Gazette of the United States. ■ i* m P HILJD BLPtiIA, satbrdat evening, October 18. Prices of Public Stock, Philadelphia, October iS. Eight per cent, (lock—loß per cent. Sin per cent, and „ ~ Navy ditto j Deferred 6 per cent 861-4 1 7 /? Three percent. 53 i-» ic/8 5 t-» per cent. 85 17/ 4 i-a per cent. none at market BANK United States, 35 p. cent advan. —Pennfylvania, 31 ditto ( N< America ji ditto ( * e,c Insurance C». Fenns'a »o ditto J —— North America 1» p. ct. below par 10 Turnpike - - . ni do. do. 300 Schuylkill Bridge - - - par ic Water Loan, «one at market too Land Warrants do St. Augujlinc Clurcb Lottery Ticleti, 9 dollars EXCHANGE. On London at 60 days 71a 7aJ On Amtlerdam, do 39 a4O ceutO [per florin S- On Hamburgh do 36 a 37 cents \ [per Mark Bancs'^ Rates ef Foreign Coins in the United States. EtigHfli pound ftcrling 4 44 -n IrHh do do 4 10 / liutch Florin or Guilder o ao f Hamburgh Mark Banco o $3 133 KF The subscriber having frequently heard complaints of the want of accuracy in the price current of public stock, has conclud ed tsfurnifti the Gazette of the United States, opc.afionally (if called for) with what may in his opinion beconfid. red the Market Prices of Stack, and the Rates oi Exchange. M. M-CONNELL, Cbesnvt street, No. 143. We underfiooi that this afternoon at 4 o'clock, the foundation flone, of a New- Bridge over Schuylkill was to h-ave been laid, —we prcfunie the weather w.ll pievent it. At a meeiing of the Sele A and Common Councils of thia City, held yelterday morn ing, agreeably to law, Henry Pratt, Esq. was chosen President of the SeleA Conocil, and Kearny Wharton, Esq. President of the Common Council. William H. Todd, Esq. wa« ele&ed Cl»rk of the Se'eA, and bdward J. Coale, Efq, Clerk of the Common Council. The Councils will meet again on Tues day next, for the purpose of ele&ing a Mayor, Ft male Electcks. Smgle Females in the State of New-Jer sey, pofleffed of a certain property, and hav ing paid taxes, are entitled to vote at elect ions. WeOiidei stand that at the late elect ion, there were many exercised their privi lege. The Editor this morning received by j*o(l the following account of the EleAion in New Jersey, it may be depended on as accurate.—The result of the Ele&ion, Io far as has come to our know ledge, is high, y honorable to the good people of that tcfpeftable State. New-Jersey Ele&ioiii liuriingtcn County. The returns from the 11 townships, amount to 3500 votes ; of which 3000 are for the Federal ticket: this is the result with in 60 or 70 votes, at the outfidej and may be depended on. What a fine fubjeft of self gratiilatu n this niuflafPiid to tr.s Slab town Chairman and bis Secretary. P. S. No doubt is entertained nf a great majority ih the Lcgiflature for the Adams int-reft,- The honorable John C. Smith, is elefted representative to C*ngrefs» for the [bite of Coflnefticut, till the 4th March next, to supply the Vacaticy occaflened by the re Ag nation of Jonathan Brace, Esq. We hear that Mr. William Lardner and Mr. James Swain are appointed to take the second census, in the third and 4th diftrifts, according to an a£t of Cong rets, in the county of Philadelphia. STEPHEN SAYRE. A fellow -who signs his name as above, has occupied two columns of a late Adror.i, in ail addrels 9> the Editor of this Gazette ; we {hall now dismiss the wretch with the following letter, taken from Mrs. Beddeley's Memoirs.—We have already devoted too great a portion of our time, and accupied too much room in the Gazette on this Worth- It fs topit. LQNDON, 13d March, 1771. Dma* SJK, *' We are likely to have some serious ■" matters, of the political kind, ere long. " Wilkes has brought the Commons into a «' damnable dilemma, by attacking his two «• old friends, the K—g, und Lord Hali «' fax. I hope there remains fomefpiritof " Englishmen among us, which will soon • 4 blalt the men who are driving to ruin this " great kingdom. Thatj> u and 1 may live " ta share the spoils of those rascals, and u be rewarded with what ive reii! y meri', " is my ardent wish, when I bid you a:lieu 1 ♦' Your't most refpe£lfully, Stefmes Sater." Par arnpuni " fiarc F.xtraS of a letter Jr'eYn a political charac ter resident abroad, to ktsfttend at Phi ladelphia. " The French proverb fays that there are honed men, even in hell ; where I (liould indeed as loon think of looking for them, as anions; that class of mortals called Jaco bins. I will not fay there is 110 such thing as an honed Jacobin, but I mud own it has never been my lot to meet with one, and have in dances ot the contrary multiplying upon me every day, Christian charity bids u?. hope all things, but not to believe all things, and I lh >uld think my property just as fafe in the hands of a Jacobin, as in those of a convitted thief. I know not whether you will think these fentiivrnts illiberal, but these are times, and this is a fubjeft that admit not of liberality. The utmod candor I can fliew to a Jacobin is not to ti ud him ; for then I believe of him that lie will not be tray my truth" Dtiti. Cu. Extract from Essays on Political Society— now printing by Mr. William Young. " The American Congiefs, under their rxilting conflitution, affords a eonfpicuotis illuflration of general principles of moral policy. None of the ancient or modern leagues, none of the ancient or modern governments, in the Old World, exhibits so perfeft a na tional model for municipal legislation upon the eledtive fyflein. French vanity, indeed, has eulogized their policy as the fublimefl monument of human reason. But the de- of the firll edition of government which they call a couftitution, were proved by its being overthrown alnioft as soon as it commenced operations : It became obso lete in its infancy. The next projett, to which was given the name of constitution, was conceived under the ascendant of Ro b.fpierre. This thing 1 , even its parents, had not the confidence to exhibit to the French, for their opinion. The third French edition of government, called the constitu tion of year three, appeared to have more firinnefs of texture, and to b: more capable of duration. Its exterior form, indeed, has been continued, while the brain and the heart, as far as i; had any, were anatomized by order of such as direttcd the armed force. Can the French Council of Ancients claim the honor of competing with khe American Seriate ? Is it equally formed far dignity, for Vifdom and (lability ? Shall the French Council of Five Hun dred pretend to rival the American House of Representatives as a popular chamber of legislation ? The triennial elettion of the members of that Council, the interposal of an elefloral aitembly between them and the people, the annual rotation of one third of the members, the forced elettion of two thirds, w*re these the bell expedients which theboafted French fk ; ll could devise for fe curihg popular liberty ? The French legislature, if their two Coun cil merit the name since the Fruftidorian fuhjugation, is a duplicated revolutiensry ariftoiracy ; mutilated by pentarchal usur pation ; nominally regulated by forms, which, at the bidding of the pentarchs, va nilh before a decree of urgencyj Whether the framers of the American conllitution controlled by an happy ne cessity of political Atuation ; whether their profound acquaintance with the most cor ie£l theories of government determined the frame of the system ; or whether a manly force rf Blind, combined with fcientific skill, aided by much perlbnal experience, and influenced by a refpeftful attention to pre conceived opinions, led tq a f\ stem so origi. nal in its general ftrurture, so intervolved in its parts, so compadl-d by the aflociation of the whole ; whether and how far any or all of these catifes iperated to produce the American constitution, one thing is cer tain 1 lie citizei g of the New World have abundant cause to felicitate themselves «n their political tlefliny. The American nation has now a municipal Icgiflature con llictited to «« provide for the common d-fence " and general welfare." Just as our paper was going to press we received the returns from Chester Cuunty, by which it_appears that the Federa'ifts hive carried the eleftion by 159 votes—except the Senator, who the Demociati tarried ow ing to the counties of Bucks and Montgo mery. )C7* THE Members of the Society of the Sons of St. GEORGE, eftablifhcd at Philadelphia, for the advice and assistance of Engliflimen in diftrcfe, are requefled to attend a quarterly meeting of the said Soci ety, at the City Tavern, on Tliurfday the FOR SALE, 23d day of Oftobtr, at fix o'clock in the Long Primer, evening. * Snftalt Pica on Pica Body, V Several Members are to be balloted ' E"?'™'' Chaft., CompoGng Stick., atid.agrea (L„ nvrwn'v r\A«ro n variety of articles tiecelftry to carry on the Prin for' . GEORGE DAVIS, Sec'ry. i„ g Bufineft. They will be fold cheap t« calk 0e * er 'A- A23d : App:y to the Printer. A correspondent would by glad so what has become of the i?'£n of the CROSS Kh\S, which used to hang at the corner ot 1 hird and Chelnut dreet, at it has not been lien iince the ele&ion. Scarcely a Mail arrives that we are not deprived ot f)me ot our Newlpapers, some times from New-\ ork we receive but one paper instead of four or five, at times, we receive papers to the ealtward of Bodon, mid none from BjUoii, arod today we have one Military paper by the Southern Mail, and we have not received the Farmer's Museum these tour weeks piift, although we know by letters from the Editor, that the ptpers have bee-n forwarded,— Such deprivations is very provoking- and ought not to be allow ed. A STRIKING LJISN S3. Pennsylvania Ele&ions. For the GazfUc oj ifje United. States ORIGINAL POETI*. {. No. vijtr. Impromptu, en hearing a young lady cenfurrd far keeping an officer's picture in her par lour. A graceful person, with an easy air, And fops have these, may sometimes please the fair, But manly sense, a foul for friendfliip form'd, A heart at once by love and glory warm'd, With modest worth,and truepolitenefsjoin'd To every virtue of a soldier's mind, These are the charms, that steal upon the bread. And with these charms was Damon greatly Weft, Eftecm for honor plac'd his image there, And often wakes refleftion's tender tear. Then, Son of Malice, e'tr you dare to raise, The breath of censure, (tho' thycenfure's praise,) From Damon's virtues, boundless was the (tore, Learn but his candour, and you'll blame no more. A SONG. FOUR and twenty Drunkards all on a row. Four and twenty Drunkards all on a row, There is Mac and there is Will, " Hand on the Gin." Down below, This is the Gov'nors Grand Levee, Therefore let us be.merry. Four and twenty effice-hunters all on a row. Four and twenty office-hunters all on a ro\r, Israel Israel and Ker crying " gives vis Your votes." And Mac and Will " Hand on the Gin." Down below. TJ.ii "n, See. 1 Four and twenty Speculators all on a row. Four and twenty Speculators all on a row, There is I.eib and his tribe, with their Scrip and Certificates, Israel and Kercry ing " give us yourvptes" Mac and Will " Hand on the Gin." Dowh below. This is, &c. Four and twenty Refugees all on a row. Four and twenty Refugees all 011 a row, There is Coxe and Arnold, walking arm in-arm with Gen. Howe—Leib ai)d his T'iie with their Scrip and Certificates— Israel and Ker crying " gives us your votes—Mac and Will "hand on'the Gin.' 1 Down below. This is, &c. Four and twenty Newgnte-men all on a row. Four and twenty Newgate-men all on a row, There ate Llbyd and Callencter with their heads in the pillory—Coxe S(nd Arnold walking arm-in-arm .with G«n. Howe— Leib and his trite with their Sctip and Certificates—lfrael and Ker crying " give us your votes— Mack and Will '• hand on the Gin." l)own below. This is, tcc. Four and twenty Soldiers all Ti conclude with a grand attack on TILBURY FORT J and Dcftrudt'on of The Armada. i Kemper Shaw t do. do. J. Darlington, London 1 do. do. No. <>36l 1 gilcdo. G. M. "-Jeicalf, London, 4196 1 /ilver do. George Hafwood, London, 2906 1 do. do. J. Smii% London, tii 1 double cafe gilt watch, R. Ofburn, Rich mond, 8764 ico Dollars will be given si » the restoration of the jewellery, or ico dollars if the thief of thieves are also fecurei. Mr. Benjamin Motria, the owner of the Watches which were taken at the fame time will alfogive 100 dollars fcr them. July 29 y |3* The Printers at Peterfbure ( Richmond* ilex mdria—Baltimore—C harleftoh— and o hers, are requeued to insert the above for a w times. Carpets & Carpeting JUST IMPORTED, By the Subsc iters, In the Tillman, Caprain Haikn, I'rom Li ver] O')', A very extensive and beautiful assortment CARPETS &? CARPETING. LOR/lI\ r V sort. Not Noitb Third Street. A- • V «/ ff' * 1 t - Vf' *