Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 23, 1796, Image 1

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    of tie Uttitefi States
Number 1156. PHIL AD T.PHI 4, MOrpJT EVENING MAT 23,1796. IX -
For Hamburgh,
'^' ie •^ an Brigantine -|-f
/><?« Nye Provty ri
jCfine flout vessel. Will be ready to take in tier cargo
on the firft «f May. For freight or passage apply to
Rofs & Simfon.
«■ CHARTER,™" w
BO S T ON, .
BUUTHKN "o*S * oao four—He may be sent -Li
to sea at a small expence, her fails and rigging beiftg in Me
very gpod order apply to_ no *
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
Atilil. 10- £_ '
-—"Far London, ~
—The Sne new copper-bottomed Ship I
Mount Vernon,
wSSßßiyfl BURTHEN about 41% tons, will be rea
dVt™ "eivfi her cargo on Monday next, and will fiH-on
or before the 10th of May next, great part of her cargo
engaged- For freight or passage apply to the fubfenbers,
'**' Willing* and Francis. |
April *j. . 1
For Kingston, in Jamaica,
The rnip
* fflgiju Dominick Terry,
Will fail itt twelve days, J
For Freight o# Paflage, apply tothe Captain onboard, J
at Cwhbert's wharf, or to I
Jeffe & Robdxt Wain.
May it. § lat ' I
SILAS BWAIN, Commander, I
WILL fail on or about the ift of May For freight or I
naffaee apply to the Captain on board at Walnut-street I
April 13. __ L. |
• The Copper' Bottomed Ship' 1
•\XTrrH all her materials, as (he came from ft a. Like- I 2
W wife to be difpefed of I
A number of CANNON *nd SMAIjE* ARMS, I
on board said vessel. For terms apply to
Parker & Wharton,
May * ■• ■ -S•• f ■
For jS~R IS 1 0
the'new sHip
THEODORfc Bliss, Maftfcr,
WILL take'Goedron Freight, and bi ready td receive I
them in a few days. For freight or passage apply to
Thomas & John Clifford.
Who have for Sale,befldes theirufual assortment of |
Ironmongery,.Cutleryt Sadlery, ifc.
Crates of Glafe and Earthen Ware; Crates of Vials;
boxes of long and Ihort Pipes; Bristol crown Glass assort
ed, from 18 by li inches, to o inches by 7 ; Copper Sheets
and Bottoit's; Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Bristol
Pewter in Calk* afTtfrted;' BriftcSl'Grirtdfttnes; Garnet
& Co's. patent Sheaves for Blocks. A If), a bale of
And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE.
April 11.
Just Arrivefa
AM forfait ii the Sloop TWO BROTHERS, Samuel
Merchant, mafler, a quantity of
Tar, Pitch, and Indigo/.,,
Also for Stlfy
said Sloop;
' Burthen about 400 Barrels.
SHE-is a good ftrdng vessel, and has been chiefly em
ployed as a Coaster. If iiot fold in* few pays, will take
in freieht, and proceed dircift fprNewbiiry P<«V
Apply to ISAAC HARVE^iun.
May §xm No. .t,S. Water Street ■
John Miller, jun. & Co;
No. 8 Chefnut-fireet,^
Have imported'in the late veffef from Europe,
Among# which are. -
Striped and clouded NANKEENS,
Dimities and Muflinets,
H A T S.
Nditlraflforted in {packages,
All which they will fell on the most rtafonSble ferfes,
for.Calh ortheufual criditr.
Mayn.. , ... ■ -|•' i 'rf
ill. A Three-ftary brick House, No. 80, N. Second
A ftrett. The lot is abbiit »i feet front, and 188
feet deep, tb Bread-ftreetj or Moravian Alley.' It has
long been one of the for business.
2d. A frame pwcllmg-Hwufe, No. Frpiit
ftreet, witli a Bakc-Houfe, th© Lot is about 17 feet
froftt, by 130' feet in depth.
3d. A handfofhe Lot of i% feet by deep, ex
tending from Third street to George»flreet; it is the 3d
Lot below South-street ■. on George-ilre« th^re is a two
ftoty brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with a good
I hake oven.
Like.vise a LARGE MEADOW KARM, situate on
the River Delaware, zt a coijvenifeht diflance from Phila-
dclpi. > Market Meadow is of the heft quality, and
in go > '>aok. There are commodious buildings, with a
vroportipn of arable and woodland, ail'i
Swa.~. >. i'cr terms apply to JOHN LITLE,
No. 40 North Slxtß-ftreet.
, Ka-ch 3T&, 1796. 1
Edward Stow, Jun. (i .
HAS for f?le, a* his Stor.'. No. 41, South Water
New England Rimi in Hoglheads, tlerceti barrels, .
MADEIRA, 7 . -
PORT ) 7
lileft, Prime and Cargo Beef, On
and •■"ax Mould Candles^
Tallow Mould and Dipt ditto,
I 400j&f>xes hard, White Soap, in excellent order •
| for shipping. May IS. }lw
| For Sale,
A Three (lory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
lIX street, between Eront and Second streets, is which W
I Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for man) years (and
I now do) carried on bufinefi. .
Possession will be given in cme month, or sooner. clt '
I For terms apply t» WILLIAM BELL, or
April it. § ton
1 . we
Landing, S
t From on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool,
EARTHEN WAKE, in Crates; and w ' (
A quantity of COAL;
•| . / r O R S a" I E, B T
Thomas Sf John Ketland. ap
April ad $ pn
Landing, ™
[At Ruflell's wharf, the of the Ship Lady rej
Louisa, J times Cooper, matter, from China, and the a(
I Cape of Good Hope,
con'sistiwg of th
SUGAR, inChests and Bag 3 ; rc
WINES, in Butts and half Butts of fuperiqr qua-
I lity; ex
>| A'fmall quantity of BRANpY; -> la:
And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. hi
For s a l e b t fe
Par kit Sff Wharton, 111
No. 109, south Water-street,
I April 'at. §_
J The remains of the Cargo by the Pigou,
j frdm Canton,
, t I WIDE "and narrow Nankeens
I 76 Quarter Chests Souchong Tea
I 10 Tubs Qutckfilver, and
I A quantity; of J
Tea-Table and Dining China. °
May 7. 3 tawim
I John Miller, jun & Co.
No. 8 Chefnut Street, J
I , Have received by the Ship .
5 From Calcutta, t
of Bengal Goods, ,
2 10,00 ' f s Nankeens, ,
Of a Superior Ooality. '
35 o Bags of S~C'G AR,
Which they will fell on advantageous terms.
I May 10. ' i_
George Dobson,
ve I T3EGS leave to inform the &ore-Keepers in Towp and
I D Counirv, that he has removed from Market-jStreet to
N°* 25, south Third-street,
1 whfre he is opening, a Large and Elegant Aflortmest of the
undermentioned. articies--yi2 v j
Superfine London Clotluand ICerfeytneres,
9 » I York.shire second Do. Do.
rt- Elastic do. do.
ets Mix'd and Blue Coaiingf
fcol Flannells, &c.
let Manchester Printed Callicoes,
London Chintz ditto,
Blue and ditto Furnituies,
India ditto, Vl , jt< 'r.iint
Long Cloths, Collies, Baftas, BattillasA Coojevrems,
— 4-49-8 5-4 & i 5-4 Superfine India Book Muffins,
4.4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs,
ue l 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch dii,W,
4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Mudini,
4-4 ic 6-4 Britilh Jaconets,
6.4 Britilh Checks and Stripes,
4-4 do. d<>4 do. - '
4-4 ditto Chi'lloes, Madr«» Handkerchiefs,^?.
A large alToitment of figur'd and plain Muflinets,
Quillings', Dimities, and Striped Nankeens,
Fancy Watftcoatings, '
Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjeft to Drawback,
India Nankeens,. ~ •.
»ke Men's White and coloured St!k dockings.
May 9 ' , •^ weott
It ~' T For Sale,
~ A Few Calks of First Quiltty
•" Endutrt at"No. 71, South Water street.
a tht kf tf
"" FOR S A L H,
A very Vahiable Eftatt,
C'aLLED TlVir ? E NH a M,. situate in the
township of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware,
7 i-4 miles from Philaci lphiii, and half a mile from the
new. Weftetn road: containing 43° acres of excellent land,
.4? of whkhare go»d watered meadpw, 90 of prime wood-
s ' land, and the reft ; arable of the firft quality. There are
on the premises a good two story brick house,. with 4 rooms
1 'on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well
of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, ltabUji,
and other convenient buildings ; a smoke-house and ltone
on<J , fpripg-houfe.; two goad apple orchards, andlone ot peacli
iXZ Z, The fields are all in clover, except those immediately
has nn der tillage, and are so laid out as to the advantage
of water in each of them, v. hicW renders it peculiarly con
-oTI - venieht for graz-irig. ; . , ;
feet she situation is pleasant andhcalthy, and from the high
euitiv.atipn of the land, the goqd neighborhood, and the ,
vicinity to tfee city, it is very futtable for a gentleman s
' country feat. , . 1. /- ,J
two The is part of the estate of Jacob Harman,
: ood decealed', and offeriEa for file bv ...
Mordecai Lewis,
'ili" -Oa. 0. e0.7 Surviving Executor.
edar A FOUNT of BREVItA, half worn ; abont four hun-
E /V dred weight, , JEncjiiije at of ; Gaz«}te
rcct. of the United States, No. 119 Chefnut-ftrect. 5
December 1%
Jiift Arrived, j i
ItP the Ssow B6fton, James Kickpatrick, master from Li- j
500 a BulhtU SALT; I »r«
100 Cratea QUEENS WARE ; and 1
An Afforwent of SHIP CHANDLERY s MtN
1' O R SALE I En
Onboard, at Pine-street wharf. Apply to I qus
"James Campbell, or 1 D^?
Gtiorge Latimer. Laje
A'pfilij, I
-■ y ■ J /am
Samuel Richardet, wi'h
T> ESPECTFUI.I.Y informs the Gentlemen
Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY J Youtl
city of Philadelphia: I Mi
The Subfcriptioß Room.will he futnifhed with all the j
daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, N:vv-Vork, Bof-1 ti
ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principil com- I *
mrrciil cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed J
aud-non*permitted to be taken away oil aiiy account. jtt
Tea, Coffee, Sou pes, Jellies, IceCreams, and a variety I \\
of French I.iquor9; together with the usual rcfrefhments, t two ]
will at all procured at the bar. L a Cj
Gentlemen mky depend on being accommodated with j tom
the chtiiccft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and she most I
approved Malt Liquors from London and o;h-r brew.-i iu-s |
The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earlielt I
prododion* of theSeafon. |
Large and small Parties, or single Gentleman, may be I
accommodated with Bteakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at I
hours moil conv nicut to themselves—a cold Collation is |
regularly kept for cOnveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had j
at tho bar. I
The Lodging Rooms will be!y furnifhed, ami 1
the utnaoft attention paid to cleanlinefa, and every other I
rtqtiilite. , j
gjf" S*mvii Ricßabdet will be happy t« receive, ant l |
exermte the commands of his Friends, and the Public at j
large; and with gratitude for favours, he pledges j
himfelf that no,thing on his part .'hall be to-pre- J
feive that patronage with which he.has been so distinguish- |
ingly honored. J qui:
Philadelphia, April Ij. 'i I the
; wan-TEL, . 7 | M .,
ON Loan, for two or three years—iooo Dollars for
which a mortgage on Land will be given asfecurity n ;
Tht land is clear of every incumbrance. I
Enquire of tne Printer. I
• )»n. 9. I
George Bringhurft,
REiPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, I
that he has removed from Arch-street, to No. 13 in |
naith adjoining the Eplfcopal Burial Grot-nd, I
where-he continues thg business ot
' .Coach making in all its Branches.
He makes all kinds of crane neck and perch Carriages I
fucfc as Coaches, Chariots, Phsetons, and Coachees ; also, J
Ch tirs, Kittereens, Gig?, and all kinds of Har- I
- nets, with plated or brass mounting. H» hath a good I
' supply of the best materials, and a stock of the bed fen- I T
fosed wood. > 1-1-
.Orders.from atjy part of . the United States will be du- 1 ed
, ly attended to with the greateil purnSuality and dispatch. I
I i jidUii.ling experience in bufinrfj, bis ctue in the ««cu- I
tion of his work, and an unremitted atttntiod tothe <k- 1
fires of'his employers, he flatters hitnfelf will prove fuffi- I
cient recommendations. - *
He has several feconA*hand Carri ges for sale, viz. a I
compleaj Coachee, with,a ooachmaai's apd
blinds all round; a Pfiaaton; a Chair; and a Sulkey with |
a falling top.. . 'ft " I
All kinds of Carriages fold on Com mi (lion, and Car- 1
id riagOT taken in to (lat?d by the month or year,
to £5" Apprentices wanted,to the Business. <
Philadelphia, November 21.. t.t.&aja.iawdo c
hc China Goods. |g
rp H E Ship' Atlantic, Silas Sivainc, Commander, j
Jl from Canton,. will commence the discharge of htr I
cargo to-morrow morning at WalnuoJlreet wharf, t .
r.. of
Yellow and \yhite Najikeens of excellent qutlity
Per ft an TafTetics, black and coloured
Lustrings, do. dp.
Sattins black of various qualities
Sewing silks if) aflbtted tofotirs I
Vormillion in boxes
Cassia in chests , jars
HYSON SKIN, i v r(J /u r ea .
! yoUNG HYSON f treln 1 eaS * ,
best Hyson,
IMPEftIAL, j . , I ■
CHINA WARE, oroaracntal, with Table and lea
Sets gpneralLy assorted., . ; -
WHITE SUGARS, aftd a.quantity of
t First quality bengal SALT PETRE.
- Fer Sa,e Y
Philip Nicklin & Co.
Aprils. tth&>
f A BSCONDEt), on the night of Thurfjay laj!, (he
■ A nth in/?. BostoW Murk AY, a black indented fer
vaAt lad, 18 or 19 years of age, arid about 5 fict 8 or 1
9 inches high ; o«e of his eyes is the-corner \
tcuMrd; his nose His c^parelyfjled of a fnuff-color
the ed rpund jackft, <Wfh a J a pair
are, off upon t roofers, and under them a l,gl>t .rnixedciotb I
the pair of breeches. Whoever apprehends tbefatdfrvaiU,
•nd, and returns him, or confines him in any jml .n ?ennfyl-
Od- vania or Jersey, so that I recover hmfiall receive the
are abate rewati, together
veil No. 109, Spruc'e-Jlreet. 1
'April 11. ; df
°f 50 Pipes Cogniac Brandy,
age Cotks, jn bales, and I
on- Holland Gin, in pipe*#
For SaU by, K . |
igh ! 1 Benjamin W. Morris.
December U-
+> Advertifemcnt.
■an, TT7 v lhe fuhfcrJbers, Con-miffioners appointed by law
W to take fubfcriptionsJor the Gap, Newport, anrf
Wilmineton Turnpike Road, d., hereby gW not-tce, that
we will attend for t,hat purpose at the house of Samuel
- Cochran, on the 6th day of Jjne next.
Bn " ' ' JOHN M'DOWSLL, \
Chester County, Jj:h .796. [May 7 .eoim] «
New Hat and Host far.SjrjßEy ;
Wholfui.F. «y % RSTAIL, '
No. 13 n-Markft-firret, ;,d door from the corner of
ctittgfhl Southfidt.
M£NS / B!adl American 294 Wu-d ditto j
* 'EnMifh Ha r, of *>«:»«* Children's fancy
qualities and oticfs All V.indS of Glk, fi'k ''' -
Ditto Biabs afad Gieemrn- Cotton, col ton, & dire^d
der« ■' ttofe
I.actie's dhto, Wick Knit colored Panjaloons
A»d a targe of Durt> Drawer*
fancy ditto Ditto Orecche* Pattern*
Colored Beaver® Silk Glbves
With a great variety of etc- Knotted, colored ditto, cot
gantand fafhiortable irim- tori
mings, See. A quantity ot mending cot-
Youth's black and drabco- ton, foitedcolors.
ft. B. Tl»c Hats ftnilhcd in the newest fafhion.
May 7.
—,T" — t r—
Wafhirigton Canal Lottery,
N°. I.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thoufsnti,
two hundred; and-fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
1 i Canal through the City of Wnlhington, lram the Po
tomac to the Eatlern Branch Haruowr.
The Following is the SCHEME of No. I. ,
Viz -I- Prize of 10,000 dollars, 10,000
I ditto 16,000 ie,oCo_
TifiS"! oo ° * ,oo °
6 ditto 1,000 6,cop
10 ditto 400 4,c00
10 ditto 100 1,000
55 ditto jo
5750 ditto 12 65f,008
To be raised for the Canal, 16,250
j-Sjo.Prises, . • I.7JPCO
11650 Blanks, not two to aprize.
17500 Ticketsy atTenDollars, - *7i,009
$3* The. Commilßoners have taken the Securities re
-1 quired by the aforefaid atft lor the punctual payment of
J the quizes. ,
I The drawing as this Lottery will commence, witnout
r delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
.. I notice will be given.
'I stich prizes at are riot demanded in fix months after the
r firiilhed, shall be consider; das relinquiihcd for
I the benefitb'i the Canal, odd appropriated accordingly.
(Signed) ffOTLEY YOUNG,
City of WaihiHgtoH, Feb. 11. §
S| Knox, Hendcrfon & Go.
No. 46,.North Front .street,
j",' I T.TAVEireportedin thafcip Liberty, Concord ar.d A-
I il. diiana, from London, a frefh supply of Gpodsfuit-
J- 1 e d to the of
11 A beauiful aflortment of .wilMt an I ftlk Nankeen*,
u " I Cottons, Threat' cotton, silk & cct
£" I Calicoes' and on and silk Hosiery,
I Chintzes, Diaper and Dainalk Table
I Muslins, Cloths,
a Muflinets, > v Lawns,
I Cord«d and India Dimities Cambncks anil
I Ginghams, Cambric Mhflins,
I Cotton Counterpanes, Linen, cotton and .Ilk hkfs,
ir " I Plain, striped, clouded Sewing Silks, &c. &c. &c.
Like wife,
A few bale*well aflbrted colors, Loniottbeft super ne
I Cloth*, heft fuperfine and feeoudCfclTimeres—A'ifo, fun
~ I dry packages of Cihicoes and Chintzes, and other goods
I goods fit for exportation.
I Per the Glasgow, Gapt. Williams, from Dublin, a few
er ' 1 boxes 7-8 and yard wide Irish Linens. • ■
tier I jyiay 4 $2ww&f»
J This Day' is publ'tjhed,
A T the author's Book-Store, corner of Front and Wa!-
I A nut streets, Volume 1. of a
A Description of Spanijh St. Domingo,
Translated from t(ie French of of M. L E.Moreait db
I St. M£*r, member of the Philosophical Society of Phi
ladelphia, By WILLIAM COBRti'. .
With a new, cortecft, and el-gant MAP of the whole !-
Dand. Price Two Dollars.
The SifMcribers to this Work, arerequefted to take up
I the firft voli»me,. as soon as contempt
I The second volume (which completes the W»rk) will
I be reidy for delivery in the cotirfe of the present month.
| The complete work in the French langnage may, like-
Fea I at the '" lrne P' ace - May 9 6tlaw
W anted,
For of a private Family,
I A SMALL HOUSE, fituatcd in Tome airy street, withitt
I the limit! of the city.
' !l I Any person having fitch a one to let, and can give pof
_ I feflion before the jpne nest enfliitig, will hear
los a careful tenant by applyiiitj to the Printer of this pa
| per. May 14 otf..
the —
kr-\ sO BE SOLD,
i°r I A NEAT three ftdry Brick Hool'e, almost new,
'! er I J\. situate on the fcuth fide of Filbert, midway
' j between Ninth and Tenth-Streets. For terms apply
rr I at No. 71, North Water Street.
't "BE d;f -
S Imported,
I In the Ihip Birmingham Picket, from Calcutta, and
• for iale by the Package, by
I Samuel & Miers f ifher,
I Tandah Qoffeas, Batna, and other Bafta',
» Bahar Hankcrckiefs, Persian Taflatics,,
Humhurfjs, Flswcr'd and fpottei
Emerties, Bandanocs.
I With a variety of other goods from that place, -ind a ger -
J eralaffortment of European SPRING GOODS, asufual-
A ft'
I Long and short Pipes, irtbotes nf 5 groc< each,
An afiWtaient of Stone Jugs and Pitchers,
1 Queen's are, »n Crated, assorted,
law I GlaTs Ware, in Crates and Caflcs,
I Sheathipg Papcr, by the r
s , SS.%?WINES
j Sherry )
- .j| j"- Spermaceti Candles, and , •
A general ajfortment of Irijl) J.mens,
I Received per (hip Clafgow, from Dublin, by the packagc.
m ] I M»r 11. $l*eo 3 vr