*!,.X?comihe .Vaw/lm*jW>e« ot lut »«»“«•] , TUniHIJ Mllj-:DAT V BOU»SllV rS-PnuABWAT.— ' ‘ residing*” Nm'lOiffourteontbfitroot, waa P, aßsln 6 "thief,mimed hurley, snatched her relioulo, brace- T lot wifi watch) and m an instant turned down Ninth street with them in his possession. The lady < T >iirtfdsd him,' ofying u stop thief!” and Alderman i ‘ ( -wh6-TOSidQB in Ninth street,' hearing the fashed’ after 1 the rohberj and chased him 1 r tht<mghrMh >vonnO) University piano, Tenth >, ‘’ 7 'in4’ptjier streets, tfotll fcgentleman named MoDej> mqtt intdrpepfed him at too corner of Fifth avenue < v , apdTenth, strqot-, alderman immediately col t'iared' tho fellow. and led him to whore the lady j.-.was standing j ' aitet which Jio took him to iho Jef ferfdn Market Follce Court, where tho lady soon ‘-'•appealed and made a complaint against him.; All tho stolen property .was found, in the possession of Kurley, and' - restored to its owner. Tho prisoner would give ho' account, of himself, merely stating that ho lived nowhere, and had nothing to do. Ho ' was locked up fcHrial. Another ; Case 1 op AnsoK.—lt willboreooi lectod that a fire', ooourred on tho morning ot the I ath,of Juno lSat,'between' tho hours of one and ' twotfolMk, in',tho. tiro-story framo dwelling owned anil ocoupiod>y-ono James Shcphoril. premises were tastroyod, ami in the ruins were found tho oharrod remains of bhpphord s wife •' Shepherd-claimed that ho had only time to save his own difd, and that his Wife was too feeble to hoip herself. c Tho I'iro Marshal instituted an in. vestigation, atfd the eircumataricoij wore so sus-. . picious. that Justice Davison, yesterday, hold ' Shepherd to 'answera charge.of arson -- TOR BEWisuMAcnr.yr.-CoNrnovuusi-.—This was ! , ii' motion' for' an ihjuuotion made by Isado M. ‘ ; Singer ngninst ,whut is popularly known is the * vTFatspn $lO Sowing Machine. The argument was ' continued tivo'days, ntid this morning Judge Net denied,the motion, and disohargoda temporary lu-injanotioUallowed on Augusts. ■ ,? • mtrii» ; ScotT-Li'ot'6>i.—last evohinj<‘.tho legion, ’"'esiprWd'b'fctho'flidopehadnee Guards und tho N. I Voluhtcprs, visited Burton’s Theatre; hiit pro .'..vions to.leaving the .hotel, Co!...Bumott, on behalf . of.the.iUdUa of. the-N. 1. Volunteers, presented . V Mr: or. 1. For ter,'of tho Scott legion, with a hand soine gold 1 medal, suitably inscribed. Addresses wore made by Capt. Gray and Gen. Small, of the legion;'’ At'the'theatre tho legion and Volun teers. were' loudly cheered, and among the latter ,was tile file /In, Regiment, Miss Mulcr, who was - horn ot Ohurubusco during tho battlo. Tho visi- Ji tbra'wil! return to Philadelphia - to-day, and will ho i ; entertained by the Independence Guard at 2P. M.. , ': ttiXiiog i)P,ljnE'r.;--A, ; complaint, was recently lnimbheforeJustTce Djivisou, by Daniel E. Sickles, • Slawyer, against Bonnett,..editor and proprietor of-the New York Herald, obarging him.witn.haviog,in the Herald of tho sth instant, published a’libol. , Oa this oomplamt a warrant for tho arrest ot Bennett was issued,- but that gentleman was not in the Oily;" On; Monday evomng, however, he re turned, arid yesterday afternoon cull ml, with his lawyer, Hr.'Galbraith', upon tho magistrate, and gave .bail, jn - tho sum of 51,000 to answer tho complaint. - ’ . ' ' TflK QirAItAKTIRE Kkkovat..—Tho Governor, Ueuteiant-Governof and State Comptroller havo re&rted lil faVdf of.the' temporary quarantine no comtnbdations'ntSeguihgWFoint, and propose a re newal uf-the effort to induoo Now Jersey to grant Sandy Hook as a pormanont Quarantino. H&rfetaAiuv w the Hospitals.— At a moot ing of tho Too Qoveraoj's'lAst night, several addi tional petition*' were .received, signed by upwards of odd thousand persons, 'ashing tlio board that the homoopathio system bo introduced into tbo wards of the rarious hospitals.- BYTHE PILOT LINE. • t . v t NEW YORK. [Correspondence of‘The Press,] Jt - Bfept/10,1857-5.20 P. M. of yesterday jb somewhat cheeked by the. of the California . steamer, days overdue, and the fear that she may with some mishap. Except ■ ;, thia,' there' ;fcfno noteworthy chango in the aspect of the money market. The feeling in com- .nfcVci&i'ciroleff is confident, and tho uneasiness of ; last week' Js subsiding.' This is tuani- • < 'felt in,the increased readiness to buy paper at cvtho present high. rates, it being apparent that "distrust, but a desire to u make -hay/while" the* Bun ahines ,> among the mo- Mono/'fitlll rules very high; paid on what is usually considered firstaloss paper, the lattor being the rate.for,the Wjority'bf the transactions, and there is no change:in the crates of foreign exchange. Tberewasvory little done to-day. Bankers charge - <loB} ibr.Sterling. Oood'bills are to be got at 100}. ■-are quoted at 5’.25a5.27j; Exchange on Hambprg, 353a30. Amsterdam, 403d41. Bremen, ' ( ‘ : Tbe'iAsf&took out about $50,000 in coin. The setUemoots. at -tho, clearing houso wero prompt. The exchanges denote ,an increased activity in business,’'They amounted today to $19,516,509.60, and the balances paid in coin to $1,145,185.99. The cash tranadefetotts at the Sub-Treasury for tho day werei'ifcbelpt? $120,781*76. Payments $212.- -' Balance $10,337,980.29. Tho receipts at . ih® Custom House • to-day wore $107,000. .At tho s Sto<ik Board to-day considerable businoss was done at a decline on yesterday’s prioea. Heading went down to 47 at tho first board —a (lodine of 1} front yesterday evening’s closing price; and fell still farther to 46 at Bio second .board. 2,500 shares were soli ftopi.'47a46.‘ In Erie, 1870 shares jchanged hands at prioea ranging from 50. to 18}, * aivivefage deollho'o? t per cent, since yesterday, .. which closed yesterday at X7lfcclo?ed to-day.at 70 k .Michigan Southern hns tjE ftdsweed 2i per cent.' Most other stocks declined, '•and’^e-market olosod rather heavily. There ’ f iisUsttghtiitkipTOYemQat in State stocks/ '.Missouri . State O’a closed at 71}. Bail rood bonds are more active without any material variation in prices. „, . Tho. rumors are still moving with regard ta rail way stobke; particularly as to Beading. As tho re ports of to-mQTroYr,generally are diametrically op <- posed to those of to-day, X do not notice thorn, but ' thoy tendto cause the fluctuations in'this stock which you notice every l day. Illinois Contral is down ag&iif t0'924/a decline of 14 percent, since ‘-.yesterday, and Chicago, and KoCk Island, which ' sold at 0016 jjuno and'Jhly, is now gold for 72. ’ It wils proposed board to reduce thno ; .sales to three days., The proposition was laid over. NfeW TOR# "OTOOK, BXO&ANaB SALES, Sept. 16. - ,-.Vj .[ ' SIBBT BOABD. 30,800 Ohio Bt»e6riBo 05 ' 50 Erie HR 1 s 3 19# 1,000 Tdnri St 6s ’DO 76 - ‘ 20 do ' 10 # 7 000 Virginia Cs 86# 5 Hud Riv B 19 J-1,000 -' -do' ! "* ‘Bs# 10 do' 18# •i" 3,000 GeorgiaSt Gs 100 235 Harlem R • 7# 3,000 Missouri 8t 6s 71# 200 Reading It 47 5,000Ny CcriK6sb3'B2 006 ' do . 46# 'S.OQOErieBBds’TS 66 100-‘ 1 do - slO 49 , .. 1000 Erie OBdR >7l 41-> 200 do M 2 4G# , : 8,000 Hod BvR letm 90 200 do fllO 40# 3,000 . do' gdm W# ‘2OO ' do - • 4fl/f sM.OOO v do-. 3dm55 • 250 - do ' ' 83 40# illooo Harlem Itlstm 69-. 100-'-do 520 1 47 /. 3AOO lUGenßhdg. 34# 6 Third Av R 80 9 000 - do 1 -'BB 84 06 Mich Cen 71 M 6S.IUOen July RlO5 0 'do 64# •i>, I,oool*o'* Mil Land’ SOOMcbSANIB c 19# ' Grant Ms 34 100 , do opg 20# s','—4OMe»Bkoerip ? • 102# 100' ’ do opg 20# 7.-‘.65 Bk of Amor ■* > 300 300 'do opg 20# * • lOOcoah'BftUk ■ 79 105 do c 20 30 Am Ex Bank 02 277 IB Ceu It ■ 03 25 1 Wr''‘' ' 01# 300 do »30 92 ! > *& .-.-do 86 '6 do 02# ,5 fdßnkfitofNV -04 ■ 100Oler* Pittsß * 36# , .22 Bel A ,Hud ,01 105# 35 do 17 t '.Afajir'l ? -105# •.6 Gal Sc Ohio B 73 »i 10Pacific2JSSCo'•»70 60 , do b!6 73 i 76 do-* 69# 60 -4o b3O 72# 6 do 1 : Co# -150' do < 72 * momon Co"b3o 10# 300Clev&TolBopg37# j 100 : do bO 10# 1160 do opg37# * ; 100 NY Cen R bIO 71 800 do b3O 37# 660 do -'a* 71# 25 do 38 100 do ’ -b7 7X# 60Ch!c&RlB 72 32 do -71# 60 do b3O 72 400 do \ - 71# 250 do *3 72# O 30 Erie RR' , : 4 20 ' 270 do »3 73 200 do ' 30# JOOMIIA Mies Jt *3 80# L 640 M i ,do / ' .‘b3 10# 20. do s 3 30 200 do b 7 39# 110 LaO A Mill R 15 100 ''do-- ! -830-10# 30 do 34# 100/ Mo * ■ o3o' 10# 300 - do i»3' 34# 300 r , d 0... Bio 10# 33 Cleve Col A Oln RBU '' BWCSO BOARD. 4,000 Sf‘C State Os' '92 50 NY Con R *lO 71 S,oooyirginia&» V 85# 60 - do . . Ml#, 7''*oooy fa • ' -,Bfl ,20 -do ...71 ‘ MoOOMlwuriStfls 71# '3B'' do' 70# 2,oooErieHßds»76 55 , -50hle&RIR 72# lOO Erio.Bß 19 ,J 16 MeKBank Scrip ,162%. 100 do 38# OAmExßank.- 91# 350 do 18# ‘ * 16 Ccfitinentftl Bk 90 100 Clevo & Pitlß R 30# , 22 Metropln Bank 94#. 100 do 30# *’ 5 Park Rant ' 85 H<3al&ChV-R 73 300 Cam Coa! Co 630 ,11# 250 LaO A MU It 24# 60 do. ,* -ll?i 300 Harlem R 8 60 do' 11# 250 Reading II 40 100 Caotoh Co bSO 16# SO Mlcß So 4s N X R 20# *l2 Bel 4c Had Cl 106 200 Cievo 4c Tol R ops 31 # 160 Pemta Coal - s3O 71 , site* by A: IB MULLER, -September 16. --$2,000 Town'df Port Madison {lowa) 8 per * J i ’eeni bonds.;.!..; 1?# v- $l,OOO Mercer Co (III) O per cent Dona, 31# j; ■'2s fh* jMetrcpclltfliilnaCo.. 100 ea. 95 ,■ # <*lrem-)q'a li)8 Qo H e». W»« ' ,*' JO - Uo gecurif r Ids Co.. 60ea. 99 ' SW do PeoplW Book 250 a. 90 180 do' Irviog Bank. 60c», 90 01 '"4O do Oriental 8ank;.............. 25 on, 93# . $5BO Sun Mutual. Insurance Scrip of 1852. < 00# $lOOO Union''4^ $5OO Coin f I do .The amount received for toils on all the equals Of the State for thcrflrpt week of Scut. wa*,.....577,004 101866 105,655 Vt v JD*cr«<we .i.., . 27,651 Tho Amount received during the first week of f, Beptfjmbor, w and («the Bth'of Soptothbor, from 1851 ( wttf;, let week Sept. To Sept. 8. 1857 51,240,958 1856. * • • *105,655 1,491.0TT tU 1865.,-.'/;. - 65,662 1,566.429 , 186*4; 1 89,684 1684U4 •. 1853 4.»<« * 100,460 - 1,895.112 " 1852 •; .103,704 1,810,702 «/ 1851...,.;.; <..,,103,204 ■ 2.041,461 Asnss are steady. with bales of 30 bids. ats7.B7)s for pofc I fa4|t«7.WlCf9f pewrU.* * - * . BRBADSTtfFFa— better, particu-. {.'; larly for tbulow grades of Western canal, With Bales of 7,000 Ibis. at ssAoas'.&b for common to good State ; ltf $5,05e56.7 6 foe "extaadb { g5.25«5&.4$ for common to ffcod Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, &c. ; 15 60®5 20 for. $O-40®57.76 for extra G-enessee, and 50.60® $8.60 for extra St. Louis brands. Southern flour is bet ter and in good demand, with sales of 2,200 Lbl*. At S6i6Qds6Mfbr'hfx4dto good jßattfmoro, Alexandria, tgee iandfo*®s'T^Sfot r extra and fancy do. Canadian flour La. firmer. with-sales of 470 barrels at $5,35® * 660 f6r superflnoi And $5.8p®?7.10 for extra do. nWFJoari#jtd/«£fl«der,wHbS4lfiBof-150Mi|». at s4® $5.31 v corn Meal is unchanged at $4.1604.20 for 3 dr > ton and s4.4oe’i,6Q for Brandy wine-sales 100 bbla.- ■ Corrxß is steady nod'a fair husinep* doing. J\io;ls ' daoted at four months. The following is the jrtock of the difierent kinds held hpra on the 35th Inst; Stock of Itlb;Coffeeoit ICtix.Scpt-.. 5°, 779 bags. Do. of Muthdaibb. .......19,84* Do. of Lsgusyfa. .*••• 200 “j Do. of deyb?n... * „„M0 ‘i DqV 6f Java.mats,....,.. '. * 20,275mat5. -iiis’. t i-‘ Total ;; .100,293 r CptTo?rrThe market, la duU.'and unchanged at the *‘V r . ;» - . - ' Upland.' 1 Plorlda.' Mobile. N. 0.& Tex. -,f i :Ordjn«7.. v ;.V/, 7 - m. ■ \M • ’ ’ 16# -Horn. . noiar j - Jfor< dp .white; for white ' for State and 61®62© for Weutern. of;4,ooo'buihela at 8O0&5S, \ ■ . &mfc*>f}B and.iij hrfpfc demand; with xsdesof fjw mixed WMtern, ITaY.— Shipping lota are selling at GOtfßSc, according ’Vibes!—Th. market is drooping, and » still further decline la con&dontly looked to*. , , . an.! ' Hops are In good demand at s®oc for y 8, * 32tf 0140 for now. 'The down from England reports toe crop there to be a'full average. months, and liios .—Scotch pig is heavy at sXlf, six . } S2SO«2S 60 for l«?ge lots. «*;« St SsSc; tluo and Crude do is inactire, *!>» fetter at *4 ■MJj <*4Jc for prune ehlppiu* t®w-““ t flrml held at •P'aSOlba. Common Eosin w awi, du* j *!-Bdifl-ST/f, and lino do. U in * en '“A a Afi||?o W > according to quality. Tarilata !, cen m ado Oils —Barg© sales of Crude op*- .. Crude at New BedforddutlDg ttio last _. . »*, BOOhhls at *M.9Wr*2o,for Mga, for extra mess. Beef hams and cut meats are nominal. Bacon Is steady at litf for smoked western. Lard js lower* at 15® 15M. Butter Is In good demand at foriuor quotations. Cheese dull at BK&9J3 for export. SuoAna.—The market is very dall at yesterday s de cline, . . Tobacco. —Manufactured Tobacco la active at a de cline of 6c. 3P* ib. duringthoweek. Prime leai is‘very Arm, with hut little doing. Kentucky is quoted at 100 18Kc., and Havana at 40tf4Sc. , , ...... ♦Vibes akd Spirits—Tho market is B l®ftdyatfull prices. Burgundy Port la quoted i 0 u ™ Juice do. at $2.60: Sherryat $1.30®?2 60; Olarct at $2.76 ®s3; and Champagno at s9©sl4 4P basket. Cognac Brandy is quoted at $4.60©50, and Btochelle at $3-10© $3.50 Jamaica Bum is quiet at former prices. Hol land Gin is lu demand at 85c.er$l. Whiskey ia better at 25®25#c., with sales Of SSObbls. Wool— -Th© market is dull and depressed at nominal rates, with no signs of improvement so long os tho pre sent stringency in tho money market continues. Fitments Ore less activo, without any change in NEW YOBK CATTLE MABKET. WsDsaspAYj September 16, 1867. TOTAL RECEIPTS OP CATTLE OP ALL KIND 3 FOR TUB Scoop and Beeves. Cows. Veals. Lambs. Swine. AtAHerton’s, 3,464 .... i 303 2,841 At Browning’s, 256 17 '33 5,883 .... At O’Brien's. * 84 120 84 .... .... At Chamberlin’s, 123 <8 194 5,791 .... Total 3.927 215 674 33,357 3,600 Total prov.week2,S34 224 588 33,044 2,500 Av.iiorweek^SOl.O, 2s " 202 1,316 10,682 5,352 Ar.pervoek f 1855 .3,666 23T 028 12,32. 0,117 Av.jjpr week,1856.3,597 217 , 328 J,m 0,050 PRICES OP BKSP AT FORTY-FOURTH StRSET. .... , To-day. hastiyeek. Premium Cattle 11)6 ® 12 32)6 ® 13 Pits* quality lOK » H \\3i *J? Medium qua1ify...,..,..*.* 0)6 ® 1° W)< ® J* Poor quality.... 8 0 9 9 05 H General selling prices,.,,.. 0 &11 9 fli 12 Average of all sales about. .10 & 10)6 H ©11)6 Tho current prices for the week stall the markets are »a follovra v beep cattle. • per cwt. .sll.sofi'sl2,oo do ..slo.so(psU,oo do 59,50«r510,00 do .. sB,oo® $9,00 First quality..,. Ordinary quality, Common quality. Inferior quality. COWS KSD OALTBB. ... .SGO.OO©S7S t OO 550.00erf55.00 ‘ 4 . ‘ $40j000545,00 s2s,ooit $35,00 VEAL OALVKB. First quality.... Ordinary quality. Common quality Inferior quality.. Extra quality. Other qualities. SHEEP AND LAMBS. s4.6o©so 00 ®$UX> First quality Other qualities., First quality... Other qualities. THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, September 16,1857. At the Stock Board to-day, Beading Railroad fell off from 25, the price at which it closed yesterday, to 23; Union Canal fell off %5 Schuylkill navigation preferred V, and Pennsylvania Fives 1% . The price of City Sixes, new, was maintained, together with that of the Mine bill Railroad and a few other stocks, while City Railroad Sixes gained 1; North Pennsylvania Railroad Sixes'! Jf, and Pennsylvania Railroad Stock }£. The investment securities are firmly held, and the transactions in them, which were to a fair amount, show a healthy steadiness in price, The demand on the street for money is hut littio * abated—-tho necessities of borrowers raising and lower ing the rates % or % from day to day, according as they are more or less urgent.' The tightness of money has brought the business of selling foreign exchange to a stand still. There are many orders In hands for exportation, but dealers are unwilling to advance the funds for their purchase while the present rates contiouo, and as our breodstuffs are a matter or necessity abroad, It Is highly probable that in a little while the parties ordoring will send the specie to pay for their purchase*. It is utterly impossible that thepresent,state of things can continue long upon a plentiful yield of our agricultural products,and whllowo must naturally expect to hear of mercantile failures or suspensions from day today, the condition of financial matters ae a whole must rapidly decrease. If© would suggest to all who are indebted aud ha vo the means to par promptly the small bills they owe to mechanics, storekeepers, and small dealers. Bistrcss is often thoughtlessly and unnecessarily occasioned by an effort on tho part of those who have small amounts of money on hand, to hoard it until times got easier. Tho prompt payment of little bills will help the receiv ers to pay many large ones, and materially tend to the general amelioration, while tho good that may he ef* fectcd by a thoughtful attention to these little matters, cannot bo too highly esteemed In times liko tho present. Let ©very one who can pay all ills littio bills. The steamship Persia salted before the news of the suspension of the Ohio- Life and Tits* Company, and the consequent panic in TVflll street} bod arrived In England. IVe shall probably learn by tho next steamer what effect that news produced npon the pricesof Ame. rican Securities in London. Tho Persia reports tho Funds a fraction lower, 90)*®M&. The discount market steady at & cent. The English Bank had mo dified its terms in regard to long bills, and six months* date paper is now current at sj£ cent. Tho Specie reserve is up 11,350,000. The French Funds arc 00.00 for tho 3 cent Rente, The following are the footings of tho Boston bank statement for the past week, as comrapared with thoso of tho week previous: Sept. 7. Sept. 34. Capital stock $31,900,000 $31,950,000 Loans and discounts 63,020,800 61,752,000 Specie ; 3,885,400 2,620,800 AnPtduefrom other banks 0,032,900 7,000,000 Am’tduo to other banks.. 4,430,500 4-428,000 Deposits......' 16,798,600 14,528,000 Circulation 0,993,000 0,800,080 The Boston Journal of yesterday afternoon say« : -< The market was very firm yesterday", with a strong demand for railroad stocks, eKpoclally Bostou, and Blaine, and "Worcester. *‘<3opper stocks improved> Rockland nelling at4l> and Superior at 0; aud lor Minnesota 160 was bid with out bringing out any stock, - The Money Market is still very stringent, without any change in rates, bat no one appears to havo any money. Ono or two failures were reported yesterday among dealers in dyestuffs, occasioned by tho late fail ures in Providence.” Value of merchandise warehoused In Boston for tho week ending Sept. 11,1857. Dry G00d5..... $36,040 00 All other merchandise ~...162,441 00—189,381 00 Warehoused for Canada- Dry Goods $12,145 00 All other merchandise 1,240 00— 16,391 00 Total valuo $205,772 00 The annexed is a comparative statement of the ex ports exclusive of specie from New York to foreign ports for last week, and since January 1: 1855. , 1858. 1857. Total for tho week.. .$1,236,228 $1,399,295 $899,195 Previously' rep0rted.42,320,491 64,090,458 50,318,605 Since January 1.. .$43,564,719 $56,405,753 $61,217,800 The Pottatown Bank is logo into operation on 3lon day, Oct. 6th, and "Wednesday, Oct. 7th, has been fixed as the first discount day. The ofilcors are as follows: President, Henry Potts, Esq.;, Cashier, William Mintaer, Esq. Teller, Daniel Price. The Chester Bank, at CoatesviHe, will also shortly commence business, tho Directors having been chosen last week. A. Gibbons, Jr., is to be tho Presi dent. To-day’S Rational Intelligencer , of Washington, says: li The failure of Messrs. Palro k Nourse, on 3fon day, naturally produced uneasiness yesterday, which took effect in the direction of tho Bank of Commerce, In Georgetown, and the house of Sweeny, Rittenhouso, Sc po., of this city," in connection with tho bank. A run was made on the Bank of Commerce, which mot the de mand so far os Its circulation was concerned, but refused to pay depositors, on the ground, as we understand, that a considerable proportion of such deposits had been made in Virginia paper, which it required time to col lect.” The annual report of the Chamber of Commerce o Cincinnati! give* the import* of that city for the year ending August 81, at $77,050,140, and the exports at $55,652,171. Last year the imports wore $75,205,001, and the exportss6o,Bo9,l4o. Washington Townsend, cashier of the Baukof Ches ter County, has resigned, and William W Jefferishas been chosen to succeed him. John F. F. Davis takes the position of Mr. Jefferls, and William 8. Kirk is to occupy Mr. Davis’ office of receiving toiler. John Mar shall has been elected to the Vice Presidency of tho Dank, and will act in conjunction with the new cashier. The survey of tho rouUt for the proposed Southern Illinois Railroad from Mound City near Cairo to Groy ville has led to the discovery of important mineral re sources In the lower part of the State, whose existence ' was not before suspected. Veins of rich iron ore from ten to fifteen feet in thickness were found, boaidos leads of goal coal. Signs of lead also have been seen. Bat the most interesting discovery was that of dnni har, (d sulphuret from which quicksilver is obtained,) in such quantities as to lead to the belief that tho dis covery may prove to bo valuable, In a box of geologi cal specimens sent to Professor Owen for examination, a largo globule of quioksilvor was found at tho bottom, and subsequent inspection revealed other particles de posited in the rock. The Jtarrislmrg cotton factory has suspended opera tions for.an indefinite period, owing to the high price of the raw material. We taako room for the annexed statement from tho Ngw York. Shipping List, (the acknowledged authority in making up the crop,) of the Cotton movement of tho crop ofiBao-7, which terminated, by commercial usage, oil tho 31st August, ult. Thu crop is ascertained to hate betn 2,1)30,510 balsa, it was thus marketed: . Bales. Bales. AtNow 0r1ean5,..1,435, 000 Georgia 322,111 Mobile 603,117 8. Carolina 807,331 Texas 89,882 N.Carolina 27,147 Florida Virginia 28,773 Received Inland at N. X Phlla., and Baltimore 4,761 Total crop as above., fi,P39 f 519 The following tables afford a view of the distribution to foreign States and the consumption by the American mills, of tho growth of tho year: KXPOBT TO FOBEIQJC POM’S. FBOJf SEPT. 2,1855, TO AUQ, 31.1867. To Great To To North Other Troiu Uritlan. Trance. ofEu’pc.T’n Pts. Total. Non. Orleans. .749,485 258,103 150,160 129,010 1,293,717 Mohtlo.., 211.231 84,840 10,570 2,348 814,980 Texa5....,...; 0,792 4,428 6,687 - 20,907 TlorWa 29,125 - 1,704 • —. 30,890 Baronnab..... .138 ,694 3,604 6,976 10,665 168,839 Charleston.... 138,876 40,821 28,208 21,103 220,18* K Carolina. 200 . Vlrgipla.« Battlraoia. 82© . -—> 820 .146,984 31,001 26,600 608 280,003 . 4,663 1,455 - 0,118 Philadelphia. New YorK.... .1,428,870 413,357 245.708 164,632 2,252,657 .1,921,388 480,037 304,005 243,678 2,954,608 T0ta1.... Laetyear . Smm.,. 492,010 07,280 (8,297 83,M0 701,910 COMPARATIVE BTATEMRST OS’ 1844-S. .2 .MUM f|| %Zo .3 627,845 4843-4. .2,030,400 .2,847,W9 4842-3. .2.378,8761 18 J3_l. .2 030,027 1841—2.. 1 ,08,1,674 1852—3 • • 3,202,882 1840—1.. 1,634,015 1851—2..3,016,029 1839-40. .2,177,530 1850-1. .2,355,257 1635-9. .1,300, »2 1849-50. .2,090,700 1837—8.-1,801,497 1848-0. .2,728,590 1830—'I ..1,422,030 1847-8..2 347,034 1835-0.. 1,300,.20. 1840-7..1.778.051 1834-5..1,2j4,3-8 1845—«..2,100,637 „ ■ ,„ . , , Crop op Sea Islani> Cottox.-Tlio crop of tUiB sfoplo tho past yoar (Included In tho (Icnerol Statement) was as follows: Florida, 20,365 balca; Ooorgla, 9,764 bales, and South Carolina, 16,185; total, 45,314 bales, against 44,512 bales 1855-0} 40,841 bales iu 1844-5, ami 39,686 bales 1n1553-4. Total crop of the United States o<» before btnted..., Add — Stocks ou hand at the com mencement of the year, Sept. 1,1856: la the Southern ports In the Northern ports Makes A supply of. Deduct therefrom — The Exn’t to Fo'n pts, 2,252,G57 Less, For’go included, 1,101—2,201,490 Stocks on hand, Sept. 1,1857 : In tLo South’n ports. 23,580 In tlifi Norfc’ru ports. 25,674 40,258 Burnt at Now York and Balti more. Taken for Homo use. QUAJiTiTV CONSUMED BV AND IN TIIR TimtKSNOItTJI OF Vllti Boles. Bales. 1850— 702,138tf845—6.. 422,597 i 1855—6... 6615,73 ft 1845—0...389,000 18Q4 — 5... 693,584 1843-4...340,744 1853—4... 010,571 1843—3.. 035,129 1852—3... 071.009 1841—2...207,850 1851— 603,029 1840—1...297,288 1850—1... 404,108 1839-40...295,193 1849-60... 487,769 1838—9. ..270,018 1848-9... 618,039 1837—8...246,063; 1847—8... 631,772 1830—7...222,540 1846—7... 427,907 PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Septomfler 10, 1857. Reported buR. Manly, Jr., Stock liroLcr , No 80i Walnut street. FIB3T BOARD. 2000 Elmira B 7’a lots 100 Beading 11 b 5 23 Ist niort 70 100 do h 5 23 4900 City R G’s g 5 lots 87 10Q do l»5 23 3ft2&Bewt’a& , i loti 80' 10Q do 1000 PcmiaßC’s Istm9o 100 do 23 600 City 6’s b 5 new 93# 50 do s 5 23 100 do now 93# 60 do s 5 23 1000 Lehigh VflßO’s 70# 325 Union Canal lots 6# 600 City &’a’7l 76 60 do 5?; 2000 Susq Canal 6’s 60 10 Penn’a B lota 44# 3000 N Penn’a R 6’s s 5 42 do lots 44 lots 51# 7 do 44# 3000 Schl Nay G’s ’B2 69# 110 Schl Nav pref lotß 17 18 AlinohUl B lots 50# 1 Cam tc Amboy B 30ft# 9 do 56# 30 Noristownß lots 68 122 Beading B lots 23# 350 Long Islß lots 8# 150 do lots 15 23# 100 N Ponn’a It cash 9# 100 do s 5 23# 60 do 9# 100 do *5 23# 43 Consol Bk lots 26 10 do sswn 23# 1 Philad’a Bk 117 60 do s 5 23# 7 Farm & Mec Bk 01# 100 do 23 BETWEEN 2000 City o's new 93 I 1000 do 87 | SECOND .3P'ft....o# ©Bc . do ....5 ©6c 3200 Scbl Nav G'g ’B2 lots 69 5000 N Peim’aßG’s 51k 1200 Penn’as’g 80 3 Cam & Ambit 100**' 60 Reading U 23 X 50 do 23# 300 do Wtrn 23# 100 do 23# 26 Udlocl Canal 6ft 60 do sft CLOSING PRICE Bid. Asked. USOVM 110 PbiladaCs 80ft 87 ft do Ml 80ft 87 ft do Now 03 03# Penn&Cs, 80 SO# Reading R 23# 23 V do lionds ’7O 69# 70ft ■do M o’s,H4 82 80 Penno RR 43ft MorrisOanl oon44ft 45ft Bchjrl Nav 6s *B2 58 ft 69 do Stock 8 12 LAT 3 7X<3>?%C Vi 1090 Bchl Nav 6V82 59 60 Catawlsaa R 8 100 Sehl Nav pref 16 100 Reading R «5 22V 100 do e&wn&lnt 22ft 30 do rw 22ft Readiug closes TUB COTTON TRADE OP THE UNITED STATES. —Tho New York Shipping List snja: The following will show tho stock of cotton (in bales) oil baud at tho different ports of tho Uuited States on tho Ist of Sep tember : STOCK OF COTTON ON HAND IN TUB UNITED STATES. New Orlc&uH, Mobil© Florida gav'a A Aug’tt.... 31,618 3,837 3,031 -4,073 Charleston 17.031 2.035 3,144 6,014 Virginia 760 '650 842 420 New York 32,938 60,846 34,667 25,078 Other N. Ports.... 17,129 O,S4G 9,500 Total bales.. 135,003 143,330 04,171 49,268 In regard to the consumption of tho United States, the data from which the annual tables ara compiled is less satisfactory. Tho total consumed la the Northern and Western Staten is reached by deducting tho exports sad stock on hand from the receipts, and the amount thus obtained for the last year was 702,133 bales, and then© are th© figures given in our comparative table ; to this should be added at least 150,000 bales for tho con sumption in tho Southorn States, which is not included in tho reckoning. Tho following comparison does uot include tho consumption in tho cotton-growing States : COXgUIU’TIOii O? COTTON IN TUK NOKTIIKUN BTATRH COMPAUEO WITH Con-1 Year. Crop. Burned. 1850-7...2,847,333. .702,138 1855-0.. ,8,527,845* .652,731) 1864-5.. .2.847,839. .61)3,664 1853-4.. .2,930,027 ..810,571 1852-3...3,202,882..071,009 1861-2.. .3,016,029. .003,029 1860-1.. .2,355,237. .404.108 IM9-60. .2,096,700. .45«;709 1848-9...2,728,690..518,039 1847-8.. .2.347,034. .631,772 1840-7...1,778,051..427,907 . 1815-6.. .2,100,537. .422,597 18*4-5.. .2.394,503. .389,000 1843-4 ..2,030,409..340,744 | Iu regard to the next erO[ fiance, and <u the result wil groe than usual by the wea sixty days, no reliable estitn average of the extremes vt below 3,300,000 bales, but w exceed these figures. LETTER BAGS At the Mtrchunti 7 Exchange , Philadelphia. Ship Tomwnnda, Ju1iu5. ........... .Liverp001, Bopt 25 BUipStalwart, Lucaa, Liverpool,Sept22 Br ship Zercd, Corish Londonderry, Sept 15 Ship Josonh Jones, Flowers San Francisco, soon Barque Minnesota, Cole Rio Janeiro, soon Br brig Oregon, Green........ Port au Stiaiu, soon Schr U E Bell, Clark, Bt Jago de Cuba, soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES. BTBAMKR *BOU POH DAT Ar&go New York Havre Sept 19 Europa Boston Liverpool Sept 23 Persia New York Liverpool se>f 30 Uamtn<mia......New York Hamburg... % .,. M ««Oct 1 FROM EUROPE. FROM FOft DAT Glasgow. Glasgow Now York Bept & C of Baltimore.. Liverpool Now Y0rk...., Sopt9 Fulton ..Havre New York.. Bept22 Cof Washington. Liverpool Now York Sept 23 Atlantic..., Liveruool New York. .Sept 30 Borussla.........Hamburg New Y0rk.,.,, ..Ocfcl MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS. Fmi.ADVi.rjiu--From New York 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, and New Orleans lltli. From Now Orleans 20th j Havana 23d, arriving at Now York 28th. Quaker Cttr—From New York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and 3lobilo 14th. From Mo bile 224, Havana 24th, arriving at Now York 2'Jth. CAUAWnA—Vrom New York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and New Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arriving at New York 3d. Empire Citt— From New York 17th, arriving at Ha vana 23d, and New Orleans 20th. From New Orleans 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at New York 33th. Br.AcK Warrior— From Now York 271 h, arrive at Havana let and New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14th, due at New York 18th. Isabel —From Charleston 19th and 4th, duo at Ha vada 23d and 7th. From Havana 10th and 25th, duo at New York 16th and 31st. Tho California mail steamers sail from New York on the sth and ‘2oth of each month. iilariuc JntclUflcnce. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Sept. IT, 1857, SUN RISES HIGH WATER. Brig Clara Ellen, naskell, 9 days from Peer Isle, Mo. with stone to captain. Brig Alfaretta, Bibber, 4 days from Fall River, in bal last to captain, Brig I) B Doane, Veazio, 5 days from Boston, In bal last to Lewis Kothormel. Schr Jlehry May, Watson, 7 days from Somerset, Mass, io ballast to captain. Schr John Beatty, Sharp, 8 days from JfarorbJU, in ballast to Van Duseu, Norton & Co. Bcbr Mary Patterson, Vanuojnan, 6 days from Salem, in ballast to Noblo. Hammett Sc Caldwell. Scbr Woodruff Blras, Mason, 5 days from Boston, in ballast to Wallaces Sc Co. Scbr 9 F Holliday, Seam&n, 5 days from Boston, iu ballast to Bancroft, Lewis Sc Co. Bcbr S P Garreitson, High, 6 days from Boxbury, In ballast to h Awtanrehl Sc Co. Bcbr Champion, Keen, 1 day from Bombay Hook, with wheat to Bewloy, Wilson & Co. Steamer Kennebec, Hand, 21 hours from Now York, via Capo May, with mdse and 200 passenger* to James Allderdlco. Passed a baiffuo and sixteen schooners in the bay, upward bound. OLEABED. Steamship City of New York, Matthows, Boston, 11 Mnßor. Brig Chicopee, Howes, Boston, David Cooper. Bchr Brazil, Ilowea* Charleston, N Sturtovaat (c Co. Scbr Caspian, Megatblin, Boston, do Scbr Pearl, Crowell, do do Scbr B p Solliday. Seaman, Boston, Bancroft. Lewis Sc, Go, Scbr Martha, Baxter, Boston, Beppller Sc Bro Bcbr Leesburg, Swift, Boston, Brown Sc White. Scbr Woodruff Bim«, Muson, Boston, Wallace Sc Co. Scbr Henry May, Watson, Salem, Clias Miller Sc. Co. Schr J Bustling, Brewster. Providence, do Bcbr John Beatty, Sharp, lUcliumnd, Yau Duseu,Nor ton Sc Co. Scbr S F Garrcttson, High, Lynn, L Andcnrcid Sc Co. Schr Mary Pattensou, Vmmemau, Washington, NoWe Hammett* Caldwell. Str Delaware, Bb»w, New York, Jos Alldordice. Str H L Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES. Del., Sept. 15, 8 A M. The largo fleet detained hero for several days by ad verse winds and fogs, weighed anchor and proceeded to go a this morning. Tho wteam tug America is going out, having the ship Quebec, for Now Orleans, In tow. Wind fresh from WN W. Yours, &c, [arreLzaftAM'] Correspondence of tho Philadelphia Exchange. OAPE ISLAND, Sopt. 10,810 AM. Capt Kelly, crew and passengers, of steamship Nor folk, wero landed here fast evening by the steamship Job Whitney. Tho N. left FbiladolpWaon Saturday lost for itlchmond, with a full freight, but encountered a violent galo ou Sunday and Monday in Chesapeake Bay, where she sunk. , <. The barque W Hollett, from New York, went in last evening. The berques La Cigueno, for Portland, snd 1 Lennlg, for Aspinwall, went to sea last evening. The steamship Empire City, from Now Orleans, via Havana, for New York, arrived at Norfolk yesterday, short of coal. Sept 10,0 P M—A fleet of vessels left the Breakwater this morning, and proceeded up. Two large ships are now going in. Wind weatbor fine. Yours, *9., TJIQ9, JL HGQUE9. •ME PRESS.-PftttAlJELPHlli THUkSDAV, &EPTEtaEIt 17, 18 W. Bales. 11833-4.1,205,394 1831-3. 1,070 438 1831—2. 087,477 1880-1.1,048,845 1829-30. 076,815 1825 870.415 1527—8. 727^593 1826 7. 057,281 1825—*3. 720,027 1824-5 . 609,249 1823—4. 409,158 CONSUMPTION 20.014 44,157 G 4,171 70S —2,301,552 HANDS OPMAXUFAO. JINIA. Bales. 1835—0....230,733 1834—5,... 210,888 1833—4,.. .100,413 1832—8.... 194,412 1831—2.. ..173.800 1830—1....182,142 1829-30.., .120,512 1823—0....104,853 1827—5....120.5P3 1820—7....103j483 800 City 6’s 8T 2000 N ronn'alt o’asssl# BOARD. 20I’enn’fl II lots 43# 30 do lots 43j$ 10 do sswn 43 20 Harrisburg R lots 03 3 N Ponu’a It 0 V 11 do A 150 L Island K ' lots 8«# 4 Ilk of Kentucky 10.8 2 Mechanics’ Bk 27# 14 Girard Bk 10# )ES—STEADY Bid. Asked, Schyl NayTrof 3G V Jd# 'VVmsp’t&ElmßU 10 dol st inort 7’ b 09# 10 do do 2dm 69# 00 Long Island 8# 8# Vicksburg 6# 7# 1 Girard Bank 10 10# Lehigh Zinc 1 Union Canal 5# 6# New Creek # Cfttawissa RR 7# 9 100 Beading R I>4 22# 100 do s 5 22# 150 do bswu 22# 10 do rw 22# 100 do rw 22# .22)4 bid. ,22ft asked. 1854. 1855. 1850. lt>!>7. 24,121 *39.425 0,905 7,321 29,278 28,519 5,005 4,504 . 583 160 74 50 2.205 2,002 THE TOTAL CHOP Con* Year. Crop. sumod 1842-3.. .2,378,876. .225,129 1841 2.. .1,083,074. .257,850 1840*1.. .1,834.945. .297,288 1839*40 . .295,193 183 S-U.. .1,300.632. .270,018 1837*8...1,801,497..240,003 1830- .1,422,930. .222,540 1835-0 ..1,300,725..2-30.733 1834-5...1,254,328..210,888 18334...1,205,394..190,<113 1832-3...1.070,434..194,412 1831- 087,477. .173,800 1830-1...1.038,848..182,142 1829-30., 970,845..120,512 p, opinions are widely at va ill be affected in a greater de>- ather for the next thirty or natc can now bo formed. The wotihl probably fall & little v© think tho total may even ,6 47-SUN SETS. ARRIVED. WM. H. HICKMAN, BRQQKD DESPATCH, [ur teleohjrii-J {Correspondence of The Press-) Nbw Yobk, Sept IG. Arrived, ships Baltic, from Leghorn: barque Adolino C Adams, from Bordeaux, brig Caroline K Kelly, Horn Cadis Boston, Sopt. 10. Arrived, barques Actress, from Glasgow; 0 Blanchard, from Bahia; Zebra, from Opteton; brig Carolme, from Remedies Correspondence of The Press. lIA.VHB Da Qraob, Sopt. IG. Twenty boats left bore tills morning, aden and con* signed as follows: Iva, wheat to Perot Sc Bro, and lumber to Malone 4 Taylor; T J Lingle, bar iron to llobt Valontlno & whis key to Perot 4 Bro; Jan E&iratt, Jr, bark to Poplar at wharf; Fra Marion Sc K Forrest, lumber to 1) B Taylor k Co; True Flag and North America, lumber to II Crnv key; A J Ritz and Margaret & Maty, lumberto 31 Trump & Son; Traveller and J T Dawson, lumber to A (1 Cat toll; Jos Heitor, lumber to Malono 4 Taylor; 00l John Ruy/noml, lumber to Rending Rlt Co; Dr T 8 Filbert, Wm Dugan, R D Jones, Angelinc, T Rckavt, Cnpt J R Kelly, Pennington, aud Raymond, anthracite coal to Delaware City. MEMORANDA Steamship Ilammonia. (Horn) Schweneon, from Ham burg, Ist inst, arrived at New York yesterday; anchored at quarantine, and in getting under way again, lost an chor and GO fathoms of chain. Steamship Boston, Seltav. hence, arrived at N York yesterday. Steamship Asia, Lott, for Liverpool, sailed from Hew York yesterday. Steamship Cahawba, Ilavcs, from Havana and Key West, arrived nt Charleston 13th inst, Steamship Quaker City, Shufoldt, from Havana 13th, at Mobile loth inst Steamship Erricsson, I.orcbor, sailed from Now York yesterday from Bremen Ship Diamond State, Forsyth, from New Orloans lGlh June, lor Genoa, vaa spoken 15th ult. in tho Straits of Gibraltar, Ship Aepaaia, Qrceu, for Acapulco, cleared at N York joUerday. Ship Emma Jane, Jordan, hence, via St John, NR, at London 3d inst* Bhip Medford, Gray, from Calcutta, at Blngaporo July 13, and sailed same day for China. v Ship Stag Hound, l’etersnn, was at Ilong Kong July 9, to sail 10th for Foo Chow Foo, to load for New York. Barque It G W Dodge, Jarvis, from Salem, at Pictou Oth Inst, Barque Cornelia L Bovnn, Belchor, cleared at Balti more ) estorday for South America. Barque Mary F Blade, Atkins, for o northern port, went to sea from Charleston 13th inst. Barque R B Walker, Haynes, cleared at Pictou 6th inst. fuv-Chlladelphia. Barque Our Union. Kent, hence, Hailed front Constan tinople 18th ult, for Sebastopol. Barque David G Wilson, Peacock, for Philadelphia, cleared at Charlestou 12th inst, and went to sea next day ilarque Marian, ITugg, cleared at New York 15th Inst, for Baltimore Brig Grozimbo, llosobrook, front Dlghton for Phila delphia, at Newport 12th inst. Brig Tangier, Ford, for Philadelphia, sailed from Bos ton 16th Inst. Brig R Bingham, from Boston, at Key West previous to 10th inst. Brig Hancock, Obor, for Wilmington, NO, to load for Porto Rico, cleared at Boston 25tli inst. Brig J II Rhoads, from Boston for Baltimore, with mdse, went ashore iu the late gnlo south of Cape Henry# Schr Watchman, Fordhain, from Norwich for Phila delphia, at New London 14th wit. Schr Gun Rock, Wilson, hence nt Lubec 11th inst. Schr Eleanor, Ifosrjcr, hence at Calais 7th inst. Schr Plaudomc, Bifprn. for New York, cleared at Sa vannah 11th inst. $ Schr Schoolboy, Robinson, cleared at New York 15th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr John L Rcdner, Undicott, hence at Dighton 12th inst. Sclirs Sarah Baribin, Hannon, aud Swan, Leeds, hence at Fall River 11th inßt. Schr Hannibal, Wentworth, from Dighton for Phila delphia, sailed from Fall Rivor 12th Inst, Scbrs Ephraim Sc A mm, Dole; Oscar F Hawley, Raek ett; Boston, Brower; Sarah A Taylor, Young; Sally Wheaton, Ayres, aud Allen Downing, Rice, sailed from Providence 14th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr 0 Matthews, Warren, for Philadelphia, was at Providonco 14th inst. Schr John P Collins. Butler, hence at Somerset 11th inst, Schr Leader, Bearse, hcnco atStonington!4tU inst. Bcbrs II Delatush, Bartlett, iorPhiladelphia, an ITa bitha and Hannah. Rarrott, for Absecoui, NJ,billed from Taunton lltli ipst Schr L B Ferguson, Barrett, for New York, cleared at Georgetown, SO, Gth inst. Schr Sidney Price, Godfrey, for Philadelphia, cleared at Georgetown, SO. 11th >ust. Schr Osceola, golloway, honco at Baltimore yestorday. Schr Ocean Bird, Skimicr, hence ut Richmond 15th in,stunt. Schr Now Republic, Willetts, hence for Wilmington, NO, with a full cargo of indso. went ashoro 13th inst. near New Topsail Inlet, about 23 miles from Wilming ton Tho captain arrived at tho latter port 14th inst: and it is stated that the vessel will probably bo a total loss, though part of the cargo may be sated. SPOKEN. 7th ult. lut 59 21. long 8 44, ship Lydia, bound W. 25th ult. lat 44 14, long 45 50, brig Norman, of Yar mouth. for Madeira. Aug 16. lat 41 60, lon 34 35, ship Rockhill, Martin, fiu Liverpool, Aug 8. for Calcutta. Aug 22, lat 25 31f long 20 20, brig Argyle, Warceu,fui Baltimore for Marseilles. Aug 25, lat 4u 40, long 7 47, barque Win Jones, from Charleston for London. Aug SO, 120 miles 8W of Sicily Islands, Ut 48 05, long 7 21, ship Lightning. Enright, from Boston for Calcutta. Aug 31, Ut 48 00, long 8 80, ship Quickstep, Button, from London for New York, Aug —, uo hit, Sc c, wai signalised an Am barquo steering —, elmwing a white slguul with a black ball In it. MARINE MISCELLANY. Norfolk, 6opt 10—It is reported that the steamship Jamestown, from New York, was blown out to twa as far as Cape Hatteras.arul took iu considerable water, some, what damaging her cargo. Steamer Atlanta, Gager, at New Yorkyesterday from Charleston, reports: On Monday, 13th lust, off Capo Lookout passed a quantity or wrecked materials, sup. posed to be a steamer’s wheel house and house on dock. The A has experienced heavy BIV galea the whole-pas. tsage. Passage West, Aug 31—Tho American ship WiMtern Star, of Boston, (rice) from the East Indies, hauled to tho Royal Victoria dockyard wharf to discharge cargo and go into dry dock for repair, haying been yprv leaky after colHsion_with another vessel at sen. Report of cVptMerrUhftw, of the ship Talavortv, 410 tons, from Antwerp for Boston, with a general cargo, which was in collision on tbo 29th ult. with a barquo unknown, aud lost foreyard, main topmast, and sus tained other damage, as previously reported:—Left Ant werp oh tho 27th ult, wind favorable. Ou tho 29th, while sailing withafulr breezo from ENK, having at the thno ft conspicuous light forward, and a good look out kept, a Htrftuge salt suddenly made Us appearance on the starboard bow. It wan thou 130 A M, and about 15 miles to tho westward of Dtmgennes. Tho stranger was on her larboard tack, and struck tho Talavora about tho main aud mlteu. standing, and other rigging, but warkx, house on deck, and doing various other damage. The Talavora reached Portsmouth tho 29th, without having required any assistance. The ship Essex, Mnnro, of Liverpool from Callao, was the vessel io collision with tin* above, aud had arrived ut Victoria docks, London, Sept 4, with her bowsprit aud cutwater carried away. Frankfort, Me, Boptl2--o&pt Rich, of schr Magnum Bonum, of Frankfort. leporia that on tho morning of the oth inst, about flvo miles outside of Long Island, Bunion Bay, fell in with a email schr of about six or eight tons, culled tho Young America, where of could not mako outj was full or water, and had apparently been run into. Attempted to tow her in, hut could not. Took from her sails, part of rigging, and boat. Ship Amazon, Ringot, of oud from Boston, for Mel bourue, whUh put into Rio Janeiro leaky, aud was con demned, i« 570 tons, about 18 years old, and Is Insured iu Boston. She had a cargo of lumber, which may bo uent forward in Homo other vessel, NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice ia hereby given that tho Bpindles on FalseSplt and Bird Island, In Boston harbor, bavo been changed in color fiont black to rod. By order of the Lighthouse Board. C. 11. U CALDWELL, Lighthouse Inspector, 2d District. Boston, Sept 44,1857. THE NAVIGATION OF THE NEVA—The following notice, issued by tho Russian Ministry of Marino, rela tive to tho navigation between Cronsladtand St Peters burg, was posted at LloyiVa sth inst;—‘‘Russian Coagu late General, London, 17-29 August, 1557. Notification. Captains of merchant vowels of n great draught or water having, notwithstanding tho injunctions to the contra ry of the competent authorities of tho porta of Cron* stadt aud St Petersburg, and even without pilots, en tered tho channel of the Neva, and ran aground, causing thereby great obstruction to the navigation of tho chan nel, tho Imperial Ministry of the Marino has issued the following regulations. The captiinsof merchant ves- Reis are enjoined: 1. To conform themselves strictly to tho directions of tho commanders of tho guard ship aud light teasel. 2. Not to enter the channel unless they have u pilot. 3. Not to attempt tho passage from Cron stadt to St Petersburg, or vice tersa, if their vessels, when loadedj draw more than eight feet, and in tho con trary case, either to lighten tho vessel or como to an anchor upon tho first requisition to that effect made by the commanders of tho guordship and light vessel. 4. Any vessel, of vhatSover nation or dimensions, which, notwithstanding tho injunctions of tho competent au thorities. shall lufriugo tho above-mentioned regula tions, will be liable to pay a line of twenty-five silver roubles. DOMESTIC PORTS, NEW YOIIK, Sept, lfl.—Arr, steamship Atnlanta, Gager, 3# days from Charleston; ships Pelican Statu, of Bath, Morse, from Cronstadt July 7th, and KUsnore 27th; Wubamo, Doty, from Flushing Aug 30. with mdzo and 365 passengers—had twn births on the passage; Lady Frank/in, Jordan, from Liverpool Aug 13, witii mdzo and 674 passengers, Star of the West, Shoppey, from Liverpool Aug 20, 460 passengers, I C Humphreys, (or Brunswick, Me,) Morse, Irotn Cardiff Aug Ist: Uhuice, Gillespie, 49 days from Sunderland. Cld, steamships James Adgor, Turner, Charleston; Roanoke, Skinner, Norfolk; ships Athons, Briard, Now Orleans- Great Western, Fuiher, Liverpool; Mary Evans, War ren, London; sohrs L Hokins, Sharrott, Fredericksburg; Areola, Schanot, Portsmouth; Globe, Ellis, Salem. BOSTON, Sept. 16th —'Toiegtaplml— Barques Fleet Eagle, from Capo Town, Capo Good Hope: O Blanchard, (Dr) from Bahia. ’ Cleared—lir steamer Eastern Slate, Killnm, Halifax’ barques Calcutta, (rfard) MaviaMl, Gemn; Helen Marla, Nickroon, Baltimore; Umpire, Moore, Charleston; schr Imperatrice, (Fr) CrURRon, St Plene, Miq. Sailed—Wind SW in tho morning, aftorward* NNW to NW, strong breeze, ships Geo Callender, Sc-ailower; barques O J Chaffee, T Si J, Geo Thomas; D Godfrey, Ella; brigs It G Perry, and Marshall. BALTIMORE, Sept, 16.—Arr steamship Cemmcrco, Vaughan. 14th—Brig Lady of the Lake, Jfowman, from Pert Spain, Trinidad; Bteamoi Farmer, Dennis, from Phila dO pWa. CHARLESTON, Sept 12th—Cld U S M rteamrißp Marion, Foster, Now Yoik. Ship Geo Hullett, Frost. Boston. 13th—Arr ntemnship Columbia, IJerry, New York. Brig J II Jones, Nicholson, Now York; brig Emily, Davis, New York; brig Tocorn, Patten, George town. 8 O; schr Eclipse, Jones, Wilmington, N C; sehrJT Williams, Curtis, Now York; schr B N Hiuv kjna, Mandeull, Now York. GEORGETOWN, (8. C.) Sept. 4 —Arr, schr F Nicker son, Gooding. 'Sept 6—Cld, brig Cath. Anderson. La tlirop, for Barbadoes. fiejit. B—Cld, whr Keindeor, Stinson. New York- Sept 11—CM. brig If W Moncure, Richards, Mfitatizafl; schr LA Edwards,Shackelford, Non York. WILMINGTON, N. 0., Sept. 14—Ar lirig Alladdin, Shortwell. 18 hours, from Sautmiah. Cleared. Sept. 15, Brig Cyefone, MeCnrter } for Boston, Barque Esther Piancis, Crocker, for Marmlles NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 9th —Arrived, ships Assyria, Delano, New Yoik: Susan Jllnks, Clausen, Boston. Oloarcu, ship Delhi, Knapp, brig Brownsville, Simpson, Cardenas; soli Eslliur Burr, OKvrson, Havana. M Below—Coming up.—Ships Ocean Pearl, Chandler; Maid of Orleans. Dennis; Union, Davis, Genoa, l’cnnell; Rnjab, Bowen, from Now York; barque Alvarado, Bur ton, from Rockland, Mo; schr Old Dominion, Smith, from Now York. Towed down to sea on tho sth Inst, ship It M ftlotnun. foreign torts. Ar at Pielon Ist lust, barque N Boynton. Smalley. I Uofiton; brig Wm» I, P „t Slnrlilelieniti »ch Alim Mtra-o Harbor Grace, NF—3d, brigs Ada, Morrhmin, Boston; Blink Bonnie, Foster, do; K s c, Ilondoraon, do—6th, Jsolo, Griflln, Belfast—Otb. barques E Foster, Foster, Boston; brigs Jas Parks, Parks, Boston; Mayflower, Strong, do; Brothers, Gorrior, do; Scotia, Young, Ells worth; Rch Belle, Gilliot, Boston for Miramichi. Cld 3d, barquo Zebra Crooker, McDonald, Boston— 4th, brigs Martha HflJ, Puurtels, do; Gen Peilisier, P«r rlor, do; Anglo, Cunningham, Watehom; Marietta, tyarebam; Stephen Young, Ferry. Pembroke—sth, brigs Irene. Boudrot; Geo Walker, Morehouse, and Messen ger, Dftuche, Boston; sell Jubilee, Fougero. do—7th, brigs Crimea, Stinson, Boston; Darien, Starrelt, do; Charlotte, Piccard, do; Lucy Aun, Wasa, Somerset—Bth, Mecosta, liayncs, Boston; Superb, Boon, do; Bridget, Leblftno, do; sell Flora King, King, Wnreham. Ar at Halifax Bth last, brig France* Ellen, Mansfield, Liverpool, NS. oth, schr Bright Star, Ritcy, do 48 lira. Cld Bth. brig Gen Williams, Flynn, X’ortland. Ar at 8t John, NB, 10th Inst, Bchrs Osprey, Theall, Boston; J B Small, Brisco, and Now York Packet, Church. Eastport. 31th, Arctic, Bent, fm Alexandria. Cld 11th, ship Kato Frineo, Jonoa, Liverpool. 12th, A P Fenno, Mussolls, Boston: Medford—9ld, July 14, ship Beaver, Smith, for Banco. Straits, to embark crow and soldiers of tho Br steamer Transit, wrecked. In port 18th, ships Hussar, Howland, for Phftngiwi Wg; A mm Marla, from Jiatavw for Now York; barquo Lucky Star, Sweeuy, for Now York iu a taw days. Calcutta. July 20th, the ship Pleiades, Gaze, cleared 19th for Boston, and was detained in consequence of Captain G. breaking his leg, would sail about 27th Hong Kong, July 9th. In port, ships Hotspur, foe F»o Chow and N York. Samuel Russell for Foo Chow, Inde pendence for Manilla and N York, Ariadne for Bombay, Miinillaand barque Kremlin tor Foo Chow. Sid, Juno 30th, ships Intrepid, Shanghai, Golden City, Amoy; July Bth, Golden State, Shanghai; Phantom do. List of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. GIRARD HOTEL—Chestnut Street, below Niulh. Wm U May. Ga Wm Bolden, Ua 31 Koppurl,Galveston. Toxuh J N Markham, Ky A Lippiuui, do Wm Holloway, do Wm 0 Woods, NO HD Shull, Ohio J 31 Cox, do Wm H Bins#, Unit Chas U Shaw, Cin, Ohio John Shipman. Y» G 0 Browu,Danville, Va P J Barnes, Va Ju« B Pace, do Wm M Hcuderioii, Carlisle Juo It PerrlH, do lion Fred Watts Sc dm, Jo Jas Deeiiug, Lexington,Ky Wright Smith, Oiu, Ohio J P Jones, Reading, l*a R F»y> Boston WmNKeim, do II II Loury, Hartford (I A Nicolta, do *JI M Sloan, Jr, N 0 J A Gray, kC AC Neofus A la, Railway Chas Emerson, Boston Jno D Armour, Memphis Edw Packet A la, Barba- Miss Ann Annour, do does Miss A (taxings. do R 8 Moore, Va Mr Norilsk la, BftU Jno Maclian, Princeton Myer Myers, Salisbury, NC T J L. Do Yniuswort, N C J M Jones, Galvea'n,Texas S V Webb N C Alias II O Join s, M it, Del Jas Erwin, Nashville Jno A Selden, Va II Willots, Chicago, 111 Miss Seldeti, do A Willetts, llompstead, LI Miss Orgau, do E R Fonill, Va ifiss Orgau, do Sami W Holt, Ya Mips Paul, do ! M Mack, Cin, Ohio Miss Lyons, do W J Scarborough Sc livdy, Mrs Wilcox, do Cin, Ohio Mia Winchester, Memphis MI’S Wilcox, Va Mr Lioubury, N O Mr Wilcox, do It Yeadon, Charleston, S 0 II P Gould, Balt Kov W C Stout A la, Miss Wm C Dunton, N Y Q T Smith, Vicksburg J Ilnpkiuson, SC i'M llopkinfion. N C A Maynard, Boston M Man-Uek, N Y Be Marti, Havana 3lr Tompson, N Y Do Padei, do 3lr Burkhiird, do II Hoppm, Newport, R I J Louis Sc lady, Ga Mina Howland, do Mrs Towns fc child, Ua F Curtin Sc lady, Boston O \V Shepherd, Va J Mulford Sc la, Eiizaboth W V Dunham A lady. N V A T Steele, N Orleans G H Duuham, N Y * J T Waring, Savannah, Ga MisJ B Walkei, (la Alias Waring, do Alias E F Mnlker, Ga Miss Johnston, Washington J F Walker, Ga If D Milihou.wn, Berlin Wm Eckert, Reading, p« Mrs Murium, New York Mrs Hall, Penna U C Ureifleuhagc, do J O Dugun. Baltiuioro Geo Bryan, Virginia RW Pendleton, do F Osgood, Now York W Milnorßoberts, Carlisle G H Booth, England J pshaw Sc la, Virginia Sir Charlesworth, do .Miss K Sliaw, do Mr Crawford, N Orleans Chas Hager, Lancaster Sirs Itidgway Sc sin, N Y F p Breed Sc la, Boston Wm Atwater, BhamokiuPa Chas Mallet. New York II Conover, Dayton J Jlalßal. St Louis E Goodwin Jr, Hartford John P Paulison, N York Wm Gray, Boston Arthur Childs, do 11 Drown Jr, Baltimore JBSliaQord, do J LMosj, Now Jersey MtsaShafford, do II Hysloti, Maryland It U Rankin, Trcverton F B Hobbs, Now York L Bowers Sc la, Now York Chas A Green, do Hold Emmett, do P A lkii-bor, do MU Dudley, Buffalo J Hobart, Boston A Wilkin, gt Paul 8 11 Moore, South Carolina Jacob Krousc, Gin, Ohio L Eursleiu, New York B 8 Kctelihi, S Carolina U J Henry, North Curolina Androw Gump, Dayton, O MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. E Julian, Lancaster, Ohio EC Non ton. Clearfield, Fit T Underwood, Lafayette,lnd A J Frame, Coolvilta.Ohio Asay Arnold, Alex, Va John Frame, do It ItSailoway, N O John JlcCimiy, O A 11 Kerr, pa W G Coi)k I ,’\[oon i svillo,liul J L Westnutt, N Y It II Edmonds, do Jas IV Simpson, Pittsburg Jos Mahoney, N V Jolm M Gaer, Sterling, 111 Ji 31 Duff, Alt Gilead. O J M lloMerbaum, Pa Lewis Rowland, do A O Nesbitt, Md T IV Prastur, N C Thou Smith, Dobson,N C Geo B Jones Sc wife, L W JlcCay, Wnsh’tonv, l»a Pittsburgh 0 llvgc, W Greenville. Pa C 3 Strickland, N Y H Uingliam, Pittsburgli A A Graff. Bhirsville, I*a John S Hay« do John Graff do J E Curtis, Virginia Henry Esthelbergor, Balt h m Ai nald, Alex, Va David Barnet, Easton J R Becd. Pittsburgh , Wm Barnet, do B Langcake. Muuey, Pa Goo W Askin, 3111 ton, Pa S A Langcako, do JSGralins, do Chaß Leib, Chicago, 111 Wm llcinen, Multon, Pa Geo W Ross, Atlionfl, Tenn Samuel T Brown, Tenn K A Nojif, Southington G A Bittonbanm, Fa E Welch, Bristol, Conn S Rnscnhaum, Va It 0 3lcCuUough, N Y John Auner. Pu T W White, Pa CITY HOTEL—Third street, above Race. John Brady, Tyrone, lta T D.Manly, Yu W McAdams, Easton C J Wilber, do T C Stockbridge, Miss C D Firstar, Centre co T Chambers, Easton Rli«n A McClure, do S Lambert, New Hope Miss S Fntz, do G Dane, do R Bidddl, Pitthburgli D W Hall Sc la, 3lcK»ven.sv'io 8 McDonnell, do .Miss J Hall. do J L Rank, Jwwy Shore 3lasfc W HuM, do J Holmes, Harrisburg DIV Longster, Lancaster 8 Bowman, Williamsport C3lorrifi, do It Crawford, do R Dunlap, do It McCormick, Pa 8 Grub, IloiiesdnU', Pa STATES UNION HOTEL— Market, above Sixth. John Jolinhon, Pittabuig JM" Camheli, Westmol'd J Nickode/nus, Lancaster O M Smith . OumherJand A 11 Long, Lewistowu John Brandon, Indiana co R Stanton, Cheater lIUI, O Sum’l McCune, Blairs>ille AE Simpson, do SB Lancaster J P Wilkinson, Unlon\llle David Suttzman, Juuiataco 318011,01if0 John AfcCiuskey, Pa W Henuosijy, Lancaster J Dunn. Balt R R Donnelly, Ohio Arnos Stable, Y’urk co, Pa Jas Garber. Lancaster Pum’l Miller A Wife, Pa II L Andc-rfion, Pittsburg Silts llayaood, NY 21J McDonald, Pa MADISON HOUSE—Socond fitroot, abovo Market. D C Wood, l’hilada IVni Thorp, Sfilford. Del P Hobuflkfgeu, N Jorsey 3loaes Harrington, do Thofi Buckmaster, Tienton Jacob Sofer, Kausaa Jonuthati Jones, do Jno II Pringlo, do 3Vm A Moore, do Thos Cleaver, Port Penn C Schoylesfi, Charlottevillo A U liigram, Millsborotigh T \V Reed, Mordentown, N J 8 Ranghly, MUtard, Del O H Siumioufl, Now York IleuryFßogers, New York. AMERICAN HOUSE—Cbestuut, below Sixth fit. 8 Fountain, N O Ja# Rcvimo/nl, P« Q J WUlhuuH, Ohio 0 H Harrison, Ky R Johnson, do U S Ilarrtaon. do W'm Wiiilaco A tu, Pa II Harman, Y'lluungtou W R Sourer, I‘hiia A L Ruyou.Ohu* W E Jones, N C J Christie, do J F Jollee, do Jnuifl Gates do Joha h Hendrix, N C MR Gatoi, do J O Jenkins, do Wm B Collin*, Del J B JenkfiH, Va 7’hos J Jones, do B J Dickey, Pu Jiu Anderson, do Joshua 8 Bmitli, Ta IV S Sampsou, N Y Androw Turner, do GJohivmn, do 0 C Uhutton, Wiinhl’n, Pa John Cli.ittou, Wnshl’n, Pa 3V >V Leggett, Dresden, O J'. D it’iiburn. New York R Shilliug, do Peter MeKuight, do Geo BrookA, Bouton J Chateltar ,V la, do B Gilmoro, Virginia Ju* F Chatellcr, do Wm L Pago, Lynchburg, Va Aug Blumeuthal, Uo Wm Burton, Sulford, Del P Rein, do Thoa O Frame, do N Judet, Cmm J 31 Frock, Slinofavillo H T Darlington A la, Pa WII Baldwin, Newark, NJ John E KatUbun, l'u OJJIn!I,Ohio It 11 Brown. do Benj II guumer, NC W J Hoke, NC S Churchman, NJ BLACK BE All HOVEL—Third street, ab. CaßowhiU. GMarfcv, Berks co Wm Meins, Doehteis. illo (1 Klino, Karlvillo Wm Eddmvs, Moreland J lirumback. Exeter Mm G'Tliug, Amity\illo Master Gorlmg, Amitytillo MrßarlOlctt, do (1 Landes Cole. Brook'dnlu P K Grim, Allentown ‘Mrs XC Grim Allentown Jonas Kline, Lung Swamp Mast Kline, Long Swamp IV F Killinger, Ilernville G Bechtel, Bechtelmillo S Roads, Southampton Jacob Ilolbou, l'iuo Oroto F Merkel, Kutztown NATIONAL UOTEL—Race street, above Third. Emanuel Klein, Pittsburgh John L Coho, Pa Wm Ralston, Lancaster «o Win F Veuger. Allentown I‘a J JX Nolph, do James Pennoy, do Joa Whitaker, Mt Clair J Scholling tV la, Ohio Theo C Yeager, Allontown U F Ricks.Mossilon, Ohio Thus Perkins Pittsburgh AG Muerhast, lirowmille, D C Kammerer, do Pa j W lthoads, Wilkesbnrre R Thompson, Doylejdown II E SwnrU, S Easton, l’a S M Shultz. SchuJkill lluv JL Eckert A la, Bucks co David Cornuiugß, do Pa DMLcidig,Pa peter Bowman, Glcu Car lIJ Headier, VottwlUo bon, i*a. CM 7 Eckert, Allentown lieu W Smith, N Y MrsGuth, do J) S MntthcM, Pa Miss Huho, do 1) W Leeds, do Geo \Y Morgan, do 0 L Saylor A la, do UNION lIOTEL—Arch Street, above Third. S L Freeman, Ya T M SUles, Ya Miss Chilton, Yn Ueore S Fox. Pa James C Morgan, Richmond, ilobortComlell. Richmond. Vn Va U Adams, Lexington,N 0 Henry Hoover, Oliio AY II Wnruer, New Britain, Charles Peck, Canada West Conn GcoNishuitz, Tippecanoe, E Macon. Poitßoyal, Pa Ohio lIA Hope, PR R J M May, Kingston, Ohio JP Green do A Wells, Wolisvillo, Ohio Jame» Wilson, Now Bedford, Patrick Thompson, New W M Blackburn.BioomiJeld,o Bedford E AUcu, La Port, Ind James M Allen, Ind James M Alton do KII Daro A lady. N J J M Watson, Trenton. N J EH Roy, Supeiior.M is W P Hills, Superior, Wis A Attiuaiy, Tuylurav illo, Chas J Mann, Altoona, pa Ohio Mrs A M Doggo, N 0 J L Fulkerson, X C Henry 0 Eccies, N 0 Miss V Burroughs, N J A F Uuithcr, NO C G Jlmdon, Lafayette, Ind J Cornwcl, Lutayotte, Ind J 0 Rochester, Logan, 0 .T Kitchen A la, Allegheny W S Rayburn, Ohio J Hall Short, Dol Sami L Crawford, Del D Friewner, Logan, Ohio Jacob Schnebly, Md A R Schnebly, Md Miss Susan M llenteh, Md U E Wills A la, Pa Philip K Clark &• la. Dol G Drake, Ohio J A Wolff, Muncy, Pa II P Moore, Touanda. Pa IV G White. Towanda, Pa 00l ltobt Ratcliff, Tamaqua Joa Engel, Ga i V Smith, Ohio John billimmi, Ohio BLACK BEAR IXX, Merchant street, bel, Fifth. Isaac P Steel, Del co, Pa ll Clayton, Chester co, Pa (100 SUmdel, Lancaster U Lyle, do Wm Murray, do W O limiter. do JosG Reed A wife, Md G I’ Wickersnam, do F A Leahy, Philadelphia A E Bower, 'do Wm Kiorlmrt, West Cheater E Lisler, do Jas Gilva, lUinnU j’.dw 1> Baker. Del co, l’a Wm Dull}’, Pennsylvania BF Rose, Altoona, Pa F Scholllo, do Wm AMet, Easton, I’a Rufus Wiley A la, Yoik eo, Pa Special Noiircs. Fowler, Wells, & Uo,—lute *4lll Arch stm'l— Imvo removed to 922 Citr.HTNuT stuki t, ithero the) "ill cinilimio to keep ptiaidurtl norfcs on lin i‘Jn>.j. ology, Wntor-Curo, and PlionOttra l*liy. Full ami tellable examinations by an experienced lMneuolojjNt, day ami evening. Cabinet froo to visiter?'. f>el7-4t* Seamen’s Saving Fund —Office 203 Walnut street, ono door west of second street. Receives de posits In sums of Ono Dollar and upwuTds, from all classes of tho community, am! allows interact at tho rato of ftvo por cent, per annum. Monoys paid on Demand. Ofllco open daily, from 9 until 5 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in tho evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M.Morrie; Secre tary, James S. Prioglo. Bow* I ’* Infant Cordial,*—This invaluable Cordial 1b prepared from a variety of the most choice aud ofllclent aromatics known in medicine, and is tho most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants aud young children. By its powerful iufluenco a npoedy cure is effected in all cases of Cholic , windy pains aud spasms, Relieves and mitigates much of children’s suffering duriug denti tion or teething, aud by Its noothlug properties trail quiUaos patna of tho towels, looseness, vomiting, &c. Tho Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has boon used in thousands of cases with tho most abundant suceosa. No family should bo without it. Prepared only by llbniiy A. Hovnsn, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must bo addressed. And for sale by Druggi&tageuorftUy. aulS-ly Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Intercat—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in Walnut Btrcct, south west corner of Third Stfeet, PniLAPKf.rnu. Assets ovor ONB MiluoN and a Half or Dollars, invested in Beal Estate, Mortoaoks,Ground Kbnts, nnd other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines Its business entirely to tho rocei , vlag of money on deposit. Any sum, largo or small, is received, andthomonoy is always paid back, with out notioe, to any amount. The office is open every day from fl o’clock in tho morning until 7 o’olock in the evening, and on Monday Thursday cwninga until 9 o’clock. ittarriages. fly the flev. Andrew irniuhip, 0 n Monday eyeniny Htl. Inst Mr. THOMAS STEVENS to MluTsaSu UELLENI, butli of Jjo r jpj|to»n t JJurJingtof, county, Sept lUth, by Rev. J llumphijsa. Mr ALLEN F LEVERING to Mbs AMANDA BI SINGER, all of Manyunlc, Pa On the Bth infant, by Kt Rev, Bishop Wood, Mr j 11. REILLY to MM MARY A. SOALLO.V, all of this city. tDcalljs. On the 15th inst., ANNE JULIA, daughter of John G. Ariabruster, aged 0 years. The relatives and friends of the family uro respect fully Jot Red to attend the funeral, from the resnfenci) of her fattier, Callowhlll street, below Fourth, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock To proceed to Laurel HUI Cemetery On the morning of thollthinst , JACOB SCIIIEDT, in tiit- 7Ld vear of fib* age. His relatives and frienus and those of tlio family aro respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residency, between Mulberry and llauover, late Kensing ton, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock P. M. On the* i-itii jj X i»t , JOIIN lIENUY, inrant son of Au gustus and Cniolino Brenner, aged 15 months. The relative* and triemls of tho family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from tlic residence of .lispnrcnt*, Kj.inJcford Road.abore Wood atreot, iDth " nrd, lute Kensington. thU (Thursday) Afternoon, nt 1 o’clock, without lurthcr notice. Funeral to proceed to <J.\A l‘cUo.'..V Cvmvtcry. Cj* Twelfth nrd Democratic Association,— A stated Meeting of the ASSOCIATION will ho held at SAKI.L’.S DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS, this (Thursday) Evening, at 7,’j' o'clock. Oflifltsis will be fleeted to serve for the ensuing six months By Order, JOHN 0. JAMES. Troaidont llbsuv A. 'Wn.sox, ? 0 ,„ . Tiu.mw. too, ’{SMrctMiM Wy* Meeting of tlie Wholesale tnul UVtaU Mali and Liquor Dealers’ Association will be held on ovory THURSDAY afternoon, at 2 o’clock, at tho Dili gent Uatl v TENTH and FILBERT ttreotn. sulC-21# BY ORDER OF ASSOCIATION. fCT* Notice.— A <luurt*rfy Meeting of the HIBERNIAN SOCIETY' will bo held nt Jones’ Hotel CHESTNUT, abovo Sixth street, on THURSDAY, tho 37th im*t, at 7 o’clock P. M. AND. 0. CItAIO, «elo-2t Secretary. 1D“ Office of the Union Canal Company Piiilu»:M’Uia, Sept. I4tb, ISS7.—A meeting of tho stockholders of the Union Canal Company of Pennsyl vania will bo hold at tho office of the company, (Far quhar Buildings.) No. 228 WALNUT street, below Third, on TUESDAY, October Qth, next, at 12 o'clock, M. By order of the Board of Managers, Beia-tUocf. 0. THOMPSON, Bec’y. C<TE AM "ENGINKS, " k 3 from TWO TO ONE HONORED HOUSE POWER. ALSO, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF MACHINISTS* TOOLS, SLIDE LATHES, PLANING MACHINES, DRILLS, CHUCKS. MORTISING JfACIirNL'S, Jcc. For sale at tho MACHINE DEPOT— No. 105 NORTH THIRD STREET, sell Into J. M lIOLLINGSIIEAD <5 AVi NG FUN D.—UN7TRD STATES ►3 TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small sums recoiled, and paid hack on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 5 o’clock every day, and on MONPAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o’clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from XI upwards. President—STEPHEN It. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. _ Teller-^AMES K. HUNTER. *elMyif O' bI)WHEAT"wmSKEY.—E7'P.~ MW DLBTON &• BROTHER, importers of Wines. Bran dies. Ac. Also, solo proprietors of tho Old Wheat Whiskey, No 5 North Front Street. sepl7-lm Amusements American academy of music. E. A. MARSHALL.,.. SoJo Lessee Debut in America of tho GRAND RONZANI BALLET TROUPE, under tho personal direction of tho celebrated Maltrc do Ballet, DOMENICO RONZANI. In announcing this event the Lessee feels great plea sure in recording his thauks to the justly popular Ira pre*s.irio, MAX MAURT7.EK, through whose agency ho in enabled to present this far famed IIOVC'ItV. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Sept. 17, 1857, Will be presented tho grand Fantastic Ballet, in three net* ami ten tableaux, composed by Domenico Honz&ai, entitled Doctor Faust. Peter.. Signor Ceechetti Margnenta Mdo Louise Lainoureux Maita.... ....... Signora Ceechetti Spintu IXuuanto ....Signor liaratti MWiatoMe ..Signor 1). Rouzanl Now ami .splendid Scenery by Messrs. K. Smith and (J forgo Jloiator. Nf'.v and splendid Costumes by Madame Vacho and H, Watson and assistants. Appointments and Decorations by S. Wallis and assist ant* Machinery by J. Kugler and assistants. Pltit'KS of AnMlsaiox.—Parquet, Parquet Circle and Balcony, $1; Family Circle, 50 cent'?; Amphitheatre-, -j routs; Colored Gallery, 25 cents. Tb® Box Office of tho Academy is open from 0 A, M. tffil'.M,,for the securing ot lleserv'cdScats and Boxes, without extra charge. The Ballet will commence at 8 precisely. Carriages will set doom heads South, and take up heads North. 6e17 THO 3. McKKON, Troasoror. ST. theatre! —Nolo Eessea W. WHEATLEY. Boalb op Batosa.—Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 50 cents; Family Circle iind Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Seats lu pri vato Boxes, 75 cents; Whole Pmat® Box, f 3; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Person*, 25 ceuti; Pri vate Box lu Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. BoX Office open from 10 A. 51. until 3 P. M. J.M. B.WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Sept. 17U», the per. formatices will commence with Shakapeare's tragedy ol IUCHAUD HI. Duke of Gloster. (Dieen Eli ’.abeth To conclude with the new /area of OAPK MAY. Thomas Twist Mrs. Thomas Twist, NATJONAL WALNUT" SJ’ near KigUtlu iVuMtaMO* Seat* in Prhatc llox, $1; Orchestra Chairi, 73 cent*; lire** Circle and l’.irqupt, 30 cent*; Family Circle,-3 cent*. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o’clock. Box Office open from 10 to 4 o'clock, when Seats can be secured. Stago Manager. Tillrf (Thuroduy) EVENING, Sept. 17, the perform ance will commence with OFLAMUAN AND THE FAIRIES. I’heUni O’Flanigan ..Mr. W. J. Florence Bridget OTianigan Miss Charles To bo followed by tho popular piece entitled THE YOUNG ACTRESS Camomile Mr. W. 3. Florence Maria anil four other diameters... .Mrs. W. J. Florence To conclude with tho roaring Irish drama of BRYAN O’LYNN. Bryan O’Lynn.. Shelah Rourko. WALNUT STKEET THEATKE.—Les see, Mr. E A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr. JohnSofton. Prices.—Dress Circle and Parquetle, 50 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchealra Seats, 75 cents. Box Office open from 9 o’cluck A. M. to 3 P. M. Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance to com mence at 7}£. Tills (Thursday) EVENING, Sept. 17th, will be acted tho beautiful play of THE STRANGER. Stranger Mr. M'Donough Peter Mr. Chapman Mr*, Haller Madame Ponhd To conclude with the popular play of PI/.ARUO. KJANFOKI}’ 3 OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Strcot, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7jj o’clock —to commence at 8, Admittance 26 coots, SANFORD'S OPERA TROUPE In their Operatic Entertainment-?, introducing all tho latest Songs, Glees, Choruses, Dances, Ac., cuucluJiug each evening with a LAUGHABLE BURLESQUE. Bi’lC-lm £cgal Notices, TTN TIIE OEPHANS’ COURT FOII THE JL CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA—E*tnIe of Samuel Bremer, deceased The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, ami adjust the account of Lewis Bremer, acting Admin istrator of Samuel Brer tier, deceased, and tomakodMri bution of the balance In tin* hand* of the accountant, will meet tho parties interested lor tho purposes of his appointment, on Wednesday, September 3Uth, at four o eluek P M., at tho Wetherill IIou«o, George Street, above Sixth, in tho City of Philadelphia. Mjpl7-endst JAMES R. LUDLOW, Auditor. 8 N THE ORPHANS’ COURT >011“ THE JL CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. fu the matter of J. W. Starr, Executor of Maria Starr, deceased. Tho Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust tho account of J. W. Starr, Executor of tho Estate of Marin Start, deceased, und to report dis tribution of tho balance, w ill meet the parties interested at his oilin', at tho southeast corner of Locust and Eighth streets, in the city of Philadelphia, on TUES DAY, September 2'Jth, I\’7, at 4 o'clock in the after noon . DANIEL DOUGIIHUTY, sel7*codst Auditor. JN THE' KOlf THE X CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.' Trust Estate of John Jdel, The Auditor, appointed by tho Court to audit, settle, nnd adjust the account of Levi Speiry, Trustee midor the will of Coniad IdM, deceased, of John Idol, and to report distulmtiou of tho balance in hand, will meet tho parties interested at hm ofllco at tho Southeast corner of Eighth and Locust street?, on WEDNESDAY Afternoon, September 3Uth, at 4 o’clock. hclT-oodot DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE J. COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—DiIate of JAMES HEMPHILL, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust tho /final) account of JOSEPH LESLEY, administrator, de hunis non, c. t n »>1 JAMES HEMPHILL deceased, and also the (final) account f>VJOSEPH LESLEY,Trustee under th« will of tin* Mid JAMES IIEMPIULL, de conned, and to make Jiitubution, will attend to the duties of his appointment rn We,lnesdtiy, the 7th day of October. A. P. 16 j", at 4 o'clock P. M. at his office, No, 131 Smith Fifth street, opposite Independence Square, in the City ofl'hilmleiphiiv. JOSEPH A. OLAY Aud’r. September 11.1537. b*t th-fit TN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF MONT- A (iOMF.RY county, August IPth, 1857. Notieu is hereby given, to all persons interested in the estate of Mary Alderfer, late of tho towuship of Loner Salford, lu said county of Montgomery, dcceayed, that Abraham, John, atulileniamin Alderfer have applied to said Court, by petition, praying tor r. decree for the * vie of the real estate of said .Mary Alderfer, deceased, l’ho said Court have fixed WEDNE9D VY, tho 30th day ol September, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. 51., at tho Court House, in Norris town, for all parties Interested to appearand show cause, if any they hayo, why tho prayer of said petitioners should uot bo granted By order of the Court. J. It. DAVIS. Clerk of tho Orphans’ Court. au2G-<Uw .for Snlc nub to lict, S(IH OR $5OO ROOK BINDERY FOR tJpOVJU SALE—Seven years established, doing a fair Job business, which can ba increased, both blank and printed jobs Location, 635 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank books at cost, jobs bound to order. nugl9-5w PIUVATK KESIDENCE IN GLOUGEri- TER, N. J., FOR SALE, handsomely located and shaded—Lot, 76 feet by 140. Price, $3,000. Also. Lois suitable for manufactories, fronting tlio river. Apply toO. ROBB, No. 311 South Fifth street. nu2Q-lin* Horticultural society'® ex hibition —Tho Twenty-ninth Exhibition of tho PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY will bo ht-UUn JAYNE'S HALL, Chestnut Street, ueftr Seventh, on the 15th, 20th. and 17th inMant, being Tuesday, Wednesday, nnd Thursday. APromenadelConcortwill be given this (Thursday) Evening A fin" band of music will bo in attendance.-* Contributions in choice or rare Fruits, Flowers, and Vegetables are respectfully solicited. Contributors from a distance may address THOMAS P. JONES, Secretary, No 939 .Market strcot, Philadelphia. R. BUIST, Chairman. Bepl2-5t Nob. 023 k 021 Markup ntceet, thiU. PROFESSOR SAUNDERS* INSTITUTE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary whatever is more like a private family. The course of study is extensive and thorough, pro. lessor Saunders will receive a few more pupils unler fourteen years of ago into his family. Enquire of Misers J. S. Silver and MathewNewkirk, or Cot. J. IV. Forney, Kilitor of this Paper, whose sons or wards are now members of his family. sept!4-tf ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, LOCUST STHELT, .rest of Sixteenth. Classes m Latin, Greek, French, and the usual English branches, arranged go as to allow pupils to advance iu each, Inde pendently of the others, with a rapidity proportioned to I '^ J r ieieral ahilit'es. Much time ia giteu during school hours to prepare leg-sons. Circular* luay be ob tained at the Academy sell 2w» ANDHEWS lIARIIIS. Principal. liffss BOSNEY yxn DILLAYE c!n their BOARDING AND DAY StllOOL nt 1C1& CiIhSTNUT Street, on MOND VY Seu tvmberl-Uh. * ’ * J{om. ir. A. Boardunu,. D. D., Philadelphia: David Malin. do; C.'Wadsworth, D D, do; M.G. Clark do- J . Newton Brown, 1> ])., do; IVm B. Jacobs, do; ;Vin’ Black.vooil; D. D.. do; A. Cometa*, D D. do. John Leyburn, D. D., do; Janus H. Cuthbert. do, Win T Brantley, D. D . do; E. B Cheney, do; WilEjm Brad ford, New York city; A. D. Gillette. f> D , do; 11 Bab cock, D. D , do; R Fuller, l) D , BaUi-aoco; George W. Eaton D.D., Hamilton, New York, 0. Ktiuptou. North East, New York; Thoum Kambaut, C-i-i-ville, Georgia; Howard Malcom, D. D., Leviisturg, Pennsylvania; John S Hart. LL. D., Philadelphia; Paul T. Joins, Esq , do; Col. A. G. Waterman, do; Caspar Moriia, M. 1)., do; Robert A. Eacll, Esq., Marshall, Teka->; John JJ. Sem ite, L’sq., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmund*, £sq.,ilo,do; George W. Jackson. Esq , do, do; Johull. Raymond, LG. D., Brooklyn. Now York; Mayson Cray. rod, Esq., Chicago; Hon. George W. Bradford, Homer, New York; Stephen D. Dillnje, E J q., New York city; Hon. Daniel 8. Dickinson, Binghamton, New York, ttop-l-lra rnUTTENDEN** PHILADELPHIA COtf- V/> UKRCIAI, COLLEGE, S. E corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every stylo. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate aupurrUvouof the Principal. One of tho Best Penmen in the Country Baa charge of tho Writing Department. Please call and seo Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, &c. se3lm HEMAN ALLEN, A. 31., is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils on the Violin, or on the Piano, and to play Violin parts or accompani ments with advanced pianists Apply at the residence of his father, Professor ALLEN, No. 215 South Seven teenth Street. Circulars, with terms and references atG. ANDRE & Co.'s, .No. 1104 Chestnut St. sel-lrn* SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, SOUTH WEST CORNER OF ARCH AND TESTII STREETS. The pupils in this Institution will ho instructed iu all the brandies of a thorough English Education, and every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for thorn. Tho discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward. The school-year is divided into two terms, of five mouths each, commencing first of Ninth Month (Sep tember,) and first of Second Mouth (February.) First Department, per term of five months $25.03 Second “ “ “ ~*,,* 20 00 Third 11 “ 25.00 Fuel, Ac., per term.....,,..,.* 1 00 HARRIETT BROWN. Philadelphia, 1857. Thomas Kimber, J. D. White, M. D., Samuel Bettle, Jr., Beaj. 8. Janoey, M. D, Jlarmaduko C. Cope, Robert K. Wright, William Bettle, Thoms* D. Smith, Thotua* Wistar, George Grtacom, Anthony P Morris, William F. Pittield, Jo.-diuall. Morris, David Vanderveer, Uriah Hunt, William B. Thomas. au2s-lni. SJUPPLEE*S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, (boarding and (lay pupils.) N. W. corner ELEVENTH ami GREEN streets. Fifth session will open on September 7th. Best reference given, in cluding all present and'former patrons, au2fi-tf SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR K 3 YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. N. E comer EIGHTH ami BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of tho highest qualifications omployed. Catalogues containing full particulars.* pupils’ names, testimonials, Ac., cau be had on application. au2s-tf F- DONLEAYY LONG, Principal. Hall of st. james the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOTB. JUv. B- R. SiiTSKn, Rector. The Atmu&l Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember 1. Circulars maybe obtained at the Bookstore of H. HOOKER, 8 W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Falls of Schuylkill. Phila delphia. auil-bm .Signor Gaspare Pratcs'i Mrs. barton* 9 boarding and DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1020 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open oa the SECOND MONDAY iu September. aul9-Cir* TVOTIIING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE 1 i persons, male and female, to gain a share of this world’a goods and corotorta as a LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and 350 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, fur fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in n short time. THE LEIDY’S take pleasure in saying, that during tho past year a large number of persona acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATION .euabling many to sbeuro pro fitable situations, and otherß to prosecute their business Operations successfully au22-3oi. COAL. —The very best assortment of LE UIGU and SCHUYLKILL COAL on hand* in BROAD Stioet, second yard above Vino street, selt-lm IIOWKLL DORMAN. Mr K. L Davonpoi Mrs. K. L. l>avciijion 99J0 LBS * IS A TON.—BUYERS and consumers are invited to examine our stock of ‘-LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK HEATH COAL ” Our Coal U selected expros-dy for family use; being carefully screened, we viU warrant it free from slate and dust “We sell 2210 lbs being “ 210 lbs. more” than by retail dealers, at **2s cents less pLr ton ” Also, on hand a full supply of “ BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS COAL” for Steani-gt'Dorating, BJ.uk-miitbing, and Rolling-mill purposes. This Coal cannot be ex celled. ...Mr. J. S. Clarke .Mim Kmma Taylor Yards, BROAD and VINE—Big Sign. <• 2240 LB3. IS A TON. [sc3-3m] LEIGHTON k CO .Mr.H.lFitklni COAL! COAL! COAL! —TAGGART' 8 CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. J. &R OARTEB’SGREDNW OOD, TAM AQUA COAL GEOROE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SCHUYL KILL COAL Ilare for sale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OE ALL SIZES. .Mr W.J. Florence Mr*. F. Drew There la no Coal mined aoywhero, equal in quality these, and a trial will convince any oue of their great superiority. Our Coal is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from slate, dust and all Impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at oar Office, No. 151 &OUYII FPvONT street, above Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, CALLOWHILL street, belo* BROAD street. Orders left at oar Wharf, WATER Street, above CAT/- LOWHILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receivo prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. &u4-tf BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL—Direct from tho Company's Mines, and tho only authorized agents, by retail, south of Kensington. Also Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. T. TREADWAY. Swanson street, au2o-2m] Ist Wharf above Washington, Southwark .Mr. M'Donongh Mr. Daly , .Madiunu Ponisi SCHUYLKILL AND LEIIIGII COAL.— I am daily receiving, at toy yard, tho best quality o. SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. My customer*, and all others who may favor we with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will bo satij-factory to them |£7* No iul'orior Coal kept at this establishment to ofler at LOW PRICES. LEIIIGII AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— PALY, PORTER & CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. an l-6m Lumber and coal.—Montgomery k NEALL having connected the Coal with the Lumber business, inform their friends that they have nmdo contracts for a supply of the be»i qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are now ready to re ceive orders, Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders nnv bo left with Mr. S KILPATRICK, No 13 S. FIFTH street, or with Mr. WM. D. NEALL, corner PINE aud WATER streets. uu!B-3ui PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILI J SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, viz: Blunt's Coast Pilot. 18th edition; Bow ditch’s Navigator, 27 th edition; Shipmaster's Assistant, Pth edition Wo iuvite attention to our new Spring Centre Cora pas.se*, which answer lor either light or heavy weather, and me especially adapted for steliners, and Teasels where tho motion is considerable. They require lower repair* than any compi** now in u-v Marino Optra Glasses of huperiorquality. Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Theniimuetois, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad, rants, Azimuth Comp Binacles, Leg Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. Also, Chartsof all parte of tha world from the latest and best authorities Agents for Rogers’ American Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometers nod Compares, and for Abbott’s Horo meter, and au instrument for working out problems in Nautical Astronomy by bimplo inspection and with per fect accuracy. They have received tho approval of ex perienced shipmaster*, and have been adopted by the U. S. Navy. E. k G W BLUNT. ftulB-lm# No. 179 Water Street. Henderson & co ,s great liter ARY FAIR, FIFTH anl ARCH streets lu order to gratify tho wishes of our uumerons pa trons, and induce the book-buying public to Gil up their libraries nt the usual low prices, wo intend to present to every purchaser of books to tho amount of $1 and up wards, a Gilt in valuo of from 25 cents to ?10u. Call at our establishment, look at ourvaluablo stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect you are not buying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his books at the u-.ua! pr.ee, an ! very nuny will get, in addition, a present worth lming. außl-3m EVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. N. lE—No connec tion with any other houso lu the C ! ty aul-fim NO MORE FILES-NO -MORE PILES. DR. CHARLES KKLT.NITZ. fioin Baris and Lou don, in in possession of a remedy uhieli mil cure radi cally this painful disease, honour protracted mid oh. stiiiate it may bo. The in -t prescription arrests nil p ,in ft* if by magic, and Hm*e days' treatment efleef-i a com plete euro. No charge «ill bo made jl tho remedy fails. All disease* cm rd Ho is ulso tho Inventor of illiquid for nourishing tho of the hair, and removing baldue.»s. the clhcaej of which ho fully guaranties. Lead* Fishtdatt cured of pile*. Apply at 9# LOCUST street, near the Unitarian Church. eel-lm JH. CHASE & CO. • general COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North FRONT and 44 WATER street, Philadelphia. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING CLOVER SEED On consignment from tho interior ol Pennsylvania, where our new Cleaning Mill is now in general use. ID-* Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP alaaya on baud. geJ2-tf MACGREGOR nOT-AIR FURNACES. Sold by CHADWICK k BRO., SECOND Street, first door above Baca. sngJB-3mos PERSONAL— LET IT BE DISTINCTLY understood that Dr. J. R. FRANCIS does extract Teoth with GALVANIC FOROEP, without pain, at 31Q South Tourthstreet, below Spruce. sellLiß* (Efctualional. REFERENCES. T E R tf S REFERENCES BUSIXES3 EDUCATION. RANDALL 8t MEREDITH ALEXANDER CONVERY, N. E. corner of Broad and Cherry Sts, Shipping. cmiP OTSEONTHK FOR NEW OR- K? LEANS Guarantied first vessel to sail in all this week, anl takes what freight offers at the lowest rates. The remarkably fast-sailing pocket ship OT3EON- TiLE, lViii. K Maxwell, nuater, now loading rapkily at Rac.‘ Street wharf. having a large portion of her cargo engaged, will sail &a above, fall ot cot fall. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside, and LilLs of lading to the counting-house for signature. For balance of freight, or pyage, hating elegant state-room accommodation?, or steerage passage, apply to BISHOP, SIMONS A CO * 38 North Wharves. The OTSEONTHE insures at the lowest rates, and will take steam down the Delaware and up the MU- For SAN FRANCISCO—CALIFORNIA LlNE—Direct fruiu Philadelphia. Th--u.'gnificent clipper ship JOSEPH JONES. Situ- Uel If, >Jotters, conunauter. is now loading at R&ze /street niiarf, having a large part ot her cargo engaged uud going ou board rapidly, will hav« immediate des patch. will please harry their goods alongside with out deUr for balance of freight apply to BlillOP. SIMONS & CO., 36 North WharTea IAOU SAN FRANCISCO—FROM NKIV YORK. The celebrated clipper ship SANTA. CLAYS, loiter, master ; the magnificent clipper ebtp BOSTONIAN, , master, are cot loading acJ rill bare despatch ii above Tor balance of freight apply to BISHOP. SIMONS fc CO.. 06 North Wharves. tjotcis anil Ucstatirants, MCGOWAN’S RESTAURANT, SOUTH we*t corner of BROAD and. WALNUT.—Game and all other delicacies in season. Families supplied with Oyster-ion the shortest notice. eep'-7m Lewis b. coffin,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC HEAD QUARTERS.) South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets, sop 3 Imo Vhiladeiphia. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, NORTH FOURTH STREET, Abovb Masker, 'PHILADELPHIA. au24-tf McKIBBEN & SONS, Proprietor*. CJCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Street £3 and Doquesne Way, Pittsburgh. B. D. MARKER, Proprietor. *u2S-3ib UJines anb £iqnors. PORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de benture 250 casks St. Joseph's Pure Juice Port Wine, in qrs. and eighths. Ten puncheons John Ramsay Islay Malt Scotch Whis key, 2 year* old Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. M&rett, Martel. Bouvet, and J. J Dapuy Brandies, all of which I offer to the trade at tv-iaced prices. JOS. F. TOBIAS, »u27-3mos S 3 and 90 S. Front St., below Walnut. EP. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORT • ERS of BRANDIES, WINES. fcc.; also, agent* and sole proprietors of the old WHEAT WHISKEY. No. 5 North FRONT street. &u22-lm Alexander y. holmes, wine and LIQUOR STORE. No. 226, Southeast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Btreets. aol-lv Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINIS WINKS, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ac., 29 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. sol-ly BRANDIES. —Pinet, CastUion & Co., Ma rett & Co., and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks; Pellevoism Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all in Custom House stores, imported and for sale by HENRY BOHUSN & CO., and ' Nos. 223 and 223 Scath Fourth street. DITHMAR •& BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY. No. 620 (new No 9,35) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.—Shipping orders promptly attended to- aoi-tf Saks ba Unction.' W'OLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom House, between Fourth and Fifth Street*. SALE OP CLOTHING. This morning:, commencing at, 30 o’clock, we wifi sell without reserve, a stock of men’s and boy* l Fall and Winter clothing. GOLD JEWELRY. At commencement of sale on FRIDAY next, will be sold an invoice of Gold Jewelry, comprising an assort* ment of Ladies* and Gent’a Breastpins, Ear-drops, Fin &c.,&c. CLOTHING ADDITIONAL. Also, an invoice of Gent's and Boys* fall and winter Clothing, city made, worthy the attention of porcha* sera. NOTICK.—The Brandy to be sold at the Cnrfcoa House, Chotnut street, on MONDAY next, may b* ex amined on the morning of saie. It was imported per barques ,£ R. H. Douglas*,” December 22nd, 3855, and *• Franklin.” August Z, lS5d. Otard. Dupuy & Co. Cognac, represented to be the finest Brandy j» the mar ket; and wurthv particularaltention. bAl.il OF BRANDY IN BOND. On MONDAY, 2Ht inst.. At 10# o'clock precisely, we will sell, by order of >lra. Sarah Haines, administratrix to tne estate of John Guy, Jr., deceased, at the Custom House. Chest nutstreet. betwaen Fourth and Fifth streets, 2D half pipes bran.ly. Moses nathans, auctioneer ASDCOsnnSSION MERCHANT, s. £. comer SIXTH and RACE Streets. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. 1). Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will bo loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamond.*, Clothing, Dry Goods, (ln>cerie.s, begaw, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding. Vehicles. Harness, Stock?, and on all ar ticle'; of value for any leugtU of time agreed ©a, cn more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other CStab- UohisKnt. fseSJ M. NATHANS. NATIIAN'3 great Rale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a tew days Due notice will be given. WEBB’S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Mtuicai liwtrumeut*. Arc., will tale place shortly. Due notice will bo given. ’ WEBB’3 great sale of Dry. Goods, Cluthiug. Bedding, Ac., being forfeited collaterals, will take place shortly. Duo notice vt ill be given. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 32.> ARCH Street, between Third au-d Fourth Street*. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Fhoc*. Hardware, Cutlery, Watchea, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whips, Tranks, Fancy Goods, Notions, &e., &c. N. B—Terms of Night Sales, four months’ credit for approve.! city acceptances, for sums of $lOO and with in terest added from data of sale. sepd-lm George w. smith, auctioneer, N. E. comer of BARRON and SOUTH Street*, above Second.. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING,'’ At 7% o’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware. Cu<3 lety. Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, K 5 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE. No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Dear at., only eight doors below tho Exchange. Honrs of business from 7 o’clock, A. 31., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door gales, and sales at the Auction Hook, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000. Established jbr the last Thirty Tears. Advances made from one dollar tc thousands ©a Dia ciouds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mef ebandue, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns) Horses. Carriages, and Goods of every description. AH goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per month; $5OO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 123 feet, has large fire and thief-proof vault* to store ail valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; ai*o, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all ptrsoiu having goods advanced upon. N. B —On account of having an unlimited capital, thia office is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelrr, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-Iy ©nUiemen’s ,fumisf)iug 0oo&s. WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE- V t MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. No. 703 CHKbTNTJT Street, above Seventh street. Philadelphia. Tho attention of Southern and Western Merchant*, and Stranger*, is particularly invited to this improved cut of blurts, the most perfect fitting article male. At whole bale and retail, and made to order. au6-lyif Department for supplying the CITY WITH "WATER. PiuLitrELrau, September 14.1557. NOTICE i* hereby Riven that the list of DELIN QUENT WATER RENTS, for Iso*, will bo handed to the proper officer* for the cutting off or detaching fur ;uls ih'HngueuU with water, odTUE3 HAY MOUNINO, September 221. l{-57. NO WAT'Kit UKNT3 will i*e received at the Register's Office after MONI>A Y, September ISoT. To save expense, those ITbO have not paid their lV.itor Tax for lbo7 h.ul better cali and settle before :har«lnt*\ J. 31. JIAYBOLD, Register of Water. S’l) MARINE INSUK KILADKLPHU-Office. Nc. >f THIRD. Gukaud pikk aa ( AN'CE COMPANY, I'll £O2 WALXUT street, west cl “PIKE IUtKS ONLY TAKEN/* DIBiCTORS. Wm. M. Swain. Jer. Walker, John Jr., Jno. McClure, JI N. Ihirroughfi, Tho. Craven, J. H. A. S. Gi]!ptt, ¥.l> Shorni&n, Turman Sheppard, IV’m. i*. ilacker, Pa:ul. Jones. M I>, J. I*. Sterner, Joseph Klapp, M I) H. A. hbackelfonl, lion. JOEL JOSES. resident. Hon. Q.W. WOODWARD. Vico Present. iso. S McMtu i.\. Secretary. JiMKS B Alvobh, Assistant Secretly au].3n Dissolution of copartnership. The firm of C C. DAVIES A CO. is this da/ di'-'olv«‘d In* imit’inl conv'Et The liustii*.-5' of the hte firm ulll bo hr cither of thoi.'irUioP'. < ! <\ DAMES, WSL S. NOBLE, A. J,. HOL'tiH. selS-Ct Hi.i uK!] In '• loth, ISoT. OFFICE OF THE NEFTUXE IXSL'I! AXCn COMPANY. -ill TYAIXfT Street. PmlA Dvi-Yiuv, ?« , yti'iubc.r Mb, IS.IT —At a u tdip; ot the H<> tr’l <*f Directors of this Cuju; air, hold THIS DAY. the follow me resolution was p <i: KcaolvvA, That the capital *toclc of the Xcpnmoln giininco Couipanr from oao huiiJrv-l thou Bond to two hundred thousand dollars Uoofcs of Bubsoript.ou »* *ll ho open*! on MONDAY, the 14th just., and remain open lor Me d.ascoiisecu 4ivi !y. l .'t'Aoen tho liour3 of 1U A M an l 3 P 31, llv order oi the Hoard. fc ;9...t GKOllfit' StOTT. Secretary tvTKW FALL CLOAKS. —Just received at la the Paris MdntiUa and Clu.-tk Jrajunßrn. to which tbs attention of LuJiea and btraugers Visiting the city, js rO'i'cctfuliy int.tcJ. GHO. DULPIA Si- Co . "OS Chestnut street NEW FA El* 01.0 VK3, atWholcwle Merchants will fin l tho lar?p‘t stock of these Goods, inthe greatest vu rietr of materials and prices, at the Paris Mantilla aud Cloak P.mpomuu. pnees loff) and. terms liberal GJJO. BCLPIS A CO , 703 Chestnut street Notice. —a meeting of the crel ITOH3 of REEVES. BUCK Sc Co . The PHOENIX IRON* COMPANY, anil REEVES. ABBOTT & Co., wj! be held at their Office in the franklin Baildinjr. Wnloi t Street, above Fourth, oa Thursday evening. 17th At half-past 7 o'clock. Repl2.lt-* rffIHOMAvS E. BAXTER-—HARDWARE, A CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET ST., fthore Ninth. ennth rifle. PhiUdolphi*. mi 1-fim /CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD- U WIQK &■ BRQ., N 0.203 N. SECOND Street. WELCOME RANGE.—SOLDBY CHAD WIC& * iiHQi m N. 3JSCWD gt. jwlfcS®*
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