■ r ■ " S tiS Strict oE fJjt HtmteiD # fates Number ~BB.] FVENIKC, L JUm J w 1 6 J . '^ r """ ■'* - 1 —— ■ ■ 1 1* *• I <-i !ia K*r < nh^rrK^ro For Sale or- Charter, ■ THE SNOW £ %.W' & Bo r- To X, J^THE'S'about «*» Bbls. of flour—{he may be sent tofeaat a SiiU expence, her fit L..nd rigging being in very good order —apply r<\ _ Ifame' Campbell y or George Latimer. r-. April, ig. § . . i — ; i r~? foi bnow K ebk. in. r—V- FOR SALE, na V*- The Snow HEBE, &< «|(T Capt. Gay, fiith'ul Philadelphia built vessel, car- M ries 1,3000 bufheto of grain or 2600 barrels flour, is rea dy to take in a cargo. She is about four years old. ' Apply to PETER BLIGHT. _ Who has for sale, Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. Also, A Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE. June 6 For Cadiz, . ■Sgsr~ To fail 00 or about the 25th inft. from ■ AZEN ' f Excelleut accommodations for Passengers. For paiTage onlv rpply to Miller and Hoope, at New-York ; or to - Pointer h reof. [June 13. $3 W I for Sale at AuElion, ON Thursday, the 30th inft. at 7 o'clock, at ths Mer chants' Coftee-tßhTe, . • r — •' .• i: - The Schooner Polly & Sally, BURTHEN 77 tons, well found, and may. „ be seen at the wharf of Mcffrs. Jeffe & Robert Wain.— J The terms of payment will be one half fcf the purchaie- In money at 60 days', and the remainder at 90 days, in ap -1 . Iu proved notes, # J , Footman & Co. Auctioneers. £ June 2* L H " tor Sale, 3" Of 83 tons burthen, dad can be sent to sea at afmall expence. For terms apply JOHN WELSH, N° . 82 South Wharves, J WHO HAS FOR SALE, 3&,00s Pipe and barrel STAVES and heading St. Croix SUGAR MADEIRA and PORT WINES I.AMPBLACK, of Kuhn's "warranted m order to fltip, being put up in pound papers and flowed in good koglheads SPERMACETI CANDLES SOAP SWSET OIL CORDAGE „ , Bolton BEEF'and MACK.AREL, and knock down HIDES, BLUBBER OIL, MOROCCO SKINS. Jun«»2 E * r FOR SALE, THEOsrgoof thefhip Catharine, ]ohn FarraJay,mat ter, from Hifpaniola, at the wharf Of -Messrs. Jeffe & Ro bert Wain, Confifiing of 156 Hogfheadsof SUGAR •' 51 Hogfhcads") COE>fEE j 258 Bags j 44 Hh is. of Clarified MOLASSES g 71 Bales of Cotton '' ALSO FOR SALE, • l The SV BURTHEN about 14 or 2500 barrels— f.S-ii ; Strong, well found, and may be sent to «SsSft£~>fea at a finall expenft. Apply to John Craig. Tune 2t § ° tXNI fED STATES, ' fTr Penufylvania District, 5 jj Notice is hereby given, c 1 J % h at in pursuance of a Writ to me directed, from the X honorable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the t Difriil Court of the United States in and for tlie Penn fyiv .-I Difl riC),. will be cxpofed to Public Sale, at the ]V lant't' Coffee-Houfe, in the city of Philadelphia, oil Tu.fJay the sth day of July next, at 12 o'clock at noon, The Schooner or vessel called the ry" Wlm Delight, - With all and Angular her tackle, &c. The fame'havingbeen condemned within said court for the payment of Mariners' wages, &c. William. Nichols, Marjhal. Marshal's Office "> a»~s June 21, 1796. j 3T3vl For Hamburg, om THE AMERICAN SHIP HARRIET, Thomas W. Ncrm.a n. Commander, A lemarkable fine, Chip, with excellent accotD mod at ions for p<iflVngefs. \ confider2blepart # of her cargo is engaged arwl ready to go on board, and ia expected tcr fail in 10 days. For freight or paffagc, apply ,t<> captain on board, the lower fici* of Wulnuuilrcci wharf, or to Peter Kubn. June 2& § P tTWSZE, broker, informs his friends and the public that he has removed his clftae to his haule No. 1 47, Chefrnu Street, nixt door to his Inimer refxfence, where, every Business in the hue oi a Brokkk, are faithfully tran.- afbe d : Money procured to any amount at a vionent'> notice. ALSO, WILL be kept a numerical book of the drawings of all the Lotteries now extant —For tfk; purchase of Tickets, infor mation will be Ri»en as ul'.al. Canal Tickets in the fecood Class are now lor lale. From every information received, Walhington Lottery will abfoluiely commence in a dayt. |ut>e 24 d t f. ~ FOR SAL E. A FOUNT of BREVIER, half worn ; about four hun dred weight. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of <he Unr.-d States, No. 119 Chcfyut-flrcet. § laanding, AT the Subferihers* wharf, from on board the (hip Au rora, capt. Suter, 150 Hogsheads Prime Jamaica Sugars, Ap For sale by Willings and Francis 9 - May 17 ' i Take Notice, -fid! THAT the Subfcfiber intends to rnaae applied tat 3 /tion for the renewal of a Certificate, No. 1609, tha for 4000 dollars, dated the 14th December, 1795»kearing at t interest at 5 £ per cent, from ift January, * n name of David & Co. of L«eds, in wh shire, merchants. The fame isfuppofed to have been 101 l on its way to New York, uiKier cover to Bleecker & ati< March, of thatplacc, on the 6th of January last- gifl Thomas M'Euen. Philadelphia, a2djiine, 1796. §6w (- or - —— ** the Wanted, cit A YOUTH of from 12 to 15 years of age, of refpeaable chara£ter ind conne£lions, as an Apprentice to the Mer cantile business. ] ApDly to the Printer. June 23 H To-iVlorrow Morning Willie LANDED, at Hamilton's ivhnrf, i FROM on board the l'chooner Eliza, TUouws Arnold, M, niafter, from MALAGA, he FRESH RAISINS, in kegs, Ditto, in Jars an( j Boxes, : SOFT-SHELL'D ALMONDS, in facts ANCHOVI- S, in Kegs, MOUNTAIN WINE, in qr. caiks, &c. Andforfaleby Peter Kubn. Juftg-xa— -— —— — : CINCINNATI. THE Members of this Stare Society are hereby notified that theii Anniveifary Meeting, for the pu»po<e ot elect ing Officers of the Society, and trarifa£ling such other %buli " ness as may come before them, will be held on the 4th day of July next, in the State House, at 10 o'Clock in the morning : / where their pun&ual attendance is rcqucfted. After the bu- _L finefs is finifhed, the Society will adjourn to Mr. O'Eliers pjs Motel, in order to celebrate the birth-day of our F* e kdom and Independence. The dinner will be on the table at 3 o'C'ock. The Members of the other St3te Societies or the Cincinnati, who ma) be in this cily on that day, arc parucu- lirly invited to join in celebrating it. By order*of the Handing Committe, ; ROUERI' PORTER, Sec'ry. , n J"nc 24 _ _ A small Invoice PER the ffiip Harriet, capt.Thomas W. Norman, from Hamburgh, confining of Ravens Dusk, q Damaflc and 1 Tabfe c j otb# l! taper J i Holland Linen 1 Cambrics, Sic. _ AO SO, A NEAT ASS IHTMENT OT Gold and lilver Watches. 1 Which will be difpefed of together or by the package. '.Vl , Apply to _ ,u Isaac Harvey, jitn. No. 5 South Water Street. June ij , §3w i To be Sold, A LARGE commodious house at the earner of fourth . and.Prune streets, between Walnut andSyruce Sts *3 feet by 42, and two story back building;—adjoining , f the house thete is an office two itories high, and 1 vacant lot on fourth lire txi b y 1,02 feet. Possession will be given in September, and 12 months credit wiil be allowed for the greatest part of the purchase money. Enquire ot D.r, SHIPPEN. Jane 2j. §J. No. K>, Prune street. TEN DOLLARS RE'VASP. o] LOST, w JUNU 15th, between Shippenand Market streets, a red \ OROCCO PQCKE !' BOOK, containing a Check " on the Bahk of the Orfited States, drawn by Peter and a . Henry Micrcken in favor of Mr. R Potter, for 1,000 dol lars, and several notes'of hand pail due ; together with a P ffiare in the New Theatre, several other papers of no confetjueqee but to the owner. , le Whoever will bring it to No. 136 Market ftrtet, (hall 11 ie receive the above reward. N.B. Payment of the Check ia flopped at the Bank. a Z J UHC — § . j tl Landing, r This Day, at Willings Sc Francis's wharf, from the Brandy- e wine Miller, j. A cargo of Rum Sc Sugar £ from Sr. Croix. i, For Sale by 'John Nixon & Co. furwj to Saies of India Goods. t The Cargo »f thelhip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from' Cal- u cutta and Bengal, , CONSISTING or \ Large and general of Bengal and Madras . , * si. COTTON and SILK GOODS. j n AMONG Wineu ARE on A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, v Doreas, isfe. Also, u A Quantity of Exce'lent Sugar, In boss* ami bags*~-3nd BLACK PEPPER. For Sale by Willings fcf Francis, No. II Pirn Street. he June 8 * S; Teneriffe Wine. n " ' I 'ENERIFFE WINE, in pipes, hogsheads, and X quarter caflis, and 170 (Filtering Stdnei, jnft ar rived per the-lchooner Pftlly & Sally from Teneriflfc,and .. for Sale by John Craig, od No. 12 Dock street. :d ' WHO HAS ALSO FOg. SAUF, V- Best Soft-fhell'd ALMONDS, - RABINS in Frails. SHERRY WINE, i* CaDis, tn- IriOi CANVAS, tte Bristol and leifh WINDOW G LASS, May 3a eo j Notice to Claimants For BRITISH SPOLIATIONS. . THE COMMITTER Appointed by the Merchants of this City, who art fuf ferers by Br.tjh captures, Ricommenq, THAT every Claimant who has not already enhibited well authenticated proofs of his property, furnift, without delay, proof that the property claimed is bor.a ' fide A mericaif,- or. value a the place «f e*pw> *" tation, and at the.plate to which it was destined, (where that can be done) and the freight payable or cuftomarj", at the time of exportation, for like goods and voyages. When the claim is for vessel, to fpecify the tonnage, age, M where built, and the aiteal coil or value. These documents ought ta be proved by osth, or affirm- q ( atioii, of the party claiming, made and certified by a ma "iftrate or uol ;ry public, and corroborated by such other testimony, as the nature of the cafe will admit, rel Such of tfiem as are handed to the Committee, Will be (it i forwarded to the Coir mfflfoner* appointed on the part of the United States, to adjust tiu; Claims of American Citizens. I _ THOS. FITZSIMONS, Ch-Srman 1 7 of tha Committee. — Tl'tip. T. 796. djw j » Willi HOLU&Ki\T.^|i, No. 76 High Street, HAS received, by the latt ft arrivals from Europe and 1 the f'aft Indies, a well felefted alTortment of Sill? 1 Mcicisry, Linen Dr.ipery and Halnrdafhery Goods ; which ] he will fell, Wholcfale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; I A.VIONGST WUICtI ABE, Some fine India muslins emoroidered with gold and filvcr I Superfine Book, Jacontt, and Mulmul ditto Do do do do Handkerchiefs j Some eitra black taffetics,!ut<ftrings an 4 colored Per Cans I Baudano Handkerchiefs Long aiid ftiort i*lanketns Eni;liih'M;iiituas of thefirft qnality _■ _jt*i <r i»t' : "TTT" — l C — I Silk Hofiety, an elegant alTortmniit Thead cotton do ~ 1 Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth French cambrics, very fine Irrfh linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 § j (Jcnteel faiiiily wish to rent a cOONTY T» j in an fgreeable lituation, within a few raises of j 1 Philadelphia. If furni&«l» it would be more agreea- jri bit. 1 J Apply personally or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. lof Yeatman's, No. %is, South lt-cond ftrect, corner of , Second ftreef June 6. $ 1 ar: Just Arrived, £ In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, ma>ter from Li- I on verpool, BnlheU SAI< V T ; J ICO Crates QUEENS WARE; and An Aflbrtment of SHIP CIIANDI.EKY j forsalE I — On board, at Pir.e-flreet wliarf. Apply to James Campbell, or George Latimer. April 19, $ I For Sale, A Three ftorr BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Frojitaijd s<co'.d ftrsets, in which I '.VU'ffrs'. ja'nieS Calbifaith & Co. laye (6f snany years (and J aow do) carried on bufmci's. vviii be oac msn?h, or fomier. for Ui'ws apply to WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR C*l 4 '"-'H. April r ii , I — uel iiieiiarclet, • pes : . ™co C lv v CITY I » TAVER in the city of I j 'i'hj c . »bf< I'ip . lloom b«s fyrmihe*! • all the I (.Wily papers puniiined in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- J ton, Baltimore, together with thofcof the principal com- I — niercitti citi«s of Lurope—They will be regularly filed 1 • and none permitted to be taken away on any account. I Tea, Coffee, Saypes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety of French Liquors; with tfye uiual fefreihmettts, j will as all times be procured the bar. j Gentlemen may depend en being accommodated with J k the chqicofi of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the moil I approved Malt Liquors fro^London and breweries. 1 u The Larder will be fupplicd with the prince and earlieit a produ<siions of thu Season, Q1 Large and Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be m accommodated with Creakfafts, Dinners,' or Suppers, at q{ hours mo;t conv nient to thttmfelves—a cold Collation is laj regularly kept for eonveniency, th« Bill <ff Fare to be had at tha bar. C s The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniflied, and u] , Ac utmost attention paid to cleaniinefs, and every other j oj requisite. I y, £jp Samuel RicHardet will be happy to receive, and execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at I large; and with gratitude (or their favours, he pledges I v himfelf that,nothing on his part shall be wanting to pre- j fcrve that patronage with which hehasbeen Co diftinguiih- | ingly 'lonored. I j Philadelphia, April !(;. . § I " ' TO BE LET. — A LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. 124 I . /jL Spruce street, with a convenient stable and Coach, J for sale a Chariot but little the worse ,1- June 2. eotf 1 r George Dobson, L ** TJEGS leave to inform the Sto/e-Keepers, in Town and 13 Country, that he has temoveti from Market-Street tg I N°' 25, foutli Third-street, r> where be i« openio j j Large and Elegant Alfortment of th<S | undermentioned articles—viz. Superfine London Cloth* and Kerseymere*, Yorkjhne/Veond Do» Do. Elaltic do. do J ( Mix'd and Biue Coatings l< Flanntlls, &c. Pointed Caliicoei, London Chintz ditto, - Blue and ditto. Furnitures, India ditto, Long Cloths, CoiTaes, Baftas, Battijlas& Conjcvremif id 4.4 5-4 & 6-4 Su-pnfioe India Book MuHins, r- 4-4 and grß India Book Handkerchiefs, id 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 &6-4 plain do Muslins, & 6- 4 BritiOi Jaconeis, 6 4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, 4-4 India do, do. do, 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, Scz. A Large airorrmcnt of figur'd and plain MuHinets, Quiltings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancy VVai ft coatings, Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjett to Drawback^ India Nankeens, Men's Whiwand coloured Si'ik ftockingi. ; May 9 For sale by the fubferibers, IN P HKW-STR UET, 130 quarter Chests frefh Hyson Tea ; Ito ditto <Jo. frefh Souchong Tea.; 300 Boxes China, centain'ng fmail tea setts of p'itces; 400 pieces iiafi'dinaP*. Willing y Francis. January 30 jtW' Lands. May be had at the Editor'j OJic'e I JO, Chefnut-Jlrect, A few C<»y , "'f> of " a Report of the Attorney Geneial to Congrcfs contaif.ing a CVPeflioo of Charters, Treaties at/J ttlh'T Docmfnts, relative to and explanatory of llie 1 tile to the Land lituate in the Sooth Weflerti parts of the I'nited States, and clnimed by certain Companies urder 4 law of the Stale of Georgia, passed January 7^* '795- ~~ RECEIVED, By the Brig Welcome Return, from Suvamicrh, ' 27 Bales COTTON. By the Schooner Abigail, from Gh irlejlohf 100 Casts Prime RICE. • And, by the Schooner 'John, frt.m Bojlon, SEWING-SILKS, varieu3 colours, GURRAHS COSSAHS, and Jpdia Band anno Handkchfs. For Siie by N. & J. Frazier, No. 95, South Front flreet* Whc have also on hand, and for Salt, Prime Boston BEEF, hi barrels, , tSS* r J. _ May 31 — —, Lottery and Broker's OfHce, A' v 64 South Secondflrtet, r JACKETS in the L'anal Lottery No. 11, are now rea. L dy fur faie, a Check Book kept for the examination of Tickets, and Prize* paid, without deduiStion, The Subscriber Solicits the application of the Public or . any othis friends who wifli to purch fe or fell Bank Stqck, Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houses, Lands, . Lotts or Merchandise of any kind, or to obtain Money on depict of property-. WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Late Agent fir the Cariul Lottery Company*. June 6. win — Rofs Sc £i its Ton, HITS FOR SALT, French Checks Stripes Printed Cottons Muflinets Table Cloths ami Napkins Nankeani of an exee'.lew quality per the package, ft for the Weft India market, and entitled to the Drawback Grey Gingtr in bags Superior old Sherry in quarter casks A few pipes and quarter caflcs Lisbon Wines June 22 $2\v A Small Invoice of CAMBRICS, Fo Sale, ly N. & J. FRAZIER, t No, 95, South Front-Street. June 18. 2w3tavr. FOR SALE, A very Valuable Eflate, T IVITTENHA M, situate in the towrifhip of Upper Derby, and.couhtyof Delaware, 7 t-z miles from Phiiad Iphia, and half a mile from the new Weftero toad containing 230 acres of excellent land, 45 of which ate good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood land, and the reft arable of the firft quality. There arc on the premises a good two story brick house, with 4 rooms on a floor, and cellars, under the whole, with a pump-well of excellent water in front; a large si ame barn, tlablce, ' and other convenient buildings *, a smoke-house and stone, fpring-hoofe ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach cs. The fields are all in cjover, except those immediately under tillage, and are so laid cut as to have the advantage of wate-r in each of them, which rciiders.it peculiarly con venient for grazing. The situation is pleasant and healthy, and from the higfi ' cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and the ® vicinity to the city, it is very suitable for a gentleman's country feat. The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harmtn, deceased, und offered for sale by Mordecai Lewis, Ot£L 9. eo.] Surviving Executor, t — : , f China Goods. TH E Ship Atlantic, 81/ at Sivaine, Commander, from Canton, will commence the difchaj-ge. of htr cargo to-morrow morning at Walnut-street wharf i 1 Confifiing of w Yellow and white Nankeens of excellent quality Persian Tafietics, black and ccloured t Lustrings, do, do. Sattins black of various qualities Sewing lilks in alTorted colours VermiH'ion in bo*es Cassia in chefls , Quicklilver in jars BOHEA, 1 SOUCHONG, ] HYSON SKIN, i p . T YOUNG HYSON f rrellileas. BEST HYSON, J IMPERIAL, J CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea Sets generally alTorted. WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of First quality Bengal SALT PETRE. For Sale by Philip Nicklin & Co. A P r;i st.th&, WA N T E D, Several Apprentices to the Printing- Bulinefs Apply at the Office of the Gazette ofjfce United States, No. 119, Chefnut-ftreet.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers