Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 29, 1800, Image 4

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Wafbingttn, Septtmltr lji, iBoO.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In purfnance of an aS of Conjrefs, paff-d on
the 23 d day of Aprti x one tboufand cifht
hundred, entitled " An afl to tjlablifb a
General Stamp-Office,"
THAT a General Stamp-Office is now
eftabltfhed at the feat of governmint, in the
city of Walhington, from whence there will
issue, from ajid after the date hereof, (upon
the application of the Supervisors of the
Revenue, under whose management the
collection of the damp duties is placed) any
quantities of paper, paschm-ent and vellum,
marked or (lamped, and duly cnuuter-ftamp
ed, with the following rates of duty which
arf demandable by law :
For every £k:» or piece of vellum or parchtnest.or
(beet or ',nece 0! papsr, upon which (lull be
'written ur printed any or either of the luftru
ments 01 writings folloV/irg, to wit,
ADM,. C. M.
NY certificate of naturalisation 5
Any licence to v:raitice,r,r certificate
of the admiftioni onrollrfient or re
gistry of any counsellor, Solicitor
Advocate attorney, or proflor, in
any court of the United Stae» 10
Provided-, that a certificate in any
one of the courts tof he United States,
for any or.e of the laid offices, (hall
so far as re'ates to the payment of the
duty aforcfiid, tie a fufiicient adinif
fion m all the courts of the United
State», for each and every of the ("aid
Any gr:nt or letters patent.unf'er the
ital or authority ef the United
States (except for lands granted
for militaiy Cervices) 4
Any exemplification or certified copy
of any such grant or leiters patent
(except for land» granted for mili
tary services) „ »
Any ci &rtcr party. bottomry or re
fpondentia boad . 1
A»y receipt or discharge for or on ac
count of any legacy left hy my
will or other tettimertaty inftru
xnent, or for any (hire or part of
a personal til ate, ditidid by force
of any statute of diftri"'uttons other
than to rhe wife, children < r grat.d
children of the person diseased, the
amount whereot lhall be above the
value f fifty dollars, and (hall not
'exceed the value of one hundred
dollars *5
When the amount thereof (hall ex
ceed the valae of one hun 'red dol
lars »nd (ball not exceed fivs hun
dred dullvs S°
And for evtry further sum at five .
hundred dollars, tUa additional
sum of »
A> y policy of inference or ir.ftru
«ient in nature thereof, wt.eti the
sum for which in in ranee is made
(hali not exceed five hu.-dred dol
lars *5
When the sum infared fljlll exceed (
five hundred dollars I
Any exemplification of wliat nature 1
soever, that fhatl pass the leal of '•
any court, other than such as it
my he the duty of the clerlt »(
luch court to furnilh for the wfe of
the United Statss, or forae parti
cular state 5 &
•Any bond, bill single or penal, inland
bill of exchange, promiflory
note or other ncte (uthtr thlp any
recognizance, bill, band or othir
obligation or contrail, rnide to or
with the United States, er any
Hate, or for their use refpeiilively :
and any bonds required in any cafit
bv the la*9 of the United Statts,
or ps any slate, upon legal process,
or tn anv judicial proceeding, or t
for the faithful performance of any
tru!\ or duty)
If above 'twenty dollars and not
exceeding one Itundrod dullara 10
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five hindrtd dollars 15
If above fivo hundred and not ex
ceeding one thoufind dollars 50
And if above one th< ufand dollara 75 f
Provide J, that if any b.-hds or I
notes (hall be payafele at or within 1
fixtv days, such bonds or notes (hall
be I'ubjeift to 'nly two fifth parts of
the duty aforcfaid, vi». •
It' ab uVe twenty and not exceeding
one hundred dollars 4
If above C'rie hundred dollars and not
exceeding five hundred dollars 10
If above live hundred dollars and
not exceeding one thon'and dolU »e>
If above one thousand dollars 30
Any foreign bill of exchange, draft
or order for the payment of money
in ai;y foreign country to
The said dsty being charge-,
able upon each and every bill of ex
change, without refpett to the num
ber contained in each set-
Any note or bill of lading or writing
or ueceipt in nature thereof, for
goi'H'S or merchandise to be ex
ported ;
If from ont diftrid* to another dif
tridlof the United states,aot being
in the sam? state 4
Jf from the United States to any fo
reign port or place 10
The said duty being ch-argeable
upon «ach and every bill bf lading
without rifpeifl to the number con
tained to each set.
Any notes issued by the banks now
ertiblilhed or that may be hereafter
eftablifocd within tbe United
State#, 'ther than the notes of
luch of the said banks as (hall a
gree to an annual composition of
one per centum on the annual di
vidends made by such banks, t®
their ftockh. ldeis refpe&ively, ac
cording to the following scale :
On all netes not exceeding fifty dol
lar#, for each dollar 6
On all notes above fifty dollars and
not axceeding one hundred dollars 5°
On all notes above one hundred dol
lars and notexcceding five hundred
.dollars • *
On Jl! notes above five hundred do!-
J DM. C. K.
Any or other no-'Srial a<Sl i j
ilny letter of ittorneyi except tor
an t'nvalTtJ pentinn. or to ofuain <>r
i'eU warrants for land gf a fifed i»y
the United States as bounty for
military feriuea performed tu the
late war
Any i[l icnforjr or catalog-sic of any far
n'lture, goods or tfFe&s, ma !e in any
ccfe required by liw (except in cafe
of g.odaaod chattels difiraioe-1 for
r«at «r taxes, and goods taken in vir-
tuc of any legal process by any officer 5o
A»y c»rtif;catr > of a (hare 111 any infu-
rmce company, of a shir •• in rtie bank
of the United States, or ol any (late
or o'hi r bank ;
If above twenty dollars and not exceed
ing one hundred dollars 10
If above one hundred dollars 15
If under twenty dollars, at the rate of
ten cents for one hundred dollars.
That the power of tJie supervisors of the
Revenue to murk or (lamp any vellum,
parchment or p.;per changeable with duty,
will cease and determine from and after Pi *
months from the elate hereof, to wit, oil the
la It day of February 11101.
That, if any perfous (hall, after the la(i
day of February lfici, hive in their custody
or pe>fT. ffion, any vellum, parchuie-nt o-r pa
per, marked or (lamped by the fupe.rcifors of
the Keren tie, upon which any matter or
thing, charged with duty, lhall not have
been written or printed, they may at any
time iv it bin the space of sixty days after
tie said last day of February 1801, bring'
or fend such vellum, parchment and papei,|
unto fume office of inl'peflion, and in lieu
thereof, receive a like quantity or value of
veltum, parchment and paper, duly damped
in puiTuance of the ait hereinbefore iccited.
And in cafe any perfoh (hull negleft or re
fute, within the time aforefaid, to bring or
cause to be brought unto fnme officer of in
fpetVion,;n»y iV'h vellum, parchment or pa
per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will
thereafter be of no other e(Tet\ or ufc, than
if it h«d never been maVked or (tamped, and
that all matters and things, which may af
ter that time be written or printed upon wiy
vet I id, parchment or pa)<er, authorized to be
exchangtd in minner aforefaid, will be of 110
other etTrft, than if they had been written
or printed on paper, parchment or vellum,
not marked or (tamped.
And for the convenience of thofi: peiTmis
who may he inclined to have their own yel
lum, parchment and paper il-tmped or niark
rd, it is hereby peclared, that when any per
foit Hull deprffit any vellum, jra'chment or
pip' rat the office of a lupervifor, accompa
nied with a lift, Jp»etlyiiijj the number and
denomination of the stamps or marks, which
are desired to be thereto affixed, the fame
will be transmitted to the General Stpam-
Office, pnd there properly marked or (hirtped,
and forthwith lent back to tl.-e f.ime super
visor, who will thereupon colled\ the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order of the perion from whom the
fame was received.
Given undrr my Hand, and the Seal
(L. S.) of the Trtiiftiry, at W:>n»ing
ton, the d-<y and year abote nten-
tiont d,
Secretary of »h* Trcifury,
feplcinbrr !<).
Certificates Loft.
THE undermentioned certificate! of florlt D>
(be Baik "f the United Matm, y\z
Ko. 978, d<te 1 Ift January , 179*, for fire
iSare* in the name of Baurdieu, Chollctt
and Bourdieu
No 47 ',66. dated id of January 1798. for
live lhares,in the paaie «tth« Right h#n.
lord John Townfliend.
Notice is hereby given,
That application is intended to be mide at the
said Bank hy the fuWm'.ier, for a renewal of the
fame, of which all perfoni toscwßei are rcquefted
to take notice.
Philadelphia, 10 mo. *B, 1800 tuthfajm
IN the (hip Kenfiigt'ii,captain Kerr, in the year
1794, having been captured by the on
her voyage from hence to Amfteri'am, the follow
ing certificates of stock of the Bank o' the Upi ted
•States, »tanding is the name of Benjamin Chap
1ff*..433 W 436 'if 4 S'. aret e»cb ;
158 3 c'o.
1215, 1216, 1217) 1
Application is made at said Bank fey the fubferi
her for a renewal ol thefaijie, of which all persons
concerned are dcfired to take notice.
o&. 27.
The Porcupine.
I TAKE this method of informing the People of
the United States, that on the lirftdayof No
vember mxt, I propose to resume the publication
of Porcupine's Gazette, under the title of THE
PORCDrIHE ; and to Botify (in cafe any gentle
man in America should want it) that the price of
each Numb'rwill be fixpettcc sterling, and that
the Cilh niutt be received by me before the paper
ran be lupplitJ. —As to the mode of conveyance,
so frequent are the opportunities from London to
N,.w York, that file* may be forwarded te the lat.
tcr place once a fortnight upon in average—from
New-York they can be fpcedily conveyed to ev
ery part of the Union. When files can te, with
out delay, sent t • otuti place! direct, it may be
dune ; when they cannot, they will all be sent ta
\'ew-York, unlefn o herwife ordered.
£j* Porcupine s H^'crks,
Which have been fometimc in the Pr»fs, wil
be completed in February neit, when th« copies
fubferhed for in America will be forwarded to
the Sufefcritcrs.
Any of my literary friends in America, who
mav be diCpofed to renew their correfpondcncc
with me; willpleafe o dire& to me at niy print
ing office, No. 3. Soathattipton flreet, Strand, or
attriy Bookleller's fbop, No. »8, Pall Mall.
T.annon. Sertswbcr 6, »Bio.
Wanted to charter
A Vessel,
of 150 or 580 tons burthen.
Apply to
James, Clibbcrn, & Englijb.
II ITlo. 9th. L_
12 m O . 9th. y
For Liverpool, 1,
To return an early Spring ship to Pbtla
delpbia, o
of Philadelphia, "
SII.AS JONES, niafter, _ f
Bunhcn 380 tons. Is intended to lie speedily <2il a
patched. For freight or VfPt ,
No. 147, Water rtreet, or
J Philadelphia
Nf-w-YoBK, Dec. ad. 1800. i
For Sale, !
G' orge Parker, matter ;
Bnrtlieii iV 3 tons, 4 months
old, laiis fart, ani is pierced for 14 guns. Ap
ply to the master oil board at Downing 3
wharf, or
No. 1, Penn Street.
November 11 •
I The Hamburgh ship
&3)LJt§!i John Peter Jattfen, master,
' A fuliftanftsl flrnr g goo I Teffel, and well found
1 if* intended t« fail previous to the 25th of Deceoi
| ber two thirds of her cargo bti::g ready to go on
beard—For the remainder, or apply to
JVbo have received per [aid vcjfel
and are kow Landing,
Quadruple Sel.fia*
Chtclt». No i, aud LiAadoci
Creas a la Morlaix
Stri'. es
Selefia Handkerchiefs
Oil Cloths
Cun Fliats
Aljo on Hand,
Checks and stripes Boccadillos, Britannia* Cr-f
---f rilloft, Crown Rolls 't v. L-rcas a l«i T/lor
laix. Ciclcfeld fir\c Shirting. J .inr.ais, DowUfs,
Hn lifi*,
Ucmyjohr.s, Quills.
n. vcniher ai ot—tti&fr 3W
30,000 lbs. bfj'iheavy
Black Pepper,
No. 1, Perm Street.
Ihomas Orr,
No. 52,
HAS receivciKiy the latcft arrivals from Lon
do-a, a well chosen aflortment of the fol
lowing articles;
CALICOES and Chiutzes, (a great variety)
Furniture do. d >.
Corded Dimities for garment! aud furniture
Durants, Joans and Calimarpoti
3. mbszetts and B.mibazeens
I'rin'ed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs and
Lawn bordered do.
Jaconet and k Mtiflm handkerchiefs
Shawls, Cotton and Chintz, 4 great variety
Do-. C«m»l'#H«ir
Hosiery, Worsted aud Cotton of all sizes
Do China White and Black Siik
Vable'Cl uth's, from s 4, w 10 by 16-4 with and
utiho'Jt Napkins
Thread, Ga< zc> Lawns and Cambricks
JaCrtnct arrd Lapctt MuAins, coloured and plain
Whire and B'ack Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and
Black Mode, Heelongt and Satins
White and printed Marle'lles forvefts
SwjnTJown, (triped and plaid.
Cotton Checks (five) 7-8, 4'4, 11-*. 'nd °*4
Black and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs
India Bandanna do of superior quality
White, Red and Yellow Flannels
Guernsey Worsted Frocks
A few dczen heft elastic Suspenders.
Jim i ,£<■!' Invoice 01
India Muslins,
comii«t>><3 or
Bcrttoo# Owhht |?atn*lWtM
AUhabad Emectiet 1 Do Cuirrti
Comptuy Guix»pon 1 J»n»i Msmoodici-
I By the B»le or Piece,
d»w a»wtf.
French School,
N. GOUIN DUFIEF, profeflor of the French
language, will open on the 9th of De
cern'.er , at Mrs. Beck's Academy, in Fifth f' ,eet >
oppofitethe State House garden, a morning lchoul
or young ladies,from eleven till one e'clock (every
other day.)
Parents or guardians are dffired to make early
application, that the scholars may have the mutual
advar.tags of beginning*to»ce.
M. G. Dufief, has the honor to inform th e!n
that he is theau?her of a course of pra&ical lec
tures an<f Conferences on the moll essential parts of
the French language, by means of which, the lear
ner is foori initiated in the mod: approved pradlice
of this polite and falhionable language.
AnanalyGsof his p an of tunon, and of his
work having been giwn at length in the public
papers, ihey arc referred to the Gazette of the
Unitcd States and the Auror? for September latt.
For terms and other pirticnlars apply at No j,
south Fifth ftrect, or at Mrs. Beck's on the days
and hours of tuition afor«fcid.
December a. « od6t l
N O T I C E.
Bank of the United States,
NOVtMBPft 17, \lo3.
THE v (>Uni of ikdVink «f 'he United
Statrt »rc icc«rilinf ft« rbt
nf I Genrral tlrAiiA for
(wen'.y £*< l)ir:Aor«, will be hcM at the Uiak Ai
the Unite* Stau», in the lay r.f Pl.iUJrtphu, on
Monday the 3th «f Jinuary utti, *1 tco •'clock is
tbe si r-moon.
And pursuant to the eleventh f?£lio'i of the bye
laws, the stockholders of the said Hark arealfo no
tified to affcmble in general meeting, at the fame
place, on Tuesday the 6th of January next, at fix
o'clock in the evening.
G. SIMPSON, CalVier.
Second Fundamental Article*
Not mort'tha:i three fourth# oi the Directors it.
office, cxcluQve of the PrsGdent ftiall be eligible
for the next enfning year, hut the Dtre&or who
fliall bo Prefldent at the timn of an Eledlinn maj
always lie re eUifted. tut 5.» v
Infuranct. Company of North
0" THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby
informed, tint a slated Meeting of the Corn
piny will be held at their Office, on the 13th
day of January next, ( being the second Thurs
day in the Month} f. r the Eleilion of twenty
five Direflorsfi r the etifmng year.
December 10 fSctr»3thj
Bank of North America.
Notice is hereby given to the
Stockholders of the Hank of North Amer
ica, that on thefccond Monday, the ijth day
of January next, an Election of twelve Direr.
ior« fur tli# enf'iing year, will be held at the
Park at ic of the ilork in the forenoon-
H- DRINKER, junr. Cashier.
December 9. aa«riw&dti»j.
JuJl Received by A. Dickens ;
Opposite Christ Church,
Delultory Reflections,
Political Aspect of
In the United, States of America.
Part 11.
" And I tanked, and beheld a pale hor r e 1 and
" his name that fat on him was Death, and
" Well f;d!f;w«d with him "
(F'r'ne 25 Cents.)
For the year ißco.
By Henry Jimes Fa ; je P. L.
Supirb'y prif.tcd in 4:5
{Frice 75 Cents.)
December 10.
The Works
Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D
Lute one of the Associate Justices of tbe
Supreme Court of tbe United States and
Projessor at law in tbe College and
Academy of Philadelphia.
From the original manwfeript, in tSr pofieflion o(
Bird Wilson, Esq.
Thcfe works (ball be elegantly printed in two
volume* o&avo, and delivered to fubfcriberi at
five dollars.
T!*cy shall be put to pref« as soon ai th* fubferif •
tion» wilt juftify the expence of pul liiation,
Subscriptions will be received by
The publifber, opposite Chritf Church, Phila
delphia ; ai.J 'OS the principal hookh'llcrs through
cut the UnkjJ Srates.
»/ A of the work may be fequ at
the place of fubfeription.
frptcmber 13
It lI.H • » J "
A. Dickins,
Opposite Chhist-Church
A tieat and correct Edition
The Exercises,
Murray's Etig/ifh Grammar,
Designed for'tlie benelit of private Learners
as well tor the use of Schools, with
[ Price one Dollar.J
Ufcember 5,
opposite Chrirt Church.
Millars Gardner's Dictionary,
r.ew edition, fciio 36 00
Weld's Travels, 2 v.ils 7 00
Rochefaucai:lt's Travels, 4 voli IJ 00
Anti-Jacobin Examiner, 1 vols. 6
Buomparts's Intercepted Letters 3 7.'
18 OC
New Biographical Dictionary, It volt 37 5'J
D'l vcrnois's Survey of the Loffas of the
Trench Nation 1 5°
Parson's Brkifii CUfficn, 36 vol* 4a 00
New Syfteni of Natural Hi(lory,3 vols 11 so
Payne's Epitome of History, a vols 6 00
gilhop Wilfoo's works, 8 vols H 00
oldimith's works, 7 vols 900
alpole's roya,l and noble authors 1 IS
ron's new geography, 4 vols. n 03
Pe r ke, on Inforancc, new uon. ed. ef 1800 500
Dr. Currie'i edit, of Buri.s's works, 4 vols u t»
Fciino's edition of Gifford's works 2 v.-ls 1 1
Duigenan's reply to Grattan,
Report of the ft cret committee of the house
of commons on the Irilh rebellion
Rose's examination of tb« increase of the
revenue,commerce, See.of G, Britain
Gifford'j letter to the Earl ot Lasderda;e
Romel's narrayve of the Deportation to
Cayenne J 00
Aime's do 1 SO
A variety of Pamphlets on American Politics,
december U
Of Dov«r, in l\c!aware,
HAVING obtained the copyright of D. W/i
Poetical Nosegay, and j.ther works, by va
riotii hands, offers them for faie, v,z
Newcomb's Verjion,
at 25 cents a copy.
M/7<? of Pratfe,
at 11 1-1 Lents a copy.
Thia work originated from rcfpfcft
To Him, who rulM, and Him who rules the Land
And tho' imperle(fl—it may rfifp lease.
(Baker, Lacroix, & Beroufe or Brou3—pric?
10 ceutt.
pi ice 30 cents.
Here piety and policy combine,
r —j r "
To prove Ball both a statesman atid divine ;
That the heft way to guard the c vil rights
When piety with policy unit- s ;
From France exp: lied pi ty we fee.
And in her place flalks ttiuri'roiis anarchy.
By D. W. price -ocents.
Where Woikman stands the Semple of the day,
Or, revolutianizing, (talk# away ;
Array'd with guilt—the fharptr plays the sneak
4nd leaves the heart of innocence to break,
mpos'd on innocence, in anguilh, weeps,
Vhile onward to hislaint, Hugh WSrkman keepi.
\nd * variety of other Works.
Orders pod paid, and price sent, attended to by
November 15
Powers of Genius,
To which arc attached
General Criticisms en Author
l'.y the Rev. 'John Blair I.inn,
Miniftcr of the pirft Prufoyjerean Church, in the
City of Philadelphia.
Thi9 work wi;l I e put to press asfoon s pifliMe,
It will form a duodecimo vo ame; wi . he printed
with elegance, on paper o! th»- L os. quality, and
will be delivercito fubfcriVtrs at th« price of »ne
dollar, in boards The w>"k will he printed uu
def the ore, and at the expence of thf author.
Jjublcriptkw* are received by Afcury CU;
cat. " • •
Thof. perfoni into whofehanrlsfub cription
paper! are delivered, are rclpc&.'uily requeued to
return them to the author, or to Mr. Dickins,
Bookseller, at the expiration of three weeks Irom
this dite.
Philade'bHc, Dec. 6
At the St»ne- House, No. 41, south Second
street, Philadelphia,
Arts, Sciences,
Miscellaneous Literature;
On a Plan entirely New,
By which
The different Sciences and Arts
Are digetied info the Form of D'ftiniß
THE History, Theory, and Practice sf ij»«h,
according to the la'eit Difcov i.-- and im
provementsj and full cxpianatic ns given o. ihe
various detached parts of Knowledge, whether retting
to natvttal and artificial objeils rto matter! -c
---clcfiaftical, civil, military eottitjlercial, &c In
cluding V hici 'a-ione of the mofl: important topics
relative to religion, morals, manners and the oeco
notny of life : together with a d- fsrijtion of all
the countries, cities, principal mountains leas, ri-
Ytrs kc throughi ut the world; a gen ra! History,
ancient, and modern, of the differci t empire!, king
doms and dates ; and an account of the live# of
the mot ctnin st pt rfons in ever) nation. <r--r.i the
earliefl ages down to the prcfent times Comp«led
Irom the writings ol the bed authors, in levcral
languages; the moQ. approved dictionaries, as
well ofgeneral fcier.ces a» of psrticular branches ;
the transitions, journals and memoirs, of learned
societies. both at home and abroad ; th? MS.
LeSares of eminent profeffors on different fcien
ccs; and a variety sf original materials, furniihed
bjr an extensive csrrefpondence
' The Publilhei having been solicited to furnifh
sets ui >his valuable am! imporrai t work ny one
volume at a time, which, by dividing the pay
ments, might make the acquisition of the work
more convenient to purchnkrs, propofesto dispose
of the few remaining copies on the following
The Work being already completed in Eigh
teen large Qnarto Volmes in boards, Ele
gantly printed on Superfine paper, illuttra
ted with five hmidered and forty-two Cop
J. A Volume in boards will be delivered to
each Subscriber every three months till the
whole be delivered.
U- The price to the Subscriber will be Seven
Dollars and a Hilf for every Volume in
in boards, payable on delivery, which will
amo ui. t to One Hundred and Thirty-live
Dollars for t l, e Eighteen Volumes, being the
prsftnt price for complete Sets of the work.
111. Each lubfcriber (hall pay the price of otie
Volume in advance, that is, «>en the firft
Volume is delivered the price of t.'.e firft
and eighteenth Volume to be paid, and the
other Volumes to be paid on delivery.
Any Subscriber who may choose to have the
whole in a than the above mention
ed periods, may have any number ®f Volumes
that may be agreeable at the fame time at the
above prices.
To prevent any mifnnderftanding it is pro
per to express tbat no Volume will be delivered
to any perfwn without the money, and as the
Sets on band are but few in will be
requfit that fnch asjchoofe tobecomc Subscriber?
{hould apply as early as pofiible to prevent dif
* ;i
,%T The Xuhlcriptions will be received by
Thomas Dot/fun, asaliove ;
Dec. 6. »au>6w
OLD Long Primer,
Enpliflj, Chafes, Condoling Sticks, and aprrea
varitty of articles neceflary to carry or the Prill
ing Business. They wil'i be fold tor cafs
Apply to the Printer,
* 7i
1 ©0
/ • |
on a