XiixnrK The price of this Gazette is Light Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. AU others pay tne Dollar additional, for enclosing and Ifi nding ; and u*l«Ss«om person in this city will become answerable for the- subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advene: %» No Subscription -will be received for a shorter term than six months. i PccemVer 1 1799- . Pr*m o* btr 11. c .* Wcdnsfday Thnrfday Friday Saturday Sunday Manday Tucfday SUN- Wednesday «S^>T lahiay " Monday I«W»» Landing At Wain's wharf, The Cargo of the brigEruerprize, CONSISTING OF Surinam Molailes, Of an cx.sllev.t quality, in hogsheads, tierces and barrels, And about 40 quarter casks LISBON WINE, FOK S/ile Br Wharton Lewis, No. 1 is,fouth Front flreet. oflebcr 9 « th fa tf Imported, Ib tW ship Atlantic, captain Water*,'from Calcutta »ud Mii^ra*, And for.fale by the fubferiber, A great variety of article's mostly suit4bl e for exportation, ASIONG WHICH A|lE Blue cloths Neckanaes Soot Romals Salempoorcs Ventapolanu Madras Long Cloths Ditto lUtirfkirchiela. ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLEK, Junr.' No. 80, Dock street. oSlower TO Saw Manufactory. FRANCIS MASON, No. 10, south Fifth street, Manufacture mill, un!< cut and pitt saws, equal in qu.iiity, apn,nrance anl Many • v.t imported; which l « Mis whoMaV at the lar each ; crols-cut do jo cents ferToot; pitt do. 60.eei)t« per foot. Wo'd-Cutter< c>(l (led saw«, and every othe kind, nu'.c to any particular d.rcAiun. IO A HANDSOME EDITION or LINDI.EY MURRAY'S English Grammar, AN APPENDIX, Has this D.iy been publifbed, by A'tuttr Dick ins, opposite Chrift-Cliurch, Philadelphia. [Price One Dollar.'] O&ober 7. Twerity Dollars Reward. RUN AWaY from the SuMcriber on Wednes day night the sth inflant, a Black TnJmted ftrvant, named Colin, jufl arrived from Jamaica in the brig Diligence with his mailer. He is a well made lad of i 6— «7 years oi age, or thereabouts .has a pleasant countenance, and a small fear on .his left cheek, which yet app ars white lrom a late fall or blow. He i« about t feet 5 or fix in ches high, and had on when he went away a com mon biue jacket and trawlers, with a fcr vants black glazj . hat, and had with him white and flrijecbeck thirts and pantaloons. He is known to be enticed or env.igic.! away hy a negro man named William, a native of Boston, who was Cook of the said brig DelipJ.ice, and is a ft«ut thick man of 35 or 43 years of age, and they are supposed to travel together; The faU Colin contrived to get a parcel containing3o new dol larsof the present year? co : of tSe U States, never before in circulation ahd a few miiled dou bloons of full weight out ot his mailers keeping, and also took with him a lilver table spoon with the cypcr A. K. on it, and a desert knife and fork with white Ivory handles. The above reward will be p.-.id to any p rfon who will bring the fai l Colen and William ts the Subscriber, Ni> 31 Sf rxice flrcet or to Meflrfc Sa vage and Dugan, Third Street, or lodge them in any goal er work h u ein any of the StJtes so that his master may have Colin, and it isicquefted the money may befecured, it is iujpofed Vviliam i- in polTcfliouof it, and rrquefled he may be lieraineii with Colen, ft-ndirg information to the said Mefl'rs. Savage and Dugan, Philadelphia * * All Captains of velTels are lorwnrned not to hat "our or employ or carry te sea the said r.cgr«.-e' u the law will be p*Jt iniorcc against them. H, ROSE. •Mcril* Gazette Held at Union Tftwn for the county of Fayette, thefecond Mo da-' of September, in the year of our Lord one tftoufand eight r uiidred, before fhc Honorable Alexin c!err •.dd';f(«),. Ffquirc, Prefidynt, and his afiVciate Judges of the fame court, ON the peticion of John Bartlett, an fnfolvent Debtor, praying the benefit of the aft of Ge neral AflemMy ior the relief of Infclvent Debtor*, the Court appoints the fccoud Monday of Decem ber next to hear the petitioner and his creditors, and orders that notice thereof".be published three fuccellWe weeks iu the United States [Gazette in Philadelphia, in foaie daily paper in Baltimore— irj a Lexington paper, Kentucky, and in the Fay ette G.izeua, the lalfc publication in each, to be at imCl four weeks before the day of hearing. By the Court, H. M. $t SI 0 lb 1 % 4 2 i 8 3 '56 4 59 EPHRAIM DOUGLASS, Prothonotary. O&ober 10. d%w. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA— RISES SITi 6 19 S 3' 6 30 5 3 e 6 3*—*-J * 8 Be IT REMEMBERED, That on the aid day of August, in the 25th year of the Intlcpon dince of the United Stitcß ot America, William Youno, (B»okfellcr,) of the said DillriiS, hath depofitcd in this Office, the title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor; in the words following, to wit. 6 j, J *1 - 6 M S »* 6 3i-i —J »J » J7 5 »3 IN CONFORMfrT to the »<a of the Con gnefs f tbs 15liked Statca,!riti'u)ed " An ' A& for th« emeuragemcnt of learning [sEAt.] by lecuring the copies of Maps, and Bonks to the Authors and Propri etors of such copies during the times therein mentioned " , D. CALDWELL. Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania. leptember 18 «W4 W - District of Pennsylvania to wit: BE it remembered that on (he Tenth day of July in the twenty fifth year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, Alexan der AddifoH of the said Diftiift hath depafited in this office the title ot a book the right where of he claims as Author in ths word» following, to wit, " Reports of cafe» in the County courts of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals of the State of Pennsylvania, ijsd charges to Grind Juries of those County Courts. By Alexandtr Addifon, President of the Courts of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State of Penniylvania." In conformity to the a<Tk of Congress of the Uni ted States intitlrd " An ad for the encouragement of learning by fecating the copies of maps ckart? and b >ok» to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned " The above book is now publiflied It will be de livered to lubfcribers by Mr. Dcbf n Bookseller. J u 'y 23 m«f if ]'"HE commanding Officers of corps, de ■ uchrnems,ports, gVriGjns and recruiting parlies, belonging t ■ the military eftablilhment of the United States, are to report to, and receive orders from Brigadier- General Wil kinfcn, in the City of WaJhingun, and all officers on furlough are to report themselves to the fime officer with all poffihie dispatch. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. .$5" All Printers -within the United Stites who have publiihed inviutions for contrails of the ijthoi' March last are requcfted to insert the »bove in their relpedlive papeu, once a week for tws mor.thi. m'wf Irn -pUAT Handsome and healthy COUNTRY *■ SR.Vf, CtUrd Lauxvl L.inat, the late of Thomas Rutter, Kf<|. Ctuate in Potts Grove, M iitgomery Ccui ty, thirty-fix milm from Philadelphia, c>r.tair.g about 106 acres, twenty «f which are piirne woodlat'il, fifteen excellent watered meadow, the residue divided in arable li t». On the premises are a large handsome Brick Hnufe and adj' inif.g build ings, containg two pariours, a Urge dining ro. 111, and a Hall, twelvi feet wide, by forty lung, a large kitchen, wash hoiife withapu/np of excellent watrr in it, fix handsome chambers, two flore-rooms, four garret chambers plaiftered and a gram room over the adj ining building, a doub't Ipring hoafe, with a fmi>ke houfa over the fame, withinliity yards of the kitchen —The spring, in the dried season never known to low er in the leift, and from which the meadow is watered ; a garden containing about or.e acre, itocked with the moil deiiciotis fruits, such as peaches, plumbs, cherries, pears, ralberries, &c. ieveral asparagus be.ls ia great perfedion. Alio, a young bearing appletree orchard, containing ieveral hundred trees, the fruit feletted from dif ■ frent parts of the United States, a large conveni ent barn with a threshing floor, with consmodi ous llabling for horses and cows, carriage and houses, grain room, Stc. Alio,fundry out build ings, conlifting of a Urge frame poultry-house and corncrib, &c- Alfu, a tenant's house, gar den and ltable,irid a pump of excellent water belonging to the fame. The situation of Potts Grove is remarkably healthy, regularly wi.h Butcher's meat ;nd poultry in abundance, to he p'irchafedat a low rate, ansi the Schuylkill ass rds a plentiful fwpply of excellent fifh Two grift mills in the rear of the town. Perhaps few country towns in Pennfylvanii, are more rapidly improving, or have more loeal advantages than Potts Grove . The leveral places of public worship, the filulirity of the air, gentsel society, and cheapneft of living, are among the lew advan tages it poflcflis. Any perl'on widung to view the premises, will pi cafe to apply to Mr. Win. POTTS, in Pottlgrove, »ntl for, terms to the fubferi ber, iu Philadelphia. JOHN CLEMENT STOCKER. Sept, 19 aawtf. of the United States, & Daily By C. P.- Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 15, ,800. At a County Court of Common Pleas, t® wit.: •' Essay 0* Political Society.'' D.CU.DWELL, Clerk 0/ the DiJtriß of Penmfylvania. WAK. DEPARTMENT, August 4tD, ißco. To be Sold 2000 Dollars Reward, Arid ail charges and expene s paid FOR apprthtnding bringing to the city <*f New-\ orK, Nathaniel Ol coTt, late of the fafd cv y Br ker, vrha is charged on oath with feloniouflyyfraudu lently and by falfe pretences, taking from the Bank of New-York, large sums of mo -ney- It is fuppqfed that he has a large sum of Bank notes now in his pofl'effiwn, which any person apprehending him is par ticularly desired to secure, with all his pa pers: Natha» if l Olcott, is about live feet ten inches high, has dark hazel eyes, and dark hair, which he generally wears turned up behind, has rather a down look—is stout built and straight—rather red about the nostrils, in cinfequencs of taking fnuff— he is from 25 to 30 years old—had 011 a dark great coat and a light coat underneath. Auy information given to the Cashier of the Bank rela.ive to the said Nathaniel Ol cott, will be thankfully received and reward ed. CHARLES WILKES, Cafhr. B. n. Y. jC7*Th'e Printers throughout the Uniied States ar requelted to reprint the above- New-York, Oft. 9. tf. 1 bis Day Published, By J- Or.-.ikod, No. 41, CheCaiit Street, (Pries is Ccnti) THE Death of General Wafhimton. A POEM. In Imitation of the manner of OOian. By llev. John B. Linn, A.M. Minister of the Firi'c Presbyterian Congregation Philadelphia. £5" Mr. Chiudron's Ofatian will be publilhed on Monday morning. March 15. dj Prevention better than Cure. For the prevention and cure of Bilio-s and Malignant Fevers, is recommended. Dh. HAHN'S Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have been attended with a degree of fucccfs highly grateful to the inven tor's feelings, in fevcral parts of the Weft-In dies,and the southern parts of the United States particularly in Baltimore, Petersburg, Rich, mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmingt< n.Charles ton, Savannah. &c. The teflimony of a num ber of perl'ons in each of the above place , can be adduced, who have reaCon to believe that a timely ufi of th s.falutary remedy, has, under Providence, prelcrved their lives when in the moll alarming circnmflan«es. Fails of this conclusive nature fprak more in favour of a medicine, than columns of pompous eulogy, founded on mere affertirn, coul I do. It is not indeed presumptuously proposed as an infallible cure, but the inventor has every poffib!e reason, which can refnlt from cxteafive experience for believing that a dole u(thefe pills, taken once every two weeks during the preva lence of our annual bilious fevers, will prove an infallible preventative ; and further, that in the earlier stages of tliofe diseases, their use will very generally succeed in restoring health and frequently in cases eftecmed desperate and bey ond power of common remedies The operation of these pills is perl'eilly mild and may be used with fatety by persons iu every situation and of every age. They are excellently adapted to carry off fu pei fluous bile and prevent it a morbid fecretioos ; to restore and amend the appetite ; to produce a free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent colds which are often of fatal con'equence. A dole never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firft appearance. They are celebrated for removing habitual coftivenefs, fickr.efs the fterfcich and severe head-ache, and ought to be ttken by all perfnm on a change of climate. They have been found remarkably efficacious in preventing and curing most disorders attend ant on long voyages, and Ihould be procured and carefully preserved for use by every seaman. Dr.HAHN'S Genuine Eve-water. A certain and fafe remedy for all diieafos of the eyes, whether the cffVit of natural weahnef*, or of accident, fpecdily removing inflammation*. de fluxions of rheum, dullncfs, itching, and films in the eyes, never failing to cure thofc maladies which frequently succeed thefmallpox. measles and fe vers, and wosder ully llrengthening a weak light. Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues when nearly deprived of fight; Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet discovered which gives im mediate and lading relief in the most severe in dances. The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every hied of head-aclae, and of pains in the face and neck. Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. This medicine has never failed, in many thou sand cases not ore in a hundred has had occasion to take more than one bottle, and numbers not hall a bottle. The money will be returned if the cure is not performed. SOLD BY VVm. Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. 17, South Second Street, And no where else, in Philadelphia. Where also may be Dr. Hamilton's Worm Daftsoying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir for coughs, &c. Reliorative Drops, EUer.cc and Ex tra# ps Mustard, Ointment for the !rch, Dr. liahn's infallible German Corn Plaifler, In dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com' plaint, Gowland's and Pertian Lotion, Tooth Powder, j)amaik Lip Salve, Church s Cough Drops, nderfor.'s Pills.. &c. April 19 i. >» tf Marftial's Sales. UNITED STATES ) ' y C fP • • tylvdnia T)istrict, J' *. PUR»UAN P, tr t hcdire<slioris of the Honorable TTA Benjamin Stoddard, Secretary oi th- Navy, ' Ai. i: win be expofeq to public sale, at the merchants', ~ coffee houfe,in the city of Philadelphia, on Mon day the 19th <jjy of October instant, at 7 o'clock in the evening. The two French schooners ca'.let ST. JOHN AND VICTOIRE New lying at Brown's wharf, ™ s " == ~* Together with all and fmgular thei tackle, apparel and appurtenances. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marshall's Office, } Philadelphia, Odo. 10, 1800) mwf tS For Sale, _ r t<IS NEW PILOT BUILT SCHOONER V s-r. Tammany, rv TM n at Say's Wharf, aboye Marltei Street, burthen 70 t>na, I'uppofcd t® be a remarkable faft lailing vefTelj aiid may be fit ted for sea in a few days. Inventory t» be seen and terms of fale&nown by applying to the fub fcribsr. CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4, Souii Wa'er Street. ALSO, FOR SALE, 35 Ilhds Mufcovad Sugar. Wliite and brown Hava-: nah ditto in boxes. East India do. in bags. Weft-India and Country Hum. 100 Hhds. Molaflea. Holland Gin French and SpaiiiJh Brandy. Pepper, Coffee, &c. ftm-uft 9. fatu&th.tf. Lost, This morning on the WifTahtckoH Road—a Red MorjocQo POCKET. BOOK, CONTAINING lundry papers and letters, of bo consequence whatever to any one but the owner. Whnever may have found the fame, and will return it to the Printer of this paper, ,(hall he hanilfomely rewarded. N.B.—The 1 wners' name is mentioned on some lettes direiled to him. Otloher 8. d. >- > Mary Beck, RESPECTFULLY informs her Friends and the Public, that ftie intends opening hor Seleft SCHOOL on the firft »f O&ober, in Fifth n«ar Walnut Street, opposite the State House Yafd, where (he will as usual, teach the tranches of po lite and nfeful literature, including Geography, Aflronomy, Writing, Arithmetic, and every ac complifhmeut necelLry to form a complete liberal education. ' Ycunjr Ladies may he accommodated with Boar.i, &c. in the Houic, which is very airy and healthy. :. -k. G. Beck's Drawing and Painting School will commence at the fame time. fjpttmbcr 40 tu th& fa im Dancing Academy. MR. QOE3NBT, wi h.rofpecl inform* hi* pu pil* and'hc public in general, that he intends opening his Academv. on Monday th ; 6th cf Oc tober , at hit new alf mbly room, No, 64, fcuth Fourth Itrcet. Mr. Quefnetis thankful ts the Ladies and Gen tlemen, lor th? liberal encouragement he has ex perienced every season —he was defirou* for some time to meet wit!« a g.-ntieman of whom the cha raiter and talent*, could, united together defeiye the cor&dence of the public •. deprived of fueh ad vantage, Mr Q_hai always thought proper to divide :ind fix the number of fuf sis; but th»s seas on the school can be improved one third more havi g to introduce Mr; Auriol, a* an afliftant to him, and a pdrlon of ability. The fcholan (hall be attended three times* week as ufual— the morning ; young Gentlemen in the afternoon ; and grov.u Gentlemen in the evening. N. 3 The lirll prailifiug hall in private for the feholnrs, will he 1 few days after the opening ol the school - and thsfirft ball will! eon l'hurfd-y, the l6thOilober next. Dancing. Mr. AURIOL lately arrived frem Paris, re fpe<flfully informs the public in general, th3t hav ingfome time to difpof* of, h« will attend thofa Ladies and Gentlemen, \vh© vvifh to be taught private at rheir own houses. His lodgings are at No. 31, fowth Third Ureet, where directions can be leit with his lady if he i,s a blent. OAoberi. th*ftf Jufh Received, And will be Sold Very Low, if applied for immediately, by the Package only' 5 Bales Broad-Cloths, sflbrted, Q I Bale Plains and Forest cloths, i " I Do. fine Coatings, alfoi tad, . ]o xj »o Do Kendall Cottons, -u § ao Hoirßicads Seine Twine, ! £ 4 Calks London Pexvter, J Apply to WILLIAM FP.KNC'H, No. 48, S.u h Front '>cet.' September jo. djt ?< eodrw. " A PR INTER, WHO fro;ri frindple » a Federal/?a d itelpofed to undertake th«, ard'.iou. tafco! td.;ing o! a paper and cimbarirg the eftemies f America, may '"-ear of an eligible fituaiion m the interior of Maryland. SCO fulu'criberj can be tinted on be fore he commer.ce?, — A sLrt.'yt Aiy.ej will be [■reared But it Unfit tc. .•:{&. d that well principled perfqns though not pa.tives, are to be excluded. *,* Particulars may be !carnr>l on application to the Editor cf thisG z.'tte. Oitubi f 3. Advertiser. -"t ', 5 ? >; .' ; .f r«iW ddling Business. -iLIAM EDMUND ZING ei.it. red into parfiifrff.jp> «n« cn tl>at map jillcibiittifid {land at the cfif rr<! Third Streets, nefpo&fufly j atronage, end particukrly invite ouahi'e of tiie favour* of the forruf md of Hii .es * Jnncs, and' & Kir.fey, to vvhofe buG::ifs they have offer for sale a large and general affort •lrgam Saddlei asd Bridles, a.ll kind# 10. Plated and 15rafs mounted Hf-mefe, •>'». v Pieces, Cart and Waggon Gears, unks o! al! kinds, particularly hard lea •tfiantt *us. Sa WI r.er of Ch. illicit public a friends Sharpleii Tliey ment o) common Saddle-ba &t. T; th<T Port Thry alio matiufafiure all kinds nf Silver celknt Workmen in that branch. They flatter thcthfelves from their united ex perience and the arrangements they have mirie, to be ab'e so fell any of tht above articles on as A liberal allowance will be inaJe to thole who >i rcliafe by the quantity '" ' ' JONES fc? KINSEY. . Sept. 71 Phil; ]< H PUBLICAN Book-Sto North Second S:reet, o'-' JUST PUBLISHED, With illustration®,and Additions Desultory Reflexions NEW POLITICAL ASPECTS OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS In the United States.of America, fmce the commencement of the y;ar 179?. SO™ R. T. RawJLE, confiderii-g tlintin this country there is a free press, is determi ned his Book-Store (liall also be free to pub lications of eveiy denomination, whether po-, litical or religious. The works of Wings or Tories ; Republicans, or Monarclufts ; Ariflocrats or Democrats ; Federalilts or Anti-Federafirtj/ ; Ghrifiinns, Jews, Hea thens or Turfcl, are equally free for lale j and, whatever fnay be his private opinions, is resolved, as a Bookseller, and in the true spirit of his profeffion, " To be open to all pirties, and influenced by none. N. B. He has for sale, all thelateft po litical publications, and every article in the Stationary Line. O&ober r. jiwjw. GLASS MAN UP ACTOR Y7~ THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING p.rcured a fuffici«nt uumber of themoft approved Enmpcaa Glals Manu fudlurers, and having on hand » large fiock of the heft Materials, sn which their workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of alluring the public, ihat window glass of a fapei ior qua lity and of any ftze, from 7 by 9, to x 8 by 24 inchrs, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea. h, may be had at the fhoricrt notice. . Gbf9 of larger lizes for other purposes, may aHo be had, f'.ch 3s for pi "ores, coach glades, clock faces, ?*c. Bottles of ail kinds and of any quantity may aifo be had, together with pocket flafks,pickhngjars, apothecary's (hop furniture, or other helluw ware —the wildest least zj per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made en sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants ir.d others will toe pundlually attended to on ap plication ,to JAMES O'HASA <*r ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of MeflVr, PKATHER and SMILIE, in Maiket-Street, March 4, WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. HP HE owners ot unimproved U-nds in Wayne county, are hereby notified, t>iat Taxes ,rc become payable thereon for the yfurs artd IcOO. Th-'.fe who have not alrc.vty ;.aid their taxes, .re hereby v-quired to ci'k\.<ir-.cr. the fan e to JOHN BRINK, Inquire, Trcafi•: - ..f 1. id County at M-ilford, within three month.-, irom this date ,T>therwi. r e yrsa •iir'gi to {ale, ac-cordintj to the ail of Affc.fr,bly in fucr c*fc p-ov ;»!».'<, will e had by the CotnniilTioijers for the lVid coanty. At a Stenton, 1 Jabn Cars;m, > Copijmffioners Johannes Van Ettcn, J AttoA, E. I\ LI. OGG, Ct In . 1 July 0. I.c-o &11 Persons, lateof the Northern Liberties, dcceafed.are reqnelled to make immediate paymtrt, and those having any demands agairilt the lame, to bring in their accounts to BENJAMIN THAW, Ad mniftrjtor. o<slo er .1. 'njw i An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vll'th and Merry-Andrew Playing Cards, far sale ch ep for cafli—Apply at this Office, september 13. PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work—Pamphlets—Hajnd-Bills, Cards—Blanks of all khids, &c. Bcc. Wil! be printed at the Shortest Notice. ™ s "" * 3 ' ' i<r> ► r*' r.l *i SW?" 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers