/fvHtFK 15501 The price of tbis ijazette is Efcm Uollahs per utinum to Subscribers residing in the eity of Philadelphia. AU abtrs spy tie Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless some person irtthi ? cCty will become anpivercble for the subscription, it must be paid Wx Months in Advance. *«* Nb Subscription will be rertiied for a shorter term than six months. December 1 "1799. .. ALMAKIAC Fr>m November %s—to Datmltr 3, UIGH WATIk, \J T edr«fday Thurfdajr Friday Saturday Sunday Monday T ttefday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saniay Monday Tuefdaj Samuel Reynolds, T.irLOR, Has if moved from No. 40, to No. 44, South Third-lircct, next door above the Baxk ff the United Slates. Nov. 15. eod2w Thomas Orr, No. 52, South Fkont Sthest, MAS received by the latell arrivals from Lon don, a well chosen aflortment of the fol lowing arricle#: CALICOES md Chiutzes, (a great variety) Furniture do. do. ♦ Corded Dimities for garment! and furniture Durants, Joans and Calimancoas Bombaze*tf and M.imbj.n-ens Printed Linen <nd Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered d«. Jaconet and 5V> k Muslin handkerchiefs Shawls, Cott m-and Chintz, a great variety Do C Hair Holiery. Worftei and Cotton of all ftzei Do China White and Black Si k Tabic Clothe, from j4. '» 'oty ,6 "4 with and without Napiins Thread, Gauze, Lawns and CsnSricks Jaconet and L-tpett Maflin*, coloured and p'ain White and Hack Lace, Lace Veils, Cioaku and Handkerchiefs B .«ck Wodp, V'eeltrtv»an.l Sarin* - White ami printed Mjrfe'UfS f irvefts Swanfjown. striped and p'aid. Cotton Checks (five) 7 S, .r*> "-8, 6-4 Black and coloured Barer .<na hsndkerchieft Ir.dii Ban !anna do «fwjwrwr duality White, Red iml Yrtlow F anntls Guernsey Wnrfted Frock* A few d~>c;n heft tlrifttc Sufpfnder*. Ht ba» Alio J\ist Rccriv -d r a y(ell aflortfd Invftice of India Muslins, CONJISTINQ OF Bfibho-m Gurrahs j fi|M BlftM Aljbabid Emerries I Do Ouirahs Corn' any Guzzapor.i I Janoa Malhoodtrs. C .{lis I By the Hale or Piece *?. d"* ,iawtf. Robert Smith & Co. No. 58, Sour 1 ! hionr-SiKEeVi, Have Juji Received, P>-r ibe AAivf, Captain M'Doqgtll, from London, A h* VaW« of wbiu aod btawa Russia Sheetings, Also, a general assortment qf GOODS, Suitable season* Atftemlfet II GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufticiant number of tncmoft approved European Glals Manu fuAurere, and having on hand a large flock of thtMV Materials, ®n which their workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of alTurmg the public, that window glass of a fupeiior qua lity and of any tfej from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14 -inches, careftlly packed in boxes containing too feet ea h, may be had at the shortest notice. Glass of larger frtej for other purpol'es, may *>fo be had, fuck n for piiluies, coach glafft-a, clock faces, Ac. Bottles of all kinds and of any q iarvtitT may alio be bad, together with pocket fla(k«, picklitigjars, apotkerary's fliop furniture, or other hellow ware —the whole at least 15 per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any »f the lea ports of the United StJfes. A liberal allowance will he made «m sale of larg*quantities. Orders from merchants and others will be ptinflually attended to on ip. plicatin te JAMB 3 O'HARA rtr IS V .AC CRAIG, or at the Store of Mefrrs. PRATHER and .SMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pittflbutgh. March 1, tmhtf. PRINTING, Nectk) executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work—-Pamphlets—-Hand-Bill", Cards-—Blanks of all kinds, &c. &c, Wil! be printed at the Shortest Notice. august 23. Gazette tf the- United Stated & Daily Advertisfc H. M. 10 44 11 tj II $6 O 30 ' » X * .5* 200 boxes Havanna Sugar, FOR SAI.E By the iuhi'crihcr «U>EON II- WELLS. yfT«n»l>cr »o *v»4t -tuts s«-r» 7 I? 4 45 7 '6 4 4 7 ' 7 4 4.1 - 7 17 4 4J - 7 18 4 41 7 19 4 4' 7 19 4 41 A well Aflorced Invoice jtifl Received, Conjiftittf of Wine-Glafll-s, Tmulilers, Decan.turs, L/v monniet, Qnblets, Bci. £cr. of llic newrf tathion, and for fate JAMES G. ft. SAML. W. FISHER. awtt Jull Received, AND FOR SALE, BY SIMON WALKER, Fouith Arret, corr«r ni Union ftrcet, Frefli Cloves AND Real Ceylon Cinnamon of the best quality. novrmhrr 6 tu th fa tft. William French, No. 48, South FxoNr.srsEEr, HAS JUST RECEIVED, By the I'CLLfylvjrua, captain York, frxn LONDON, An extensive ivul eUgc.nt assortment of LONDON SUPKRFTNE Broadcloths and Caflimeres. n& "he'll d 4 r.tu. A r 1w A For Sale*- B/ JOHN" cuffton, juw\ ■" >■•■' '•*' * Smtmoh nrtrt. Smt*>ari f - T>e r«*n..«s>nf India Goods, Til. ' M» liewwdla I*o : do Bonnafcearf do }<* dm JaUpdert «w »J (katocMnNnM 71 do do Hiv.lktreblaft jot !• lnWM«a Oar'<V oftnhtraa »o »K ft < m Landing At Wain's wharf, The Cargo of the brigEnterprize, CONSIST IN 1 OF Surinam MolafTes, Of an eiktlitHt quality, in hoglheads, tierces int? Uarres, And abput 40 quarter cttsis LISBON WINE, Fox Sals. Br Wharton £sP Lewis, No. itj.l'iiuth yro-u street. n-lnhrr o > h fa ,f To be Let, THOSE Ijttfce and comnia'li fjs, Sellers un.ler the Ih.iverlil Church, in Vunibard, betwetn 4th and jth Streets, Lately occupied by Mr. Juha Savage and Co. K: quire of Johh Venefs North Eafi Corner of Walnut in water St, or £. Howell No. 14 North 6th Street* N"v- '3- dtw d'Ot EPMRAIM CLARK, Clock & Watch • MAKER, Corner of Markti and Front-flreets, Phila delphia, Has received by rhe'Ringft»o and other arrivals, CHAMBER and cither Clocks, Clock Move ments, Eight day aui 3c hour ca;l brass, Clock Bells, Clock Dial.-, Cat-gut, Watch Qirfs and Springs, ftccl and gilt Chains, silk firings, ladies' chaai* gold, gilt, and (Irel; gold, gilt, and Oeol keys; feali g»ld, gilt, and liiel. On han-t a general supply of Clock and Watch Maker's, and Silver Smith's Tools and materials, and Files of all lir.es, &c. Por.ittfcc, Rotten (lone, Etnery, Borax, Ac &c. N, B. Watches and Clocks repaired as usual. Od»lwn8 todtf BENJAMIN CLARK, CloUk Isf Watch Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market W here he has for Sale, Spring and other Clocks ; gold and filve Watches; Tools, Files and Materials; (Ve id piit Chains, Seals and Key? ; Springs, 4tc. fee. CLOCKS WATCHES Repaired u ufnal, June 3 tu&ftf P H AD£Lf U1 A s FIUOAy EVSNIKC, NOVEMBER 28. i«co. Gideon H. Weils Hat "just Received, By tne tatc jfrivalf— 2 fifgc and general assort m'c;>t of Hardv&are, Cutkry Iff Sadler), »* Inch he cffer» for fialc, f r calh or the uluil crtdit. Market-Street, No. I^s. Madeira Wine, In pipes htuli.and quarter calks, For sale by the Subscriber, ' GJDEON HILL WELLS, No-. 135 Market Street. November 12. eodtf Glass Ware, ' • • By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South From-ftreet. Employvient Wanted. | A PE'i'ON, wlio hs» Hcvn mary years c®n- L \ vwf.,3t in Trade ami i*v>k f.~rpittg, will iic glad of fuller employ mini wit V the pen ; , i po'l tv bo< lu, f?atir:j» aecoiutts, ertran fctib--t.(f other writing. Any kufincfs t this (lelcripti n, tjti mjyt>r 'lone at tli--appi cant's c,v ' ktju.'v, -will fait Ms prelect circnmHanre* Heft. Ano t. rfireflt,! to A. B. and left at the Olfi e of this Gazette, by any gentleman wapt ing such afiiilance, will be rtfpeAftilfv attend ed to ' November xi. •) WlWi 31W4.W Just Received, By th® snips from and th Georpc ffoui I-Lull^ AND FOR SALE nr GEORGE HOIiF.RTS, No. 31, Market street. A large and elegant aC'rtniciit of C U T L E R T. GTL J and p'ated buttons, ivory ami h~rn cnmbs, bin k-tin and tiewter wares, brsti and ietm candlesticks patefit tea kettles -nd faocc uaiit, ccft'ec-mil's, inir, and brjts wire «f all iizes. Alf , a tai'fe aflbr'mrnt of flatiront, bake- puis, &c. direst 'rom tbe manul'aflurers. He his also on band, a large and i'xtensive assarttn ■til of TIN WARES, Of his own manufactory, manufactured in the befti manner j all of which he will feH on the molt rcafonable terms, wholesale and retail. Received .it the fame time by th<- fbip George, capt. Rice, the much admired improved patent COPYING MACHINES, Ditetfl from the pafentre. Theft rn-'ctines are ma e or. a Smple and improved plan fv,r copying, writing, &<■ of any fiis, in an expeditious manner; and are charg.,"' - ! it a much Iris price than any other ;x>y in life, fhey are i bnrt to p ffifs a Superiority over any others, l> th hy b : ng more durable and i,o» so liable to get nut us repair, and by copying any nimbet of writings atone time, u.thout making any alteration in the machine, aDd their occu pying little room The very gei.er l tufe into which these ma chines are ti»w. brought in use in Condon and otnt ; r trading ciiifs, a d the fatisfafl.oo t#ft fie ' by a'l who pnffrft them, rerder it tin neciffary to enlarge a ; .y further - n their advan 'age, both in porftt of tcwacy and ftcrecy and ih the favinp or tmicj labour aiil expellee, november ( tnScfa tf Pi opofals For 6y Subfcript;oh y A D I G 'M J Ot »hc .Liw ot Afl jnd T'nfils at Mi f PRIUS>, By Ifsac "Flpinaffi, ofOrayMiri, Esq. BairWcr at Law. e &tfe Vdtifiijerafec ad*iti*»,» if»m prMitcA »c-fl ftMbafcltyt tiA( J!t tpti et ratio ssm&trvm'. ' Jvn , 111 TW > T-jLhMBI. TKK wdrk it bow printing, mi la SatfrUri- We f. rwacdaet*, on a liprrfirte p»ptr, or royll Cat, and o£U*«J fc rm I: wilj lie ynnmt p»get«* ptfe wHh the latert Ixmilutt edition.art I no pain* will he spare i to r-ndet* tht Work tbi ie-K. icd froc ol rypeurri'jlilotl ct+on. It wi;l b . ntaclf t»..wnd J in rwo to '.fintr» p roy») n&.vn, and < 8 faWi.'ir* wHrhe |OC MCw dolUn *iui iftr c?n * i per f.t—ra i>r rfa b - Itinera thr priceViil WConewW enhant d -r- TWi: price of th» LonOow Mr >i»t k I j»n, inllari T+io<e whb I6l>fcr:be lor cijjit fttt {fc»ll tare a dial A grid* » The r»o »»%ihn wiC cooSft of'ab-ntt otne Hundred page*. W wb rh ihe dne fc,&<«cd to the (•roDi/«k m afpecimri. At the work >• a«w p*bltOnr(i, a< d wjll he remitted with ail coctc at-ii' eij.eJ jiort, tbof> who !/h t* profit bj the fWjfcitptien. will plc'f r - (ujitri't feafoni* ly. N- H. Ofnileivo fuWctiptido p>f*n are re'tarr thoM<o i bomaxad Tho mu, Ln pub.'>lhcra, Kjthclirlt of jniuatf hut. ifV The hookfejler.- in F iii k*lphia are rafpsfi. fuily inlormtr J, rhat they wil W<r fold either bound or gathered i i fhcts, by the Isb'cribers, Bt their xfual low price. Those who wilh to purcrwlV will plrafe to apply by lctte? to th» pub.ilhrr— The work will be out of j.rcls iO.nc time in the Winter. THOMAS cis THOMAS. Walpolf (N. H.) 0.1. ISOO (t8) eerf A quantity of Home made Sheet ng, to b» fold on reafonahle terms, at Tho mas and Shrecvcs,' No 37, north Front-flreet; Newl-ory Smith, No. 56 north StconiJ-ftre-t; and Rogers and Donnaldfon, No. 41, High flreet. At t' e manufacturing this liner is fnlely to give (■mplovoiert to the Poor, during the wincer sea son. and at the funds of the Society who employ them, sre much reduced, they hop* their fellow citizens who are in wmt of thii article will five their aid,by f urchr.fing, to enable tf em to carry ou the nianufa&or* the eufuing wirter. N. B. Alfoaquantity of pood SHOE THREAD, at Isaac T. Hopper,N.* 39, Pine-fff-et. The Printers generally ar» rcqueftcd So give this a place in their papers. 20 Dollars Reward Deserted iaiiev«nin g . Joseph parkin SON, private in the marine corps of the United Sta'es, he was born in Ireland, is about 37 yeare old. 5 feet 6 an>l a half inches high, dark eyes black hair, and fallow complexion. Also, JEREMIAH CLAIUCSON, born in town of Stockport, it 39 years of age, 5 feet 7 inclid high, grey eyes, light brown hair, florid complexion and by trade a Hatter ; from the ap pearance of his face the moll evident marks of at tachment to drink may be traced, they haVe both fervedin the Weflern Army, and now deserted in lull uniform. The amount will be paid with charges to apprehend them ; or r«u Dolla for either by applying to FRANKUN WHARTON, Captain Commanding. Philadelphia, Mari.ie Barracks, N t ot. 8. Take Notice. TP HE §uhfcribi;r intends leaving the tlnii Si«s:e» early in December. . Thwefurr »i| perfins *,ho are indebted ire requeft-d I > r bkt itHfnHiare payment, »ti'i those havKp my tie manda tj render their tccounts, for ftfijiemerit • JOHN MORGAN. No. . Seutb Front Sreet. N IV. 12. Philadelphia Academy. No* 24, SPRUCESTKEET. k Night SchooL PETER PELA vJAK, profeflor of Mathe matics in t. is Academy, iefp j <Jl!ully in» f >rmß tKe pabhc, that lie will receive a final!, Anife/rfl nurrbsr of gentlemen (from half as» ter fix, 'til! 9 o'clock/•ach night, S* urdays .i»d Sundays excepted) to be inltr»<Slei in tha so!» 1 whig hranches. ftJe.cintilci arithmetic anil accompti on a new and approved pUn—meivfuration, gauging, furvcying and navigation, ai cording to the bell authors—Conic fe<fi| 11s, fortifications and ju 1- nery, a» ih<-y are taught in the Royal Academy at WoolwicK—Euclids elements, plain and I'phericat trigonometry, afironorny, algebra as.d fluxi r.s. A co.irfeof lt<£in>- e9 on rhe use of the Glohe. Geography, snd the system of the umverfe, which has ten prepared *or the use of students of the Philadelphia Academy will be delivered occafio-.ally. ' Gentlemen of the Navy, and others, whc wish to a< quire a fpetdj knowledge of Ltwai 1 fervatLmi, ir.ay have aii oppertunitv of be ir i 'i.'lit, ai.y of the known nK-tliod», and hear • r.y tli - different Theories explained from ftrl p-incij lei. •nber 19. iuft Received, By the Gtocge, Amiable ani other hte arrivals, AND FOR SALE, * On low tcrns, by tie package, at N&. 48, nth Front street, idßriles Rose Blankets, 1 The Porcupine. JT K l thi«*tecboJ ofiiiiorami; the People of the Unit d State*, that tin the firfitdayof fco »emter nt*t, I prcpofe to resume the publication ul ytorcnoisi'* QazcJte, under the title ot I'HE P. H'.C'UFINE ; an i to ROtify (in cafe any Kettle man in Airenca fhouhl want ic) thar the pri> •• of each Number will fc~ fisrenc-(teHi.-.g. and that the i-afh must he received by me before the pajsei 1 ran.! r irpp i« i Asro th> ' -Mi us conveyance, * arc the c .IM ti"f froin I,on W)TI to N M Y.rk, rhat 6le< r he forwarded to the lat. 'cr phi., once a fortu (Hit upon an average— frj)m Mew-York they can be speedily conveyed to ev ery part of the Orion'. When files can '■e, with out delay, Iflii t OTrtsa plates dirert, it mr.y be done J wh.n they icarnot, they will all be sent te New-York, unl;t« o:hcrw'fe ordered. Porcupine's IVrrks t Which hive Ven lometime in the Prafs, wil be con pWted in February next, when the copies fubferr ed fur in America vfcill be lurwarded to t]ic Subfcribcrs. Any oi my literary fri.nds in Vmerica, who ■n.av he dlfpole.l to renew their corr.fpondence wi»h me; will cap; o to rnc at my print inp olfice, No. 3 Southampton Or.'et Strjn d, or atrr.y lV»oiiiclle/'s (hop. No. 'B, Pal) Mall. WILLIAM COBBEfT. l.ondon, September 6, iSfa August 4til, ißco. commanding Officfrs of corps, de *. tachir.enti, pofls girrifjn!. and recruiting parties, belonging to the military rftUiiifhmcnt of the United States, are to report to, ar.d receive orders from Brigadier General Wil knffon, in the City of Wifhingt'ii, and all olfirers on forbitigb are to report themfelve9 to the fame officer with all pofiir.ie difbatch. SAMUEL DEX'i EU, Secretary of War. C 5" All Printers wijuti the United States who have publithed invititi.itfs for the 13th or March last are requi-fled to irrf-rt the a; ove in their refpeilive pipers, once a wrtk for tw« months. The following MATERIAI.S wiH he fyM reafoßable if applied for tr.^nsdlately. 1 Press, i 3 Founts Long-Primer (ptirttv worn) 2 ditto Small-Pica ou Pica l.oily. 2 ditto ,Pica, 1 ditto Englifb, 2 <!itto Brevier, c ditto Bargcoisj Scwrvat pan of Chafes, levefii! fnrpofirig fticl-s, frames and (Jlll-ys, iome brlifs rules, Quotations, &c. &c. See: all of t!it* above will be fold very reasrnaUe for Galli. Sentrmbfr 8. kt tk» OSirof the Ou«te '-of the Unvrid ,|ww. .5 bale* ulfiil ditto I j bale K:.-.l»l Cnttona 4 ba! bU w fricoU Cr<n«£lnth» 4 bile» Lob on d». » hil'i Plain •!:■? Fori* Cknhl I halt fiSM.iujb'c toe C'O'tinfi • b»k» f*o»n<.a' lc Li«»<k'in d •I Imall balci tow >nc<ti 4 b. ict Ingri -D Yorkt&ir: Cjrp.ta aril so Mid. Inn Twiiia. S _ " . . \ A&S+y ~ Al ct' nfive and choice aflortmcnt of DRY GOODS— O P P N. WILL.IAM F«ENriI. Ut tu. Scf 4*. oflo'ier it WAK DEPARTMENT, To Printers. AN APPRENTICE WANTED, * •" te" Saulnier & Wllfoif, ■ No - r (NORTH Swi) MARlcer Street HAVE RECEIVED, By the lite arrivals from Eur. Pr, a genera! as , forttiient, canfiiKng of BEST London luptrflne broad cloths' ">ee>nd quality , <•© • ' Double mr.l'il. r,S£>Vl mixt. enibnfa'd and firft, rate fupcrfim esllimcrcs of all colours eorefU, plains and rlaltic stripe clott.s Superfine other coatings drab aa.l < tivtr fearnought Bjckiiig baizes and flannel, of d.&rent colours Newcftl;,n»MMi fwa. fdowns & other wsillcoatir-it? FafSionable ttrtyeaa* plain black f&wins Back (i!k fl Pwcy cold, velvet, thickfetjnd corduroy Different colour* 4i'Jc velvets > , e at and vest iafliionable gilt, plated, pearl and I Ueci hutt . . Raw fhk, beaver and woollen gloves Irish linen, bioivn Jio.land and dowlaft , alic its, muflihs, checks, fnawlsartd dimity Ffetj liandannoes and f.ocktt handk-.rchie/s Colour vl ard nuosthrtajj of all numbers Aflorted Llatikets Taylors'beft triiimfrjgß. ■ Also on Hand, A few bales offuperfine Cloths and CaflKtnerS; entit.ed to drawback—all which tftcy will difpolc of at the molk reduced prices. November 14 . ,jtf eodSt PETER LOHRA JAMES HUMPHREYS, Jr. Notaries Public, RESPE'.I FU'-il-Y" inform their refpesl»ve | friends and tbe public, that they have re-* moved tbeir office to No. 90, fcu.!» Front ltrcet, the four h dcor belov* Wainut .Irtei' and nearly opposite the Cuflom-Houte— where they continue to draw and authenticate, according to the moll approved .'orms, and wi-h the gre.ittft dilV.atch, Letters i.f procuration, attorney and fubflituiion ol every kind, sea tetters ;.n J rolls d'tquipage, proof «t property to be (hipped to foreign ports, affidavits to obtain seaman's j-rote&ions at the > ufiom H use, aHd affidavits of every other "iind and description, ch.Tt.-r j a-tits.bottomreerdpon dehtia and ot«rr mercantile bonds and obltgai ions, bilb ri fjfe and a:i other infl 0f writing, certificates artel: arsons relieve to the different kii.d- ot (lock, trade and commerce ; ahd rgiftti* letters of attorney {or the lecov.ry of <&>ti as ?* all otbtr Oocum.cut»unijU_« . at* led is tbe office »( Morarrs The? a.so dia'w bjndj, mortgag s, trills, fte. Jcc. Dovc.ubcr 11 t >i s * I NOTICE. Bank of the United States, November 17, 1800. rHS Stockholders o( the la: k of the United Statss arc intermed, t*-it ;.cc«r<;hg td the flatßtc of iac.-ipotitioa, a General Elc&iun for twenty f:vr Dm&oM, will be held at the Bank of the United otatcl, in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the sth ot January 1 ett, at ten o'clock io the larenoun. And purluant to the eleventh fe&ton of the In laws, the llockholderSofthtfaid P-ar.k arealfo 110. tified to aifomtlc in general meeting, at the finie place, on ') ujfday the 6:h of January Brit, at fix 1 o'clock in the eveniKg. Second Fundamental /it!tele Not W'/retfcin<'irec fourth* «l the Dir«A«r« '• o#te. cxclb&t« o4 cits Pttfldrct'. for the dot «T«ihg jtit, l*n tbe OUedof «k« >mU b# Hrcfidetil It (M ttM of M Klrfti,* jm» •Iwi/t be rt-<li4M. tu tgjf' A HAND SO ME "* OF LINDLEY MURRAY'S English Grammar, AN APPENDIX, Has this Day been publiflieil, l.y DjckixSj opposite CJiriU-Ghurch, Philadelphia. [Price One O&aher 7. RUSSELL's Modern Europe. r V*HE Second Vo%me of EUROPE, A IS BOW dciivertag to Subfcrihcrs.and may be had of W. Y. Birch, O&ober ALfLyirifeai inLilti Tlmii „ Hctiumv nttch>i<, wri rrqtaftei! » nikr im»edi»r«r>»y»«jr,J M 4 tW« iii iMM>ir t iv;. •*' .■ ■■ . ' 1 NOTICE. WHEREAS Duncan M'TnneS ifid an the thir tieth d*y of -ipril laii make an - ffiyn.Tieuc of his property for the benefit of his creditors— iuch creditors arc tt quelled to present their ac counts to th« ftibfcriber ; att! ai: persons irdebt ; e 1 to th« said Duncan M'lnr.ls, 3rj req„e3ed tJ pay the fame without lelay, to C'-AiiK, «o 55j 7 Afling ntfrth Waster ftrejt j S.p{itt Philadelphia, navcciber t l«wjw X , ' >• fVoLCJMR XVlli. Removal. A* a <i i w—iaw4w G. SIMPSON, Calhier. W.IfM Mo. if, *9Mh Stmd StrMC ' NOTICE. :y *' »,v 9 *V}
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers