fell TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17, 1795. [Volume VIII. Number 996.J — — ——- For Charter, -""J-, ) THE BRIG |||i MART, * John Fleming, miller, BURTIIPN zooo barrels of Flour, is now in coiuph -* „rd«r to take in a car 0 -o. Ifar terms apfy to x Gunuy '& bmii/J, . ' td Who have for Sale, %v ; Bourdeaux and Cogr.iac Brandy ; I And a few Prtneh Burr Stones. Nov. 14. § : : t For Jeremie, (To fail in all this month) . The beautiful new bttg Richard & James, Thomas Adams, master, BUILT of live oak and cadar, and is her firfl: voyage. She is intended for a content tracer, and is particular y well calculated for carrying paffengsrs, having " lent accommodations, and conftrudlcd for a rel fail fader. For terms apply to the Lartam on bo_rd Race-ftret wharf, or to D r>'PTl7T? RICHARD & JAMES POI PER. Who have cn Hand, A large and elegant assortment erf Callkoes, Muflmji, Ribbons, Shawls, Liutms, &c. &c. Nov- S3- - FOR SALE, BT h JOHN CRAIG, No. 12, Dock Street, 10 Pipes of 7he very bejl Madeira IV IN E, ocrqnarlcr cases of Sherry wine, n Brilln' window glass of different Szen, a . A quantity of bell Havannah fegaas in boxes, a A lew cases of lugar, p 4 boxed of ylrd wide Irish linens, p 4 bales of do. canvass, a 5 hales of red, white, and yellow flannels; P 0 R1 S MOUI H, BJrTheN 1600 barrels, now lying at Mr. Thai.lie's j wharf, in Southwark. Philadelphia, Sept. 12. ?• For Charleftoii, THE BRIG Lovely Rachel, Henry RohnJo, majler, NOW lying at Bitkham's wharf. She will positively fail on Saturday next. For freight or passage apply to 1 «he Captain on board, or GEO. SIBBALD, Nov. 10. § No. 170 south Front-flreet. THE BRIG PERSEV! > RANCE > William Richards, majler, Wild"' fail ill all next week. For freight or passage ap ply to JESSE ROBERT WALK. November 9. dtf. For Falmouth and a Market, f* TB E S!I1P E D G E L T, J ol,n matter, SHI". wi'.l fail with alt convenient speed. For freight . or palfage apply to Philips, Cram out! l*j Co. November 9. For LIVER P O O L, THE BRIG ABIGAIL, Thomas Gifford, mailer, " r -—- , ' ... HAS a great part #f her cargo engaged, and will fail m a few days. For freight or paflag2 apply on hoard at J s wharf, or to THOMAS NEiVAfJIS 7 ,at Rofs s whar/ — % \ Who has for Sale, Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cafrs and hampers, Old Fron tnir.iae Wise in hogsheads, and seven doz. Mens' ruffled Mints. Get. 22 For HAMBURG H, THE SHIP H°L L A N I Christopher Franklin, jun.mafter, HAS exeelleu't accommodations for palfer.gers ; will tail in all this month ; three-fourths of her cargo are ready to goon boaid, a few Tons of heavy goods will be taken cm freight. —For freight or paffige apply to the Mailer ou hoard, Peter Btight, or to Pragers & Co. September It, 1795. $• 'Jujl Arrived per the Snozv litjiori, James Kirkpatrick, Majler, Jrom Liverpool, IX3 Crates well-sHorted Queen's Ware, 4000 bulhels l>eft (loved fine Salt, & to be fold at No. I, Pine-ftrect, by fames Campbell. Also, a ft;w boxes well-assorted Irifli Linens. N. B. J-rXiJ-vi— Said Snow for Freight or Char* ter, either to the Well-Indies or EpociiiisaSkSS Enquire as above. Aupifl 18. $_ FOR SALE, ENSEL A E R, J. Wendell, mailer, LYf?Ki at Willing and Francis's wharf; a-ftrong, nevr vessel, five months old, built of red cedar, bur then r 3O tans,, supposed v ill carry about 1200 barrels of floM-, is of an eafv draft of water, and has excellent accommodations for pafTcnjret s. For terras apply to T. & J. CLIFFORD. If cot fold in twa or three days, said vessel will pro- 1 ccetl for the Hate of New- York. 1 Phita,;!. Sept. 29. § * Ship Arethilfa. mil be Sold, at Public Auciion, On \V>dnefdav, the 18th iuft. '» At 7 i'[U in the Evening, at the Merchants Cejfee-Houfe, (For approved notes, at 3 and 6 months) C. T'i.'e AmericanJhip Arethufa, laying at Ktefi'rs. Willing and A \iFrancis's' wharf; burthca about 3000 jj New-Harapfiiif<i bui t, feeath- cd and coppered about 18 months iiace. The iaveatorj p. wiJI be fuai «the Auction Room. l {?j Nov. 13. tds. J.CONNELLY, Außiwutr. J H To-Morrow Morning will be Landed, ! At Stamper's wharf, Jrom on board the schooner Eliza, T. Arnold, majler, direS Jrom Malaga, _ j y( 3io Quarter Barrels frefh BLOOM lIAISINS 300 Boxes do. do. do. 300 Jars , do. do. do. 400 Boxes do. Mufeatel 115 Quarter Barrels FIGS 13- Boxes PRUNES ; 50 Kegs ANCHOVIES 50 Jars GRAPES 04' Sachs Soit Shelletl ALMONDS 1 100 Quarter Calks MOUNTAIN WINE" j FOR. SALE BY PETER KUHN. Q sth November. . i o: GEORGE DOBSON, L Has iuft reeved by the late arrivals from and Wis now opening at his SI ORE, J 0 N°; r 3 4, Market'/lreei, corn.-r cj Fourth, \ I-arge assortment of broad and narrow Cloths; Has ' A tie do. Kcrf.'ymcres; Coatings; Blankets; Flan neb; &c &q.—Alfo, an elegant assortment of London andTULncheiU'i- prij.tod CaJJito.s 0] the newest patterns, adapted for the f.afon, priuteuCouon Hanut'.erchicfs and PuUicats, Pin», &c. which he will fell by the I'bce or Package on the lowest terms for Calh or approved notes at 1, 4, Sc 6 months. November 5. * : ' t t Irifo Linens. James & Henry Fisher, _V„. 8, Wabtut-Jirert, Have imported by the Rebecca, from Dublin, a large assortment of 7*B- and 4-4 white Linens, t j-8 brown do. * 4-4 half white Sheetings, • " ( 9-8 brown ahd white do. 3-4 brown and white Lawns, 7-8 Dowlas ; Which they will cifpofe of on rer.fonable terms, by the package, for c;'fn or appfoved Notes, at 60 and 90 clay-,. •° N. ii. The aliove Goods being im.nediatelv from th- Manufailories, it is preium.d tiiey will be found worthy of notice oa - *6- 1 --- by Ap Subscribers, h PEXX-11RLE1) The follvfuing articles of the lajl i/nporiatiun fran China. 160 Quarter CUeftsTiyfon .Tea, lib Quirter Chests SoHchong Tea, 400 Boxes Chim, containing Tea Sc-us, 4500 Pieces Naiikcens. WiSings Francis, — September 14. \ ThclilgKvA price in Caih, will be given for EMPTY BOTTLES, A. preference will be given to Claret Bottles,—Apply to No. 187, lbuth Third-fhetft. [, t Atri! la. d Hare's Patent Floor Cloth, WITHOUT SEAM. HpHE manufacleri r has jnfl imported by the LIGHT ~~ .1 HOR3E*FROM BRISTOL*, ata .elegant uffottmcnt of the new eft and be X Patterns, which are in excellent preservation, from 9 feet to 18 by 15 feet; like wise, for Stairs, Entries, and Halls, from J yard to 3 yards widi. v The fubferiber informs purchasers, that j n Floor Cloths laid undeT woollen Carpets during the win- | at ter, will be in a ftatc of improvement till thf i'priiig, and 1 g» 8 render rooms warm by preventing air from pafiingf he- j twecn the boards JOliH BROWNE, / No. 145 north ikcond-lireet. | WHO HAS PCJR SALIiy rt- A quantity of Remnants -to lay before the fire for thepr<> ed fervatioii ot woollen Carpets ; Dipt ani mou'd Candles, with fine cotton wick; — Brown and white Soap, of a very superior qu/lity, in ' small boxes suited for families; White Lead; Red Lead; Spanish Brown; Oraage Mine ral, &c. &c. November 10. eod. For sale, at low prices, jrj NAILS by the c;>lk, from 3d to iod assorted, and a vari ety of Sprigs, Brads, and Taoks; ... Cotton and wool Cards, from No. Ito u; ' Hatters and stock Cards ; l 0 Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton machines. Also Machines for cutting and heading Kails, with a va riety of articles suitable for that business, which will be fold together. — A large llockof Wire, and other articles for carrying on the Card Manubitory, with the valuable machines for , cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work. And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in forward nefs for finilhing. Also, A LEASE OF THE STORE, Occupied by the late partnership of Webster, Adgate and ' White. As the Here is convenient for the business, the machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining ta purchase and follow the business to do it to advantage. lr * tiiquirc of FLTER W. GALI.AUDEI', or Oiil. ao. di>ti. No. 63 Ghelinit-dreet. ADVER TISEME A 7. Sj'ROM the firft of December next, the annual fubferip — JL tion for this Gazette will be EIGHT DOLLARS. Subscribers out of the City will pay On: Dollar a year in addition, for iticlofmg and dircding their Papers. Remote fubferibers are requcfted to pay up ?, to the above period; also the seals year's advance from that time—those who do not. vflll be considered as de clining a continuance of their fubfeription. ?' Advertifcments ot a fcjuare, or 1, f , arc published in lliis r "' Gazette once, for half a dollar ; a»d. continued at one ' s qi'ARTER or a dollar for each fiibfequent insertion. n ' The Editor acknowledges, with gratitude, the favors of his advertising patrons —He assures them, that the en creafed, and encreafing -r of his labfcnbiTs, is con -- tinually extending the cifeuiation in the city—lts diltaut circulation is r.ow equal to that of any othsr publication. Philadelphia-, November 3, 1795. John Miller, jun. & Co. ii 8, Chejnutjlrett, \ I» addition to their assortment now received, have on hand remaining of the 'j Car«m of the Three Brv'fjertZsf Areth;:fa from India, And for sale by the package only, A variety of Bengal and Coajl Goods, viz. Low priced CotTaes 4-4 and 6-4 book uiuikns • Lcng cloths in co. _ Path* handkerchiefs Humhufili i :?hirtirtp . '.ins Baftas 1 i Blue rmnais Cambrkki I ! Book handkerchiefs in Malliu i.i finall bales neatly as- Tafiaties Fi sorted. Blue checks at Also—variety of French Goods, viz. Looking glades Feathers anil Flowers Angola gloves Paper hangings Linaus and Linau handkerchiefs, suitable for the W ili-India market, ' r A few elegant Time Pieces. Oil, qth. § -James Tiffin, WHOLESALE sis RETAIL lIJTTER, No. 70, iauth Second street, near the City Tavern, HAS juFt received by the late arrivals from London and Briftoi, a Urge and ele£?nt assortment of Ladies | and Gentlemens fafiiionable HATS.—AIfo, a variety of * Qhildrens HATS of different colours, which will be fold ,x ! on the lowest terms for calh. j\T. B. Ladies Hats trimH in the neweH fafhion frt>m London. OA. iz. FOR 8-A LE, ' c v Imported in the Jhip Arethufa, from Calcutta and j, Madrafs, a variety of d BENGAL GOODS; Guarrahs, t Bahas, ( , Coffies, 1 liurchums, . " !1ai..".;.-i.:efs, ( j ' Persians, ' • TS- — Calieot-s. . j To be Sold by the Package, for approved notes "t j - three and four months, by WILLIAM MACLURE & Co. No. 42 Dock Street, or ! JOHN MILLER, Jun. - e Gerrhan Pajfev.ge.rs i fall arrived in the ihip Hotland, Captain Franklin, j from Hatnlmrgh, now at anchor oppoiit - Vine-flieet, whole time is to be agreed for by applying cn board, or to ■ PRAGEftS & Co. 'September ic. d. Flic C ARGO of the fliip Harmony, lC liztJ Lc-zoJl, ' t naf!:r BOURDEuiUX, CONSISTING OF pn A \mTT7O y in pipes and puncheons; and in hojffneads, is difcharming from on I th&f.ud fliip tit Cuthhcrt's Wharf, and for sale by Aindiews iy Meredith, Sept. 15. d No. 86, south wharves. Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf, The GAJZQO cf toe Jhip Trijlram, J. Cbriflic, m.ifter, from *9' • vVr - : / 'yrt-at! — CONS] .TIN'S OF — ISO hogP.eads, and ) Mlifcovado SUGAR 711 barrels or ) 45 barrels of COFFEE. fOK * ALE BY" so George Sibbald, OMi z6. d No. 170fouth Front-ftrect. 537 Hogsheads, i 459 Barrels, i Colfee, above ooo,ooolb. 214 Bags, J j. 115 HogQijadsof choice Jamaica Sugar. 211 Biles of St. Doaiingo Cotton, Will be landed Monday morning, 26th infl. at Soath- llrtet wharf, iieing the entire cargoes of Snow K:be, from Jamaica ; J Polly, and Schoonar Indu'drj, from Jerairue, 10R sale t? ill i Peter BUghs id 1 OAober 22. S e- ! — — ; John Miller, jun. and his brother Alexander J. Miller, t. ! have entered into partncrlhipf, under the Firm of John Miller, jun. Sff Co. j They have recc'rvcd by the arrivals Jrom Europe, aid are now ) opening for SALE, • | At their STORE, No. 8, Chefnut-ftrert, A capital affsrtment of DRP GOODS, e Suitable to the feifon—anaoiTg.l which are, Broad and narrow Cloths, / — Plain and fancy Coatings, Beavcrctts and elastics, Rose and poiiit Blankets, A variety of coarse Woollens, Manche'ter manufa^lurcs, Irish Linens, India Goods, generally, a- French Goods. All of which they will dispose of for calh or the usual cred>t. Ofloher 9. § d" i Canal Lottery-Oiiice Near the BANK of the UNITED STATES, Ofiober I, 1795. . nnHE drawing of this Lottery began on Monday, the . | _L ?Bth ult;. The sale of Tickets is .continued, by the fubferiber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, until 3 oVlodk in the afternoon, at the above office, and by J. Roberdeau v " at the State-House, warranted undrawn. CQ 1 Prize Tickets will be received in payment, fubjcil to the ! cxpreCTed in the tickets—Price ji dollars until j further notice, Approved notes, with a good indorfer, ; payable 20t-h December next, will be received in payment for tickets amounting to on j hundred dollars and upwards, j) William Blackburn, Agent. &heck Book kept at the Olfice. Tickets examined at o-100 each number, and registered at 12-100 each ticket. N. B. No tickets loli during the hours of drawing. £ LOTTERY OFFICE, e- N°. 64yfouib Secondfreet, ANAL Tickets for sale, and cafli or tickets given for lis any prizes that may be drawn. e Information given refpe&ing Washington lottery, and safli or Canal tickets given for prizes that may be drawn, rs Both lotteries commence drawing September 2^th. I- BOOKS will be kept of :.ch day's drawing in both lot- II- thrifts, and open gratis to the enquiries of the poffefforsof it Tickets purchased at the OFFICjI. a. .Jjr Halves, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be had at the abovi OlEce« Sept. 26. 4 § 1 Jamaica Rum. ,!ie Cargo of tl'.c brig Peace, Capatin Gray, from the north fid-- of Jlinaita, 'Vill le landed lu-morrovs morning at Sottlhftrect wiiarj, High Proof RUM, Prime SUGAR and COFFEE. Pctsr Blivht. November*}- § i.Thc p4rto»tfir : > of SAM. & TilO. SHAW BEING diffulved in Au.;u(t lail, ly mutual consent, all those Wu>u4» wbfitfe accsuat* aru due, are dc fred to make foerdy payuieiit at thdir jtore, corner of front and ArdUlrest. The bulls eft is now carried on at tli<; fame pb.ee, Hv , T H OMAS SHA W, Who hes for file, on reasonable tcrnis, for cafe, or the . usual c&:dit, A general assortment of Merchandize, lmpo:ted by the U1 veffeUfram London, Briilol, and Li verpool, suitable lor the Fall Scafoiv. A Tobact-o Engine and Frefs to b foii by Sam. Shaw. Octslxr 23. do. Bartholomew Conolly, No. 48, Chefnut-ftreer, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the publi; in general, tliat be has Ifnport-d in the Tate arrivals from England, an elegant, excenfive and well chosen as sortment of men's and women's hofu-ry-—arftong which is a very great variety ef beautiful fancy houery—fuch a» lti iped a*d clouded cotton- fine plated silk and cotton — elegant patent fancy hlk. Fine Griped and clouded patent worftetl, &e. &c. which are now offered for fajf upon his usual low terms, together with every other article of dry good-., faitable to the season. I B. C. has also imported a great variety of gentlemen's out size ftockiligs. Oif. 24. eolin. VilfMwj ~ Nov. 5. _______ Ojlty fees, from 31 lb to Grape, f Cambooles, Pots, and other callings executed at the ~ r*r"rffll ihi'lm, 1 Nail rods, from rod to fpikc, Hoop Iron, of all sizes, for cases or cutting i*to nails, from r. brad to 12d Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to loolb. Ear Iron, x A Quantity of Puv*jt Tobacco, Caroiir.a Perk. H?! rings in barrels, Kiln-erisd corn meal in Hhds. atid BMs. ' Rye flour <scc. to he fold by j Levi Hdlip.gjkvorth & San. Au -vjl 4 ' 2JW Freih T E A S, Of fuferior quality, viz. Impciial, or Gunpowder Hyson Gomee, lit (futility Hyfoil, 2d. do. uo, 1 Young Hyios, Hylon Skin, a id Souchong. '• A few Boxes of inch, fur sale at No. 19, 1 hird Street, South. w Do*" lit- ip. eod. llUllli MILL STONES Made by. OLIVER VVANS» at h.s Factory, i:i the old wind-mill ia Eimfleyalley, South S:cjnd~jirtet, a littU Itclou/ Jlrect, WHERE those who apply maybe fupptad with stones of such quality as will suit their purpofe®. Alio, stones for gudgeons to run on, and Piaiftcr of Paris. • He keeps for SALE, — At Wis dwelling No. 215 north Sceond-ftreet, a Ifttle a joVfe Vine iliprt, '• Boutting Cloths, A •ornpleta affbrtment of both imported and American maniifu&uicd for merchant and country work, which hi warrants good. A I. S 0 y The Young Millwright's and Miller's,GUlDE. ' Containing a system of mechanic# and hydraulics as they apply to water mills with the whole proccfs of, and all the lateJmprovements on the art ofmanufa&uring flour &c. intended to be ufeful to all concerned in building or ufnrg water-mills, which book is fold by Matthew Carey and Robert Campbell, bo©V«ila*% Sept. 25. 3td2awtf. ro THE PUBLIC. MINIATURE PAINTING. A Limner from Paris informs the public, that he paints Likcneflos in Miniature, in fach Ilriking and pleasing a manrur, as will, he hopes, farisfyi those who may employ him. His LikenelTes are war ranted, his fittings short, and his terms easy. His is at No. 2, north Fifth-ftreet. November 11. §194. P. S. As he shortly intends returning to France, he invites fucli I .adics and Gentlemen as may be desirous of having their Portraits drawn, to take advantage of the pr?fent time. Delaware Bridge. a j nPHE President and Managers of the Company for e- L reding a Bridge over the river Delaware, at the Bo — rough ofEafton, Give this Public Notice, That they will, until the firft day of February next, re ceive proposals of Suitable plans or models for the said Bridge; as alio for the erection thereof, and the delivery ic of materials. The lesigth of the Bridge will be at the 16 Waft 600 feet, and must not be composed of more thaa ? k three arche.. L u Any person inclined to engage in the above undertak ing, will please to dir:r& their plans and proposals to the Secretary ©f the Company at Eafton. By oVdtr of the Prfilcnt and r, JOHN ARNDT, Secretary. ■it Eajion, Pennfylvania,Nov. 12. m w & s Notice. it ALL persons indebted .to the bte partnership of Jfd t. jTjl Jlcr, Adgitte, & IVbiti, are desired to make payment to Petes W. Gallauoet, No. 63, ChefnUt-ftreet, who — is authorised to receive the fame. Thofi? who have claims on the said Firm will prcfent them to him. Demands 03 the ellate of tlie late Pclatiab Wtbjier, de ccafed, ere to be exhibited to tie fubferiber—and those Jr indebted to the laid estate, are requested to make pay , mer.t to RUTH PERIT, Executrix, ' Ociobtr 23. dim. Wo. 47 south Water-street. Canal Lottery. 0 f No. 149, Chefnut-Jlreet, between Fourthly Fifth Jlrecti. examined gratis, and every information giv . en 1 efpeiling fiid LoH«-y. Also, Waflungwa aai Pa.terfon Latteries. Oil. ti. |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers