Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, November 10, 1800, Image 4

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    Marshal's Sales.
BY virtue of a writ to me directed from the
Honorable Richard Peters, Esq. Judge of
the Court of the United States in a«-d
for the Pennsylvania Diftrrtfl, will be expoftd
to piibl c sale at the Merchants Coffee House in
the City of Philadelphia ort SATURDAY tire
Fifteenth day of.Novemher in(lant,it 7 o'clock
in the evening,
The armed
jfell D I *A N A,
How lying; at Sims's wharf,
PRIZE to the United States schooner Expeii
ment, Charles Stewart, Elq. Commander, the
fame having been lately condemned by the said
Court as forfeited. &c.
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
Marshals Office, >
November 41 /•, 1800. 3
Pevksylvakia District, )
purfiatire of a writ to me direifled from tie
Honorable Richard Peters. Efqr. Judge of the
Diftrifl C'.nrt it the United Statts in and (or
the diflridl of Pennsylvania, will he exposed t"
public sale at No. 7, Dock ilreet, in the city of
Philadelphia, on SATURDAY, the Fifteen h
Dayof November inftaiit, at ioo'clock in the
The Cargo
of the armed Fren h veffcl Diana, prize to tl e
United States fchconer Experiment, Charles
Stewart, Elqr. commander, confiding of the
following art'r'es :
25 Hogsheads
28 Tierces •> SUGAR.
55 Barrels j
,5 Bales of COTTON,
3 Hoglheads
9 Tierces
26 Barrels
12 Bags
-i- Barrel
1 Trunk
The ivl'olc is entitled 11 drawback.
JOHN HALL, Ma'fbal.'s Office, 1 "
November 4th, 1800. J
For Sale,
Freight or Charter,
To the Weft-Indies or elsewhere,
The sal failing
V"Jg, burthen ninety tors or seven hundred
and fifty barrels.
She is ill good repair, an i will be ready to re
ceive a cargo on short notice.
Apply to
yofeph Anthony Iff Co.
Or to the Captain on board, at Chefnut street
November 1 5,
For London,
Captain Kick,
■re'it, •> • i "2 HAS the giVnteft part of her
C.irg.j engaged—will take Freight if applied
for immediately.
. Ttom:is Murgatroyd & Sbns,
o£V">Scr 11. V tu th.&
For Freight or Charter,
t Tne remarkable faft 1" iling
_ New schooner
SllSl? Fdr Eliza,
Burthen eight hundred barrel#.
Apply to the CaptaiH on board at Wellh's
whaif, or to
Joseph Anthony Sf C».
nov<inh< r 6 §
fa (h« fcip Ailiii'ic, Water*, from
And for sale by the fubferiber,
A great variety of articles mostly suitable
for exportation,
among whicii ait e
Blue cloths
Soot Romah
Madras Lout; Cloths
Ditto Handltirchiefi.
2000 bags prime Sugar,
Hyson and Souchong Tea,
No. 80, Dock street.
mwf tf
os»h«r 10
Just arrived.
u Per the
Brig Perfevtrance,
Mr. William Bell's Wharf.
80 hhds. Antigua and St. Kitts Rum and
10 ditto Coffee
No. 4, South IVater Street.
Oftober 8. <3tf
In Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns,
LE''D, Brazier's Solder, Tin in boxes, Stctl
She<t-iron, Sewing twins, and a large affert
ment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sa.llery, Brass
and Japann'd ware«. For fa eby
Elisha Fisher & Co.
eilobcr 17.
TI'E ufd«rwenti:ined certificates of ftocfc oi
tfe* Bank f the United SluttC, viz
b'o 978, lUte , ift January, 179 *, for five
iV rre« in the nan-.eof Bourdieu, Chollctt
and Bourdieu
No 27,?66, dated ifl of January. 1798, for
five (hare«, in the name '>l ti;» Right hon.
lord John Townfliend.
That application is interded to he trade at the
said Bank by the fubferjber, for a renewal of the
fame, of which all peri'.>f.s concerned are requefied
tai take notice.
Philadelphia, 10 mo. aB, IEOO tutiifa3m
The following certificrtes&f eight per cent fl-> c
1 in the name of William Bell.jr ftan-Jir jr to his
ere lit on the imoks of the United Stale. Lnar
Office of Pennsylvania, viz
No 50.!, a Ccr'ifi:ne datt-d January, .18-sO,
for one thousand dollars.
No 505, a Certificate dated 30th January, i3co
for one thousand dollars
Notice is hereby given, that applicrti mi i> in
tend dto be in»de for a reu-vaj j>f the faun:—ol
which all persons concerned are requeued to take
Philadelphia, to mo 18.1800. jta\v6w
IN the (hlu Iv> r.fii gton captain Kerr, in the year
1794, having been captured by the French on
her voyage from her.ce to Amfter Jam, the follow
ing certificates of stock of the Bank o' the Waited
States, standing in the name of Benjamin Chap-
mj n
iVlis. if 436 of 4 Shares each-,
..'ss 3 do
-12 [5, 1:16, 1217, I do.
Application is made at said Bank hy the fnhfcrU
ber for a renewal of the fame, of which all perfem
concerned arsdefired to take .notice.
JOHN Mli LER.Ju. r.
ofl. 27
Of the Bank of the United States,
NO* *59.{4 to 15963 inclulive, in name ot
Tiiomas MullVtr o{l<ondoo. w re forward
eil about the ift of Miy 1797, from New-York,
hy the Ihip Oneida for London, which wm cap
tured by the French, and said Certificate* loft f»r
destroyed; therefore ipplitation is at the
laid BariV for the renewal of the fanui, of wtich
ai) persons concerned arc »!eGred to take iioficc.
Clement Biddle.
Phila.! :,September 3, 1800 ' <*3lll
A Young Man,
PE3 FRC i"I,V v rfed in Mercantile ncceunts,
and brought up in on: of the firfl counting
h»isfes in chis »ity. wishes employment as Clerk.
He is at present absent from Phila 'eiphij, hut a
line left ot the Office of ihe Oazette of the Uni
ted States he w.ll receive, and it tha'.l be imme
diately attended to. Salary a feeondafy obj-it
Employment his motive.
augsft 11 dtf
Landing fron the ship America, IVaitt.
Sims, Commander, from Canton,
Souchong, ill ft »n;l quality, a
Caper fnuchon^,
Hyfo(l*ftini I TD a e
Timkjy, frTEAS,
HyTin, if) ft *4 quatilf,
Imprriat, I
Yeflin* k. wtile nankeeni S
Lutcfl' b »ck ft celor'd f lii Boxei
Smlhiw* do. C aflortrdj
Snli»« do. J
Lo'eftringa, mai. blue Ju!irk green} ,
SW.fliawi do. V ' *
Perflan wfHrns dark jrera j Kl
They br.vt jhp on band for salt, received ty
tie late qrritalt from Europe, 12e.
*1 fofmallpack
(tr'ipcd.jnd checked gingbami i agei a(F>rted,
White hgiircd ft celor'd Muf- { calculated for
fined » WeH-ln-
White curded dimltiea I 4ia market ft
'olor'J (ilk, rtrrped Njnkecat | entitled tn
v J drawback,
4 Trunk • printed Calicne*,
5 do. do.
j Balrifeii»e twine (Entitled to
o Cain Chinl w»rf (drawback,
I „ . tuttf. I i
in tea I'crtls
5 Casks mineral black,
I do. uliiic,
0 fit'. colcother,
1 Calks purple l»rnwn,
5 do. iinils aflbrted,
9 do. London porter in bottles
?ne!i(h fail canvas, No. I, » & 3,
< I:(Tia duck,
n Boxe» white Havinna sugar,
13 Pipes old Madeira wir.e,
Prripiy wine bottles,
10 Gilitt, 6 pounders,
11 do. 9 do.
18 dp. 9 do. with carriages, itc.
ißo,ecolbs. Ceribon coffee, ift
quality ("Entitled ti
}C,ooolbs Mack pepper Cdrawback.
io Legs cbor.y J
May i.;. m&w tf
That large and commodious
At the corner of Arch and Ninth streets.
To be Let,
rilE bouse, stable, coach-house and lot», lately
1 occupied by Major Butler, fiwate a« above
For terais apply to J B. Wallace, No. iS, north
Fifth street.
o<Slo!)cr 1 r law tf
SUI'ERFINK Columbian, Harry the Vlllth
ami M"rry-Amtr.*w Playing Card»,.fsr sale.cheep
for calh—Apply at this Office. .
fcptcmber 13.
Certificates Loft.
No/ice if hereby given,
Twelve Shares
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
treasury department,
IVafhirgten September \JI, 1800.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In pursuance of an aS of Congress, passed on
the 2yj day of April, one thousand eight
hundred, entitled " An aS to eflabliflj 'a
General Stamp Office,''
THAT a General Stamp Office is now
efiablifliYd at the feat of government, in trie
city of W.fhington, from whence there will
iflue. from and after the date hereof, (upon
tbe application of the Supervisors of the
Revenue, under whose management thc
col!e&ion of the flamp duties is placed) any
quantities of paper"," parcli-m.c.iit asd veilum,
marked or ttamped, and duly counter-stamp*
ed, with tlie following rates of duty which
arc demzndablc by law :
For ever, fkita or piece of vellum or f archmef t,or
fhrct. or piece ot papjr, upon winch fh?il be
writtm or printed any or cither of the iullru
nients or writings following, to wit,
NY ceitifica'e of naturallzati <n 5
Any licence to v'aflite, • r certificate
of the adtf,iflvin,«nrn!'ment or re
gifliy o' juy counsellor, Solicitor . .
Advocate attorney, or 1 , in
any court of the United Sta'ei 10
Provided, that a certificate in ary
one of the courts tef he United States,
for any one of the said ■ fficcs, fhili
so fir aj relate! to the payment of the
duty aforisfaid, fee a fubnient admis
sion m <!! the courts of the United
States, for each and every of the laid
Any gram or letters patent,under the
leal or authority sf the United
States (except rnr lands granted
for military fervicas) 4
Any exemplification or certified copy
of' any fiich grant or letters pattnt
(except for lands granted for mili
tary ervicrs) a
Any charter party, bottrmry or re
fpondentia bo-.d 1
1 Aiy receipt < r riifcharge fop or on ac
count ft any legacy left by -ny
will or other tetlimentaty inft.u
inent, or for any (hare or pa't of
a p-srlcnal < ff by force
of any fhtyte of diitri'. utions other
than to «Jle wife, children or *rand
children of the perf.m diseased, the
amount whrreo shaH He above the
value • f fifty dollar*, and fha!l not
exceed the value of one hundred
When the am • nt thereof shall ex
ceed the value of one bun ired dol
lars, :nd Ibai! not exceed five hun
dred diJUn
In'lfor every further sum of five
dollars, tha additional
sum of j
A».y poifejr of infMrsnce or inflru
r.ent in Mature thjreof, when the
sum for which tnfiirame is made
shall not exceed five hundred dol
lars 2 s
When the sum insured exaecd
five hundred dollars I
Any exemplification of what nature
i'oevtr, that (hill pas« the leal of
any court, o-ber than tiich as it
may be the duty of the clerk «f
such court to furniih for the wfe of
the Uuitrd States, cr fume parti
cular ftite 50 '
Any bond, bill fing'e or penal, inland
bill of exchange, promiirory
note or other nctc ( ther than any
recognizance, bill, bond or other
obligation or contrail, made to or
with the United States, or any
slate, or for their ttferefpetflively ;
and any bonds required inanycafii
by the laws ot the United States,
or of any fiate, ltp'-n legs! process,
or tn anv judicial' proceeding, or
for the faithful performance of any
trufl or duty J
If above twenty dollars and not
exceeJing one kut)dr..d dollars 10
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars 15
If above five hundred arrd not ex
ceeding one th >ufind dollars 50
And if above one thcufand dollars 75
Provided, that if any bonds or
notes (lull be payaVe at or within
sixty days, such bonds or notes (ball
be fubjefl to only two-filth parts of
the duty aforefaid, viz.
If above twenty and not exceeding
one hundred dollars 4
If above one hundred dollars and not
exceeding five hundred dollars 10
If above five hundred dollars and
not exceeding one thou'and dolls. xo
If above one thousand dollars 30
Any foreign bill of exchange, draft
or order for the payment of money
in any foreign country 10
The said dvty being charge
able upon each and every Hill of ex
change, without refpeiSi to the num
ber contained in each set.
Any note or hill of lading or writing
or receipt in nature thereof, for
goods or merchandize to be ex
ported ;
If from one diftrifl to anothsr dif
tiifl of tbeUnUed States,Qot being
in the fame fhte 4
If from the United States to any fo
reign port or place 10
The said duty being chargeable
upon each and every bill of lading
without ,r»fpeisl to the number con»
tained to each ftt.
Any notes iflued by the banks now
efhblilhed or that may be hereafter
eftablifbed within the United
States, -ther thin the notes of
such of tbe said harks as shall a
gree to an annual cotnpofition of
one per centum on the annual di
vidend" made by such banks, to
their florkh* Idets refpetfively, ac
cording to the following scale :
On ail notes not exceeding fifty dol
lars, for each dollar . 6
On all notes ab >ve fifty dollars and
not exre «'ing one hundred dollars 50
On all nites above or.e hundred dol
lars andntHTxceeding five hundred
dollars 1
On all notes above five hundred dol
lars 2
■ ' N JMr. C. M
Any prist*fl rtr other notarial adi ' tj '
Any letter of attorney, exerpt for
an invalid pension, or to obiain or
fell warratfta for land grant) d~liy
the United Stata* a* bounty for
NnHitary fcrvieea perforated la the
late war tj
Any iovenmry ortatslopie of my lur-
Diture.g*«d» or effeA*. nude in any
cafe required hy law (except in cafe*
of g*od* Mid chattel* diflriined for
rent #r gontlif taken id vir-
t«e of any legal protefa by any officer JO
Any c'ryificatei of a (hire in any inlu-
ranee totspauy, as *ih'sre In the bask
of the L'mtnl HtHn,or of any fiate
ic other hank ;
If above twenty dollars and not exceed
ing one hundred dollars 10
If above one lum.'rcd'dollars »5
If under twenty dollars, at the ra'e of
ten cent* for one hundred dollars;
That the power of the fupervitoi s of the
Revenue to mark or fbmp any vellum,
parchment or paper charitable with duty,
will ceife and determine frotn and after fix
months from til- date hereof, to wit, on the
fad day ot February tfioi.
'1 iiat. if arty persons shall, after the lafi
day ol F. brnaoy IROI, have in their cttflody
or polf-fnon, any vtllutn, parchme-nt or pa
p-r, marked or flainped by the fupc-rvifors of
tlie Revenue, upon which any matter or
thing, charged with duty, fliall not lvave
heen written or printed, they may at any
time within the space of sixty daysi after
the said last diry of February 1801, bring
or fend lucli vellum, parchment and papei,
unto f me office of infjiedlion, and 111 lieu
thereof, receive a' like quantity or value of
vellum, parchment and paper, duly llamped
in purfuarioe of the act herein before recited.
And ip cafe any perfoH shall twgleft or re
fufe, withiil the time aforefaid, to bring or
cauft to he brouf ht unto some officer of iti-
Ipedion, any fti' Ji vellum, parchment or pa
[>er, it is hereby declared, that tlie fame avill
thereafter be of no other effi-a or use, than
it never been marked or stamped, and
that all matters and things, which may af
tei that time be written or printed upon any
vellul, parchment or paper, authorized to be
exchanged in manner atorelaid, will be of 110
other rff-a, than if they had beeu written
or printed on paper, parchment or vellum,
Hot marked or llamped.
And for tbe convenience of those personS
who may be inclined to have their own vel
lum, parchment and paper flamped or mark
ed, it is hereby peclareii, that when any per
son fliall deposit any vellum, pa'chment or
paper at the office of a supervisor, accompa
nied with a lift, fjreifying the number and
denomination of, the ftampsVr marks, which
are defirrd to be thereto affixed, the fame
" ill be transmitted to tbe General Stpam-
Office, and there properly marked or flamped,
and forthwith lent back to tire ftme super
visor, who will thereupon collea the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order of the person Irom whom the
lame was received.
Given under my Hand, and the Seal
(L. S.) of tlie Treasury, at Wnfliing
t<an, the day and year above men
Secretary of the Treasury.
feptember 29. d^m.
For Sale, or to Let,
In Chcsnut Street, the corn- r of Eleventh strret, at present in
the 'enure of Mr. A. M'Call—Huflefiiori may be
had the first ot November next, or fooncr if re
quired Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
A PERSON pofiefiing some capita), a confi.
derible share of induflry, and desirous of
engaging as a partner in a lucrative business,
may hear of a situation. All propofa's on this
fnbjeit to he in writing, sealed and dire<Sed to
W. K. J. New York, and left with the printer
of the Gazette of the United States, will be at
tended to.
t'r A Printer would find it to his advantage
June v
OF abilities, integrity and experience in
mercantile business, woald willingly en
gage as CLERK to a merchant or public of
fice, or be concerned with any person as part
ner, as he has an interest of about one thouland
pounds in real ellate in the city. Please to ap
ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the ofliee
for B. Y. will be att;uded to immediately.
Mayio djt m&th tf
WHO from principle is a I't'Urid'f. and defpofed
to undertake the arduous tofk of editing of.
a paper and combating the enemies ef America,
may hear of an eligible situation in the interior of
Maryhnd -500 fubi'cribers can be counted on be
fore he commence*, — A Native American will be
prcfercd ; —But it is not to b« underltood that well
principled persons though not natives, ate to ke
Particular; may be learned on application i
to the Editor of this Gazct-te.
Ten Dollars Reward.
FROM the fubferiher the 16th inft. a feTvant
man, named JAMES, aeed 27 y«arj, about
5 feet 8 inches Ugh, of a yellow complexion, and
of a bold, ff rightly appearance Had on when
he went away, a pair of Fultian trowfers, a vest
and sailors' jacket of nearly the fame colr-ur; on
the la'terof which wen; large black buttons ; his
hat blarkan.i a'nont half worn. He is accullomed
to the Farming bufiusfs; but may perhaps cnclea
vo»r to enter himf'-lf en bnard fomc velTe! that is
going to sea. Whoever fscutcs fai.l Run away
and delivers him to the fobferiher, (hail have i>»c
aiicve rcwaid and all rtafonable charges p.iiJ.—
All matters of vcffelsarc forbid to rcceiva or har
bour faiJ servant upon their peril.
Newßrunfwick.OaoO }
ber 20, 1800. j
William French,
No. 48,
South Front. street,
By the Pennsylvania, captain York, from
An extensive and elegant assortment of
Broadcloths and Caffimeres.
G<slßber 11 d4t.tu.3cf.4w.
A Valuable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling
houses, with excellent Cabling for seven horfel
doublc coach-hoafe mod completely fitted up; a
beautiful Jarge and valuable garden richly filled
with choice fruit, surrounded with high board
fence, alnolt new. The premises are beautifully
ii'Hatod near the midlle of Gerrmtntown, fur
rounrled with rich profpwdU of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of about two acres, witfi at
handsome lawn at the back of the house.
One house has been recently built on an appro
ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired,
painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with
an elegant drawing-roem, fifteen feet by thirtv
fii '
The new house is well calculated for a flo#e in
either the dry or »« good line.
I he air nud -water '.re unrivalled, and there ire
some moil excellent schools in the neighborhood.
For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of
on the premises
M«iy Q
To Printers.
The follswing MATERIALS wiirbe fold
renfoMablc if applied for immediately,
i Prt-fs, '
3 Feuuts Long-Purser (partly worn)
1 dittff Small-Pica On Pica body,
2 ditto Pica,
'l ditto EiigliOi,
2 rfitto Brevier,
l ditto Burgeois,
Several pair of Chafes, several composing.
UicU, frames and gall-ys, some brass rule**
Ouotajione, &c. &c. Sec: r,VI of the abovd
wiHbe fold ffry reasonable for Call).
September 8.
Prevention better than Cure.
For the prevention and cure of Bilious and
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
Da. HAHN's
Anti-bilious Pills,
TT7"HICH have been attended with a degree
, fucc<r . fs h'Rbly grateful to the inven
tor's feaiings, in several parts of the Weft-In
dies,and the Southern parts of the United States
particularly in Bjltimore, Petersburg, Rich,
rnond, Norfolk, Edcnton, Wilmington,CharM"«
toiv,. Savannah. &c. Ihe ieftinjony of a num
ber of perfo*s in each of the above
adduced, who have real'on to believe that a
timelv ufi of th s salutary remedy, has, under
Providence, preferred their lives when in the
moll alarming circvmllances.
Fafls of thi. conclusive . ature speak more in.
favour of a medicine, than columns of pompous
eulogy, founded on mere aflerti< n, could do.
It it n'.t indeed presumptuously proposed as
an infallible cure, but the inventor has every
poff:b!e reason, which can refulr from extensive
experience for believing that a dofeofthefe pill*,
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of our annual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that in the
earlier llapea of those diseases, their use will
very generally fncceed in restoring health and
freqoi-ntly in cases efie.-med desperate and bey
ond the power of common remedies.
The operation of these pills is pe»fe<3ly mild
and may be used withXifety by perfor.3 in ever
fitnatioii and of every age. '
They are excellently adapted to carry offful
perfluous bile and prevent its morbid fccretions ;
to restore and amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent colds
which are often of fata! con'equence. A dose
never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firft
appe? ranee. They are celebrated for removing
habitual coftivenefs, sickness of the stomach and
severe head-ache, and oifght to be tsken by all
persons on a change of climate.
They have been found rematlcably efficacious
in preventing and curing molt disorders attend
ant on long voyages, and fliould be procured
and carefully preserved for use by every feamsn.
Dr. HAHN';
Genuine Eye-water.
A certain and fafe remedy for all difeafas of the
eyes, whetlw the of natural weaknefa, or of
accident, speedily removing inflammations, de
fiwxions of rheum, dullncfs, itching, and films in
the eyes, never failing to cure thofc maladies which
frequently succeed the small pox, measles and fe«
vers, and wSnderluliy (lengthening a
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues
when nearly deprived of fighti
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered whichgivesun*
mediate and lading relief in the most i'evere in
The Anodyne Elixir.
For til? cure or every hind of head-ache, and of
paitfiin the face and neck.
Injallible Ague and Fever Drops.
Thi« medicine has never faikd, in many thou
fandcafes not one in a bnndred has had occasion to
take more than one bottle, and numteis not halt
a bottle. J'hc money will be returned if the cure
is not performed.
soLD'.Br; j
SlATtfM'k. V
No."l7 ! SoutbSft»MStiwet» : t
And so r*l*r+ Wi*,'W AtMtlm
W4»« ill* m«y !k t*J, ©V. i
D«ftt»7ihg Loaem<v t>»n <hkittf» fettir I*
eoaichi, *£. fctftamiU «A to. ■ '
of .'
Conjtb ft ihWi KiliYWfo,
. ipritip ' '•'
■?•' ». •
s. *
■* .
. }