Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 22, 1800, Image 3

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    i' r ' wf' of * 1 hend'afty 'other, (ave In tFatfavage malign."
ttSfoSfi*T" 0 ' Tu b? thC ? 7 ° f in viewing the wreck o
Lj u +*T« " or * lwc<l b y the P om P Its owr > rtpiitatian, toils at the ruin o<' it
- -Riit-'S' o*t' 0 *t' °m 8 '"i ge " country., thst jio monuipenc of its infami
bn, nrafk.y >h at your entrance may be left t>n record.
Ui "«* Mte.autifSfrf yonr prefect ; I will { SENTTA.
: ttUt y*u to the fopMJHy of your | % \ *>*NI,CA
...\ which, however, c uncid d so well '
u y hit own ideas, that it was pre-fen ted j writer of the following letter it
to, ih : *s your own «&.—I will res : • a Pbyftcian of talents and rcfpc&ability u
yoa ■*> thafc.dcolardtion—it is frefhin you* ! State of New York-]
• 7 •' I ,
. \i l rTU c,j row*n<* obfervitig that the I C *ft e f a 'Merfrom a phj/Jjeian in AT. Tori
.f: - adivtls of the leinte afTr£lcd you chiefly S ">J>" """refpondent. in Philadelphia, rela
• stex jiifft its ajjp*rent^depart 11 re fr-ra ' " 1 "°Yellow Fever.
V' J %^g.' s % £ s; lt You, Sir, New York, Aoguft 16, 1800.
£ * d--paimre from official dignity ? ' ~ t
•W.fcfi.'jyou diluted this plaintive appeal, did
yon r.ilc yourfrlf 'where was the dignity of
the amcr justice when he infulce,- the mayor
- Ot the city in the execution of his duty ?
When he defrrted. Hie remnant of'h.s repu-,
*tien and-violated the constitution to ac
witfa berdf of Irish miscreants !
_ ' Sir, affe&ed by a departure from of
fciul dignity ? Why was not that dignity
.defended by you ? When Bryan insulted
tke legiflatjire, ?where (lumbered those feel-
were j.j alive to the departme
IroijrTthe dignity of a public body ?Wl y
• wit not Bryan difmidrd ? Sit, his condudl
did not rau!e those feelings, for they had
)o' p; b'-cn annihilated.
But you tell tbem the'r addrcfi waa im
proper , bccaufe it. w s wi o a decla
ration ma u ~y you, ef your follfcitude to
profQote th» bappinefs of your corftitjisrit',
and tr crcfore tiiey fh uld have confided !,)
that declaration aiui Tpared their ccnfuf .
Confided tc yeur dcclaraiion ? a declaration
which !,ad been'-fubflahthttf'd by thei difniif
■ sal of hoceft officers, w!i k 01 ly crime was
the eierciie of their rijjht cf fuffrage ! Do
Dot tcH Fhpf yoil difmifled them for another
cause. "T-u ki.'otv. J know that you
affettciJ t1.,3 to be the or ly cause for the re
moval 4.# a'.e • A tlicni, and why pot of th(
reft ?
I will not now dlfcufa the truth of th<
charge which you had previously made, ant
in that aafwerreiterated, 'hajSltihgttiifiift
• of your cleftion were " Tories," ' Trai
tori," and " apoilate whigs." That chargi
#a» made to a mob who were pleased witl
founds. Neither will I advert to the slims]
ftiicld tinder which you fbejtered yourf'.l
for that charge ; an assertion, '• tliat yoi
f were not governor wheo you advanced it
»ud therefor- it was beyocd the province o
the Senate to censure." If yru were Gov
eraor, tbe - er. ue, as guardians of the ftat
should deprecate a line of cooduft which ha
tarded ,ts welfare. If you weie not Got
eroor-; if it was not an ofacial declaration
it was oi !y another proof of that infoleuc
< « r d vanity which had charafterifed you
cuuduft thro* life.
I will not wade thr ugh the " pomp o
» ' word*' a',d display of fopUi&ry with whicl
yt)U have clothed the ideas contained in th
remainder, of yuur address-neither will
**t? difct:fs your doftrine of " Rotation of 'j
■ ?"—nor whether the difmiifal of Feds
' ral chara&ers who bad officiated but a fe\
' Biofiths, and the re-appointment of republi
cans wbp bad ftafled on the public funds so
years, be ao application of that dodrine
I will quote a few lints from your anfwet
•• In gentlemen, let my appoint
meuts be an impartial test, ani
I flitter my (elf" (jqu are fond of Jldtlery
Sit) }' that I am rather e.titled to the ap
probalit n with which the lioufe ofßepre
lestatiTes has h ocurtd me in answer to thi
fame a.drrfs, than to the de~uHciation 1 f
! ftnalljnaj. riiy of the Senate.") The ma
jority in the Se..atc was two to one ; is th
House of Keprefentaiivca thcr& was only ;
majotity of two or three vot-s in favour o
their address ) '• You would then perceiv
, that insi'j i f the commillions iflurd by m'
prtdccrfl r have been reaewed, that if sni
veteran of the American war has been dil
placed a long enjoyment of office, o
thers of at Icaft equal pairiotifm and talent
have been brought from retiiemeut into th
public service, that fj far from ading on thi
impuKe of an indiscriminate resentment, ma
idy of my mod d;cifive and influential oppo
•eats (inme one, Sir) have been re-appaint
W, and that without any regard to any per
fonal feeling I have feletled, and (hall al
ways deem it my duty to feleft for publii
fiationo men who aie tried a:,d faithfu
friends to the genuit t principles of repub
licap inft ttitii.rpB."
I hefe are yc ur profeffions. What ha
beeo your condudl i
Who are the men of l; patriotism and ta
ftjto ihitf public'fervice ?" Are they Bran
noti and Stever, and Beckley and Coxe
rspubliijar. patriotism confiftin the re
h4v iog guided the armies of Howe ? Doe
the Healing cf money from a neighbour'
(lore, 01;. the concealment of a notoriou
thief confti'u'e in your eyes the essence o
patriotism i Is the appointment^childre
" w thqut regard to personal feeling you hai
fcledttd and would deem it alwayj your du
ty to feleft the officers of the government
£cc." v ls the savage declaration that " you
would teach a wife and family how to llarve'*'
a proof of your fo!icit>ide to promote the
happincf) of your constituents ? Js it a proof
that no personal feeling has been cherished
(n your mind ?
Sir, your interefled exertions as a Feder
alijl in support of the new constitution fed
your ambition and your vanity with the
profpeif of a feat on the Federal Bench.—
Wafliingron knew you ; he loved his coun
fource of your opp fitioa. Candour may
assign one motive for your condu& ; felf
lovc and vanity may pielent another; but
they who have ft tidied aiidthey who know
human nature, will be at a left to compre.
hen j afty other, (ave in tTTatTavage maligni
ty of foul, which in viewing the wreck of
its own reputation, toils at the ruin o»' its
country, thst -no monument of its infamy
may be left «n record.
C»py of a Inter from a physician in N. Tori
to his earrefpendent. in Philadelphia, rela
tive to the Yellow Fever.
New York, Augull 16, 1800.
mew Juris, 1.0, 1800.
D. At SIN,
BEFORE this time the reports
; jtiofour health- committee of two cases of
fever will have reached jrou, and will serve
to recall your attention to this melaachoiy
fufcjeft.—New York has been thus far pf-o
-i verbially healthy f and I may add, that
we have experienced throughput the month
! of Ju'y. a greater degree of heat than in
any former year since we have been visi
ted yellow fever, and it has been of
, much longer duration, as I have ascertained
by a tegular regißer of the weather.—ln
addition to the heat, we have also had fcte
. : ral (howers of rain fuffieient for the putre
faftion of animal and vegetable fubttanc«s
!—We ha?e also had material* of this fort
spread through the city in their ordinary
quantity; the pra£tiee ofburyiog the dead
in,the grave yards within the city has been
continued ; our flips and new made grounds
have undergone no material alteration ; our
inhabitants are as numerous if not more so
. than in former years; they drink as much fpi
• ritous liquors ; they are equally exposed in
I their pursuit of bulinefs to the direct rays
iof the fun ; ma. ycf them lodge in:the fame
\ 'mail, confined' dwellings : In a word, the
| fame causes to which in former years the
: yellow fefer had been ascribed, have ixifled r
•j and aa nearly as we caa ascertain, under
fxaailar circumstances of operation. Scili
I we have had no reports of yellow ftver tin
! til those published by our Health Commit
tee—Nature appears in the present year
thus farto have departed fromherufual laws.
, If yellow fever be the produft of filth and
. putrefa&ioo, one oft he fundamental axioms
of philosophy must be untrue, and asother
| Newton m«;t appear, to demoollrate, that
Cmilar caufei under similar circut&itaoces,
' can produce oppolit* effeds.
Until those reports,ajpearei in oar newf
pupers we were pica ling ourfelyes with the
profpeft of exemption fion* this dreadful
calamity—Joy appeared in every counte
nance : our merchants were elated with the
htalthy itate of our city, and pleased with
the hope that our commerce would have
been uninterrupted : our mail.#ts were
plied with plenty ; and the labouriug clals
of our citizens, who have hitharto been
obliged to fly from their dwellings by the
ravages of lever, looked forward with the
profpett of recovering in fume degree their
little property which bad been expended by
the dillrefics'of former year* ; but although
the alarm has gone abroad by the reports of
our Health Committee— although we are
told i.fficially from the Health eftablifti
men't at Staten-liland that four cr.fe: have
occurred in the Marine Hospital ; although -
those reports upon the firft view of them
appear to augur evil to our land ; although
it has been prophesied that pestilence is
again to'overfpread our cities in the pnlent '
year, I may Itill add that New* York has' ['
never been in a mom healthy state at this 1
l'eafon of the year than it is at the prefen: 1
time; and cm siding in the unremitting ex- '
ertions of our Health Officers at Staten- 1
Island in preventi»g lnfefted veflcls and ' 1
vcffelsfrom infeftcd ports \ Hiring our city, '
without undergoing the quarantine and
cleansing enjoined by our new quarantine
law, I trust we (hall continue to enjoy thfc
fame exemption from Yellow Fc'ver which
we have thus far experienced except some '
foiitary or fp.>radic cases which may ajife '
from the reliduum of the la It year, agreei- <
bly to the well known principles which go- '
vern moil epidemics, as iilullrated by Syden- c
ham, and many others of the.most experi- H
eticed pradical writers. Duringthe present «
summer I declare to you that I have not
vilited a (ingle cafe of the yellow fever.
The bilious remitting arid intermitting fe
vers have appeared In different partj of our
city, and in the neighbouring coOntry; [
but I have net seen an instance marked
- with the charaftenftic symptoms-os yellow
fever ; nor have I witnefitd a fatal cafe of
i. fever during the preleut summer, except a
t young man of the r.ame of Engs, from
- Uhode-Ifland, to whom I was called in con
} fultation with Doctor Birch (a phyllcian
. who has lately come to eur city, ahd pro
„ milts to be an acquilitiofi to it.) The dif
g ease of Mr. Engs I conlidered as the true
5 typhus or putrid fever, but it exhibited a
s train of lymptoms very different from those
f of the yellow fever. I make the fame re
, mark upon the,cafe*of fever listed in the
t firlt report by Dr. Tillary ; and the second,
| with all due relpeA for the opinion of Dr.
Tillary. I alfu cochJer of a Very equivocal
J. In the firfl cafe of Mr. Walker, you will R
perceive as Hated by Dr. Moore, who was T!
his phyftc'im, that tie bad bc;eu fatigued and w
heated, and afterwards exposed to a heavy
Ihower of rain ; very common exciting cau
ses of fever ; and, as very frequently and
generally sccurs in the bilious remitting fe- ft
ver, he firft felt hinfelf indifpofe-d, but not °!
so much as to prevent him from attending-
to bufiiiefn : This, you will remark, is rare- 3!
ly the cafe in yellow fever ; - they a V c. in the fir
greater number of instances seized with vi- W
olent fever without previous i i,dilution. Ml
You will also observe that his disease was
ufliered in by chills : I hefe «re not common
in the yellow fever, (fee note*) but they are ai
the Mnllant charadkriftie fyniptoms of the M
fifft flagjr of'ftitermittHig'nud remitting fe
yers, and those fevers which are induced by
c01d.,, ~-r -V ; ' ,
f You will alfg notice, tlrat in, the more ad
| vanced period of bisdifeafe, die difctiarges
tot vomiting 'were,, not, changed from-what
they had been in the beginning ; as Do&or
Moore exprefles ,it, " tbe ficknrfs of .tlie
J stomach dill continued, every thing talftn
into the, ttomueh being immediately thrown
up again, but a little altered iii its appear
ance tht fe ciYtjum fiances mull render it
at-lea ft -a very doubtfjl' calej i ''> >
The fctond tale reportedliy the Health
Committee has not been defcribtd ; but Dr.
Tiltary has ftate'd that " he,took his difeafc
from exceflive ejercife, and, by,being wet tp
the skin, and remaining in that. CQpdipoo
for some time*" The Doftor a Ids" '' he
then laboured under all the word fymptoou
of yellow fever. " At the pale has not
been publicly described, T called upon Mrs. l
Tuttles, the mother of the lad, to le?rn '
some particulars of it ; /he stated to me, I
that his complaint
and chilliners ; but no pains ill his back and '
limbs ; the firlt are mor? commonly the
symptoms, as before remarked, of intermit
ing and remiting fevers, and such as arise
from cold ; of the latter I consider this cafe
to be. Upon inquiring into the nature of
the matter difchargedby vomiting, (he tells
me, that it appeared! ke broken Mood ; fh
alfo added t!at he bled at the nose, and
that she believedie swallowed a part of it,
which was again thrown up by vomiting,
and that he discharged a considerable quan
tity of hlopd by he bowels.
Bleeding at the n*>fe, and discharges of
blood from tb<j llpmach and boweY are not
uofrec;ent occurrences in ail fe»crs ; efpeci
al'y such as aic of .r, inflammatory nature,
proceeding from cold ; and more; particular
ly in young fubjefts, wbofe vtflels ar g£a
erally distended and are more eafijy ruptured'
'han in adults You will remember, the
patient was a lad between 7 and 8 years of
age. —I also enquiied of Mrs. Tuttlts what
w »ihe state 6f the skin, and if it was Yet
low ; She replied that it was not yellow,
either before or after death, except two or
three spots about his ears
'From this detail of circumstances occur
ring, in the two cases of fever, reported to"
be the yellow fever by our Health commi
tee, you wil! no doubt.perceive that ;hcy
were not decidedly ma ked caies of the yel
low fever, agreeably to tbci>fcription given
of tl.i*' difcaf , by some late pra&ical wri
Before I cannot but rem rk
tbe readiness wj.h which th« Health Com
mute piiblifh tb r repprts or thefolitary
fatal cases Cff fever which have this year
come totheir knowledge. confrjfted with the
reludanee they TiaVr;* n'frf. rmly mar.ifelled
in former years; in publifhmg reports e»en
a considerable Tength ol time after the disease
has beeu known tb prevail. I am pleafvrd
with this change, as it will always give an
opp<*tunity for our fitzfns to fly frbm
danger, wbenever-it may threaten them : and
I sincerely hope that ia every ftitceeding
year the committee majCcontinue to observe
this rule of Condi ft ; but as the medical
gentleman of that Committer are of opinion
ft at the yellow fever. i» precisely the biiliout
of our country, I cannot but fear, that
agre:able to my pfirfent creed, we shall be
unnecefTarily alarm i with the reports of
; of cases tbat thrfatenjno danger beyond tjie
individual who is the turfortunate fubjecV
of it, untill our citizens are apprized thai
such is their opihion ; in which cale' they
will be guided ia theircondu# by the num
ber of the fickj and the malignity which
may characterize the disease ; of wjiich <b<y
will, no doubt, be informed j>y the reports <
of the Committee.
I am,- Sir, .with refpeSS,
Yours, &c. r 1
*" An attack of-the remittentit general -
ly preceded by iudifpofition, either fi;orn
naui'ea and languor *px (tight head-ache and
chilriefs, or a rigor ; and often a .regular
Ihivering nlhers in tlie difcnfc ; wfie.reaa.thc
continued endemic (the'yellow fever) com
mences frbra « ftste* -of apparent bealtJv
ufqally unattended l»y rigor or i7)iver I jpg,"T
. Lflptpritrt's 'Diseases of Jamaica,
-•■ V, . > ' V 01.% p. 66.
' "_^. r -.
[The Author of the following specimen ,ot
elegant blank verse is the gentleman, who
formerly enriched the Farmer's Museum
with various oi-ftamental articles of Pq
etry and Criticism. We hbpe that be *
will continue to must thus morally—
profitably, and pleafilitfy ; and that both
at day spring and 'twilight, bis poetical
" eye will glance from" heaven to .earth,
from heaven."!-
u. » V- - ■> •
• -
From the Connecticut Coiirariu
, - M'O tl
I ".valk unseen
On tie dry smoetb-sba&it green,''
il. >eNSKßosb'.'
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' gf '
RIGHT o'er the gilden topstti yoiid'if trees
The (un holds up hu large vircumferento, • '
While, from the deep gre«n vale* and wood»topt
A general burst of wild and various song
Mow charms him down to Mil. Beneath these
I'll walk a wfcile.and watch the foft approach
Of deepening twilight —'Tis sacred to the muse,
When the rapt plince of fancy's rolling eye
Spies moving forms in heaven's <jwn color a dip I;
Or, contemplation, ao her cloud-girt throne, .
Emerging o er the brt.w of fom« tall grove,
With ardtent eyeuptram'd.dcfcrics new worlds, :
Ilium'd by other funs of elder beam."; 's- ~C*
Or' t kindling "wita devotion's holy flame,
Ponders the world to come—Before her eye,
Rellor'd ir cation rises bright with joy,
And, in her raviflj'd ear, swells the glad Coca
M'fjiah reifm, • <
' h/tm"' n ,°. w ' 1 t ' ie "dlow beams of light, v
I Mild arching up the weft, grow dun, and droop
lie o erthe race of things, the (hades of even,
In folt fuceeflioD, aeal.—There goes the bat
Of devious wing, and ever and anon,' '
In gamrfomc mood, wheelt down so near my ear,
As snaps the golden threads in fancy's woof,
Or uartles iiito thought my vacant mind ;
Go, heedlcfs thing ! enjoy thjr twilight hour ;
Cut circles in the air: for, now, •
Nobird's!ay»*ke,to mat thy harm efsfport
But hark ! th;: birJ of night begins iTfr forg !
Sweet minKrel of the eiake! that l.yv'il to tunc,
In deeped covert hid, iky (hrilly pipe.
Hove to hear thy pkafaftt
Once, f could talk with birds; and, then, would
leek, ~r .. :• .
With palpitating heart, thy dark retreat;
as the night hretzj ftirr'd thy gloomy bough
BthoM the moon-beams play upon thyncck,
And I remember well, thou oft .Jidtl come, .'
'th thy bed notes, when Weary nature fiept,
o guide my dreams, or hold my wakefgl mind
In musical enchantment—All i» liill,
While Venue, westering flow, with mildest
- look,
Pours from her silver urn a trembling dream
Of loften'd radiance ; ants the queen of night,
Ihrough long ahd narrow flips of feathery cl'nMs
Lomes dipping Ouw, till, in the broad expanse,'
she glides fuJJ.joyous ii l her eveu courie
Wow thoughtful is the scene at this mild ht ur !
There frein* a pause, while-nature on her knees,
Pays her orisons t* the p wcr supreme,
That call'd her into being, supports her dill,
Atid paint* her beauties with his holy light
Then man, the pried ot nature, fhefcld attend,
And. with his nobler pewccs, give utterance
To the mute creation.—And few,
Find, in a scene like an altar dred,
With inccnl'd off-rings,' grateful to the flcits !
1 he font, of euilty joys, that feed on hulks,
Aud deep their thoughts in criminal desires,
e dangers to the facre4 charm, that binds
i he tender mind to rural fight and founds;
Who foof «t in the dance, that lolly lead*,
N er bend the knee beneath this amp'e roof,
call a thought beyond the dubious mat,
I ha. ends thismortal raie. In giddy rounds
They merrily nnwind ..fe's featity rh.aad,
Unmhivtful of It's end. So have 1 fe<*n
The glittering mfeft, 'neath the ray of noon,
O'er ihe fmeoth furface wheel his rcttlefs course,
At night, chill*J by the breeze, float down the,
Nor he. whose heart is fear'd with love of sold,
WU6 gropes lor bargains, down whoft rigid'check
Neer llsle'a tear at light of deep pdiitrefs,"
(The feeling tribnea, which th'epoor man (fays!)
whose brulhmg, onward gait, and plodding foot,
Bafpcak a hi. art, thatnever, is at home,
When want,or hajjefs.raerit, afic regard'.—
When Titan's car ffS'. As the noon tide blaic,
Ana sultry (lillnef. holds th tremulous air,
Beneath th-fe" antique elms I'll' llr.-tch my length,
And In thefhadows of the movi g boughs
Chequtr my lace.—l ull'ii by the drowsy horn,
Ofbufy bees, I'll lose all a&ive thought,
Ar.d let the (hiftmg forms ofnamelefs hue
Paint their rich dies upon myfantafy.
Ah ! much I phy those, whose no»n tide honri
Are worn away ™ [cm: thick' peopled town,
;W hen/ummer'» reddening influence is ihe d
Ocr half the world. '1 he'breezy breath of jnern,
ling sweet odours from a t'oufand flowers,
Ne en wanton* round thoir h'row. fter clots, '
the lark, . I
With «icwy wirp, Bprifirg'toTalute |
V, ' ,t lurpii.'g vAft,', their leading slumbers ;
break. I
perhaps, ev'tl now, in feme unheeded spot,
With noxious airs and e-xhalations. foul,
The " ytllon Jitrd" fall feeds his infant growth,
And fvOn his gian' Cze will nightly walk
Thro* peopled flrects unseen ; whose poifonovt
_ tat th, ....
Oifliil'd, taints the pure region of the sir,
And scatters wide, thro'rfiany a wesiy moon,
Spotted contagijn.—Ah, what namele-rr'eeds
!"ki» viewless nionfter execute" '
He joys to snap the cords, that tender .hearts
In 11 rong affeilion bind His horri ear
No r.nCc fobthes, liut deep expiring groans*
Lei prayers of holy men- afcead to.l.caven,
That vengeance, may be ftay'd 1— '
WH° is about taking his departure from
hi to the Weft I" dies, wh»re he in
tend" to reside, will Undertake totranfiA bull-.]
nefi on the most reasonable terms for Mer-.
chants who may be inclined to intrust him w.ih
their coTimands.
Hewo'jld likrwife w ; fh to-be concerned with
i perlon of herp, who may be de
sirous of such a connection.
*,* Apply at No. ii 6, Nortl^Front St.
Aug. i». -eod:W<[
The Subscriber,
MASTER of the Hamburg. Ship Anna, for
warns all Perfonstfrctm trusting or harbour?
injlay of the crew ef t~bip, he W>\l not pay
ao/debts contraded by them. - . i
August »» ~ . , ..v, 4wt' .
Modem Europe.
Tne public are refpe&fully informed that tbe
First Volume of the above Work is printed-and
will be unmediatly delivered to the fubicribers.
Those Genilttnen exprelTed a wilh
to fee the manner in which it i> executed before
they becojntifubfcribcrs, are lequefted to cali et
W. Y: BIRCH's No. tj. fohth Secoad-lt ret.
It is prefumad that oa companion it will be
foffud fuperier to the London copy.
Aug;. *1 f ■ } \ i ' eod.
& Young Man,
PERFECTLY versed in Mercantile accounts,
and brought up in oneof the firft connting
h®ufes in tbii «ity, wiihei employment as Clerk.
He is at present absent' from' Philadelphia, but a
line left at the Office of the Gaiettt t>f the Uni
ted States he will receive, and it fh,all\be imme
diately mended to. Salary a secondary objeiSl—
Employment his mstive.
, aughil ai • dtf"
! To Printers. /
A PERSON who his in contemplation the
publishing p£a,W«irk tljat'will i
bqut iso pjg*r, picaodliyo, with marginal
notes, wishes to receive proposals for print ipg
it. They mufl fum pir half Th»et,
for fe'ven of ten thousand topics, the Printer,
fnrnifhing paper, which mult be of such quality"
: as is now f ild for four dollars per ream. Seal
ed propofaU, dire&ed to S. P and left at rhi»
office before the expiration of ten days from
this date, yrill be attended to. The terras of
payitient will be f»tisi'a&ory»
Auguftag. ; 4 t ;o . j
Gazette" Marine Lift,
1 ARRIVED, Day#*
Ship D vntinn, TreiWl, • New-York g
Schr, Harmlef8 i jS.( o<lde,'ft / ..; f . s Bolton 7
Came \ip from, the Feu
Brig Difp'atcli, Vauien, a prize to tha
Gaiigess • .
•; Arrivedthe, Fcrti.;
Brig MargarectHj .Cor, SWmitffj—.Left ic
, ; ' ' 20th July, fu^ar'sc Molaffs#
Schr. La Fortune* prize t# the Ganges.
Sloop Rambler, Galloway, Sir Thomas's
' [ballast
Ship American, Find ley, "Norfolk
ScJhv f.ifey Holton, Webb. Charlelton
Flower, Frankford, Eden ton
Slorp Walhington l , Watson, Havamia.
J'hip Hannah, Brown, from hence hw
arrived at Greenock. '
Ship Providence, Adams, from Leghorn
and Baicelona, via. New-York* has arrived
gre.afe—Sraith & Ridgway.
Ship BolUm Packet,. Strong, from hence,
w- tK 0n I7£h in 3°>
VV . (ill well. V , .
Tie new and elegant {hip Fanny, Capt.
M'Allifter, from hence, has arrived at Fal
mouth, in 17 days from t'ba C.ipe.
Brig Expedition, -Harris, fopln hence,
Ha* arrived at Port RepuMican.
.Bug Jane, Cook, captured oi) h;r pal",
lage from henc, to P -rt RepuWicsn, • by
the French, arid after vards retaken by the
Briiifh, lus arrived at Lo'don.
. Diana, Hcfs. from hence haa arrived
m at Cowei^.
Ship Mucy Aim. Stewart, from tHI»
port has a* Charleftoa,
eighteen days. •
Schr. Dolphin;- Ruffcll, Liverpool jfs
C was boarded by t French Lug-
Eger and perraittcft Va pass.
Venus, Rill, Baltimore
Hope, Luce, Norfolk
Lliza, Payne, fedentoa
Snip Aptelope, C»le, , Gibraltcr
Faud Leghorn
Brig Liudler, Dorr. North Weft Cosft
. [of America and Chib'a
Schr. Bet fey M.nfen, St. SebftT*«»
Orlando, Caflctl, Hayaftnali
Hope,' Alien. * i^alaga
Malona, Brad&fti,' ■ Newfoundland
NEW-ydRK, August 21
Ship commerce, RokeweiJ, - Madeira 33
Barque-—-.Tottenham, - do. 44
Schr. William &Heorr, Taylor Nev{» 20
Ship FmVAmeric .n,. Bolton; London
Brig 1 Dove, Johnfton, New Providence
Schr Dolphin, Tyler, L'fbon
Fair America Chammings, New-Orlean*
Fr endftup, deftan * Jamaica
The f hr. Harvey has arrived at St, Jaga
de Cuba after a paffVge oPtß>daysi.
Brig Hunter, arrirei at Madeira jn 34
Ex;raft from the tef the; (hip
Commerce,. Capi-Rockwell. ,l
July 7 failed from-Madeira, ih co with
the brig Hunter, BuVlitaWleFt 'there the .
brig Republican for Bbftofl; to fail in a
day 3. Aug .111 flukes frigite'U'ider Ptr
teguefe colour*, was treated pclitely.
August 7 (poke .a Boftdn Packet ofphi
ladelphia bounJ to Cowes out 4 days. long.
66 30 W
August 18 spoke fehr. Fanny of sand
wich from St. Thomas bound to Boftou.
Sailed in co wjth 120 fail under convoy of
:he Baltimore flpgp .of war. Same day
fpolfe the urig Gakn from fame plate to do.
AUgust 19 fpok«t'a sloop from Turk# ifl
aad tidhnd to Rhode Iflani.
BA&TIMORE* AiifcifcHb.
v Arfi»«dßng Jifao, W«bOar, *i AftSikfttn
C*a>cost wituib* .ofjrMch
igi; Pkrced from tkej* Iw»4«n tjbrn
wl failed. • - • ' -.■■*
Bhip Watt*, thntriool. >'
. «pt.j W lut .pobnigr.htafe] riiihc f«lL)»ijw ,
PtiWß Cor, »
■'""lit licws lui |-ir -;tr«p. , . -. . .
J'/hT'ii fpokein oi Holly Head, th«bri|
Wi!!i^n t pfand from
out 37 days; botrtid to' Liverpool, all well.
Augud 2, fnote fchr Polly captain Turn v, oJ
I apd frcjtn New ;VpPi;k..i!nd to Cadi 2, OBt 9 c!ay»
• lat' 40, 4, lonp 1.8.' i
A'ugtift 9, (poke bri;; Maria of and friim Nor
;folk, bound to' i enenttc, C&pcain William*, out 7
day* f r?t4> - ■
- duguft 14,fpok«,U'. t?. ton£. )o (hip Alexan-'
'dria,Capt Ncan.of and-from Biltimore.i ut jdays
bound to Liverpool, all well •' '
Darrall of anil bound to St. Thomas from Ktw-
CHARESTON, Augaft >7.
1 _ AK IVED, . day.
Sbfp Susannah,, JLigtbyrn, London 86
51o»p Ruby, kobertfon, 2t
' Srtowßetfy, Bordoo, „ do. 11
SchtfW'illifim Johnfton, Pewinpt!!, St.
, i Th-mas 21
flchr. F.)X, Parsons , Gape Francoig 15
Brig Gr'eyhourd, Booth. " Part
if.' ■'' ' "„J" f /, , [Republican 18
' ofi \tlif i6tb.< » V '
Schr. Parage, Bacon, Briton 18
Sally. Eve, Cadiz 40
Brig Hermes, Sheldon, Providence
£ 'vhude Island 16
Ship John, Purccll, do. 66
Ship, Aurora, Brady, Hamburgh 77
•f"" -t