Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 17, 1800, Image 4

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THB fftblic ere hereby inform;*, that ike Bsl
lliMlt Ctukcc will m future ftajt Irm th< In
diuQuta, N# ij. (nuk Forth Urttt, tit'y
evept maday, 11 7 o'clork, tud will arrive i-
Peck't Tavlrn, Baltimore, th? next J»y u 8 n'eiock
iad the Stign ro New Y«rk, will etttj day
at Sand I> o'clock.
N- B book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan
<?Ur's Frankii 1 Head, where ieats may alio be ta
ken in the above line of stages.
odtober i §
THE Proprietor! of the Philadelphia and
cafler line «f Stages DISPATCH, return thei
grateful (h*«k» to their friends and the ptiMic h
general, lor the past favors tkey have received,and
inform them that in addition to the regular Line,
they art provi'.cd with Carriages,fo-ber and careful
drivers, to go th*)ugh between the City and
Boro*gh in two dayj. Those who prefer thij mode
Of travtllirg can be accomnwdated at the Stage
Office,flgn of United States Eagle, Market street,
Slougb, Downing, Dur.iuoody tS" Co.
Hod 30* f it—f
Just arrived."
Per the
Brig Perfcvcrance,
Mr. William Bell's Wharf.
So hhd» Antigua and St. Kitto Rum and
10 ditto Coffee
F n « SALE BY,
No. 4, South Water Stieet.
Oflober 8. dtf
In the fbip Atlantic captain Waters, from
Calcutta and :vta !ra«,
And for sale by the fubferiber,
A great variety of articles mostly suitable
for exportation,
among' which ABE
Blue cloths
Soot Romals
Salem poores
Madras Long Cloths
Ditto Handk*rchiel«.
Al so
2000 bags prime Sugar,
'Hvfoa and ifouchong Tea,
No. 80, Dock s:rett.
mwf tf
tA«b<f to
fn Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns,
LE D, Brazier's Solder, Fin in boxes, .Vtsl
Sheet-iroH, Sewing twine, and a large affbrt
mcnt of Ironmongery, Cuiery, Sallety, Brass
and Japann'd ware* Firfa rhv
Elisha Fisher & Co.
James Mufgrave,
No, 44, S tlib Secvn.i Street,
■JFr»m L**don and it nam ofwung an txUm
tire and elegant aitortmtnt of
Plated Goods
Of the Utrft tafhions and warranted of the ve»y
firft qual ty manufactured in England, viz.
'"yEA anilC ffee Urm, Plated a.idjippaned
J Bread BalkcU of various patterns round
and oval
Castors, with plated and silver top», 5, y and
8 bottl »<from lot* 35 dolla amongst which
are a number of extraordinary wurkmanlhip
with rich cut glass
High caadlefticks, patent ilide £ito
L«w dittoagreat q-unfi'y, sconces andhvtnchet
Coffeepots, tea di'to and cadies inlettsor se
parate with silver bor.iors an I shields richiy
engraved, a variety of n«
Jiauce tureens, salts, toal\ racks, sugar and
cream basons, &c patent spring (hoebuckles
t'flver and plat-d, lome very rich and others
In thejewellery line amongfta variety of other
articles, ar. affbrtment of elegant ear-rings of
the latoft falhion
Pearl, enamelled and plain finger rings
Ladies and gentlemen's watch chains, feali and
Corals and belli,and coral beada for children
with locktts or without.
Stone knee buckles, a number of rich patterns,
ti c & c
J. MUxGRAVE has workmen eontinually
ernployed 111 the silver and jewellery line and
manes every article in these branches upon the
m >ft moderate terms :—Hair work in lockets
and rings, and tninatures sett in the best min
her.—-He has op hand a large alTirtment of sil
ver ware, such a# c flfee and teapots, sugar
bowls, milk pots an ! fl *p bowl* in fet'aor le
parate, fluted an.l plain. Soup 2nd milk ladles,
table, tea, fait and muftardfpoons, sugar tongs
and every article in the silver line.
N. B. Setts f plate of any pattern if order
ed will be esecuttd at the fhort«fl notice, —
Old silver and gdid taken in exchange.
Oflober 30. eod3w.
Horses to Winter,
HORSES will te taken to winter st ProfpeA
Hill, at the n mile (lont. on the Briftnl roaii,
where they will have yooi T'mothy and Clover
Hay, be well care •(, and have a field to tun
In when the weather i» good ; enquire ol William
Belt, Philadelphia 5 or,"ol Joseph Bunting, on the
They engage to return the-n in good order in
thefpring or charge nothKig for k tping them, and
will not be for accidentt or escape, but
will take every precaution to prevent either.
odobcT *7 mwf tf
H/VVING parted with Margaret Brooks by
mutual corifent, I do hereby forwanfall
pecfons from crediting her on my account, as I
will not pay any debt* of her contradlinp.
jaw 3t
Certificates Loft.
THE nndcimentioned certificates of flock 01
fh» Bank of the United "tatm, viz
No. 97g,Hite.t ift January, 179 J, for ve
iharc; in the nameol : Bourdieu, Chojlett
ami Bourditfu.
No 17166 dated ift of January,l79B, for
five fcarei-, in the name "i the Right hon.
lord fnhn TownfHend.
Notice is hereby given,
That application b intended to be made at the
(aid Bank hy the fubferiber, for a renewal of the
fame, of which all pejfons ;oncerAci are requested
to take notice.
Philadelphia, >0 mo, 18, 1800 tuthfajm
*'• 1 1 *
The following certifi rtes of eight per cent, stock
in the name of William 3ell, jr. (landing to hi
credit on the bonks of the United Stato* Loin
Office of Pennsylvania, viz
No *•}, a Certificate dated 30th January, 1800,
for one thoufmd dollars.
No 505, a Certificate doted 30th January, 1800,
for one thmifand doll-r*
Notice is hereby Riven, that application is in
rerd'd t > be ma-.'e for a renewal of the fame—of
which all persons concerned are requeued to trtk?
PkiUdelfhia, JO mo ".8, 1800. 3taw6w
IN the (hip Kenfiogton, captain Kerr, in the ysar
1794 having heeb captured by the French on
her voyage from hence to Amftcriam, the follow
ing certificates of stock ef the Bank o the United
States, standing m the name of lTenjamin Chap
A r os. 43a tJ" 436 of 4 Shares tacb;
158 3 do.
Uls, iii 6, 1217, t do.
Application is made at said Bank by the subscri
ber for a renewal ol the Tame, o: which all pcrUn f
concerned nredefired te take notice.
aA. %J.
Of the Bank of the United States,
NO. IJ9<» to 1.5963 iiwlufive, 10 the name ot
Thomas M*llrtt "f London, were forward
ed ihouttht Ift of Miy 1797, from New-York,
hy the (hip Osirida For London, which wa» cap
ture 1 ?>y th» French, and saW Certificate! loft i>r
detlrryerf j therefore application is made at the
said Rank for the reue«.il of the famn, of which
all persons concerned are rfelirei to take notice.
Clement Diddle.
Philad : September 3, i?oo <i}m
A Young Man,
PP.iFP.CrLY Trrfcil in Mercantile accounts,
and brought up in one of tbt firfl counting
hmifei in thii tity. withes employment as
He ii at prrfent «bfent from Phila telphia. but a
line lef' at the Office of the Gazette of the Uni
ted State* he will receive, and it fha'l be imme
dia'ely attended to. Salary a feoonduy ohjcfi—
Employment his motive,
augafl 11 dtf
'•v »m
Landing from the ship America, Watte.
Sims, Commander, from Canton,
Souchong, ift 8c and quality,
Caper souchong,
Hyftm-ftia, Itdic
T nkay, >TtAS,
Young hyson,
Hyson, ift Sc »d quality,
Yellow" fc white nankeens
Lutcftrings, black & color'd ( In Boxe#
Sinfhaws do. C aflbrted,
Satt ins do. J
Lutestrings, maz. blue-ic dark green") .
Siulhaws do ft
Persian *aflT»tas, dark green 3
Tbeji have aha on band for sale, received bv
tbe late arrivals from Europe, isfe.
*| Infmallpack-
Striped and checked ginghams i age» alforted,
White figured & coldr'd Muf- | calculated for
linetts £the Weft-In-
White corded dimities j dia market &
Color'd Glk, striped Nankeens | entitled to
J drawback,
14 Trunks printed Calicoet,
j do. do.
3 Bales seine twine (Entitled to
to Cases China ware,
in tea setts 3
6 Calks mineral blaek,
1 do. white,
10 do. colcother,
j Calki purple brown,
3j do. naila alTort«d,
i) do. London porter in bottlea,
Eng'ilh fail canvas, No. 1, a & 3,
ftuffia duck,
a 7 Boxei white Havanna sugar,
13 Pipes old Madeira wine,
F.mpty wine bottles,
ao Guns, 6 plunders,
1 a do. 9 do.
18 do. 9 do. with carriages, ttt,
ißo,ooolbs.Ceribou coffee, ift*)
quality (Entitled to
jo,ooolb« black pepper f drawback,
ao ebony J
May aj. mScw tf
That large and commodious
At the cornet of Arch and Ninth Artets.
To be Let,
% 7
yHE house, stable, coach-houfc and lol«, lately
A. occupied by Major Butler, fit a ate at above
For tftaiß apply to J B. Wallace, No. aB, north
Fifth street.
odtoScr ar law tf
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vllttfi
•ad Merry-Andrew Playing CiH», tmr file chcef>
for afc—Appjy «tii» OSct.
ffteklM !]■
TweNe Shires
treasury DEPARTMENT,
Wafhingten. September ifl, 1800.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In pvrfuance of 0* a3 of Congress, puffed on
the 7srl day of April, one tboufand eight
hundred en'idled "An aS to ejlablfh a
Gen ial Stamp Office,''
THAT a General Stdmp Office i« now
eftabltfhed at the feat of government, in tne
city of Wafhingtoti, from whence there will
issue. from and after the date hereof, (upon
the application of the Supervisors of the
Revenue, under whose management the
colleflioii of the f)atn<p duties i 9 placed) any
quantities of paper, parchment and vellum,
marked or stamped, and dujy counter-flamp
ed, with the following rales of duty which
arr demandible by law :
For ever) fkiia or piece of vellum or parchment,or
(heet or piece ot V'Spf. upon which (hail be
written or printed any nr either of the iufliu
nicuts or writings following, to wit,
A Mh. C. M.
NY certificate of naturalization f
Any licence to nrailicejor certificate
o4 the admifTion, enrollment or re-
giflry ot any councilor, Solicitor
Advocate attorney, or p, oflor, in
any court of the Waited States 10
Provided, that a certificate io any
one of the court* tof he Ui.itcd Mates,
lor any one of the Taid . fficcs, (hall
so far aa relates to the payment of the
duty aforefaid, he a fuffirient admif
litjr ni all the courts of the United
Statea, for each and every of the said
Any gram or letters patent,tinter the
teal or authority ef tht United
States (except for lands granted
for military services) 4
Any'exemplification or certified copy
of any futh'grawt or letters patent
(except tor latida granted for mili
tary Services) »
Ajiy charter party, bottomry or re
l'poiidentia bold I
A»y receipt ordifcharge fcr or on ac
count of any legacy left by my
will or otker teflimeotary inftru
roent, or for any thare or part of
a personal tflate, di vided hy force
of any ftatuieofdiftrikiitions ether
than to the srife, children it j;rand
children of the perf.m diseased, the
amount whrreot shall be above the
value i f fifty dollara, and shall not
exceed the value of one hundred
When the anoudt, thereaf shall ex
ceed the viue of one hunired dol
i lars, and (lull not exceed five hun
' dred d«llan 30
1 Ind for ever? further, sum of five
hundred dollars, ike additional
sum of 1
Any policy »f insurance or inftru
rr.ent in naure thereof, when the
sum for which insurance is made
shall not exceed five hundred dol
lars a 5
\yhen the sum in tired (hall exceed
five hundred dollars 1
Any cxemp'iflcttion of what nature
soever, that fhill pass the seal of
any court, other than such as it
may be the duty of the clerk «f
such court to fiirnifh for the use of
the United States, or some parti
cular Rate jo
Any bond» bill single or penal, inland
bill of cxckingc, pmniilTory
note or other nete (other than my
recognizance, bill, b«nd or other
obligation cr contrail, made to or
with the tfuitrd States, or any
fiate, or ufe refpeilively ;
and any bold' required in any caf«
by the laws of the United States,
or of any state, upr-nlegal procefe,
or in anv judicial proceeding, er
for the faithfil performance of any
trust or duty/
If abovt twenty dollars and not
exceeding one husdred dollars 10
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five hendred dollars 1;
If above fiv« hundred and not ex
creding one thousand dollars 50
And it aboreone thi-ufand dollars 75
Provided, that : f any bonds or
notes (lull be payable at or within
sixty davs, fcich br.od*y i>'»tes shall
be fobjeift to 1 nly two parts of
tlie dwy aforefaid, viz.
If above twenty and not exceeding
one hundred dollars 4
If above-one hundred dollars and not
exceeding five hundred dollars * 10
If above five hundred dollars and
not exceeding one thousand dolls. ao
If above one thousand dollars 30
Any foreign bill of exchange, draft
or order for the payment of money
in any iorei.n esuntry »o
The said duty being charge
able upon each and every bill of ex
change, without refpefl to the num
ber contained in each let.
Any note or bill of lading or writing
or receipt in nature thereof, for
goods or merchandize to be ex
ported ;
If from one diflriA to another dil*
ttidl oftheUniied States,not being
in the fame state 4
If from the Unite I States to any fo
reign port or place Io
The said duty being chargeable
upon each and every bill of lading
without r»fpe<sl to the number con
tained to each set.
Anynotes ifiued by the btnks now
established or that may be hereafter
established within the United
States, wther than the notes of
such of the said banks as shall a
gree to an annual corapofition of
one per centum on the annuil di
vidends made by such banks, to
khrir ftockh' Idrts refpeflively, ac
cording to the following scale :
On all notes not exceeding fifty dol
lars, for each dollar
On all notes ab ive fifty dollars and
not sxceedingone hundred dollars 50
On all notes above one hundred dol
lars and notexceeding five hundred
dollars I
On all notes above fire hundred dol
lars 1
Amy prot«ft or other notarial ail i s
Atiy letter of attorney, exept for
an invalid peiifion, or to obtain or
fell warrants for land granted by
the United States as bounty tor
military services performed la the
late war 33
Any inventory or catalogue of any lur
niture . g»»is or cff,:<sts. made in any
cafe required by law (except in cases
of g>eds and chattels diflrained for
rent »r taxes,and good* taken in vir
tue of any legal fwixeft byjfny olKcc* 50
Any certificate* of a share in any infu-
rance company, of a fhars in the hank
of the United States, or of any flare
It t'lnr bant ;
If above twenty dollars aod not exceed
ing one hundred do.tlars 10
If above one hundred dollars 15
if under twenty dullars, at the rare of
ten cents for one hundrei dollars.
That the power of <Jie supervisors of the
Revenue to mark or stamp any vellum,
parchment or paper w:.tb <iuty,
will re;il'e and determine from and after fix
months from the aate hereof, to wit, on the
last day of February 1801.
That, if any persons (hall, after the lail
day ot" February 1801, h.*ve in their cuflody
or poflVffion, any vellum, parchmwit or pa
per, marked or tittuped by the of
the Revenue, upon vfchich a»y matter ot
thing, charged with duty, shall not have
boen written or printed, they may at any
time laitbm the space of sixty days after
the said la it day of February ißot, bring
or fend such vellum, parchment and papei,
unto li me office of infpedtion, and in lieu
thereof, receive a like quantity or value of
vellum, parchment and paper, duly stamped
iu puifuaiiee ot the aft herein before recited.
And in cafe any person fliall njgleft ot re
fufc, within the time aforefaid, to bring or
cause to be brought unto some oflLer of iri-
Ipection, any such vellum, parchment or pr.-
per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will
thereafter be of no other effect or use, than
'■fit had never been marked or stamped, and
that all matters and things, wliich may af
ter that time be written ar printed upon atfiy
vellul, parchment or paper, authorized to be
exchanged in matvier aforefaid, will be of 110
other eff*£t, than if they had been written
or printed on paper, parchment or vellum,
not marked or stamped.
And for the convenience of those persons
who may be inclined to hive their own vel
lum, parchment and paper (lamped or mark
ed, it is hereby peclared, that when any per
son (hall depefit any vellum, parchment or
paper at the office of a Cupervifor, accompa
nied with a lift, fjjrcifying the number and
denomination of the stamps or marks, which
are defirrd to be thereto affixed, the fame
will be trKtifmitted to the General Stpam-
Office, and there properly marled or stamped,
and forthwith fcnt back to tlte fame super
visor, who will thereupon colle£t the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order »f tbe per fan from whom the
fame was received.
Given under my Hand, and the Seal
(L.S.) of the Treasury, at Walhing
ton, the day and year above men
Secretary of the Treasury.
frptember 29.
For Sale, or to Let,
In Chesnut Street,
Near the corner of Eleventh street, it prefert in
th* tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Pofleffion may be
had the first of November next, or fountr if re
quired Apply to
September 3 $
rot publishing ar suMscmrrioif,
The Works
Hon. James Wilson, Esq. L. L. ,D
Late one of the Associate Justices of tbe
Supreme Court of tbe United States and
Professor at Law in tbe College and
Academy of Philadelphia.
From the original manuscript, in the pofTeflion of
Bird IVilson, Esq.
These works shall be elegantly printed in two
volumes oftavo, and deliverc«L/o fubferibers at
five dollars.
They shall be put to press as soon as the fubferip
tions will juftify the eipence of publication,
Subscriptions will be received by
The puMifher, opposite ChriS-Church, Phila
delphia ; and by the principal bookfcllers through
out the United Statos.
*,* A Ifrofpeilus of the werk may be seen at
the place of fubfeription.
feptcmVer 13 §
To be let,
That large and commodious four Aory
Brick Dwelling-House,
No. 343, Higk-ttreet.
IT'S fituatisn is peculiarly pleasant nnd heajthy
and it has tvery convenience requisite for the
ccommodation of a family ; a pump in the yard,
lot Htufe, Stable and Carriage House % &C. Ac. Pof
fafiion may he had on the 15th of next month, »r
fooncr, with the consent of the prcfent tenant.
(On very low :erm» tor the enfning winter and
spring) a large and convenient
Brick House and Kitchen,
Coach house, Stable and Lot of Ground, pleasantly.
situated in the Nor'hern Liberties, a little to the
westward of Fifth and northward ot CallowhiU
flreets, and within ten mir.uccs walk from the
centar of the city.
Apply to
Attorney at Law—N#. 16, south 4th flreet
«stobn l9 fnwfjw
MarfliaFs Sales-
pEsssnrAwtA DISTRICT, \
BY virtue of a writ to me direflfd, from the
Honourable Richard Peters, Efqr Judge
of theDiflria Court of the United States in and
for the Pennfylvanii Diftiidl, will be exposed
to Public Sale, at the Merchant's Coffee-Houfe,
on Saturday, the 2»d day of November ioftant,
at 7 o'clock in the evening,
-£yV"l The armed French veflel
Sam Les Deux Amis
Til*Trapfrpd by the United States arm
ed fthootier experiment, Charles Stenart, Esq.
commander—the fame having h en lately con*
demned by thf Caid Cort-t as forfeited.
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
£/"Les Deux Amis lies at Knight's wharf.
Marshall's Office, )
Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1800 $ mUas tS
Pi-nnsVi/Vanta District,)
Notice is hekkby given, Thati*
purfuuce of a Writ to me direfled from
the Honourable Rithard Peters, Efqr. Judge of
the Diltria Court of the United Sta'es in audi
for the Pennsylvania Diflrirfl, will beexpifedto
Sale at No. 7, Dock street, in the City of Phi
ladelphia, on Saturday the ltd D;y . f No
vember next at 10 o'clock, in the forenuow,
Of the armed French vefle! Deux Amis, prize
to the ÜBited tares 'vhooner Hxperimert,Charles
Stewart, Efq commander—confining of
18 bales Cotton & }En tit led 19
a quantity of Coffee) drawback.
JOHN HALL, Marital,
Marlhal't Ottice,
Philadelphia, Nov. IJ mths tS
Pennsylvania Di trict,)
BY virtw of a wnt to me direfled from the
hon >nrable Ricliaxd Peters, Efq, Judge of
ttie Hiftr:<n c«nrt f tbe U. Statci, in ard for
the Penrf'ylvania diftrift, will be exposed to
publi.. fjle, ar the MercK ants Coffee House, in
he Ciiy of Phi -dclpbia. on Saturday, the 22(1
day of November, inltant, at j o'clock in the
llllg La Tourterille,
Captured by Hu.trb Oe rge Campnell, Esq.
Commander of tiic- public armed veflfcl the Ea
gle ; the fime having been condemned by the
said Court as afvrefaid.
JOHN HALL, Mirfoal.
The Tourtrrill lies at Knight's wharf.
November 11, i&co. 5
William French,
No. 48.,
Soura FRonf.xrßp.ET,
By the Penniyhrania, captain York, from
An extensive and elegant assortment of
Broadcloths and Caffimeres.
o<st#ber 11 d4vr.atf.4w.
t 4 Ok OAL a,
A Valuablc and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of rwo haiidfoore dwelling
huyfes, with excell'nt ftaMiȣ for h rfes r
double Cuach houie motl fitted ui-; a
beautiful and valuable garden richly filled
with choice fruu, furroundci with high hoard
tence, almost new. The premHcs are beautifully
iiraa'.ed nrar the middle of Gernipntown, sur
rounded with rich profp*&» of the adjwctnt
country ; an orchard ci ahotit two acres, wilh a
handfiome lawn at thc'back of th" house
One house haaheenr cently built or ar. appro*
ved plan ; the other has becii comjrtcrdy repaired»
painted and papered, and contain t*u rp>:n9 with
an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feat by thirty
The new house is well calculated for a flore in
ekher the dry or wot good line.
The air and water are anrirl!«d, and there are
Tome molt excellent frhooU in the neighborhood*
For particulars enquire of the Printer, rof
iM<t- potter,
on th* preinifaa
M»y 9:
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fufficUnt number of
thcmoft uiproved European Glals Manu
fudlurers, and having on hand a large stock of
the best Materials, on which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of alluring
the public, that window jrlafs of a superior qua
lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14
inches, carefully packed in boxe« containing
100 feet ea h, may be had at the ibortefl notice.
Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may
also be had, fuck as for pidlures, coach glalTi-s,
clock faces, Ac. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also he had, together with pocket
llaflcs.picklingjars, apothecary's Ihop furniture,
»r other hwllow ware—the whole at leait 2s per
cent, lower than articles of the fan#e quality
brought from any «f the sea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance will be made <?n
Pale of large quantities. Orders from merchants
try! others will he punctually attended to oa ap
plication to JAMES O'HARA «r ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Store of Meflrs. PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, P ttlhurg-h.
March ♦, tuthff.
To Printers.
The following MATERIALS will be Toll*
iT.ifoMablc if applied lor immediately.
i l'refs,
3 Founts l.niijf T ?rimer (partly worn)
i ditto Small-Pica ota Pita body,
i ditto Pica,
1 ditto F.nglffli,
2 >'itto Brevier,
I ditto Burgeois, pair of Chaiis, fcveraj compofim*
(ticls, frames and galleys, some brass ruleu.
Quotations, Sec. Sic. Sic: all of the above
will be lold very reasonable for Calh,
September 8.
mts tS