Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 20, 1800, Image 4

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\ '
Tq No. 36, Mahket ,,
Where he has for Sale,
. Spring and o.the:;Clocks ; gjaid antJ.rjlvfr
Watches ; Tools,.Files-aucj Materials; Red
and Chains, seals
&c. £cc.
- V.- • 1
Repaired as usual.
>," e .3
owners of unimproved lands in Wayne
I county, are hareUy notified, that Takesi ar«
become payable therton for the years an J
1803. Thole who have not already paid thair
toes, re hereby required todi(cfiarge the fame
to JOHN Treafurcr of (aid
County at Mfli'oM, within three month* from
this date .othcrwife proceedings to fait,
to the a& of /jlTemb'ly irifuch cafe projnJed, will
e had by the
Asa Stencon, "J
Jt]bn Carton, > Qojqijufliqners
Johannes Van Jit ten, J
E. Kellogg, Qk. ;
July 9, ißco : , d s o '
A PERSON poflefling forae capital, a confi-'
dcrjble ihire of industry, and desirous or
engjgjng as 1 partner in a lucrative bufincfs,
niay hear of a situation. All pnpolal* on thiW
fnbjeil to be in writing, fraled and dire&ed in
W. K. J New York, and If ft with the printer
of the Garaite of the United State*, will be at
twided to,
' A Printer would fiud it (o bis advantage
June f ■ ■ <trf
- LAMJTtS TER stages.
I'HE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan
titter line as Stages DISPATCH, return their
gratefa" thinks to thair friends and the public in
general, for the pad favors tkey have received,and
inform them that in addition to the regular Lice,
they art' provided With Carriages,fober and careful
drivers, to go through between the City and
Borough is two day*. Thifc'who prefer this
of travalhi g can be accommodated at the Stage
Office, l:gu of United Btata* fiagW, Market llreit,
Sloiigb, Downing, Dunwoody \J Co.
Nov 30. U it—§
A Valuable and singularly eligible <
CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling
house», with excellent ftahling for feve horfis.
double c acb-houfe mu#l completely Jittedup; a.
beautiful large and valur.hla garden richly filled
with choice fruit, furtounded with high board
fenee{ almost ntw. The premises are beautifully
fitsated near the middle of Gemiantown, J fur 1
rounded with rich prcfps&s of the adjacent
country ; ar, orchard ,f about two acre*, with a,
handsome lawn at the back of hmife. |
One houfs hasberii built o« an appro
ved plan;" the other has been completelyrspairerl.
painted and papered, an ', contain ten rooms with
an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirtt- 1
fix . ' • •
The new house is we)l calculated for a (lore in
•ither the dry or w« good line.
Th« air and water are unrivalled, and ''aere aj-e
some mofk excellent fchopls in the neighborhood.
For particulars enauifc of the Printer, or of
on the preraife<.
May 9. dtf
LYING on the Voto-nac River, county of Nor
thumberland, (late of Virginia; containing
afxiut i 400 acres—its situation is equal to any o her
in the Northern Neck, lemarkable for evjry kirid
of wild fowl, oyOers, fifh and crab, an ) none bet
ter for health. 11 is al>out the (me diuab'ce frijm
Baltimore, Alexandra ai?d Norfolk, and not more
than one days fail from either. Th«re are three
improved plantations with dwelling houses, the
one known by the name of Exeter Lodge, former
ly the rcfidente f coj. John Gordon, is an elegant
twoftory brick houie, with four roonu on a floor,
and a palTage fixteep icet wide.
The other two art: commodious and convenient
ly fitted, with gr>od and suitable out houses, atone
of which Jfhti Murphjr, Esq. of Weftmore
land county) liycd fcvcral years; on thii fjrm there
is a good grift mill, with wafer fulficient to turn
any number of (tones; alfi» convenient (lore hou
ses and granaries on a public road, well situated
for a country (lore. On each of those places there
ate fine apple a'id peach orchaft?-. The greater
proportion of'he land is of the firft quality, and
near the half of the whole heavily timbered. The
terms may be known by applying to Wm.P. T<bb»
Baltimore, Fouibtc G. '('ebb*;'efq. of Richmond
county, Virginia, or te Thomas Murgatrojd and
Sons, Philadelphia.
Feb. s—l4
HIS Swedilh M.ij: fly's Confiil General, and au
thorized to tranCicfl the Consular BuGntfs,
for his Majetly tht King Of Qeiimaak hi the OnitcJ
States of Afticrici, fiAiaifi£"a'f Yhiladtlphia,
Hereby gives public Notice,
That in obeSjli'cc rc'cer.t iniLruSioni received
from hit government* it is the duty of.all NTallcrs
ef Swddiflt iod Danilh vfcfletrf, bcJVre Jbrfir failihg
from any port ip the said States, to't all ujior KM
or the Vice Consul in or.'cf to It gr,anttd fucli
Certificates for'iheir Cargoes, which the tfrigcticy
of the ft ate of the Neutral Commerce ani< thcfc
veralDefrws of the Belligerent I'oweri, render"
indifpcrfably necclfary, arid , that aSf' Mailer of
vetfels balor.guijt to tfce nations, or na
vigating Btidfr th<; proieiftjon of tl.cir ljags, in
omitting to t<k>'fuch certificates, will perfoijaUy
staid refponfif lfe f6f thecohlcmiences.
Philadelphia, 18th Drcemier, 1799.' *
Philadelphia Ss? Lancaster
July 14 tb, 1800.
declared a d'vi eml nf E ; gt t Dollars 011 each fiiare TO PRINTERS.
of stock, of which, fix dollars per ftnre ivili be ,- ri 1, <- . r r
paid the Sti ckholders or thrir representatives any rr r n '
pay a'ter the 14th instant; the reniainihg two Long,
dollart hi* been retained and expanded in com- ca or ]'
pleating and repairing the road agreeably to a Chiles, Lonitwfing Sticks, and asrea
resolution cl 'he ftockheMers. • varit ty of articlrs neccrtary to 1 ar'ry on the Print
W.M. GQVETT, Treasuer. iog HefincA, They will be fold cheap Mr cafti
11141 A Pl a 'y 10 tl.c Printer.
July 14
Fifty Dollars Regard.
RAILWAY fro Gen, itsdjgely of lUlti.
mors, on,the 10th inli. a light coloured
r.sgrcv laan, wha calls hiinWf 'xVIIvIiIA-M
Mc. lIONALD •,-He is.about 14 years of age!
aliqut j feet Btiche# high, neat in and
"33 a gO ld /Kit .of, hair. Hid 911,
W feat* a
grSeh cloth coat, edgf*! with" yellow,, apd, yel.
l6\i gilt buttons—a light buff caflimer, double
breasted waill'coat, a pair of dark olive colour
ed thickfett pantaloons—a .white linen shirt,
white ribbed cotton, and a good pair
or ihoes wjfh firings. He took jO'h him a
dark pair of olive r .pinra
l.mi'.s, au'Ta-'light corduroy paV/>fJ'?«ches j
alf > a gijd or .pijiehbeck waUph, wijfi.a Iteel
chain. offpiritons bq'uors,' is inso
lent, has a ilupid
He was bred in Chirks county, Maryland, and
purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Kidge
ley. Whoever apprehends .'laid negro, indie
cures him in atfjr jail" so, (tat the owner may
again, rpc?]ye t jhe,#bqv<; fewjrd,
with rcifo aisle pharges if brought h rntif, or de
liverer! to
K» •*-
tu&f tf
A 7 PUB t L IC S Ji-L£,
On Fifth Day the gtTi of October, on the
premiss, The
Mary- \nn forge
o ITU AT R K?rt mjjunfjy wi»»e, jqd.
Vf r^ iTI wej-ckUnd, about xo jfrom
U'frfphia.aixl anfial ..mije fropi the Turn-
P«ke read, anil Downing'* town'; containing'
about 330 acr s, with allowance of -6 acrcr per
'9° ■ 'wo thj r ds of.ffee land is .good w»o>,(ind,
f H- me <if? rcc^c,,t me?dow and much , njore
can hC male of the firft quality; the forg= is
turned Hy'tfte niaia branch of Branny wine Cfeet,
t forcible Stream, .the'forge hai fhree'fires and
tA'O, hwrner- all in good tipair. The dam being
foand and wcl) backed, arjd apparently able to
rcijfl any friib (nocfygfrnatural) l.iKcjyif;- theje
is another lively stream and current pfw*ter, that
empties into the fa id dam f that might be Very con
vei.ient for a Grift Mill, or other kind of water
»t»tks, rnigfit he with facility rreAed; (here is a
good twe-liory stone house for the ac
an excellent ff ring and good houfc over jt; con
tiguou* to tliedoor also convenientllane stabling,
with an entry thri ugh tke mtd-le fufficient ta
accommodate tlirac taams, befilcs haokney ho r I is;
contiguous tc the foige stands a <oort store office,
ard a num'-er of convenient f9r tlje work
man is ereSed amply for tlv fa id works
If not then intd it w'lll ht rented for a term qf
years Terms and conditions made known by
applying to
f WILLIAM BVAVS, in Willijtown,
NB. The Sale ta To'Solk .on
faidAy. ' "
Aug 5 taw4»f
f lor Sale,
No. 5, No tp Tbi> (i Sfrttt,
/TrijjyjtAand low prictd entitle^
VJT t.i drawback. Alio othrr cnarfe and ptnp
4 4 and r-4 Indi» Mliflin*. irifh and quadruple
line»«, Geimv> Dow.ljs, India L»t
fliihgi and Sejthew»;' «ibbon»,' Spades, Frying
pinr, with a rarifly of other Ironmongery and
leal'onablc Dry poq&.
A lib, to ba SOLD or
you DRY G. 09 DS,
,jf handsome y^tpry
with piazza and kitchen adjoining, Gtnptejn
Vine l.*ar Fourtji bu\lt;n m dern style
with excellent materials and well calculated to
accommodate a large family.
'augtift ij. 1 1 a it.Mit'.
~ HrGH-STREET. ' •
The House,
LATELY occupied by the
D'Yrujo, Sptinim will be
let nit to an approved perfoij or farrjily, on
eal'y conditions. It is large, commodious
and elegant, wilU and ftablrs
inquire at No. ids, Sprnce ftrett."
Samuel magaw,
Arcb Street, Nt. 04.
July 23. ' eodif. 1
Very low for Cash, or 1 exchanged for Goods,
A Large, Elegant, and well finiflied
2-story Frame House
IN the borough of Franklord; containing an
entry and two large parlours on the firlt floor,
three bedchambers and two garrjts. Th« lot,
which i« .J4O feet deep, fronting on twp streets,
arid ha* the privilege of a 10 feet alky through ;
it contains a kitcheft, ftabx.'arid coach.tmufe, a
well of esc6llentwat<T, &c. For terms apply to
Jjlji if tuth&s if
A VALUABLE and desirable Rftate, situated
on tKc river Raritap in Jprfey, near Soiaer
fet Qourt-Hjoufe, 16, nii|e» fropa firunfwick, and
|8 from Princeton ; confittjpgof upwards of 70c
actes, «<jualfy divjded'intb rteadow, arable and
woodland"; the "whole within a ring fence ; the
barn, (lkhles, &c. ar.-. spacious, and adequate to the
fizc of the Fulfil ; there ija plenitude Qf game,
With a eo'od (ha<f filhery. Tfye cftate is now in
the hand* 01 Ms.. Henry Worley.
further may be known of
Messrs. NlCfyLlN & GRIFFITH
Merchants, Philadelphia, aßd of
Or oj tbs Tenant oja the premifeg
may 9 S tf.
Sale by aufHoa
ON Monday the ijth in(t. at to o'clock. at
the Warehouse lately occupied by Holmes,
Hitdfpn.&,C« jSti-itfi's Wharf, will
the faleof-the eiitkccargn of Hje.lhip fviuußt
Vernon, -SoJpammßiMter, mefter, from Calcut
ta, cohGttitij; of the following articles ;
iPiece Goods;
which are,
t Guzenas, Emerties, Tandt, Al
habiid Tandi Ccrflaa, Berboon', pur
rahs,. Cliehchenagoie, do. Cantdaries, ."Fulli.
pore Coflas, Hiurji-nuriis, G'jjdKeid Tanda, Ma
moody, Puliicst Handkerchiefs, 3ooty Hand
kerchiefs, blue Mamooedy, blue Cofla, do
Gurrafis, do. Baft'js, Chintz, apd a
great vir.ic.ty ot Baftas,
3014- of*a superior quality
449 do- ißlscksPppper .Ginger
11,000 -Gymny Bag 9
On»Friday ?!(d£atuwhy previous to the fate,
(©cued, f> r iid pcAion, /ybefr
ca alogues will be furtii(hed, and thuetros of'Uy
J}£NlALpu& DQRSF.Y,.
AuguH,i,.v >
Landing the ship Ajncrica, -Waftc.
Sjm*) jratn Canton,
S A I,F Br
Souchong, ift 8c jnd rjuality,
Caper foychtjug* '
Hyf.n-fc'in, '
T'Okay, r 1
■'irtglo, j
Young hyfr n, • I
Hyf n, i-ft & quality, |
Imperial, j
Vellow Sr white nankeens "Tf
Lutcftrings, b acW & color'd f In 8o*e»
Sinftiaw* ,<lo. t *oQtted,
Sattins /do. j
LutelUijigs, b'ue &.daik green} .
SuAaws do > , n
Persian taffVtas, dark green 3 oxes '
Tbey bant a,lse qn -Sand for sq(e, recckicdii
ibt date arrivals Jrain Europe, tec.
1") -Infma'.lpack
Stripjd.and checked ginghams 1 agr« aff.rted,
White flgwerf gc CQlpr'd ,Muf- | ior
> th£ Weft-Ju-
White (;qnJed dimitie.' j «Ua.roar,kot.&
Color'd jiUti striped Nankeens | entitled to
14 Tiling printed C<!i<;ow,
i do. do.
3 Bsl-s feiite'twine ( Entitled to
to C»r«» Englifn China wjiip, Cdravvback,
in tea letts j
6 CaQcs mineral black,
1 do. übite,
10 do. colcother,
3 Caiki purple hrown,
35 do. nailo ass iled,
9 do. London porter in bottle*,
English fail canvas, No. I, a & 3,
Uuflla ducky
»7 Boxes white Havannafugar,
13 Pipes old Madeira wiuf,
Gunpiw .ler,
Empty wine hoitles,
to Guni, 6 pcunderp, /
I % do. 9 do.
18 do. 9 do. with carriage?, fcc.
lßo,ccolbt. coffej:, ift "S
quality ( Entitled to
iO,ooolb«. black pepper f drawback,
ao Logs ebpny J
May 13. mSfW tf
Jacob Sperry 5c Co:
No. 195, Market-Street,
Have received by the skip Eagle, and
other late arrivals from
The following Goods,
Which they offer on liberal terms ;
ESTOPILIjAS, *y rD#canter»,
CaiTcriritts, | 2*5 1 Coffce»Mills,
Hoccadiilo.% . ! , Tap«, rwill'd,plain
Kouans, and coloured,
Creai a la Mcilai.x, I J-S { Sealing Wax,
Coutils, J L
from London, A consignment oj
% Packages of Sadlerb* Webbing, and
3 Cases of the Walhipgtou Print, id handfame
frauds of full length Engraving.
2 New Cables,
Ea«h 115 fathoms, to and if inch,
august 4. d6t m&th im
AN attachment was lately i/Ti»s4 PH l °f 'ke in
ferior oourt of common pleas of the county
»f Essex, in the ftatc of New Jtrfey, directed to
the (heriff of the laid county, a gain ft the rights,
credits, monies ami effetfs, goods and chattels,
lanrisand tenements of Jtbm Clevei Syntmts at the
fuitol William IVcltt, in a pica of trespass on the
cafe to his damage thrtethoufand dollars; —
And u*bereat, the said (heriff did, at the term of
laft pall,return to the said court that he had
attached the defendant by a certain bondgiveij by
Matthias and Samuel' Meeker to the said
defendant, to the amount of near two thousand
dollars,and alio by sixty land warrant); —
Nu-w ticrtjarc, nnkfa the said John Cleves
Symmts (hall appear,give special bail, and receive
a declaration at the ftiit of the plaintiff, judgment
\vili be entered against h<m, and Jlis property
herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the
statute in luch cafe made axd pr«v : dcd.
Aaron Ogden, Clerk, £s?c.
Elizabeth-town July 8, 1799 (' 1 ) lawum
Old Long Prir-er,
Small Pica on pica body,(new and old
Pea, do.
(two fmsllfount*)
16 Line Pica, &c.
Sunoxy Ftap<;«, aad a gctat variety of Office
Furniture &c.
Iroh work o. L apf nting-prefs,
;£jf Tlity will he old ch> ap forcafh—Apply
at the ofQce of tic Gazette o£ ohe United
BY a dscree of the High Court of Chancery,
made in a Jaivies £gainft Newman,
it it .among other things referred to Wm. Graves'
Esq. one of the mailers of the said court, " to take
»n account ofth; Legacies bequeathed by the will
of-the teOator, WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ljte of
Newgate llreet, London, tjeceafed, and ulfo to in
quire and (late to the court, whether Frziitii*
'amea, the brother of the complainant's named a«
, oe of the, Legatee* in the faidwill is dead,>and
.whether lie,die<l in.the life time.ol the teliator
i'herrfore all persons. who can give any infprma
ion.whether the said Francis J-mes. fee living or
icai, and if living where he now refiies or last
resided, and when and at what place, and when
,i»d where-he wasjaft heard of, and if dead, when
2nd whiire he died, are h»reby requeued to give
such fe the said William Craves, Efq 1
at his qjlice in Soathamptpn buildings, Chancery
Lane, London,on or before the firft day of .Viarch
next, otherwif? he wiil be eicludud the benefit of
the fai,Jdecree.
The said . Fr?nci» James was horn, at or near
ICtcJwjilly, in the pauoty of .ar.d if
living, is about the age of thirty four years, and
about the year 1739, was a foremaft man on board
thfi-Milfcrd, a merchant (hip, belonging to the
porcotßriltol, and failed lor Jamaica it)' Septe
mber, tjSo, atter,wards be.returned to Bristol,
an! in .November, 1781, was. preffetLin .Jiing
road, 3ei{lol,,jnd sent qb boai;d the; king's frigate
called ;hs Diomede, in w.hich he failed from "Ply
mouth an a cruise, and on board of which he af
terwards-became a quarter gunner, anddrferted
the ftidifhip at. Qharleftonjiar in North-America
in September 1781.
Should apy. in tjie United States
rica, be enabled togive inlo mation of the above
named Francjs ( James .whether living or dead, they
are requeued to communicate the fame to DAVID
A. OGDUN, No. 69, Stooe-ftreet/New Y rk.
Tfce pr>«ieri V»roflfti<nit tbe.Vloit«dAUM
»rc rfqpcAfd Uie.»bg*e.
A CHtTIFICAVE, N0..1JJ19 dated ill Jan
uary 17.97, in favour of Robert££»j, of
harlcflen South-Caruhoa, for one share of the
(iock of the Bask of the United States is loft—
a duplicate of which will be-applied for at the said
August 7. m&t3m
A Red Morocco Pocket-Book,
IT/"H<UiV£R fcas loft it ipay receive jt en ao-
VV plication at the office of this Gagesle, and
paying the expence of this advertisement.
July a-».
Port Wine & Claret
In Cases, cf tb:first Quality.
Wine and Cyder Vinegar.
In Pipes and .Quartur Caiks—For Sale ijy
July 19 3»W3w.
l E of four .- hates of the
Bank of tbe United States in the name ef
Bickham (t. Reel'e, No 1593, for the renewal
>f which application is intended tp be made at
lie said Hank, and all persona concerned are de
sired to take notice.
May 8. d3m
Either separately or together,
The Two Houses,
LATELY occupied at a HOTEL by Mr. Sa
muel Franfis, No. 13, south Foyrth street. For
benjamin r.morgan,
No. 41, Arch fireet.
July 10 3>aw aw
~ V
Baltimore and New York Mail
Stage Office
13 removed from No. 13 South Fourth {treat, to
No. 18 South Tfeird street
An Office for th'ofe flakes is al(o kept at mr.
Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street.
General Post Office, April *B.
Ibis Day Published,
By J. OuMkoß, No. 41, Chcfnut Street,
(Price 15 Cents)
Death of General Wa/hinvton.
In imitation of th« manner of Offian.
By Rev. John B. Link, A. M.
Minister of the fc'irft Pre(bj terian Cftcgrcgstion
of Philadelphia.
£s* Mr. Chaudron's Oratian will be published
on Monday morning.
Ms>rch if. d.
WITH an excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump,
flic. flee. The whole containing 17 acres,
situate on the Wil'ihicnn road, between the
third and fourth mile stone—May be purchafeH
op reafonablp terra». —Tnyo thirds of the pgr
chafe money may remain (secured on the pre
mife& and onintereft) during three years.
Et quir# of BONSAL 3c SHOEMAKER,
No. li4i South Fimrth-fkeet, the S«b
fcriber, at Moupt-Pleafant, adjoining the
premises, or at N» 4?, Walnnt-flreet.
June 13. niwf tf
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Spring Forgi, in York
Coyntyia negro map, named ISAAC, other
wise CUDJO, about »I years old, the property
of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about 5 ifet 8
inches high, ha- a b'lemilh in his eyes, more white
in them than eomm»n, by .trade a Ferge mic; had
on and teok with him a drab coloured broad clotfc
coat, altnoft new, a jaikct and pantaloons
printed fancy cord, a iwanfdown flriped under
acket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse
(hire' one muflvn ha - dkerchief, sprigged, two
ditto flriped border, a bloc Persian uudcr jacket
peir cotton (lockings. Whoevrr take« up
said. negro and lodges hitn, in apv jail in this or any
of the neighbouring (lates lhal! have the a! over«
ward or reafonzbl: expenersif brought home.
Spring Forge, O&ohen?, 1199.
N B. As said negro (ormarly lived in Chcftcr
county, it is prohibit fcc nay rcturh there.
For<sib:r 5
.iPublifhectat the
'S&.ii ar'GsraityMk N-T United
St atss.
j 'HE publication as a good Newspaper at
tlw feat of government, ufoful an
undertaking, both to the government and to
the c.itizena at large, for the furpofe of com.
municatintfjState Payers, th ■ Pr< ceedioffs of
Congrels, and other Intelligence, thqt tbe
Editor has no doubt rf receiving, the public
patronage. Having left a fpecin;?o of th-'s
Paper with the principal printers and book
sellers at Philadelphia, he ukes this oppor
tunity cf laying his fern,s before the public.
t* Ihe Gazette shall be ;pubh^hed w every
day in quarto, on a half fljeet Ur<re royal,
and be delivered to fubfcribtrs in
and at their places ofrrefideijce
-3 - Papers for diflant fubfcribeis fball be
carefully packed.up audfor-warded-every-po/l
day ; in halt ftieets?to-plaees jivbtre tfee mail
is conveyed.every d>ty,; ,and in ..whale,(heets
to fubferibers at pUces wbcie it is,not,con
veyed so often.
3. It (hall be carefully ,printed,op a.good
type and paper,,to be enlarged ,as ;foon as
fubferiptiona and .jadvortiftjneuts avilt,admit
of it.
4- The price to fubfcribets ffc»H be five
dollars a year,,to be paid half yearly
vance ; or fix dollars a year, one half to?be
p.iid at the end of each half yrar.
5. Advertifetnents will be in('erted,tlmc
times at the rate of opeddlar a Square.
6. The Gazette fball poptain the earliaft
intelligence foreign and-doruedic—; übljc <rf
ficial papers, a fkctch of the pruce.rdiiigs.aijd
debates in ■ with
fays on the w»n«us fubjefrs
It {hall be condu€Wd on a fcir and iinpar
tial plan, qpen to pojitical difqa/fions ; ,hi»t
no personal pieces or ■irritating awfiwdyer
fi&ns on parties or individuals (hall
The publication of,the.Gn*«tte will com
mence on .the fir(l.d'\v of Oftnher ru-xt,
Washington, July 25. ( A',g. 1}
jop Dollars Reward. .
LAST Saturday B'g t my lh. p in Wat*r
ftree; was opened by a £»J£e key,.and sun
dry art ides of Jt-WEnrinr.-fo ihe amnunt of
ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off.
Amope theiu vnere,
Two tmrrnw IponnsjQsrkfd " Worr ck j"
Liktreflcsof Mr Jjwcs K.J>;rtfo»i and wife, of
Pfterfburg—one do. of a Mr King one do.
of Mr Juhn Tiihi+iJc, of this t'>wn, the
Wik fa with » l»T(ge b-kie glafc jbd a fmsUer
in the qe tre. under wt i:h wti a plaftiof \mkr
L<d firait, with J. T. in a Ayphrr w.-rfae«! in.
pearl. Toi;eihrr with a number of Uncy pit.
ce«, painted by Sully, whi h cannot now be
rec. llefled ; 5 Bo.itftvaitf's Calls flamped
' :Wirroi_k.'
The following Watches:
I Gold witch, maker's name Paris
I silver do rtiohue Groen, Liverpool, 7703
1 do do. Qeorge BifieM, Lon Jon, i3jo»
1 gold do. I'Vf.jCti, no name
I do do. Jnhn Kyland, Lond >0) liil
I silver d >. French, roname
I do. do John I'nll, London, 744
I Rodjrt, Paris
t silver do. JinßfjA Kemper Shaw
1 di>. dp. J Darlii.gron, London
1 do- do. No. 9861
1 gilt do. G. !\1 Veicalf, London, 4196
1 silver do. Ge rge Hafwoud, London, 4906
1 do. do. J Smith Lnnd n, >l4
I dquble cafe gilt watch, U. Olbum, Rich
mond, 87*4
iro Dollars will be piven for the re#ot j at<on
of the jewellery, or 2CO dollars if the thief or
thieves ire alio secured. ,
Mr Benjanrn Morris, the owner of the
Watches which were taken at the fame tisae,
will also give 100 dollars for them.
July 19
■ (9* Tbr Frimcrt « Vfetefcuap, Hicbmeed,
«b*r«, *r« rtpttiad to iaAft 4m abaav form
few tMDM
Just Imported,
In the ship Kensington, from- London, an^
for sale by
Joseph & James Crukftiank,
N». 87, High-street,
Amongst which art the following
A summary of uni*«rfalHil!cry. exhibiting th*
use, Decline, and Revolution* 4th* .iiffernnt Na.
tions ot the world, from t. l e Creation to the pre
fer! t time, 9 vols. 8 vo. translated from the French
of M Auguetil
Travels through the United States of America,
the Country of th Iroqouis, and Upper Canada,
with an authentic account of Lower Canada by
the Duke de la Rechefeucault Liuncourt i vols.
4 to
Memoirs ft Utiveta Egypt written in that-coun
try uring the tampaigus ot General B»ouapart«
in the years 179JS an 1 1799.
Public CharaAers of 1798—09 —1800 »
Vol: 3vo.
A Voyjge to the Eafl Indies containing an ac
count of tt.e manners, Giidom. &c of the Na
tives with a Geographical delcripltm of the
country hy FraPauleno difjn liutolomeo.
The annual Necrology of 1797, 8 including
also various articles of negleifled Biography.
Watkins Uuiverfal Biographical and Hiitori-
VValpoliana I vols.
A Digested Index to the seven volumes ef
Term Report? by i' • E. TViakirrs,
Mayors Natural Hiltory for the use of Schools
The Britifl) Nepos or Mirror o-f youth con-
Si lUag of fried lives of Jiluftrious Britons, by-
William Mavor. L. L.D-
Poi-Kis ot)
the prafllce"of virtue &c. by I?. Tomkins.
Moires Navigation 14th Editiou enbrgeJ
Nai'tical A.lmjLnacksfir 1831 —»
July 30- eod6t
e •'• 'J; '»
4 • <
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