azette of the United States. P iIILAWdI.P HJA, iijNuAY ivvmjxa, NVVKMBILH JO. LANGASiKH, November 8. GOVERNOR'S ADDRESS. Ptsxivx-VANiA Legislature. Yesterday afternoon the Governor met the two ■ louses in the Chamber of the House of Representatives, and deli vered the following Gentlemen of the Senate, and Gentlemen fibe House of Representatives. THE Legifixture having omitted to prescribe thjfe manner, in which the elec tors of a President and Vice-President of the United States, ihall be appointed, I have thought it incumbent on me, to /urnifti the present opportunity, for dis charging a trust, so interesting to the honor of the State, and so essential to j the prosperity of the Union. To pre- ! fervp, indeed, the political balance of; onr confedertaion, to promote the regu lar operations of Government, to dif- j fufe the blessings of concord, and to en sure the confidence of the people, are considerations intimately connected with the objeft, for which you have been convened ; and having thus prompted an extraordinary interposition of the Executive power, they will, also, I am persuaded, command, on your part, a serious and salutary attention. It is to be regreted, Gentlemen, that the difference of opinion, which occur ed on this fu'jjedt, between the two branches of the la ft General Assembly, has-deprived our Constituents of an im mediate participation in the choice of Electors, either by an election of the ci tizens .at large, or by an eledtion of the citizens in diftrifts. Since, however, the criiis affords no other alternative, than a Legislative appointment, or a de rili&ion of the right of election, we can not, I think, refleft upon the danger ous and difgraceful consequences of the latter course, without resolving to pur sue the former. On the fidelity and vi gilance of its several members, the Union , depends for its energy and duration ; : . and, it is that a ncgledt, or omiflion, of the important duties, affign ej to the individual States, must, even tually, prove as deftru&ive to our Fe deral Compaft, as an opposition the mod a&ive, or a feceff{on the most daring : For, a free and enlightened People will not long continue to maintain or to re fpeft an inflitution, in which (from ■whatever cause) they have ceased to be represented. Nor can we resist the influence of those occurrences which admonilh us, at this momentous period of human affairs, to rally round the Constitution of our Country, as the palladium of ci vil Liberty, and the last hope of Re-; publican Virtue. To rescue Pennfylva- ! nia, therefore, from the stigma of ex- ' hibiting to her Sifter States, a fatal ex ample of Clifford and disorganization, is a motive, that cannot fail to supersede in every patriotic mind, the pride of J opinion, as to the theory of our Go vernment, or the bias of predilefliop, as to the various means of supplying its departments. For my own part, I ac knowledge, that I have ever contempla ted a general choice by the People, as the truest, faireft, fafeft, expolition of the Constitution ; but a deference for the judgment and practice of others, taught me to refpeft a departure from that rule elsewhere, before the neceifity had arisen, which imposes a departure from it here. . In eight States of the Union, Electors are appointed by a Vote of the two branches of their respec tive Legislatures; and appointments so made, have been uniformly recognized, by Congrels. It is a great consolation, therefore, that on the preftnt occasion, we have these authoritative precedents to pursue ; since, permit me to repeat, it is only left to your discretion to decide, whether Pennsylvania shall abandon her elective rights, ©r exercise them in a manner, which has already been adopt ed by one half of the Confederation. Though I have thus explicitly com municated my sentiments, and exonera ted myfelf from all official responsibility, I still deeply partake of the general soli citude, for the issue of your deliberations. The fnuation of cur Country is critical: ( . i' but riot alarming. In her external re lations, the proipe£f of reconciliation and peace appears, by recent intelligence, to be realized ; and nothing seems wanting to ha- domestic happiness, but a recollec tion of the common interest, by which all her Citizens must be equally anima ted, in their efforts' to promote it. It has perhaps then, fallen to the lot of Pcnnfylvania, not merely to determine an important election, but toextingurfH, by a magnanimous example, those feuds and jealousies, which have disturbed the i order of Society, and threatened to eclifpc the glory of the Revolution. Under this impre'flion, we fee, without surprize, the attention of the Union fixed upon the proceedings of the present day; while, from every quarter of the State, the wishes and prayers of our Fellow-ci- j tiijens, emphatically appeal to the patri otifin and fidelity of those, in wh<jtn they have reposed their confidence, and J to whom they have delegated their pow j er. Such just and honorable expecra- I tions will rtot be disappointed ! No : ! —Superior to the suggestions of party, disdaining a contest about forms, and yielding to the precedents that have been eitabliilied, your decision cannot fail to merit .the approbation of our Constitu ents, the applaufeof our Sifter States and the gratitude of posterity. [ I shall refei've, Gentlemen, the com munications on the general state of the Commonwealth for a future meflage : but I cannot conclude at this time, without alluring you of my most cordial co-ope ration, in every measure for the public good Let us, then, cultivate, by all the means in our power, a liberal and harmonious intercourse between the de partments of the Government ;—con vinced as we must be, that our private happinels, not less than our public duty, will be best promoted, under the influ ence of mutual confidence, deference and esteem. THOMAS M'KEAN. November 7, 1 800. * In! Isaac ssid unto Jacob, come near, I p-ay thee, that I may fkk-l thee, my son. whether thou be my vbhv sou ESAU, or ndt. An ljaco'i went near unto Isaac lis fa ther ; and be FELT him, and said, the toick is Jicab's v>ice y but the HANDS aue the HANDS of ESAU. * ClcneG«, chap, »7 —ver si a». PLATED WARE AND JEW ELLERY- James Mufgrave., No. 44, S ulo Second Street, H vSJUSI" RECEIVED irom London and is now ojening an exten sive and cieganl assortment of Plated Goods Of the lueA fa 111 i,>ii9 and warranted of the very firft quality manufactured in £nglaud,'viz. ! EA and C (Tee Urns, i'lated andjjppanerf J Bread Haikett of variots patterns round an 1 oval Castors, with plated and lilver top», j, j and 8 bottLs fr im 10 ts 35 dolls amut.gft *hirh are a number i>( extraordinary workmanlbip with rioh rut ij.'.fs High cnfcdlcfticks, patent Aide ditto « Low ditteagreat quantity, Iconees and branches Coffee of., tfa ditto Jiid tadus in I'ett# oi* se parate with silver bordvs an I flvelds richly engraved, a variety of patterns Sauce turerns, ialts, toast racks, sugar and cream baf-ns, &c patent spring /hoe buckles ,fi;ver and plat-d, lome very rich and others plain In the jewellery line Jtnongft a .variety of other articles, an aflortriiei.t of elegant car-rings of the lata!! fafliion Pearl, enamelled and p'ain finger rings Ladies and gentlemen's watch chains, seals anil k ys Corals and bells,and coral be.ds for children with locked or without. Stone knee buck ts, a number of rich patterns, 4cc See. J. MUSGRAVE has workmen contiirually employed in the silver and jewellery line and 11 nia'«es every article in these branches upon the :y m ft moderate terms : —Hair work in lockers } and rinj;s, at'd minatures sett in the heft tiun- I tier. —He iias n hand a large afTntrnent of fxl ie j ver ware, such as c ffee and tea pots, fogar a | bowls, milk pot» and flrp bowls in sets. r le parate, fluted and plain. Soup and milk ladles, table, tea, fait and muflard spoons, sugar tongs 0 axd every article in the Giver line. j N. H Setts if plate of any pattern if order ed will I e executed *- the fho.te<st notice, — j , old filvrr and gt>ld taken in exchange. Oifuber 30. The Diretf Federal Tax. ' » - , JHE of unfrated I ands in tl ec. unty JL of Northumberland (ai ir wa« befote Center county was tlr*ek off) are called upon to pay the 1 [ taxes on laid la' i!s, agrreable to affefiinents, whicV , I are moll generally in the names of the ot giral I warrantees, and which names it isprefumcd mn!t be known to tHe owners or holders of said lards I to the fulfcribcr living in Punherry. JOHN BUYERS, jun. Colleilor. | Sunhury, id Nov. 1800. ' N. B. Lids of the warrantees* names will be received by the Subscriber at William Vliict's, No. 18. N> rh Fourt kreet, uiitil Saturday the Bth iuft and with whom arrangements c.ay be made j for payment of said taxes. Nov. 4. J.B. j By this Day s Mail CHARLESTON, Oaober 24. » Votes for numbersff Congress, in Beaufort District, Rutledge. Colcock. St. Hel na 68 6 Prince William's 63 23 St. Luke's 43 2y St. Peter's 98 j Captain HufTey, the pilot, who was blown off on Saturday night last, in the fchooiier Highland Lais, capt Brown,, arrived in part lall night. lie ins rms us t-iiat tiefpoke the sloop Dove, capt. Lu Fed nib from Savannah, bound to this port, who had been blown off in the I'.ime gale ; that cap<. L. unable to get in here, and bring (hor: of provisions, Hud othurwift mush in diftrifs had resolved tc bear far Wilmington, at which place it is probable he ai riv t d here yesterday. C<tpt. Littlefield, of the sloop Aurora, left the Havanna on the 17th inft —An embargo had exiftcd for 26 day previous to this date, in conftijuence of three Spanilh 74's and a frigate to fail on a cruize : they left Havanna a few diys, before capt Little field ; but after 1 eing a fliort time at sea, ie tumed ; and it> entering the port, out of the (hips foul of a Baltimore fchooner,laud lunk her.—lt was expedted. when capt L i.iiled, that the embargo would again belaid on the next day No United States cruizers on the H-tvauiu (lation. Mr. Michau, the botanifl: of the French Republic, who relided for a num ber of years in this "state, in that capaci ty, we find is not to return here imme diately, as the following extrafl of a let ter from his son mentions. The letter is dated in Paris, on the 6th of. August last. " I have to inform you, that my fa ther" appears to have abandoned absolute ly the idea of again ieeing Carolina. He has taken a direction entirely oppo sed to a voyage to that country ; and it is with grief I announce to you, that he is to embark on board of one of two vef lels, which are destined for the South Seas. This expedition, the object of which is to make new discoveries, has been ordered by the First Conlul, and the British government has granted pass ports for it. The national Inrtitute has made a feledlion of learned men who are to accompany it, and my father is one ; thsy ar; to depart by the 15th September, at the latest from .Havre. 1 Captain Baudin is to command the expe- 1 dition. It is iuppofed they will be ab- 1 lent four or five years. My father ex perts to leave it at the Philippines, wkere j the squadron is to refit." SAVANNAH, Oaober 21. In the counties of Jeflfcrfon, Montgome ry, Wellington, Hancock, Burk*, Warren, Bulirck, Scriven and Wilkes, the votes for Representatives in Congress, Hood nearly thus: James Jones Jonee, Esq. 4000-—Ben j*:i,ln Tilliaferro, Ei'q, 2500—Francis Wil. lis, ioco. HEAD-QUARTERS, Luuifnitle, -jib Oaokrr, 1800. GENERAL ORDERS. The officers of the militia, from the Ma j<>r-G-n< ralsdoVn, are ordered and comman ded to fee th« patrol law fully cai red into execution. By order <J the Commander in Chirf THOMAS JOHNSON, Sec'ry. The fo'lowing Real Estate j the prop-rty ef Anthony Francis HiJdimand, Esquire, of London, 582 aml an half Axres Pa tented Land SITUATE on Vin«yard £ri?ek,in thetownflrip and county of Huntingdon, is the flsftc of Pennfylvam , on a public road about f mi Us from the town of Huntingdon, which is Giuaced on a beatable river—there arc on the premii'es a water Grift Mill and Saw Mill—several Log dwelling Houfrs—one of whtch is occupied as a Tavern, a Diftillerjr supplied v y a powerful spring of excellent water—a coufi ierable quantity of Timo thy Meadow fit for the scythe, and several acres ol arable Land already cleared—l histra<3 will admit of bcir g divided into threr farms, witll a d»c proportion of meadow and arable Und in each. At p relent in tenure of Adam Hall, Esq. John Hicks, and others. 187 and a» half acres on Trough Creek, in Union townlhip, a ftoarifiiing fcttlemant, firft rate land, with a finall improvement. 17,? and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above and the fame quality—as tltofe last mentioned tra-'.ls are adjoining surveys they would make one v»luable farm. In Bedford county, 374 acres situate on Dunnings Creek, firft rate land, on a public road to Beiford. eodjw. 364 and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above, and of the fame quality. 388 acres called the Springs, fame quality as above t a? 8 ?n(J 3 quarters acres an half way run, a good improvement and now in tenure oi Jacob Moses. Terms of fale,as follows, viz—One fourth part of the coafideration money mull be paid in hand, and the refi/ae divided into four or five annual in flaliaenis, as may suit the purchifers—to be fe«a red by mortgage. Apply to John Cadwallader, Esq. Counsellor at, in the town of Huntingdon, or to the fub fcribertm the city of Philadelphia. J.B, OAoktf U J 7J S9 FOR SALE, Willings Francis. Jawßw This Evening. Marftial's Sales. UNITED STATES, > Pennstlv an i a District, £ BY virtue of a writ to mc directed, from the Honourable Richard et:rs, E.qr Judge ot the Diftrift Court of the United States in and for the Pefinfyivania Diftfi<sL, wil! be exposed to Public Sale, at the Merchant's C«fi>e lloufc, in the City Phi jdelphu, on MONDAY, the Tenth Diyof November next, at 7 o'clock in the evening, |TiA.~V. Tie i.rmed French Lugger, called GUADALOUPIEN,, , At J St R. Wain's wharf,, Prize to the United States armed schooner Enterprize, John Shaw, El'qr. com mander —the fame having been lately condemn ed by the said Court as forfeited, Set:. JOHN HALL, Marlhal. mw&f. Oiflober 31. UNIEED STATES, ? P- nnsvi.van/a District, 5 Notice is hekeby given, That in pnrfuince of a Writ to me diredled from the Honourable Richard Peters, Efqr Judge of the DiJlr'il Court of the United States in a«,d for the Pennsylvania Dillridf, wilt beexpofedto Public Sale at No. ijy, Chefnut street, in the City of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the lath Day of November next, at 10 o'clock, in the foreneou, The Cargo of the armed French lugger Guadalnupien, prize to the Unitfd.Statcs armed schooner £n terprize, John Shaw, Efur. commander—con filling of 60 Barrels 1 64 hogsheads >- SUGAR. 12 Tierces j I Bagf S COFFEE. The •wborie entitled to Drawback. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marshal's Office, 1 October 31. f Health-Office, I HE Pilots of the River Delaware are dr fired to take n»tice that after the 14th inft. all veffrls from foreign ports are permit ted to proceed to the city, without coining too at the Laznretto, to be examined by the Rcfident Physician. WILLIAM ALLEN, Health-Officer. Knv. 4 d 2vv Post Office, Pbilsp/lelpbia, Nov. i, 1800. ""1 I H!i Malls for the Post Offices on the Main L Line, betwetn Philadelphia and New York, will in future be closed e»ery day, (Sunday except ed) at 8 o'clock, A. M. and the Mails for Foft Offices branching from them wli| be clof»d on the ulual days, at 8 o'clock in tke morning. The Mail for Nt-w York, and the Post Offices eaftwa.-d ot it, will continue to be clofed'at the usual hour, 12 o'clock, noon, f d»w GENERAL Hamilton's Letters. TO PRESIDENT ADAMS. r I ""HE Public may now be supplied with this A publication, at the reduce.! price of 15 Cents, by applying at the bookfloresof J.Ornjrod .. hc&tut • llrcet, ar.rt I I Sc. p. Rice, Second-street No. 16, j between Market and Chefnut. OSober 30, dtf. Saw Manufactory. FRANCIS MASON, No. 10, south Fifth (IreM, Manufactures mill, cross cut and pitt saws. equal in quality, appearance and O.ape to any i-ver imported; which 1 « fells wholsfale at the following price*—6 feet mill saws jll dol lar each ; crols-cut do. 50 cents per foot; pitt do. 6o.cents per foot. Wood-Cutters c<ft steel saws, and every other kind, made to any particular direSion. odoberio nmf im Law Book Store, No. 3 19, HIGH-STREET. GEOROE DAVIS hat just imported p»r Ac tive from London, an exceeding valuable ass. rtnicnt of which, added to those re ceived by sundry late arrivals, and to others daily expe&ed from Dublin, will render his colledlion tfce mod important of any offered for sale in this country. In a icw- days he hopes to his B:>oks open ed and arranged, of which notice shall be given and lis annual Catalogues diflributed. November 8 eo.;t - . NOTICE. WHEREAS Duncan M'lnnes did on the thir tieth day of April last.make an affignmcnt of his property tor the benefit of his creditors— fuch creditors arc requeilea t > present their ac counts to thd fubferiber ; and all persons indet t ed to th« said Duncan M'lnnes, are requeued to pay the fame vt ithout delay, to JOHN CLARK, No jj, ") Aaing north Water ftteet J AJJigntc Philadelphia, november 6 I aw 3w A HANDSOME EDITION OF LINDLEY MURRAY'S English Grammar, AN APPENDIX, Ha* this Day been published, Hy Asburi Dickins, opposite Christ-Church, Philadelphia. [Price One Dollar Oclober 7. mwßctSjl 4th November 1800. ALSO, Suitable for the Weft-India Market, A few boxes »f . Madrafs Handkerchie.s, a few do. Fancy Muflius, a few do. Ginghams, entitled Odlober I (>■ COLUMBIA HOUSE, BOARDING at D A Y-SCHOO L, EC COMMENCED For the winter season, on Monday, Oftofaer 6th, Waliiut, between Fourth and Fifth-flreets. MRS. GROOMBRIDGE rerpetffully ac knowledges the liberal encouragement (he has experienced, for more than seven year* n Philadelphia, and, aSthe mofl eipreffive proof of gratitude, will be a continuance of the unre mitting attention, already pa d to her pupils y flatters herfelf, it will be the belt recommenda i tion to future patronage*. Tke following branches (or arey of (hem sep. arately) '-ay be engaged for, as mod agreeable, the Eng'ilh, French, and Italian languages grammatically ; writing, arithmetic, geogra phy, ule of the (rlohes, hiftcry, music, vocal and itiftrumental, drawing and dancing. Vlain work, marking, embroidery jnd tam bour ip gold, filvcr or colours, fillagree, artili c ia' flowers, fancy bafltets, nettine, hair, print cloth, apd muslin work of every kind. Oil. 12. d2\y jwti. Robert Smith & Co jNo. 58, Houlb Front Street, HAVE received, By the late arrivals lrom London, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, A general assortment of G 0 O.D S x Suitable tor the leafon—artiong which are SUPERFINE and fecoud cloths Forest cloths and plains A variety of plain, ribb'd apd eftboffed caffi meres of every colour A variety of falhionable fwanfdown Kendal cottons Backing and Colchertcr bau2e of every color / 4 to m 4 rose blankets 1 M and 3 do White serges suitable for fa'dleft Ribbed and plain calimancoes Rattfnct? and fhallooos Durants joans and bombazsens Bombazetts, llriped and plain, Wildbores Velverets, thickfetts and fancy cords Check'd and striped ginghams 7-8, 4-4, 11-8 cotton checks Bed ticks, Scotch Ihirtiog Brown linens and cotton bagging and tambor'd jaconet and book Atlflins and handkerchiefs Coloured tamb«r'd ditto Olive, lefcd and blue mufliai Cambricks and lawns Lawn, and printed linen handkerchiefs Black and colored Barcelona ditto Black love ditto Wortltd, yarn and cotton holiery White and coloured threads Tapes, quality and (hoc binding An assortment ol ribbons Sewing fiJk and twal Ivory and horn combs Shirt wires and moulds Plain and fancy buttons Knives and forks, penknives, fciflors, needles,, pins, &c. They have also on hand, an assortment of CHINA 6? INDIA GOODS, US* Coloured and black Lt teftrings, Senchawi and Sattins—Gar'rahs, CoiTai, Sanas, Baftas, Guztenas: oSuber 15 Thomas Wotherspoon, No. 56, South FJ/ONT SWBEI', Has received by the late arrivals from Lon don, Liverpool, Hull and Giafgow, a general allbrCiiient of DRY-GOODS; Suitable for the season—among which ajt SUPERFINE and fecand cloths, Do. plain and ribb'd Caffimers Do. talluonable Swanfdowns Coatings and Bocking Baizes FlanwU and Plains Plaid and rihb'd CiLimancoes Durauts and Joans Spinnings Black RulTels and Bonibazetts Plain and striped Wildbores Cloak Cambletts Velvets, Thickfetts and Fancy Check'dand llriped Ginghams White and brown Platillas Checks and Bed-ticks Purple and Chintz Shawls Printed Pocket Handkerchiefs Black and cot'd Barcelona do. White and col'd Satins, Peeking! and Persians. 1 willed black Sattin Florentines Wide rich stripe do. Queen's Grey Luteflrings Stitching Threads and Scarf Twill Dimities and Marfrllois Quiltings Black and white Thread Lacas and Edgings Rich wide patent Law Veils An allotment of Ribbons Carpets and Carpeting Tapes, quality and flioe Biudiags Shirt Weires and Moulds Plain and Fancy Buttons Plain and ribb Cotton Stockings Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cotten Bandannoes. Table-cl.aths.and cotton Counterpanes Thread, Leaders, Ferretts and Galloons British Muflms of every deferiptioa -> Ounce Tl'.read in boxes T Coloured do. in do. Education FOR rOU-NG LADIES. '« V * dim ■■ i /■ i*9t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers