ft' f IF y%£, .-?5-- ! >i}.AJ.-'i.t— ■j'''-''- v ! I l '' - 1 ■' ■IT i l a*Q nof (.di to rc'o <ij o g .get 1 ' ihe ifitt r tS’h*;tb(fit:l'Hd J sof eiecutor’sooumoi. The «»Mri»i!lV^tf'np;iSr,Utig'itfen;« Monday,’ the* -.SMf/WM* - v - ■ • ■ , the • - w«aiMF3rA|l>Wnwipu{iorv)A>ifa r %eswday af to rno4Srh3&o*'nioiiiofttion ; os rMolytoTfi'om tho £-• MottfflfillOTiCaaiiniWQaiirs'tif, Poliob with rela <<: tbeiiqaUer.efythe,, r :.;.'i n '-•. *W^^3#l®F»@Rs¥ s|fW P^ l ® Surrogate haa ■ - ;ftlre*ay^*n«ered*-a f ttwisiciil •-H’hV testator] whtf ; .- - of $5,000 to his niece*' .. / HrlßgiiS: Bubdque. ; to:?ro.V'" It'tfafnß oui ; that 1 both -' v on thq ; - ’ 'dieti Jlsatj tlioTegafly. oeasGs ; if , -2tlooks xiow'oa if * theqawtlon of pridrityof death bo decided :-- hy’longitqdb.-v-v •»>,?«v ■[■■: 4 -'- r ' •>, to -ray ‘V ‘ Oate wriiSbiunent^iisi^p/bga/neti, «Xohri ' Tbprop ’ son jat'thVsuifc of the Metroppjltaa:J3aiikrwps jo liit« boon hoard PuOr,ln,' special t«rln. : ThfttßMUea s; l ho» f pp-, pewrv. ; a&dit4s.«aid that.the differences ;.befcwQen ‘ them are in,a fair wayfor an amicable adjustment ?wit'bodt’theftirl.ibrafil.prthecourts;- *.y-» It is reported owners', of' the ‘steamship : fimpjre k> Cityii^Teput l in a^laimVgainBtthoinBa' . raooViMpahMdf donab,. off . . the,lopkS( reefcv SThft Illinois. bad,on, her helpless condition neat'll ohfftoil|lptt sSiV hundred- thousand dollars^ . atoros'Wiro'probably Worth ' two jrod and jtpjr, thousand. more,* whfph’, Svi th , the^MW^^^hb^passh'ngC'rs, 5 whi^li'tbbs,t hive' • J beei^J^ t U-jhoi:4upljba4T>pbU al?fndpn«>d t wptfld, hobr«riwp millions df.goV 't'ho will be -re*. . ® , Pf oxorbltancy; - 'v to tMVismaiiu thifca itVasa'fowdbyß since. Owing . to the ttt , rtyal’,‘pf;ft jiumb6r pf large vcssels, who3e crowfhaWbeeri drfloharged . ”! - , .Cotthterfett,‘)Wiia*pnffbp.lludson Ceiuilyßank were tlaat .night. - Word was 'broßghttoWpntJ'fiopoHntcodeut Carpenteroarly , in the'eVput&g ? 'thit-ettoh r ‘would bo the oaso; offi.- o*rs v wsre fertaiwadch “in' the various precincts, -.- , r Wertt'atrGflted; e**g tb oivieai fefvthbbounterfeit: fcn i ght iVtK^l^cq t, atthjf corner Joe - Cob^/dh/^he;joauis)e’ot,Vb'phVH9gbcaiWB4. , 4ang©Toaily>lyiV*ln,tbß‘.iieiVil, amL.Cdbiiri\in .ibo ' - ealf of ' ' engaged In- thoaffray. waS'ErrMted. and-takon to' the Twdi^-yrooifd J nard StktTon"Hoasef ' ! . {> -' • ' r The%*tttAjQCrmau Legionariya-juct again last - ebenfeldt|a^tlio*c^aix. t |''4 l 'of the 3iri»X'egibn wbq gßye;a vivid piotureoftibeidecdptiOns .that body had mot with at hdnds of thc.British GovornmonU. Some debate aibie'whether, it-wiw'the Government or its - offieori whioh was most to' bo blamed for tbO evils ■ prflotiiedfafter wbich tbo meeting adjoarhod. [ - • :!. Tho rt •of »the .birthday of /’ was celobratcd.'ypsicrday ’ by ..Lnlayotto,' nqdVA.’^number of our , - French residents^.who. partook ;ofi banquet at Amonk-tbe ; Tanks of thb Guard' is. - Blent. 1 Bdgat, who served in the < grand finiy > of ''sfap : Bl ! edii4' ot/tfVgrara> and 4 at . the taking •of ’-Hoi'aoir. yotoran, 7 though 1- oyer b'o oil effidionta3 ( iny| \'bmnm*4 tbe ribboii pf tbo Legion.of j Honor.eonfeyrea on himr.for, his sorvices, rendered, 'ln ,jO*. ■. , 5 -.. f -.-• ■- * The PrlßtJh-learned on SaH nrdaj-’ o.gg ’oE' War jfrispheYs, a.yqung man ■ named 1 Paler I TOmin^wnfl^M^on’firtjr 5 separate^ - I kdJ , giur& iiiadoSrrapgomqn t o, .to, sffectms escape.' ifebaa been' furiushea with bur r*!"> ftnt»lemontv & new.suit of clothes, and "an | ' *££■!?#Wwefc? trUb;,which./U) effect his object. Itwas at once believed that theso articles wero furnished , her next visit was » } balf*mado' kflj* and a file wore • fonadspoa he>j , Tfco vf.oman was at once o&mmit- romorod to a separate cell. -." Thai Unu&t StaUs atithbritios made’an impor* fmuggled on board the iteanuhip Anwo,/which arrived during the ■ > 'V‘/v '■ "v -,v. : .'i[‘ •’ • •; • last evening the re r General ; Ja^<^«o?fl'66|^M!dajorDy i ijkmhn;"*^dpriJsont~ iffcyionwns adopted 07 a vote or .tjrp.r, ;A. resoluthmappro- of theoom ttittbe'and ef thQ-prMentation of the box - to Mr. ' i : ‘ ~ -•. JDbjIfiBtiFROMNEWVORk ._^ii^,^o^ t geiJteßii)pr|,a?sj,s-?o|,p. h: *' . Ajtfeob^the^sw-twoEewfeUureatomord,today— that Of;Ccfl*AHsjdock.M aod dhe. large sod high!/.renpeeUblo jobbing house of L. & V Kirby v A Stringency rof the .anofleyinsrket baa,not in r <re*Mdi beta «h.bound, to *4ytfhevrever r thatdt has not dtal&U&edi confidence. and,, alarm.of but week/ which -extreme,-, irregularity to - the market; Are gradually! subsiding.- The banks are stronger, andrdnebned, /tp.^pQ;.more' {trustful, not wUhe<todlpg£ the U failures/ and, >,wbUe ; tbey, 7per aUt/eteadily- in their policy. of contraction, were BdkaMcMtherehuciialftOithejr customers, to-day-r A* U natural to suppose, from the great and every.dayin udislnk defnand/onatopcY, the great massif borrowers were/driven into the street, and rates varying from 12 to Jl per jujd,«wt,nothin but good,,* eU>on . dotted paper negotiable l e.ra* r akfbe»;- Bates - eaohot.be HpnjtoA 7, by.,? any > rclasßiflcation, What nsrt believe is stilt. *ai-;#ktfaoUK>vmle«s houses in ( the ~city, -/ bad its paper done to-day at 2 V cent, a month, and I beard ofr adtotodWrirU by a good firm and bsnk, rwnse-i at 4 v cent, a month. foreign exchange UttleAolng. ' Beet bankers? sig nature* 309; good do for sterling, 0nd8.204i6.18h' foi \Sxvm: -7 flhe;e*sh transactions at the Hub treasury for the day were as foUowsi - >, • l - Total receipts jji.; ./7 •- Y .-7. $192,373.07 - . “ payments 7- Vc r. ,313.060.03, 3 m&v -r« .: •?:. Jl,Htt,*6AB2 , ; Th«receipts»t tho Custom House to-day foedutles- s, s . MUhin’t ■».*« . ;*h*imoek market opened heavily, with diN}h«%ctVfa.«oh yciiterday’s low the firatj hdWrddlMd/ng went down:to4P&Y£ria,ttv2l jf, Pcno-j to; 72; and New York Central to^Wß»v;MUMOuriEstate .O’a .were-sold- in largo lots. al»? / declined ■ % petj xhs oeavlnea* irtfll- continued ; ; at, the, second board. o<atith4.j, J < jietid thatsorno sales were effected be - tw«6 fttj ( eren lowor rates.; This fall/ . boweyer t '!QUstf not be artrlboted to any panic. Out- sales,:and.,buyers .are,.«6t at all and.'hecce the decline, on sooo,ooo, ana It Is seUeved.tbai hu assets are more than hand * 0 him a .Mechanic *a ARsociatipnheld e amed at’ the Clear ’ flo»j|r«laabie«eu;iUes. > T ' •’ & Oo; kbld'BsB’sharia, of,the • t«f tbs C&io hlfe Inidrauce add’Trust Co', to-day • ; **■ * WJFIFrt f »' auto. Juld JtVeatorn iotwUlO epntalawer and dull, with sales of 3300 bbls. good State; $5.50a55 so ••f oftttdbi-v* ; lßess 40 for campion to good Michigan. * p sfl.js,9sS for 'extra Genesee, lind ' tbouJ#., Southern Flour ia jtJtiQO'.bblß. at $5.Q5a ■ *&fc^X*^to : g?°d : Bzitimoro; Alexandria, Ac.; ' A 0? 17 e$9fot Rjchnjoad couu - tet»»* U,ai*o lower and beavV, for Wff'to «tr»*ra4cs. Corn for Jorso7,.iimlf4,4oaM'.M poAin l ” ls ' Bio ,i7 6^c , f P r Cotri}.,—fh6 market •TOT*, price, do not Y.rjr HiaU’ria'ly from our last .' for wlieat' is heavy‘and lower, y , Sl^^^!S^e b J* h ' , , 1 ?’ tt , 1^ a *i-?? r or Southern rrf, and 91.4005 l for (to. white- Cat. aro irregular &P*M> Hyo fa % at former, 1* and other ot * a 8t 30 - oiiio Whftte Hr Aruf*t72AO&£ta. tinseed Oil la quiet at SOoSI cto. Lard Oil Is dull, at sl.lsfflsL2o. P*o7Wjo|fa^—TheroitJiet'fpr'rppt ia lower and may. fee quoted ** |25,3?«2$ &Q rdr tries*, and,(2l 15a521.30 «if«#of3oGbT>tf/at yoste wyOa pnect, Becf Hacns and i Cot Huts are dull and isarc6 r U%&ls] «t». torM amtfJrafenf* ;t*ro . quifc AtjlO&aUx* aid aptfve 'at farmer prices.' dta.Jiigher, with' sales of 650 bUs.- (EKdHAN'sB feiil; ssrt.' sj i»&*i4*' ! f a iiß’k'ci3'n > * «s «# if: Bdfa 60 1 " 'jQO'y/ do, ' . «- W *- ' ; 'W I '*dJ* w y ™ - fc fSmft^SSfcr^'pp'-'-- -r-iaMich Oeafi;, ; :VbJ ; i w '■ 100 do 11 -' 1 ‘- 1 \ C 5 ~ '‘S ifC"s2‘ <'do -“rS* ■.&**&*»* iu : I ?■ W-= *W 4 1 :-' */;' 73 ; 100. do - ; ; 36X jp«wsr«; - -.’ 46 ItjT.CcutraTß ‘ J 1 db* *’ f-’- 1 >l3-74 i i«76- - TOO.? ‘ do . V * r BoMil'&’Mi«Bß -M* j j.; 60. do. ■ * aaj> ‘ “ ‘ ‘ •-'•■*- { ,- ;3pPanama ft -'-,40827 ' W^.do.-'t ;;fj,‘it^B2^ - f £ * 1 x m ,thaws .-do i ',s ,1-1,48; ITO Wlch feo i In It 23 j ‘.'" p |g|p|g: fejW' • ;:'fl6V;">>)iS,73fe‘ '::PH^XDW i aiA;fITOCK'KXOHAHOE BAU3, , •» 5 : {- x, |. T -.*;: : fiigmud by 11. Mailt y, Jr., /S(oti Brfhtf, tt»- 80# ; ‘ ;■"• . - ■ '■ Walnut Street. r .J , ' - •h. :boxbb. "WOHyBWb- '“.iB7V : 69N.PeimnBU>t«.' f« .5000'- do-: • s7# ,6NPenn:B' .'B# 1000 do 87# 23 Poona R "J< 600 N Ponna R 6's - 51# 2 - do 43# tOO Wilimi K o’fl oh 80 20 . do : 20 Roodibg R cash - 25#- 10 -' do . . '8 dajrs 48# 10 do cash 26# 10: do. -100 do b 6 26# 4 Mlnehlll R JJ .106’'. .do' 00- 25 k 10 -da , 'I 88#, MOO -'do - - 6b- 25 » 4 • do "8»# 10d ‘ do' ’ '24k. 26 Dnton Canal , OX. .100'-- do; - !H#l 60 : do .8)4 800 ; --do" -*■ ' -'55':.26 •>- 25. do. • • . “■* 1100 -do ■ ' 86 26 .: 23 Bonk of Kentucky 103 .20 New UroeK Co -# 2 Commercial Bank 60 ’',, ’’ , BETWEEN BOARD 3. ; ’ lOHnn-ISbargß'' 64 ; 110 Pan & Moc Bauh 02 20 Far 6) Mec Uk 62 25 Reading B 24# .2 f do *, " '62 a*|-- i■ 1 BOAUP. . 30Read B . Sdjrs 24X SQO do - ■ Sdjfl 24^ 310 Union Canal 1 lots 6 6 do b 5 0 60 do b 5 ,6 TCam’A AmßSdys 100# 10 • do - Says 100# 'v4 Penn R 4ft g 'l 1 do bswu 43 Jj 25 "do 43 ; "60 Long Island B 9lf 10 Girard Bank 10^ -HEAVY, ; V , , 1100 Reading • 2dya 23# , .SECOND. 1000 City 6*B 05 new- 94 200 do r new 04 - 1000 Oltrß B’b exmpt 89 1 • 60QPenna5*s''' ‘ 82 600 Read Rd’e ’4a 85 200U56W67 0&P115' )45 Head »: ' 24# - 4 'do ■ • bswa 24u 4 do ; b 5 24* 100 do ' • 24V 100' - do ■' ’ ■ •- 24V ' 6 ;do; 24# LATEST 'm\ ,»x! IQQ Beading &6do Beading closes.. THE MONEY MARKET. Pbjladslphu, September 8, 1857. 'Thero ia no other- passion which sooner'dethrones judgment from Its proper scat than fear, and there iB no caso in 'which tbo apprehension of. impending danger causes fear to run through' all lte’phases of dread, ter ror, and fright, than that in which the mind entertains a painful expectation of evil to one’s property or .vre'u!tli. 'Many -who "would face an enemy iu the field with unblenched cheek and flashing eye, fool their Tory hearts freoae within ( them at tho prospect' of { theiosBof estates, aud.a curtailment of the luxuries, to which'the neat and dear ones .dependent upon them have been pMiiflfom&di ‘‘’ETeh the stoics did hoi pretend: ?fbit the foufof,their philosopher should, ptbof against the suddenness of surprise,- hut he should havo' , hit judgment s.o’ sound and; entire that his reason should ' bc'unaltoredjand’corhpeteqtto'orercorae blsfright and discomposure". ■< .With the’ordinary, mental 'composition bf taankjnd,fthe. moderation of th*.e(feota of,/right T>y the calm dictates of wl&om la almoiit aniiafcter of im- °f purpose vanishes, and tne mind' 'ia .'entirely , overthrown by the imagination. ' * '!\ -i:i‘ ;*i 'f There is no' appreciable dfffcrenco between the feel ings wjhich mailo' au anny'of thousands fly in suicidal disorder from. a?i imaginary euomy conjured up at hear ing echoes of the noises; of'Pan, and. the terrifledemo ttons of a multitude under a belief in impending disaster to'thejr property, created by the workings of their o\m imaginations. It'is well koown that under tho influ-' ence of deluded fancy, men h&vo fallen victims to* ac tual disease aud death; but tlio convict who really died from imaginary bleeding to death small stream of warm watir vras poured over his arm was hardly more 'self-deluded than One-half of mankind seem determined to he when the breath of pretended suspicion is directed against their .'pecuniary interests. They seem to loro the melancholy Views their fears present,tp them, and' thoy hug closely to their bosoms tho most gloomy and depressing forebodings.' Ifehcc, Itisalways an'easy, matter to write what is generally known as, a “sensation’* article-on money matters. , A few shrugs and pshaws, a few figures to he taken out of their proper relations'and applied to tho iUnstraiion'of fallacious arguments, a few dark hints and insinuations, and a half dozen invocations to “ beware,” “ stand from under,”, and so on, give & plentiful stock in r trade ; and unfortunately the trade Is hut too -well fol io This is the more to ,'be .regretted, helps only those veiy few, who, tiko grow fat upon rain and destruction. • . t For ourselves’, we may say that we cannot sympathize with those whose views and,£e’cllngs lood them to pursue this course. We would not willingly or knowingly 11 say peace, when thero is no peace;” but We are prone to try, in every season of depression, to lift ourselves above our immediate surroundings; to endeavor to- attain a higher stand-point, and look about with do extended' horizon.' The sun often shines upon the hill sides while the Valley lies wrapped'in ‘mists, and we way often attain to a viet- of brighter things when all aronnd seems' gloomy, by an effort to look, beyond the disheartening impressions of-the hour to the signs of the near future. ;If this U a critical time—-if it is “the beginning of sorrows,which,wedo hot cannot belieye, it is too lato now to talk of preparing for it, for it is hero. But we can see ’in 'the' 1 condition of things to-day nothing more' than a temporary stringency, which" results in a Torv,_?light degree .from. the operations of trade and banking, but largely from usurious transactions in Bail road bonds, stock gambling, and a determination on the part of many of id the Interest of stock operators, to raise a panic and destroy public confidence. The public have’read, their predictions and assertions for aldng time. -They did* not believe them, and yet they Hid believe' them, so far as to keep' expecting' them and reading them.'"/Thus the:. seeH,was sown—now the sowers have reaped * harvest, one raised by falsehood And luiquity, as We .believe, but which tho reapers wouty.noVer have_ gathered .but for tho giving a loose on all hands’to fright nnd despair. ' It behoves us All in tho present state of things to meet tho emergency with 5 all’pbssibfe resistive force. As journalistswe -believe it to,bo ourduty to'advise our readers to fear no serious commercial disaster to this country, to exercise prudence and firmness in their own affaire,’,to exe4t themselves to calm excitement among their neighbors, and to stand by and assist each other with hearty and-jnutunl good-will.. If;.it 1 bo that for a few months times aro to be stringent, it is sheer maducss foVmen whow atauding and livings 1 depend upon meeting bbligationsastkcy.mataxe to, give way to dejection. Let every man be up and doing, preparing to breast tho storm himself and to asgist his neighbor, and they will feel, ,when the storm turns out, to bo sunshino, as wo vorily holievo it will,*oll the better for the exertion—all the prouder <?f thejr strength—all tho more fortitude when laaother. oc’casJonshallcall upon them for its exercise. ! The jtock market shows, no .marked,change over the reports of thelasttfew days; .Reading Railroad stock fluc tuates daily under ’ the "varying reports of the money market, from 24X to-day at tho Aral boardup to 25Xj arid then recedng to 24#, There is .little expectation Ofanyiuarked improvement in stocks 'while money continues to rule at the quotations to-day; : 18 por cent', for good endorsed ’ notes' being tho lowest . . - "The distrust that has prevailed is gradually subsiding, and there is a much better disposition on the part of moneyed mon to;boy paper., Tho. Evening Bulletin says': “Considering the enormous depreciation of cer tain descriptions of stocks,-tho' recklessness which has characterized the. movements in fancy stocks for some time past, and the sudden contraction of the Banks, it 1b surprising that thnrohavo not "beon more suspensions. The wealth of tho country now is greater thati ever, and.aside'from the Railroad and, Western land mania, the prospects of the futuro are os bright as over. Tho temporary effect which tho present stringency has Cfiftsed will serve Vis a salutary lesson to those who opo ratel&rgoiy upon borrowed capital ” ; The New York;(7ourfsr and Enquirer of to-day says : if The Bank statement to'-day'showsa nominal increase of $989,900 only Ihtho ’specio'column . This is merely, tho averngefor tho week, and tho Burge deposits of gold on Saturday and to-day do not appear. ’ The aggregate twelvd’millions in specie.- The' Bank, of New’;York,l'wlilch was'^singled ,out last wcok,. by a-.cotemporary, as one of' tbe weak banka, finds it' safe'to incroase its loons soven ty '‘thousand dollars ’ slnco Monday' week. * Tho Manhattan, Mechanics’, (Union, Dank of America, Butchers’jaad Drovers’,' have increased their discount line slightly duTing-the-past week. ; The aggregate re duction of tho whole is less' than three per cent, for the wook. , ' - Mlhe/rejlnwd business.ln the banks Isclearly shown in the aggregate clearing* '_ for the, week, being thirty* <foar millions less than for the first woek in ?uty.” ■ .The St, Louis , Republican of Saturday,' referring to tho commercial-flurry, jay* :■ “Those gentlemen who tako upon themaelTfea avast amount of trouble when ever a money panic'coinos up, far o? near, must be satis fied, .by tlila time ’that tkpthingwop’t.work, And that they' might as <well take in sail and act rationally anp reasonably. Because a dozeu blacklegs in New York, belonging to a gambling concern/Callea tho Stock Ex change, thought iho present a moat convenient season for them to break, tho croakers and mischief-makers of that city, and reaching even to the wont bank of the Mississippi,have lent,themselves to .this work with great good will. To the public at .larger it was a matter of very little 'nibm'eiit-whoihor dhese .blacklegs wore successful nr not in their speculations, but tho simple ftu?t has boon seized upoq by who wanted to break, or .to enjoy the luxury oLseeiug others break-end they have labored to see how far people would -go before yielding to so kbsurd a.prcasuVoV, 'Okr, readers know the oxtont. of thej[allures*ip Hew Tork and also' In 'Cincin- and .they cou tell whether any body has caved >iu hero. ' Let ui, then', ftear- no ‘more about pecuniary iieiifira growing qul’otthoTillnro or « few bfackleg. and diiihonestbank in lt is not pos sible that any such crisis can come upon us,” . Monday’s Cincinnati Gazette says of financial affairs ItherVt “. The. discount houses hold a large amount of means, and Upon, the f resumption' of the regular busl- U6M„a'6)mparativeiy easy mohey market nay ho ex pected, biit under the most /ayorablo, it will require throe, or four week* of quiet times to restore the equilibrium'.' -Rates Of interest are unsettled, and tako a.wide range, but strictly prime paper, when dis counted at all by the regular .bouses, goes at 10012 per cent,, and.wo hearof;ao great amount of. this class, of signatures. In tho street; A large amount of money .wlthdjifvn from banks, or that would ordinarily be de posited with bankers, ha? been’distributed among mer chants And subject to. call, or for p spo cUUdfime/' Confidence in tho stability of these classes oflmslnesa men, tyjiaturally very strong, and this has boen.tho; establishing, for the time, a direct trade iu monoy betwo6u.those who hold surplus lunds, and money iu regular mercantile bueiness, This tends' to'mitigrtW tho difficulties caused by the partial suspension of discount's on the part of bankors. - The import* and Exports at'New Orleans, during tho year ondlugJuno 30th, were aa follows: - > - . J ..IMPORTS. - ' s Total valuo for year ending June 30,1857.,.. $25,082,140 tv «• - - --V*‘ ' - 1860.... 17,183.337 “ “ “ f 1855.,;. 12,023,608 • “ . - - ' “1854..;, 14,403,151 » * ~« “ ' - 1858.... 18,654,113 Comparative value of; Expojtsof Domestic Produce for ‘ tho year ending June 30,1853, ’54, ’55, ’SOaod’W. Fdr the year ending June 80,1853....... t., .$08,461,192 u.‘ i thr -*“ 1864,,.ii.....* 88,978,606 'V-'.-Uis i-. “ • J <1 it u . 3860.;...; 116,853436 «! u *te. «<■ 3 857,.;... .310,222,615 ' Comparaifyo' value of Export* of domestic Produce to ? Vpreigh countries fpr years ending 1 June 80, for five year ending Jane SO,' 1857.•*.•••• ■ • >•?£ ® ,V . . **- -i “ U T , ?1856, ..,'B6 547,963 ■ •1865,.,.......’68,683,562 ■; 1564,\ '.....Vi 60,172,628' ■'■''ffliii'ewWitfAUfap'ili. eotUn-ofop 2,C10,000 lialeB,- fall frost t «ottia fate (facablithe'avi'rsgeflatc, (Oct;’ 26th;) :llt« crop »t 2,850,000 Me.; If it-, > ferS«4 ; ti'lltrMHiWbMtti, It citlnote. It »t 8,275,900. jmistjWM ?*« »» m. . .agTOMBBR 9. mt i" that 'of ieltH Iftff 1 hfcdl. „ f / -The following is » statement of tho cohdltlon of tho of tho city 6F Now York, Aogußt 23th, and Sup tember sth, 1857 i Loans. Specie. Girdula’n 'Deposits. Aug. 29.'.51i0,588,01? f3.241.3T0 $8,671,060 $84,812,880' Bept. 5.. U2!C2I, 8,078,192 70,491,317 Showing a decrease of 10an5....* $4,,367,564 <«- an increase of specie 086,680 i' « on increase of ' 2,132 u a decrease of undrawn deposits...... 3,601,102 Tho Commercial Advertiser says that'the Toledo; Wabash, and Western Bailroad makes a most favorable report for August, showing the- largest receipts of any month since It has been in operation. The figuroa'arAas follows: ' 1 ’ Passengers Freight. Mall and Express. T0ta1..',............'. $70,042 11 The oamirtgs of the Pacific Bailroad Company of Mis souri for August wero as follows : 1 1 1867. 1 185 °- .$35,042 23 $17,643 35 o<> cflo in ]2,824 00 Passengers, Freights... Malls I Total $59,788 44 $31,670 39 Increases2B,llB 05 . Mr. Rockwell, President of tho Cleveland and Pitts burgh Railroad Company, gives notice that the Septem ber coupons of that company will bo paid at tholr office in Cleveland. Jmporlationo. [Reported for The Press.] CHARLESTON—Steamer State of Georgia, Garvin.— 100 tea rice Thomas Palmer A Go: 60 do J Palmer A Co: 43 do Jas Graham A Co; 68 bales cotton B Garsed A liro, 1 do P LLaguoronno; 67 bales yarn Hay A Me- DSvitt; 1 pkgo milze J Richardson A Co; 63 empty bbls Johu Gibsou, Bon A Co; 4 bbls flour W Cunningham; 46 empty casks J A P Butts; 23'do Goo Manger; 26 do Poultney A Massey; 140 doF Gaul; 20 bales yarn Brpwn, Hill A Co; 05 ouipty casks, 147 pkgs auudries,order. SAILING OP THE OCEAN STEAMERS, FROM THE UNITED STATES. STEAMER FROM’ FOR DAT America ...Boston Liverpool ..Sept 0 Atlantic New York Liverpool Bnptl2 Asia New York Liverpool Sept 16 Queon of South. .New York, Bromen Sept 10 Arago. New York Havre Beptl9 Eur0pa............805t0n Liverpool .Sept 23 Persia New York, Liverp001..........8ept30 Hamwonia..... .New York Hamburg........... Oct 1 FROM EUROPE, FnOM. FOR • • , DAT Europa Liverpool New York... Aug 29 Hammonia Hamburg New York Septl Baltic Liverpool New York Sept 2 Glasgow ..Glasgow New Y0rk..........8ept5 Persia.. Liverpool New York .....Bept6 •C'of Baltimore,.Liverpool New York Fulton, i.... *. Havre New York Bopl 22 C of Washington. Liverpool > New York Sept 23 Atlantic ...Liverpool, New York Borussia.- .Hamburg New York.., .Oct 1 MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS. Philadelphia— From New York 2d, arriving at Ha-' vans Bth, and New Orleans 11th.- From New, Orleans 20th; Havana 23d, arriving at New York 28th. , Quaker Cut— From New York 7th of. each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. From Mo bile 22d, Havana 24th, arriving at New York 28th. Oahawba— From Now York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and New Orleans 10th. From New Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arriving at New York 3d. Empire Oitv— From New York 17th, arriving at Ila rana23d, and New Orleans 2Gtb. From Now Orleans sth, Havnua Bth, arriving at New York 13th. Buck Warklor—From New York 27th, arrive at Havana Ist and New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14th, duo at New York 18th. Isabel— From Charleston 19th and 4th, due at Ha vana 23d and 7th, From Havana 10th and 25th, due at New York 16th and 31st. The California mail steamers Bail from Now York on the 6th and 20th of each month. Ulariue intelligence. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 0,1657; SUN RISES 6 37—SUN SETS.., HIGH WATER arrived, U S Mali steamer State of Georgia, 3 J Garvin, Jr, 60 hours from Charleston, SO, w s th indse and passengers to A Heron, Br. Sept 6, Cnpe.Hatteras bearing WBW distant 14 uiileß, signalised, steamship Keystone State, hence, [since put into Old Point] and Augusta, from N York; - at 12 P Mon the 7th pawed a schr supposed tho Argus Eye, bound S. Passed a number of vessels in tho bay and river bound up. Brig Sitka, Downing, 10 days from Jacksonville, with lumber to Bolton, Ynudervoor to Co. 1 Brig Isaac Rich, Smith, 6 daya from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A, Collins. Scbr O A Stetson. Cobb, 0 days from Provincetown, with mdse to G A Smith. Scbr John Walker. Farrin, 4 days from Boston, with sugar to Bute St Smith. Scbr Selena llrlen, Nickerson, 3 days from Now 1 York, with rndso to D S Stetson St Co. , Schr Almon Bacon, Williams, 4 days from Middle town, with stone to Thos Mansfield. Schr J L Itedner, Endicolt, 4 days from Frovidence, in ballast to Blakißton, Cox & Co. ' Schr Forest State, Btcveus, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to captain. Schr Lucinda Jane, Wall, 5 days from Salem, in bal last to O A Hecksher Sc Co. Schr Ocean Wave, English, 4 days from Lynn, Mas*, in ballast to Rogers; Shmickeon A Co. Schr Susan Bray, Naylor, 5 days from Boston, in bsl-, /last to Blaklston, Cox Sc Co ■ Schr Jacob Sc William, Matthews, 6 days from Now buryport, in ballast to Brown St White. Schr Mary Elizabeth, Prico, 5 days from Boston, in ; ballast to L Audenreid & Co. - Schr P Uelluer, Gandy, 6 days from Boxbury, In bal last to L Aodenroid Sc Co. Scbr Mary Natt, Smith, 4 days from Providence, In ballast to Noble, Hammett Sc Caldwell. Schr E J Scott,.Taylor, 5 days from Lynn, in bailout to L Audonrcld Sc Go. Schr D G Floyd, Rockett, 5 days from Salem, in bal last to Lewis Rothermol. Schr Challenge, Dickinson, 4 days from Portsmouth, ballast to Noble, Hammett Sc Caldwell. Schr Sally Gay, Oresaon, 4 days from Norwich, with mdse to capt&in. Scbr 8 M Tyler, Bacon, 3 days from Portland, Ct,with stone to J Notman. Schr J SilUmao, Clam, 1 day from Wilmington, Del. in ballaßt to Noble, Hammett Sc Caldwell. Schr Vesta, Grace, 1 day from Maurice River, NJ in ballast to C A Heckaber Sc Co. Schr J B McGhco, Barker, 1 day from Milton, Del. in in ballast to L Audenreid Co. - Bchr Dexterity, Lawson, 4 days from Wilmington,' NO with ship timber to J W Bacon & Co. Schr j B Dodson, Dodson, 3 days from Bt Michaels, Md. with wheat to J W Bacon Sc Co Schr M Clinton, Beal, 3 days from Boltimoro, with coal to J W Bacon Sc Co. Steamer Delaware. Shaw, 24 hours from New York, via Cape May, with mdse and passengers to Jas Alldor dice, i'osaed au uuknowu ship, with ]>aiuted ports, brig Billow, two herrn brigs and six schrs below tho Lodge, beating up; ship Gov Laugdon, from Liverpool; brigs A Lawrence, from Boston; O' Nichols, from I’rovideuco; schr Fearl, Win A Dresser, and six others above the Brandywine; brigs W’inonab, N Stowers, and a Boston packet,'do; schrs Lunotto, Mary, Susan, Globo, nnd some seventy others below Reedy Island; and ship Wm Oumraings, from Liverpool, below New Castle. Returned—Schr Eugene, White, hence for Boston, with coal, put back last evening for repairs, having lost mainmast, sails, Ac. in a blow on Sunday morning, off Morris Liston’s,, ■ - \ Brig M B Davi8 L 0 S NeU, Boston. L Audcnretd it Co. Brig Leontine, bray, Boston, Brown & White. BchrJacob It William, Matthews, Newlmrrport, do Schr J L Eodner, Endlcott, Dlghton, Blahistou, Cox &Co.. ' Schr Suaan Bray, Naylor, Boston, do Schr Lucinda Jane, Wall) Belfast, 0 A Heckaher&Oo, Schr Vesta. Grace. Pawtucket, do ' Schr£ II Atwood, Atwood, Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. ' Schr Ocean Wave, English, Lynn, Rogers, Slnnickson Sc Co. Schr Sally Gay, Cressy, Washington, Kayes, Smith Sc Co. Schr Cyclone, Ball. New Bedford. Buck Mt Opal Co. Schr 1) G Floyd, Rackett, N London, L Rolhonnel. Schr J SiUimati, Clum, Geergetowu, Noble, Hammett Sc Caldwell. Schr Mary Natt, Smith, Providence, do BchrCUallouge, Dickinson, Boston, do Schr Mary Elizabeth, Price, Boston, L Andenreid Sc Co. Bchr J It McFee, Baker. Hayerstravr, ■ do Schr P Keller, Gandy, Newport, do Schr K J Scott, Taylor, Lynn, '■ * do Schr Bello Conway, Delano, Baltimore, S J Christian. Schr S Fisher, Fisher, do do Schr Almira, Pedrick, do do Str Rich Willing, Ciaypoolc, Baltimore, A Grotea, Jr. [BT TBLKGHAPH.J Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. - CAPE ISLAND, Sept. 8, Otf P M. A ship, two brigs aud sevoral schra went iu during the day. A large fleet went to sea this afternoon. \Ylud SW—weather clear and cool. Tours, &c., TUOS. B. HUGHES. < pSJT TBLEOBAPH.} fOorrospondence of The Press.) Nbw Yonr, Sept 8, Arrived, ships Pyramid, from Shields: Compromise, from Liverpool; Eastern Queen, from do; oarquo Roman, from Cardiff, bound to Fernandlua, put in lor repairs, having been in contact with barque Cora. Boston, Sept. 8. Arrived, barques John Gilpin, from Africa; Avola, from Beyrout; Ewes, from Pictou; brig E A Loud, from Fayal. Baiibinotox, Mass. Sept 8. Tho now barque Rosalie, from Boston for Sydney, was totally wrecked on Seal Island on the 6th inst. Tho crow was saved. MEMORANDA Steamship Eorusela, Trautman. from New York for Hambnrg, was signalised 2d inst. 4 P M, lat 41 47, long 64 43. , „ Steamship Kennebec, Hand, henco at Now York yes terday. ' , , Ship Golden Star, from Liverpool for N Orleans, had repaired at Nassau, N P, about Ist Inst, and would sail in two weeks for Boston. Barque Tidal Wave, White, eld set Savannah Ist inst forPuyal. ' Barque Ilyack (now, of San Francisco, 481 tons), cld at Boston 7th lost, for San Francisco. Barqu<* W II Chandler, Gage, from Bordeaux, at New York yesterday. Barque Perl, Thestrap, for Havana, cleared at Port land sth inst. Barque Sulioto, Sweotzer, henco at Portland sth inst. Barque.Alaah.Nevecs, hence for Cumberland Har bor, was spoken 30th ult, Ist 60, long 71. Brig Water Witch, Skinner, from Sierra Leone, at Boston 7th inst. Brig Milton, Potter, for Port au Prince, eloared at N York 7th lost. Brig Bolus, Matthews, hence at Boston 6th inst. Brig Kioka, Treat, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford 6th inst. Brig Ocean Traveller, Eargont, for Philadelphia, cleared at Portland 6th inst. Brig Meteor, Anderson, sailed from Portland sth inst. for Philadelphia. Brig Myra, Kelly, ciaarod at Boston 7th inst. for Philadelphia. Brig Catharine Nickols, Loud, sailed from Providence 6th inst. for Philadelphia. Brig America, Robbins, sailed from Salem 6th lust, for Philadelphia, Brig Abbott Lawrence, Fullor, for Philodolphia, sid from Boston 7th Jnst, Brig Julia, Ford, for Philadelphia, Bid from Boston 7th Inst, . , Brig Elisha Doane, Loring, for Baltimore, cld at Bos ton 7th inst. ’ ‘ Brig E Baldwin, Montgomery, for Phils, sld from Ssgua, 08, 24th ult. , gchrSmhß Jones, Clark, from Bolt, ar at Boston 7th lost. Ecbr H M Carter, Fiske, cld at Boston, 7th Inst, for Philadelphia. Bcbr M Yassar, Jr, Orapo, hence arrived at New Bed ford 7th inst. Scbr Daniel Cannon, Watkins, heueo at Richmond 7th Inst. x . - Bch* 8 B Vinton, Washington, hence at Richmond 7tli lD gcbr Mary E Gage, Crowloy, lienee, arrived at Ports mouth 4th Inst. , , Schr Jas II Deputy, Neal, hence, arrived at Aloxan-. dria7thinst. _ • Schr# Vanquish, Inslay; Bummerfleld, Pritchett, and Oxford, Greigaton, henco at Baltimore 7th inst. fldhr Orlentat, Ohaso, hence at Boston 6th lost, with loss of bowsprit, 1 having been in collision with an un known schr off Cape May 29th ult. • ■ Bchra Nepiuue, Clark; Annie Smith, Smith; Medora, BartlottjGartbogens, Baker; Lonsdale, Crowell; ®P^ a y? Somers; L P Pharo, Cramer; Marcia Trebou, Huy; U W Tull; Newcomb, and Sophia Ann, Smith, bunco at Bos ton fitb lost. ’ J . r Bchrs Julietta, Chase, and Hftttlo Anna, Tapley, cleared at Boston OlhiDftt. for Philadelphia < - Cook, having repaired, sailed from Bris tol 4tb.lcH. fpr Alexandria, and was at Newport 6th. .fichr Mary l & Louisa, Steelman, hence at UiouGester 3d imt f a r'l - )' , ' .. , • fießrs Juliet, Crosby, and Yankee Bay. Bliley, Beace at Hartford 6th inst, . L &iHr < Jdhd. R i Watson, Trebble, cleared ■ at Hartford ffchri BajaV» Bett'shh*, tof’W. B Corblttf from New Bedford 6th lost, for, Philadelphia.. Schr E W Gardner, Bdurneifor Baltimoro.s&Ued from Now Bedford 6th inst; - - Schra Ainauda and -Ontario, hcqco at Newburrport' ,6th inst. ’ Schr Mary llMlißip, Alolvio, from Dightobfor Dela .FWB City, waa at Newport sth ~ * u Scbr N.lUleagan, Griffin, hence, arrived at Portland 6th Just. ' , k , ‘ ’ ,Schr H P Cushing, Godfrey, hence at Wilmington, Dol. 6th inst. to load car wheels for a southern port.' Schr,-John ,R Mather, Nickerson, cleared at Boston 7th inst. ior this port. , Schr Cambridge, York, hence at Portland sth inai. Behra Revenue, Corson, and John ? Crouch’, Hankins; hei.ee at Providence 6th ibst. ‘ Sohrs S E Jones. Jones; J Learning Brower, and F O Smith, sailed from Proyidencefith inst for Fhilad. Schrs General' Horsey, Gllkey, and Mary E Pearson, Coombs, sailed from Providence 6th lost, for Fbilad. ,$20,066 06 . 61,651 05 , 3,425 00 Schr Henry Jaynes, from Proridehco for Philadel phia, wont to sea from Dutch Island Harbor 6th Inst. ' . Schra Eliza Gray, Marts, aud Robert F Stockton, Ed wards, hence at Salem 6th Inst, QL’ropeiler Tacony, Wilson,.for Philadelphia,cleared at New York ' NOTICE TO MARINERS. f • Notice is hereby given- that the Black Can Buoy; of the second class, has beeu removed from Graves' Lodged and the Bell Boat replaced Upon that station In its stead. By order of the Llght-honse Board. C. 11, B. CAXDWEfX, Light-house Inspector, Second District. Boston, Sept. 4,1857. J Tho Aid on’s Rock Bell Boat, off Cape Elizabeth, Port* laud, Maino, which broke adrift ou the night of tbe 12th August, baa been repaired and replaced at her firmer moorings, and tha uun buoy placed temporarily in her poxitiou Has been removed, This Beil Boat is moored !o 14 fathoms of water, dis* taut about 600 yards 813 #B, by compass, from the shoalost part of the rock, and should be left on the port hand by veasols entoring Portland harbor.' 1 By order of tho Light-house Board, OKD. H. PREBLE, Light-house Inspector. First District. Portland, Sept 4,1857. s ' May 14,15 t 042 8, lon 30 55 W, ships South America, Borry, from New York, April 4, for Valparaiso; same time, Minstrel, Norton, from Boston, April 11, for Ba tavia. July 16, lat 10 N, lon 24 40 TV, ship James Whittle field, Lee, from Bangor, June 14, for Valparaiso. July 28. lat 0 50 N, lon 27 15 w, barquo Arabia, Wal lin, from Salem, July 4, for East Indies. Aug 5, lat 10 45, lon 35 25, ship Crystal Palace, Sim mons, from New York, July_lB, for Australia. Aug 7, lat 48 N, lon II vf, ship (lolcouda,LevCrott, from Liverpool, July 11, for Calcutta. Aug 8, off tho Isle of Zerabra, barque Bounding Bil low, from Boston for, Alexandria, Egypt. Sept 0, lat 40 64,'10n 08 30. ship Flora McDonald, Skinnor, from Nowjjott, E. for Norfolk. <* • ; * • ' , MARINE MIBdELUNir. /' : Dunkirk, Aug 21—Tlio Catherliia Johanha.’Geolmay-, den, of Nieudiefc, from Narva, timber lowed, pot W here id day with mizenmast broken and, other damages, having,been In contact with an American ship in lat 64> N. The Catherine Joliauna was Tory new.plpking. aud' has been compelled to keep her pumps constantly at work. The Am'orieab ship also Sustained aofd* damage. One of the crew or the Cathorlna Johanna is missing. The following is probably the vessel In contact with the above: ' •- t • Cuxhavon, Aug 20—The ship Dr. Barth, of Hamburg, is reported by pilots to have been in contact off Tcxalt (Aug 18, with a Dutch barque; name unknown, oomiug from tho Baltic, and that one of tho crew of tt 3 latter was on board thoJDr Barth. • ' > ’' U 8 schr Cobb, Hussey, from Brooklyn, N Yj arrived at New Bedford 6th lust.. This vessel was recently built at Orccnport, and Is intended for the L'lght-bouso service, in place of the Eliza, which w&a hasten Long Island. ’ Halifax, September B.—Tho steamship General Wit , Hams Bailed at 12.30 P. Mfor Portland. Her captain now states that tho report concerning tho steamship Ciydo, which ho obtained from the schooner Shamrock, is very uncertain, as the namo of tho place was not dis tinctly hoard. He thinks she mußt bo ashoro on ono of tho Magdalene Islands. Rio do Janeiro, July 25.—The ship Amazon has boen surveyed, and in order to ascertain tho leak, she had to discharge her cargo, fiha it progressing, but notwith standing tho copper la out of tho water, the leak con tinues as bofore. The ship Aurora has finishod hor re pairs. (By letter to Eliwood Walter, Esq,, Becretary Beard Underwriters.) Launoubd —At Westbrook, Me., on Saturday oveninc, a freighting shin of about 1200 tons, owned by Mr J, E. Donnell and others, of Portland, to bo commanded by Capt. Charles Frost, of Gorham, who is part owner. In‘ launching she struck Tukey's Bridge, which is betweou Portland and Westbrook, and so badly damaged it thatit was iuinassablo forcarrlagea. The Portland papers give 110 further particulars of the accideut, Ship Batnuel G. (Hover, owned by Messrs. Theodore Glover and Thaddous Nichols’, was safely launched on Saturday by Mr. Joshua Magoun, Charlestown, as pro* viously arranged. DOMESTIC PORTS. NEW YORK, Sept B—Ar Bremen ship Meta, Jaborg, Bremen July 29; ships Manhattan, Dixon, Liverpool, 680 passengers; Ohio, Hutchings, fm Liverpool July 29 5 Rhine (of Bath) Harvard, fra Shields July 12, with 800 tons coal to order ; barks James M Hicks, Crowell, 20 days fiu Rochelle, with brandies ; Exchange, Jones, Swansea, 725 tons coat to order ; brig Macon, Moon, 10 days fm Savannah; schr Robt Palmer, Nichols, from Portsmouth, NC.'lll ballast, to master; schrs L P Smith, Cooper, l 6 days fm Wilralngttin, NO. lias ex jxiricnced very heavy weather, broke and lost foro gaff, split sails, Ao, Schr 1 John, Mdrria.l2 days fm George town, so. ’ * Below—Ship Pyramid, Henderson, fm Bhlolds, July 20 Cl*d, ahips Annie Siso, Sise, Mobile; O A SUmler, Rogers, Antwerp 5 barks Kaliebokka, Finch, Marseilles: Revolution, Webb, Charleston; brig Trade Wind. Reed. Jacksonville; schrs Monte Christo, Stoddard, Rich* mond ; Pierados (Ur) Mcßurnle, 8t Johns. NB ; 8 E Jayne, Jayne, City Polut; Oswego, (Br) Bcott, 8t John, ,NB; John, Burton, Wilmington ; Emily, Hobart, Wit mington : propeller Nebraska, Slaughter. Baltimore. BOSTON, Sept 7—Ar ship Katahdln. (of Balt) Davis, July 24: Felicia, (of New Orleans) Balls, Liverpool, Ju ly 23; Eliza & Ella, Lunt, New London; barks Commo dore, (of New York) Williams, Malta; Xdiato, (of Char leston) Kendrick, Cadis; Br bark Walton, Brown, Glas gow July 2fl; B Fountain, Kellarj Plctou; Tremont, (of Boston) Baker, New York; Br brig America, Meagher, Halifax; Virginia, Can or, Yconlco River, Va. Cld bark Tom Corwin, William P Gibbs, Cienfuegoa; Br bark Warburtoa, Robertson, Quebec. Sid ship Oowasd; brigs Robert Wing; Brookline; sch Rockingham. Hamb brig Urania Bailed on Sunday for New York. BALTIMORE, Sept, B—Arrived, steamship Jos Whit ney, Howes, from Boston. Pa*k Colombia, (Brem) Lemcko, from Bremen. Bcbrs Charles T Strong, from New York; Carlton Jayne, TAylor, from York: Win D Carghill. Hawkins, from New York; General-Grant, (Br) Hill, 5 days from Bermuda. Cleared 7th, barque Bay State. Sparrow, Boston. Schr AnuCarollne,Rogers, Now York; Johu Roe, Hammond, New York; Emily Johnbon, Tuimell, Now York; Win Bacon, Tyler, Sta- Eicton, N Y; Isaac Morse, Parsons, Boston; Harriet lane, Halifax. , , FOREIGN PORTS- Nassau, N. P.—Aug 23, at Bthrs Rover and Charles Tuunoll from New York* ai;d W Addorlcy', from New Orleans. 24th, ar schra time, Atorln and WII Cleard, from New York. 25th ar brig Atlantic and schr Arctic, do; schr Guilford, Sava'b. 27th, nr hark Victoria, from Mobile, with cargo of bArk Edward Sc Sanford, lod’g, to BailinlOdays. ‘JSth, ar ship Zone, from Boston, for cargo of ship Krewcr, wrecked on Gamblin Shoals la May. t List of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. GIRARD HOTEL—Chestnut Street, below Ninth. W 3 M Gordon, Ciu, Ohio Mr Ward tc la, NY H 8 Talnfario, Richmond II W Lubbock, Vft Dr Dan II Clark, Wash DJ Tyson, Wash JuauCorlada, l’oru E L llroCkett, Petersb*; Va Jt L Wood, Alex, Va IV M Hatton. 8 0 ■ T A Ilondrix, 8 C JUF Grady, Brooklyn JCowsfldt W D Miller, Lynchburg Col M Langhorne, Lynch’g T F Patton, N Orleans H Durden, Troy Mrs Patterson, Troy D Rokohl, 8t Louis ' J A Williamson, Memphis 3 V Pratt, Portsmouth, Va Ilolkcr Hughes. Mom, Ala Lewis W Ralstone, Philft 0 Pfender, N Y C Davidson, St Louis Bliss Wood, Del co. Pa J H Sproat, Taunton W 0 Fonseca, 8t Paul Jan It Boyd, Toronto Thos Grace, N Orleans C Mackenzie, Rnlto Dr E Godding, Charleston, J D Paine, Chicago S Carolina A L Lain. Rochester J P Whaling, Virginia Miss Bcntz. Dalto K BfjUer, ilicbmoud G W Rosette, Columbus,Ga E K ititcncll Sc la, Flush* Geo N Drown Sc la, NY ing, L I F Donobu, California garni D Stryker, N Y 8 Wheeler, do Jl] Mertrin, Ohicago F BI Hutchinson,do C Andrews, N Britain Dolavan Bloodgood Sc 1, USA A A Oillet, N York Thos II Rosser, Westport, 3 J Smith, Balto Missouri" , Bhapherd Brown, N Orleans A J Howell, N York Mrs M P Nortin, do Jno M Clarke, Wllmlng- Miss L Nortlu, do too, N 0 Jno 8 Darcy, N Carolina Miss Auole Hyman, NO Mtos P Lawrence, NO H L Battle, do JO Ramsay Ala, lowa TLo Golding & la, do Mr Jenkins & la, Ya A G Wheaton A 2 children, Mrs Capt Bummers, Mem- Memphis ' phis Mrs Bay, Mo D M J Blen, NY J W Burkhain, Harer.'ord W G Ewing Ala, FtWavne College C A Oanibrlll, Balt E 0 Sampson, do Levi Miller, California Geo Sampson, do G W Wilson. do II G Thomas A la, 17 8 N n McAllister, do Dr W JJ Crane, Balt R W McPherson, do 1 W G Whitney, Del John K Harvey, Balt J P Broadwell, StLoula A Fraokfield, N Y A W Lcisenrlng, Pa OR Hughes, 8t Louis Goo Godfrey, TauntonMasa D H Rust, N Y Nathan Winslow, N 0 Jesse D Murphy, N Y Wm Craoc, Mauchi'stvrNH Mrs W 0 Prance, NY, U S Knight, Prov R I Mrs A Draoan, N Y N R Childs, Boston David Scott,WorcesterMasa G W Bemiett, Jr, A Ia,NY 0 P Cutter, Ya Mrs Clark, N Y Mr MagUm A la, Boston C li Guthrie, N Y MiesMaginn, do J S Morns, Savannah Col J Wlcbes, Md P Hall. N Y J A Wickes, Md J Harley, Balt A Ibbotson, N Y Geo W Larnman, Reading Ilenry A Bowling, Bid Mrs G M Latmnan, do Mr Mclntaeh, USOB J lliglnbotham, Balt AM Garvin do Daniel 8 Belter, It I HA Blaurl, Rochester, NY J ScloniinofT, N Y M lleygouland und la, St Geo A Addison and la, S C Jago do Cuba Miss E Nicholson, do Miss Caroline Hodelen, do MUs 8 B Lipscomb, ;do' TLJay,;, ■ do Edwin J Dell, Ala do J McUrew, Lexington 1 K W Gale, Charleston, SO LJ Sharp, ’do L Bujac, N Orleans " J S Thomas, Kelmarnock WR Martin, Kv , . M Mi|lerand la, Balt P Farid!!’ do D F Crain. 8t Louis WW Scott, Jr, NY SJett, do Ohasß Knewls, Now-Ha- J 8 Kendall, NY von. Conn Samuel Newell, Balt t Jll Up ton, New York Wm Willems, penoa Capt M Hoyt, do ‘ J B Bronier Aw, Chicago Edw Dwyht, Boston R A McMillan, Alabama W M M Lae, Kentucky LW Isbell, do M Wehl. New York A A Smlthurck, Tcnn Robt Dellonl, do J L Williams, Fort Wayne Mrs D M Foreman, N 0 MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arch. R 1) Rhea, California JII Ilargravo. Va T S Orakum, do Jus W Johnson, LoxlDgton Jlf Wilson, do II Coulter. Baltimore J E Colvin, Schellsburg Fa N H Jennings, do F l'ardy, Ohio 0 M Smith, Condersport John Turner, Plymouth Pa Mrs Geo H White and dau. J R SwelUer, Cedar Rapid Pittsburg J H E Swoitier, Brownvlllo John Gauil&gher, York Miss R S Bweittor, do Jas Nill, Chambersburg J N Brower, Mcrcerburg Pa Held Saudorw, Now York W W Sanders, Fort Del Thos Gass, Philadelphia W P Bauuders, Ohio Jno II Wigler, East Liberty Alex Duff, Pennsylvania Jesse T Stewart,Cincinnati R Bughman, Pittsburg S Ilonderson, Mercer Pa E Satierfee, Morccr Fa John H Hays, Pittsburg J C Thorn, Watches E F Coo, Poston T 1) Curtis, Easton W Weaver, Montousvillo Miss Simpson, Lock Karen G Scott, Cattawissa W A Simpson, do OBGustln, Honesdalo A W Thorn do II J Fuller, do II T Cummlngs.Portland G W Rlddlo, Manchester E Brownfield, uniontown 8 Faheustock, Pittsburg M F Ilullihen, Wheeling J W Simpson, do W McCleary, Smlthflold Johu Robb, do W H Van Boren A fara. NY 8 McMasters, do 8 Reaper, Allegheny City J lldlden, Marietta, 0 J RoberU, bait C II Miller, Pbila J Baldwlu, do Mrs Abrams A family. NO 0 B Dutcher, N Rochelle MUs Dontsell, N 0 JSLindermuth.L&urcncobg J 8 BlCu, Toun W F Ourtis, Ohio J M Johnson, N 0 A McDonald, Oiu J Camp, Erie M Wikedal, Canton, 0 W U McflArt, Nashville JR Bucher, do U A Murdock, Logansport UNION HOTEL—Arch Stroefc, above Third. H U Eldridge, Phila- w T Fawcett, Frederick. G II Weaver, Leavenworth town, 0 City, K T R Goudy, Wollsburg, Va A Mclntosh, Allegheny city J A Eliason, Del J Kitchen A la, Allegheny Miss J Bogg, Allegheny G Hay, Stark co, 0 GabDanmlro. McVeytown F Darlington, O.hester cp,,Pa 0 Powell, Columbus, 0 R J Chew, Zanesville Thos Peterson 111 John Snodgrass, Oin, 0 Peter Junks, Cln,o Simon Lerch, Easton, Pa> • Geo Lolls, Easton, Pa C A Kimmel, Somerset, Pa T E Ilargravo,Mt Pleasant, Geo G Evans, Newark, Dol,, , lowa John Ely, FbUd • : ' *f W Dietrich A Sou, Day. M LVnch, Ark • . • ' . - ton, 0 Sanford Shroder, Pa BA Doumston, Tawaqua II Morton, Md T Joflca, Del B F Henson, Del N A Morten, Heftdville, Pa MII Burnet, Stroudsburg Mrs AII Davis A do, N Y JU Brown, Dubuque, Io Isaac Stokes, Dubuque, Io J 8 WelHns, C10,,0 E F Brewster, Bridgeton, J M Lanlng, ! NJ '' * Ni\ ■■ fiw , • A yFfcU,ST > i «* 1 1 i l : AMUMOAK HOUSH.-Oheslnut, bslow SUtb st. W Williamson, Va 8 L Sanford, Va John II Harrison, Ky j Gray, Wooster, Ohio Jl* Putnam, Miss WHHorrlDgtoUjMUs W W WrlgMi Baltimore B W Wright, Baltimore- Q Carrol, WMblngtoh ' W W Walnwrlght & lady, 0 U Cbainplou, NY ' Now' York 0 8 McCormick, Dock Ha- 8 H Wainwrighfc, NY ven > . , H 0 Watson, Mcßwensvllle HOlay Rentier, Easton, Pa W D Wilson, NY JohnMeakim, NY ‘ '' ‘Eug Dupuy, NY ITenry T Itelrsted, NY Geo W Do Lavorgore, NY Goo W Berrien, NY John Oanavan, NY Clias H Tufts, Dover, Nil 0 Troll, St Claliaville, 0 3 H Wuatling, Altoona John Patton, do BcbJ II Qutpner, NO Jesse S Spencer, Troy, NO H B'WholHngton, -Alexan- Jesiio Smltherman, do drift, Va Olios A Winslow, Boston Sami Kirby, Washington E Bunail Sc la, Rock Island H G.Prentice Sc Ja, Buffalo K B Freeman, NO f M G Jones, NO E W Peck, Indiana J N Duck and lady, Vo' Tho» Reynolds, NO 0 A Tumor, Va E J Ilomer. Wilmington, D J M Frock, Minorsvlllo A Bailey* Conn W D Herring, Bt Louis ' U H Hutchinson. 8t Lome Isaac W Ensign. Forsyth, E J Beil, Danvlllo, Vo * Gtv M MWoubaugh,Cincinnati MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Mrs 8 Roborta, New York James Adams, Wilm’ton W A Moore, Frederica, Del A 0 Smith, Ulo’stor, N J Tbos Buckmaster, Del John McKenzie, do : James A Grace, do - Ohas Johnson, Penna J P Clarkson, Michigan 0 P Cleuuueute, Mllwauklo Thos Qurrow. Smyrna W P Snyder. Port Royal A H Simons, Penna PII Pendleton, do John Y Ammon, Balt llenry D Allen, Chester,Pa .John K Logan, do Peter Mengur, 11 du UrAco J Gundakcf, Lancaster, Pa. STATES UNlON—Market, above Sixth. E J Rinehart, Port Deposit Emanuel Kauffman, York* Ge 6 Myew, Columbia Pa 0 W Ilaveu, Phila S II Loekaid, Columbia R 0 Thomas, Md David Bennotfc, West New* TDStewart, do too. Pa 0 McClelland, Balt Daniel Bwora & son. do 8 A Johnston, Ind co, Pa M J Speaktnan, Christiaua, Wm W Armstrong, Uolil- Pa tfaysburg Miss II M Brbom&U, do Edw Blessing, York eo, Pa Mrs E J Uiubhart, I’ortDe- Henry Snyder, do posit i. ' > S J Brough iV 2 las, N Y Master do A ll Chase, Lancaster CITY HOTEL—Third Race. M Morrison, Pittsburgh P Rdmolph, Balt 8 Morris, do W iSAiuJnn, N York • W Daley, do - M K*Marko, JJaston Pa 8 Daley, do 0 Dorence, do J (looney, do Wm Denney, do JJ McAdams, do M DoylCstown RRi»siugor, do’ JohdiDebray, do WiDonloy, do F Williams, Philadelphia ‘G ,W Simpson, " do Sntl Davis, Halifax, Pa R Cowell Sc son, do Mits V, Ross, do A B Walton, Soiobarg, Pft DD Mills, Lancaster Largo, Phila Miss 8 Mills, do M'Llnd, , do J Dillon, Wmsport BLACK BEAR HOTEL-Thlrd street, ah. Callowhlll A McMaator. Pa J Clegg, Phoenlxville Pa J Hawley, Chester co Pa Wm Woodward, Pa F W Shields, Chostor co Pa Mrs Morris, Germantown 0 M Taylor, Delaware co Pa Amos Sponcer. Pa Jacob De\oC, Westchester, Benj Brooks, Pa John Johqson, Md John S Youug, Pa. LII Shuler, Pughtown Pa M Evans, Pughtowo, Pa A LEtnler, Huntingdon Pa Som’l Oilmoro, Pa , P N Hoffman, Franklin co NATIONAL HOTEL—Race streot, above Tli ird J D Wyoming Val- Wm U Frazier A wife, Bai ley tlmore D Zollons, Canton, Ohio W j Miller, 111 J J Rnzciikor, Cleveland, 0 J II Arndt, Pa A Eschbach, Mount Joy, Pa II Wolf, Ohio Ueo Smith. Ohio Jos R Hewitt, Willlams- J W Brown, Londonville 0 burg Geo W Morgan, Pottsvillo J R Whitaker, Mt Clare Itenry Sutmeyor, Allegheny John H Ruhn, Ashland j city. Pa Aaron Straus, West Alex- Wm Hoovel, Wayno county, andiia II 0 Harper, Pottsvillo Jos Gormley, Phila B J McGinnlss, Minersvillo ErnestT Eurlch, Pottsv’lo Win A Median, Schuylkill Haven. BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Merchant street, below Fifth. Ohas Fluey,Ducks county J W Wlsler. Pcrkeomenbia Mrs Finey, 'do Frnk Leister,Swamp Creek Wm Blank, Kiihcsvillo 0 B Getz, Bethlehem M A SoMer, Windsor Uastlo J II Krdman, Emause 011 Relnebold. Ironhill II Winder, Ilatboro G Wcsuer, Maiden Creek J K 11111, Earlville Sami Bland, Mount Airy L R Bland, Mount Airy R McDonald, Reading) Mrs Newman, Zionsville Thoa Opp,Ljcomlug county Levi Coleman. Reading Saral Lefllor, Orwigaburg J D Wanner, Kutztown Special Notices, Bower’s Infant Cordial.••■ This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the mast choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, aud is the most perfect and roliablo carminative extaat for infants and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy care is effected in XU cues of CAofie, windy pains and spasms. Rolievcs and mitigates lunch of children’s suffering during deuti* tlon or teething, and by 1U soothing properties tran quilisM pains of the botpeh, looseness, Tomitlng, Ac. > The Infant Cordial hoe become a standard romody, and has been used in thousands of cases with tho most abundant success. No fknilly should be without it. : Prepared only by Hknrt A. Bowsa, At his Drag aud Chemical Store, ’ N. E. corner of Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia To whom all orders must be addressed, And for salo by Druggists generally.' au 13-ly Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in Walnut Street, south west corner of 7ntnD Street, PniLinaLruu. Assets overOKß Million asp a Hilf or Dollars, invested •in Real E&tatr, Mqhtq aqsB,Grocxd Rents, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines Us business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, is received, and the money is always paid back, with out notloe, to any amount. Tho office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock In the evening, and on Monday an*Thursday evenings uutil 9 o’clock. Seamen’s Saving Fund —Office 203 YValnnl strooi, one door west of second street. Receives de posits in earns of One Dollar and upwards, from nil classes of the community, apd allows interest at the rate of five por cent, per annum. Moneys paid oo Demand. Office open daily, from 9 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Foil; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James 8. Prloglo. illarriagcs. On the 6th inst, by Iter. Georgo Duborow, Mr. JO SEPH WALLACE to MU< MARY A. POllTKll, both of LcJpv'rvitle. Delaware county, Pa. On Sunday, 6th Juat., by Rev. T. Brainerd, Mr. JOIIN F. BEITH, formerly of Lancnstor, Pa., to Miss EMMA SIOKLEB, of this city, EDcatljs, At Pottsville. September Oth, JOSEPH ft.SHirPEN, M. D., in the 74th year of his age. Thu relatives and friends of his family nre invited to attend his funeral, at Bt. Stephen’s Church, this day, at 12 V o’clock P. M., punctually. * On Tuesday morning, Bth insi., at9J£ o’clock, at the reaidonco of his son, the Bor. Dr. JOHN LUDLOW, Into Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, and Professor Jn'tho Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, N. J. On the morning of the Oth hist., ABRAIIAM LIPPIN COTT, aged 74 years. His relatives and friends are invited to attend tho fu neral, from his lato residence, Westfield, Burlington county, N, J., on Fourth-day, 9th inst., at 11 o’clock A.M. On the morning or the Oth lost., BENJAMIN SER RILL, iu the 73d year of his age. Hie friends and those of the family are particularly invited toattend tho funeral, from his late residence, in Darby, Dol&waro county, Pa., on Fourth-day afternoou, at 2 o'clock. On the evening of tho 6th Inst., Mr. WILLIAM A. BINBR, in the 30th year of his ago. His male friends aud those of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of bis father, No. 723 North Fifth street, bolow Jlrown, on Wednosdaymorning next, at 10 o’clock. To proced to Laurel Hill. fry* Notice.---The Committee on Resolutions appointed by the Democratic County Legislative Con vention, will meet TIII3 (Wednesday) MORNING, at 9U o’clock, at MECHANICS’ HALL, North THIRD atreot, near GREEN. THOMAS S. PERSON, sc9-lt* Chairman. A Meeting of the Wholesale ami Retail MALT AND LIQUOR DEALERS’ ASSOCIATION will be held on every THURSDAY AFTERNOON, at two o’clock, Diligent Hall, TENTH aud FILBERT. go9-2t# By order of Association. O* Keystone Club. Opening Meeting to ratuy the adoption of the Constitution. Democrats, rally la your strength for the opening of tho cam paign, and redeem your pledge to tne Democracy of the Union, to keep tho glorious old Keystone in tho column of tboso who respond: “No North, no South— our Uuiou, one and inseparable, now and forever.” A Grand Ratification Meeting of tho Keystone Club will be held at Independence Square, on Thursday oveuing. September 17tn, to ratify and confirm tho gene ral nominations of tho party, to which all true meu of tho Union are lurited. The meeting will bo addressed by General Wm A. Packer, lion Wm Bigler, Hon. J. Clancy Jones, Hon Stephen A. Douglas, Ellis B. Schnabelt. Esq , lion Peter Shannon, Spencer E. Cono, Esq., of Now York, and a number of our fellow-towusmon. pemocratlc Clubs aud Ward Associations Intending to participate will report to the Committee, at the Club Headquarters, Globo Ilotol, Hixth and Chestnut utroeta. Edward W. Powbr, ] Wm. Cook, I Josspu Collins, j Jons 0. McCall, J By order of— su3l-mwnBt WM. B. BANK! TTICKOK , S"rATENT PORTABLE Jjl CIDER MILLS. KROCSER’B PATENT PORTABLE CIDER MILLS. STACEY’S PATENT GRAIN AND CRASS SEED GRAIN PANS OP .THE MOBT APPROVED CON BTRUOTION. VEGETABLE ROOT CUTTERS, WARRANTED TO CUT ONE BUSHEL OP ROOTS PER MINUTE HOUSE POWERS AND THRESHING MACHINES. Manufactured and for Bale by D. LANDRETH A SON, Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, sept9lt* Nos. 21 A 23 Bouth SIXTH Btreot. &A(\ nnn coal and iron, *hlch constitutes a third of tho stock of an Incorporated company, will be exchanged for merchandise or real estate. It Is clear of debt and future charges, (oxpenses will bo provided for by In coroft.) A railroad ccnnoctlugTWO GREAT ROADS la being made at tho co<t of other cotnpaulna through tlio mineral deposits, at tho foot of tho mountains, oltcring ou their lands a way to market on tho sea board, and offering a village site of incomparabio boauty, as well aa bealthfuineaa and profit. No Investment can compare with coal mines for security, and none in the country can bo more attractive than theaefor their resources or a realdoneo. Apply 8. W. corner of I'OURTII and WALNUT streets, aoeond Ooor. a® 0-lw* OFFICE OF THE NEPTUNE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. 414 WALNUT Street. Phili- Ditrau, September Bth, 1867.—At a meeting of the Board of Directors of this Company, held THIS DAY, tho following resolution was passed :* Resolved, That tho capital stock of the Neptune In surance Company l>o Increased from one hundred thou sand to two hundred thousand dollars. Books of subscription will be opened on MONDAY, tho 14th inst., and rornaln open for five days consecu tively, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. By order of tho Board, 8 o p.Qt GEORGE 800TT, Secretary. A' ?Ar4l Or COTTAGE wanted within 15 miles of Philadelphia, In exchange for a three story Brick House, east of Sixteenth in Vine street, and a three-story House in Murray street, one in Pearl street, and a lot in Kensington, 198 by 105 foot, fronting on four stroets, all clear. Either or all the above and part rash. Apply to ROB’T A. PARRISIf, eept 9-lw# 8. W. corner of 4th & Walnut sis. \m/-ANTED-A GOOD VESSEL OF V * about 2,000 barrels capacity, to load for a port la the Gulf. Apply to BIBUOP, SIMONS, & Co., 30 North Wharves, S~ UFERIOR"PICTURES—IMPROVED AMBBOTVPES at the new skylight rooms, IS2O MAHKJ2T stroet, westjof Broad street,Jovor Chance's DryOoOdiiwro. EVANS, practical Photographer and Welter, !«•»**_ rUJSTOM HOUSE/ PHILADELPHIA. - V SEPTEMBER 8,1857/ • . * The followinK described UNCLAIMED ind yon. PEITEB MEKCIIANDISEwIII Ik, toW at pnWlc ule at tho APPRAISER'S STORES. northed corner of Print and Lombard Streets, on FRIDAY MORNING, October dj 1807, at 11 o'clock. By order or 1 J. B. BAKER, Collector. 3-| |- "?i~. S 3«T u V d *}.H,2,£ , ®.n.O«e d * 4 ej 5’2*3 a a **£• a 545 4 <&& nrnmmmmm a % t .£ .t S t t'S.t t.t ££ fe ► o> *- 2k -i >_} -2 H.j a. «* a.j j o jjjjjja J 53 J :4 : : i i i : : : ififl : i ias ij :*• • * * • • • ■ o*!*j • • ,3S 'S .9 : jS»2 I So *• t) JaSa Sf|** g l&us g I g sBisßTl|||||S3=35 B i5RTl|||||S3=3g I SSgM£M W , «*1 9 C 5 3 a l 1 y S'C®!* •<. I’d! !* 3 § Jsi M=3 ■< [)5 t/1 <V3k4 z C ~J- B C 3 O E‘E , °-.e-3.Sf=“s'.£'.2'-5 J« *~g i t s ?3 ddSSJm *3 W Jt St SZ m A, *E *3 4* .O c) azltfi:n co ffi mgjaitn to eowicootomyico mßm v* ! ! • ! '• ! ! 1C ill* !.y 1 l : 3 1 ! 2:j :1 M : :«! : = gg 1 : i o :£ : SseJia : : «-:;':‘3&='2*J :aa ;-at :« 4/ <5 . .-n o B w * • fete *2 g • 7i>d a eJ •2 p4,.- a S SS Si „ ”o*>*s *,© 5 •5 —* e.*n 3 * 3 h o-2S |ta ‘3-g J.SS IN 3 llSlßliilllSSslHilSlS r-> r- H«-iO*-''7-»HHHtI i • • •••«••••*'S• • • d • . . . . . • • • » . • .fkSS • « >*rt ♦ . • ■ . ::: : : :s : : :: : 1•* 1 * 11 1 2*m 1 • eelqll 111 • »•».* t < *i fl • • Ofl.ee e*e •g, :S : : • : -.a. : : 3e ; : t: ■. e-» ito, PI *• . * e SO ' • *'• « e,K .O) tee . t Cl A . • . 2 *© • • *• a - oH • * do*’ P<*r * 5S s :s : roK : : sen : : ./L: S J.'Su oi I a : t-Ssl'g 83 g.-a : : *g : : ■§! : 22-ssf .--jar i; sS ; • 51; « .m W o «*8 ® 4 ! i Jo B !l K Ol igil-1 fj i I |aa oijS-dg 10 a'S-es ; as IS l *-c3 s .asl 35=4u5 : *1,2 •" a o?a ■s”-ils,« : £„• :& ■a 0 . 6 '. SSSI.S, ShSS 053 a O q£> hi l3 L*se- • h. 2 ~ »>„ oouuji'dS” «»•««» S “2§2hh |i!|l fSV«'&S| •S-g.oog, =^ w r®i; PePedg-gga i'll J i iss'l'sii ee-pga Ssl^laS t> «o 5 a ’p^ioflS’p i.S£s® s-ds-n-d oSSuHBy i:! :3 : :&3 :i : : 9 e .o • 1.3 'g •1 . . § §-3 :sh J :£ 8 g : : ; P a so s .“! j ; 1 Jj£i° Mi4o i l=-S-Saa,sl-2 »e te t<" 2 > O jj" SS ■ !iH'fl^ga°*§«S«3o £2 3 C'C fl'C’C s'Sg'S'C wtfltcCia&eaaaaagSa *- 1: : a 1 ; ;s : : ♦•• e• • 5 • : • • 2: 1 . :1* • •» • • I : ‘ B S ; : 5 j .• s : • I':;e|S|l&l|§l aiilS^B^s;i -a'-= *>g nr :s=i( B sg .=5 MW SiS 3 a a ""g B}J5 M§ 3 f £»Jk te rirdrflT-drflpHaotOi-tCl^i-iO • d ; ►. S « *5 o la t 3»iO g a a i a S, « ►vsßnJl O {ues will b« readf three dsj lie and tho goods will be opej the morning of that day. TVATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., JLi ftboxe Eighth. Aduibsioh—Seats In Private BoX, $1; Orchestra Cb&lr*, 76ccdU: Dresa Circle and I’arqupt, 60 cents; Family Circle, 25 coata. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o’clock. Box Ollice open from 10 to 4 o’clock, when Mali can be secured. . Stag© Slanager Mr, H. Watkins Thu performances of MR. BURTON cannot bo extended be} oad Three Nights Mere. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, B«pt.9, will be pre sented tlio original version of Dickens’* Novol, en titled DAVID COPPERFIELD. Wilkins Micavrbor Mr. Burton David Copperfield .... ..Mr. Briggs Mrs. Mieiwber.... .Mr*. Frank Drew To conclude with the Laughable Farce of WANTED, 1000 MILLINERS FOR THE GOLD DIOOINGS. Joe 8ag5........... Mr. Burton. ■WALNUT STREET THEATRE—Lcs v v see, Mr-E A- Marshall } Stage Manager, Mr. John Seftou. Prices —Dress Circle and Parsuvtto, 60 cents; UpperCirclo, 25 cents; I'mate Bos and Orchestra Seats, 75 ceuts. Box Office open from 0 o’clock A M to 3 P. M. Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance to com mence at7l{. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. Sent. oth, will be acted Shikapcarc’a Standard Tragedy of ROMEO AND JULIET. Rornoo Mrs. Vcxic Mcrcutlo..... Mr. Yesin Tjbilt .....Mr. Brink To conclude with the Laughable Farce, entitled 808 NETTLES; OR, TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS Mon*. Tourbillou ....Mr. John Sefton Scraggs .' Mr*. Brink. YTmiEATLEY* ARCH ST. THEATRE. f f —Sole WHEATLEY. Rcalb or PaiOßS.—Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 60 cents; Family Circlo and Amphitheatre, 25 centa; Seats in Pri vate Boxes, 76 cents; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persona, 38 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. J. M. B.WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Sept, fith, tho per formances will commence with the beautiful Drama of CHARITY’S LOVE. Capt. Algernon, Job Fustian..,. Charity To conclude with the Popular Comedy, called . TIIE SERIOUS FAMILY. Capt. Murphy Magulro Mr. JE. L. Davenport AnimadabSleek.. Mr. Thayer JHer chant Sailors. Edward p. kelly. LATB KELLY Sc BROTHER, Having engaged tho services of CHARLES ROTH, Distinguished for the beauty ami excellence of hit Goods when in tho Tailoring business, has taken tho Store. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, AND HAS Oi'KNrn ron TUB BALK, AT RETAIL, OF CLOTHS, CAS3IMEHE3, VKSriNU8 } CRAVATS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, Ac , Of the best qualities, at moderate unco* ID* The buathesi of KELLY k MOTHER ia ro moved, from this date, to No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, where it will be attended toby EDW’D P. KELLY or JOHN P. DOHERTY. wS-ly JOHN P. DOnERTY, FOR TEARS WITH KKLLT A BROTHER, LATE WITU LUKKNS, KELLY Sc CO., Committee, CnARLES ROTH, Formerly the loading Tailor of this City; and M. KAYSKR, Formerly with C ROTH k CO., late Coat aud Vcsl Cutter with LUKENS, KELLY k CO., and other supe rior Cutters, hat rented a part of tho More of EDIT’D. P. KELLY, [N, President 811CUE8SUT STREET, And has commenced tho TAILORING BUSINESS. Tho most unremitting attention will be paid to the wishes of all w ho patronise the establishment; the beat of Clothes will ho mado, and at moderate prices. {seS-y JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 10 and 18 South NINTH BTIUJET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A largo aud wall selected stock of CLOTHS aud OASSIMKRES always on hand. All Clothing made at this Establishment will he of the best quality, aud in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH* ING. aufi.tf /'(OAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL SOON BE PUBLISHED, tho following standard Books, viz: Blunt’s Coast Pilot. 18th edition; Bow ditch’s Navigator,27th oditlon; Shipmaster’s Assistant, oth edition. r ’ We invite attention to our new Spring Centre Com* past,os, which nnswer for either light or heavy weather, und are especially adapted for steamers, aud vessel? whero the motion is cgusldorable. They require fewer ropairs than any compass now in use. Marine Opera Qlashea of superiorquallty, Spy Glasses, Anorold and Mercurial Barometers. Thormoinetors, American, French aud English Sextants, Octants, Quad' rants, Azimuth Compasses, Bluacles, Log Glosses, aud all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and host authorities. Agouta for Kogors’ Atnorican Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometors and Compasses, and for Abbott’s Uoro* meter, aud an Instrument for working out problems in Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval of ex. perienced shipmasters, and have beeu adopted by the U. 8. Navy. E. & G. W. BLUNT. aulB-lm* No. 179 Water Street. HENDERSON & CO’ s GREAT LITER ARY FAIR, FIFTH and ARCH Streets. In order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa* troufl, und induce the book*bnyiug public to 811 up their libraries at the usual low prices, wo intend to present to every purchaser of books to tho amount of $1 and up wards, a Gift in value of from 26 cents to 8160. Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect you uro not buying at chance, for evory pur* chaser gets bis books at the usual price, aud vory many will get, in addition, a present worth having. au2l-3m Evans* great gift book sale, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. N. B.—No oennea. Uqa wlto w otow fcotu* to to* City. MVfo 2S:• • e £ 00 . 1 100 ys previous to the an for examination se9 wfm t ocO Slmuscmento ..Mr. E. L. Davenport Mr. Thayer Mrs. 1! L Davenport UAVINO KNQAGHD (Stmtaiionai. Ilf ISS BONNEY AND MISS DILLAYE XTi will RE-OPEN their BOARDING AND DAY 8011001. at 1815 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, Sep temberltth. BEFEBENCES. •BevE.li, a. Boardman, D. D-j Philadelphia: David Malta, do; O.Wadaworth.D.D., do; M. 0. Clark, do; J. howtou Drown, D. D., do; ffm, B. Jacobs, do; Win Blackwood; D. I)., dm A. Convarsa, D.D., do; John Lejrborn, D. D., do; James 11. Cuthbort, do; Win. T. Brantley, D. D . do; K. B. Cheney, do; William Brad ford, Nuw York City; a. D. OHlette, D, D., do; R. Bab- D -» R- Fuller, D. D., Baltimore; George W. i.atou i), ]),, Hamilton, New York; G. Kerapton, North {£**■ ’VwV rk ; Thomas Rambaut, Cas*vHle, Georgia; ?°IlJI? ?t lc ?A Reiviaburg, Pennsylvania; John p'fti R?Lrt aw n t v man ’. r do} Ca #PM Morris, M. D., do; nle eI/'pid.,' l ' s '!'’ l^™l ' ll1 ’ t «“S John B. Bcm- W v! ack “ n ' B»l.. do. do; John H. kk. “ ’.“ r ,° 0, ‘ 1 i n , Kcw York; M«,i,„ Bray- Mn, Lsq., Chicago; Hon. Oeorge W Bradfofd Homer New kork; Stephen D. Dillaye. Esq., K« w York cltv lion Daniel S. Dicktasoo, Binghamton, New York. sepi-im * rmiTTENDEN-" PHILADELPhIaCOM MERCIAL COLLEGE, 8. E corner of SEVENTH CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories * BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style ’ COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS ** y COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, &c. Each Studeut has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the hnuudute supervision of the Principal. B<Mt Fonmen in the Country his ebaree of the lYnting Department. Pleuse call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, &c. m 3 lm HEMAN ALLEN, A. M., is prepared to receive »limited number of pupils on the Violin, or on the Piano, and to play Violin parts or accompani ments with advanced pianists. Apply at the residence of his father. Professor ALLEN, No. 215 South Seven teenth Street, Circulars, with terms and references, at G. ANDRE tc. Co.’s, No. 1104 Chestnut St. sel-lm* ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY LOCUST Street, west of BIXTBRN.iI, wUI ho opened on MONDAY, September 7th, »t 9 A SI. The Principal will be in attendance at the Academy during tho first week in Roptoinber, between 9 A. M and 2P. 11., to receive applications for admission. Circu lar* may be had of Mr. UILL, Sexton of St. Mark’s Church, or at the Academy. au29-2y* J. ANDREWS HARRlS,Principal. SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, SOUTH- K-r WESTCORNEROFARCIIAND TENTHBTREKTB. The pupils In this Institution will be instructed In all the branches of a thorough English Education, and every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for them. The discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward. The school-year Is divided into two terma. of five months each, commencing first of Ninth Month (Sep tember,) and first of Second Month (February.) TERMS First Department, per tona of five m0nth5..,...525.00 Second “ “ ' «« 20.00 Third “ “ “ 1500 Fuel. Ac., per term 1.00 HARRIETT BROWN, Philadelphia, 1857, REFERENCES Thomas Kimber, Samuel Bettle, Jr., Marmaduke C. Cope, William Bettle, Thomas Wiator, Anthour P. Morris, v Joshua H. Morris, Uriah Hunt, au2s-lro. J. D. White, H. D., Benj. S. Janaey, 51. D. Robert K.' Wright, Thomas D. Smith, George Oriicora, William F. Pitueld, David Vanderveer, William B. Thomas. SUPPLEE’S INSTITUTE FOE YOUNG LADIES, (boarding and day pupils.) N, W. corner ELEVENTH &ud GREEN streets. Filth session will open on September 7th. Lest reference given, in cluding all present and former patrons. au26-tf CURING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR KJ YODNG MEN AND DOTS, N. E. comer EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing fall particulars, pupils’ names, testimonials. Ac., can be had on application anSo-tf F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. Hall of st. james the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY HOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. P.sr. D. R. B*tsbr, Rbctor. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember 1. Circulars maybe obtained at tho Bookstore of 11. HOOKER, 8. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. au 17-6ai BARTON-* 8 BOARDING AND XfX DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1929 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. aul9-6w# TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE J.l persons, male and female, to gain a share of this world’s goods ami comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS 1 BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 14S and 150 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open oa MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in a short tune. THE LEIDY’S take pleasure in saying, that during the past year a large number of porsons acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATlON,enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. au22-3m. Ccgai Notices. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT OF MONT GOMERY county, August 19th, 1557. Notice Is hereby given, to all persons interested in tho estato of Mary Alderfer, late of the township of Lower Salford, In said county of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Alderfer have applied to said Court, by petition, praying for a decree for the sale of tho real estate of said Mary Alderfer, deceased The said Court hare fixed WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of September. 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Court House, m Norris town, for all parties interested to appearand show cause, if any they have, why tho prayer of said petitioners should not be granted. By order of the Coart. J. B. DAVIS, Clerk of tho Orphans’ Court. au2«-dlw IN THE DISTRICT COURT OR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF I* HI LAD.-'. IIIIA. NICE, et«!., n TILE FRANKIORD ! . lIAIJ,. L. F.J.57. No. 470. PETER CASTER r«. SAME. L. F J. 7. No. 942. ADEL REED vs. SAME. L. F. J. 67. No. 724. The Auditor Appointed by the Court to mako distri bution of the fuud arising from the sale of the follow ing described Real Estate sold by the Sheriff under the above writs on Monday, July 6th, 1837, will meet for the furposes of his appointment on Thursday, September Oth, 1857, at 4 o’clock P. M.. at the Wotherill House, George street, abore Sixth, when and where all persona having claims are requested to prefer them before said Auditor, or they will otherwise be debarred from com ing in on said fund; All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south-easterly side of Jlaiuo street, in the borough of Frankford, in the county of Philadelphia, now in the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of 273 feet north-easterlv from tbo north-east side of Gree* street, containing iu front on said Main street 60 feet, and iu length cr depth south-easterly, between parallel lines at right angles with said Mam street, 200 feet, to a 25 feet aide street contemplated to ho opened ctiled Thomas street, lionn ded south-westward ami north-eastward by other ground belonging to the estate ot tbesaid Isaac Whitelock. de ceased, south-eastward by said contemplated street, and north-westward by Main street a'oresaid. Jleiug th * same premises which the said Elisabeth W hiteloek, Mary Whitelock and Ellen L. Whitelock. Executrixes of the last Will und Testament of Isaac Whitelock, deceased, by iudeutura bearing even date with the said mortgage, and executed Immediately before said mortgage, for the consideration therein named, part of which is intended to bo secured by said mortgage, granted and conveyed unto the said *• The Frankford Odd Fellows’ Hall Asso ciation,” their successors or assign*, iu fee. Together with the freo uso and privilege of the said contemplated street, 35 feet wide, warn opened ro far as the same is laid upon lauds of the Estate of tho said Isaac White lock, deceased. DAVID WEBSTER, Auditor. suSl-mwifit IN TIIK ORPHANS* COURT OF MONT GOSIERY COUNTY, STATE Op PENNSYLVANIA. In the matter of the partition of the real estate of Lewis Zink, deceased. Jacob Ziukj George Zink, Sarah, late Sarah Zink, in termarried with David Ileobucr: Elizabeth, late Eliza beth Zink, Intermarried with William Frank; and Anna, late Anna Zink, intermarried with David Miller; and Elizabeth Miller, Lydia Miller. Catharine, late Catha riuo Miller, intermarried with Robert Esbaeh, and Sam uel Miller, in his minority, having for his guardian Philip Super, take notice, that an inquest will be held at the late dwelling hnusp of Lewis Zink, deceased, in tho township of New Hanover, in tho county ot Mont gomery and State of Pennsylvania, on Tuesday the 22d day of September, A. D. 1857, at 10 o’clock in the fore noon of said day, for the purpose of making partitiou of the real estato of the said deceased,, to and araoug the brothers and sisters and legal heirs and representatives of said decedent, if tho same can be done without pre judice to or spoiling the whole, otherwise to value and appraise the same aceorJiug to law; at which time and place you are required to attend if vou thiuk proper. 8. i>. RUDY, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Aug. 25,1857. au26-a3t IN THE ORPHANS* COURT OF MONT GOMERY COUNTY. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Iu the matter of the partition of the real estate of John Detwiler, late of Upper Pro.-ideuce, deceased To Jacob, Auioi. John, Abraham, George. Abel, Ben jamin, Catharine, Elisabeth, aud Sarah Detwiler Take notice that an inquest w ill beheld at the late dwelling bouse of Johu Detwiler, deceased, in the township of Upper Providence, in the county of Mont gomery,on Thursday the‘2-Uh day of September, A. D 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M. of that day, for the purpose of making partition of tho real estate of tho said deceased, to and among his children and representa tives, if the same can bo douc without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, or otherwise to value aud appraise the same according to law; at which time and place are required to attend if you think proper. S. D. RUDY, Sheriff. BherilTa Office, August 25,1857. au2d-w3t IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS' FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA, of Juue Term, 1857, No. 11. Elizabelh Mooney, by her next friend, Sami. Reynolds, vs. George Mooney. Now, August 13, 1857, on motion of R. M. Lee, rule grauted on respondent to show cause why i\ divorce shall not bo decreed, returnable on the third Monday of To George Mooney; Sir, please take notice of tho above rule. Sept., A.D. 1857. R. M. LEE, au29-sfcw2w For Libellant. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA, of December term, 1856. Alias March term, 1857. No. 15K. Isabella Josephine June, by her next friend, John Smith, va. James M. June. Now, August 13th, 1557, on motion of It. M. Lee, rule granted ou respondent to show cause why a divorce shall uot be decreed, returnable ou the third Monday of September, A. D. 1857. To James M Juue: Sir, please take notice of the above rule. R. M. LEE, au29-2aw2w For Libellant. Notice.— letteus testamentak y U|ion tho Estate of HANNAH CALHOI'.N, (dr. erased,) having been granted to the uiidepugaed, all persons indebted to said Estate «ill ph-av nukt? pay ment) and tbo.se having claims will present the 'jmc to CHARLES 11 REES, Executor, No. 133t> Coates street. JTor Snlc nab jo £ct. T'‘"O~HENT“SECOND, THIRD AND Fourth Floors of No 23 North Fourth shoot. oppo site Comiuerco. Possession October Ist. Apnivto WILLIAM H. 11AOON, ecpts-ot* 323 Market st. 4honn or $5OO book bindery for SALE—Seven years established, doing a fair Job business, which can bo increased, both blank and printed jobs. Location, 535 Aiyh street, below Sixth. Dlauk books at cost, jobs bound to order, aug 19-5 w TO BE LET THE HANDSOME THREE Story Brick Dwelling. No- 8 I'ORTICO StiUARK, SPRUCE street, above Ninth, south side. Apply to 8. A W WELSII, au26-2w* No 21S South Delaware Arennc PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES TER, N J., FOR SALE, handsomely located ami shaded—Lot, 75 foet by 140. Price, $3,000. AUo,Lota suitable for manufactories, frontiug the river. Apply toC. ROBB, No. 311 South Fifth street. au2B-lm* WELCOME RANGE.—SOLDBYiCHAD WIQE * Q, m IWONP Ft, vUHc.a gripping. CHIP o K 3 LEANS-LOniSIANA UNR.— To salt with quick despatch The A 1 faet-aailing packet sh'.p OTSEONTHE, Wo. K Maxwell, master, 13 now loading at Race street wharf, and having a Urge portion of fier eargo engaged, and going on hoard rapidly, will have qoiek despatch. phippora will please hurry their goods alongside, ami bills of lading to the counting-house Tor signature. - For balance of freight, whtich will he taken at reduced rates, or passage apply to „ , „ BISHOP, SIMONS A CO., se7-dtf as North Wharves. The OTSEONTHE will losure at the iowestrates, and take steam down tb e Delaware and up the Mississippi. FOR SAN FRANCISCO—CALIFORNIA LlSrc.— Direct from Philadelphia The magnificent clipper ship JOSJJpa JONES, Sam uel G- Flo-rer*, commander, is now loading at Race street wharf; hariug a large part of her cargo engaged and going on board rapidly, will hare iaunodiata des patch. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside with out delay. For balance of freight anplr to BISHOP, SIMONS * CO . 3d North Wluutm SAN FRANCISCO—FROM NEW •*? YOUK l'ho celebrated clipper ablp SANTA CLAUS. Tosttir, muter; the magnificent clipper ship bO3TOMAIC, , muter, are now loading and will hare despatch u abore tor biUace of freight apply to BISHOP, SIMONS fc GO., 36 North Wharrea tjoteis anb Uealattranls. OLD STAB HOTEL IN HARMONY wapetttull, UforinKl that the old STAR HOTEL is still in exiatese* The proprietor will be glad to see hi* old frienis. and promise* to furnish them with a superior quality of Ale Mines and Liquors. He feels inured that oapayioc hnn a risit the/ trill not be disappointed. _ , JOHN CORLEY. Lunch from 10 to 12 o’clock. aoS-lw i|/JcGOWAN’S RESTURANT, SOUTH* ITJ. west coroer of BROAD and WALNUT —Game and all other delicaeies in season. Families supplied with Oysters on the shortest notice. lepi-Tm Lewis b. coffin,— THIKD WARD RATIO mup South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets, BepSlmo Philadelphia^ l/rEKCHANTS > HOTEL, "A NORTH FOURTH STREET, Aeora lUxror. PHILADELPHIA. au24-tf HcKIBBEN A SONS, Pbopbutcii. CjCOTT HOUSE—Corner of. Irwin Street ep and Duqnisne Way, Pittsburgh. B. D. MAUKKr, Proprietor. . toinca ttnb fiionora. PORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de benture 250 cash* St. Joseph’* Pure Juice Port Wins, in qra. and eighth*. Ten puncheons John Ramtay Islay Halt Scotch Whia key, 2 years old Fifty pipe* Anchor Gin. Marett, Martel, Bouvet, and J. J Dupuy Bmediae, all of which 1 offer to the trade at reduced prices _ JOS. F. TOBIAS, au2i.3mo* 8S and ©0 8. Frout St.,below Walnut. EP. MIDDLETON & BKO., IMFORT • ERS of BRANDIES, WINES, Ac.: alto, agtnta •od «olc proprietors of tha old WHEAT WHISKEY. No. 5 North FRONT street. »n<yt.] w A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND xV LIQUOR STORK. No, 226, Southeast Cornet of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. aul«lf CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Ac 26 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. Lil-ly Brandies.— Piaet, castuion & Co., m*. rett & Co., and other brands of Cognac* of rations vintages, in half pipe* and quarter cask*: PeUevoteis Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in M>f pipes, quarter cask* and one-eighth casks, all in Custom House stores* imported and for sale by HESHY BOHLEN A CO., Hex. 221 sod 223 South i'north itrftlt DITHMAR & BDT2, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 520 (new No. 938) North THIRD Street. Philadelphia.—Shlspin* orders promptly attended to. aui-lf * Saks bn Qlnrlum. IAfOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS. » ■ 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite Hie Custom House, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. CARD.—Wo invite the attention of purchasers to the peremptory sale of embroideries, shawls, scarfs, corsets, hooped skirts, bonnet ribbons, and French artificial*, Ac., to be held this day, commencing at 10 o'clock pre cisely, and now arranged foe examination with cata logues. SALE OF FURNITURE, AT No. 106 TINE STREET. On FRIDAY MORNING, next. # At 10# o’clock, we will tell on the premise*. lDi Vino street, shove Front, the furniture ef a family removing. Included will be found, parlor, chandler. a«t kitchen furniture, such as Fieneh plate udrrcrt, veal tian blinds, oil cloth, stair and entry carpets. h«»» w-ai floras, hair seat chairs, mahogany dining table*; marble top centre tables, bedsteads, mattrsuea. dress lag bu reau, parlor carpet*, cane ««at and Windsor chairs, ma hogany wardrobe, rocking club, Ac Also, —The kitchen formtsto, coal stoves, &c,Ac. ' MOSESNATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COM3IIS9ION MERCHANT, 8. S. coroer SIXTH and RACE Streets. SALK OF SECOND-HAND AND NEW FURNITURE. ON FRIDAY MORNING next,Sept 11th. at 10o'clock, At the 8 R. corner of SIXTU and RACK Stre. ta Conalstiug In part of Spring Seat Parlor eh tiw. Mar* ble-top Bldeboanis, Marble-top Loquet TaMee. Cane- Seat Chairs, M-tbogsny Card TabL*. Milr.ut Cictre Tables, Plush Divans and Chur*. Cane-*eat Rocking Chair*. Stuffed Rocking Chaiyi, I,uperial Carp at* G.lt Frame ot*l and square fancy-top Freceh Plate Mirrors. Flue Feather Beds. Mattresses, Jenny Lind Hlrh Pest and olher Bedsteads, Walout Cnbs, Cherry Breakfast Table*. Windsor Chain and Settee*. Secretary Deeki and Book -esse* and numerous other articles NATHAN’3 PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 8. E. Cornet of Sixth and Sheets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing. Dry Goods. Groceries, Segars, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture. Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles. Harness, Stocks, and os all ar ticles of \ alue for any length of time agreed on, on men satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. fse6J M NATHANS. - NATHAN’S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a tew days. Dae notice will be given. WEBB’S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry. Guns. Pistols, Musical Instruments, Ac., will take pUee shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale cf Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Ac , being forfeited collaterals, will take place shortly. Due notice will be given JOHN BAVLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 121 ARCH Street, between Thirl and Fourth Streets. SALES ETEUF EVENING, a? 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watehes, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions. Ac., Ac. N. B —Terms of Night Sales, four months* credit for approved city acceptance*, for sum* with in terest added from date of sate. eepl-lm George vr. smith, auctioneer, N. E. corner of BARRON acd SOUTH fttrewts. above Second. 1 EVENING SALES. SALES EVERT SATURDAY EVENING, ' At IX o’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cuta Utj, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watchaa, JenT ry, Fancy Articles, Ae. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUOTIOSEEP, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE. No. U 2 Boutu THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 7 o’clock, A. JI., until 10 o’clock In the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Anctisn House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL *200,000. .EstafilirAcd for the lan Thirty Tears. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia mends, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, M«r chandue, Clothing, Farniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instrument*, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description. AU goods cau remain any length of tfm+ agiocd upon. AU advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will bo charged 2 per cent, per month: $5OO and ever* the lowest market rate. * This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large are and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmeo for the premises; also, a heavy lam ranee effected/or the benefit of all persons haring roods advanced upon. 9 —On account of having an unlimited capital, this oU’ca is prepared to make advance* on :><orw satis factory and accommodating terms than any ©tb*r in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small ajMuats, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lover and other Watches, Jewelry, tad Clothing will be sold at reduced price*. i)«5, (tops, ,V (. CH. GARDEN & CO., • m^ M4rmfjCtQr<r * of and Wholesale Dealer* ?n HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS " ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ROVCBES, FEATHERS, fe., fc. No. 532, (old No 1W) MARKET Street, Below Sixth, south Side, And No 523 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. CARDS*, t»AM£L noxovis. Merchants » re respectfully invited to examine eur s«7-2m CULLENDER & ~— HAT T ERS, aul-fim No 83. SIXTH street, Philadelphia. otnllcmen’s /nrnisliing ooobj, WINCHESTER k SCOTT, GENTLE- Tf MEN S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SIURT MANUFACTORY, No 708 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street. Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, in particularly Invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. aaA-ljif GIRARDTiftt) and MaRLVETNSOk- ANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA—GffIee, No. 802 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. ONLY TAKEN." ;tou. Jer. Walker, Jno McClure, Tho Craven, A S. Gillett, Furman Sheppard, Sami Jones, M D Joseph Klapp, M. D “FIRE RISKS man TTra. M. Sw&in, John A&spaeh. Jr., H N. Uurroaghi, J. It Ilugbea, F. D. Sherman, Win P. Hacker, J. P. fiteloer, 11. A. Shackelford, Hod JOEL JONES, Preildent. Hon. a. w. WOODWARD. Vice Presid-nt Jxo 3 McMclus. Secretary. Jaxksll AtTORD. AmiKtant Secretary ail-3m DaNCLVG aoadkuv.—naylok & DAUGHTER'S DANCING ACADEMY. TENTH an<l SOUTH streets, commencing TUESDAY, September 1, li>s7. The subscribers, in ofu*riug this pr«.*i>ectai to the dancing community. respectfully acknowledge their kindness during poet seasons, and pledge themselves that nothing shill he wanting on their part to make the conmig scaion surpass in brilliancy that of former years. Mr. N and Daughter hare., with untiring exertions, added to tboir already full list of fashionable dances, many new ones, which will be introduced daring the season. __ DATS OF TUITION. For Children— I Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon# from 3to 5 o’clock; for Ladies and Qertlemen—Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 7 till 10 o'clock. an 27*3»n David m. hogan, blank book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 413 WALNUT street, betweeoFourlh and Fifth, PhiWlei* phi* eeS.lm riIIIbiIAS^T'BASTERJ— lIAEDWAHE^ X CUTLEItT AND TO'JLS, No. 510 MARKET ST., »Ko»o Nlrih. «mt|, «■.<«. Philadelphia *•, ].Sm iVOTICE TO CONSIGNEES The ship Ax STALWART, Cant. A. H. Loeaa, from Liverpool, it now dischifvlsff under general order at Almond street wharf. CofitJneei will please attend to reoeirt/bt their * XHOS, &X9&UZtfo£ A 00,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers