<APR — IDASi a I 00 — TO — BELA, 1861. Fraitiz' riOUP-Editorial ' on -ExTresldent PlercestuVrailderiable Stethities ; «Old Frault.;,§tiriali" _1:111 the Banki; and WAri Old Clay man 10- on Judge Wilmot; General News; &c. !-Fireirir P..6E-a/rho Courts and 'general _ ~ • ' ' .„ 1111"Generftl:F;; I'ACKEI; the Democratic candidate for Gro'verink, is itt s tlia ' itaShingte'n Homo, in this city, lOoking well after his cam paign,,and evidently feeling well. He is• visi ted by many,of our 'citizens, ofall,partias, and impresses '.eierybody by his aPpearance and easy manners. He has had aigeneral and generous tr 31COMe during his late *Min the western Counties... , , n- Our correspondents must be patient', We bwie inOy'efitheir productions on bind, whichahall appear ae soon as we can make THE BANKING: EiTETEAD AND THE PRE- =EC= In times of linaneisl. distress the minds of men are apt to be hurried by the pressure of their die:matte's beyond the circle of, reason,' and they catch eagerly at any suggestion, how ever wild, or any project, however extravagant, that holds Out a promise or a possibility,of re= P.4' to the exigencies of 'the ,occasion.:; It is, therefore ; peculiarly important at such' times to recur . t6 first principles; to trace,etrecti to, their causes, and, baying thus ascertained , the origin and spring of the prevalent disorder ) apply the appropriate remedy. ' With this'ob jectibefore. we erideavor;in a very, brief space, -to state What features of the bank ing system experierO'has demonStratedto be valuable, and what injurious. , , Lithe first place, then ; a bank of deposit is a commereialmeeeisity,: - The eelebrated Bank of Amstordani, so, airiewriO, in, the histpii' of Holland, was purely a bank of. this chiracter; The merchants placed their coin in its custody and received certiOcetes therefor, whieli were transferable like specie. These certificates' were of such reputation that they passed our rent throughout' Europe., It is obvious that with hanks,of this description the el - changes of a Country, would be very , easily , conducted. The ;my - Meats, and trariaferti, of the General Government, thiough the agency, of the eibt lug Sub-Treasury system', are madein'accor& once with the principles of tcbank of deposit. - . -the neat place, a hiadc of discount or loin is obviously of vest utility and convenience. It is a sort of fouritain'wherti is collected to gether the scattered, capital of a communliy, whence it- pours !forth :again, in a thousand streamst• to bless bad encourage andinvigorate human intlitstry.';',These who haV,e money to lend place it iiithMbailli, and those who wish' to bonew"naturally.'resert •there, for finch at- • conintedatien Ili they May 'desire.' Lenders andlorrowets- are thns,, , brottght together t , and the butkmerely acts as an agent to make and collect receiving a fair compensatitei for its trouble; &c.. Batiks Of this character are established in England; they issue no notes of their own; but are purely effices of diticeurit. Outsavings banks are, in a measure, founded upon a-similar principle. !They collect the means of : small owners, and loan them out for their benefit.:, '" • , „ • 'We now dome to banks of circulation or issue , ; whose prOntizient disadvantages this communiti,at i theciweierit r idoment !nth per : - ceiiis aid feels.: BefgrePrOdeedifig,liOwever, to notice' the evils of these institutions, and suggesting thoinsins to 'olivlittetheni,Wri Shall first point out one or two errors that plipulaili obtain with regard to thou, It is , supposed that the mere issue of bank tote's increases the . - capital of a — Contitiy.' Nothing eduld: lie. More ill-founded:, A promise paya no addition to capital, Whether Made by' a - bank:or 'tui indi vidual l nor whetherit he a verbal, written, or, printed promise. If capita could beittecumi lated: by this . issue bf-promissory. notes, , no body,need' to be Poor. Shotild these;notes, however; be redeemable in specie as :the notes of mail:iambi profess to -be; and thus circulate as meney,,,the minuet of the Medium 'of, ex cbimge iniricrease,d'ihnt it fella ihNalie salt is augmented in quantity—and for this reason : Every cenrmunitY ,requireit 'a 'certainerommt , of Money to "cany".M:,, ; eiehinges, and thin is the only benefit of money: as money, and the only office itperforms.' If I the amount thus required, ' increased 'quantity,At falls In If Only ten millions .is,needed tO'C'en duct the :exchanges of- a community, then only ten how' in value can be seinployed, no Matter how much the "neininal 'ailment may be , inereatied. But, it .nay be asked, how without the issue of ' paper money can the pokeiesicon and circulation of, these ten Mil- . lions -..be.! secured? .The..answer is, by the operation - of a law which. is uniform and uni versal in - its from any cause, tbeeirclilating.medrum of -'a, country is lesSthan Is required, it immediately increases in'' Tidiest' IThe , nionieitt-this ()coma speck( will, , , b orexPotted* that i c,ountry from every' other i iCountrir Where of less ~ealuel, ; and this exportation 'icontinue-until the de ficiency, supplied, and .the price of ,uietnl equalized:. The °Piratical' of' tbe same law is witnessed when the,currency.otit country is increased beyond the required amount, by the issue of bank notes. The price: of the,',,Whole 'fens, Money, becomes cheep—that; Is, it takei more' ofltto - buy the same article than be- The fatmer,, the, nuMufs:piurer,,and, the ja borer,linding that their ,pr'oducts or -their in, dustry Yemmand - niore niOnerthari formerly, naturally enough; perhapts, regard, theinielyee as,pecullarlylertunate, and the country as, nn commonlyprosperons.' But this state of t hings , does sot last long:- , It is soon : perceived' that money Will buy mere abroadthantit Ifoine, cause it is of greater rake abroad than at home. But papermoney does not circulate in foreign contstrieb; and consequently specie alone is ex.' ported to pay for ,the;articles th;at:thay be pur. chased. ~, A s it continues to Ist,sent out of the country, thus decreasing. the, amount of the" cireulatingiaediUM4boute,lhOtesidue Is Con stantly iaoreaeingln value And`now the evils , of the t bsakhig. system begin to exhibit them,' selves. , The hanks alarmed by, theconstaid and steady Which,* made ripen theM'for . apecie, which is requires 63 , the merchants to pay for their purchases - abroad, contract their loane.er ,suspend them altogether. It is' now foiand,ltliat large,proportitin yf sPecie.has been parted with, the circulation of the banks curtailed', and theresidueef the medium of Me. chauge,AuMiebsely 'enhanced. jtt' Value. ,%'he farmer; derided .)4;high:Priees bought, per giving bond and molt.' gage lot; iti , painint; , , 'But products now Mich' liss Mien befere:; ; hieittnd has equally fallen in value; yet he is compelled to pay the !stipulated amount for it, and thus lobe hindreds thoutande of sfollara. Arid the . battle „causes .prodiee the 'same, effects throughoutthe entire community. Whoever Contracts a debt when money bears' mile - ratio, and Wilt: when" it'bears anOther; though the nominal sawmills the mine, will find that be has looldi in value; perhaps twice -as muelvas he _received. So, on the other hand, whoever Ria' mooy, „while it bears One ratio, and re ceives-payment While :It bears another, gets the nominal amount to" be !hire, yet this may not 'be - Mae - half' the sum in value that he. loaned.' With „ the , tinctiattons„ee,-price, which are the natural .consequenceof paper money, the - Contract" ' , of to-dar:May- mean a very - different thing, to-Morrow. The man, who agreed Onlhe'itist day of August to .gay ten thousand dollars for , a certain amount of gorabili , sixty - dayti , thereafter,'now finds that withVbanie contractioneand bent'Sn'spenslony, he,canacarcelreell thetnforlivethoneendi but his notes, nevertheless , mnst be paid in full. 1 1 4'64 of-paper money—lve ixieart paper money • PseedV,9o. banks ep present Con:: stittoV—ate MeyjMhie they are inherent in the system: ,Expansion and contraction, sea. Ms :of ProMetity,Jollowed by, !seasons of gloom and distress; the alternate elevation and depressio . l, l / 2 :4 marked 16.1 tdef9l9t:t.:li MOP* 404, .50, long as "Tsai nature - iiitaiss unebinged i and banks nn• altereik that , bletetr"will ;cent - nue to be re paide4feilitte:Cadies ery,eowhere ireduce eluti . tarsi , ren_e*their business to-Morrow ; let their indebtedness, and the indebtedness of the core-: toniniti; ln, , ttiveikt 'away ; let . the cnriency. be redutkid'tilittlijiOnal Cetidittoti-ithet is; to the amount facii4nla ec 3l6 PPsl and 01 , 01911 istfiliiiness, and a prostration of ere• dit, would inevitably happen, and at no distant day. • How would it occurs Precisely as follows: An increase of the products of .the earth Brain, cotton, and tobacco—eitherAortian mt.; usually favorable season or the application of S. greater amount of labpr, would lessen-their price. The moment this occurred everylkidy would wish to buy, because when products are cheap it is naturally supposed that the price Will rise. Besides, at such a time every one is on the alert to buy, in order to export. 'AfOney, of c6nise, is Cequired. The banks are Anxious to:. employ. their, capital, and theile, mantis of the public and their own interests combined, impel them to loan. Their mana- gers are not endued with more foresight or more caution than other business men, and - white the 'latter are stimulated to borrow by the hope of profit, the former are equally Ai' =fated by the,expectation of ample dividends. The same motives and causes that stimulate one bank to lend equally stimulate all other banks. As the 'tide of apparent prosperity rolls on, new banks will be incorporated, and 'the 'volume of paper, money will be propor tionably increased. With every increase of quantity the value of the' money diminishes, and the price of products relatively increases. In no long period of time, it is perceived, as we have already explained, that money will buy more abroad than at home. Then follows ,the export of specie, and, as a consequence, the'ealling,in of their loans bythe banks, and a refusal to loan any more. The result of such a crisis we now behold and lament. Having thus demonstrated the evils of the present banking system, we naturally ask if they ere withoutremedy? In a measure we think they may be corrected. But this can only be done by making the proportion of specie to the whole liabilities of each bank so great, that it Will check improvideat loans, by prohi biting the, issue of small notes, and requiring at abort periods a publication of the condition of the banks, so that the public and them selves may, at all times, know' the basis upon which they stand. If the system is to be insurepur sued a t, all, it must be Upon principles that will the public security. We have now a few words to say respecting the present position of our hanks. Governor Petra :ix has thought proper to assemble the Legislature, to devise measures for their re lief. We hear that the Legislature is expected to legalise their suspension. There are some things, however , that the Legislature cannot do, and this happens to be among their num hei„ The banks have made a contract with their bill-holders and depositors to pay them in specie on demand. The obligation of this Contract remains in ftill force, and the State is inhibited by 'the Constitution of the United States to impair it. The Legislature can pass ,no flaw which will be of the slightest validity, that exempts the banks from the common taw of debtor and creditor. They ere precisely in the condition of the merchant whose note has been dishonored. All his property is liable to seiCure and sale, to satisfy the claims of his 'creditors:- The property of the banks is sub ject to the same liability. The merchant too, whose note has been protested, must pay in terest from, the time 'of protest, and there is no, reason in, the world why the banks should be exempted from the payment of interest to their bill-holders and depositors in the interval of their suspension and resumption: We have said that the Legislature is pro hibited from enacting any law impairing the obligation of the contracts of the banks. They may, however, exempt them from the forfeit ure of their charters. But we trust they will no't do this, except on conditions that will se cure the, manifest rights of the community. Tliey should, be compelled as a anditio sine qua non, to pay interest on their cir culation and deposits 'from the time they puipended until they resume. We have no disposition to be unjust to the banks; but we must endeavor to guard the rights and inte rets of the community. If wo failed to do 'th 14, ! we should be recreant to onr duty as men, and false to our trust as journalbsts. APPEAL TO THE LEGISLATURE. is rare that such an opportunity is pre sented to the patriot as that which is offered in thO coming meeting of the Legislature of Penn sylvania. The eyes of the whole country will witch every hour of its proceedings, The ac tinns of every member will be carried to every hearth-stone by millions of newspapers. The momentous issues entrusted to that will of men affect the whole country, and will our rdund their doings with a solemn and a grand responsibility. There is not a merchant in his -counting-room, nor a mechanic in his wbrk-shop ; there is not a dweller in the ever glades of Florida, nor a miner, in the golden neves of California, who may not be assisted a injured by this legislation, or who is not piofoundly interested in it. Here began the epidemic that has extended over the land; and here, too, should the antidote originate and go forth. The vicious example should b 4 cured by the application of thorough re itedies. The disease should not be tampered blth. It should be plucked out by the roots, the strongest and firmest band. lWhat an occasion such a 'work as this pre mints to the emulous public man I What a field for fame I The real temptations glittering in e .path to the capitol are not tho sordid ins of the supplicating batilts,• but those gime, of purer ray, and more enduring value— ' The rich attire or honorable deedn, !trim fair report that's rife on good welsh; tongues." Who will not enter for this ennobling strug gle Who will, not, take Part in this sublime reform We appeal to' the members of all plirtiea to be worthy of the expectations of the people.. Ifthey are' so r they will entitle them-, allves to lasting gratitude. The occasion is ou t e that should be eagerly accepted and im proved. It should elevate 'every man in gith 'Rouses into a patriot. The humblest of The one hundred and thirty-three rem its can now ,make for himself, if ho chooses, a enduring reputation. Those who were tinted with the suspicion of the last senatorial election can now make themselves clean and 'pUre In the sight of the people, by refusing the bilbes of the banks, and by being true to their constituents. We repeat, it is an opportunity 'which they should be glad and grateful to akept. • t The Legislature, can last but six DAYS.. It i 4 a brief space of time, but it is long enough ti) immortalize ail those who are engaged in it, Ntho •bravely fulfil their obligations to the people. , I , ,__ , JUDE VIIIIMOT'S LETTER. I We annex. the letter of Judge WISMOT, the Republican 'candidate forr Governor. It is a highly complacent composition. There is as cool an argument in favor of free trade; or what the friends of protection regard' as free' Vide, as if be bad, not %been the guilt free trade oracle - In , this State for a long period of y i ears, , Ho contradicts himself without an apology to his audience. He rebukes his own Promises without a reason for his incon sistency: r - What is the inference ? . Clearly, t t 1 at a candidate capable of such manoeuvring i not a sincere or trustworthy man. And we .greatly mistake the temper of Our voters if Judge Wrutor's, attempt to make capital out Of the . diStresses of the people, by shalloW professions of sympathy, • does not recoil on him with ten-fold force. 4 very distinguished 't Clay man" notices Judge Waimea bid for support in another part of this day's . PRESS, We now' give Jim letter of the Republican candidate : . , • ' Ilanaisstrao, Sept. 28,1857. Davin S. Bnowit—Dear Sir: • I am' deeply pained by the news that reached me from your city; This sudden financial revulsion threatens to carry down 'hundreds of your ,worthy and enter , prising merchants and basineai men, bridging dis t:resat° their honiesnf comfort'and afflunce ; and *bat by many is felt as a greater calamity—coni- Marcia' dishenor endless of credit. Its most die• astrons and painful effects, however, will fall upon the thousands of honest and industrious working then, unexpectedly thrown out of employment and , deprived 'of the lumina of 'support for their ' ' It 10 truly a calamity caloulatelto excite the rfinPathy of the most sellstand insensible. I do not' profess • to be able to fathom all the ;mime, proximate and remote;of a disa s ter snob as is new ripen us.. Doubtless excessive' importations, over. trading; extrairagant babitiof living; and thretna.' timis in the currency, have had mush to 'do with it: • . Yon will recollect that; on our 'visit to, the' Qieueetiter mills, we bad some • conversation - upon the subject of the tariff polity of the country in Commotion with its influence upon American en. (midi° . and labor: The events of the , last few days have given' to that stiltieot an interest it did dot then seem to 'possess.. That the tariff polloy Of the Government has math to do with the revel. sins that periodically convulse • our country, is doubtless true, intimately connected as that policy must ever be with all' our financial and industrial interests. - The' very considerable reduction made hn the tariff, at the last session of Congress, must ave bad. a disastrous influence In bringing upon tie the 'present - state at thinipy as it stimulated greatlylmportationsi cawing ; heavier drafts upon Vtie country for its previous metals. ; ; It is a groat misfortune that our tariff policy cannot be wholly removed front the party conflicts of the country, and placed upon a permaneta and reasonable basis. Aside frontipartiaan prejudice, there is not, I imagine, a voiy wide difference of °Omen upon this subject aliinng intelligent and refloating men. ' .I•, The pelloy of imposing 'prohibitory duties, of actually destroying the revenue upon a largo share of the articles of coininenio, , for the, purpose of .proteetion; would hardly find an advocate at this day. Fair incidental protection, without a gross violation of the revenue principle, is rill that is asked or required for our manufacturing interests, and this should be cheerfully and promptly ex tended. No ono contemplates the policy of free trade and a resort to direct taxation as a moans of raising revenue to meet the ordinary expenses of (lovernment. Certain it is that I never contem plated ouch a policy. I have always looked to our polleytia settled in this respect—that the ordi nary revenue is to be provided, by dittiel upon foreign importations, and I hare ever favored the policy of such discriminations as would afford adequate and ample protection to American in terests and American labor. We have an immense revenue to raise. Already the expenditures of our Government reach the enormous sum of about sixty millions of dollars, and it is rapidly increasing under the proli . gate and demoralising expenditures of Democratic Adminis trations. In raising this Vast sum there is ample room, by judicious and proper discriminations, to afford to our great industrial interest ample pro tection, and to American labor ajust and adequate reward. I have never intentionally violated this sound American policy, and would cheerfully unite to-day,'with the reasonable and judicious men of the country, in placing our tariff policy on a basis that would secure to American enterprise and la bor a fair and just measure of protection. The groat struggle in which we are now engaged, and in which my feelings are so deeply embarked, is a struggle to maintain the dignity and rights of free labor against the degrading competition of the labor of the slave; and I am equally in favor of protecting our American labor against a ruinous competition with the cheap labor of the Old World. I confidently trust that you will weather this storm, and that years of prosperity will attend you in the noble enterprise you have thus far success fully sustained. Very respectfully, your obedient servant and friend, D. WILUOT. HON. J. K. FINDLAY It will be recollected that this gentleman, so firvombly known in our city, was last year elected President Judge, of the judicial dis trict comprised of the flourishing counties of Northampton and Lehigh ; but owing to the decisionof the Supreme Coint, Mr. MAXWELL, Gov. Pouomes appointment to the vacancy, was sustained, and Judge FINDLAY'S claim de nied, notwithstanding he had been chosen without opposition. At the coming election the vacancy will again be tilled by the people, and we are glad to be able to announce that Judge FINDLAY has bean once more selected as the Democratic candidate of the counties composing the district. The conference placed him in nomination on Wednesday last; 11. E. WRIGHT, Esq., of Allentown, the candidate of Lehigh county,having gracefully and generous ly retired from the contest, leaving Judge FINDLAY in the field without a competitor of his own party. It Is a rare compliment to our follow-citizen and friend, that he should be made a candidate for so important an office without solicitation or effort on his part, and we felicitate the people of the counties of Northampton and Lehigh upon the prospect of securing so' impartial, upright, and spotless a gentleman in that high position. JAMES R LUDLOW. ESQ We have omitted, in the midst of the excite ment on the money question, correcting a statement which is calculated to do injury and I injustice to this estimable gentleman, the De mocratic candidate for Associate judge of the Court of Common Pleas for this city. In some of the advertisements for political meetings, Mr. Lunzow was announced as one of the speakers, and in a report of a meeting, which appeared in this and other papers, he was mentioned as ono of the speakers. The Ledger, after having very properly objected to the practice of judicial candidates appearing on the hurtings, and giving as an instance the statement alluded to, promptly corrected it a few days after, when informed that this state ment was not founded on truth. Mr. Lunzow has not addressed any political meeting since hie nomination. Re has carefully abstained from taking part in public demonstrations, and in doing so has realized the expectations ofhis friends, and has paid a proper tribute to the sanctity of the judicial office. The only way to maintain an elective judiciary is to insist sternly and steadily against the selection of unworthy men, and the abstinence of candi dates from the party politics of the day. WHILE IT Is TIME that the city has, in IMO respects, suffered by the suspension of the banks, there are modes by which that misfortune may be converted into a source of advantage. There are law stocks of goods now on band, and supplies easily accessible, notwithstanding the monetary stringency. The high rates of exchange ruling in favor of New York, must, while they ,continue, operate Injuriously upon her present trade. And since the troubles have begun to develop them selves in the West, this per oentage upon pur chases will act as a virtual exclusion to many buyers from that quarter. Of course the keen job bers of that city will take care to remove so serious an obstacle the moment this panic leaves. But in the mean time wo are in a state to Improve this opportunity, because no such tax is imposed upon trade here. If we are to pursue our legitimate busi. miss at all, or extend it, now is the propitious mo: ment of all others to give it a new and vigorous impulse, by presenti the inducements that ac tually exist.—Thursday's North American. Waiving the immorality of taking advantage of what is said to be our misfortunes, aneof making otherspay for it, the fact is that suspen sion will operate to our disadvantage, and drive trade away from Philadelphia instead ofbringing it to it. An instance has just been suggested to us by a western man : In Pittsburgh, Ohio money is preferred to Pennsylvania money, because Philadelphia does not pay specie and Ohio does. An Ohio merchant owing money to Philadelphia cannot, even if ho has a draft on Philadelphia, get specie for it; but if he has a draft oa Neiv l / 4 York, he can sell it at two per cent., or if he goes to New York ho can sell his draft there, and return to Philadelphia with his gold andget four per cent. premium for that. How much, then, is Philadelphia substantially advanced by Suspension 7 THE BANKING CAPITAL OF PHILADEL. Our city banks only possess one-third of the actual banking capital employed in Philadel phia—the other two-thirds are in the hands of private bankers, who have not asked for relief. They desire no relief laws passed for them. Why should a few institutions then, holding one-third of the capital of the city, have the privilege to issue a_ paper currency and drive specie away from all the avenues of trade, as they will do if suspension shall be legalized? In the late troubles, when Mr. RIPKA, the great manufacturer, who employs thousands, suspended payment of his notes ; when Gen- Oral PATTERSON, the great southern produce merchant suspended; when HACKER, LEA, & Co., and CALEB COPE & CO., the principal jobbers of the city ; and FATINUR & CO. and LYNN J. LEVY, the first importers; REEVES, BUCK, & Co., the great iron-makers and manu facturers;, PARRY & RANDOLPH, the great builders of the city, suspended payment on their liabilities, and could each and all show 'hundreds and thousands of dollars' worth of property beyond their liabilities,' did the Board of Trade mid,' were petitions circu lated, did members of the Legislature go to the Governor to call the Legislature together to grant them relief ? NO I Then, why should the ,Legislature be called together to relieve these few corporations from a responsibility which they willingly assumed, and from the benefits of which they have been dividing large divi dends for years? DEAR BREAD PROPIIE If the foll Owin g. paragraph be true, New York is likely to haven bard time of it in the approaching winter. We take it from the Tribune of yesterday : In addition to other causes of distress which exist In this metropolis, we are likely to have for the coming winter scarcity and high prices of bread. The crop of wheat is a bountiful ono, but there are no means of getting It to New York. The canals are comparatively idle, because the de rangement of the exchanges renders it impossible to send forward the breadstuff's, without which the Eastern cities must Baer a virtual famine, with plenty at theirdoors. It is true the railroads may do much to alleviate the distress after thelakes and canals are closed ; but they can only partially meet the ease. Thus flour may be worth five dollars a barrel at Chicago, and ten dollars in New York. What, then, will those do who depend on their daily labor for their daily food, and who, owing to the protein., are thrown out of employment? It must be a winter of terrible and wide-spread suf fering." Even if flour be worth ten dollars a barrel in NOV York, it will still be fully one-third cheaper than it was, in that city, in the winter of 1854-6. We understand that in this State, which is agricultural, as well as mineral and manufacturing, the actual produce of this yearis harvest wilt be suOlcient for the con sumption ; of• all our own inhabitants. We would throw out a hint that flour is a great deal cheaper, in Philadelphia, at this date, than it was two months ago; but consumers have not yet been able to discover that bread is I'arger than it, was when flour' was dearer. These are One times for the bakers. PItESS.--PllllADPltitilit, FRIDAN, OCTOBgIt 2, 1857. PROSPERITY AND PANIC—No. 9 The present Now York banking law was passed in 1038, during the excitement that followed the explosion of the safety fund system as it was called. That system had been organised in 1821', on the principle of a contribution annually of one.half per cent. by each bank on Its circulation, until the fund attained a certain magnitude. The fund was ap plicable to the redemption of the bills of any bank that might tail. The revulsion swept away the fund and entailed contribution upon the remaining sound banks for many years after. The security system was then devised. By a sort of paradox it has been called the "free" system,' because, al though no bills can be issued without a lodgment of ample security, yet the former restriction im posed upon the safety fund banks, of limiting their discounts to twice and a half the capital, was re moved. No limit remained on discounts, but the faculty of credit circulation was taken away. From its first inception the law has been altered, on an average, once each session of the Legislature, to meet the exigencies of its operation. One of the original attractions of the law was, that at a time when an immense real-estate speculation was sub siding; It permitted the lodgment of bonds and mortgages as security. This gave an opportunity to turn bubble mortgages into money, that was speedily availed of. The market, at that time, was also full of Western State stocks, which wore also admitted as security. Tho idea of security gave the public confidence in the bills ; and the rush for now banks was such that bills fori,oo,ooo,- 000 of capital failed ; revulsion very soon followed, as matter of course, and nine States of the Union failed to pay interest ; a large number of the new banks failed, and the mortgages and western stocks were found to be inadequate security. Aketocks wore then excluded except Now York and United States stooks ; but the requirement that the banks should keep twelve and a half per cent. of the circulation on hand in specie was abandoned , as useless. It was then found that large mort gages were unavailable, and the loan waesikared, It was then permitted for individuals to become banks. It was then required that not laps than $5O;- 000 of stooks should bo lodged, because in KWH), individuals would got credit for $5,000 of 'Stocks, lodge them, and with the circulating notes received buy 0,000 more and so repeat tho operation nistil, without capital, they bad obtained sloo,ooo' of stacks, giving 7 per cent.interest,and the bills, when presented at an agent in Wall street, would:be re deemed at ie. discount, the bank being suffered to bo located at the West. IBy this means a handsome business was created. The law was altered to re quire the bills to bo issued only at the bank. The law was again altered to require the bank to nomi nate to the State officer its redeeming agent either at Albany or Now York, which agent should re deem its bills at la} discount only. By State inter est, United States stocks at one time were excluded as security, in order to make a better demand for New York stooks. The latter became very scarce, and United States stooks were re-admitted. As the chartersof the old banks expired they were compelled to come under the general law, because the State Constitution of 1848 prohibits any more ohartere, forbids legalizing suspension, and requires " ample security" for all circulating bills hinted. These are some of the leading provisions of the laws, enacted from time to time according to the teachings of experience. In process of time, under this operation, all bills in the State have come to be secured in New York and United States stooks, the margin to be made good in time of pressure if these stooks fall in the market. In addition to this security the banks are required to redeem theletiote s as they flow to the commercial centre at not more than one-half discount, because it was found that in times of panto the money would flow down rapidly, and no matter bow good ultimately they might he, they could not be converted under a heavy discount. Gradually, however, it was found that the one-half per cent. discount allowed by law for redemption was still onerous for the public. The Metropolitan Bank, with a capital of $3,000,000, was then started to compel par re demption. The American Ezehange Dank came in aid of the operation, by which these banks were to take country money from their customers at par, and demand specie at the counters of the issuing banks until these should provide for their bills at par in New York voluntarily. This was found to bo too gloat an undertaking, and they charged an eighth. Under this operation, not only has the discount been reduced, but the banks been compelled to be regular and prompt in their payments. In order to show the operation, we may take the quantities redeemed by each bank in 1856 : Metropolitan. Am. Exc. Total. N. Y. at ditcount..oB,ooo o ooo 147,000,000 $105,000,000 do at par 14,100,000 8,000,000 22,700;000 N. England notea.. 40,000,000 41,000,000 88,000,000 There are a number of river banks that keep their notes at par, and these have been redeemed to the extent of about $22,700,000. The interior circula- tion being about $20,000,000, it follows that it is all redeemed every sixty days. Tho New Brie circulation is $42,100,000, and the redetap•• tions of the Suffolk, in Boston, last year, we're $400,211,019, making a total redemption every five weeks—an immense rapidity, which makes undue expansion almost impossible. When panic sets in, as recently, the redemptions become very rapid. The New York note circulation has been cancelled to the extant of $3,000,000 in sixty days. A great quantity is returned to cover mar gins. Tbo bank department has delivered, how. ever, $1,000,000 stooks, and $200,000 mortgages, which have been sold to pay for cancelled bills. By this operation the whole currency is kept sound. What the redemption and return of bills does for the State circulation, does the clearing house for city bank credits. In the system of discounts, every bank in the city has payments made to it every day, and always in checks on other banks, drafts, do. If the banks are all alike Judiciously conducted, having loaned their money on ouch paper as is promptly paid at that date, they will have due to them every day, about as much ea they will be called upon to pay. Renee, when it comes into the clearing-house it can present as many claims upon all other banks us they collectively present against it; an exchange of paper is made, and there is nothing to pay. On the other hand, if it has been controlled by favor itism, or has made long loans to speculators, or re newed paper, it comes into the clearing-house with inadequate offset, (for the claims presented against it,) and must find the specie to pay he balance or stop. This Imperative law has ope rated now three years in New York, and the result is, such a command of means as bids den anoo to panic. Boston, following the same system, is as strong. The Philadelphia banks strenuously resisted the Introduction of that plan, and when panic forced the specie balances between cities, their means were beyond their control, and they stopped. The lesson is a useful one, and the com mercial public may mark out a remedy for the fu ture. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON. faPTCIIA• ABSPATOLI FOR Tim PrtEll3.] Appointments—Report cm Plans for Marine Engines—Few Sloop of War—The Press—Re 'demptlon of United States Stocks—Railroad Lunde—Pension Office • WASIUNOTON, October I.—Dr. TATE was sworn in to day, es Sixth Auditor of the Treasury, in place of WE. B. Sutuare, removed. Wit. M. Cot.t.om, of New `Jer sey, in place of Al. 0. Pacer, promoted, and JAG. Aux., of Washington, D. 0., in place of Gams P Cori re signed, have been appointed to first-chum clerWilgs ($l2OO per annum) in the office of the Third Auditor. :JeussB, Pliksoll, of Virginia, and Dr. HENRY KING, or Missouri, hare been appointed examiners ta rthe Admit office, at a eatery of 52,600 per annum. YULna t of Washington Tarr{tory, bee beetalip pointed to a second class (51,400) clerkship in the tn. tfrior Department. ) ' The Secretary of the Treasury has appointed . T. P. IttCHARDS ailletant at Cape Elisabeth, Maine; salary WO per annens ; and G. W. Avsesm. keeper at float 'eland, Maine ; eatery 5,150 per annum. ',The Boned on the cew eleop-of-war hare made a sup. plementol report, by order of tho Secretary of the Nary, do the plane of engines which were sent in by the dif. [Trent bidders. The palm of superiority to men'. inanely given to Decor, NEAFie, & Co., of Philadel phia, for balance, length of connecting rod, journal service, &c. The plane of Mr. ainaPUT, of New 'fork, have also received favorable notice. Vertical tubalar lostead of horizontal tubular engines, are reeorruneadei for war steamers. The contract for constructing the new sloop-of-war bee not Yet been given to WAlSTMilitta, of New York, in whose favor the board made its report; nor will It be Made out, I learn, raw t iroo this week. The courao pureurd In the present tinancial critic Philadelphia, by the Passe, meete here with general approval. Holm/ of its editorials are pasted on boards and bung up, to be kept constantly In view, as rules of Wisdom never to be departed from. The supply was far below the demand for copies on SaManday and Monday. Hour hundred thousand dollars pf VOW Spites stock Was yaterday redeemed with gold and silver at the Treasury. Patents are being Issued from the Land Office for lands, in alternate sections, granted under acts of the last Congress for railroad p 4, rposea. X. Y. From Washington—Cl:atone Home Mittel', etc. WASHINGTON, Oct. I.—The Secretary.), the Treaslo7, on appeal, has decided that 19, and not, 24 per contain, should be charged no duty on twilled fabrics, such as printed and dyed merinos' of worsted and cotton, nom lines of worsted , printed colon, ombre striped Cobtirts, and rainbow printed woreted and cotton twills. = Dr. Itenry Ring, of Louisiana, and James S. French, Of Virginia, have been appointe d examiners in the Pa tent °ace. The Expected Stedmee. New Yonz, Oct. I.—The steamer Arabia, which aided from Liverpool on the leth instant, is expected to liars passed Oape Race cot Tuesday morning. She will be due here to-morrow, with two days later *ble' than fur nished by the Jura. NSW Yona, Oct. I.—A rumor was in circulation in this city to-day of the arrival here of Oapta gertelo9 and a number of passengers, rescued from the wreck of the central America. It was totally without truth, ; Thereon., October I.—The State Fair commenced hero on Tueeday. The character of the exhibition fully aquala an y of the precedlng yeera, but the attendance bus not been en large. The weather today fa rainy and cold. NEW YORK, October 1, 1857 .$112,300,000 $98,000,000 $21.0,809,000 False Rumor Michigan Mate Fair. Financial Affairs UMW" EITATEd ISTOCKS—PAYIISNT OF 'lmmo, orrrons WASIIINOTON, Oct. I,—Two hundred thousand dollars worth of United States Blocks came in this morning for redemption. The entire amount of Treasury notes outstanding at present is only $lOB,OOO worth To-day the Viltiol.lll Federal officers throughout the country, including the Judiciary, are paid their quar ter's salary. I=l . • PITTODUEOII, October I.—Tho old Bank of Pittsburgh continues to pay specie on all Its liabilities. V/1 1 .1.1A1131111811 (N. IC.) 13ANKE. NEW YORE, Oct. I.—The Farmers' and Citizens , and Williamsburg Banks, of Williamsburg, New York, have suspended. ORMERAL MEETING OR THE RBROENTILR INTERESTS OP BOSTON, Oct, I.—An informal meeting of the mer chanti of thin city has bean held, preliminary to a call ter a general meeting of the mercantile interests, to consider the financial crisis, and the present - course of banks as affecting the merchants lioscoa. Oct.l:—A general meeting of merchants, to consider the best course of the banks to business men, will be held to-morrow. The best paper weedoue on the street to-day, at 2 per cent. a mouth. Tho banks discounted some to-day, but not enough to ease the market. TOO TOtDO OF LOWF.LI., MASS. BOSTON, Oct. 1 --Owing to the depressed state of the trade, several Lowell companies have contracted for a ahip, to be Immediately cent to Liverpool, Pith live thousand bales of cotton. CHARLESTON AFFAIRS. CHARLESTON, H. 0., Oct. I.—The presidents of the various banks in this city held a meeting this morning, and resolved not to suspend specie payments.. The reported forgeries on John Frazer fc Co. are un founded. Thomas 11. Owyn, late captain of the steamer Nash vine, Wed last night from consumption. TOO 130008 Op ILLINOIS. S. Lome, October I.—The Bank of Belleville, at Belleville, Illinois, has failed. The banking house of Messrs. Moore, llollenbush, & Co., at Quincy, Illinolg, suspended on Monday. A. run was made on the banking house of Play & Savage, at the same place, but they sustained themselves. TUE BANKS OF AUGUSTA, GEORGIA AUGUSTA, Os, October 1 —The banks here are dis. counting freely in order to enable merchants to purchase cotton. 110NIITAAT NACITRICANT AT DT.TROIT-RUN ON 711 T BANKS DIVITOIT, Oct. 1 —The suspension of the Peninsula Bank of this city, which was announced yesterday, causes an intense excitement. The TIM on the other banks was severe this morning. The bills, which were principally of small denominations, were promptly re- deemed, and the banks are, to all appearance, in a strong condition. FAILURES AT DORTON BOSTON, 0Ck..1.-51emera. Lawrence, Steno & Co., den Jere to domestic goods, havo Suspended The failure of the following tinny to al,n nononnced John A. Lowell; Benjamin Howard; Biehardson, Kim dall & Co. ; and Peter C. Jones. FAILURE OF LOUISVILLE BANKERS LOUISVILLE, OCT. I.—Moserß Hutchings & Co., and John Smidt & Co., bankers of this city, have sus pended. Quite a heavy run has been made on A. D. Bunt k Co., who have thus far sustained themselves. It is ex pected they will be able to meet all their liabilities. FAILURE OR A TORONTO (0. w.) BANKING TIM Tonotro, W.,) Oct. I.—Messrs R. R. Brett, bankers, of this city, have failed. Lehigh County kgrStnitural Fair. ALLENTOWN, October 1 —The Lehigh County Agricul tural Fair is now being held in thin place. The attend ance to-day was Oita large, numbering at least fifteen thousand persons. The display of machinery, agricul tural products, cattle, kc., is very fine. The fair com menced on the 29th ult. and continues until the 2d inst. Everything has passed off pleasantly, and the friends of agricultural progress are more than satisfied with the success this year. Addresses were delivered this after noon by Prof. J. N. Gregory in English and Rev. J. Derr in German. Two Bridges Burned. Boma, Oct. I.—The Concord railroad bridge at Hooksett, and Highway bridge, to the north of the former, together with a store adjoining, have been de. strayed by fire. MATTERS AND THINGS IN NEW YORK [From tho Now York papers of tut evening.] .T3IPORTANT ARREST OP ALLEGED BURGLARS AND THIEVES—A SERIES OP DEPREDATIONS COM• MITTED—STOLEN PROPERTV RECOVERED.—For several weeks past Ex-Officers Martin, Duffon, Campbell, and Rue, of the Sixth, Seventh, Tenth, and Seventeenth wards, have been in search of two Germans, named Charles Bloom and George Minnie, who stand charged with the commission of several burglaries and robberies. Over a month since the officers received information that Bloom was to be found in the promises 283 Thomas street, and acceordingly, at five o'clock in the morn ing, they surrounded the house anti surprised the man they were in search of. Bloom, knowing every crook and turn of the rickety crib, ran to the roof of the house, from which he leaped to another build ing adjoining, scampered down the scuttle, which was open, and reaching the street in safety, eluded the pursuit of the officers. Although then thwarted in their purpose, the officers did by no means give up the chase, but by making inquiries, learned, to their entire satisfaction, that Bloom and Minnie bad fled the State. Information was obtained by the officers, going to show that the suspected par ties were jointly occupying a house in the woods, near a place known as West New York, some eight napes back from Jersey City. To this place the offi cers repaired on Wednesday, and being satisfied by reconnoitring the house in question that the birds were caged, stormed the castle with great vi gor, and afteea fierce contest with the alleged burg lars, captured them before they had time to use four heavily loaded muskets and other deadly weapons, with which they had provided themselves in case of an attack. In the premises the officers found a quantity of goods, supposed to bo stolen, and in the stable was a dark cream-colored horse, valued at $5OO, which, it is said, had been stolen from a gen tleman residing in or near Boundboak, N. J. The mane and tail of tho noble animal had been sheared off, and to more effectually disfigure the horse his 'White bind fedt had boon colored black. The ac cused parties were brought to this city and com mitted to prison to await an examination. They have both served terms in Trenten (N. J.) State Prison, where the husband of Bloom's first wife or mistress is now serving out a term of sentence. The prisoners, according to information received by the officers, were engaged in the burglary upon the store of Mr. John A. Rooney, of 'honkers, on the 171 h of August last, which was robbed of $4,000 worth of goods; at the mum time, the stables of Judge Woodruff and Mr. Kinney, both of Yonkers, were broken open and robbed of valuable sets of harness. On the night of the ),oth of August, tho store of Mr. N. C. Blau velt, of Spring Valley, Rockland county, was en tered and robbed of $1,500 worth of goods. These two men are also charged with being concerned in the commission of a burglary in Sing Sing, some weeks ago, upon a store which was robbed of silks and other dry goods to the value of $3,600. These stolen goods, it is confidently as serted, was sold to a notorious receiver, in yowark. N. J., who, with the proceeds of which, established a small clothing store, and now has it in operation. On the 23d of July last the store of Mr. P. Cohen, 2853 Bleaker street, in this city, was entered and robbed of goods to the value of eight hundred dol lars. Some, of the artioles stolen on this ecoasion, were found in possession of the prisoners, and since identified by the owner. From the filets, as they at:i present, againstnt, itiee prisoners b t Vloyothnt a clear ease madewill be THE DUE CALIFORNIA STEAMER —The steam ship Star of the West, with the California mails and San Pregame dates to the sth ult., is not ex pected, wo learn upon inquiry at the steamship offices, until Friday or Saturday, and. no llReasl - is felt there for her safety. The cause of de lay is probably owing to the feat that the steamer duo on the Pacific side is the California or Ore gen, very substantial boats, but not so fast as some other boats on the line. The Star of the West, it should be remembered, makes en indirect voyage to this port, touching at Key West certain, from which there is no direct communication by tale. graph, and probably touching at novena. It is these reasons which no doubt cause the delay. %mon ABOUT CAPTAIN lIERNDON.—Tho rpress has the following : An agreeable, exciting, but yet distracting rumor, was current this morning of the safety of Captain llerndon and sixteen of his nice. After thorough investigation, we found not the least foundation for it. ,The Evening Post announces, " Safety of Lieu tenant Herndon—His Arrival at Quarantine," but only says: "A rumor reached us about ono o'clock that Lieutenant Herndon had been rescued and was safe. Upon pursuing the rumor, we learned that the mate of tho barque Hicks, now lying at 27 East river, woe heard to etato to a crowd of people at (Norge W. Brown's eating house, this morning, that hp bad himself as sisted in the rescue of peutenant Herndon and sixteen others of the crow of the Central America. We then wont to the entry clerk at the Custom House, and there hod the report confirmed, and were muted that Capt. Herndon had arrived in a vessel (name rat given) at Quarantine, with six teen others who were with him on board tho Cen tred America. We ipclino to doubt the story, for the reason that it has not reached us through our marine reporter." STEMS-BOILER EXPLOSION—ONE KILLED AND 'SEVERAL WounnEn.—The steam-bailer of the :Knickerbocker plaster works of Messrs. King Bro. 'there, Nos. 6/19 end 510 West street, exploded last evening, utterly demolishing the plaster mills and adjoining tenement houses, Nos. 511 and 512. There were about a dozen persona at work in the mills at the time of the accident. Reuse No. 511 was a three-story building, occupied on the first floor by James Farrel as a liquor store, who also, with his wife and Pfister-in-law, Mies Catharine Du- Fenno, occupied the third story. Cetharina wos instantly killed; her lifeless and mutilated body was soon afterwards found in the rains by the fire men. Wm. MoDonald, wife and three children, the widow Duganno, mother of Catherine, and Bryan Carpolster and wife, also occupied the same building--all of whom escaped with alight injuries, except re. Duconne, who was badly bruised, and who had a leg broken, A SINGULAR CASE ON FALSE PDETENCES.—A woman, named Amanda Wilson, appeared before Recorder Smith, and applied for a warrant against the keeper of a pawn-broker's shop in Chatham street. It appears that she has lately escaped from a wrecked vessel, and is temporarily stopping at No. 20 Greene street. Having souls articles to dispose of, oho took them to Felernon'a pawn-brokers shop, No. 70 Chatham street. Two girls worn in attendance, and they questioned her until they as certained she had recently been shipwrecked. 'They then did up a quantity of old clothing, and told her if she had been shipwrecked she needed it. Being a very nervous and excitable person, they so thoroughly confused and frightened her, by representing Wit she was legally bound to take the package, dm., that she finally took it, and paid them the prioo they Axed, $6O. After getting away she reflected upon what had occurred, and went to the Tombs, and Officer Bennett took her before the Recorder, who took her affidavit, and issued warrants for the arrest of the parties impli cated. They were held to answer a chugs of oh raining money under false retepoes, in the ouzo of $l,OOO each, anti the oaso is already before the grand jury. Before making her complaint, 011icer Bennett Boo omparded her to the pawnbroker's shop, rind tried to get the money hack, but they refused. n o offered to take $5O, but this Offer was also de clined. Upon going to another shop to sell the bundle, she found she could get oply $4 for it. The names of the parties arrested aro Mary Ha milton, a domestic, and Julia Folintion, daughter of the pawnbroker. fetter oppeare iu the Baltitu ore American from an attaché of the Colonization office in that city, Mating that advices have been received from Liberia to August Mb, in which no allusion whatever is made to famine, or eyon scarejty. is, therefore, concluded that if any existed, it was merely temporary. The 'ill effeots of the report, however, have been felt on this side of the water, in the detention of two largo parties of emigrants who were to go out this fall. • Eigbt hundred mechanics have been thrown out of employment bp the elesing 9f trop large tuttuutnetuting estabhalments at Euffalo, PROCEEDINGS OF CITY COUNCILS A stated meeting of City Councils was held yes terday afternoon, at which the following business was transacted : SELECT BRANCH. A communication was received and read from Mr George F. Goodman, Superintendent of Girard Estates, giving an exhibit of all the receipts and disbursements of the Girard Estate, for the quarter ending September 30th, 1857. The cash received from real and personal estate from July let to September 30th, 1857, and paid to the Oily Treasurer, was $51,032.31. The expenditurea amounted to $30,780 08, . . , Mr. Benton presented a petition for the erection of a bridgo across the Schuylkill, at Spruce street, which was referred to the Committee on Surveys. Mr. Braley presented a communication from the Board of Directors of the West Philadelphia Passenger Railway, stating that they have seen with surprise the account of the recent action of the chamber, restraining the company from laying rails across the Market streak bridge. They express a hope that au inquiry will he instituted into the matter, as they feel soured that the facto indisputably guaranty their right to take the course which they previously proposed, and attempted to carry Into effect. The laying four additional tracks, they state, will cause no obstructions whatever under their act of incorporation. The company believe that they have the right to cross the bridge, and they have, therefore. made no application for permission to do so. The communication was referred to the Committee on Highways. A number of unimportant petitions and communica tions were presented, read, and appropriately referred. Mr. Neal offered a resolution Instructing the Com mittee on Surveys and Regulations to inquire whether the Surveyor of the Third District has ceased to perform the duties of his office, and whether his place should not be supplied with another incumbent. Agreed to. There being no business before the Chamber, Mr. Ashton moved that Common Council be informed that Select Branch will adjourn in fifteen minutes, unless otherwise detained. The object of the motion was to ascertain whether the other Chamber had any business for Select Council to transact. After a brief discussion, the Clerk of Common Conn. cils entered the room with a number of bills in his hands, whereupon Mr. Cortunan expressed a hope that the motion of Mr. Ashton would be withdrawn. Mr. Ashton insisted on hie motion. A motion to postpone was lost, and also a motion to lay it on the table. A discussion then ensued on the original motion, which was participated in by Klemm Commit] Ashton, Roberts, Nathan, Neal, and Taylor, after which it was adopted by a vote of 12 ayes to 5 nays A number of ordinances and resolutions from Common Council were then concurred in. Mr. Carman moved to proceed to the consideration of bill No 2, on Select Council file, entitled an ordi nance supplementary, to an ordinance, approved January 19, 1850, entitled "An ordinance td license and regulate pawnbrokers, and to repeal so much of the supplement thereto, panned February /0, 1856, as in lacoailstent herewith." Alter discussion, the motion was not agreed to. Mr. Ferree offered the following : Besoford, That the Committee on Finance be Instruct ed to examine and ropert In relation to the expenditures by the Board of Health for filling up a lot and removal of a nuisance on the south side of Prime street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets; and further, to exa mine and report relative to all other expenditures and receipts by the Board of Health, and that to enable the committee to snake such an examination in a satisfac tory ?manner, the committee be authorised to send for persons and papers, and to have the witnesses who may be called to testify sworn or affirmed. Agreed to. Mr. Roberts offered the following : liesolved, That the Committee on Law be Instructed to report at the next stated meeting of Councils, on the remonstrance of pawnbrokers, referred to said commit tee on the 18th of July last. Agreed to. Mr. Roberts said that he desired to make a statement to the Chamber At the last meeting of the Finance Committee the Receiver of Taxes stated that he was com pelled to refuse checks and notes on tho city banks in payment of liabilities, on account of such money being u ncurreut. Ile thought some action should bo taken on this subject. Mr Methane offered the following Resolved, That the Agent and Superintendent of the Girard Estatee be, and they are hereby, authorized to receive in payment of rents and debts due gild estate, such of the current funds of the city as are I eceivable on deposit in the Bank of North America. Some discussion on the merits of the resolution en sued between Messrs. Marsells, Nathan!, Onyler, Tay lor, Bradford, and Neal; after which a motion wee made by Mr. Cuyler to refer the whole subject to the Com mittee on Finance, with instructions to report at the next stated meeting, or at a special meeting. Mr. Nathans stated that the Finance Committee had boon very inactive in respect to the subject which bad just bean introduced. That committee, he said, should have reported an ordinance relative to the reception of payments in the various departments. Mr. Bradford agreed with Mr. Ouyler, that the city of Philadelphia bad no right to deposit funds in any broken bank. These banks, said he, have violated MA:char ters, and we have no right to encourage them. The motion to refer was lost, and a motion to postpone for the present was agreed to. Mr. Williams, from the Committee on Finance, pre seated a lengthy report, with the following resolution attached: lielolved, By the Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia, that the several departments of the city of Philadelphia be, and they are hereby, author iced, to receive in payment of claims and debts due to the said city, such fends as will be received by the re spective banks of Philadelphia at their exchanges. It was moved to amend the resolution by adding the words "and trusts, ' after the word "department," which was agreed to by a vote of 9 ayes to 6 nays. 01 r. Ouyler said that there was a legal disability which prevented the city of Philadelphia, as a trustee, from depositing its funds in the notes or stocks of a broken bank, or a bank which has suspended. There was also a moral disability. He spoke purely as a true tee, and could not feel justified, either' in law or morels, in doing anything which would be equivalent to throwing the money of the city away. Mr. McCay stated that he differed widely from Mr. Cuyler, and argued at length in favor of the resolution. There was no legal point involved in the subject. To hie view It was a matter of policy. Mr. Bradford fully concurred with the legal views ad vanced by Mr. Cuyier. The debate was further con tinued, and the resolution, as amended, agreed to. Adjourned. COMMON COUNCIL. The Chair submitted the following communication: OFFICE Put LAMILMIIi Gas WOMI, September 29th, 1957. To Me President and Members of the Common Coun cil of the City of Phtladtlyhta : IV item:As, In the public. reports of the proceedings of the Common Council of tho city of Philadelphia, of Sep tember 24, 184, insinuations were made by members of that body, that the Sinking Fond of the Mrs Trust had no real existence, or was hypothecated ; in violation of the dirties of the Board of Trustees: . . AND NVUERRAS ! Such insinuations, while they Cr. en tlrely destitute of support In folet, are possibly cake laud to produce an Impression unfavorable to the pre sent administration of the Trust: Resofred, That the Common Council of the city of Philadelphia are respectfully invited to examine into the state of the Sinking Fund of the Trustees of the Philadelphia 069 Works, either through the Committee on One, or any other standlog or special committee; and that every opportunity for conducting such examina tion, or any other examination, into the accounts of the Trust, be rendered to such committee by this board, through au inspection of their books and an exaMine tiOtt ut their papers and vouchers. Resolved, That a copy or this preamble and resolu tions be at once transmitted to the President of Cowmen Council (110.11 BURGIN, President of the Board of Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Works Attest Jons P. Ware, Register. This communication was referred to the Committee on (iss Mr. O'Neill submitted the following: /tcsoierd, That a special committee be appointed to inquire : Ist Whether any gas Is furnished to the Trustees of the Oity Use Works, and no, what is paid by the trus tees of the saute, and the amount. 2d. To inquire whether any money has been expended by the mid trustees for refreshments since the month of duly, 1854. Zd. To inquire into the general management of the aflaira of the Gas Works by wild trustees, their °dicers and agents Said committee to have power to send for persons and paper. The resolution was Agreed to, and the communication from the Truiteell woe referred to the Committee on A number of petitions were submitted asking for the paring and grading of streets, &c., which were referred to the appropriate committees. Mr. Holtman submitted a remonstrance against the paving of Salmon street, In the Nineteenth Wald. Re ferred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Drayton, of the Committee on Finance, submitted an ordinance authorising en appropriation to the City Commissioner of $8,048 to pay the eximaxes of printing the assessment lists, end meet the expenses of the four additional assessors in the Twenty-fourth Ward. Mr. Stevenson opposed this claim, he desired It to be taken out of the receipts of the Treasury for next year. Mr. Hellman said this work had been done—the amount war honestly due, and they should pay the claim The printers gonerany are as poor as r, rate," and should have the money for tho work done Mr. O'Neill looked upon this subject In a bushman light. The money was due these men, and they should pay them ; if not In cash, in warrants. The ordinance was agreed to. Mr tl region, of the Committee on Finance, submitted a resolution approving of the names of J. P. Levy, A Orr, and J. Morgan, as the sureties of Mr. Samuel Og den, Chief Engineer of the Water Work.; and Daniel McCarty and James Martin, as sureties of E. Ahern, as Commissioner of City Property. Agreed to Also, a report and resolution transferring certain items of the appropriation to the Inspectors of the County Prison. Agreed to. Also, a report and ordinance supplementary to the or dinance providing fur the collection of outstanding taxes. It provides that the City Solicitor nominate and sp. potut, uith the consent of Councils, one additional clerk, to copy all the registered taxes, at a ealary not exceeding $BOO per annum. Mr. Parker said that the clerks in the office of the Receiver of Tales lied nothing to do, and he traded they would be compelled to do this work. Mr. If oilman said the passage of this ordinance would save the city from $lO,OOO to $12,000. The Tax Duplicates had not been settled up for many years past Mr. Member sold the clerks iu the office of the Re ceiver of Taxea had as much work as they could do. Mr. Miller advocated the passage of the bill. The ordinance was then agreed to. Mr. Miller, of the Committee of Highways, admit ted a report and a resolution authorising the expendi ture of $4OO for the completion of the walls of the bridge and the grading at the intersection of Blockley avenue and Market street' for gradiug of Thirty seventh street from Chard avenue to Torr street; $BOO to complete the grading'g of Macho street from the Plank road to Wissahickon street; to approve of the contract made by the committee for the building of the wing walls of the giranlavenue bridge; the opening of Ninth street from Morris to McKean street; and the paving of certain portions of Author street, Seventeenth street, Drown street, and Pagoda street—ail of which were agreed to. Also, a report and resolution authorising the closing of the contract for cleansing the streets, at the following rates, viz . . . Fired. ilistrict, William Tb 0 o)P 101) 81,800 Second do ... 2,400 Third de denies Maxwell 4,800 Fourth do Thomas Cunningham........ 9,010 Filth do 6,500 Sixth do 7,000 Seventh do James Mullen 8,760 Eighth do Michael Carlin 3,600 Ninth do ~ ‘• 2,100 Tenth do henry Reinhardt 3,800 Eleventh do Stile & I/eiffer 1,800 Twelfth do Colonel Mather 1,800 Thirteenth do Street Sweeping and Fertiliz ing Company 3,600 Mr. Farber though the committee should have sub mitted to Councils all the proposals submitted. Mr. Miller said all the bids could be even on Ole at the office of the Commissioner of llighways. Mr. Mascher doubted the propriety of hiding these bills from the members of Councils. Ile thought they should now, as heretofore, be submitted to them for consideration This plan of contracting was a humblig. It was a notorious fact that the streets had not been hf c t i l f s er e lL , donned for years past, and were now in a Mr. Witner urged the adoption of the resolution as submitted by the committee Mr. Cooper aaid the streets of the Nineteenth nerd only saw a broom twice last year, and then the dirt was only hauled as ay once. lie was In favor of paying a little more and haring the walk done right. Moeller to postpone the resolution for the present was pot agreed to. The resolution was then adopted. Mr. Perkins moved that they proceed to consider the ordinance providing for the care of the steam Oro en. gine il Toting America," which was not agreed to by a Mr. Witcher called UP vole of 23 to 24, (not two-third', ) the ordinance authorizing the return of the apparatus to the donors Ile lead used every effort to have this engine placed iu the charge of some company that would put it to active service, but had been Unsuccessful. lie pow asked that the matter be 4nally disposed of. he motion to consider the bill woe agreed to by • vote of 34 to 15, viz lass—Messrs. Austin, Black, Brown, Butcher, Con. rad, Cooper, Day, Faulkner, Filler, Fry, Ginned°, Jones, Kauffman, Keller, Mug, klakins, Moocher, Mil. ler Andrew, Moyer, McClain, McFadden, Idcllwalit, O'Neill, Shoch, Sites Steel, Stevenson, ThoropeonJolui, Tuder, Full:lore, IFild°3', Wilmer, Wolf, Wright' C. 8---24. NAYS—Messrs. Baird, Burnell, Clay, Beal, Preyton, ill eisler, Handy, Holiness, Kelton, Kneen Morris, Me. Manus; Parker, Perkins, Miller John. President-15. Mr Baird moved to amend to add that the sum of $3,600 be appropriated to place the " Young America" in as good order as when she waft preXanted ha the city Me, Cooper toyed to further =end, to appropriat' the unexpended balance of the appropriation to that Department for that purpose, - This amendment WM liceoptid. Mr. Moocher opposed thie amendment, us it would only coat $5OO for that PurPose. Mr, Baird replied to Mr. Mueller, and said that when that gentlenien advocated the giving of the engine to the Diligent Engine Company, he Alleged it would cost $3,000.ur $4,000 to put her In order. Now he desired it given book to the donors. a would coat only $5OO to put her to the same condition in which she was re ceived. Mr. O'Neil declaimed at some length agsinid the it Young America." declaring her as worthle,;, sad that she could fall to Fincei in being hauled about our streets Mr. Clay said It was disgraceful to Philadelphia that this donation should pass to decay through their neglect. lie contended that she had never been fairly tested, and if they Intended to hand her Glick they should do It as gentlemen. • Mr. Cooper then withdrew him amendment.. . Mr. Perkins moved to amend that the engine be given to the Diligent Engine Company, which gave rise to a lengthy debate. Mr. King moved to refer the subject back to the Com mittee on Trusts and Sire Companies, to inquire whether it Is expedient to expend any more money upon the " Young Ameries, ,, and whether it is practi cable to use steam for the extinguishment of Ores, and If MO, the best method. , The motion wee not agreed to. The amendment made by Mr. Perkins, was agreed to bye vote of 26 to M. Dr. Sites thought they could fled better use for their money, in these times of financial troubles, than to in vest it in the repairs of a crippled machine lie advo cated the return of the appropriation to the original donors A motion was made to Indefinitely postpone the sub ject, but not agreed to. The ayes and nays were called on a motion to post pone the subject, when It was ascertained that there was not a quorum of members present. Adjourned. THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENING. AOADEXT OP MUSIC, BROAD AND LOCUST STREETS Dlrrichino DI NAIL" NATIONAL THVATRIt, WALNUT STREIT, AVOTE EIGHTH. " Eider Brother ; Or, Lore Makes the Man " " The Dramatist; Or, Die All, Die Nobly." WRIATLNY'II ARCH STRICT TR AAAAA , ARCH lITRIIRT, Ariorl 13rxru.—" The Vietlms"--"TLe Brigand." WALNUT STARR? Milani, N. E. COMM or BIRTH ANDIVALBUTRTREATII.—ii Much Ado Aboat Nothing." "Buried Alive." T HOKlnlr'S NIBINIIIB, VIliR /ND ONINFNUT STRUTS. —Vocal and Instrumental Concerts. SANFORD'S OPERA ROM, Barnes STAIZT, AIM! OLlSTNOT.—Ethloplan Minstrelsy, concluding with a laughable Burlesque. Democratic Meeting in Frankford.—A mass meeting of the Democratic citizens of the Twenty third ward was held at Mullen's, in Prnnkford, on Wednesday evening last. Hon. John Poulkrod was appointed ohairman. The following resolutions were read by James M. Comly and unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the Democratic party has, by its past wise and successful policy, standing In all exigencies by the true Interests of the country, advancing its growth and prosperity and elevating its dignity, become em phatically the !intermit of the nation liberty, and that upon the steady support of Democratic principles alone depends the permanency of the Union. Resolved, That we La ve abiding confidence in the glowing patriotism, the unwearied energy, and the eter ling ability of James Buchanan; and that his Adminis tration will be fraught, with the fall realization of the hopes of the Democracy, and the peace, harmony, and prosperity of the nation. Resolved, That in Wm. P. Packer, the Democratic candidate for Governor, we have a tried and gallant standard bearer; his talents, integrity, and firm ad herence to Democratic principles justly entitle and will secure him the confidence and support of the Demo matte party, and will insure him a triumphant election on the second Tuesday of October Resolved, That the peculiar fitness of the Hon. Nim rod Btrickhuld for Canal Commissioner, his public spirit, experience, and honesty, stamp his selection by the State Convention as wise and judicious, and sure to be crowned with complete nieces' by the sovereign peo ple at the ballot-box. Resolved, That the Democracy of the Commonwealth may point with pride and gratulation to the distinguished men whom they have nominated for the Supreme Bench with intellect deep and powerful, and learning equal to any exigency of judicial action ; of brilliant geaine and unshaken integrity, we fearlessly present them as pre-eminently worthy of the suffrages of a discriminating and judicious people. Resolved, That our Legielative and County ticket is entitled to the support of every true Democrat, and that the ability, integrity, and experience by which it is characterised, will be the certain guarantee of its triumphant success over the mongrel curs of the united opposition. Resolved, That Gov. Pollock, in convening an extra session of the Legislature, has &seamed a responsibility, the magnitude and consequence of which, for the gene ral good, will be commensurate with the honesty, good sense, discretion, and Democratic principles which may actuate its members in legislating upon Institutions that have violated their plighted faith to each other and the community at large. The meeting was then addressed by the follow ing gentlemen : Robert Allen, Esq. ; 'Thomas W. Higgins ' Esq. ; Genl. John D. Miles; Eugene Ahern, Esq. ; Thomas Bonder, Esq., and Hon. Richardson L. Wright. Much enthusiasm „was manifested, and the meeting adjourned with nine cheers for Genl. Wm. F. - Packer and the whole Demooratio ticket. Another Democratic Ratty Enthusiae tic Meetitt, in the Nineteenth lVard.—Tbe Demo cracy of . the city seem to be alive to the issues in volved in the present campaign, and are accord ingly holding a Fories of brilliant meetings in different sections of the city. Last evening a spirited gathering of the Democracy of the Ntne teeuth Ward took place at the corner of Frankferd road and Norris streets. The attendance was large and enthusiastic. The meeting was organized by the selection of the following gentlemen as officers: Falsmcsr—SADEUßL 9. WARTIIIJAN. Vies-Parsinswrs—Thomas W. Higgins, Andrew J. Holman. John Ward, Wm. Gulater, Charles Peitle,Win. Lentz, Wtn. J. Blackman, Henry Mather, Joseph A. Taylor, Stewart 'Field, James A. Donal, John McLaugh lin, Jacob Gannon, Daniel Harkins, Alez. McFadden. R. Dougherty, James Robinson, C. P. Miller, Jas. M. Raterson, Henry Carr, Win. Clothier, David Davis, Daniel McCleary, Daniel 0011111. FIRCRIMORINS-11. W. Schofield, John A. Dougherty. Peter Rambo, George Qat., C. Megonegal, Ferdinand Cloister, John Graff, WOl. McClain, Michael Mee, John Quieter. The following resolutions were then introduced and unanimowsly adopted : Resolved, That in the Administration of James lin chanan we have all that can be desired by Democrats— an economical and energetic Government—one devoted to the preservation of the Union and destined to be re corded in his country's history as one of the 'wisest and beat that it has yet known. Keso/vcd, That in William V. faster we have a ster ling. able, and faithful Democrat, who, by hie previous course, has given no the a:miracle* that be will be true to our principles, and will fill the executive chair with honor to himself, with credit to the State, and to the satisfaction of his party. Resolved, That the city and county ticket is one every way worthy of the support of our party and of all good men, and that the affairs of the city and the State may be safely and surely entrusted to them. The meeting wee eloquently addressed by Hon. H. L. Wright, Thomas W. Higgins, Esq., Thomas E. Harkins, Req.. and others. Democratic Gathering in the Eighth Ward.— A large and enthusiastic meeting of the working classes of the Democratio party was held at the eor ner of Twenty-third and Walnut street last evening. It was organised by calling George H. Martin, Esq., to the chair, and selecting Samuel J. Randall, Phillip Dougherty, Thomas Nulty, Michael Lawn, and Francis Hughes, as Vice Presidents, and An drew Jackson Reilly, John J. Bannon, and Ed ward Gillen Secretaries. The first speaker was the Hon. Thomas B Florence, who. after paying a well deserved compliment to the chairman, as being the only Market street merchant who stood in oppo sition to the United States Bank, called on the people to unite and poll a large Democratic vote at the ensuing election. Ile was followed by Wm. B. Rankin, Esq., who paid a glowing tribute to the Democratic candidate for Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. Capt. E. Power then alluded to the Republican and American parties in a very sarcastic and able speech. Chas Campbell, EN., the popular young Detnocratio orator, then gave a brief history of the noble deeds of the Democratic party in the past and present, and eloquently denounced the 'bogus" Domoorats who voted for ' , shinplasters." Ile concluded amid loud cheers. His father, John Campbell, Esq., then entertained the large assem blage present with a very amusing speech, when the meeting adjourned with nine hearty cheers for the success of the whole Democratic ticket. Police Items.—About tour o'clock yester day morning, Sergeant A. E. Thomas, of the Sixth Police District, heard a suspicious noise in the yard of Perkins's dry-goods store, in Ninth street, opposite the Pennsylvania University. The officer jumped the fence and toned that the in truders were in the yard of Mr. McElroy's store adjoining In attempting to scale the tense be tween the two yards, Mr. Thomas tore his hand badly, and in consequence of this mishap the housebreakers escaped. The latter had carried ladders from one yard to the other for the purpose of facilitating their burglarious operations, but they wore disturbed before they made any pro gross in their unlawful work. We learn from the records of the Central Police office the following statistics : During the month of September nearly one thousand messages were sent from and received at the Central office of the Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph. Two hundred and ninety-four of these messages were relative to lest children, who were restored to their parents through its agency. The Coroner was notified to attend in forty-one cases through the telegragli ; forty-eight strayed and stolen horses and forty aloe missing vehicles were also recovered by the same means. During the month of September there were but fourteen fires in the city, and but seven of them were of sufficient importance to call for the striking of the State Rouse bell. For one fire during the month a general alarm was struck. From the let of September to the 24th, the aggregate loss by fires did not exceed $1,500. On the morning of the 24th a fire broke out in the rope-walks of Chester & Daeosta, at Richmond, destroying pro party worth $20,000, On the night of the 28th the store of Samuel Grant, Jr., & Co., near Walnut street wharf, was destroyed, involving a loss of 540,000. The aggregate damage by fire during the month wee about $63,000. A young man, named De Witt Clinton Ryder, was before Alderman Enen yesterday, on the charge of forgery and obtaining money on false pretences from the publishers of a periodical called the Mir ticuiturist. The dodge practised was taking a forged order , purporting to come from the Spring Garden Insurance Company, directing an adver tisement of the company to be inserted for a length of time. The defendant obtained a eommusion for getting the advertisement, and this per eentage was the objeot of the forgery. The young man was held for a t'urther bearing, Banner Presentation.—Among the incidents on the morning of the atproaching firemen's parade, we may mention the presentation of a beautiful banner to the Good Will Company, by a committee of ladies of the Tenth Ward. The banner is of silk, with an appropriate design, and is gotten up at a cost of three - hundred and fifty dollars. The Good Will Company Is one of the largest, most active, end efficient in the depart ment, and will, we have no doubt, on the morning of parade, present a most creditable appearance Female Medical College.—The introductory lecture to the course, at the remade Medical Col lege of Pennsylvania, was delivered at the college lecture-room, 4reh street, below Seventh, yester day afternoon, by Professor Birdsall. The large and respectable audience seemed ranch interested in the InetituUon and the alumina history of the progress or tho mime of medicine which the splicer presented. Miss Ann Preston, M. D., lfor introductory this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Run away.—Yesterday afternoon, at five cOolook, a horse, attached to a sulky, ran away froMithe corner of Fifteenth and Callowhill streets, throwing the driver out, who received no injury. He was very much Under the influence 'of liquor. The horse ran out Callowhill street to Twenty second, down Twenty-second to Vine, and woollier° stopped. The sulky was very badly broken. The Aternbers of the Columbia Engine Com pany yesterday afternoon housed their apparatus, which has recently been handsomely retiainted. This company will no doubt make an imposing display on the mouton of the parade. Third ihilorthaitiii 9gricalfmiat Yaw. Rarely, if .ever, have trp witnesped 11402 in ani mated scene of pleasartiaa presented waif to the thousands of nt_reons who visited the Fair groan& at Powelten during yesterday. The ditthrent con tributions were ell arranged in the host poseible eider. and were seen to more advantage than on any of the previous days. There was a very full attendance, and nothing whatever occurred to mu the general delight The music, by Beek's band. is no small ,part of .the entertainment afforded to the numerous visi tor+. The stand °monied by the band WM con stantly sarrounded yetterday by delighted crowds. The annual address before the State Agricultural Society mill .he delivered by Edwin C. Wilson, Esq., at two o'clock P. M.. to-day; and immedi ately after the address, the reports of the View ing Cumuli ttees, or 'Judges, will be read, and the premium+ awarded and distributed. The grand ploughing match. which will take place this morning nt nine 0 eliwk, in a held adjacent to the place of exhibition. mill be a great feature. Persons com peting in the matches are requested to hare their teams hitched, and ready to move off at the ap pointed hour Mr Adrian Cornell exhibits a Suffolk sow, mix years old, which was bred by Mr. L O. Morris. It to the mother of over one hundred and thirty pigs, which have been sold for $7OO. Air. Alfred Tanguey exhibits five pigs, fifteen weeks old, raised in Chester county. They attract coniiderable attention. The new Reaper and Mower, on exhibition, pa tented by C. Aultman and L. Miller, is a very su perior machine. We saw an adjustable oombined Reaper and Mower, made at Hoosick Falls, New York, which combines many advantages. At dif ferent exhibitions its depositor has received ninint her of deserved premiums. In the floral tent a beautiful sight_ greets the eye. Fruit and flowers of every' description, gar den ornaments, garden seeds, and bulbul's roots, garden utensils, and everything appertaining to ornamental agriculture. prominent among these objects, will be found syrup from the sorg hum sac charium, manufactured and exhibited by S. G. Ea gle, Vice President of the State Agricultural Soci ety, a gentleman whose love of agriculture, short horned Durhams, mangel wurtsel and Brahma poo tras, amounts to more than enthusiasm. Mr. Eagle found his hands full most of the day, in explaining the process of the syrup manufacture to groups of admiring ladies, who so surrounded him that he most have fancied" himself a stick far morning glories to climb upon. Visitors to the Pair will do well to give this portion of the exhibition something more than a eursory glance. The tent devoted to miscellaneous articles will well em ploy the attention for a couple of" hours. In it will be found, among other things, some seven or eight different sewing machines, st prices rang ing at from ten to a hundred and twenty-are dol lars. The variety of construction in these little implements is very remarkable, inasmuch as all accomplish the same object by entirely diverse mechanical principles. In this department is a most curious chair. which, to a lady, or in fact to anybody, must be an exquisite luxury. It ill an ordinary rocking-chair. On its left arm is a flex ible tube rising to a level with the face, through which tube every motion of the chair discharges a current of perfumed air from a pair of double bel lows beneath. Seated in such a eery place, in company with an entertaining book, in a hot sum mer s day, with a current of air—perfumed or medicated at pleasure—passing over one's face, no thing could be more delightful. The collection of vegetables and trait deposited by Mr. James Jones, gardener to Girard College, to which we before referred, attracted considerable attention yesterday. We saw some ladies who viewed his clusters of luscious grapes with covetous eyes. and we regretted that we bad not the power of bestowing them where they were apparently somuch desired. Mr. Jones is justly ranked the most eminent of the practical and in t gardeners of Philadelphia. Ills cou4•Utotiona to the different exhibitions of the Pennsylvania Horticultural and other Societies, have inva riably been commended by the public and the press, and always taken the highest madame. The viaiter to Girard College cannot have failed to witness the evidences of his skill, which are made so manifest in the numerous flower-beds which adorn the grounds of that institution. The Committee on Hams were not all on hand yesterday. Er-Governor Bilotti., out of the whole, list of Governors on that committee, was the only one present. We saw Ex-Governor John W. Geary on the grounds, in excellent health and fine spirits. • This is the last day of the Pair,and we doubt not that thousands of people will yatt themselves of the opportunity of seeing the many interesting articles on exhibition. The trial of fast horses will be repeated at the Fair grounds to-day. The trotien of =WM fac hiring sugar will also be exhibited. Delaware Affairs Bower's Beach, the old summer resort, has been cold for 83,700 to two Pennsylvanians, who will enlarge the buildings and add attractions.—This Peninsular (Sussex county) News says: Mn. Norman died in Lewes during the last week, In the 79th year of her age. Bar husband, Thomas Norman, is now living in hie 84th year. The two had lived as man and wife 61 years. Mr. Norman has been for many years the sexton of the Episcopal Church at Lewes.—The most attractive featare of the town of Lewes is the new church. At an expense of some six or seven thousand drama, the citizens of the town are building a church which, when completed, will be tar the handsomest Arne ture of the kind in the State.--A schooner came into the harbor of Imwes, a few days since, with a crew very sick with the ship fever. Boma of them proved to be Free Masons and others Odd Fellows. Members of each of these benevolentsodetles took charge of them —Mr. Martin, of the firm of Mar tin 1 Cornwell, of Milton, has just taken a lane schooner to Philadelphia for sale, and on his return will lay the keel for another. Mr. Ponder ardent own five vessels themselves, and the residents of Milton are interested in about sixty trading from Philadelphia. AcoinEnr.—A. gad accident occurred at the steam saw-mill of Morse d Ohambertain, at South Lisbon, on Wednesday of last week. A man by the name of A. G. Bailey, who was employed at the mill, who was engaged in rolling lop on to the carriage, turned a fog over and stopped backwards, and fell through a scuttle about fifteen feet, breaking his neck. He lingered in a senseless state until Friday morning, when be died. BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW TORY Kea TOIL, October 1-3:90 At_ Al The most I can say of the state of oar flautucial again is, that they are in stare gee Commercial and beak men are very hopeinl, and inclined to help the mak, ao far as thee can, and the adviees from the Boston balite are deeidally encouraging. The hanks here are eteoglly extending accommodation, and if we am get over the 4th, or rather Saturday, we may mud ourselves in a fair way of recovery. There is a good deal of confidence that this will he the case, so far as the ma. jority are concerned; bat sa ail who want money cannot possibly get it, we must not be snrprised to hear of some few disasters. I can give you novo:dation.; of the rates of interest in the street. They are not quotable. I bare known flee per cent azimuth paid as rftlly drat class paper, and under that la now considered favora ble terms. Exchange is perfectly stagnant. The feel ing is very strong, however, at the clearing house and among the banks. They are duly receiving rainfrirre. merits of gold from the Sab-Treasury and other quarters, and they may be considered impregnable The Bank of Commerce has received the following by telegraph from Batton •• Ocrowl. Smythe. Ertl!, d• Cooper: ' , Our papers contain a card, signed by mory took. without exception. agreeing to discount three millions next three dais-do likeleise in New York. The settlement of the chariest house Mil =Ming was, clearings, V 4.549.004 94 bilances paid in coin, 4339,614 73. The cash transactions at the Sub- Treasury were as fellows Total receipts, 91f0,174 60; payments, 1815.512 It; balance, 43;253,i1in 09 The receipts today at the Custom-House for duties were 444 .009. Exchange on Philadelphia is easier, and there are offers to buy at Lis:oi per rent. The news from Charles ton, that the banks there bare resolved oat to suspend, has had a good effect • indeed, the feeling on all aides outside the Sleek Exchange, is better and more eon.E. dent, and the reports from other cities tend to support zie4l improve this feeling We had two rumors is Change to-day, that caused extreme excitement—the one of pleasure, the other of pain. I allude to the rie ported safety of the noble Henadon, oa board a brig at Quarantine, and the failure of Lawrence, Stone, &C 0... of Boston And this city. Unfortunately, the former is un true, and the latter is believed to be well founded. The house of Lawrence, Stone, & Co., and Lawrence, Claps, & Co , were rated A. 1_ and deservedly, and their fail ure has caused a gloom which I trust will not continue, when the particulars are 'known. There is some anxiety as to the Star of the West, suppose' to be over-due here, but it is latterly groundless. She is one of the slowest boats on the line, and the connecting steamer on the other side Is sloe very slow. If the Star of the West does cot arrive before &inlay or Monday, she ought not to be considered aver-dna. The Ilopkinton Bank, of Rhode Island, bu gone into the hands of a Receiver, Ron. Nathan T. Dixon of Westerly. Rifle well seemed. and good beyond dontt. The ICI/gars Falls Hernia save that the Misirark River Bank, at Tonawanda, will shortly resume pay ment. Stocks continue to tumble lower and lower every day. The market is really panic-struck, and nothing can ex ceed the gloom and heaviness that hang over it. Illi nois Central bonds and stock have fallen 10 and 5 per cent. respectively, although they are paying their Oc tober coupons. Reading is about stationary, but nearly everything else has fallen from 1 to 5 per cent. Ma goon 6's are at 66; California' Vs at 00; Virginia 6'3 at 7 s; and Tennessee 6's at 74. Erie is at 11X; Michigan Central at 41si; Panama at 69,10 Chicago and sock laland 511i•7 La Crosse and Milwaukee Olt; Michigan Central at 70; and, Milwaukee and Misaisuppi at 11. Toss last mentioned company are paying their drat most. ;age bonds, but suspends on its income bonds and float,- sng debt. This Ls said to be attributable to the dificalty in getting ercbanga from the West. The La encase and Wlivraukee are enjoined not to pay the coupona of their Barstow bonds MARKETS —ASHES are very inactive, with sales of 40 bbls at /7 50 for pots, and TB 50 for pearls. B.RADSTUFF, —The market for Boner is lOblsc lower. and in lair demand, with eadee of 1000 'this at $4. 9005 for common to good State; $5e55.25 for extra do, $4 55085 for common to good Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, he ; 05z$5 60 fur extra do; $8 75057.15 for extra tlenesse, and $5 50311,50 for extra 8t Louis. South ern flour is unchanged, with sales of 1,230 bar rots at $5 :90055 50 for turixed to good Baltimore, Alexandria, &c, $5 65mi for extra Rye do., is very easy at $1.135.20 Corn Meal IA also heavy, with small sales at $3 70 for Jersey, and s4Bf4 t 0 for Brandywine. Canadian Ylour is 5010 c loser and heavy, with eaten of 970 isbls at $4 900;4 for super, and e 5.111458.80 for extra Corns is dull for all kinds. Stock of all kindli ia tk s suarlet October 1, 1637 Rio, Naga..... 51, 27 7 Forto Rico, hags.— 0 3 0 Maracaib o . h.ga .... 8.000 St Domingo, bags_ 6.3 Bahia, bag. ^ 970 Savanills, bags 235 Laguayra, 1.00.1 Java. bags 275 Coats Rica, bags.... 1,000 Java, mats 10,000 Ceylon. bag' 120 -- Total tug. 97,800 Total mats 10000 Cot t0,.-1s eeci dull and drooping under the mews of a fall of 111 New Orleans. Pnees here are Ox flN—Wheat is a shade firmer, with sales of 30,000 bushels, at $1 .10351 25 for Southern red SI 9041111 33 for do white; R. 13 for red Indiana, and 51 OS for in. Eerier a bite Michigan. Oats are in fair demand at 40. a .15c fur State and Western. Roe so quiet at 70c Cern is better, with sales of 33,011 Mabel, at 70alle. for mixed Western. HAY is unchanged HI DRS are withaut any movement. ICON is dull, and atlas have been made u low a 31,27 641 for caah. NAVAL Stoats —.Spirits of turpentine are very dall, with sales at ICA bbl. at 43 cents. erode do iialeti heavy at nominal prices. Common Rusin to quite roar- five. Tar Make quite dull. • • Oits.—Crude Ilhale and Sperm Oil are is a HUM better demand at former quotations Linseed Ott is very depressed at 73476 e. Psorisioss —The market for Pork la lower far Mess, and firmer for Prime, with sales of 340 bbts. at 1=.760 $24 for Med, and TlB:l6asl9 for Prime. Beef Is un changed, watt sales of 60 bblz at $l4•$lS 60 far repseked western, and EIS 55.111 for extra tie Beef hams are nominal at ra Cut meats axe inac tive at lle for shoulders, and 113{el2e. for karna. Baron is quiet , - at Ha Lk. for emoted Western. Lard is unchanged. Butter is at former prices. Cheese is elm steady and nn SOO can are very heavy and "Wrizazas is lower and hairy at 21Xette.; sales 827 barrels. laaroars are less settee, ffO=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers