of tie Uttitefi States Number 1156. PHIL AD T.PHI 4, MOrpJT EVENING MAT 23,1796. IX - For Hamburgh, '^' ie •^ an Brigantine -|-f /> Market Meadow is of the heft quality, and in go > '>aok. There are commodious buildings, with a vroportipn of arable and woodland, ail'i Swa.~. >. i'cr terms apply to JOHN LITLE, No. 40 North Slxtß-ftreet. , Ka-ch 3T&, 1796. 1 Edward Stow, Jun. (i . HAS for f?le, a* his Stor.'. No. 41, South Water New England Rimi in Hoglheads, tlerceti barrels, . MADEIRA, 7 . - SHERRY, and > INES, J PORT ) 7 lileft, Prime and Cargo Beef, On and •■"ax Mould Candles^ Tallow Mould and Dipt ditto, I 400j&f>xes hard, White Soap, in excellent order • | for shipping. May IS. }lw | For Sale, A Three (lory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut lIX street, between Eront and Second streets, is which W I Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for man) years (and I now do) carried on bufinefi. . Possession will be given in cme month, or sooner. clt ' I For terms apply t» WILLIAM BELL, or I HECTOR CALBRAITH. da. April it. § ton 1 . we Landing, S t From on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool, EARTHEN WAKE, in Crates; and w ' ( A quantity of COAL; •| . / r O R S a" I E, B T Thomas Sf John Ketland. ap April ad $ pn Landing, ™ [At Ruflell's wharf, the of the Ship Lady rej Louisa, J times Cooper, matter, from China, and the a( I Cape of Good Hope, con'sistiwg of th SUGAR, inChests and Bag 3 ; rc WINES, in Butts and half Butts of fuperiqr qua- I lity; ex >| A'fmall quantity of BRANpY; -> la: And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. hi For s a l e b t fe Par kit Sff Wharton, 111 No. 109, south Water-street, I April 'at. §_ FOR SALE ( By MORDECAI LEWIS, , T J The remains of the Cargo by the Pigou, j frdm Canton, , t I WIDE "and narrow Nankeens I 76 Quarter Chests Souchong Tea I 10 Tubs Qutckfilver, and I A quantity; of J Tea-Table and Dining China. ° May 7. 3 tawim I John Miller, jun & Co. No. 8 Chefnut Street, J I , Have received by the Ship . I It MING HAM PACKET, \ 5 From Calcutta, t of Bengal Goods, , 2 10,00 ' f s Nankeens, , Of a Superior Ooality. ' 35 o Bags of S~C'G AR, Which they will fell on advantageous terms. I May 10. ' i_ George Dobson, ve I T3EGS leave to inform the &ore-Keepers in Towp and I D Counirv, that he has removed from Market-jStreet to N°* 25, south Third-street, 1 whfre he is opening, a Large and Elegant Aflortmest of the undermentioned. articies--yi2 v j Superfine London Clotluand ICerfeytneres, 9 » I York.shire second Do. Do. rt- Elastic do. do. ets Mix'd and Blue Coaiingf fcol Flannells, &c. let Manchester Printed Callicoes, London Chintz ditto, Blue and ditto Furnituies, India ditto, Vl , jt< 'r.iint Long Cloths, Collies, Baftas, BattillasA Coojevrems, — 4-49-8 5-4 & i 5-4 Superfine India Book Muffins, 4.4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, ue l 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch dii,W, 4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Mudini, 4-4 ic 6-4 Britilh Jaconets, 6.4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, 4-4 do. d<>4 do. - ' 4-4 ditto Chi'lloes, Madr«» Handkerchiefs,^?. A large alToitment of figur'd and plain Muflinets, Quillings', Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancy Watftcoatings, ' Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjeft to Drawback, India Nankeens,. ~ •. »ke Men's White and coloured St!k dockings. May 9 ' , •^ weott It ~' T For Sale, ~ A Few Calks of First Quiltty indigo. •" Endutrt at"No. 71, South Water street. a tht kf tf "" FOR S A L H, A very Vahiable Eftatt, C'aLLED TlVir ? E NH a M,. situate in the township of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware, 7 i-4 miles from Philaci lphiii, and half a mile from the new. Weftetn road: containing 43° acres of excellent land, .4? of whkhare go»d watered meadpw, 90 of prime wood- s ' land, and the reft ; arable of the firft quality. There are on the premises a good two story brick house,. with 4 rooms 1 'on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, ltabUji, and other convenient buildings ; a smoke-house and ltone on ESPECTFUI.I.Y informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY J Youtl TAVERN awd; MERCHANTS C OFFEE HOUSE in the j N city of Philadelphia: I Mi The Subfcriptioß Room.will he futnifhed with all the j daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, N:vv-Vork, Bof-1 ti ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principil com- I * mrrciil cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed J aud-non*permitted to be taken away oil aiiy account. jtt Tea, Coffee, Sou pes, Jellies, IceCreams, and a variety I \\ of French I.iquor9; together with the usual rcfrefhments, t two ] will at all times.be procured at the bar. L a Cj Gentlemen mky depend on being accommodated with j tom the chtiiccft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and she most I approved Malt Liquors from London and o;h-r brew.-i iu-s | The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earlielt I prododion* of theSeafon. | Large and small Parties, or single Gentleman, may be I accommodated with Bteakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at I hours moil conv nicut to themselves—a cold Collation is | regularly kept for cOnveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had j at tho bar. I The Lodging Rooms will be corapl-.se!y furnifhed, ami 1 the utnaoft attention paid to cleanlinefa, and every other I rtqtiilite. , j gjf" S*mvii Ricßabdet will be happy t« receive, ant l | exermte the commands of his Friends, and the Public at j large; and with gratitude for favours, he pledges j himfelf that no,thing on his part .'hall be to-pre- J feive that patronage with which he.has been so distinguish- | ingly honored. J qui: Philadelphia, April Ij. 'i I the ; wan-TEL, . 7 | M ., ON Loan, for two or three years—iooo Dollars for which a mortgage on Land will be given asfecurity n ; Tht land is clear of every incumbrance. I Enquire of tne Printer. I • )»n. 9. I George Bringhurft, COACH y HARNESS MAKER, REiPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, I that he has removed from Arch-street, to No. 13 in | naith adjoining the Eplfcopal Burial Grot-nd, I where-he continues thg business ot ' .Coach making in all its Branches. He makes all kinds of crane neck and perch Carriages I fucfc as Coaches, Chariots, Phsetons, and Coachees ; also, J Ch tirs, Kittereens, Gig?, and all kinds of Har- I - nets, with plated or brass mounting. H» hath a good I ' supply of the best materials, and a stock of the bed fen- I T fosed wood. > 1-1- .Orders.from atjy part of . the United States will be du- 1 ed , ly attended to with the greateil purnSuality and dispatch. I I i jidUii.ling experience in bufinrfj, bis ctue in the ««cu- I tion of his work, and an unremitted atttntiod tothe , TEN DOLLARS REWARD. f A BSCONDEt), on the night of Thurfjay laj!, (he ■ A nth in/?. BostoW Murk AY, a black indented fer vaAt lad, 18 or 19 years of age, arid about 5 fict 8 or 1 9 inches high ; o«e of his eyes is the-corner \ tcuMrd; his nose His c^parelyfjled of a fnuff-color the ed rpund jackft, t .rnixedciotb I the pair of breeches. Whoever apprehends tbefatdfrvaiU, •nd, and returns him, or confines him in any jml .n ?ennfyl- Od- vania or Jersey, so that I recover hmfiall receive the are abate rewati, together )ms MOORE WHAR TON, veil No. 109, Spruc'e-Jlreet. 1 'April 11. ; df °f 50 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, age Cotks, jn bales, and I on- Holland Gin, in pipe*# For SaU by, K . | igh ! 1 Benjamin W. Morris. December U- +> Advertifemcnt. ■an, TT7 v lhe fuhfcrJbers, Con-miffioners appointed by law W to take fubfcriptionsJor the Gap, Newport, anrf Wilmineton Turnpike Road, d., hereby gW not-tce, that we will attend for t,hat purpose at the house of Samuel - Cochran, on the 6th day of Jjne next. C JACOB LINDLEY, • I Bn " ' ' JOHN M'DOWSLL, \ WC JAMES BOYD. Chester County, Jj:h .796. [May 7 .eoim] « New Hat and Host far.SjrjßEy ; Wholfui.F. «y % RSTAIL, ' By WILLIAM M'DOUG-ALL, No. 13 n-Markft-firret, ;,d door from the corner of ctittgfhl Southfidt. M£NS / B!adl American 294 Wu-d ditto j * 'EnMifh Ha r, of *>«:»«* Children's fancy dr.to qualities and oticfs All V.indS of Glk, fi'k ''' - Ditto Biabs afad Gieemrn- Cotton, col ton, & dire^d der« ■' ttofe I.actie's dhto, Wick Knit colored Panjaloons A»d a targe of Durt> Drawer* fancy ditto Ditto Orecche* Pattern* Colored Beaver® Silk Glbves With a great variety of etc- Knotted, colored ditto, cot gantand fafhiortable irim- tori mings, See. A quantity ot mending cot- Youth's black and drabco- ton, foitedcolors. ft. B. Tl»c Hats ftnilhcd in the newest fafhion. May 7. —,T" — t r— Wafhirigton Canal Lottery, N°. I. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thoufsnti, two hundred; and-fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting 1 i Canal through the City of Wnlhington, lram the Po tomac to the Eatlern Branch Haruowr. The Following is the SCHEME of No. I. , Viz -I- Prize of 10,000 dollars, 10,000 I ditto 16,000 ie,oCo_ TifiS"! oo ° * ,oo ° 6 ditto 1,000 6,cop 10 ditto 400 4,c00 10 ditto 100 1,000 55 ditto jo 5750 ditto 12 65f,008 To be raised for the Canal, 16,250 j-Sjo.Prises, . • I.7JPCO 11650 Blanks, not two to aprize. 17500 Ticketsy atTenDollars, - *7i,009 $3* The. Commilßoners have taken the Securities re -1 quired by the aforefaid atft lor the punctual payment of J the quizes. , I The drawing as this Lottery will commence, witnout r delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely .. I notice will be given. 'I stich prizes at are riot demanded in fix months after the r drawing.is firiilhed, shall be consider; das relinquiihcd for I the benefitb'i the Canal, odd appropriated accordingly. (Signed) ffOTLEY YOUNG, 1 IVANIEL CARROLL, o/D. LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, I Wm. MJDUNCANSON, ? I THOMAS' LAW, JAMES BARRY. City of WaihiHgtoH, Feb. 11. § S| Knox, Hendcrfon & Go. No. 46,.North Front .street, j",' I T.TAVEireportedin thafcip Liberty, Concord ar.d A- I il. diiana, from London, a frefh supply of Gpodsfuit- J- 1 e d to the of 11 A beauiful aflortment of .wilMt an I ftlk Nankeen*, u " I Cottons, Threat' cotton, silk & cct £" I Calicoes' and on and silk Hosiery, I Chintzes, Diaper and Dainalk Table I Muslins, Cloths, a Muflinets, > v Lawns, I Cord«d and India Dimities Cambncks anil I Ginghams, Cambric Mhflins, I Cotton Counterpanes, Linen, cotton and .Ilk hkfs, ir " I Plain, striped, clouded Sewing Silks, &c. &c. &c. Like wife, A few bale*well aflbrted colors, Loniottbeft super ne I Cloth*, heft fuperfine and feeoudCfclTimeres—A'ifo, fun ~ I dry packages of Cihicoes and Chintzes, and other goods I goods fit for exportation. I Per the Glasgow, Gapt. Williams, from Dublin, a few er ' 1 boxes 7-8 and yard wide Irish Linens. • ■ tier I jyiay 4 $2ww&f» J This Day' is publ'tjhed, A T the author's Book-Store, corner of Front and Wa!- I A nut streets, Volume 1. of a A Description of Spanijh St. Domingo, Translated from t(ie French of of M. L E.Moreait db I St. M£*r, member of the Philosophical Society of Phi ladelphia, By WILLIAM COBRti'. . With a new, cortecft, and el-gant MAP of the whole !- Dand. Price Two Dollars. The SifMcribers to this Work, arerequefted to take up I the firft voli»me,. as soon as contempt I The second volume (which completes the W»rk) will I be reidy for delivery in the cotirfe of the present month. | The complete work in the French langnage may, like- Fea I at the '" lrne P' ace - May 9 6tlaw W anted, For of a private Family, I A SMALL HOUSE, fituatcd in Tome airy street, withitt I the limit! of the city. ' !l I Any person having fitch a one to let, and can give pof _ I feflion before the jpne nest enfliitig, will hear los a careful tenant by applyiiitj to the Printer of this pa | per. May 14 otf.. the — kr-\ sO BE SOLD, i°r I A NEAT three ftdry Brick Hool'e, almost new, '! er I J\. situate on the fcuth fide of Filbert, midway ' j between Ninth and Tenth-Streets. For terms apply rr I at No. 71, North Water Street. 't "BE d;f - S Imported, I In the Ihip Birmingham Picket, from Calcutta, and • for iale by the Package, by I Samuel & Miers f ifher, I Tandah Qoffeas, Batna, and other Bafta', » Bahar Hankcrckiefs, Persian Taflatics,, Humhurfjs, Flswcr'd and fpottei Emerties, Bandanocs. I With a variety of other goods from that place, -ind a ger - J eralaffortment of European SPRING GOODS, asufual- A ft' I Long and short Pipes, irtbotes nf 5 groc< each, An afiWtaient of Stone Jugs and Pitchers, 1 Queen's are, »n Crated, assorted, law I GlaTs Ware, in Crates and Caflcs, I Sheathipg Papcr, by the r s , SS.%?WINES j Sherry ) - .j| j"- Spermaceti Candles, and , • A general ajfortment of Irijl) J.mens, I Received per (hip Clafgow, from Dublin, by the packagc. m ] I M»r 11. $l*eo 3 vr