{ • r \- :"r;v : -X.' - i t>*'' y * JfCmami ajoo.> BUT* The price of tbts, Gazette is Eicht Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay *ne Dollar additional, for enclosing and at- reeling ; and vnless-some person in this city will become answerable for the sUbstri/jtior. it must be paid Six Months in Advance. *«* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. December 1 17-}?. ALMANAC From September 30 —to 0 tl.be r 7. HIGH WATCH. Wednesday Tharfday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tudiiay Wednesday Thurfdsy Friday Saturday Sunday Mondsy T uefVay Marshal's Sale. UNITED states, ? , Pennsylvanij District. \ S ' BY virtue of a writ of venditiona exponas to me direiled, issued out of the Circait Court of the United States in and for the Vennfylvania Dir- will be rxpofed to pu* lie (ale, at the Mer chant's Coffee House in the city ot Philadelphia, on Monday the 6th day of O&ober next, it tj o'clock, at noon—all the right, e(}ate and intcreft of William Cannon and Jolhua Caannn, «l, in and to two third parts of xay acres of land, situate on Chartres creek, iri Walhingt'n county, on which is ere3cd a merchant mill, saw mill and other im provements. Also,—a Lot of one acre and three fourths, in Connonfburgh, on which is trc&ed a three (lory flonr dwelling house, &c Seizitd and taken in execution and to b« foKJas the frojerty ®f William Cahuoo and JolhUa Cannon the younger, by JOHN' HALL, Marshal. Marshal's OJfc?, f September ;o, is o. For Sale, BEotß* St. TAMMANY, at by'a Wlurf, above - Market Street, bunhm 70 t >n», fwppof«4l« be "a rcnarkabic faft failing tcflc I, at.4 may b«fit» tt4 far lea hi a 'tw (i»y«, InTtotory t« be(ir«a and tmn of .*» Tiv.ub rf—Tf?3«rr~~ CROOKE STEVENSON,' ffo, 4* Souti Water Sirrtt. ALSO, FOR SALE, 35 Hhds- Mufcoyad > Sugar. W!.it, and hrosvn Hava-nahdit o in licxcs, East- India do. in bags. Weft India and C nntry Ruin, ico Ill.d« Molaffca. Holland Gin French and Spanilh Brandy. Proi L-r, C flee, &c. o Saddling Basiness« 1 r WILLIAM TONES \sf EDMUND KINSEY, HAVING entered into partnership, and ta ken tiiat long established stand sr*the cor nerof Chefnut and Third St ects, reipfitin ly l'oli' it puMic patronage, and particuliriy invite a continuance of the favurf of the former friends ami customers of Haiue« k J"ues, and Sharplefs 3c Kinfey, to whole bufin«l» they have succeeded They offer for sale a large and general ass rt merit of elegant and Bridles, all kinds common do Plated and Bral's mounted Harnefo, Valieces, Cart and Waggon Gears, &i. Trunks of ail kinds, particularly hard lea ther Portmanteaus. They also manufacture all kinds of Silver mounted and Plain Whips, having fsveral ex cellent Workmen in that branch. They flatter fhemfelves from their united ex perience and the arrangements they have mide, to be able to ftll any of the above articles on as £o">d terms an any others in the United States. A liberal allowance will be made to thole who ourchafe by the quautity JONES (sf KINSEV. Philad. Sa.tu.th. 4w- City Comraillioncr's Office, Philadelphia, Aug. 261b, 1800. IN pursuance of an Ordinance of the Select and Common Councils, passed the aid day of May, *797. PROPOSALS, (in wriciup) Will he received by the Qity CoiNmiffioneri, until ■the thirtieth day of September next, for renting on Leases, for one year, rocotumenie on the first day of Jamlary next, the following public property of the ci'y, viz. I. The Wharf and Landiisg on Vine Street, a. ditto on SalTafras do. j Ditto on Mulbnry do. 4. The Wharves and Landings ox High and Chef- nut streets 5. Ditto on Walnut street, the Drawbridge, Spruce, Pin 9 and Cedar streets, including the Filh House. 6. The Cellar under the City H ill. Application* may he left with either of the Commiflioncrs, or with tkeir clerk, at No. 6j, •Cherry Street. eor^oS To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6 or 70c lb. or upwards, and a Fount of brevier, weighing 400 lbs. or upwards. September 2. Gazette of mUnited States, 's• H. M* 0 58 1 4' 1 16 3 9 3 53 4 38 J i 6 tiati SETS 6 11 J 4, 6 ii j 48 6 14 5 46 - 6 >5 J 45 - 6 16 5 44 6 17 5 43 O 19 S 4: Charles MarihaU AND SON, ■Mj. 46, Chesnut Street, HAVE RECEIVED, Per brig Liberty, capt Hcudcrf.in from Ainiter- A quantity ot the following article", which thev fell for cafii.or the usual credit— Antimon crud OI Anifi Arsenic aib _ Juniper Sac faturni buicini Vitrioialb Rho !ii Bp «x Camphor Opium Ccccinnella Anoctto Gum Benzoin Mtre :julc c Prcecip rub Myrrh Corros sub Kino ALSO ON HAND, Sal G'aaber f Manna flak Rad gentian « 1 Com Fla Sulphur !< j Liauoriceball ' Sweet oil sO "S Ccrt Pcru flly Sem anifi 2 Rub Rheubarb J*" L And a quantity 0 f Shop furniture, furjeoas inflruments, patent medicines, &c.—Medicine chefls, and or. ers from the country, put on moderate terms. -j££!sf nbir '3 Wfa 3w 3'wtS. U63IN£TT & mSSEL&AN. 2CO lbs. Matt, 7 r , 400 lbs. Nutmegs, J 4 a lu P"w Jamaica Spirits, 4- h proof, Do. Suyfar of the firft quality, Holland Gin in pipes, Port-au-Prince Molafles—and 30 Tierces Rice. ft. & A. have also on band, for salt:, Hyson, -) Young Hyson, & I TEAS, Soncliotlg J Cogniac Brandy, ill & 4th proof, Sherry Wine in quarter caflcs, very nice, 50,000 Spanifll Srgars, And a Variety nf other GROCERIES. August 26 eotf r« if. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA— TO VTIT . BE IT REMEVI! EKED, That on the it J day of August, in the «fth year of tlio iDdepun deuce of thtfUni'ed States ot America, William Yodno, (lUokfellcr,) of the said Dtfri&.hath depoGted in this Office, the title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor; in the words following, to wit. AH for the en euragement of'learnirg [sial.] by securing the copies o ; Maps, Cham and Bowks to the Authors and Propri etor of such copies during the times th«rein mentioned " D. CALDWELL. ClerU of the District of Pennsylvania. ieptemSer 18 *aw4w JUST PUBLISHED, And to be Sold by JAMES HUMPHR&YS, No. 106, south fije Market Street, Reports of Cases Argued and ■determined in the HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY; (GRtAT-BRITAIN) comfilehced with THE JUDGMBNTS OF Tfce Right Honorable WILLI AM SCOTT, Mkbmlmat Term 1798. By Charles Kobinlbn, LL. D. Advocate. Volume I.— Pakt I. These Baport will he c rigularly. The ftcond Part which coacluJes this Volnme is now in the prrf*. and will be publUhed with all the expedition possible, Au?u I i.i. £s* TAKE N'tice that I ha»c applied to the Judges of the Court of, Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia, for the benefits of the several ads of thi«Commonwealth, ar>d they have appointed Monday,the 6thof G&ober.at ioo'clock A. M. at the Courc Hout'c, to hear mc and my Cridit rs, at whiqh time aud place they may at tend ii ikey think proper THOMAS DENTON. September 18. • ataf v PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EYEKNG, Eliilia Fisher & Co. Nr. nor'h Froit st'ftt, HAVE FOR SALE, Sheet Iron; tin plates in boxes, lew -1 iHaf twine, hots, window glass, aad a la'ge assortment of Ironmongery, cutlery, fadlery, brass «iid Writes, llats in cases, Coach & Coach har ness furniture, Sec Stc september 23 diw Taunton .^le, of an excellent ijuality, JUST RECEIVED, Per brie *mity, from Briflol, AND FOR SALE, By John Allen, No. 122, Spruce street, Who has also on hand, Bristol Patent Sail Cloth, No. 1 to 8. feptemb r 22 eo6t dam, and other arrivals, Just Received, AW FOR SALE Br » l Essays on Political Society.'' IN CONFORMITY to the afi of tkc Con gref« of th« Unired tftates,inti< tiled" An Notice to Creditors. By C, P. Wayne, No. 65, South Fcnt-ftrcet. For Sale treasury dkpartmen r, BY PUBLIC- AUCTION-I-IN Tffc S e p te mbr- jJ, iSoo. THF C f. TY 01? WASHINGTON. \ Public Notice is hereby Given I Hf. ioiio»v;ng property belonging to the Tttif ' tool (I v«g.eg«e Futiu. vr«»i '"'l for th<! J' P ur f' an ce of an ad of Congress, /v fed on n °I certlin creditor, of Edward Fox fc 23d day of April, one thoufsnd ehbt cTkj, / '"w f,,k n k hundrtd, ett itled "Au a3 to ejablijb a On Mfitiaay the 6tb October inst. Gen,ml n/Z* » ' T) AR T oi the property of said fund, in the City '* X of WaSiington, that now it rendered clear oi , !• every incumbrance, will be expoled at Public HA I* a General Stamp Office is now ".J ai,Kicli ® T " er,1 '. amon .g |1 which are jJablifhed at the feat of government, in trie the lollowing valuable fituatioi., viz. 11 Lots in ,/tv of WafJi.'nn-t,-., f i l -ii square No. 973 , , i 0„ i„ f,u»re 974 ~ lots in '' ,U A,'H"" rT """ jquare Na. 995, , | ots in fquarel'outh offquar. . ' . after the dace hereof, (upon totij, 19 lots in square ioio, 1 lot in square xotw application of the Sujjcrvifors of the 1 lot in square loza, 7 lots in square io»3. 4 tot /Revenue, under whose management the in square ,o i 4, 3 | ot » in square ic 4 J, 3 lo' '0 colle&ion of the (lamp duties is placed) any si&Ss?? rtr* * nd r°° situated in various parts cf the city. AVo the a "? ./> "Ramped, and duly counter-stamp story frame houfc now occupied by Mr. Deblois, cd » w,t " following rates of duty whicfr beautifully situated (with an txtenfive vifw of fev are demandable by law : eral miles down the Potomac) on theibnth east » _ ulLll {i_:„ r n . corner of square 973. fronting 4. feet %11 street or mece % Z°S " eait, and 41 feet 011 south G street: a ccnimodious written or nrimr 1 ' 3Cr ' U P°.° which (hall Kitchi.n with an oven, &c. adjoining the foulh Sl Z l ' " ,ftrU front. A large fniac liable, carriage house and to w,t hay loft 50 feet by >5, and a pump of excellent J\ «jy . c ■ ' ™ water near the back door of the kitchen, the lot W-L ' „ natural,«t. m j ex.end.ng9. f'« on street, and 139 feet r inch An t h H nLP"*"*- ° r certificate m G street, lot, Nos.., a,3, and part °' the »<*»«<»». <mro .ment or re of M, i. the regiftcrei division of the fq-are counlell °r, Solictor 1 he fairs will commence at the said tsvernatten vocate attorney, or proflor, in o'clock ir the forenoon. «Ny court of the United Stales 10 The tcrmsoue fourth calh, one fourth in fiji Provided, that a certificate in any months, when a deed will be given, the remain- one of the courts t«.f he United States, irg moiety in two years, payment to be fecur«d tor any one of the said < fEces, (hall by ooni au i mortgage. But the creditor? in the so far a> reiatei to the paynultu of the above fun uuy in liru of mortgage ft 7 rr rtj. ef'orefaid, be a fulHcient adrr;if ment of tl.eir bpods by Hepoftt ol certificates fion 10 all the courts of the Uuittd the trufteei at the rate of five (hillingsthe Statek, for each and every of the said to the amount fecurcd and ftciild a dividend raltt offices. place ■ efote the expiratiou of the twv years, i: 1 . . will be let off agjitlh tho bond, and thecert.fr Zf nr Z!h ? pJ ' Cnt •""f,". 11 '! cates returned in the fame prop-rtion. c , aut " on |y t.ie United Henry Pratt States (except for lands granted t»l iir 1? • 1 tor military services) 7 h r>;7- I Any exemplification or certified copy John Miller, jua. 7 rujteet. of any such grant or letters patent John Afhley j (except for lands granted for mili- Jarob Baker. J tary services) THOMAS TINGEY", Agent. Any charter-party, bottomry or rc August 4. To be Sold THAT Handsome and healthy'COUNTRY SEAT, called LaUkl Lodge, the late reside.ice of Thomas Kutter, El'q. fnuite in Po-t« Grove, M ritgomery County, thirtv-hx miles from Philadelphia, canting about 106 acres, twenty »f which are piime wooijland, fifteen excellent watered meadow, the I'eGdue divided in arable 1 ts. On the premii'es are a large handfonit Brick H<-ufe and adjfijiir gbuild ißgs, cpltait.p two parlours, a large dining rtfjm, and 1 Hall, twelv* feet wide, by forty I-S'g. a t*r(j c kiiffecr;, hoiife tvith »pu I «?; cxi-eilr, f ".vafrr in it, fix {tanafoipe chambers, t\po ftore-rooin«, four garret chamber! plaiAered aGd a graia room the adj lining budding, a double spring hoafe, with a I'moke houf* ovtr •He fame, withinG'tv yards of the kitchen—The spring, in the driell ft a (on never known to low er in (he lealt, and from which the meadow is waiered ; a garden containing about one acre, ft; eked with the moil delicious fruits, such as ppaches, plumbs, cherries, pears, ralb;rries, & ■. fevcral alpiragu. beds in great pcrfettion. All'j, 1 young bearing, appletree orchard, containing fiiveral hundred trees, the Irui: leleiTed from dif frent parts of the United States, a large conveni ent barn with > threlhing fljor, with comtnodi ous stabling T'T h'ifei and caws, carriage and houfps, grain rsr.rn, &c. Alfo.fund.-y out buiid i )gs, confiding of a large frame p ultry house and corncrib, 6cc. Also, a ten-nt's hcufe, gtir dieu and uabfe.and a pump of excellent water belonging to the fame. ' t he situation of Potts Grove is remarkably healthy, rerjuurly supplied wi'h Butcher's meat in 1 poultry in abundance, to he purchased at a low rate, and the Schuylkill affords a plentiful lupp'y >f excellent filh. tai'M ft the rear of the town. Perhaps few country towns in Pennsylvania, are more rapidly improving, or have more lotal advantages than Potts Grove . The several places of public worlhip, the faluhrity.ot tine air, genteel focicty, and clitipnefn 01 living, are among the tew advan tages it poflrflet. Any perfori wifliing to' view the prrmifes, will plcafe til apj>ly to Mr. Wm. POT i'S, in Pottl'grove, and for term* to the fubferi ber, in Philadelphia. JqHN clement stocker. Sept. 19 2awtf. glass manufactory. t , THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fuffiqiint number of. themoft approved European Glali Manu facturers, and havifig ■on hand a large (lock of the heft Materials, «n which their workmen are now employed, have the pleai'ure of alluring the public, that window glass of a superior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed in boxe« containing 10a feet ea -h, may be had at the (horteft notice. Glass of larger fijzes for other purpofe9, may also be hai', inch is for pictures, coach glaflcs, clock faces, Sc. Battles of all kinds and of any quantity rtiay also be had, together with pocket flaiks, picklingjars, apotherary's lhop furniture, or other h«l1ow ware—the wloleat least 25 per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality, brought from any of the lea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made en fate of large quantities. Orders from merchants ind others will be punctually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of Meflrs. PRATHER andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pittlburgh. March 4, tuthtf. An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINt Columbian, Harry the Vlllth aud Merry-Andrew Playing Cards, far talc cheep for c»ih —Apply at this Office, september 13. ... OCTOBER ~ lßco . fpondcntia bond i»y receipt of discharge for or on ac couijt tA any legacy left hy iny will.or other teltimeotary instru ment, or for any share or part of a pvrfonal eflate, divided by force < f any ft \tuie of (iiltri 1 . utio:iS r ther than to ;hc vise, children or jrai.d value • f fifty dollar*, and (hall not ix'-rti! the value of one hundred d liars When the amount thereof ftiall ex ceed the value us one hundred dol lars, and Hull not exceed fiv« hun- 3 law ti hundred dollars, tlie additional ' sura of Any policy of infuranee or inftru nicnt in nature thereof, when the sum for which infuranee is made ftiall nx>t exceed five hundred dol lars When the I'iin insured (hall exceed five hundred dollars Any exemplification of whit nature focver, that' ihill pais the lea! of any court, o fuch as it may be the duty of the clerk of such court to fttmifli for the use of the Uii:tcd States, or foine parti cular state 50 t f ;11 jromiffiry - .„ note or.od^rr oot* (uher ihanaojr . rfrbrttfttiMe, Bill, b»h4'ofletter*" ' ■HtgatMAw 4S*mr*flimadcio^t 1 " »••• h : wah *b^U«fred Oair, offai'their u£cr*ljx^li*flyje > - ■>'■ b» Uakcd-IHatoH or of «fi^A*tr r lrgif p«jcc£), or ia li«r kdicia) proceeding, «r for r^fiitof'itpcfforßitiiccortay ' • - T 1 - If «Vj» t' tw*nqi'd<rt>»l •'unl w>t ' ' ' eMWt<Ot£ gM Iruadted tt»tfor» . ■" -to > hasdrtdlindoooeZ>'<.A ccedin* «ve huftdr«4 d»IUr» y __ lf-abo»c fly* hundred a/ii) pot**- . _,{". .emW MH ihuufmj dpltoa .jo . And'iF ibovtooc thrufipd dollar* ' ,Pr*yi4ti\ l£at <f **yb#odl at kV "*"" note* ftiU t( t>S»Aft it or Wirttt'- "* D«;y no'trifhJTl b< fttycA'Mi-'Mily part*bt'" ibt 4mf ifciAt*, ¥to $; ■ - It «b»iti«Ktttf and nM- i oaM*i«4rcd«Joll*v. ' „•> . Jk ,„, , If*Jprt o»«.biwxVcldpll»r»*ftd ntff \ weeding fvelyaQaief dollua i' nyii hbfcVro dolUra >i«] 1 I Jm tirtMlbfc'die "thotar»n(f it. #>B*n ■ " -j© 1 MM •of ntcbtigf, dfaft• .■< | i < i M*ib (ntfiWhmiMty.* , . <:• '#* ti Mj* i - abUpppe «Kk bill of . v ., <ti*Age> u> *j... cent*ii>#d i» iartjjet.' ' : ia be ek» v AfrMl )( nslkrdtf ti iAe<*«t7wttd3»#*koet bting . •in itafo* fifg. v . -ij- * If Sa»m the XJaiKd SvUp to *ay lo- , 1"?' s#*. „ ' tipofi eick atxl t»try bill of U&ng without "tvfpcA tq th< number'<Cbn- ' tried to cub set. Any wiii iff«4A)r Sf t»rtfc» ! ot Aut aay ttf bcraafttr •' { dUbttked 1 wtthmf lire.'. UoHM I 9Mtt, wtfcer .»Mfl" tkeVnoic* of flvcia- if ibe><ki4 te«ka'» <k*U * sn* $ om M ihtMooi] 41- ' • * »-*" ' *■:- f V-»"\ -» V*v' «-s** - *» *"- -♦-» That, if any persons (hall, after the last day of Kbrnary ISOI, have -n their cufhdy or pcIT ffion, any vellu'T>, parchment or pa per, marked or (lamped by the fuperfifors of the Revenue, - upon which any fnatter or thing, charged with duty, ftiall not have been written or printed, they may at any time iv it bin tbc space of sixty days after the said last day of February 1801, bring or lend such vellum, parchment and paper, unto I. me office of infptdlion, and in lieu thereof, receive a like quantity or \alue of vellum, parchment and paper, duly {lamped ill purfuarice of the aft herein before recited. And in cafe any person fliall negledl or re fule, within the time aforefaid, to bring or cause to fee brought unto some officer of in lpection, any iurh vellum, parchment or pa per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will thereafter be of no other effe£l or use, than if it hud never been marked or (lamped, and that all matters arm things, which ii'iy af er toat time be written 3.- printed upon any vellul, parchment <ir paper, authorized to be exchanged in manner aforefaid, will be of 110 other eflfeft, than if they had been written or printed on paper, parchment or vellum, not marked or llamped. IV. And f>r the convenience of those persons who may be inclined to have their own vel lum, parchment and paper (limped or mark ed, it is hereby peclared, that when lon (hall depefit any vellum, pa-chment or paper at the office of a supervisor, accompa nied with a hfl, fp<c.fying the number and denomination of the (lamps or marks, which are deßrtd to be thereto affixed, the fame ''!» be tranlrojtttd to the General Stpam- Oifice, and theijJjUjjperJy marked or (lamped, and forthwith back to the fame super visor, who will tnerjfcpon collect the duties and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum, to the order of the person from whom the fame was received. Given under my Hand, and the Seal (L. S.) of the I reafu'ry, at Waftiing ton, the d y and year above men tioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, •Secretary of the Treasury. feptevnber 29. djm. German Redemptioners. NINE I EEN remains 5 f those, who came in the ihip Anna frym Hamburgh, and are willing to ierve for their passage Apply co Jacob Sperry Who have on Hand, Remaining of late importations, and which are of. iered on reasonable terms, and the usual credit, 33 cases Eftopillas, Forming a cotnpleat afTortment ol Ujii, Raye Mouehes, plijo and coloured stripes. 33 cases calTerillocs 5 tales bdccadillos a cues quadruple CleGas I cafe fuperfir.e dowlas » cases routilt and 1 cafe liftados , a cases fuperfine Elberfeld checks j cases bed parchet I cafe Flanders bed ticks, 8-4 10 cases coffee mills, Nos. 00, to No. 6, af j ferted a cases Scythes 5 cases of double flint cut Decanters quart and I cafe gill tumblers, and 1 cafe of Travelling cases. ■> —— 35 X rii' * vt fh* Iff.', Bpston 1 Beef, L*ndiiij> at Breck's Wharf and for sale by SAMUEL RHOADS, No. i j Finn Street» September 37- jt. i Dolls. C. M. vi 'iF.ds made by such banks, tu their ftockh ide, s>refpe£lively, ac cording to the following l'cale : On ail nctes not exceeding fifty dol lars for e<ch dollar [ On all notes ab ve fifty dollars and j "' t exceeding one hun'red dollars 50 I lars and not exceeding five hundred dollars , On all notes above five hundred dol lars a Any protvft or other notarial adl aj Any letter of attorney, except for an invalid pension, or to obtain or fell warrants for land granted by , ' le . n | f cd States as bounty for PI military services performed in the late war a) Any inventory or catalogue of any fur- or eff;<sls, made in any cafe required by law (except in cases of goods and chattels riiflrained for rent ®r taxes, and goods taken in vir tue of any legal process by any officer 50 Any certificates of a (hare in any infu ranee company, of a Ihare in the bank of the United States, or of any slate or other bank ; If above twenty dollars and not exceed ing one hundred dollars 10 If above one hundred dollars 35 If under twenty dollar;, at the ra*e of ten cents for one hundred dollars. II I .:at the power °f the supervisors of the Revenue to m rk or (tamp any vellum, pacchmc-rt cr prp-r chargeable witjl duty, will ce-ifc and determine frorjj and after fix months from the ante hereof, to wit, on the i iftd y ot February 1801. j I o&i( quilU, I cafc-ofMflraab feattf-whc '• - ■, v •• - .' s»p<e™b«f »r- «' uwrm. .. A* - [VoLUMR XVIII. 6 1 V » * &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers