Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 20, 1800, Image 1
Nuywptt 2491.1 Tbe price of this ija%ette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in tbe city of Philadelphia. All ethers p;:y ene Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unUss*some person in this city will become answerable for tbe subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. *,"* No Subscription will bt rceeivrj for a shorter term than six months. DccmVirr i 1759. ALMANAC From Seftcmier I y—10 September 14. mCII WAT ER• Wedncfday Tharfday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Toe.fdiy SUN *'s*i s»t« - 5 J3 6 7 J 54 6 6 5 55 6 5 - S J 7 3 - J 6 1 5 59 6 ' 60 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Marftial's Sales. United States, ? r, Pennsylvania District.J* BY virtue of a writ »• me dire fled from the hem Richard Peters, Klq. lu<lg- of the Diftrld Ccur: of rhiUnitcd (states frr th'. Penufylvania Diflrja, will he exposed to {uhlic sale, at ;ho Merchant's Coffee Houfein the c'ty of Phi'adflphii, r-n Mt®. day the of September inft. at 11 o'clock at noon— ' The armed French vessel LA FORTUNE, a! l V*fo> paIZK to the United States a'raed fliip Ganges, John Mullowpy, Esq. commander 1 , with %I 1 and ii".g»'ar her apparel, guns and appur tenances, the fame having been lat«!y condemned in the said court as forfeits.!, &c. JOHN MALL, Marshall. Marshal's Office, 7 Philadelphia Sept. 17, 1800. J mwfts United States, 1 jj. Pennsylvania District. J BY virtue of a Writlo me from th» hon. Richard Peters, Esq. J» 'ge of the Oiflrid Court of the Mr instate* for :he Pennfylvann Dil}rt&, will be airofc.l t« public file at the Merchants Coffee Hsufe, in the City of Philadelphia, on A'edncflay, the 29th day of September 11 o'clock at Noon,, TH r SIOO* ■ • WITH all ind finguiar her tac kle, apparel arid iurnitHre, the fame having been lately con lemhud in the'faid court as forleited, &c. M.rfh&H's Office, > Philadelphia, Sept. 17, l3oos eotS. JOHN HALL, Marshal. UNITED STATES £ Pennsylvania District,) PURSUANT to a writ to me Jire&ed from th« honwaole Richard Peters, Eft). Jf'ge of the Diftriift Court of the United States for the Pennsylvania l>i«ri<s>, will be exposed to public sale, at the Merchants' Coffee House, in the city of Philadelphia, on VVednefday the 44'h of September, inUant, at n o'clock at Boon, _, Tke armed French schooner or vellel L ' A 1 G L E, Prize to the Unitid States schooner Bntcrprizc, lieutenant Shaw, commander—With all and lingular her apparel, guu» and ipparterun ccs. The fame hiving been condemned in the said court, ;s forfeited, icc. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marjhal's I September 13, 1800 J Unitbd States ? Pennsylvania District} $ , BY virtue of i writ to n.e direfled from the Honorable Richard Pete.s, Esq. Judge or the Diltria Court of the Uiutc-l State, lor the Pennsylvania DiftriS, will-be eitpof.d to Pub' lie Sale, at the Merchants' Ci flee Uoule, in the city of Philadelphia, on Wednesday the »4th of September inft. at t» o'clock it noon, . { Tbt armed French vessel called feSm CHOUCHOU, SatgWliL .J Prize to tV» United States armed ili'p Phit.nJclptna, Steph-.-u Decatur, commander, wit!' all and Angular her apparel, gi;ns and appur tenantes— the fame having i en lately condem ned in the laid court a . f< rfei-cd, &c. JOHN H vLL, Marjhal. Md'jlal's-Office, } Sept. 13, 1 oo- ) For Charter, Burthen about 1400 barrel She l'mls well, Apply to Moore Wharton, JVo. 18, Dock-stree, WHO HAS TO DISPOSE OF Coffee, in bags, And a well assorted Invoice Ironmongery. fepiembcr 16 «>st Gazette a.vBR - St. Tammany, M*rWt 9tre«+, bur. hen 701 '.?, I'ujjpoftd t® S a retmrfcsMe fad ta.litg vefi>!, aid may f-ef:t teii {<«■ fca in a few day*. Inventory to he fepii and terras of sale known by applying to the sub scriber. CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4, South Water Street. H. M -0 J4 1 4t » »8 3 '6 4 7 J » 6 o ALSO, FOR SALE, 3S Hhd«- White and brown Hava.nah dit'oin boxes. Eafl India do. in bags. Well India and Onr.try Rum. tco Hhd«. MoU(Tea. Holland Gin French and Kpanifii Brandy- Pepper, C'dTee, &c. Atifiift 9. ~ FOR IIAMBOi i The Ntnv HAMBOURG SHI* Anna, JOHN JURGENS, Majltr \ \ ttrcng, iubfla:it:al, fall failing vcffel, (being h«. fccoud voyage) will commence leading on Wtd nei'lay n xt, and will be liilpa'cbed with all cou yenient fpsed—Freight will be received, apply to JACOB SI'RRRY, Of Co. Several Redemplioners Arc ftitt oh boAi-J, whose times are to be 4if pofed of—Apply as above. 3fp t < v n , bgf 4.. . *0 * Baltimore aua New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 Poutlt Fourth street, to No. 18 South Third Qrcet An Office for those ftajts is also kopt *t aw. Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street. General Poll Office, April 18. PROPOSALS roe PUBLISHING Br SUBSCRIPTION, Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D Late one qf the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States and Processor at 1 arj in toe College and Academy of Philadelphia. From the original ma.iufcript, in the pofleffion of Bird Wilson, Esq. Th?fe work' he e'eg<rt y printed in two volumes oftivo, and delivered 'o fubfcriberi at five Julian They (ViCll be put to pref< a* foen r the fubferip tioni will juitify the expence of publicities, Subscriptions will be received by ASHI'HY DICK INS, The puMifter, oppofl'.e Chrift-Churrh, Phila delphia ; »nd bj the principal bookfelltrt throng!* cut the United States. f rofpecHus of the work may be £:en at the place ot fubfeription. fcpt<.mVer 13 § For completing St. Augustine's Church. The second or lart CUfs. I'HF. i'e-n remaining Tickets in t'. e above Lottery, which may draw the handtame pr;z:s of Ten thwfxnd dollars ! Four thoujaud dollarjJ Tbrc thou/and dollars ! &c. &c. may be iud if called tm l'odn, for tf.e fin*U sura of ftlne bJfars rich. Should any remain rn hand on thef<Jl vfQHobcr, they wi'.l be railed to Nine and an balf Dollars• Apply to GEORGE TAYLOR, Jr. N0.39? Cbesnut M. M'CONNKLL, No. 143 ) street. jtawtS. | september iG dtf Found, A Red Morocco Pockct-Book, WHOtVER ha» 101 l it may receive it Ml ap plication at the office ot thisGazefte, and paying the expence of this advertii'mcnt. July ii. JUST PUBLISHED, And to be Sold by JAMES HUM'.'KRFYS, No. l«6, south Market Street, Reports of Cases /irgue.l and determined in the HIGH COURT QF ADMIRALTY ; (grk at-britain) commsneed with THE JUDGMBNTS OF The Right Honorable WILLIAM SCOTT, Mkbaclmas Term 1798. By Charles Rdbinfon, T.L. D. Advocate. VSLUMK I.—PART I. .£?• Thi-fe R ep-rt wi!l be continued regularly. The faond Part which cosclude# this Volume is now intheprefs, and will be publllhed with all the expedition possible, .'upr; n. 3awtS Loll, yesterday, A white yQung Pointer Dog, WITH liver coloured fpoW, tall and vrry thia—fcamed Momu?. Any perfnn giving information where he .nay be found, at No. 116, Chefnutftrect, will be liberally rewarded, augufl »l 0/He United States, i PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER ->o, ißoc. For Sale, + ll» KHY PILOT Suit.T fl tu&th tf. RG., '4 - The Works OF TKt connmors. Lottery By C. P. Wayne, Kb. 65, Soutli Front-flreet. EKftia Fisher & C<^ Ho. 39 Mertk Piwt Street, ; mr'g on havd ahp for mit, ' , German srgEt.wmfowgija, hat* iSitu cd i» N»ikin cafn, »t>9.» tog* ni-rt rnrat 6f lrcDtboo*«Ti fr» QouK. .ad Pioi (b4 Mecdlo*. .->■ . ' t*. Green Coffee, In Hogsheads, Barrels and Bags, for sale by JAMES TARD. (dioc august 23 trench Tuition, AN ANALYTICAL PLAN. NICHOLAS GOUIN DUFIEF, Pr (ft: is or of tbe Fretub Language, HA3 the honor of Informing his Pillow Citi zens of Philadelphia,that he Vvill open his School 00 Monday the 14th of September, at No. 5, south Fifth f.rect, and divlJe his hoars of in duction in the >ollo\viflg manner. Attendance on own U«ufe», will be given as usual, from 9 o'cln.k in ths rncnlnjf- ttU the afrernoc-ft. His afternoon and fthool wil begim fevtry other Jay) flU'. 4tr 6, and from 6 till 9. J'rai flations from cither language into the other, per termed wit* accuracy, elegance, secre cy and diffcatch. N. B—Nicuolas C. Dornr, refpeflfully in vites the l adies and Gentlemen, ambitious to learn the French, to ajjree with some of their frietds or acquain'ance, desirous of receiving lef lons in that universal .nd improved language, to meet at the fame hou- and place for mutual in ftruAion—they may He allured it will be to their advantage to do so, ifthey peruse with attention the following . To the Lovers of be Prencb Language. IN an age when fircelsful efforts have been made towards the imprtvemeut of the art tf Think ing an 4 when Anahfi has been dilcovered the universal, and sole g»od method to improve all sciences, and receive iiftruflion in tfetn, it may he a matter of aftoniftinent that it hat not been yet generally < mhracet, and rendered the familiar metho«t of learning. The extraordinary rife and progrefsof Chyoiiury,within a very few years, are entirely <!ue t» an ,ljfl»; hut there is an art on which it Iheuldhave firtiilirloii i*« beneficial rays, I allude to the 'Teaching *f Langvagei In faiH, Na ture, this exc:llent analyst, v.-a. before oar »yes gui'irg children in learning lang»ageof their mother, and noahild ever failed in acquiring it, profiting furprifiiijdy by her unerring leffous Fully convince.! by reason and experience, Chit the lime method {he purfu :s (hould be followe,! a» nearly as pofiible, I adopted, iu the course ot niy inllru&ions, fucll books eflabbfhed on principles that lead deviate ! from her f;mplediilatc<. 1 soon perceived that the method acquired from thefc aid» was hut a very irregular and imperfect Anal-, fit —I, therfore, rtfolved though with avery small confidence in my Sender abilities, but animated with zeal lor the improvement of those who may wish to learn French from me, to undertake the laborious and arduous taft of writings work,groun ded or. Analyncal principle-, wl>ic!> might com prehrnd what is wifhedUrby thofeapplying the 11 selves to the ftuJy of the living laiigu<ge«, ?nd am happy to fay, I have now nearly concluded it. It confift® ot three piK« The first, isachofen Vocabulary of word* mo>t frequently used infpeech, cent air, 1,500 —the m >t ratural acceptation of each Is determined by a phrase prefixed to it# I he fecood, contains the French verbs, both re gular and irregular, fr m a new system in wl.ich the principal difficulties attending a- n) arc fir't explained, and observations fiyen on the use of each ferfe, illustrated by proper examples, To as to enable the learner to exprels kimfelf with preciO''R. Ihe thir!, is a complete li»t of those words Jer vint deli;* on dc complement defers entrc les autre s parties du difcovrs ! that is to fly —forming the link or comple tion of sense between the other parts of speech, wtn»fc principal nfe i» foettablift in fpeefcfi that conoe&i on between words, which a'rcariy exists in the mind between ideas. I hav? also fully de-ermine*! thefenfe and acception of th-ie important wor is (which are divided into appropriate claffs to fix them the cafier in the memory) by annexing to each examples in French and Engiifh. As 1 do not intend to publish the abave.for feme time, and in order, m vtrthelefs that my pupils 1 may, reap the fame advanrag? without it, I hasten I to inform rhofe who may be induced to put them selves under my care, that hall the time of school (the oth.-r hall being devote ! to other exercises) will be employed in exercifmg them in the fol low ing manner» We firit begin with the Vocabulary; each word of which will be pronounced in English then is French, to be repeat*d by one or more of thefcho !»rs; and a similar repetition ol thephrafes betore mentioned will follow. It is worthy of oWcvatibn, that in cur infan cy, and as we advance in years, we learn ttoe pro nounciation of our vernacular tongue, by pro nouncing word by word; and Analogy accompli Ai rs what remains to bfe done, in orJcr to acquire the neccflfary knowledge of it. The rules given by Grammarians to attain this obj"<st are a most ufelffs to us, and still more so to the foreigners, struggling in vain-tolearu the true pronunciation of a la up u age with the help of dictionaries and Grammar alone. Though I conceive my scholars may attain in the above manner, the accurate oronoußciafion of the French language, yet stri«sl attention is paid to their reading in approved au thors before we begin the foregoing exercises. 1 will purfuc nearly t»*ef«m •' method in impart ing to them the contents ot the two other divifi-.ns of my work. I car not core ule this adcrefswith out thanking my Fellow Ci'izms for the liberal encouragement I have experienced from them, j thefs fix year* past, in n.v Wofeffional career,pre- J fumirg that I maybe permitted to fay, that I have not been altogether ljn deferring of it. J Septem%er 1. * avr 2W COFFEE. A QJJ A N T I T Y of remarkable Jine ADDRESS. v * ' r ' & Daily Adv j Candidates for the Navy, AND others, who are desirous of becoming acquainted with the following very ess nthl improvements in Navigation, viz.—r i b<s method ot finding the Latitude by a Gugle alckude oi the lui. at any hour ot f e day ; and of both I,»titUf!c and I.ongitude at orice hya Celel tiai übferyation, the LutWJ s no 1 •• ~\v terms of journal* for (hips of war, with additior/al columns may hear of a person ready to inttruit them at their apartments, who has compends of the above lo Amplified by explanations ol figures, marginal references, &c« that they may be liuier ood in a few days ; fey applyi-ng at No. 93, south i>econd ftrect, ©ppofite the City Tavern. H« engages to teach Navigation (the common method of keeping a journal at fia) in ,6 days. He has taught the Mathematics, French lan guage, &c. for many yeais in different univcr lti»% ar;d ships of war, to which he has been egularly appointed—He has aifo had confiderabie •radical experience in surveying and book-keep ng ; in which he gives private lectures. His terms are low and accommodating. He will open A Marine nd Commercial ACADEMY, On Monday the Bth of September, at an elegant and l'pacious Rogm in Harmony Court, (opposite No. 74, louth Fourth ftreet.) KP Tbe business gj an JfreAt and fn terpreicr 2fUtbfUilj transacted. Att giat large and commodious /house, At of /.rch a d Nir.thjlrccts. TO BE RENTED, And entered upon this month the Koufe, Sta ble, ©each House anJLots, now in the tenure of M .jor Butler, fnuate as above. Enquire at No. »8, north Fifth ftraet. July 10 Prevention better than Cure. For the prevention and cure of Bilio-s end Malignant Fevers, is recommended, Dr. HAHN'S Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have been attended wi'.'n a degree of success highly gnteful to the inven tor's feelings, in fevenl parts of the VVe<t In dies,and the southern parts of the United State;- particutarly in Baltimore, Peterfiji .g, Rich, mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmingt n,Charlcf ton, Savannah. Ike. Theleftimony of a berof perfoHsin each of the above pi - et can be adduced, who have reason to believe that a timelv us« of th salutary remedy, hjs, un'!er i'rovideme, prelerved their lives when in the mod alarming circ«mftances. Fails of this concinfive nature fprak more in fivour of a medicine, than columns ol pompous eulogy, founded on mere afferti n, ciuld do It is nt indeed prefuniptuoufly yr tpofed is an infallible cure, but the inventor has every poffib'.e reason, which can result from extensive experience for believing that a dofeof thefepilh, taken once every two weeks during the preva lence of our annual bilious fevers, wi I prove en infallible preventative ; and further, that in the earlier stages of those diseases, their use wiN very generally succeed in restoring health an 1 frequently in cases esteemed defperre and bey ond the power of common remedies The operation of these pills is pei cfllv mild tnd maybe used with fafety by perfotuin every fit nation and of every age. They are excellently adapted ta c rry off fu p< vfluous 1-ile and prevent itb morbid l.cretions ; to restore and amend the appetite ; to produce a 'Yee perspiration and thefeby prevent cold which are often of fatal conlequence. A doff ne-.-er fails to remove a cold if taken on its firll a; • -earance. They are celebrated C. >r removing hj 'itual ccflivencfs, sickness of the ftumach an severe head-ache, and ought to be tuken by ai. per foil* on a change of climate. They have been found remarkably efficacious in preventing and curing most difnrders attend ant on long voyages, and fh:>uld be procured and carefully preserved for use by every feamsri. Dr.HAHN'S. Genuine Eye-water. A certain an.l fafe rc nic iy for all diseases of the eyes, whether tho of natural vveakneft, orot accident, f; eedily removing inflammations, de fluxions of rheum dullncfs, itching, -And films in the cyc», never failing to cure thofc maladies which frequently succeed the small pox, measles anil fe vers, and wosder'ully llrengthening a w.-r,k fii>ht. Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues when nearly depriv«d of fighti Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet discovered v,hichirives im mediate and tailing relief In the most feverc in stances. The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every kind ofhcad-ache,and of pains in the face and neck. Injallible Ague and Fever Drops. I h't medicine has never failed,'in many rhou far.d cases not one in a hundred has had occasion to take more than one bottle, and numbers not hall a bottle. The money will be returned ifti.e cure j is not performed. SOLD BY WM, Y. BIIICH, STATIONER, No. 17, South Secern! Street, And no where else, in Philadelphia. Where alf* may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm D«ftroying Lozenges, his Sovereign F.lixir lor coughs, &c. Restorative Draps, Effentc and !•*- trail of Muftard,Sovereign Ointmert for ;he Itch, Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In dian Vegetable Specific for the coin plaint, Gowland's and PerCaa Lotien, Reftcraiive Tooth Powder, Damask Lip Salve, Church's Csugh Drop«, Anderfon's Pill*, &c, &c. aprillp ® 'f IN THE PRESS. WORK, (Entitled,) Practical Education, BT M.tRIA EDGEWORTH, Author of the letters For Literary Ladiesandthe Parents Affiflant.arvd by RICHARD I. EDGEWORTH, S.andM R I. A. , SuWcrirticn. will be received vy Thomas Dob fon, econ,: Strtet. Philadnlphia, and Zachariah reutfon, at the Philadelphia Library; by Brown Starlbury, and by George F. Hopkins, New York; Thomasand Andrews,B ifton ; Ifaacßsw ers, Mtw Hatra, and the principal Bookfellersin the United States and at the Office of this Gaz ette. August »5 diw WAR DEPARTMENT, T Jfurutt 4 tK, HE commanding Officm nl tarpt, ;■ y .* and PFcraM4£< si' partiei, belonging*. the miliary <kbU&attßC-' of (h« Ouiud tk«t?% ar* to ftpori toijti>4 receive 'ortcri from > kinfon, io Ihf City of WaArfngtwi*' aUToL '< •' officm oo furloofh »re to rfport tk«ri the Ume oScitt wWt- ll! paOUc '• T*i)frjtr . •• SAMWBt,. . iwiwrtWw-.V: v. tX AII P/irvttn W>i|iin ike Unite# wfc« h»»e publited- fevjtiftbni for the ijlh ps March last 4re ir%\jefte<i to.wfat' ' the »Kr»» in tbejr r«<f WJiVt"p«f*r», <>£♦ ft' 1: Or<lfft>rl-w*month*. ■ .'*■■' 3SZ The Frenchman, WHO refufed to give up a STOLEN POINTER DOG whe.n demanded df him on VVrdnefday motnmg last about seven o'clock, by the servant of the owner, at the corner of Arch and Sixth llreets, is defirsd ligent search will be made after him, and he will be pr< fefcuted as the thief. The Dog is white, excepting a yellaw spot on his back, one yel oh ear, and two or three yellow spots on his forehead—the other ear is speckled—he is vsry poor and hip (hot. An 1 andfome re ward will be given tor the dog, and Five Dellaraoa convidlion oj the thief. The Frenchman is & talt 'hi man, of a ecm-pl'-xion v»ry dark, and drefifcd in black clothes (excepting a striped blue and wh'te gingham coatee) —He was seen with the aoj; in company with a (hort fat man, in Race near Seventh flrcet, on Sunday afternoon last. aw'ft d 4.t BROKE INTO THE ENCLOSURE .. ft** - OF THE SUBSCRIBERS, INROXBOROUGH TOIVNSHIP PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, A RED aud white Cow; the owner i» deft red to come prove property, pay charges, and take her away. ALEXANDER tfRANDELL. Aitf:u(li6. ;tcoy 6500 lbs- New Orleans Indigo, Entitled, to Drawback. aoo hogthea-'s Virginia Tobacco, 54 kegs of Virginia Twist, F'jß SALE BY Tunis & Annefley, Walnut street wharf. 9 rro ift, 1800 d6t 60,000 weight of Prime CofFee, Just imported, and for sale by the Subscriber. GIDEON H. WELLS. September 9. at. FOR SALE, ' A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of th« Gazette of th 2 United Sut s. Julv Irs. ~ AM APPRENTICE wanted, At the Office of th? Gazette of the United 1 States. July 6 German Redemptioners. 1. V from Hamburg;, lying abVdKftnf Vineftreet wharf, in the Drain), confining of mechanic*! of j are anxious to provide places Desirous to com merce loading the veflel, their times wil' be dif pafTage. Apply on board the (h»p, ».r to JACOB SPERRY Co. September r diot The Bankrupt Law OF THE UNITED S T A.TES, A. DICKINS DESULTORY REFLECTIONS New Political Afpeft of Public Affairs In ibe United 't t v. [Prijc 37$ Cents ] augitft T: | HAS RE MO) ED TO [Volume XVIII. ■f y r. vti