w f r ■ r fP*^ *?,r ♦•MtiirtlUartA -itepKw the tijao* but, owing, to. ■ W<CW»Mi.tt*t.«»i»l»d'diirm^!lastwoek,,thB l aoou ritieittdttrftUitoclpK* that it beoame -apparent a, ? ictt ioßrti.ip«BlbW b« *asteifaDa <jr three or four ' 1 t))oMi®rMK«r£'niS,:fr««at'PrHld6nt,'llamll ' ’ ton M<Momp;qf the Direotora, ' ..- deteriahittd it .houid'ijpt hc Fatd' that ' B*ak,blS ‘ judollar ilpahodoi) dqubtfuißeeuritiea, - • .■ MaTas(dist«ly'tMd£tib a purtebrB36,oo®,idja n char&tribetjbngations ot thqir late President to .■' th'ajStfMffiWtpd.' took 7 the tlopreeiatjil ieottritioit ' i&wprthyof tho on , " ifra^lfdii»o-ofiti»OiOO{nmiinUy.~2Vji«f«.... , Jefferson Polico Court, J on' Sfttu'rday afternoon : for the aiufplased it ,in »b’BSnai^bf'Offioor' Colfax,'on thb N t :Siekles;-Who also, has insti oiril suit'&g*ipaf Old Potpai,.laying, th.e damages sib $25,0M, J Mr. , Sic Idea's -complaint aUctf&bfeSAa cettameditorial.in the.-jß eraid which insinuated, that MrrSiokles, asooansel,had sold hia'client our street 'commission* , era) waBHbeUonB.-~Dtf*/y ; 2YwIVV-.‘‘‘«'•. £ Tbft.taatterof th%‘'MeoHanio3 , 'BanbingAwc»;a ,tiohraameu'p again ,s'efore Judge Pe^body : on ,Sat urday." -The nwn'es'bf several additional ; wVra, proposed fortho Jrecoivorshiji of tho bank.’ Andrew Corrigan,. .wa9 appointed leceiv er. HedsatfattfouftO filo-.seoiuitieS'.in the stun'of SIOO,OM.' ; V ‘ « ‘ - ! 1 r, r . l Thb Direclorsof the. Ohio Lift and Trusfc. Compa r*y Km and; Wm. ' -. i acj nn St iand Peter Odhn ; of pay ton, a’ of tho, New. Yorb'o®,a#il®6ibiCoromHfcee hayo;boon-bore for; . - we.undGratand, matters ato . ?'* ; fi /' . /,/!* ’,. • fotffoiiHy delivered to Conneiltnab yan qapitolof .Nashyitlo,- TeiaM4sß&^orfth'e; 4th instaht, -by - Mr. Andrew* sby of the State and Mayor of Kaieyue.were nrose.nfc vrhohMr» Van Tine received.' it 'of committee; ‘-Mr; . AHennrm-Moneghan V thk^^M^:^wk^n t! at'nwf’lies?ltftteil ao to'dispose of; . . to,tbeWo'ptt6hqffilesof rdtnoti*, ’ stflmOeijui tHe imbjeot; Hr. Ja'okson and Mr. Vnni Tine auerwsrds left the Hdnnitago mrontp, foU . New York..v; ; v- x) */’ „ - _ There were in the port ofNotr York on Sntnrday, *- 674 vessels,i-iholudinjr 35 stoamera, 102 ships, 100 »>bndTveH. .. Th'OM city and^.Brooklyn .qhnrebos.' wbieh, for thrddSr&nrlsjteek* ptiat haVO-been.'eloSed for: x6-_. fo-tbe jpttblto for* diYinewdrinip, ® am " ended; 1 ;tbo-'olergy. at■ least tfccwe.wbb arb cot sojonrnihgrn ;Earopp, f n»Yo ,re : tnnftu juid»by.next Sunddy’nborly all the membewofthpir o6pg>ogaTion who aro. still *.slns wiu.htl<w4'luitbmca9,enstomedpewa. ;* llaridS/ Paage, Beoro.tary of thoXiquor Dealers’ Voolety and one of tbrfee hundred who hid-boon indwted- for' infringing; th*- Law by eelHbg liqi:oV on; SundaySnrrbndercd His. bail andwas&3??gjitte[l;tO‘pTisorr byJusticeCdn.- - nolly, .las’f^rHday.^ApoUoation.wag.. forthwitli., . mode for thp of Jfriiorvrl .and .habeas ' eorpM, on: the -groundsthpt he was unjastly privedof liberty. .Tbese were.granted and inode | - returaabl6-*at^the : Keoorder’s Offibo off Saturdays i Thisira* donwloHesfr the legality of'tho‘indict in«ntsifdtttfa ,v «gmst -the’ 1 llquor doaler3‘ In tho < Court of 'Sefflions, their counsel; D. P- Taylor, lhaUh’e indiotmpnla aro j not valid, Excise! Law, whiQh.dema&ds ;tbat tho.OAaused shall have ■ hnfnra, a committing' magistrate, has in no inStanco been complied with;; As ftir hi’taUtCd- tCHhe ■ "writ 1 bf eemoratt; tho / Distriat’Attbmey argued that the.'Eßcordor noted in thb* Wltterfmerely as.a Sujprenib Court; conimis- tp the proceedings of the Cqurtof .(lenorol Besaions, - of Ony otherfoourt of record.. .The Po ’ eorder one on ihv-habeas totpus at the samp timo An • . Jfr- : Taylor might have ilmelo nreparp.ft ttf the rctuinon tho writ'of ‘htsbiar&YpvS: ' ’•MeanWnUo,Alr. Paigo was allowed his. liberty, honor to ap'* peaj hefoxo tho Rooorder, on Monday.. s : • ? * v 7, 18*7-5,20, P. Mr HqwyArfci.ttKday In veiy active demand. Tbe bank**a<LpriVdto bhnkertlfave been well inclined fo.ttioircustomdrt; ratearrlSper cont.fbc* ing goocL paper-, and twenty four p#paid in somo instances; what in oalled “ wgMipap^t , !dji3;ecarcQlj saleable under the Urter*kito#.* Thdi-e 1b no stir in unourrent toowfiper *ro the,notes of'aqy .new; banks thrown, out; -tTb^repoV&s#failure ‘df BanKU»ib&iMfcdfotM. Vl Tbo-failure of James do Gray k Co;,.dry. goods'merchant, owing, as, it is said, #UhqpWriopifellnnSof Acker,Hams** Co., epdorsed-to V largo amount, and the failure of two produoo house's and a shijv pinghous*—former JBateß, /Griffith, ALivor siore, and TtUlbr Gutting, k‘ Co.—aro the events of the day, whic&hhve caused's6mo excitement, and added both.th' the' sfridgenoy in. moiioy, 'and the'doprpMwhstock-markei'at 'the MftmdL nominal a,tConner rxtir.ltis,not.exported that any'spooie will be' fch«seaißer .frqmv Boston, on Wednes day. Sfr. Aadrew^Cairigan : -httB been, appointed reealvdituf tbSI Meohhtilcs .Banking Association, ■ The statement of tho Now York city banks, of their a'reiWS ebfidition'for the week ending Sept. . 5,»h0 ws a d<%6^,5£4,3(17,554 in loans And ens eoants, $*,821,^9 ( of $2,132 9j'5986,593 in spe-, eit. . x annex the vrhekV average with a eompnri-' .' lending. August 29 th; and that of the week in last year with the^pMSent^W■ •** yi" Aug. 29.5U6,858,919, |8,iWi;060,|84,812,599 B#s. - i. , 8,C15,192;-79,491,311 mm. - - $87,048,404 TMa'itatsment is not near so favorable as was Thsisneoie -lees than wds bora.'wi&Hhe. decreases. iu depositing nearly a tban J tho. in leans and' dis^uatfp^tj^^bbw^K^&tevsaia.'tHat-Itho larger than *DdVtlfiate&ted,tbo grdat rir'atntmnfc of jbo arrivals The own transactions for the day at the office of were as follows; s *^ sl&2,eSB 40 lt p*7raMtl<^........V r '.V.55047 80 “ \ .... . ........ 11,316,043 37 fdr'Sutres At.the Custom House W. 4*7 %ere $lll;00(k' i ’ , • • - At the first : boar4tbe Btock;iziarkct>Fas brisk at aneMftUff/tajtfOrtd prised Beading went up- to to 07rKew Tork'Central (o cafc a :‘2forihertr'lndian*r'Indian* to 37, to-47;' Erie also: ad- other stocks advanced from" f ??? • v ; Fr era X*? $ great' improvement ¥J -•WfcSf*”; *©carltlosjlhdlonp ; s’i advanced 4tper oenfci RH<lT?noeßsee ,6’s, B,per,*.cent;- Vir fisUEs’§*bMdo4d6Uned J per cent. The stock of w* P*lk*n4 Ooeanßanks fell 3 per cent. • At the JXWlfd’wOardf there was & great reaction. Reading 1 fell‘baeli: Jo 50; Erio to 211 i and thoiuur- Iwlftlwdd hoaVtiy. Ai*M.«w,nnchMg^ r wmt small Bales, at $7.87£ for Pots, cm for Pearls.., _ Bt|aMrt#r&Tlf6 -market,for. fciate. nnd'lVestcrn floor is #4ll. »t* decline oflo©lsc, with'verr liberal' • ssfX>/fkexir* do; *s,2s©ss.so Indiana, Ac l $6.40 •|TJS far •*<«' dmfesoe: an#.SfesBAo, for' exlra St. fylfi lover 'WiUi sales of tfl goodßaUimoro.'Alex-' ands7®s7:oofor RfjJf*'hdd ei V', Canadian Jlour is unsettled, f^^aperano^nd •MgfiSS**]««*# MiuiftWvrHhsmallsales at $(.10«55 J 6 for fine to superfine, corn meal la in fjaraoy, and f4.4oar, ■Ste«J^ShAg|'y-^; v \l K ;- |t^g^l^^My:w^AtfiP<ffoe.t *ad'keifKaV. Hinifjtbodallneis ©f;tb* market continues.. * - «» flrrn.u; g 4fe!. OrtftWi.Mtadrim Cornmdu Bosih i» steady, at fug at S2»2 J2U for N&fork and, ,;P?l4" 2 60 f< * Wilmington. ' Olto-Crodo Athalo k nuotsd at 72a15c. Crude UOMMOJitatfeoilj’OtlSOetSlc,,, ~ . . - Padtsisiuslt-^ftisinsfketforPork is a sjiaioflrreer' with uIM rfUßWljiat fiSMfn .Me*.,.and MIS, 31 imimyzszis ** ;t 0conceal f'wMMtPj*’' pwtWpmoMicd. , Bacon 1* sdi-- iag *t.«*«*lte. f(>r Trestoro smoked. "Lard ialn del mU*MIiK«IS)K. -Npehailgeln Suitor,andOhoese. &6HX)l4e4Tli.\nl*rksiti4 steadier tinder the leWiees 10W^d#*^%»SkjOj<,S.’^4*an l a B |}i; a in .md; ‘ Seined Sugar crushed is auuted at li, ; soft **MMB*Wi,*Mdrfcitod««t)o*e>il/ laatuntsato finder and brieVer. .Tlie rotes aro asfol wtw.Sc ToldjraoolrMJottou, 2s Jd®3s, riertolo j, yionr, SMlmS 9 *'"*'''''i Serf) 9a@ it r fiwin, 9d»3s per bbl, and heavy goods,' per, tpp..,-Iherates toother ports «ro& nro-«' .V%dH(A\Yi’'AT-> ■/ i.; / - A • ■- 4 ** m ° re ac^yo Mies of 7; IMdthdtSoaßtaiefis?* - icon TCent R■ 03 7n ■ sssss'ttg, ffi.fc,, „«g -7000 MUso Btstc Ss 7>X 150 -' ' do , M S* dWO Cal Btate fs ’7O 67 - JOOClev & Pitts B \> "'’i.W# ?odßeading R ■“>«,« ■ MOO-lrie B Coart -; -: 100 ' do . ', ; B*>n«oJ|f 500 ;' do • . s>v IOWd '■ ‘do’ 4,1 t»l «»'-•■• 4do- / dd" *3o : fit ■■ good 111 Cen*B Eds „ 88 100 ifariera B ' bBO 7 V; mn*m*m&atorsr ■* ■ 7 1 , . ,4dmtg« 46 103.MicH.Cen B , ~00. ''SBV nfAtn erics 10-1 50 ,!! do' ! ’S3 60!d T 6 Bk of Commer 100 10 do 67 I*ifttsi|o«er<.'f-;) ,e on?{ iOdMich Si- m B c23V “0“1« IOOMiehS&N JK. ' 01 : »nKr El Ek 100 ■ ■ >:■ dretstdek 47 ja ifatropol.JHlc • 1M - 20 Clct. Col & gin B 90 SoRABk . , v 92. - 1750.1 k Chic B it 80 lO-'. do r 7a ,o lftoSinßli ! ' WOOlev&ToiB- «S 38K ..*& *as»i«^4o ;^«^u^*^B3r -' c do" - -• s 3 331 T jsiirtauacni ,6ochic&, B :x.iß 70S 6 do h' h.lll' ■ ■ 50 ’ do 79v -». dO,- ~ set do 79 ' •<'! ,-110 .. 200 do .i’ " M79' gPrahaCoel Co tig- 100MiltMistB-i oif'., .'dSdo.V ,-, ,v;i7dn; 100;-.,: do ; b3O 37-S ? . 100 Cum CoalCo lfio ] §x 225 Is Crosse k. Mil RlO u •? mZttoitt&i'a.U,, .50 do, ~'«a3oio 7W7.8 S CcMSl’ 'C« 76V. M ■. do.. ,• .. elo 16J* h, ,sO.'i' ,ilo-;'-2a»80'.765 Htt-' ,'i), . „ „n , '»-*•. - •' ' V >. •■■:. - ' - >•». oJOßesdlugß 1 69X' 600 do “ »3 60 .too;s-TaoVs 1 is..;jrij»r > , 250 OalVoWccjo a ,70! i ltf.lUinoiaCcnß , , '96 . 2M CIOV t Tilcdo B 3Sk cs*atei«^s& if *%?'?*» of stdek-HW 4T t i i 'tOB Y Central B s 3 76 -;.i > uchiido ;,I*>{ 1 s' BY THE PILOT LINE. : ** J LEWER"FROM NEW YORK. [Oem*£enda*e» oi The PresiQ * : - ? , I ( rHiLi,pBLPHU, Bept€mbcr 7,1557. *« ihainoSk^*^^®* somewhatbasic'*, than ?tthe (’» i -*. l i*orblt*nt'rato6~ar& in circulation. But little ( •££S wilh'bb'invested In stocks while this pressure | cS .took, while P»j»r.l»>9‘ re disemmted, end, money hard to.ceir.o at, deterring wbo -Muldothenrlae'glndWnTdetMpreaent price.. ‘ When i ■ t L« tonn >» Mid.ont'. VWS have no spoons*'* , *•. cdnOilenM.'ia oa tie increMO, bowoveri end though wo ciinnot expect to be'at-ease .immediately, na »• <*»- not expect -a tout' Mlm .term, jet the knowledge that tile werat baa !»**•*.““V 8 * h *.” r : lalnty of improvement near at band of.Ercoct eecWco m allaying present anxieties and dlccoiUfort. Contradic tion, or manyof the -reported -failure, so rapidly an nounced ‘during-the panic; donllnue to reach us by ivory mail. ■ The Chicago Journal, oi Friday evening, enye, in correction of several rumor.:,“Neither Mr. Ogden’northo Fon du Lac Bnilroad Company has failed, m:r in. either ( nurpeiuled.' Mr. Ogd.u ha. a fortupo , of a .few millions over ail ‘.liabilities, and tho Fondu lac road, ia che of -the beat in tho West.” Detroit papers oT Friday,deny all reports unfavorable td tho Peninsular Bant,. and‘declare that ithas tho “ un bounded confldenco” of tho publio. In oil quarters, the financial nows is satisfactory. A leading Itow York journal says “the financial horizon, at the close jp/ tlie week, presents a more cheering appear-* anco.-dt is truethst tliere'are clouds after the sterm, hUttheyaro'those'which inay be relied upon as the signs of bettor'times. The state of affairs that have threatened to lead to a financial' crisis hare forced upon us a full investigation of ourre sources, aad now that wo havo practically ascertained our situation, confidence is felt as 'a result .of that knowledge. .While ‘wo lament -torn dieastoro which mark the?storm, we can congratu late ourselves that our Inherent strength has made them few. ll, : ‘' ’ The New York Daily News announces an important ,movement ■as - follows: “Wo learn that itiscontem* plated to opon an Exchange ■ house hero doiug business with tbe Wesfc, of which Olnclutuitl will be* the centre, on a novel plan.' Great dissatisfaction is felt with the way which, the Now York bankers, agents for Western houses for ExchaogoS) hare transacted thoir business, loans to the risk of their principals. Tho plan is this:' to deposit $500,0000f gold in a vault In this city, which is not on any account to be used, except in case of failure? the Exchange houses' in Cincinnati to sell Eich'ango on’, their agents, who hare tho ch&rgo r gold, And are limited, to the businessof buyifig'Bxchaoge on the West.: The gold to be counted and certified to as being all right; and no with thO business to bo allowod to loan any money.whatcTor, or to boy stocks and bonds, or any thing but Exchange on those parts of .whloh Cincinnati latheiclr«le rj .• ' • , Tho expenses'of pfflce, elerkfl and interest on tho gold locked up, will be a charge, on the oxchange business. 1 Tlie interest lost on tbe specie is' of no account com pared with the 'advantage of security. Tho‘Now York agent will make all his collections in gold, as well as, pay all his drafts in gold. No banker’s certified checks will be taken, but everything will be sottled for In gold, eitber receiving or paying, ’ \ Messrs. Wylght, of Cincinnati, who kept an accouut with Beebe; ScCo., aro about opening such an estsbilah mentaii wo hare described, inNew York. Mr. Wright is uowin towH. , < The Boston Travellerot Saturday lut says: “Stocks stilt continue to decline, but the roduced prices arc liar ‘ leg the effect to'bring In new buyers, though cot to any great exteqt as yet. A reaction must of |eourao bo the result of the present depression, for there is nothiug in' the Blocks themselros to cause it,; The higher, price of money, and want of confidence croatod, by the disasters of the Ncw.York.'/market, ore the main 'springs of the .prevailing downward tendency. >i The money market is stringent, but without material ehango firom yestorday, the very best paper going at 12 porconi.,and-insomecascsabroker»go of added, v Our banks are still losing specie, which operates tc/check any disposition to accommodate borrowerß, but the turning, point ;ls'probably not far. distant in the 'future, jbrdt least that' period when they may come to a stand still,-if no better, - Jrbm the Baltimore American of this morning wo quote asfoltows: u We havo to note' the existence on the street to-day of a more cheerful feeliug in money matters, t: Although It Is still difficult to obtain money, and there is no let up In rates, the tone of the'market ia evidently improving,'a'Ud ;, pArti<ifl'are anticipating tho Speedy rctum yf botter,,tiijiofl.; There Is, however, no actual change in tho condition of the market. Money is in very active demand, nnd strictly prime paper (which is the onl/ description that can bo negotiated) is difficult* tbplaco' atl#o2 percent, per month, and for call loans the rate is still *l)f ol){ -per cent .'per month.” ’ - llewftbriAnd Holmes speak In their circular rospecting monetary affalrsatCincinDatilntbe fellowibg terms:— u The deposits in tho Trust Company aro being rapidly absorbed by tbe payment of'debts doe here? thus far, she haa .reduced her deposit, liabilities nearlys2,ooo,- Poo,.by, glying, therefor discounted paper, and bonds 'and mortgages, iu which iter capital was originally loaned; this is the wieost course that could bo pursued, and ißthe only,one by which this in stitution can bo extricated difficulties'. • 1 “ The’panic natiiraUy 'cauaQd by so great a calamity was, fora day. or,two, most alarming) but was too fle* reroto list long; all classes of businessmen begin, now' thatiHetr fears hav6 sabsldcd, tp.dlscovcr that they were more'scared than huitl , , \ “During tho last few days stock securitlea have been eutiroly neglectM;. holdert, have wisely withdrawn frOm market?,theri? consequently have been no sales to 'indicate,prices.;. A days hence, we hope matters again rasumo their usual channels, when we fool wjured firsttclsss Investment securities will be taken as readily at fair prices as if the' Trust Company difficulty had ; npt occurred. ; The cquutry.ls weal thy beyond pre cedent,, inthe possession'of oversowing grain crops, pow juat moving to market; : and from which Bhe wili yopolvo of wealth, compared with which thp amount'of capital inrolred in the Trust Company diiaater.is but a drop in. the bucket. < > >' “ Money negotiations are very difilcalt, Bnd wHI ’con tinue' io ,fof a few daysV^hwhllo,"Mercantile classoa are keeping snug,' mfklng uo ?aew liabilities, and bring ing their business more Immediately within tho control .of their means.’.’ t, v * p We loam frtmithe Zanesville Courur that E. Back inghaW'&Co;; of thsticityj hare suspended, and a*, signal for the, benefit of depositors and others. This bouse.,was.connected with Adams'& Buckingham, of • New. York, trhoSo failure has already hern announced. Genuine impressions, with forged signatures, of the 'denominations of'2o ! s', on the Commercial Bank of Jvcn tuekf ,'are to circulation at the West,, , The following are the receipts of tho Morris Canal Company for the past week' and season, as compared with the receipt* to thp corresponding time last year: Total to Aug. 22,1857. :'.... .$170,883 42 Week ending Aug. 29j 1857,..... . 10,245 23 1 . J , /• ' . $100,128 65 .Total to Aug. 23,1850 $182,017 87 Week ending Aug, fl, 1857, 7,463 51 . ;; ~, $i89,48i 33 Xncreaso in 1857, i. ; w......i... • $647 27 - The'year’s receipts of tho Harrisburg and Lancaster Railroad Company were $452,802 f and the expenditures $267,570. The bonded Indebtedness 'of the company, dUc In 1858, has been 1 reduced' to $502,052. What Is of some importance to state In these times of railroad ex penditure, the company announces that its floating debt 'has been reduced to 'slo,ooo. The company have just completed their magnificent depot at Harrisburg, at a cost of $58,250.' This depot contains dining-room ac commodation for from 250 to 300 persons, beeldcsladies’ and gentlemen’s reception rooms, ticket offices, &o, tho whole effectively HghW irith gas. 'The receipts of the Hew York and Net? Haven Rall ! road Company for August, 1857, were as follows: ■ - Passengers.;.,, 1 .,. ;.;., •i T0ta1..!....’../...' t 158,067 6S Loss duo otber roads. ” 25,780 14 : -'Total...'. For August, 1856 Decrea5e..,....;.... *2,192 00 ,The roco{ptsof the North Pennsjlrania Railroad for 'August, 1857 j *00,005 Jtor August, 1860.. 8,042 • Increaite.'f, j-., : The coal shipped, over tho Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad, for the week ending September 3d, 'amountedto......;• 2,636 ft tone. Prerioualjihis year................. 66,291 ft “ • Total for the ae&e0n1V...)........ ' '68,928 “ ■The earnings of tho'Hantingdon and Broad Top Rail* yoadfdr the month of August were as follows : ~• CoaL Freights.. $5, 806 23 < BentofMines.......iJ.27T 62, : ». > Passenger* 2*604 26, ' .Local ifreights,.... , 707 72 ax * x * ' " * e ) Bl6 83 ,BUtement of -the imports of foreign merchandise at i*l the week,' and since January lets Dry G00d5,,,..., $1,317,43$ < General Merchandise....,: ' 2,006,682 Total for thVwe&k $3,323,020 reported.: 170,841,602 - , 7ot Mfpj year..,...'.;.., .$174,m,522 jThe exportation 1 , of specie/rotn Noir York last'woek ;waB a$ follows: • ampitEXT OF BPBOIK FROM TDH FORT OF NSW TORS. £?“ r * V? rl ft Bacdford * JaCmel, Ain. gold. . $1,2000 00 DKtLni&iup iteruKstej Hamburg, . . do; .» 22,000 00 ; * 80.. -Arabia, Liverpool, ■ 2 dn. .. 3,000 00 '‘nu-vj, **. ' ’ gold bars... 60,000 00 1 S ; e'n.UvctTKioUroß 60,000 00 . Do, North Star. Bremen, Ani.g,,,.; W1’,300 CM) ,•- 3)0, . do. do. stiver dols 60,000 00 ' Totflt for tho week/. ~..$287*600 00 Pretiodsly reported, 32,207,186 69 . T0ta1,1857.... ..$32,664,686 69 By the Ardgo, $lOO,OOO was brought to Now York from Burope during the week. ' - : Tho receipts of specie, from California and from fo rtlga ports, at Now York, from Jon. Ist to Aug. Slat, were as follows . . . Jan. ltoAug.Ol; -- 1857. 3866. Receipts from California $21,024,362 $20,284,763 Foreign fapecle received.,....... 5,875,000 3,060,000 -Total receipts at New York $26,890,362 $27,350,763 Kxportod from New York 32,263,990 23,736,407 -The receipts at tho, New York Custom House, and tlio ..receipts and payment at the Assistant Treasury, during the week ending September 5, wore as follows: , / .’Custom House, ' Assistant. Treasurer’s ‘ Receipts. * Payments. Aug. 31.... 30 - 295,910 79 ' '408.052 32 Sept. 1......-,;.' 60,840 47 230,689 80 330.697 47 ! ; t' •-*•••; • '■3* • 109,389 43 354.126 26 : ' ;w«W\ 79 220,989 13 ' 381 016 09 :! i '*•?•JJM&II 169,405 76 163,989 81 | u 126)700 33 249,409 83 695J202 80 { ’ Total;' $576,649 30 $1,272,700 23 $3,023,034 74 { Deduct receipt 5........... |1,212,700 23 * Excess of payment 5........... $750,334 61 j The London Daily News of August 26th says In Its city article: 11 Tho funds showed much firmness this morning,, and during tho greater part of tho day ft further advance of ft oent.> waa quoted. In the afternoon,- howdvor, sales were pressed, Wad the i 4 O’clock, quotations .wore tho ianld as those of fester da);;" JVfter'the'rocognlflcd hours an uneasy feeling was, - occasioned fey a continuance of speculative sales, which fed to an additional decline of ft . A rumor' was at the SamVjipje 1 circulated that those operations are based ,uj>on iifller‘telegraphic details.relative-to .the con tents pf the coming Indian maU..-- f In tho discount market to-day the demand for waV indre active ,■ and' induced some appl Icatlo ns st'theßaDk'. ' T'hcre'wM, 'however, an entire absence, of pressuce.-'iTla the Stock Exchange njonoy eommandod ito 4 ft*per cent, on Government securities, with a {•ir iw® j.«'Xt pfih %-tij wVSd* jwr (pat. ! ’ tag siv-rf-U hdi r.:u f.• > ■- I trained a decline of and 1 X f per cent., being /ast quoted (according to' the telegraphlo despatch) 67 for money, and 66-90 for the approaching settlement. - “Consols, which closed yesterday at 00# to # for the Oth September, were quoted during the greater part ot this day 90# to 91, but had relapsed at the close of the Stock Exchange to 90# to #, the price for cash being at the same time 90# to #. After four o’clock the market became flatter, stock being offored at 90# forjthe account. Tho official business report is as follows: Throe per cont. Consols, for money, 90#, 00#; ditto, for account, 9th Soptombcr, 90#, 91; three per cent reduced, 91#, 91# ; new throe per cents., 01#, 91# ; Long Annuities, expiring in January, IS6O, 2 7-16; Bank Stock, 216#, 214#; thrco-and-a-half per cont. Ex chequer Bondß, falling payable In 1850, 98#. Exchequer Bills remain quoted4s. ills, to par.” ' Thu CnKSAPKAKK and Ohio Canal —Gloom and de pression mark tho present aspect of affairs wherever they aro in any way bound up with the fortunes of tho canal' That a break should burst out in whole cloth, as it w«ro, in the midst of fine weather, with no freshet in tho river, and after so long a suspension of navigation as has been suffered this summer, is discouraging in deed ; and what makes the matter moro provokiug is tho generally received statement that a day or two of loud warning of a probable rupture was given. Wo now learn that a break had occurred at the culvert for thirty-six hours or so previous to tho breaking away of tho canal banks. Twenty dollars might have been more than suf ficient to havo put oil right again had tho matter been taken in good time; whereas tho cost of repair, added to tbe loss of tolls for ton or twelvo days, (which is the minimum timo allowed,) will now make a difference to the treasury of tho caual of nearly ton thousand dol lars. One would have supposed that tho lesson taught in the unnecessary and easily avoidublo break on tho Georgetown lovel would havo prevented an oarly re currence of such a thing. Whilst tho directory of tho canal appear to be faithfully and energetically engagod In tboir duties, the subordinates aro too often open to charges of indecision, remissnesa, or want of judgment and industry. The weok at the shipping docks at Georgetown has been reasonably busy. From Ray’s dock, up to Satur day, were loaded schooner Charles Whiting, Ruttor, 201, tons, to Providence, R.l.j schooner Ringgold, DoGroat, 148 tons, to Albany, N. Y.; schoonor Montezuma, Penny, 335 tons, to Albany, N. Y. Loading, schooner IJro- j thera, 450 tons, to Jersey Oity, Coal It arriving freely I down the canal. 1,700 tons are on tho way this side tho j broak. —National Intelligent PHILADELPHIA STOCK Beptetnboi Reported fty R . ManUj/t Jt Walnut ? IRST 81* 500 Penna s’a 1000 N renna. E C'ft 64 ft 1000 do 64ft 60 Long Island Bbs Oft 100 do . bs’ 9% 60 do 9ft 100 do cash 9ft 25 Union Canal 6ft 100 do 6ft 6 Cam & Arab R 101 12 Minehill R BETWEEN 76 Union Canal SECOND 1000 Oltr O’a now 94ft 000 do s 5 94ft 200 do 88 3 Penna R 43ft 8 do 43ft 6 • do 43ft 2 ’ do 43ft 1 do 43ft 4 Minehill R 6Gft - 100 Reading R b 5 26ft 27 do 26ft 26 do 28ft, 10 do 26 100 do 1)5 26 60 do b 5 20 AFTER 16 Heading B - - CLOSING PRI Bid. Asked. USB’« ,»68 110 Philadate 87 ft 88ft do RR 67ft 88ft do New 94 95 PonnaSs, 81ft 82ft Readiugß 26ft 20 do Honda ’7O 77 do M 6’s’44 83 86 Penna RR 43ft 43ft Morris Canl Con 60 Bobyl NavOa’626o 61ft ,do Stock 10 12 PUILADEIiFU) BKPTBMO2R 7—EVBXIKG.— stuff*, and tbo market continues dull and depressed at a furthorconcoMion on the part of holders, without re sulting in much business. Tbo sales of Flour are con fined to some 80900 bbla at $6 for sound old stuck and fresh ground R&Ulmore superfine, the latter deeUvorod here; $6.26 for good Pennsylvania do, and $3 4? bbl for choice extra family Flour at tho close of change. Ship ping Flour -was held at $6.12a56 25, but there are no buyers at these figures; a limited home trade to noto at from $0.25 up to $7.60 and $8.50 bbl for common to extra and fancy brands. Nothing doing in By,© Flour and Corn Meal, and the latter is. very scarce at quo tations. Wheats are but little inquired for and dull at 3a5 cents decline, a few small lots only having beon tskoo at 1303135 for good to prime red, and 136 a 146 for white. Com Is also dull and lower, with sales of 1800 bu. yellow at 80c., and not saleable at that. Oats are in steady demand, and prices range at 36e370. for Southern, and 38c. for Pennsylvania, with light re ceipts. Rye is selling at 7&®760. for Southern and Pennsylvania, which is a decline. Holders of Bark are anxious sellers at $45 for flrtt quality Quercitron, but there is nothia&doiog. Cloversced is wanted at s7ft *> s7ft bu., and very Httto hero, Cotton is firmly held and a light business to note in best Uplands and Gulfs, Groceries and Provisions aro inactive and prices the same, with a small trade demand. Whiskey is soiling as wanted at 26c. for bbls., thossme prices for hhds., and 250. for drudges. St. Louis Marxist* Sept. 3.—Wueit—Transactions limited to-day, as milters generally hold off. There is no material change in prices, though part of our quota tions are a shade lower. Sales of a lot of damaged fall at 60o70c; 252 fair spring at 60c; 298 primo do at 90c; 63 dost 02<v, 300 at92l4c; 200 damp fall at 65c; 52 Canada club at $1.02; 02 fair rod stsi; 51 good do at $1,05; 175, ISO, and 217 prime d 051,06; 284at$l,07ft; 606 at $1,08; 164 at $1,12; and 300 choice Zimmerman at $1,28. Also inclusive of sacks 49 rodat $1,25, and 41 White at $1,30 poT bushel. ) Cork—No sales reported except 131 sacks primo yellow at 04ftc. Oats—Very dull, but prices remain steady. Sales 70 bags damaged at 22; 275 aud 459 at 36; 200 choice at 37, and 170 do at 37#. Flour—For city brands we hear of no inquiry. Coun try do dull and unsettled, with sales of 80 and 100 sacks superfine at $2 50; 50 do extra at $3:100 bbls low grade superfine at $4.75; 57 at s4.B7ft; 60 at $5; 100 extra at $6: and 50 do at $6.25 per bbl. WHIBCBT—A further decline has transpired,with soles of 117 bole at 21ft, and 100 do at 213? gallon. . THE LAKE TRADE.—Receipts of Flour and Grain for the week ending August 29, 1857—3,800 bbls. Flour, 616,409 bnshols Wheat, 170,212 bushels Corn, 02,612 bushels Oats. Exports of Flour and Grain for the week ending Au gust 29th: To Buffalo. Oswego. Other Porta. Total. Flour, bbls 1,601 1,611 Wheat, bu5...169,635 • 91,335 63,000 313,970 Corn, bus 141,681 38,500 10,000 196,081 Oats, bus 22.000 500 22,500 TOTAL FOR TUB HBABON'. Flour, bbls.. 48,712 847 27,530 77,089 Wheat, bu 5.1,102,984 824,304 470,713 2,889,001 C0rn,bu5...3,683,961 1,239,918 910,835 5,740,714 Oats, bus... 129,400 66,289 185,689 Flour and Grain in store, Saturday, August 28,1857: Wheat, Spring, bus .230,214 Flour, bbls 1,000 “ Red, bu5....16,307 Corn, bus 08,080 “ White, bus.. 9,009 Barley, bu 5,,.,.,.. 19,114 $102,067 63 13,000 00 FOREIGN MARKETS. James McHenry & Co's Circular, [Per Kangaroo.) Pnovisioxa.—Bacon in fair demand, and for really good quality our quotations are readily made. Cheese In good demand ; fine wanted. Beef and Pork very dull, and very Utile doing. Bacon—Long Middles—rib in, 48s to 60s cwt; boneless, 2s more; Short Middles. 61s to 63s Vcwt; boneless 2s j O Cut. rib in, 46s Chocs©—floe, 64s to 60s 3?" cwt; ordinary to fair, 30s to 40s. Beef—now—prime mess, 140 s tol&Os 4P tierce; India 10s to 20s more. Pork—now—prime mess 90s to 95s & barrel. Shoulders—new, none. Lard quiet at 70s to 725. Tallow still unsettled, with more doing. BRSADBTUFra.—At this day’s Market we had only a limited attendance, and very little demand for all sorts. Wb6at 2d to 3d lower, Flour Od to 9d barrel, and In dian Corn 6d to 1s 4P 1 quarter, except White, which maintains its valne. Wheat—White, Canadian, 8s 9d to 9s Id per 70 lbs, White Southern, 9a Od to 9a 3d 4?“ do: Red Western, 8s 0d to 8s 3d do; Red Southern, 8a Oa toBs-8d 00. Flonr—Western Canal, 29a to 30s di* JDOlbs; Philadelphia, &c., 30a to 31s per do; Ohio, 30a to 32s do; St. Lonla, 33s to «5s do. Indian Corn- Yellow, 85§ to 30s ST4BO lbs j Mixed, 35s to 36s do , White, 40s to 44s do. Richardson, Spence Sc Co.’s Liverpool Prices Current oi American Produce* [Per “ Kangaroo.”) Liverpool, Aug. 26, 1857.—Th0 weather continues moat favorable for harvest operations, and with liberal receipts into Ixmdon Mark Lauc, yesterday, was quoted 5s to 0s per quarter lower for English, and 2u onForeign, with but a limited businoss. At to-day's market tbero was but a moderate attend anco, and the sales of Wheat wero mado at a decline of 0d per bushel on tho nominal quotatlona of Friday for Red Wheats; the beat qualities of White were no cheaper,'owing to but other qualUiea partook of the decline on Rod. Flour, fid to Is per barrel lower, without loading to business Indian Corn—Dragging snlo, and 6d per quarter lower, at 35s to 35s 6d for Me diterranean. . Wo quote Wheat—Red, Bs«eBs 4d; White, OeetOn Mty 70 lbs. Flour—Westerns, 30sa>30s 6d; phlladolphiaand Baltimore, 30sifr31s; Ohio, 32*®32s 6d per barrel; Indian Com, Yellow and Mixed. 3Csa36s 6d; White, 44®45s 480 pounds. Beef and Pork—Scarcely anything doing; inferior Beef is olfored at a decline of 10dl5s per tierce, without lead ing to business. Lard—-70s is mado for prime in retail; sales of ordinary at 69a, with out buyers. Tallow—Prices fluctuating. Butcher's Association, nominally 63sd>64s; Bacon—Only a retail sale. Lard, dull and easier. Cot* ton—Middliug and lower qualities are % dearer since Friday. Good useful Cotton with staple aud free from dust touch enquired for and firm; its scarcity commands full rates. Middling Orleans, 8 11-10; Mobile, Bft; Uplands, 8 7-10. $89,267 49 91,480 09 . $21,603 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. IbßuJl Morris, 1 Josevh c. Grubb, } Couxitths or tub Month. Johk Wblbu, J t .. LETTER BAGS .... * Merchants* Exchange, Philadelphia^ Ship Tonawanda, Julius..,.,..Liverpool, Sept 25 Ship Joseph Jones, Flowers. San Frsnoiaco, soon Barque Minnesota, C01e... .Rio Janeiro, soon SAILING OF ttUE OCEAN STEAMERS. 1 STIiMEU FROM TOU DAT Adrifttte.....4 • . .New YorX Liverpool Bept 13 Arago..... New York Havre Sept 10 oof Baltimore. .Liverpool New York July 20 Niagara.... 1 Liverpool JJoston Aug 1 mow FOB Africa .Liverpool New York. Arago Havre New York, Kangaroo....... Liverpool New York. Glasgow,..,,,...Glasgow Now York. MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS. pHiLApsLpnjA—From New York 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, and New Orleans 11th. From New Orleans 20th; Havana 23d, arriving at Now York 28th. Quack* Git*— Frora Now York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12tb, and Mobile 14th. Frora Mo bile 22a, Havana 24ih, arriving at New York 29th. OAMawßA—From New York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and New Orloano 39th. From New Orleans 27th, Hvranamh, arriving atNew York 3d. CiTT—From New York 17tb, arriving at Ha !«?%* • 404 N®w Orleans 28th. From Now Orleans 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at Now York 13tb. Now York 27th, arrive at 9 rUanB • From New Orioana \ 14th , due at New York 18th. Wm SfcffrE °“ rleBt ?, Q M»h and 4th t due at Ha* fi,T Ha ’“* loth “ 4 is,h ’ *"■ * MXSS;“ ttfrora Ke ." 7ork 00 THE PRESS.tHBgII4I)ELPffIt. SEPTEMBER 8, ,185?., [Reported for The Prow.) , , ~^®I|V’CASTLEv Eng,—Barque Mary Adelia. keltor— -152 ehaldrpns gas coala 140 bbla Venetian tod 89 tea Paris white 8 Morris 'Wain A Co; 40 casks bleaching powderp 200 kegs bi-carb aoda 8 A W Welsh; 100 casks bleaching powders powers it Weightman; 35 casks soda 4 pkgs samples order. 1 ' CHARLESTON—Schr Virginia, Higher—3 bags fea thers 8 BUpham it Son; J 4 sacks do R Williams; 120 bdts paper Megarge ft Bro; 3 pipes brandy J Garrison ft Co; 50 bales yarn Stoddard, lUU it Co; Ml sacks wheat J A a Moore; 19 empty carboys Powers A Weightman: 145 do casks Foultney A Massey; 20 do pipes rGibsou, Bon * Co; 150 halos cotton Cochran A Russell; 1600 pigs load 8 Morris Wain A Co; 40 empty casks 31 pkgs sun dries ordor. 1 * . \ 5 F,n»ni»rt, Hoff,m—76o,ooo lathi Twells, Gaskill A Galvin. ’ •? P®rry, Satupson—ll,72s EStnStoSnrVS&Bif 8 A ' u “^i FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Srpt. 8,1851. lntif-SFi M f,7 A ‘ lol '*> Koll.r, from NoMintlo.Eng. iJr™™ 7 ’ "M" 10 8 , Morri * "’"ln * 00. fcallcd V« h ur( I I J BS Illonzi, for Ilontoa. and Che- Jf'.'fIc'!*,'?'D^' 1 c '!*,'?' D^'“ ni :, Aochorcd In PontlimJ VlrtU 13th ti 301 6 d " J " fron " V ”° h * m ’ lnt'fia,ui?4! t 0 0 ’ln 110htiilt ’ 4^> In bX, , U„V A ptS 1 ° r ’ V ° UUS ’ 5 4 ‘ r 8 from ’ Varoh '"”'' cipufo L '° nti ““’ nrlJr ’ * from B “rton, In ballnst to b.fit tfShffiET S! lott ' 6 dvs s ™ eMet - to Schr D O Guither,Kerman, 3 days from Baltimore, with wheat to Wm B Potts A CO. ’ to S c?ptS? NMb * T> ° olc ’ 6 da^a from Boston, In ballast n E *5U ® dft y o from Boston, tu ballast to O A Hecksher A Co. it iii» Elklulou, Nay)or, 0 doya from Harorhlll, in ballnat to Brown & Wlnto. 1 Schr 3 SI Atkina, Atkins, 1 day from Stilton, Del. In ballast to Bancroft, Lewis A Coi * 1 Schr Virginia, liigbeo, 8 days from Oharlc.lon, with cotton, Ac. to Pettit, Martin A Co. ' B ? hr , B W berry, flamnaon, 6 (lays from Nantnckot,' with oil to A 8 Asbraoad A Co. ’ EXCHANGE SALES, 7, 1867. Stock Broker, No. 80ft Street. BOARD. 13Mlnehill 56 V 100 Reading R b& 26 V 100 do bS 28ft 100 do b 5 26V 10 do 26V 100 do b 5 26V 10 do 20V lOOSchuyl Napref 18 15NPenuaIl cash Oft 2 Lehigh scrip 40 60 Girard Bank b 5 10ft 10 Bk of Kentucky 100 1 N Anier Bank 161 31 Consollda Bk 2d9 27 3 Phlloda Bank 119 BOARDS, Schr Benj Frr.ckUn, -—lO days fromEoanokeltlrer, with lumber to E G Gattoll. ' Schr Connacoraara, ,10 days from Roanoke Rirer, with lumber to K G Oattell, Schr Sarah Lufkin, Crow, 3 days from Still Pond, Md. with oata to Bewley, Wilson A Co. Schr Tolegraph. Truitt, 1 day from Oaradon. Del. with corn to das ilarratt A Sou. Schr Marinah n, Etheridge, 7 days from Washington, NO. with lumber to Bolton, Vanderveer A Co. Bchr Cerro Gordo, Irons, 6 days from Boanoke Rirer, Ya with shingles to captain. Schr Paragon, Hatch, 5 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Bchr F A H&ll, Cain, 4 day* from Salem, in ballast to Nobio, Haiumott A Caldwell. Schr A Corsey, Jordan, 6 days from Piormont. with lumber to A G Cattell. ■ Schr A Lawrence, Hatch, 3 days from Providence, in ballast to captain. B«hr War Stood, Bmlth, 3 days from Now York, in ballast to captain. - - 6* Schr D B Barnard. Hoflses, 9 days from Calais, with lumber to Twells. Gaskill & Gi.lrin. Schr Mary pelph’ua, Harris, 6 days from Yinal Haven, with stone to II Barker. 12 Reading H do 28 13 Harrisburg R l>s 54 7 do 54 50 Bchny Nay prcf 13 15 do 18V 10 N Penn R OJi 20 do oj£ 10 Union Canal 1 do cash 6?4 1 do 6^' 20 Bear Meadow R 52 3 Mechanics’ Bank 2S*j 4 Commercial Bk 50 22 Bank of Kontucky 109 BOARD. Schr Mary Milter, Laws, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to captain. Bchr Widow’s Son, Owen, 3da/s from Seaford, Del, with grain to J W Bacon A Co. Schr Caleb Wood, Sralthers, 2 days from Milford,with corn to J W Bacon A Co. , CLEARED. Barque Lauretta, Daily, Boston, L Audenreii A Co. Brig Breeze, Outorhridge, Richmond, Lewis A Damon. Brig Marshal Dutch, Giikoy, Boston, N Stuiterant A Co. nrig Oronoco, Tabbutt, do do Brig Sami Otis, Gilchrist, do Lewis Kirk. Brig J A Taylor, Young, - do do Schr Hiawatha, Shanuon, Baltimore, S J Christian. Schr Damsel, Borton, ■ do do Schr Mary Ann, Sawyer, Newburyport, 1» Audenteid A Co. HOES—DULL. Bid. Askfd. Scbyl KarPref 17 X 18# Wmsp’t A Elmß 14 10 do latniort7 5 572 73# do do 2d m 62 C 3 Long Island 9 V 6?; Vickaburg 7 8 Girard Bank 10# 101* Lehigh Zinc 1 Union Canal 6X 8# New Creek }1 7» Catawissa RR 9 10 Schr Worcester, Rhodes, Providence, J M Kennedy A Co. ’ Schr Jos Brown, Brown, Boston, captain. Schr J W Drlsko, DrUko, Boston, Tyler, Stone A Co. Schr Aid, English, Boston, O A Hecksher A Co. Schr Mary Miller, Laws, Bostcn, Chaa Miller A Co. Schr Paragon, Hatch, Boston, D Pearson A Co. Schr R Jones, Eaton, Boston, Rogers, Slnnlckson A Co. Schr J P Cake, Endlcott, Boston, Vandusen, Norton A Co. Schr F A Hall, Cain, Boston, Noble, Hammett it Caldwoll. ’ Schr A Lawrence, Hatch, East Boston, Baucroft, LownACo. ' fA. MARKETS. -Thero is no let up in Bread Schr Sally 51 Atkins, Hatch, New York, do Bchr E Klkloton, Naylor, Haverhill, Brown 4 White. Schr War Steed, Smith, Boibury, D Eamea. Schr J Rogers, KUlott. Providence, B Milnes A Co. Btoaiuship Kenuobec, Hand, N York, J&s Alidordice. Str Farmer, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. [BT TBLHOJUrn.J Oorrospondence or the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND, Sept. 7, 9* A M. A large ship is now going in. Wind strong from NK, A largo ship and barque wont to sea last oveniug. Yours, Ao., TJIOS. B. HUUIU33. [BT TBLBOJUPH.) {Correspondence of Tho Press.) BosToM.Bept. 7. Arrived, ships Ilowadji, from Cette; Katahdin, from Cadiz; Felicia, from Liverpool; barques Commodore, fro Matla; Edisto, from Cadiz; Waltou, from Glasgow; B Fontaine, from Piotou; brigs Water Witch, from Sierra Leono. Naw Yonk.Sept 7. Arrived, ship Palestine, from London. Below, ships Rhine, from Shields; Ohio, from Liverpool; barquoJas SI Hicks, from Bochello. 6poken, on Sunday, ship Wm V Kent, for Philwi.lphi.. ZliTfti Dr Ghaor, Sopt. 7. Eight boats left here this morning, laden and con* signed as follows: Congress, stares to Wilmington, Del; Mollie, bltural* nous coal to Derot A llro; Defiance, do to Wilmington, Del, and rags, seed, Ac. to 21 Kirkpatriek; Dauphin, Col V Harley, South Ward, G M Lauuian, and Donegal, anthracite coal to Del City, Steamship Delaware, Shavr, honce, arrlvod at N York Othlnst. Steamship Kangaroo, Jeffrey, from Liverpool 20th alt. arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Quaker City, Shufcldt, for Havana and Mo bile, cleared ai Now York yostorday.: Steamship Jason, Drittoo,from New York for London, was seen Sept 6, lat 4*2 35, long 62 30. Steamship Arago, Lines, from Havre and Southamp ton, Aug 26. arrived at Now York jesterday, reports: Aug 26,5 1* M, off the Needles, passed barque American, bound in. Aug 27, 0A M, off Lands End, exchanged signals with an American frigate steering 3. Sept 2, 6 I* 31, lat 43 45, long 35 20, exchanged signals with Am ship Exchango, standing SB. oth, 9P M, lat 40 40, lon 70 03, passed ship Rhine, of Bath, bound W. Steamship Khorsotu-80, Thompson, for Calcutta, sailed from Liverpool 23d ult Ship Wm Cummings, Johns, from Liverpool, July 16, for Philadelphia, was seen 29th nit. off Sable Island, and was spoken 3d inst. lat 40, long 45. Ship Conquest, Sears, from New York, July 18, for Ban Fraucisco, was spoken Ist ult. lat 35 32, loug 49. Ship Hnpublic, Chase, of Now York, was at Marseilles 26th ult, sold. Ship Susan G Owen, Nortou, for Charleston, sailed from Liverpool 23d ult. Ship Helen McGaw, Tucker, from Stockholm, at New York yesterday, Ship Harrisburg, WJswell, frora Marseilles, arrived at Now York yesterday. Ship Belle or the Ocoan, Rood, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool 21at ult. Ship Potomac, Roed, for New Orleans, sailed from Li verpool 25th ult. Ship Alamodo, for City Point, sailed from Liverpool 23d ult. Barquo Falke. Raabe, hence, cleared at Now York yesterday for Trinidad. Barquo Old Hickory, Voacock, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Aurora, Clougu, from New York for Sau Francis co, was at Rio do Janeiro July 24, to sail next day. Ship Cafioca, Hoffner, hence, remained at Bio de Ja neiro July 24, waiting, Barquo Myatory, Taylor, from Rio do Janeiro for New Orleans, was spoken 6th ult. lat 9 8, long 34 40. Barquo Indus, Thompson, from Rio do Janeiro for N Orleans, was off Pernambuco 6th uit. Barque Phantom, Quig, hence, was at Rio do Janoiro July 24, waiting. Barque Anna, Wheeler, from Buenos Ayres, was at Rio de Janeiro July 24, disohg. Barque Parthian, Hudgins, honco, arrived at Rich mond sth inst. Brig Foaming Sea, Boauchnmp, from Rio de Janeiro, July 21, at Baltimore yesterday. Brig Wm Willson, Farrell, hence, arrived at Rio de Janeiro July 25. Brig Geo Whitney, Watson, for Philadelphia Imme diately, was at Havana 29th ult. Brig Cranford, hence at Boston yesterday. Bohr Mary Ellon, McCracken, hence at Now York 6th inst. Bchr Geo'Mangliatn, Scuddor, hence at Charleston 4th lost. Bchr H P Bascomb, Burke, hence at Richmond 6th inst. Schr Lightning, for Rio de Janeiro, with flour, sailed front Richmond 6th inst. Schr E H Rowley, Godfrey, for Philadelphia, cleared at Charleston 4th inst. with 68 hales Upland cotton, 7668 buahele wheat, 29 casks k ehalk, 1 bbl flour, and 100 empty barrels. Schr 8 M Tyler, Bacon, from Middletown for Phila delphia. at Now York 6tb inst. Schr t) G Floyd, Rocket, from New Haven for Phila delphia, at Now York 6th inßt. gchr Mary Patterson, Tomlin, for Philadelphia, sailed from Salem 4th Inst. l»ro|»«Uer Sophia, Ely, cleared at Now York yesterday for Philadelphia. • 19th ult. lat 49 30, long 37 20, ship C A Morrison, fra Magnadavll for Glasgow. 30th ult. lat 42 09, long 6110, ship Helen. McGaw, from Stockholm for New York. Brig Waltham, of Ellsworth, Clark, from Windsorfor Baltimore, which put into Boston 30th ult. with sails split, Ac, naa discharged her cargo by order of a sur vey, and is undergoing a thorough reeanlklng, in addi tion to uow sails. This vessel was incorrectly reported “Watchman" on her arrival. Capt Gunderson, of barquo Convoy, at New York yes* torday from Cardenas, reports: The'new light-house on Key Pledras being tinißhcd, waH lighted on Aug 20th, for the first tirno “revolving light." NEW YORK, Sept 6—Arrived, flteamship Roanoke, Skinner, Portsmouth, Ac; ships Nebraska, Bevaaey, Havre, July 28; Wm Woodbury, MeLelan, Cardiff, July 30; Rebecca. Martin, London and the July 29; Wm II Prescott, Butchelder, Liverpool, July 29; barques Conway, Gunderson, Cardenas; Ocllla, Ashloy, Ant werp, July 6; Diana, Davis, Hamburg, July 1: schr 8t gtepbou, ‘McGregor, St Stephens. Below—The pilot boat Edwin Forrest, No 14, arrived from a cruise this morning, nnd reports haring spoken barquo Roman, from Cardifl, she having been in collision Aug 30 with barquo Cora, since arrived at Norfolk, and lost fore and maintop gallant mast; also had the starboard rail ear ried away to tho luitzon chains, Ac. 6hrp Eustoru Queen, Grant, Liverpool, Aug 4. Cleared, ship Mar quette, Watts, Now Orleauß; barquo Meudi, Bryaut, Alicante; brigs St Peters, Lord, Wilmington; Antelope, Manly, Aeplnwall; Pltarro, Sturge#, Mobile; BeagucU, Staples, Bkedlae; Sea Lark, Bpicor, Windsor; Elsinore, Whitmore, Portland; schrs R H Huntley, Hammond, Baltimore; Neptuno's Bride, Gillett, Savannah; More ver, Jackson, Wilmington. FOREIGN PORTS. Havre—lu port' 20th ult, Logan, Taylor, for N York 26th; Bay State. Iflmmons, and Fairfield, Hathaway, do 30th: Rusaoll, Coudry, do Sept Ist; Johannlsberg, Nel son, N Orleans 2d; Creator the wave, Colley, do 6th; Wm Nelson, Choever, N York 10th; R L Gilchrist, Howes, N Orleans 15th; Mulhouse, Wilner, Zonobia, Peters, and Rockaway. Lufkin, 20tb; Gormanla, Wood, N York 20th; Nuremberg, Bchneldon, N Orleans, unc; Luconia, Freeman, Portlaud, Brazln, Aramede Snow, Uarcden, South Carolina, Goodwin, Prlncotoh, Bell, Wm P Moses, Jones, Roeklaud, Brown, John uowo, Moore, and Oregon, Porter, destination unknown. JUoJaneiTO, July 24th, in port—Ships Marla, Samp son, from New York, (arrived 23d;) Martha, Sampson, from Boston, discharging: barques Weathorgago, —-> f rom anchored below: Mary Gardner, (whaler,) Nichols, repairing; Alamo, Mudgett, from Liverpool, do; Meado, Gorham, from No* Orleans, do: Fame, Kenne dy, from Richmond, do; Altavolq, Gilkey, from New York, do; Hamilton, Webster, from Irisa, Mediterra nean, discharging. ' ' ... DAY .Aug 28 .Aug 26 .Aug 26 ~Bspt 6 IVrOTIOE TO CONSIGNEES.—The ship ll STALWART, Capt. A. H. Luca., from Liverpool, la now dlichirglng under general order ot Almond street wharf. Consignees will pleaae atfeud to recoipt ot their gooda. ■ ■ THOS. RIOKARpfiON'ft 00. j.- "Mf , . ■ , ■' J '" ) " ' ittnrine Jntelhgenre. ' ARRIVED. Correnpoodonc© of Th* Pres* MEMORANDA MARINE MISCELLANY. DOMESTIC PORTS. list of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. , GIJtARD HOTEL—Chestnut Street, below Ninth. J L Halbert, Aberdeen.Mbs 0 0 Rimyou, N« v York Mrt 8 L Connelly, Jackson, UDJlimyon, do • Tenn W F Steele A la, do Uiie Satlie Collier, Jackson, Chao S Stoele; do Tenu R H Wyatt, do J V Randolph, Trenton JII Cordell, Missouri Belle Y Randolph. do Cban EUet, Washington H Mundy. N J W A M Corkle, S 0 David F fftout, Reading R J Butler, MUnisalppl J 0 BHrcol, do , Miss R W Dutler, do Albert lIIUU, Albany Misa 110 Dutler, do J R Weathorby, N Orleans Dr Le Grand, do T Huntou, do TS Cudd, Charleston, SO C W Smith, Pa T Gody A la, Baltimore 0 K Storons, Florida J A Fiolo, do J J May, Washington, DO MM Norris, do T 0 Jorrlo, 8 Carolina J II Springer, do V Dewoes, Lexington, Ky S Jackson, do J IHggeubothen, Dull T W Mmou, Alabama D Cummins, Delaware MiriaKiug, do GKonuody, do MUsWarreu, do 8 P Peek and la, Vermont M Maretzek, Netv York II Weal, 3 0 8 Windt, do M J Grove, Danville Dr £ J Sanford, do A T Bomley and la, Ky J Seltaor, Columbus 0 Miss Burnley, do Wm A Austiu, Ala Miss L Burnley, do 0 Welch and la, do MUs Liimrd’, do Mlbs 0 Willis, do J T Worthington, & la, do Mr Laird, N J G B Buruloy, do Mr Bartlett, New York John McKougo, Tonn Simon Stevens, Lancaster Wm A Brower, Boston J B Hawley, N 0 H Kldridgo, Miss Win H Horumlck, Bilt J Aldrich, Baracou Godfrey Watters, Mass John 8 Richards, Rondhig 011 Hustod, N J R G Runlou, Balt mgflJHe II Raymond & la, N Y John B Telford, Lexing- Wesley Grlgg A la, Peters* ton, Ky burg, Va H A Kingsbury, Oxford.Pa Miss 8 E Grigg, do II Lyle Wilson, Lexington Miss 0 0 Grlgg, do Va J s Hubbard A la, Wash Okas Rodgers A dau, Co* DO lurnbus, Ga W T Barrett, Barbadoea, Ed del Camiuo, Cuba W I E Aporlogula, do N Tower, Now Haven,Conn Aug W Hab, Cal • WmODanton, NY T M Buatoll, Charleston A W Alpin, Oin, Ohio Prod Stesrris, Detroit J A Morison, N Y Wm M True A dau. 111, N Barneß & la, Chicago John D Lively, Richmond, Geo Manlerro A fam, do Va D II Novins, N Y Geoßßogby, do E D Litchfield, N Y John Wood A la, N Y Joso M Castanos, Mexico W p Fibridge, do G Oaslanos, do Theo Shart, do 0 G Waterman, X Y MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. 0 A Rico, Knoxvillo, Toun Col Lowis tlUuiao, Chester A M Hart, Reading county, Pa L M Washburn, Galncaboro’ 0 0 Gophart & lody, Cum • Tennessee borl*nd,Md J T M Uairo, Madlsonvlllo, Arthur Magill, Pittsburg Tennessee K W Kayos, Easton E A Yoat, Kingston, Tenn Wm Leo do J B Martin do Win ilcjfler, Chnmboraburg EdVard Cowman, Baltimore Wm Heyuer, Jr, ’ do B Brownolo do J P Keefer do Moses Cohen do OW B Emery do J H Lemmon do W A Lowry, Danvlllo, 111 J 8 Coombs, Long-a-Ooming. W G Wilson, New Jersey Maryland C Kline, Lancaster P II Hardin, London, Tenn 0 W Kline, Mercer W 3 lladin, Pennsylvania J D Wilson, Amherst,Mass L H Van Down A lady, Pa- David Thomas, Ofttasnuqua ducah, Ky Henry Shollenberger, lowa J H Marklcy, Philadelphia J S McCuhbins, N Carolina oFahnestock, Indlauapolii RHBt\blec, Alexandria,Va Hon J 8 Yost, P* P Pettulxme, Wyom’g, Pa J K Mettcc, Baltimore 0 A McEldery, N York Jas Keens, do Miss Mitcholl, do Wm Brooks, Tenu W Burroughs, Boston E L Hendrick, N York J QllenTy, do James W Kurtz, Wash, Pa 8 8 Herah, York, Pa II Relgart, lowa Marcus Carroll, do Jno w Ulrich, Leb’n, Po Emorson Caso, do Thos LPrymlre, Milton, Fa R U Lewis, Farrensr T D Winchester, N Carolina G P Parish, Wilksbarre Hon 11 8 Mott, Pa Wm Ovorfleld, Easton Hon 3 II Waltou, Pa T (1 Huniaker, Poorla, 111 08 W Titccmb,Cin, O G H DeToe, Cal S 8 Dicky, McGonaellavllle 0 E Shepard, Ohio UNION HOTEL—Areh Street, above Third. A G Grifflth, Baltimore Jno Mlcke, Easton, Pa UH Kldridgo, Philada P M Keene, do Geo Hammond, do II Ileyaingos, Boonsboro’, E Messmore, lowa Indiana ¥• Browne, Oilieothe, Ohio B Plank, Cumb co. Pa B Parlaw, Cincinnati A M Leldlch, Boiling Sp’gn L eri Proston, Chea co J Uoke, Columbia M A Matoll A la, Bedford, RII Halt, Indianapolis,lnd lowa J Adamson, Philada Wm B Harris, Davenport, M N Ream, Schancovillo, 0 lowa D George A la, Mllwaukie, L Mite, Pennsylvania Wisconsin John GilUng, Ohio Geo Komble, Lansiog.lowa E Rnffenspergo, do J Thayer, Atlantic city JE McCoy, do Charles Robinson, McOon- S Simpson, Harrisburg nolisviUo, Ohio David Leonard, Burlington E Leonard, Burlington II Leonard A wife, “ Mrs Eepew, Daaton E Johnson, Troy NY J M Blair, lowa Henry Meyer, Lebanon Pa L M Harwood, Cin 0 Miss 0 Glenn, Cin O Miss F F Watson, Cin 0 Henry Saylor, BcU Haven Pa J 0 Richardson Pa W H Park, Tiffin 0 John Murray, Milton Pa Job Strauie, Richmond Va B Muasbaum, Tenn J D McOalleb, Pa Jai R Stoufler. Pa 0 H Fuller, Scranton Pa AMERICAN HOUSE.—Chestnut, below Sixth at. i 8 Smith, New York T L Meredith, Dubuque WW Johnson, do J Waneling, Wash, NJ 0 Whito, do 11F Dyer, Va n L Uighby, do S 8 Myers A la, Balt J Myers, do J B Myers, do 0 A Bprinko, Harriaonb’g M Merritt & la. Hoboken lIL Watchman, Va O Leitz A la, Easton P A Butler, Tenn Miss Beets, do M 0 Hobson, Va Q J Pettit A la, Waah’n OAWhitter, do Miss S Pettit, do M Price, Phila W W Williams, do G 0 King A wife, Cin 0 E II Bonwell, Del J W Bond, Bt Paul H L Evans, Raleigh J Samon A wife. Pa T II Reese, Bridgeton F Lovcjoy A wifo, Elmira A J Baxter, Reading D 0 Murray, NO 8 W Baxter, do 8 B Settle, Tenn NM Gooch, Ala W Johnson, jr, Norfolk, Mrs Ilowertou, Tenu T Anderson, NY G M Weston: Wash K M Ball, NY AS Joues, Mans J McKenzie, 8C J W Paine, N Y J L Pedrlck, Del E Stroud, Del BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third itreot, ab. Callowhlll, D Wooring, Lehigh co W Thompson, Zionsv Mrs Wooring, do 8 DtlHuger, Milford ,8 Rhoads, Soutbaran’n 8 Miller, do II Thomas, Fraucoma F Schmetser, Millerst’n A Tkoinos, do 0 Ilelfrlok, Kutztown J Tice, llellert’n I. D Hodman, do A Seidel, Reading Mss Van Sheets, do II Reber, do L Fisher, do J Yingle, do J D Brouchor, do 8 Stein, Del, Ohio MADISON HOUSE—Second utroot, above Market. Mrs Connely, N Y John Thompson, Boston Wm A Moore, I'bila C Johnston, Salem, 0 Tbos Huff, EUuiore, 111 Andrew Brown, do Isaac Huff, do John Jack Camdon Mis* EE Huff, do Mrs ChoiMoman, Ellnoro, Mrs L Roberts, N J lUiuois J H Jefferson, Smyrna 8 II Blackman. Plata Isaiah Cooper, Y» J U Cooper A la, llrldgept Cbas Shoemaker, N J Mlm D Huff. do J Ridgeway, Odessa, Dol JnoClark, Md Elisha Cullin, Sussex, Dot H 8 Wotlierbee,Dexter,Mas T Wetherbeo,Harvard,Mas F Johnston, Troy Wm 0 Powell, Berben. Md Jno W Jones,Sussex, Del 8 D Ewing A la, San Francisco CITY HOTEL—Third street, abore Race. JaoMThifltlotonLamb’tr’e Henry Still, Williamsport | John F Mason, Doylcstown M Rafferty. PArkaburg John Biake, Harrisburg Albort j Anderson, East P Doolittle, N Jersey Fredonia Alfred J Albertson, West Miss .Elder, Phila Frcdonia Missos 51 U&stlngs, PHila. Mlm Oalacbia, Chicago R Stokes, Clarendon co M Stokes, I’hiia Jno ilayslnmycu, Easton E Dechartns, Lancaster, Fa Mary Dulley, N York John Dahuino, Baltimore Michael Richy, Lanc/utor John Harrison, Muncy John Bonthorton, Easton R L&Qcastcr, Pottsgrovo Henry Uoircr,WilHan)sport 31 Morris, Montgomery co Mr Blanchard,LamborivUle John Baker, Lancaster, Fa M Martiu, Easton BLACK BEAR INN-Morchant street, below Fifth. F A Gerry, Philadelphia A It Van Cleaf, N J D Kimble, Kimblosville Woi Levis, Wost Chester Bobt Kennedy, do D W Chandler, do Chas Florence, do 0 A Trlppo, Safe Harbor D Humes, London Grove D Wartel, Lancaster co, Pa L McCullough, Cecil co,Md Dr W L Carroll, Ealtitnoro D Brown, Chester co, Pa J B Brower, Tromont Win Pyle, do Col N Rittenhouse, UBN W Agnow, Keunott Square W Gawthrop, Chcator do, W P Beatty, Del co, Pa Md Dautei D Swift, Lancaster UII King, Philadelphia NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, abovo Third. M H Bloco, N York E Elsenberg, Ohio Jno Welch, Charleston, SO Jos Eisoman, do Poter Arnold, Balto Lobour Dorihun, Balto Mr* Arnold,' do * Chas Behuckle, do John Hartman, do J L Schaor, do Daniel Matthael, do Thos Schnidcr, do H Wuogaber, do lIJ Hendler, Pottsville John Yogel,PUtsburg Miss BSeldencr, N York 8 Samstag, Washington Lewis Soldener, do A Oitabei, Indiana 8 Opponheimor, Halifax Geo W Morgan, PoUsville Uriah Guth, Allentown,Pa Jaa Whitaker, St Clair, Pa It S Shinier, do Jacob Tanslg, Elis’ht’n, P& Wm Major, Leesport, Pa John dtallmau, Lee, Mass A D Hlmolwrlght, do Ohaa Hecbner, do M Philbio, Port Griffith 0G A Chapbian, Pt Griffith Edw Chapman, do L B Ensign, Pottstown, Pa STATES UNlON—Market, aboro Sixth. A L Thomson, lowa W lllake, Washington L P Harking, Lancaster John Smith, Clinton co SSGramer, do J P Wilkinson, Unionvillo GII Johnson, Now York K K Bruner, Norristown J M Washwood, Carlisle II SlinghilT do J J Jordan, do F. Gray, Cochran* tile, Pa J A Dunbar, do G ¥ Blake, Wooster, 0 NM Smith, do M B Boice, Westmoreland T S Shannon, Harrisburg co, Pa Abm Herr, L&ndisbitrg JRSupfer, Bloomfield, Pa G lleimer, Johnstown, Pa D Herr & lady, Columbia A Philip, 3liddletown J G Herr, Landisburg Frodk E Foster, Panama J A Shobcr, Laucastcc Jos Kolcher, Pa Geo A Uaytoin, Ohio A U Chase, Lancaster John J Stewart, lowa E J Holloway, Morgan co W U lUckardson, Pa Pa Geo Sanderson, Lancaster Thos R Van Law, do James H Hunter, Columbia Harry A Martin, Columbia II McElroy, Ohio Special Notices. Bower’s Infant Cordial.-*-Thls Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of tho most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the moat perfoct and reliable carmiuotlve extant for infants and young children. By its powerful ioffuenco a speedy cure is effected in all cases of CAoltc, windy pains nod spasms. Relievos and mitigates mneh of children’s suffering during denti tion or teething, and by Its seething properties tran quilises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, Ac. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with tho most abundant sucsess. No family should be without it. Propared only by llbnkt A. Bowbr, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. J 5. comer of Sixth and Green sta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. m lJLiy Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Compauy. in Walkot Street, south west corner of Third Street, PiULiDRLruu, Assets overOsß Matron akd a Half or Dollars, Invested in Rial Ebtam, M<?Rr<uois,GßoosD Rbnts, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. This Institution confines its business entirely to the met ring of money on deposit. Any sum, largo or email, Is received, and the money Is always paid back, with out notice,, to any amount. The office Is open every day from 9 o’elock in the morning antil T o'clock in the evening, end on Monday and Thursday evenings until 0 o’clock. Seamen’a Saving Fund —Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receive# de posits In sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Money# paid on Demand. Office open dally, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James S. Priigle. The old star hotel in harmony COURT.-—Tho public an. respectfully Informed mat the old STAB HOTEL Is still In eilstonco. Tho proprietor will be glad to see his old friends, and promisee to furnish them with a superior quality of Ale, Wines and Liquors. He fools assured that on paying him a visit they will not be disappointed. . , Ai , JOHN CORLEY. Lunch from 10 to 12 o’clock. hoB>lw \f7ELOOIfI£BANGE.—SOLDBY CHAU. ?V VlORljs 0, SOJ N, BSOONP Bt. atrtWm. fHartiages. - ' Ontbo Sthlnitant.'by thoßov. Dr. John McDowell Ur DANIEL D WEAVER to Sites ARJYKA S. ter of Abel Davis. 1 *» u sDcall)s. At Poitsvllle. Soptomber 6th, JOSEPH O.BUIPPEN SI. D., in the 74th year of bin age. * The relatives and friends of hl» family are invited to attoud hl» funeral, on Wednesday, Sept. Otb.at 12 v o'clock, from Bt. Stephen's Church. ** On the 61U lust., Mrs. MARY ROWLAND, widow ofthelato Mr. Jonathan Rowlaud, in the 01st year of her ago. The relatives and friends of tbo family are respectful ly Invited to attond tbo funeral, from her late residence, near Holmesburg, on Tnosday, at 10 o'clock, A. SI. To proceed to Codar Hill Cemetery. Ou tbo sth Inst., WSI. H. TAYLOR, Id the 2Sth year of hi» age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of bis uucle, Lewis D. Taylor, No. 423 Pino street, on Wed nesday morning, Oth inst., at 10 o’clock, without fur ther notice. On the 4th hist., Mrs. JANE STOKES, in the S9th year of her age. The friends and relatives of the family are respectful ly invited to attend tho funeral, from her late residence, Twentieth street, below Spruce, this morning, at 9 o'clock. Jo*To the Democratic County Convection— Again aro we upon the ore of organisation preparatory to submitting to the ordeal of public sentiment the wis dom of judiciously soloctingfor the various official •posi tions, citizens ondowedwilb ereryattribute ofqualulea* tion acceptable to an intelligent and discriminating public. The prophotlc Jefferson, and Sage of Monti cello has bequeathed you a motto that should be engra ven upon the heart of every democrat, Is he capable, is he honest? If we take a retrospective glaneo at the history of tho various parties and isms that have had a luoro emphural existence, it will be seen that their death knell was Bounded in the absence of principles, and in judicious selection of shamefully irresponsible, corrupt, and degenerate persons, wholly void of essential quahf). cations. Theso are undisputed facts that should teach us wisdom upon which the immutable principles of Democracy are founded, and ever will prevail. Iu a careful review, to public merit, of tho various aspi rants, there is one citizen to our knowledge that has grown up, and during his entire life devoted his tlrno, money, talents, Influence, and services Id the hour of peril, at tho noon-day sun or dead of night, in espous ing and advocating Democratic principles. Ills peraoual popularity, medical attainments, and practical knowl edge of mankind, together with his known honesty and integrity, all coinbino to eminently qualify him in every essential competent to fill the office of Coroner—we refer to Dr. Neville C. Reid, resident of Third Ward. NUMEROUS CITIZENS. HT" Keystone Clnb.--Opening meeting to ratify the adoption of tho Constitution. Democrats, rally.in your strength for the opening of the cam paign, and rodoeta your pledge to tho Democracy of tbo Union, to keep the glorious old Keystone in the column of thoso who respond: “No North, no South— our Union, one aud inseparable, sow and forever." A Grand Ratification Meeting of the Keystone Club wilt be hold at Independence Square, ou Thursday evening, Septombor 17tn, to ratify and confirm the gene ral nominations of tho party, to which all true men of tho Union aro invited. The meotiug will be addressod hr General Wm A. Packor, Hon Wm. Bigler, lion. J. Clancy Jones, lion. Stephen A. Douglas, Ellis B.Schnabell, Esq.. Hon Peter Shannon, Spoucer E. Con®, Esq., of New York, and a number of our fellow-townsmen. Democratic Clubs and Ward Aaiociatious Intending to participate will report to the Committee, at the Club Headquarters, Globe Hotol, Sixth and Chestnut streots JJdwabd W. Powbr, \ Wx.Cook, I JO3KPK CoLMXS, J Jons C. MoUall, j Bjr order of—- MSI-mwsSt WM. B, RAN’KII 99A(l LBS - Is A ton.—BUYERS &(Zr±\J and consumer* are invited to examine oar stock of “LEHIGH LOOUBT MOUNTAIN and BLACK HEATH COAL.” Our Coal is selected expressly for family uao; being earofully screened, we will warrant it free from slate and dußt. “Wo sell 2240 lba.,” being “ 240 lbs. more” than sold by retail dealers, at “25 cents less por ton.” Also, on band a fall supply of “ BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS COAL” for Steam-generating, Blacksmithing, and Rolling-mill purposes. This Coat cannot bo ex celled. Yards, BROAD and TINE—Big Sign, “2240 LBS. IS A TON. [seB-3m] LEIGHTON & CO. TO KENT—SECOND, THIRD AND Fourth Floors of No. 23 North Fourth street, oppo site Commerce. Possession October Ist. Apply to WILLIAM H. BACON, 328 Market at. aeptB-6t* amnoemcnts. TVATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., ll above Eighth. Admission— Seats in Private Box, $1; Orchestra Chairs, 75 cents: Dross Circle and Parquet, 50 cents; Family Circle, Saceote. Dcoraopen at 7. To commence at 6 o'clock. Box Office open from 10 to 4 o'clock, when seats can bo sucurod. Stage Manager Mr. H. Watkins The performances of MR. BURTON cannot bo extended beyond Pour Nights More. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Sept. 8, will be present ed the original version of Dickens’s Novel, entitled DAVID COPPERFIELD. Wilkins Micawbor Mr. Burton David Copporfleld Mr. Briggs Mrs. Mioawber Mrs. Prank Drew To conclude with the Laughable Farce of WANTED, 1000 MILLINERS FOR TUE GOLD DIGGINGS. Joe Bags Mr. Burton. TSfALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Los v t *oe, Mr. E A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr. JohnSefton. Prices.—Dress Circle and Parqnetto, 60 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 75 cents. Box Office open from 0 o’clock A. M. to 3 P. M. Doors open at 7 o'clock; performance to com mence at 7#. THIS (Tuesday) EVENINO, Sept. Bth, will be acted Knowles’s great Play of TUB HUNCHBACK. Master Walter.,., Sir Thos. Cllflbrd. Julia Mr. Veim Mr. D»ly - Mrs.Yesin To conclude with the New Perce entitled MESMERISM; OR, IRISH SYMPATHY. Mifce Murphy Mr. John Sloen Shrimptou Mr. Le Moyno Mery Mrs. Btoneelt WHEATLEY* ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Solo Losses W*. WHEATLEY. Soalb or rmoua.—Orchestra Btalli, 60 cents; Dress Circle (mi extra charge for Secured Seats), 60 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Seats la Pri vate Boxes, T 5 cents; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box In Qallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Box Ofllce opon from 10 A. 11. nntil 3 P. M. J. M. B. WIIITTON Treasurer. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Sept. Bth, will bo pre sented Sbakspeare’s Play of TUB MERCHANT OF VENICE. Mr. y. L. Davenport ....Mr, Wheatley • ....Mrs, E. L. Davenport To concludo with tbeComle Drama of THE TOODLKS. Mr. Toodlos. Mrs Toodlos. £cgol Notices. IN THE ORPHANS* COURT OF MONT GOMERY county, August 10th, 1857. Notice is hereby given, to all persona intorostod in thd estate of Mary Aldorfer, late of the township of Lower Salford, in said county of Montgomery, dccoased, that Abraham, Jolid, ondßenjamiu Aldorfer havo applied to said Court, by petition, praying for a decree for the sale of the real eatato of said Mary Alderfer, deceased. The nald Court havo tlxed WEDNESDAY, tho 80th day of September, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Court House, in Norris* town, for all parties interested to appearand ahowcanse, if any they hare, why the prayer of said petitioners should not be granted. By order of the Court. J. B. DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. au2d*d4w |N TJIE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE X CITY AND OODNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In tho matter of the Estate of James McGarrlty, de ceased. An appraisement, under the Fifth section of the Act of 14th of April, 1851, haring been filed in this matter, notice iaheroby given,that Mary AunMcGarrity, widow of the said James McGarrity, claims to retain tho per sonal property referred to therein, to the raluo of three hundred dollars; and that she will apply to tUeOrphans’ Court for approval of the said appraisement, on FRIDAY, tho Eighteenth day of September, 1857, at 10 o'clock, A. M., sec. reg. ALFIIEDO TOWE, ae4-4 8 11 A 15# Attorney for Widow.. IN THE COUIiT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADEL. I'IIIA, of Juno Term, 1857, No. 11. Elizabeth Mooney, by Lor next friend, Semi. Reynolds, ts. George Mooney. Now, August Ift, 1857, on motion of IX. M.Lce, rule granted on respondent to show cause wby a dirorce shall not be decreed* returnable on the third Monday of To George Mooney: Sir, please tako notico of the abororule. Sept., A.J). 1857. It. M. LEE, For Libellant, au29-*&w2w rjIHE BEST BOOKS TO SELL.—Book- X sellers, Agents and Newsmen will And a quick sale for those now haud-booka, just published—“ How To Write”— l l* How To Talk”—“How To Behave”—and “How To Do Business ” price, free by mail, only Thirty Cents oach, or the four in paper, $l. Com* plotoin one largo gilt yo!., $1.50, now ready. Try them. Address FOWLKR & WKLL3, SOS BROADWAY, New York, or FOWLER, WELLS Sc. CO., 922 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ses-d2t&wy2t* Revised edition of lyman’s HISTORICAL CHART AND QUESTION BOOK— CoutalDing in a most attractire form tbo prominent events of the OIVIL, RELIGIOUS, and LITERARY HISTORY of the WORLD. It will be found one of the most completo methods of Imparting Historical Informa tion. By its use in families, the reading of any work en History will be rondored much more interesting and profitable, and to Teachers oue of the most invaluable aids Retail price $1.60. Just published by MOSS, BROTHER, Sc CO., (New) No. 16 Bouth FOURTH Bt. Coplos sent free of postage on receipt of price. se2-6t tf'KIAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL Vy SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, vis; Blunt’s Coast Pilot. 18th edition; Bow ditch’s Navigator,27th edition; Shipmaster’s Assistant, Oth edition. * * We invite attention to our new Spring Centre Com passes, which answer for either light or heavy weather, and are especially adapted for steamers, and vessels where the motion is considerable. Tboy require fewer repairs than any compass now In use. Marino Opera Glasses of suporlorquality. Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers ' American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Atlmuth Compasses, Binaries, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. ' Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and best authorities. Agouta for Rogers’ American Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronoraoters aud Compasses, and for Abbott’s Horo motor, and an instrument for working ont problems In Nautical Astronomy by simple insnootiou and with per lect accuracy. They have received the approval of ex poriouced shipmasters, and have been adopted by the U. S. Navy. E. \ G. W. BLUNT. sulB-lm* No. 179 Water Street. Henderson & co ,s great liter ARY FAIR, FIFTH and ARCH streets. In order to gratify tho wishes of our uutuerous pa trons, and induce the book-baying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, we intend to present to every purchaser of books to the amount of $1 and up wards, a Gift iu value of from 25 cents to $lOO. Call at our establishment, look at oar valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect you are not buying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his hooks at the usual price, and very many will got, In addition, a present worth having. au2l-3m ITiVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, X_J No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. N. B.—No connec tion with any other house in the City. aul-3m Thomas e. Baxter—hardware, OOTtERV AND TOOL 3, No. 910 MARKET 5T.. ahoy Ninth, south sMe. Philadelphia an 1-ftn TtfACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURN\CES. IfX Bold by CHADWICK Sc. DUO., SECOND Street, first door abovo Race. aug!B-Bmos. ©PIKES—RAILROAD SPIKES AND OHAIRS constantly on band. Orders received for Light Railroad Iron—2B lbs., S 3 lbs., 10 lbs. per yard. JJANDY & MORRIS, 8, B, comer front and Walnnt 'CtOR ASSEMBLTi : ' v ' * ■ JOHN M. WBILS, Second District—Second Ward. JD* Subject to Democratic Rales. au 28-lOt* DROTHONOTARY OF THE DJSTBICT * COURT, JOHN P. M'FADDEN, of Third Word. Subject to the rales of the Democratic Part/, aul-tf ASSEMBLY—JOSEPH J. KEEFE. --Second Legislative District, Becond Ward. Subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention. *uMt3B CIOR RECORDER OF DEEDS T. B. , TOWN, Fourth Ward. Babject to Domooratie rulM - au2o-dtBS POR CLERK OP QUARTER SESSIONS T -^„-'yH.UAH SAPPIN, Pint Ward. Subject-to Democratic Bui... 20-toap 8» TJECORDER OF DEEDS—ALBERT D. For phothonotary of the dis- TRIOT COURT, WM. M. REILLY, at PL.tWaid. ouoject to Democratic Rules. au!7^itaeBa tjlOR ASSEMBLY—JOHN H. BRADY a’Eighth Warl—Serenth Legislative District. ject to Democratic rales. aals-U«pBt PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT .-WM. LOUGHLIN, Second Ward. Sub ject to Democratic rales. aulb-ScpT* FOR ASSEMBLY—EDWIN SMITH, NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WARD, gubject to Democratic Rules. auH# FOR ASSEMBLY—Second District, PER BAN J . COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Bulee. au 12-tC* lerß: of, quarter sessions— JOSEPH CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. tu 12>4w* For recorder of deeds—thos. J. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward. Tine street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rules. aulQ-lm* For assembly—third district— SKANKLIN McILTALN, Subject to Demoautle auS^t>pB For coroner—dr. feodohe mier- SON, fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic Bales. ' auB-lm* FTirolerk of quarter sessions. SAMUEL 0. THOM m>N, 6th t. Subjsct to me Nolen of the Democratic Party, *q4 tsS# For prothonotary of the dis- IRIOT COURT, LEWIS T. WEARS, of Twslfi Ward. Subject to Democratic Ruler. auB-lm* PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, GEOROE F. MEESEB, Twentr-s.coiul Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au 4*tSeB For assembly—first district— JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, Pint Word. Subject to decision of th. Democratic CoaTootloo. «al*Sw# For assembly—third district.— DAVID K. MoLKAN, fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Roles, aul-taeS* TjlOR RECORDER OF DEEDS— A CHARLES M. MILLER. _ v , A A fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rule®, on aul t seB FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—GEORGE W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De mocratic Rules. aul-fiw* Committee. RECORDER OF DEEDS—N. F. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democratic rules. aufi-te* [N, President jpiiERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS.- KJ GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Subject to Democratle Rules. aultsepS MISS BONNEY AND MISS DILLAYE wIU RE-OPEN their BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL at 1615 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, Sep tember 14th. Revfl.ll. A. Boardmsn, D. D., Philadelphia: David Malln. do; 0. Wadsworth, D D., do; M.G. Clark, do: i. Newton Brown, D. D., do; Wm. D. Jacobs, do; Wm Blackwoodl'D. D., do; A. Converse, D. D., do; John Leyburn, D. D., do; James H. Cuthbert, do; Wm. T. Brantley, D.D.. do; E. B. Cheney, do; William Brad ford, New York city; A. D. Gillette, D. D,, do; R. Bab cock, D. D., do: It. Fuller. D.D., Baltimore; George W. Eaton. D. D., Hamilton, New York: G. Hempton, North East, New York; Thomas Rambau., Cansvllle, Georgia; Howard Malcom, D. D.. Lewlsburg, Pennsylvania; Johu 8. Hart, LL. D., Philadelphia: Paul T. Jones, Esq., do; Col. A. G. Waterman, do; Caspar Morris, If. D., do; Robert A. Ezell, Ebo., Marshall, Texas; Johu B. Som pie, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, Esq., do. do; George W. Jackson, Esq., do. do; John H. Raymond, LL. D., Brooklyn, New York; Majson Bray son, Esq., Chicago; Hon. George W. Bradford, nozuer, New York; Stephen D. Dillaye, Esq., New York city: Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, Binghamton, New York. sop4-lm CRITTENDEN’ 8 PHILADELPHIA COM MERCfAL COLLEGE, 8. E. corner of BEVENTU and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FO&MS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. Each Studeut has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terme, Ac. se3Jm HEMAN ALLEN, A. M., is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils on the Violin, or on the Plano, and to play Violin parts or accompani ments with advanced pianists. Apply at the residence of his father, Professor ALLEN, No. 215 South Seven teenth Btreet. Circulars, with terms and references, at G. ANDRE A Co.’s, No. 1104 Chestnut St. sel-lm* ST. MARK' 8 EPISCOPAL ACADEMY— LOCUST Street, west of SIXTEENiU, wiU be opened on MONDAY. September ?th, at 9 A. SI. The Principal will be In attendance at the Academy duriug the first week in September, between 9 A. M and 2P. 11., to receive applications for admission. Circu lars may be had of Sir. HILL, Sexton of St. Mark’s Church, or at the Academy. au29-2w* J. ANDREWS HARRIS, Principal. SCHOOL FOR TOUNG LADIES, SOUTH WEST OORNEROT ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. The punils in this Institution will be instructed in all tho branches of & thorough English Education, and every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for them. The discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward. The school-year is divided into two terms, of five months each, commencing first of Ninth Month (Sep tember,) anil first of Second Month (February.) TERMS: First Department, per term of At* months Second “ “ Third “ “ Fuel, Ao.,per term.. Philadelphia, lft&T .Mr. J. 8. Cl&rko .Thayer Thomas Kimber, Samuel Bottle, Jr., Manuaduke C. Cope, W’ilham Buttle, Thom»3 Wistar, Anthony P Motrin, Joshua 11. Morris, Uriah Hunt, au3s-lm. SUPPLEE’B INSTITUTE FOB YOUNG LADIES, (boarding and day pupil*.) N.W. corner ELKYENTfI aud GREEN street*. Fifth session will open on September 7th. Beet reference given, in cluding all preseut and former patrons. a026-tf SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing full particulars, pupils’ names, testimonials, Ac., can be had on application. an2s-tf F. PONLEATV LONG, Prlneipal. Hall of st. james the less, Philadelphia. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOB BOYS. Rkv. B. It. BuTSzit, Rector. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember!. ' Circulars maybe obtained at the Book Store of H. HOOKER, 8. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. aul7-6m MBS. BARTON’S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, N0.!P29 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. ’ aul(Msw* TVOTIIING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE li persons, male and female, to gain a share of thia world’s goods and comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos.Ufi and 160 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall nod winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in a short time. THE LEIDY’3 take pleasure in saying, that daring the past year a largo number of persons acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATlON,enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosoente their business operations successfully. au22-3cn. itlcrclinnt Sailors. Edward p. kelly. LATE KELLY A BROTHER, ITaring engaged the services of CHARLES ROTH, Distinguished for the beauty and excellence of his Goods when in the Tailoring Business, has taken the Store. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, AMD HAS OrBHBD FOR TUJ BJU.*. AT RETAIL, OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3, VESTINGS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, Ac., Of the best qualities, at moderate prices D“T The business of KELLY A BROTHER is re moved, from this date, to No. 814 CIIESTNUT Street, where it will bo rttcuded to by EDW'D P. KELLY or JOHN P. DOHERTY. soMy JOHN P.~DOHERTY^ FOB VRARS WITH RELIT A BROTHER, LATE WITH LUKEN3, KELLY A CO., HATIXO BNQICRD CHARLES ROTH, Formerly the leading Tailor of this City; and M. KAYSER, Formerly with 0. ROTII A CO., late Coat and Vest Cutter with LUKENS, KELLY A CO , and other supe rior Cutters, has runted a part of the store of EDW’D. P. KELLY, 814 CUESNUT STREET, And has commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS. The most unremitting attention will be paid to tho wishes of all who patronise the establishment; the best of Clothes will bo made, aud at moderate prices [ses-y JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 16 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A large and well selected stock of CLOTHS and CASSIMERES always on hand. All Clothing mado at this Establishment will be of the host quality, aud in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. auC-tf .for Sole mib io £cl booO'inderyYor iJJOvJv/ SALE-—Sevea years established, doing a fair Job business, which can bo Increased, both blank and printed Jobs. Location, 535 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank books at cost, jobs bound to order. aug!o-5w TO BE LET—THE HANDSOME THREE Stoiy Erick Dwetllni, No. 8 PORTICO SQUARE. SPRUCE ilro.t, »bovo Ninth, sooth .Wo, Appt?‘» „ 8. 4 W. WELSH, au2d-2w* No. 218 South Delaware Averiue. PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES SALE, handsomely located and gfaaded—Lot, 75 feet by 140. Price, $3,000. Also, Lots suitable for manufactories, fronting the river. Apply toO. ROBB, No. 311 South Fifth street. au2d-lm» JE. & B. SCHELL’S • CITY MARBLE WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL FAOTORY. MARBLE HALL, S. E. CORNER OF TENTH AND VINE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Where every variety of MARBLE MANTELS. TOMBS, MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS and FLOORING, can be luppliea upon reasonable terms. »u24*tuf3m (gimtationnl REFERENCES. HARRIETT BROWN. REFERENCES J. D. White, M. D , Benj. S. Jarmcy, M. D. Robert K. Wright, Thomas D. Smith, George GrUcom, William F. Pitfleld, David Vanderveer, William B. Tiiomaa. , r Q|) <V'i\ CHIP OTSEOKTHE U FOH JffeWOK LEANS—LOUISIANA LINE—To, uU with quick despatch. The A 1 fast-saillog packet ship OTSEONTHE, Wm. K. Maxwell, master, is new loading at Race street wharf, and haring a targe portion of her cargo engaged, going on board rapidly, will have quick despatch. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside, and hills of lading to the counting-house for signature. For balance of freight, whiicb wiU be taken at reduced rates, or passage apply to . . BISHOP, SIMONS A CO., ‘ _ 30 North Wharre*. The OTsEONTHE will Insure at the lowest rates, and take steam down the Delaware and np the Mississippi. FOR SAN FRANCISCO—CALIFORNIA LlSZ.—pirect from Philadelphia The magnificent clipper ship JOdEPlf JOS£B, Sam uel 0. Plovers, commander. is now leading at Bac» street wharf *, h&Ting a Urge pert or he* cargo engaged and going oa board rapidly, will hare immediate des patch. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside with out delay. Por balance of freight applr io BISHOP, SIMONS & CO., id North Wliarree. TIIOR SAN FRANCISCO—FROM NEW A YORK. The celebrated clipper ship SANTA GLAUS* Foster, master ; the magnificent clipper ship BOSTONIAN, , master, are now loading and will have despatch u above. For balance of freight applr to BISHOP, SIMONS * CO., 3d North Wharves. tjoiels.anJ) Ikstanrants. McGOTYAN’S restub ant, south tornw of BROAD and WALNUT —Osmn » thor delicadei In atMon. mnpUod iriln Ojriters on the thortea! notice. eejMm Lewis b. coffin,— THIRD WARD HOTELyDEMOOBATIQ HEAD Sonth-eMt corner lIETH and QUBENStreeta, eepdlmo Philadelphia. LfEKCHANTS’ HOTEL, ~ NORTH TODBTH STREET, Abovs Marks*, PHILADELPHIA. *u24-tf McKIBBBN & SONS, Piofkistoxs. SCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Jrwiu Street and Duqaeaoe Way,Pittsburgh. B. D. marker, Proprietor. ‘ anlS-Sm foines anil jCia&ors. PORT WINE.-—ln bond end entitled to de benture 250 emits St. Joseph*! Pure Juice Port "Wine, In qrs. and eighths. Ten puncheons John Ramsay Islay Malt Scotch Whis key, 2 yean old . • Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. Marett, Martel, Bouret, and J. J Danny Brandies, all of which I offer to the trade at reduced prices „. _ JO3. P. TOBIAS. anS74mos 88 and 9<* S. front Bt., below Wafoat. EP, MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORT • ERS of BRANDIES, WINES, Ac ; Hit, areola and lole propnetora of the old WHEAT WHISXsT. No. 5 North FRONT street. . an22-lm A LEXANDER V, HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE. No. 226. Southeast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. * aSSy CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • SLfJ, N £ WINES ' MOTORS, CIQABS, Ac., 34 gonth FIFTH Street, PhUadelphia. anl-ly Brandies —spinet, castuion & Co., m*- Mtt A Co., and other brand* of Cognacs of venous vintages, in half pipes and quarter eaaka: PeUeroiiin. Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, Quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all la Cos tom Boose store*, imported and for sale by . HENRY BOHLEN A CO., Noe. 231 end 2£3 South fourth etreot. DITHMAK & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 699 (now No. 938) North THIRD Btoe«t,PWladelphi*.-Shi»BiM orders promptly attended to." anf tf Sales bn Portion. XjV' OLBERT”Sc SCOTT, AUCfiONEERS. * ' 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom House, between fourth and fifth Streets. CARD.—'The attention of ConcoUsears is reepeetfa I 1 invited to the Sale of Champagne. Sherry and Port Wine to be held at our Store thla (Tuesday) morula*, at 11 o’clock precisely. * POSITIVE SALE OP CHAMPAGNE, GOLDEN SHERRY AND PORT WINE. This morning, at 11 o’clock, we will sell without re serve to close & foreign account ' * 48 basket* Heidsickand Globe Champagne Wine 36 dosen London Dock fine Golden Sherry do 24 “ do fine Port do The Wine comes from a source to insure its genuineness, aod is worthy the attention of connoisseurs. Sample* at time of sale PEREMPTORY SALE OF EMBROIDERIES. SHAWLS AND MILLINERY GOOD 3, BY CATALOGUE ON A LIBERAL CREDIT. WEDNESDAY NEXT, Commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, we will seJL. without reserve, a large and valuable assortment of French and Scotch Embroideries, bhawls and Millinery goods of recent importation, auited to present sales; in cluded will be found Cambrie, Jaconet, Book and Swiss Collars, Cambric and Jaconet Flounders a«d Bands, Gauntlet Sleeves, ChameiiUee and Habits, Cambric, Book, Jaconet and Swiss Seta, Ledie* andGents’ linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. BONNET AND TRIMMING BIBBON. Also, Silk Velvet and Poult de Sole Bonnet Ribbons. SHAWLS. Also, Paris printed Cashmere long and square Shawls. Broohe 1 jug Shawls, plaid wool long Shawls. Also, Ladies patent woven Corsets, hooped Skirts Thread, Laces, Inserting! and Edgings, Net#, silk Blondes. ’ * ARTIFICIALS. Also, 100 cartons French Artificials, latest styles. The whole will be arranged Tor examination with Cata logues, early on the morning of sale,when the trade and purchasers generally will find it to their Interest to at tend. Moses nathans, auctioneer iS D COMMISSION MERCHANT. B. E. corner SIXTH uid BACK Street*. ' SALE Of SECOND-HAND AND NEW FURNITURE, ON FRIDAY MORNING crxtjSept. 11th, &t 10o’clock, At the S. B. corner of SIXTH end RACE Streets Consisting in part of Spring Seat Parlor chain, Mar. ble-top Sideboards, Marble-top Boquet Table*. Cane- Seat Chairs, Mahogany Card Tables, Walnut Centra Tables, Plush Dirans and Chairs, Cane-seat Bockirur Chairs, Staffed Rocking Chain, Imperial Carpets, Gilt Frame oral and square fancy-top French plate Mirrors, Pine Feather Beds. Mattresses, Jenny Lind High Post and othyr Bedsteads. Walnut Cribs, Cherry Breakfast Tables, Windsor Chairs and Settees, Secretary Deaks and Book-casea and numerous other articles NATHAN’S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds. Clothing, Brv Good*, Groceries, Sugars, Hardware, Cutlerr, Furniture. Bed ding, Hones, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of value for any leDgth of time agreed on, oniaore satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. fsei] M. NATHANS. NATHAN’S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a lew days Due notice wilt be giveu. WEBB’S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns. Pistols, Muaioa! Instruments, Ac., will take place shortly. Due notice wiU be given. WEBB’S great sate of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Ac., being forfeited collaterals, will t*ko place shortly. Dae notice will bo given. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No.' i'2I ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Street* SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods. Notions. Ac., Ac. N. B.—Terms of Night Sales, four months’ credit for approved city acceptances, for stuns of $lOO and with in terest added from date of sale. sepl-lm George w. smith, auctioneer, N. E. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streets, above Second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At TK o’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cutg lery. Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Article*, Ae. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THIRD Btroet, below Walnut, oppoaiie Pear st., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 7 o’clock, A. M.» until W o’clock in the evening. Out-door sain, and sale* at the Auction House, at* tended upon the most satisfactory term*. CAPITAL $200,000. £«taMt*ked/cr tie fast Thirty Year*. Advances nude from one dollar to thousands on Die moods, Silver Plate, Watch**, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chaadixe, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Hones, Carriages, and Goods of every description. Ail good* can remain any length of time agieed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollar* aud upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per moeth: scoo and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large (Ire and thief-proof vault* to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance Directed for the benefit of all persons having good* advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advance* on more satis factory and accommodating terms than nr other In this city. Money advanced to the poor, In small amount*, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watehes, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-ly t)ius, yiaps, ,Vf. CH. GARDEN & CO., • Manufacturer* of and 'Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FOBS, STRAW GOODS, FANCY SILK AND STRAW BOXNRTS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ROVCHSS. FEATHERS, *e., *t. No. M 2, (old No 1«) MARKET Street, IK-!ow Sixth, sooth Me, And No 523 MlNORStreet, Philadelphia. C. RB.VRV OAKPt.X, DIMKL DOXOTiS. Merchant* are reipectfully inrited to examine ocr stock . s^7.?m § ULUENDER & PASCAL; nATTERS aul-flm No. 6 S. BIXTU itrw!, Pfcllid*lpMi ocntlcmetTs (Scobs. WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE- I T MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SIIIRT MANUFACTORY. No. 7u6 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Str&ngen, ia particularly invited to thia improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article nlade. At whole sale and retail, aud made to order. aui-lylf GIRARD FIRITaSI) MARINE INSt'R ANCK COMPANY, PHILADKLPHIA—Office, No. 301 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. “lIRS BISKS ONLY TAKXN.” SIUCTOS9. Jtr. Walter, Jno. AleCluro, Tho Craxeu, A. S- Uillett, Furman Sheppard, Sami. Jones, M. D , Joseph Klapp, M. D Wm. M. Swain, John Anspach, Jr., 11. N. Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, F. D. Sherman, Wm P. Hacker, J.P. Steiner, H. A. Shackelford, . non. JOEL JONES, President Hon. G.W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Jxo 8. McMctux, Secretary. JiVKS B Altobd. Assistant Secretary. 'aul-3m Dancing academy. —naylok & DAUGHTER'S DANCING TENTH and SOUTH streets, commencing TUESDAY September 3,1857. The subscribers, in offering (hi* prosnectm to the dancing community, respectfully acknowledge their kiodneu during past season*, and pledge themselvea that nothiue shall he wanting on their part to make the coming season surpass in brilliancy that of former years- Mr. N.and Daughter have, with untiring exertion*, added to their already full list of fashionable dance*, many new ones, which will be Introduced during the season. _ , DAYS O p TUITION, x or Children—Tuesday and Saturday Afternoons from 3to 5 o'clock; for Ladies and Genttemen—Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 7 till 10 o’clock. an 37-3 m David m. uouan, blank hook Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 418 walnut street, ectweenFoarth and Fifth, Philadtl* pw»-aa» . i«s-3m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers