- -Geportid: for We prem. Oebals—Scht: N H liali, , Lord-430,000 lathe 24,000 pickets a:hump & Sons' ‘•' Vfnattocurost-,-, Sabi:Sea Boner, Germ-117,311 feet 'lamber;MTrarogA Bowl. - Sr do9*.r-Sahrifiei lark Packet, ,Ohurc).-100,009 Gaekill to Galvin, flaVass=litig Geo Whitue;y;--1430 hoses sugar, 1 coos vegan, John Muon & Cor 80,300 Leegars, Lawrence Thompson & 0°14%009d0 10 d Webb,• 42,000 do 0 Tete; 10,00044,Tilman 4,41%160,000 do' Mellott firoe; 2,000 do JellOirts & 0o• 9,*500,d0 Elerniusg; 9 balsa tobacco, 0 400'100,000 segare, S.yilguat & Sons; 300 do • • POille OT` PIIII Abl PAL, ect: b, 1557. sin; H mita .14—SUN , SETEI Fi HIG WATER 67 ARRIVED. Steamer Boston,Bellew, 20 boors from New York, with indite_and pasengera to James Allderdice. Passed off Bombay Hook the steamer Union, hence for laguay re, lying at anchor, ell Reedy Island passed steam tug Am eric a, having in toivahiP North America, for Mobile, and barque White Wing, for Lagasyre; below New Cas tle roma the,barquelt James, from Rio do Janeiro, in tow Of tag SatoPeon; also two barques and throe brigs beating up, names not ascertained, and, schr Andrew Maralerson, from Charleston.: Above Wilmington Creek passed tag L Posey, leaving in tow ohip Belle of ,the Ocean, front Liverpool. ,- Barque St' jimea, Oruie, from Rio Janeiro, Aug 27th, with coffee to James Devereax.. Sailed in co. With brig Monticello, for Baltimore. Left ships John Stewart, Sherman, from Lima, put inlri distr,eas, waiting freight; Courier, Banshee, from Buenos Ayres, do; barques Ala mo, Mudget, - from Liverpool, waiting. Meaco, Gorham, from N Orleans, do; kler/in,Mickard: fin Buenos Ayres, do; Urania, Turner for Philadelphia next day; Chore lier:frarn.Bahhi, waiting; Alery,Eltrabeth e ,Steteoti, from BaenoleAytail, Ao, , Cavalier, Herrin, from and for Balti more naakdar, Roanoke, Parker, from Bahia, waiting; Imporador, Hebbe,rt from Pernambuco for Philadelphia (WOW, Henrierts,-Rtile, from Buenos Ayres, mtg . ; Grape Sho4Cdarkt_from Cape de Verdes, do; Morning Star . , Close, from Liverpool, do; Storm Bird Gerard, from 1.7 York, op; Anita Lean, Gage, from Charleptop, do; V?' Nenian, Haver, frontllnenosAyres,,do; Virginian, Mil. • ler, fromliontarldeo, do; 2ingarella, Bunker, from New York,,justatrived; brigs Sew Foam , Price, from N York, Rogers, Taylor, from Jacksonville . ; do; Echo - Baltimore , an; Executive, Eldrolfa, from Bangor, do; ;logger Young America, Powers, from Buenos Ayres, do. blapt 0 reports that coffee is, very, high at Rio and in consequopee a great 'many vessels are about leMing in ballast for the West 'tidiest° take freight. The-barque Urania will leave Rio with 1000 bags ofixoffee, as they cannot get enough to till her up. Barque: David "Isipaley, Teal, 12 days from Matanzas, kabetlitistitilt Ayres & 06.1, - r Big CloOrgtlislify,' ^ iVateon; ° l4‘days from Havana, ivitli an„gair . lo johnlilasort &km . Sept lab 22 , 60 long' 61 . 4 1,1 1 , , ,at 1, A, 11, wail struck by: a whirlwind; which carried away foeitepsall yard and split mainsail, Sept 2Atti„at midnight; experienced strong maim said violent Squalls from; NE.,,,5ept.24014 passed. Hatteras Light beariogwest. from 28th jilt, to :Ld bud., had wind from N to NE;'took a pilot off Sinepuitarilst inst., ” Brig David $ Drown, llafford, 7 days from Charleston, with mho ba Joists Baker. Brig Emily,,Saundera,lo days from Calais with lum ber to Bilker,& Shoe Maker. , Behr J Prise,Ryder, 9 days from Savannah, with wheat, &c. to lf...Davis & Co. , , Behr Jo* McCloskey , Stebbina.,4 days from Middle town, Conn,,witit 'stone to captain. , Behr Access; Adams, 4 days from Baltimore, with noise to'Steplien" Jtoberts, Behr Ainne B Remelt., Warr.ogron,l day from Lewes, Del, wifh,,gritin to Bailey; Wilson CO. &hr Sarah Warren, Beattie, 1 day from Little Creek, lending', Witli 10184,16 Bewley, Wilson & ,430, ' c Behr James W, Early, Sipple, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with grainio Jiitiltamat & Son, Behr New Tork Paiket, Church, 9 days from St John, NB, with lumber& Calvin Behr Lady Ellen, Corson" 0 days from Richmond, with cold and iron to Thos Waterer, Jr. Behrlf 11 Hall, Lord, 16 days from Calais, with laths and lumber to M Trump & Bop- Behr Behr Bea iliPPraDarmii, 9 days from Wilmington, N -0, with lumber to M Tnirop& Sou. Behr ltiliom /Scotian; from New York. Behr Ailietta,Robinion from New Haven._ - Behr Beauty, Johnson From Providence. ..istow„ Ship Belle attire Ccoan;Read, 6run Liverpool, . omatutv. Steamship Pmuntylvaplai-, Teel, ;Richmond, .Thomas Webster, Jr_ " - - Bonus, Mary p_Stade, gtklna,,Boatoti, N Sturtevant Brig Lucy Ann, Wass, Boston . , ,„ do Brig Mariner, Atkinson, Barbados, J Rana, ,-,. Behr Cyclone, Baker, New Bedford, Shober, Bunting di Co. ,- • - „ ‘• , Behr Tauble,Htoices,Baltimore, SJ Christian. Schr'l Parker, Si; Vanuame, N Haven, R H Powell. fiche Rispark ? Dottpho, Washington, DO, Thos Web ste_r Jew' , r 1 , . Beh Aretta;Robineori, 14' York, Tyler, Stone & Co. Bohr 31 ton,Stoelrnan, New „York, John 11 White. Schriteportee, ^ Berry,lloaton, do Bohr Beauty, Johnson, Alexandria, do , Strlll. - Gaw, Alex; Baltimore A Groves, BeagtiCatoatin,Moque,„ 'Jo - do - ; - use, mraionian.) Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. - CAPE. ISLAND, Oct. ;4, 4 30.1 , M.. The ships Otseenthe;:ter New Orleans, and North America, for 'Motile, aid barque White Wing, for La gnayra, went to sea this, afternoon., No vessels passed in to-day. ,Wind NE: ,- Weather fine. -Yeats, Jo., TllOB. II: MEOW!. t.;; ,;;;;.; • , ‹ , • EST TELVORAPIC.It , • tOorrespondenee of The Press.) - - New Yonit, Oct 4. Arrlved;ship ‘Masonic, from 'Blot, Ju1y.22,1, and El sinore Aug 2, with hemp and has. !June 22d, on the outward passage, J A Dean, seaman, of New York, aged' 21 years, fell ovetboaniand was lost; ship Hobert Kelly, from Liverpool; steamship Curlew, from Providence. Also armed, ship Aasage, from Bombay, Bremen barque Atlanta, from Hamburg. - Below, ships Lest.* from Havre; Emerald Isle, from Liverpool; Quieltatep,aupposed from London, 5 , ' • • Booms, Oct. 4., Arrived, ship Estber May; barque A it MD, from Greenock.. .. . PROVINCIETOWN, Oct 4—~ schooner arrived bete re ports:thlit the ship Catharine, from Thomaston, Maine, hu been sunk -by a collision with en unknown ship.; The officerd and crew. were' saved by the ship, which is bound to Liverpool.; Correspondence of The Press. . Hann Ds Queen, Oct. 3. Sixteen boats lett here this morning, laden and con— signed as follows: c • , , I) P Shure, corn to NV 11 Gilpin; W A Thomas, bar iron to Perot Jr. Dm; Highland Home, pig Iron to J P Morris & Co; Flemington Atli's, tlonttoL Mytingor & Co, axes to Perot & tiro, and lumber to Bolton, Vender. veer & Co; W 7 Panibanius,lutober , to At Tromp & Bon: True American, lumbar to Malone & Taylor; Lip. pincott, lambert° H Croakey; At A McConkey, pig iron to Wilmington, Del; 011si 00l P Harley, Sunpaebsons, S Taylor, John EI Rich, Dauphin, and Capt II Smith, anthracite coal to Delaware city.; . • ; • MEMORANDA Stetinship State of Georgia, Garvin, hence at Savan nah 29th ' - Steamship Palmetto, Maher, for Philadelphia, cleared al Boston 041 lost , - - Steitaiddn 'Keniebeo, 190; hi 3 .128 "at New 'York ye-' terdits, , ; ; • . : • 5- -5 • . 5 • - 1 teamsh)p Persia, Jadkins; from New 'Pork tor Lirer poolOnst spoken 24 last hat 40, lohg 7016. Ship Onward, Witendara, frout , Oape of Good Hope, shared at Neer 'York 3.1 inst.. Ship John Trucks, Shirman, from Chineba Islands, arrived up at Baltimore 2d inst.' Ship Ileptuni'el'avorlte, Lemerson, from London, dug 30t1i, for Atishallii,.voas spoken Sept —, let 48 ti, long 6 80 W. Ship Sewall, Merrill, from Callao for Cork, was spoken Jima 9th, let let 24 250, long ST W. -• ' ' Skip Donald Me - Kay, Mendle, from Liverionl;Jidy 8, - for Melbourne,' tpciteo . Aug '8; bong: 2615, on the '' = • ' Ship Napier, Staffdrd;from Chineha Islands; arrived at Borditinn 16th ult. - , Ship Juan Peraandez, (Urea, from Callao, arrived at Queetustmni lath tat. • • , • • Ship Cherubim, _Smith; °Mucha Jelande,-st Qeeenetelra 14th ult. ' • = - Ship Outtfee;Oreei, for 'Rums, cleixed. at ?ortiimd let inet„ Ship" Ciento°, 'freeman, - for Boston, remained at lantana July 2f- - Ship Morning Light; Hobbs; from Australia, at Callao Ang 6, and astled:lth for Clinhehlia: ' • - - • Obip2ldridiK(Wiethatr, for ebb:Lobos, to load for Tirsuee, , flailed , from- Callao-Au* 8d•• and, wss • in the roads - Ship Miles Standish, Gardner, for Chinch/is, to load for Maneilefiaut Ballet. Ang,oo. 0 ';`... ,: " •', - -• ' . • ' ShiP.Afing . lifist,;LiantelL, for, Africa, Sailed from Caldera guly,2B - , • ~ , „ . „ .• Ship Australia, Ri ne attan, for Philadelphia. o r NeW 4 'York,. Mill fromMeAteilles 12th ult., ..r „ • , Bu rga s ? D e r ica ng i l v i g int 2 rson, 131 days from New York, at Ship Hound, Stevens, front New Yerk, via Rio, at San Prattelace Ang 27. ;t, - , - ship Bello of the Bees; Lewis, from Boston, at Ban Frallelata Aug 31. „ Chaiva Sh SASn', •Callaghan; Panama Cave; and r, all from New York, arrived at.lian 6 WranciMoßept 2..-, „,„ - • ~ ~ -. ,„ . 7. ti Ship' Yrotechir, butter, ibilired ai Ban Francisco Aug ti Pl for Calao. D eh_ip Osborn H ow es ; Rally, ior Meng Kong, G 1 sired at. 1 ,1 Ss i3 n til if o rtrixt i f t tO rid 0 . Qhooool,orou h . -,• ;,,,i_.. , i; , Bong, attic/ Franclsno l .,alig /a. ~- ~, r g- 1 . 311 ! ~ / i° g 1 Ship Diamond State, - Worsythi,rentained at Genoa 12th ult unc...,( - f 4 . , , ' " '+'+, 4 + ' '."' r :+ - J ' ' ' t+! ShiklitiiiirieZi . Disii,'• ilitgoley, • trem,Valpartilso via ,iiiUstepteli Bolds, arrived ' t Boston 3d inst. - - r„ 810.10bn lend, Beanie, from.lionoluit, cleared at .-', Sea raatleia9 o -. 8 04534- , ‘,,l- , --: • •-.; , - . • - Bh4Zilad B&W, ' liebieson,. forilillao, clearea at M San Itymehteu2.4thAug. L . T ,,_. „ - , • ; , . ~. , .. Pi ilhip Mule Thompson, Wilsou,lor Iqulrque, cleared it at Btu Francisco Aug 29tit., -- - - - ' V fihipliir Wind' tram' Boston tor San Princlaco, was 6 , 2 spoken gulf Cdh, let SI 12 8, long 60 61 W. Barque What Idhaet.,, Baker s from Melbourne, at min 1 Wrancisco Aug 300,„ -. . „ , , , , ff Barque Endly,lisaillii,'Mviley,; from Yalparaiee, at 4 at Ban Ifiiiiebir42B4 Aug. - ; -,,* i ',,,, Barque Gen Wiarrari , eltilard, cl eared ' at New.Orlesam • A 28th ult. for -Pitiladalpitht. _ .., , t 4 Barque AlblOn, Liquids', - Nakano, hence at Portland 4 i*.t. lst init. ~ „ ,„•• '. •- ' ,• -. , !••-•• Barque .10hilarenr;..Weeke; for Ah L iab, cleared at New l'-`;' York 8d inst. ..F.;,1 Barque GhathiltaoP ?fore_ ,s "'from Rio de Isneiro, y , Aug Dn. arrived at Baltimore ad inst. ,4 2 .!aalia 00113 allet - Liatisaff frtma Klugston, - 3a, ,for ti t Phutteelphys, 'cleared it Bluttleston 80th nit, and sailed ro 2d lust • - ," _ - , - _ -f•g• Brig' liannah, Creighton, for Monrovia,. cleared at Baltimore 24 inst. t BrigAltavela, Gilkey, arrived Ut New York 3d 1114.- 1 from Bio'de Janeiro. , Brig Mary Yarrow, Coolhi, from Delaware Cityi at Ia Boston 24 bat. , . Brigs Billow, liodgdon, and Clara Allen, , Haskell, bent* at Sslezn'llit inst. ," ~ • : •-; ...-•,. ~ '(. Brlglurate, Darla, hence at Oharleaton Ist inst. , , • ) gebr,mary:g Hoyt , Starr , from Nativiforki at Charles -7 ton Ist blot. . . . . . . '4 l Drig Em ` ire Crewel!, hence at Boston 8d inst, _Brig , lll- 86 J O Gilmore, Rogera f ' from Baltimore M Boston 8 , 1 Met. --alt.Behr Sarah Louisa Cruse ;' hence-at Wall River 30th , , ~ , _ ,- , . • Fehr .1' 0 Runyan Endlcott, for Philadelphia; sailed . i , from Valk Rh'er 24 nst. . , , , „ . _ ... 0 Bohr Nebraska, fisakeii, hence at Providence 24 test, , •,..‘ Schr Thomas Potter, , glover, from. Providence for Phlladel V p tisq wee at Newport 24 hut, 8A M. • Sabra sauna Mese , and A :Townsend, hence 'at -f. Charleston Ist inst. -,, -, -• •, :, , . , , •,";,- , 7 • SchraDaboridi Jones, Winemore, and Qeorge Edward, ,3 Baker, hence at' imago 8d lost. - ,--- --- - *4 SchrllhamiviThcidora, eitaked' at -Bolan 3d beet: for, ,„,''' Mos aniiiiii, treritwoilli, _ - -.K.fnitick: Nish, Wall, and Burfeell,,Aahterd, hence et Sidernalust,, , ' ElebtOous Tlfek6r, Build, hedie far Ipswich, at &hie 4 ga inst.._ ,-,.---,/,, -.,., . • • Behr Minervai Droora; from Delaware Olt t at New 'L Dedford24,lDat. '- • _,- . .., - , -:-- -, - -,, ' 1 .1 Bahr ihnirjNatt,,Williams;_fei Richmond . 1 0 1 ,t t o , 4 ma Win Wilmington; NO, _WM alt. , - , Para 3' White, ilirlialoLWTßOldailorlidgNalavaliall,' A and , - nvtitranglin;lionce at Baltimore 84 init. Edit fidnpn; henei 0 Richinond MUM, ', , ney:L tit4sharpifrein4laston; at Bindtb: . vLllii IC, 2d Init:,-- - • r „: :, 1 OA? D •: l? lratns4, i 1 taies; heae,it qivirieiQqLotkih ult,;"ikad foieied,Vpirt of brdilrliij, &O. carried 'away dauf w irfitilekod: ltamose 24th ult, -- , , ...; e Isis . A Vanneinau, hence - at (lheadeaton 4 Mt ~,,r d itilkOrept and aoi4pMednther 41,0,a888. 1 .4 a gide "itiat:**gatteM B -' ' ' ~, I'4 Bohn imillood. - frorn Widburb„NiaimdComyro ' Jaw - 0* cam, amiton" • lrest..r , .. ---, ~• r ,i ~• Beinw-W1r0a1464-Malctif d-bury, 'i , „o Meddi nsi lifelmapßnserdtrie Betti , iAletemderi TM-, • 'mph, Artic g Thatkorkm, yearfe; , Boats Ann; Bmithi' Wsetoyst'iNlaukobteldraiti Tiiio;.--1006ti0n, ,. .v..05i: guldlo*C9l4, - Zyumayalttayton, Rogme, and BenrTjar: beside - at Boston id inst. ' r - BP I . ,Tork4 from Newboripti,MWrlghtingtrei, ''s , Irani Ilial:Blver antriteL Bream, from Taluidon`for RUMOR at iliewport 24 Inst.! , " --'• ' ' -'*- • _NM ilbal lersr, ham ' Bev Bedford pr /I}q , delpbll 4 at - 44110 - ' ' ' i' "W ifl NOWNk l iffetildi:Phliadelphia cleared se ri 'e. ' ' 1. ~P,48 14 J5 4 1 1 d a1 4 16 :W:1 ! .11 labiLWO,Nfililak. Xlifio at Ultima', git ipitte. • Bohr Zephyr Woodward , clOarOd nt Baltimore 2d inst. tor Philadelphia. • • rtSebr Gazelle, Coombe, from Delaware City, at Bath. 80th Olt Schr Undine, Risley, sailed from Fall River 50th ult. for Philadelphia. Behr Chief, Champion, at Mystic 29th UM from Dela ware City. Rehr Casper Heft, sailed from New Raven let inst. for Philadelphia. a l Mr Boston, Brower, hence at Providence Ist inst. Schrs Isabella Thompson, Corson, and Thomas Pot ter, Clover, sailed from Providence let inst. fez Philad. Soars Jatifi Stroup, Corson, and Charles A Ifecksher, Stubbs, hence at Salem Ist Inst. MARINE MISCELLANY. -13chr James W McKee, Satterly, at Baltimore 2d inst from New York, reports that on the 29th ult, about II A was run Into by an unknown brig, and struck on the ritatbeard,quarter abaft the main rigging, and cut dawn to the water's edge, causing the Behr to leak. A sell was immediately put over the side and drawn under the vessel, to prevent her, from sinking. She leaks about §OO strokes per hour. :Captain Daniel Jackson, late of brig Susan Small, of Philadelphia, wrecked on Inagua Island, Capt Llewel ion late of Sr. brig Appleton, of Swanson, wrecked on the south side of Inagua, Capt Nathan Has kins, late of tic brig Ecbo, of Demerara, wrecked on "Acklin Island, lie Chas It Perpall, John lechier, nod It Grim, came passengers in the Mystic Valley, which arrived at New York 3d inst. from Nassau, NP. Margate, Sept 17—The Amer can , ship Northern Belle has shifted out of her dock ;, the divershave got chains under her, with the intention of raising her by means of four largo Buoys, which they hope to accomplish next week. , Stronmeas, Sept 9—The American clip European, Tur ner, from the Tyne for Matanzas, drove with two anchors down. • Paris, Sept 13L-The ship Garonne, Smit, recently ar rived at Rottenlam, reports that on Sept 1, in Ist 49 32 N, long 7 84 VI, about 10 A 1.1, picked up two boats be longing to the French brig Benoit, Tasan, of Dunkirk, from Martinique for Havre; ono of them was much da maged; and was eubsequently burnt. The above ship is supposed to bare been the one run down and sunk by the American ship Western Star, Se previously reported. ,Brig Maria T Wilder, of Wiscasset, Cunningham, from Wilmington NO, for Beeton, which was spoken 16th ult, and again on the 20th, dismasted, but requiring no assistance was finally abandoned on the 26th ult, and captain and crew, taken off by the brig R W Packer, at Boston. from Cape Bay Gen. One of the crew, named John Frances, died on the wreck. , The M T W was die masted on the 11th ult, and when fallen in with the crewwere entirely exhausted. The Behr towed into Newborn, NO, on the 25th ult. was the Robert Palmer, of Mystic, Nichols, from Eliza bethport for Charleston, with a cargo of about 300 tons coal. She struck on Diamond Shoal, Cape Hatteras, on the 21st nit, and was abandoned by the crew, who land ed at Ocracoke Inlet. The srhr drove over the shoal soon after the crew left her, and was fallen in with by the schr OS Watson, of New York, who took her into Hatteras Inlet, she having about eleven inches of water ,In her,hold s and leaking pante. She had apparently SUE. tAlned but ,trilling, damage, and would proceed on her veins ins few days., The It P is a fine vesset of nearly 400 tone, and about three months old, Liverpool, Sept ,14—A derelict barque English built, painted black, with white streak, and green inside with out a hend, and llush decks, Was passed in lat 91 N, lon 25 W, by the Spark, the Ocean, the Drummond, arrived here. The Spark of the Ocean had heavy weather off Cape of Good Mope, and the tail end of a hurricane off the Azores, in which she lost sails, dcc, Deaths at sea on board the bark Wildfire, Campbell, at New York from Vera Cruz Aug 80, Wm Taylor, 2d Mate, died of fever and was buried at sea; he was sup posed to be a native of Manchester, Nag. Sept 16th, If .61 Spethmart, late of California, and supposed a native of Germany, died of nervous irritation of the bowels. Sept 17th, Samuel Mitchell, seaman, of Falmouth, Eng. died 'of fever. Sept 25th and 26th, in lat 31 20, ion 79 30, ex perienced tremendous heavy gales since passing Havana; had nothing but NE winds. Brig Jerome Knight (of Boston) Capt Perkins, from Wilmington, NO, for Marseilles, was fallen in with 28th sit, lat 35 lon 73 45, in A sinking condition, by the brig Altavela, Capt Gilkey, who took from her Capt Per kins, lady, two children, his mate and five seamen, and brought them to New York. The K sailed from Wil mington Sept 21st, and on the 23d, lat 33 30, lon 74, ex perienced a gale from northeast, during which sprung a leak ; had,s cargo of pine lumber. Barque V.dw Rverett, at Boston from Baltimore, re. ports on she 23d ult, 4 P M, Cape Charles W by 325 miles passed the hull apparently of a steamboat, stand ing perpendicular, bone down, and about 12 feet out of the water. Iter stern was off, but the stern post re mined, with three heavyrudder brace's below the S loot 'mark, and two streaks, copper above it. Sbe had a -white boot top newlyA)aintod, and a black streak on guard one foot wide above the white. The bottom laud never been painted or coppered below the 8 foot mark. No, name could be discovered on the drift stuff in the vicinity. [The wreck was undoubtedly that of steamer Norfolk, before reported abandoned in the late gale.] TORSION PORTS Ar,at.Callao.Ang 7th, Indian Hunter, Austen, do (and ald;llth for Chinches). Sid July 27, ships Undaunted, Breemen.:llavre Valmolith; 30th, Oulf Stream, totd, Franco; 31st Keystone, McFarland, do. At do Aug 10, chips Aurastine Heard from Chinches for;ifarre, ar Bth ; Milwaukie Soule, for Havre. At Chinchm Wands Aug 8, ships Mary Bangs, Somes, for lime; Tropic, Smith, and Tarquin, Smith, for Franco. ' In the roads Aug 10, ships Mary McNear, for Havre • White Faldon, Stinson, Wm Sturgis, Cook, Herbert, Freeman, and Reporter, Howes, for France. Ar at Valparaiso July 17, ship Reliance, Foss. Chin. alias for Dunkirk; also at, no date, ship Susan E Baffle, Callao, June 19 for England, and were ding abt July 23. At Marseilles 14th ult, ships Cabinet, Mullin from New Yerk, ar 11th Shelter, Cheed, from Smyrna, ar 6th; AuStralia, Kinsman; and Abby Brown, Hearse, for New Yolk, Idg: Alms Taylor, French; Falmouth, Berry; Labcaahlre, Allen; Sea Lion, Coburn, and Jane E INch, York, one; banpes White Squall, Cann, and .1 A Aee, ll 'Button,_ hence,ar 6th; Martha, Jenkins; Os pr ay, Nash, Adriatic, natiam; Sheldon, Burr, and Seri Breeze, Hall, use; brigs Victor of the Wave. Annar, •sold to, the 'French; Argyle, Warren, Imo; schr /3 1.1 Mekber, Smith, do. Sid Bth, barques Mary Lee, Martin, Almeria and Malaga, 12th, Lo Cocq, Barna, New York . Ar at St John, 27th nit, brig Cecelia, Kavanagh, Baltimore; 20th, ache Abi Albion, Tucker., Alexandria; - 20111, ship Charles °Donor, Short, Boston; brig Triumph, Atkins, New York. Old 280, barque Alfred Lemont, Anderson, Liverpool; 22th, shipOpholia, Barker, Glasgow. Barbadoes, Sept 16—In portbarque N H Gaston, Max well, from New York, (arrived 14th) discharging, from Tufloslsland, wished to he - reported; brig Levi (11r) Mi mic°, from Alexandria, In Ballast, to sail 10th . Sailed from do 11th alt brig QOM Victoria, (Br) Durante, from St Vincent do 12th schooner Wm L Montague, Jr, Ben ue:4 from St. Thomas; do 14th brig G Bass, Winches ter, from Sombrero Island. z By the Arabia. Ar at Liverpool 16th, ships Rockaway, Ifahony, St. John, N. 8., , • r Old mat Mith, Barnabas Webb, Watts, NOrleans; 17th, Wilbur Fiek,-Burwell, Boston. Old at London 11th, Commonwealth, Crozier, Sydney; Patrick Henry, Gliford,NYork;Vl m Itathbone, Pratt, do vial Sunderland; 17th, Titania Larsen, Hamburg. - lOW out 10th. Trade Wind, Johnson, Hobart Town; 16th, American, Witham, Havana. In port 18th, chip Frances A. Palmer, Richardson, for SYdney. NSW: Cowes—M. 14th, Horatio, Hathaway, N Y, and aid 16th for London; William Ohara, Bony, Georgetown, DO, and old 17th for London; aid 16th, Henry Harbeck, Pm, Antwerp. - • ,Oardif(—Ar 18th, Princeton, Barber, Bridgewater.galled -12th, Emerald, Williams, Charleston; 14th, Iddo, Kimball, Ingram, Cuba. Wexford—ln South Bay 14th, Grandee, Dakin, from St John, N B, and will have to lighten. 'Dublin-4r 18th, Victress, Kenney, St John, N B •Newry—Ar 17th, John Bradford, Raymond, St John, N B. • - , Clitway—Arl6th, John Lovett, Byrne, St John, ,queenstown—Arlltb.Lorenzo s l4anrick, Callao; 16th, Je!ele, Nichibucto; Sovereign of the Sena, Jan sen, Callao; Staghonnd, Collino, St John, N N; 16th, Bo rodino, Pendleton, Callao. Sailed 14th, Atones Davenport (from Callao), London. Swinneninnde—Ar 10th ult, J J llathorne, Bickford, Tainaica. ' • .... -• ult, Mount Washington, Ilodgton, from QueenstownTorl3t Petersburgh; 13th, Kate Swan ton, Reed, Havana for Cronstadt. .••Cronstadt—Sidlth tilt, WS Lindsay, Gray, New York (arid passed Elsinore 14th; ) San ittchoto, Fl atus, Boo ton, OUXLIVOII.-.Ar 13th, II von Gagern, Reimers. and Louis Napoleon, Harting, N York: Old 11th, Loch La mer, Randall, England. Gothenburg—Ar 10th, Alida, Dolling*, New York. CH 3d, Linde Drew, (loading, Boston. Relvoet—Ready for -settl3th, Casilda, Stafford, for N York ; Eparninondoi, Brandt, for Newcastle. Hamburg—Sid 15th; A B Kimball, Biethen, England. ' Bremerhaven—Arllth, Argo, (e) NYork, and aid 12th conker return. Lucy, Redding, Jamaica; 12th, Ernst Moritz Arndt,'Harde, Baltimore. SW 9th, Anna, Evers, NYork; 10th, B B Minima, Cook, do. Harre—Ar 12th tilt, BUM?, Stewart, Baltimore. Old 10th, Wm Nelson, Cheerer, NYork. Dieppe—An 10th nit, Foyle Packet, Howe, N York. Roottelli.=.Ar 10th, !Mona, Page, New Orleans. 012 10th, Alary'llelen, Hutchinson, Boston. 'Bordeaux...4r 10th. Amanda Jane, Dorn, New York; 161 h, Marabal Ney, Lillia,'New York. Old 11th, W D Sewall, Morrison, Seville; 15th, Lout- Siena, Resuseionr , New Orleans, Gen Green, Phinnex, Neer York. Marsoillea—Ar 9th, Argyle, Warren, Baltimore; Biou Bradbury, Miller, Sierra Leone. - Bid fith, Mary Lee, Norton, Almeint; 14th, Mississippi, Antelei New Orleans. , Oadiz—Ar Ang 29th, John Henry, Merritt, Alica nte; 3oth, Diana.lionibard, Boston; 2d host, Seaman's Bride, WYman, N Orleans. tlibraltar--Sld sth ult, barque William, Pattereon, (frbro Malaga) New York—towed out. , At do, 6th ult, ship Colliers, Lord, from Sumatra. Yentee—Ar. 6th -ult, Henry Back, Pendleton, , Bich• nrobd; Ilk Brie, Rouse, do.. Sid 10th, Mary lillasketh, Nidhole, Oirgenti. Old 10th, John Wesley, McClure, Mission. - - At do,l2th, Henry Buck, Pendleton, for Leghorn; Fler -tuter one. " iation=dr sth, Sea Foam. Handy , New York. lidalage—Ar 4th, Elizabeth ; Young, N York; btb, A Ward, Hoff, Barcelona. Alicanto—Ar dth, OW Horton, Ulmer, New Orleans; Piling Bogle, Conant, do. Santander—Ar 7th, Third of May, Segni, Now Orleans, Bareelona—Ar Aug 28, Jacinto, New , Orleans. "Trieste—de tith ult, Orlando, Benedict, Boston. Coustantinople—Old Ang 24, Delaware, Scott, To ' grud Ocireret,,, g—Ax Aug 21, Palmier, Deepujol, New Orleans. ' 'Sayal—Ar Aug 21, Mary Stewart, Dennison; Bangor. SStt llelena,»Ar July .29, -Eliza Thornton, Maxwell, Batavia, and Ad 30th for London. , .• . DOMBSTIO PORTS. SAN EIiANOISOCLArr Aug 16 ilweaship Lindquist; 262 di from London. 24—BehrVarolino B Boot, Worth, 33 di from Elide Wind. 27—Clipper bark :Yankee Smith, fin Honolulu; achr Ealmonth, Caney, Acapulco. 29—Chiliabp Mercedes, Leff, Hongkong. 39—Stmrlohn L Stephens, Pearson, Panama, Santa Hniz e lkadoi 7 lira fm Santa Um. , Xr barque at Jean,ldtotieverry; 165 days from Havre; arlsehr Osprey, Parker,' Sydney via Neuter'; barque Ork, Trask, Port Townsend—lumber to L Balch brig J 11 Lunt, Metzger, COlumbla river. 31, Dutch ship Sys 'Johanna, Van Boohove, Hongkong; Talli sobs Eliza, Hulmett, Tahiti. Cleared—Aug 19, Br bark Hobert Passenger, Sayer, Melbourne. Aug 20, stmr Sonora, Whiting, Panama ; bark Ns, buinketigWilliama, Portland Aug 21, bark Palmetto, Kinney, Puget Pound. e, Aug 24, Yr ship Nahab. Hanes, Inttigue. • Aug/ 25, Pahl bark Sultan, Mark, Tahiti. Aug 20, Br ship Chapman, Harland, abangbae ; ship Zeno fa, Kentral Bitka. 'Aug 20, ship E ft Willetta, Mimes, New York, Moore &-. • • Atiiol, ship Ringleader, Matthews, New York. Ai Bohr Plying Dart; Freeman, Honolulu. apt- 2, , Yr ship Paquebot des Mar du Bud, Trago, (*Ono. • • Septa, bark Yana A Palkinberg, I'lavel, Portland ; Br ship Oaribbean,Minchester,Rongkong. BOSTON—Oct ; err Br ship Burnley Moore, Wil /tains; Caernarvon, Wales, Aug 20. On the 12th to 14th nit, had a very heavy gale from the west, lost head of znaintopmast, , and split sails. Barques E P ost e r, Pic ; - W Dodgo, Piston. Brigs Ellen Bernard, .Piston; Randolph, Bictou ; Mary It Kelley Baltimore. Schee George Premott, Anderson , Ospellaytien,l9th ult. NORFOLK, Oct 2 0 1—Oleared--Ohip Mien, Lou g, /Cached°, France; Wig Young America, Johnson, We at Indies. Bchr A W Moore Smith, Grenada. Special . Notices 61camenis Riving Dunn— office 993 Walnut street, one door...west of setond street, Receives de posits in-Yams- of Ono Dollar and upwards, front all 'dusk nettle , community, and allows interest at the rate of Rva'per:pant. Or annum. c183r4 opemdaily t from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon- I !day mid' &lurch,' until 9. in the evening.' President Hfrintlitint Pelt; Treasurer, °haring M. Morris; Peer°, per esti!. Interest—No tional Ssfety Company, hi WALNUT Street, south went oVidian Street, Pananatritu. Assets offer Ors : Mama -nun A HAL, OP DoLLAss, infested ThIAL PAILS*, litoallioaqinotarD BOAS'S and other Anirt Ohirinicaritles o 'as required by.the oho;ter. hie itutpp,eatiftneft its buzlnese entirely to the recol .Ting of moneyon depoolt. ghe f irm day from 9 o'clock in the rnitnif ihtlf T ahslook hi the evening, and on Monday sail aarmla araaiipp unUI S °Weak; • Bovrer , a Infant Cordlal.—This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected In all cases of Chalk, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering thatag denti• lion or teething, and by Its soothing properties Iran quilises pains of the towels, looseness, enwiting, Sc. The Infant Cordial hae become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cans with the most abundant suceess. No family should be without It. Prepared only by HENRY A. BOWIIII, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green els., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And (or onto by Druggists generally. au 13.1 y Illamagcci On tho 30th ult., by Rey. R. J. Barbalin, Me (JOHN O'CONNELL to Miss KATE E. DOUOUERTY, both of this city. Oct. 1, by Rev. John Thompson, at the residence of Mr. Edward Evans. Mr NAPOLEON WASHINGTON 'WILLIAMS to Miss REORGEANNA W. SWARTZE, all of Philadelphia. EleflOG. On the 3d. inst. HARRY F youngest eon of the late L. Rex and Lurie Peters, in the 34 year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral from the resi dence of hie mother, No. 1202 N. 11th Street, above Girard Avenue, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock without further netice. On Thursday evening, October Ist. Mrs. AURELIA NEV ILLE, were of Commander Frede'k A. Neville, U. S. Navy. The relatives nod friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the resdence of her husband, Ito. 2118 Green street, on Monday after noon, nt 3 o'clock, without further notice On the 30th ult., Mrs. CATHARINE MERSHON, in the 41th year of her age. Health Office The number of Interments in the city of Philadel phie, for the week ending at 12 o'clock to-day, ia....147 Last report 162 Cholera Infuntum...... Consumption of bungs— 17 Convulsions 10 Debility 61 Diseases of the Dear; 6 Marainnue Phthsie, 9 Still Born 12 I Other diseatseß 70 Under 1 year 47 Between 1 and 5 years.. 32 Under 6 years Of the above there Were— From Country 4 ,use. People of C010r... 4 N. HENDERSON, Health Officer. No return from the Almsho JOHN TatLiscitY Deem:TeieST, September 23. 1857. Notice Is hereby given to the holders of stocks of the United States that this Department will purchase such certiticates as shall be receivad here, duly assigned to the United States, previous to the Ist day of Novein ber next, at the rates heretofore offered and pind, viz : 10 per cent. premium on the loan of 1842. 10 per cent premium on loans of 1847 and and 1848, 6 per cent. premium on Teses indemnity 5 per cunt• stock, together with the interest accrued in each case from let July. Certificates of stock received hero on and after the let day of November, until further notice shall be given, will be purchased at the following rates, viz : 8 per cent premium on the loan of 1842. 14 per cent. premium on the loans of 1847 and 1849, and 6 per rest. premium on Texas Indemnity 6 per cent , with the accrued interest payable thereon, respectively. Where certificates of stock, inscribed and transfera ble on the books of the Treasury, shall be received here, assigned to the United States, between the Ist Decem ber, when the transfer books will be closed, and the let of January, when the half-yearly interest is payable,• the accrued interest for the half-year must be expressly assigned to the United States by the stockholder, m no interest for the current half-year can be included in the settlement, but the same will be payable by the Assist ant Treasurer on the interest schedules, as heretofore. In all cases the purchase sums will be settled In favor of the lawful holder of the stock, who shall assign it to the United States in the mode prescribed by the regula tions of assignments of stock ; and remittance will be made of the amount by draft on the assistant treasu rers at Boston, New York, or Philadelphia, at the op tion of the party in whose favor the settlement shall be made One day's additional interest will be added from the day of receipt here for the draft to be sent by mail. 110 WELL COBB, Secretary of the Treasury. CAltD.—lt is dur to the customers and friends of the undersigned to inform theta that the e 1.19- pension of N. W. CLARK, DODGE & Co , New York, does not seriously affect thorn here, and that they will go on with their business as usual Philadelphia, Oct 3d, 1857 M. W. CLARK & CO 1&' Office of the Mayor of the City of Phila delphia. DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, October 3, 1057. CAUTION TO TUE PUBLlC.—Owners, drivers and conductors of vehicles of all kinds, are meet respectfully requested to avoid the streets through which the pro cession will pass, during 'the time while the procession is moving—particularly the streets crowing the Iwo. Citizens living along the route of the "Firemen's Pro- cession are requested to see that the back entrances to their houses, viz; gates, windows, tec., are well secured, in order to prevent the entrance of depredators, while they may be engaged in the front part of their dwellings in reviewing the procession. By order of the Mayor, SAMUEL U. RUGGLES, Chief of Polleo. COAULTON POTTS, Clerk. octs-1t 113Notiee.—The Democrats of the First Ward are to meet at the home of Col. Jae. bicOlaaky on this (Monday) evening, October sth. at 7 o'clock, and to pro ceed from thence to the State Mouse Yard. By order of the Executive Committee. ect 5-1 t MICHAEL HILL, Mantua ID — American Life Insurance and Trust Cow pauy—WALNUT street, southeast corner of FOURTH. Pausoucenti, Oct. 2, 11367. At a meeting of the BOARD OF TRUSTEES, held this day, the following Resolutions were adopted : Whereas, Thin Institution has during the recent panic continued its payments on demand, therefore Resolved, That the provision in our Charter which has governed this Company since the day of its organiza tion, prohibiting ~t he purchase or discount of, or ad vance upon Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, or other Negotiable Paper,' ' has been salutary In its effects, no lessen having been suffered by reason of insufficient security for money loaned. Resolved, That this Company will receive on de posit, at its former rate of interest, (Five per cent ,) Notco of the Danko of this City and of such other Banks as they shell receive ou deeposit, and will continue to pay all sums, large or mined, on demand, without notice. Extract from the Minutes. oc3-3t JNO. C. SIMS, Secretary. it7' A. grand Mass Meeting of the Democracy of the ELEVENTH and adjoining Wards will be held at NEW MARKET and DROWN street% on TUESDAY EVENING, 6th inst., at 7% o'clock. The following eminent speakers will be present and address the meeting: Hon. Oboe. It. Buckslew, Hon. Henry M. Hon. John W. Forney, lion. moo. B. Florence, Hon .li. S. Wright, Obas. W. Carrigan, F.sq., Daniel Dougherty, Esq., James F. Johnson, Esq., Wm. A. Edwards, EN., Wm M. D. Smith, Esq., Lewis O. Cassidy. Let every Democrat be present, and hear expounded the great principle, of the rights of the States and the Federal Constitution. A full Sawa Band will be in at tendance. By order of the Committee on Town meetings. J.J. MORRISON Chairman Thos./. ithOUNN, Secretary. oet3.2t* Notice to Consignees.—The ship Nonpareil, Captain Faulk, from Liverpool, is now ready to discharge at Queen street wharf. Consignees will please send their permits on board. All goods not permitted in five days will be sent to public store. oc2 THOMAS RIOUARD:3OH & CO. 'Er Law Department, University of Pennsyj. vania —A Term will commence on THURSDAY, Octo ber let. Au introductory lecture will lm delivered by Professor Sherwood on the evening bf THURSDAY October Ist; by Professor McCall on the evening SATURDAY, October Id, and by Professor Miller on the evening of MONDAY, October sth. at 8 o'clock, at the Lecture Room of the University. octl-4t iIJ Extract from the :Minutes of the Demo. erotic Oily Executive Committee: Resolved, That the Committee on Tonal Meetings be requested to call a Mass Meeting of the Democracy of the Comity of Philadelphia, on MONDAY EVENING, October 6th, at 7 o'clock, in Independence Square, to make a suitable demonstration of opposition to the legalizing of the suspension of apecio payment. JOS. LIPPINCOTT, Chairman J.J. Sammy Secretarim THOS. E IiASKINS, ) ity- Democratic City Executive Committee.— The Committee will meet every Timidity and Friday at. tampon, at 3 o'clock, at the Globe Hotel. JO3. LIPPINCOTT, Chairman. Wit. M. RANDALL, Secretaries, 3.3. tiomavas, se23-16t J7 - At n meeting of the Democratic City )(- cutlet) Committee, held on Friday, Sept, 18th, it was "Waived. That the following town meetings be held : TDESDAY EVBNING, Oct. Bth, New Market and rown street. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Oet. Ith, Passyunk road , d Federal street. THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. Bth, Manalunk. FRIDAY EVENING, Oct. 9th, Broad and Coates treat. SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. lOth, State 'louse Yard. A full Dram Band will be in attendance at each meet. tag. J. J. BIORRISON, Chairman, .1. U. THOMPSON, 1 Tow? Kum, JOHN K. OAADWICK, j ' Committee on Meetings Taos. J. BROWN, MUG:an RIGHTER, Joon K. LAUGHLIN, ij7 Wilco of the Union Canal Company PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 14th, 1857.—A meeting of the stockholders of the Colon Canal Company of Penney'• vanla will bo held at the office of the company, (Par. quhar Bulldinged No. 228 WALNUT street, below Third, on TUESDAY, October Bth, next, at 1.2 o'clock, EL Ely order of the Hoard of Managers, sels-dtoc6 0. THOMPSON. Seo'r. NOW READY. THE CAMELIA-LADY. A NEW WORK OP ADSORBING' INTEREST. The wide-spread aensation which the celebrated DRAMA OF ° CAMILLE has created, both In IN EUROPE AND AMERICA, has excited a natural curiosity to become acquainted with the original work of the diatinruiehed author, ALEXANDER DUMAS, THE YOUNGER. In Prance, the thrilling story of the remarkable he rine, " Marguerite Gautier," whose real Daptianial name was DULPLISSES, elicited from the first moment of its publication a sym pathy where there was a heart to feel or a soul to be touched with the sorrows of the unfortuate. EDITION AFTER EDITION was clamorouly called for t and in proportion as the pub., lte became satisfied that the Incidents were all FOUNDED ON ACTUAL FACT, the interest in the story went on augmenting, till it cul minated in an ovation of fame and admiration to the author. Tho work is marked all over with the Ripe of . . . WONDERFUL GENIUS, anJ is calculated to stir the breast or the most indlifer eat reader. No true version of the original has yet appeared in an English dress, The American publisher, satisfied that each it version was imperatively called for, has deter thofinthe'le wtOrsku,,P:ly thin great want. pLuAb T iv I4 A E h TRUE mod2 ut d E t z t E er it tii L Atl from which the opera of and the drama of LA TRAVIATA have been adapted for CAMILL sta the E ge, has Just been issued from the press, beautifully printed upon fine PM:WI and elegantly bound. A copy of the Book trill be forwarded (postage paid) to soy address in the United states for One Dollar. All orders to be sent to E. J. lIINOKEN, Publisher, eehsdBb•erlt .152 South Third street, second story. THE , PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOIIER r 5, 1857. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN the PIIILIDELPIITA POST OPRIOId up to 12 o'clock P. SI, on Saturday, Oct. 3, 1857. [Pereona applying for adverti fed Lettere will plinth° mention the date of tho Open on Sunday from 7% to o'clock A, IL, and 2to P. M. Arthur Mary Farley Mrs McCowen Anna Adler Fanny Ftlend Mrs Mary McCarthy Mary Allen Miss Jane Poster Mrs U U Naphyru Mrs U Ames Isabella 1' Fallen Mrs Hen Nurthop Mrs tI E Allen Miss Ann yltchett Louisa D Norris Mrs J A A uchemback E Flynn Miss Mary Oakrotd Matilda Alderman Louisa Pennon Annie O'Camell Ellen Ashmead Llt Grant Henrietta Owen E 1) Abbott Mm It &Ms Catharine O'Brien Mrs M Adamson Ilessa Orson Phrebe A Osborn Sumo Andre Mary Clover Ann A O'llurra Mrs A Aledo Mrs U Graham Mrs A 11 Ottingur Mrs M Ambrusty Mary Graves Hannah Potts Mis F N Barton Jolla U lions Miss Bella lies ost Lucy Bain; Mary A Gravy Mks Mary Powell aka C Bernd°ler Mrs C L Rai higher hits Phillips Mrs E Baker Amelia R filoforth OarohneS Paniti i Mrs } Bawl Margaret Gray Miss 11111116 Park Martha I Benjamin Jane 0 (bay Mary Ann Paster Anna Bagel) Miss Susan Gillis Eliza Juno Pike Mrs A Barnes Blies Gni coley Mary POWeii Ann Bassitt Lucy Jr' Grey bird Dieu Percival Phoebe Baruet Wall A CoeMelt Mary B Paul Mra Blake Caroline Garvin June J Paul Lizzie MEITMEI Bigg Harriet Gibson Adeline lianisden Ann Bigler 111utia Garwood Kara Ringgold Mai g't Biel)lug Mary (leen Louisa Jlanl.iu Nancy Bisbee Melama M Griffiths Marg't Riley Elitilbeth Brackett Mra Jos Grimes Elenora Reed Mrs Graham Amiklaria Beedur Louisa Belcher Jane W Greer Alias 111 Riley Amelia Brudbrook Ellen farms Sties Oath Beeves Mary Byrne Margaret Stare Mary A Randolph 13 E Burns Oath Ilammil Matilda Reed Mary Ann Brown Eli.% and neaten Mrs Mary Redwoods Mrs Jane Stand Mies Tlary Sloss Mrs L P Bruroigh CAIN 'Hawes Carry N Ramsey Maria Brewster Nary E Itallinan Elizabl 11005 Miss Jaunt° Burns Elizabeth Replan Caroline Runyon Miss It Boone Anna B Itoihek Margaret Rosenthal Lizzie Brooker St tit Ilanliou Mrs Ben Berke Sties Myr° Miss M E Harding Brodie Robinson Lizzie Bradlord Mrs h R Mauls tiarah M Scutt Mies Bunting Cath , e Haines Miss Sarah Shultz Mies V J Brophoy Ann Renton SIGs Ann Shell Catherine Byers Mrs Louisa Higgins llosalthe Sbarp Miss Jana Boylan Miss A Hickey Etre Y F Schaller Mary Bolling Mrs Eliza Hord Miss Eliza Sebago Small Brown Mary It Budd'tenon Sirs SI Soamel Mary* Brown Sallie Hyland Mary J Seals Catherine Brown Mrs Mary Hutt Miss Sarah 011amPlo 3 1 r0 Brown Mrs Altus Hurley Elizabeth Blimps Ellen Boyle Hannah Slope Mrs Elizabli Smithson Miss Buntigam El C Bayou Mrs Marla Smith Martha A 2 Bongold Anon G Howard Mrs Letty Smith Mrs Jane Breen Jane E Howard Mrs Jas 11 Simpson Pauline Brown Mrs A L Housekeeper Mary Smiley Mary J Braman Caroline Hugh Mary Stock Adeline Chalmers Mary Imllsh Mies Bettie Steele Miss M J Christian S IL Idler Rosanna Sender Mrs Was Canavan Hannah Johnson Betsy Stewart Sarah B Chambers Ada 1/ Johnson Mollie Sweeney Mary Cason Mrs Eliza Jones Sirs Coady Stewart Mary A Campbell Mrs Jacob Anna II Stanley Maria Cameron Mrs P C Johns Mre Susan Stewart Mary Chapala!) Mary A Johnson Eliza 2 Snyder Mary E Carr Site Sarah Jones Sarah E Stephens Tamer L Champion Anne Jackson Mrs Souders Elizabeth Campbell Mary J Known Elizabeth Spratt Mary Ann Cleemame Mies Kelly Mary Stewart Ann Jane Clethauli Miss GB Keys Sirs J L Spealberger 11. Clougblin Ellen Kuhn Barbara Soyez Mrs l' Claggett Ann 141111401 1 Mrs Equal Steel Sirs EI W Cielivland Einar!) Leeds Phwbe A Sutton Miss Cooper Mies S S Lounsberry Kll Stiles Sties it A Curtis Mrs S P Lincoln Sirs K Sullivan Mrs OCTOBSR 3, 1857 Connzerferit Hata Lensendiffer Ann Stcnnrt I%lary A. Cro,sen Ellen Laden Virginia Z Thompson n It Cornuall Eliz'h Leconne Itra Theirnow MN It Coleman Ellen Leeds Come 11 Todd C II Cochran Sallie TS LeNormand Lora Tomb Elizabeth Cox Mrs S.ani'l Lutz liozalla Toonsend It S Cook Isabella E Larkin Miss Sarah Thomas Emma Coakley Anny LeatherberryAliee Thacker Martha Cull Mrs J ulia Leavy Miss Kate Tonne Mrs J H Conway Mary .1 Loyle St ary C Tomei J A Colmar Mrs Kate Lewis Mrs Sarah Thompson Mad E Cooley Almyra L Lusher Mrs Jane M • Comloy Bliss Id Lewis Mrs Juyen Tardy Mrs 0 Constable Sarah L Leslie Jennie I Tafford - . Deery Margaret Marsden Crab 'no Thomas Mra 0 L Davidson Juno W Meebnu Calluttiuo Tun Mtn (.3 Dallas Mrs FlI Malley Mary Turner Mrs T L Dean Mrs Win A Morrie Annie Tickoner Mrs A Dickerson Emel'e Mahnn Mary Ann Web Mrs E Davidson Sarah Martin Elizabeth Whitman Mrs MA DiHoye Harriet Mayer Ileata Walton Mrs L Delany Elizabeth Mack Mrs Charly Walter Lizzie Damen Mrs Anna Miller Harriet Whitbead Ruth Dyro Miss Nellie Mifflin Teresa Weller Lizzie Douglass Rose Miner Mrs MSi We'Walla ballot Madame Miller Mary Anu IVeaver Mrs 0 Douglass M A Milieu Catharine Webb Mrs LI li Donaldson Sarah Middleton 9 E Whittaker Mrs A Dolby Sarah A Murry Mrs W M Walsoven M A Dunn Mrs Morgan Mrs Sarah Webb Mrs It Donor Mary Ann More Elizabeth White Mrs Al Downing Rhode Morton Laura Wharton Mrs U Millen Miss Mary Allay Miss Helen Williams Jos's Dulehanty Mary Mullins Ellen Williamson Anne Dyas maria Ann Montgomery C A Winces Ada Edtvanla Ellz'in Mowry Mrs 'Wilkerson 0 A E'atle Mrs Mary Mores Miss Wilson Harriet Everett Horace Alumni Julia A Wilke Mrs Ellingsworth 1) Moore Mies A E Wiley Mrs 9 Edgar Margaret Mahoney Johanna Weiss Mrs 11 Eanderson Geor , a Ideguire Mary Willy Mary Englaby Lucretia McClintic Mrs Rob Wilkeaon Mrs 21 Edv,ards Mrs Il McLaughlin Mary Wright Mrs A K Verret, Mrs G(3 McCenney Martha Wofiingtoti Mrs Eurrester Hate MeGendy Marg'y Wood Mrs M Fullig Mica Sarah McComby Margt Wyman Lizzie (I Frederick Eliza McClure Charlotte Wood Mary Flowing2lrs McLaddlnblJ2 Woodrate Leona Enitagar Miss MeKeigan Elizab \Vita Mrs A M 2 Bible Celia () Mcl locklin Margt Woollerton Mrs U Fisher Sarah Mclieoun Mary Young Mrs 0 Fowler Mary McMullin Mary Vandegrat Mlt Fitiz Mary Ann Meßlnstry A W Quinlan Susan Finis 311 es Nester McEarla Margt Virginia Miss Feral Mrs M McClure Mrs Edse Van Ransaller Fraley Rosanna Mcßride Annie A E Ferguson Mary Mcßride Mrs Umpelby Mrs 1111 Abrahams Ahi Caldwell Geo 11 Force 0 0 Addesou Edw 11 Camp James Ferris John Adana Rev N E Camps Goo Fo ldineth Geo Adams A W Carstens Peter Fletcher J D 2 Allen Win Canadine J S Fisher Isaac Arkin Mr Cardaner Henry Fletcher Capt T Ackley Shreve CoDiger H Illsobhut Dr F Adonis D Cavender 0 11 Finley Win Agnew Geo IV Campbell 3os E Fleming John Adonis Bold Ceblo Girolomo Firth Abraham Man Joseph Calhoun Jos it Flaherty John Adonis Samuel Chester Loosrard Flick Thus A Aaronson Robt S Charow James Fisher Cleo Acblarde Mr Chalfant Ii D nailer S A Allenzor Robt Chaim Dr James Fitzpatrick (I Allen W II Chao 3 13 Flare John Althain Win Chapman John J Fisher Win Mtn ight Philip Christy J C Freemen lions Adolph Leo is Chamberlou Chas Franklin Thus E Akens E & Co Christian 11 Fogan D Rito by era Jus 11 Clark Uhler II Fultz 1) J Anguilla Edward Clark John 3 Ford J T Andreas IV A Clark W 13 Fiatur.en N E P 11 Antlebot Emil Clark Edward Forney Rev AI I' Austin A JD Claymon John Poly John Areionmolla I, Cleveland Chia 13 Fearer John Andrews & Co Mott Christian Frantz Lewis Athens Capt E E Colt C A Frazier John Ashton Elan 1) Conner Oeu IV novel's Joe Anderson Col J V Conway II J Ford Joe Avery 3 it Cox James Folwell John F Arnold Edgar II Colo Nicholas Gardner John I) 3 Atkinson Henry Cohen Andrew Gardiner IV AMD Autenriett Chita Colmar E 2 Gilbrath Wni Arthur Dr Robt Collins DIV Garret Itobt hi Andrea's Copt IV Corkey Dennis : Gardner John Ask II Lewis Cooke Arthur Clammy E 8 Arnett Jay D Cousins Dr A S Gaston lieu Dant Auld Wan Costell 3 0 Gerhard Jos Auburn Francis Cole Rev Dr it Gelwicks Chas Arkenburgh A H Cope A AI George IV 0 Ai instrorig P Cook, Dillon & Gengoodwe 1' IV Arnold .Morns Smedley Glowleislng Rob't Ashrnead Henry B Cooly Anion Gilroy Woati J Andrea a John N Conway John (liven Jan J Antler, Johnson & Comley Henry Gilbert Thos 11 Co Cohen, Brothers& (limy 0 J Baker J E Co Gilligan J E Barge° Don Jos Costello Ani Gilbert Harry Bateman 8 1 Conover Mathias (1111 811 IV Barboou shi Conners Thos J Oillispie Archer Daily Mr Conrad Sol Gillispie Thos Babeeock, S P Cooper 8 W Gould Isaac Harass Win Copeland James Godfrey John Barth John Connell Mel) Gouimemal Ben j 2 Bassett J ohn G. Covenbach Hold Gots Bawd Ilatteleby John Cochran 2 0 Goodall Jae Baker Hart Corior John F Godfrey Wm 0 Baker Capt Josiah Comelon Thus (101 l & Addison Borneo D P Comly Chas Gothries F B Bane IV G Combs Andrew 0 Geough Wm Barrington Edni Conner Patrick Gobanna T Bevan Chas IV Coroners Wm Griffith Thus Barge Benj F Collier Mons Wrenn 111 A Balthasar his Crnuley AlosandeCirillith John J Bane Wiley Crouse Geo Granglain S Berry II Wm Cusack John Clasherger Jo) Benson Wm Creig John Gratz IV Bonner Henry Clary W P Greene IV D Belknap AAI Creighton Cl/a9 Gray Robt IV Bell Cleo Crosland Chas 8 Griffiths Henry C Book Geo Croft Thomas P Galley Copt A Beinick Fred'k Crawford IV It & (trump Copt J 2 Bergman Chili Co Grover T I) Berniont Edw J Davis II Graham Win Bendondoofer Jos Darby Michael Grim Francis Backhopper A L Darragh Jit Grimy Thor Benolds 3 Denson Simon Mink Edwin Beale Horace A Dario John Gaut II Beaten De JII Dallatn Jos 1. Greedy Dati'l Beeson Isaac & Co David E W Giddier). J II Berkley 0V B Datis Thom AI Clunkle I) G Bittmyer Wash J Darragh Afield Gregg 0 Biles Edwin 11 Darragher Pot ' Guerilla Emanuel Blair Win Davis Henry (luerelle Capt Bleattley N Davidson bawl Green 0 D Black Robert Dawes J Crawford Grail C T Black Edger N Deviuo John Guluk E C Blackford Robt A Devine Anthony Gregg Jas Blum August Delta Win Gewalt Chaa 9 Black it Derro Capt Jos Greener James Blakeman Ellin Deleork Jacob Hallowell It Bady Dr John Dean Jon & Son 11aldertnan it Bloomfield F A Do hfartoamper 0 Hamar 3 Blake Rev ODI Dochert Henry AI Harriberger J Bonet Jaime Da Roux Mons Hasa Fredk Boucher Ohm A Dennis Viol Hall Dr 8 Boyer Jan B Daluforg T Hall David A Boaphorga B & Co Derive Mona Hambleton D 11l Bortbeck Phillip Dhowell Peter Ilabersham AIV 2 Donnell Dr 11 11 Dlnekln Copt 3 Hall James Bower John Dixon Win C Hammond C Bond J Dickson John Ilablch E & Co Boggo Jos Dickson Richard Bohannon F Booneman P Dickson 'IV Haines E IV Poker, Brothers& Dillon Edward Hall Sand. CO Dillinger Henry Hampton Thom H Boyer Wm I. Doane Lewis 11 2 Haiderman 0 Bonaall Chas A Dorlfter Fredk Ilandlla Jan A Bovines A 8 Dougherty Jas Donegan Thor Ha a l i n i° w w o e o l s i C B CI Boyd J CI Boyd John Gray Dodge Chas II Homburg 3 Boyer) 3 Donohoe Michael Hoop Jan Bryce John 0 Dolby I, II 11l Hance R A Drown 8 II DouglannJo.opll V Hanle 0 11 Brown J W 2 Donoldnon Pr It Hand Edwin B rown w in A & Drayton Rev J 0 Ilims, Hyatt &Co C o inhikhouseJobuF lisp Alex Brown Iles' Thor Drummond Goo HaYple PII Broderick John Driver (1 IV 2 Haywood It Brooker Win II Dupont Mans P Hatcher J T Brubaker 11 al Dumford & Frey- liars Edw Brady Thos multi Harris John A Brock Wm Duffield James Harem A C Bradfield, Culling- Dunbar Goo 0 Harrison I ham Jr Co Dunker hi Harrison Capt il Bronze? Samuel Duller John IV Hayes Iti Bruce R Dunn Joseph II Hayes PH 2 Bryan J J Duer, Norris & Co Hardy Thus Bridges Dr 11 Bummer 0 Hardy Thos Broderick John Dusel Earl Hayman Jos Brower lease L Buyer John Morris Geo IV Brick Tlios Dunne II 1' Hargrave IV Bradburg Edtv 13abort Samuel Harvey Chas Brock Win Earl Samuel IV Hartman L firm:Obeid W A & Begin Pally Ileartwell E 1) CO Eat r. e i W 1 1.1 3 Ilausickneclit Bristol %mast- Esenbroy Jno Harps 111. tory Eaton Rollin MD Hernott Dr J V Brick Wrn Eagan Daniel Ileilinge Jos Burk Edward Eckorman Dan'l Henderson IV J Burdett Rev 31 Eckhart Abraham Henkels CIV Burdett Dr 8 D Bis on FII Henry J D Butler W C Ellis 11 8 Memnon H N Busby John Eking Johann Ilessor Geo Butler Choa Elliott Win 11 11 ily II W Buckwalter II B Egeu IV Hecht Lewis Budd Thom CI Evans Geo 0 w o k en , It B Bunker BO $N 2 Evans Jonathan Henderson N Burke John Englebert U Belk Chin Buck Samuel Erma 1 0 Horologe Alex Cain Lewis 11 Erskine Rev 11 Hendricks JIC Cantle Daniel 0 Everest Cornelius Home A Canning Wm P Emery Orroa F Henderson Robt Campbell James Eye and Ear In- Henkel Wm Campbell Alex Eirmary Hickman Al D Carter Henry A Evans Edward Illgnileld W P Cadwalador DII English All 11111 °hag W enroll Ohm Embich Daniel lliim 13 Jae D Casey Joseph Everett Jos IV Hi a C 2 Catlin N B Eshletneu Dr 1 S 111 kir) Jet 3 Campbell 1910 P Ernshaw J Henson Jll Coffer* John J Fay P Houston 3 Coiner Wm Farrell John 11 2 Hosea J 'IV Campbell W P Fernandez 1' L llopkina N Cary, Hart & ion-Feuipg Wm Hock IV gar Perusoboro J B & Hoffman Lewis Cannon August M Co Hotter Jacob Carroll John Fatty Jos Hogan Chat Carryl W J Fenton 0 F Hollins Michael Cadwallader 5E FAIT Thus A Hopkina Dr aAI LADIES' LIST 1 taco Kett, =ME GENTLEATEN'S LIST Hook If W Morris Basil US A Shafer John Lewis pollen John W Mora Geo A Sharpless howls T Holtman Carl lalouestier Mons Sharp J Holmes 1) 3 Ikv Mo.gbanllithael Shrope Win B Hort:man II Morton James Showers 304 S Hoke Phillip w an , j 11 Sluuky Patrick pogo Theo Moran L K Short Daniel llopple 0 laloore A W Shorter Chas 1100 Phillip 'Burton WO Sherry Sheppard 'Hodson W Muller August Shoemaker Chas 1 Holmes John W Moray AW 2 Shore Eduard Holland Jas id Mogen Gen Skelton Joseph Hackling A A Murdoch Wm P Simpson J Hodgson Id Munrohow 0 2 2 Simmons Wlt Holloway Prof Myrick 7lobt B Siinnions Simon Hogg 3 V McCully Sand Simmons V P Holley A aleCrafferty Wm Sammons Jos Id I/enkin , HenrY McConnell Hen L Silver IV Houghton It F McDonnell John Simons, Coleman, Hopkins Win K McCollum 7 P &Co lagersey I IV 51cItride Rob" Simmons (1 L Hubbard , ' 811 McCullough Rev Simons 1)1 Huey Mr J 11 Sinonre Prank 0 Hufbagla Chas McDonald John Smith Rohr h' Hughes 1)r I McDonald Intro . (' Smith Stool Hy de It F MeConomy Petra. Smith Harrison 11 oat Abraham McCullough W 0 Smith Wan Hudson WIV Meerrery Thus Smith II K Imre. John McClellail 0I) Smith Josiah W Ilaboison Henry J McEtallen Cleo 0 Smith Amos 2 lru In N P McAleer Chas Smith Dr Wm Jackson J Ii Mcßride Geo Smith Jr Dant Juntas hart &Co McCollum Sand South &Toxemia.] Jawt Mona V McDonough J Smith, Brown A Jaratany llce 11 11 McDou ell Jr John Sailor )(melt 11 11 McDonough 1' Smelly Wan Jiamelly 11 McCullough John Sanyth BarthoPav Jeffries Jams McCurchenn Jan Small Mines 2 Jenkaus Jahn Jr McCutcheen John Snagg John ale. ell II Al Mei:fella Rev IV S Snyder Christophr June Lox-is McMahan Geo IV Solavan hone Johnson Capt C 0 latc(tee J L Sommer Mr Johnson lidw McGowen P & M 2 Spiegel E Jordan Edw. 3 McGinnis Jan It Spring Clans A Johnson Rev T McGinley Connell Sprague John J Johnson Capt J aleKenoran Jan Spring, Gordon & Johnson John 2 McAfee John North Johnson A Black 'McKnight Wm Spear Percival Johnson Geo E McKenna James Staunton. John F Johnson Edward McElree 0 Storms Jain°. at Johnson Ben 11 McKay & Taylor blockhouse Jos 8 Jones Otto K McShane Dan' Stevenson J II Johnson Win McNeight & home Stirk 31 0 June Lewis Noon JOhli Stuart John Johnson James Naylor Chas Stewart Jos II Jordahn Mr Nuttall Edw 2 Stewart James W Jones A Newman 51 al Brenton It S Johnson George Neely Josiah Stott Wm Jones 11 W Newholl Jr Geo Stewart Wm Jones & Loath Norton Jerry Stewart F D Jone Daniel U Norman J B Stokes John Karat Nicholas Newbold F W Stern Myer Kahn Conrad Noyeo Hiram 9 Stenker Mr Kallenberg Theo Nicholson Sir Sturkey Wm Karl Joseph Nichols Cap W 0 Steel Henry A Kephart her II Norris Ellis Stockman Wl' Keller Goo F Nicholson J Stokes J Kelly James Newkirk Henry Sterling Jos Kettle Andrew Mildred Jos Stager 8 Kern Joseph Newell Chas al Stiles Chas A Kelly Francis 1 ) Naito Caspar MI &reek Theodore Kocr E W Nagle 51 J Stevens James Al Kelly Dr E,D F Norris Israel Smut, Van Nickel Kelly A A Newliu Janes & Martin Keen Phillip Newman Bev L C Stamm IV S Kennedy C 0 O'Brien Rev P Synon James Kershaw John O'Connor A Sitlfahl Dr II it Kettewond 1' Overstreet 8 N Sulleberger 3 E Keller 0 Orr Geo Summerville 3 Kedyuo John Orr Samuel Suthkopfl Philip Kephart Darby & 0 Donnell Jag Teaelsohn Philip Sons Craned A Taggert,Byre & Co ' Keudig & Co O'Hare Peter Talbot, Newell A Ketonic' 1) O'Neal Matthew Co Kerr John (1 Parker Wm Terhune Jerem'h Kuhn & (Janis Painter John It Togo, t Capt 0 'Crider Ft 0 Parberey Win Taylor (Trustee) Kibbe Henry It Paul Wm Tsturn John Kimball 0 Pacer Anthony Tauguy Samuel King Wm II Payne A Si Terry John King J W Parsons W 0 Taggart lion DT J Kingsley Wm Paull IV W Taverner I W King Walter Parkman Rev C Taylor Chas Kingsley A Co Painter Cleo Tait T L Kill Robt K punier. d 8 0 Third Miller Knox JA& Co Parker Jan ii Tliorp N II Koppentaogen (1 Paganell NI II Thacker,' Bead Kiple Si Parker Win Thompson J J Blander Rudolph Paton Jos Thomas P I) Koons John B Parker E Thomas II 0 USN Kuhn A V B Page Chas Thomas 4 W Kuno II Perry John Thomas Carat J Kras Joseph Peaao David Thorn Mr King Win Ii 2 Perkins Alt Thompson Capt C Krider 11 0 Phillips If I) Knight S I' 2 Peirce Wm Thompson Rohl Krou)ier Cyrus Pealing/on IT Thornton Patrick Kramer & Italian Man Mr Tottora Wm Lawrence David Perry John U Turner Cpt WR 2 Lanagan James Philips & LON y Tschudy 51 Ladle John A Petit E Torbert W E Lane David Penil ton Mr True Capt It S Lauber PJ Mau C Totten Joseph La, vedra 1) F Pallor Edw Town II CI Landis Dr If Ed Phillips It It Truman Mr Lafferty Chas 8 Perkins A J Trier Valentine Laurence Win Penn D if Trump S V Lane Wm Ii Pennington J(7 Torres 11 Lambeth &Co Perry Jan Tomkins A W Lane DSI Phillipes James Tilly Jos C Lafferty John Pinklatim Cap N J Townsend J E Lainhoff A Pine E 2 Tattoo Joseph Logan Al' Peandexter 11 IV Trump Jr C N Linn Main Potts Jos I) Towers John Lull ellen Wm Powers Win Walker IV E Leo Jai IC Potter Edo Ward D I. Led) , 319 Presbur) Cap 1) Walker J C Lemma F(1 II Prescott Bra &Co Ward Capt 11 Leacht J F Pl enlist. Itev IV Walter Philip Loogent Geo Pi ince S Wallace Jr W Si Lee E 5 laugh James C 'Wallace Wm Lentz J W Rankin Alfred 3 Wallace Ed Leary John Run:dell Capt C 2 Warthman C Lentz I W Rail Win 'V Want John Lewis Jimmies Ray Nye Jay Walton W (1 Leanness John Raider Henry Wagner Wei Liens J Fred Randall W IV Walsh IV V Little FII Randolph Evan West W R Libby Lather Ranier Chas Weitz Philip Litt anerJtk9 I! Ramsey Sainl T IVestenberger W 2 Lincoln 11 I: Reed M 0 Welsh J II "mach J F Renaut F Wollner Houck I,,, e gh ear t j D Rhymer Rudolf Wells L E Lucas E 9 Ithonds )lannoah Wells L 8 Logan James Remly P D West Copt W II i•Ogeo 3 M Reiter Aug's White T L Lovell Geo B Reineke Henry IVheelock 1) Lyons Frank 1.4 2 Remerrer &Co Whinnery Mr "don 11 F 93 Reed Win Whitehead Dr it Loveky Clean Itead Geo White Alexander Long Ma Richardson Jr IV White A Co LIV Long F Rill/ Nicholas Whittemore Wm Lockett EAI Richardson C W Whitney I' 11 Luck John Rielly Michael Whltesides Rev Lodge Franklin 6 'ticket Mr II M . Lodge Prospeotls/ Richardson. Ed IV White A B Macimeme Thos Riggs &Co Whilst IV L Maguire 3l' Rich Sain't It 2 Whitney A D Mani, Hebrew & Richards Wm II Whitehead IV (1r Co Ring John 2. 9 NI Mahoney-John Rilor & tiro Williams J J Madden II lingers & Bollis Wilkins II SI Macliride Jag It Barone John Wilkinson Alex Mahood Wan Robrman 3 A Williamson IV I' Maekel Rev BF Roberts Samuel F US N Match, Johla Robison Oro Wilson IV It 4 Mallon John Redly D M Williamson Rev C afacforrou Jos Rockafellow C & II Maloy Fadcles Co Williams Jns Maggoty James Roney 3 B Willoughby J .I.) Macartlty John Robison Jan It Williamson Mons Mardonougli V Roberts Jon W C Mager alarlm Robbins Geo W 'Wilkins Dr CSI Martin Dr Isaac Roberts E J Walley IV 3 Martin Thos Ross Isaac Williams J 0 Mandereon Jan lame Atkinson Waken W.O Manson Geo Howson Wm 9 Williams It l' Martin 9 W Robinson (Len 11 Wilson Jai Mate Dark Mary Ross Joseph Williams J 9 Addle Rothwell J Wigwams Geo Mayer Fred P Rood Jan Wilson J F Matthews John Robinson Jan Wimer John Marpl John St Robinson Joshua Wadi° (i 11 Mansfield S Rosettes & Sick- Wilson Alex Mann Johannes ing Wellerneau Chas Morgan Thos Rupp Hermann Williams &Co W Marks W T Ruck Joseph If Mathis It S Ruso Atkinson IVitherall 118 Mamma Michael Rudolph Geo Wilson & Co J K Manning J °aleph II Scherer Mr Williamson, Wood Monk Golleib Schmeitzer Jack D & Follansbee Matthews John Scates II IV Work IV 0 Marsellas P Schmill dr Leslie Wood Colonel Meyer F Scott Sarni Woodburn lal A Meguire Jas F Scott (leo 9 Welbert V A Meehan John Scholl Dr A IC Wooten J E falelkel al Saunders Copal eo Wright J 0 Melniuger Chas Sconln F Wright JT T Metzger Reinhard Schies (tea Wuedt Ernst Medlough Joseph Sands Alex B Worts Rev E 5 Miller Emilia Satramen P Yeager C 5111 liken Joseph Sauer Joseph Young A Q Mills al Scldeisher Francis Yeager W II Miro Dr Tsailore Scholl John Ycaton EI) Miller Ch Schick Chas aVevian Wm Miner J acob Sansell Rev Thos (Nally T 0 Minter J A Scalable Ellis 11 Ulrick IV/11 Miller J acob Schwarz Jima Toughen IV 11 Montgomery Geo Sanborn, Carter & Venus Miscellany Morgan John name Editor Moore Thus Selby Capt Wm Velir W 0 Moore 0 9 Semple Al Vansciver A. Sou J Morley J 8 Seegy Wm Vanhorn A Co CW Morgan 11 Seale Joseph Vanwalkaubutg It Morgan Jim 11.1 tlehride 61 Si Vaugheu T Morton Frank Sellers C C Vanengen A Buy mount Walter Sexton C der Morris Geo II Shearer Andrew Zeigler GIV Morrison 11 11 Sharp Wm Zee Robt Morten John S Shaw Ed T OIDEON G. WNSTCOTT, P. M. N ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. FALL ARRANONMONT. FOR BETHLEHEM, ALLENTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, EAS• TON, lit/ELMO:4, &O. On and alter Monday, October li, 183 T, the trains on this road will leave Philadelphia For Bethlehem, (Express,) at 8A II For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentouu and Mauch Chunk, (Express) at 2.15 P. At Passengers for Easton by 215 P. Id train take stage' at Iron URI station. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 6 I'. 51. For onnedd, do. at 9 A. Id. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bathelem (Bapreas,) at 9 15 A. 91 , mat 2.45 P. Philade 91. con lphia at 12 necting' wi 1051. and 0 I'. AL thR. trains, and arrive la Leave Doyleatown, (Accommodation,) at 0.15 A. 51. Leave Gwynedd, do. at 3 P Al. Accommodation trains run daily; other trains daily Sundays excepted. Fore to Doylestown, 80 cte Bethlehem . sl6o Fare to Mauch Chunk. . 260 oct 6 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. ( I F FICE OF THE RECEIVER OF TAXES, S. E. cornerof Sixth and Chestnut streets, October 6,1851. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS --The attention of tax-payers is directed to the following section of the supplement of tho act consolidating the City of Phila delphia . SEortort 8 —That the Receiver of Taxes shall, ou the first Mondays of October, November and December, gore a general notice to all tax-payers three times in three newspapers, to pay the taxes then due; and that, If not paid before the first day of the following January, inte rest will be charged thereon, and that the names of all delinquent tax-payers will then be published according to law, and the names of the delinquent tax-payers. when published, shall be alphabetically arranged for the several Wards. ,, PETER ARMBRUSTER, ocs-3t It ecelver of Taxes MANUFACTURERS' AND MECHA ill MS' BANK. PHILADELPHIA, Oct, c, 1857. The annual meeting or the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking Rouse, on Tuesday, Novem ber 3, at 10 o'clock A. M. Tito annual election for thirteen Directors, to Recce the en s uing year, ill be held at the Banking lions°, on Monday, November 10th, from 10 o'clock, A. h 1 , to 3 I', M. inwftnlo M W. WOODWARD, ()wilder. WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAYA LILY—AbIo- bodied , unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medleal attendance ray from 112 to $2", per moth No man has ing a wife or child n ill be accepted Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No 817 MARKET linnet, above Eighth, north kilo. WILLIAM It ROYAL!, let Lieut 2d Regt of Cavalry, oct LlmE Recruiting Officer. DOST OFFICE,PIIILADELPHIA, OCT. 4, 1857.—The departure of the STEAMER for OALI FORNIA has been postponed from the roth to the 7th log The mail rill be closed at thin office at 9P. M. on the oth. GIDEON 0. WESTCOTT, oo 5-28 Post Master. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS._ FANCY AND STAPLE. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, T. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1020 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 318 S. SECOND St, below Spruce. PAOTORIES.—Nos 95 and 91' GEORGE St., below Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few hems , notice. ee22 4mit NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES.—Tho ship STALWART, Capt. A. H. Lucas, from Liverpool, is now discharging under general order at Almond street wharf. Consignees will please attend to reeelpt of their goods. • THOS. RICILaItDSON & CO, aeB4t glmiteemento AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. E A. MARSHALL Sole Les.° THIS (Monday) EVENING, Oeltber 3, 1857, Will be presented, for this night only, VontPs Opera, in three acts, entitled LA TRAVIATA. Vialetta Vatter) , Flora Alfred Germont Goorgio Gennont Baron Duphot.... Gaston° MAILFTZFIC, Musical Director and Conductor OPERA NOMT3 —Monday, Wednesday, Filay', and :at uroay. PRICE OF AlimtaSlON:—Parquette, esa Circle, and Balcony, $l, Family Circle, ad cents ; Amphitheatre, '5 mita rho Box Office of the Academy is open from 9 A. Mto id M ,tor tho wearing of Resort ed nod Boors. without extra charge. Treamirer Mr. T. Mel( rug. Thu Opera w ill commence at $ precisely, LD'ettiriages tt ill net down Lents South, and take up heads North. oesll. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., 1 near Eighth AIMSIION —Seats in Private Box, ; Orchestra Chairs, 75 cents; Drees Circle and Parquet, 50 cents; Family tit c10,'25 emits Doors open at 7. To commence at TX o'clock Box Mu open from 10 to 4 o'clock, when Beata can be secured. Sole Lessee Win E llurtou Stage Manager Mr II Watkins Tlll9 (Monday) EVENING, October 5, 1957, Will be presented Bulwer's Comedy of MONEY ; Or, DUPLICITY EXPOSED Alfred Evelyn, Mr. J. E. Murdoch ; Sir John Vesey, Mr. Worrell; Graves, Mr. 11. Watkins; Clara Douglas, Mrs. Hudson Kirby; Lady Franklin, Mrs 11. Muzzy, Georgians, Mi9El Woodward To conclude with the laughable Farce, called THE DRAMATIST; Or, DIE ALL, DIE NOBLY Vapid, Mr. J E. Murdoch; Lady Waitford. Mra. It Muzzy. lITHE S A Io i' L L e E , Y ee 's ARCH ST. Ir T w ILE I II; L R E E y . AMR Or r/11069 —Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents; Dress Oracle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 60 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre ' 25 cents, Beats In Pri vate Boxes, 75 cents; Whole Private Box, f 3; Gallery, 13 cents; Clattery for Colored Persona, 25 cents ; Pn vete Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Del Gibe open from 10 A, M. until 3 P. Al. Doors open at quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter past T. J. M. O. WIIITTON Treasurer. TIM (Monday) EVENING, October 5. 1557, Will be presented, for the seventh time, the New Comedy of The MIME Mr Merzyweather, Mr Dolman; Mr. Herbert Fitzher bert, Mr. Wheatley; Mr. Joshua Butterby, Mr. J S. Clarke; She Merryweather, Mrs E L. Davenport; Are. Fitzherbert, Mrs. D. P. Dossers; Miss Crane, Mrs Thayer. To conclude With the Drama of TDB BRIGAND Allesaniiro Atassaroni, Mr. E. L Davenport; Prince Manch°, Mr. Thayer; Maria Orazie, Miss A. Cruise. 1-1 7 ALNET STREET THEATRE.—Les sea, Mr. E A.. Marshall ; Stage Manager,Mr John Sefton. Prices —Dress Circle and Parquette, 50 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 76 cents. Box Office open from 0 o'clock A. M to 3 P. M. Doors comsat, 7 o'clock; performance to com mence at 7%. THlS(Monday) EVENING, October 5,1627, Will be acted the (treat Drama, entitled EUSTACHE ; Or, TilE CONDEMNED FELON. Enstache Damian, Mr Daly; Alphonse Lamberti, Mr Thewell ' • Delbois, Mr. Young; Countess D'Alberte, Mrs Stisbee, 'Co conclude with the laughable Farce called VILLIKINS AND MS DINAH Torn Begs, Mr Chapman; Crinkum, Mr. Eberle; 5113. Crinkum, Mrs. Stoneall. SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTLI Street, above Chestnut Doors open at I o'clock—to commence quarter bat.- eight Admittance 25 cents. Ethiopian Life illustrated by Sandtord'e Troupe 0, Stare—New Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with BOX AND COX. llox, 9 S. Sanford; Cox, Cool White rimiomEUPS VARIETIES, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, MISCELLANEOUS CONCERTS NIGHTLY, Comprising a most Diversified and pleasing ARNICA!. AND TERPSICHOREAN MELANGE, In x lath appear Mad. PAYNE, Wile SEFOLLE and other superior Vocalists, Musicians and Comedians. Commencing at TN. Adimssion, 10 cents T AMR:ONET, Pianist. THOMEUP, Proprietor °ea-Iw* pEOPLE'S TICKET.- 00VPRNOR 111,1. F. PACteEli, Ly coining County CANAL COMMISSIONER. JOHN F LINDERMAN, Berke County JUDGES SUPREME COURT. W3l STRONC, Berke County. JAMES THOMPSON, Erie County CITY TICKET 8EN.17011 SAMUEL 11. RANDLE. MISSIIDLY JOHN 0 KIRKPATRICK, GEORGE H. ARMSTRONG, JOSEPH R CHURCH, JOHN RAIJSEY. COUNTY NOMINATION DR. I. N. MARSELES. ASSEMBLY. DAVID 11 IiIcOLANE, OLIVER EVANS, J. 11. AMIN, JOSHUA T. OWENS, A. ARTHUR, JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, THOMAS WARAND, ABRAHAM ENGLISH, DAVID sELLEY, DAVID 11. ATTER, JOHN 11. SCOTT, GEORGE S FOX, JAMES T. ALLISON, JEDGE COCRT COMMON PLEAS, JAMES R LUDLOW. PROTHONOTARY DISTRICT COCRT, JOHN P. McFADDEN. CLERE QUARTER SESSION.J, JOSEPH CROCKET RECORDER DEEP,. ALBERT D. BOILEAU CORONER, JOHN K. FENNER MASS MEETING DEMOCRACY OP THE CITY Or PHILADELPHIA I VDEPENDE4VCE SQUARE. "We hold the Integrity of Democratic principles para• mount to all consideration of place or position." The Democratic Cititens of the City of Philadelphia will assemble iu MASS MEETING, to INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, on MONDAY EVENING, the sth of October, 1557, at 7 o'clock, to take into consideraticio the present financial difficulties. lly order of the Committee on Town Meetings J. J. MORRISON, Chairman. Tuns J Bitoosg, Secretary. oc3•skm AVANTED.-A FEW AGENTS, EITHER V v Male or Female, are wanted to sell a now and very popular book, just issued, entitled " The Crooked Elm; in, Life by the Wayside " Four editions leave already been exhausted iu Boston and the New England States Agents are wanted to Canvass the Middle, tiouthein, and Western States Some now engaged make from IS to 112 per day. Address, by letter, Book Agent, 1i t , tate street, Boston; or call personally at same place oc3-1 AMERICAN GOLD WANTED, 111(111EST CURRENT RATES CRONISE h CO., SPEIIE nituEEßs, 4u SOUTH . THIRD STREET IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW OAS CONSUMING FURNACE CHIL8011"8 NEW CONE FURN3CE, alter having boon put to the most severe test, during the two COLD WINTERS Or ]Boll AND 1857, has proved to be the most powerful heater in the toorld, saving trees !i to the fool over any of the beat furnac es now in see THESE FURNACES are constructed with a cast Iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire put, lined with Ore-brick or iron staves. The fire pot is surmount ed wills A SERIES OF CONES, uit TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their taim, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the smaller chamber, through which the heat and smoke pails to the flue. Tut ignore products of combustion In the form of smoke and oases, are suspended directly over the fire, CONFINED or compressed into the tapering Cores and OONTINUALLT NEIPOSED to the direct action of the rays of beat and light from the fire. This heat and light is brought to a roous in noon 0000, not unlike the COLLECTION OF TIIE BUN'S RAYS, toe focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the snout AND OASES to become intensely heated and tho roughly CONSUMED, by this operation the SEMI AND Queue 1100 MADE EQUALLY ATAILABLE with the FURL MIME for heating purposes, while, in other furnaces, it is CARRIED OPT AND WASTED IN THE OBIAINET. All persons desirous of obtaining the hest and MOST ECONOMICAL BLEATING APPARATUS, should not fail to OX/Mllll9 the NEW GAS CONSUMING CONE BURNAM before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects and builders is particularly re quested. ARNOLD A WILSON, (Successors to S. A. Ilarrison,) No fat WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Square. CtIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANOE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—Office, No, 302 WALNUT street, west of TIMID. "WIRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN." Dinvoroas. Wm. M. Swain, John Anspach, Jr., H. N. Burroughs, J B. Dughes, F. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, B. A Shackelford, Jor. Walker, Juo. McClure, Tho. Craven, A B Gillett, Turman Sheppard, Natal. Jones, M. D., Joseph Klapp, Al. D JONES, President. Vice President. litittiluttiN, Secretary. dant Secretary. sul-3m-lt .TOR Lion. O. W. WOODWARD, JNO 8 ' 'AUKS B. AMMO, Midst CIAVING FUND.--UNITED STATES IJ TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT dtreetA Large and small sums received, and paid back on do. maud, without notice, with PIPE PER OENT INTER. EST from the day of depoiiit to the day of withdrawal Office hour., from 9 until 5 o'clock el cry day, nod on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock '"' DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland from II upwards. Pros dent—STEPUEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. TeIIer—JADIES R. HUNTER JOHN R. STRYKER, Jn., Wholesale Dealer in AUCTION DRY GOODS, N 0.12 DANK iltrect, Philadelphia. oetl-2m TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT, PENN SYLVANI ~, RAILROAD COMPANY, ruiIaDELMIIA, September 28th, 1857. NOTICE —The Coupons for Interest on the 21 Mort g ag e Bonds of the Company, doe on Ist proximo, aril lie paid on preeentatlon at the office at any time on o after th a.date. THOS. T. FIRTH, sep3O.Lt Treasurer. INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS! TY'NDALI: & MITCHELL, 11PORTPRO g OP CUINA, GLASS, AND COMMON WADES, are now NEW AND ELEGANT oeIIin FALLtheir IMPORTATIONS, MAUI' nEDUCIIID l'alCaa, with a HANDSOME DISCOUNT TO THOSE WHO PAY 0A2311. 707 CHESTNUT STREET S ABOVE SEVENTH BT. 5e25.2w-fmw. PHILADELPHIA. Einico bn auction MTHOMAS & SONS, • M. 139 and 141 SOITTLI FOURTH REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &c Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. in" Handbills of each 'Property issued separately, in addlt,on to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving lull descriptions of all the property to be sold on the. tolls sel ug Tuerdny. 11.7" FURNITURE SALES AT THE AUCTION STORE es ery Thur , d ay morning . Male. Gaztaniga Signora Titgltufico Signor lizignoll Signor Amodio .Signor Colotti .Signor Quint° RE IL ESUTE AT PRIVATE SALE Ire We Imo a lutge amount of Beal E.tate at pri vate :kilo, including mory de,riutiou of City and Country property Printed I.i•ita may be had at the Auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER llj — Real Estate entered nu our Private Sale Re gietrr, are mhvertteed occasionally In our Public Sale Ab,tracta, (ot clt eh LUvat copies are printedweekly.) free 0, charge STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—TUESDAY NEXT. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing lull de scriptions of all the property to be sold on Tuts..lay next, Mb inst., comprising a large amount cot Blocks, Loans, Heal Estate, .S.e. PEREMPTORY SALE-500 SHARES UNION CANAL. 6th October, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, without reserve, for account of whom it may concerti— GOO shares preferred Biz per cent. stock of the Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania Par r .0, with poi; er of attorney for transfer endorsed shares American Academy of Music . . L dr, Philadelphia and Savaunab Steamship Co. du Point Breeze Park Association. do Philadelphia Library, Philadelphia Athe nxurti, and Mercantile Libraries 10 shares Premium Loan A.ssociaLon, /5U paid en each i hare. 10 ehares EhiladelOioi Exchange. For account of uhoni it 11101 Concern -60 shore, COlumlna Coal and Iron Co. BANK STOCKS. Aka, 42 shares Cite Bank. Par $5O, frill paid 40 shores Conienoni - ealth Bonk. Par po. 25 paid 9 shares Bank of Pennsylvania. 40 do do do TENTH FALL SALE, 6th OF OCTOBER, AT THE EXCHANGE. Thie eale will include— HANDSOME RESIDENCE, WITH SIDE YARD. Handsome modern Residence, with side yard, south onte of Washington street, first house east of Seven teenth street It is just (unshed in handsome, modern style Immediate possession . $3,500 may remain on the property NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE Nest modern Residence No. 718 Buttonwoal street, east of Delaware Eighth street. Immediate pobse-..spdon. DWIMLFAIS, FRANKfORIiitOAII. New three-story brick dwelling, No. 120 Franktord Road, above Bedford Street, with three-story frame dwelling in the rear, RESTAURANT AND DWELLING. Three-story brick restaurant and dwelling, S E. cor ner Second and Shippen Streets. BRICK BAKERY—ADJOINING. Also, a brick bakery adjoining the above, fronting on Sbippen Street SEVEN TIIREE•STORY BRICK DWELLINGS . . Seven three-story brick dwellings Camilla Street. be tween 11th and 12th, and Carpenter and Prime Streets- They will be sold separately MODERN RESIDENCE, SOUTH ELEVENTII ST. Neat modern residence, west silo of Eleventh Street, moth of Pine Street. HANDSOME MODERN STORE AND DWELLING - - - . Three-story brick store and dwelling, southeast cor ner of 17th and Washington Streets, (late Spring Gar den ) It Is handsomely built and finished for a store and ''""'• ' . . . . . . PEREMPTORY SALE-HANDSOME NE IV REST Also, the handsome new residence, with aide yard,and replete with all modern conveniences, west aide, North Seventh Street, first house south of Thompson Street. Sale positive. . Nest modern dwelling, No. 335 North Twelfth Street, between Carlton and Callowhill streets. A two-story frame Dwelling, south-east corner Front and Phi:so ix streets, with three two-story frame Dwell ings In the rear. . . . . VALUABLE FARM—DELAWARE CO., PA. Valuable farm, 185 acres, Bethel township, Delaware county, Penns, , about three miles from Claymont, and lour miles front Marcus Hook. ELEVENTH FALL SALE. !Oth OCTOBER This sale will include-- Valuable Property, known as the Port Providence Axe and Edge Tool Factory, on the Schuylkill 01.1.11, oppo site Phceuixrdlo ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE. he Elegant modern residence and offices, N 1V corner of Thirteenth arid Arch etreet9. :a feet front on Arch Areet, 128 feet on Thirteenth street. Orphans' Court Sale ESTATE. OP DAVID LEHMAN, DEO'D Valuable Real Estate, St John street. between Green and Coates Streets—several utessuages, and lot 3i feet b inches trout. BUSINESS STAND. Three-story flick Store and Dwelling, N. W. corner Eleventh end Christian streets Sale absolnie. NOTICE-SALE SUPERIOR PIPAITURII The superior Household Furniture to be sold this (Mon day) morning, at No. 715 Sansom street, maybe examined On the morning of sale, at 8 o'clock, by catalogues. Sale No 715 formerly No. 13 Sansom street . . . . . . . SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRRORS, VELVET OAR- PETS, FIN& ENGRAVINGS, &c. This Morniug, October 6th, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, ut No. 715 iormerly No. 13, Sansom street, above Seventh street, the superior household furniture, mirrors, carpets, &c. i.l7* The Cabinet Furniture was made , by Geo. J. Henke's, has been well kept, and is in excellent order. *** May be examined on the morning of sale at 8 o'clock. Sale Nos 119 and 141 South Fourth Street SUPERIOR GERMAN FLOWER ROOTS. On Tuesday Morning, At 11 o'clock, at the Auction store, 5 cases superior German Flower Roots, from It. Vanderschoot & Sons, Harlem, compriaing Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, &c. Sale No. 332 South Fifteenth Street HANDSOME FURNITURE, FINE TAPESTRY CAR- On Wednesday morning, At 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 332 South Fifteenth street, the superior household. furniture, fine tapestry carpets, engravings, china, glassware, dec., of a gentle man declining housekeeping Also, the kitchen furniture and utensils 117° The furniture has been in use but a abort time, and is in excellent order. Sale Nos 139 and 141 South Fourth Street SUPERIOR FURNITNRE, MIRRORS, PIANO FORTES, Bituesus CARPI:TS, Ac On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, an extencive aisort went of excellent Second-hand furniture, mirrors, piano forte, carpets. Se , from families declining housekeep lug. FIRST-CLASS STORE FOR RENT The large new FIVE-STORY STORE, No 240 MAR KET street, East of Third street, 28 feet front, 202 feet to depth, with a side front on Biddle's alley—brown stone front—built and finished In the best and most substantial manner, with every modern convenience— furnaces to heat the entire building throughout—lire Proof Safes, Water Closets. /foisting Machines, kc• Well adapted for a large Auction or Commis:don House MOSES NA TIIA NS, AUCTIONEER IVA AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S. E corner SIXTH and RACE Streets NOTICE.—AII persona having good% forfeited at the Office 9. E corner of 6th and Race streets, are requested to call and pay charges and renew their tickets, other a ise they will be sold on WEDNESDAY MORNING next. OCTOBER the 7th at 10 o'clock, by Mons NATIIANS, Auctioneer, 8 E corner of 6th and Race streets. LAROE SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS, BY ORDER OF JOHN WEBB, Broker, at MOSES NATHAN'S Auc tion Store. S. E corner fah and Race streets. on WED NESDAY 'MORNING neat OCTOBER the 7th, 1857, at 10 o'clock, at sales-room Second story Entrance from Race street The Goods will be arranged and open for Examination ou the afternoon of Tuesday, the day before the sale. Consisting in part of Watches, Jewelry, kc , vie: gold hunting-case, double-case, double-bottom and open laced English patent lever watches, of the very best and most approved makers, the most of them full IS karat gold; gold escapement patent lever watches in hunting- Cases and open-face, best makers, 18 karat gold cases, gold lepine watches in hunting-cases and open-face, omit of them very fine, 18 karat cases; gold Swiss and French watches, silver English lover watches of the most approved makers,in hunting-easesdouble-casexand open-face, silver escapement lever and lepine watches of best makers, silver double-case, bunting-case, and open face watches, duplex and gnarlier watches, fine gold neck, fob, and rest chains, fine gold curb chains, fine gold medallions, fine gold pencil-cases and pens, line gold ear-rings, breavtpinq and tioger- rings, large seal rings, line gold bracelets, sett of knives, forks, and spoons, in cave, silver plate, plated forks and spoons, portmouustes, flue gold charms, seals, and keys, silver medals, gold sleeve - buttons , gold studs, gold thimbles, and numerous other srtseles of jewelry ]jam Watch-makers, jewellers, dealers, the trade gen erally, and private purchasers, are respectfully invited t o a ttend Ibis gale, as every article will positively be sold without the least reserve whatever, for cash IMMENSE SALE OF FORFEITED 00008. On Friday morning next. October oth, MIM, at 10 o'clock, at Moses Nathansi auction store, southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets, sales rooms second story, entrance from Race street, con sisting in part of dry goods, clothing, segars, fowling pieces, musical instruments, tools, furniture, bedding, beds, mattresses, looking-glasses, travelling trunks, va lises, books, fancy articles, &c., &c , via cloths and cassimere pantaloon patterns, cassinet vestings, over coats, sack coats, raglans, frock coats, dress coats, mon key jackets, cloaks, cassiniere pantaloons, silk velvet, silk, cloth, valencia, satin and other vests; shirts, under shirts, drawers, gents' boots and shoes, umbrellas, para sols, ladies , cloth and merino cloaks, silk-velvet, silk, merino, cloth, and other mantillas, barques, and circu lars, silk, merino, mouse de lane, cashmere, alpaca, do liege, French chintz, and other dresses, under clothing, vests, coats, and dross patterns, Mena, Drastic, crape, Bay State, woolen, plaid, silk - and other large and square shawls; silk pocket and neck handkerchiefs, embroidery, gentlemen's woolen shawls, gaiters, shoes, cloth names, fine feather beds, mattresses, blankets, quilts, comforts bles,&preads, bed inkiness, bed ticking, case of childrena shoos, assorted sizes, five thousand segars, knives and and forks, carvers, steel skates, double-barreled and fowling pieces, twist barrel, back•action locks, and patent breech, pistols, several complete chests of carpenters' tools, planes, squares, gauges, saws, and other tools, glut' nas, flutes, violins, gui tars, looking glasses, paintings, engravings, large and medium sire bibles, elegantly bound, and various other books, large bag of curled hair, chest of curled hair, traveling trunks, valises, carpet bags, dirks, dirk knives, swords, shirt bosoms, window shades with gilt borders, china, glass, and crockery ware, and numer ous other articles The whole to be sold without relerve Dealer', the trade generally and ',mate purelmerl are muted to attend the Sale. The good,' will be open on the afternoon previous to the day of Sale Sales Room Second story Eutranoo from Rare street AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and silver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, and French watches, lowelry, of every description, musical instruments, Ac , &e AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on eeeond, door, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, Ac., dce , he Outdoor sales attended to personally by the Auction ear Charges very low Conaigurneuts of furniture. clothing, jewelry, Ac , Ac., solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE:, 9 E. Corner of Rath and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and ether plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonda, Clothing, Dry th,o Groceries, tiegare, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture, lied • ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of value for an) length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at nay other estab lishment leen] AI. NATHAN.% NATHAN'S great sale of FORFEITED HOODS will take place in a tow days Due notice will be given. WLDEFB great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments, Ac., will take place shortly Due notice sill be given WEBB'S great sale of Dry tioods, Clothing, bedding,Ac , being forfeited eollaterals, will take place shortly, Due notice will be given. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 325 ARCH Street, between Third and Vendla Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, E. 11 --Out-fln sales attended to All goods sold et the Auction Houle packed GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, NA N. R. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streets, ►bore Second. EVENING HALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING,) At 7),i o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cute lery, Ilousekeetang Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Dancy Articles, &a. MOSS -17 bales Carolina Moss, for awe by MARTIN & MACALISTSB, Ma 119 North Water Street. Ou Tue,lay el ening NEAT DWELLING FOUR FRAME DWELLINGS VALUABLE REAL ESTATE PETS. ENORAVIN6S, &c stiie.s Gir clurlion TAXES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, N 0.422 WALNUT STREET. above FOURTH. CARD—SALE OF 110175EIIOLD FURNITURE—TUES. _ - - - DAY. ru — We beg leave to inform the public that we bold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 100 WALNUT tTREET, where erery possible attention is given to cb tatu the 'Ugliest prices for the goods of these who may favor us with consignments Families havineportions cf their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FUE.NITUILE TILIN THEY CAN OBTAIN EROII ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTII tit AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY Ea' Persons favoring us a ith consignments can rest asured that their property se.II not tw ~.crificed 117 Commissions more rucelerate than those charged y any other Auction house iu the clty. 11:7" Consignments respectfully sot:cited. fIJ Plies pail immedistely aftor the goods are sold. REAL ESTATE SALE, Detuber 7 This sale will Include— Executors' Absolute Site—Estate of Lydia and Sesseuses Wills, deceased_ WELL-SECURED GROUND RENT 3 old Irredeemable Ground Rents, .113 each f • tr 4 to be paid on each of Ilia abuse when the same 19 struck off. Executor's sale. N. E corner Sixth and Pine sts , HOUSEHOLD FGRNITGEE, CARPETS, BEDS, Sic , On Friday morning, at 10 o'clock, will be •old at the N E corner Sixth ar..l Pine streets. the entiri. well-kept Lions shot! furniture of the late Henry 31 Tonic:tales, deceased. IT order of the Executors : Comprising nritiogan3 - tablos, cane seat chairs, ingrain carpets, pier mirrors, Least. thuds, oil cloth, Venetian passage and stair carpet, rods, supe rior bureaus, wardrobe, bedsteads, superior feather beds, excellent bed,ling • mahogany, secretary and book cases, wash-stand and chamber ware: also, dinner and tea, ware• kitchen furriiture,stores, Ac. Also a barometer and quadrant Also a hardware case. with Swiss views and magnify ing glass, in perfect order ADo a share in the Philadelphia Library. Also a share in the Athenzum. BIM j 7" A three•story Brick Dwelling. with tso-st...ry brick back building. 195 North Ninth street, above Wood street. Rent $lOO per annex. Apply at the Auc tion Store. AT PRIVATE SALE A first-class Printing Office, with a good run of busi ness, four printing presses, two Ruggles and 0118 Ada Type and everything necessary for the business. Apply at the Auction Store. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CREP.TYCT Street, oppeaite the Custom Rouse. between Fourth and Fifth Streets. PEREMPTORY SALE OP DESIRABLE GOODS FOR CASH On Wednesday next, Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell, without reserve, for cash, a large and valuable assort ment of desirable staple and fancy Fall and Winter Goods, comprising, via: 500 dozen women's hosiery, of white, black, mixed, and brown. Also, ladies' kid gloves , lambswool ant merino shirts and drawers; regatta! shirits; gents' silk shirts; English printed cotton hdkfs; bird-eye towels, colored barege. Also, French el tstie suspenders; superior patent thread, white and colored. Also, white and colored quo! cotton; 6-4 jaconets; Swiss mull o&C, EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS Also, a general assortment of French and Scotch Em broideries, consisting of collars, sleeves, sets, caps, capes, coiffures, head-dresses, embroidered and plain linen cambric hdkfs, infants' robes and waists, linen shirt fronts. flouncings, edgings, embroidered skirts, bands, die, of cambric, jaconet, Swiss and mull. GERMANTOWN KNIT GOODS. Also, A general assortment Germantown knit goods, consisting of Shetland shawls, cravats, scarfs, hosiery, hoods, gelatines, chlorines, cuffs, mitts, die, die. SUPERIOR SILVER-PLATED WARE. Also, an invoice best quality-silver plated ware, Each as elegant tea setts, castors, table and dessert spoons, table and dessert forks, tea spoons, he, worthy special attention. RUBBER AND HORN COMBS. Also, 1000 dozen best rubber and horn dressing, side, and back combs. SALE AT GET'S HOTEL, 31 South SEVENTH Street. On Wednesday, 14th hilt, Commencing at 10 o'clock preci-ely, we will sell, on the premises, 91 South Seventh street, by order of Mrs. Sarah Haines, Administratrix, the entire (onshore, barroom and kitehen articles, liquors, wines beds and bedding, embracing the valuable contents of the hotel. May be examined early on the morning of sale. QAMIJEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, E. 3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE', No. 110 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, oppoeite Pear at , only eight doors below the Exchange. Hone of business from T o'clock, A. hI , until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction Home, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL VOO,OOO. Established for the fast Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on DM monde, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardwire, kler chandize, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Ill:Weal Instruments, Guns, Horan, Carriages, and Goods of every description. E!&MWMI=I adwanees, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent. per month; 2500 and ower, the lowest market rate. This Store House haying a depth of 120 feet, has large Ire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen the the premises • also, a heavy Imo ranee effected for the benefit of ail persons having goons advanced upon. N. B —On account of baying an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms than say other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, In anal amounts, with out coy charge. AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watched, Jewelry, and tßothing will be mold at reduced priced. and-1y ebttcational TRENCH LANGUAGE AND .LITERA TURE.—PROPISSOR. GERARD, A„ M., late rou , uiu , Agent of Frazee, and formerly Professor in Trmity Cotiege, Hartford, cr.; 500 manor of ear - era! corks to facilitate a prompt acquireim at af the Preach language, is now prepared to giro instruchon to ladies at their own rendences, is the mornings, from 9to 2 o'clock and to gentlemen, at his study, No IWit CHESTNUT Street, from 4 to 9 P. M. N. B.—Particular attention will be paid to ladies and gentlemen intending to visit Europe, as to conversation in French For particulars, please call on Prof G. for a CIRCULAR, N 0.1009 ciusrN LIT Street, above Tenth, third story, front room, from 4to9P. M. oel-lw* - --- IDbROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PRILS.DELPRIA. No Seminary whatever is mere like a private family The course of study is extensive and thorough. Pro fessor Saunders will receive a few more pupils tinder liiurteen years of age into his family. Enquire at Messrs J. 8. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose sous or wards are now members of his family. septli-tf ru S BONNEY AND MISS DILLAYE .o.a. will ItE-OPEN their BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL at 1615 CHESTNUT Street, 06 MONDAY, Sep tember 14th. ItY_FSRENCES - - Rime 11. A Boardman, D. D , Philadelphia; Darid do; C. Wadsworth, D.ll , do; M. G. Clark. do, J Newton Brown, D D., do, Wm. B. 3stote, do, Win. Blackwood; D. D , do; A. Converse, D D , do, John Leyburn, D. D , do; James H. Cuthbert, do; Win. T. Brantley, D. D . do; E. B Cheney, do; William Brad ford, New York city; A D Gillette, D. D., do; B. Bab cock, D. D , do; B . E liner, D.l) , Baltimore; George W. Eston, D.D., New York; G. Rempton, North East, New York; Thomas &unbent, emanate, Georgia; Howard Malcom, D D. Lewisburg, Pennsylvania; John S. Hart, LL. D., Philadelphia; Paul T. Jones, Esq., do; Col. A. G. Waterman, do; Caspar Monis, M. D. do; Robert A. Ezell, Esq., Marabou , Texas; John B. Sem ple, Esq , Pittsburgh. Perinsylvsnia; James Edmunds, E3q , do, do, George W. Jackson, Esq , do, do; John Raymond, LL. D , Brooklyn, New York; Mayson Bray son, Esq., Chicago; lion. George W. Bradford, Romer, New York; Stephen D. Dinars, Esq , New York city, Ron. Daniel h. Dickinson, Binghamton. New York. sep43lm ei.RITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. corner of SEI.ENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOON-KEEPING. PENMANSHIP, ersry style. CO3I3LEHCIAL LAWS AND FOBAIS 003IMERCIA.L CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, .ke Each Student has iodividnal instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate " Ka r e v o l lle d ß t e h e ' := 4l i;2 penmen the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Sleaze call and eve Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terme, ike. seS lm QIIPPLEE'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, (boarding and day pupils.) N. W. corner ELEVENTH and GREEN street, Fifth session will open on September 7th. Beet reference given, in eluding all present and former patrons surch3-tf S PRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND UO3,Y N. E. corner EIGUTII and BUTTONWOOD streets Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing full particulars, pupils , names, testimonials , &e min be had on application su .tf P . DONLEAVY LONG, Principal HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Ray B. R. filtrate, Racros. The Annual Senion will begin on TURSDAY, Sep tember 1. Circulars may be obtained at the Book Store of II HOOKER, 8 W. tomer EIGIITLI sad CHTsrscr, or of the Rector, Post Office, Palls of Bc/1133-aill. Nat delphla ?MS. BARTON' B BOARDING AND ILE DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No 1929 CHESTNUT St , below Twentieth, will to-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. aulS-Sert NOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE persons, male and female, to gain a share of the world's goods and comforts as a BUSLNES.S EDUCATION • - LEIDY BROTHERS' BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 11E1 and 150 SLYTEI Street, near RACE. rill re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for and winter Studies, embracing 0 knowledge of WRITING, BOGH-KEEPLNG AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, In a short tune. TILE LEIDY'S take pleasure in saying, Shot during the past year a large number of persous acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their buctuess operations successfully. au24-3m Orntlemen'6 furnishing (Eocrbo CHE~TER si o S s Cor1: : GE ani p N A T T L L \ 1; ; .I. 3 N i SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 7rai CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelph,a. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this unproved cut or Shirts, the most perfect Attin; article made. At a-h.:le gate and retail, and made to order. auS-Lrif CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of excellent quality, is mld at the PHILADELPHIA GASWORKS forthe reduced price of five ceom a mid may be obtained Hi large or email quantity Gr ap plying at the Oas Office, :id CJ South SKEEN . ' Street. To Purchasers by Wholesale. it to soli. at the Worts, is Cir.t Ward, be the ton, St a pric.e equivalent to An thracite. a Is 2 00 per tou (Signed) J. C rarjuet r PHIL& PICLPHIA (too WOAK9, Anir. ed. '5l. arn.--;.tt A BRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE li Sinking and Embossed Printing, Enreleye asl Seal Press Manufactory, :37 Strawberry Street, between Second and Third, and Market and Chet-tout Straet, Philsdelphta, Pa COTTON -100 bales Gulf Cotto n , i n ,t o r d and for sale by MARTIN f hROALICTER, Vintib Striatt. LITTON-200 bales good Middling to Mad dhngg 'Jrla Cotton, in store %rid for nale MARTL'i k lIACALISTNR, ant 1 North Water fltreat BOYS' CLOTHING. F A. ROY T A. IMO lave now on band a very large assortment of READY-MADE goodi mashie for the present 0044-011 which they feel disposed to sell cheap. ASSEMBLY BYTLIMNGS. Bonthweat corner Tr.:k.;ni and must:NTT streets. N. B.—We have • large assortment of new goods of a superior quAlity and make. isp42.lmtatbs
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