trip My. :'v'»f in ' J “"°- list, waatsoaitructodr itinn. gbe ia Kup4Tad>ii4^jrty^ ree ,tons burthen; one hundred - jwto .itine&y-Vlgbl feef in;. length; eighteen feot hdid; and feet hearn. She i la oonstruotei of white. oak, .with iron fastenings: Her ’machinery, is of the moat durable oharacter.'-Bhe : -ia/diagfmally iron braced from'sterh to stern, with double frame ti m< ihirtijen' inched, .imd is driven by xer^ci| sekigi'nesl 5 ekigi'nesl «f inch cylinder,, the fiiMia are solidly .bmlt>np4o her engines, and •every thingihToiighqiat her;, c abin has be on co n - 'Strutted with a neatness aad fineness regardless of, ; ’exj>en&.,-'-' v, y -‘-"V/V- ';/■-. \'/" the line of the Boston and Philadelphia Steam ship Company la- now composed of .the three first class propeller vessels, vis.: —the Phineas Sprague, nine hundred and sixty threo toqs burthen, Capt. Matthias; the Palmetto,-seven.' hundred ■ and twelve tons burthen, Captain Baker; and the City of New York, five hundred and, eighty tons bur then, Captain Howett. These vessels will leave for Boston .every five days—the Phineas Sprague leaving on Tuesday next. I Qdabter Sessions—Judge Allison.— ConUnna- I tio?i of the cast of the Prophetess.—t his ease, was | resumed yesterday, at 10 o’clock!, : , ... | " Christtaiid Rotenh&uscr, sworn, —Knows Anna e Meister;-lived in the hooße ai a servant*with her; I I know Mre /2uninerman;kent bread and oakes to I know aheihd°a velvet spread; ‘she was not washed | in wine that I know of; I know that she drank f wine; she done nothing in the house; got np ih the I morning about 9 o’clook, had, her hair dressed by. f Mrs, Muntae'r, and in the evening ;»mo of the \ congregation com* to.her; I hedra her-preach I about nine .months ago;Mrs. Munster kept the ! house. ’f' ‘ : f" : I Cross-examined.—rl there .throe or four 1 weeks; I did,not see'wihe dfank,thera while I was f there; I did not .see her drink more than once, it • was a small glass of win*. ■ l Christian Zimmerman, sworn— l have been l married to-my present wife—-years; I have a ; j daughter; J hdard my wife and daughter furnish f od Anna MeiatonTiUi thQ artioles spoken of herer l the silver fthd other Articles; two* days | after I commenced the ptosequtioii I found thqt * I was short S3QO ln rdy mohey;, X heard of tny wife' I giving away these thingfroth several..- '* - ~ ,* | Cross-examined—l heard .qf thia thing first | from Mr. Heilman, of Harrisburg; my/wife re \ reived the bills; X attended to ail the' out-door I business; I paid all-the bills; Mrs. Mast did not I advise me,to prosecute; I don’t know when the | hearing was before ’Alderman Clark; Mrs. Mast ( -was examined before Alderman Knott.' \ Re-examined—X went with' Mr/ Heilman, and I entered the complaint, and, Mrs*. Mast'was simply | called as a witness. The prosecution closed their 5 case here/ - ", - ' " \ Mr. Pettit dpened- for' the defence, and said: | The first'the defenooiß, thatthe Court l have not made out their base—they have presented Ino case here'that .would warrant a conviction;, itbe bill oMndicinent charges the defendant with \ having fraudulently’ohtaii;ed,from Mrs. Zimmer- I man and daughter by false pretences;, it is neces sary to establish the combination among these defendants to obtain those articles by false pre tences, and also all the requisites of a false pre tence; if these gifts were voluntary; there Im* | been no offoned committed; the proseoution have J failed in their case; it must stand or fall on the | indictment; I will produce the, parties who giive | these gifts voluntarily; they will testify that (no ! fraudulent means were used by these defendants; t these gifts' were pressed and forced on Atma fMeister by these parties; I’will show by tbs* ftimohy that the,doctrines that,were preached iwere not such/as' have been represented beta; 11 will show she alleged that she wash daughter *n fCJhriafc, and not'a sister of: Christ as has been fsworn to by the-witnesses fo> the prosecution., fghe asked her hearers to believe in God, a&d to Ipray to .him often. In reference to lhe watchj I Ewfll show the testimony of Mrs; Zimmer- Wan, that,the watch wbioh.was presented to her, fshe refttwd/ had to be pressed on her. I This lady cftine here from Switzerland some two fyears ago, and -had a circle of* friends who used to fmeether for the purposes of spiritual oommumca jtion. As well might the spintsatiste who meet *t 'iSansom Street Hall' weekly, be indicted-by this J Court. After I have presented my testimony, I will ask younnheflitatingly to acqult these deren-* dants, and to put the costs oh the prosecutors. - During Mr. Vetiit’a address the Prophetess wept bitterly. .The'testimony, for the-defence, so fax, goes to ejcralpato-these defendants. There has evidently been some hard swearing somewhere: Christiana Zimmermqh^noobtl— Am the wife of Mr. Z.; I have known the defendant nearly two years; I attended some of the meetings; the doc trines that were preached were, that we shall leave everything that fe sinful, and serve God from .early in the morning until late at night raha said we wqre in the last times, and we should prepare ourselves, and the angels in heaven did not know, and we; should he prepared j she said there was two ways* ; there was the wide and the nrtrrow path; -she said ! we should always walk then arrow, path to come | near to heaven; I .never hoard her preach that 1 those who did not' believe in hex Would be lost; sheinstructed us to pray/to God/agd to our Savionr Jesns Christ; she. skid if youlltoep all the commandments, and do everything,trails right, you will be looked upon as the ohUareKvof God; 1 did not contribute anything towardtjte watch; I was not present when it- waffpresented to her; I did not give her a silver cup; my. daughter gave her a silver-plated ring; I waspreseht when she' gaveit to i day with prosente, Mrs. -Most and others, but she | refused to receive them; Igave her a velvet spread; z it was common velvet with muslin lining, which I I took for an old debt; 1 1 gave her a silk- dress; I (gave it with my own free will; she did hot ask for. it; I did hot give hor a gold watcH chain; when* I we joined the society there was afi offer. by all the S members to give something to her, but there was | no must in it; her time was' generally, occupied in • | the afternoon by some of the members; X attended I the feast; I don’t know who invited I was | there. \ : Cross-examined— lt was on the Sabbath I first [went to hear her;,lyreot with my slater Rosanna iStonoy; I have been to hear her sinco this brosoou* jtion commenced;- X saw her in Mrs. Munirer’s house; I don’t remember she said she was the sis* ter of Christ; she-said God was her heavenly Father, and; that she was sent here”for the fulfilf ment; she said that the pray ere were sent from the throne of God; I believe all that she and X believe it still; she said thatPhilsdelphia was very, wicked; I don’t rometabfer that she 1 ; said' that' the' ending of the world was to begin at Philadelphia; I can’t remember that, she saia that her followers, would be gathered together in Germany, and bp taken ap to Heavgn; Caroline Wernemsed to toad something from the table, when there was nothing written there/and Anna Meister usdd to say they were revelations from heaven; X contributed some* thing towards tho feast; ! don’t know what itrwas; I heard Anna Moister say that the feast! was or dered by ,Qod; my daughter see tables with fruit annother matters, when there was nothing there; Ibelievo it was-a.revelation from God; ibelievo she is sent from God, and* that she is the sister bf, Jesus Christ; I*have given her money at 'various times-den'dollar gold jdecos, perhaps two.or,,three of them,'and Bometunea a gold piece; she helped me in various ways; she ouredone of my .children in a,very short time; I do not know how much ! gave her altoge ther—perhaps’more than $lOO. Reexamined —She always told us to believe In the Bible, \ , J . .•, .Mary Ann Zimmerman', sworn—-1 attended the meetings of Anna Mcister with my mother; I made her a present of a pUyer-platcd mug;4t;coat about $4; 1 also made her a present v of a' ring, which cost' ahout $250; once in a while several little notions, such as collars and sleeves; nothing else I attended the meetings nearly every Sunday; I have been going for nearly two years ; she led us to the Bible, and she preached to us we were in the last times, and no one knew iho day nor the,hour, not even the angers in heaven. ’ . ' -4 She instructed us to pray to God early in the morn ing till late at night;-she required us to observe the Ten Commandments; she said, in order to ob tain salvation, we should keep from sin, and pray to God from morning till night; she said we should take the narrow path; what I ijpveto her'was given with my own free trill; and'from my own money; it was cheerfully and voluntarily,given; she never' asked me.for' anything, and when I brought them she refused. . , Cross-examined-My mother gave money every week, and l saved it; X did not hear AnuaMeister say she was the sister of Jesus Christ; I hoard her. say she yt& a sister in Christ: Caroline Werner read from the table, and Anna Meister said it was a revelation jrom.Gcd; fohr girls of us knelt down before her,* and took an oath before her to'serve God forever;-she prayed for us, and gave each •of us three swallows of lemonade, and drank itin the name of the father, Son and Holy Ghost; X never heard her say that the end Of the world whs dome; she said She saw. ajigels;. I saw,angels myself several times ; r X saw oris while I was "there X was in a trahe&and I saw angels, and I saw ftiobdMf.all kinds; my eyes were closed at the time; AnnaAiaister said it was by the power of God I was thrown into the trahee; were were a number put in the trance at that time; 1 was not mote than an hour in the traaeb; ■ all kind of fruits were shown to me in a basket; I \ could not see who held it; I saw the Saviour in a | trance; at the time I took the oath she raid it was | revealed from God, that X was'to take it; she gave I no reason for it; I hayo had conversations with. f* Anua Meister about this prosecution, and'she asked mother and I to come and give our testimony of | what we raw; wesaUlwowould come; when sho I put ns in the trance.shesaid tho angels wore before | f us, and wo might be able to see thorn, ' , | Re-examined— There was no oath taken by us, | it was only 1 a promise, f TJie case will be.resumed .at lli o’clock in the | morning. ”, ' , - , I Adelift Moss, convioted of larceny, wassentenoed $ to two years and a half imprisonment, ; I THE MONEY MARKET. t. WKDBEBDAT, Angust fi, 1857. ‘ V, Reading Railroad stock recovered from its fall of yea*'; t terday, at the Stock board this / morning } with rather! l large transactions, The other fancy stocks are still idrooping. ■ ' ' 1 The tendency than increase in the rates of discount at! 3he bonds of,the brokers, -is becoming more marked as gets brisk, and there is an increased demand 'hr discount from the banks, which is liberally met. ' * -i The steamer of ywterday took $917,000 in specie. * The receipts ofibe long Island Railroad, for July, an increaae-qTfdOQO'Bi over, the corresponding of last year,veing twelve per cent. 1 The receipts of the New Haven Company, for July, ehow an increase of $4097.19 over jhose for July 1850, |welog nearly five per cent. s ',. • - t , The official statement on theimportfi at New Yorjj, in shows a.very large increase ip entries over July last year;'some $16,&n0,Q0Q./,ThG month of June ilhowed a comparative falling off of about $18,800,000, ,fhe goods entered for warehouse were also tsrger than list July, the ainbunt In July, 1857/ p equal to'abput. cent, as much aa/ihe entire entriesof th^previous ■p* months.' The figures ire,':*'//<’" ’ , , i I IMPORTS 0* JVLY AT SgW.TO&K, ; , Salable 4 $13,088,486 $19,298,886*26,042,740 Md« 4.- 799,671 g,4W!838 e and Bullion, '79,035 _ 238,918 - AOe!®! 1,187,889? 20,470,820: 2,43( 768 ‘ 490 T 876', ; « 77flUs6. ft*** Diitle* 4. ;•.. J. X:.*^B7,®' J3fT'he import* 7or th* floyen inontfa*~of the' *i»,030.123 g jßTi* |1,770,W i«; mfitiwilte ud peditee M «Sl- CSl'Cf"''' .3- - 1 j the courts. wltS'-JSift lm;ini 4*,HlO,(*io!lil sp«ie.' The figures are;, ; .;r;i .'-.j >; s - •" - - KXfOBTS or JOLT AT NSW TOBK. 1855. > '-1885. 1857. - -DomesticProduce....s3,o6o,7s7 $9,001.27i $4,278,696 forelgn'Merohandise. .210,320 ' 131,041 - 089,756 Spfcoicand 8u11i0n.2,023,324 7,771,901 3,626,877 . - T0ta1........... .$9,094,401 $14,804,213 $8,891,829 '"The aggregate exports for. the seven months aio $69, 951,600 awnsi; $66,604,288 same seven months of last year. Ofthis $43,925,166 was produce and merchandise •gainsts47,loB.B42 lost year, and $26,025,439 was specie against $19,500,047. ’ Tbe Kew/gork Life Insurance and Trost Company haa declared a semi-annual dividend of 5 cent., also a surplus dividend of 5 & cent, on the capital stock of the company, payable 10th iiist. The Now York Pire and Marine Insurance Company, a, semi-annual dividend of 10 V cent., payable ou, demand. The fit. Mark’s Fire Insurance. Company, & semi-annual dividend of 6 cent., payable on demand. The Knickerbocker Stage Company, 5 cent.,.payable 102 h. Inst. The Third Avenue Railroad, a-quarterly dividend of 2 cent., payable on the 12th inst. The City Fire Insurance Company,lo cent., payable August 10. ’ Boston Dock Co., 2 per cent. ($l4 per share,) payable on demand at 150 Congress street. The following table exhibits the comparative condi tion of the Boston banks this week and last: ’ Loans and Dis. Specie.- Gircolatiou. Deposits. July 27, $52,621,768 $2,922,042 $6,624,520 $15,949,930 Aug. 3, .62,740,677 '3,136,086 6(690,674 16,466,250 Increase, $118,009 $213,944 . $510,323 Decrease, .. - $38,852 . The fellowlng notice of the Pennsylvania Railroad Cpmpsnyls frora tho Cincinnati Inquirer. The polite and gentlemanly conduct of the agents of the Pennsyl vania Railroad.- and'their unobtrusive management of their business, naVe often been sneered at as evincing a want of proper enterprise on the part of the Company; aud they have not unfrequently been contrasted with the parties soliciting business for rival roads, in remarks far from complimentary. Now, it appears that the busi ness of forcing railroad routes* upon the notice of tra vellers, has keen overdone, and is reacting against the roads who hoped to beneflt by it, and the true merits of the system pursued by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany begin to be appreciated. ~ ‘Slow but sure,’ cautious but persevonngj’in the idea.attached' to any improvements in the Keystone State.- /Wo are glad to record every improvement calculated to' facilitate the Intercourse between the Rostand West, or which reduces transportation and equalises advantages. Railroad builders (not poli ticians) aro the real Uniou savers'. The Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company have agents at all the tm -1 portent points through the West. They, not being required,to solicit travel, only to keep their advertise ments thoroughly posted, have each a certain district over which they travel onco a month, or as often as ne cessary, to keep th'olr district supplied with theadver tisemonts of the companyAno two agents passing over the same road—by which'system the whole Western country is kept thoroughlyjposted, and those facilities over kept before the eyes of the travelling and mercan tile community. They are, also, : strictly forbidden to run ,down or misrepresent rival routes, but, where in formation is asked, to give it correctly, even though Its be an advantage to other routes.' The public can Tely; oh anylnformatiou received from an agent or from a bill of their routo ha being correct, they being instruct ed to publish nothing but what is truo to thelotter. ,, ' The New York Express says A large meeting of the stockholders of the La Crosse Company was held yesterday at the Astor House, at which a very full ex position of affairs was made by Mr. Kilbourne, the President of the road. The meeting comprised, a reprej sentation from Albany, Poughkeepsie, Hartford, Cin cinnati and Doston, and a disposition was shown to raise the funds necessary to complete the road to La Crosse, and thus prevent any loss by a temporary suspension of the work. No formal action hod been token, but it was understood that the plan of Mr. Kilbourne to issue a million of bonds at o 0 4P ct. upon the Watertown di vision, payable 40 per . cent., cash, and 40 per cent. In stock atpar/would be adopted, ana the'-loan taken at once. ' The forthcomimJng report will also recommend the substitution of three directors from 'New York city for as rottny Western names, a course which will give greater confidence to Eastern holders. In explanation of the terms of the new lean allowing payments in stock, it is stated that by the Charter this inode comes clearly within tho powers of the directors. The new movement and the low price of the stock have brought In a good many orders from the country, as well os orders from MilwauUlo. The following is a comparative statement of the amount of traffic on the Great Western Railway for the week ending July 31,1857, as follows *’ No. of miles open, 283 ~ Passengers—No Freight and Live Stock. Mails and Sundries Corresponding week last year 38',852 60 . Tho receipts of the Morris CanaL for the week ending August Ist were $146,636 68—a decrease of $25,100 from the corresponding; year. This will undoubtedly have a depreciating effect on the stock. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Aug. 6, 1857. - 'Nspertftf by R. Manley. Jr.* Stoefc Broket, No. 80)$ Walnut Street. FIRST jBOABD. 100 City 0» ‘ ,89 ~ 100 Bering It 39 200, do Now 05 K 190 dab 5 39 ,5“ • ■ t '°' Y 100 do 30 1000 • do New so* no do' cosh 30 . Q Penna RR 40# 200 do 30 1 do 46# 100 do go 25 do' ' 46 50, do ssym so 10 do 46 100 do * 86 6 ‘ do 46 100 .do ssunAint 36 16 L Schyl R 38 100 , do b 5 36# 25 do k . 38 100 do 86 # 100 Beading R cash . 85# 100 do 36 # 100 do, , 'B6 , 100 do 36# .100 do , ‘ .36 8 Union Bk* Tenn 101 100 ' do b 5 30 $0 Cora’l Bk sswu 52 100 . do 36 45 City Bank b 5 60# 3 BETWEEN BOARDS. . iOQ Reading R sSAI» 36# I 6 Cam AAm KB 09# 100' 'do. ' i «swn 85# I 3 do ’ 99# 100... do s 5 36#{ 2 do 99# . 9,Morris Onl pf cash 92# { V SECOND' 1440 PeEnft 6s 83# 100 Reading RR 3d% 600 Oitjr 6s ' New 95# 100 do 35# lOO do 35# 200 , ;do do 35# 12 t Schuyl R 2 dys 33 IOO.i do do ‘ 35# 9 Girard Bank 11 % AJTEK BOARD. 200 Bead* R sswn&in 36% 142 Gnloa Bk, Tei m 101 )£ X2oM&niMecfl Bk 29 ? BINOE BOARD—LATEST. 100 Reading R ! ’ 86' I 200 Beading R s&wn 36 Reading RR. dosed 80a3eX- Jlarket firm. CLOSING PRICKS, Bidr'AsTtet. U 8 6’s.’BB 116*6 Philadft 6s 89tf oB9# do RR *89)f090 ! do Now 05 trOOJf Penuafc.lnt off 85 &86% Reading tt dv off 3d R ©3B do* Bonds’7o 78 ©79 do Mort. 6a, ’44, lat. off BsX©BoJ£ JPenna RR 40 ©46# Morris Canl Oon G2#o63W Scbyl Nav 6s ’B2 64U ©6&u do Stock 18 014 *’* l: Bid. Ashed Schyl N»v Pref 23#a23# Wmsp’t&£ltnßlo ©2O do , int off 7’a do do 2d m 05 Long Island (Til ViCKsburg 7X© 8 Girard Bank HXallK Xehlgh'Zino I^° Union Canal 10 e>lo)g New Creek 1 Oatawifisa RR 11 ©IIK Dull. ila Market*) FUltadelp] Thcssdat Bvsnikq, August 6ih.—There is very little movement in Breadstufls to-day, tho unsettled state of the weather having, to some extent, operated unfavorably on business. About 1300 bbls. Flour found buyezi .for Bhlpping, mostly fresh ground Brandywine, at $8, 'including 250 bbls. superfine of a better brand, .made "from new Wheat, at $7 CO, and 200 bbls. old stock extra at $7 76 bbl. Old stock Western is dull and neglected at $6 60 bbl. ‘ The retailers and bakers are buying to supply their wants at from $6 60 up to $9 25, as to quality, the latter for fancy lots. Corn Mealis rathe? quiet, but'a sale of4oo bbls, Brandywine is re ported at $4 26 #' bbi. Rye Flour is dull at $4 75 4? bbl." Wheats are steady in price, but there is not much demand for milling, and only 2800 bus. new Southern We been token at'l7oal72c. for white, of fair to good quality, and 160©170c! for red, the latter of handsome Tennessee, received via, Savannah. Corn is brisk and .well Offered. About 2000 bus. Southern and Pennsyl vania, yellow sold' at SOaOOc., the latter afioat. Oats are dull, and only about 2000 bus. new Southern have been disposed of at 40a45c. for common to good quality. Bye Is muring off at OCeolOOc, 4P bus. Bark is scarce, and small sales have been made at $45 for Ist quality Quercitron. Cotton is'only moderately active today, but holders have advanced their views, which checks business, and the Bales aro small. Groceries show but little movement in Coffee and Molasses, but Sugars are much in demand, with moderate sales of Cuba at 10c., on time. Provision trade is better. - Mess Pork is quoted:]at $25 3?'bbl; Salted Hams 12x©12#c.,aaa 'Shoulders Ukc>, with sales of the latter as quoted. Whiskey is selling in lots, as wanted, at 29c. for hhds., and 30®310, for bbls., Easton and Prison. .NEW TORS STOCK EXI V ' ’ A m&r 2000'Virginia 6s 90X 2000 Missouri 6a 79 k 71,000. do MO 79k 600 OalS 7s’7o 59 CHANGE SALES, Aug. 0, 90ABD. 100 Reading R s 3 72k 600 do a 3 72 k 660 do s 3 72k 600 do s 5 72k 660 do 810 72k 200 do slO 72k 1200 do h 3 73 400 do bOO 78 404 do I>6o 73 V 600 do c 72V ' 100 do b 3 72 k 200 do s 3 72k 1100 do sio 72 43 Mil & Mia R 60k 400MS&NIR b 3 60 600 do c 49,5$ 170. , do c 49k 800 do S 3 49 . 400 do a 4 49 200 do *3O 47 200 do - *2O 47 100 do »2 49 - 100 . do s 5 48# 100 : do 1 *3O 40k 100 do- s5O 46 26 Mich 8 R pfd 76k 37 do 76 rlOOPanamaß s9O 97k 60 m Central - • 119 k 34 do -119 k 600 Civ A Pita bCO 40k IOOGa&ChR 91 ' 85 » do 91k 100 Civ & Tol R s6O 67 100 • do s 3 67k 100 do 67k 100 do b3O 67k 200 do o 67 k 100 LCr& Mil b3O 30k •100 do sio 33k 10 do 33j$ W do slO 33k 100 do b3O 34 160 do 34 100 do b3O 34)$ 600 do >76 •69 16000 City 6a >7O 93 1600 City 6s >9B . 93 1000 Erie Istm Bda 103 9000 Erie Bds >76 79k . 1000 Erie 3dm Bds 86 . 1000 Mich S Skg Fd 72k 1600 111 Cen Bds 99 k 41 HO Feb Bight 124 3311 C Jy Bight 124 30001/Cr&Mil Lnd Grant Bds 42 '3oooo*l A Ohl 2dm 81k 3000 > do . 81 6 BfcofN Y . , 109 k 14 Bk of America- 109 k 26. ( do 110 10 Metrop Bk 106 k 10 Bk of Com >, -104 k 15 Am EX Bk . 11l 6 Bk N A 106 60 Venn Goal Co bOO 83 J 64 do 82F 100 ,} do 83 ’76 . . do 1 82k 76 100 N Y Cen B b3O 82k COO ■ do . s3O 82 200. . , do a4O 82 ,/60 , do b3O 82k 4_60 ■ do opg 82k 736 Erie Railroad 82k j® . <lO 32% 150 do b 4 32k 400 do s 8 32k 400 do s3O 82k 200 ‘do bSO 32J? 200 do 32k 100 do • b 4 82k 100 do s 3 82k 10 Civ C A Gin R 06 PHILADELPHIA. BOARD OB TRADE iBBAEIi MOBBIfi, ) . . Joseph 0. Gross, 5 Oomhi Josh Walsh, ) ittbb of the Month, LETTER BAGS At the Merchant si Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Philadelphia. P001e,.......,.,.Liverp001, Aug. 36. BarqucJaponlca, Bhelden, Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 10 Barque 'Achilles, Spedden, .. Loudon, soon Barque David Lapaley, Dishop Matanzus, soon. Brig Eureka, Data,. Cardonas, soon Brig Black Squall, Bryant,. Havana, soon. Brig ¥. Pahariyßurns, gt. Jagode Cuba, soou. sailing of the ocean steamers. BTEAMEB ... . FROJ4 FOB 84. y 2 riei New York Bremen, Ac Aug. 8 Europe.... Boston Liverpool Aug. 12 8a1tic..... New York Aug, 16 Pulton New York Southampton Aug. 22 New Y0rk..,,..N0w-York Glasgow ...Aug.22 Ericsson,.. Liverpool New Y0rk,..,, July 22 New York, Glasgow New York ‘,July22 Pulton.... \ ........Havre, New York, July 22 BTCAXBB. 808 FROM DAT Boruasto New York Hamburg Aug. 1 Columbia New York Liverpool ! Aug 6 Edinburgh New York Glasgow Aug! 8 CityWaahingtooNew York Liverpool Aug. 12 Ang&/........New York Southampton .... ‘Ausr.2o MOVEMENTS 0? HAVANA STEAMERS. Philadelphia—From New York. 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, and New Orleans 11th, From New Orleans 20th; Havana 23d, arriving at New York 28th. 1 Cm-From New York 7th of each month, ; arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. From Mo bile 22d, Havana 24th, arriving at New York 28th. ; -From NeW York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th ; , and New Orleans 10th. From New Orleans 27th, 'Havana 22th, - arriving at New York 3d. » < wttff Cl*r—From New York 17th, arriving at Ha and New Orleans 26th. From New Orleans am Havana Bth, arriving at New York 18th. , fiLiok Warrior—From New York 27th, arrive at ct£ T^l 2!SJ**' ail< * New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans .l»h, l4th. due at Now York Ifith.. - Isabel—-From Charleston 19th and 4th, due at Ha va?* 23d *sd 7tb. From Havana 10th and 26th, due at New Yet*: 6th and 81st. •, . * b ZSi* “l* 11 ateamera b*U from New York on the ftkahe 20th of each month. [nri ii*a f i -■ «* J - ■ * [Reported for The Press.) TURKS ISLAND—Ship Tropic Bird, Foulkes—l2,lo3 bushels salt, 050 boxes returned candles T WaUson & Sons. JACKSONVILLE—Schr W A Bennett, Newell—l2s,- 000 feet yellow pino lumber, to Bolton, Vandcrveer A Cu, PASSENGERS ARRIVED. In ship Tropic Bird, from Turks Island—Lieut. Hur ley, air, ItoUmgswortn, Miss Hollingsworth. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August 7, 1857. SUN RISES C 3 I SUN SETS. HIGH WATER Steamship Boston, Sellew, 22 hours from New York, via Cape May, with mdse and passengers to J Ailderdice. Ship Tropic Bird. Foulkes, 8 days from Turks Islam!, with salt, Ac. to Titos Wattsou A Sons Left at Dcme rara July 16, brie Thoa Walter, Hiortb, wtg; at Turks Island, July 27, urig Cordova, for Providence, to sail next day. Barque Gem, Uammond. 8 days from lioatou, with mdse to Twells, Gasklll A Galvin. Brig Advance, Eaton, from New York. Schr Janies AlcCloskev, Dickerson, b days from Had. dam, with stone to captaiu. Schr Arletls. Chase, 18 days from Pictou, with stone to Walter Hugh A Co. Schr L C Kelly, Eaton, 8 days from Calais, with lum her to M Trump A Son. Schr Win A Newell, Bennett. 14 days from Jackson ville, with lumber to Belton, Vanderveer A Co. Schr Milton, Pinkuey, 3 days from New York, iu bal last to captain Schr Annie, Fleming, 1 day from Port Penn, Del. with oata to Bewly, Wilson A Co. Schr John W Hall, Hollingsworth, 2 days from Little Creek Landing, Del. with grain to Bewley, Wilson A Co Schr Edward, Smith, 1 from Wilmington, Del. Schr Eclipse, Hitchins, from New York. Schr J Compton, Sharp, from Beverly. Schr P A Sanders, Ireland, from Boston. Schr Mary Anna, Bowen, from Providence. Schr D P. Tolpoy, from Portsmouth. Schr W A Dennis, Hewitt, from Boston. Schr Mary and Louisa. Steelman, from Boston ■ Schr J O Runyan, Enuicott, from Boston. Schr Geo A Tittle, Adams, from Bostou, Schr Marietta Tilton, Tilton, from Boston. Schr Mary Ann A Caroline, Henderson, from N York. Schr A 0 Reeves, Lake, from Salem. Srcamer Thomas Jefferson, Schellioger, 6 hours from Delaware City, having in tow 9 canal barges, laden with Hour, grain, coal, iron, lumber, Ac. Towed thereto 8 barges, bound to Il&vre de Grace, laden with mdse for the interior. Steamship City of New York, Matthews, Poston, Hen ry Wiuajr. BteamBh(p Kennebec, Hand, K York, Jaa AUdordicc. Borqu? It G W Dodge, Jarvis, Salem, N Sturtovant A 00. Brig Advance, Eaton, Boston, do Barque Laroy, Coleman, Boston, C Bliller A Co. Brig Trindelin, Havener, Boston, L Audenreid A Co. Schr W B Scranton, Cathcart, Charleston, D S Stetson A Co. 1 Schr J G Collyer, Chopin, Hartford, Yan Duson, Nor ton A Co. Schr Telegraph, Nickerson, E Cambridge do Schr Liszie Taylor, Taylor, 1 ynn, Sinnlckson A York. Schr Milton, Pinckney. New York; John R White. Schr D P, Talpoy, Portsmouth, do Schr Star, Taylor, Providence, John 31 Kennedy A Co. Schr Edward, Smith, Saco, C A Hocksher A Co. Schr W H Dennis, Hewitt, E Cambridge, do Schr Mary A Louisa, Steelman, Boston, J E Baum A Co. Schr G A Tittle, Adams, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Schr Eclipse, Hitchens, Boston, Tyler, Stone A Co. Schr P A Sanders, Ireland, Boston, Brown & White. Schr Alary Ann, Bowen, Boston, do Schr 31 Tilton, Tilton, Salem, Barcroft, Lewis A Co. Schr John Compton, Sharp, Bridgeport, Rogers, Pln nickson A Co. Schr Mary Ann A Caroline, Henderson, Richmond, Noble, Hammett A Caldwell. Schr A O Reeves, Lake, Salem, L Rothcrmel. Bchr J 0 Runyan. Endicott, Fall River, R Milnes A Co. Str Henry L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Str P S Ilcartt, Hand, N York, W 31 Baird A Co. .$25,574 77 . 0,952 26# 1,889 28# B 7 TBLSdItAMI. (Correspondence of The Press.) New York, AugO. Arrived, ships American Union, from Liverpool; Asia, from Bremen; barques Alfred Lemont, from Marseilles; Indian Queen, from Humacoa. * Below, ship Orient, from Liverpool. .133; m 3'2 Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. , LEWES, Del., Aug. 6—B A. M. The pilot boat Turley came to harbor last evening, and reports barque Gem. from Boston; brig Susan and Emily, ahd some others, as having gone in yesterduy forenoon. Steamtug America and 16 schrs aro in har bor. Wind NW—weather cloudy. Yours, Ac, Havas Dk Grace, Aug. 0. Fifteen boats left hero this morning, laden, atidcou "ltaieri as follows: Jehu Irvin, Jr, bar iron to E J Etting A Bro; Isaac Uickler, aud Tomb, McCurdy A Co, lumber to D B Tay lor A Co; P F Bruuer, lumber to H Croskey; John Cline, lumber to Norccosa A Sheet*; W Searight, lumber to E G Catteli; H B Tuttle, lumber to Cheater; F Wenerich C R Buckalew.E L Piper, J D Bogar, J Glentworth, Olementine, K lielfenstein and Agricola, wito coal to Del city. Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, sailed from Richmond, Va. sth inst. for Philadelphia. Steamship Kangaroo, Jeffrey, sailed from New York yesterday for Liverpool, with over 200 passengers. Steamship Delaware, Copes, hence at New York yes terday. Ship Catharine, of Boston, from Mobile fora port in Europe, wbb spoken Ist inst. lat 34, 10ng75. Ship Fanny Fosdick, Olmstead, hence, was below New Orleans 29th ult. Ship Arcole. hitman, hence, via Richmond, at Gibral tar 11th nit. and cleared for Venice. Ship Helen McGaw, Tucker, from Stockholm, for New York, passed Elsinore 15th ult. Ship Herald, Crowell, hence, sailed from St John NB, 23d ult. for Dablin. ’ Barque ‘Lizzie, (new. 000 tons) Nickerson, cleared at Boston s^«|t^to'.V*lpar*Joo. from Cayonne Bth ult. at Salem 6th inSwSgpV 7 Brora tb&rquo Wieland, On ter man, from New York, at Richmond Oyhlnsd, ’ Barqua'Yjrginift A Esteilina, Wilkins, from New York, ut Richmond cth in*st. Ist mort, 1b ©76 Barque N il Onrtou, 3laxwell, 9 dayq from St, Thomas for New York, at New Haven sth lust. Left at Barba does brig Baltic, dlschg; at St Thomas brie Warren Goddard. Barque Blary C Porter, Porter, at Boston on Wednes day, fromßagua. Barque F Lennlg, Syramcs. for Philadelphia, cleared at,Mobile 30th ult. with 700 bales cottou, si do waste, 96 do oak bark, and 8 pkgs sundries. Brig C Bliller, Brower, cleared at Boston sth inst, for Pictou. Brig AnnaD Torrey, Griffin, for Pictou, cleared at Boston 6th inst. Brig Eolus, Matthews, hence at Portsmouth 4th inst. Brigs A B Cook. Leighton, and Ediuburg, Bartlett, cleared at New York 6th iiwt, for Philadelphia. Schrs 8 B Wheeler, Corson, O S Caratuira, Somers, and E H Atwood, Atwood, hence at Boston Wednesday. Schra Hunter, Fisher, and Gergia, Sweet, for Phila delphia, sailed from Newburyport 4th inat. Schr Isaac Rich, Smith, cleared at Boston on Wednes day for Philadelphia. Schr Snow Flake, Weaver, hence at Providence 4th inst. Schr Daniel Morris, from Brandywine, at New Haven 6th lust. Schra Ingomar and Lizzio Maull, lienee at Boston Bth inst, Schr Only Son, Perry, for Philadelphia, sailed from N Bedford 6th inst. Srhr 33 W Perry, Sampson, for Philadelphia, sailed from Nantucket 4tli inst. Schra Hunter and Georgia, sailed from Nowburynort 4th Inst, for Philadelphia. Bchr J A Paine, Sadler, sailed from Kastport 30th ult. for Philadelphia. Schra T Benedict, and James English, from N Haven for Philadelphia, at Now York yesterday. Schr Hero, Terry, cleared at Baltimore 6th lust, for Philadelphia. Schr David Faust, Moslander, for New York, went to aea from Wilmington, NO. 3d inst. Schr Henry Nutt, Williams, for Philadelphia, went to sea from ’Wilmington, NO. 3d inst. Schr James Magee, Magee, hence for Providence, at New York 6th inst. Schr George Darby, Mulliner, hence, via Norfolk, where aho put ia in distress, arrived oil Charleston 3d inst. Schra Eliza Eleanor, Foxwell. and Richard Percy, hence at Richmnod 4th inst. Schr Alexander Selrnau, Bonus, henco at Alexandria sth inst. Schra M F Webb, and Fred Taylor, hence at Taunton 3d Inat. Propellor Beverly, Pearco, cleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia. Juno 1. lat 18 S. long 34 W, ship Squantum. Miller, from Boston, April 24, for Calcutta. July 10, lat 47 04 N, long 17 35 W, ship Panama, Cave, from hew York, May 0, for Ban Francisco.' July 11, lat 48 9 N, long 9 W, ship Donald McKay, from Liverpool for Australia. July 28, lit 41, long 85, Bremen ship Juno, 40 day. from Bremen for Baltimore. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Rattlkssakb Liout VSS3BL.—The Rattlesnake Shoal Light Vessel has been replaced in her old position off the Shoal. By order of the Light House Board O. MANIGAULT NOKRIS, . Bight House Inspector, 6th District. Charleston, Aug. 8,1857. The Succonnesaet Shoal Light Teasel, haviDg been thoroughly repaired, has been replaced upon her station. Cross Rip Liout Vessel.—Notice is hereby given, that the Cross Rip Light Vessel, Vineyard Sound, has been relieved by tho Light Vessel “Relief,” and re moved to Nantucket for repairs. The Relief” is schooner rigged, with a red ball at each mast head; hull painted red. with “Relief” in white letters on each Bide. She will show every night, from sunset to Bunriso, one fixed light of the natural color. When the Cross Rip Light Vessel ii repaired, she will bo rostatloned, of which due notice will bo given. By order of tho Lighthouso Board. O. 11. B CALDWELL, Lighthouse Inspector, 2d Diat. Boston, Aug. 5, 1867. NEW YORK, Aug. s—Arrived ships James R Keeler, Allen, 42 daya from London, with mdse and 162 passen gers; has experienced light winds and calms tho whole passage; Vanguard, Norton, 40 days from Liverpool, with merchandize and 446 passengers; has been 21 days from the Banks, with constant light WSW winds, calms and fogs: had a pilot on board 5 days; Galena. Leavitt 17 d&ys from New Orleans, with mdse and 10 steerage passengers: sid in compauy with ship Guttenliurg, for Havre, and parted co on the 29th; in lat 28 10. lon 79 30 —all well on board; brigMiauua, llrevoor, from Fron tera, Mexico, July 12, with logwood, hides, Ac. Sailed—Steamshipa Asia, Lott, Liverpool; Glasgow; Duncan, Glasgow; Indiana, Baker. London and Bremen, Illinois, Boges, Aspinwall; Roanako, Skinner, Norfolk Cleared— Ships Iloratiollathaway, Cowes and a mar ?m.; “You Gnrgen, licimcre, Hamburg: Ocean Pearl, Chandler, New Orleans; barks William, Ilenth, Oibara: Cavnlio, Washington, ,va«a, ilhclrolne, (Brom) Homeyer, Lnjnina; Flv- Alicante; Cygnet'. (it?) Smith, out n BChta II i) JjearH, Snow, St. Thomas: W H Smith, OonlqKad, Charleston: W )I tJillilaml, Erekson. Clark^ltoston y 1 n^U * l * K<ick ’ ) aoy ’ lMehanuy, a nlni"" I’T 1 ’T° lirfl Uhl dominion, (3 masted) Smith, New Orleans July 21, with Hour, &c: lhlot-i ? rl ,n°V Cl^ k ’ S l“ r ym b M , ': lyl4 - heft barque Clara It Sntll, for Nmv York 18th; August 2, lat 28 25, long 73 60, spoke brig Greyhound, fm lw 0r tor siatkuiaS; same clay, saw a barauo or brig dismasted and water-logged was painted black; schr Cane, Sheerman, Long Aker (Jam) July 18th. July 25th lat 24 17, lon 84 47, wu boarded by a boat from the U S Stoteship Relief ham Aspinwall for Boston. They reported having sickness on board, and required medicine, with which Oapt Sheer man supplied them; did not learn how many B j ck ' how long the Relief had been out. Cleared, Barque E Van Branlein, (Oldg) Feseofeldt Cochin, China; brigs Jas Adrienne, (Fr) Lesione St Pierre; T M Mayhow, Bermuda; Schrs Jußtlna, Wain wright, Bermuda; J Rogers, Perkins, Bangor. TO PRINTERS AND EDITORS—FOR SALE.—The undivided half of a NEWSPAPER and PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, in successful one ration, in its third year, located in an excellent section or Northern Pennsylvania, contlgious to the Canal. Railroad, and Susquehanna River. It is In a good, prosperoni condition, with a respectable subscript on ana advertising custom, and does all tho JOB PRINTING In!?™ lo i“ ,ltir T: l s the only paper In the beautiful vl age where it Is situated, with a full share of the SJSJtiJ f ™ r< S agB ' Th ? ot “ er P arlnl!r 18 11 practical Printer, a gentleman and a Democrat; henco, a young man. wishing to engage in the honorable profession, can, on the investment of a very few hundred dollars, dud a pleasant ami profitable situation, ’ -id*? BB Col. L. L TATE, Bloouulburg, or the EdHjref Journal, »t i«l-St THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. AUGUST 7, 1857. 3mportgtifins. illarine Intelligence, ARRIVED, CLEARED, WM. 31. HICKMAN Correspondence of The Press, MEMORANDA DOMESTIC PORTS. Special Notices, An Editorial from yesterday’s Pennsylvanian. —Professor Saundcr's Institute, West Philadelphia.— This Seminary most eligibly located in West Philadel phia, has received tho highest commendations from Judge Lewis, Gen. Wynkoop, Col. Forney, G.G. Westcott, Esq., and others who have had sons or wards under the charge of Prof. Saunders. Wu take pleasure in adding that his educational plan is such, that students find books a recreation rather than a tedious task; and that mildness and the law of love* are aloue depeuded upon to insure attention In the school room. Our personal ex perience enables us to give a willing endorsement to the many flattering encqniums which the Professor and his Institute have received. ku7-lt Saving Fuud—Five Per Cent. Interest—N&- tional Safety Trust Company, in Walnut Street, south west corner of Third Street, Philadelphia. Assets over One Million and a Half of Dollars, invested in Real Estate, Jlohtqaqes,Ground Rents, and other first class securities, as required by tho charter. This institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, iB received, and the money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning until 7 o’clock In the evening, and on 3!ouday and Thu rsday ovenings until 9 o’clock. Parkinson’s Garden—An Extraordinary Vo calist;—Those who havo not yet heard the extraordi nary young vocalist, Miss Aqn'ES Sutherland, who baa won for horself in England the distinguished sobriquet of “the Scottish Nightingale,” uow singing at Parkin sons's Garden, havo a pleasure iu store of no ordinary character, and for which they will thank ns for direct ing their attention to the Promenade Concerts given nightly in that delightful place. A Relect and powerful orchestra, under tho direction of our distinguished Mu sical Professor, Leopold Moignon, Esq., both give sup port to the eminent vocal talent engaged, and perfonns a rich selection of Oporatlc and miscellaneous gems, In cluding Overtures, 3larches, Polkas, Waltzes, Ac., Ac. The great feature of the entertainment, howover, is the “Nightingale,” whoso voico for sweetness, power and effect will favorably compare with any ono ever heard in Philadelphia. If any should doubt this assertion let thorn but listen to her rendering or “the 3larch of our Cameron’s 310 n,” or “MacGregor’s Gathering,” both of which >iro nightly repeated by general request; and our word for it, every doubt will be dissipated, and tho doubters enrol themselres among tho warmest ad mirers. A Great Establishment.—The Salamandor Safe Factory of Messrs. Evans A Watson, 1b one of the most interesting establishments in the city. The building in which their operations nro carried ouf is to be fouud in Eighth street, near Vine; the sales-rooni being at No. 20 South Fourth street. Between fifty and sixty men are employed in tho various departments of tho manu facturing establishment. Some idea of the extent of their labors may bo ’formed from a statement of the work they have now In hand. Their workmen aro now engaged in constructing large safes for the following new banks Ono for the Strausburg Bank, lined all through with chilled iron, weighing about 6,000 pounds; one of the same sizo and material for the Southwestern Bank of Virginia; and ono for the Bank of Jersey Shore, Pa.; two for the Cataragua Bank; one for a pri vate banking house in WUkesbarre, Pa.; one fora prh ito banking house at Norristown, Pa.; and one large sot of chilled iron bank vault doors for a new Bank at Millville, N. J. All theso are to bo supplied with Evans A Watson’s Patent Alphabetical Bank Lock, which is equal to any other lock uow in uso for safety ami convenience. For testimony as to the value of this lock, Blessrs. Evans A Watson can refer to the City and Consolidation Banks, of this city; Newark Bank, Dela ware; Bank of Fulton, Alabama, and Poe A Swift, Selma, Ala. There are also to bo seen at the factory, in process of construction, some sets of vftult doors for the new Pennsylvania Railroad oflice, at tho corner of Third street and Willing’s Alley. F. Brown’s Essence of Jamaica Ginger.— This is truly a family medicine; at this season, when affections of the stomach and bowels are so common, no family, individual, or traveller should bo without it. It is peculiarly efficacious in summer complaints of children, and is known and prescribed by the medical faculty. See advertisement. Jttarrictgcs. On the 4th inst., by Rev. Fayette Davidson, of the Church of the Redeemer, Mr. JOSEPH ARMSTRONG, of this city, to Miss BALLIE ANN ..PRICE, late of Milford, Del. ’ # On the 12th ult . by Rev. Mr. Johnson, Mr. GEORGE HlCKaxoMiss EM.MA SUPLKE.both of We it Phila delphia. , ’ 4 «rS? W w°.??i h ult ’ hy Re - T - Yeakel, Mr. GEORGE A. HINEMANN to Miss CAROLINE GRAMLIOIi, both ol this city, * ’ * In Trinity Church, Oxford, June 12th, by Rov. E. Y. sio*™ n, . P ?J ILI E HALLIDAY to ELIZABETH LAN CASTER, both of Twenty-second Ward, Phila * Ocutljs, Ou Thursday, 6th iuat., MANOAII. son of J. P. and 11. Mary Aldcn, aged 9 months aud fl days. Tho relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from No. 254 North Fifteenth St., ou (Saturday) aiternoon, at 3 o’clock # On the 4th inst , 3IARGARET, wife of John Rodgers aged 42 years. ’ Tho relatives and friends of the family aro respect fully Invited to attend tho funeral, from the residence of her husband. N.W. corner of Seventh and Christian streets, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o’clock, vrlthou further notice. To proceed Maiy’s Cemetery. # On the 4th Inst., Mrs. ELIZA GALLAGHER, widow of Richard Gallagher, in the 46th year of her age. Her relatives aud friends are respectfully Invited to attend tho funeral from her late residence, No. 021 Race street, this (Friday) morning, at 10 o'clock. 4 On the 6th inst.pCLMlA A., daughter of Samuel B and Mary Emeline Jones, aged 6 yeura aud 9 mouths. The relatives and friends of tho family are respect fully invited to attend tho funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. 781 Spring Garden street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. Interment at Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. * BuOdeuty on the 4th inst , Sirs. MARY ANN BUCK, in the 58th year of her age. ’ Tho relatives and friends of tho family are respect fully invited to attend tho funeral, from her lato resi dence, Hancock street, above Phcenix, this (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock. To proceed to the West street Ground, Kensington. * On tho sth Instant. JOHN DEH.tN, son of Nell nml Aim Delian, in tho 18th year of his age. Tho relatives aud friends are respectfully iutited to attend tho funeral, from tho residence of’his parents Matoney street, east of Twenty-first, above Locust, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock, without further notice lo proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. # * THE WEEKLY PRESS, Thr Cheapest ami Sat Welly Newspaper in t the Country. Great Inducements to Clubs. On the 15th of August tho first number of Thr Week lv Press will be issued from tho City of Philadelphia. It will be published every Saturday. Tub Wkeklt Press will bo conducted upou National principles, and will uphold tho rights of tho States. It will resist fanaticism in every shapo; and will bo devo ted to conservative doctrines, as the true foundation of public prosperity and so'clal order. Buch a weekly jour nal has long been desired iu tho United States, and it is to gratify this want that Tub Wekklv will be published. Ti*r Weekly Pnvsa will be printed on excellent white paper, cloar, new type, and in quarto form, for binding. It will contain the news of tho day ; Correspondenco from the Old World and the New; Domestic Intelli genco; Reports of tho various jdnrkcth; Literary Re views; Miscellaneous Selections; the progress of Agri culture in all its various departments, fitc. ID* ZVr»i* t'rtt’armWy in advance. The Weekly Pabbs will besont to subscribers, by mail, per annum, at |2 00 Three copieß for g qq Five copies for **!!**' 800 Ton coplea for ’ 12 00 Twenty copies, when sent to one address....2o 00 Twenty copies, or over, to address of oach subscri ber, each, per annum.,.. 1 20 For a club of twenty-one, or over, wo will send an extra copy to tho getter-up of the Club. Post Mas-ersaro requested to act as agents for The Weekly Press. I will CBtoom it a great favor if my political and por- Ronnl friends, and all others who desiro a first class Weekly Newspaper, will exert themselves to give Tnz Weekly Press a large circulation In their respective neighborhoods. JOHN W. FORNEY, Editor and Proprietor. Publication Office of Tjie Wkeklt Dress,' No. 417 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. THE PRESS, A DAILY KE WSPAPEK, BY JOHN W. FORNEY. I propose establishing a First Class Daily Newspaper in tho City of Philadelphia, on tho Ist or August, to be entitled “THE PRESS.” “ The Press ” will bo Democratic in its politics, and will sustain the policy of the present Natioual Admin istration. It is my determination to make it worthy of the sup port of every class of readers. Dignity, courtesy, and independence iu tho utteraucc of my sentiments, enter prise and efficiency in the Commercial, Literary and Nows Departments, and reßpoct for tho opinions of others, will be kept constantly in view. I have embarked all my own means in tills project, and intend building up a journal that will not only be creditable to our City and out- State, but will furnish me an independent livelihood. A somewhat extensivo experience in public life, and many years’ connection with journalism, will, I hope, obtain for “ Tub Press ” a favorablo reception. My friends in tlio different Wards and Counties of Pennsylvania, and in other StateH, will place me under many obligations by giving “The Press” a helping hand. TERMS OP THE PIIKBB : Daily, (per Annum,) in advance $0 00 (Or 12 cents per Week, payable to the Carriers.) Trl-Wcekly, (per Annum,) in advance 3 00 Weekly, “ “ y 00 Address’ tho Kditor and Proprietor, at tho Office o “The PiikB3,” No. 417 Chestnut Street, next to Penn sylvania Hank Building, above Fourth Street, Phila dolphia JOHN W. FORNEY. ANTED IN CAMDEN—GOOD PLAIN * * board, by a young man, in a respectable family. Mechanic or otherwise. Comforts of a home desired. A liberal prico will be paid Address M.J. 0., Ledger Office. su6-2t# PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH BOARD can be obtained at No. 014, Waod fircet, above Marshall. auo-2t# SERVANTS Protcs- J—4 tants and Catholics, White and Colored. Tho best and most respectable class obtained at tho Agency, 930 FILBERT Btreot, below Tenth, south flido. auQ-lt# RENT—A modern throe*story House, with back buildings, bath house, &c., on Eleventh above Spring Garden. Apply to Dr. MOSELEY, No. 0 N, Eleventh street. auO-lt* TO RENT.—Tho second and third story BOOMS o No. 267 (late 103) North THIRD Street, near Ylne. v au4-3t# PURE OLD PORT WINE AT WHEEL ER’S, 8. E. corner Third and Lombard. aul-3trp Black teas, pure oolongs-so and 76 cents, at WHEELER’S, 8, E. corner Third And Lombard, nul*BWp- List of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels* GIRARD HOUSE—Ohesnut street, below Ninth. Geo. Small 8c lady,\6alt. M.F. Royal, Lexing’n,3lo. Miss Walkimjon, “ M. B. Waddell, “ F. Pittsburgh. F. G Morse, Illinois. Janies Bailey, Baltimore. O. Holt, u Jas. Barling, Jr., ‘ “ A. Bush, “ Wm. B Stanley, Si’O. John Joues. Blissouri John Ilendersou, Jf M Balt. A. C. Semple, Louluv., Kv C C. Hlckumn, lota. J. Todd,Colliuwood. ’ J ’ 11. A. 8. D. Dudley, Bra- 11. Q. Sanderson, Sprinir dy’aßond.Pa. field, Mass. 0. B. Winslow. *} A. J. Slathers. Buffalo Miss Dudley, Boston. Jacob Ke.«or, Cincinnati,O, J.F. Cole, Cincinnati, 0. Chas. 11. Davis, Worcester Geo. D. Ilall, Bt. Louis. Blihs Elliott, Paris. G. Ilall, Lexlngipn,Ky. Me. Rarley,London. S. P. Barr, Lexington, Ky. B. W. Wilkins 8c sister, J. D. Chambers, wishing- Pittsburgh ton, Pa. • M»s, Bagaley, do Frank S. Holmes, Charles- Mrs. S. Jones, do ton, S. 0. t Theo. Bagaley, do B. V. French, New York. A. D. Waikick, Virginia. M. Wilkinson, Augusta, E. L. Smith, do Georgia Theodore R. Preastiuau, John L. Redwell, George- Baltimore town, D. C. < G W Beley, New York. F. Wheatley 8c ly, George- W. C. Arnold, Po'kcepsie. town, D C. , Dr Braelsford 8c ly, South R. S. Mason 8c dau;, Rich* Carolina. uumd. ! Miss Boyle,South Carolina SI. H. RuunerA lady, Keo- A. V. Dawson, do kuk. > 1 N. E. Goodrich, do W. A.llauney, LqUtsinna. Geo. W. Wnllhover 8c ly., Mrs. Swann 8c Cau,, Anna- Georgia. polls, Md. Mrs Jones, Georgia. W. D. Dobbiu, Arkansas. N. Springor. St. Loulr. Mrs. Tiernon, Pittsburgh. Wm. J. Scott, New York. George IJow and lady, S. C. Sliss Hoxter, Virginia. Isaac Cole, jr., Baltimore. Master Hoxter, do. W.U. Ilarpor, Columbus, Thos. S. Kennedy, Louis- Ga. ville Geo. R French, filming- Jos. Winston. N. Y. ton, N. 0. 1 W Wail, Washington. A. W. Leisenring/ Pa. J. J. Osborne, do Thos. C. Calvert/Ky H. Northrop, Kansas John A Ynrrlngtob, Ky Jas. G. C'nighend 8c ludv, Mrs. Lodd, N. Y., New York. Miss Collins, do. ’. Gen. J. Mclntosh, l’ortl’d. E. K. Conklin, N’T. T. Smoleaski, do. E. L. Plumb, Mexico. Hobt.BlcKelvey, N Y W. 11. Morrell, Virginia. J. B. C. Krome, Baltimore. E. C. Griffeth, do. JacobGotwell, do. Miss Grlffeth, do. W. Williams, Pa. G. W. Van Lear* A lady, L. B. Fite, Nashville. Bt. Joseph. tV. E. Jones, “ Milton Tootle Si sister, St. Blr. Fox 8c lady, Newfound- Joseph. land. George Kerr, Baiymora. Theo. Leonard. Maryland. J. C. 810/rhsou, New York. Treuman Dorsay, Balti- U; W. Horton, Cleveland. more. W. 8. Culbertson & wife, M. Brown, Pennsylvania. N. Albany. S. Po\son, Boston. JoM*ph Tanner, gt. TjOulr, fl. C, Tttft, *• Alfred G. Mmlga lady, C. W. Alexander, Irnlian- Rochestor. spoils. T. 11. Hanna, St. Joseph. WD. Thayer, Boston. JuLub A. Boylan, Cincin- George A. Scagravo, Provi nati. Ohio. dcnco. A. B. AlJfi} A li. Colcmau, Cincinnati. J. K. J. 11. Blackley, ' no : 1). H. Conkiing, New York. N. Gladding, New York, John Evans, Kansas. C. Deltrich, Cincinnati. J. M. Monahan, Louisville. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, —Fourth street, above Blarket. And_. 11. Blair, Pa. ». Poulard, Paris Mrs. Sinickson, Saloin,N.J. 31. Uanawr, Pimburgh. Jas. Boyd. Phila. 31. Brenner, Balt. Hon. 31. M. Dimmick, M. S. IJrenucr, do. , Chunk. T. L. Boon, Chatham, 111. Geo. Belford Sc son, do. A. B. Chaplu, Mass. Bliss Abbott, 3loss. E. A. Welsh, Bristol. Ct. F. Millett, Ky. O. 0. Aahley, Newark. W. B, Stone, Mo. 11. Grißwold, Hartford. S. T. Black, Arkansas. P. Kelly, Lock Haven, Pa. B. Kline, Cm., Ohio. 11. A. Hfthtz, Tofk, Pft. Wm. F. Bfeyer, St. Louis. J. Harris 8c wife, N. J. B. Ezekell, lowa. L. M. Campbell. Tenn. Wm. Macdonnoll, Va. F. Hogan, Louisville. J. 31. Foster, Phila Albert Fisher, St. Louis. Blrs. W. Riddle, Chambers. E. N. Chew, Jr., Phila burg S. 8. Townsend, Palmyra, Miss Riddle, do. N. Y. Mrs. Wood, Salem, N. J. Ellis P. Cayce, Princeton Bliss Wood, do College, N.J. Ohas. F Hoffendahl, 31. D Sylvester 0. Lewis, do. Boston D. B. Hamilton, Hartford, Wm. Sclunoele, 31. D. At- Ct. lanticCity Alox. Taylor, Indiana, Pa C. P. Smith aud lady, N.J. 3!rs. McDowell, 3lercers- Blrs 11. K. Woodward, Kuo burg. kuk. Bliss Riddle, • do. WW. Walla, Phila W. R. King, itfwviuri. Geo A. Kricke, Lewisburg. A. McKinzio, Scotland. BTATES UNlON.—Market Street above Sixth. D. B. Spanoglo, Newport. H 31. Bovd, Columbia. Thomas S. Ridgway, Pa. James Hunter, do G.W. Johnston, Pa. 0. C. Ashley, Newark. Georgo Graoff, Richmond. Samuel Lockard, Columbia P. O’Grady, Pittsburg, ' Alex B. Boggs, do JohnW. Lanignu, Penn. Georgo Sauderson, Lan- Thomas P. Potts, Norris- caster, town, Pa. John McVoy, Harrisburg. Johu Read, Columbia. John Carson, do. UNION—Arch Street, below Fourth. D. S. Whito, Balt. S. Oliver, Easton, Pa. Sami. S. Reeves, N. J. A. A. Semple, “ J. J. Neff. Indiana co.. Pa. David Garris, “ Jos. O.Restfne;Daytou,o. Bliss Greeu, Williamsport. 11. Callow, Toledo, 0, Miss Eiurna Himes, Fulton 0. L. Green, Williamsport. City. F. J. Yisschcr Bc ldy, N. Y. G.C Cannon. Nesv Alb&uy. J. P. Augte 1c My, Peoria O. C. Tucker, Louisiana. 11. B. Gentry, Bllddlctowu, C. H. Blorris, Ohio. Ohio. Geo K. Harvey, Ohio. W. 11. Gregg, Ohio. A. Woiss, Blauch Chunk. B. P. McNeU, Lancaster. H. B, Brodhend, Del CITY HOTEL—Third street, above Race. E. Mason, Elmira, N. Y. J. Ilollongaworth, Cal. M. Newman, N. York. 11. Black, Lancaster. D. Mason, Baltimore. P. Tucker, N Jersey. J. nager, do Blr. Franks, Ashland, Pa. R. Trego, Bit. Rock. Pa. C. Warner, California G. Miller, Lancaster Bliss Holmes, Charleston. J. Doherty, Allentown. Bliss J. Pculen. do. J. L. Brown, Rending. 0. K. Kobbor, Milton. A KurOz, do. S. Landis, Penna. T. Fithian, Now York. 0. Almond, Delaware It. Priestly, do. II Gordon, Wilkesharre, Wm. Hass, do. J. Itoctil, N. Jersey. H. Prince, do. Mr. Slager, Scbl llavon Mr. BlcPherson, do. Blr. Whitaker, Bit. Clair. AMERICAN HOUSE, Cbaanut street, above Filth. J. G. Rogers, Va. / JI. 0. Brutmeo, Norris’n H.Kw,- 'd? T. 11. Daley, Lancaster Wm. BlcEwen,do A. L. Scabury, Norfolk G. U. Fish, Evansville Jas. Entuisfo, Alex., Va. Geo. Shepherd, Wis Miss T. Marerick, N Y. L Vest, Memphis. Jan. P. Smith, Heading, b. Yaium. Liverpool, Ohio C A Knoilerer, “ Wm. Darji', tio H. 11. Wiley 8c Indy, Balt. Thos. F. Johnson, Md. A W Sanderhon, lMtila Johuß.Thompson,Boston. JohuH'im,Balt. Bliss Thompsou. do J.U. Thomas, N Y. Geo. Cook. N. Y. D. S. Bliller, Pa J. Asher, Va. Jas. Walton, do Johu Stokes, Pa Did she poison her lover ? HARPER'S WEEKLY. Number Thirty-two Ready this Day. CONTENTS OP rats WKKK’B I'APKR, TRAVEL NOTES IN BIBLE LANDS.—No. IX.. fFtmu our own Correspondent.] Illustration* ■ An Arab Council.—Service in the Greek Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre. A Consultation with the Arabs.—Tho Jews’ Wailing- Plaee.—The Streets of Jerusalem .—Tobacco Chou ing. —Tho Church of tho Resurrection.—Monks of the Church Militant.—Greek meeting Latin.—Tlie way they Fight for tho Sepulchre.—The Interior of tho Church . Tho Tomb.—Russian Chapel.—Last Hours in Jerusalem. WHY DOES CRIME INCREASE ? NOTHING TO WEAR. STEAM NAVIGATION IN CHINA. PUBLIC DISCOMFORTS. CHAT. The Feminine Revelations of Broadway.—The Scotch Poison Trial—The great Fete at Newport. LIFE AT SARATOGA. (From our ovui Correa- P °TIIi; i yAN about town. A Bick-Romn, OUK KXCUnSION TO THE PISHING BANKS. Illustrations : Tlio Start—What a Whopper— Hava a Sausage •_Amiable Pestlvities—The ltcturn Home. HON. HENRY C. MURPHY. With a Portrait. LITERARY. New Book* and Literary Gossip. DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. , Political: The New Granadian Dispute—Peace in Kansas—Tho New Administration of Utah —Reple tion of the Treasury—Navy Items—Election Intelli geuce—Tho Wagon-Road Expedition Stopped bv In dians—Prospect or a Southern Lino of Transatlantic Steamers.—Personal—Murder in the City— Murder at N&vo»lnk—Horrid Massacre of a Schoolmaster —Went Mad from Love—A Black Republican Mare.—A Sml Weddlug Scene—A Ladylike Gentleman—The Broker’s Dog. FOREIGN NEWS. England: Parliament—Curious Fracas in tlio Lords —CourtFeativities.—Progress of the Telegraph Cable.— Thrckeray at Oxford—Tlie Pictures or tho Resolute— The Queen of Qude at Court—Sir Colin Campbell for India.—Cost of Madeleine Smith’s Defence— France : Consolation of the Government—Tlio Last Conspiracy, against tho Emperor—Madamo Rachel’s Health.—in* dta: The MoasacroatDelhi—The Work ofDevaHtatlon. —The Outbreak at Meerut—Progress of Affairs at Mee rut. CATTLE-FAIR DAY IN NEW ENGLAND. Illustrations: Waiting lor the Chances—Enjoying a Bite—Fore Sail—Brighton Drover—Tho Trial for Speed—ln' A QWndary —Four Corners—Arrival at Brighton Market—Substance and Shadow—Drover’s Assistant and Stable-Boy—Original Mock Turtle. WIIAT WILL HE DO WITH IT? By Sir E. Bolwkk Lytton. Book II —Chapters I. and 11. BALLAD OF JUPITER AND TEN. OUR IpOL. ,; BABY C/hrile Song. DID SHE POISON HER LOVER? Illustrations : Miss Madeleine Smith before the Court—Trial of Madeleine Smith in the Scotch Court oi Session. HOW TO MAKE MOSS PICTURES. THINGS WISE AND OTHERWISE FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. WEEKLY MARKET SUMMARY. COMICALITIES. lUuttratioHs .*• The Drinker* of all Nations: English.<^-jkmerican—German.—Preach.— An Orphan. —Uncommon Old Fogy.—-Insolent Boy. TERMS. llarpkr’p Weekly will oppear every Swurday Mokhiso, and will he sold at Five Cents u copy Each number comprises as much matter as an or dinnry duo decimo volume. It will bo mailed to subscribers at tho following rates, payment being Invariably required in advance : One Copy for Twenty Weeks..... $i 00 One Copy for One Year 2 60 One Copy for Two Years 4 yo Five Copies for Oue Year » 00 Twelve Copies for One Year 20 00 Twenty-five Copies for One Year 40 00 ID* To Postmasters aud others getting up a Club of Twelve or Twenty-five, a copy will bo sent gratis. Sub- Rcriptions may commence with any uumber. Specimen numbers gratuitously supplied. PUBLISHED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, au7-ltrp Fuankun Square, N. Y. FOK ENGLAND A; Now York and Havre United States Mail Steam' David Linos, commander, i James A. Wotton, command Havre and Snnthaiujiton, foi the following days: U> PRANCE, 1857. Steamship Company.—The .ships ARAGO, ‘2,600 tons, mul FULTON, '2,600 tons, ider, will lea>« New* York, ir the yearn 1857 and *6B, on Fulton, Saturday, Aug. 22 Arago, do Sept 10 Fulton. do Oct. 17 Arago, do Nov. 14 Fulton, do Dec. 12 Arago, Saturday, Jan !* Fulton, do Fob. 0 Arngo, do. March G Fultou, do. April 3 Arftgo, do May 1 jPultou, do. May 29 I.EAVK UtYKV. 1 LEAVE SOUTHAMPTON. 185 T. 1857. Arago, Tuesday, Aug. 25 Arago, Wednesday, Aug 20 Fultou, do Sept 22 FulUn, do gopt 23 Aiago, do. Oct 20 Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fultou, do. Nov 17 Fulton, do Nov 18 Arago, do. Dec 15 Arago, do Dec 10 1858. 1858 Fultou, do Jan 12 Fultou, do Jan. 13 Arago* do. Feb. 9 j Arago, do. Feb. 10 Fulton, do. March 9 (Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. April 6 Arago, do. April 7 Fulton, do. May 4 Fultou, do. May 6 Arago, do. Juuel Arago, do. June 2 Fulton, do. June 29 Fultou, do. JuuoSO PRICK OP PABBAOE : From Now York to Southampton or Havre—First Cabin, $130; Second Cabin, $76. From Havre or Southampton to Now York—First Cabin, 800 fracs j Second Cabin, 600 francs. For freight or passage, apply to MORTIMER LIVINGSTON, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISRLIN, ’ » ’ Hnvre * CRO3KEY Sc CO.. « South'ton. AMERICAN EUROPEAN) EXPRESS AND EX- > “ Paris CHANGE CO. ) a uo SARDINES. — 100 cases of 60 half boxes each, in store and for sale by HENRY BOIILEN Sc CO , B«« , . [Nos. 221 und 223 8. Fourth street. JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. Nos. 16 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. ’ A large and well selected stock of OLOTUB aud. CASSIMERES always on hand. All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of tho best quality, and in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. aoB-tf SHARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Street, between Arch and Race. au6-ly HE~FR E NCITsfUDy r is"N(n^OPEN: —DELACROIX’S Course of French ; a thorough practice of Explanatory Grammar. Requires no other application than the hours passed with the teacher, No. 007 (late 31) FILBERT Street. au7-2t HELMBOLD' 8 genuine prepara. TION, Extract Buchu, for all Diseases of the Blad der. Kidneys, G ra rel, Dropsy, Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers. au7-3m* TTELMBOLD's genuine prepara -R-1. TION. Extract Buchu, removes all the syraptons, among which will be found Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss ol Memory, Difficulty of Dreathing, (leuoral Weakness, Horror 0 f Disuse, Weak Nerves, trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats. Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision. Languor, Unit eraal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often enor mous Appotitu or Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Hushing* of the Body, Dryness or the Skin, Pallid Countenance, Eruptions on the Face, p R ;, ls ) Q the Back, of the Eye Lids, frequently Black Spots flying before the Eyes, with temporary Suffusion, 1. 0 40 f Sight. If these symptons aro allowed to go on, which this me dicine intariably removes, soon follow Fatuity and Epi leptic Fits. au7-3 ra # If you are Suffering with any ol tho above distressing aliments, use HELM BOLD'S PREPARATIONS Try them, and be convinced of their efficacy. au7-3in# HELMBOLD’ 8 genuine prepara- R AT lON, Extract Buchu, “ Give health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek !” And aro so pleasant in their taste, that patients be come fond of them. au7-lm# HELMBOLD’ 8 GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Buclm—See overwhelming eviden ces which will be produced to show that they do great good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open for the inspection of nil. au7-3m* HELMBOLD' 8 GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Buchu.—Price $1 pot Bottle, de livered to any address. Depot. 02South TENTH street, Assembly Building, below CHESTNUT street, Philadel phia. Address letters, H. T. HELMBOLD, 52 South TENTH street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. au7-Sm# Amusements. WALNUT STREET THEATER. —SPE- CIAL OPENING! FOR BIX NIGIITS ONLY! 'Die public is most respectfully informed that NAGLE’S JUVENILE COMEDIANS, Thirty in number, comprising THE WREN FAMILY, THE BOONE CHILDREN, That beautiful FAIRY WONDER. LITTLE JULIA CHRISTINE; And a host of lesser lights, forming a perfect GALAXY OF INNOCENCE! Youth, Beauty, Talent and Genius, Will make their first appearance here on MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 10th, 1857, In a varied, chaste and high-toned DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT, Full particulars of which will bo expressed in future advertisements. Proprietor Mr. WM. J. NAGLE Acting and Stage Manager Mr. WAYNE OLWINE nu7tf. JOHN DREW’S NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT street, above ElGHTH.—Lessee and Manager John Drew. Prices—Dress Circle and Par quet, cents; Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents; Seats in .private Box. 75 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents. Doors open at 7 To commence at 8 o’clock. Box Office open from 10 to 8 o’clock, where Seats can be secured with out extra charge. FRIDAY EVENING, August 7th, Eleventh night, and last but one, of the celebrated iEronaut and Wizard, MONS. E. GODARD, Whose Magical Soirees nightly attract crowds of the Elite aud Fashion of Philadelphia. To conclude with the elegant Comedy, entitled DELICATE GROUND. Sanfroid Mr. J, Drew j Pauline Mrs. J. Drew Academy op music, broad and LOCUST Streets.—Mr. E. A MARSHALL, Sole Les a ee.—The PROMENADE CONCERT at this estab lishment is nightly honored by<un 1 Popular tfy and Fashion. THIS EVENING, August 6th, new and attractive features. M’LLE. BCIIELLKR, SIONOR VIERI, tlielr first engagement in America; MISS C. RICHINGS, MR. FRAZER, CARL BERGMAN, and the GERMA NIA ORCHESTRA. Admittance 25 cents. au6-6t PARKINSON'S ILLUMINATED GAR DENS —GREAT ATTRACTION '—PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY EVENING. MISS AQNES SUTHERLAND, The celebrated Scottish Nightingale. “ The Cameron’s Here,” “ Macgregor’e Gathering,” Ac. Meignan’s su perb Orchestra—“ Anvil Cbotus,” “ Gipsy's Song,” “ Fra Diavolo,” Marches, Waltzes, Gallops, Ac. Ac. Fire-works nightly. Admittance 25c. Eight for $l. au4-tf rjMIOMEUF’a VARIETIES.—“ Tho cool- A est place in tho city, and the most respectably at. tended N. W. corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT. THIS, and EVERY EVENING this week, those beau tiful and well-tried Philadelphia favorites, FANNY FORREST. JENNY BELLMAN. and M’LLE. LEFOLLE, Will appear, aided by a SUPERIOR COMPANY. A laughable Afterpioce will conclude the performance, which commence' at a quarter to 8. Admission 10 cents. JOHN O. WARREN, aul-lw Conductor of Amusements., CLINTON PLACE HOTEL, BROAD WAY, corner of EIGHTH, street, Ninv York, THIS ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT is now open for the reception of guests, in the European stylo SINGLE ROOMS from 50 cents to $1 per day. SUITS of ROOMS for Families, from $1 60 to $lO per day. The MEALS served at all hours by the CARD, at moderate rates. C. J. MACLELLAN long and favorably known to the patrons of Jones and the United Statea Hotel, Philadelphia,") is associated in tho management, ana has especial charge of the Catering Department. Every attention lias been paid to make tho organization per tcct, and our friends, patrons, And the trn\ elling public in general, may rest nssurred that no effort shall be wantiug to make the CLINTON worthy the f,\vor 'which wo hereby respectfully solicit. aus-lm* WINANT k CO. TVOTICE IS lIEIIEBV GIVEN, that Po- It licy No. 4202, issued by the American Fire Insur ance Company, in the naiuo of Nicholas E. Thouron, dated September 12,1853, for $4,000 ou brick building situated on the west side of Sixth street, between Prune uwd Spruce streets, has been lost or mislaid. Applica tion iiaa been made for a new one in lieu thereof. A suitablo reward will bo paid for its return to No. 2d North Seventh street. aus w4t# BW, TING-LEY & CO., BANKERS, • No. 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points in tho Uuitod States and Canada. Stocks, Bouds, Ac., Bought and Sold on Commission. Uncurrent Rank Notes, Checks, Ac,, bought at the lowest rates. Deposits received and Interest allowed, as per agree ment. tul-Stn LUMBER ! LUMBER!! —The subscriber, n ho has for several years occupied the premises at Sloan’s Planing Mill, Kensington, has removed to COATI j STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phoenix Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a largo assortment of Carolina and other floor ing boards, steps, risers, shelving, celling, fencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. For sale at tho lowest cash prices. Purchasers are in vited to call and examino for themselves, and every ef fort will be made to givo satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for all kinds and sues of Southern yellow Pine, Timber and Scantling. B. 8. RICHIE. QUtontcjjs at £im Daniel dougiierty, attorney AT LAW, Southeast Corner of EIGHTH and LO CUST Streets, Philadelphia. aul-ly Myer strouse, attorney at LAW, CENTRE street. Pottsville. Pa au-4-ly JOHN BINNS, UNITED STATES COM MISSIONER AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, AND THE PRORATE OF ACCOUNTS for several States ami Territories. lie is ? by law, authorized to administer Oaths and Affirmations to be received in all the Courts ill Pennsylvania. JOHN BINNS may bo found in his office, No. 110 South SIXTH Street, opposite the County Court House, from 3 A. M. top P. M. ' aul-lm iHisrcllaucons, J'"o II n"m.” ARUNDEL, of till) Twenty second Ward t will be a candidate for Assembly, from the Sixteenth District. Subject to the nomination of the Democratic Convention. au6-eod2w# AM DEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. \J —CHANGE OF HOURS. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On aud after Monday, July 6th, and until further notice, trains for Atlantic City will leave Vim* street wharf daily, (Sundays excepted.) First down passenger train will leave Vine street wharf at 7-30 A M. Second down passenger train will leave Vino street wharf at 5 P. M. Freight trains, with passenger cat attached, 5-35 A. Returning, will leave Atlantic City as follows: First passenger train at.,..,...’.... 6-30 A M. Secoud do 4 60 P M. Freight train 12-30 P M* PASSENGERS FOR lIADDONFIELD Will leave Vino street wharf at 10-45 A. M., aud 6-45 P. M. Will leave Jladdonfleld at 7-20 A. M , and 2 P. M. Freight must be delivoaed at Cooper’s Point by 2 o’olock, I* M., to insure its going down in the morning ; tram. Tho Company will not bo responsible for any goods until received and receipted for by their freight agent auft-lm* It. FRAZER, Secretary. BOIILEN’S WE ESP ANCHOR GIN Constantly on hand and for sale by tho subscrib ers, solo impoiters of this Gin HENRY'ROHLEN & CO., »mQ-3t No. 221 and 223 South Fourth St. 46 K ONLY FOR BOOIC-KEEFING, AND $3 for Writing, at TWINING’S ROOM. No 232 North EIGHTH STREET auo-3t* R" E MOV AL—AI)AMS* - BLANKBOOK and JOR BINDERY, from THIRD street, to No 635 ARCH street, below SIXTH. Blank Books alt size on hand, or mado to order. Magazines, Music. Ac , neatly bound VERY CHEAP. au6-Gw 'ORANDIES.—Pinet, Gustillou & Co., Ma rett tc Co , and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, iu half pipes and quarter casks ; Pellevolsln Rochelle Brandies, pale aud dark, iu half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all in Custom Housa stores, imported amt for sale by ' HENRY BOHLEN k CO., Nos. 221 and 223 South Fourth street, TWARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGH- M ru'suli't7 omoE ’ 8 - w - “ C!IMTNUT “« SEALED PROPOSALS, entitled » Proposals for Grid, ing Bridge street, from Thirty-fifth or Thlrth-siXth street westward to Lancaster avenue, In the Twenty, fourth Ward,” wilt be received at this Office until THURSDAY next, at 12 o’clock. Also, for the Grading of Franklin stmt, between Sixth and Seventh, In the First Ward; Washington ree « I f?l t ln en rJ w ? nty **? cond and Twenty-third, In the Fifteenth Ward, and Hutchinson street, from Thompson to Master, in the Twentieth Ward. *“ Also, for Repaving tho following streets: Pine street, from Sixteenth to Soveuteenth streot; Harmsteaa street, from Nineteenth to Twenty-first street, and Bench street, from Chestnut to Walnut street; all the necessary materials to be furnished by the contractor. The work to be done In a substantial manner, and re sponsible guarantees given to keep tho same in good condition for two years from tho completion of the work. , jojin McCarthy, aus-2t ’ Chief CoiumPttioaw of Highways. tttotcljes, Jkrotlrjj, &t. Bailey & co., chestnut street, Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, Uunder their inspection, on the premises exclusively. Citizens and Strangers are invited to visit oux manu factory. WATCHES. Constantly on hand & splendid stock of Superior Gold Watches, of all the celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Eax-Bings, Finger. Rings, and all other articles In the Diamond line. Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will be made free of charge for those wishing work made to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the sew styles of Fine Jewelry, such as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marquisite, Lava, Ac., Ac. SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ac. Also, Bronze and Marble CLOOKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality. aul-d twAw ly Drags aub (Kljemirals. Frederick brown,—chemist AND DRUGGIST, north-east corner FIFTH ano CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, sole Manufacturer of BROWN’S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, which is recognised and prescribed by the Medical Fa culty, and has become the Standard FAMILY MEDI CINE of the United States. This Essence is a preparation of unusual excellence. During the Summer months, no family or traveller should be without it. In relaxation of the bowels, In nausea, and particularly in sea sickness, it is an active and safe, as well as a pleasant and efficient remedy. CAUTlON.—Persons desiring an article that can be relied upon, prepared solely from pare JAMAICA GIN GER, should be particular to ask for “ Brown’s Es sence of Jamaica Ginger,” which is warranted to be what it is represented, and Is prepared only by FREDE RICK BROWN, and for sale at his Drug and Chemical Store, north-east corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia; and by all the respectable Drug gists and Apothecaries in the U. States. aul-3m Handel & haydn drug store, EIGHTH and GREEN streets, Philadelphia, D. L. STACKHOUBB, Proprietor. Always on hand the choicest articles of DRUGS, MEDICINES PERPU MERY, CIOABS.&c. ’ Stackhouse’s Patent Silver Soda Water Fountain keeps the water at 33 deg,; his Syrups and CrOaillß kfB acknowledged by all as being the richest in the city. , aul-lm {kumanslji}) aub Book Keeping, CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLETS. £. Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the Immediate supervision o' the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac. aul-lm lUincs anb Biquors. A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND Xl. LIQUOR STORE, No. 220, Southeast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. aal-ly YIfILLIAM F. PITFIELD,—IMPORTER 7T a BRANDIES, WINES, Ac.. Ac., No. 323 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. aul-lm Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Ac., 28 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-ly fiAMDEL Y. MERRICK. J, VACQBAM MERRICK. WILLIAM H. MERRICK. FOUNDRY, ►3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac., Cast ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brans. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, Ac. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, each as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters. Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole Agents for N. Rilueux’a Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Robs* Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. 11. BARTOL X BAZIN & CO.'S FRANGIPANNI, • AN ETERNAL PERFUME. THE ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE MANUFAC TURED. FRANGIPANNI EXTRACTS. FRANGIPANNI PO MADE. FRANGIPANNI SAOHETS, FRANGIPANNI SOAP. FRANGIPANNI TOILET WATER. FRANGIPANNI CREAM, FOB BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. X. BAZIN A CO. would respectfully caution the pub lic against the many spurious articles bearing the name of FRANGIPANNI, in imitation of their ORIGINAL and only GENUINE perfume, which is made entirely and purely from the celebrated recipe of FRANGIPAN NI. Its popularity has led several establishments to claim for their counterfeits all these exquisite qualitioa which belong only to the GENUINE. For sale by all druggists and fancy dealers. X. BAZIN & CO., i Manufacturers of the Prize Medal Perfumeries, aud-lwif WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER 3KA* »ÜBT MANUFACTORY, No. 706 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly Invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, njyl made to order. aus4yif 461 K SEWING MACHINES, 702 Cbesnul $ JaJ Street. &1 K SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnut tJPJLtJ Street 46f K SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnul Street. 461 K SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnul Street. 461 C SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnul HPStreet. aus-lwd COPPER.— LAKE SUPERIOR INGOT, POR SALE WM. H. WOODWARD & CO , 516 MARKET Street aus-3t*rp IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW GAS CONSUMING FURNACE CHILSOtPS NEW CONE FURNACE, after having been put to the most severe test, during the two COLD winters or 1856 and 1857, has proved to be the most powerful heater in the world, soring from M to X the fuel over any of the best furnaces now in use. This* Furnaces aro constructed with a cast iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with fire-brick or iron staves. The fire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, or TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to small aper lures at the top, and uniting with the annlar chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the flue. Tbe whole products of combustion in the form of smoke and oases, are suspended directly over the fire. confined or compressed into the tapering Cones ana continually ksposed to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This heat and light is brought to a focus In each Cone, not unlike the COLLECTION OF TUB BUN’S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the smoke and Qissa to become intensely heated and tho roughly consumed, by this operation the smoke and oases are made equally available with tho fuel itself for heating purposes, while, in other furnaces, it is CARRIED off and wasted in the chimney. All persons desirous of obtaining the best and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fail to examine the New rsa Coxsomso Cons Furnace, before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects and builders is particularly re quested. ARNOLD & WILSON, (Successors to 8. A. Hamson,) No. 524 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Square. Beware of imitations.—R. &G. A. WRIGHTS’ ORIGINAL FRANGIPANNI, OR EVERLASTING PERFUME. Franoipanni Extracts, I Frakoipixxi Pomidx, “ Hair Oil, j “ Soap, “ Tooth Powdbr. j “ Sachet. These new, elegant and retherthe perfumeries are from the laboratory of Messrs. R. A G. A. Wright, SOLE ORIGINATORS AND MANUFACTURERS in this country. The Perfume Frangipanni is an oriental production, brought in its original state into this coun try, and prepared Id Us various forms by them. The admiration and demand for theso articles is be yond precedent* and, in consequence, a variety of imita tions are springing up: but these, whether of HOME MANUFACTURE, OR SOLD AS “IMPORTATIONS,” have only an bvanescent fragrance.AND SHOULD 11E AVOIDED BY PURCHASERS. Tor sale by all the Druggists iu the United States, Canada, and South America. R. Sc Q. A. WRIGHT, Sole Originator* and Manufac turers in the United States. No. 35 (late 23) South FOURTH St., Philada. aul-fit Philadelphia type foundry— N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUTSts. L. PELOUZE A SON, thankful for the liberal pa trouage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN ROOK Is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and tho fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. Old type taken at 9 cents per pound, iu exchange for new at specimen prices. anl-tf Great western insurance and TRUSTCO., PHILADELPHIA, No. 331 (late 107) WALNUT STREET. Charter perpetual. Authorized capital, 1300.000. FIRE INSURANCE—On merchandise generally, household furniture, on stores, dwellings, Ac. Limited or perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE—On cargoes, freights, and vessels, to alt parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCE—On goods by rivers, canals, lakes, and laud carriage, to all parts of the country. directors. Charles C. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut Street Alexander Whilldin, 14 North Front Street. Henry D Moore, Farquhar Ruildings, Walnut St John C. Hunter, firm of Wright, Hunter Sc Co E Tracy, firm of Tracy A Baker. Thos. L Gillespie, firm of Gillespie Sc Zeller Stillwell S. Bishop, firm of QUhop, Simons A Co. William Darling, (late of Reading ) Isaac Hazlehumt, Attorney and Counsellor J. R. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White A McCurdy John Rice, 90 South Fourth Street. Jas B Smith, firm of James U. Smith A Co. Theo. W. Bakei, Goldsmiths’ Hall. E. Harper Jeffries, firm of Wm H Brown A Co. C. C. LATUROP, President. WM. DARLING, Vice President. Joseph J. Hocekl, Secretary and Treasurer. H. K. Richabdsoh, Assistant Secretary. aagS-lv (ffommiaoion ittmljiinls Handy & brenner—commission MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and OUTLERY, Nos. 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, East side, above Commerce street, Philadelphia. aul-tf CiULLENDER & PASCAL, „ HATTERS, aul-6m No, g 8. SIXTH street, Philadelphia. Enewland & CO., • LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Importer and Dealers in Oil Palntlugs, Water-Color Drawings, Engravings, Ac. A large assortment always on hand. Packing and removing Glasses, and hanging attended to. 6C&ARQR Street, above Sixth, 1 * south bide, Philadelphia, *ul-ba rj> Canbibates for <D£sk. For assembly—Joseph j. keefe. —Second Legislative District, Second Ward. aufi-dtSS PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, JOHN P. M’FADDEN, of Third Ward. Subject to the rales of the Democratic Party, aol-tf PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, GEORGE F. MEEBER, Twenty-second Ward. Subject to Democratic Roles. an 4-tSeS FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—R. R. YOUNG, Seventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. auA-lm* For clerk of quarter sessions, SAMUEL C. THOMPSON, 6th Ward. Subject to the Rules of the Democratic Party. aal wAs For coroner—n. c. reid, m. d. Subject to Democratic Rules. &a 4 lm* For coroner—Charles s. peall, Nineteenth Ward. } aul-Iw* X7OR ASSEMBLY—FIRST DISTRICT.— A’ JOSEPH H. DONNELLY. First Ward. Subject to decision o Ithe Democratic Convention, anl-ow* FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT.— DAVID R. McLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. aol-lw* For assembly— JOSEPH HUNEKER,* Eighth District, Eleventh Ward. Bnbject to Democratic Rules. ail lm* For recorder of deeds— CHARLES M. MILLER, Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rales, on aal t se3 For recorder op deeds—george W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De mocratic Rules. aal-sr* For recorder of deeds—n. f. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democratic rules. aafi-tc* riLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS.- \J GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD Subject to Democratic Rales. anltsepB hotels anb Uestanranls, Merchants* hotel, cape island, N. J., is now open for the reception of visitors. This House is situated within a hundred yards of the Beach. The Proprietor promises that no care shall be spared to render those comfortable who will favor him with their patronage. Terms moderate. augS-lw* J. LYONS, Proprietor. LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC HEAD QUARTERS,) South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets, aul-ltn Philadelphia. WILLIAM N. KING,—SOUTHERN • EXCHANGE HOTEL, South-east corner of FIFTH and CARPENTER Sta., Philadelphia, aol-lm CHESNUT STREET HOUSE.—SAMUEL MILLER, (Old No. 121) New No. S3I CHESNUT STREET, below Fourth, Philadelphia. aul-lm WILLIAM HANNINGS'City Lager Beer ▼ T Saloon, No. 32 CARTER’S ALLEY, Philadel phia- snl-lm ponses for Sale anb Sent. ©)ina anb ©lass.* rriHE CHEAPEST AND MOST EITEN JL SITE fumiahlng- CHINA and GLASS establish ment in the United gates is the OLD CHINA HALL. CHESTNUT street, directly opposite the Sate Hoase. Families furnishing, will find it to their interest to in sj>ect the immense stock of rieh decorated French China Dining, Dessert, Tea and Breakfast sea. Also, plain white French China, by single doxeo or in complete sets; also, all kinds of useful kitchen crockery always open and properly exhibited. Orer 100 different patterns and shapes of elegant and plain TOILET SETS; also, China and Glass, manufactured expressly for Hotels; and shipping orders to any extent supplied at short notice. Packing particularly attended to. WM. J. KEBBfc China Han, Philadelphia. Sales bg Slnclicm Wolbss? & Score, Aoctioneers, ylQl CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE ‘iUl THE CUSTOM HOUSE, betw««Q Fourth ted Fifth Streets. POSITIVE SALE OP A VALUABLE STOCK OP READY-MADE CLOTHIXG. OK BATURDAY NEXT, Commencing tt 10 o’clock precisely, we will sell, by catalogue, on a liberal credit, a valuable stock of City made Clothing, consisting of Gents’ and Boys’ Coats and Jackets, made in a superior manner, of choice ma terials. GENTS’ AND BOYS’ PANTS, Made In the latest style, of every variety of material. GENTS’ AND BOYS’ VESTS, Made in the best manner, of every variety of material. N. B.—The whole will be ready for examination, with catalogues, early oa the morning of sale, when pur chasers will And it to their interest to attend. FINE CHAMPAGNE WINE. ON SATURDAY, At 12 o’clock, will be sold, 30 baskets floe Champagne Wine, quarts and pints. This is a very choice Wine, and worthy the particular attention of gentlemen desiring a Wine for home con sumption. .CLARET. Also, 38 cases St. Jolien Claret Uedoc FIRST FALL SALE OF EMBROIDERIES. SHAWLS. RIBBONS. HOSIERY, MILLINERY GOODS, Ac. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT. 12th Commencing at 10 o'clock, precisely-, we will sell, with out reserve. on a liberal credit, by catalogue, a largo and elegant assortment of French and Scotch Em broideries, Broehe Long Shawls, Stella Shawls, French Cashmere do., Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Millinery Goods, Ac SHAWLS JUST LANDED. Also, An invoice q( Jlrocba and Stella bordered Low and Square Shawls, received direct per steamer Cityol Washington. FRENCH CORSETS. Also, 50 dozen French woven white and mixed Corsets. HOOPED SKIRTS. Also, 100 dozen Ladies* and Misses’ Hooped Skirts LADIES’ MANTILLAS, TALMAS, DUSTERS, Ac Also, a line of latest fall style Silk Mantillas, Silk Talmas, Silk and Wool Dusters, Ac. LACES, NETTB, Ac. Also, an invoice of white and blonde Laces, blonde Edging, Quillings, Silk Cravats, French Bosoms. Kid and Silk Gloves, Silk Illusions, brown and green Barege Cap Nett, Mechlin Nett, Ac., Ae. ’ N. B.—The whole will be arranged for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when the trade and dealers generally are respectfully Invited to attend. NOTICE.—Our sales of Embroideries, Millinery Goods, Ac., for the Fall and Winter, will eommeuee during the early part of the present month, and will be continued regularly throughout the season, due notice of whieh will be giTen. lw Jobs Bayxis, Auctioneer. NO. 325 ARCH STREET, between THIRD AND FOURTH STREETS. SALES EVERY EVENING at 8 o'clock. Of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Gaiters, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., Ac. N. B. Terms of Night Sales, four months credit far approved City acceptances, for sums of $lOO and over, with interest added from date of tale. CARD.—Out-door Sales solicited of Household Furni ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hardware, Underwriters’ Sales of Hardware. Cutlery, Ac. Consignments soli cited to he sold at the Auction Rooms. Charges moder ate. Apply as above. Advances made on Consignments of Goods. ad im Br Gio. W. Smith, Auctioneer. NE. CORNER OP BARRON AND • SOUTH STREETS, above Second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVEXIKG, At 7J£ o’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cut lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watch:s, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st., only eight doom below the Exchange. Hours of business from T o’clock, A. M., until 10 o’clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL |50d,000. Established far th* last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia moudi, Silver Piste, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandixe, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description. AU goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. AU advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards, wiU be charged 2 per cent. per month; $5OO and oTer, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. Money advanced to tb« poor, in mull amounts, with out any charge AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever lod other Watches, Jewelrr, aa<i Clothing will be sold at redaead prices. aal-lj SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.- Wlr receding, at my yard, the beat quality of SCHUYLKILL AND LEtHIGH COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on fretting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. 117“ No inferior Coal kept at thia establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. E. comet of Broad and Cherry Sts. Lehigh and Schuylkill coal.— DALY, PORTER 4 CO., COAL DEALERS. No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehich and Schuylkill Coal. * ™ 3 1Q OAL! COAL! COAL .'—TAGGART 59 CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH J. A R. CARTER’S GREENWOOD. T AMAQUA COAL w CE°RGE W. SNYDER’S PINE FOREST SCHUTL KILL COAL RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for sale, and are constantly receiving from the above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There la tio Coal mined anywhere, equal in quality to these, and a trial will convince any one of their great anperiority. Our Coal ia very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from alate, dust and all impurities. Our PRIOES areas LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Office, No. 3 SOUTH FRONT street above Walnut ’ Orders left at our Yard, CALLOWHILL street, below BROAD street. } &t ottr Wharf, WATER street, above CAt- LOW JiiLL—or tent to either place per Despatch Post. will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere aut-tf OK YOUNG MEN WANTED.'—For choice corps of the American Army. Fine chance for travel, promotion and stndy. Excellent pay, and free board and clothing. Apply at 248 S. Front. au3-lw# Srfroerics DITHMAR k BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 520 mew No. 038) North THIRD Street,Philadelphia-Shlpping orders promptly attended to. aul-tf ©as .fixtures. Archer, Warner, miskey & co., Manufacturers of GASALIERS, BRACKETS PEN DANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds of GAS and LAMP WORK, GIRANDOLES, Ac., No. 829 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ARCHER, WARNER * CO. No 376 BROADWAY, New York. Buildings fitted with Gas Pipes, and all kinds of altering ana repairing of Gas Work. aul-lm* WP. WARBUBTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTBR, No. 4s) CHESTNUT Strert, Mo, JTUU, mwWjrtHi, >oi-la rg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers