Marshal's Sales. UNITED STATES 1 K Pb: NNS VLVA NIA DIS7RI CI, | ' BY virtue of a writ to me directed from the Honorable Richard Peters, Esq. Judge of the Court of the United States in a«-d for the Pennsylvania Diftrrtfl, will be expoftd to piibl c sale at the Merchants Coffee House in the City of Philadelphia ort SATURDAY tire Fifteenth day of.Novemher in(lant,it 7 o'clock in the evening, The armed FRENCH VESSEL jfell D I *A N A, How lying; at Sims's wharf, PRIZE to the United States schooner Expeii ment, Charles Stewart, Elq. Commander, the fame having been lately condemned by the said Court as forfeited. &c. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marshals Office, > November 41 /•, 1800. 3 UNITED STATES, ) ff Pevksylvakia District, ) NOIICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That in purfiatire of a writ to me direifled from tie Honorable Richard Peters. Efqr. Judge of the Diftrifl C'.nrt it the United Statts in and (or the diflridl of Pennsylvania, will he exposed t" public sale at No. 7, Dock ilreet, in the city of Philadelphia, on SATURDAY, the Fifteen h Dayof November inftaiit, at ioo'clock in the forenoon, The Cargo of the armed Fren h veffcl Diana, prize to tl e United States fchconer Experiment, Charles Stewart, Elqr. commander, confiding of the following art'r'es : 25 Hogsheads 28 Tierces •> SUGAR. 55 Barrels j ,5 Bales of COTTON, 3 Hoglheads 9 Tierces 26 Barrels 12 Bags -i- Barrel 1 Trunk The ivl'olc is entitled 11 drawback. JOHN HALL, Ma'fbal.'s Office, 1 " November 4th, 1800. J For Sale, Freight or Charter, To the Weft-Indies or elsewhere, The sal failing SCHOONER Rover, V"Jg, burthen ninety tors or seven hundred and fifty barrels. She is ill good repair, an i will be ready to re ceive a cargo on short notice. Apply to yofeph Anthony Iff Co. Or to the Captain on board, at Chefnut street wharf. November 1 5, For London, THE SHIP GEORGE, Captain Kick, ■re'it, •> • i "2 HAS the giVnteft part of her C.irg.j engaged—will take Freight if applied for immediately. . Ttom:is Murgatroyd & Sbns, o£V">Scr 11. V tu th.& For Freight or Charter, t Tne remarkable faft 1" iling _ New schooner SllSl? Fdr Eliza, Burthen eight hundred barrel#. Apply to the CaptaiH on board at Wellh's whaif, or to Joseph Anthony Sf C». novl ti;» Right hon. lord John Townfliend. That application is interded to he trade at the said Bank by the fubferjber, for a renewal of the fame, of which all peri'.>f.s concerned are requefied tai take notice. JOHN WARDER. Philadelphia, 10 mo. aB, IEOO tutiifa3m .LOST, The following certificrtes&f eight per cent fl-> c 1 in the name of William Bell.jr ftan-Jir jr to his ere lit on the imoks of the United Stale. Lnar Office of Pennsylvania, viz No 50.!, a Ccr'ifi:ne datt-d January, .18-sO, for one thousand dollars. No 505, a Certificate dated 30th January, i3co for one thousand dollars Notice is hereby given, that applicrti mi i> in tend dto be in»de for a reu-vaj j>f the faun:—ol which all persons concerned are requeued to take notice. IO'IN WANDER. Philadelphia, to mo 18.1800. jta\v6w IN the (hlu Iv> r.fii gton captain Kerr, in the year 1794, having been captured by the French on her voyage from her.ce to Amfter Jam, the follow ing certificates of stock of the Bank o' the Waited States, standing in the name of Benjamin Chap- mj n iVlis. if 436 of 4 Shares each-, ..'ss 3 do -12 [5, 1:16, 1217, I do. Application is made at said Bank hy the fnhfcrU ber for a renewal of the fame, of which all perfem concerned arsdefired to take .notice. JOHN Mli LER.Ju. r. d3m ofl. 27 COFFEE, Of the Bank of the United States, NO* *59.{4 to 15963 inclulive, in name ot Tiiomas MullVtr o{lrted, White hgiircd ft celor'd Muf- { calculated for fined » WeH-ln- White curded dimltiea I 4ia market ft 'olor'J (ilk, rtrrped Njnkecat | entitled tn v J drawback, 4 Trunk • printed Calicne*, 5 do. do. j Balrifeii»e twine (Entitled to o Cain Chinl w»rf (drawback, I „ . tuttf. I i in tea I'crtls 5 Casks mineral black, I do. uliiic, 0 fit'. colcother, 1 Calks purple l»rnwn, 5 do. iinils aflbrted, 9 do. London porter in bottles ?ne!i(h fail canvas, No. I, » & 3, < I:(Tia duck, n Boxe» white Havinna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wir.e, Gunpowder, Prripiy wine bottles, 10 Gilitt, 6 pounders, 11 do. 9 do. 18 dp. 9 do. with carriages, itc. ißo,ecolbs. Ceribon coffee, ift quality ("Entitled ti }C,ooolbs Mack pepper Cdrawback. io Legs cbor.y J May i.;. m&w tf That large and commodious HOUSE, At the corner of Arch and Ninth streets. To be Let, rilE bouse, stable, coach-house and lot», lately 1 occupied by Major Butler, fiwate a« above For terais apply to J B. Wallace, No. iS, north Fifth street. oufind dollars 50 And if above one thcufand dollars 75 Provided, that if any bonds or notes (lull be payaVe at or within sixty days, such bonds or notes (ball be fubjefl to only two-filth parts of the duty aforefaid, viz. If above twenty and not exceeding one hundred dollars 4 If above one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars 10 If above five hundred dollars and not exceeding one thou'and dolls. xo If above one thousand dollars 30 Any foreign bill of exchange, draft or order for the payment of money in any foreign country 10 The said dvty being charge able upon each and every Hill of ex change, without refpeiSi to the num ber contained in each set. Any note or hill of lading or writing or receipt in nature thereof, for goods or merchandize to be ex ported ; If from one diftrifl to anothsr dif tiifl of tbeUnUed States,Qot being in the fame fhte 4 If from the United States to any fo reign port or place 10 The said duty being chargeable upon each and every bill of lading without ,r»fpeisl to the number con» tained to each ftt. Any notes iflued by the banks now efhblilhed or that may be hereafter eftablifbed within the United States, -ther thin the notes of such of tbe said harks as shall a gree to an annual cotnpofition of one per centum on the annual di vidend" made by such banks, to their florkh* Idets refpetfively, ac cording to the following scale : On ail notes not exceeding fifty dol lars, for each dollar . 6 On all notes ab >ve fifty dollars and not exre «'ing one hundred dollars 50 On all nites above or.e hundred dol lars andntHTxceeding five hundred dollars 1 On all notes above five hundred dol lars 2 ■ ' N JMr. C. M Any prist*fl rtr other notarial adi ' tj ' Any letter of attorney, exerpt for an invalid pension, or to obiain or fell warratfta for land grant) d~liy the United Stata* a* bounty for NnHitary fcrvieea perforated la the late war tj Any iovenmry ortatslopie of my lur- Diture.g*«d» or effeA*. nude in any cafe required hy law (except in cafe* of g*od* Mid chattel* diflriined for rent #r gontlif taken id vir- t«e of any legal protefa by any officer JO Any c'ryificatei of a (hire in any inlu- ranee totspauy, as *ih'sre In the bask of the L'mtnl HtHn,or of any fiate ic other hank ; If above twenty dollars and not exceed ing one hundred dollars 10 If above one lum.'rcd'dollars »5 If under twenty dollars, at the ra'e of ten cent* for one hundred dollars; That the power of the fupervitoi s of the Revenue to mark or fbmp any vellum, parchment or paper charitable with duty, will ceife and determine frotn and after fix months from til- date hereof, to wit, on the fad day ot February tfioi. '1 iiat. if arty persons shall, after the lafi day ol F. brnaoy IROI, have in their cttflody or polf-fnon, any vtllutn, parchme-nt or pa p-r, marked or flainped by the fupc-rvifors of tlie Revenue, upon which any matter or thing, charged with duty, fliall not lvave heen written or printed, they may at any time within the space of sixty daysi after the said last diry of February 1801, bring or fend lucli vellum, parchment and papei, unto f me office of infjiedlion, and 111 lieu thereof, receive a' like quantity or value of vellum, parchment and paper, duly llamped in purfuarioe of the act herein before recited. And ip cafe any perfoH shall twgleft or re fufe, withiil the time aforefaid, to bring or cauft to he brouf ht unto some officer of iti- Ipedion, any fti' Ji vellum, parchment or pa [>er, it is hereby declared, that tlie fame avill thereafter be of no other effi-a or use, than it never been marked or stamped, and that all matters and things, which may af tei that time be written or printed upon any vellul, parchment or paper, authorized to be exchanged in manner atorelaid, will be of 110 other rff-a, than if they had beeu written or printed on paper, parchment or vellum, Hot marked or llamped. IV. And for tbe convenience of those personS who may be inclined to have their own vel lum, parchment and paper flamped or mark ed, it is hereby peclareii, that when any per son fliall deposit any vellum, pa'chment or paper at the office of a supervisor, accompa nied with a lift, fjreifying the number and denomination of, the ftampsVr marks, which are defirrd to be thereto affixed, the fame " ill be transmitted to tbe General Stpam- Office, and there properly marked or flamped, and forthwith lent back to tire ftme super visor, who will thereupon collea the duties and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum, to the order of the person Irom whom the lame was received. Given under my Hand, and the Seal (L. S.) of tlie Treasury, at Wnfliing t»c aiicve rcwaid and all rtafonable charges p.iiJ.— All matters of vcffelsarc forbid to rcceiva or har bour faiJ servant upon their peril. IRA CONDICT. Newßrunfwick.OaoO } ber 20, 1800. j William French, No. 48, South Front. street, HAS JUST RECEIVED, By the Pennsylvania, captain York, from LONDON, An extensive and elegant assortment of LONDON SUPERFINE Broadcloths and Caffimeres. G»n