The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 03, 1857, Image 1

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Twblvn. Cxwsj.m 'Wxk,^payable, tothe/carriers.
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ns Akkra* ?(w*Do£iifca res KioHfMostHsj Txntß
Potioßd lOfSix for the
.time ordwrect. , .
- % SJM« PHE 8 .
Mailedto'Syitttcribera put roftheCity, at Tbbbi Dol-
Z.AB3 mb Atop*,'ip advance.
7, ,wee% ly Press,. 1 *
The be sent to Subscribers, by
miUl/(p«rAnnhm/In'advsu«*) at *2 co
Three Copies, : ft* , r -1* *' 9 6Q0
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Twenty Atopies, qr over,■_ <i (to address or each
subscriber),each;..*! ,< 120
For a 'Olub bf'Twenty-one or over, we Will sand an
extra copy to the getter*np of thb Club. > - . •
are Requested to act as Agents for
Tn announcing the Ufq .of ,Pf..Ksne, we are but anti
mpating-the wlahea of thousands and tens of thousands
of theadnifrersof that’flv&Lt.inan.V '' ‘' ' ' - •’
. Haring M the deeeaSfd/ahdßaV,
joying a largo (hath or h[< Cohfldetice, Dr. Elder Id Well
qualihed to djo juatlce to the subject. ”• ' ' l ‘
This wUI be Issued In oneLaridsopae octavo Vol
,a OTa *y .Respect thMoperb Vol
umes of s*Arcticßxptoratioafl” recently published. . It
will wntalh a new full-face “portrait, executed oh steel,,
as Well us of bis residence.’ tooriib, medals.
In order to jive this a large clxciilation; It will
be sold at thejfqw price of'| .. ‘
uonihsht $300,606 within>ijks months,
Is now being by.more -than .two hundred thousand
learned'And unlearned. ,it is
just the book which should bo owned and read by* every
American. Fifft hundred, newspapers'have each pro
nounced it the most,remarkable, and marvellous work
ever publishqd.i The. Foreign, journals and. the most
distinguished savaft* of Europe are - extravagant in its
It is mera Crusoe, being .a
faithful account of privations and hardships.’ tne U&rra- f
tive of which'.cannot be read:,without a shudder. ,Our
most eminent men have vied with each other in extoU'.
ing its merits.. Two vols-.. octavo, snporbly illustiutod’.
Three hundred engravings. Price ‘ • J £ .,
Toe UhitjSd’ Stairs Qrinrrx,l ! Ektebwios . is
Sraech or Sir Jons PsasrliS. - • >
' •Dflfridg'th<ryearslBso-- , si\'-’ x - 1
A Personal Narrative, by. .Elisha. Kksul Kant, M. D.',
U. S.N; - One Tdfuine; 8ro 1 upwards of 550 piges,'
containing 200 Steel Plates arid Wood Engravings, ln>
eluding a/uai steel Portrait of Sir John Franklin,
being the onljr bne over engraved in- America.- - Also,
& BioaiumxE.ov FfiA*&MK,by S. Acstis Almbose,
This work is totally distinct from the second Arctic
* Expedition,'and much valuable and interesting
* matter never ,befqc£ published, i- It should be owned by
> all who havo piircbaaod the UsfcJßxpedition, aait makes
® r - works complete. , ,
¥Kken fbom Life, bt Cbadv, op New Yobk. Pricoss.
, And embracing all his* Expeditions.' ■
Superbly Iljuatrafed with fiteei VloteV and Wood Cuts,
engraved.under'the*'immediate ‘superintendence of
001. Fbixost, mostly frotn Daguerreotypes taken on
the spot! and .will be issued in a style to match Dr.
Kane’s works.*‘lt will also cqnUln a new Steel Por
trait, being the only correct likeness of the author
ever published. V"’
~ /*T,wo > Vplumw)'oeUyo^ r ss.O&.
BRAZIL :m>. JttffißAismANS
• ». Bt.Bbv, D. Fa Kjpdek,
; . Of the fdetbodiflt.Epiotopal.Church
Bev. J. 0. Fletcher,
r; . Cf, the Presbyterian Church.
This new-and splendidly illustrated work (one Urge
volume;ccUvo, to .uniform style with the superb vo
lumes ofDr. KaqeUjtaftCiZtepfcrttJtoftj,) is. the joint
effort of the above' {mined gentlemen, who, as travellers
and as Vabdone in an official position as
Acting-Secretary of the United States' Legation at Bio,)
have hd& a Toug aUd* in A land full of
interest, whether we regard'ltm a haturadj'commercial,
political or moral point of. view.- Price $3 00., ,
27* Ant ov thb ABpyis’woßSia will bb.bentbvnaii.
raEB op rosTAQK bv Bsianisq'THk rosLisHti) pbiok.
No. 602 Arch/etreetj Philadelphia. -i
J. Bi LIPPINCOTT-3c UO u No. 20,N..Fonrth street:-
Philadelphia. PHILLIPB. BAMPBON k CO.. No. 18,
CO., 115, Nassau street, New York,- G; P/FUTNAM
&00., m Bto&dvray,^NeW.York. APPLEGATE &
CO., 48 Main street. Cincinnati. 8. G. GRIGGS &
CO.,HlLskestrefct, ; .aul-2t
Lamartines mw ttorkv—pubiish
ed this day, by D, AP.HJSTON. & -CO
•- . BpA.DK LAMARTINE.. - .
Author of 44 The Girondists,” “Travels in the Holy
.1 <i’ '....Land,’.’.Ac -
lu3voU., 12rnn^.wellprintM,clotb t s3i -
“TheHietdty at Tuckey-has within itself all'the ele
ments of genuine poetry, sod Lamartine, as a historian
and potf t hMpreB£ in such tenth- 1
ful and gloving language as few.beslde himself can com
mand. If nrasthecome highly popular, and should find
its way Into every private in the
country.” —Stamford Advocate. •. / ><
“Itisd tfork jif gEßat’Jnterest, abounding more in
facte and leu in rhetorical episodes than any work of
this favorite atrthbr, and it givea.promise.of a very Com
plete. valuable and apparently reliable history of this 1
interestingimt}om“”—.ooafen Daily Journal. .
1 ( rte need not-assore oar readers that this is a fasci-
Larijartinealways.vritea.brUiiAntly. and:
tbetortorr of uttb»ciiic*iJraßnamni»>
the annals of Gin world; along from page
to page and chapter to chapter, but can findinb-stdpmng,
place" Herald ”
“There is so much of the romantic connected with
the life of Mahomet, and the annals of the Ottoman Em
pire. that this work has all the ebarm of. fiction Coh-'
nected with the veritte£i>f:lifctory.?V-lfiy/erj» jlfc*.
T, j>«iA'. fc 06. aatslra Pb&bs
Yours.; 1 Vpi;l2Ajo...N«flrEdition;.price.Tse,.* i’
l . BKCKSfLT PUBLISHED.,,-r,. r , ~
1. Aj?FI,KTdN’S gAHWAY GUIDE for-August,
25 cents.
fl. • '
3. LIFE OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE.. .2.y01a., $150:
4. DYNEVQJt 1 . bf .Misa Youge.. 2 vols, 1
$1 60. duMi •< i :■ < • r.
$2. ' -rn.: '• —• •
STATES,'SI. H.. .• <*;»'/« ••
aal-2t | 1: '' • . *
Read i bead j—a new poeMcal
ENO YObOPSDXAi bf>M- -W, .Clnsfcy,.
City, p. o, .wWiMiJwa < ■) > m
ThM woSf, V royal .«ataro r -containing • 640- page* of
matter, <»ntaili^uflAtex^u&d' ; haiiilso* elf botuidfia
now ont.vKg ffliticatfoeaKet 6sr editor shuuM bevith
ottt it. * AtpTawii&ly Artadged'in encyclopedia style*
It is a book oMfot-tNifyesteat inference;lt* 4o&talns>
smongother'AlttgkjrtiwiCoastittiiron Articles of Con
federation, tWfarionfcFfcrty natfortna, the American
Bltnah the RfiopintoriSqtL'ihftDMd Seoit o*»e,a -'his-*
tory of tbe'vftfou t-arßS**'** hittorr ofthecongres
sional LegUfasGn' on tfca 4?ntt*d stales. Bank; *'a - eom
piste history,with aUfthe rotes BoctiooallfhUissifled*
on tho-MissoiH-pqßipranisq, a history of tbe-admJssioQ
of Ihe’severiElates, a detailed record of the Iqgfsla*
tion of Coqgm relative td Kansan 'and’Net>rasiea,'th&
Kansas -Shanon. and Walk
er’s Inangtuji rin faa£)> everything appert
talnlng to <tMpieß«*«3faitetneniiD Kansas, including
the Bepert* ffenatoadtoaglafls on Kan
sas affairJ d*ngJthe. last'Coqgress, and the r Special
Message of7TOa6fcf>tt^ta-fhai&ns , sfcl>tect; v his-'
tory'dWnßed!State«s -a his
tory of AliengoTragej the lettesa,signed, .by Madison
in defence offt' American {tarty, knd that of Governor
Wise againsr the Aliqn and, Sedition &£v&. and their
history j th' *lB6O, Srith tne- several
voteajth? the ««mw*ation\Lais;„ Estrada
from Sft noted; Abdlitlqnißta Wd y £epublic&ns, -
iUustrti le prtiflßitef of their “Parties, ns t also
from ate jb of wStiiGßnfc men, IndlcitiDg South*
era sefrtl a bUttfryTof-the suDjttt Of the DlstrU-
ibUc;£Mhii/ --with ■ report
thereof; * Of;##:' GraadytayWport and-Mr.-
Eaulkßei "ysatae subject f'ta'Jhprtary of-the
tlo&s of
Hr. Oftl
*it«, JP'
with the -
Into it that
XXfc!BSMJHNlS&B*feXtf£ <
* ' .“iW -tv. .
'<BJtWf,lite’flefeb greatly
cfcuniiTVvThe Liter*** con- -
w«h*tli#sbestf Wt!tet» tf.fht
••" i»-l '-if <?»■'-* , -.
*i \.ta coi»i
V s 'For th© i
snta » holl
mgyltaw;** JJAffIBB’S ftff T
OttfcSTNOT Street, second door,
*pT'* A , r-^.C;,. j ffal4ir t
imb @I(»90, >
i nnHE C«B^|«S3f. M*D ««ST EXTEN
ment >fe.OM) 535) A.'. H AIL, '<
OHgfflffleKW'laMljrroMfflte ttM&k'SAri*
spect KimMilimjmiK-pt (lewnitedFjench CSlnt
flhßicaijzeaoria complete sits:
■j ateo, ill kuiM of nx9>Bi luwniri crone ry always Open
/ SJad Pfo»*;«JlWl^.,!i^W4jßirentp»tte m a and
f isrmfifasfe
ad>>£*%afJ* appliedat abort uotiee,
J! , fy soofcats r siim
lWW*l«' ' - 1
_ -||, ,QT I .11 ■,*!*■■**p»***•****!- *| 1 1 • '|-
1 The first numberof The Pksss will to-day
be -laid before the public* X need* scarcely*
explain the object and design* of this journal.
The tree must be known by, its fruits. : My
ambition is to make, a thorough,newspaper,
complete in all its departments,: to address
.myself to the reason and the patriotism of the
people: in,a word, to supply daily a cheap,
trust-worthy and intelligent medium of popu
lar information. ' To accomplish these results
will dethahd patient industry I ,'lafke expendi-,
tures of money, considerable experience; and
tlie employment of varied ab tittyt * Tho beliof
that a newspaper conducted upon this plan has
never yet foiled, determined me upon the pre
sent uhdertakiug. .The hope that .there wore
many, ycry many,* kind remembrances, per
sonal to myself, hero in Pennsylvania, and
elsewhere^'inspired me with additional confl
dehce'in'itS'ihc'cfeW.' The agreeable relations
I had sustained' to most of those engaged in
journalism,'during my long* connection with
,th4t profession, .reminded me that this, if not
always the most lucrative avocation, was, at
least to my own, mipcl, the most,acceptable,
.because it re-opened a field of independent
aetjon', and hard,”but edifying toil. ,An enter
prise founded ug6n such motives cannot foil to
prosper;' I havo invCsted in if aH that I hate
in the world, and every effort and energy of
which I am capable,'shall be enlisted to render
it deserving of approbation and support.'
Thb Peess* will speak for itself on all the
great questions Of, too day. I bavo already
announced (what, indeed, was .universally and
justly anticipated,), that tbe politipal depart
ment of my paper should" b'e conducted upon
Democratic' principles. "!! is boually' well-'
kndwri that the measures and tho 'men of the
present Administration at Washington, have
fo)r, heartiest approbation. I'have known the'
great statesman now at the - bead of the Govern
ment, Und acted* in' concert-and confidence*
with'him,-.ever..since my first youthful as
sociation ip poiitics.and. editorial life., Tho
most agreeable services which it has fallen to
to my lot to were those given to his
cause. My attachment to him grew not moro
from admiration 1 of Pis pure and upright
character than from a profound regard for his I
intellect, experience and patriotism. It was I
my good fortune, with many: good men, to
assist, not obscurely nor inefficiently, in crown
ing a life, of useihlnoss and distinction to his
country and himself with tho highest horiors In
the world. The fruite of that rosnltare already
ripening for.the future. Tho wisdomof the
popular, choice is being daily vindicated,by, tho
.quiet and, conteut which have followed the
stormy scenes, of, last year, as the sweet sun
shine follows the destructive teinpeßt. Sad
Mr. IlucirANA.v ilvt been, as ho was, my first
choice for President, and yet approved himself
worthy Of the high'trait confided to his hands,'
by regarding, respecting, and protecting the
rights of the citizonimd therights oftho States,
I should have done every thing that' one man
could do to upholdandto strengthen him, and to
gather aronnd him a united public opinion.*
The performance of that duty becomes a prond
■satisfaction,'however, when the consistency,
dignity, and,ability ,of his administration, are
so many* ptoofo that he'well deserved the per
severing and. enthusiastic preference of those
gallant men who hive clung to his’fortunes
through go6d report and through evil report,
during so many long years. * *
■! am not-writihg as a partisan—X a m not
ambitious of printing a mere party paper; for,
while with firm folthnnd unfaltering footsteps
I will follow constitutional, principles to their
logical and, legitimate .conclusions, I shall ,at
the same time seek to convince those who may
differ from me, by.reaspn, not .by; recrimina
tion—-by argument rather than by declamation.
And I ani confident that no .man, looking at
Mr. BocHAUAir’s administration, up to this
moment, withdisinterested and elevated mo
tives/ will deny 1 that 'that statesman has
achieved the Presideticy at:ari auspicious pe
riod Ifor his'* own fame, '‘and "at a fortunate
moment for the Welfare of the Republic. -
JSo. W. Fonnsr.
$ |e jrcss.
'fl}“ | TORE.
. Tlinmost celebrated and worthiest statement
of .this self-evident truth, ; is in the words:
“ All men are created equal, and are endowed
by' their Creatori.with, .cprtpin-.inalienable
rights.” The) sdrrtifnent of this oracle, 'molli
fied bnly in form to the exigency of t the occa
sion] has-been thfe hattle-cty of every insurrec
tion, revolution, and .reformation, in Church
and State, in all the recorded history of human
endeavor for the redemption of mankind from
bondage; and many a time and oil the Baby-
Ions; and vßastiles. of. oppression have gone
doivn before it like: the avails of Jericho at the
sound of therams-hohi of the host of Israel.
But jthese rights are not only to be asserted'
and .vindicated against tyranny andaggressiorij
they are to be secured and maintained for
the ftses to which they are essential in the life,
of. the individual, and of communities.' To'
tjhis;end, as ( it is,,written, “Governments,are
instituted among men, deriving their just pow
ers from the consent of the governed.”, ,A
pure Democracy is a government of (he people
by’tjiem selves, or by the directeat agencies,
subject to all the' incapacity
,apdiinattention, 'which necessarily belong to
the jurtlon of unorganized masses of men. A
methodical order of administration is a first
' necessity to thcpccarity aiid enjoyment of all
the rights of social and political life. Repre
sentatiye’Republicanismsupplies the order and
agencies,required. It obviates the inconveni
etffce,' remedies the inattention,' and provides
tef the Incapacity, of personal administration
h}i pm populace. It concerts the people into
a Constituency, arid gives them an agency as
•wall qualified and faithful tp'the trust as they
the ability to jss/ect, ~: , ‘ i
Democracy is the (special guardian of Lib-
Republicanism is the apparatus of Or
■der.; /.The one is the life, the other the law, of
popular governmCnts-i-the one is the informing
spirit,’the other the Working'organism of the
.body-politic. The representative functiona
ries'are not the sovereignty—they are but de
puties. They arc not supi-eme, for their pow
,ers,; even ,aS ddpntfes, ' are definitely limited.
The Constitution, which gives them nil their
authority, reservea qU that belongs to the indi
'.viihial in the constituency, and submits only
‘thoje interests. to .'their action which are in
then nature conventional iuid relative. IPei
ther the legislature, thejudiciary, nor the Ex
ecutive may invade the province of'individual
'lUjwtyJisd responsibility j 1 and, under the ad
mirable syiiein' of the ijnlted States,’the fiuni-,
il'i Übo- ?clipol district, ttie ,township,, the
county, and the State, hold bade and exercise
for themselves respectively, all the rights and
povprszwhlcbido HotUecessarily interlock with
other jurisdictions. ;Here we have a system, a
self-working' 'system, symmetrical, scientific,
complete, covering all the objects and answer
ihgjall tho ends of good government, by com
bining and harmonizing liberty and order.
7 democratic republicanism does not in
-every instance ; secure,, what Bsacsstohe
claims, for monarchy and aristocracy,! the
greatest efficiency, and tho greatest wisdom of
the .Commotwe&lth, : for its service; It nevei’-'
theies’s does; aqd .mrist httvc a very fair and
faithful’ representation of the efficiency and
iwfsdom of the ; cqnstljuency , which'freely ap
points it- , jn.other words, it is governed just
.as. well, which is in the long run
better,for it than"/any better management by
masters, who take away tho people’s liberties
,tp insure the prosperity of tho State.
■ id'<|i}rdedtoci l aby l , is not disorder id any of its
fbppg.'pjf .manitestatibri.. Our free churches,
our volunteer armies, and our accidental poli
ticians, of a,thousand creeds, uniforms, and
polices, /ire quite as systematicand as efficient
as dcspotlsmitseir could secure. Our edifice
’ VoOfed, braced arid lighted
Is warmed and ventildted
mderstarid concessions by
ie public, and make them
: refuse, to . .surrender. any
WWiavo digested, these
' eoß'rtitntioiial law, which
in, theory as they are practi
lrigift is' reason’s best effort'
their operation, its
Owsj’stemhaa in it'a apecu
h stands ready, to incorporate
itaricqdpolic.y'of progress'—
'Rrmgt'.of. iipprovepment,
/■(the steadiest Conservatism
"cteimsi n^ottasotiridetpe-
Congfesir j* fir,; Toomb8 ;
x and' Kentucky re sola
jaw.olll7o4-w&’B7 j.
many other .thww too
fe 'ft* Biggie 1 volYto*
. iubJwst' comurMsed
v di*cps«<ofl, o,r lum!/ to
rl. ■ -
Washington, p.CV, or
iSjSKWtt * OO!.
. b>of
Mt and *fb>Utjr of it# cod-'
fafdfr'oai/.rv\' aul2t#
;’6'treel,, N..B<—No conneo
fathe CHy, ~. wiVSm \
> -4
VOL. I—NO. 2.
MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1857. '
rjence. It has proved just as good at organi
zation as in revolution. It lias followed pre
cedent as well as it’has accompanied progress.
The wonder-wotking Instrumentalities of the
present century which have changed the me-'
thods of productive, Industry, and altered the
drift of national activity, a dozen of times, havo
never found us unready for the changes; the
addition of half the continent to oar dominons;
the influx of all ■ the civilized world to our
'shores'; the discovery of gold mines rich
enough to pay the market price of all Europe;
the conflicts of thirty odd parliaments; the
election of a dozen federal administrations;
one maratime war with the greatest power npon
the ocean, another wjth the strongest on our
own continent, and half a score of respectable
rumors of war with respectable nations, and
twice as many severo skirmishes with our
hordering savages, have passed over us, or we
have got over them, just as happily as if they
had been specially calculated for our advantage,
.and, the luckiest things that could-have hap
pened to us.
We have been occasionally embarrassed for
the 'moment, with questions of such difficulty
ahd magnitude that no other people could have
settled them at all; but it has always appeared
in the end that our system had a perfection of
spirit behind its perfection of form, which
Shows that its provisions, being, exactly na
tural and right, are, liko the laws of' nature,
capable of covering every change which can
arise. See what we have’ dime in the matter
of acquiring and annexing foreign territories.
The old world lias not yet got beyond the idea
of provincial dependoncies-7-wo make Bister
States and fellow-sovereignties out of all our
acquired domains. With them, also, a man
must be born on the soil to'hold the rights of
a citizen—wo have boldly converted ohr for
eigners into sovereigns. ' They take care of
their religions—we make ours take care of
itself and of us. They keep their forms of go
vernment till they perish of old age and imbe
oility—we let our Constitutions run about as
long as the 'statute of limitations, shading them
off as fast as they ripen; never allowing any
thing that wo live by to rot on onr hands.
They hold themselves scarcely worthy of tho
inheritance of their fathers—wo fuel- ourselves
worthy of. the fathers themselves, end all the
moro capable of thinking for ourselves l that
they thought and acted so well for themselves
and foriis. They value their charters by the
age of the dust on them—we don’t wear 1 , tho
same limestone in our bones more than seven
years together. Yet with all this and
1 ‘.More of horrible And Awful
Which even to name had been unlawful}”
a hundred years ago, wo have helped ourselves
into the front rank of nationnl.well-bolhg, and
hurt nobody in the struggle. In a word, we
have demonstrated already all that the hopetbl
of the past ages "only dreamed, and translated
the generous prophecies of, philanthropy into
the actualities of fact.' Wo'have been rapid
but not rash. We have, rolled through all
this persistency of change and all these,
changes of persistency, in the steadiest con
formity to the laws of our destiny. TVe have
some troubles still in our hands; for it is but
eighty years since we had all tho original sin
and actual transgression of all the ages before
us, to dispose of. The very worst of'those
mischiefs wo strangled while yet in our cradle;
some , others have been growing with our
growth, but they have not out-grown us.
There are, for instance, such problems as
these, which are yet to be solved: The old
time vigilance of law for the security of pro
perty; How -much further than exemption of
tho homestead; non-imprisonment for debt;
and equal 'distribution of Intestate estates, may
■we go in the way of relaxation ?
1 " More difficult still—what shall we do further
about our judges? Wo hive gone so far as to
elect them, like our other public servant!), for
short terms, holding them responsible to the
extent of their interest in re-election for their
judicial conduct. This method of appoint
ment snd limitation of tlie term of service, is
in tljeory a grand advance upon the iife-lease
of the office, and absolute- irresponsibility .to
the people, which was the rule befor£ our
time. The independence of the Bench that
anomaly of American republicanism has re
ceived a shock by being sirbinitted to the tri
bunal of the ballot-box, wlricli will yet grow
into some efficient check upon its prerogative.
So' soon as we got a judge criminally puniSlied
for criminal conduct in his office, we will have
the servant well undor the control of the sove
reign; We have very successfully surmounted
as, great difficulties in other matters, as the due
responsibility of .the judiciary for malversa
tions In office presents to ua.
Still another range 1 of experience, covered
with clouds and. darkness, is before us—Legis
lation'in restraint of private immorality. If
w 6 could but haves the holp of England in
making the experiments whioh are pushed
upon us by our forward position, we might be
relieved and helped a little in our first dashes
at them; but she never does do anything of
the sort; and France is so capricious and
French, that we would not know whether her
example would warrant our adoption or not.
Then again. Banks of circulation, corpora
tions, and international commerce—who un
derstands these things, and the legitimate pow
ers of tho government respecting them ?
Women’s rights that arc rights and interests
both, and women’s wrongs which are bolh
wrongs and injuries. Are there any remedies,
legal, social and industrial, within ouv pow
ers and duties? Democracy ought to have
something to say on this topic, for Democracy
is not fool enough to be a tyrant, and is natu
rally so just that it need not bo generous.—
What will it do for justice in this behalf?
And, last of all, our slavery-system! What
is to be done about that 1
• ■ Give, us time; we are so healthy in all our
powers, and safe in our conditions, that we
can get along well while we are studying and
experimenting upon all this mass of moment
ous issues j and we are not afraid of them
Haven’t we severed the Church and State with
safety, and advantage to both? Haven’t we un
dertaken the education of the children by the
State, without impairing the parental rights
and duties? Haven’t we made marriage a civil
contract in tho eye of the law, without affect
ing its sanctity ? Haven’t wo laid restrictions
upon foreign commerce, and fostered domes
tic industry by federal legislation ? Is there
any interest, prejudice or passion, of capital
or creed, that wo have not dealt with boldly
and safely ? Is there a despotism in all his
tory which l)as gone as far into tho inmost life
of,its subjects? Is there aDemocracy on record
which lias so carefully respected all that is
essential to personal liberty? What is there
in the duties and necessities of such a people
under such a political system which they can
not perform wisely and happily in the fitting
time? |
Tho unsolved and unsettled questions of
policy, which have boon the standing reproach
of pollti sal skill in all past time are, every one
of them, undergoing the process of solution
in our hands. The things that are not yet
done, arc,nevertheless,being done-, the pro
mise of accomplishment is clear in the progress
already made. We need only to walk by the
same rule, arid mind the same thing whereby
wo have already attained, to reach the mark
for.the prize of our high calling.
What wo have here said goes to the point
of our system’s intrinsic efficiency, for its
proper action and permanence. A good law
is one that secured its own fulffiriients, in vir.
tun of its harmony with the constitution of its
subjects. Tho adjustment amt fitness of our
political systerii, result as a necessity of things
from the fact that its provisions are the exact
reflex of the popular will, making sovereign
and subject convertible terms-r-tlio governors
and the governed tho same party.
iAt another time we will consider the rules
of opinion 1 ' and- conduct of the people under
our system. ’
It is notified by.the Board of Trade that tho
Portuguese government has declared tbe port of
Moesamedesopon.tothe trade of foreign nations,
upon the sanlo term < as the porta of Losndo ahd
respeet-t the duties on imported goods
Various reasons have been assigned—all
but the true ones—why Hindostan should have
broken into insurrection; why Iho beaten
slaves should, at last, have turned pn their op
pressors. There are over 100,000,000 people
in India subject to British sway. They have
been kept in order by an army of 282,000
men—of whom only one-seventh are Euro
peans. Tile remaining 240,000 soldiers are na
tives, largely but not wholly officered by Eu
ropeans. , These native troops, again, ape sec
tionally divided by castes :—thoy consist of
Rajpoots, Brahmins, inferior castes of Hin
doos, Mohammedans, and a, few Christian
converts. The native troops are bravo in
battlo and faithful at all times, provided tlieir
offleers are Europeans, who can keep up their
discipline. One casto of Sepoy? dislike, dis
trust, and. will endeavor to disobey native offi
cers of another caste. Of late, nativo offleers
have greatly preponderated in the native regi
ments. The remedy would be to have none
but Europeans in that position.
It hak been alleged that tho Sepoys revolted
because of the Inaction caused by the Anglo-
Indian Government having no wars or pro
jects of annexation on hand, —becauso thoy saw
the British" troops in India so greatly reduced
by drafts for tho wars with China ahd Persia,
because their religious prejudices were outraged
—because attempts at Christian prosolytism
were encouraged by tho leading authority in
India, —because tho idea arose, from this, that
after having robbed them ofproperty and free
dom, Great Britain also intended to take away
tin-ir religion—and because emissaries from
Russia, Persia, Cabul, and Burraali had conti
nuously inculcated the idea that if they made an
effort to throw off the yoke, they would have
speedy and efficient assistance from «out
Tlie English journals, to do them justice,
d) not conceal their apprehensions. Tiiey
suggest various modes of quelling the insur.
ruction: —railways, to cover tho country, and
fucilitato tho conveyance of troops; entirely
officering tho native troops with Europeans;
greatly augmenting the number of British
troops in Hindostan; and, above all, (wo
quote tlie exact Words,) “by quencldng
the revolt in the blood of the mutineers
making such an example as would strike ter
ror into tho minds of tho native population,
and keep it there for a century—guarding by
tiie stoord what was procured by the sword,”
and so on. - - 1 •
No journalist has yet declared that to re
dress! the numerous wrongs which England
has inflicted upon India, to give the Hindoos
something like justice, would do more to per
petuate British rule in Asia than a million of
such death-winged messengers of wrath and
vengeance as artillery and Mltiie rifles.
Tho whole system of British Government
in India is absurd and cruel." For.oyer one
hundred years, John Bull has boon a whole
sale filibuster, and nothing but a filllbuster, in
Eastlndia. From the time of capablo Cuv E
to incapable Canning,■ tho prlnCiple.of -ag
gression has prevailed. Tho roguo of a
father who sent .his sOn out upon the world
with tho advice “ Get money—honestly, if
you tan; but get money,” would seem to havo
Influenced England as regards India ;—« Get
territory—no matter how.” And so, annexa-
tion, by conquest or by trickery,.has placed
the greater part of Hindostan under the sway
of England.
Of England? Not exactly. Rather under
the Way oi a mercantile association, char
tered over two hundred and fifty years ago, as
thc t !East'lndia' Company, exclusively for
trade. By degrees, this Company got a foot
ing In India, as land-owners—then 1 followed
conquest, Tho traders gradually became
rulers, making money by possession of ox
elusive rights as merchants, -and making
power as governors of tho country. The
process of absorption raised up a mighty cm- 1
piro : for England in tlie East. In 1884, on
the renewal of the charter, tlie Company’s
rights as traders ceased; but its political
powpr was continued, checked by tho British
Government, (operating by means of tho
Board of Control,) and in sqcli an anomolous
manner that, though the Company cannot
appoint a Governor-General of India without
the consent of the Crown, it can recal, of its
own absolute power, tho Viceroy so ap
pointed, and actually did so recal Lord Ellen
berough, a few years ago. One obvious im
provement, if England is to retain India,
would bo to buy out tlie Company, and exer
cise undivided authority over that vast terri
Much depends on tho if. England’s con
tinuance of power in India may already be
declining. Tho present revolt may bo put
down, by fire arid sword, but the causes of
antipathy, and vengeance nro too deeply
rooted to be crushed into lifelessness by forco.
Englishmen fcavo been tho plunderers of Hin
dostan. It was lately placed, by evidence, be
fore Parliament, that torture, in its most,
cruel shapes, had been and still is constantly
used in India, to compel tho miserable Hin
doo! to give up the few rupees ho might hnvo
saved by hardest labor and privation. What
rhall be said of rulers who, having so heavily
taxed salt, that enough of that condiment for
a Hindoo’s daily use costs one-fifth of his
whole income, punished, with imprisonment
and fine, any native found guilty of scraping
from his wooden door-posts the slight saline
incrustation left upon them, by their being
casually wetted with sea-water ?
Should England lose her Indian Empire,
whore the prestige of licr once mighty name
lias already become a thing rattier of memory
than existence, what Power, among tlie great
ones of tho world, will lament this commence
ment of her downfall ? Not one. Sho was
imperious, insulting, exacting, overbearing in
her days of pride, and her decay will excite
no sorrow. The earth, which was once filled
with her name, will not mourn when its bright
ness is dimmed, dulled, extinguished. Tiny
exiles whom her harsh laws drove in millions
to these western shores, will exult over her
humiliation. Here, where her tyranny drove
us into independence and nationality, a now
Empire is being rapidly constructed, for, as
Byron suid, “the New World is tho successor
and heir of the Old.’’
Much interest is felt in tho approaching elec
tion in Missouri. It seems tliatthe questlonof
emancipation hasbeen formally introduced into
tho canvass. Tho Now Fork Tribune says:—
“But whether Hollins, (tliq Emancipationist)
be elected or not, tlio policy of purging Mis
souri of slavery has been opened to discussion,”
to which the Detroit Free Press replies:
Tho policy of purging Missouri of slavery” had
“ boon opened to tho public scrutiny” more than
thirty years ago, and had remained opon but for
tlie rise and progress of northern abolitionists. And
tho poifey of purging Virginia 1 , If ontuoky, Tennes
see, Delaware and Maryland of slavery had been
opened more than thirty yoars ago, and bad remain
ed open but for tho rise and prrigress of northern
abolitionism. And we apprehend that it is not
doubtful that but for abolitionism all these States
would have years sinco adopted systems of gradual
manumission. Tho Legislature of yiiginia dis
cussed tbe subject of gradual manumission prior to
1830, and about that flmo one house of the Legisla
ture of Kentucky actually passed a bill providing
for gradual manumission, which, had it passed tho
other house and taken effeot, would have made
Kentucky praofieallyn free State by this time.
Delaware and Maryland have clung to slavery in
defensive warfare against abolitionism; and so has
It is tho Boil and climate of Missouri, adapting
her to froe labor rather than slave labor, which
have opened to public scrutiny the subject of eman
cipation,and notahythirig conneotodwith tho pond
ing election or past elections- Thera is no abolition
party, outside of the city of St. Louis, whioh sym
pathises in the slightest degree with the blaek re
publican parly. Missouri Si thinking of emancipa
tion not as a political but as an industrial move
ment, and this notwithstanding .tho adverse in
fluences of political abolitionism.
Hznev Olat's Last Vote.—The Lexington
Statesman sayi"ln view of tho attempted nso
of Mr. Clay,B name to arouse the long-buried ani
mosities between Whigs and Democrats, the States
man deems It not Inappropriate to mention the last
vote ever recorded by the old statesman. In the
first State election under tho new Constitution,
sixteen officers wore to beehoson. Twelve of those
candidates had Deniocratio opposition, and . be
tween these twelve Mr. Clay,s name stands re
corded op the pelt books as follows For Demo
crat*, 7; Whigs, 5,”
The Empress Eugenie' has a great deal to
answer for. - She lias revived tiie fashion of
wearing hoops, first invented by an English
Princess. This practice of treating woman liko
a beer barrel, by hooping her, fell into disuse
among our grandmothers, though it lingered, as
a part of full British costume, until the early
part of tlie present century. Pifteon or twenty
years ago, a Parisian modiste, one Madame
Crinoline, ro-introdneed it, and tho garment
which expansively swelled out tho skirts of
fashionable ladies—something between a bal
loon and a churn—took its appellation front
her. At first, a certain degree of moderation
was used by the wearets, but the dresses gradu
ally extended. Still, they had the merit of
being flexible. At last, tho fair Euoenie
brought back the hoops! All the (female)
world took to imitating her, and husbands and
lovers saw, with more surprise than admira
tioh, tho fair sex floating along tlie streets—lor
it scarcoly looked liko walking—occupying
double space in rail-cars ami omnibuses, and
literally putting gentlemen at a distance, if
being utterly out of the question that, as in
thq olden time, there could he that linking of
arms'Which used to be so agri cable—if tho
lady were agreeable also.
The approach to tho present expansive and
unyielding stale of affairs was gradual, like the
scientific advances of a good general. First,
the orinoline,. (a curiously woven iiorse-hair
tissue', which bore any degree of crushing,)
went ,by the hoard. Then, the inferior and
innrv garment—wo frankly name it, at onco, as
tin 'dtldoat, —was stretched out widely at the
b' VAtjenuatlug by intervals, by cotton
ri until tho dress literally became
■ .trend at tho baso, and beautifully loss,”
This lining somewhat lighter in weight, was an
improvement on the crinoline. But it did not
rest tjiusbrass, whalebone, and even cane
stretchers ca wo into use, and in use thoy con
tinue; Tho difliculty is, that not being flexible,
they are awkward every where except enprome
nade and within doors. They have been vehe
mently ridiculed, greatly abused, and intermit
tingiy defended. “ Punch" lias had his fling
at them, of course. All who travel by land
and by water, join in tlie condemnation, for
when two hooped ladies occupy tlie spaco of
flvo ordinary mortals, what can a man do, but
stand up, no matter how tired lie may be, and,
to use ajkmfiiar phrase, “grin and bear il.” It
has been proposed to charge double fare, hut
gallantry' forbids. “ Patience and shuffle tlie
cards)” was the philosophic remark of Sanciio
PANZA, and it applies to hoops, as well as to
other trials and troubles of transitory life.
Boston Is an original place. A calm atmos
phere of self-satisfaction pervades it—and no
doubt, operates in producing that agreeable
good opinion of himself, as an individual, and
of hi? feliow-citizons as a cluss, which is tho
peculiar characteristic of evory Bostonian.
TbatiCity. of Notionsclaims vast .intellectual,
supremacy, and whother in literature, criti
cism, art, morals, or religion, a Bostonian sets
up for infallibility and superiority. Wo arc
sceptical, a little,—but cheerfully admit that
Boston justice is original, peculiar, and start
A young demoiselle, one of tho remarkable
family of Smith, was lately brought before a
Boston justice, charged with wearing hoops of
such remarkable exuberance, that a male coin
plajjiant, when she walked on the side-walk,
was wholly unablo to pass lier, and after re
peated efforts, was compelled to step into tho
dirty carriage-way, whereby ills gaiters were
slightly soiled.' He had tho fair and fasliiona
blo.' Miss Smith summoned before a Boston
justice, rangallantly declaring that tho ampli
tude ,of her hooped skirt was a street obstruc
tion, and her, wearing it, on a narrow side
walk, o nnisarifce. Tho fair defendant appeared
kwna, outride tho Court. The ordinary door
.way was too narrow to admit her. They had
ito open the folding doors, and then slio glided
in, hooped, handsome, and indignant. Tlie
comuliilnt was heard, and the ungallant justico
•flftba Miss Smith five dollars. She threw tlie
money down, flounced out of the Court, and,
no doubt, wished herself in some bright little
island of the. blest, where the side-walks are
widq enough for ladies to promenado upon—
whicl) they are not in Boston.
If hoops continue, there will be nothing for
it but to build nil new cities with forty feet
wide side-walks. In those cities already exist
ing, the only available way is to cover all tbe
fashionable streets with flat roofs, on which
the ladies may promenade to their hearts* con
tent. The question—how are they to do their
shopping ? comes in hero, but as that does not
concern ua, we shall not now consider it. Wo
uoticothat tho Bostonians have just voted half
a million dollars to widen their streets. No
doubt, tho hoops have done it.
Another question—Are hoops healthy?—we
havo determined to postpone answering until
another time. In all probability, we shall
have to return to this great domestic sub
ject. Au revoir.
Governor wise and the Germans.
In a late address of Hon. Heney A. Wise,
before the Mcdianics* Institute of Great Bri
tain, he mado the following allusion to the
“Horse is a tnochuuic, Fulton was a mechanic,
Franklin was a mechanic, Sir Christopher Wren
was a mcohunio, Newton was a mechanic—God is
a mechanic. Tho triumphs of meohumes aro the
triumphs of mankind. [Cheers.] A German no
bleman once on a visit to Italy, being a man of the
world and pleasure, spent most of his timo at the
theatres, whore he was much annoyod at tho deri
sion constantly oast upon his oountry for her Bceo
tlaq temperament In turn he proposed au enter
tainment for tbo Italians. JIo proonred a largo
dilapidated house, and tho whole scene presented
was one of tho streets of Romo. Tho time was
night/ Just before tho dawn of day, a weary tra
veller Was mado to appoar in tho desoluto streets,
sooking whore ho might And shelter and accommo
dation. lie could And no inhabitants awake, 110
throw himself down upon a pinna and waited for
light and the inhabitants to rise. Whilst he was
{‘''"ping, tho ghost of Cicero was made to appoar
• ipproaoh the stranger, who awoke, rose, took
’Myitck, the horometor of that day, to seo tho
\ 'era night. Tho ghost was surprised, and o?kcd
VAt It was. Tho stranger explained it was a
mechanical instrument to measure time. ‘Won
derful/ said tho ghost. Who invented that? ‘The
Germans/ said tho stranger. Next he took out an
ulmanae to seo when day would break and tho sun
rise. ‘What is that!’ said tho ghost. Tho strun
gor t.*plained the art of printing and tho astrono
mical calculations of tho calendar. ‘Wonderful,
most wonderful/ said the ghost; and who invented
that? ‘The Gormans/ suiu the stranger. By this
timo the day bogan to peep, and tho stranger being
juiputjent to bo taken in from the street, he beat tho
doors in vain, and at lust drow a pistol and fired it
off, to arouse the sluggish sleepers Tho ghost
started affrighted, and asked, ‘What is that?’ A
vjJstot and, gunpowder wero explained. ‘Moro
wondorfql still/ said tho ghost. ‘And who invent
ed that?' ‘The Gormans/ said tho straugor.
‘Groat and wonderful people! And whilst thoy
have been progressingin all theso arts, what have
my people neon doing in the centuries sinco I was
upon earth?’ Just then ono of tho lazznroni of
x |lome appeared, and tho stranger said, ‘There is
a specimen of thy countrymen. Buy broke, and
tho ghost vanished. Germany had invented print
ing, the horometor, and gunpowder. Rome had
been sleeping to dooay and death, in her dreamy
drowsiness over past greatness, and the condition
of her lazzaronl frightened away tho ghost of
Cicero.’* J 6
Should a submission be refused, or should fraud bo
practiced at the election, they will appeal to CoiigreM
to refuse admission to the new State until it comes with
a Constitution clearly emanating from the popular will.
—Albany Atlas f Argus.
Thi* 1* attractive and fair, but is there no Cat under
the Meal ?
Will the Adas answer a direct question 7 Should a
Constitution be adopted which neither authorizes nor
prohibits slavery, would Kansas be a Free or a Slave
State.— Journal.
To whioh the Atlas Argus replies: “We
answer that in such an event Kansas would be in
precisely the same condition of Now York. We
have a Constitution which 1 neither authorizes nor
prohibits Slavery.' Tho result of course is that
our Legislature cun authorize or prohibit slavery
in ite discretion. Tbe whole cubjeot is within the
control of the people through the legislative power.
We oertainly shall be content to see the people of
Kansas adopt a Constitution prohibiting Slavery,
if thoy think that is the best way. But we shall
also deeth a Constitution which is good enough for
Now York, good enough for Kansas. Certainly, if
tho Free Stfttd woe aro largely in the ascendancy
as to ,numbers,as we do not doubt they are, they
eannot complain of & Constitution whioh will give
tho popular will entire control of the Slavery
question'. ’ Does the Journal insist on making ft
Constitution for Kansas more stringent on the
Slavery question thop that of Its own State ?”
On the occasion of the birth of an heredi
tary prince, the Grand Duke of Baden has pub
lished an amnesty in favor of the individuals ac
cused 0?> or condemned for, poliUoftloffe&ces during
tlw event* efl&SßmU&ttf '
New York , Saturday, August 1.
If to-day is not “ big with the fato of Cwsar and
of Romo,’' it is well understood that it involves
important interests connected with the Polico
Management of thi9 city. Between the rising of
the sun and the going down of the samo, it has
been appointed that the vacancy in the Police
Coiniuir.'.'on shall ho filled; and in the completion
of the new incumbent will be found that of the
whole Board. Mayor Wood has managed well in
tho struggle between the city and the State—his
opponents have managed badly; and if there is
any prestige of suocesa in deserving, he will suc
ceed in his intention once more to get the manage
ment of tho Police Department of New York into
his own hands. A few weeks ago, there were those
who, charging him with ah the weaknesses and
rices of the whole Munioipal Government, would
h&ve been glad to see him unseated; but it Isquite
a question whether they have sot already become
satisfied with weakness and imbecility, and glad to
return to any management. which promises
strength —baokbone w wblch the new Board mani
festly 'hare not.
Never was a more silly move made than that of
Draper in resigning; and never has one been more
abjectly reponted of. As a climax to a quarrel
with General Nyo, and a general dissatisfution with
everything and everybody, Mr. Draper resigned,
with something of the same speed with which he
would have knocked down a choice lot of goods to a
prime customer in his auction room. An hour showed
his error—a day set all the Republicans crying at his
heels, and than three days established the fact
that he had nearly, if not quite, overthrown all
that his friewN had been laboring to do for months
before. It was rumored, last evening, that he
would bend bis stubborn back far enough to re
seat himself In the Board, it being held'that bis
resignation had not been final. This, of course, ho
will not do for shame sake; that he would be gladof
some excuse to do so with honor, thero cannot bo or
a doubt. Speculations are goncral and contradic
tory, this morning, and as the telegraph will settle i
tho question bofore this letter is in type, I wilL
not join in them.
Deputy Superintendant[Carpentor, (In answer to
tho charges against him before the Police Commis
sion, of having spoken disrespectfully of Mayor
Wood,) has plead, or rather demurred. His ground
that tho words, if spoken, wore spoken?of tho
Mayor as Mayor; that he not having, jjp to that
time, taken his seat as Commtsstoufy was not
really his superior; that to form a superior au
thority at all, the whole commission.,,iind not one
momber only, was necessary; and £Kat finally, if
ho was to be tried on the charge at all, he claimed
the privilege of justifying. On Tuesday next, the
case will be either tried or dismissed.
Considerable wonder has bean excited during tho
last few days by two marvel!qss stories published
by two leading papers—eachj having its own, and
not tho other. Of course the other, in each cose,
doubted the authenticity of the story it did not
publish. Tho Daily-Ttmes gave a story of a young
lady on Staten who shot a burglar when
attempting to/break into a store, the body being
found; the* next day in the Bay and the Coroner’s
Jury passing complimentary resolutions on the
young lady’s courage and fidelity. This the Herald
doubted, A day or two after, tho Retold followed
with a story from the same locality, in wbioh a lady
and her paramour wore surprised by hor husband,
an attempt made to shoot tho Lothario, and the
mouth of tho pistol finally turned with fatal effect
against the lady. Cries, entreaties, groans, death
and rcpeutonco '■* followed In duo order, and the
story was quite a pretty - . :*nce. This the Times
doubled. The discovery was tu;/' •ventually, that
neither story bad a particle of tiw. for a founda
tion ; but it has remained a complete mystery bow
they were set adoot. No clue bos been given, and
I will give one. All the leading dailies not only
employ their “ unrivalled corps” of reporters, but
buy whatover,they can find of sufficient interest
from “ outsiders.” A bright little scamp of some
sixteen years, who bad served his apprenticeship
with the Reverend Joe Scoville, ou tho State Re
gister, supplied both items, gottiug well paid for
thorn- as well os a dozen or two of others equally
false? but not of magnitude enough to make the same
umount of wonder. It is not yet discovered who
wrote them, but certainly they caiuo from an oldejr
head than ono of sixteen. For a week or two, it is
to bo presumed, tho “ lending dailies” will be a
little more cautious how they purchase from “ out
side reporters.”
MR. M’ELRATn’S farewell.
If mercantile and monied repotation la really
dear to men who have held them, as they are so
often pictured, then must Mr. Thomas McElrath,
of tho Tribune, do a mournful act to day in the re
signation of tho Presidency of tho Nassau Bank,
which ho did, uioro than uuy other man, to call into
existence. Coni fields have absorbed all that had
been won in fortunate speculations and newspaper
enterprise, and tho end is to he deplored. There
is not a shadow upon his name, however, and it is
understood that all liabilities, except those arising
out of his coal business will he promptly met. He
will rise again, no doubt.
Noblest of American stearaors, until fix* Adriatic
follows her—tho Vanderbilt sails to-day, Captain
Wilcox no longer in command, but Edward Hig
gins. late of the Hermann , in hU pluco. She has
a large representation of wealth and fashion, going
«Jo Europe ft' summer and autumn tours, not to
montion Jlon. Joseph A. Wright, Minister to
Prussia, who goes to his destination; Commis
sioner Preston, of Virginia, who goes on a com
mercial errand, and a pair of horses bought in
Vermont for Louis Napoleon, and now on tlieir
way to the imperial stables. John Walter.
(Correspondence of The Press.]
Newport, July 30, 1857.
Cun you spare me a corner in your virgin sheet
for a voluntary scrap from this most delicious of
all rosorta—where men and women are wont to
summer togothor—to seek rocreution, amusement,
and health—to osoape from tho vertical suns of
July and August? It is useless to discuss it—go
where we will, there is but one place in the length
and bieadth of our land, where the great deside
ratum is obtained throughout tho hot season—
a mean tomporature of about 70 deg. Whilst,
from general rumor, at Saratoga and Capo May
thcorowd of visitors is simmoring, seething, roast
ing, boiling, frying, or freezing, wo arc here
bathing (not in surf, unless wo please) in tho most
dolieious atmosphere of Gulf stream exhalations,
thrown up from tho coast, and condensed, in this
cooler region, into a soft, refreshing vapor, whioh
disappears with the noon-day sun, and leaves be
hind an invigorating, bracing air, that, set in mo
tion by the seabroeso, imparts almost tbe effects
.of a galvanic battery, and makes ono bowl along
with all the elasticity of an October day.
Nowport, like a Phoenix, is rising from its
desolation. • Crowds are pouring in from every
quartor, by evory boat. The natives ore recover
ing from, their panic, occasioned by the gloomy
predictions of certain prints, that this season, from
certain causes, it would bo deserted. Two months
ago there was nothing but cottage-life—the hotels
were empty; now our midnight slumbers aro regu
larly disturbed by arrivals in the dead hour of
tho night, whon the boats land their pnssengers.
The rumbling of wheels and olattering of hoofs
over tho pavements, at that still hour, startle you
from your deopreposo like thodotouation of a park
of artillery. In a brief moment they have passed
the paved streets of tho old town, and go whizzing
along tho fine Macodamizod roads with which the
hotel and cottage grounds are surrounded and ap
proached. In another moment you are fast asleep
in a dolieious temperature. No ono flees this cli
mate but tho poor rheumatic, and even he, when
he comes at tho end of the season to foot up the
bill of pros and cons, is compelled to admit that,
after all, his gouty limbs, taking everything into
consideration, are better off hero, in the long run,
than they would be, subjected to tho annoyances
of places less gonial to his ailing. Newport has
tho rare advantage of combining the supply of
every want, with the addition of a climate not to
be found clsewhore in this country. Tbe hotels
tcoux with their motley, mixed groups, and aro
nut t/w great attraction it is in the lordly man
sion of the rich cottager, sheltered by the profuse
shrubbery of his ornate grounds, that ono meets
tho crcaiu of Newport life—and it is thisman, and
these people, who make it their home for five
months in tho year, with whom is to be found
the great charm of a sojourn at Newport.
Dinners rechn ches—matinees musieales— tableaux
—.soirees—fete ckampetres— diversify the enter
tainments of this exclusive set. There U
scarce a day that something of the sort -is
not on the tayis. Then comes the tug of waf;
how aro tho hotel canaille to get a bidding ? It is
sometimes amusing to see the diplomatic tact
which is employed to obtain 'for iomo'falr
tame an invitation to display her bhftfmsinthese
select cirolos, fbr every one has not * chttige, and
it is tbe ordor of the day. to bt) called upon by,
and not first to call upon,,JJieWHldalgo oottAgers.
Every species of trick and intrigue is at work to
foist ambitious candidates into this fastidious
realm, and the man who had the geqerpl disposal
of suoh tickets for the season, might depart with
the means of one of these rich gentry himsslf, so
fierce is the contest to squeere in npon any terms
Into the& aristocratic drawing-rooms You can
not be said to have consummated a summer at
Newport,* unless you have had the entree of these
circles—that is if you are worshipping at the
shrine of fashion. , It matters net what your fame,
nor how extended for literature, the arts, elo
quence, learning, nor even how high born you may
have been; you will die of social atrophy, if, un
known wltbm this imperious orbit, you eke out
your summer existence at a hotel Well is it if
your spirit is not corroded with this mania for no
toriety; a;id many them are You may, if you
will, (and many do,) live as quietly here, and
as removed Sifom the public gaze, as in the forests
of West Pennsylvania, or in the glades of the Al
legheny. And thus it is you so often see families
in affliction,seqaester themselves for the season in
the shadeidf a Newport cottage, where they are
so completely shut off from the outer world by a
chappafal of shrubbery, that of a darkish night
you eph scarcely see your hand before you.
I am an idle speotator here, and by a fortunate
connexion, am lingering for pastime in one of
these strongholds of pleasure. Yesterday I saun
tered off, after a late breakfast, in se&reh of ad
venture, and at once (o a hotel, to observe men
and manners, where one finds every shade and
variety of character, national and persona], as
much so as though tin y had been furnished by the
other members of our solar system. Onco or twice
I have found inyself within hearing of a political
group, discussing tho times, and it has happened
that I have beard you, my dear “Press,” can
vassed. Aqueduct.
[Correspondence of The Preu.j
Pittsburgh, July 28th, 1857.
As there is probably no spot within the wide do
main of our good old Keystone, more worthy of occu
pying a column in the first number of The Press,
than this Iron Metropolis of Western Pennsylvania.
I shall endeavor to givo you a hurried sketch of my
first impressions of the location, oxtent, and appear
ance of Pittsburgh os a city, and. the enterprise,
wealth, and general character of its population.
Pittsburgh—tho site of old Fort Duquesne, to
gether with her environs, Allegheny City, Man
chester, and Birmingham, occupies within her
densely built portion alone, an area of over two
thousand acres, nud more than twice that extent
if wo include her less populous suberbs. Sur
rounded on all sides with exhaustless mountains of
minerals, and having within it the confluence of
two navigable rivers—tho Allegheny and Monon
gabela, which at this point unite in forming the
Ohio, thus placing the head of tho latter and the
mouths of tbo former in tho very heart of a wide
spread and populous city, numbering at present
one hundred and thirty-eight thousand inhabi
Within the memory of the oldest inhabitant—
(if that venerable individual is still living!) Pitts
burgh has been known and noted for its smoke.
Daily, monthly, and yearly that rarial pillar of
cloud is increasing, and many are the pilgrims
who, in days gone by, were by it guided hither
across the desert of advorsity, and who have since
become the architects of their own fortunes, to be
left to their posterity and to the world as monu
mentsof wisely directed industry. Pittsburgh itself
is, indeed, a vast monument of labor—an immense
laboratory, where the skill, energy and wisdom
of tho people, judiciously combine to make the
most of the natural resources which turround
It would be difficult to imagine a place more
strikingly distinguished from what might be
termed a “ flash” eity, than this. It is diametri
cally the opposite. It is not a fast oity in any one
particular. Slow and plodding as the movements
of the ox, has been its growth; and as a conse
quence of this peculiarity, she stands to-day the
acknowledged possessor of more substantial wealth
than perhaps any other city of her size. Instead
of building upon a hugo mountain of mortgages
aud undeveloped speculation, she has founded her
financial house upon a rock, which rock is simply
the industry, the frugality and the integrity of her
citizens. Not but that her resources of mineral
wealth are enormous, and have contributed largely
towards the making of Pittsburgh, which is un
doubtedly the fact; yet the industrious habits of
her people are too plainly manifest to escape obser
Ndwhore in Christendom Is loaferism and idle
ness so sadly at a dfeconnt as in the city of "Pitts
burgh. Every man you meet looks as if he had
something to do, and was just on his way to do it.
Competency, or at les?t frugal comfort, are al
most universal, and in no city that X hare ever
visited is the grim visage of pinching poverty so
generally cheated out of bis victim as in this.
Really, in this respect, Pittsburgh seems to hare
solved the great social problem. Of course all are
not wealthy; yet, to judge from appearances, It
would be difficult in many cases to distinguish the
Princo from tho apprentice. An admirable trait
in the character of Pittsburghers, is that they
seem to take no pains whatever to appear to be
anything else than they really are. “Enormous
hoop 3” and “ elegant moustaches,” and that kind
of imported nonsense generally, are objects of rare
discovery. I hare, in fact, met but one genuine
bipod 41 squirt ” since I have been here, and ho, I
afterwards learned, was but a temporary sojourner
in the place. But I must not Je too lavish with
my encomiums, for it is not my object to give the
impression that the people here aro all incarnate
angels, by any means; but lest X should inadver
tantly tread upon the corns of some of my most
respected friends here, 44 nativo and to tbe manor
born,” upon this tack, I will dismiss the tree, and
direct the remainder of my remarks more particu
larly to its visible fruits.
Ifweasoend Mount "Washington, on the South
side of tho Monongahola, the city of Pittsburgh, in
its sombre and unpretending hues, lies outstretched
before us. The heavy black smoke, rolling from a
thousand chimnies, of all sizes, thickens the air,
rendering tho sunbeam ruddy, and is gradually
settling like a pall upon tho lower part of the city.
But wo will ponctrate this veil, and realize the old
German adage, that “ where there’s smoke there’s
Wo aro among tho manufactories of Pittsburgh,
and as wo glanco o’er the endless catalogue of the
“ various articles manufactured in Pittsburgh,”
we aro ready to exclaim—what is there under the
aun that sho manufactures not!
To persons not familiar with the great mineral
resources of this place, a few general facts with re
gard to them may bo a matter of interest. Pitts
burgh is surroundod by a bituminous coal field,
embracing within tho limits of her own State an
area of about 15,000 square miles, or more than
8,000,000 of acres; of which coal tract, one single
part—that which is known as tho upper, or Pitts
burgh seam, has, by careful calculation, been corn
computed to contain the enormous quantity of
53,510,430,000, or fifty-three thousand five hundred
and sixteen millions four hundred and thirty thou
sand tons! tho value of which, at an average rate
of five cents per bushel, would be worth about
seventy-five thousand millions of dollars, or more
than tho gold production of California, nt its pre
sent rate of twenty-four millions of dollar* annu
ally, would amount to in three thousand years!
Interspersed with thi3 immense extent of coal,
are also found rich deposits of iron oro; yet from
tbe almost illimitable extend to which the various
manufactories of iron are curried on, she draws
hor neoossary supplies from sources extending to
tho Nbrth, East and West for several hundred
Her railroad and boating facilities, kowover,
render this importation of iron a matter of com
paratively small expense; which fact, combined
with the unparallolcd cheapness and excellenco of
her fuel, enables her to sell and deliver her manu
factured iron wares in almost every section of
our country, without competition
Notwithstanding, however, that in the products
of her iron works, may bo found everything from
the most riendcr number of wiro to tho largest
steam engines, yet, as already intimated, her
manufactures are as diversified in their produc
tions, as they are remarkable for their number
and capacity, and into which brass, glass, cotton,
and wood enter almost os extensively as iron
To simply name in catalogue the various classes
of articles here manufactured, and that daily find
their way from beneath the pillar of their native
smoko into all parte of our country, and evon be
yond it, would, in itself, protract this letter to an
undue length, to say nothing of the numerous in
dividual establishments devoted to these several
branches, much less to devote evon a passing no
tice to tho interesting minutia of even a single one
of them; although it is my present purpose in a
future article to enter into a more minute detail of
some few of the most extensive of their number
in these various manufacturing departments. I
propose doing this the rather, because several of
the most extensive operators in the city have
kindly consented to furnish me with all the neces
sary statistical information I may desire to make
my statements reliable.
Iron working establishments of various grades
may here be counted by hundreds, though the
thirty-four glass houses, in and Around Pittsburgh,
Would probably constitute , a more interesting fa»*
tore to readers in goneral. Occupying, as Pitts
burgh does, as it were, and as it has been appro
priately called, 14 tbe gateway to the West,” and
possessing natural advantages, as a manufacturing
city, superior to any other point in tho West, or
I>erhP]>s in tbe world; her distributing Interest*
Ereiy must be aesosopasied by
ssioe of the writer, la order to insure correctness is
the typosrtphy, bat me aide or a sheet should ho
written upon. ’ • *
\f e shall be greatly obliged to geutleares is Ptavyi*
rani* ind other States for cooto Stations giriag the c*r,
rent stirs of the dsy is their perticaJar localltiw, its
resource* of the surrounding eountry, the increase o (
population, and ssy information that will be intereetibg
to the general resder.
of course lie main]/ in that direction; thqugh a
considerable portion of her product* are shipped
East to Philadelphia, New York, and B&sen.
To a Philadelphian, the fact is anything but
pleasant, to realize that considerable portion*
of merchandise brought here "from the£ag are
purchased in New York; though I am inclined to
think' that this fact is quite a* much attributable
to a culpable business neglect, on the part of our
merchants, as it is to a misguided partiality for a
more distant market on the part of the merchant*
of Pittsburgh. What ire want is Pennsylvania,
throughout her East, North and We»t, is a closer
unity of feeling—a more sincere and uniters*!
jealousy for the interests or our State cts a tokolc.
Anything bordering on a spirit of sectional mj
within the borders of the same State, is not only
impolitic but absolutely suicidal in it* tendencies
1 Improved facilities for the cultivation of this mu
tual imity of feeling, or State pride, if you please,
are daily on the increase; and in the opition of
some,very sound men, there U still a very wide
field Of usefulness open to the press in this direc
tion. : Our merchants in Philadelphia would be
vastly the gainers by adopting the plan of their
Manhatten neighbors, of spreading advertisement*
of tb4ir business every where, through the medium
of their widely circulating journals.
But lam wandering from my theme. To speak
of Pittsburgh in the light of her business capaci
ties—the annual acquisitions to her wealth, arising
from her extensive manufactories—the immense
amount of capital thus invested—the manner in
which capital and labor here combine to improve
the condition of all classes—the many ri*
of employees whose lot is rendered honors bis am*
ploasbnt by the fruit* of well-requited toil; on
these/point*, severally apd collectively, I
love h> enlarge, but as both space and time unite
to dissuade me from doing so for the present, I
will close with a hearty greeting to both tha
reader and the publisher ofThe Psess.”
Tbit its shadow may sever grow lees; and that
it* Illuminating beam* may find an appreciates
destiny, where it may shine brighter and brighter,
oven junto the perfect day of newspaper usefulness,
is the cordial wish, and X may add the reasonable
hope of your friend G&aysxa&d.
Bucks County Correspondence,
Dotlbstows, July 30,1&57.
Con. J. W. Forxxt —Dear Sir: —The great
heart of oar gallant Democratic party thrills with
an olden joy, in cordially welcoming your return
to the chair; and the wishes and prayers of the
masses are with you in your new enterprise. Hay
your hew “Press” battle for the right, with six
your wonted energy, express your life-time senti
ment#; impress the popular mind with its useful
ness; and repress every factious spirit of disorga
Hay Moling has, for the past three weeks, en
grossed the time and attention of our agricultural
friends, both sexes, and old and young, turning
out in the field to lend a helping hand in gather
ing in what has been, by far, the heaviest yield of
grass'ever known in this county. As specimens of
bow tall we can raise grasses, let me mention of
those which fell under my observation—that
Charles Selser, of Warrington township, ha*
timothy, the longest stalks of which measure six
feet; and the shortest, five feet and six inches; and
this is the average of his entire crop. Samuel
Overholt, of Ploxostead, has raised timothy, the
stalkp of which measure six feet and one inob; rid
Mark Wiener, of Solebnry, has stalk* of timothy
measuring six feet and five inches! which take*
the premium over all.
Gram Harvest. —From every portion of (be
county there are the moat encouraging acoounts of
an abundant and bountiful harvest. Th 6 fine
weather which we have been favored with for tha
last two weeks, has been admirable adapted to the
cradling and gathering into barn and gamer of
the entire crop; and by the end of this week it
will all be safely stored away.
Oats is coming on finely; some of it is alrf&dy
cut 4<>wn, but the most of it will not be ripe for a
woclf. The yield will be a very heavy one, both
iu the straw as well as the grain. Col. Ifa. B.
Albilrger has raised oats on the Democratic soil of
Bensalem township, which he has named the
‘‘Packer oats,” and measures full five feet tod
ten inches in length; while Samuel Myers, of
Pluqistead, has what he calls the Strickland
oats!” measuring six feet in length.
“ racier ami Victory!” is the glorious watery,
whiih is now beginning to break o.ut from the
ranls3 of our marshalled thousands, whoi from tSe
Delaware to the Lehigh, are now ready to battle
oucq more for the Constitution and the Union.
The'youngman, just attaining his majority, and
the Veteran of three-score-and-ten, are eager for
the joining fray, and the one thousand majority
whijh we gave last November to Bud and Bred,
We ire satisfied will be increased in October.
Wiltnot is a dead cock in the pit, so far an the
yeomanry of Bucks county are concerned.
Bam Burned. —During the heavy storm whioh
passted over us a few days since, the Urge barn of
Nathan Beidler, in the township of New Britain,
and near the village of Lino Lexington, was
struck by lightning, and entirely consumed, to
gether with thirty-five tons of hay, about two
hundred dozen of wheat, sixty bushels of last
year’s grain, a now hay-wagon, threshing me-'
chino and horse-power. The barn was insured in
the White Hall Company for $750, but there vu
no insurance upon the contests of it, and the owner
will be a heavy loser by the fire.
Railroad Accident. —On Monday last, U th*
afternoon train of cars on the North Pennsylvania
Railroad} were about starting from the North
Wales station, a young man from this place, named
John H. Morris, was thrown off the platform, and
falling upon the stone alongside of the track, was
considerably bat not dangerously injured. He
has the best of medical care, and is recovering at
fast as could be expected.
Our 2Wh, which was made the county-seat of
Bucks in the year 1813, and which has been'**
long and so justly celebrated for its pure water,
pure air, and pretty maidens, is beginning to doff
its village garments, end to doe the apparel of a
miniature city. The completion of the branch of
the North Pennsylvania Railroad has already
given a new and marked impetus to business.
New streets are being opened, new buildings being
erected, and everything about us is being tinged
with an increased prosperity. By the way, your
city friends wilt do well to remember in their sum
mer trips, that Brower, the prince of good fel
lows, and the courteous host of our principal hotel,
has recently been refitting his establishment, and
is erer on hand to do the amiable to his guests in
his own pleasing way.
Yours most sincerely.
(Correspondence of Tbe Press.]
Mansion House Hotel, /
ReaDIXO, Pa., July 30, 1857. j
You have often, no doobt, been in this pleasant
inland city, and I need not describe it to yaa.
Here arc some 23,000 inhabitants, with fine,large
churches, excellent public schools, a daily paper,
recently commenced, three English and two Ger
man weekly papers. The manufacture Of iron i*
carried on to a largo extent by means of anthra
cite furnaces, rolling mills, tube mills, and
foundries. Tko principal shops of the Philadelphia
and Heading Railroad Company'are here, and
give employment to nearly a thousand hands.
Situated on the gentle slope of a range of hills,
the place is remarkably healthy, and the water
excellent. It is collected from the mountain
springs, and conveyed through alt parts of the
city by pipes, and is unusually pure.
As yet, I hear little said about parties. The
weather is too warm, and many of the leading
citizens have been off to the sea-ehore Some of
yoqr citizens seek the country, and certainly
would have to go far to find a more agreeable
place, or a more thoroughly elegant and comforta
ble hotel. Mr. Barton has recently enlarged and
re-furnished his house, and the place has only to
be known to be appreciated. It is, besides, within
a pleasant drive of the Ephrata Springs, whose
fame attracts many visitors.
The crop of wheat and rye through the country,
I hear, is very large, and it has been scoured in
excellent condition. Oats are also good, and the
corn is promising.
Old Berks, as her majorities show, is quite a
State in herself, and she has reason to be proud ot
her honest citizens and her beautiful capital- X
know of no more pleasant place to spend a few
weeks in the hot weather.
The first number of Thr Press is looked for
here with much interest. Such a paper as we sup
pose it will be, has long been wanted in Phila
delphia. ' Bum.
Tin Persian correspondent of the Bombay
Ttvuts makes a carious report to that paper. He
states that the Sh&w has made a requisition npoa
General Outram for a column of troops to enforce
the evacuation of Herat, which is held bv hie
nephew, who, disapproving the terms of peace, re
fuse to withdraw from the place. The Boesbojr
ISmesdoos not discredit the news, but Is unable t*
vouch for its accuracy.
By the last accounts received fVom Sehasta
pol, the rebuilding of that devoted city waa going
on with great activity, and it was gradually ruing
from fts ruins. The Governor of Sebaetancd,
Admiral Bartcnieff, is indefatigable in his eaueh
vers to restore everything to its formeritate; and
when the balance of the fleet is raised, or the har
bor cleared of such part of it as is not worth rais
ing, there will bo no traces of the haroe of war re
maining- bat the. rans of the l&agflnieent docks*
which it will require jtm of labor to nboilj