Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 07, 1796, Image 3

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Six per Cent.
Three p'tr Cent. - -' ■(
Deferred Six per Cent. . - - -
. if per Cent. - •
4| per Cent.
BANK United States, - - • - 45 pr. cent.
JPennfylvania, " \ '
■ North America, - -
Inlurance Comp. North-America, 15 dollars
' Pcnnfylrania, IS per ct.
Exchange, at 60 days,
Notice is hereby Given,
" 1 'HAT in pursuance of an ait cf the General Affem-
J_ bly of Pennsylvania, entitled "an A<St to enable the
" Governor of this Common wealth, to incorporate a Com
" pany for making an artificial Road an interfe&ion
" of the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike road near
" the Gap Tavern, in Lancaster county, to Newport and
" Wilmington in the State of Delawarethe commif
fioncrs in said a£l appointed will procure five books and
attend at the refpeitive places directed therein to receive
fubferptions for Stack in the company, viz. One book
will be opened in the city of Philadelphia. One in the
Borough of Lancaster, one at Strafburgh, in the county
of Lancaft r, one in'the Borough of Wilmington, and
one at the house of Samuel Cochran in the county of Ches
The Subscribers, agreeably to their appointment in and
by faida<S, will attend at the City Tavern in Philadelphia,
with One of said Bosks, on Monday, the 6th day of June
next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, until 4 in the after
noon, and for the two days following, if necessary, for
the purpofc aforcfaid ; on the firft of the said days, any
person of the age of 21 years lhall be at liberty to fubferibe
in Jiis own or arty other name or names by whom he lhall be
authorised far oneJbare,oti the second day lor one or twoJtares,
and on the third day for oneytvio, or three Jkatet, and in any
fuceeeding day, (ifHhe said books lhall continue longer
open) for any namber of (hares in the said Stock.
Every person previously to in said books
must pay to the attending commifiioners twenty five dol
lars for every lhare to be fubferihed.
Philadelphia, May 7
African Free School.
THE place of Teacher to the AFRICAN FREE SCHOOL,
in the city of New York, being vacant by the religna
tion of the late Mailer, the Trusties give thii public inti
mation to all persons desirous of that situation, that they will
receive applications for that appointment 'till the firft of next
It i» expefled that th« applicant "be well qualified to teach
reading, penmanlhip, arithmetic, and the principlea of geo
graphy and Englilh grammar, and that he produce latiafa&o
ry leftimonials of hit good moral character.
The Salajy of the Mailer will be joo dollars per annum,
payable quarterly.—Fqrther particulars may be learnt on ap
plication to THOU A S EDDY, l
SAMUEL BROWN. f Committee
New-York, May 6, 1795.
Venereal Diieafe.
Doctor j. Morgan, No. i 7 B North water
Philadelphia, gives advice daily in all cafoof Phytic
and Surgery, particularly VENEREAL COMPLAINTS :
in which from facts and minute obfervaiion he warrantt hit
method of cute mod effe&ual, easy and expeditious.
N. B Secrecy, honor tod moderate terms may be depend
ed on, ■.
The DoSorfikewife prepares an infallible SPECIFIC for
tlje cure of the above complaints, to supply seamen, travel
lers, and country inhabitants, with plain and propef ditec
tionsior their afe. May j. f. m & w. 31
Berriman & Co's Edition.
OM Monday, the ■ 6th Inft. will be publiQwd, delivered
to Subfcnberi, and to be had of the different Book ft ll
ert, in thircity, and throughout Lhe United States, (where
Subscriptions ftil! continue to beieceived) thx ikit nuss
TION W THE HOLY BIBLE t containing the Old and New
Testaments and the Apocrypha, with marginal note» and re
ferences. An Index ;or an account of the mod remarkable
passages in the old and new Testament, pointing to the placet
wherein they happened, and to the places of fcriptuie where
in they are recorded.—A Table of Time.—Tables of scrip.
: ture meal is res, weights and coins : with an appendix, contain
ing the method of calculating its measures of surface,
hitherto oMitftWui Treati/es on this Jubjeß. A Table of Offices
and Condition} bf men.
1. The site of this Edition will be a LARGE FOLIO,
printed »n a beautiful new type, and goqd paper, made par
ticularly for it. It will be publithed in Nambers, not to ex
ceed 48, odc of which will be delivered weekly to fubferib
ers, at a quarter of a dollar. Those fubferibers who prefer
receiving the work compUtt, will be attended to by Ggntfying
the fame on any of the fubfeription papers in rhe Bookstores
in this city.
C. There will be an advance in the price, on fubferibinr
after the firft of August next.
3 In the course of the Work will be given an elegant
Frontispiece— From an Engraving of the celebrated artist,
Ber r 1 man & Co. gratefallyacknowledge the very liberal
encouragement they have met with; and have reason to believe
that the exception of their edition will answer every expec
tation, and Jpcak its ouin prgije,
May 7.
The remains of the Cargo by the Pigou,
from Canton, viz.
WIDE and narrow Nankeens
jo Quarter Cheits Souchong Tea
ao Tubs Quiekfilver, and
A quantity of
Tea-Table and Dining China.
May ?• 3tawim
Mustard and Chocolate
CONTINUE to be manufadlured in the belt man
ner, and for sale, as ufual—Alio lhelled or pearl
Barley, Coffee, Pepper, &c. Philadelphia Porter, Beer,
Ale, Cyder, Englilh Porter, Taunton and Bath Ale
in bottles, &c. &c. —at No. 9S, South Front-street,
opposite the Cuilom-houfe, by
Philadelphia, May 7, 1796. aaw4w
Miniature Painting.
A Foreign Artist refpecSfully informs the Public, that
he paints Likenefles, and warrants them. A few
Specimens of his abilities may be seen at his Room No.
10, ap one pair of Stairs in Mr. Q'Ellers' Hotel, Chef
nut-ftreet, next Rickstts* Amphitheatre. April 23. §
-i - - - - I#4to 6") int.
- 10/4 J off.
ij/tt to ?
- - 14/6
- 27 "
- - - 4$ to 50
- - - i6o
* 3aw«Jun. .
« On Sunday, there will be Charity Sermont and
Collegium, in Christ Church and St. Peters, for
the free schools of the Protpftant Episcopal Church.
Married lad Thursday evening, by the rev. Joseph
Pilmore, Redlor of Christ Church, New York, Mr.
James Bogert, jun. of that city, merchant, to Miss
Betsey Benzzct, of Philadelphia.
At a General Meeting of the Society sos the Cin
cinnati, held at Philadelphia, on the 6th of May,
George Wafhfngton was nnanimoufly elected
Prefldcnt General of the Society.
Thomas Mifflin, .Vice President General,
Henry Knox, Secretary General,
William Macpherfon, Assist. Secretory General;
William Jackson, Treasurer General. *
Lamentations of the AvtokA..
Philip Freneau, formerly Editor of the National
Gazette of this city, a paper which he rendered,
by his firmnefs and impartiality, worthy of better
support than it teceived ; upon leaving this city
eftablilhed at Monmouth, New-Jersey, a weekly
print, under the title of Jersey Chronicle, which
preserved much of the spirit of the fir ft paper, tho'
published at a distance from the centre of intelli
gence. The publication ps this paper, with regret
be it mentioned, was discontinued on the 30th of
lad month. It is hoped, however, the Republi
can cause will not lose its Freneau ; but that the
late turn of affairs, so favorable to the interests of
Republicanism, will be an induccmeut to him once
more to make an exertion of hia literary talents in
its {acred cause, by undertaking in one of the cap
itals of the United States, a paper calculated to
diffufe far and wide the principle* upon which the
liberty and prosperity »f the great mjfcfiof the peo
ple mult depend. •
Some of the last glimmerings in th* Socket-
[Late Advices from Philadelphia.3
We hear that the royal English fa&ion at New-
York are making preparations to embaik for No
va Scotia, handed byjamet Rivington, and the
Editor of the Minerva.
It was reported a few days ago in New-York,
that the towo of Communipaw is thoroughly infa
[ vor of the British Treaty, and mean to petition the
President Senate and Britilh merchants to carry it
into efFect ! ! 1
Lord Grenvillc, the Britiih fecrctary of date
has positively declared that hit court will not con
sider tb« treaty as fully ratified unless aflented to
by a majority of the house of reprefentatiwrs of
the United States.
it ii rumored that 400 merchants in this city
have secretly agreed to raise money by subscription
to carry the treaty into execution ! I !
Before the house of reprefentativcs have agreed
to appropriate money for the support of the trea
ty, the President and Senate have interposed, and
appointed commifiioncrs for the purpose of dis
charging duties, the due performance of which re
quires money—This is paying a properrefpedt to
one of the constituted authorities, tidy j but cer
tain high nosed persons have long been in the hab
it of fctting down the people aad their reprefenta
tivesas nothing.
The reader will naturally reflect on perusing the
foregoing extract from OBe of the lajl numbers of
th<- " Jersey Chronicle," that its exit for waDt of
support it not so much to be wondered at, a< that it
should ever have been brought into existence in the
truly Federal Republican State of New-Jcrfey.
Without foreign gold, we may venture to predi&,
that news-paper* devoted to the cause of anarchy,
whose columns are replete with falfehoods, and
calumnious representations of the constitution of
the United States, and the men who adraraifter it,
will not long find support. The American charac
ter has been disgraced by such publication*. To
support them, is to undermine the fair fabrick of
Freedom and Independence ; is political suicide.
The following observations from a late New-
York paper are in point.
From examining the principal news-papers pub
lifked in the United States, for more than i years,
lam persuaded that these channels of information
may be the instruments of great good or extcnfive
evil according as they are well or ill conducted.—
It is obvious that the falfehoods and calumny pro
pagated by means of public papers, have been the
direst and principal means of all the civil diflentions
which diftraft this country and have threatened it
with civil war. This is a well aCeertained fad.
And what is Angular, there are many people well
affedled to the government, and who reprobate
these abusive papers, who still fubferibe to them
for the fake of feeing the at>ufe they contain, and
thus lend their aid towards convulflng the govern
ment which alone protects their lives and property.
We want no other proof that our government is
on the whole well administered, than this ; that-all
public measures, when well explained and underload
by the people at large, have given general fatitf*ai,n.
Ftrft intprejfions on the public mind have often
been unfavorable to administration ; but these im
preflions have been given by the opposition, by
means of their papers; and in every inltance have
proved to be wrong. That is, whenever the pub
lic mind has been inflamed to discontent by means
ot falfe charges agaiaft the officers of government,
or by falfe representations of fa&s; time, further in
formation and cool reflexion have invariably allay
ed the and defeated the effed of the r . »
impressions. T liis is a decisive proof that there
must befomething wrong in principle in opposition
—Forever to mistake- truth and the public fenti
raent, eannot be the effect of -jgnoiTinccor want of
■' V .'.V
'" NEW-YORK, May 6.
Yellerday, being the ill Wediiefday in May,
was celebrated the Annual Commencement of the
Columbia College.
Order of
The Janitor,
Students of Medicine,
Students of Law,
Students of Arts,
Former Graduates,
Faculty of Medicine. !'*.
and Faculty of the Arts,
frtfUees of the College,
"the Corporation of tie City,
Judges of the Supreme Court,
Strangers of Diftindlion,
Regents of the University,
iovernor of the State.
k f * »
■v' :
! f
"V. .
The bulinefs of the day wan introduced with
prayer* by the President, after which Orations were
delivered by the Candidate! for the Degree of Ba
chelor of Art*, on the following fubjefts, and in
the following order.
Ir» tbe Morning.
1. De facultatibus by William Rattoone,
of Perth-Amboy.
2. On the Rife and Progrefa of the Arts ant
Sciences, by John I. Watts, of New-York.
3. On the Study of Nature, by Governeur Og
den, of New-Jersey..
4. On the Theatre, by Andrew Garr, of New
A Peaceful Disposition tt> a Nation, favorabl<
to it* Profptrity, by Adrian C. Van Slyck, o
& On the Rights of Women, by Philip Fiftier
of New.York.
7. On Honor, by Jofiah Strippey, of New-York.
8. On Pride and Self-Interew, by William Turk,
of New-York.
9> Oa Liberty, to/ Cbttfct Hcw-
York. • ---
In the Afternoon.
I. Oa Enthufafm, by Henry Cruger, of New-
2. Refined Pimciplwof Religion, favourable to
Libcrtyvfcy Lawrence Van Bufkirk, of New-York.
3. On Ambition, by Edward LiTingfton, of'
New York.
The Dcfcfree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred
on Da"i<J S. Jones, William Rattdone,Henry Cru
ger, Edward Livingtton, Governeur Ogden, John
I. Watts, Adrian C v 3T*n Slyck, Samuel Nichol
lon, Samuel Barclay, Lawrence V. Bufkirk, Wil
liam Tuik, Andrew Garr, Philip Fitfier, Jofiah
Shippey, Charles Taylor.
The- Degree of M»fter- of Arts on Jonathan
Pearce,'< Alexander Holack, Gilbert Smith, Henry
Mattenon, of New-York, and Valentine Peters, o'f
Nova-Scotia. •
The Degree of Dodtcr of Physic, on Alexander
Andeffcn/of New-York, and Winthrop Salton
ftall, of Connecticut.
The Valedictory Oration was then delivered by
David 8. Jonas, of New-York.
An address to the Giaduaies by the President,
and prayers, finirtied the ceremony of the day.'
Nothing; exhibits (he anxious flats of the puhlic
mind, during the difcuflians of the quetlions on tlie
Treaty, in a stronger light, than the joy exprcffed
since the vote of the house it. Every
where friends, when they meet, take each other by
the hand, and mutually congratulate cach other on
the event, as they do on the mod feftive occasions
—a thing that fas not been before ebferved since
the event of the establishment of the prefcnt Con
Such circumstances depict mod forcibly the sen
sibility of the good citizens of America to every
thing that can affect their honor. The fear of war
oi further bickerings with Great Britain, evidently
had its effect in exciting the people to oppose an
infraction of tjie Treaty; but in most of the me
morials to the House of Reprefentativese, we fee,
with great ilrefs laid on the danger and
infamy of violating national faith. This unanimous
effort of individual citizens tofave our chara&er as
a nation, is a circumftancc exceedingly honorable
to our conntry. J
What, fay men of honour and virtue, beeaufe we
have a hard bargain, fhatl we refufe to fulfil the
contra£t ? What would the world fay of a mer
chant, who was just setting up business, and (hould
quibble out of the fit ft bargain he had made, be
caule h« did not like it ? The cases are similar—•
and we cannot confirnt, for any common facrificc
of property, to havtf such a stain fixed on our nati
onal eharadler. '
I« is probable after all, that the Treaty, even in
points exceptionable, may never produce the ills
which some of its Oppofers pri»i&. The oppofers
of the present Constitution foretold all imaginary
evils would follow its eftablifhmtnt—they paintec
tyranby and despotism in a thousand hideous forms
springing from that very government which ha
made us a profpeious nation. They had thei
this—bat flie evils were all imaginary. I
is just fo%rirh the Treaty—it will go into operat'
on, and leave us free and prosperous. i
Th< Paper Mills of Meffri. Wafhburn* in Dan
bury hav« been burnt—loss 3500 dollars.
•a- ■%>: nr
| We fee in the democratic papers every in fiance
of iniult or injury rtceiTed from th« Brjti(h careful
ly inserted—but hardly an instance of lofles and in
jure* reccing from the French. The memorial
we pvibliQjpd yesterday from a number of Merchants
in jtating that the French government
detain*property in their hands, amounting by esti is a-very important document;
but such papcis arc seldom f««a in our party papers.
■ ' 7
I do myfelf the pleasure, agreeable to a resolution
of 3 town.meeting, fhis mornings to enclose you a
memorial from the citi'zeru of this place to the Hon fe
of Reprefentativesin Congrcfs, and to rfquelt you
will lay the fame before that honorable body.
1 his being Saturday, several of the neighborhood
from the country being, as common, occafreiialfy
in town, attended.—Thfir anxiety in the exiting
crifia urged them to a ftmilar exprefiion of tbfir
wilhes ; they ha*c thrrefoie fubferibed a like memo-'
rial, and delired mealfo to enclose it to you. They
have taken meafurcs to circulate copies through
the county ; and it h the preient opinion, that of
the thirty thousand people of this cttuity,
there is faarce a negative inclination—which [a far
is a confirmation of irit unanimous refutation of Our
General AflTcmbly i„ the last ieffion.
I have the honoui 'o be,
■ , Your most oljt'iienf,
* Htimilf frivant. T. JOHNSCTN.
TMOMAI SrsicG, ■
[What a Britilh faction this Fif.lrn J: county
contains according to the A 't~' ' H
* UIT:
to the Anr. ra !1
A most lavage murdei was eoininitted lalt Sup'-.
Jay night, on the bo, ly of Mr. f r :
an honed, aged eilizen, living in the border? of
Shepherd's Tnwav About 12 o'citfik" that rr*ht.
Mr. Young discovered attempts making tQ en|cr
his house by a back window ; he inimetiiattTy rose
from his bed, went out of the door to the iack of
the house, where ha was inttaiitly seized, a piflol
put to his body, difeharged;' and .the contents of.
which lodged in hit breast -he,-after wajjklng two
or three paces, fell' and iinhar-ny
.wife on hearing the report of the" pfil6l, ran to his
relief, when she no sooner fprw the •■artoer'of alt (lie
was made at her life by the difchare of another pis
tol, which, fortunately, only burnt the criming
in the pan, and (be escaped. ' Fiom her be'fltecol. '
le&ion, (he saw the two peifons', whb were acccffary
in the horfrd ant? heard* !>?r hufbaod fpenli to
the oae (hot iiiw, previous to-iwt-fajj'i,-'.hoi.
it. liie cause ot this .daring; attempt appLjrs.tJV
have been from the unfortunate Mr. Yuu'.'s hav
ing received a large payment the evening before, for.
in* > thc money to be in the house. determined om
the murder, with a view to obtain it; —however i&-
was left in Shepherd's Town the evening it w»6 re*
ceived, but the aged proprietor loft his life by its
means —No <lifcovt-ry has yet been msdeof the per
petrators of the horrid deed.
Jrig Two Sifters, Eaglafon, Le Borgne if
John, Marner, Charleston r
C"d y> Dayidfon, Jean Rahcl
Be,fey, Hammond, Sunbury, Georgia
fl"' e Keea » Prince
Little Will, Brum, Ditto
Sloop Nancy, Barker, Nantucket lo
t. apt.Keen spoke the ship Birmingham Packet front
Calcutta, in the rirer.
the fribfcribers, Commiflioners appointed by law
•10 wra-fubforiptions/or t j, c Gap, Newport, sni
Wilmington Turnpike Road, do hereby give notice, that
we jwill attend I<* .that purpose at the house of Sanmel
Cochran, on the 6th day of June next;
Chester County, tfth April, , 796. |M«y ? .cim]
For Sale,
A remarkable line Vessel,
pHiladelphia built, of Live Oak and Cedar, Copper
A bolted and ftieathed with patent copper, burthen a
bout 300 tons, a prime sailer, well founa, and now ready
to reeeivc a cargo. For terms apply on board at Wilcecks'ti
vharf, or t»
Thomas & yohn Ketland.
50 dozen Birch Brooms.
For Sale on board said (hip.
itej s
JSew Hat and Hosi£/it^STOJi£ t
Wholesale and Retail,
No. 134 Market-fireety 3d doorfrom the center of
Fourth, South Jide.
tfENS'Black American and 1 ored ditto
Englilh Hati, of vatioiu Children's fancy ditto
qualftie, and ptices All kinds of ftlk, and
Onto Drabi and Greenun. cotton, cotton, k thread
Lathe's ditto, black Knit co'ored Pantaloons
And a large sffjament of Ditto Drawers
fant y <jI tto Ditto Breeches Patterns 1
Cnlertd Beavers Silk Cloves
gant and falhionable trirft- ton
j 1 , A quantity of mmding *«•
rcuth s black and drakcO. t0,,, loited colors. "*
•N.B: ThcHatsiniOicd ia thmefrfft ftlhion,
I d.j^
■»• I *i
To the House of REVKKSRNT.inrss of the United
the Memorial of the Subscribers, iritiabi'tancs of
Frederick-Town, in Frederick county,
State of Maryland,
THAT , in their opinion, the national honor will
be injured, and the. govei nment, peace and happi
ness of the United States, will be endangered, by
declining, or delaying, to carry into execuiinn, the
Treaty lately concluded between the United Stales
and Creat-Bntain
Your memorialists therefore, refpeftfully, yet
ardently, beseech your honourable Loijy, that tlie
neceffaiy appropriations niay be forthwith made lor
carrying the laid treaty into complete operation.
The memorial waj finned b
;itizen9 of the town, nnd transmitted on Saturday
ay the poll, niclofed in a letter ftom the chairman,,
of which the following is a copy :
Frederick-Town, 2sd/tpril, 1796.
"1 ' y : *
near three hnmited
i>- s ' •*)