I Six per Cent. Three p'tr Cent. - -' ■( Deferred Six per Cent. . - - - . if per Cent. - • 4| per Cent. BANK United States, - - • - 45 pr. cent. JPennfylvania, " \ ' ■ North America, - - Inlurance Comp. North-America, 15 dollars ' Pcnnfylrania, IS per ct. Exchange, at 60 days, Notice is hereby Given, " 1 'HAT in pursuance of an ait cf the General Affem- J_ bly of Pennsylvania, entitled "an Aufe they contain, and thus lend their aid towards convulflng the govern ment which alone protects their lives and property. We want no other proof that our government is on the whole well administered, than this ; that-all public measures, when well explained and underload by the people at large, have given general fatitf*ai,n. Ftrft intprejfions on the public mind have often been unfavorable to administration ; but these im preflions have been given by the opposition, by means of their papers; and in every inltance have proved to be wrong. That is, whenever the pub lic mind has been inflamed to discontent by means ot falfe charges agaiaft the officers of government, or by falfe representations of fa&s; time, further in formation and cool reflexion have invariably allay ed the and defeated the effed of the r . » impressions. T liis is a decisive proof that there must befomething wrong in principle in opposition —Forever to mistake- truth and the public fenti raent, eannot be the effect of -jgnoiTinccor want of information. ' BY THIS DAY'S MAIL. ■' V .'.V '" NEW-YORK, May 6. Yellerday, being the ill Wediiefday in May, was celebrated the Annual Commencement of the Columbia College. Order of The Janitor, Students of Medicine, Students of Law, Students of Arts, Candidates, Former Graduates, Faculty of Medicine. !'*. MUSIC. and Faculty of the Arts, frtfUees of the College, "the Corporation of tie City, Judges of the Supreme Court, Strangers of Diftindlion, Regents of the University, Chancellor iovernor of the State. k f * » ■v' : ! f "V. . The bulinefs of the day wan introduced with prayer* by the President, after which Orations were delivered by the Candidate! for the Degree of Ba chelor of Art*, on the following fubjefts, and in the following order. Ir» tbe Morning. 1. De facultatibus by William Rattoone, of Perth-Amboy. 2. On the Rife and Progrefa of the Arts ant Sciences, by John I. Watts, of New-York. 3. On the Study of Nature, by Governeur Og den, of New-Jersey.. 4. On the Theatre, by Andrew Garr, of New York. A Peaceful Disposition tt> a Nation, favorabl< to it* Profptrity, by Adrian C. Van Slyck, o Schenrtlady. & On the Rights of Women, by Philip Fiftier of New.York. 7. On Honor, by Jofiah Strippey, of New-York. 8. On Pride and Self-Interew, by William Turk, of New-York. 9> Oa Liberty, to/ Cbttfct Hcw- York. • --- In the Afternoon. I. Oa Enthufafm, by Henry Cruger, of New- . 2. Refined Pimciplwof Religion, favourable to Libcrtyvfcy Lawrence Van Bufkirk, of New-York. 3. On Ambition, by Edward LiTingfton, of' New York. The Dcfcfree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred on Da"i: nr | We fee in the democratic papers every in fiance of iniult or injury rtceiTed from th« Brjti(h careful ly inserted—but hardly an instance of lofles and in jure* reccing from the French. The memorial we pvibliQjpd yesterday from a number of Merchants in jtating that the French government detain*property in their hands, amounting by esti mation.to is a-very important document; but such papcis arc seldom f««a in our party papers. ■ ' 7 Sir, I do myfelf the pleasure, agreeable to a resolution of 3 town.meeting, fhis mornings to enclose you a memorial from the citi'zeru of this place to the Hon fe of Reprefentativesin Congrcfs, and to rfquelt you will lay the fame before that honorable body. 1 his being Saturday, several of the neighborhood from the country being, as common, occafreiialfy in town, attended.—Thfir anxiety in the exiting crifia urged them to a ftmilar exprefiion of tbfir wilhes ; they ha*c thrrefoie fubferibed a like memo-' rial, and delired mealfo to enclose it to you. They have taken meafurcs to circulate copies through the county ; and it h the preient opinion, that of the thirty thousand people of this cttuity, there is faarce a negative inclination—which [a far is a confirmation of irit unanimous refutation of Our General AflTcmbly i„ the last ieffion. I have the honoui 'o be, Sir, ■ , Your most oljt'iienf, * Htimilf frivant. T. JOHNSCTN. TMOMAI SrsicG, ■ [What a Britilh faction this Fif.lrn J: county contains according to the A 't~' ' H * UIT: to the Anr. ra !1 MARTINSBfTRG, April A most lavage murdei was eoininitted lalt Sup'-. Jay night, on the bo, ly of Mr. f r : an honed, aged eilizen, living in the border? of Shepherd's Tnwav About 12 o'citfik" that rr*ht. Mr. Young discovered attempts making tQ en|cr his house by a back window ; he inimetiiattTy rose from his bed, went out of the door to the iack of the house, where ha was inttaiitly seized, a piflol put to his body, difeharged;' and .the contents of. which lodged in hit breast -he,-after wajjklng two or three paces, fell' and iinhar-ny .wife on hearing the report of the" pfil6l, ran to his relief, when she no sooner fprw the •■artoer'of alt (lie was made at her life by the difchare of another pis tol, which, fortunately, only burnt the criming in the pan, and (be escaped. ' Fiom her be'fltecol. ' le&ion, (he saw the two peifons', whb were acccffary in the horfrd ant? heard* !>?r hufbaod fpenli to the oae (hot iiiw, previous to-iwt-fajj'i,-'.hoi. it. liie cause ot this .daring; attempt appLjrs.tJV have been from the unfortunate Mr. Yuu'.'s hav ing received a large payment the evening before, for. in* > thc money to be in the house. determined om the murder, with a view to obtain it; —however i&- was left in Shepherd's Town the evening it w»6 re* ceived, but the aged proprietor loft his life by its means —No Dayidfon, Jean Rahcl Be,fey, Hammond, Sunbury, Georgia fl"' e Keea » Port.au Prince Little Will, Brum, Ditto Sloop Nancy, Barker, Nantucket lo t. apt.Keen spoke the ship Birmingham Packet front Calcutta, in the rirer. Advertifemcnt. the fribfcribers, Commiflioners appointed by law •10 wra-fubforiptions/or t j, c Gap, Newport, sni Wilmington Turnpike Road, do hereby give notice, that we jwill attend I<* .that purpose at the house of Sanmel Cochran, on the 6th day of June next; JOSHUA PERSEY, JACOB LINDLEY, JOHN M'DOWELL, „ JAMES BOYD. Chester County, tfth April, , 796. |M«y ? .cim] For Sale, A remarkable line Vessel, pHiladelphia built, of Live Oak and Cedar, Copper A bolted and ftieathed with patent copper, burthen a bout 300 tons, a prime sailer, well founa, and now ready to reeeivc a cargo. For terms apply on board at Wilcecks'ti vharf, or t» Thomas & yohn Ketland. 50 dozen Birch Brooms. For Sale on board said (hip. itej s JSew Hat and Hosi£/it^STOJi£ t Wholesale and Retail, By WILLIAM M'DOUGALL, No. 134 Market-fireety 3d doorfrom the center of Fourth, South Jide. tfENS'Black American and 1 ored ditto Englilh Hati, of vatioiu Children's fancy ditto qualftie, and ptices All kinds of ftlk, f.lk and Onto Drabi and Greenun. cotton, cotton, k thread Lathe's ditto, black Knit co'ored Pantaloons And a large sffjament of Ditto Drawers fant y - s ' •*)