Nvulbfh 1518.3 JCj" The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others fray tne Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless'some person in this ci'ty will bc-zome answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. » 4 » No Subscription will be received for a shorter term th m six months. December 1 1799- ALMANAC Fr«m Oflober H—tO Ofljber 48. ■ion *mii< Wedntfday Tharfday Friday Saturday Sunday M»oday Taefday / HIK' Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Snnday Monday Tuesday For Sale, J- THE NEW PILOT BUILT V* ' ' ' &C H DON Elt K|i ST. TAMMANY, at Say's Wharf, above M.irket Street, burthen 70 t"ns, supposed to be a remarkable fail failing vefTel, and may befit ted for sea in * few days. Inventory to be seen and teriu* of fak: known by applying t6 tke fub ftribcr. CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4. South Wa'er Street. ALSO. FOR SALE, 35 Hhds- Mufcovadj Sugar. White and brown H*»a*n*h ditto in boxes. Kaft India do. in bags. Weft-India and Conntry Rum. 100 Hhds. Molasses. Holland Gin French and Spanish Brandy- Pepper, Coffee, &c. Aupuft g. For Liverpool, Tie American Philadelphia, cedar and live- oat built Amiable, XSE9cSa£*i Daaitl G. Ttllinghafi, maflrt, latcnJcd to fail early in November, and to return an early spring (hip to Philadelphia—will he ready to take in (hortly at Perott* wharf—For freight or paltage, apply to the captain on «r to Jeremiah Warder. Thofc gentlemen who have goods on ho.ir.l the Amiable, are cequeftcd to fend their permits on koard'st wharl, above market ftrect, where the ship is ready to difoharge. JEREMIAH WARDER Has for SaU % Liverpool high stored fine SALT and COAL, ©f the fir (I quality ; London refined fait f etre ; London white lea'd, dry and ground in oil; red lead; London tin pistes in Voxe? ; Roman tea em itters in cases; Iriflj linens assorted, 4 and 6 lb. eannon, Woolwich proof, and 3 and 9 lb ftot. Odober 15 3? W 3 W John Clifton, jun. HAVINC declined his former bnfmefs, of fers for fait all his Hock, confiltiag of the following articles, via. Sixteen Anvils, Eighteen pair of Bellow's, five Vices, with all the other Tools neceflary for condadling the Smith's Business. A LSOj About 5 tons of Spikes, of different sizes, joooib. Sheathiug and Draw ing Nails, a large iffortment of fekle Hooks and Thimbles, Swivle Hooks, Scrapers, Hin ges anil Nails, with every other defci iption of ready made Iron work, suitable for flocking a Ship SLith's, orfhip Chandler's Store. All of which he will fell on very reasonable for cash or jpproved noies. * ** Apply at No. 80, Swaiifon street, South ward. CMoherit. nawtm. Redemptioners. NINETEEN remains •( those, who came in the ship Anna from Hamburgh, and are willing to fervc for their paflage Apply to Jacob Sperry fc? Co. Who have on Hand, Remaining of late importations, and which are of fered on reafwahle terms, and thetifual credit, 3 3 cases Eftopillas, Forming a compleat aflbrtment 01 Uni, Raye Moucbes, pliin an J colcureJ ftripts. , $7, cases caflerillous .5 cafcs boccadillos » cues quadruple filefias I cafu fuperfine dowlas * cases counls and I cafe liftados a cafcs fuperfine Elberielii checks j cases bed parchet I cafe Flanders bed-ticks,B 4 10 cases coffee mills, Nos. o">, to No. 6, as serted » casts Scythes 5 cales of double Hint cut Decanters quart and pint I cafe gill tumblers, and 1 cafe of Travelling cases. I cafe of quills, I cafe nf common fealingwajr and 400 Demijohns. September a;. dfit. jawim. Gazette of the United States, & C AT.ICOSS and Chintzes, (a great variety) Furniture do. do. Corded Dimities for garments and furniture Durants, Joans and Calimancoss B"mbazetta an.l Bombazeens Printed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered do. Jaconet and 3o>k Muslin handkerchiefs Shawls, Cotton and Chintz, a great variety Do. Camtl's Hair Hosiery, Worfled and Cotton of all sizes Do. China White and Black Silk Table- Cloths, from 5 4, to 10 by 16-4 with and without Napkins Thread, Gauze, Lawns ind CambHcks J.iconetand Lapett Muslins, coloured and plain White and Black Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and H. M. 6 3 7 S 8 5 9 ° 9 J« 10 38 11 aa S*TS ■P.ISF.S 6 38 S »» 6 39 J a 1 6 40 5 10 - 6 4»- —5 18 - 6 41 5 17 6 44 5 16 Handkerchiefs Black Mode, Peelongs and Satins White and printed Marie'illr* for.vtfts Swanfdown griped and plaid. Cotton (five) j-8, 44, n-S, and 6-4 Black and coloured Barcelona haudkerchieFs India Bandanna do t»f superior quility White, Red and Yellow Fannels Guemfey Worsted Frocks A ftw dozen belt elallic Sulpenders. He has Also Just Received, a well aborted Invoice of India Muslins, CONSISTING OF ' Berbhoom Gurrahs Patna Baftas Alahabad Emerties Do- Guirahs Company Guzzapora Jaona Mamoodies. Codas, By the Bale or Piece. Odlober 18. diW3awtf. Has received by the late arrivals from Lon don, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, a general alTortment of DRY-GOODS; fa.tu&th.tf. Suitable for the season—among which are SHIP Madrtfj H»noLerclne j, a few do. Fancy' Mufliut, a frw do. Gingh-tau, entitled to drawback. OAober 16 From the ship Farmer, captain Gibfon, from Ham burg, a large aiTortment of Linens au4 other Goods, among which ar« an invoice of 53 bales of real French Urifannias, 6 and 7 4, which are offered for sale on reasonable terms for approved paper, or in bartur for Well-India produce. Britannias, real French, | Boccadillos 6 and 7-4 Britannias Selefias Flattilliasßoyales Eftopillas of all descrip tions Cr«as a la Morlaix Cltccka No. * A Stripca Of the firft quality, 7 by 9, 8 by jo, 9 by 11, 10 by 11 and upwards. ON HAND, Of late Importation : Eftopi'las, Boccadillos, Qnadrupls Selifias, Dow la*, Coutils, Liftadoes, bitierfeldC fine Checks, Bed parchet, Flinders Bed Ticks, Tapes of all lefcriptions, CoPee Mills, Scythes, Decanters, Gill Tumblers, Travelling Cases, Sealing Wax, Quills and Demijohns,—Apply to JACOB S.PERKY W Co. Odobir 6 diot w&f:.;:u. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER ,800. Thomas Orr, No. 52, S"uth Front Stiuit, MAS received by the latrft arrivals fwrn Lon don, a well chosen afibrtmect of the :ol loA-ing articles: Thomas Wotherspoon, No. 56, South Front Street, Superfine and second cloths, Do. plain and ribb'd Caffimcrs Do.' t'afhionable Swanfdowns Coatings and Bocking Baizes Flannsls and Plains Plaid and jibb'd Calimancces Durants and Joans Spinrtings Black Ruflelsand Bonibazetts Plain and llriped Wildbores Cloak Cambletts Velvets, Thickfetts and Fancy Cords Check'd and llriped Ginghams White and brown Platillas Checks and Bed-ticks Purple and Chintz Shawls Printed Pocket Handkerchiefs Black and col'd Barcelona do. White and col'd Satins, Peelongs and Perlians. Twilled black Sattin Florentines Wide rich flripe do. Queen's Grey Lutedring* Stitching Threads and Scarf Twist Dimities and Marfeltois Qmltings Black and white Thread Laces and Edgings Rich wide patent Law Veils An alTortinent of Ribbons Carpets and Carpeting ' Tapes, quality and shoe Bindings Shirt Weires and Moulds Plain and Fancy Buttons Plain and ribb Cotton Stockings Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cotton Bandannoes. Table-tluths.and cotton Counterpanes Thre'ad, [.eadtrs, Ferretts and Galloons Biitilh Muslins of every description Ounce Thread in boxel Coloured do. in do. /» ALSO, Suitable'for the Well-India Market, A few boxes »f Landing, Bielefeld Linens Siamoife a.aces. Tapes ol feviral kinds Decanters Qjart and pint tumblers Travelling Cases Gtofs Beads, violins and 609 Boies of Bohemia White Window Glass, By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. Robert Smith & Co. A'o. jB, South Front Street, HAVE RECEIVED, By the late arrivals from London, Liverpool, Hull and UlaJjgow, A general affWtment of GOODS, Suitable for the feaiun—among which are SUPERFINE and second cloths Forelt cloths and plains A variety of plain, ribb'd and embossed caffi mere» of every colour A variety of fafhionable fwaofdown Kendal cottons Bockiug and Colchester baize of srery color 7 4to 11 4 rose blankets ai -2 aui 3 do White serges fuirable for fadlers Ribbed and plain calimancoes Rattinets and flnlloons Durants joans and bombazeens Bombazetts, (Iriped and plain, Wildbores Velverets, thickfett«and fancy cords Check'd and striped ginghams 7-8, 4-4, 11-8 cotton checks Bed ticks, Scotch fhirtiog Brown linens and cotton bagging Plain and tambor'd jaconet an 4 book muslins and handkerchiefs Coloured tambor'd ditto Olive, lead and blue muHins Cambrickt and lawns Lawn,and printed linen handkerchiefs Black and colored Barcelona ditto Black love ditto Worftsd, yarn and cotton hoficry White and coloured threads Tapes, quality and (hoe binding An assortment of ribbons Sewing fltk and twill Ivory and horn combs# Shirt wires and moulds Plain and fancy buttons Knives and forks, penknives, scissors, needlei, pins, &c. They have also on hand, an assortment of CHINA 6? INDIA GOODS, VII. CobnmJ tod black Luteftringt, B«aduw« aad Sattint—Gjmin, CWIu, Su>u, lUfcu, Diimuii kc. «£«6rr IJ CHINA goods. Landing from the ship America, Walte. Sims, Commander, from Canton, AND FOR SALE Br NICKLIN, GRIFFITH & Co. Bohea, Congo, Souchong, ift kind quality C.'.jicr souchong, Hyl'on-fkift, Tmkay, Singlo, hyfon, Hyson, lit & id quality, Imperial, J Yellow »i white nankeens } Lutcftrings, biack tk tolor'd ( In Bole. Sinfhawa do. ( aflibrted, Satrins do. J Lutestrings, iuaz. blue it dark green . Smftuws dp. \ v Pcrlian kalT.-tas, nar* green J Tbvy have also on band for sale, received bv the late arrivals from Europe, isfe. 1 Infmailpack- Striped and checked ginghams i age» afP>rted. White tigured & color'd Muf- | calculated foi linetts |>the Welt-In White corded dimities I dia market £ Coior'd tilk, ftr:ped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunki printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. 3 Bales Peine twine (Entitled te 10 Caf»s English China ware, f drawback, in te3 setts J 6 Casks mineral blaik, I do. while, 10 do. cokother, 3 Calks purple brown, 35 do. nails alTorted, 9 do. I.ondoß porter in bottles, EngUlh fail canvas, No. t, 1 & 3, Kuffia duck, »j lioxe» white Haranna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, ao Guns, 6 pounders, r» do. 9 do. 18 do. 9 do. with carriages, kc, lßo,ccclbs. Cerihon coffee, jft^ quality (Entitled t> jO,ooolhs. black pepper (drawback »o L*gs tbo( y J May 13. dzot GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficisnt number of themoft approved European Glass Manu fu&urers, and having on hand a Jarge stock of the best Materials, on which (heir workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of afiiiring the public, that window glafnof a superior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 44 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea h, may be had at the (hortefl notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may also be had, such 39 for piflures, coach glaflct, clock faces, Ac. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket tlalks, picklmgjars, apothecary's shop furniture, or other hullow ware—the whole at least 25 per cent, lower than articles of the fan* quality brought from any ef the sea ports of the United States. A l&eial allowance will be made sale of large quantities. ,Orders frcm merchants and others will be punflually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HARA er ISAAC CR AIG, or at the Store of Messrs. PRATIIER and SMILIE, in Maikct-Strecti Pittsburgh. March 4, tuUitf. At Wain's wharf, The Cargo of the BrigEnterprize, CONSISTING OF Surinam Molafles* Of «u cXtillewt quality, ir. tierces sad barrels, And about 40 Quarter casks LISBON WINE, For Sale Br Wharton £s? Lewis, No. lis,ftiuth Front street. o(Sober 9 tu th fa tf Saddling Business. WILLIAM JONES isf EDMUND KINSEY, HAVING entered into partnership, and ta ken that )on» established stand at the cor ner of Chefnut and Third Streets, refpedlfully solicit public patronage, and particularly invite a continuance of the favours of the former friends aad cultomers of Haines dfc Jones, and Sharplef* & Kiufey, to whofc bufintfs they have fuccseded f hey offer for sale a large and general assort ment of elegant Saddles aad Bridles, all kinds common do, Piated and Brass mounted Harness, Saddle-bags, Valieces, Cart and Waggon Gears, Stc. Trunks of all kinds, particularly hard lea ther Portmanteaus. They also manufa<3ure ail kinds of Silver mounted and Plain Whips, having fsveral ex cellent Workmen in that branch. They flatter thcmfelves from their united ex perience and the arrangements they have made, to be able to fell any of the above articles oh as gO'd terms as any others in the United States. A liberal allowance will be made to those who purchase by the quantity JONES & KINSEY. Philad. Sept. »7 Sa.tu.th. 4w- Saw Manufactory. dim No. 10, south Fifth street, Manufactures mill, crof§ cut and pitt saws, equal in quality, as p-iarance and scape to any ever imported; which lie fells wholesale at the following price*—6 feet mill saws 5I -1 dol la'« each ; cross-cut do 50 cents per foot; pitt do. 6o cents per foot. Wood-Cutters oft fleel saws, and every other kind, made to any particular diredlion. o flober 10 mvrf Im At a County Court of Common Pleas, Held at Union T «wn, for the county of Fayette, the second Mtx-.da/of September, in the y« r our Lord one thousand i.uiidicd, before the Honorable Aleaan der Addifon, Esquire, Prcfidsut, a«d his aQociate Judges of the fame court, ON the petition of John Bartlett, an Insolvent Debtor, praying the benefit of the aft of Ge neral Aflembly lor the relief of Infolveut Debtors, the Court appoints the second Monday of Decem ber next to iuar the petitioner and his creditors, and orders that notice thereof be publifced three successive wetks in the United States Gazette in Philadelphia, in some daily paper ia Baltimore— m a Lexington paper, Kentucky, and in the Fay ette Gazetta, the last publication in each, to be at least four weeks before the day of hearing. By the Court, , EPHRAI.VI DOUGLASS, Prothonotary. O Sober 10. d^w. TEAS, -jnHAT Handsome and healthy COUNTRY * SKAT, called Launti. Lodge, the late relideace of Thomas Rutter, Elq. si liate in Potts Grove, Montgomery County, thirty-lix milss from Philadelphia, c ititiing about 106 acres, twenty «f which are prime woodland, fiftren excellent watered meadow, the rcQdue divided in arable lots. On the premises are a large handfomeßrickHoufeand adjoining build ings, contain? two parlours, a large dining roam, and a Hall, twelve feet wide, by forty long, a large kitchen, wash hoiife with a pump of excellent water in it, fix handsome chambers, two ftore-roomt, fonr garret chambers plaiftered anda gram room over the adjoining bu Uling, a double fjjring honfe, with a frnnke houfa over the fame, within fifty yards of the kitchen—The spring, in the drielt season nevA known to low er in the leaiJ, and from which the meadow is watered ; a garden containing about one acre, (locked with the mofl delicious fruits, such as peaches, plumbs, cherries, years, rafberries, &c. i'evcral afpiragus beds in great perfe&ion. Also, a young bearing appletree orchard, containing several hundred trees, the fruit feletfled from dif frent parts of the United States, a large conveni ent barn with i threshing floor, with comnlodi ous (tabling for herl'es and cows, carriage and houses, grain room, &c. Alfo,fundry out build ings, consisting of a large frame p mltry-houfe and corncrib, &c. Also, a tenant's houle, gar den and liable, and a pump of excellent water belonging to the fame. The fnuation «f Potts Grove is healthy, regularly supplied with Butchers«ie.at and poultry in abundance, to be purchafcd at a low rate, and the Schuylkill affords a plentiful fapply of excellent fifh Two grift mills in the rear of the town. Perhaps few country towns in Pennsylvania, are more rapidly improving or have more local advantages than Potts Grove. The several places of public wur.bip, the filubrity of the air, pentcel focitty, and cheapneft of living, are among the tew advan tages it poflefles. Any person wiftiing to view the premises, will pleaie to apply to Mr. Win. POTTS, in Pottfgrove, snd for terms to the fubferi ber, in Philadelphia. m&w tf JOHN CLEMENT S i'OCKER. Sept. 19 2awtf. .'s■ V Landing FRANCIS MASON, To be Sold A PRINTER, \X/" n0 from principle is a Federaliji and defpoftij V » to undertake the arduous tafc of editing of 3 paper and combating the enemies of America, may hear oi an eligible firuatian in the interior of Maryland. 500 fubucribers can be counted on be .fore he commences,—A Native American "will be prefered ;—Bllt.it is not to bi- understood that well principled persons though not natives, are to fee exclude,!. %* be leaiii4.d in Application to the Ecfitor of this Gazette. Oiflobi-rj. WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. ""pHE owners of unimproved lands in Wayne county, are hereby notified, that Taxes izt become payable thereon for the years 1799 and 1800. Those who have not already paid their taxes, '.re hereby rf qui red to discharge the fame to JOHN BP,INK, Efqjiire, Treasurer tf said County at Mtlford, within three month* from this date ,otherwise proceedings to sale, according to the a & of Afietnbly in Xuch cafe provided, will e had by the Commissioners for the fiid county. Who Stenton, ") John Car son, > Commidioners Johannes Van Ettenj J At', eft, E. Kellogg, Clk. July 9, iSco WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4t/>, ißco. THE commanding Officers of corps, de tach memo,ports, garrisons, and recruiting parties, belonging to the military eftablifhraef!? of the United State?, are to report to, and'' receive orders from Brigadier-General Will kinfrm, in the City of Wafhir.gtsui, and all officers on furlough are report therofetves ta the fiine officer with *ll.poffiMe lifpatLh. SAMUEL P'EXTiiR, Secretary of War. •£/" AH Printers within ihe United States who have publifcsd invitations for contra £U of the 13th of March last are requested to insert the above in their refpetfive papers, once a week for tw« months. Prevention better than Cure. For the prevention end cure of Bilious end Malignant Fevers, is recommended, Dr. HAHN'S Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have been attended with a degree of success highly grateful to the inven tor's feelings, in fevenl parts of the Weft-In dies,and the southern parts of the United State;- particuiarly in Baltimore, Peterffiurg, Rich, mond,"Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington,Charlcf ton* Savannah. &c. Theteftimony of a num ber of ptrfows in each of the above places can be adduced, who have reason to believe that a timely ufs of this falu'ary remedy, has, under Providence, preserved their lives when in the molt alarming circumstances. Fails of this conchifive nature fprak more in favour of a medicine, than columns of pompous* eulogy, founded on mere afTer:i >n, could do. It is n: t indeed presumptuously proposed as an infallible cure, but the inventor has every possible reason, which can result from extesfive experience for believing that a dose of tliefe pills, taken once every two weeks during tbe preva lence of our annual bilious fevers, will prove an infallible preventive ; and further, that in the earlier flakes of those diSrafes, their use will very generally succeed in restoring health and frequently ia cases eilet-med desperate and bey ond the power of common remedies. The operation of thtfe pills is perfeiJlly mild and may be used with fafety by perfunstn every fuuation andof every age. They are fcxcellently adapted to carry' off fu < perfluousbile and prevent its morbidfecretioos ; to restore and amend the appetite ; to produce a free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent colds which are often of fatal resequence. A dose never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firft appearance. They are celebrated f.ir removing habitual conivenefs, sickness of the flomach and severe heid-ache, and ought to be taken by all pei'fous on a change of climate. They have found rematkahly efficacious in preventing and curing most disorders attend ant on long voyages, and fhouki be procured and carefully prcferved for use by every feanun. Ds.HAHN's Genuine Eye-u\itcr. A certain and fafe remedy for all difeafw of the eyes, whether the eff.-&cf natural weal-.nef;, or of accident, speedily removing isflammations, de fluxions of rheum, dullpcfs, itching, and films in the eyes, never iailing to cure thef; maladies which frequently succeed the small pox, meafl/s and fe vers, and wonder'ully flrengthening a weak fight, Hundr«jis have experienced it* excel!e:.t virtues when nearly deprived of fight. Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet discovered whichgivesim mediate and lalting relief in Che moll severe in stances. The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every kind <dfhcad-ache,and of pains in the face and neck. Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. Ihi* medicine has never taHed, ill many thou sand cases not one in a hundred has h-ad occasion to take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt a bottle. The money will be returned if the cure is not performed. SOLD BY WM. Y. BIRCH, SIATIONKR. No. 17, South Second Street, And no where else, in Philadelphia. Where also may be had. Dr. Hamrfyvn's Worm Daftroying Lozenges, his Sovereign fifixrr for coughs, &c. Rcftorarive Drops, r.IV ->c. ;wk) Fx craft of Mustard, . c ov>tci.< n Ointmrnt for ri, • i-ch, I Dr. Hahn's infallible German (Join Plainer, hi* I dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal coin I plaint, Gowland's and Persian L.kUu, Roioraiivp Tooth Powder, Damaik I.ip Salve, Church Cough Drops, lidert'ou'* Pills, 3*. tt . april 19 I t p«u» xnuv if* c- • • L- » w *» \
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers