a&of .'.ccufation, agaiiiilhlm, or only giving It to him at'the moment of his being led to trial. In delivering, before tha compiling of the senten ces, the signature to the Clerk, on blank papers so that afterwards many other persons have been ad ded—(the preamble and verdict merely making mention of a great number of psrfons)—who have all been executed, tho' agaiult them no tellimony was contained in the sentences ; In not writing, or negleitiug to cause to be writ ten, the verditl of the Jury, below the queftioni which were lubmitted to them ; Both of which two kit coUnlions, the neceflary consequence of the cnmknl collusion of the judges in the exercise of their functions, caused that crowd of enorsand blunders, which are all proved to have united ii the deduction of the unfortunate Feres; .In prohibiting speech to the accused, and their council, and in contending themselves with calling the accused over by their names, ages and qualities, and at tile fame time interdicting all detencc ; In cauiing, under the pretext of 4 revolt which never exilled, decrees to be paiTrd, which took from the acouk'ti a (,".;uicc for inqiiiiy ; In not putting the queliions, submitted by the Jury, in presence of the accufcd ; la picking the Jury inltead of inapaiinelling then by lots ; In lubftitotinT, for the regular Jury, a fpeci.J Jury of their own choosing ; la judging and'condemning the acgufed without either witnefles or plfiuiingt.* . I.i nut opening thole which ha<#*been sent for their convi:4io,i orjjltihcatio i, and refilling tohcar tile witneiTea who were aiijally alTerabled; la h.ivinjr b;o't persons to tiial—(who hate been condemned and executed) before'the appear ance of witiwifen, and tile producing of pspers.de mi.ijed a.idjujjed ntceffai y, to their being bro't to itial ; la earning to be conducted to the place of exe. eution, a great number of accufcd persons, and lea ving cxpofed, during the time of their cxecu ion, the corpse 0/ one of them their co-accused, who hai pjignaided kimfelf duiing the pronouueing of the fecteuce; In pal Hug a fmgle fcntence upon all the aicufed in mass; 1-. propofur; to hhed the condemned, to weaken tlie cotil which accompanied theai even ia the hour of de { In corrupting the public morals by proportions the m ni .t: ttocious, ail j the motl d:f- courles ; Li ni tintainin* connexions, correlpondenires, and intelligence, with the conlp'rators already 1.-nn ten with the ?w. rd of tiie law ; 11. That Fauquier is the hu liorof tliefe maiceu vrt's and plots, aixl that lie ha* <wted with bad in- leui lona. JII. Tint Sts'jh-'n Fa.i "I'.i'.t ex G'ibriel I'ouJ.i.jt Scellier, ex [i-cfrKut, Franks Peler J inner de Lri ;ay, ji 1 r e, Peter Nicholas L mis Lei ui,called artth of Augujl ex juror, Leopold Rtinuiiin, ex juror; Joach m ts j i or, John Louis Ptieur, -< juror, Claude Louis Chanlet, ex juror, Francis Gerrard, ex juror, Peter Joseph Boyenvul, habit nnker, Peter Win. Beiioit, ci devant agent of the Etc* cutive power. Mary Joseph Emanuel bnnt, adjunct to rite commiliion of civil ajmi miration# police and tiibu nals, ex judge. jofeph Veroay, ci devant keeper of the k -ys of Luxemburg. Francis Duquommirr, ex adrnlriiilrator of the * police. A. M. I. Hermann, commifT.iry of the ci«'il adminilt ration, police and tribunals, eX preti lent, arc not authors, but that they are accomplices in these mincsvreß and pi» 6, and that tney have ac ted witli bad intentions. Flic tribunal his condemned the above mention ed tt> the pain of death. 17. Tut Anthony M lire, ei j'.>d?e—Gab iel Dehege, ex prefi lent ; M uyCl mie lub flitnce, ex president ; Francis vfiry Del ipmte, ex judge ; Francis Trmchard, ex ju or ; J ihn Stephen Btochet, ex juror; bennet I rey, ex«jilror J >hn Guyard, farmer jailor to Luxembourg ; I. L. Vi, lagnofe, house painter ; are not authors, but they are accomplices in thcfe mantcvres and plots, but they have n»t with bad iii.eotions I~he I li bunal acquits them. V. That John Baptist ToufTaint Beaufire, gen tlemen ; Mauric Duplay, ex juror ; are neither au thors mr accomplices in those mancEvres and plots. The Tribunal acquits them alio. The sixteen condemned to die, fa* f s the Editor of the Moniteur —submitted to their fen fence, oh the I Sill Floreal ( M'V 7th) at the' Place De Greve. Thev were conduced thither on three carts, in the midlt of an immense multitude, who covered them with cries and maledictions. Fouquier replied ©ceafionallv by the mnfl horri ble predi&ions. His. figure was pale and livid, all liis mufclei Ihrunk, his eyes wild and animated with rage. He was executed the last. The people demauded his head : the executioner seized it by the locks, and expofedit to the view- of the multitude. * The word here translated pleadings, is generit't and includes declarations, pleadings, and depofiti onsfor and againll—in Pnart, all writings used at a t-ial. _ LoN D O N, May 11. Thibaat has announced to the French Conven tion, that every thing is ready for the fabrication of IJO millions copper money ; and that it would be proper to decree that fabrication before ths adop tion of the new fyll&'m of Finances; this was ac cordingly decreed, and the committee ordered to report the impreflum and value of ll'.e coin. May 17. Merchant Seamen's Office, May 7, 179J - Meeting of the committee sot encouraging the capture of French privateers — Sir Richard Neavr, Bart, in the chair : Rcfolved, That Sir John Borlafe Bart. be requeued by this Committee to accept of a Sword, value 100 guineas, as a teltimony of their sense aid acknowledgment of his active and vigilant exertions in the capture of French cruisers, and in the protection of the commerce of Great-Britain- RICHARD, NEAVE, Chairman; LIVERPOOL, June 1. At a Canal meeting, recently held at Buxton, in Derbyshire, an American gentleman prefeated a plan for coikitructing an aqueduct of cast iron, which was immediately adopted; and ordered to be put in practice. This stupendous work is to cross the river Mersey, 90 feet above th« water l<"vel, and 200 feet in width ; which will present a scene not to paralleled in Europe, of boats failing 90 feet above the natural channel of the river. Tiie pio ject is reported to be a very important saving on ltone aqueducts, and conducted with great eale in the molt difficult situations. Thtre is'now building and nearly finifhed, in th« extensive Porter-Brewery of MelTrs. Meux & Co. in Liquorpond Itreet, Gray's Inn, London, a Calk, so uncommonly laroe, that the following defcrip tiou of it, we would have (carcely.ciedited, had it not been communicated by some gentlemen who vook down its dsmei.lions la.t week, in the presence of Mjf. Meux himfelf ; Diam ter 1-2 f:et. H 2$ 1-2 feit. ' H>.>pj t ' ;6 The lealt of which weighs 1 and the largest 3 tout. It is formed us 314 stives of Engliih oak, 2 12 inches thick ; will contain above 20,000 bar rels porter at 30s. each ; has been four years build ing | and will cod upwards of lo.ocol. . . 1 It« figure is in a small degree conical, and its bale is fapported by large beams. At the top a lquare aperture is left open, thro' 'winch the work men pass down into it, hy raej»s of a temporary (lair cafe. A gnat number of candles aud lamps are disposed about the inside, to li>;ht the different artificers employed therein. It escitee a Itrangc and novel sensation to Hand on the top, and looking thro' the bung-hole, to view all the lights, Scaf folding, and various workmen employed in the dif ferent jwrts of the valt cavity of this wonderful ves sel. The workmen informed t(ie gentlemen who -communicated this account to us, that a person who went to fee this extra trdinary having been conduced down ito it without previously no i icing t!.j nut fide, alter waiting time, enquir- •rl which way he Ih >uld proceed to fee :he large cask, hiving no idea that he was then ltaiidiiig in it. The fata >us Tun of HciJelbrrg, Germany, which s said to contain Bos O hogfticads of Rhenilh wine, seems in this 10 be quite outdone by OK! Eigland. Portsmouth, r.uy 13 The Men of War with th: East and Weft India Fleets under convoy, cleared St. He ens last night and this morning, with ve: y little wind, winch is fin.e come round to the SoU.h '.Vclt. i'he to lowing rce fui't.l u .dcr the Co;n.v«iid of id.niral .Man, tor the vleditcrranean. S.'jijii. Cu:;. Co-.rnanrhrj. C AJ.n ■al 'ian. £ '-attain Howlcy. "Ca/ains Knight. Oil. Cumberland V.tforv Jealous G»b- a .ar Sat.irn S»iftfure Leviathan Hannibal ll.i'tor Defence Culloden Audacious Castor Serern Sheernt-fs La Sybeile Southampton BonttU May 19. Arrived the Hebe, Melampjs, and another Frigate, wth seven French Ships (their Prires,) laden with ftor s, Si':. They also took two more ladca with naval ttores, which they sent into Guernsey. COPENHAGEN, April 25 In confequenee of the demand jnadeby several of our meichauts, it feat been permitted to them to export the half of the oats and other grain in their magazines. Tlicy are obliged, however, to make oath, that this q.iautity has been brought before the lit of April, aDd for the purpose of exporta- tion, For some weeks pad our Bank Billa, which during the winter were 25 per cent, above par, were at a dilcount of 17 percent. This fall, we trust, will not be of long continuance. In confequenee of the change which has taken placc with refpeft to the war in the Nothern part cjf Germany, the troops of Holtlein are not to leave their quarters. LEGHORN, April 7. At Baftia, an embargo has been laid on every (hip in port, by which it appears, that the Englilh fleet has important motives to keep their {ituation and plan a profound fecrst. This order, however, cre ated difcorrtent airong the merchants. LONDON, May 29. On Wednesday night Minilters received accounts from Paris of the 2Jth instant. A paper of that date slates, that the principal authors and abettors of the late attack upon the Convention, having taken shelter in the Fauxbourg St. Aoteine, one of the nuiferies of infurreftion Cnce the com-nence ment of the Revolution, an armed force of 50,000 men was drawn round this Fauxbourg to prevent escape, and the inhabitants compelled to deliver up all those againll whom the Committee had informa lion's, who were triid, condemned and executed. When the mob was besetting the Convention on the 20th, and calling for bread, and the Constitu tion of 1793, fomc of the most clamourous being aflced by petfons who went among them for the purpose of appealing the ferment, whether they thought the Conllitution of 1793, a granary that would afford perpetual abundance, we don't know, <we can't read. Whatever may have been the intentions of the instigators of this tumult, it is worthy of remark, that Royalty is still a word of two bad repute in Paris to be employed, even as the cry of excitement among the most ignorant and the most dill re (Ted of the populace. Tht number of men who armed to refers: the Convention is said to have been one hun dred thousand ; but as the mob is laid to have bt-n a million, the former is probably as much exagge rated as the latter mull evidently be. May 25. There is iftuch season to fear that by.he r f.r(l in telligence from the Continent we shall be apprized of the surrender of Luxembourgh ; for accu-ding to the lalt accounts received from Gen. Claiifayt's army, thegarrifon of that foitrefs had no provisions for a longer term than the middle of this month. Particulars of the ajfnjjinatinn of Mr. Erringten. Miss Ann Uroadric, who alTaffinated Mr. J£r rington on Friday the 15th nit. at his feat, near Grays, in the county of EfTex, is a young lady of considerable accotnphfhmetits, a fine figure, and fu pei ior to the generality of her fcx in perfcnal charms. Three or four years after Mr. E.'s well known <h roree from his abandoned wife, he addreflVd MiiJ Broadric with the utmoil folicitnde; but it is not truif that he had seduced her, ac !he had previotffly lived with a Capt. Robinson. He lived with her three yean with.every appearance of dome lie com fort. Mr. E. however, about twelve months ago, taw another beautiful objedt, pofleffed-of a large fortune, to whom he transferred his affeflion, ami alter a little time he gave her his hand. On this lie fettled, what he deemed a luitable provifioit on Miss Bioadric, Hated rnher explicitly the variation of his sentiments, and added that he could never fee her more !—After the (irft agonies of her grief, (he sent an affeilionate remoiiftrance 011 his condudt, and requeued, as the lail boon, that he would grant her one inteivievv. This was rcfufed ; (he It ill pei fill ed, by letters, to move -him to grant her this iall request ; but finding him inexorable', flu- wrote him, " That if nothing could induce him to do this last aft of common juit ice, he mull prepare himleli for the Fatal alternative, as fne wa3 determined he ihould not survive his infidelity !" Receiving'no answer whatever, after a lapse of a month, she drefied herfclf elegantly very soon on .the Friday morning, went to the Three Nans Inn, ir. Whitechapel, aHd took a pla»e in the South end coach,-which partes very near Mi. E.'s lioufe ; {he got out at the avenue gate, and in her way up, wa> recognized by Mr: E. who told his wife, that tor menting woman, Broadric, was coming but that ne should won get rid of her, if she, Mrs. E. would rciire a tew minutes ; Mr» E. however, did not csnfetit to this, but prevailed upon her husband to go Hp ttairs into the drawing room, and leave the interview to her management. Miss B. being (hewn in, asked for Mr. E. (he was told lie w is not at home: " 1 am not to hefoiatis fied, Madam, replied Miss B. 1 know the ways of this houft unfortunately too well, and therefore, with your luave, I'll feaich lor him f" on which flic milled into the drawing room, and hnding him there, !he drew a small barrelled pillol with a new hanged flint, from her pocket ; anii prrfenting il at his left fide, in a direction tor liis heart, exclaimed, " i am corr.e, Errington, to fulnl my drrfflfi.il pro m:fe !" and instantly pulled the tiiekerj furpuzed at his not falling, she said, " Good God, 1 feu I have not diljjatclied you ! but carat, delivei me into the hands of jaltice !" Mrs. E. burliiitg into the room and feeing her husband bleeding, fainted a way. Mr. E. now remonstrated with her, and *fk ed her •' how lie had deserved this at her hands, af ter the care he had taken to fettle her so comfort ably in the world ? To this she gave no other answer tlutn a melancholy {hake of her head. Pake ham. J. B.iyles. Du kworth Markham. M '.nag»e. Wells, i roubridge, Shields. Bnlttcl. M>. Miller, a neighbouring surgeon, being called I in, lound that the ball had penetrated at the lower rib, Lilt three rili aTunder, and then pafi'ed round the back, and lodged under the shoulder bone, fiom whence every painful effort was made to extricate it, but in vain. Mr. Bullon, a magistrate, now came, who took the examination of Mr. K. after his wound was drefTcd. He asked Miss Broadric what could induce her to commit such an aft of extreme violence ? Her answer was " That she was determined that neither Mr. E. nor herfelf should long outlive her 101 l peace of mind 1" Tripp. Mackenzie. Cooke. O'Brien. Rodd. Mr. E. entreated of the magistrate not to detain her in cuflody, but let her depart, as he was sure he would do well; but this rcqk'eft. Miss B. vtfufed to accept, and the magistrate to grant. Her commit ment being made out, (he was conveveJ that even ing to Chelmsford gaol, where (he remained tolera bly composed till she heard of Mr. E.'s death, when (he bur ft into a flood of tears, and lamented bitterly that she had been the cause of his death.. The coroner's inquefl fat on the body on Tues day lad, and brought 111 their virdi£l I'/Uful Mur der by the hand of Ann Broadric. She had 110 children by Mr. Errington, es erro ntoufly dated in fotne of the papers. Mr. Erring ton was in the 39th year of his age, and pofiefled of a very large landed and personal property. Yeftcrday some dispatches were received at the Admiralty-office, from Admiral Hotham, which aie dated St. Florenfc) harbour, Apiil 17; at which time the fquadroi continued icpairing the damage they recei»ed in the last engagement, and expe&ed in a few days to be really to put to fej agsir.. Letters, It is said, of the moll humiliating nature, have lately been pafling between the King of Pnif. fia, and our Commander in Chief upon the Con tinent ; this correfpondencc closed with one of the moll imperiou« meflages for our troops to leave their present position, ever sent from one Power to the f;rvsnt of another. His Prussian Majesty had iflued a mandate pro hibiting all exportation of grain from any of his ports, for any country, tillfix thou fund lafis, tuh'ich he hat ton!rafted to furnl/h, France, Le completed—a quantity, by the bye, which will more than take up all that can be fpareii from his own dominions. To this circumstance is to be attributed the orders iflued to our cruisers, to biing into Briiifh ports,all vefiels laden with grain for France, whatever may be the consequence. ' „ The reports of Sir F, "Eden having been at Paris is without foundation: he has been only at Bred and Dieppe ; at th# last of which places he was met by a Commiffiont-rfrom the Convention. On Friday his Majesty, besides receiving . the foldicrs »f tltf guAidi a* they landed ic lb< moil gra- cious ani paternal m'anbef, convei 6s. >;aaJ >iiak'; ! 2 hands nitu many cf them, gave to each sou It&if a Crown By this Day's Mails. • ' '' NEW-YORK, July 13, v Capt. Page, in the (hip Halcyon, exploring a pafTage from Botany-Bay for China, difcovcicd a new Spsce-Ifland, in the neighbourhood of New- Guinea, which he took poffeiiiun of in the name of the United States of America. CHARLESTON, June 25. Exlrnfl of a letter from capt. IV'uliam H.-yfbmn, late of the SlAb Thomas, belonging to this j>ort t J,tie J Naffliu, N. P. latl) June, 1795. " I expect by this time yau have heard of my be- Hopped by an armed banditti, headed by a Mr- Hunter, owner, and capt. Thuviton, mailer, or the Dragon privateer» On the I Bth of lad month while my {hip was under .vay to proceed to Chaily toH, they by fcrceofarf»4 tools full poflfeffioh other: I im mediately with my crew, left the snip to them. 1 Ihill proceed with all pofiible dispatch to Chatief ton, with such document's as wiilfully explain thi» unprecedented bufiutfj." PHt'L ADELPHIA, JuJy 14, FM-jwo. TRAVELLERS from :h f fact, Well, North and South, lately arrived here, fay, that by efli matioa 30,000 copies <-f ihe Treaty, ilrr.ck off in the Aurora office, have hecn tiifpatched by txprefs 10 every quarter of the Lotion, and have been fold at 25 cents each —fomc as high as 50 cents. O^iery--—What proportion of the profits of this fpecuiation to be paid'td the providore of "1 r, Use he's otS-c', to'coropeiifate him for thole " wounds which never close," received in f.caltng a m.ircb on the Senate ? This day is the anniversary of the grand confe deration of the Fteittlj in the Champ dc Mars— when the people took the oath pi. the Nation, the Law, and the King; andthe swore to fup ;><rt the liberties of the people. Lati year this avinivcihry was celebrated by the then tßiniticr of I'ran.e. • Yeiierday morning the PretiJenl of the United Stales, his Lady, and family, left town, on a j:»ur ney f 6 Mount Vernon A NEGRO BOT A BOUT 10 years old, lias between i2and 19 xJL lerve, an J who has a ve:7 &<> oa character, i'or Apply to the ucrcof* July J 4 I'or Sale bj the h>ub;criDcr, A few hundred barrels «f Prim: Hrriogs fit for Eipor tat ion 7-i.goo lb. Green Coffee in hhds. barrels and baj* Porr Win* in pip<*s in do. hhds. and (jLiwur c-4ks Tft'-rifiV in Dirtu Malign in qu~rt r cli&s J;ur. ucd Spirit- us hh«i«. England R»»m in ditto Holland Gm Kvi on Hyion Gom«e ( Souchong and f Bohea J Turk's iOd Liy rpooi } fcwen Oil in Bottler, and Cases of 30 bottles Clayed Hug rs 111 hhds. entitled to Drawback 2000 Bujbels left Liverpool blond Salt uow aiioat, will be Sold clieap from o« board the vefiel Levinus Clarkfon, No. zi6 south Water ilrcet. T E A S, in whole aad half chcffe July 14 FOR SALE, In Bath County, Virginia, " 4/jo Acres of Good Land. WHEREON are the Hot Springs, -which are from 70 to 110 degrees of heat. Tlere is on the said land a hand [fin- c and commodum nmfe twoJtories high, 60 by 30 feet, with a portioo the full length of the houfc, and to the upper /lory, and other necessary halfes ft for a Public Btufc, for -which they ■mere intended 1 pod houses are ever several of the bath,, ivith Sweating room*. There are adjacent thereto, tint rsrnarialL aid Springs if well tafed lime-Hone xuattr, Tk,fe baths are a fpeeift for ttt mcjl obfinatt rhcumMt and ell other difeafs originating fr ~1 elds or elf ruttedperfpiraf.ons, and gives great relief in tleioU ,• they have ef.-tled wonderful cures in various diseases incidcr.t to the ladie,; thej have this fp,ig made a p„ftf cure of a dfcafe on a IVef- Indian refm'>l»g the leprosy, and are remarkable for the, curt of white fivell ngl, cmt;a£lcd ntrves, and many other difeui. at tvo objiinai* to be cjf 'r£i*d by mtdiclne. There is near the said Baths , A new Saw-Mill erected, and. a Race dug from thence, to build a Man,falluring Mill, -which reclaim* about 30 acres of as rich Meado-w Land a, any upon the Continent, and may be -watered every night, and the iay made thereon fell; at ■well as any that Is made near any city ,r t'mvn -within the United States. I"he proprietor! of the tbove property irUl treat for tit fame n the premifa t at any time bet-ween the 101 l of AicguJ} and tie lOtl of September ; they -will also fell Valutb > Land for two or three Farmt near the fold Springe, and if the fa,d Land and Hoiefe, at the firings are not fold, they will be rented. N. £. Good accommodation! are provided at the above f prime for ladiu and gentlemen ibii season, -which from experience is found befl to commence in f jne, and end the frfl of Odioj. r. fify '4 few Pipes Of a Superior Quality, Now landing at Pinr-Sirset Wharf, For sale by William &£ Samuel Keith, No. 179, Souili Front-Stregt. July 14. FOR HAMBURGH, jjThe ADRIANA, Caftain Samuel. Ci./.tp, W: " reeeu ' e freight, (part of wMth '* **&&*) for H*n.b.ir»h, and is to fail as soon as fee is discharged, and can be loaded. , Paflingers that pu'-pcfe. to go ,to England, *rc to be landed at Deal op Dover, the r hip having good ac commodations, being lately cnlane 1 for this purpr ui London. For freight or padage -nqu're of ; Ralph Mather l*io« ;i, Uacc Street. July 14" SALT s ln^ Port Wine
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers