with Indio to Darid Cooper. Bohr Silver Magnet, Perry, 0 days from Boston, in ballast to Noblo, Hammett & Co. Behr Cerro Gordo, Irons, 4 days from Suffolk, with rads° to captain Behr D M Mammon, Steelman, 10 days from James River, Va, with lumber to 31 Trump & Son. Behr Diamond State, Smitbers, '2 days from Milford, Del, with wheat to J H McColley. Behr Geo J Weaver, Morrie, 2 days from Indian River, with corn to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Bohr Expedition, Conner, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with oats to Bewley, 'Wilson & Co. Bohr War Steed, Smith, from Roxbury. Bohr Plight, Huntley, from Providence. Behr 8 Ourstairs, Somers, from Boston. Echo J 51 Houston, Russell, 3 days from Wareham. CLEARED. Steamship Phineas Spragae, Matthews, Boston, Henry \Finset. Steamship Boston, Bellew ' New York, Jae Allderdice. Ship Lancaster. Decea, N Orleans, Penrose & Burton. Barque Elm, Taylor Boaton, Twelis, Gaskill & Galvin Brig Alexander Milliken, Fish, Charleston, SO, L Andenreid & Co. L Brig Lizabel, Colley. Salem, E A Solider & Co. Brig Argo, Paulson, London, Workman & Co. Behr Vulcan, Parker, Eastport, E A Solider & Co. Bohr War Steed, Smith, Salem, Taormina Norton & Cn. Schr Haviloch, Moeking, Baltimore, S J Christian. Behr Plight, Huntley, Providence, Tyler, Stone & Co. Str Thou Sparks, Green, N York, W 31 Baird & Co. Str Tacony, Wilson, do do Str It Willing, Claypool°, Baltimore, A Groves, Sr. $20,621 -1,670 -828,190 .86,680 oz. $1,040,000 [BY TYLVIRAPII.I Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND, Oct. 6, 9 46 A M. A barque is now going in, which loOlts like the Irma Wind NE Yours, Ac., TIM D. 1113011E8. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWEIS. Del.. Oct. 5,13 A 51 TOTAL. Tons. Owt . 230,774 14 Horne forty vessels are in barber, detained by a strong breeze from NE, which bat prevailed since Satanlay. Among the fleet arc three barques, eight brigs, and a Parker Vein steamer Yours, &c, WM 11. HICKMAN. 6 I' Id—Steamship n 13 Beach, from Richmond for N York. Railed from the Breakwater this afternoon. [et Veuernikrul 10orreopondence of The Preee ) New Yens. Oct 6, Arrived, ships Gen Cushing, from Marsealea; J L Bogert, from Bunderland; echr Alarm, from Malaga CIIMILESTON, Oct 6. Arrived U BM steamship Marion, Foster, New York. Correspondence of The Press. Haves Ds Oast's, Oct 6, Five boats left here this morning, laden and con signed as fellows: Col A G Curtin, lumber to Norcross & Sheets; Peter Taylor, pig iron to Trenton, NI; II II Wright, Ocean Wave, and Wm McConkey, anthracite cool to Delaware City. Steamship Antelope, (Ur) Smith, for Liverpool, nailed orn Portland 6th Mat. Steamship Argo, Denson, from 'Bremen, Sept 12th, at New York eth Inst. 700 05 134 . 00 0,08019 357 01 18,865 00 . . Steamship Northern Light, Tinklepaugh from Now York, arrived at Havana TUtt ult, and sailed for As pinwall, Steamship Cahawba, Hawes ' for Havana, via Rey West, cleared at Charleston 3d Inst. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, for Philadel phia, sailed from Richmond sth last Steamship State of Georgia, Garvin, for Philadelphia, sailed from Savannah 3d inst. • .35,211,048 . . Steamship City of Washington, Petrie, from Lind:- pool, Sept 23, with 449 passengers, arrived at Now York yesterday. 4th inst. lat 4128, long 62 50, passed Bre men ship Roland, bound east; same time saw ship Teen ton, of Bath, bound east. sth inat. lat 40 40, long 60 16, saw steamship Ariel, from Now York _or Bremen; same day saw ship J L Bogort, bound W. Steamship Fulton, Wotten, from Users and South ampton, 23d int, at Now York yesterday. Steamship Edinburg, Cumming, from New York, at Greenock 18th ult. Ship David Brown, Bradbury, from Manilla for New York, at Port Louie, Mauritius, Aug 13; was discharg ing cargo; put in July 26, leaky. Ship Batboy, Stoddart, from New York, at Sydney, N S W, July 11. Ship Southern Cross, life Arthur, from Calcutta, at lfobart Town June 23. Ship Red Gauntlet, O'Halloran, for Liverpool, sailed from Melbourne July 19. Ship Marla, liorsloy, for Rio do Janeiro, cleared at N York yesterday. Ship Cheshire, Farrar, for Philadelphia, cleared at Liverpool 21st ult. Ship Philadelphia, Poole, for Philadelphia, entered outward at Liverpool 10th ult. Ship Fearless, Manson, for Moog Kong, entered out ward ut Liverpool 22d ult. Ship Island Queen, Ruggles, for Rio do Janeiro, cleared at Boston sth inst. Ship Bridgewater, Barstow, cleared at New York 6th not. for Liverpool. Ship Hartley, Howes, troniSagua la Grande, arrived a the Downs 18th ult. Barque Emblem, Nickerson, from Boston, at Balti more yesterday. Barque Susan Jane, Quin, hence, was at Odessa 4th 4th ult, seeking a return freight. Barque Baphia, Gupta, for West Indira, cleared at Norfolk 3d that liarque Cuba, Dates, before reported In distress, ar rived at Norfolk ad 'nat. Barque, Glenburn, Tobenham, from Akyab for Fal mouth, put into Port Louis, Mauritius, Aug. 9th, with fore and wizen masts sprung, and remained 28th. . Barque Scio, which put into Mauritius July lb leaky, was taking in cargo Aug 13, hating repaired. Barque Margaret, Wood, hence at Bordeaux 19th ult. Barque 30 Nichols, Nichols, for Buenos Ayres, cleared at New York yesterday. Brigs Emma Eger, Kelly, for Philadelphia same day and Mary 11, Milliken, for do soon, at linsaus Kith ult Brig Ocean Eagle, Yates, for Monrovia and a market cleared at New York Lth inst. Behr W A Dresser. Hatch, hence at Bangor 3d &lire Chas A neeksher, Stubby, V Sharp, Sharp; Hen ry May, Watson, and S L Stevens, Studley, for Phila delphia, sailed from Salem 4th islet, Beim Victor, Sears Gee W Cummings, Whelden, and Palmy, Cason, sailed from New Bedford 4th Inst for Philadelphia. Behr Sarah Se!sky, Be'say, heureat N Bedford 3d inst. Schr Vesta, Price, for Philadelphia, sailed from Paw tucket 411, lust. Behr Sarah Louisa, Cruse, Bailed from River 2d lost for Philadelphia, _ Satre Yankee Boy, Risley, and S Henry, Penton, tor Philadelphia, cleared at Hartford ;Id to t Schr Sally Wheaton, Ayres, cleared at Hartford 4th lust. for Philadelphia Sehr Only Son, Perry. from New Bedford for Phila delphia, and S L Crocker, Presbey, from Taunton for do, sailed from Newport inst. Sehrs T 11 Tones Hatcomb; Erelino Treat, Phllbrook, and Carroll, Norton, bunco at Portland 4th lost; the latter for Bath. Schrs Richd Thompson, Lloyd; Sarah E Jones, Jones and Boston, Brower, for Philadelphim and Shumnioah Rickman, for Crape Ifay, sailed from 1 rovidence:3d met &bra John Lancaster, Btitee, for this port, and Jere (Malt Learning, Brower, for Capo May, bailed from Pro videos() 4th inst. Steamer M W Chapin, Crumley, hence, arrived et Hartford 9th hut. NAVAL. S steam frigate Mississippi, from Now York, arrived at Madeira Sept 4, and sailed 10th for India. SPOKEN. Aug 22, lat 10 N, lon 25 40, ship Escort. July 30, lat 10 8, lon 33, barque 'Wyman, from Poston for the Cape of (load hope. Aug 18, lat 12 24 N, lon 25, ship Bonore, for Calcutta. Aug 5, lett 10 44, lon 30 20, Om Crystal Pnlacc, Chm mons, from New York for Australia, LIGHT WEISEL Ocitacoiro INLET, NC—The Ocracoke Channel Light Vessel, o ithdrawn for repairs A uguit let, has Leen returned to her station, . . By order of the lAghthourke Board, Norfolk, Sep63U. W. M. hiUIIDAUGLI o—At Hancock, Ale, a schooner of 85 tons, called the Union, owned and to be commanded by Capt Ivory Foss, of Hancock. At Portsmouth 31, a Ail, of 2800 tons, called the Sarah E Pettigrew. Iler length over all la 216 feet, width 40 feet, and depth 30 feet She has three decks, and it in said will carry more cotton than any chip that ever left that port. She will bail from New Orleans. At Fairhaven 2,1 host a One barque of 429 tons, called the Camilla. She is to be employed in the whale fishery, under the command of Copt Semi Prentice, late of chip Commodore Treble, of Lynn. The ship launched at Bath a short time since, by Johnson Hideout, Esq, has been named the Alice. The vessel reported to have been run into and sank by an unknown vessel, was the barque Catharine, of Thomaston, Capt Watts from Cardiff for New York. She was an A 2 vessel, of 317 tons register, built at Tho maston in 1848, and owned In that place. Ile brig 0110, Harm, master, sailed from Quebec Aug 30, with a cargo of timber for Newcastle Experienced very heavy weather, and from 7th to 16th had a coati mutton of gales. 13th, while scudding before it, was boarded by a heavy sea on the starboard side, which broke rails, staucheons, bulwarks, and split plankshear. The barque haring sprung a leak previously, could not now keep her freo, and on the 16th had seven feet of water In bee. At OPM were taken elf by Oapt Gerrie, of ship Sagamore, and brought to Now York. The ship Mazeppareported American, was seized on the Cuban coast Septt —,with 1100 slaves on board. We de Janeiro, Aug 2 2—The ship Amazon, of Boston. previously reported, has been sold by auction for about 61,700 U S currency. The stores, ice, sold Independent of the ship. arid brought very fair prices. The cargo of the A will he forwarded to Melbourne, its destination, in the Swedish barque Hopper, chartered for that jn , pose for $lO,OOO, payable at port of delivery. The !W -est tender for repairing the Amazon woe 35,000 000 reale, this, together with the great impossibility of obtaining funds on bottomry, except at ruinous premiums, induced Captain Maga to sell the ship as she stood, for the be= neat of all concerned. Itoag Kong, July 26—The barque Day Spring from Macao for London, with teas, has put back to this port with foremast sprung, having encountered heavy gales on the 12th and lath of July. Report of Capt Moury, master of the American barque G W Hall, 865 tons, of Providence, 81, from Newport for Beaufort, NO, with railway iron, which put into Cork on the 18th nit leaky. Left Newport on the 11th of Sept. Nothing occurred till the 14th, when under double rooted topsails, in a heavy cross sea, the wind from the southward and west ward, with ship heading WNW, Lundy Inland bearing E, distant about 75 miles she was struck with a heavy sea, which Hooded the ,ec k s, and shook the ship fore and aft, springing the mainmast and Mill topmast, and causing the ship to leak badly; fished the mainmast, and proceeded on the voyage until the 18th, when they die covered that the main yard had got sprung; the leak was increasing to such en extent that it Wed necessary to keep both pumps constantly going in order to keep her free. It was then determined, for the safety of the lives of those on board, to bear up for the nearest port; wore ship at 10 1 , 11 of the 10th, Cape Clear bearing E N E, distant about 105 miles, and arrived at Cork the 18th. Got extra men from the shore to pump the ship, the crew being quite exhausted. After a survey it was re. commended to discharge the cargo to make the requi site repairs. Loaa or Souse Bottoms—The brig Monticello, at Bal timore 6th inst. from Rio, reports having spoken 28th nit, lot 82 15 N, long 70 17, ship Lizzie Oakford, 120 days from Calcutta for New York, having on board the captain and crew of ear Eugenia, from Baltimore, for Jamaica, lost. Oct 7 0.417 DEPARTMENT OF MARKET-HOUSES, °TWICE, S. W. OMEN Or BIN' IT' AND CHESTNUT BTHERTII. PIIILADIMPHIA, October Ist, 1857. Bealed Proposals will be received at this Office until the 30th day of NOVEMBER next, at 12 o'clock, for the Renting of the following Wharyca and Landings for a term of three _years: Arch street Landing, at the foot of Arch street, on the river Schuylkill—lease commencing December Met, 1857: Also, George's street Landing . , at the foot of George street, on the river Schuylkill—lease commencing Janu. ary 15t;1864. Approved security will be required. B. 0. 1 3.10EIPBON, Ocaunsissiotier of Markets. 001-th a fa lm THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY,Y OCTOBER r 7, 1857. . A r, - 1 , 1 4, ; • • • .• ' • • • ^ r lalarine jittellt.gentr. 6 19--SUN SETS 6 41 4 20 SIERIORANDA NOTICE TO MARINERS BIARINE 311130ELLANY ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up 10 12 o'clock Last Night GIRARD HOUSE—Citestnut Street, below Ninth. .1 Chandler, La W 11 Ilardpovo, Richlo'd, W T Hendren, Norfolk Via A A Blaney, Dalt 11 Crawford, Scranton T 8 W Kelly, Wash J L Cagier, Miss E 11 Gill & la, Mauled J Salmon & la, N Y 11 T Poisoll, Va II 11 (lamas, Ye W S Anderson, Balt A Brown, Psila 8 McLane, Balt J IV ROseberry & la, Pot 'v C D Kimbell, PortPri, Mo E N Kimbell, Conn .1 White, Nl7 ' Miss Allen, Mobile Sirs Pfister, Mobile 0 A Gray, Annapolis 11 L Ferguson, N Y 11' L Blanchard, Ky Mies Blanchard, Ky J IV Morrison, San Fran C U Ray, Chicago W 1' George, N Y W II Ives, Va W 8 COY, Georget'n, I) 0 11 1 Richards, Halt A Miller, Va Dr Schwartse & la, Balt Miss Schu artsc, Balt W J Heigh°, Balt G W Share, Obit, G N Wills, PION C Louder, Jr, Phila T Yates, N V J . S Valentino, N Y C Tournan, Columb, Oa T 13 Dew & la, Va B Belcher, Springf'd C N Palmer, N V S T Abell, Balt J 1$ Anguer, Boston E P Carter, Balt J Wildey Odell, Maryland Geo A Freeman N Y Alfred Newton, England It (.1 }thigh G Gideon James Hayes, Vt Jos White A la, L Island J Wilcox, Connecticut John Lyon, Carlisle, Pa Itobt Struthers, N Y 110 Butler, La M Lazarus, Charleston, S C Was 51 Chase It I I) 8 Hunter, Reading P A Smith, N Y IS 0 Ryerson, N 3 lien 11 Knight, England 8 1) Slang, llultalo J L Allele, N Y A II Lockwood, N Y Dr 11 Readman, N Y Wm SI Snooks, Maine Bird B Chapman, Nebraska Jos NUreenough,Savannah Gen Henderson, U S A Lieut Henderson, U S A J Albert Helfenstein, Wls Wm Williams, I'a II 11 Shute, N Y J B Gordon, NC A Dearborn, Boston J Coulding, N Y W L 'Badly, Meriden Clf (Lazar d, Cambridge 111 linger, N A I) P Trout, Mobile. DIERORANTS' MOTEL—Fourth street. below Arch. F. de bliraud, N Orleans T C DI Andeisen, Lebanon A W Aston, Lebanon M 13 Mouser, Fayette L Morton, Harrisburg 3 II 11111, Pittsburgh 0 Hildreth, Cedar River It Reed, Teams Mrs J Frank, Peoria RE Parker, Patterson, Pa Thos McCreary, Velma Win J Sterrett, Salisbury Jll Dougherty, Salisbury John It Robinson, Salisbury J it McAllister, Peoria John Protbere, Indiana John Denning, Bloomy Geo 111 Young, Penna Wlt Metiatilek, Beaver co W 3 !Saveloy, Denver co John 0 Beeper, Ind co, Pa J E Pierce, Livermore J K Riley, Woodstown, NJ 1" U Stichter Lebanon, Pa Jos Baker, Fremaneburg W Dodson, Fremansbarg II M Shipman, Fort Wayne .1 - Horde, Belvidere A McFarland, N J J 111 Stewart, N P Ore Shone MU H Morrow, Mil J T Oraubot Wm Holston, Drumuid,Va WS Green and do, Reading. A Bragg, N Y JAI Long, Lancaster All Greenfield, Baltimore Mrs Murray, Harrisburg Ohms H. Kellogg, N Y John Mann, Ca Altos Salmon, N 0 G A Bowman Ala Pa Miss 0 Bowman, Pa Alex 11 Seigle, Reading M Rowell, N York Win IC Melaue,llautlllo Win 11 Lester, Pa It It Swepson, Fa BLACK DEAR INN—Merchant street, bet. Fifth Jos. brook, Del co Jae Rittenhouse, Pottstown Rev Th. Pumpton, Lane Alas. McKeever, Del co John Mackie, Cecil co, Md .7 W ItarJan,Wilmington, D Dan! Stubbs, Chester co Wm T Dhalfer, (Molter 11 W Beealer, Pa J Fort, hileetown Dan! Carr, Ald b Mosley, Franklin co J Williamson, Baltimore D Dunn, Huntingdon, Pa J 1) [Weeper, Pottstown J Conrad, Lancaster co Wee R Ramsey A: In, Lancaster co STATES UNlON—Market Street, abora Sixth, A It Siouu & lady, Pa Thus Sloan & dough, Pa T Wlnenian, II I{ blcKalby, Pa L P Earhart, Pa Geo Smith, Ohio S Jackson, Pa Wm Weimer, Pa John 13 Shelly, Lauc, Pa Leonard IC Seltar, Pa A F Wolf, 1311ippensbui g 11 Stewart, Bolivar, Pa John Butt, Mt Vernon, Pa 111' Cadwallader to sou, Pa John Sweetwood, Pa N lloshorn, Ohio W Bishop, Lane, Pa J Silsbee, ra It II Leicht, Pottstown J It Patterson, Jllllllatil co J Sell, 'Westmoreland, Pa J D ttletlirk, Philipsburg C Munson, Philipsburg, Pa blies Athertion,Philipab'g J A (hues, Elizabethtown Llt Oppenheimer, Pa A Montgomery, Pa UNION HOTEL—Arch Street. above Third. C A Skinner, Conn Wit Delayer, New York 0 I/ Taylor, Phan J F Bainbridge, Burlington I' Sateen, jr, Aid D Weikart & la, Ohio Mrs Barnes, CI reentord, 0 S Dougherty, Now York John Drurnond, Now York Chas at Cunningham, N J It Kneedler, Columbia A Rodney, Toledo, 0 Henry Stouffer, Toledo, 0 Win Reed, Holmes% ills W T Sharp, Holum co 0 A Iturnsey, Salem, N J Jos Dawes, Easton, Pu Jas Thompson, York co Saint Plotter, York co Jut) Dawson, Fulton, 111 A S Stevens, Fulton, 11l Thos Forsyth, Washington M II Shultz, New York Oeo Miller, New York Jos E Scofield, Ohio R It McQuietein, Irwin II R Tomer, Allegheny co J L Taylor, Banesvllle, 0 Richd Dymond, 'Janesville Jun Iluffetock, Wooster, 0 W DI Duncan, Salt D Richwine, Pa Hughes, 'Fa .8 Id Malesbry, Vs S W Study, Adams co, Pa E Myers, Adams co, Pa C Ileaphat. N Y IL Davis, N Y S J RouSkiffp, Hagerstown Simon Snyder, Ohio John Stuck, Ohio J . 0 Ileadrug, N M Kaufman & ln, Ph Win hi Kaufman & la, Pie J Webb, Jr, Cain, 0 Win Donaldson, Pa AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Fifth, 0 11 Eimer, Brooklyn W h Barton, 13holztown tim C Btuart,De Boto, Miss G W Taylor, Harper's H'y It Al Drewry, Richman', Va John Hove, Washington co It Anderson, Baltimore A Philips & la, Washington V V Paylier, Maryland A J Dunn, Philadelphia Al McN Walsh, Rochester 1111Euthorp, Maryland (leo 'Winton, jr, Chester co Mrs Brinton, Chester co Mr Henry, Pottsville J E Appligan, Kentucky J fI Oliver,Washiugton, DO E S Flint K la, Boston J Pretiow, Virginia Dr Cohan', ar, N Carolina Dr llohoon, jr, N Carolina Miss All Cohoon, N 0 A Baldwin, Virginia E Grissom, Oxford, N 0 John C Palmer, RuleJgh Isaac Canuixiy, Greenville 111.1 Tucker, Providence C B Watts, Virginia B 11 Benson, Virginia 0 0 Champion, Virginia Sylvester Owens, Cold Bprings James Roy, 'Vest Troy John E Gillette, N Y Vraik Banton, DJI co, Pa 11 Sanlord, N AI Gould, Newark, N J J Meekly, Jr, Louisville 13 11 Bandolph, Del J Nichols, N J MADISON HOUSE—Second sliest. below Arch. Isaac Williams, Cape May JII lVaiknr, Del 0111119 Magnus, N York SUolllngwoutl, NJ li P Harland, NJ Mousy /Colon, Womborg Jos L Mariner, N J Wm II Towuseud h la,Del Samuel Townsend, Del Miss } Ware, Del P l'rettyjohn, Del N D D Dennutt, Del J P Bootie, lowa, It A Mayo, Pittsburg henry U Thomas, Pittsburg A E Johusou Joseph \%nod, N J NATIONAL HOTEL—hate atreet;above Third. i R. Sexton & la, Ohio F Nicely, Bend& Stull, Pa OYel, Ohio Jacob !melds, Churchtown Leonetti Shettii, Cliercht , e Chas linker, liburchtutve J K Moore, Nurrietoun Il S Gertrude, INurriatewn II Seaga, Allentown 17, Ileebner t Allenteun Pre%ton 'Stuck, Allentown Dr C II Barton, N A GIN) dr la, Milton ,113 dlcHatb Berwick 11,3e3 1 I,Viltl, Allentown Wm Myers, Billhook kllei Swank,l3l. Chunk I Steno, Phillipsburg P Phillipsburg O W Morgue, Pottsville J T James, Mending S Mailman & eon, Pa Joshua Cosily, Pa U S Prickly, Beading 111 Ii Pourer/lu, Palmyra J A Prime, Pe J II Newman, Ohio A II Case, Troy, LAU BEAR 110 TEL--Third at above Callowhill I! titegfcied, Rlyeraville Jonathu NelP, illierss lila, .1.) Heavens, Perldomeneville 1 Bernet, Tyleoport Jno W Winler, Petition - len A Faust, Upper Lublin N Laudee, District J Huth, Suouneytewn Wm Blank, Kllneavillo J N EzedeEne, Bethlehem J Treeseter, Lehigh co J Saul, Siestionavillei 31ra Saul, Siesnoltzville N Haldeman, Bucks en 11 Crupp, Montgomery co H ' Thom,' eon, Zionsville A Lorath, Zionsville 1' Itemienger, Selsholtavilte Mrellemeuger,Selahltsvalle Reuben Nich, Bethlehem a Jacob Shubert, Bethlehem A Lorash, Zionsville Jacob Shubert, Bethlehem S Ftdlar , Orwigsburg Haul !torah, Allentown Operial INDMe.S Near - Electropathy.---Dr. ;Williams Is drawing large audiences, who are highly delighted with his Lectures and Experiments Ile lectures this week, by request, again at Odd Fellows' Hall, West Bbiladel. phis, on Tuesday and Saturday evenings, and at Spring Garden Institute, corner of Broad and Spring Garden streets, on Wednesday and Friday evenings, at S o'clock. Go early. Medical office, 1237 Spring Garden street. oc7 bt* Seamen's Saying Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door wont of second street. Receives de posits in met of Ono Dollar and upwards, from all classes of tho community, and allows interest at the rate of live per cent. per annum. Oftico open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in tha evening. Prehiden Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Oliarles M. Morris; Seers fury, James B. Pringle. Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company. in WALNUT Street, south west corner of THIRD SIIOOt, FHILADRLPHIA• ARSON OYCT OR MILLION AND A HALF or DOLLARS, Invested au BUIL ESTATR, IfORTGAGEN,GROUND BENTS, and other first class securities, as required by the chatter. his institution confines its business entirely to the rooei ving of money on deposit The Mike is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening, end on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o'clock. liewerte Infant COMM.—This invaluable Cordial IS prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and Is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By Its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected in all cases of Chalk, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's Suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties Iran quilises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, !co. The Infant Oordial bas become a standard remedy, and has been need in thousands of cases with the most abundant imam. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Thaw A. Down, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green its., Philadelphia. To whom all orders mast be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. an rday TREASURY DEPARTMENT, September 23, 1867. Notice is hereby given to the holders of stocks of the United States that this Department will purchase such certificates en shall bo received here, duly assigned to the United States, previous to the Ist day of Novem ber next, at the rates heretofore offered and paid, viz : 10 per cent. premium on the loan of 1842. 16 per cent. premium on loans of 1847 and end 1848, 6 per cent. premium on 'raise indemnity 6 per cent• stock, together with the interest accrued in each ease from let July. Certideates of stock received here on and after the lot day of November, until further notice shall be given, will be purchased at the following rates, viz: 8 per cent premium on the loan of 1842 14 per cont. premium on the loans of 1847 and 1848, and 6 p.r cent premium on Texas indemnity 5 percent. with the accrued interest payable thereon, respectively Where certificates of stock, inscribed and trarafera hie on the books of the Treasury, shall be received here, assigned to the United States, between the Ist Decem ber. when the transfer books wilt bo closed, and the let of January, when the half-yearly Interest Is payable, the accrued interest for the half-year must be expressly assigned to the United States by the stockholder, as no interest for the current half-year can be included in the settlement, but the Caine will be payable by the Assist ant Treasurer on the interest schedules, as heretofore. In 'limes the purchase sums will be settled In favor of the lawful holder of the stock, who shall assign it to the United States In the mode preecribed by the regula tions of assignments of stock; and remittance will be made of the amount by draft on the assistant treasu rers at Boston, blew York, or Philadelphia, et the op tion of the party in whose favor the settlement shall be made. One days additional interest will bo added from the day of receipt hero for the draft to be sent by mall. HOWELL 001111, Secretary of the Treasury, AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK FUNDS. AMERICAN GOLD Amu NEW TOR FUNDS bought at the highest Premiums, by oetl-Sm DREXLER & CO, It?' Eleventh Ward Democratic Executive Committee, John Daily, John McDevitt David McVeigh, Mathew Crawford, Lawrence Kelley, *ilnnu Kerr, Da vid Daimler, Samuel M. Lane, Win, Piper, Jas. (km S. Larn, J. Fillitsher, and Joseph Ifituoker, will meet this (VDDNESDAY) evening, nt 7,'.,"&c10ck, at A. Campbell's SAMUEL KIND, I'rioot. ME= lir Hall of the Columbia Fire Comb pany, October nth, lsn. On motion, Resoite (1, That the thanks of this Com pany be returned to the Metamorn Library, for the pro eAnt of a most magnificent Fero Horn on the morning of the Parade, and to Mr. 'William Dunn toe his very com plimentary remarka on the Ofeaßioll . - Also, to Mr and Mrs Wm Louts, for Redecorating ;antler Also, to Mr. Wm. 'towland, of Mu ?WADS 3103 e, for the loan of a Flag Also, to lieorge W. Tomlinson, of Cornelius & Baker's, for repairing the Lamps. Also, to fiateuel P. Pedriek, for the very acceptable present of a ROW , Also, to our lady triende, for numerous Wreaths and Boquets. Aho, to Mr,i William Stewart, for the wont of two orge Pettcolcokei And last, though not tenet, to the Liberty Cornet Band of Philadelphia, for the very excellent music they discoursed throughout the day ; and we would hero mention that they are, in our estimation, eccond to none, and would cortically recommend them to any 4440. elation wishing to engage a band, as they can be relied upon to perbsim alt (or 11 - 1011.) thus they engage to do. 0c.7-11.* PETER A GAbLAtilltiit, Seely, BU - Meeting of the Frleads of a Coustltid- TioNal. OURRDNCY.—A Meeting will be held at the COUNTY COURT ROOM. (upstalts,) corner of Sixthand Chestnut streets, on THURSDAY EVENINO, October Bth, at 7 o'clock, to oppose not only the legalizing by the Legislature of the suspension of specie payment by the bunks, but of the longer circulation of irredeemable debts by the banks as a currency. All of every political party who aro in favor of the only currency known to the American Constitution aro respectifully invited to attend. THEOrti HAM FISKE, oe7.2tt FOR HIMSELF AND OTHERS. ID'A Meeting of the Democratic Citizens of the TWENTY-FIRST WARD trill he held at the house of GEORGE DICKINSON, Broad and Germantown Road, TM'S IVEDNESDAY EVENING, the ith instant Nueva eminent speakers will address the meeting. on 1-1 t gr.A. Meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee of the EIGHTH IVARA will he held et the house of JOHN VOLEN, Brood above Locust kraut, TILLS EVENING, October 7th, at 7,5 o'clock. GEORGE SMITH, President, Jane Doss, See'y. oc 7.11* Irr A Mass Meeting of the Democracy trill be held at the house of James McCloskey, I'ASSFUNK ROAD and TENTH STREET, TO MORROW (Wednes day) EVENING, the 7th lust , at 7 o'clock. The following eloquent speakers will address the meeting Ilan Thos. B. Florence, Clint. W. Carrigan, W. E. Lehman, Jr. Daniel Dougherty, (leo. W. Nebinger. Win. V. McKean, Lewis O. Cassidy, lien]. L. Derry, Debt. J. Palethrop, Capt. A. Day. Win. A. Edwards, and others. By order of Committee on Town Meetings, J J. hIODRISON, Chairman. J. SUCT.ITAN, Secretary. 0d0.2! (Evening Argus copy.] 1:U - Girard College. -- The Directors of the Girard College gite notice that they are prepared to bind out, in the State of Pennsylvania, nineteen Or phans, in accordance with the will of Stephen Girard, to " aultable occupations, ouch as agriculture, navigation, arts, mechanical trades and manufactures." The mons ter will be required to teach his apprentice his respec tive art, to furnish him with suitable board and lodging In his own place of residence. (except %bore, for special reasons, the apprentice may be allowed to board else here,) and to provide him, upon the termination of his apprenticeship, with at lout two suits of clothes, The master a ill be allowed to take each orphan on trial torn term not exceeding one month. Persons desirous of ob taining au apprentice can apply at the College between the hours 01 3 and 5 P. 51 i or, if not residents 01 Phila delphia, can addiess the undersigned in writing, stating name, residence, occupation and references-111u latter, whenever possible, to be citizens of Philadelphia. W oCtO-6t Secretary of Girard College. Notice to Conslanres.—The ship Nonpareil, Captain Faulk, from Liverpool, le now ready to discharge at Queen street wharf. Cons(piers will plena() send their permits on board. All goods not permitted In five dare will be sent to public store. oc2 THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO. [LT Democratic City Executive Committee. The Committee will meet every Tuesday and Friday of tornoon, et t o'clock, at the Globe Hotel. JOE. LIPPINUOTT, Chairman. Wm. M. nANDALL, Secretaries. J. J. SuLLtum, ne23.1.5t it r Ala tuectlug of the Democratic City Ex ecutive Committee, held on Friday, Sept. 18th, it was Revolved, That the following town meetings be held : WEDNEaDAY EVENING, Oct 7th, Passyunk road and Federal street. THURSDAY EVENING, Oct Sth, Manayunh. FRIDAY EVENING, Oct. 9th, Broad and Coates street SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. /oth. State House Yard. A full Donis Rand will be iu attendance at each meet ing. J. J. MORRISON, Chairman. A. 0 THOMPSON, JOHN ligLyn, ~„- ' l° '"‘ (-41 u Committee on Meetings. Time J. Baows, MICIRKL RIGLITER, Jane X 1,0011.1.15, ) THE PHILADELPHIA HANK.—P.IMA DELPIII.I, October 6,1857 --The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank trill be held at the Bank ing house, on Monday, the ninth day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking home, on Monday, the rixteenth day of No vember next. B. B. CONDOM oct7-trfikrutNl6 Cashier. IVOTICE.-AN EVENING SCHOOL FUR .1. MAU:411111 be opened on MONDAY EVENING, 12th fnat., at 7 o'clock tit the MOUNT VERNON SCHOOL HOUSE, also ono for FEMALES at the same Nino, in the LYONS SCHOOL HOUSE. A committee will be in attendance at each place ou Thursday mid Friday evenings of this week to receive the names of applicants for admission. 14Y Olt DER OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS set 7-3 t THIRD SCHOOL SECTION. VALUABLE Lißlt AR Y BOOK S• PUBLISHED Br J. S. REDFIELD, 34 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. SOLD DY ALL BOOKSELLERS. SKETCHES OF TILE IRISH BAR. By the Right Lieu Richard Later Shell, N. P. Edited, with a lletneir awl 4iotes, by It Shelton Mackenzie, D C. L Sixth Edi tion, with Portrait and fac-4inile letter. In 2 soli' Price THE NOCTES AMBROSIAN.II By Professor Wilson, .1 O. Lockhart, James llogg„ and Dr Magian Edited, with Memoirs and Notes, by Br. It Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. la 6 °Wows, with pun halts and fac similes Price 25 MAGINN'S MISCELLANIES. The Miscellaneous Writ ings of the late Dr. Magian. Edited, with a Memoir and Notes, by pr, It. Shelton Mackenzie. Complete in 6 volumes, with Portrait Price, per vol , cloth, Si. LIFE OF THE RT. lION. JOHN I.IIILPOT CURRAN. By his Son, Wm. Henry Curran; with Notes liucl Ad ditions, by Dr. II Shelton Mackenzie, and a Portrait on Steel and fac-simile. Third Edition 12m0., cloth. Price $1 25. THE O'BRIENS AND THE O'FLAIIERTIES ; a Na tional Story, being the first of Lady Morgan's Novels and Romances With nu Introduction and Notes, by Dr. It Shelton Mackenzie. 2 vols., 12m0., cloth. Price $2. 11.411111NOTON'S SKETCHES. Personal Sketches of his Own Time fly Sir Jonah Barrington, with Illustra tions by Barley. Fourth Edition. With Memoir by Dr. Mackenzie Nino., cloth. Price $1.25. MOORE'S LIST OF SHERIDAN. Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. Richard Brinaley Sheridan By Thomas Moore; with Portrait nod fac-simile. Sixth Edition 2s oils., Nino., cloth. Prico 12 BITS OF BLARNEY. By De R. Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. 12ein , cloth. Price $l. THE HISTORY OF THE WAR IN THE PENINSULA 11 5 Mnior General Sir W. F. P Napier, from the an- Riot's last revised edition, with fifty-Iva Mope and Plans, Ave Portraits on Stool, and a complete index, 5 vols., 12mo, cloth. Price $7 60, NAPIER'S PENINSULAR WAR Complete in 1 vol., Bvo. Price $2 60. THE FOREST fly J. V Huntington, author of "Lady Alice," "Alban," Ac 1 vol., 12mo. Second Edi tion Price $1 25 ALBAN ; or, The History of a Young Periton By J, V, Huntington. 2 vole , 12mo , cloth. Price $2 ocl-tf CAUTION.— All persons are cauttened against purchasing or negotiating CERTIFICATES OF SHARES in the SAN FRANCISCO LAND ASSOCIATION numbered .3 fol lows No. 1259 for 150 shares dated June 12, 1857. N 0.1221 for 60 No 1205 for 100 " July 8, 1857. No 1226 for 100 The transfer of this stock has been stopped at the office of the association, uLtre the reasons may be learned upon application by parties interested. JAB C VANDYKE, Attorney for the owners, 140 Walnut street FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, PIILA DEL PUld , Octoberfih, 1857. The annual election for Directors will be hold at the Banking Douse ; on MONDAY, the 16th day of Norton her next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A St , and 3 o'clock P. M ; and on TUESDAY, the 3d day of Novem ber nest, a Denoral Meeting of the Stockholders will be hold at the Winking House. at 4 o'clock P 31. , agreea bly to the charter. oc7-tool6 E. M. LEWIS, Cashier, JULIA A. CARR, BY HER NEXT friend, &c., vs. INIATtLES D. Ii OARR—Eivorce— Common Pleas—No. 10, Sept. T., 1850. Please take notice, that depositions of witnesses on part of said libellant will be taken before rue on FRIDAY, October 28, 1857, at 4 o'clock P. 51 , at the office of Ilenry O. Katz, Esq., No. 113 South FISTIT street, Philadelphia ; when you can attend and cross examine If you think proper WILLIAM F SMALL, Examiner. To Camila:a D. 11. CAne 00746t* MADAME MAY.—Opening of Fall and .111 OPERA HATS.—On Thursday, Friday, and Sa turday, Oct, Bth, 9th, and lOth, at BIADASIE, 820 Chestnut street. oc 7-St-sr th fri CIOLD AND NEW YORK DRAFTS %Jr bought and sold by 0. D'IIitVILLIERS, oc7-3t* - NO. 13 Merchants Extbange, up stain Tarp Orrobo DRESS GOODS. L. J. LEVY & CU , 428 ORESTNUT STREET, HAVE REDUCED TEE PRICES OF THEIR WHOLE STOOK FANCY DRY GOODS, SILKS AND SHAWLS, Including the choice importations of Ma van, which consist of all the new textures manufactured fur the Paris Retail Bales of this 600410 n. This beautiful stock of Qoods will repay au examina• lion, many of the articles being confined entirely to their own store, and not to be had elsewhere. The prices are reduced to the lowest point oc7•3t WANTED 16,000 DOLLARS PA R VALUE North Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds In Exchange for Real Estate In Kensington. Title per fect. Apply to JOHN O'IIIITEN, South FIFTH street. WANTED, FOR THE "UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be givon good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendanco. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVIOE, at No. 817 MARKET tarot, above 'Eighth, north aide WILLIAM B. ROYALT., let Lieut. M Regt. of Cavalry, Recruiting Officer. oct 6-1 m WANTED.—A FEW AGENTS, EITHER Male or Female, are wanted to sell a new and very popular book, just issued, entitled "The Crooked Elm; or, Life by the 'Wayside." Four editions have already been exhausted In Boston and the Now England States. Agents are Wanted to Canvass the Middle, Southern, and Western States, Some now engaged make froin 55 to $l2 per day. Address. by letter, Book Agent, 11 State street, Boston ; or call personally at name place. AMERICAN GOLD WANTED, AT MINIM CURRENT RATES BY OItONISE & 00., SPECIE BROKERS, 40 SOUTII THIRD 13TRRRT. 0c3.3 Qtmusemento A MEJUCAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. tit. IL A. 3f t ftSUAI f Sole Lessee SCtond Nizht oJ• the Milian Op•rrr Se,,on TDIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Oeteber 7, 1857, Will Le presented, for Um night only, Venire Opera, iu three nets, entitled lb TROVATORE. Loonont Itme. Onzzaniga Asndenn Maurice ..... Count di Lund Ferrando Gipsy Signor Muller M MAIIETZEK, Musical DireCtOF and Canduetor Open t Thoirra —Monday, IYednesday, Friday, and Setuiday l'eice or Al - n(18310S . — Parquette, Dress Circle, and Balcony, ; Circle, do cents; Amphitheatre, 2 cents Er The Box Office of the Academy is open from 9 A. M. to 31 , M fur the securing of Reserved Beats and Boxes, without extra charge. Treasurer Mr T. MCKEON. The Opera eitl commence at 8 precisely iTY'Carriage9 will set down heads South, and take up beads North. oc7-1t WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les see, Mr. E A. Marshall ; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton. Prices —Dress Circlo and Parquette, 50 cents; Upper Circle, 20 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 70 cents Boa Mice open from 9 o'clock A. M to 3 P. AI Doors (wen at 7 o'clock, performance to com mence at 7% TIII3 (Wednesday) EVENING, October 7, 1957, Will be acted, Brat tune this season, the Comedy of MASKS AND FACES: Or both Sides of the Curtain. Triplet, Mr. A'Becket, Sir Charles Pomander, Mr. She welli Earnest Vane, Mr Brink; Peg Woffington, Mad. Ponisi; Kitty Clive, Mies Price. Song—Miss Adele llosmer. To conclude with the celebrated Drama of ROBERT MACAIRE. Robert Alacalre, Mr. Showell; Jaques Strop, Mr Chap man; Dumont, Mr Lo Moyne, Marie, Mrs Silsbee; We. mentine, Miss Wallis NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., near Eighth. Anniestos —Seats in Private Ilex, ; Orchestra Chaim, 70 cents; Drees Circle and Parquet, 60 cents; Family Circle, 15 cents Doors open at 7. To commence at 7)4 o'clock. Don Office open from 10 to 4 o'clock, when seats can bo secured Solo Lessee Wm. E. Burton Stoeo Manager Mr. 11. Watkins LAST IVIOHT RUT THREE OF MR. MURDOCH. THIS (Wednesday) YNENINO, October 7, 1057, Will be presented O'Keefe's Comedy of WILD OATS; Or, the Strolling Gentleman. Rover, Mr .1 E Murdoch; Sir George Thunder, Mr Wor rell; Harry Thunder, Mr W Myers; Ephraim Smooth, Sir T E Morris; Lady Amaranth, Mrs Hudson Kirby; Amelia, Mrs 'Muzzy; memo, Mrs F Drew. To conclude wiith the Roaring Farce of WHO'S WHO Mr Simon Skeptic, Mr II Watkins; Captain Harwood. Mr Worrell; Mrs Skeptic, Mrs 1' Drew. WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Sole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. Sesta or Paiose.—Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no eXtra charge for Secured Seats), 60 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Seats in Pri vate Ilexes, 75 cents; Whole Private Box, 13; flattery, 13 cents; tiallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri. vats Hoz in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Dos Office open from 10 A. Si. until 3 I'. M. Doors open at quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter past 7. J.M. B. WHITTON Treasurer. Tlll9 (Wednesday) EVENING, October 7, 1557, Will be presented the tragic play of THE ROBBERS ; Or, the Forest et Bohemia. Amelia, Mrs D P Dowers; Charles de Moor, Mr E L Da venport; Francis do Moor, Sir. Dolman; Count de Moor, Mr Fredericks. To conclude with, last time, the Comedy of VICTIMS. Mr Eferryweather, Mr Dolman; Mr Herbert Fitsher bert, Mr Wheatley; Mrs Merryareather, Mrs E L Da venport, Mrs Pitzherbert, Mrs DP Dowers. QANFORD' 9 OPERA HOUSE ELEVEN= Street, above Cheatnnt. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight Admittance 25 cents. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sandford's Troupe of Stars—New Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with BOX AND COX Dux, 9 9. Sanford; Cox, Cool White. 11110MEIIP's VARIETIES, FIFTH . and CHESTNUT Streets, MISCELLANEOUS CONCERTS NIORTLY, Comprising a most Diversified and pleasing MUSICAL AND TERPSICHOREAN MELANGE, Ia o filch appear Mad. PAYNE, M'lle LEFOLLE and other superior YocaHee,lcianq and Comedians. Commencing at 7X. Admission, 10 cents T. W. 1011110KET, Pianist. THOMEUF, Proprietor. ocs-Iw* 5“leo by `Auction MTHOMAS & SONS, . Noa. 139 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREET (Formerly Nom. 67 and 69.) REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, ko Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. 117 - Handbills of each property issued separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. Irr FURNITURE SALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE ' We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Salo, including every description of City and Country property. Printed Lists may be had at the Auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Re gister, are advertised occasionally in our Public Sale Abstreetfi, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly.) tree of charge. ELEVENTH FALL SALE, 20th OCTOBER This gale will include—. Valuable Property, known as the Port Providence Aire and Edge Tool Factory, on the Schuylkill Canal, oppo te Phrenixrille. ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE, Sc . . Elegant modern residence and offices, N. W. corner of Thirteenth and Arch streets. 25 feet front on Arch street, 128 feet on Thirteenth street. Orphana' Court Sato. ESTATE OF DAVID LE/IMAN, DECD. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Valuable Real Eatatd, St John street, between Green ml Coates Streets—several enessuages, and lot 31 feet S inches front. BUSINESS STAND Three-story Brick Store and Dwelling, N. W. corner Eleventh rind Christian street; Salo &While VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND LARUE LOT, 2X' Valuable brick reablence, barn and stable, and large lot. corner of Cherry and Wakeling streets, late borough of Frankford. It fronts on three streets, and is a very desirable situation. BUSINESS STAND Two and o halt story brick store and dwelling, No. Dr North Second street, with a three story brick do ening in the rear on Perry street. FOUR BRICK DWELLINGS Four thrce•story brick dwellings, on Ninth street and Charles street. between Willow and Noble h tree ts LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT Large and valuable lot, occupied as a coal yard, eas able Niuth street, north of Poplar, with railroad track °ince, &c. Sale No 332 South Fifteenth Street. HANDSOME FURNITURE, FINE TAPESTRY CAR PETS, ENGRAVINGS, Ac. Thla Mornlug, At 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at bio. 332 South Fifteenth street, the superior household furniture, fine tapestry carpete, engravings, china, glassware, &c., of a gentle man declining housekeeping Also the kitchen furniture and utensils. 117 2 The furniture has been in use but a short time, and is in excellent order. SALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE, BRUSSELS @MMEI CARD.—The attention of ladies' and others desirous of purchasing, is requested at our sale, at the auction store, to-morrow morning, comprising over 800 lots of excellent household goods: One French plate mirrors; fine piano-forte; superior Brussels and velvet carpets; line china and glass-ware; beds and bedding; clothes mangle; billies' table; etores,forming an assort ment equal to any of the season. 'Catalogues are now ready, and the articles arriluged for examination, Sale Nos. 189 and 141 South Fourth Street SUPERIOR PURNITNRE, MIRRORS, PIANO FORTES, BRUSSELS CARPETS, dco. On Thuriday Morning, • At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store an Menem. Assert meat of excellent second-hand furniture, mirrors,piano forte, carpets, Ac., from families declining housekeep ing. SUPERIOR CLOTHES liIANOLE.—AIso, a superior clothes mangle, in perfect order. BILLIARD TABLE—AIso, n small parlor billiard table, complete ELEGANT PIANOFORTE, TURKEY AND BRITS- SELS OARPEICS, MIRRORS, h a Also, an elegant rosewood piano-forte; superior Tullio and Drussels carpets; Saxony carpets; line Frei. 1 plate mirrors, gilt frames, hair mattresses, &c Sale 339 Green Street. HOUSEGOLD FURNITURE, OARYETS, &c . On Friday morning, At 10 o'clock, at No 339 Green etreet (between Spiral and l'ino, and Fourth and Fifth the furniture of a family leaving the city. May be seen at S o'clock ou the morning of eale. FIRST-OLASS STORE FOR RENT. The large now FIVE-STORY STORE, No. 240 MAR KET street, East of Thinl street, 29 feet front, .202 fret in depth, with a aide front on Middle's alley—brown stone front—built and Stashed in the best and moat substantial manner, with every modern convenience— furnaces to heat thei entire building throughout—fire Proof Safes, Water Closets. Relating Machines, ds- Weil adapted for a large Auction or Commission Rouse. pH IL ADE L PHIA LITERARY INSTITUTE. EIGUTII PUBLIC, MEETING, To ho held at the SPRING GARDEN ASSEMBLY ROOM, Northeast corner of Eighth street and Spring Garden, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 7. PROGRAMME. Essay—The Influence of 'Beuke on a Corn. munity J. S. Cohen. Declamation—The Maniac J G. Howard. Essay—Remarks on Conversation J. T. Elliot. Declamation—The Grave of the Beloved.. A. G. Elliot. Reading of the Journal by the Editor. DEBATR. Subject—Would the integrity of the Union be en dangered by an unlimited extension of Territory? Affirmatives—J. D. Huhn and T. B. Ross. Negatives—W. A. Levering and E. R. Ilawkine Decision by the Judge. Adjournment. Tickets can be obtained of Mr. E R. Ilawkine, South west corner Market and Second. oco-2t PEOPLE'S TICKET.— OOTER Olt P PACKER, Licoming County JOAN F. LlNDlifilitkii, Borks County JUDOE3 BUPREME COURT. WM MONO, Berke County. JAMES TIIOAIPSON, Erie County CITY TICKET scrsToß. SAMUEL IL RANDLE. ABSESIBIT. JOIHI C KIRKPATRICK, GEORGE H ARMSTRONG, JOSEPH R CHURCH, JOHN RAMSEY, COUNTY NOMINATION dUNk7OII. DR. I N. MARSELES, is9SMDLT. DAVID R. MCLANE, OLIVER EVANS, J 11. ASKIN, JOSHUA T. OWENS, A ARTHUR, JOSEPH 11. DONNELLY, THOMAS 11. WARAND ABRAHAM ENGLISH, DAVID SELLEY, DAVID sryER, JOHN U. SCOTT, GEORGE S. VOX, JAMES J. ALLISON. JUDGE COURT COMMON puns, JAMES R. LUDLOW. PROTHONOTARY DISTRICT 000 AT, JOHN B. McRADDEN. (MIMIC QuABTRit dESSIGNS, JOSEPH CROCHET. RECORDER DES., ALBERT D. BOILEAU. CORONSR, JOHN H. RENNER. 0c2.2w Oaks by %fiction !MIES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, a, NH. 422 WALNUT STRNET, above NOURTII. CARD—SALE ON 110CISEILOLD NURNITURE—TUES- 11i We beg leave to Inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, nt our SPACIOUB BALES ROOM, NO. 108 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention in given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who may favor us with consignment:l. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining, house keeping and not v. istung sales at their own dwellings, can Wive their furniture CAREFULLY RIM° WED TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE TREY WILL REALIZE IiEIPER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN, THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE BEAU:IIS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. ,Miss A 1 hilllj. .Signor lirignoll .Signor Awolio Signor enletti - . Er Persons favoring us with consignments can rest tvisu,d that their property will not be sacrificed. ire Commtbvions more moderate than those charged j any other Auctton HOMO in the city. Consignments respectfully solicited. bales paid immediately after the goods are sold. REAL ESTATE SALE, TILLS EVENING, This sale will include— Executors' Absolute Sale—Estate of Lydia and Susanna Wills, deceased WELL-SECURED GROUND RENTS. 2 old Irredeemable Orouud Rents, 115 each. 1 120 $5O to be paid on each of the above when the melee is struck off. Executor's sale, N. E. corner Sixth and Pine sts , lIOUSEIROLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, BEDS, di c-, On Friday morning, at 10 o'clock, will be sold at the N. corner Eilith and l'iuo streets, the entire well-kept household furniture of the late 'Henry it'. Zollickoffer, deceased, by order the Executors : Comprising mahogany tables, cane seat chairs, ingrain carpets, pier mirrors, Venetian blinds, Da cloth, Venetian passage and stair carpet, rode, impe der bureaus, wardrobe, bedsteads, superior feather beds, excellent bedding, mahogany, secretary and book rases, wash-stand and chamber ware; also, dinner and tea ware, kitchen furniture , stores, d: C. Also n barometer and quadrani Also a hardware case, with Swiss views and magnify ing glass, in perfect Order. Also a share in the Philadelphia Ltbrary, Alto a share in the Athammam. TO RENT. trr A three-story Brick Dwelling, with two-story brick back building. 195 North Ninth street, above Wood street. Rent POO per annum. Apply nt the Auc tion Store. A first-class Printing °Mee, with ;goo d run or bust: nets, four pri rating presses, two Ruggles and one Adams. Typo and everything necessary for the business, Apply at the Auction Store VVOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom House. between Fourth and Fifth Streets. . - . CARD —We invite the particular attention of the trade, and all desists, to the peremptory sale of a large and valuable assortment of desirable Pall and Winter Goods, to be held at our store, this mormag, by cata logue, commencing at 10 o'clock., precisely. Also, an invoice best quality silver-plated ware Also, a line of superior travelling tngs . Also, 1,000 dozen men's and women 's s hosiery; lamb's wool and merino shirts and drawers; ladies' and gent's silk shirts and vests; riding gauntlet, Also, a full line all qualities Preach and Scotch em broideries Also. a line best quality Germantown knit woollen goods. &c &C. Also, a line zephyr worsted. The whole are now arranged for examination, with catalogues, and are worthy the special notice of pur chasers. PEREMPTORY SALE OP DESIRABLE GOODS FOR CASH. This morning, Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell, without reserve, for cash, a large and valuable assort ment of desirable staple and fancy Pall and Winter Goods, comprising, : 500 dozen women's hosiery, of white, Mach, mixed, and brown. Also, ladies' kid gloves, lamb'swool and merino shirts end drawers; regatta slurits; gents , silk shirts; English printed cotton hdkre; bird-eye towels; colored barege. Also, French el istic suspenders; superior patent thread, white and colored. Also, white and colored spool cotton; 6.4 jaconets; Swisa toull, Ste, &o. EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS. Also, a general assortment of French and Scotch Em broideries, consisting of collars, sleeves, eats, caps, capes, coiffures, head-dresses, embroidered and plain linen cambric laSkfs infants' robes and waists, linen shirt fronts. llourveings, edgings, embroidered skirts, bands, ct , c, of cambric, Jaconet, Swiss and mull GERMANTOWN KNIT GOODS. Also, A general assortment Germantown knit goods consisting of Shetland shawls, cravats, scarfs, hosiery hoods, pelerines, rietorines, cuffs, mitts ?re dte. W SUPERIOR SILVER-PLATED ARE. - . . Also, an invoice beet quality-silver plated ware, such as elegaut tea setts, castors, tablo awl dessert spoons, table and dessert forks, tea spoons, be, worthy special attention. RUDDER AND HORN COMM AlllO, 1000 dozen beet rubber and horn dressing, side sad back combs, SALE AT GUY'S HOTEL, 31 South SEYE'NTII Stree Wednesday,On l4th lust, Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell, on the premises, 31 South Seventh street, by order of Mrs. Sarah Ibanez, Adminlstratrix, the entire furniture, bar-room and kitchen artrcles, liquors, vines beds and bedding. embracing the valuable contents of the hotel. May be examined early on the morning of sale. MOSES NA THAN S, AUCTIONEER /TX AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, B. E. corner SIXTH and RICE Streets NOTICE —All persons having goods forfeited at the race 5 E corner of 6th and Race streets, are requested to call and pay charges and renew their tickets, other trite they will be sold on WEDNESDAY MORNING next. OCTOBER the 7th, at 10 o'clock, by MOSES NATUANB, Auctioneer, 8. E corner of oth and Race atreots. LARGE BALE OF FORFEITED GOODS, ET ORDER OF JOHN WEBB, Broker, at MOSES NATILAIPB Auc tion Store, S E. corner 6th and Rate streets, THIS (Wednesday) MORNING, OCTOBER the 7th, 1857, at 10 o'clock, at sates-room second story Entrance from Race street. Tho floods will be arranged and open for Examination on the afternoon of Tuesday, the day before the sale. Consisting in part of %Vetches, jewelry, &c., viz: gold bunting-case, double-case, double-bottom and open laced English patent lever watches, of the very best and most approved makers, the moat of them full 18 karat gold; gold escapement patent lever watches in hunting- CaRCS and open-face, bent makers, 18 karat gold cases, gold lepine watches in hunting-eases and open-face, most of them very fine, 18 karat cases; gold Swiss and French watches, silver English lever watches of the most approved makers,in hunting-casethdocible-cases,and open-face, silt or escapement lever and lepine watches of best makers, silver double-case, hunting-case, and open face watches. duplex and quartier watches, fine gold ck, fob, and vest chains, One gold curb chains, fine gold medellionsdlne gold penoll-cases and peas, Sue gold ear-rings, breastpins and finger-rings, large oral rings, fine gold bracelets, sett of knives, forks, and spoons. in case, silver plate, plated forks and spoons, portumunaies, fine gold charms, seals, and keys, silver medals, gold sleeve-buttons, gold studs, gold thimbles, and numerous other articles of jewelry. Weteh-makers, jewellers, dealers, the trade gen erally, and private purchasers, are respectfully invited to attend this sale, at every article will positively be sold without the least reserve whatever, for cash. IMMENSE SALE OF FORFEITED .000 Di On Friday morning next, October iltb, 1857, at 10 o'clock, at Moses tiathans' auction store, southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets, sales rooms second story, entrance from Race street, CO n sistitg in part of dry goods, clothing, segars, fowling pieces, musical imitruments, tools, furniture, bedding, beds, mattresses ; looking-glasses, travelling trunks, va lises, books, fancy articles, 8:o.. Re , viz cloths and csssimere pantaloon patterns, cassinet vestings, over coats, sack casts, raglans, frock coats, dress coats, loon keyjackets, cloaks, cassimere pantaionas, silk velvet, silk, cloth, valencia, satin and other vests; shirts, under shirts, drawers, gents' boots and shoes, umbrellas, para sols, ladies' cloth and merino cloaks, silk-velvet, silk, merino, cloth, and other mantillas, barques, and circu lars, silk, merino, mouse de lane, cashmere, alpaca. de liege, French chintz, and other dresses; under clothing, roots, costs, and dress patterns, stella, broche crape, Bay State, woolen, plaid, silk and other large andsquare shawls; silk pocket and neck handkerchiefs, embroidery, gentlemen's woolen shawls, gaiters, shoes, cloth talmaa, fine featherbeds, mattresses, blankets, quilts, comforts. bles,;spreads, bed valences, bed ticking, case of childrens shoes, assorted sizes; five thousand segars, knives and sod forks, carvers, steel skates, double-barreled and fowling pieces, twist barrel, back-action locks, and patent breech, pistols, several complete chests of carpenters' tools, planes, squares, gauges, sa se, nod other tools, Hutuiss, flutes, violins, gui tars, looking glasses, paintings, engravings, large mad medium size bibles, elegantly bound, end various other books, large bag of curled hair, cheat of curled hair, traveling trunks, valises, carpet bags, dirks, dirk_ knives, swords, shirt bosoms, window shades with gilt borders, chins, glass, and crockery ware. and numer ous other articles. The whole to be cold without reserve. Dealerd, the trade generally and private purchasers are incited to attend the sale. The goods will be open on the afternoon previous to the day of Sale Sales Room Second story. Entrance from Race street AT PRIVATE SALE—CoId and miser patent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, musical Instruments, &c., AC. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second floor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat. tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, Ike., Ac, Ac Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction oar. Charges very low. Consipments of furniture, clothing, jewelry, Ac., Ac.,sollutted. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, 8. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clotting , Dry Goods, Groceries, Sogare, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment (ses) ht. NATILANS, NATHAN'S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a few days. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments, ,will place shortly Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, &e , being forfeited collatera/e, wilt take place shortly. Due notice will be given SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South TRIAD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door tales, and tales at the Auction Roust, at. tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000. Ritatithed for the last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Isla moods, Silver Plato, {patches, Jewelry, Hardware, lifer chandize, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Cone , Horse., Carriages, and Goods of every desetaption All goods can remain any length of time agteed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent. per month ; $5OO and over the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large Ore and thief•proof vaults to store ell valuable', and pn• vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu• ranee effected for the benefit of all persona having goods advanced Upon. N. 13.—0 n account of having an unlimited capital, this ofßce is prepared to make advances on more eat's. factory and accommodating terms than wily other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in email amounts, with out any charge AT PRIVATE BALI, Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be cold at reduced prices. aul-/y GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, Vf N. E. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streets, above Second. EVENING SALES, SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING,I At 7,4 o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cut Rory, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing . , Watches, Jewel 7r Nancy Articles, TORN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 826 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. BALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, fluttery, Whips, Trunks, Panay Goods, Notlowi. N. B —Out-door sales attended to All goods rota at the Auction House packed. ocl-lm ,fit EVA I D I 4 --10 ,000---PALINTEB.,I A R Cards par Door: W Il 10 e Pm,. Out Ira arerlooksi or do Kate .. ft— AL D r11.1<41.1 Pm., .1111. w. ik 13 . 1a... Imerner• ... set C moo. B zai araloaa. Al — L VICO of tb Tre TV:nu BA Card• pm Bc..i. E 8 ifjal ea mils* VI ' , Whit. ."6". D Oor. Library, EVERT 111 ST. below Chestnut 007F.1 3 , MR. AND MISS DURANG'S DANCING ACADEMY, cor et onsanut and TWELTTR, ill open OCTOBER 21st. xep2S•fmw•2ww MOSS -17 bales Carolina Moss, for sate by MARTIN & MA.OALISTER, Sul 118 Non& Witer Street. AT PRITATE SALE `(~paCttlSJifia`""" ' CIEURCIITOWN ACADEgy_ LANCAS rEn co , PA The next io,:n,Fiodot th:s 7n,titahanvvill open fOr tits reception of Students on the Bret MONDAY of November t • coming The instruction is therou.:ll and practical io all the branches of nn and Mathew, 11,a1 education. There is no mere healthy location in our country; and this is evident from the tat that not a ca•e of sickness has occurred since tho loetito tmn has been in operation : which has teen in.,. 1,1:. The Principal will I at the Merchant,' Hotel,. (McK,,... baa's) FOURTH sbeet, ou the 7th, nth. 41 . 1,9 ' 4 O tt o ` bet., when city references, circulars, and nap , 'llott desired nat be eu JAME; 31. GRIFFIN. M . Principal. 0,6-410 FRENCII LANGUAGE' AND LITERA TINtiI.—PROMMOft tint ULU,- A 31 , late Consular Agent of Fedor, and funiugly Yrtil,,tic in Trantly College. Hurtroni, h f , eat author of so real 'works to facilitate a prompt Clip language, as now prepared to give instrution to ladies at their own reststences. in the hdirniliz-, Inner 9 to cooloelr,,, and to gentlemen, at A,, seed y , No 100 a, CUESTNIN Street, from 4 to 9l' 11 N. R.—Particular attention will be pall to latiet an d gentlemen intending to suit Eurape,tan to rn I. r sdt eim in IYeneh In For particulars, please call on Prof. fl fur a CIRCULAR. \0.1005 CIik:STNUT f.rtreet 11 , ,JY‘-'1 third story, front room, from 4to ft I?, 31 4.4:1-20 PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, iyEsr PIIILADELPIILI. No Seminary whatever id more like a imitate ramify. The course of study is extensive and thorough. Pro t essor Saunders will receive a few wore pupils Outer fourteen years of ar.-,a into his faraily. I:nquire of Dieser'. J. Salver and Mathew Newkirk. or Col. J . Pommy, Editor of this Paper. wb. , so "ona qr sans are now members of his family saPU.4-1t SUPPLEE'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG 'anus, (boardin4 and daf pupils.) N. W. corner ELEVENTH and GREEN streets Fifth cos, on will open on September 7th. Best reference given, in cluding all present and former patron,. au26.4f SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS., corner EIGIITII and BI3TTONWOOD streets Profeszora of the highest qualifications employed Catalogues containing full particulars pupils' names, testimonials, he , can ba bad on application. au2.5-tf - F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. HALL fff ST. JAMES THE LESS, PHILADELPHIA— A FAMILY BOARDIN ScHoot. YOB. ROTS. Rae B. R. BII G TSER, RECTOR. The Annual &onion wilt begin on TUESDAY, Sep. tember I. Circulars may be obtained at the Book Stura or Tr._ HOOKER, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT,.er of the Rector, Post Office, Yells of Schuylkill, nuLa delphia. sanli•Cm MRS. BARTON'ff BOAR DING AND DAY SCHOOL TOE FOUND- SeADIES, No- 'Dill UHESTNIIY St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in Septenikber. anl4-bw* NOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENAT3LE pima', male and female, to gala' a stian.hrthla worlds gouda and comforts as a -3 BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS' BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, near RACE, - will re-open on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER let. for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING., BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITIIMETIO by shisplified methods, to a short time. THE 'LEIDY'S tats ;demure in Raying. that dining the past year e large number of persons acquired a BUSINEE3 BDUCATIOIi, enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations euccesafully. are22.2m NORTE' PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD FALL ARRANGEMENT. BETHLEHEM, ALLENTOWN. MATCH CBE E., EAS TON, DOTLE3TON, &C. On and after Monday, October 6, 1,57. the trains on this road will leers Philadelphia For Bethlehem, (Express,) at S A. 11 For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown and blanch Chunk, (Express) at 2.16 P. H. Passengers for Xasion by 216 P. M. train take starts at Iron Hill station. For Doylestown, (Accommodation.) at 5 P.M. For Gwynedd, do. at 9 A. It. TRAINS FOIL PUILADELPHIA. . . Luxe Bethelens (Expensed at 0.15 A. AL and 2.4 AP 11connectang with L Y. IL EL trains, and arrive in Philadelphia at 12 10 M. and 6 P. II Leaes. Doylestown. (Accommodation,) at Old A. M. Leave Gwynedd, do at 3 P. 31 Accommodation trains ran daily; other trains daily, Sundays excepted. Fare to Doylestown Bethlehem Pare to Manch Chunk oct 5 ELLIg . CLA.RE:.I 2 .gen 11/ANUFACTURERS" AND MECHA NICS' BANK PHILADELPHIA. Oct 4, 144 The annual meeting of the E. toCkhnMers of this Bank will be held at the Banking Mouse, on Tuesday, NOW.- trer 3, at 10 o'cloek,Ai if.• The annual election for thirteen Directors, to carve the ensuing yeas, 4!1 be held at the Banking House, on Monday, November 16th, from 10 o'clock, A. 01., to 3 P. M. mwftnll3 M. W. WOODWARD, Cashier. CIDRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR _ ANOE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—ftc.e, No. 302 WALNUT street, wet of 'MED. "FIRE EMS ONLY TANEN." r• DlllllOlO2B Win. M. Strain, dohn Anapath, U. N. Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, B. D. Sherman, Writ. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, R. A Shackelford, Hon. JOEL JONES. President. Ron. G. W. WOODWARD, Vice Privdeat. S -MoNcrtutr, Secretary. JA I / 1 13 B ALTORD, Assistant Secretary. ant-Sat-If AVING FUND.--UNITED STATES TROST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and smell sums received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from .£1 upwards. President—STEPHEN R CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISR. Teller—JAMES R. 'HUNTER Ornticmgit's Burnishing toads - - -- NVINCE - ESTEE Sc SCOTT, GENTLE , MEN'S FURNISHING. STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANIIPA.CTORF, No t"B6 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philefelpliia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this Improved out of Shirts, the moat peFfeet fitting article rude. At whole- Cale and retail, and made to order, andi-lpf LADIES.' DRESS TRIMMINGS.— FANCY AND STAPLE. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, 5. G. MAXWELL A. SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, !war doors below Eleletdb. And 318 S. SECOND St.. below Spruce. FAGTORIES.—Nos. 95 and 97 'GEORGE St., 4* Tenth, and SECOND Street. near Union. Orders made at a few hours' notice ,w twit Drugs anb Cbemiralr- . . GIR EDERICK BR OWN,—,-CIIEMIST .L• AND DRUGGIST, north-east 'corner FIFTH end 01IL9TNITT Streets, Philadelphia, tole Manufacturer of BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINONR, which it recognised and prescribed by the Meas.:al Fa oulty, and hu become the Standard FAMILT Amin- OMB of the 'United States. This Easence is a preparation of unusual excellence. Daring the Summer months, no family or travelled should be without it. In relaxation of the bowels, in nausea, and particularly in sea sickness, it is en attire add safe, as well as a pleasant and efficient remedy. CAUTlON.—Persons desiring are article that can be felt id upon, prepared solely front pure JAMAICA. GIN tiER, should be particular to ask for ‘• Brown's Es sence of Jamaica Ginger." which is warrauteAl to be what it is represented, and is prepared only by PREDE MR BROWN, and for sale at has Drag and Chemtasl Atom, north-east corner of FIFTH and CIIESTNPT streets, Philedelphia and bp all the respectable Drug gists and Apothecaries in the V. States ; anl-am U3atrbes, .3eunlrn, &''r BAILEY & CO., CHESTNUT STREET Manufaetarars of BRITISH STERLING SILTS& WARE, Under their inspection, on the premises exchoirely Oitizens and Strangers are incited to visit oar mann factory. WATCHES. oansuatay on hand a splendid stock of Superior Watches, of all the celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings, and all other articles in the Diamond Line Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will be made free of charge for those wishing work made to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A. beautiful assortment of all the new styles of Fine Jewelry, Inch as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marquialte, Lars, ace 3 &e. 811ETTIRLD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ica. Also, Bronze snd Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, sail of superior quality. snl-dtuS.wly SILVER WARE.- WILLIAM WILSON L. SON., MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER WARE, (ESTABLI.9II.ED 1312,) S. W. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS A large assortment of SILVER WARE, of er%rt seription, constantly on hand, or made to order to Latch any pattern desired Importers of Fheffield &n 3 Birmingham importei Ware se3o-11. nip C. & A. PEQUIGNOT, MANUFACTURERS OP WATCH CASE 3 AND 13111)1STSKS OP WALTCRES, 1 SOUTII THIRD STRUT, lITLOW PHILADNLEHIA. CONSTANT PINDIONOT Aucrsrit Prgcwror Bel,laws* jA E E. ALDWELL & CO., 10 , No. 432 CHESTNUT, BELOW FIFTH STREET, Importers 'of {Watches and Fine Jewelry. Alarvlw:tu rare of Sterling and Standard Silrer Tee Sete. Forks and Spoons, sole agents for the sale of Cherie.; Frodrhani's new aenes Gold Medal Lo❑don Tunckeepers—all tho saes On hand, prices $250, $275, and $3OO English and Swiss Watches at the lowest prices. • Bich fashionable Jewelry Sheffield and American Plated Wares. aefi-y y S. JARDEN Re. BRO. — MAIDPIOTOURS AND IMPolVtaa OP SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. Sal Chestnut Street, above Third, op staind Philadelphia. Conntantlj on hand and for oak, to the Trade, TEA SETS, ONINIUNION SERVICE SETS, rims, PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CEPS. WAITERS. MS KETB,CASTORS, KNIVES, SPOONS. Foßicz, LADLES, Ac „tr Gilding and plating on all kindq of metal. FRANCIS P. DUBOSQ & SO:N DIANN, Carom & Co . Whohsetio NIANUFAC TUBERS OF JEWELRY, sat CatitiT,NCT street, Phil_• delphia. reaxals P. DvaosQ u3l 3ra icgal Notirrs I . N THE MATTER OF THE PEIITIOX IN INSOLVENCY OF JOHN C Of:El:TIT! F 1,1: Notice Is hereby given that the sub,rlbtz si plied to :ha Court of Common f,, the , I .7. of Philadelphia for a final diechtirre taader the tro,.. clout of the Insolvent Laws of the Ceennnei,A also that he has applied by Petition for UV? ti , L' 3l 40 1 : the 41st Section of tke'Act of June bills. 1834, to insets entAebtorirhyliturb. sir Lout is provid,ltillt the court, prqh the toneent of a majority in niroler sad value of chedttora"of an Insolvent, nay grant hail an exemption of his astate and effeete (rem eS,:cuti or, re; h:s indebtedne4t for the spare c.f 'tare. These sp. plications viii be heard by the Cyan of CoreLmoa Plea , on Saturday, October 10th, lbSl. at 10 e'cleeh, and the attention of creditor, and all others interested in the applications so inrited. I C OBESTECYPEA se 23-wful 3w* Jer. Welker, Jr.o. McClure, The. Craven, A. B. Furman nepperct, Saral.Zones, M D .reeeptt Klapp, M. D Wu. 11. DCBOA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers