STAGES REMOVED. THB fftblic ere hereby inform;*, that ike Bsl lliMlt Ctukcc will m future ftajt Irm th< In diuQuta, N# ij. (nuk Forth Urttt, tit'y evept maday, 11 7 o'clork, tud will arrive i- Peck't Tavlrn, Baltimore, th? next J»y u 8 n'eiock iad the Stign ro New Y«rk, will etttj day at Sand I> o'clock. JOHN H. BARNEY & C«. N- B book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan ft moderate terms :—Hair work in lockets and rings, and tninatures sett in the best min her.—-He has op hand a large alTirtment of sil ver ware, such a# c flfee and teapots, sugar bowls, milk pots an ! fl *p bowl* in fet'aor le parate, fluted an.l plain. Soup 2nd milk ladles, table, tea, fait and muftardfpoons, sugar tongs and every article in the silver line. N. B. Setts f plate of any pattern if order ed will be esecuttd at the fhort«fl notice, — Old silver and gdid taken in exchange. Oflober 30. eod3w. Horses to Winter, HORSES will te taken to winter st ProfpeA Hill, at the n mile (lont. on the Briftnl roaii, where they will have yooi T'mothy and Clover Hay, be well care •(, and have a field to tun In when the weather i» good ; enquire ol William Belt, Philadelphia 5 or,"ol Joseph Bunting, on the premises. They engage to return the-n in good order in thefpring or charge nothKig for k tping them, and will not be for accidentt or escape, but will take every precaution to prevent either. odobcT *7 mwf tf NOTICE. H/VVING parted with Margaret Brooks by mutual corifent, I do hereby forwanfall pecfons from crediting her on my account, as I will not pay any debt* of her contradlinp. WILLIAM BROOKS. jaw 3t OAA»)« Certificates Loft. THE nndcimentioned certificates of flock 01 fh» Bank of the United "tatm, viz No. 97g,Hite.t ift January, 179 J, for ve iharc; in the nameol : Bourdieu, Chojlett ami Bourditfu. No 17166 dated ift of January,l79B, for five fcarei-, in the name "i the Right hon. lord fnhn TownfHend. Notice is hereby given, That application b intended to be made at the (aid Bank hy the fubferiber, for a renewal of the fame, of which all pejfons ;oncerAci are requested to take notice. JiiHN WARDER. Philadelphia, >0 mo, 18, 1800 tuthfajm *'• 1 1 * LOST, The following certifi rtes of eight per cent, stock in the name of William 3ell, jr. (landing to hi credit on the bonks of the United Stato* Loin Office of Pennsylvania, viz No *•}, a Certificate dated 30th January, 1800, for one thoufmd dollars. No 505, a Certificate doted 30th January, 1800, for one thmifand doll-r* Notice is hereby Riven, that application is in rerd'd t > be ma-.'e for a renewal of the fame—of which all persons concerned are requeued to trtk? notice. JOHN WARDF.R. PkiUdelfhia, JO mo ".8, 1800. 3taw6w IN the (hip Kenfiogton, captain Kerr, in the ysar 1794 having heeb captured by the French on her voyage from hence to Amftcriam, the follow ing certificates of stock ef the Bank o the United States, standing m the name of lTenjamin Chap man A r os. 43a tJ" 436 of 4 Shares tacb; 158 3 do. Uls, iii 6, 1217, t do. Application is made at said Bank by the subscri ber for a renewal ol the Tame, o: which all pcrUn f concerned nredefired te take notice. JOHN MILLED, Junr. djm aA. %J. Of the Bank of the United States, NO. IJ9<» to 1.5963 iiwlufive, 10 the name ot Thomas M*llrtt "f London, were forward ed ihouttht Ift of Miy 1797, from New-York, hy the (hip Osirida For London, which wa» cap ture 1 ?>y th» French, and saW Certificate! loft i>r detlrryerf j therefore application is made at the said Rank for the reue«.il of the famn, of which all persons concerned are rfelirei to take notice. Clement Diddle. Philad : September 3, i?oo TtAS, Young hyson, Hyson, ift Sc »d quality, Imperial, Yellow" fc white nankeens Lutcftrings, black & color'd ( In Boxe# Sinfhaws do. C aflbrted, Satt ins do. J Lutestrings, maz. blue-ic dark green") . Siulhaws do ft Persian *aflT»tas, dark green 3 Tbeji have aha on band for sale, received bv tbe late arrivals from Europe, isfe. *| Infmallpack- Striped and checked ginghams i age» alforted, White figured & coldr'd Muf- | calculated for linetts £the Weft-In- White corded dimities j dia market & Color'd Glk, striped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoet, j do. do. 3 Bales seine twine (Entitled to to Cases China ware, in tea setts 3 6 Calks mineral blaek, 1 do. white, 10 do. colcother, j Calki purple brown, 3j do. naila alTort«d, i) do. London porter in bottlea, Eng'ilh fail canvas, No. 1, a & 3, ftuffia duck, a 7 Boxei white Havanna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpowder, F.mpty wine bottles, ao Guns, 6 plunders, 1 a do. 9 do. 18 do. 9 do. with carriages, ttt, ißo,ooolbs.Ceribou coffee, ift*) quality (Entitled to jo,ooolb« black pepper f drawback, ao ebony J May aj. mScw tf That large and commodious HOUSE, At the cornet of Arch and Ninth Artets. To be Let, % 7 yHE house, stable, coach-houfc and lol«, lately A. occupied by Major Butler, fit a ate at above For tftaiß apply to J B. Wallace, No. aB, north Fifth street. odtoScr ar law tf An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vllttfi •ad Merry-Andrew Playing CiH», tmr file chcef> for afc—Appjy «tii» OSct. ffteklM !]■ LOST, Loft, TweNe Shires treasury DEPARTMENT, Wafhingten. September ifl, 1800. Public Notice is hereby Given, In pvrfuance of 0* a3 of Congress, puffed on the 7srl day of April, one tboufand eight hundred en'idled "An aS to ejlablfh a Gen ial Stamp Office,'' \ I. THAT a General Stdmp Office i« now eftabltfhed at the feat of government, in tne city of Wafhingtoti, from whence there will issue. from and after the date hereof, (upon the application of the Supervisors of the Revenue, under whose management the colleflioii of the f)atn

'»tes shall be fobjeift to 1 nly two parts of tlie dwy aforefaid, viz. If above twenty and not exceeding one hundred dollars 4 If above-one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars * 10 If above five hundred dollars and not exceeding one thousand dolls. ao If above one thousand dollars 30 Any foreign bill of exchange, draft or order for the payment of money in any iorei.n esuntry »o The said duty being charge able upon each and every bill of ex change, without refpefl to the num ber contained in each let. Any note or bill of lading or writing or receipt in nature thereof, for goods or merchandize to be ex ported ; If from one diflriA to another dil* ttidl oftheUniied States,not being in the fame state 4 If from the Unite I States to any fo reign port or place Io The said duty being chargeable upon each and every bill of lading without r»fpeeds and chattels diflrained for rent »r taxes,and good* taken in vir tue of any legal fwixeft byjfny olKcc* 50 Any certificate* of a share in any infu- rance company, of a fhars in the hank of the United States, or of any flare It t'lnr bant ; If above twenty dollars aod not exceed ing one hundred do.tlars 10 If above one hundred dollars 15 if under twenty dullars, at the rare of ten cents for one hundrei dollars. That the power of Pi-nnsVi/Vanta District,) Notice is hekkby given, Thati* purfuuce of a Writ to me direfled from the Honourable Rithard Peters, Efqr. Judge of the Diltria Court of the United Sta'es in audi for the Pennsylvania Diflrirfl, will beexpifedto Sale at No. 7, Dock street, in the City of Phi ladelphia, on Saturday the ltd D;y . f No vember next at 10 o'clock, in the forenuow, THE CARGO Of the armed French vefle! Deux Amis, prize to the ÜBited tares 'vhooner Hxperimert,Charles Stewart, Efq commander—confining of 18 bales Cotton & }En tit led 19 a quantity of Coffee) drawback. JOHN HALL, Marital, Marlhal't Ottice, Philadelphia, Nov. IJ mths tS UNITED STATES ) _ Pennsylvania Di trict,) BY virtw of a wnt to me direfled from the hon >nrable Ricliaxd Peters, Efq, Judge of ttie Hiftr::n9 with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feat by thirty fix The new house is well calculated for a flore in ekher the dry or wot good line. The air and water are anrirl!«d, and there are Tome molt excellent frhooU in the neighborhood* For particulars enquire of the Printer, rof iM'itto Brevier, I ditto Burgeois, pair of Chaiis, fcveraj compofim* (ticls, frames and galleys, some brass ruleu. Quotations, Sec. Sic. Sic: all of the above will be lold very reasonable for Calh, September 8. mts tS