Iftuito fairs Number IQOO.*] SATURDAY EVENING, I NOVEMBER 21, 1795* [VOLUME VIH. For Charleston, (S. C.) TH S SHIP I®® 12 U S S E L L, Daniel Reed, tnafter, WILL fail in the course of ten days, and take freight o L moderate terms; for which, or pafTage, apply to th Captaia on board, at Wabrot-ftrect wharf, or to Jofepb Anthony lif Son. November iX. §iot. For BOSTON, TBS SCHOONRR industry, _ Captain Barnard, L Y ING atjoieph Anthony & Son's wharf. Will posi tively fail on Saturday next, wind and weather permitt ing. For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board, or to p.DWARD STOW. Jun. Nov. 17. § t S. No. 4 south Water-rtreet. For Charter, lit T H E BR I G £§§, MART,; John Fleming, mailer, BURTHEN 1000 barrcl» of Flour, is now in compleat order to take in a targo. For terras app'y to Gurpsy & Smith, Who have for Sale, Beurdeaaic and Cogniac Brandy ; And a few French Burr Stones. Nov. 14. § For Jeremie, (To fail in all this month) ... 1*""5—w The beautiful new brig Richard 8c James, Thomas Adams, mailer, BUILT of live oak and cedar, and is herfirfl voyage. She is intended for a constant trader, and is particularly well calculated for carrying paflengers, having moll excel lent accommodations, and conltru&cd for a remarkable fact sailer. For terms apply to the Captain on board at Race-ftret wharf, or to RICHARD & JAMES POTTER. Who have cn Hand, A large and elegant aflortfnent of Callicoes, Muilins, Ribbons, Shawls, Linens, &c. &c. Nov. 13. d, FOR SALE, BY JOHN CRAIG, No, iz, D«ck Street, 10 Pipes of . be T>iTj ISL,! 2\,1 Jir xjy r 90 quarter cases of Sherry wine,' Briftal window glass of different, size«, A bell Havanaah fegaas in boxes, A few calks ef lugar, 4 boxes of yard wide Irish linerts, , 4 bales of do. canvass, 5 bales of red, white, and yellow flacaels; PORI S MOUI H, BJRTHEN 2600 barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddle's wharf, in Southwark. Philadelphia, Sept. 22. To Madeira, perseverance, - William Richards, mr.Jlcr, WILL fail in all next week. For freight cr passage ap ply to JESSE fcf ROBERT V/ALN. November 9. dtf. For Falmouth and a Market, the ship EDGE L T, . John Hodge, mailer, I SHli will fail with all convenient speed. For freight 1 or passage apply to | Philips, Cramond £3" Co. ; November q. d. ' ; i 1 For LIVERPOOL, (THE BRIG ABIGAIL, Thomas Gilford, mailer, HAS a great part »f her cargo engaged, and will fail in T a few days. For freight or paffago apply on board at I Wilcock'a wharf, or to THOMAS XElVMAb'jit Rofs's wharf— \ Who has for Sale, Coffee, Cotton, Claret in cap:s and hampers, Old Fron tainiac Wine in and I'evcn doz. Mens" rulHfd Shirtj. Oct. 2 2. § Jufl Arrived per the Snow Bojlon, fames Kiikpatrick, Mafier, from Liverpool, 113 Cra'es well-afibrted Queen's Ware, c 4000 bushels best floved fine Salt, & to be fold at No. i, Pine-flreet, by yames Campbell. Also, afew boxes well-afTarted IriSi Linens. N. B. V — Said Snow for Freight or Char- A cipher to the Weft-Indies or tsfcslS Enquire as above. ° Au"uft 18. 9 '" n FOR S A L E, •; ENSEL A E R, LYING at Willing and Francis's wharf; a flrong, new vessel, five months old, built of red cedar, bur then 130 tons, supposed will carry about ijco barrels of "flour, is of an easy draft of water, and has excellent f accommodations for paiTcnsrers. For terms apply to "T.& J. CLIFFORD. a Itl: If not fold in two or three days, said velTel will pro- an •eed for thft Rate of New-Yotk. th Piiilad. Sept. 29. 4., FLEECY HPSIERY. BARTHOLOMEW CONOLLT, < AT HIS HOSIERY STORE, No. 4S, ChefmU-Jlreet, , e T)EGS leave to inform his Friends, and the public in ! 1J general, that he has jitft received a fr.iail of the Bejl Fleecy Hofisry Stockings, which he recommends to those Gentlemen who make use of that article'to make a fpcedy application for, owing to — the demand there now is. Where they will also meet with a not elegant assortment of Every defer iptlon of Hosiery. November 19. eod6t. To-Morrow Morning will be Landed, At Stamper's wharf, from on board the schooner Eliza, T. Arnold, mafler, n tlifecl from Malaga, 800 Quarter Barrels frefh BLOOM RAISINS 300 Boxes do. do. do. 300 Jars do. do. do. 400 Boxes do. Muscatel do. 115 Quarter Barrels FIGS 137 Boxes PKUNES 50 Kegs ANCHOVIES 50 Jars GRAPES 94 Sacks Soft Shelled ALMONDS 100 Quarter Casks MOUNTAIN WINE t FOR SALE BY PETER KUHN. 5-th November. dlf GEORGE DOBSON, \ Has just rcccived by the late arrival* from England, and is now opening at his STORE, N°' 134, Narket'Jlrcet, corner of Fourth, A Large assortment of broad and narrow Cloths; Elas tic do. KcrfeymerCs; Coatings; Blankets; Flan nels, &c &c.—Also, an elegant afiortmeiit of London and MancKeftcr printed Callicoes of the neweil patterns, adapted for the fcafon, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs and Pullicats, Pirn, &c. which he will fell by the Piece or Package on the lowest terms i'or Cacti or approved notes * at 2, 4, & 6 months. November 5. dtf. Iriflj Linens. James & Henry Fisher, No. 8, I JVaI.-ut-f.rect, - Have imported by die Rebecca, from Dublin, a large of 7-8 and 4 4 white L'nens, 7-8 hrown d 4-4 hpJf whiffr §l« *ctj.pos, 9-S brown aji<' fe 40. 3-4 brown and white Lawns, "" .■■» »> ■n." i . MU.I, ny 1 .package, for cash or appr&vod Notes, at 6c5 aiid 90 days. N. B. The above Goods l>e;ng immediately ireni the \lanu.faelorks, it is they will .be found worthy of notice. 1 O&. 16. | For SALE, by the Subscribers, In PES'X.'TREET, Th: folloiving artictcs ef the lajl importation from China. 160 Quarter Chests liyfon Tea, 120 Quarter Chells Souchong Tea, 400 Boxes China, containing Tea Setts, 4.500 Piece» Nankeens. Willings C3 5 Francis. September 14. ; The highest price in Calh, will be given for EMPTY BOTTLES, A preference will be given to Claret Bottles.—Apply to No. 187, south Third-ltreet. Atril 10. d Hare's Patent Floor Cloth, WITHOUT SEAM. THE manafachtrcr has jwtl imported by the LIGHT HORSE FROM BRISTOL, an elegant affortmcnt of the ncweft and befl Patterns, which art: in excellent 1 preservation, from 9 feet fquarc to iZ by 15 feet; like wise, for Stairs,, Entries, and Kails, from £ yard trk 3 yards wide. J 1 he fubferiber informs purchasers, that 1 loor Cloths laid under woollen Carpets during the win -1 ter, will be in a Hate of improvement till the fpricg, and ' I render rooms warm by preventing air from paflirig be tween the boards. JOHN BROWNE, No. 145 north Sccond-flrcct- WHO HAS FOR SALE, A quantity of Remnants to lay before the fire for the pre servation oi woollen Carpets; Dipt and mou d Candles, with fine cotton wick; Brown and white Soap, of a very superior quality, in small boxes suited for families; White Lead; Red Lead; Spanilh Brown; Orange Mine ral, &c.&c. November 10. eod. For sale, at low prices, NAILS by the caik, from 3d to iod afibrtcd, and a vari- c ety of Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks; Cotton and wool Cards, from No. X to 12; Hatters and (lock Cards ; Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton machines. Also Machines for cutting and heading Nails, with a va- : riety of articles suitable for that business, which will j r be fold together. A large flock of Wire, and other articles for carrying on : ft the Card Manufactory, with the valuable machines for j it cutting the teeth, and other parts ef the work. j a; And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, See. now in forward- j ness for finijhing. Also, <i A LEASE OF THE STORE, ft Occupied by the late partnerfaip of Webster, Adgate and F' White. As the ftorc is convenient for the business, the * c machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to pur chafe aisd follow the biifinefs to do it to advantage. Enquire of PETER W. GALLAUDLT, OtSl.io. dim. No. 63 Chefnut-ftreet. for Sale, / Or to be LET for a term of years, A N elegant House with about forty-two acres of Land c: J-X. and Meadow. The £tuation is very convenient for E a Country Seat, or for a person inclined to attend the markets. There is an excellent Kitchen Garden, Icc-hocfe, te and a variety of Fruit—the diflance about five miles from T the city. For further information apply to the Printer. November 14. 2awtf. h; ' - V; ■ iV' . ■ v- John Miller, jun. 8c Co. No 8, Chrfimtflrut, Is addition to their allortment now recoivcd, have on hand ' remaining of the Carghcs of ■ j Three Brothers 1$ Arethufa from India, for sale by the package only, te A and Coajl Goods, viz. Low priced CfljTaes 4-4 and 6-4 book mujlins f Long cloths in do. Patna handkerchiefs Humhurr.i , c " Shirting muslins Ba'ftas Blue romals Carabricks Book handkerchiefs ia Muslin 1 small bales neatly as- Taffaties I sorted. Blue checks s Alfo-a variety of French Goods, viz. ' Looking glades Feathers and Flowers Angola gloves ' Paper hangings Linaus and Linau handkerchiefs, fuitabie for the Weft-India masker. I A few elegant Time Pieces. Oifl. 9th. } Landing, this Day, j From the Miller, from Bourdeaax, at Wil ling and Francis's wharf, 36 pipes of Cogniac Brandy. FOR SAL F. BY John Nixon & Co. or J Philips, Cramond, £3" Co. Novern. i 2. d6t. * Tuft received in the brig Ariel, from f - St. Croix, « 54-hhdsMulcovado Sugar, • 2500 bufhcls of coarse Salt, FOR SALB BY f John Nixon Eif Co. November 18. 56t. James Tifhn, . * ,d' WHOLESALE & RETAIL HATTER, I )r No. 70, south Sccond street, near the City Tavern, I cs |T AS just received by the late arrivals from London A X and Bristol, a largi and elegant assortment of Ladies > and Ocntlcmens fafhionahls iHAFS.—AIfo, a variety of I _ ttjhildtens HATS of different colours, which will be fold 1 on the lowcfLtcrms for cash. ( N. B, Ladi.'s Hats trimM in the newest fafhion from 1 London. Ofl. 12. § I _ FOR sale, ; I Imported in the Jhip Arethufa, from Calcutta and Aladrtfs, a variety of BENGAL GOODS; Guan - aJ)S, Baft as, toffies, KiimfeiVms, fertians^ Caliches. To be Sold by fjir Pinlijiji j W 1 n rt t « it - ibrae and four inomhs, by WILLIAM MACLURE & Co. No. 42 Dock Street, or JOHN MILLER, Jun. The CARGO ot the ship Harmony, ; jEzra Lowell y mafler—from BOURDEAUX, CONSISTING OF ! BRANDIES, in pipes and puncheons; and CLARE I i n hogflicads, is discharging from on hoard the said ihip at Cuthbert's wharf, and for sale by Andrews S5 9 Meredith, [ Sept. 15. d. No. 86, south wharves. 537 Hogfhe.-.ds, to 459 Barrah, (Coffee, above 000,ooolb. 224 Bags, 3 115 Kogiheads of choice Jamaica Sugar. 211 Bales of St. Domingo Cotton, r Will bp landed Monday morning, 26th inft. at South- x ftrtet wharf, Being the «ntire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica ; X* Brig Polly, and Schooner Indutlry, from Jereniie, It FOR SALE BY a at Peter Blight. OftoVr 12. $ v 2 —_ , ■ ■ ■ - w .ii m 1 ' John Miller, jun. dad his brother Alexand«r j. Miller, f have entered into partnerlhip, under the Firm of 1- John Miller, jun. £ff Go. 'd They lave received by the arrivals from Europe, and are now L> " opening for SALE, r At their STORE, No. 8, Chefnut-ftreet, '■ A capital assortment of DRV GOODS, d Suitable to the feafon—araongd which are, c Broad apd narrow Cloths, Plain and fancy Coatings, Bsaveretts and elastics, 11 Rofeand point Blankets, A variety of coarse Woollens, Manchefler maijufa&urcs, Irifli Linens, India Goods, generally, French Goods. All of which they will dispose of for cash or the usual r - credit. Goober 9. § ! I- Canal Lottery-Office <• I Near the of the UNITED STATES, f . 1 08ober I, [795. u [1 j' | I HE drawing of this Lottery began on Monday, the tl X ?Bth ult. 'f'he sale of Tickets is continued by the 1 fubferiber, from 3 o'clock in the morning, until 3 o'clodk ir r :in the afternoon, at the above office, and by J. Roberdeau S i at the State-House, warranted undrawn. . j Prize Tickets will be received in payment, fubjp<ft to the nedu&ion exprilfcd in the tickets—Price 11 dollars until i further Rotice. Approved notes, with a good indorfer, • payable 20th Dcsember next, will be received in paymeut «. lor tickcts amounting to one hundred dollars and upwards. || William Blachburn, Agent. ) Check Book kept at the Office. Tickets examined at 2-100 each number, and regifterad at 12-100 each ticket. N. B. No tickcts fold durine the hours of drawing. 18 lottery office, 01 N®. 64,foutb SecondJlrcct, ct 1 Tickets for la!e, and cash or tickets given for in any prizes that may be drawn. nl Information given refpeding Washington lottery, and i eafh or Cana] tickets given for prizes that may be drawn. — Beth lotteries commence drawing September 28th. BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in both lot , tcries, and" open gratis to the enquiries of th; possessors of A 1 Tickets purchased at the OFFICE. £3" Halves quarters, and gighths of Tickets may be ha i at the atyveOfficc. Sept. 26. § P Jamaica Rum. The Cargo of the brig Place, Capatin Grsy, from the north fid.j «f Jamaica, IVill be landed to-morre<w merninr at S'juthflreet tvharf, High Proof RUM, Prime SUGAR and COFFEE. * rr~> Peter Blight. s November 9. § The Partnership of SAM. & TKO. SHAW BEING dissolved in August lj.il, by mutual consent, all those indebted, whose accounts ar. due, are de fined to make speedy payment at their Store, corner of Front and Arch-street. The bufinels is now carried oa I at the fame place, by THOMAS SHAW, Who li-S for sale, oa reasonable termis, for c?.lh, or the usual credit, : A general aflortment of Merchandize, Imported by the lafl: vefleUfram London, Bristol, and Li verpool, fuitablefor the Fall Season. A Tobacco Engine and Press to be Told by Sam. Shaw. O&aber 23. 2a\*3«f&iaw do. Bartholomew Conolly, No. 48, Chefnut-ftreet, RESPECTFULLYv informs his fnends and the public in general, that he has impprted in the late arrivals from England, an elegant, extensive and well chofcn as sortment of men's and women's holiery—among which - is a very great variety ef beautiful fancy hofiery—fiich as L striped aad clouded cotton— fine plated silk and cotton— elegant patent fancy silk. Fine striped and clouded patent worsted, &c. &c. which are now offered for sale upon ( his usual low terms, together with every other article oS 4ry. £Ood«, fuibtKU to tiif- fr«fan . B. C. has also imported a great variety »f gentlemen'# out size flockings. 0&. 24. coim. SHOT, OFall sizes, from 32 lb to Grape, Cambooles, Pots, and «ther callings executed at th« ihorteft notice, Nail rods, from iod to spike, Hoop Iron, of all sizes, for cafe or cutting into nails, trom 1 a brad >0 12d nails, > Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to loolb. r Bar Iron, I A Quantity of James River Tobacoe, Carolina Pork. 1 Herrings in barrels, Kiln-dried cora meal in Hhds. and Bblj. Rye fleur &c. to be fold by I Levi Hollingpivorth [s 5 Son. U J> 4 ~ taw rvefh TEAS, Of fuperhr quality, viz. Impcriai, or Gunpowder Hj son Gomte, lit quality Hyson, v 2d. do. uo. Young Hyion, t- Hyion Skin, and Souchong. Jf few Boxes of each, for fttle at No. 19, Third Street, South. December 10. j-oj, ' BURR MILL STONES Made by OLIVER EVANS, at his Factory, in the old wind-mill id Elmfley's alley, South Sccmd-Jrect, a little Lglozu Dsct fircct, 1 W H^ R / those who apply ma y be fu PP licd with (lone. V V of such quality as will suit their purposes. Also stones for gudgeons t» rnn on, and Plaifter of Paris. ' He keeps fir SALE, : At his dwelling No. 215 north Second-street, a ttttle abov». Vine street, Boulting Claths, A complete aflortment of both imported and American manufactured for merchant and country <york, which h; warrants good. ALSO, . The Young Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE. Containing a system of mechanics and hydraulics as they apply to water mills with the whole process of, and all the late improvements on the art of marmraauring flour &c intended to be ufeful to all concerned iu building or ufine water-milk, which book is fold by Matthew Carey and , Robert Campbell, boakfellers. " e pt. 35' 3tdtaw»f. Bankrupt Office. CREDITORS of BANKRUPTS, whose accounts -L have been legally proved, may receive their divi dends by applying at this Office, every day from 9 to 12 o'clock m. Sundays excepted. By order of the Commissioners, 1 ~ - JOHN JENNINGS, Clerk. Philad. Vinc'Jlreeiy No. 92, November 17,1795. 3 tawi OT . Delaware Bridge. THE President and Managers of the Company for e reding a Bridge over the river Delaware, at the Bo rough ofEafton, Give this Public Notice, That they will, until the firft day of February next, re ceive proposals of suitable plans or models for the 'said Bridge; as alio for the erection thereof, and the delivery of materials. The length of the Bridge will be at the least 600 feet, and mull not be composed of more than three arche>. Any person inclined to engage in the above undertak ing, will plcafe to direfl their plans and proposals to tho Searetary of the Company at Eafton. By order of the Pref,Je*t and Managers, JOHN ARNDT, «'ccrdary, Eajiorty Pennfylvania,Nov. 12. m w A s Notice. A LL persons indebted to the late partncrfhip of IVel- L 1 /"■> AJgate, & White, are desired to malt, payment to Peter W. Gallaudet, No. 63, Chefnut-flreet who is authonfed to receive the fame. Those who have claims on the said Firm will prcfent them to him. Demands on the estate of the late Pelaliah IVelßcr de ceased, are to be exhibited to the fubferiber—and those indebted to the said estate, are requested to make pav MC "'" J RUTH PERIT, Executrix! OBober 20. dim. No. 47 south Water-flreet. Canal Lottery. No. 1 49, Chefnut-flreet,between FourthsFiftb-Jlreitt. i"*ICKETS examined gratis, and every information giv en refpefling said Lott.ry. Also, Wifohmoa and Paterfan Lotteries. Oil. 28.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers