Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 18, 1800, Image 3

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    Gazette of the United States.
■ i* m
satbrdat evening, October 18.
Prices of Public Stock,
Philadelphia, October iS.
Eight per cent, (lock—loß per cent.
Sin per cent, and „ ~
Navy ditto j
Deferred 6 per cent 861-4 1 7 /?
Three percent. 53 i-» ic/8
5 t-» per cent. 85 17/
4 i-a per cent. none at market
BANK United States, 35 p. cent advan.
—Pennfylvania, 31 ditto (
N< America ji ditto ( * e,c
Insurance C». Fenns'a »o ditto J
—— North America 1» p. ct. below par 10
Turnpike - - . ni do. do. 300
Schuylkill Bridge - - - par ic
Water Loan, «one at market too
Land Warrants do
St. Augujlinc Clurcb Lottery Ticleti, 9 dollars
On London at 60 days 71a 7aJ
On Amtlerdam, do 39 a4O ceutO
[per florin S-
On Hamburgh do 36 a 37 cents \
[per Mark Bancs'^
Rates ef Foreign Coins in the United
EtigHfli pound ftcrling 4 44 -n
IrHh do do 4 10 /
liutch Florin or Guilder o ao f
Hamburgh Mark Banco o $3 133
KF The subscriber having frequently
heard complaints of the want of accuracy in
the price current of public stock, has conclud
ed tsfurnifti the Gazette of the United States,
opc.afionally (if called for) with what may in
his opinion beconfid. red the Market Prices
of Stack, and the Rates oi Exchange.
Cbesnvt street, No. 143.
We underfiooi that this afternoon at 4
o'clock, the foundation flone, of a New-
Bridge over Schuylkill was to h-ave been laid,
—we prcfunie the weather w.ll pievent it.
At a meeiing of the Sele A and Common
Councils of thia City, held yelterday morn
ing, agreeably to law, Henry Pratt, Esq.
was chosen President of the SeleA Conocil,
and Kearny Wharton, Esq. President of
the Common Council.
William H. Todd, Esq. wa« ele&ed
Cl»rk of the Se'eA, and bdward J. Coale,
Efq, Clerk of the Common Council.
The Councils will meet again on Tues
day next, for the purpose of ele&ing a
Ft male Electcks.
Smgle Females in the State of New-Jer
sey, pofleffed of a certain property, and hav
ing paid taxes, are entitled to vote at elect
ions. WeOiidei stand that at the late elect
ion, there were many exercised their privi
The Editor this morning received by
j*o(l the following account of the EleAion
in New Jersey, it may be depended on as
accurate.—The result of the Ele&ion,
Io far as has come to our know ledge, is high,
y honorable to the good people of that
tcfpeftable State.
New-Jersey Ele&ioiii
liuriingtcn County.
The returns from the 11 townships,
amount to 3500 votes ; of which 3000 are
for the Federal ticket: this is the result with
in 60 or 70 votes, at the outfidej and may
be depended on. What a fine fubjeft of
self gratiilatu n this niuflafPiid to tr.s Slab
town Chairman and bis Secretary.
P. S. No doubt is entertained nf a great
majority ih the Lcgiflature for the Adams
The honorable John C. Smith, is elefted
representative to C*ngrefs» for the [bite of
Coflnefticut, till the 4th March next, to
supply the Vacaticy occaflened by the re Ag
nation of Jonathan Brace, Esq.
We hear that Mr. William Lardner and
Mr. James Swain are appointed to take the
second census, in the third and 4th diftrifts,
according to an a£t of Cong rets, in the
county of Philadelphia.
A fellow -who signs his name as above,
has occupied two columns of a late Adror.i,
in ail addrels 9> the Editor of this Gazette ;
we {hall now dismiss the wretch with the
following letter, taken from Mrs. Beddeley's
Memoirs.—We have already devoted too
great a portion of our time, and accupied too
much room in the Gazette on this Worth-
It fs topit.
LQNDON, 13d March, 1771.
Dma* SJK,
*' We are likely to have some serious
■" matters, of the political kind, ere long.
" Wilkes has brought the Commons into a
«' damnable dilemma, by attacking his two
«• old friends, the K—g, und Lord Hali
«' fax. I hope there remains fomefpiritof
" Englishmen among us, which will soon
• 4 blalt the men who are driving to ruin this
" great kingdom. Thatj> u and 1 may live
" ta share the spoils of those rascals, and
u be rewarded with what ive reii! y meri',
" is my ardent wish, when I bid you a:lieu 1
♦' Your't most refpe£lfully,
Stefmes Sater."
" fiarc
F.xtraS of a letter Jr'eYn a political charac
ter resident abroad, to ktsfttend at Phi
" The French proverb fays that there are
honed men, even in hell ; where I (liould
indeed as loon think of looking for them,
as anions; that class of mortals called Jaco
bins. I will not fay there is 110 such thing
as an honed Jacobin, but I mud own it
has never been my lot to meet with one, and
have in dances ot the contrary multiplying
upon me every day, Christian charity bids
u?. hope all things, but not to believe all
things, and I lh >uld think my property just
as fafe in the hands of a Jacobin, as in those
of a convitted thief. I know not whether
you will think these fentiivrnts illiberal, but
these are times, and this is a fubjeft that
admit not of liberality. The utmod candor
I can fliew to a Jacobin is not to ti ud him ;
for then I believe of him that lie will not be
tray my truth"
Dtiti. Cu.
Extract from Essays on Political Society—
now printing by Mr. William Young.
" The American Congiefs, under their
rxilting conflitution, affords a eonfpicuotis
illuflration of general principles of moral
None of the ancient or modern leagues,
none of the ancient or modern governments,
in the Old World, exhibits so perfeft a na
tional model for municipal legislation upon
the eledtive fyflein. French vanity, indeed,
has eulogized their policy as the fublimefl
monument of human reason. But the de-
of the firll edition of government
which they call a couftitution, were proved
by its being overthrown alnioft as soon as
it commenced operations : It became obso
lete in its infancy. The next projett, to
which was given the name of constitution,
was conceived under the ascendant of Ro
b.fpierre. This thing 1 , even its parents,
had not the confidence to exhibit to the
French, for their opinion. The third French
edition of government, called the constitu
tion of year three, appeared to have more
firinnefs of texture, and to b: more capable
of duration. Its exterior form, indeed, has
been continued, while the brain and the
heart, as far as i; had any, were anatomized
by order of such as direttcd the armed
Can the French Council of Ancients claim
the honor of competing with khe American
Seriate ? Is it equally formed far dignity,
for Vifdom and (lability ?
Shall the French Council of Five Hun
dred pretend to rival the American House
of Representatives as a popular chamber of
legislation ? The triennial elettion of the
members of that Council, the interposal of
an elefloral aitembly between them and the
people, the annual rotation of one third of
the members, the forced elettion of two
thirds, w*re these the bell expedients which
theboafted French fk ; ll could devise for fe
curihg popular liberty ?
The French legislature, if their two Coun
cil merit the name since the Fruftidorian
fuhjugation, is a duplicated revolutiensry
ariftoiracy ; mutilated by pentarchal usur
pation ; nominally regulated by forms,
which, at the bidding of the pentarchs, va
nilh before a decree of urgencyj
Whether the framers of the American
conllitution controlled by an happy ne
cessity of political Atuation ; whether their
profound acquaintance with the most cor
ie£l theories of government determined the
frame of the system ; or whether a manly
force rf Blind, combined with fcientific
skill, aided by much perlbnal experience, and
influenced by a refpeftful attention to pre
conceived opinions, led tq a f\ stem so origi.
nal in its general ftrurture, so intervolved
in its parts, so compadl-d by the aflociation
of the whole ; whether and how far any or
all of these catifes iperated to produce the
American constitution, one thing is cer
tain 1 lie citizei g of the New World
have abundant cause to felicitate themselves
«n their political tlefliny. The American
nation has now a municipal Icgiflature con
llictited to «« provide for the common d-fence
" and general welfare."
Just as our paper was going to press we
received the returns from Chester Cuunty,
by which it_appears that the Federa'ifts hive
carried the eleftion by 159 votes—except
the Senator, who the Demociati tarried ow
ing to the counties of Bucks and Montgo
)C7* THE Members of the Society of
the Sons of St. GEORGE, eftablifhcd at
Philadelphia, for the advice and assistance
of Engliflimen in diftrcfe, are requefled to
attend a quarterly meeting of the said Soci
ety, at the City Tavern, on Tliurfday the FOR SALE,
23d day of Oftobtr, at fix o'clock in the Long Primer,
evening. * Snftalt Pica on Pica Body,
V Several Members are to be balloted ' E"?'™'' Chaft., CompoGng Stick., atid.agrea
(L„ nvrwn'v r\A«ro n variety of articles tiecelftry to carry on the Prin
for' . GEORGE DAVIS, Sec'ry. i„ g Bufineft. They will be fold cheap t« calk
0e * er 'A- A23d : App:y to the Printer.
A correspondent would by glad so
what has become of the i?'£n of the CROSS
Kh\S, which used to hang at the corner
ot 1 hird and Chelnut dreet, at it has not
been lien iince the ele&ion.
Scarcely a Mail arrives that we are not
deprived ot f)me ot our Newlpapers, some
times from New-\ ork we receive but one
paper instead of four or five, at times,
we receive papers to the ealtward of Bodon,
mid none from BjUoii, arod today we have
one Military paper by the Southern Mail, and
we have not received the Farmer's Museum
these tour weeks piift, although we know
by letters from the Editor, that the ptpers
have bee-n forwarded,— Such deprivations is
very provoking- and ought not to be allow
Pennsylvania Ele&ions.
For the GazfUc oj ifje United. States
No. vijtr.
Impromptu, en hearing a young lady cenfurrd
far keeping an officer's picture in her par
A graceful person, with an easy air,
And fops have these, may sometimes please
the fair,
But manly sense, a foul for friendfliip form'd,
A heart at once by love and glory warm'd,
With modest worth,and truepolitenefsjoin'd
To every virtue of a soldier's mind,
These are the charms, that steal upon the
And with these charms was Damon greatly
Eftecm for honor plac'd his image there,
And often wakes refleftion's tender tear.
Then, Son of Malice, e'tr you dare to raise,
The breath of censure, (tho' thycenfure's
From Damon's virtues, boundless was the
Learn but his candour, and you'll blame no
FOUR and twenty Drunkards all on a row.
Four and twenty Drunkards all on a row,
There is Mac and there is Will,
" Hand on the Gin."
Down below,
This is the Gov'nors Grand Levee,
Therefore let us be.merry.
Four and twenty effice-hunters all on a row.
Four and twenty office-hunters all on a ro\r,
Israel Israel and Ker crying " gives vis
Your votes." And Mac and Will
" Hand on the Gin."
Down below.
TJ.ii "n, See. 1
Four and twenty Speculators all on a row.
Four and twenty Speculators all on a row,
There is I.eib and his tribe, with their
Scrip and Certificates, Israel and Kercry
ing " give us yourvptes" Mac and Will
" Hand on the Gin."
Dowh below.
This is, &c.
Four and twenty Refugees all on a row.
Four and twenty Refugees all 011 a row,
There is Coxe and Arnold, walking arm
in-arm with Gen. Howe—Leib ai)d his
T'iie with their Scrip and Certificates—
Israel and Ker crying " gives us your
votes—Mac and Will "hand on'the Gin.' 1
Down below.
This is, &c.
Four and twenty Newgnte-men all on a row.
Four and twenty Newgate-men all on a row,
There ate Llbyd and Callencter with their
heads in the pillory—Coxe S(nd Arnold
walking arm-in-arm .with G«n. Howe—
Leib and his trite with their Sctip and
Certificates—lfrael and Ker crying " give
us your votes— Mack and Will '• hand
on the Gin."
l)own below.
This is, tcc.
Four and twenty Soldiers all <ni a rrtw.
Four and twenty Soldiers all oa a row,
There is Fries and Stevey, " no daxes, all
fifkry"—Lloyd and Cullender with* their
heads in the pillory—Coxe and Arnold
walking arm-in-arm with Gen. Howe—
Leib and his tribe with their Scrip and
Certificate—lfrael and Ker crying " give
us your votes"—and Mac and Willj
" hand on the Gin;"
Down bilow.
This is, &c.
Four and twenty poetasters all on a row.
four and twenty poetaftcrs all oa a row,
There is the Ghirping Cobler, Tom the
Tinker, Dick the Deniift and Will the
Weaver begging " will your honor ac
cept me for your honor's piet laureat."
Fries and Stever, " no daxes, all fifkey"
Lloyd and Callender with their heads
io the pillory—Coxe and Arnold walking
arm-in-arm with Gen. Howe— and
his tribe witli their Scrip and Certificates
votes" and Mac and Will " hand om the
Down below.
It is the Gov'nors Gntni
Therefore let us be merry.
Extra& of a letter from a gentleman io the
| Western parts ofViiginia, to his tor
refpondent in Richmond, dated Sept.
16, 1800.
" You are so bent oa politics, that I
believe you have lolt hopes. It will be well
if you and I have hitherto been mistaken ;
the event I hope will be favorable ; but no
wife has changed my opinion—nay, so
clearly do I conceive the principles of our
Democrats t» be wrong, that were it left to
my determination. 1 would freely make
choice of beii.g governed by Buonaparte
himfelf, rather thah submit to the partiali
ty and tyranny of our Democrats, manifef
ted in the late proceedings of
I fuppofc it would not be ledition only, but
also little treason, to find fault with the ma
jority of our legislature—who, it is said, are
the people.—Our ticket law, however, for
appointing Eledors to choose a -Prefiydent,
and a Vice-President, will be a lading mon
ument of the loft liberties of the di ft re fled
and deluded people ; and an eternal Sigma
on the boasted justice of true republican go
vernment. Such tyranny, such abuse of
right*; will one day produce its murderous
Gazette Marine Lift,
Sch. Vi&ory. Holmes, New-York
Dry goods —To Captain
Bethiah, Buck, Bolton
Iris, Gavin, Paffmiaquody, 12
Plaiflcr Parii.
Sloop Maria, Burroughs. N. London, 6
Clieefe and Fill).
Sthr. Experiment, Town, Havannah
Ino, Gemmenny, La Guira
The George Wnlhingto:', tfain
briclge, from hence to Algiers, was spoken
the 20th //ug. it) lat. 38,50, N. Ion*; 33,
50, W. all well.'
Brig Clarissa, Nichols, from hence to
Curracoa, has been sent into Tortola, libe
rated and intended to proceed to Curracoa*
Capt. \ ork, of the Pennsylvania from
London, spoke Sept. 30, brig Abby, Parke
out 16 days from New York to Hamburg,
all well. In lat 38, 00, long 56, 00, W.
Oilober 8, spoke the brig Betsey, Grove
5 days out from Bolton, for Martinique, in
lnt, 36, N. long. 55, W.
Letter Bags up <it the Cojfee-Houfe
The ship Hannah, Brown for Hamburg,
to be taken away on Saturday the 18 th
The ship Phcebe Ann, Gardner, for
Cowes ditto.
T he (hip Adriana, Fletcher, for Loadon,
BOSTON, Oftober 14.
Arrived f«-h. Henry, Tread we]!, Havan
Sch. John and William, Eldrige, Lisbon,
42 days' Spoke a (hip fiom St. Übesfor
At Quarantine yefterday—ScHr. Sophia
Rogers Cape Francois; (loop Juno, Staples'
Port-au-Prince ; Hannah, Wield- Torto-'
About the Bth of. Sept. a cartel left
Guadaloupe for St. Kitts, with all the A
merican prisoners then at the former Isl
The Mary, of Connefticut, for Dema
ara, has been loft at fea—asd every ptrfon
on board except one pcrilhed- In Boston
the affli flion thus occasioned to the feelings
of humanity, is more paignant, by the re
port that Mr Thomas Ghter, merchant,
of this town, was a palltnger in the unfor
tunate vessel-
The Columbian Turnpike, which extends
from Hudson, New York, to the Massachu
setts line, on the rout to Hartford, will be
completed in the courie of this month.
Arrived, Oft. 4, Schr. Argo. Hammond,
from Londonderry, (Ireland) 41 days ; 14
paflengers. Sept. 13, lat. 4410 long 46
10, spoke an Englitli brig, from CharL-fton,
for Greenock ; a 2d, lat 43 39, long jo, 2r,
spoke lhip Enterprizf, Hammond, 21 days
from Alexandria, for St. Sebaflians ; Oft.
1, in the South Channel, spoke brig Mary-
Ann, from Boston, for Jamaica.
NEW-YQRK, Ottober 17.
Brig Austria, Lawrence, Havannah
Amiable Matilda, Whitlock, do.
Schr. Nine Sifters, Kelley, Windsor, N. S.
Yesterday arrived (hip Lord Duncan,
days from Jamaica, spoke nothing.
Same day* brig George) Starbuck 40 days
from Lancaller, O. E. Spoke, about 16
days ago, a (hip, from Boften bound to St.
Sebastians, i 3 days oiiti
|CP Bookfel'ers, Printers, and private
Gentlemen, holding fubfeription papers for
the publication of The Farrago and Lay
Preacher, will please, on, or before the
middle of November next, to forward them
to Philadelphia, in a cover, open at the ends,
in tbe manner in which newspapers are
usually transmitted. It is requeued that
they be addrefled to Asbmrt Dickins (
Bookseller, Philadelphia. Gentlemen, in dif
ferent parts of the United States, and in
British America, who have not had an op
portunity to fubferibe to both, or either of
the above performances, may address as ab&ve
th.'ir 1 -tte'rs, P'Jl paid ; their wiihes (hall be
complied with, and their names, if sent
seasonably, shall be added to the lift of fub
crifbers, to be prefixed to '.lie volumes.
October 14.
In Sheets, Bottoms & Still Patterns
LEAD, Brazier's.Solder, Tin in I'oxes, Steal
Sheet-iron, Sewing twine, and a large assort
ment of Ironmohgcry, Cutlery, Sadler y, Brass
and Japann'd wart». For fa eby
Elisha Fisher & Co.
Otflober 17. f mss"w im.
Taunton A.le,
of *n excellent quality,
per brie Amity, from Etiftol,
By John Allen,
No. 122, Spruce street,
Who has also 0(1 hand,
Bristol Patent Sail Cl«th,
No. 1 to 8.
feptetnber 22
For Sale,
The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOY
WHO has thfe« years and five months to
fcrve ; fee is loher, honcft, a good wai
cr, and undcrflands taking care of horses. En
quire at No. 6c, Do.k Arte:.
July ay.
i Thomas Orr*
No. 52,
South Fkont ;>Ti<feßTj
I HAS received by the latrft arrivals trodi Lon
doi), a well chosen aflbrtment of the fol
lowing article*:
CALICOES and Chintzes, (a great variety)
Furniture do. do.
Corded Dimitiej for garments and furniture
Durants, Joans and Calimancoes
Bombazetts and Bjmbazeens
Printed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs ind
Lawn bordertd dv*.
Jaconet and 3o k Muilin handkerchiefs
Shawls, Cotton ind Chintz, a great variety
Do. Camel's Hair
Hosiery, Woriled and Cotton of all sizes
Do China White and Black Silk
Table- Cloths, from 5 4, to 10 by 16 4 with and
without Napkins
Thread, Gauze, Lawn and Cambriclw
Jaconet and Lapett Mullins, coloured and plairl
White and Black Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and
Handkerchiefs v
Black Mode, Peelonirs and Satins
White and printed Mirfeilles forvefts
Swanfdown. striped and plaid. , ,
Cotton Checks (five) 7-8, 4 4, 11-8, and 6-4
Black and colourod Barcelona handkerchiefs
India Bandnna d». of luperior quality
White, Ked and Yellow Flannels
Guernsey Worded Frocks
A few dozen bed elastic Suspenders.
He has.Also
Just Received, a well afiorted Invoice of
India Muslins*
Berbhoom Gumhs | Pyna Bjftn
Alahabad Emerties I Do. Gutrahs
Company Guz2ipora I Unna Ma mood its.
Coffas | By the Bale or Piece.
Oflnber IS. d w jawtf.
In Market-flreet, the 13th ialtant,
C 3* Enquire of the Pr ntfcr.
O.&. 'B. dfW
bN Monday evening,
October 20.
Will be prcfented, (not a<2ed thefc 3 years) a fa*
vorife Comedy, called
Howard, Mr; Cooper.
Albi na Mandevill?, Mifa Weliray,
( Her.-firjl appearand on this Jla%c .)
To which will be added a Comcdyj in two
ads, called
Or, A Tragedy Rtbearfed.
Tt> conclude with a grand attack on
TILBURY FORT J and Dcftrudt'on of
The Armada.
<js" On Wednesday, the favorite Tragedy
of Pizarro ; er the Spaniard, in Peru, with
Entertainment w ■
CCj* A New Coified?, is Itt Rehearsal and
will be speedily produc.d with new fcencry.
Box, one Dollar. Pit, three quarters of a Dol
lar, and Gallery, half a Dollar.
she Doors of the Theatre will open at 1-4 past
5, and the Cuf'.ain rife at 1-4 past 6 o'clock.
Gentlemen and Ladies arc required to lend their
fervanta to keep places in the buxei at a quarter past
five oMock
300 Dollars Reward.
LAST Saturday night my shop in Water
ftreet was opened by a falfe key, and sun
dry articles of JewfllerV, to the«moimt of
ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off 1 .
Among them were,
Two marrow spoons msrked " Worrock ;
Likeneflesof Mr James Robertfoti and wife* o£
Petrrtburg—one do* of a Mr. King - one do.
of Mr. John Trimble, late of this town, the
large blue glsfs and a i'mallef
in the centre, under which was a plait of hair
1 lid strait, with J. T. in a cypher worked in
pearl. Together vfrith a number of fancy pit.
ces, painted by Sully, which cannot now be
recollefled ; j Boatl'wam's Calls flarnped
' Warrock.'
The following Watches:
I Gold watch, mate* r'9 name Provail, Paris
t Giver do". Thomas Green, Liverpool, 7 703
1 do do George BififcM, London, 13,500
I gold do. French, no njrrte
l Jo. do. John Kyland, Loadoa, 2331
I silver <f i. Fren h. 1 o njme
1 do. do Jol n Bull, London, 744
1 gold do. Rodart, Paris
l lilver do. Jofep>i Kemper Shaw
t do. do. J. Darlington, London
1 do. do. No. <>36l
1 gilcdo. G. M. "-Jeicalf, London, 4196
1 /ilver do. George Hafwood, London, 2906
1 do. do. J. Smii% London, tii
1 double cafe gilt watch, R. Ofburn, Rich
mond, 8764
ico Dollars will be given si » the restoration
of the jewellery, or ico dollars if the thief of
thieves are also fecurei.
Mr. Benjamin Motria, the owner of the
Watches which were taken at the fame time
will alfogive 100 dollars fcr them.
July 29
|3* The Printers at Peterfbure ( Richmond*
ilex mdria—Baltimore—C harleftoh— and o
hers, are requeued to insert the above for a
w times.
Carpets & Carpeting
By the Subsc iters,
In the Tillman, Caprain Haikn, I'rom Li
ver] O')',
A very extensive and beautiful assortment
LOR/lI\ r V sort.
Not Noitb Third Street.
A- •
V «/
* 1 t
- Vf' *